IFR Magazine - June 13, 2020
IFR Magazine - June 13, 2020
IFR Magazine - June 13, 2020
BY SUDIP ROY think we slow a bit, but don’t credit spreads haven’t recovered SURPASSEDûõBNû4HEûlRSTû
stop,” said the banker. to the tights of that period. three days of last week saw
Questions about the intensity of Even on Thursday as the S&P h4HEûMARKETûISûONûlREûANDû about €60bn of issuance – from
the credit binge were being 500 fell nearly 6%, some bond probably better than January SSA through to high-yield – with
raised towards the end of last issuers still managed to print and February when it was the week shortened by the
week after US and European deals. While a public holiday in thought we were in a utopian Corpus Christi holiday on
equity markets suffered their parts of Europe meant the euro phase,” said a syndicate banker Thursday.
biggest one-day falls since March market took a breather, three US before Powell’s comments. It is an even more incredible
on Thursday, bringing doubts high-yield issuers priced deals story in the US where
about whether the pace would and THAIOIL sold a US$1bn dual- investment-grade issuance
be sustained. tranche offering – inside fair
“I personally don’t volume of US$1.1trn is just
A sober assessment of the US value too – with some of the buy this strength. US$27bn shy of the amount
economic outlook by Federal paper going to US accounts. Give it three to six raised in the whole of 2019. The
Reserve Chair Jerome Powell on The second half of the week months and I think full-year record of US$1.33trn set
Wednesday, and a jump in WASûINûSTARKûCONTRASTûTOûTHEûlRSTû it has to unravel as in 2017 looks set to be smashed.
reported coronavirus cases in half as primary markets on both But while supply has boomed
the reality and costs
some US states in the south and sides of the Atlantic were busy – ever since central banks began
west on Thursday, led to despite the odd no-go call.
of Covid are seen” pumping unprecedented
renewed selling. While sovereigns led the way, amounts of liquidity into the
prolonged sell-off or just a minor raising funds and three other the coronavirus outbreak, the
correction of a market that had European nations pricing rally was causing a sense of
risen too fast, too soon remains publicly syndicated bonds, the disquiet in some quarters.
to be seen, but both Powell’s credit markets across the world “I personally don’t buy this
comments and the coronavirus were also active as investors STRENGTHû3HORTûTERMûlNEûTHEREû
data delivered a reality check to gravitated towards lower-rated is a huge amount of cash trying
investors who had begun to get issuers and riskier structures. REALITY CHECK? TOûlNDûAûHOMEûANDûCERTAINû
excited about the prospect of a “The huge bid for bank At €269bn, publicly syndicated SECTORSûSUCHûASûTECHûWILLûBENElTû
quick economic recovery. capital, corporate hybrids, Asian issuance by European sovereigns and rightly should be strong. But
“I think we needed it as the high-yield and so on is in the euro and sterling markets give it three to six months and I
market was too frothy and incredible,” said another senior is already almost double the think it has to unravel as the
issuers were getting greedy,” banker earlier in the week. amount raised in the whole of reality and costs of Covid are
said a senior banker on Friday. The market backdrop was so 2019. No other year in recent seen,” said one fund manager.
Bankers may now have to good ahead of Wednesday’s times has seen €200bn of Others agreed that there will
reassess their pipelines and the FOMC meeting that some issuance. be an eventual fallout. “Maybe
speed at which they planned to thought it was even better than As for euro issuance overall, lNANCIALûMARKETSûHAVEûNOWûJUSTû
bring deals into the market. “We at the start of the year even if the total for the year has already BEENûCOMMODITISEDûBYûlSCALûANDû
had a few issuers early in the monetary stimulus, the latter
week that said ‘no’ as we were a RECOVERING GROUND mostly. It’s simply now too
few basis points wider. Now I THE AVERAGE YIELD ON EURO BB CREDITS much money chasing too few
guess they are 25bp wider. So 7.5
that could mean they say ‘no bonds or stocks,” wrote Tim Ash,
way, I need to get the 25bp back’ 6.5 EM sovereign strategist at
or they could say ‘OK, I messed BlueBay.
up and this could retrace more’. “And the instruments
It’s too early to tell,” said the 4.5 themselves now have no
banker. relationship to the underlying
The good news for bond assets or investments, whether
markets is that the technical 2.5 that is companies or sovereigns.
support is still huge. “Investors – There has to be a price for all
and the ECB – are still buying. 1.5 this, surely. Maybe later on in
2/1/20 2/2/20 2/3/20 2/4/20 2/5/20 2/6/20
We will just need to see higher INmATIONûORûPERHAPSûBADûPOLICYû
new-issue premiums. Net-net, I Source: iBoxx/Refinitiv choices.”
EQT raises the bar for ESG 07 Lift-off for TKE 08 Santander rockets up rankings 10
In the meantime, though, the credits was evident in the euro IN ON THE ACT that’s reducing defaults,” said
fear of missing out pushed corporate market as three High-yield issuers were also !ZHARû(USSAINûHEADûOFûGLOBALû
investors into corners of the unrated issuers – Portuguese getting in on the act. Following credit at Royal London Asset
market they would not have utility GALP ENERGIA, French only a trickle of deals in Management.
looked at just a few weeks ago. small appliance manufacturer European primary over the past “That creates an environment
“It looks like the yield hunt SEB, and ILIAD, a three months, supply began to on the technical side that is very
has reached its illogically logical telecommunications operator pick up. supportive. Defaults aren’t
height,” said Olga Budnovits, a across France and Italy – raised going to be anything like what
portfolio manager at Main funds. Galp and SEB had not “Hybrids are of great people thought they were going
Partners. issued since 2017. interest to us at the to be two months or even a
“It was not that long ago moment. I am getting month ago.”
TAKING ADVANTAGE that you would have advised
Borrowers can hardly be against unrated borrowers
something like a CAUTIONARY TALE
blamed for taking advantage. issuing, but the market is in Double B yield on a But while sectors such as
In emerging markets, for good shape,” said another bond from what is high-yield and emerging
example, supply from Africa syndicate banker as these usually a very high markets play catch up, other
tentatively started again even deals priced. quality issuer” areas were providing a
though several governments cautionary tale.
from the region are seeking MOMENTUM PLAY On Monday, Additional Tier 1
debt relief. DEUTSCHE BORSE and VW, transactions from COMMERZBANK
HELIOS TOWERS (B2/B), a meanwhile, maintained the and ABN AMRO demonstrated the
telecommunications company momentum in the recently strength of the primary market,
in Africa with a portfolio of reopened corporate hybrid with combined demand for the
AROUNDûûTOWERSûACROSSûlVEû market. two trades peaking above
countries, priced a US$750m h)TûISûAMAZINGûHOWûSOMEûOFû €19.5bn.
5.5-year non-call two issue at a those credits that a few months Leading the way was VIRGIN But by mid-morning on
yield of 7.125%. That compared ago you would have been wary MEDIA as it dipped into the euro, Tuesday both deals were bid
with initial talk of the 7.75% of have really rallied,” said a sterling and US dollar markets below par, at 99 and 98.60,
area. banker at one of the leads as VW to clean up its debt stack prior respectively, setting a new tone,
Initially the company was priced its €3bn dual-tranche to its merger with O2. bankers said. By Friday morning
targeting a US$425m deal to offering. “Finally the European issuers they had fallen to 97 and 97.62
fund a tender offer on its “Hybrids are of great interest are coming out of hiding,” said a respectively, according to
US$600mn 9.125% senior notes to us at the moment. I am high-yield analyst. 2ElNITIVûPRICES
due 2022. getting something like a Average junk bond yields Still, demand for less
But such was the level of Double B yield on a bond have recovered to 4.3%, down straightforward deals did not
interest following a day of from what is usually a very from a peak of 8.9% in March, disappear as on Wednesday BPER
marketing, the tender was high quality issuer,” said an ACCORDINGûTOû2ElNITIVûDATAû BANCA BECAMEûTHEûlRSTû)TALIANû
cancelled and the deal was investor. Some analysts are cautiously lender outside the country’s top
UPSIZEDûWITHûTHEûPROCEEDSûNOWû h'IVENûTHEûYIELDû)ûCANûlNDûINû optimistic about the outlook, tier to enter the market since
to be used to fully take out the senior, even if I go to the more thanks to supportive technicals. the coronavirus outbreak.
2022s at their call date next riskier issuers which I don’t “In high-yield, there’s been And NATIONWIDE BUILDING SOCIETY
month. really want to do, there is a clear no supply, because issuers took the AT1 revival to the
Another regional issuer, BENElTûTOûHYBRIDSûANDûWEûHAVEû haven’t needed to come. But sterling market, printing a
AFRICA FINANCE CORP (A3, actually increased their share in because of government support £750m deal on more than
negative outlook) was also in our portfolio.” they’ve got liquidity anyway and £4.4bn of demand. It was the
the market on the same lRSTûSTERLING
day. The pan-African since November.
multilateral institution, h)TSûAMAZINGûHOWûFARûWEVEû
based in Nigeria, sold a come and we really are getting
very close [to pre-crisis
yield of 3.25%, signifying a 3,150
spreads],” said a DCM
minimal premium at most. 3,100 banker. “The worry is whether
“The screen was full on 3,050 we have, in the last three or
Tuesday and order books 3,000 four days, moved too far too
everywhere were stellar. Fish 2,950 fast?”
aren’t biting – they’re 2,900 “The market needs to
swallowing the whole bloody 2,850 consolidate because you can’t go
arm you hold out,” said the 2,800 10bp tighter every day.”
BY HELENE DURAND we have an unprecedented level they need more [funding] and though they were higher-rated
of central bank support which they all want to come before the names,” he said.
Six sovereign issuers descended GIVESûTHEûMARKETûCONlDENCEv summer,” another DCM banker Not that bumper supply has
on the European primary market Syndications have become a said. been an issue for the market.
last week, raising €40bn- mainstay for sovereign issuers Spain and Ireland, for Spain’s €12bn 20-year saw
equivalent over two days in an trying to chip away at their example, had recently outlined books pass €78bn, Ireland’s
extraordinary manifestation of increased funding needs UPSIZEDûFUNDINGûNEEDS €6bn 10-year had demand over
demand that saw books peak over resulting from the coronavirus “The ECB has buoyed markets €69bn, while Greece’s €3bn 10-
€303.5bn-equivalent, despite the pandemic. and the tone is phenomenal, so year had interest of more than
relentless pace that has Over €269bn-equivalent has clearly the decision to come now €15.75bn, all thanks to a market
characterised the sector in 2020. been raised using the method in is the right one,” he said, adding held aloft by an all-powerful
IRELAND, SPAIN and GREECE, three euros and sterling this year, that other sovereigns that had central bank.
issuers that almost a decade ago versus over €139bn-equivalent wanted to bring their deals last “If the ECB didn’t buy any
were caught up in one of the for the whole of 2019, according Tuesday, opted to step back bonds, we would be in a very
worst sovereign crises to hit the to IFR data, and bankers expect when it became clear how much different place, but not just in
region, were greeted by a deluge the tempo to remain rapid while supply was expected. sovereigns, it would have an
of investor demand. conditions are strong. “You could have had a bit of a impact on all markets,” said a
They emerged on the same “All these sovereigns are TRAFlCûJAMûBUTûSOMEûISSUERSû lead banker on Spain’s trade.
day as the UK brought a £9bn accelerating their plans because decided to step back, even
October 2050 and ahead of NORMALISING
another €9bn that was priced BUMPER YEAR FOR SOVEREIGN SYNDICATIONS Bankers across the board agreed
the following day by GERMANY €bn that concessions, having been
and FINLAND. 300
elevated during the peak of the
“There are six hundred billion pandemic, were showing signs
reasons why, as an investor, you 250 of normalising and getting back
should buy bonds,” said a DCM to pre-coronavirus levels at
banker referring to the ECB around 3bp–4bp.
