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Timestamp Email Address Score Name of the student

6/9/2020 9:41:30 bzhxyhhx@gmail.com 5 / 20 Hsduh

6/9/2020 9:43:06 kingmurali232@gmail.com 19 / 20 K Murali
6/9/2020 9:44:16 harshavardhanpasupuredd 12 / 20 Harsha vardhan
6/9/2020 9:45:12 pailaappanna2002@gmail. 15 / 20 Appanna
6/9/2020 9:45:36 mendakavya000@gmail.c 16 / 20 Menda Kavya
6/9/2020 9:46:50 sagarvidya1205@gmail.co 13 / 20 Kuppili sagar
6/9/2020 9:49:05 hariprasadyalla93@gmail. 17 / 20 Yalla Hariprasad
6/9/2020 9:49:21 sirishaanchanala14@gmail 19 / 20 Sirisha Anchanala
6/9/2020 9:49:31 kalyanisura28@gmail.com 18 / 20 S.kalyani
6/9/2020 9:50:43 umadarling369@gmail.com 18 / 20 MAJJI.UMAMAHESWARAR
6/9/2020 9:50:50 abhinavarika@gmail.com 8 / 20 Abhinav
6/9/2020 9:50:55 nallasandhya2307@gmail. 19 / 20 Nalla sandhya
6/9/2020 9:51:06 nakanksha720@gmail.com 19 / 20 Akanksha
6/9/2020 9:52:07 sanapalamanu@gmail.com 18 / 20 S. Manogna
6/9/2020 9:52:17 gantasaikumar6613@gmail 19 / 20 G.saikumar
6/9/2020 9:52:19 simmabharathkumar143@g 20 / 20 Bharath Kumar
6/9/2020 9:52:58 podilapuhemambaridevi@g 20 / 20 P. Hemambari devi
6/9/2020 9:52:58 sathvikakumaripanda@gam 17 / 20 Sathvika panda
6/9/2020 9:53:06 m.saihemanth1@gmail.co 19 / 20 Sai Hemanth mandala
6/9/2020 9:53:37 chandumuddada143@gmai 19 / 20 Muddada chandra sekhar
6/9/2020 9:53:50 alluaravind996365@gmail. 19 / 20 Aravind Allu
6/9/2020 9:54:18 hikmats011@gmail.com 19 / 20 HIKMAT SHAHI
6/9/2020 9:54:24 asireeta2002@gmail.com 19 / 20 Asi. Reeta
6/9/2020 9:54:32 udaykirankagada@gmail.c 19 / 20 K.udaykiran
6/9/2020 9:55:09 tyakshitha18@gmail.com 17 / 20 Yakshitha
6/9/2020 9:55:11 ygunashekarreddy@gmail. 18 / 20 YEDURU GUNASHEKAR
6/9/2020 9:55:47 vajralatarakanehru@gmail 19 / 20 Vajrala Taraka nehru
6/9/2020 9:55:50 nikhilnayak1818@gmail.co 18 / 20 nikhileswar
6/9/2020 9:55:53 dileeptangi143@gmail.com 19 / 20 T Dileep kumar
6/9/2020 9:56:01 nareshprince2002@gmail. 18 / 20 Naresh
6/9/2020 9:56:10 bhanuprasadmaradana961 16 / 20 Banu prasad
6/9/2020 9:56:23 jayap4625@gmail.com 19 / 20 s.jaya prakash
6/9/2020 9:56:27 kiranmatt455@gmail.com 18 / 20 SIVA SAI KIRAN MATTA
6/9/2020 9:56:40 tarrasaikiran@gmail.com 19 / 20 Tarra saikiran
6/9/2020 9:56:51 niteeshvaddi709@gmail.c 20 / 20 Vaddi. Niteesh
6/9/2020 9:56:58 chirravoorumeghana@gmai 20 / 20 Ch.meghana
6/9/2020 9:56:58 shyamkishorsahkanu@gma 17 / 20 Shyam kishor sah kanu
6/9/2020 9:57:15 beharameghana@yahoo.c 20 / 20 Behara Meghana Patnaik
6/9/2020 9:57:17 himaadi99@gmail.com 19 / 20 B.Hima Aditya Sri Ram
6/9/2020 9:57:34 nadupururamyasri@gmail. 19 / 20 Nadupuru ramyasri
6/9/2020 9:57:59 prasaddp315@gmail.com 20 / 20 KALEPU DURGA PRASAD
6/9/2020 9:58:03 deepaknvs11421@gmail.c 20 / 20 Deepak
6/9/2020 9:58:06 laxminarayana.koyyana1@ 20 / 20 Laxminarayana
6/9/2020 9:58:10 sharmasai345@gmail.com 20 / 20 P.Sai Sharma
6/9/2020 9:58:13 balu.vadaga123@gmail.co 20 / 20 Vadaga.bala sai
