Gis Question Bank

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GI8014 -Geographic Information System Department of Civil Engineering 2019-2020


30 0 3
 To introduce the fundamentals and components of Geographic Information System
 To provide details of spatial data structures and input, management and output


Introduction to GIS - Basic spatial concepts - Coordinate Systems - GIS and Information Systems
– Definitions – History of GIS - Components of a GIS – Hardware, Software, Data, People,
Methods – Proprietary and open source Software - Types of data – Spatial, Attribute data- types of
attributes – scales/ levels of measurements.
Database Structures – Relational, Object Oriented – Entities – ER diagram - data models -
conceptual, logical and physical models - spatial data models – Raster Data Structures – Raster
Data Compression - Vector Data Structures - Raster vs Vector Models- TIN and GRID data
Scanner - Raster Data Input – Raster Data File Formats – Georeferencing – Vector Data Input –
Digitiser – Datum Projection and reprojection -Coordinate Transformation – Topology -
Adjacency, connectivity and containment – Topological Consistency – Non topological file formats
- Attribute Data linking – Linking External Databases – GPS Data Integration
Data quality - Basic aspects - completeness, logical consistency, positional accuracy, temporal
accuracy, thematic accuracy and lineage – Metadata – GIS Standards –Interoperability - OGC -
Spatial Data Infrastructure
Import/Export – Data Management functions- Raster to Vector and Vector to Raster Conversion -
Data Output - Map Compilation – Chart/Graphs – Multimedia – Enterprise Vs. Desktop GIS
distributed GIS.
1. Kang - Tsung Chang, Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, McGraw Hill
Publishing, 2nd Edition, 2011.
2. Ian Heywood, Sarah Cornelius, Steve Carver, Srinivasa Raju, “An Introduction
Geographical Information Systems, Pearson Education, 2nd Edition,2007.
1. Lo.C.P., Albert K.W. Yeung, Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information
Systems, Prentice-Hall India Publishers, 2006

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Course Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to
C305.1 Have basic idea about the fundamentals of GIS.
C305.2 Understand the types of data models.
C305.3 Get knowledge about data input and topology.
C305.4 Gain knowledge on data quality and standards.
C305.5 Understand data management functions and data output


Pos PSOs
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
C305.1 2 - 1 - 2 1 - - - - - 2 2 2
C305.2 2 1 2 2 3 1 - - - - - 2 2 2
C305.3 2 1 2 2 3 1 - - - - - 2 2 2
C305.4 2 1 2 - 3 1 - - - - - 2 2 2
C305.5 2 - 2 - 3 1 - - - - - 2 2 2


Sl. Knowledge Course

Course Content
No. level Outcome
1 Introduction to GIS R
2 Basic spatial concepts U
3 Coordinate Systems U
4 GIS History R
5 Components of GIS Hardware, Software, Data, People, U C305.1
6 Proprietary and open source Software AP
7 Types of data - Spatial, Attribute data U
8 Types of attributes R
9 Scales/ levels of measurements. U


Sl. Knowledge Course

Course Content
No. level Outcome
1 Database Structures R&U
2 Relational, Object Oriented, ER diagram R&U
3 spatial data models R&U
4 Raster Data Structures & Compression R&U
5 Vector Data Structures R&U C305.2
6 Raster vs Vector Models R&U
7 TIN and GRID data models R&U
8 OGC standards R&U
9 Data Quality R&U

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Sl. Knowledge Course

Course Content
No. level Outcome
1 Scanner U
2 Raster Data Input & Raster Data File Formats R&U
3 Vector Data Input R&U
4 Digitiser U
5 Topology- Adjacency, connectivity and containment R&U C305.3
6 Topological Consistency rules U & AP
7 Attribute Data linking & ODBC R&U
9 Concept GPS based mapping U


Sl. Knowledge Course

Course Content
No. level Outcome
1 Data quality - Basic aspects - completeness R&U
logical consistency, positional accuracy, temporal R&U
accuracy, thematic accuracy and lineage
3 Metadata R
4 GIS Standards R&U
5 Spatial Data
accuracy, Infrastructure
thematic accuracy and lineage R&U


Sl. Knowledg Course

Course Content
No. e level Outcome
1 Import/Export U
2 Data Management functions R&U
3 Raster to Vector and Vector to Raster Conversion U & AP
4 Data Output R&U
5 Map Compilation R&U
6 Multimedia R&U
7 Chart/Graphs R&U
8 Enterprise Vs. Desktop GIS distributed GIS. R&U

R – Remember; U – Understand; AP – Apply; AN – Analyze; E- Evaluate , C-Create

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Introduction to GIS - Basic spatial concepts - Coordinate Systems - GIS and Information Systems –
Definitions – History of GIS - Components of a GIS – Hardware, Software, Data, People, Methods –
Proprietary and open source Software - Types of data – Spatial, Attribute data- types of attributes –
scales/ levels of measurements.