Pandemic Emergency Purchase 150 “Concessions are narrowing and
Programme that was increased compressing,” a head of SSA
by €600bn at its last meeting. syndicate said. “Sovereigns are
171 125 121 133 167 122 139 269
He added: “You have to 50 clearly cheaper than they were
remember, some of the big issuers pre-Covid, but given the amount of
like ESM or KfW have been 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 ytd supply that’s out there, it’s getting
missing from the market, while Source: IFR absorbed so easily. The ECB is a
BY WILLIAM HOFFMAN spreads seen in January 2019 analysts noted in a report improve to around 5.5% by 2022,
when concerns of excessive released last week. while output is expected to have
US high-grade credit spreads corporate debt peaked, but “With recent data suggesting contracted by 6.5% at the end of
have retraced their wides of the spreads are still wide of the that the most severe recession this year, compared with the
year and many market tights of January when average since World War II will also lNALûQUARTERûOFû
participants believe strong spreads were 99bp over. likely be the shortest one, risk “Sooner or later spreads have
technicals will keep the This spread tightening was premia will likely remain well- to adjust to the reality that
premium over Treasuries low triggered by the combination of behaved as investors continue to economic data are going to be
despite weak underlying the Federal Reserve’s look through the unprecedented bad for a very long time or the
economic fundamentals. commitment to back the bond contraction in earnings and fundamentals – earnings, GDP
Spreads for high-quality market with corporate REVENUEûTHATûMARKEDûTHEûlRSTû growth, consumption – need to
names have retraced 90% of their purchases in primary and half of the year.” improve,” said Jeff MacDonald,
coronavirus crisis-induced secondary markets and the The short-term picture is HEADûOFûlXED
widening as average high-grade US$1.1trn injected into the certainly bleak as Fed chairman at Fiduciary Trust International.
credit spreads fell to 156bp over market on the back of that Jerome Powell made clear in a “Someone needs to blink in
Treasuries last Monday in from promise. PRESSûBRIElNGûONû7EDNESDAY this game of chicken between
400bp over in late March, “The speed of the recovery in He expects the US economic fundamentals and the
according to ICE BofA data. risk appetite has positively unemployment rate to end the pricing of risk assets, especially
Current levels match average surprised us,” Goldman Sachs year around 9.3% and only spreads in investment grade.”
BY CHRISTOPHER WHITTALL Securities, which competes with when markets nosedive, as they swap in which it regularly pays a
banks trading products did earlier this year. BANKûAûlXEDûSUMûINûEXCHANGEû
The largest investment banks including bonds and cleared Instead, the bank must judge for an amount pegged to a
reported a tenfold annual derivatives, suggested the losses how likely a client is to default mOATINGûINTERESTûRATEûnûAû
increase in losses related to could even cause some banks to over the life of a trade and bake common trade for those looking
DERIVATIVESûTRADESûINûTHEûlRSTû reassess their activities. that into how it accounts for the to hedge against an increase in
quarter, a foretaste of how these “What we always see after position, via a so-called credit borrowing costs. March’s decline
activities are likely to curb these types of crises is that valuation adjustment. in interest rates caused the
PROlTABILITYûINûTRADINGûUNITSûTHISû certain banks reconsider their The bank also adds a funding BANKSûmOATINGûPAYMENTSûTOû
year and may even force some to positions in these markets valuation adjustment to account decrease markedly, putting it “in
reassess their presence in these because they either lost more for times when it effectively the money” on the swap.
markets. money than expected or they lends to (or borrows from) the But even though the value of
Losses from credit and just realise that the capital client during the life of a trade – the bank’s position rose, it can
funding charges on derivatives commitment to being involved a common feature of long-dated only realise those gains if its
positions at the top 12 isn’t commensurate with the derivatives. client remains solvent and keeps
investment banks totalled more opportunity,” he said. “CVA and FVA numbers tend making its swaps payments. As
THANû53BNûINûTHEûlRSTûTHREEû to be large for any banks that the corporate treasurer doesn’t
months of the year, according to SUBSTANTIAL RISKS have a big derivatives business,” post margin, the bank now has a
Amrit Shahani, research director Trading derivatives, while said Jon Gregory, a senior greater exposure to its client and
ATûANALYTICSûlRMû#OALITIONûAû usually a lucrative activity for adviser at consultancy Solum MUSTûINCREASEûITSû#6!ûTOûREmECTû
tenfold increase compared with banks, is also fraught with risks Financial, who has written that.
the previous year. That took the that go far beyond whether the extensively on the subject. If the crisis has also made the
shine off a bumper quarter for value of a position rises or falls. “It’s a business that, in very client more likely to default, as
most banks’ trading units, Chief among these is abnormal market conditions measured by wider credit
whose annual revenue gains of counterparty risk, the danger when volatility is high, is very spreads, the bank will have to
more than 32% declined to 14% that the entity on the other side sensitive to basis risks and raise credit provisions still
when including the losses. of the trade goes bust. second order risks that can further.
The scale of the losses – which Derivatives contracts are suddenly look really “The fact that banks are being
mainly relate to provisions often lengthy, tying a bank to its substantial.” cautious in terms of provisions is
against a potential rise in client client for years or even decades. to be expected,” said a senior
defaults as well as an increase in Most trades pass through MARKET SLUMP bank trader. “No one knows
banks’ funding rates – lay bare middlemen known as clearing -ARCHSûSLUMPûINûlNANCIALû what the actual data look like in
the eye-watering costs banks can houses to combat counterparty markets proved a potent terms of bankruptcies. The only
incur on these complex products risk, but many clients such as cocktail for desks handling thing you can do is to be
when market volatility rises. corporate treasurers deal banks’ derivatives trades. cautious.”
Analysts say the charges will directly with banks to avoid Interest rates plummeted, There is a also funding
remain a major focus in the having to post large sums of altering the value of contracts component to consider, as the
quarters to come, not least margin if a trade moves against struck at higher levels, while bank may have to meet margin
because of discrepancies in the them. company borrowing costs calls on trades it had entered in
SIZEûOFûPROVISIONSûDIFFERENTû Not receiving margin poses a rocketed. the cleared, interbank swaps
banks have made. SIGNIlCANTûPROBLEMûFORûTHEû Consider a corporate market to offset its client
h)TûWILLûBEûSIGNIlCANTûGIVENû bank, leaving it open to losses treasurer with an interest-rate position. Financing those margin
how much these charges impact calls may become costlier still if
their performance. It changes the bank’s own borrowing rate
their market share, it changes has increased. As a result, the
their rankings and it changes 4,000
bank’s FVA on the trade rises.
the return on equity for JP Morgan reported the
3,500 UBS
shareholders,” said Shahani. heaviest losses related to
3,000 BofA
“Some banks that have been DERIVATIVESûCHARGESûINûTHEûlRSTû
2,500 Goldman Sachs
conservative in booking these quarter – US$951m - which it
charges could start looking 2,000 said was predominantly driven
JP Morgan
better as the quarters go by, 1,500 by a widening in funding
while those who were more 1,000 spreads. Bank of America and
optimistic could end up looking 500
All 12 banks All others Goldman Sachs recorded losses
much worse.” 0
in the region of US$500m.
Paul Hamill, global head of 2019 2020 JP Morgan has the largest
FICC distribution at Citadel Source: Coalition (aggregate numbers); company earnings (individual bank losses) derivatives book of all US banks,
Comptroller of the Currency, at EQT raises the bar for ESG
nearly US$70trn, 63% of which
aren’t centrally cleared. People & Markets Private equity firms start to show ESG colours
FUNDING LOSSES BY TESSA WALSH focus on biodiversity, climate companies to maximise social
A lack of transparency around and social responsibility. change and generate valuable
how banks calculate and A sharp rise in ESG-linked fund 4HEûlRMûHASûõBNûOFûASSETSû data.
disclose their numbers makes it lNANCINGûTOPPEDûBYûAûõBNû under management across 19 “We see this fund facility as
hard to predict how the sustainability-linked loan for active funds in private capital, the most suitable and
situation will evolve in the Sweden’s EQT shows that real assets and credit. interesting opportunity at this
“We are driving beta actions, stage to insert ESG into the heart
One central takeaway is PROOlNGûPORTFOLIOûCOMPANIESûTOû where we want to increase the of the value proposition for our
that funding losses appear to protect their returns, and ESG hygiene level overall in the clients and accelerate a system
have been the dominant highlights a potentially lucrative portfolio because the market transformation,” Lennehag said.
force so far. UBS reported a stream of new deals for banks. needs to reach a new level,” said
US$378m loss on FVA and %14SûFUNDûlNANCINGûCANûTOPû Therese Lennehag, head of TWO TRACKS
53MûONû#6!ûINûTHEûlRSTû out at €5bn and raises the bar for sustainability at EQT. “Then we &UNDûlNANCINGSûAREûUSEDûTOû
quarter, a breakdown experts the private equity sector as the dive in to each of EQT’s portfolio IMPROVEûPRIVATEûEQUITYûlRMSû
say is broadly indicative of the biggest ESG-linked fund bridge companies and work with the returns by bridging capital
wider industry. facility. It follows a deal for things that will create alpha commitments from limited
That may be, in part, because KKR’s Global Impact Fund earlier VALUEûSPECIlCûTOûTHEIRûINDUSTRYû partners. Two types of fund
there is no simple way for LASTûWEEKûWHICHûWASûTHEûlRSTû53û operations and value lNANCINGûDEALSûLINKEDûTOû%3'û
banks to guard against an FUNDûlNANCING proposition.” commitments are emerging,
increase in FVA. By contrast, It is a bold move designed to EQT has a 10-year track record in line with similar
they can hedge counterparty drive change throughout the in ESG, which puts it at the developments in the loan and
risk at the outset of trades by companies that EQT owns by forefront of ESG adoption in the bond markets.
buying instruments such as linking pricing on the PRIVATEûEQUITYûINDUSTRYû4HEûlRMû Deals that focus on “use of
credit-default swaps. sustainability-linked loan to the was also an early signatory to proceeds” are earmarked for
“FVA is something that can’t performance of EQT’s future the UN’s Principles of SPECIlCûPROJECTSûWHEREASû
be hedged ... so it tends to be portfolio companies. Responsible Investing. sustainability-linked deals tie
more volatile,” said a second “This is a game-changing 4HEûlNANCINGûISûBEINGû THEûCOSTûOFûCAPITALûTOûlRMSû
senior bank trader. moment for EQT, but also for provided by a syndicate of 17 progress on ESG targets outlined
The fact that there is no the private equity industry,” said global banks, including BNP in corporate CSR strategies
industry standard for 0ERû&RANZENûPARTNERûANDûCO
Paribas and SEB as sustainability aligned with the UN’s
calculating FVA muddies the head of EQT’s private equity coordinators. BNP Paribas is also Sustainable Development Goals
waters still further. Some banks advisory team. facility agent and sustainability and Paris climate targets.
