IOCL Haldia Report
IOCL Haldia Report
IOCL Haldia Report
It is certified that the project report entitled “STUDY OF WORK PERMIT SYSTEM AS
my guidance during 14 days starting from 27 May to 8 June. The same is hereby approved
Mr. AK Raghuvanshi
HOD & DGM (Fire and Safety)
IOCL Haldia Refinery
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................ 5
PLANT OVERVIEW .......................................................................... 7
HALDIA REFINERY PRODUCTS ................................................... 9
FUEL OIL BLOCK ........................................................................... 10
LUBE OIL BLOCK .......................................................................... 12
VIS-BREAKER UNIT ....................................................................... 17
BITUMEN ......................................................................................... 24
EFFLUENTTREATMENT PLANT................................................. 26
BASIC TERMINOLOGY ................................................................ 33
EXTINGUISHING AGENT ............................................................. 36
SOURCES OF IGNITION ............................................................... 37
PERMIT TO WORK……………………………………………….40
WORKS REQUIRE PERMIT……………………………………..43
CONFINED ENTRY PERMIT…………………………………….46
COLD WORK PERMIT…………………………………………...55
HOT WORK PERMIT………………………………………….....55
WORK AT HIGHT……………………………………………….56
EXCAVATION …………………………………………………..57
ELECTRICAL WORK PERMIT ………………………………...57
RADIATION PERMIT …………………………………………..58
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Training and Placement cell
of National Fire Service College and Indian oil corporation Ltd, Haldia
management for providing us with the opportunity to undertake our Industrial
training in one of the most technically advanced and reputed refinerie in India.
We would like to
personally thank:
And all the members of I.O.C.L. of Haldia refinery for making our training
This report is based on the project dissertation in I.O.C.L. Haldia. I.O.C.L is one
of the most advanced plant in India for oil refining. I.O.C.L has been using
American, Japanese & Russian technology. The raw material that is used in plant
is also imported from Arabian countries, transported by ship. Haldia refinery was
initially lube oil based refinery. Total production capacity of plant is 7.6 MMTPA.
This report is organised with various types of pressure, temperature, flow & Level
measuring instruments.
1. Hydro Cracker
2. Hydrogen Generation Unit
3. Nitrogen generation Unit
3. Motor spirit(MS)
4. Bitumen
15. H2SO4
16. Naphtha
The crude distillation unit at Haldia Refinery was designed for processing of 2.5
MMTPA of Agajhari crude with a processing rate of 7500 MT per day
considering 8000 on stream hrs. per Annum. The unit was debottlenecked in
Dec’84 to 2.75 MMTPA by minor modifications. After that trays and column
internals replacement was undertaken in May’88 with the help of M/S EIL to suit
the column to process 3.16 MMTPA.Subsequently a prefractionator column was
installed in May’96. With the addition of the prefractionator the capacity of CDU
has increased to 10500 MT/Day of upper Zakum or Arab mix crude which is
equivalent to 3.5 MMTPA considering 8000 stream hours per year.
• De-ethaniser
• Amine washing of LPG
• Depropaniser
Crude oil is heated to 1200 to1300C in the first set of pre heat exchanger
before feeding to the Desalter. Crude is desalted to the extent of 95% in the
Desalter. Crude is there after heated to approximately 180-200 C in the
second set of heat exchangers and pretopped in the Prefractionator column
to get overhead gasoline from the top(IBP-140) and pretopped crude from
the bottom of the column. Again crude is heated to 260-265 C in the third
set of exchangers and 350-360 in the furnace. The crude oil is then
fractionated in the atmospheric distillation column (11C01) to obtain the
following streams.
The unit capacity after 2005 revamp was 216 MT/Yr, with an on stream
factor of 800 hours. In the revamp, the first old axial reactor has been
removed and a new radial reactor has been put on service as third reactor.
Also, the second old interheater has been removed and a new heater put on
service as a first interheater.
This describes all the necessary procedures for the start-up, operation and
shut down of 577,500 TPA Kerosene Hydro Desulphurisation Unit.
Installation of mounted APH with FD fans and replacement of existing
natural draft burners with forced draft low NOx and low excess air burners
in KHDS furnace has not only increased the overall efficiency of the
furnace but also net savings in terms of capital cost by removing FO
consumption in the furnace. This unit was built by TECHNIP and it uses a
process licence jointly developed by Indian Institute of Petroleum and
Institute Francis Du Petrole, France.
The Kero Hydro De Sulphurisation unit is designed for 577,500 tons per
year capacity with 8200 on stream hours.
Lube Oil Block comprises of the following units:
The typical lube oil base stock processing circuit is shown below for
Haldia Refinery.
• Important Properties of Lube Oil
The major properties for any LOBS are as follows:
3. Flash Point
It indicates the highest application temperature at which the oil would work
without getting deteriorated. [also this is an indicator of vaporization loss]
4. Pour Point
It indicates the lowest temperature at which the oil would remain in liquid state,
thereby maintaining its fluidity intact, as because very low temperatures may
be encountered in land of caprice climate (e.g. at Leh etc.).
5. Colour
Lube Oil Base Stock should be water-like in appearance, the colour that is seen
in most of the marketed lube oils are due to the additives that are added in LOBS.
This colour is imparted mainly due to unsaturated/aromatics leftover in the
finished LOBS.
6. Oxidation Stability
Oxidation stability is required so as to reduce any chance of polymerization (due
to contact with oxygen at some elevated temperature. This happens due to the
presence of unsaturated.
