(Apis Mellifera) Foraging in The Sonoran Desert: Temperature Regulation of Honey Bees
(Apis Mellifera) Foraging in The Sonoran Desert: Temperature Regulation of Honey Bees
(Apis Mellifera) Foraging in The Sonoran Desert: Temperature Regulation of Honey Bees
A heat budget for foraging honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) indicated that
at 30-35 °C all bees are in positive heat balance during flight. Observations
of honey bees returning to their hives at high ambient temperatures support
the conjecture that honey bees regulate head and thorax temperatures at
high T a by regurgitating droplets of honey stomach contents which are then
evaporated. The proportion of returning bees with a droplet on the tongue
increased with increasing shade temperature (T s ), from essentially no bees
at 20 °C to 40% of returning bees at 40 °C. Pollen foragers carry relatively
little fluid during the hottest periods, and pollen foraging decreased at high
ambient temperatures. Thoracic temperatures of pollen collectors are sig-
nificantly higher than thoracic temperatures of water and nectar gatherers
at 40°C (46-13 vs 44°C). Additionally, water and nectar foragers with
extruded droplets have slightly cooler heads and thoraces (38-94 and
43-22°C) than bees not extruding droplets (40-28 and 44-18°C). Wing-
loading and thoracic temperatures of bees are inversely correlated at high
ambient temperatures (35 °C) and this is probably caused by a higher
propensity of heavier bees to extrude fluid, thus reducing thoracic tem-
Honey bees have been observed to forage at high ambient temperatures and
under intense solar radiation characteristic of summer in the Sonoran desert of
southwest North America (Heinrich, 1975). Heinrich (1979a, l9S0a,b) reported
that honey bees regulated thoracic temperature above 25 °C ambient and that
evaporation of water from the mouth is used at high ambient temperatures (T a =
46°C) to prevent overheating. However in a previous study of foraging patterns of
bees on Agave schottii in the Sonoran desert, bees were observed to stop foraging at
•Present address: Department of Zoology, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria, Australia 3083.
Key words: Temperature regulation, honey bees, Apis mellifera, evaporative cooling, heat balance, deserts.
2 P . D . C O O P E R , W . M . S C H A F F E R AND S. L . B U C H M A N N
Laboratory studies
Honey bees (Apis mellifera caucasica) were captured in the field, anaesthetized
and frozen with dry ice and returned to the laboratory. After defrosting, bees were
weighed on a Sartorius balance to the nearest 10~4 g, then the head, thorax and
abdomen were separated and each part weighed individually. Linear dimensions
were measured to the nearest 0-2 mm using calipers, while wing areas were
determined from tracing wings on graph paper and either weighing the paper or
counting the number of square millimeters contained. Surface areas for body parts
were calculated using appropriate geometrical equations.
Oxygen consumption (Vo2) was measured by flying bees in an airtight 4-1 glass
jar for at least 5 min continuously. A 50 cm3 air sample was removed after the flight
period with a syringe and injected into an oxygen analyser (Applied Electro-
chemistry S-3A) at a constant rate of 25 cm3 min" 1 using a perfusion pump. An
initial reference gas sample was handled similarly. Both gas samples were injected
through a combination of Drierite® and Ascarite® before analysis to remove water
vapour and CO2. Oxygen consumption rate during hovering flight was then
calculated for STP conditions using standard equations for closed respirometry
systems. Cooling curves for honey bees were determined on freshly killed bees; bees
were killed by injecting 1—5 pil ethyl acetate into the thorax at the junction of the
thorax and pedicel. Rate of cooling for bees in the absence of forced convection was
measured by heating the bees up to 50°C in an oven, then rapidly placing them into
a 1000 cm3 Erlenmeyer flask immersed in a constant temperature (25 °C) water
bath. The temperatures of the bee thoraces were monitored constantly using a 44-ga
thermocouple connected to a Bailey Bat-12 thermocouple thermometer which was
connected to a channelyser and chart recorder (Bailey Instruments, Inc.). The jar
Temperature regulation of honey bees 3
temperature was recorded simultaneously by scanning with the channelyser every
Thoracic conductance (Cth) of individual bees was determined at various wind
speeds by implanting 44-ga thermocouples in the thorax. The bees were suspended
in the centre of a laminar flow wind tunnel by glueing the wings to toothpicks which
were anchored in clay. The clay was secured to the sides of the tunnel. A
microscope light was used to heat the bee until thoracic temperature (T,h) was at
least 50°C. The heat source was then switched off and the wind tunnel fan engaged,
while continuously recording thoracic and air temperatures (cooling rates were not
measured until wind speed stabilized). A similar method was employed for
measuring head conductance (Ch), although some error may result in the cooling
coefficient since heat is lost at a rate proportional to the difference between the
equilibrium head temperature and the temperature of the head at any time (Hegel &
Casey, 1982). Abdominal conductance (Cab) at different wind speeds was cal-
culated from the following equation:
where C(0) is the conductance of the respective body part in the absence of forced
convection and C(v) the conductance at different wind speeds.
