Chemcon 2013: Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Naphtha Reforming Process On ASPEN Plus Platform
Chemcon 2013: Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Naphtha Reforming Process On ASPEN Plus Platform
Chemcon 2013: Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Naphtha Reforming Process On ASPEN Plus Platform
66 Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers
Hosted at Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai 400 019
27-30 December 2013
Department of Chemical Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Rajasthan-333031, India.,,,
Abstract: Naphtha Reforming is an integral part of the petroleum refining industry. It is necessary for obtaining high octane
gasoline from naphtha feedstock. This high octane gasoline is obtained by a nominal presence of aromatic in the C1-C4
fractions present as gasoline. There are a number of reactions involved in the reforming process. Some of the reactions are
favorable for the gasoline production while others are undesirable. The process of reforming aims to the conversion of low
octane component into a high octane component without changing its boiling characteristics.
In the present study, the modelling and simulation of a semi regenerative reforming process has been done on the ASPEN Plus
platform and the best operating conditions of reactor temperature as 550 °F and the hydrogen to hydrocarbon feed ratio as 0.67
have been optimized for the process on the basis of varying parameters. At these conditions we get the best high octane number
gasoline component from naphtha feedstock. These conditions can well be created by combining this endothermic process of
reforming with an exothermic process of hydrogenation of nitrobenzene to get optimal heat integration of the process.
different compounds that determine the physical properties To ensure that catalytic reformers perform reliably, both
are highly variable and depend on the crude oil origin. reactor and catalyst conditions must be maintained. Ren [7]
reported through experimental results that a full recovery of
Full-range naphtha is the fraction of the crude oil boiling the activity of the clean catalyst is not achieved by the
between 30°C and 200°C, and constitutes typically 15–30% regeneration process, and that the quality of regeneration
by weight of the crude oil. This includes hydrocarbons depends on the coke content reached during the
ranging from C5 to C12, some sulfur, and small amounts of deactivation /regeneration cycle.
nitrogen. Metal containing compounds are usually not
1.2.1 Catalytic reforming process
present. The naphtha obtained directly from the
atmospheric crude distillation column is termed straight run Reforming processes are usually classified as
(SR). However, naphtha is also produced during processing semiregenerative, cyclic (fully) regenerative, and
of the heavier parts of the crude oil (e.g., Catalytic cracker continuous (moving-bed) regenerative processes based on
naphtha, visbreaker naphtha, Coker naphtha). As opposed their mode of operation, severity, and mode of
to the straight-run streams, these naphthas also contain regeneration. A short review of the reforming processes is
olefinic hydrocarbons. Light naphtha is the fraction boiling provided in [5].
from 30°C to 90°C, containing the C5 and C6
hydrocarbons. Heavy naphtha is the fraction boiling from 1.3 Licensed reforming processes
90°C to 200°C. The term ‘medium naphtha’ is sometimes Catalytic naphtha reforming is the technology that
used for the fraction of this heavy cut that boils below combines catalyst, hardware, and process to produce high-
150°C and includes mostly C7–C9 hydrocarbons [5]. octane reformate for gasoline blending or aromatics for
1.2 Naphtha reforming processes petrochemical feedstock. Reformers are also the source of
much needed hydrogen for hydroprocessing operations.
Catalytic reforming technologies and processes have been Several commercial processes are available worldwide, and
the subject of numerous discussions and reviews over the the licensing of technology for semiregenerative and
past 50 years seen by Raymond et al. Since the pioneering continuous reforming is dominated by UOP and Axens
work of Vladimir Haensel and UOP on platinum on (formerly IFP) technologies [5].
alumina catalyst and platforming in the 1940s, catalytic
reforming technology has evolved from semiregenerative,
fixed-bed processes to the more energy efficient, highly Table 1: Operating parameters for flowsheet [6]
reliable, low operating cost, and continuous catalyst Operating parameters Range
reforming units.
