Demo Flow (Facilitator/trainer)

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Demo Flow (facilitator/trainer)

1. Introducing Yourself
- Good morning everyone!! Welcome to Camiguin School of Arts and Trades.
Thank you for choosing CSAT as your training venue for Food and
Beverage Services NCII
2. I am Roselyn M. Bajao, I will be your trainer in Food and Beverage Services
3. Checking of Attendance
Kindly raise your right hand once your name is called.
*roll calls

3. Introducing CBT

- During the induction program it has been said that our school is
administered by TESDA thus, we use CBT as a mode of instruction. Now, who
can tell me what is CBT? OK Very good. CBT is a training delivery approach
that focuses on the competency development of the learner and emphasizes
on what the learner can actually be. Basically, CBT gives more value on the
outcome or the skills acquired during the process. It is also based on the
principle that learners have their own learning characteristics. One learner
might comprehend better and faster than the other that means to say it is
self-paced or individualized.

Moreover, CBT also allows recognition of prior learning so if you can present
to me any evidence that you have previous experience in FBS then you can
freely ask me for your skill evaluation

4. Role of trainer and trainees (check plan training session)

trainer- to assess, evaluate and be a facilitator of the training program

trainees- you will be held responsible for your performance in the activities.
You are responsible for what you will learn and when you will learn
- For our assessment procedure, you will undergo written examination and

skills demonstration with oral questioning. You will be rated based on

standard performance criteria. Once you passed, you will then be recognized

as competent.

5. Orient trainees on workshop and its station

Now, I will take you to the work stations. This is our learning resource area
where learners are provided with the knowledge required in each modules. It
is a place where projects can be planned and self-learning is based.

This is the tool and equipment area where necessary tools/equipments are
found in order to perform specific tasks

This is the practical work area where skills are provided. This is where you
will learn practical skills.

Lastly, the trainers’ resource center where learning materials, training

regulations and curriculum exemplars. This is also the place where
instructors produce training materials.

*Now let’s talk about CBLM.CBLM- Competency Based Learning Material

serves as the main material used in teaching the core competencies under
the course FBS. It is composed of information sheets that you need to read
in order to gain information on the topics. You can also find Self check to
assess yourselves as well as Task sheets that are intended to be performed.

6. Conducting self-assessment check

I have here a self-assessment tool which will determine your current

competencies and training needs. I want you to honestly assess yourselves. Check
yes if you are competent in that particular area and check No if you are not yet
competent or you still need training on the particular area. You will be given 5
minutes to fill this up. Am I understood? Any questions? Okay, Now I already have
the accomplished self assessment tool and it seems that a few of you already have
prior knowledge on the course and most of you don’t know anything about FBS. So,
to fill this gap, let me divide you into 6 groups since we have 6 core competencies
for FBS.

*groups trainees into

1. Prepare the dining room/restaurant area for service

2. Welcome guests and take food and beverage orders

3. Promote food and beverage products

4. Provide food and beverage services to guests

5. Provide room service

6. Receive and handle guest concerns


Okay ______ Now that I’m done with the presentation I want you to perform this
task. I will give you 30 minutes to perform this task. I will be back after a short

*goes to each group and monitor their performance

*Ok very good, you are now competent and you can now proceed to the next core.

*records achievement

Since you are now competent, you are now ready to take the national assessment.
Please ask the processing officer Mrs. Bisen for your application form. Before you
leave, kindly fill up the Training Session Evaluation form. Good luck on your national

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