Field work
Honey bees were captured in the field, held between thumb and finger using a
latex glove, and a 40-ga thermocouple implanted in the tip of a 30-ga needle was
quickly inserted into either the head, thorax or abdomen. The thermocouple was
•connected to a Bailey Bat-12 thermocouple thermometer and the temperature of the
various body parts was recorded within 3 s. Only one temperature measurement was
made per bee to avoid problems with cooling during the measurement period.
Shade temperature was recorded at various intervals, usually every lOmin, by using
the same probe and holding it in the shade approximately 1 m above soil surface.
Cosine-corrected short-wave radiation was measured with a Li-Cor 200S
pyranometer. Ground-reflected radiation was measured occasionally by inverting
the radiation sensor over open ground. Wind speed was measured using a hot ball
anemometer (Chappell, 1982), which was previously calibrated in a wind tunnel.
Both wind speed and radiation were mqnitored continuously with the sensors
located 2 m above ground and recorded on a Hewlett-Packard 7100B dual channel
Q = S + R + AE + C + M, (1)
where Q is total heat flux, S is solar radiation, R is thermal radiation into and away
from the bee, A is the latent heat of evaporation, E is the rate of evaporation, C is
convectional exchange with the air and M is the metabolic rate of the honey bee.
Net changes in heat (Q = 0) were assumed to result in either changes in bee body
temperature or variations in the rate of evaporation.
Solar radiation (S | ) was determined from the pyranometer measurements, with
reflected ground radiation (S ] ) estimated using an albedo of 25 % (based upon the
several measurements with the pyranometer inverted). Incoming long wave
radiation (L j ) was estimated using the formula of Swinbank (1963) where
L | =<5Ta6 with <5=5-31Xl(T 13 Wm~ 2o K~ 6 and T a is air temperature. Out-
going long wave radiation (L f ) was estimated using the Stefan-Boltzman relation,
L | = aT s 4 , with T s the ground surface temperature and o= 5-67X 10~8 W
m °K~4. The air and the corresponding surface temperatures used in calculations
were 20, 27; 30, 42; and 40, 55°C.
Absorptivity of honey bees was assumed to be 0-91 (Willmer & Unwin, 1981)
while surface areas exposed to radiation varied with radiation source. With solar
radiation (S | ) only 25 % of the surface area was assumed to be irradiated (as in a
sphere, Monteith, 1973), while the other forms of radiation (S \ , L | and L f )
were assumed to involve 50% of the surface area (Kenagy & Stevenson, 1982). Bee
radiative heat loss was calculated using the Stefan-Boltzman relation, assuming an
emissivity of 0-97 with T s equal to bee surface temperature, which was assumed to
be air temperature for flying bees (Mahoney & King, 1977).
Metabolic heat gain was estimated from oxygen consumption measurements,
assuming that 80% of energy produced was in the form of heat (Hegel & Casey,
1982). Normal flight evaporative water loss (cuticular plus spiracular loss) was
assumed to be approximately 10% of the metabolic rate (Heinrich, 1975; Nicolson
& Louw, 1982). Convective heat exchange was estimated by multiplying the various
body part conductances by the gradients for heat loss (Tt,—Ta). Tb was the average
temperature measured for arriving bees - either head, thorax or abdomen. T a was
assumed to be the mid-point of the T a range in which the measurements were made.
As a result, convective heat loss may be overestimated as conductance is not equal to
the convective coefficient, but may be somewhat greater (Kingsolver & Moffatt,
Budget error analysis
Our heat budget can be criticized because of the inherent error in convective heat
loss associated with our use of the conductance, rather than the true convective
coefficient. The error associated with our method may result in an overestimate of
convective cooling but presumably this is a small error. However our assumption
that bee surface temperature equals ambient temperature may be invalid, as Cena &
Clark (1972) found that thoracic surface temperatures of bees returning to the hive
could be as high as 20°C above ambient at low ambient temperatures. Our estimate
of radiational heat loss could be underestimated by 25 % at 20°C.