6/9/2020 9:58:15 kshanmukharao685@gmail 18 / 20 Kallepalli shanmukharao
6/9/2020 9:58:21 rajeshsadhu026@gmail.co 20 / 20 S.rajesh
6/9/2020 9:58:34 vivekvardhan121100@gmai 20 / 20 vivek
6/9/2020 9:58:39 aamirnabikhan411@gmail. 17 / 20 Amir Nabi Khan
6/9/2020 9:58:42 jharishipuja143@gmail.co 19 / 20 Raju jha
6/9/2020 9:58:58 dubaanilkumar891@gmail. 19 / 20 Dhuba.Anil kumar
6/9/2020 9:59:05 bantupalliamani@gmail.co 20 / 20 Bantupalli amani rama pad
6/9/2020 9:59:06 varun.pullati999@gmail.co 19 / 20 P.varun
6/9/2020 9:59:07 anilkumarmunukoti1289@g 19 / 20 M. ANIL
6/9/2020 9:59:15 balulucky630@gmail.com 19 / 20 Balu
6/9/2020 9:59:21 battulasaikiran6767@gmai 19 / 20 Sai kiran
6/9/2020 9:59:26 diwakarc259@gmail.com 17 / 20 Diwakar chaudhary
6/9/2020 9:59:28 swathigoru999@gmail.com 20 / 20 Swathi
6/9/2020 9:59:36 adityareddy.padala@gmail 19 / 20 P.Aditya Reddy
6/9/2020 9:59:43 sankavikas123@gmail.com 16 / 20 Sanka vikas
6/9/2020 9:59:56 jyothsnaravada2@gmail.c 20 / 20 RAVADA.JYOTHSNA
6/9/2020 9:59:58 nanisangireddi2002@gmai 19 / 20 S.Ramaraju
6/9/2020 10:00:02 peddisiva2003@gmail.com 8 / 20 S. Jagadeesh
6/9/2020 10:00:06 krishnaveni.pujari19@gmai 20 / 20 Krishnaveni.pujari
6/9/2020 10:00:13 satwikagedela@gmail.com 20 / 20 G.Satwika
6/9/2020 10:00:16 sarvarig2002@gmail.com 18 / 20 G.SARVARI
6/9/2020 10:00:46 mallamoulya2002@gmail. 19 / 20 Malla Moulya
6/9/2020 10:00:50 subhashmudiminchi@gmail 19 / 20 M subhash
6/9/2020 10:00:51 tamminenibhargavasai@gm 18 / 20 Tammineni Bhargavasai
6/9/2020 10:01:17 jgayatri105@gmail.com 20 / 20 J gayatri
6/9/2020 10:01:30 kamleshthakur1236@gmail 19 / 20 Kamlesh Kumar Thakur
6/9/2020 10:01:37 chaudharyrajan137@gmail 18 / 20 Rajan Chaudhary
6/9/2020 10:01:40 mallapukishor143@gmail. 18 / 20 Kishor
6/9/2020 10:01:44 Naiksajad555@gmail.com 15 / 20 Sajad Ahmes
6/9/2020 10:01:46 padalavikas26@gmail.com 19 / 20 P.vikas
6/9/2020 10:01:54 saikuladeep.viswa12@gmai 20 / 20 Sai kuladeep viswa
6/9/2020 10:01:58 sowmyamenda362@gmail. 20 / 20 Sowmya menda
6/9/2020 10:02:10 deepikaronanki@gmail.co 20 / 20 Ronanki venkata Sai Deepi
6/9/2020 10:02:45 hemanthhemkumar54@gma 20 / 20 Hemanth kumar
6/9/2020 10:02:48 yuvasrikolla21@gmail.com 20 / 20 YUVASRI KOLLA
6/9/2020 10:02:54 arunsonu50088005@gmail 20 / 20 B ARUN PRATAP
6/9/2020 10:02:54 chinna244063@gmail.com 19 / 20 Karumoju Roshni
6/9/2020 10:02:55 kavyachitri@gmail.com 20 / 20 Ch. Kavya
6/9/2020 10:03:04 niteshbammidi@gmail.com 18 / 20 B.Niteshkumar
6/9/2020 10:03:08 naidudasari55@gmail.com 18 / 20 Dasari jaggu naidu
6/9/2020 10:03:11 saitarunpotnuru@gmail.co 19 / 20 Saitarun
6/9/2020 10:03:18 padmanabhamkiran2000@g 20 / 20 P. Kiran
6/9/2020 10:03:41 syamalasuvvari89823@gma 20 / 20 S.syamala
6/9/2020 10:03:46 jitendra98245@gmail.com 17 / 20 Jitendra ray
6/9/2020 10:03:50 vishnumanthri143@gmail. 20 / 20 m. vishnu
6/9/2020 10:03:50 padmavallidedipya@gmail 20 / 20 S.padmavalli.Dedipya