• Process Description:-
All these products are cooled in the feed preheat exchangers followed by water
or tempered water coolers. VR is drawn from the bottom of the column and is
routed to tanks after exchanging heat with the feed stream followed by steam
boilers and tempered water coolers.
• Advantages:-
As the boiling points reduce with decrease in pressure, RCO need not be raised
to very high temperature for further distillation. At high cracking phenomena
shall get promoted leading to coke formation in pipe lines, columns, vessels etc.
Coke deposition is strictly undesired as it leads to blockage/ clogging of pipes
and restricts flow leading to unwanted unit interruptions. Vacuum distillation
helps to avoid such occurrence.
To recover the valuable oil left in the Vacuum Residue from VDU
bottoms. Around 25-30 % oil is left in the VR/ SR which can’t be
recovered in the VDU. The recovered oil called DAO (De-asphalted Oil)
is a very good feed stock for high viscosity LOBS manufacturing.
Feed VR (Vacuum Residue) from VDU bottoms
Products DAO (De-asphalted Oil)
800000 MT/Yr
DAO is recovered by means of Extraction process with liquid
propane as a solvent. Propane dissolves the oil and rejects the
Methodology asphalts. Propane has a reverse solubility for asphalt and thus DAO
quality improves with increase in extraction temperature.
Pressure 38 Kg/ Cm2(g)
Temperature 60-80 C
Propane to 6 to 12
Feed Ratio
M.W. Kellog Technology Co. USA
• Process description:-
VR feed is diluted with propane solvent and sent to extractor columns C 01A/B/C
and C 110. Solvent propane is also fed to the extractor where counter current mass
transfer takes place. Propane dissolves the oil part and comes out from the top as
DAO Mix (contains around 80% propane) while the asphalt being heavy is
withdrawn from the bottom as Asphalt Mix. Propane is recovered both from DAO
Mix and Asphalt Mix and re-circulated in the unit again. ROSE (Residual Oil Super
Critical Extraction) technology has been used to recover the propane from the DAO
Mix phase where DAO Mix Phase is taken to its critical temperature and pressure
conditions. The propane at this state is just below its boiling point and gets
separated from DAO in a pure form in liquid state.
• Advantages:-
Recovery of high value DAO which can be upgraded to high viscosity LOBS- BN
(Bright Neutral) and BP (Bright Pale) grades. BN processing also gives wax in SDU
which is further upgraded to high valve Micro Crystalline Wax product in WHFU (U
• Operating variables:-
Temperature: Rise in extraction temperature rejects more asphalt and thus DAO quality
improves but yield decreases. Propane to Feed Ratio: Increase in ratio increase DAO
yield but degrades the quality.
Operating variables: -
Reactor temperature
System pressure
Hydrogen circulation Rate
Vis-breaker unit
• Purpose:-
To convert the high viscosity feed stock like VR/Asphalt to low viscosity products like VB
Tar/ Furnace Oil.
• Process:-
A mild thermal cracking process, A common process wherein long chain
hydrocarbon molecules in heavy feed stocks are broken into small molecules
having low viscosity, thereby leading to a viscosity reduction of feed
stock.Feed stock is heated to relatively lower temperature (435-445 Deg
C) in a furnace and partly cracked VB charge is hold in a Soaker Drum for
longer residence times (25-30 min) to achieve the required conversion.
• Process description:-
The feed after passing through a series of preheat exchanges is fed to a
furnace to raise the temperature to around 440 C. This stream is passed
through a soaker vessel where a residence time of around 30 minutes is
given. The soaker is operated at a pressure of around 10 Kg/ Cm2g. The
soaker outlet is fractionated in a column where different products are
separated to produce on spec Furnace Oil/ VB Tar.
• Advantages:-
Up gradation f low value feed stocks to valuable distillates and VB Tar
• Operating variables:-
Furnace coil outlet temperature
Soaker pressure
Residence time
• Operating parameters:-
Furnace outlet temperature: 440 – 443oC
Back pressure: 10 – 12 kg/ cm g.
Residence Time: 1200-1800 Second
DHDS block comprises of following main units:-
3. ARU
4. SRU
• Sulfur removal:
Feed stocks to the union fining .Unit contain simple mercaptanes, sulfides
anddisulfides are easily converted to H2S. Feed stocks containing hetero
atomic,aromatic molecules are preceded by initial ring opening and then sulfur
removalfollowed by saturation of the resulting olefins.
• Nitrogen removal:
De-nitrogenation is generally more difficult than desulphurization. The de-
nitrogenation of pyridine proceeds by aromatic ring saturation hydrogynolysis
andfinally de-nitrogenation.
• Oxygen removal:
Organically combined oxygen is removed by hydrogenation of the carbon hydroxyl
bond forming water and the corresponding hydrocarbon .Olefin saturation: Olefin
saturation reaction proceeds vary rapidly and have high heat of reaction.
• Aromatic saturation:
Aromatic saturation reaction is the most difficult and exothermic.
• Metal Removal:
Metal contained in the crude oil are usually nickel and vanadium. Iron is found
concentrated at the top of the catalyst bed as iron sulfide, which is corrosive. Na, Ca
and Mg are present due to the contact of the bed with salted water or additives.
Improper use of additives, to protect the fractionator overhead systems from
corrosion or to control foaming, accounts for the presence of P and Si. Lead may
also deposit on the hydro treating catalyst bed from reprocessing leaded
Gasoline through the crude unit. The total metal retention capacity of the
catalyst system can be increased by using a guard reactor or guard bed of
catalyst specially designed for de-metallisation.