may use internal funding Pricing on the loan is tied to agent. KKR’s recent deal was a use of
aggregated industry borrowing companies hit key performance they can play a role in furthering with another €80m deal for an
rate is more appropriate. Some indicators. Aggregated results THEûSUSTAINABLEûlNANCEûAGENDAû unnamed global private equity
may even ignore a rise in will drive improved pricing on and incorporating ESG in fund lRMûINûLATEû-AYû"OTHûDEALSûWEREû
borrowing rates if they think it the bridge facility, creating a lNANCINGûFACILITIESûISûAû arranged by Standard Chartered.
will be temporary. virtuous circle, where better demonstration of this,” said &RENCHû0%ûSHOPû%URAZEOûALSOû
Whatever the approach, ESG progress lowers capital costs Alexandra Basirov, global head completed a €1.5bn SLL fund
there’s no getting around the and improves resilience. OFûSUSTAINABLEûlNANCEû&)#ûATû lNANCINGûINû*ANUARYûTHATûLINKEDû
fact that these enormous EQT has selected three KPIs, BNP Paribas. to carbon neutrality at the
costs exist for banks and will for gender equality, renewable EQT is well capitalised after its corporate level, and
have to be absorbed at some energy transition and IPO in September 2019 and sustainability governance for its
point. GOVERNANCEûWHICHûlTûTHEûlRMSû opted to focus on its portfolio portfolio companies.
Exiting these trading
activities is also easier said than
done, not least because the
losses are mainly driven by
popular client products such as Are your colleagues as well-informed as you?
interest-rate and cross-currency
swaps. If there are other people in your team, department or company who you think would benefit from the
“That’s bread and butter for authoritative and independent content that IFR offers, you should know that considerable discounts are
most banks alongside offering available to companies with multiple subscriptions.
loans,” said Gregory. “There’s a
To discuss your requirements, please contact your local IFR representative:
general acceptance among
BANKSûTHATûTHISûISûAûDIFlCULTûANDû EMEA: +44 (0)20 7542 45 69, cmi.emeasales@refinitiv.com
sometimes low return-on- Americas: +1 (646) 223 5543, cmi.americassales@refinitiv.com
capital business to be in – and a Asia-Pacific and Japan: +852 291 26606, cmi.asiasales@refinitiv.com
volatile one as well.”
BY CLAIRE RUCKIN Deutsche Bank, Barclays, Credit and the European high-yield movement working out how
Suisse, RBC and UBS, are on track market is open. All these things much should be loans, the split
Banks are preparing to launch a to do that. are positive indicators for between Term Loan A or Term
widely-expected €10bn dual- 'IVENûITSûSIZEûTHEûDEALûHASû receptivity,” a senior banker said. Loan B, the amount of bonds and
currency loan and bond been eagerly awaited. the currency split between euros
lNANCINGûTOûBACKûAûBUYOUTûOFû Had it launched in March or SLICE AND DICE and US dollars.
THYSSENKRUPP’s elevators division, April the underwriters would have A number of investors are being “It is a big deal and a big
pre-sounding investor appetite lost money as the underwritten PRE
SOUNDEDûONûTHEûlNANCINGû chunk of the market has to play
to optimise the structure and terms were set pre-coronavirus with materials set to go out it. Will there be an A and B on
play the markets off each other and the market widened shortly on the company, the term loans? Will the loan get
to achieve best execution. SIGNIlCANTLYûDURINGûTHATûPERIOD performance and the proposed DOWNSIZEDûANDûTHEûBONDû
Advent, Cinven and But markets have regained a capital structure. Syndication is UPSIZEDû$OûYOUûPLAYûEUROSûANDû
Germany’s RAG Foundation lot of ground and lead banks are due to launch at the end of June dollars off each other to slice and
agreed a €17.2bn acquisition of now focused on minimising any when the offering dice it? It is about optimising the
ThyssenKrupp’s elevators losses and perhaps even making memorandums are ready. structure and comes down to
division in February, AûPROlTûPLACINGûAûHUGEûEMPHASISû The funded part of the pricing in the context of how
underwritten with a debt on getting the sell-down strategy lNANCINGûTOTALSûõBNû much there is to sell and
lNANCINGûPUTûTOGETHERûBEFOREû correct. comprising €6.55bn of senior liquidity,” a second senior
Covid-19 disrupted markets and “They will be asking people leveraged loans and senior banker said.
put sell-downs and new issuance what they think they can do and secured notes and €1.7bn of 4HEûlNANCINGûALSOûCOMPRISESû
on hold. at what price. The secondary loan senior unsecured notes. unfunded loans. The original
The plan was always to market is up, the iTraxx is in, the The split between the secured commitment totalled an €800m
syndicate towards the end of US high-yield market is going and unsecured is set but within revolving credit facility and
June and arranging banks, led by gangbusters, the European loan the secured part of the capital some €1.2bn of guarantee
Goldman Sachs and including market has proved constructive structure there could be a lot of facilities that could prove
BY TESSA WALSH its carbon emissions and its “We don’t see this as an be followed by a thorough strategy
transition to renewables. alternative to green bonds or use- explanation and documented KPI
The International Capital Lars Eiberholm, head of of-proceeds bonds, but more as a targets,” Eiberholm said.
Markets Association has treasury and sustainability at complement,” said Orith 4HEû3,"ûPRINCIPLESûHAVEûlVEû
completed two important pieces Nordic Investment Bank and chair !ZOULAYûGLOBALûHEADûOFûGREENûANDû core components that cover the
of work that aim to give impetus of ICMA’s green and social bond sustainable lending at Natixis. selection of KPIs, calibrating
executive committees, said the “It’s opening the door to a sustainability performance
linked bond market and principles are key to developing number of issuers that were not targets, bond characteristics,
maintain standards in the social SLBs and to ensuring market lNDINGûITûEASYûTOûSTRUCTUREûUSE
bond market, which has seen integrity and transparency. of-proceeds bonds and still offer detail that aims to bring
rapid growth during the Issuance of SLBs, which tie believed that they had some role clarity and consistency to the
coronavirus crisis. pricing to companies’ ESG in environmental and social SLB market.
ICMA’s publication of strategies and the UN’s transactions.” KPIs, for example, must be
principles for sustainability- Sustainable Development Goals relevant, material to the issuer’s
linked bonds (SLBs) is expected (SDGs) by monitoring TRANSITION POTENTIAL overall business, measurable
to encourage more issuers to performance against targets – or The instrument could also be ANDûQUANTIlABLEûEXTERNALLYû
link bond pricing to their ability key performance indicators – is suitable for helping “brown” VERIlABLEûANDûABLEûTOûBEû
to hit general ESG targets, rather expected to grow and could companies transition to being benchmarked.
than take the traditional green match or exceed the success of more environmentally friendly. However, not everyone is
bond route of earmarking the product in the private loan Another ICMA working group convinced yet, with pressure
money – via “use of proceeds” market. More than US$38bn of ONûCLIMATEûTRANSITIONûlNANCEûHASû group ShareAction asking for
STRUCTURESûnûFORûSPECIlCûPROJECTS sustainability-linked loans have YETûTOûPRESENTûITSûlNALûREPORTû more transparency.
The industry body hopes that been issued this year, according but is expected to offer “We are not seeing a
more companies will follow TOû2ElNITIVû,0#ûDATA DElNITIONSûAFTERûCONSULTINGûWITHû transparent methodology to set
Italian utility Enel’s lead into the SLBs are designed to appeal to the market. THEûBOUNDARIESûOFûlNANCIALû
market for SLBs. Enel is the only COMPANIESûlNDINGûITûDIFlCULTûTOû “Can this instrument be used for products or to set companies
issuer so far to use the structure, IDENTIFYûSPECIlCûPROJECTSûORû issuers in transition? I believe so. It transition plans in line with Paris
having sold two deals last year capital expenditure to back might even be a very good goals,” said ShareAction’s
with coupon step-ups linked to traditional bonds. instrument for that, but needs to communications manager Beau
BY GARETH GORE, ALASDAIR REILLY revolving credit facilities taken loans league table in Europe. our clients as soon as they need
out by ALSTOM, BP, BOSCH and UPM- Santander now ranks third, it,” said Rafael Noya, Santander’s
major push in the European The sudden surge in lending – places on its ranking at this are deploying capital to clients
corporate debt space, with the the bank increased its corporate point a year ago. and have been fully open for
Spanish lender keen to take LENDINGûBYûõBNûINûTHEûlRSTû “We are very agile and have business since the inception of
advantage of any market seven weeks of the crisis – has been able to approve substantial the crisis.”
distortions caused by the current propelled it up the syndicated transactions in order to support
crisis to increase its market CHANGING DYNAMICS
share and win new clients from EMEA LOANS BOOKRUNNERS – Santander’s rise up the league
rivals. FULLY SYNDICATED VOLUME tables has to be seen in the
It has aggressively deployed BOOKRUNNERS: 1/1/2020 TO DATE context of the crisis, however.
its balance sheet in recent Managing No of Total Share Many corporates have fully
weeks, leading several large bank or group issues US$(m) (%) drawn down their existing
deals for some of the region’s 1 BNP Paribas 86 57,362.70 18.4 facilities, which has drained the
biggest corporates, including 2 Credit Agricole 59 24,569.60 7.9 balance sheets of many banks
three €10bn-plus facilities – for 3 Santander 57 20,483.90 6.6 and left them unable to compete
aircraft manufacturer AIRBUS, 4 HSBC 51 16,653.17 5.3 as aggressively on new facilities
carmaker DAIMLER and oil and gas 5 SG 42 15,380.77 4.9 launched.
producer ROYAL DUTCH SHELL. 6 UniCredit 56 15,125.75 4.9 At the same time, some banks
Although those three have 7 JP Morgan 35 14,993.19 4.8 based outside the region – those
long-standing relationships with 8 Deutsche Bank 37 14,330.76 4.6 from the US and Japan, which
Santander, the bank has also 9 Citigroup 31 12,631.06 4.1 are traditionally big corporate
won a number of new loan 10 Natixis 24 8,559.75 2.7 lenders in Europe – have at least
mandates, and regained clients Total 313 311,720.25 partially refocused their efforts
it has not banked for years, Proportional credit
back home, leaving a gap in the
acting as a lead arranger on new Source: Refinitiv SDC code: R17 market for a bank such as
BY DANIEL STANTON An outstanding 2028 bond Final orders for UPL were over being overwhelmed by more
issue was bid at a G-spread of US$2bn from 146 accounts, with than half a million cases by the
Investors handed India a vote 377bp and, accounting for the !SIA
0ACIlCûTAKINGûûOFûTHEû end of July.
