Chapter 14
Chapter 14
Chapter 14
Reportable Segment
Significant to an enterprise’s operations.
Has passed one of three 10% tests or
Determined to be reportable by other criteria.
Revenue Test
LO34 Determine
LO Determinean
a operating
operating segment.
Standards of Financial Accounting and Reporting
Information to be Presented
Geographic Areas
Where operations in foreign countries are grouped into
geographic areas, the groupings should consider
1. proximity,
2. economic affinity,
3. similarities of business environments, and
4. the nature, scale, and degree of interrelationship of
the operations in the various countries.
Exercise 14-8: Spur Company’s actual earnings for the first two
quarters of 2008 and its estimate during each quarter of its
annual earnings are:
Actual first-quarter earnings $ 400,000
Actual second-quarter earnings 510,000
First-quarter estimate of annual earnings 1,350,000
Second-quarter estimate of annual earnings 1,420,000
Spur Company estimated its permanent differences between
accounting income and taxable income for 2008 as:
Environmental violation penalties $ 25,000
Dividend income exclusion 180,000
The combined state and federal tax rate for 2008 is 42%.
Interim Financial Reporting – Income Taxes
First Quarter
Estimated Annual Earnings $ 1,350,000
Add: Environmental Violation Penalties 25,000
Deduct: Dividend Income Exclusion (180,000)
Estimated Taxable Income $ 1,195,000
Estimated Annual Income Tax Payable * $ 501,900
Estimated Effective Combined Annual Tax Rate ** 37.2%
Actual First Quarter Earnings x 400,000
First Quarter Income Tax Provision (Expense) $ 148,800
Second Quarter
Estimated Annual Earnings $ 1,420,000
Deduct: Net Permanent Difference ($180,000-$25,000) (155,000)
Estimated Taxable Income $ 1,265,000
Estimated Annual Income Tax Payable * $ 531,300
Estimated Effective Combined Annual Tax Rate ** 37.4%
Cumulative Income to Date ($400,000 + $510,000) x $ 910,000
Cumulative Tax Provision Needed 340,340
Tax Provision in 1st Quarter 148,800
Tax Provision in 2st Quarter $ 191,540
* $340,340 - $148,800
Interim Financial Reporting