UNIT I / Part – A (C305.1)

1. What is Geographic Information System?
It’s a computer based information system primarily aims collecting, classifying,
crosschecking, manipulating, interpreting, retrieving and displaying data which are spatially
referred to the earth in an appealing way.
2. What are the components of GIS?
i)The Computer System (Hardware and Operating System) ii)The Software iii) Spatial Data
iv)Data Management and analysis procedures v) The People to operate the GIS
3. What are the GIS softwares used?
Standard GIS Software's
4. What are all the Elements of GIS?
 Geospatial data
 Data acquisition
 Attribute data management
 Data Display
 Data exploration
 Data analysis
5. What are the applications of GIS?
Real World Example Applications of GIS:
 Disaster Management. Hurricane Katrina is seen by many as the first time that GIS was
used a disaster management tool.
 Crime Statistics.
 Archaeology.
 Civic Planning.
 Health / Medical Resource Management.
 Transport.
In the private sector, most GIS applications are integrated with the Internet, GPS, wireless
technology, and Web services. The following shows some of these applications:
• Online mapping websites offer locators for finding real estate listings, vacation rentals, banks,
restaurants, coffee shops, and hotels.
• Location-based services allow mobile phone users to search for nearby banks, restaurants,
and taxis; and to track friends, dates, children, and the elderly .
• Mobile GIS allows field workers to collect and access geospatial data in the field.
6. What do you mean by Geospatial data?
By definition, geospatial data cover the location of spatial features. To locate spatial features on
the Earth’s surface, we can use either a geographic or a projected coordinate system. A geographic
coordinate system is expressed in longitude and latitude and a projected coordinate system in x, y
coordinates. Many projected coordinated systems are available for use in GIS. An example is the
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid system, which divides the Earth’s surface between
84°N and 80°S into 60 zones.

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7. What is Attribute Data Management?

A GIS usually employs a database management system (DBMS) to handle attribute data, which
can be large in size in the case of vector data. Attribute data are stored in a relational database as
a collection of tables. These tables can be prepared, maintained, and edited separately, but they
can also be linked for data search and retrieval.
8. Define Data Exploration.
Data exploration refers to the activities of visualizing, manipulating, and querying data using
maps,tables, and graphs. These activities offer a close look at the data and function as a precursor
to formal data analysis.
9. What are the types in Data Exploration?
Data exploration in GIS can be map or feature-based.
 Map-based exploration includes data classification, data aggregation, and map
 Feature-based query can involve either attribute or spatial data
10. What is Geographic Co-Ordinate System?
The geographic coordinate system is the reference system for locating spatial features on the
surface. The geographic coordinate system is defined by longitude and latitude. Both longitude
and latitude are angular measures: longitude measures the angle east or west from the prime
meridian, and latitude measures the angle north or south of the equatorial plane
11. What are the characteristics of map?
• maps are often stylized, generalized or abstracted, requiring careful interpretation
• usually out of date show only a static situation - one slice in time
• often highly elegant/artistic
12. Write the necessity of map projection?
Projection is necessary one because spatial entities locate in two dimensions. The method by
which the “world is laid flat” is used to help projection. Doing the process introduce error
into spatial data. Spatial data character varies depending on the projection method chosen. Shape
and distance are distorted the accuracy world is spherical shape visualize the two dimension in
flat surface is difficult.
13. Write the types of map projection?
1. An azimuthal or planar projection
2. A cylindrical projection
3. A conic projection
4. Mathematical map projection
14. Write few lines about cylindrical projection?
 Countries near the equator in true relative portion.
 Distance increases between countries located towards top and bottom of mage.
 The view of the poles is very distorted.
 Area for the most part is preserved.
15. Write few lines about conical projection?
 Area is distorted
 Distance is very distorted towards the bottom of the image
 Scale for the most part is preserved
16. Write few lines about azimuthal projection?
 Only a part of the earth surface is visible.
 The view will be of half the globe or less.
 Distortion will occur at all four edges.
 Distance for the more part is preserved.

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17. What is referencing system?

Referencing system is used to locate a feature on the earth’s surface or a two dimension
representation of this surface such as a map.
18. What are the methods of spatial referencing systems?
Geographical co-ordinate system, Rectangular co-ordinate system & Non-co-ordinate system
19. Define Datum.
A datum is a mathematical model of the Earth, which serves as the reference or base for
calculating the geographic coordinates in the case of a horizontal datum and for calculating
elevations in the case of a vertical datum.
20. What is Datum Shift?
A change from one datum to another, such as from NAD27 to NAD83, which can result in
substantial horizontal shifts of point positions.
21. How to Measure Distances on the Earth’s Surface?
The standard and simplest method for calculating the shortest distance between two points on the
Earth’s surface, also called geodesic distance, uses the equation:
cos (d ) = sin (a ) sin (b)+ cos (b )+ cos (c )
where d is the angular distance between points A and B in degrees, a is the latitude of A, b is the
latitude of B, and c is the difference in longitude between A and B. To convert d to a linear distance
measure, one can multiply d by the length of 1 degree at the equator, which is 111.32 kilometers
or 69.17 miles. This method is accurate unless d is very close to zero.
22. What is Transverse Mercator projection?
A common map projection, which is the basis for the UTM grid system and the SPC system.
23. What is Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS) grid system?
A grid system that divides the polar area into a series of 100,000-meter squares, similar to the
UTM grid system.
24. What is Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid system?
A coordinate system that divides the Earth’s surface between 84° N and 80° S into 60 zones, with
each zone further divided into the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere.
25. What is Spatial Data? List the basic Spatial Data types.
It is the data or information that identifies the geographic location of features and boundaries on
Earth, such as natural or constructed features, oceans , and more . Spatial data is usually stored as
coordinate and topology, and is data that can be mapped.
The two basic spatial data types are:
 Raster data &Vector data
26. What is Vector data?
Vector data uses two dimensional Cartesian coordinates to store the shape of spatial entity.
Vector based features are treated as discrete geometric objects over the space.
In the vector data base point is the basic building block from which all the spatial entities are
27. What is raster data?
Raster is a method for the storage, processing and display of spatial data. Each area is divided
into rows and columns, which form a regular grid structure. Each cell must be rectangular in
shape, but not necessarily square.
28. What is the Difference between Attribute Data and Spatial Data?
Attribute data refers to the characteristics of geographical features that are quantitative and/or
qualitative in nature while spatial data refers to all types of data objects or elements that are present
in a geographical space or horizon.
29. What are the different scales of measurement?
Measurement scales are used to categorize and/or quantify variables. Commonly used statistical
analysis are: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio scales.