OFûCONlDENCEûLASTûWEEKûWITHû longer tenor, one bookrunner Reg S notes and EMEA 36%. Fund UPL is rated on par with the
strong support for the country’s estimated the new 10-year had managers and asset managers sovereign at Baa3/BBB–/BBB–,
lRSTû53ûDOLLARûBONDûISSUEûINû been priced 10bp–15bp inside booked 72%, insurers 13%, banks with negative outlooks on the
almost a month, despite a the curve. 7%, private banks 4% and others S&P and Fitch ratings. Moody’s
sovereign downgrade and a Not only that, but the new 4%. said that UPL’s business was
mounting toll from the Covid-19 issue rallied 10bp in secondary The strong response came fairly resilient during the
outbreak. trading on Wednesday, despite despite Moody’s decision on coronavirus pandemic and
Agrochemicals maker UPL CORP generally weaker market June 1 to downgrade the Indian national lockdown, and
raised US$500m of 10-year conditions. sovereign by a notch to Baa3, the noted that only 10% of its
MONEYûONû4UESDAYûlNDINGûTHATû “A lot of curves are repricing lowest rung of investment revenues come from India –
market conditions had actually after primary issues. It grade, with a negative outlook. explaining why its UPL rating
improved since Moody’s happened with Thailand, The rating agency warned that outlook is stable while it has a
downgraded the sovereign now it’s happening with India faces a period of sustained negative outlook for the Indian
earlier this month. India,” said a banker at one slower growth and highlighted sovereign.
UPL’s 4.625% 2030 bond of the bookrunner, referring the persistent stress in the 4HISûWASûTHEûlRSTû)NDIANûDOLLARû
offering was priced at 99.565 to to the previous week’s new lNANCIALûSYSTEMû#OVID
ûCASESû issue since state-owned REC sold
yield 4.68%, or Treasuries plus issue from Thai oil group also continued to climb last US$500m of three-year bonds on
385bp, tightening 50bp from PTT Exploration and WEEKûWITHûOFlCIALSûWARNINGû May 12. That deal had to comply
initial guidance. Production. that Delhi’s health system faces with a Reserve Bank of India rule
Santander with spare balance also has his eye on improving PUNCHING BELOW BALANCEûSHEETSûnûHAVEûSEIZEDûTHEû
sheet. the bank’s standing in the If successful, the strategy will moment and stepped into a gap
But rivals have nonetheless sovereign, supranational and address something of an left by regular Anglo-Saxon
taken note of the Spanish agency space – although that is anomaly. Despite being one of lenders,” said another senior
bank’s sudden surge up the more a medium rather than the largest banks in Europe – LOANûBANKERûATûAûRIVALûlRM
rankings. They say that, while short-term plan. with assets of €1.5trn it But when the big M&A
DATEûnû But his strategy is not just ranks only behind HSBC, lNANCINGSûANDûTHEûSPECIALISTû
the number of syndicated deals about throwing around money. BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole advice and long-standing
has declined by about a quarter The bank has increased its and Deutsche Bank – it has relationships that go with it,
from a year ago – Santander’s distribution capacity in recent perennially punched well returns, will Santander get the
MOVEûISûSIGNIlCANT years and aims to consistently below its weight in the loan call?
“Santander has been pursuing be a top 10 bank in the markets and bond markets. Noya expects the bank’s
an aggressive strategy,” said one where it chooses to compete. The bank counters that it is current stock of loans – it had
BANKERûATûAûRIVALûlRMûPOINTINGû Last year, it ranked 15th in strong where it chooses to extended €80bn of credit to
to its success in the UK. “It has European syndicated loans with compete – and in particular in a corporates in Europe at the
taken advantage of the crisis to a 2.4% market share. few niche markets such as ENDûOFûTHEûlRSTûQUARTERûnûTOû
basically throw money at its “Santander increased over PROJECTûlNANCEû7HILEûITûISûNOTû gradually be paid back over
clients – to get as large tickets the past few years its ability considered a big player in bonds coming months as clients take
and as much market share as to distribute assets in the and loans, it does make good out borrowing in the bond
possible on deals.” market, with the idea of money in the space: last year it market. Nonetheless, he says
structuring our portfolio not earned €1.5bn, more than many the bank has the capacity to do
CHANGE OF GUARD only to put assets in our balance higher-ranked players. more.
The big push from the bank sheet until they matured, but Whether its current push will “Given the current liquidity
coincides with a change of also to sell them in the market,” lead to bigger revenues remains and market conditions, we don’t
guard. Noya, who has spent the said Noya. to be seen. It is clearly hoping expect the existing revolvers to
past 13 years working for “Santander has invested that lending to clients during remain drawn for a long time,”
3ANTANDERûINû"RAZILûTOOKûONûHISû heavily on several fronts: how to these times will be rewarded said Noya. “Probably they will
new role at the end of March. He tap the market, accessing the with new business. But as many be repaid this year or at the
took over from Ignacio market, sales, syndicate and also banks will testify, lending is not beginning of the next one, so
$OMINGUEZû!DAMEûWHOûHASû structuring. We want to position always enough to secure it’s a temporary use of our
moved to head Santander’s ourselves as a house that can ancillary business. balance sheet.”
investment bank across Iberia. support clients, but which at the “In the absence of the normal “We are still underwriting
Noya has big plans for the same time, can handle the stream of M&A activity, both very large transactions, and
business. As well as expanding exposure that we carry on our BNP Paribas and Santander – we’ll continue to do that at the
the corporate debt footprint, he balance sheet.” backed with very extensive right conditions.”
requiring issuers to pay all-in Since issuer UPL Corp is not PIPELINE INTACT widening 14bp in the last three
funding costs of not more than incorporated in India it is not The deal bodes well for Indian days of the week.
450bp over US dollar Libor for subject to the RBI yield cap, but state-owned issuers such as Price tension for UPL’s new
offshore bonds. it would have priced the issue POWER FINANCE CORP and STATE BANK deal was also helped by a tender
REC barely managed to comfortably within that limit. OF INDIA, which are considering offer at par for UPL Corp’s
SQUEEZEûBELOWûTHEû2")ûCEILINGû India-headquartered UPL Ltd US dollar bond offerings. US$500m 3.25% bonds due
paying a yield of 4.865% and a owns about 78% of Mauritius- Bankers said the pipeline October 31 2021, which the
spread over Treasuries in the incorporated UPL Corp, while remained unaffected by the issue will fund. The Treasury
high 400s. PRIVATEûEQUITYûlRMû40'û#APITALû correction in risk appetite after spread on the 2021s declined
At the time, long-tenor bonds and the Abu Dhabi Investment UPL priced, with the Asian from 511bp on May 12 to 329bp
looked out of reach for Indian Authority each hold 11%. iTraxx investment-grade index on Tuesday, having reached a
issuers, but UPL managed to peak of 772bp in late April.
print at a longer tenor than REC HOW MANY INDIAN RUPEES US$1 BUYS “The lack of recent primary
and beat both its yield and 77
supply from India certainly
spread, thanks to improvements helped, but so did the tender,”
in market conditions. said another banker involved.
The 10-year US Treasury yield 75 “Hopefully, this will encourage
rose to 0.83% at the time of other Indian issuers.”
pricing from 0.67% on May 12. Bank of America, JP Morgan,
Over the same period the cost of 73 MUFG, Citigroup, Rabobank, Societe
YEARû#$3ûFORû3TATEû"ANKûOFû 72 Generale and UBS were joint
India, the nearest thing to an global coordinators and
Indian sovereign benchmark, bookrunners for the new issue.
declined to 132bp mid from 70 BofA, JP Morgan and MUFG are
Feb 20
Jan 20
Mar 20
Apr 20
May 20
Jun 20
BY LUCY RAITANO PRE-EMPTION FOR THE MANY investors. Signed by industry been aiming to “democratise”
UK fundraising guidelines were heavyweights such as Andy Bell capital markets for years and
The revolution in European relaxed at the start of April to and Peter Hargreaves, the letter stepped up his campaign as
equity capital markets resulting allow companies desperate for seems to have worked. corporates completed large
from the coronavirus pandemic cash during the pandemic to A source at one company that fundraisings in March and April.
HASûlNALLYûSEENûRETAILûINVESTORSû increase share capital by up to has used PrimaryBid’s services in SSP Group, ASOS and WH Smith
embraced by UK corporates that 20% without having to give recent weeks said including WEREûAMONGûTHEûlRSTûCOMPANIESûTOû
have traditionally shied away SHAREHOLDERSûTHEûRIGHTûOFûlRSTû retail was now deemed raise emergency cash in excess of
from the hassle of catering to refusal, known as pre-emption. necessary to avoid bad publicity. the previous guideline of 10% in
individual buyers. Dropping pre-emption means “A retail tranche is something March and April and provided
Where previously accelerated fundraisings can be completed that always should have quick returns for participants in
bookbuilds in the UK have in a day rather than several happened,” said Anand the fundraisings.
excluded retail, nine ABBs from weeks and also makes deal Sambasivan, co-founder and
main market FTSE companies in execution considerably cheaper. CEO of PrimaryBid. “The only COMPASS SETS THE DIRECTION
the past month (that raised a Corporates have done their reason it didn’t was because Sambasivan gives credit to
combined £3.8bn in total) have best to allocate shares to existing retail was too fragmented, and “forward-thinking” Compass
included retail. shareholders, giving them soft all the admin that went along 'ROUPûFORûBECOMINGûTHEûlRSTû
Complaints that retail pre-emption. Now they are with it, but if you point FTSE 100 company to use the
shareholders were missing out turning in increasing number to technology at it you can solve it.” platform on its £2bn capital raise
on participating in the wave of UK digital investment platform Main market London-listed on May 19, raising £559,035
ONûACTIVITYûHASûlNALLYûSEENû PrimaryBid to serve their companies to have recently used through the platform.
existing technology embraced. individual shareholders. the PrimaryBid platform to tap The Compass deal went a long
The move follows the In response to the rule retail investors include Compass way to set a precedent due to its
dramatic abandonment of the change, PrimaryBid published Group, Avacta, Segro, Biffa, SIZEûWITHûAûSPATEûOFûOTHERSû
default way of marketing IPOs in an open letter on April 20 calling Ocado and IWG. following suit.
Europe which has enabled the for UK public companies to Sambasivan, who previously Another stand-out deal was
new-issue market to be revived mandate retail tranches to worked in capital markets at Bank the £48m fundraising by Avacta,
despite lockdowns. ensure fair treatment of all of America and Credit Suisse, has which was surging on the back
BY FIONA LAU, 0ACIlCû!IRû#HINAûANDû1ATARû The four banks will Wednesday before closing 1%
ANURADHA SUBRAMANYAN Airways will take up their underwrite 376m shares or lower at HK$8.72. The stock fell
entitlements in full, but will see about 15% of the deal, equivalent a further 3.4% to HK$8.42 last
Four banks are underwriting a their stakes slightly diluted as a to US$226m. Morgan Stanley Thursday and was quoted at
portion of CATHAY PACIFIC AIRWAYS’ result of the government bailout. will underwrite half of that HK$8.28 on Friday, down 6%
HK$11.7bn (US$1.5bn) rights After the recapitalisation, Swire amount, BOCI 20%, HSBC 20% since the announcement.