• Halide removal:
Organic halides such as chlorides and bromides are decomposed in the reactor.
The inorganic ammonium halides sides, which are produced when the reactor
effluent is cooled, are dissolved by injecting water into the reactor effluent or
removed with a stripper off gas.
• Process Description:
The DHDS unit is based on the diesel union fining process of UOP and is
comprised of four main section
feed section
Reactor circuit section
Separator or compressor section
Fraction section
• Feed Section
The feed stocks consisting of mainly straight run gas oils and light cycle oil from
FCCU from Storage first passes through feed filters and feed exchangers heated
by stripper bottom’s material before entering a combined feed coalescer and
surge drum. The feed surge drum provides surge volume to even out the
fluctuations in the feed entering the unit.
This surge volume allows the feed to the unit to be kept as constant as possible
which maximize the catalyst life length. Feed from the feed surge drum enters
the feed pumps where its pressure is raised to allow the feed to enter the reactor
circuit. Feed from the feed pump is combined with the recycle gas flow
.Combined feed passes through cold and hot combined heat exchangers where
it is heated by reactor effluent material .Then the feed is sent to the charge
heater where it enters the reactor circuit sector section.
• Introduction
The sulphur recovery unit-28/83 of haldia refinery consists of a single train to
recover sulphur from acid gases from amine regeneration unit(UNIT-26) and sour
water stripper off gases ex refinery sour water stripper(UNIT-29).This unit based
on claus recovery concept. It is consisting of one thermal reactor and four
catalytic converters for recovery of sulphur from above streams. The equipments
in the unit shall be divided into three main sections, namely the thermal reactor
section ,claus section and tail gas incineration section. The sulphur recovery
section shall include knock out drums for various inlet streams,a main burner,a
combustion chamber,a waste heat boiler, sulphur condenser,catalytic converter-
1,catalytic converter-2,catalytic converter-3,and super claus catalytic converter,a
sulphur pit to storage liquid sulphur, sulphur pumps, pit ejector etc. The tail gas
incineration section includes thermal incinerator burner and vent stack for
disposing of the flue gas from incinerator containing sulphur dioxide. Flue gases
produced by incinerating the tail gases shall be vented through stack to disperse
the sulphur dioxide. Stack is designed for two trains each of 60TPD sulphur
capacity.A minimum stack height of 50m is provided.Sulphur recovered in the
process is stored in the pit and is pumped to a yard where sulphur lumps are
produced by quenching the ,molten sulphur using service water.
• Process Description:
The Vacuum Residue(VR) produced as bottom product from the Lube oil
Block ‘s VDU unit from the Reduced Crude Oil feed is taken in the Propane
Deasphalting Unit to produce asphalt as the bottom product.
The asphalt produced is also known as Bitumen and is stored in the Bitumen
tank situated in Tank Farm Area.
Process Description:
The feed inlet is taken into sump from where it is further sent to Holding
tank – 1 (T-103) and Holding tank- 2 (T-109) to increase residence time so
that the oil water emulsion settles down under gravity into three phases:
1. Floating oil at the top
2. Suspended oil with water in the middle
3. Sludge at the bottom
Oil and water which is separated from the holding tank is then sent to TPI
(Tilted Plate Intersection) oil separator in which oil molecules comes up due
to agitation and is collected with the help of oil collector vent pipe. The outlet
is sent to Equilization pond at laminar flow where a belt skimmer is used to
remove oil from the top section.
After Physical Seperation , removal of ammonia , sulphide , phenol ,
cyanide and furfural takes place. These wastes are generated from different
units in the plant and its concentration has to be maintained under standard
environmental safety values before the water can be reused.
A flash mixing tank is taken where H2O2 dosing is done.
H2O2 + H2S = S + 2 H2O
Then the outlet is transferred to a flocculation tank where PAC (Poly
Aluminium Chloride) is used to de suspend the oil remaining in the water.
Then this is fed to DAF(Dissolved Air Flocculation) in which froth is
generated which is removed.
Biological Seperation includes pH maintaining , increasing dissolved oxygen
and removal of oil by bacterial growth. The outlet from the DAF unit is taken
into a sump where NaOH is dosed to maintain pH of water. Then this is sent
to a bio tower where water is sprayed over a bed of HDPE packing material
which helps in bacterial growth. This phenomemon is also known as Trickling
Bed Filter. Then this is sent to Aeration Tank where air is provided to the
bacterial sludge. The Holding Residence Time is kept near 10 hrs. Ten it is
send to Clarifier where Activated Sludge coalesces to form lump and gets to
the bottom of the clarifier and is removed.
Treated water is then taken to tertiary treatment plant where it is passed
through RO.
• Uses:
The water free from oil is then sent to boiler as feed water and also to cooling
water make up unit, The sludge is then sent to specified area for dumping.
Imported crude, brought by tankers, stored in Refinery's storage tanks is
processed successively in different units and finished petroleum products are
obtained, which are despatched for marketing by tankers, barges, wagons, trucks,
pipeline, drums, cylinders etc.
The process is a continuous one and the Oil Movement and Storage Division
(OM&S) of the production department plays an important role in maintaining
smooth, continuous operation of the Refinery.