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30. What is Attribute data and list out the types in it?
Attribute data is information appended in tabular format to spatial features. The spatial data is the
where and attribute data can contain information about the what, where, and why. Attribute data
provides characteristics about spatial data.
Attribute data can be store as one of five different field types in a table or database: character,
integer, floating, date, and BLOB.

UNIT-I / PART-B (C305.1)

1. Explain the functions of GIS. What are the applications and limitations of GIS.
2. Explain in detail about the Elements of GIS.
3. Discuss in detail about the basic components of GIS.
What is map projection and explain the differentiate types of map projections with their
5. Briefly explain about Transverse Mercator and Lambert Conformal Conic Map Projection.
6. Explain Albers Equal –Area conic , Equidistant conic and Web Mercator Map projection in detail.
Explain in detail about the UTM projection system.
UNIT-I / PART-C (C305.1)
1. Illustrate the Universal Polar Stereographic Grid System in detail.
2. Briefly explain the concepts of SPC system and PLSS.
Write a short notes on,
3. (i) Spatial & attribute data (ii) Geographic scale (iii) Requirements of GIS


Database Structures – Relational, Object Oriented -Entities– ER diagram- data models -conceptual,
logical and physical models- Spatial data models – Raster Data Structures – Raster Data Compression
- Vector Data Structures - Raster vs Vector Models- TIN and GRID data models.

UNIT II/ PART-A (C305.2)

1. What is a database in GIS?
A database management system (DBMS) serves as an interface between users and their database.
A spatial database includes location. It has geometry as points, lines and polygons. GIS combines
spatial data from many sources with many different people. Databases connect users to the GIS
2. What is GIS database design?
Database design is the process of producing a detailed data model of a database. This logical data
model contains all the needed logical and physical design choices and physical storage parameters
needed to generate a design in a data definition language, which can then be used to create a
3. Define data model.
Data models are the conceptual models that describe the structures of databases. Structure of a
database is defined by the data types, the constraints and the relationships for the description or
storage of data.
4. Write short notes on Relational Data Structure Model
The relational database relates or connects data in different files through the use of a common
field. A flat file structure is used with a relational database model. In this arrangement, data is
stored in different tables made up of rows and columns. The columns of a table are named by
attributes. Each row in the table is called a tuple and represents a basic fact.

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5. Mention the advantages of Relational Database structure.

The manager or administrator does not have to be aware of any data structure or data pointer. One
can easily add, update, delete or create records using simple logic.
6. Define ER model.
The entity relationship (ER) model represents the conceptual design of a database. The ER
diagram helps in understanding the components of a database and relationships among them. In
ER diagram attributes are represented by ovals attached to the entity by a line.
7. Define Cardinality
A relationship is an association among entity types. Cardinality denotes the occurrences of data
on either side of a relation. The cardinality ratio for a binary relationship specifies the maximum
number of relationship instances an entity can participate in.
8. List the features of Object data model which make them good for modelling GIS systems.
 Encapsulation: packaging together of the description of state and behavior in each object
 Inheritance: ability to use some or all characteristics of one object in another object
 Polymorphism: Specific implementation of operations such as create, delete etc for each
9. Define Spatial and Non spatial data.
Spatial data refers to the data or information that describes the absolute or relative location of
geographic features on the earth. The non spatial data or the attribute data on the other hand
describes the characteristics of the spatial features. These characteristics can be quantitative or
10. Define Vector data model.
Data models describe the representation and storage of the geographic data. Vector data model is
closely linked with the discrete object view. In vector data model, geographical phenomena are
represented in three different forms;-point, line and polygon. The shape of a spatial entity is stored
using two-dimensional (x, y) coordinate system.
11. Define Raster data model.
The raster data model is commonly associated with the field conceptual model. Here, geographic
space is represented by array of cells or pixels (aka picture elements) which are arranged in rows
and columns. Each pixel has a value that represents information. The value can be in the form of
integer, floating points or alphanumeric.
12. List the topological features of Vector data structure.
A topology is a mathematical procedure that describes how features are spatially related and
ensures data quality of the spatial relationships. Topological relationships include following three
basic elements:
Connectivity: Information about linkages among spatial objects
Contiguity: Information about neighboring spatial object
Containment: Information about inclusion of one spatial object within another spatial object
13. Mention the features of Arc Node topology in Vector data structure.
Arc node topology defines connectivity - arcs are connected to each other if they share a common
node. This is the basis for many network tracing and path finding operations. Arcs represent linear
features and the borders of area features. Every arc has a from-node which is the first vertex in
the arc and a to-node which is the last vertex. These two nodes define the direction of the arc.
Nodes indicate the endpoints and intersections of arcs. They do not exist independently and
therefore cannot be added or deleted except by adding and deleting arcs.
14. Define Raster data structure
In a simple raster data structure the geographical entities are stored in a matrix of rectangular cells.
A code is given to each cell which informs users which entity is present in which cell. The simplest
way of encoding a raster data into computers can be understood by Entity Model, Pixel Values
and File Structure.

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15. What are the advantages of Raster data model?