ISSUEûTHEûlRSTûTIMEûINTERNATIONALû WILLûOWNûûOFû#ATHAYû0ACIlCû and BNP 10%. The underwriting The rights issue comes alongside
banks have backed a major down from 45%, Air China 28.2%, commission is 2%. an issue of HK$19.5bn preference
Asian rights issue since the down from 29.99%, and Qatar “Cathay is a leading carrier in shares and a HK$1.95bn warrants
coronavirus outbreak. Airways 9.4%, down from 9.9%. Hong Kong and we believe its issue to the Hong Kong
Cathay last Tuesday 2IGHTSûISSUESûINû!SIA
0ACIlCû business will recover gradually. government, which is also
announced the rights issue have become more common The government bailout also providing a HK$7.8bn bridge loan.
alongside a HK$29.3bn bailout since the Covid-19 outbreak, but GIVESûUSûCONlDENCEûTOûJOINûTHEû The government, in return, will
from the Hong Kong most have been underwritten by deal,” said a banker on the deal. own a 6.08% stake in the company,
government that will help the government-related entities and “We think the discount have the right to appoint two
CITYSûmAGûCARRIERûWEATHERûTHEû majority shareholders. The offered by the rights price is big observers to attend Cathay’s board
pandemic. #ATHAYû0ACIlCûTRANSACTIONûSHOWSû enough to attract investors.” meetings and have access to
The Hong Kong-listed airline that banks remain capable of Cathay’s shares took a wild management and information.
is selling 2.5bn shares on a 7-for- BACKSTOPPINGûRESCUEûlNANCINGSû ride last week, highlighting the According to Hong Kong’s
11 basis at a rights price of even in one of the hardest-hit risks facing the underwriters in lNANCIALûSECRETARYû0AULû#HANûTHEû
HK$4.68 each, a discount of 47% industries. a volatile market. Down 24% this government does not plan to hold
to last Monday’s close of BNP Paribas, BOC International, year before the recapitalisation the Cathay stake for the long term.
HK$8.81 and of 35% to the HSBC and Morgan Stanley are the plans were announced, Cathay The preference shares carry a
theoretical ex-rights price. underwriters. Morgan Stanley is SHARESûBRIEmYûREBOUNDEDûBYûASû 3% dividend, which will step up
Major shareholders Swire also the sole adviser to Cathay. much as 19% at one point on TOûûAFTERûlVEûYEARSûWHILEûTHEû
BY DANIEL STANTON, JIHYE HWANG KOREA has embarked on a so- Pyongyang’s loans from Western Fitch Solutions, which is
called “bond-buying” governments were repackaged independent of Fitch’s credit
North Korea’s introduction of US programme. In 2003, it sold INTOûZERO
COUPONûBONDSûAFTERûITû rating division, expects the
dollar bonds signals a foreign People’s Life Bonds denominated stopped servicing the debt in the North Korean economy to shrink
currency shortage rather than a in North Korean Won and 1980s, and turned into a €163m by 6% this year.
step towards engagement with targeted at resident individuals. tranche denominated in Exports to China dropped to
the global capital markets, The bonds had a 10-year tenor Deutschmark and a SFr240m US$50m last year from US$350m
according to experts. and did not pay coupons, but (US$253m) tranche, both of in 2016, according to North
News sources and analysts bondholders selected by a which were supposed to mature Korea watchers, and are
said that the North Korean lottery were due to be repaid in March this year but are expected to be even lower this
regime appeared to sell more than the principal. believed to be outstanding. year. That could make it hard to
government bonds onshore last “The last time the government fund new projects.
month after sanctions and the issued bonds, it was alleged that ECONOMIC CRISIS 2ODONGû3INMUNûTHEûOFlCIALû
global coronavirus pandemic they essentially coerced Tomas Ojea Quintana, UN newspaper of North Korea’s
caused its foreign currency individuals and businesses to special rapporteur on human Workers’ Party, wrote in April
reserves to dwindle. purchase [them],” wrote Fitch rights in North Korea, voiced that major projects due to be
Details of the issue are not Solutions, the credit and country alarm on Tuesday at “widespread completed this year include the
known, but Daily NK, a news research unit of Fitch Group, in a food shortages and construction of Pyongyang
service focused on North Korea report on May 22. malnutrition” in the country, General Hospital and the upgrade
and considered credible by It is not known whether that is MADEûWORSEûBYûAûNEARLYûlVE
of an iron and steel factory.
experts, reported that 60% of the the case this time, although some month border closure with Fitch Solutions wrote that
bonds were allocated to state- Western commentators have China and strict quarantine state-owned enterprises like
owned enterprises and 40% to pointed to the likelihood that it measures against Covid-19, Construction Bureau 8, which is
individuals, including donju, or is. In any case, investing in North Reuters reported. He urged the building the hospital, would use
entrepreneurs. Korea’s debt is not for the faint- UN Security Council to ease the bond proceeds to procure
4HISûISûNOTûTHEûlRSTûTIMEûTHATû hearted: it has never repaid any sanctions to ensure food raw materials from local
the DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF of its offshore borrowings. supplies. companies.
BY PAUL KILBY “In the current environment has left companies seeking and cruise operators have sought
PEOPLEûAREûFOCUSEDûONûPRIZEDû creative ways to raise capital. liquidity through asset-backed
“J.Crew blockers” are back in assets and this is a way of being A long list of high-yield bonds bonds and in some cases have hit
vogue, this time in the junk protected from the company are being scrutinised for their J. their secured debt capacity.
bond market where issuers are moving them elsewhere.” Crew potential, as some borrowers “We expect the buy-side,
increasingly inserting such Ever since J.Crew used openly exploit such loopholes. especially in high-yield, to
provisions to prohibit the loopholes in debt covenants to Diamond Sports even leveraged continue to protect assets,” said
transfer of assets out of shift intellectual property to an its ability to use unrestricted 3COTTû+IMBALLûlXED
creditors’ reach. unrestricted subsidiary in subsidiaries to move collateral as portfolio manager at BMO
2ETAILERû'!0ûWASûTHEûlRSTû 2016, the name of the now an incentive to get bondholders to Global Asset Management.
company post Covid-19 to add bankrupt clothing retailer has participate in its exchange offer, h2EVENUEûANDûCASHmOWSû
J.Crew blockers on bonds, become a byword for what are albeit with little success. remain stressed in this still
followed by Viking Cruises and a seen as shifty manoeuvres by “Issuers have been more partially shutdown economy, so
little over a week ago Victoria’s borrowers. COGNISANTûOFûTHEûBENElTSûOFûTHESEû preserving IP and other assets is
Secret and Bath & Body Works Blockers have been more loopholes, creating more risk of a needed protection.”
owner L Brands came with its common in the loan and direct exploitation,” said Charlotta Over the past few months
own version. lending market where lenders Chung, head of US legal research borrowers have offered various
“Since the Covid-19 shutdown, have more leverage. at CreditSights. “But that risk is versions of J.Crew blockers. Most
we have seen some companies But this type of asset-stripping tempered by lender and creditor of them such as Viking Cruises
put J.Crew blockers into their has received renewed focus awareness.” and L Brands have focused on
indentures,” said Scott Webster, in the bond market at a time This is particularly true in imposing limitations on the
a senior covenant analyst at when the economic fallout sectors hard hit by the health transfer of intellectual property
Covenant Review. from the Covid-19 pandemic crisis where retailers, airlines – which J.Crew famously used.
named after
21 Former trader
Robert Begbie 26 India’s
freeze on
the mythological is named permanent fresh bankruptcy
hound of Hades, calls CEO of NatWest proceedings could
on Commerzbank to Markets, and needs to hurt its fragile banking
adopt a new strategy cut costs to revive its system and delay the
fortunes clear-up of bad debts
UBS rejigs private markets unit clients for illiquid investment opportunities
UBS has made changes to its private markets- within the wealth management division, and secondary equity monetisations.
focused groups in its investment banking including unlisted equity, private debt, special The new committees are designed to
and wealth management divisions aimed at situations, real estate and infrastructure. improve coordination between groups
bolstering collaboration between the two $Eû&ILIPPOûWHOûLEADSû5"3SûCORPORATEû looking at private market opportunities in
units so it can capitalise on increased client lNANCEûTEAMûANDû-ATTOLIûWHOûHEADSûUPûTHEû UBS’s wealth management and investment
demand for private market opportunities. 'REATERû#HINAûFAMILYûOFlCEûBUSINESSûWILLû banking divisions.
The changes include newly created regional also co-chair new private markets The changes come as more investment
positions of head of distribution within the committees in their respective regions. banks are bolstering their private market
direct investments group. Giuseppe De Filippo The other co-heads of the new committees offerings as more private companies delay
has been appointed to that position for are Isabelle Toledano-Koutsouris in EMEA and going public and ultra-high-net-worth and
Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and Enrico Selina Cheung in APAC. Toledano-Koutsouris FAMILYûOFlCEûCLIENTSûINûPARTICULARûAREû
0ACIlCûACCORDINGûTOû and Cheung are the heads in their regions of targeting private market deals in order to
The direct investments group effectively sit within the investment bank and were set increase returns.
comprises the bank’s alternatives business up last year to meet demand from the bank’s Thomas Blott
Ed Hoyle has taken Emerging markets EM credit traders CREDIT SUISSE has JEFFERIES has Ed Jenkins, HSBC‘s
over Carl Piccolo’s trader Akash Garg Mark Shillam and appointed Edmond hired Shujin Chen as chief risk officer for
fixed income syndicate has left BNP Paribas Thomas Layzell have Huang as head of head of China FIG Asia-Pacific, will step
responsibilities at to join JP MORGAN left Mizuho and are China equity strategy. research from Chinese down from his role
STANDARD BANK, trading CEEMEA heading to BNP Huang retains his brokerage firm Huatai on July 1 for family
sources said. One credit in London, PARIBAS, sources existing positions as Securities. Chen spent reasons. Jenkins will
source said Piccolo, sources said. He said. Shillam, who head of Hong Kong and three years at Huatai, take a sabbatical
who was global joined BNP Paribas in was head of emerging China equity research where she led H-share and plans to return
head of fixed income 2019, following a two- markets trading at and regional head of research. in October. Mark
syndicate, is retiring year spell at ING as an the Japanese bank, industrial research. He McKeown will handle
after 20 years at the EM credit trader. joined Mizuho in 2013. replaces Vincent Chan, Jenkins’ role on an
bank. Layzell joined Mizuho who recently joined interim basis.
in 2018. Aletheia Capital.