6/9/2020 10:03:54 likhitapatnaik123@gmail.c 20 / 20 M.P.Likhita
6/9/2020 10:04:02 abhirambasa@gmail.com 20 / 20 B.Abhiram
6/9/2020 10:04:10 vedapriyaambati@gmail.c 19 / 20 A. Vedapriya
6/9/2020 10:04:14 pottaaishwarya@gmail.co 19 / 20 P.Ishwarya
6/9/2020 10:04:23 tejachalla2001@gmail.com 18 / 20 Teja challa
6/9/2020 10:04:30 tarunkumargondu235@gma 19 / 20 G Tarunkumar
6/9/2020 10:04:32 likhitabavana@gmail.com 20 / 20 Bavana Likhita
6/9/2020 10:04:46 Kumarijanani2011@gmail. 20 / 20 Janani
6/9/2020 10:05:01 pavankumarpaila29@gmail 17 / 20 Paila pavan kumar
6/9/2020 10:05:09 thanujalade123@gmail.co 20 / 20 lade.thanuja
6/9/2020 10:05:21 sharmisn19@gmail.com 20 / 20 Narsupalli Venkata Sharmil
6/9/2020 10:05:21 saikiran.rohit264@gmail.c 20 / 20 D.Sai kiran
6/9/2020 10:05:24 patruniganesh632@gmail. 19 / 20 P.Ganesh
6/9/2020 10:05:25 barsha99955@gmail.com 19 / 20 Aparna sah
6/9/2020 10:05:26 ramusateesh2001@gmail. 19 / 20 R.sateesh
6/9/2020 10:05:39 karthikkaniti@gmail.com 20 / 20 Karthik
6/9/2020 10:05:51 barnanaganeshsmile@gmai 19 / 20 B.Ganesh
6/9/2020 10:05:57 neelima112002@gmail.co 18 / 20 J.neelima
6/9/2020 10:06:16 bickeyraj265@gmail.com 19 / 20 Bickey Kumar paswan
6/9/2020 10:06:23 saichandu.chakkuru@gmai 17 / 20 Chandu
6/9/2020 10:06:23 srinivasandavarapu3@gmai 20 / 20 Andavarapu Srinivas Manik
6/9/2020 10:06:25 raghuaitam@gmail.com 19 / 20 Garugu Raghupathi
6/9/2020 10:06:30 krishnamandal967@gmail. 19 / 20 Kisan Kumar mandal
6/9/2020 10:06:30 verma18pranav@gmail.co 18 / 20 Pranav verma
6/9/2020 10:06:30 keerthananalla19@gmail.c 18 / 20 Keerthana
6/9/2020 10:06:31 taddimadhuri970@gmail.c 19 / 20 Madhuri
6/9/2020 10:06:34 harithacse2020@gmail.co 18 / 20 haritha
6/9/2020 10:06:36 charankumarlola@gmail.c 19 / 20 Lola charan kumar
6/9/2020 10:06:41 bvssowmya27@gmail.com 20 / 20 sowmya
6/9/2020 10:07:10 akhilakki14400@gmail.com 19 / 20 S .Akhil
6/9/2020 10:07:13 shanmukhasaitangudu@gm 18 / 20 T. Shanmukhasaisrinivas
6/9/2020 10:08:02 narasimhanaidupedada@g 19 / 20 Pedada Narasimha Naidu
6/9/2020 10:09:22 arunkumarguruvu@gmail. 18 / 20 Guruvu Arunkumar
6/9/2020 10:09:52 swapnateppala2001@gmai 18 / 20 Teppala.Swapna
6/9/2020 10:09:56 sai.tangudu2001@gmail.c 17 / 20 Sai Lakshmi
6/9/2020 10:10:05 bhargavkumarsimma@gmai 19 / 20 Bhargav Kumar
6/9/2020 10:10:08 tdhiraj112@gmail.com 19 / 20 Dhiraj kumar Thakur
6/9/2020 10:12:01 kalivarapunavya19@gmail 20 / 20 Kalivarapu navya
6/9/2020 10:12:13 sunandachalla267@gmail. 20 / 20 Challa sunanda
6/9/2020 10:12:31 syamalaakkena85@gmail. 20 / 20 Akkena Syamala
6/9/2020 10:15:15 vanageethanjali2002@gma 20 / 20 Vana.geethanjali
6/9/2020 10:17:58 pardhasaradhikolli66@gma 19 / 20 K.PARDHASARADHI
6/9/2020 10:18:21 vidyasagar.ravada2001@g 19 / 20 Ravada Danti Vidyasagar
6/9/2020 10:21:34 charanpydi408@gmail.com 17 / 20 Charan Raj pydi
6/9/2020 10:21:39 syamalaraoambati2002@gm 17 / 20 Ambati syamalarao
Rollnumber sec Branch 1)In a parallel circuit the to