 Simple data structure
 Compatible with remote sensing or scanned data
 Spatial analysis is easy
 Simulation is easy because each unit has the same size and shape
16. What are the advantages of Vector data model?
 Data is represented at its original resolution and form without generalization
 Requires less storage space
 Editing is faster and convenient
 Network analysis is fast
 Projection transformations are easier
17. What are the steps involved in Chain encoding?
Chain encoding works by defining boundary of the entity i.e. sequence of cells starting from and
returning to the given origin. Direction of travel is specified using numbers. (0 = North, 1 = East,
2 = South, 3 = West). The first line tells that the coding started at cell (4, 2) and there is only one
chain. In the second line the first number in the pair tells the direction and the second number
represents the number of cells lying in this direction.
18. Define hull in TIN data model?
The hull of the TIN is formed by one or more polygons containing the entire set of data points
used to construct the TIN. The hull polygons define the zone of interpolation of the TIN. Inside
or on the edge of the hull polygons, it is possible to interpolate surface z values, perform analysis,
and generate surface displays. Outside the hull polygons, it is not possible to derive information
about the surface. The hull of a TIN can be formed by one or more polygons, which can be non-
19. Define TIN Data model.
TIN represents surface as contiguous non-overlapping triangles created by performing Delaunay
triangulation. These triangles have a unique property that the circumcircle that passes through the
vertices of a triangle contains no other point inside it. TIN is created from a set of mass points
with x, y and z coordinate values. This topologic data structure manages information about the
nodes that form each triangle and the neighbors of each triangle.
20. What are the advantages of Delaunay triangulation
 The triangles are as equiangular as possible, thus reducing potential numerical precision
problems created by long skinny triangles
 The triangulation is independent of the order the points are processed
 Ensures that any point on the surface is as close as possible to a node

1. Discuss about Relational database structure in GIS with example
2. Mention the various Data Structure models in GIS. Explain them with example
3. Describe Object Oriented Database structure,.
4. Explain Entity Relationship model with examples.
5. Describe the topological features of Vector Data Structure.
6. Explain in detail Raster Data Structure.
7. Explain the various data compaction methods used in Raster data structure.

1. Compare Raster and Vector Data Model. Mention their advantages and disadvantages.
2. Describe TIN Data model and its advantages.
3. Describe GRID Data model with example.

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Scanner - Raster Data Input – Raster Data File Formats –Georeferencing- Vector Data Input –Digitiser
– Datum Projection and reprojection -Coordinate Transformation - Topology - Adjacency,
connectivity and containment – Topological Consistency – Non topological file formats - Attribute
Data linking – Linking External Databases – GPS Data Integration
1. What is GIS data and its types
Two major families of GIS data are Raster & Vector
Raster is grid based
Vector is ->coordinate based (Cartesian,polar,3D,linear), Topological, object oriented
2. What is a Shapefile?
The shapefile format is now a common format for storing vector GIS data. Shapefiles store non-
topological vector data along with related attribute data. Developed by Esri, shapefiles are now
an open format and is a popular option for data transfer. For example, shapefiles can be directly
read by a number of GIS software programs such as ArcGIS and QGIS
3. Compare shapefile and geodatabase approach
There are two basic ways to do structure and store your GIS data. These are the ‘Shapefile
Approach’ and the Geodatabase Approach’.
The Shapefile Approach uses the almost-universally accessible shapefile format for vector data
layers (and similarly widely used formats for raster data layers) to store data layers in a single
folder, usually on the C: drive of computer (if you are running a Windows operating system). This
information can then be accessed with almost any GIS software package.
In contrast, the Geodatabase Approach is specific to ESRI’s ArcGIS software package. In it, all
the data layers in a GIS project are stored in a single, specially formatted geodatabase file on your
computer and can only be accessed with ArcGIS.
4. What is digitizing and its types
Digitizing in GIS is the process of converting geographic data either from a hardcopy or a scanned
image into vector data by tracing the features. During the digitzing process, features from the
traced map or image are captured as coordinates in either point, line, or polygon format.
There are several types of digitizing methods. Manual digitizing & Heads up digitizing (also
referred to as on screen digitizing
5. What is manual and Heads up digitizing?
In this method, the digitizer uses a digitizing tablet (also known as a digitizer, graphics tablet, or
touch tablet) to trace the points, lines and polygons of a hard-copy map. This is done using a
special magnetic pen, or stylus, that feeds information into a computer to create an identical,
digital map. Manual Digitizing is still a useful technique because of its ability to accurately copy
maps in poor condition.
Heads-up Digitizing
This method involves scanning a map or image into a computer. The digitizer then traces the
points, lines and polygons using digitizing software. This method of digitizing has been named
"heads-up" digitizing because the focus of the user is up on the screen, rather than down on a
digitizing tablet.
6. What is georeferencing?
Georeferencing is the process of taking a digital image, it could be an air photo, a scanned geologic
map, or a picture of a topographic map, and adding geographic information to the image so that
GIS or mapping software can 'place' the image in its appropriate real world location. This process
is completed by selecting pixels in the digital image and assigning them geographic coordinates.
7. What is a Geodatabase and its types?
A geodatabase is an alternate way to store GIS information in one large file, which can contain
multiple point, polygon, and/or polyline layers. The geodatabase is a "container" used to hold a