DIP STICK A US$1bn loan backing the REELING THEM IN Grieg Seafood hosts a
acquisition of Lummus Technology by The series of calls with investors starting on
Chatterjee Group and Rhone Capital closes Monday as it seeks to lure them into a LAST WEEK IN NUMBERS
on Monday. The company, which develops planned green bond in Norwegian krone. €241bn – Total demand for syndicated
TECHNOLOGYûFORûOILûRElNERIESûISûBEINGûSPUNû The Norwegian salmon and trout farmer deals from Italy, Spain, Greece and the
OFFûFROMû-C$ERMOTTû)NTERNATIONALûWHICHû was spun off from the Grieg Group, a UK on Tuesday
lLEDûFORûBANKRUPTCYûINû*ANUARYû0ROCEEDSû privately held company that specialises in HK$29bn – Bailout for airline Cathay
from the sale will go towards paying down shipping, in 2007. It is the latest green 0ACIlCûINCLUDINGûRIGHTSûISSUEûWARRANTSû
a debtor-in-possession loan. transaction to hit the market following a and a government loan
slower-than-expected start to the year. €3bn – Amount raised by automaker
EVERYTHING MUST GO Brazilian home Volkswagen through a dual-tranche
appliances and electronics retailer Via NO VACANCIES Subscription ends on subordinated bond deal
Varejo hopes to wrap up a R$4bn Wednesday for a SKr1.8bn (US$180m) rights
“Airlines in general started to One bond buyer said he was cautious on 100
Delta was printing the new with potential zero recovery rate. 60
versus the benchmark for these trades is “As soon as you go beyond two years, you
SSAR BMO, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and said. “This, though, looks like it’s in the top
2OYCEûOFûTHEûTRADESûWASû for a trade longer than two years. So it’s a
core maturity, but both KBN and the World The proceeds will support the World
SSA ISSUERS HIT THEIR MARKS IN "ANKûHAVEûDONEûPHENOMENALLYûWELLvûSAIDû Bank’s sustainable development activities in
DOLLARS the second banker. member countries.
Three Triple A issuers mined the dollar .ORWAYûCUTûPRICINGûBYûBPûFORûITSû53BNû
DEVELOPMENT BANK, KOMMUNALBANKEN and the h)TSûTOUGHûTOûlNDûFAIRûVALUEûBUTûITûLOOKSû progress towards its international capital
WORLD BANK all bringing off successful trades. CLOSEûTOûITvûSAIDûTHEûSECONDûBANKER markets debut, holding a global investor call
)$"û!AA!!! ûSHEDûBPûFROMû)04SûOFûTHEû "OOKSûGREWûTOûMOREûTHANû53BNû on Wednesday.
YEARû excluding lead manager orders. 0REVIOUSLYû3HANGHAI
'LOBALûBENCHMARKû4HEûlNALûSPREADûOFûBPû KBN was making a return to the dollar issued Panda debt in the domestic Chinese
saw it print the trade through its curve. MARKETûAFTERûPRINTINGûAû53BNûlVE
YEARû market. However, it has voiced ambitions of
h)TSûANOTHERûSUPERBûRESULTûFORûTHEMvûSAIDû in March at 15bp over swaps. issuing in other member state currencies.
a banker away from the trade. “They’ve )TûHASûAûFUNDINGûPROGRAMMEûOFû53BN
Citigroup, Credit Agricole, Goldman Sachs
been very aggressive in terms of new issue EQUIVALENTûFORûûACROSSûBENCHMARKSû International, HSBC and JP Morgan are leads for
concessions this year but it doesn’t look like private placements, retail and other the proposed US dollar Reg S senior
it’s affected their deals, they’ve managed to institutional markets. The aim is to issue unsecured Covid Response bond, which was
IoIs exceeded US$4.5bn and demand grew euro benchmarks.
through the bookbuild to peak at more than Bank of America, BMO, Citigroup and Morgan
US$6bn. Books closed at over US$5.75bn. Stanley were lead managers. EUROS
A second banker said that as spreads have 4HEû7ORLDû"ANKû!AA!!! ûWASûOUTûWITHûAû
tightened over the past weeks, so the quality of 53MûFOUR
the books has increased as fast money retreats. The was set 1bp inside IPTs, landing at SECOND SYNDICATION ROUND
said the second banker. “The central banks The second banker said that it looked as if 'ERMANYûANDû&INLANDûMANAGEDûTOûENTICEû
are always looking to beat the benchmark, THEûISSUERûHADûNOTûPAIDûUPûVERSUSûITSûlXED
investors to their syndications despite
UPû rate dollar curve. printing at no concession to their curves, an
Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share
bank or group issues US$(m) (%) bank or group issues US$(m) (%) bank or group issues €(m) (%)
1 BNP Paribas 21 3,841.05 7.2 1 JP Morgan 824 234,557.91 8.7 1 BNP Paribas 262 80,065.84 8.6
2 Citigroup 14 3,408.82 6.4 2 Citigroup 653 199,759.76 7.4 2 JP Morgan 213 67,394.81 7.2
3 JP Morgan 20 3,319.23 6.2 3 BofA Securities 663 190,427.86 7.1 3 Barclays 208 59,096.26 6.3
4 Credit Agricole 16 3,267.38 6.1 4 Barclays 585 184,440.48 6.9 4 HSBC 217 58,971.73 6.3
5 SG 13 3,135.83 5.9 5 Goldman Sachs 451 141,757.37 5.3 5 Credit Agricole 189 55,718.84 6.0
6 ING 20 3,073.64 5.7 6 HSBC 528 136,570.95 5.1 6 Deutsche Bank 180 49,790.69 5.3
7 Barclays 17 2,907.19 5.4 7 BNP Paribas 442 129,793.57 4.8 7 UniCredit 167 47,532.92 5.1
8 BofA Securities 20 2,726.27 5.1 8 Deutsche Bank 434 118,522.38 4.4 8 SG 155 46,298.10 5.0
9 Deutsche Bank 11 2,358.98 4.4 9 Morgan Stanley 349 117,084.56 4.4 9 Citigroup 149 45,532.85 4.9
10 HSBC 16 2,183.94 4.1 10 Credit Agricole 319 85,079.21 3.2 10 BofA Securities 149 41,581.21 4.5
Total 96 53,603.38 Total 2,893 2,691,623.74 Total 948 931,848.69
Excludes social bonds and mixed use of proceeds. Including Euro, foreign, global issues. Excluding equity-related debt, Including Euro-preferreds. Excluding equity-related debt,
US Global ABS/MBS. US Global ABS/MBS.
Source: Refinitiv SDC code: JG1 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: J1 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: N1
Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share
bank or group issues US$(m) (%) bank or group issues US$(m) (%) bank or group issues €(m) (%)
1 JP Morgan 189 72,470.55 11.5 1 JP Morgan 534 152,903.84 10.3 1 BNP Paribas 29 29,228.76 11.3
2 Citigroup 174 71,082.24 11.2 2 Citigroup 480 141,020.76 9.5 2 JP Morgan 35 25,390.10 9.8
3 BofA Securities 190 69,912.56 11.0 3 BofA Securities 486 137,010.82 9.2 3 Citigroup 22 17,212.77 6.7
4 Goldman Sachs 113 49,337.22 7.8 4 Barclays 325 107,727.60 7.2 4 HSBC 16 15,413.47 6.0
5 Morgan Stanley 92 39,021.91 6.2 5 Goldman Sachs 339 102,940.15 6.9 5 Barclays 26 15,004.07 5.8
6 Wells Fargo 111 36,107.96 5.7 6 Morgan Stanley 266 89,614.32 6.0 6 Credit Agricole 17 14,276.63 5.5
7 Barclays 90 33,415.56 5.3 7 Wells Fargo 255 70,968.02 4.8 7 SG 16 13,932.02 5.4
8 Deutsche Bank 65 25,435.98 4.0 8 HSBC 222 56,498.79 3.8 8 UniCredit 8 12,884.59 5.0
9 RBC 65 22,031.25 3.5 9 Deutsche Bank 236 56,478.66 3.8 9 Goldman Sachs 16 12,106.66 4.7
10 TD Securities 56 20,907.38 3.3 10 RBC 165 44,532.72 3.0 10 BofA Securities 20 11,788.20 4.6
Total 347 632,870.63 Total 1,348 1,489,492.60 Total 98 258,368.04
Excluding equity-related debt, ABS/MBS. Including Euro, foreign and global issues. Excluding equity-related debt, Excluding ABS/MBS.
US Global ABS/MBS.
Source: Refinitiv SDC code: O5 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: O1 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: N4
Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share
bank or group issues €(m) (%) bank or group issues €(m) (%) bank or group issues €(m) (%)
Excluding equity-related debt. Including publicly owned institutions. Excluding ABS/MBS. Excluding ABS/MBS.
Source: Refinitiv SDC code: N6 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: N5 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: N7
STERLING CURVE CURRENCYûINû contribute to the AIIB’s regular operations,
The CANADA PENSION PLAN INVESTMENT BOARD has market has been relatively quiet of late pandemic. They were offered to onshore
landed the biggest sterling deal, excluding compared to the frenzied action in US investors as well as offshore institutional
THEû5+û$-/ûINûOVERûAûFORTNIGHTûASûTHEû dollars and euros, but there have been some investors via Bond Connect.
issuer continues to ramp up its funding in recent signs of increased activity with “The issuance will raise important capital
BANKûYESTERDAYûITSû the short term and maintain its
YEARûINû!PRILûLASTû CLEARûTHATûTHERESûGOODûDEMANDûOUTûTHEREvû commitment to investing in sustainable
&RIDAYSûûaBNû*ULYûûBONDûNOTûONLYû said a syndicate banker, speaking last INFRASTRUCTUREûINûTHEûLONGûTERMvûTHEû!))"Sû
marked another increase in size and the Thursday. president and chairman of the board, Jin
biggest round of sterling funding yet for the ,
"ANKûEXECUTEDûITSûlRSTûSTERLINGûDEALûINû Liqun, said in a press release.
Triple A rated issuer, but also a new tenor. two years last Wednesday, printing a £750m “As an international organisation
A bookrunner noted that despite the $ECEMBERûûONûBOOKSûOVERûaBNû headquartered in Beijing, AIIB is also playing
issuer being relatively new, the level of )$"û!AA!!! ûBEGANûMARKETINGûAûaMû a role in the internationalisation of China’s
engagement with investors base was strong. MINIMUMûTAPûOFûITSûû3EPTEMBERûûINû capital markets by providing both onshore
“Within the space of six months they’ve an attempt to improve its liquidity by taking ANDûOFFSHOREûINVESTORSûWITHûAûVERYûHIGH
JUSTûPUTûAûWHOLEûCURVEûOUTûTHEREûTHREEûlVEû the total outstanding to over £500m. quality RMB investment. This successful
and 10 years which is pretty quick by “They wanted to try and get it to £500m, transaction serves as an important
ANYONESûSTANDARDSvûAûSECONDûBOOKRUNNERû as that tends to open it up, as a few of the benchmark for our future issues in the years
said. “Each one of these deals had to be good BIGûTREASURIESûDONTûBUYûSUBûaMûTRADESvû AHEADvû,IQUNûSAIDû4HEû!))"ûISûûOWNEDûBYû
to do the next one and they’ve had a the banker said. China.
After appointing Barclays, Bank of America, tap was priced, taking the new deal size to TIMESûTHEûISSUEûSIZEûFROMûMOREûTHANûû
of £1.7bn. INûTHEûlNALûSPREADûOFûBPûOVERûTHEûû a person familiar with the deal.