Naphtha feed stock 30410 kg/hr
Temperature of reactor 470 °F
Typical process objectives are the upgrading of low octane
naphthas to high octane gasoline blending components, Typical properties of catalyst
production of aromatic and chemical feedstock, and
dp 1.2 mm
production of hydrogen. Over the past five decades,
numerous advancements have been made with respect to sa 220 m2/g
key reforming processes and in the development of high-
ϵ 0.36
performance catalysts. In the current environment of low-
sulfur gasoline and ultra low-sulfur diesel regulations for
reducing air pollutants, catalytic reformers and in 2. Material and Methods:
particular, continuous reformers have become
indispensable as support to refiners’ plans for installation Optimization of naphtha hydrotreating processes has been a
of enhanced processes for hydrotreating catalytic cracker major concern of the industries with studies like Sepehr et
feed, distillates, and catalytic cracker gasoline. Refiners al. In conventional fixed-bed reforming the naphtha
will be relying on their catalytic reformers for reliable (middle distillates of an atmospheric distillation column or
hydrogen supply for the various desulfurization processes condensate from gas reservoirs) feedstock is combined with
required to achieve near-zero-sulfur gasoline and ultra low- a recycle gas stream contain 60%-90% (by mole) hydrogen
sulfur diesel. [9]. Hydrogen can adjust the H2/HC ratio through the
reactors to reduce the coke formation and also it sweeps the
products through the catalyst pores. The total reactor
Chemcon 2013
66 Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers
Hosted at Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai 400 019
27-30 December 2013
charge is heated and passed through the catalytic reformers, On the modeling and simulation of the whole process
which are designed with three adiabatically operated according to the specified conditions, we have studied the
reactors and three kilns between the reactors to maintain varying effect of temperature and hydrogen to naphtha feed
the reaction temperatures at design levels. The effluent ratio. On varying the parameters in a particular operable
from the last reactor is cooled, and then enters the product range the corresponding reformate compositions were
separators. The off gases and reformates are separated from calculated and the best operating conditions for the process
the above and bottom of the separator, respectively. Figure were judged.
3 shows the ASPEN Flowsheet of the process. The
3.1 Effect of temperature on naphtha reforming process
naphtha feed is sent to pump1 from where it is pumped to
mixer1 and mixed with hydrogen recycle in the desired At keeping the feed flow rate of 30410 kg/hr constant, we
ratio. It is then sent through a heat exchanger and series of varied the reactor temperature range between 350 to 550
furnaces before being fed into the reactors, to raise the °F, above and below which the process becomes inoperable
streams up to the required reaction temperature. The for the other specified parameters. It was observed that as
reactors work on specified input conditions. The product the temperature increases, the composition of aromatics in
moves through the reactors and is cooled and stabilized the gasoline which comes out of reformate1 in the
after which the column1 fractionates the product to get flowsheet also increases (Figure 1).
reformate1 as gasoline and reformate2 as heavier
hydrocarbons. This gasoline has a small percentage of Similarly the composition of lower hydrocarbons also
aromatics present in it to give the gasoline a good octane increases with temperature. With increasing temperature
number. along the first reactor, product yield increases slowly and
for second reactor main product yield increases sharply.
2.1 Reaction kinetics: This is because the naphtha cracking reactions are
Considering the simplified model suggested [2], four endothermic. The reaction rate accelerates with increase in
dominant idealized reactions can be used to describe the temperature (Figure 4). Most of the reactions are performed
catalytic reforming process so that the catalytic reforming in the second reactor so that the aromatic concentration
system can be simplified significantly. The reactions are as increases in the second reactor.
follows [2] :
3.2 Effect of hydrogen to naphtha feed ratio on naphtha
1) Dehydrogenation of naphthenes to aromatics reforming process
We keep the reforming process functional at a constant
Naphthenes (CnH2n) ---> Aromatics (CnH2n6)+3H2 reactor temperature of 470°F while we vary the feed flow
rate from a range of 29605 to 40000 kg /hr. The hydrogen
2) Dehydrocyclization of paraffins to naphthenes
rate is kept 50 kg/hr. The composition in reformate1 of
Naphthenes (CnH2n) + H 2 ------> Paraffins(CnH2n+2) aromatics as well as lower hydrocarbons increases with the
feed ratio (Figure 5).
3) Hydrocracking of naphthenes to lower hydrocarbon
Figure 2: Process Flowsheet of Semi Regenerative Catalytic Naphtha Reforming Process [2]
Chemcon 2013
66 Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers
Hosted at Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai 400 019
27-30 December 2013
[1] Z.M Shakoor., “Catalytic reforming of heavy naphtha,
analysis and simulation”, Diyala Journal of Engineering
Sciences, 4(2) 2011, 86-104.