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collection of datasets. A geodatabase is a database designed to store, query, and manipulate

geographic information and spatial data. It is also known as a spatial database.
Geodatabases often appear as single files with the “.gdb” extension or “.mdb” extension.
8. Differentiate the Geodatabases types?
File geodatabases—Stored as folders in a file system. Each dataset is held as a file that can scale
up to 1 TB in size. The file geodatabase is recommended over personal geodatabases.
Personal geodatabases—All datasets are stored within a Microsoft Access data file, which is
limited in size to 2 GB.
Enterprise geodatabases—Also known as multiuser geodatabases, they can be unlimited in size
and numbers of users. Stored in a relational database using Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM
DB2, IBM Informix, or PostgreSQL.
9. Differentiate raster data and vector data
Raster and vector are the two basic data structures for storing and manipulating images and
graphics data on a computer.
Raster images come in the form of individual pixels, and each spatial location or resolution
element has a pixel associated where the pixel value indicates the attribute, such as color,
elevation, or an ID number. Raster images are normally acquired by optical scanner, digital CCD
camera and other raster imaging devices.
Vector data comes in the form of points and lines that are geometrically and mathematically
associated. Points are stored using the coordinates.
The main difference between vector and raster graphics is that raster graphics are composed
of pixels, while vector graphics are composed of paths.
10. What are the elements of topological relationships.
 Information about linkages among spatial objects y
 Keep track of which links are connected at a node
 Information about neighborhood among spatial objects
 A link can determine the polygon to its left and its right
 Information about inclusion of one spatial object within another spatial object
 What nodes and links and other polygons are within a polygon
11. Define topology
Topology basically refers the relationship between things, and in the realm of GIS, Topology
refers to the relationship between spatial features or objects.
12. What is topology rules
A topology rule can monitor spatial relationships of features in a single feature class, or the
relationships that exist between feature classes.
Topologies rule can be removed anytime.
Rules are not applied until a topology is validated.
Topology rules example: Polygon rule, Line Rule, Point Rules
13. Why topology is important to GIS?
First, topology is necessary for certain spatial functions such as network routing through linear
Second, topology can be used to create datasets with better quality control and greater data
Third, by creating topological relationships between feature classes, features can be shared across
feature classes.

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14. What is topology validating

Validating the topology means checking the features to identify any violations of the rules that
have been defined for the topology. Validating the topology also starts the cracking and clustering
process. Validate the whole topology, validate the visible extent of your map, or drag a box around
the area to validate.
15. What is topology errors
Topological errors violate relationships that are defined by the user or required by a GIS package.
Common topological errors:
Polygon Errors ->Unclosed gaps • Gaps between polygons • Overlapping polygons
Line Errors->Do not meet at node, Pseudo node and point errors
16. What is attribute data
Attribute data are stored in tables.
An attribute table is organized by row and column.
Each row represents a spatial feature, each column describes a characteristic, and the intersection
of a column and a row shows the value of a particular characteristic for a particular feature.
17. What are the Types of Attribute Data
One method for classifying attribute data is by data type. Common data types are number, text (or
character), date, and binary large object (BLOB).
Another method is to define attribute data by measurement scale. The measurement scale concept
groups attribute data into nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio data, with increasing degrees of
18. What is GPS and GIS
GPS – (Global Positioning System) A device for measuring geographic coordinates at any
location on the earth. GPS is a satellite navigation system designed to provide accurate position,
velocity, and time information almost anywhere in the world.
GIS – (Geographic Information System) A database for maintaining and analyzing spatial features
and the relationships between features as they are defined through geographic coordinates or
19. Compare GPS and chart plotter.
GPS provides your location, but it doesn't show it on a map. A chartplotter takes the GPS location
and places it on top of a map. All chartplotters use GPS, but not all GPS are chartplotters. A
chartplotter is typically a stand-alone computer that is able to show a map and plot significant
objects or places on it.
20. What is ODBC
The goal of ODBC is to make it possible to access any data from any application, regardless of
which database management system (DBMS) is handling the data. ODBC manages this by
inserting a middle layer, called a database driver , between an application and the DBMS. The
purpose of this layer is to translate the application's data queries into commands that the DBMS
21. What is GIS Scanning
The process of conversion of paper maps into digital format usable by computer is known as
Scanning. It is used to convert an analog map into a scanned file, which is again converted to
vector format through tracing. Scanning automatically captures map features, text and symbols as
individual cells, or pixels and produces an automated image.
22. List & explain GIS scanning types.
Scanning is mainly of two types:
Black and White Raster Scanning: It is the simplest type of scanning and can be used on line
drawings, text or any one colored document. It is used in Archival Drawing Libraries, Electronic
Document Distribution and Vectorization Templates.
Grey Scale and Color Raster Scanning: It is used for large size documents. Its applications include

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capturing images for use in desktop publishing, full color maps, aerial photography, Toposheets
and cartographic base data for "high end" mapping system.

1. Explain Four Data Input Techniques in GIS
2. List the raster data file formats.
3. Explain commonly used topology rules.
4. How topologies are built in GIS?
5. Explain Topology validation and topology errors.
6. Explain Topological Relationships between Spatial Objects
7. Explain GPS and its working mechanisms.

1. Compare three types of geodatabases
2. Steps to connect Microsoft SQL Server from ArcGIS
3. Illustrate Digitizers for Vector Data Input and Scanners for Raster Data Input.


Data quality - Basic aspects - completeness, logical consistency, positional accuracy, temporal
accuracy, thematic accuracy and lineage – Metadata – GIS Standards –Interoperability - OGC -
Spatial Data Infrastructure.