BPû70)2 ûOVERûTHEûû*ULYûû'ILTû4HEû Barclays, BofA Securities and HSBC were joint ûlVE
at 47bp. The rationale behind the trade looked 2ECOVERYû&ACILITYûOFûUPûTOû53BN
The second lead estimated fair value at more opportunistic than strategic, and #HIEFûlNANCIALûOFlCERû!NDREWû#ROSSûSAIDû
45bp. while still not as attractive as before the THEû0ANDAûBONDûISSUEûTHEû!))"SûlRSTûLOCALû
In terms of comparables, bankers looked pandemic, the arbitrage has improved. currency bond offering, was another
at EIB and World Bank – two key sterling “Sterling secondaries in general have MILESTONEûINûITSûDIVERSIlEDûFUNDINGûSTRATEGYû
issuers. been getting tighter in the past few trading with access to investors globally. The bank
The EIB and World Bank both have July SESSIONSvûSAIDûANOTHERûSYNDICATEûBANKERû has registered a Rmb10bn quota with
&RIDAYû offering on Tuesday. The spread on that loan to upgrade China’s public health
The motivation behind the deal appears trade was tightened by 4bp from IPTs to end infrastructure and provide emergency
to be clearly strategic with the issuer ATûMID
SWAPSûPLUSûBPûONûBOOKSûINûEXCESSû equipment and supplies in response to the
of US$5.75bn. #OVID
term investments in the UK. .EWû$EVELOPMENTû"ANKûRATEDû!!ûBYû
invested in the UK as of the end of March NON-CORE CURRENCIES 2MBBNûOFûTHREE
and with two rounds of sterling funding WHICHûWASûmATûTOûTHEû#$"ûCURVEûATûTHATûTIMEû
their exposure. Panda bond issue from a multilateral
of people know this, is that CPP Investments RATEDû!AA!!!!!!ûHASûPRICEDûAû2MBBNû Another person familiar with the deal
has a massive presence in the UK. They do 53M ûTHREE
YEARûDEBUTû0ANDAûBONDû expects more international issuers will visit
UK investments for the issuer include INDICATIVEûRANGEûOFûn print.
sizeable stakes in the parent company of The multilateral development bank is the “Some international Triple A issuers are
!NGLIANû7ATERû7ESTlELDû3TRATFORDû#ITYûANDû lRSTûISSUERûWITHûINTERNATIONALû4RIPLEû!û planning to issue Panda bonds and are in
Wembley Park. ratings to tap the Panda market since different stages of preparation. One may
Chinese regulators relaxed and streamlined COMEûOUTûINûTHEûNEARûFUTUREvûSAIDûTHEû
IDB PICKS UP MORE POUNDS the guidelines governing Panda bonds in person. The AIIB is also highly likely to issue
other Panda bonds under its remaining
The INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK jumped &INALûPRICINGûWASûBPûINSIDEû#HINAû quota to establish a more complete curve.
in ahead of an expected benchmark deal for $EVELOPMENTû"ANKSûCURVEûTHEûDEûFACTOû 4RIPLEû!ûRATEDû)NTERNATIONALû&INANCEû#ORPû
#00)"ûONû&RIDAYûWITHûANûOPPORTUNISTICûTAPûOFû benchmark for Panda bonds. International Bank for Reconstruction and
Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share
bank or group issues US$(m) (%) bank or group issues US$(m) (%) bank or group issues €(m) (%)
1 JP Morgan 92 22,536.82 11.0 1 JP Morgan 407 144,891.27 13.0 1 BNP Paribas 132 25,664.22 9.6
2 BofA Securities 93 22,156.75 10.8 2 BofA Securities 391 124,779.94 11.2 2 HSBC 96 18,516.35 6.9
3 Morgan Stanley 59 16,773.42 8.2 3 Citigroup 330 110,976.10 9.9 3 Barclays 71 17,023.52 6.4
4 Citigroup 66 16,360.70 8.0 4 Morgan Stanley 251 90,304.65 8.1 4 Deutsche Bank 76 16,891.13 6.3
5 Barclays 53 14,003.82 6.8 5 Goldman Sachs 229 83,518.31 7.5 5 BofA Securities 70 14,184.54 5.3
6 Goldman Sachs 47 13,494.26 6.6 6 Wells Fargo 227 76,978.52 6.9 6 Citigroup 72 13,993.02 5.2
7 Wells Fargo 60 10,432.67 5.1 7 Barclays 169 51,776.20 4.6 7 JP Morgan 77 13,766.07 5.2
8 Mizuho 44 8,473.35 4.1 8 Deutsche Bank 111 35,850.25 3.2 8 SG 76 12,996.84 4.9
9 MUFG 30 6,988.08 3.4 9 RBC 133 33,473.68 3.0 9 Credit Agricole 70 12,170.79 4.6
10 US Bancorp 35 6,426.27 3.1 10 HSBC 102 33,446.95 3.0 10 UniCredit 64 9,344.92 3.5
Total 174 205,745.49 Total 753 1,116,986.15 Total 279 266,875.82
Excluding equity-related debt, ABS/MBS, all foreign issues, global issues Excluding equity-related debt. FIGs, ABS/MBS.
and non corporates.
Source: Refinitiv SDC code: F6a Source: Refinitiv SDC code: F9 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: N8
European corporate markets maintained their 80bp, roughly flat to fair value, according to producers or transmission companies such
green streak last week, with borrowers offering some bankers. as National Grid,” said Arthur Krebbers,
green and transitional bonds across euros and On the same day, Dutch electricity and gas NatWest Markets’ head of sustainable finance
sterling. network operator Enexis sold a €500m no-grow corporates.
The pricing advantages for the issuers of ESG June 2032 green bond 10bp through fair value at The deal was announced at price thoughts of
bonds was apparent in the euro market, where a spread of 60bp over swaps. Books peaked at the 150bp area and investors proved receptive,
SNAM (Baa2/BBB+/BBB+) and ENEXIS (Aa3/A+) over €2.8bn and the deal was announced at IPTs resulting in an order book that peaked above
completely erased premiums on their respective of 95bp area. £1bn. Demand slid back to around £930m as
bonds. “I think there is an argument to be made for pricing was tightened to mid-Gilts plus 130bp.
Italian energy infrastructure company Snam green giving you that price advantage, especially The inaugural bond was issued under
brought a more controversial form of ESG debt, when you have had broader supply picking back Northern Powergrid’s Green Finance Framework,
a transition bond. up, perhaps that green label gives you a slightly which enables the firm’s North East and
Transition bonds were considered the most broader investor pool and less price sensitivity,” Yorkshire arms to finance green projects through
appropriate strategy for Snam, given that the said a banker. a variety of debt instruments.
range of categories within the use of proceeds The bond marked the issuer’s inaugural Northern Powergrid is involved in carbon
exceed what could be aligned with the EU’s green deal, having published its green finance transition in the UK and about 80% of the local
green bond taxonomy, said a banker. framework in May, with proceeds from the new authorities where it operates have declared a
“But it shows that they are a part of this issue going towards eligible projects. climate emergency.
transition to a new economy. For me, this is
the type of thing that needs doing, helping to GREEN STERLING KEEPING THINGS DOMESTIC
provide capital to sectors that need to transition. The sterling market is playing its part in the Although sterling ESG issuance has jumped over
When you are advising, you shouldn’t shy away recent growth in supply of ESG debt, with the past month, the absence of international
from the challenging issues.” NORTHERN POWERGRID (A3/A/A–) selling its first issuers is stark.
The new deal was the first to be issued under green bond last Tuesday, a £300m deal due CPI Property Group, the Luxembourg-listed
the company’s new transition bond framework, June 2062. commercial real-estate owner, is the only
a shift from its previous “climate action” The pace of ESG issuance in sterling is on the non-UK corporate to issue sterling bonds with
framework. up as corporates turn their attention to green proceeds earmarked for green projects in the
Under the new framework, the issuer and sustainable financing, following the trend in past 18 months, according to IFR data.
announced, among other things, an updated the euro new-issue market. “Sterling investors don’t always help
target of CH4 reduction of 40% by 2025 Including Northern Powergrid’s trade, four themselves. As a syndicate guy you know
compared to the previous plan’s 25%, and the corporate borrowers have tapped the UK sterling is the toughest market generally, and it
setting of a new target to reduce direct and currency for ESG funding since the start of May: took a long time for them to start signalling they
indirect CO2 equivalent emissions by 40% by Southern Power, Severn Trent and Pearson wanted to buy again after March,” said a banker
2030. raised some £1.475bn of notes. Only two away from Tuesday’s trade.
Despite a book of only €1.8bn, Snam still appeared in the first four months of the year. “Then, when you add in green, an issuer
achieved good price progression on its €500m “It is the first distribution network operator usually needs to have the projects to fund in
0.75% June 2030s. Announcing at IPTs of mid- in the UK to do a green debt issue. These sterling, so that leaves the UK corporates.”
swaps plus 115bp area, the deal was priced at instruments have so far been issued by energy Ed Clark
HELPûlNANCEûITSûACQUISITIONûOFûAûûSTAKEûINû This was the second time OMV had taken swaps plus 175bp area guidance,
Borealis, increasing its shareholding of the TOûTHEûBONDûMARKETûASûAûMEANSûOFûlNANCINGû DEMANDûFORûTHEû*UNEûSûWASûSOLIDû
CHEMICALSûCOMPANYûTOû its growing stake in Borealis. In April, it enough for the spread to be tightened to
“A lot of oil companies are seeing good raised €1.75bn over three tranches, with 165bp. Leads began marketing the note
DEMANDûFROMûBONDûINVESTORSvûSAIDûAûSECONDû proceeds earmarked for the same purpose as ATûTHEûBPûAREA
banker. “They are still able to buy at a Monday’s bonds. h#ONSTRUCTIONûISûAûDIFlCULTûONEû&ORûUSû
decent spread, but the tone around oil has ,EADSûSAIDûFAIRûVALUEûONûTHEûTHREE
YEARûWASû there are certainly opportunities, but
perhaps these are not as clear cut as
TRANCHEû year note, they pegged fair value at about 90bp. SOMETHINGûLIKEûOILûORûINDUSTRIALSvûSADûAû
DEALûEXCEEDEDûõBNûWITHûAûSKEWû second asset manager.
LEADSûLANDEDûATûAûSPREADûOFûBPûOVERû ACS (BBB, S&P), the Spanish construction €500m and raise €750m.
swaps. It came alongside a €750m June company, also tapped the euro market, for Having no outstanding bonds itself,
ûNOTEûTHATûOFFEREDûAûlNALûSPREADûOFû ITSûlRSTûBONDûISSUEûINûlVEûYEARS bankers looked to sector and ratings peers
45bp. Both tranches priced through fair û$ESPITEûPICKINGûUPûAûRELATIVELYû SUCHûASû&ERROVIALû""" û(OCHTIEFû""" ûANDû
HeidelbergCement (BBB).
Supply in the European corporate primary this “Ultimately you still have a huge amount of NOT SO HUNGRY FOR HYBRIDS
month should prove resilient to a substantial support from central banks and if issuers end Issuers’ appetite to raise subordinated debt,
softening in markets, but the spread widening up paying slightly higher spreads or premiums however, may have been dented by the sell-off,
could affect the willingness of high-beta to issue, that is not bad for us,” said an asset as bonds widen in the secondary market.
credits and issuers of riskier instruments to manager. “The big attraction for issuers was the
bring deals. “The rally was itself quite surprising and performance of their outstanding hybrids.