1. Hydro cracker
2. Hydrogen Generation unit
3. Nitrogen generation unit
• Feed: Straight run gas oil, Vacuum gas oils, Cycle oils, Coker Gas
oils, thermally cracked stocks, Solvent de asphalted residual oils,
straight run naphtha, cracked naphtha.
• Product: Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), Motor gasoline,
Reformer feeds, Aviation turbine fuel, Diesel fuels, heating oils,
Solvent and thinners, Lube oil, FCC feed
• Chemical reaction
RSH + H2 RH + H2S
4. Reformer :- In order to achieve high yield of hydrogen from the feed stock
after pre reforming methane is converted in reformer which operate at high
5. Shift conversion: - the process gas leaving the reforming section
contains carbon monoxide which is converted into CO2 and hydrogen.
The reactor is operated at lowest possible temperature in order to recover the heat
and the hydrogen generation from the feed stock.
there are two temperature at which reactor are operating high
temperature shift and low temperature shift
CO + H2O CO2 + H2
The minimum temperature of a liquid at which sufficient Vapor is given off to form an ignitable mixture
with the air, near the surface of the liquid which gives momentary flashes when an external source of
ignition is brought near it.
The lowest temperature at which a liquid will ignite and achieve sustained burning when exposed to a
test flame.
The Auto Ignition Temperature of a substance is the temperature at or above which a material will
spontaneously ignite (catch fire) in normal atmosphere without an external spark or flame.
The minimum concentration of vapors to air below which propagation of a flame will not occur in the
presence of an ignition source. If concentration of Vapor in air is above LEL then the mixture is said
lean too burn.
The maximum vapor to air concentration above which flame propagation will not occur.If concentration
of vapor in air is above UEL then the mixture is said too rich to burn.
The heat wave which develops in crude oils or heavy oils comes in contact with water under the oil
surface causes the upper layer of the water to convert immediately into steam. Since water converted
into steam increases in volume 1700 times, unless the steam can break out of the surface in large bubbles,
it becomes entrained in the oil. This steam oil greatly increases in volume and the pistons out a wave of
burning oil out of the tank. Burning oil erupts and then falls, spreading even beyond the bund walls of
the tank.
The slope over is not violent eruption like a Boil Over. It is an over flow of the contents of the tank.
This can result when a water stream is applied to the hot surface of burning oil provided the oil is viscose
and its temperature exceeds the boiling point of Water.
A vapor cloud explosion (VCE) results from the ignition of a flammable mixture of vapor, gas,
aerosol, or mist, in which flame speeds accelerate to sufficiently high velocities to produce
significant overpressure
A dust explosion is the rapid combustion of fine particles suspended in the air, often in an enclosed
location. Dust explosions can occur where any dispersed powdered combustible material is present
in high-enough concentrations in the atmosphere or other oxidizing gaseous medium, such as
An unconfined vapor cloud explosion (UVCE) is one of the most serious hazards in the process
industries. If flammable gas-air (Vapor cloud) mixture burns in free space with sufficiently rapidly
to generate pressure waves which propagate both, through the vapor and in the surrounding
atmosphere, then UVCE results. The condition leading to a UVCE requires a rapid release of
flammable fluid coupled with moderate dispersion to produce a very large flammable air mixture.
The vapor pressure of a liquid is the equilibrium pressure of a vapor above its liquid (or solid); that
is, the pressure of the vapor resulting from evaporation of a liquid (or solid) above a sample of the
liquid (or solid) in a closed container
The boiling point of a substance is the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid equals
the pressure surrounding the liquid and the liquid changes into a vapor.
A domino effect or chain reaction is the cumulative effect produced when one event sets off a chain of similar
events. The term is best known as a mechanical effect and is used as an analogy to a falling row of dominoes.
It typically refers to a linked sequence of events where the time between successive events is relatively small.
It can be used literally an observed series of actual collisions
A possible source of danger is called hazard. A hazard is an agent which has the potential to cause harm to a
vulnerable target.
Vapor density is the density of a Vapor in relation to that of hydrogen. It may be defined as mass
of a certain volume of a substance divided by mass of same volume of hydrogen.
Chemicals which are so reactive that on contact with air and its moisture, oxidation/ hydrolysis
occur at such a rate so as to cause ignition, i.e., its auto ignition temperature is below the room
temperature. Some of these reactions liberate flammable gases.
The term refers to concentrations of air contaminants in the working environment to which it is
believed; nearly all workers may be exposed repeatedly day after day without adverse effect.
Normally, it is the time weighted average concentration in ppm or gm./m3 for a normal 8-hour work
day or 40 hour workweek. Excursions above this limit may occur if they are compensated during
the workday, by equivalent excursion below the limit.
A BLEVE occurs when a vessel containing liquid under pressure. Such as liquid propane tank is
subjected to a temperature above the liquid’s boiling point. If heat raises the pressure inside the
sealed tank to the point where the vessel can no longer contain the pressure, the vessel will
mechanically fail and a BLEVE will occur. If the liquid inside the tank is flammable, a fire will
often ensue. BLEVE can also be caused by mechanical damage or overfilling.
Water is the most readily available extinguishing agent. It is used in portable fire extinguishers,
installed system and as a base for foam water system. Water works well because it has a large
capacity for absorbing heat, which cools the burning materials below its ignition temperature, thus
causing the fire to extinguish. Water absorbs most of the heat during its conversion to steam For
example, half litre of water at a room temperature of 210C will absorbs approx. 158 KJ to raise the
temperature to 100 0C, (boiling point of water). When water is vaporized into steam, it absorbs
approx. another 1023 KJ. It is during the conversion to steam that the maximum benefits from the
application of water are gained.