UNIT IV/ PART-A (C305.4)

1. Define Accuracy.
The fundamental issue with respect to data is accuracy. Accuracy is the closeness of results of
observations to the true values or values accepted as being true. This implies that observations of
most spatial phenomena are usually only considered to estimates of the true value. The difference
between observed and true (or accepted as being true) values indicates the accuracy of the
2. What are the common types of Accuracy?
 Positional accuracy.
 Attribute accuracy.
3. Define Positional accuracy.
Positional accuracy is the expected deviance in the geographic location of an object from its true
ground position. This is what we commonly think of when the term accuracy is discussed. There
are two components to positional accuracy. These are relative and absolute accuracy. Absolute
accuracy concerns the accuracy of data elements with respect to a coordinate scheme, e.g.
UTM. Relative accuracy concerns the positioning of map features relative to one another.
4. Define Attribute accuracy .
Attribute accuracy is equally as important as positional accuracy. It also reflects estimates of the
truth. Interpreting and depicting boundaries and characteristics for forest stands or soil polygons
can be exceedingly difficult and subjective. Most resource specialists will attest to this fact.
Accordingly, the degree of homogeneity found within such mapped boundaries is not nearly as
high in reality as it would appear to be on most maps.
5. Define Data Quality.
Quality can simply be defined as the fitness for use for a specific data set. Data that is
appropriate for use with one application may not be fit for use with another. It is fully dependant
on the scale, accuracy, and extent of the data set, as well as the quality of other data sets to be

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used. The recent U.S. Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS) identifies five components to data
quality definitions.
 Lineage
 Positional Accuracy
 Attribute Accuracy
 Logical Consistency
 Completeness
6. Define Assessment of Data Quality.
Data quality is assessed using different evaluation techniques by different users.
 The first level of assessment is performed by the data producer. This level of assessment is
based on data quality check based on given data specifications.
 Second level of data quality assessment is performed at consumer side where feedback is
taken from the consumer and processed. Then the data is analyzed / rectified on the basis
of processed feedback.
7. Define Lineage.
The lineage of data is concerned with historical and compilation aspects of the data such as the:
 source of the data;
 content of the data;
 data capture specifications;
 geographic coverage of the data;
 compilation method of the data, e.g. digitizing versus scanned;
 transformation methods applied to the data; and
The use of a pertinent algorithms during compilation, e.g. linear simplification,
feature generalization.
8. Define Positional Accuracy.
The identification of positional accuracy is important. This includes consideration of inherent
error (source error) and operational error (introduced error). A more detailed review is provided
in the next section.
9. Define Attribute Accuracy.
Consideration of the accuracy of attributes also helps to define the quality of the data. This quality
component concerns the identification of the reliability, or level of purity (homogeneity), in a data
10. Define Temporal accuracy.
Temporal accuracy has not received much attention in the literature, just as time itself is not dealt
with explicitly in conventional geospatial data models. Temporal accuracy is often equated with
‘currentness’ (Thapa and Bossler 1992). In fact the two concepts are quite distinct. Temporal
accuracy refers to the agreement between encoded and ‘actual’ temporal coordinates. Currentness
is an application-specific measure of temporal accuracy. A value is current if it is correct in spite
of any possible time-related changes in value. Thus currentness refers to the degree to which a
database is up to date (Redman 1992). To equate temporal accuracy with currentness is to state,
in effect, that to be temporally accurate a database must be up to date.

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11. Define Thematic accuracy.

Metrics of thematic accuracy (or ‘attribute accuracy’) vary with measurement scale. For
quantitative attributes, metrics are similar to those used to measure spatial accuracy for point
features (e.g. RMSE). Quantitative attributes can be conceived as statistical surfaces for which
accuracy can be measured in much the same way as for elevation. For categorical data most of the
research into data quality has come from the field of classification accuracy assessment in remote
sensing. This work was carried out initially to devise methods to assess the accuracy of
classification procedures. Accuracy assessment is based on the selection of a sample of point
locations, and a comparison of the land cover classes assigned to these locations by the
classification procedure with the classes observed at these locations on a reference source
12. Define Logical Consistency.
This component is concerned with determining the faithfulness of the data structure for a data set.
This typically involves spatial data inconsistencies such as incorrect line intersections, duplicate
lines or boundaries, or gaps in lines. These are referred to as spatial or topological errors.
13. Define Completeness.
The final quality component involves a statement about the completeness of the data set. This
includes consideration of holes in the data, unclassified areas, and any compilation procedures
that may have caused data to be eliminated.
The ease with which geographic data in a GIS can be used at any scale highlights the importance
of detailed data quality information. Although a data set may not have a specific scale once it is
loaded into the GIS database, it was produced with levels of accuracy and resolution that make it
appropriate for use only at certain scales, and in combination with data of similar scales.
14. What are the sources of Errors?
Two sources of error, inherent and operational, contribute to the reduction in quality of the
products that are generated by geographic information systems. Inherent error is the error
present in source documents and data. Operational error is the amount of error produced through
the data capture and manipulation functions of a GIS.
15. What are the Data Quality Improvement Techniques?
 Choice of relevant data from a relevant source.
 Derive precisions in the origin itself.
 Data quality testing in each phase of data capture.

Using automated software tools for spatial and non-spatial data validation.
 Assessment of the mode of data uses and user.
 Determining the map elements like scale, visualization and feature orientation.
16. What are the characteristics of Geographic Features?
 All geographic features on the earth's surface can be characterized and defined as one of
three basic feature types. These are points, lines, and areas.
 Point data exists when a feature is associated with a single location in space.
Examples of point features include a fire lookout tower, an oil well or gas activity
site, and a weather station.