Our calculation for heat production was determined from the energy cost
associated with hovering flight. However, the power needed for flight decreases as
forward flight speed increases (Pennycuick, 1972). If bees fly at the minimum
power for transport, metabolic heat production during flight is probably lower than
Temperature regulation of honey bees 5
the values in our budget. Since we do not know the change in metabolism with
increasing flight speed though, we cannot calculate the error associated with this
part of our budget. Changes in radiant heat gain will vary with time of day. If we
assume that T a and T s are constant (which is unlikely), we can calculate the
variation in heat gain dependent only on the change in short-wave radiation. Thus
at T a = 30°C and T s = 42°C, bees will gain 0-111 W and 0-146 W when short-wave
radiation (S) is 600 and 1200 Wm~ 2 , respectively. Short-wave radiant energy was
approximately 850 Wm~ 2 for our calculated value of 0-121 W under the same T a
and T s conditions, and our maximum error is 20%.
At low temperatures, then, we may be underestimating heat loss, but at high
temperatures when T t h = T a , our heat budget error is approximately 10%.
Fig. 1. Thoracic and head conductance of honey bees in relation to the square root of wind
velocity. Means ± 2 standard errors. Points are fitted by straight line least squares regression. Cth
= l-93V 1/2 +1-40 ( ^ = 0-97), C h = O81V 1/2 +0-34 (>-2 = 0-95).
Table 2. Heat budget for Apis mellifera/Tymg at 3 m s ' under clear sky conditions
Temperature (°C) Gain Loss
•Water loss rate equal to 0035 mg H 2 O s ' or 127-4 % body mass h"
All values are for 100-mg bee and are expressed in W.
Heat loss by evaporation at 40 °C is determined by subtraction.
Heat budgets of flying honey bees were constructed using body temperatures of
bees measured in the field and the appropriate ambient temperatures, thoracic and
head conductance measured at different wind speeds, the amount of radiation
present under clear sky conditions and the heat production associated with
metabolism of flying bees determined in the laboratory (Table 2). With increasing
temperature, radiative heat gain and loss increase, and convective heat loss
decreases. At the lower temperatures there is a net heat efflux, while evaporative
Temperature regulation of honey bees 7
cooling must occur at the highest temperatures if T b is kept within normal limits.
By iterating this approach at different flight speeds, a family of curves can be
constructed relating net heat exchange to ambient temperature (Fig. 2). At slow
flight speeds, bees will gain heat at all temperatures, but as flight speed increases,
bees begin to gain heat only at progressively higher temperatures.
Field studies
Temperatures of head, thorax and abdomen of both departing and arriving bees
are shown in relation to local shade temperature in Fig. 3. Temperatures of
departing bees are relatively independent of shade temperatures, but arriving bee
temperatures have a sigmoidal relation with increasing shade temperature. Below
40 °C, temperatures of both heads and thoraces of arriving and departing bees are
maintained above T a , while abdominal temperatures of arriving bees are nearly
always close to ambient temperatures.
To determine the effect of various types of foraging on bee body temperatures,
we divided arriving bees into three groups according to their activity immediately
before capture for temperature measurement: (1) bees not carrying pollen and with
no fluid observed on the proboscis (NPNF), (2) bees not carrying pollen and with
fluid observed on the proboscis (NPF), and (3) bees carrying pollen but no fluid
regurgitation observed (PNF). Results of these experiments are given in Table 3.
Two trends are apparent, (1) bees with fluid extruded are cooler than bees without
fluid, and (2) pollen carriers tend to be the hottest bees by 2-3°C at the highest
temperatures. Additionally, as shade temperature increased, an increasing pro-
Fig. 2. Calculated net heat exchange (not including evaporative water loss) of honey bees in flight
at various velocities plotted against ambient temperature under clear sky conditions. Heat gain
would occur at T a = 30°C for bees flying at 3 m s " ' and at 33°C for bees flying at 5'1 m s " 1 .