Hehi257w8w9 Hwhs Hsusi Equal to highest resistance

19A51A0122 Civil:A Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05B4 B Cse More than the smallest res
158 B Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0126 A Civil The sum of individual resis
165 B Civil The sum of individual resis
19A51A0160 B Civil The sum of individual resis
19A51A0147 B Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0148 B Civil Less than the smallest resi
164 B Civil The sum of individual resis
105 A Civil Equal to highest resistance
19A51A0130 A Civil -A Less than the smallest resi
19a51a0569 B Cse Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05c3 B Cse The sum of individual resis
19A51A0589 B Cse Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05C6 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
161 B Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05C5 B -sec CSE The sum of individual resis
19A51A05C1 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0166 B Civil The sum of individual resis
19A51A0573 B Cse The sum of individual resis
19A51A0174 B Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51Ao575 B Cse The sum of individual resis
19A51A0597 B Cse The sum of individual resis
19A51A05D2 B CSE More than the smallest res
19A51A0157 Civil-B CIVIL ENGINEERING Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0155 B Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05C2 B cse The sum of individual resis
19A51A0150 B Civil The sum of individual resis
19A51A05C8 B Cse The sum of individual resis
19A51A0159 1b Civil More than the smallest res
170 B civil The sum of individual resis
19A51A0171 B CIVIL The sum of individual resis
19A51A0152 B Civil The sum of individual resis
19A51A0154 B Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0585 B Cse Less than the smallest resi
169 B Civil The sum of individual resis
19A51A0583 B 1st CSE Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0107 A CIVIL Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0129 A Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0598 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05A9 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05A3 B Cse Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05B3 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
163 B Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0599 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05C0 B C.S.E Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05D5 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0103 A Civil Less than the smallest resi
168 B Civil The sum of individual resis
19A51A0588 B Cse Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0578 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05B8 B Cse Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05A7 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
570 Cse B Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0581 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0111 A Civil The sum of individual resis
19A51A0593 B Cse Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05B0 B Cse Less than the smallest resi
143 A Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0140 Civil_A Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05C4 B Cse Less than the smallest resi
142 A Civil The sum of individual resis
19A51A0135 A Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0590 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0591 B CSE The sum of individual resis
19A51A05A4 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0127 A Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0149 B Civil The sum of individual resis
19A51A0595 B Cse Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0120 A Civil The sum of individual resis
19A51A0137 a civil The sum of individual resis
19A51Ao5A5 B Cse The sum of individual resis
19A51A0141 A Civil The sum of individual resis
19A51A05B1 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0156 B Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05A6 B Cse Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05B9 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0128 Civil-A Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05A2 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0576 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05A1 B Cse Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0586 B Ces Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0106 A civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0109 A Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05B6 B CSE The sum of individual resis
19A51A05B2 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05C9 B Cse Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0118 Civil-A Civil The sum of individual resis
19A51A0124 A civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05C7 B Cse Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0125 A Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0580 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0571 B Cse Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05B7 B CSE The sum of individual resis
153 B Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0592 B CSE The sum of individual resis
19A51A0582 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0574 B Cse Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0132 Civil A 1st civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0123 A civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0131 A Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0587 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05B5 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0104 A Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0138 A Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05A0 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0579 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0596 B Cse Less than the smallest resi
173 B Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0584 B section Cse The sum of individual resis
19A51A0572 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0113 A Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0121 A Civil The sum of individual resis
19A51A0134 A Civil1 The sum of individual resis
19A51A05A8 B Cse Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05D0 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05D6 B Cse Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0162 B Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0577 B CSE Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0144 A Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0151 B Civil The sum of individual resis
19A51A0133 Civil A Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0117 A Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05D3 B Cse Less than the smallest resi
19A51A05D1 B CSE The sum of individual resis
19A51A0146 A Civil \A Less than the smallest resi
0110 A Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0119 A Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0108 B Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0101 A Civil Less than the smallest resi
19a51a05d4 B Cse Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0167 B Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0139 A Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51A0136 A Civil Less than the smallest resi
19A51AO102 A Civil Less than the smallest resi
2) In a parallel circuit, wi 3 The total resistance bet 4.Find the current in the cir5.Many resistors connected