Firefighting foam is a foam used for fire suppression. Its role is to cool the fire and to coat the
fuel, preventing its contact with oxygen, thus achieving suppression of
the combustion. Firefighting foam was invented by the Russian engineer and chemist Aleksandr
Loran in 1902.[1]
The surfactants used must produce foam in concentrations of less than 1%. Other components of
fire-retardant foams are organic solvents (e.g., trimethyl-trimethylene glycol and hexylene
glycol), foam stabilizers (e.g., lauryl alcohol), and corrosion inhibitors
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a gaseous fire control agent that is stored under pressure as a liquid. It is
rated for Class B and C fires. The major advantage of carbon dioxide is that it leaves no residue
and does not conduct electricity
1. Flame: Examples of situations where flame may be present on a platform are the following:
Ignition is defined as initial release of energy to trigger the combustion (Fire). Factors for ignition
include temperature, energy release, volumes of heat and direction of heat application. It is necessary
to understand sources of ignition to prevent fires/explosion. This also enables to eliminate the
substances which are potential source of ignition.
The common sources of ignition are:
CHEMICAL REACTIONS: Chemical reactions may produce heat. This heat can ignite the
substances reacting, products of the chemical reaction or nearby materials.
ELECTRIC SPARKS AND ARCS: Sources of electric sparks and arcs could include but are not
limited to the following:
Electric motors and generators.
Switches, relays and other arcing components of electric circuits under normal
operating conditions.
Electric wiring and equipment malfunctions.
Electric arc welding.
Storage batteries.
Fired vessel ignition devices.
Internal combustion engine ignition system.
Lighting fixtures.
4. HYDROGEN: The 'invisibility' of hydrogen flames is a property that has led workmen to
walk right into the flame. The flame is totally carbonless. It also burns very rapidly with a typical
combination -89% hydrogen and 11%. When ignited at atmospheric pressure, this mixture has a
flame speed of more than 3.3 KM/second.There is no chance of hydrogen accumulating at ground
level, especially in the open. It has a vapour density of 0.07 Kg/M³ much lighter than air and will
rise immediately.
5. Water: Water getting into a hot process system is very dangerous. Stills have ruptured, vessels
have exploded violently and exchangers have been blown apart. This is true because water will
vaporise and expand in volume 1,700 times. When it comes in contact with hot oil at atmospheric
pressure, it will cause a violent surge in pressure and equipment cannot withstand such surges and
will suffer considerable damage such as upset trays, warped parts and possible rupture.
6. Steam: Steam can cause serious burns if any part of body comes in contact with it. Steam
connection to vessels can, therefore, be very serious hazards to maintenance personnel. Therefore,
all steam lines to process vessels must be disconnected, blinded-off, or closed with double block
valve and bleeder and the valve wheel locked before workmen enter the vessel.
7. Electricity and Electrical Equipment: Electricity may become a fire hazard through
arcing, sparking or over-heating.
A Permit to Work (PTW) system is a formalized system of controls used to manage high-risk
activities in the workplace. These activities could include maintenance, construction, repair work, and
other activities that pose a high risk of injury or harm to workers.
Safe work practices should provide for the safe conduct of operating, maintenance and modification
activities. Work Permit System is an element of safe work practices. Requirements of OISD Standard
105 on Work Permit System' are to be complied with. Work Permit procedure also fulfils the
requirements of Section 36 and 37 of the Factories Act, 1948
For performing any work in the refinery by any person other than the operating personnel of that area,
a duty authorized written permit shall be obtained for by near person/agency executing the work
before commencement of the work. Separate
permit shall be obtained for each activity
a. The space has limited or restricted opening for entry or exit making it difficult for an
individual to enter with lifesaving equipment or to rescue an individual in case of
b. The space is not designed for continuous human occupancy.
c. The space may contain known or potentially hazardous atmospheres, Oxygen
deficiency, presence of flammable/toxic or otherwise injurious asphyxiating or
incapacitating substances.
d. A space where conditions of engulfment of any other recognized serious safety or
health hazards may develop or exist.
e. The excavation more than 1.2 m deep, entry into floating roof tanks, when roof is
more than 3m down from the top, space located below ground level such as pits, drain
channels etc. shall also be considered as confined space.
2. COLD WORK: An activity which does not produce sufficient heat to ignite a flammable air -
hydrocarbon mixture or a flammable substance.
3. HOT WORK: An activity that can produce a spark or flame or other source of ignition having
sufficient energy to cause ignition, where the potential for flammable vapours, gases, or dust exists.
4. LOWER FLAMMABLE LIMIT (LFL): Is the minimum concentration of a vapor in air (or
other oxidant) below which propagation of flame does not occur on contact with an ignition source.
This is usually expressed as volume percentage of the vapor in air. This is also referred as Lower
Explosive Limit (LEL)
5.UPPER FLAMMABLE LIMIT (UFL): Is the maximum concentration of a vapor in air (or other
oxidant) above which propagation of flame does not occur on contact with and ignition source. This
is usually expressed as a volume percentage of vapours in air. This is also referred as Higher
Explosive Limit (HEL).
7.CLEARANCE: Shift wise Clearance is required to be obtained peoples working in the area where
the job is being carried out should be made aware of it.