8 P. D . C O O P E R , W. M. S C H A F F E R AND' S. L . BUCHMANN
portion of nectar foragers were observed to have fluid on the proboscis, while few
pollen carriers ever had fluid droplets (Fig. 4). Stomach content analysis of 19
pollen foragers performed at the time of temperature measurements yielded an
average crop content of 1'3/u.l, with 15 of the 19 bees having completely empty
crops, compared with a mean content of 79fi\ in fluid-carrying bees. The
proportion of foragers with pollen also decreased at the higher temperatures
(Fig. 4).
Higher thoracic temperatures with higher wing loads would be expected if
metabolic rate was elevated to offset the higher lift requirement. However, as wing
load increased, thoracic temperature decreased (Fig. 5) at ambient temperatures
above 35 °C. This may be explained by assuming that the heaviest bees (those with
the higher wing loads) are more likely to use evaporative cooling. The mean weight
of droplet-carrying bees is 107-9 ±3-0mg (JV=23) compared to 98-7 ± 2-5 mg
(iV= 74) (P< 0-10) for foraging bees not carrying droplets.
Foraging bees have an alternative method for controlling body temperature
within normal ranges. They can cease flying and allow themselves to lose heat
passively. This method typically results in thoracic temperature decreases of about
2°C (42-7 ± 0-2 vs 40-8 ± 0-4°C) within 15 s at ambient temperatures of 36-37°C.
Thermoregulation in flying insects has been investigated with respect to effects of
metabolic rate, body size, behaviour and orientation and the possible advantages of
high body temperatures during foraging (May, 1979; Kammer, 1981; Casey, 1981;
Willmer, 1982a). Heinrich (1979c) integrated many of these aspects of thermo-
regulation in presenting his overview of bumble-bee ecology. Recently, several
studies have included the effect of microclimate on body temperature in flying
insects in the field (Chappell, 1982; Kingsolver & Moffat, 1982; Willmer, 1982fe,c).
The studies on Xylocopa californica (Chappell, 1982) and Colias eurytheme (King-
solver & Moffat, 1982) indicated that heat budgets calculated from laboratory
models can be used to predict temperatures of insects flying in the field. Our model
has allowed us to estimate the relative importance of convective and evaporative
cooling for honey bees flying at high ambient temperatures commonly occurring in
the desert (Table 3).
Foraging bees
Low ambient temperature flight
The model of heat transfer indicates that honey bees will have a net heat loss
during flight at low T a . The field data support this prediction as bees returning to
the hive at ambient temperatures below 27°C are cooler than departing bees.
Continuous flight at ambient temperatures below 20°C will result in thoracic
Fig. 3. Body temperatures of Apis mellifera caucasica arriving and departing from a standard
Langstroth hive plotted against air temperature in the shade. (A) Head temperatures, T h ; (B)
thoracic temperatures, T t h ; (C) abdominal temperatures, T a b J . Means ± confidence interval.
Numbers of bees in parentheses. O, arriving bees; • , departing bees.
Temperature regulation of honey bees
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Fig. 3
Table 3. Influence of pollen and regurgitation on temperatures of arriving Caucasian honey bees
X 95 % CI X 95 % CI X 95 % CI n
20-25 51 33-69f 0-6 0 — 27 34-90f 0-5
25-30 21 36-93 0-8 0 20 37-04 0-5
30-34 9 39-81 1-3 1 4010 11 40-19 0-7
34-38 18 39-72f 0-8 1 42 30f — 17 4105 0-8
38-42 73 40-28t 0-4 24 38-94f 0-7 3 4203 6-2
20-25 47 37-71 0-7 0 35 37-73 0-5 n
25-30 26 40-66 0-8 0 22 40-69 0-7 x
30-34 31 42-02f 0-7 3 41-73 4-2 19 43-95f 0-5
34-38 120 42-69J: 0-3 11 41-80J: 11 17 44-16-j- 0-5
38-42 50 44-18f 0-6 39 43-22f 0-7 7 4613f l-V
20-25 41 29-25 0-6 0 24 28-90 0-5
25-30 25 32-82 0-8 0 _ 18 31-85 0-6
30-34 14 36-39 10 0 — — 11 37-43 0-6
34-38 12 37-51f 10 1 42-40 — 19 38-96t 0-9
38-42 67 39-60t 0-6 25 38-21t 1-0 3 41-30 2-4
Statistical differences relative to NPNF temperatures. c
Mean and 95 % confidence interval. n
• N P N F , no pollen, no fluid; NPF, no pollen, fluid on proboscis; PNF, pollen, no fluid.
t-P<005; I 0 >
Temperature regulation of honey bees 11
0-50 •
Fig. 4. Proportion of returning honey bees extruding a droplet of fluid on the tongue. Proportion
increases with air temperature in the shade (T s ) for nectar and water collectors (hollow circles).