Is divided equally among all80 ohm 4A Divide the current proportio

The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
Is divided equally among all5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the current proportio
Is divided equally among all5 ohm 2A Divide the current proportio
The same for all resistors 80 ohm 2A Divide the current proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
Is divided equally among all20 ohm 3A Increase the source voltage
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
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The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
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The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
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The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
Is divided equally among all20 ohm 1A Reduce the power to zero
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
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The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
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The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Increase the source voltage
The same for all resistors 20 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 5 ohm 2A Divide the voltage proportio
The same for all resistors 0 ohm 2A Divide the current proportio
The same for all resistors 0 ohm 2A Divide the current proportio
6. Calculate the current A. 7.KCL is applied at _____ 8.The algebraic sum of volt9. Calculate the voltage ac

15A Neither loop nor node 0 10V

15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 12V
10A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Loop 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 10V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 12V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Both loop and node 0 12V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Both loop and node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node Negative polarity 4V
20A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
15A Node 0 4V
10. According to Ohm’s La 11 .The statement which co12 Resistivity of a wire de 13. In a voltage –current rel

V is directly proportional to I = R/V all of the mentioned b) resistance

V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned c) resistivity
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned a) conductance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is inversely proportional tI = R/V cross section area b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material d) a constant
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR length of wire b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to R = VI Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material d) a constant
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned a) conductance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR cross section area c) resistivity
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned d) a constant
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material a) conductance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR cross section area b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned a) conductance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR cross section area b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned c) resistivity
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR Resistivity of the material b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
V is directly proportional to V = IR all of the mentioned b) resistance
14.Which meter is used to 15. The purpose of multi me16.What circuit element is 17.What circuit element is

Ammeter To measure inductance A battery with an output voSPST

Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure Resistance A voltmeter DPST
Ammeter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Ammeter to measure voltage A voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Ammeter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter SPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiAn ideal voltage source wi DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiAn ideal voltage source wi DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Power factor meter To measure Resistance A voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiAn ideal voltage source wi DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Power factor meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiAn ideal voltage source wi DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Ammeter To measure Resistance A voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA battery with an output voDPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Power factor meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA battery with an output voDPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA battery with an output voDPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA battery with an output voDPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Multimeter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter to measure voltage A voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiAn ideal voltage source wi DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
Watt meter To measure multiple quantiA voltmeter DPST
18.The initial function of a c 19.The total opposition off 20. A bed room may require one lamp at the dressing table controlled by

Provide high voltage initiall Resistance 1- two way switch

Heat up the filament Impedance 2- two way switches
Keep the voltage same Capacitive reactance 1- two way switch
Heat up the filament Inductive reactance 2- two way switches
Limit the starting current Impedance 2- two way switches
Limit the starting current Resistance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 3- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 1- two way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 1- two way switch
Limit the starting current Capacitive reactance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 1- two way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Limit the starting current Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Limit the starting current Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 1- two way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 1- two way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 3 one way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 1- two way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 1- two way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 1- two way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Limit the starting current Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Limit the starting current Resistance 1- two way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Limit the starting current Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Heat up the filament Impedance 1- two way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Keep the voltage same Resistance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 1- two way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 1- two way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 1- two way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 1- two way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Limit the starting current Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 1- two way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 1- two way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 1- two way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 1- two way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 1- two way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 1- two way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 1- two way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 1- two way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 1- two way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 1- two way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 2- two way switches
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 1- two way switch
Provide high voltage initiall Impedance 1- two way switch
he dressing table controlled by a switch, and one lamp just above the bed which may require dual control by

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