8. GAS SAFETY INSPECTOR(GSI): Is generally A, B & C grade officer and duly nominated by
the management to whom the area has been allocated inside the battery limit. The gas safety
inspector will have all necessary tests performed and before signing a safety permit, he must satisfy
himself by a personal inspection of that area involved along with the equipment.
9. FIRE PERMIT SIGNATORY (FPS): He is the area in - charge of the area and duly nominated
by the management. After checking the clauses & conditions prescribed in the format, he shall sign
the permit. In case of hot permit /radiography/vessel entry both GSI & FPS will sign.
11.RECEIVER / PERMITTEE: Is a person who raises the permit and under whose direct
supervision the job is carried out. Permittee has to ensure compliance of all permit conditions.
Based on the specific and anticipated hazard, permittee will give safety briefing to the executing
agency every day before commencement of the job. Designated person authorised to receive work
12. PPE (Personal Protective Equipment): Devices or clothing used to insulate an individual
from the chemical, thermal, explosive, electric shock or other hazards presented by the environment
in which one is working. Some of PPEs are Safety goggles, Apron, Safety shoes, Chemical-
resistant gloves etc.
Normally all maintenance, repair, construction work shall be carried out with a proper work
permit. Jobs where work permit is required include but not limited to followings:
● Major and minor maintenance work
● Inspection
● Construction
● Alteration
● Any hot work (including use of normal battery driven equipment in operating areas)
● Cleaning activities of process equipment
● Entry into confined space
● Excavation
● Vehicle entry into process areas
● Work at height
● Handling of materials using mechanized means in operating areas
● Erection and dismantling of scaffold
● Radiography
● Isolation and energisation of electric equipment/ facilities
● Clearance Certificate is required along with the permit for carrying out any job in the battery
area of refinery. The supervisor of the area (any officer, preferably a shift officer, where
persons are in rotating shift issues the permit) to the executor in a prescribed form.
● Clearance is issued for maximum 8 hours duration shift(FOR NORMAL PERMIT)
In shutdown clearance is issued for 12 hours for a shift.
● The officer issuing the clearance must be present on duty during the period. The supervisor on
duty can renew the clearances
● FPS shall check the permit, submitted by GSI to assess the safety requirement mentioned in the
permit for their adequacy and may check physically some critical checklist compliance such as gas
test, isolation, tagging, LOTO implementation etc. and recommend corrective measures before
signing the permit.
● For all critical activities, he will thoroughly check the work site condition (such as hot work in
running unit / near OSW lines, working at height, entry in confined space, radiography etc.) and
compliance of permit conditions at site before signing.
● With his experience he may visualize additional hazards/ risks in jobs, which needs to be addressed
and will add this in permit for compliance.
● Before signing he shall ensure that conditions mentioned in permit by GSI is fully complied at site.
● He should withdraw the permit, if the conditions in permit/ clearance is violated or the job is no more
safe due to some other reasons. The information about the withdrawal should be communicated to all
● To assess necessity of job beyond normal working hours.
● To assess the adequacy of safety precautions mentioned in permit and may reinforce, if
● May get an independent check to see the safety compliance at site.
2. Appropriate safe guards and PPEs shall be determined by analysis of the potential hazards
prior to starting the work.
3. In case of fire alarm all work must immediately be stopped. In case of Emergency Sirens, all
work must be stopped and all non-essential persons must leave work site and proceed to
designated areas.
4. Only certified vehicle / engines and permitted type of electrical equipment and tools are
allowed in operating areas.
6. Gas test is mandatory. No hot work shall be permitted unless the explosive meter reading is
7. Vessel entry, where no hot work is to be carried out, may be permitted if combustible gases
are up to 5% of lower explosive limit (LEL). Entry with an air-supplied mask may be
permitted with LEL of up to 20%. The Oxygen level should be at least 19.5% volume and the
concentration of toxic gases below the threshold limits (TLV of H2S - 10PPM & (CO-
8. When a person is entering confined space, the receiver must keep minimum two trained
attendants-designated persons at the manhole or entry
9. For renewal of work clearance, the issuer shall ensure that the conditions are satisfactory for
the work to continue. If the conditions have changed, it should be necessary to issue a new
permit or amend the existing permit.
10. Permit shall be considered issued for job "Clearance renewal" is signed. This clearance on the
same permit can be renewed / extended up to a maximum of seven calendar days, except in
case of plant shutdown, where permit can be issued for a maximum period of 15 days.
Blanket permit may be issued for a maximum period of 30 days
11. During the registration period of permit, if job is not done for a day or more (except
holidays/Sundays), receiver shall enter in prescribed register at Fire Station in advance about
the discontinuity of job.
14. Hot work shall include welding, grinding, gas cutting, burning, open flame, soldering, shot
blasting, chipping, riveting, drilling, camera flashing, power tools, IC engines, Mixer
machines, use of certain non explosion proof
15. The permit shall be issued in triplicate. Permittee shall retain pink copy, first copy shall be
retained with F&S and secon copy shall be remained with issuing authority, all these copies
shall however bear the Fire Station.
16. Permit issuing authority, RSM & F&S personnel or any authorized officer can check the
permit/stop the job and even cancel the permit on safety norms violation any time.
17. Enclose important Dos and Donts duly signed with each permit.
18. All precautions given in permit must be clearly adhered by the permittee.
19. Daily Toolbox talk / safety briefing to be ensured by the permittee before start of job. A
register on toolbox talk shall be kept at site as record and signed by personnel associated with
20. Pre-use check of portable gas testers must be done to ensure its operability by GSI before the
gas test at work site.