Pollen gatherers (solid circles) almost never regurgitated fluid. Proportion of bees returning with
pollen (triangles) declines for T 3 exceeding 38°C. Values determined from pooling data for 5°
intervals between 20 and 30°C, 8° intervals between 30 and 38°C and the 4° interval between 38
and 42°C. Lines fitted by eye.
° ° <6 . g> 0
0 " — Q —-———
o 0 0
40 o 0
30 •
20 30 40
Wing load (N m" 2 )
Fig. 5. Relation between thoracic temperature and wing-loading for bees flying at temperatures
between 35 and 40°C under clear sky conditions. Line fitted by least squares regression T, h =
47-22-0-123 (WL), r = 0-415, jV= 40. Slope significantly different from zero (t = 2-81, df = 38,
increased metabolism associated with slower flight speed (Pennycuick, 1972) may
preclude this possibility. More reasonably, bees could alternate between flying and
warming-up as Heinrich (197%) suggested, permitting foraging at lower tem-
low temperatures when honeybees would be losing heat during flight and this might
prevent observation of any effects of foraging load on thoracic temperatures.
Foraging for nectar and water does not appear to be limited by normal tem-
peratures in the Sonoran desert. Pollen foraging may be limited at high T a .
However availability of pollen may also be low during the hottest periods of the day,
as most anthers dehisce either in the morning or evening. If bees overheat, they can
quickly land and cool off in favourable microclimates which occur on plants (see
above). Thus 'resting bees' discussed in a previous paper (Schaffer et al. 1979) may
actually be overheated, rather than out of energy. Although bees began flying again
when given a 25 % sugar solution, they might have done this if only water had been
Body weight, heat balance and ambient temperature can be tentatively integrated
in Fig. 6. The ambient temperature isoclines increase in temperature from right to
left. The critical temperature is the ambient temperature when empty bees (no
fluids in honey stomach) are gaining heat during flight (point where dotted lines
intersect). At lower temperatures, unladen bees actually lose heat during flight, as
indicated by the intersection of temperature isoclines at progressively more negative
points on the empty bee line. Bees loaded with nectar or water are able to fly and
maintain body temperature by evaporative cooling at temperatures when empty
bees of the same mass begin to increase body temperature.
PollenTcarriers are represented on the graph as empty bees. By eliminating the
possibility of evaporative cooling, any increase in weight would automatically result
in an increase in net heat gain. This response is what we believe is observed in the
increased body temperatures of pollen collectors.
This study is consistent with the previous suggestion (Schaffer et al. 1979) that
14 P. D. C O O P E R , W. M. S C H A F F E R AND S. L . BUCHMANN
honey bees stop foraging on Agave schottii above 35 °C, not as a result of individual
thermoregulatory problems, but rather in response to the increased requirements
for fluid necessary for hive thermoregulation. Our calculations indicate that a single
bee could continue to forage at profit, with respect to both energy and fluid, on the
agaves. Possibly the response of hive bees to bees bringing in relatively small loads
is decreased at high temperature. If bees switch to foraging on flowers with either
more dilute nectar or which contain greater quantities of nectar, the rate of fluid
and/or energy brought into the hive would be increased. Studies on artificially
heated hives and colonies indicate that at high temperatures both nectar foraging
and water foraging increase (unpublished data), suggesting that if nectar is available
in large quantities, foraging would be stimulated to increase the rate at which it
enters the hive. Thus the reduced foraging on Agave schottii at high temperatures
may reflect the colony requirements for resources, and not a simple individual bee
thermoregulatory response.
This work was supported by NSF grant DEB-80-03783. We would like to thank
M. Glass, M. Hardy, R. Sumner and D. Vleck for assistance in various aspects of
the work. We especially appreciated the maintenance of the experimental hives
performed by C. Shipman and USDA-ARS Carl Hayden Bee Research Laboratory
for the use of their facilities. We thank M. D. Buchmann for the illustrations in
Fig. 3. The manuscript was improved thanks to the efforts of P. Adams, T. Casey,
M. Chappell, E. Edney, B. Heinrich and two anonymous reviewers.
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