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 Linear data exists when a feature's location is described by a string of spatial

coordinates. Examples of linear data include rivers, roads, pipelines, etc.
 Areal data exists when a feature is described by a closed string of spatial
coordinates. An area feature is commonly referred to as a polygon. Polygonal data
is the most common type of data in natural resource applications.
17. Define Meta Data.
Metadata is structured information that describes and makes it easier to retrieve, use, or manage
an information resource. It is also known as data about data.
18. What are the needs of Meta Data.
 To enable the process of search over distributed archives: Similar to a library catalog, it
sorts data and makes it easy for a user to find it.
 Helps assessing the fitness of a dataset for a given use: Metadata is needed to determine
whether a dataset will satisfy a user’s requirement. Does the data have acceptable quality?
It may also have comments from previous users.
 Provides information about data content: In the case of remotely sensed images, it may
include the percentage of cloud obscuring the scene and some other information.
 Provide information about handling the dataset: It includes technical specification of the
data format, software compatible with the data, data volume etc.
19. What are GIS standards?
GIS standards are recommended practices to facilitate developing, sharing and using GIS data,
GIS software and GIS services. When you look for GIS standards, you actually mean geospatial
standards, where GIS is a part of. Geospatial standards concern the use of any geographic
Normally any standard is a technical document intended for use as a rule, guideline or definition
for common and repeated use. They might include requirements and recommendations for
products, systems, processes or services. They possibly describe measurements, test methods or
establish common terminologies. A GIS standard is a technical document designed to use for
operating with geospatial data.
20. Define GIS interoperability.
Interoperability has been a goal of the computer industry for years and is essentially one view of
the push for open systems. The term ‘open systems’ usually implies the intention to adhere to
vendor neutral computing standards, with the added benefit of producing a more level playing
field among software and hardware companies. As a means of achieving open systems,
interoperability has centered on common communications infrastructures, application
programming interfaces in the public domain, and a common architecture for defining objects and
transporting them across networks.

1. Explain in detail about Data Quality.
2. Explain in detail about Characterizing Geographic Features.
3. Explain in detail about Meta Data.

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4. Explain in detail about GIS Standards.

5. Explain in detail about Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards.
6. Explain in detail about Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI).
7. Explain in detail about Interoperability.

1. Explain in detail about completeness, logical consistency, positional accuracy, temporal
accuracy, thematic accuracy and lineage.
2. Explain in detail about Meta Data Tables.
3. Explain in detail about key components of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI).


Import/Export – Data Management functions- Raster to Vector and Vector to Raster Conversion -Data
Output - Map Compilation – Chart/Graphs – Multimedia – Enterprise Vs. Desktop GIS distributed
UNIT V/ PART-A (C305.5)
1. Define File Format (GIS)
File formats define in which way the geographical features are stored. Raster and vector data are
stored in different formats.There are numerous formats available for both raster and vector data.
It is important to consider the file format of GIS data because software programs rarely support
all file types. If you want to use GIS data that was saved in a particular format not supported by
your GIS program, you must either find a way to transform the data or simply use another GIS
2. What are the Other database management systems which can handle spatial data?
Microsoft SQL Server, Postgre/PostGIS, Oracle Spatial, IBM, SQLite
You can export to several industry-standard file formats.
 EMF, EPS, PDF, SVG, and SVGZ formats are referred to as vector export formats,
because they support a mixture of vector and raster data.
 BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF, TGA, and GIF are referred to as image export formats, because
they are purely raster export formats.
What are the various types of output data in GIS?
 Contour maps
 Vector map
 Non-contiguous map
 Pin map
 Hatch map
 Density map
 Gradient map
 Symbol map
 Territory map
 Pie map

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 Bar maps
 Line graph maps
 Prism map
 Flow map
 Classified choropleth map
4. Define Database and Database Management System
A database is a collection of logically related data. It represents an aspect of a real world and is
designed, built or populated with data for a specific purpose. Many databases exist for many
applications, and each one of them is maintained by a collection of programs known as a database
management system.
A database is defined by the data types, structures, and data constraints that are stored in the
database. Constructing the database means storing the data in the database. Manipulating involves
querying the database to retrieve specific data, updating the database, and generation of reports.
Sharing is allowing multiple users and programs to access the database concurrently. Database
contents are divided into two parts viz. schema and data. Schema is the structure of database. It
indicates the rule which data must obey. Data on the other hand are the facts.
5. What are the Advantages of DBMS?
 Controlling Redundancy
 Restricting Unauthorized Access
 Providing Storage Structures for Efficient Query Processing
 Providing Backup and Recovery
 Enforcing Integrity Constraints
6. Define Data Management Functions.
The primary objective for a data management system, DMS, is to provide efficient and effective
management of the database. This includes providing functions for data storage, retrieval, secure
modification, DB integrity and maintenance.
7. Define database architecture/What are the three levels of abstraction?
External Level refers to user’s view of the database. It describes a part of the database for
particular group of users. Depending on their needs, different users access different parts of the
database. It employs a powerful and flexible security mechanism by hiding parts of the database
from certain users.
Conceptual Level refers to the logical structure of the entire database. It describes data as well as
the relationships among the data.
Internal Level refers to the details of physical storage of the database on the computer. It consists
of description of storage space allocation for data and indexes, record placements and data

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8. Define the principle quality measures.

There are two principle quality measures for a DMS; efficiency and effectiveness.
 DMS efficiency is typically measured in the time and machine capacity used for data
retrieval and storage, respectively. Here, low time or storage requirements indicate high
efficiency. Since these are somewhat conflicting objectives, trade-offs are necessary.
 DMS effectiveness is typically measured in the quality of service, for example; the
correctness of retrieval or modification results, smooth or seamless presentation of
multiple media, particularly for video, or the security levels supported.
9. What are the various techniques used to reach these goals in DMS.
 Index generation is used to increase the efficiency of data retrieval, by speeding data
location and thereby reducing retrieval time.
 Data compression is used to reduce storage and transmission requirements
 User interfaces can enhance system effectiveness by supporting formulation of complete
information needs.
 Similarity algorithms seek to locate only data/ documents that are relevant to the user
10. Define Primary data management functions.
1. Data Governance 2. Data Architecture Management 3. Data Development 4. Database
Operations Management 5. Data Security Management 6. Reference & Master Data Management
7. Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence Management 8. Document & Content Management
11. Distinguish between Information & data retrieval.
Data retrieval, as retrieval of 'facts', commonly represented as atomic data about some entity of
interest, for example a person's name, and
Information retrieval, as the retrieval of documents, commonly text but also visual and audio, that
describe objects and/or events of interest.
12. Define Data conversion.
If we would like to make some spatial analyses between different data (stored in different layers)
we need to convert the different data model. It is our responsibility to decide which data model
we would prefer. It depends on the aim of the project, the storing capacity, the available data.