2) Ensure that the confined space is positively isolated from your source of energy and
has been made free from harmful gases
3) Proper ventilation and illumination of space must be ensured.
5) Wherever forced ventilation is used. The gas test should be carried out after minimum
10 minutes of stopping the educt fan / blower.
6) Thorough gas test must be carried out before issuing permit to ensure that there is no
pocket of gas available inside and the place is safe for performing the particular task
inside confined space. For entry of person the concentration of toxic gases should not
exceed TLV and oxygen must be minimum 19.5% by volume.
7) Use suitable respiratory protection for entry in the confined space, having oxygen
deficiency or having toxic gases more than TLV.
8) Attendant should be available all the times at man way entry of confined space, till
the work is in progress inside. The permit should be available with him and he shall
maintain attendance in prescribed form (Annexure-2D).
9) Attendant must be in constant touch with persons working inside and know the
actions to be taken for rescue /emergency handling, if so required
10) The low voltage light limited to 24 V should be allowed inside confined space. All
electric connection shall be provided with ELCB.
11) Wherever possible lifelines with safety harness should be used for entry into confined
12) Special precautions are required for entry into inert gas atmosphere. It requires the
controlled condition inside confined space as well as mandatory use of compressed
breathing air supply to person going inside with alternate air supply arrangement.
13) Keep at least 2 access / exit for each confined space, wherever possible. The access
should be unobstructed, approachabl and free from all emergency use.
14) Use required PPE and personal gas monitors while entering inside. Use of Safety
helmet and safety shoe is mandatory for all work areas. Use air mask for areas, where
there is likelihood of accumulation of gas during the work such as in severs OWS line
15) The person in confined space should pass the warning signal to stand by person in
case of any suffocation/ difficulty for help
16) Carry out regular gas test of confined spaces, where there is possibility of generation
due to nature of work, being performed inside such as removal of sludge, hot works
● This permit is required for carrying out any activity of maintenance/ cleaning / testing inside
refinery that does not produce sufficient heat to ignite a flammable air hydrocarbon mixture or a
flammable substance.
● Work falling under the category of cold work such as opening process machinery, blinding & de-
blinding, tightening of flanges, hot bolting, inspection, painting etc. shall be performed through
Cold Work Permit.
● This Permit shall be in minimum two copies. The original should be in yellow colour and the
copy should have the word "COPY" printed in large yellow letters. Original shall be issued to the
receiver, retaining the duplicate in the book.
● “Dos and Don’ts for Cold Work Permit” duly signed shall be attached with each permit. The
same is enclosed as Annexure-1A.
● Cold work permit is not required to be registered at fire station. Condition of permit shall be
ensured by permittee & registered by concerned area in-charge.
● Separate forms must be used for vessel entry, vehicle entry, cold work, Height Work or
Excavation/road or dyke cutting & radiation work Permit.
● Separate permit is to be taken for each equipment even in the same area as the hazards associated
are different with each on each one of them.
For simplification of procedure hot work permit also covers permission for vessel entry, vessel
boxing up and vehicle entry in the unit area. All activities outside the scope of hot work permit shall
be covered by Cold Work Permit
● Hot Work Permit is required for carrying out any activity, which produces sufficient heat to
cause fire in a inflammable air- vapour mixture.
● All hot work such as welding, grinding, gas cutting, burning, shot blasting, soldering, chipping,
excavation, open fire, use of certain non-explosion proof equipment etc. shall be carried out
through Hot Work Permit. Entry and operation of petrol or diesel driven vehicles or equipment in
hazardous area also falls in the category of hot work, and shall be performed under the hot work
● This work permit shall be in minimum three copies. The original should be in pink colour and
copies should have the word "COPY" printed in large pink letters. Original shall be issued to the
receiver, duplicate to the Fire & Safety Section and triplicate retained in the book. The number of
copies shall be four where Fire and Safety sections are separate.
● For excavation work regardless of the depth, permission from various sections shall be obtained
with precautions to be taken for the underground facilities viz; sewers, telephone lines, cables,
pipelines etc. Copy of permission for excavation shall be attached to the work permit.
● The permit shall be issued equipment wise, specifying the exact location of work. Equipment
number shall be categorically specified in the permit. Where the equipment number cannot be
specified, the sketch of the area should be enclosed. In such cases the Hot work permit can be
obtained for a distance of only 15m on either side of hot work spot. Beyond 15m from hot work
spot, separate permit is required.
● Normally permit shall be considered issued for the job after “Clearance renewal” is signed by
GSI and receiver. This clearance on the same permit can be renewed/ extended up to a maximum
of seven calendar days. GSI/ FPS of the area shall issue clearance renewal in each shift after
checking permit conditions and ensuring compliance.
● A hose with a control type discharge nozzle, capable of reaching up to the hot work point and
connected to fire hydrant shall be provided during all hot work.
● There shall be either be a continuous flow of water through the hose or it shall be kept
pressurized up to the discharge nozzle.
● A minimum number of 2 fire extinguishers shall be available for each hot work within 8m from
the place of work.
● Any heavy oil deposit, dried vegetation or other flammable / combustible materials within 8m of
a hot work site shall be cleared away.
● No hot work shall be allowed within 15m of any sample point, drain or relief valve outlet unless
precautions have been taken to prevent the escape of flammable liquids and vapour.
● The outlet of all units drain seals within 15m of the hot work shall be plugged to isolate them
from rest of the drain line.
● All drain covers and surface manhole covers within 15m of hot work site shall be covered by
flame retardant fabric cloths / wet tarpaulin and wet sand.
For all working at height (of 2M or above) a permit for “Working at Height” is required. Before
erection, when scaffold materials are kept at site of erection, “Pre Erection Checklist for Scaffold”
shall be carried out in prescribed form.
Permit for Working At Height issued in prescribed format shall be considered issued for job after
“Clearance renewal” is signed. This clearance on the same permit can be renewed/ extended up to a
maximum of seven calendar days. GSI/ FPS of the area shall issue clearance renewal in each shift
after checking permit conditions and ensuring the compliance of the same.
For carrying out job beyond normal working hours (General Shift) or on Sundays / Holidays,
permission shall be obtained from respective HOD.
Working at height should be avoided in adverse weather conditions, such as during rain, high wind,
combination of high temperature & humidity.
All ladder shall be inspected in prescribed format by custodian once in month. Pre-use of ladder shall
be a carried out by user before every use in prescribed format. For formats please refer standard on
“Work at Height”.
The persons working at height should be medically examines for their fitness for working at height.
The format for Medical Certificate is attached. The certified shall be issued by registered medical
practitioner and it will be valid for a period not exceeding 1 year.
Roof Work:
• All roof-work operations should be pre-planned and properly supervised.
• Roof work shall only be undertaken by workers who are physically and psychologically fit and
have the necessary knowledge and experience for such work.
• Work on roofs shall not be carried on in weather conditions that threaten the safety of workers.
• Roofing brackets shall fit the slope of the roof and be securely supported.
• Roofs with a pitch of more than 10 shall be treated as sloping.
Excavation permit is required for carrying out any excavation inside Refinery. For excavation
permit, permittee shall obtain the Excavation clearance in prescribed format from the respective
discipline like Area in-charge, Civil Maintenance, Electrical Maintenance, Telecom, IS, Production/
P&U, Instrumentation, Inspection and Fire & Safety as a prerequisite condition to Permit two days
before commencement of work. The clearance form shall be in duplicate. Original for permittee
(pink in colour) shall be watermarked as “Executer copy” and duplicate for F&S Dept. (white in
colour) watermarked as “F&S Dept. copy”.
Permit for excavation shall be in triplicate. Original (pink in colour) shall be watermarked as
“Executer copy”, duplicate for GSI (white in colour) watermarked as “F&S Dept. Copy” and third
copy (green in colour) watermarked as “Issuer copy”.
In addition to an Excavation Clearance, a Cold Work Permit is required if hand tools are being used
for excavation or a Hot Work Permit if powered tools or mechanical equipment are being used.
The Maximum validity of excavation clearance shall be for 15 days, except in case of construction
sites & non-operational areas, where it shall be for a maximum period of 1 month.
Ladder shall be positioned projecting a minimum of 1m above the edge of the excavation. There
should be at least two means of exit for persons working inside large excavation within 7.5m of
travel distance.
● The all jobs, which generate ionizing radiation, “Radiation Permit” is required.
● Radiation Permit shall normally be issued valid for single shift only and clearance on the same
permit can be renewed/ extended up to a maximum of seven calendar days. GSI/ FPS of the area
shall issue clearance renewal in each shift after checking permit conditions.
● Radiation permit is divided into two parts. Part-2 will be filled by radiography agency and officer
of inspection department will endorse the permit. The permittee/ receiver shall fill the permit for
validity of time & date, nature of work and location of work before seeking permit from issuer.
For obtaining work permit, permittee shall fill up above information and send duly signed copy
to the issuer. After checking and filling the Part-1 of the permit format the issuer shall hand over
the signed permit to receiver. The receiver will go through the permit, ensure the compliance and
sign the permit before starting the job.
● GSI/FPS of the area is authorized to issue the permit.
● The permit is issued in duplicate, the original copy (Blue in colour) for receiver shall be water
marked as “Executer copy” and duplicate copy (white in colour) for issuer shall be watermarked
as “Issuer Copy”.
CONFINED HOT PERMIT: A confined hot work permit in a refinery is a document that
authorizes and controls activities involving hot work (e.g., welding, cutting, or grinding) in confined
spaces. This permit is essential to ensure safety by evaluating potential hazards, implementing
preventive measures, and establishing guidelines for the work to be performed. It helps manage risks
associated with heat, sparks, or open flames in environments where flammable materials may be
present, such as within refinery structures or equipment.
CONFINED COLD PERMIT: A confined cold work permit in a refinery is a document that
authorizes personnel to perform non-hot work in confined spaces. Confined spaces are areas with
limited access and ventilation, and they may pose hazards such as poor air quality or the potential for
engulfment. The permit outlines safety measures, procedures, and precautions to be taken during the
cold work (work at ambient temperatures) within these confined spaces to ensure the well-being of
workers and prevent accidents. It typically involves a thorough assessment of potential risks and the
implementation of control measures
Awareness programs should be arranged in the form of “Class room training” as well as “On the job
training” for contractors (Supervisor and their workmen) about work permit system.
Review of work permit system shall be carried out at least every once two years or following a major
and/or high-potential incident / accident or change in statuary requirements / norms.
Submitted by:
Gajendra Singh
Mridul Sharma
Ishana ukey
Alok deep
Kaushal Gotarane
Mohit Kumar
● OISD STD.-105
● OISD GDN-192
● OSHA STD- 29CRF 1910.146
● OSHA 1910.1200