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13. Define Rasterization.

Rasterization means the conversion of points, lines, and polygons into cell data. The term
rasterization can in general be applied to any process by which Vector graphics information can
be converted into a raster format.
In ArcGIS we can use To Raster in the Conversion tools for rasterization of point, line polygon
etc. data.
14. Define Vectorization.
The vectorization is the conversion of raster data (an array of cell values) into vector data
(a series of points, lines, and polygons). In GIS software there are settings that allow users to
control the conversion of raster data to vector data. For example, vectorization settings may allow
users to select which raster cells are eligible for vectorization or specify how the geometry of the
output vector data will be constructed during vectorization.
15. Define Web GIS
As you might know Web GIS is a GIS system that uses web technologies. It often uses
web technologies to communicate among different components of the system. Web GIS originates
from a combination of web technology and the Geographical Information System, which is a
recognized technology that is mainly composed of data handling tools for storage, recovery,
management and analysis of spatial data Web GIS is a kind of distributed information system.
The simplest architecture of a Web GIS must have at least one client and one server that client is
a desktop application or web browser application that allows users to communicate with server,
and the server is a web server application.
16. Define Internet GIS
Web GIS is a close term to Internet GIS. These two words are always used as synonymous
with each other. There is a slight difference between these two words. The Internet supports many
services with the Web being one of these services. So we can call a system as Internet GIS if it
uses many of services of Internet not only Web service and if it uses only Web we should name it
Web GIS. This definition makes Internet GIS boarder than Web GIS. In real world Web is the
most attractive service of Internet and it is why Web GIS is more common than Internet GIS.
17. Explain Web GIS And Desktop GIS.
In this era Web has changed every aspect of our life from our daily activities to our
professions activities like our jobs and so on. Among these changes, GIS has been affected by this
technology and a new technology, which is called Web GIS, appeared. Today, a vast majority of
Internet users uses this technology but most of them don’t notice it; some examples of it could be
finding hotels and addresses in an strange city using Google maps or other online maps or when
you are lost you can easily locate your location using your phone GPS system and find your path.

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Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Vector Data.
Advantages :
 Data can be represented at its original resolution and form without generalization.
 Graphic output is usually more aesthetically pleasing (traditional cartographic
 Since most data, e.g. hard copy maps, is in vector form no data conversion is required.
 Accurate geographic location of data is maintained.
 Allows for efficient encoding of topology, and as a result more efficient operations that
require topological information, e.g. proximity, network analysis.
 The location of each vertex needs to be stored explicitly.
 For effective analysis, vector data must be converted into a topological structure. This is
often processing intensive and usually requires extensive data cleaning. As well,
topology is static, and any updating or editing of the vector data requires re-building of
the topology.
 Algorithms for manipulative and analysis functions are complex and may be processing
intensive. Often, this inherently limits the functionality for large data sets, e.g. a large
number of features.
 Continuous data, such as elevation data, is not effectively represented in vector form.
Usually substantial data generalization or interpolation is required for these data layers.
 Spatial analysis and filtering within polygons is impossible
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Raster Data.
 The geographic location of each cell is implied by its position in the cell matrix.
Accordingly, other than an origin point, e.g. bottom left corner, no geographic
coordinates are stored. Due to the nature of the data storage technique data analysis is

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usually easy to program and quick to perform. The inherent nature of raster maps, e.g.
one attribute maps, is ideally suited for mathematical modeling and quantitative analysis.
Discrete data, e.g. forestry stands, is accommodated equally well as continuous data, e.g.
elevation data, and facilitates the integrating of the two data types. Grid-cell systems are
very compatible with raster-based output devices, e.g. electrostatic plotters, graphic
 The cell size determines the resolution at which the data is represented.; It is especially
difficult to adequately represent linear features depending on the cell resolution.
Accordingly, network linkages are difficult to establish. Processing of associated
attribute data may be cumbersome if large amounts of data exists. Raster maps inherently
reflect only one attribute or characteristic for an area. Since most input data is in vector
form, data must undergo vector-to-raster conversion. Besides increased processing
requirements this may introduce data integrity concerns due to generalization and choice
of inappropriate cell size.
20. List few ways how GIS data is used in business and everyday life.
 Mapping and Telecom and Network Services
 Accident Analysis and Hot Spot Analysis
 Urban planning and Transportation Planning
 Navigation
 Environmental Impact Analysis
 Agricultural Applications
 Disaster Management and Mitigation
 Natural Resources Management
 Banking
 Geology
 Planning and Community Development
 Irrigation Water Management

UNIT V/ PART-B (C305.5)

1. Describe GIS Data Import and Export file formats .
2. Explain the use of GIS Data Management functions.
3. Describe Conversion on Raster to Vector.
4. Describe Conversion on Vector to Raster.
5. How Data output formats are helps in GIS?
6. Elaborate the process of Map Compilation.
7. Explain on Architecture of Fleet Management Systems

UNIT V/ PART-C (C305.5)

1. Justify how Geographic Information Systems are powerful in multimedia.
2. Explain in detail about the GIS tools and applications for Web GIS and Desktop GIS.
3. Explain in detail about the GIS tools and applications for Distributed GIS.

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