Sentiment was hit hard by a sober assessment we already had to take a cautious approach to I mean you saw VW’s tighten something
of the US economic outlook by Fed Chair Jerome issuers and sectors.” like 100bp before they issued,” said the first
Powell last week. It took another blow from The second banker said that technicals syndicate banker.
a reported increase in coronavirus cases in remained very strong, which means the widening “Coupons have been going up so this
some US states the following day, which led to should remain manageable. performance was what was bringing issuers to
renewed selling. One factor that has the potential to slow the market. If secondaries aren’t doing as well
“It is weird when you think about it. Arguably the pace of supply is the high level of issuance then this clearly impacts the reasoning behind
the market shouldn’t have rallied like it did, but already seen this year. With corporate treasuries issuing.”
equally it probably shouldn’t have sold off like it taking advantage in recent weeks of the Volkswagen raised €3bn via a pair of hybrids
has,” said a syndicate banker. tightening in spreads and low concessions, last week, but the yield on both legs has
“Nothing has really changed that much.” many have fulfilled much of their funding already begun to rise. Its €1.5bn 3.5% PNC5,
How this shapes future supply from corporate requirements. for example, was issued at a yield of 3.5% on
issuers in Europe is up for debate, but some If pricing becomes less attractive some issuers Wednesday and last Friday morning was bid at
bankers are actually predicting heavier issuance may have little incentive to print. 3.625% on Tradeweb.
this week. “Corporates have done such a huge amount Equally, as risk appetite wavers, the
“I have the feeling supply next week will be of funding already on the basis that even if they momentum built by unrated issuers could fade.
much larger. Issuers are still on the lookout for didn’t immediately need it, conditions were good Unrated companies were able to print deals last
debt,” said a second syndicate official. and the future is uncertain,” said a DCM banker. week, many bringing trades that were three or
“Some of this will be refis, some is M&A “This means there are plenty that don’t four times subscribed and came with limited or
driven. Not necessarily funding for new capex. necessarily need to issue.” no new-issue premiums.
But this will come with further widening and However, some signs of sentiment improving Unrated borrowers already have to issue
increases in NIPs.” had already begun to appear and European at relatively wide spreads compared to their
Issuers should still be able to access the equities rallied last Friday. rated peers and some may be put off from new
market at acceptable levels, although may have “The market has firmed up since the weak issuance if the levels needed to print widens
to pay higher premiums than has been the norm opening despite the volatility in stocks,” said a further, said bankers.
over recent weeks. second DCM banker. Ed Clark
Although fair value was hard to pinpoint, “So now they are rushing back in and May, this has translated into very strong
BASEDûONûCOMPARABLESûSUCHûASû$EUTSCHEû looking for yield, so those assets will tighten PRIMARYûMARKETSv
Bahn or Alliander, bankers plumped for a EVENûFURTHERv
UNRATED ISSUERS PUSH INTO THRIVING A number of infrequent borrowers were
As investors have fully resumed their search grade market last week.
for yield, subordinated debt has rallied hard 4HEûINVESTMENT
GRADEûCORPORATEûMARKETû “Now that you have some unrated issuers
in the secondary market. maintained its increasingly positive tone ANNOUNCINGû)ûTHINKûTHISûREmECTSûTHATû
“Now is a great time for these issuers LASTûWEEKûASûUNRATEDûISSUERSûRE
TOûBEûISSUINGûHYBRIDSvûSAIDûAûFOURTHû raise new funding. syndicate banker.
banker away. )NmOWSûINTOûCREDITûFUNDSûTHEû “It was not that long ago that you would
“Not only have the new deals been announcement of the EU’s €750bn rescue have advised against unrated borrowers
selling well but they have been trading fund, an expansion of the pandemic ISSUINGûBUTûTHEûMARKETûISûINûGOODûSHAPEv
well, so more borrowers should be emergency purchase programme and GALP ENERGIA, the unrated Portuguese
looking at this now that pricing has come BETTER
European primary for two and a half years
4HEûõMûû0.#ûHYBRIDû grade borrowers. ONû4UESDAYûPRINTINGûAûõMûNO
&IRMENICHûISSUEDûINû-AYûATûAûYIELDûOFûû “Investors have been seeing strong *ANUARYûûATûSWAPSûPLUSûBPûHAVINGû
according to Tradeweb. INTOûYIELD
“I think some investors were caught out by GIVENûHOWûNEGATIVEûRATESûAREûINû%UROPEvû “It is marketed very much like a crossover
how aggressive the price tightening in said one syndicate banker. CREDITvûSAIDûAûTHIRDûBANKER
asset manager. volumes than we were seeing in April and appliance manufacturer SEB, also returning
TOûTHEûPUBLICûMARKETûFORûTHEûlRSTûTIMEûSINCEû government bonds, in the most extreme March, but they have returned to buying as
ûANDûWHICHûSAWûAûSIMILARûAMOUNTûOFû example of its impact on the domestic credit THEû&EDERALû2ESERVEûANDû%UROPEANû#ENTRALû
movement in spread. market. Bank have also demonstrated their
GROWû*UNEûû The central bank on Tuesday offered to willingness to support credit markets,
the issuer initially offered the deal at the buy corporate bonds with one to three years causing spreads to tighten again.
book of around €1.6bn. Market participants were able to sell WITHûTHREEûTOûlVEûYEARSûTOûMATURITYûONû*UNEûû
Although subscription rates did not reach CORPORATEûBONDSûATûAVERAGEûYIELDSûOFûnû It has not announced yet whether it will again
the levels seen on some rated deals recently, but the BoJ actually bought some bonds at SETûAûmOORûFORûTHATûOPERATIONûBUTûSOMEû
BANKERSûSAIDûTHATûWASûLARGELYûAûREmECTIONûOFû YIELDSûASûLOWûASûnûTHEûmOORûTHEûCENTRALû participants believe it will do so by using a JGB
some buyers being unable to invest in bank put in place for this operation. WITHûlVEûYEARSûTOûMATURITYûASûAûREFERENCE
unrated names rather than signalling a 0ARTICIPANTSûBELIEVEDûTHATûTHEûmOORûWASû
weakening in overall market sentiment. BASEDûONûWHEREûTHREE
ILIADûAûTELECOMSûOPERATORSûINû&RANCEûANDû the previous day. They also said it was
Italy, generated similar interest a day later, REASONABLEûTOûHAVEûAûmOORûINûORDERûTOû
SELLINGûAûõMû*UNEûûOFFûAûBOOKûOFûOVERû prevent the Japanese credit market from FIG
€1.9bn. overheating, especially after the BoJ decided
“Ultimately, those unrated names might to boost its corporate debt purchases in
get some larger books because they come at March and increased those purchases in EUROS
MUCHûWIDERûSPREADSvûSAIDûAûTHIRDûBANKER April to help Japanese companies raise funds
“It can be a strange balancing between smoothly. COMMERZ, ABN AMRO REAP HUGE
seeing good demand because they come at a “There is nothing wrong with setting the AT1 DEMAND
wider spread and demand being limited mOORvûSAIDûAûSALESPERSONûATûAû*APANESEû
BECAUSEûNOTûEVERYONEûCANûBUYûUNRATEDv securities house. “There is no need for them COMMERZBANK and ABN AMRO reopened the
)LIADSûNEWûTRADEûWASûOFFEREDûATûTHEûBPû to buy corporate bonds at a yield below European Additional Tier 1 market in style
AROUNDûû$EMANDûWASûSUCHûTHATûLEADSû him to sell electric power company bonds technicals and positive signs on coupon risk
COULDûTAKEûTHISûINûTOûBPûFORûAûYIELDûOFû through the operation. saw combined demand peak at more than
In effect, the results of the operation €19.5bn despite big moves in price
indicated that Japanese investors were so progression.
CONlDENTûOFûTHEûCENTRALûBANKSûSUPPORTûFORû Bankers billed the simultaneous deals as
SWISS FRANCS the credit markets they chose not to let go of the biggest test of the AT1 market since the
bonds unless they could sell at yields coronavirus crisis began.
STRAUMANN EXTENDS WITH SECOND equivalent to those of JGBs. Only one AT1 had been sold in Europe
DEAL OF THE YEAR The strong results came even after heavy since the crisis hit, a €675m deal for Bank of
supply in the domestic market the previous Ireland on May 14 for which investors were
YEARûISSUEûONû7EDNESDAYû publication, 16 corporate issuers tapped the Aû53BNû!4ûONû-AYû
SWAPSûPLUSûBPnBPû included TOKYO METRO, which borrowed strength, albeit in US dollars, and this is a
YEARûBONDû real reopening of the euro market, with two
53M ûNO
GROWûATûPLUSûBPnBPû offering, and Z HOLDINGS, formerly Yahoo national champions coming to top up their
The bond priced at the tight end. *APANûWHICHûRAISEDûcBNûFROMûAûlVE
SûTHEû.)0ûWASûHARDûTOûPINPOINTû Japanese issuers’ aggressive pricing CALLû!PRILûûTRANSACTIONûWEREûOPENEDû
although one banker away from the deal expectations – the result of the BoJ’s WITHûINITIALûPRICEûTHOUGHTSûOFûTHEûûAREAûBYû
spotted it coming 10bp inside fair value. willingness to buy corporate bonds at zero leads Barclays, BNP Paribas, Commerzbank,
0RIVATEûBANKSûTOOKûûANDûASSETû credit spreads – are also pushing domestic Deutsche Bank and UBS.
3WISSûGROUPûOFû investors to focus more on international 'UIDANCEûWASûSETûATûûWITHûBOOKSû
ûACCOUNTSû credits, which are not eligible for the BoJ’s OVERûõBNûBEFOREûAûõBNûDEALûWASû
UBS and ZKB were leads on the deal, which purchases. LAUNCHEDûATûû4HEûBOOKûCLOSEDûATû
ISûRATEDû"""ûBYûBOTHûLEADSû4HEû “Some pension funds are starting to walk AROUNDûõBNûHAVINGûPEAKEDûABOVEûõBN
BASEDûCOMPANYûISûACTIVEûINûTHEû away from domestic bonds as they feel pricing ABN AMRO followed, with themselves,
lELDûOFûIMPLANTûANDûRESTORATIVEûDENTISTRYû levels in some deals are too aggressive, so they Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, HSBC and
and oral tissue regeneration. have started to look at the international yen Morgan Stanley MARKETINGûTHEûPERPETUALûNON
market hoping that foreign issuers will price CALLû3EPTEMBERûûDEALûWITHû)04SûOFûTHEû
their bonds in line with the secondary market
syndicate banker. THEûSIZEûATûõBNûWITHûBOOKSûOVERûõBNû4HEû
BOJ BUYS CORPORATE BONDS FLAT Indeed, the latest Samurai bond offering book continued to grow and the coupon was
TO JGBS from Credit Agricole earlier this month SETûATû
The BANK OF JAPANûBOUGHTûcBNû53BN û support coming from pension funds. peaking above €10bn.
of corporate bonds last week at negative Pension funds had been facing unrealised “Even though we knew the market was
YIELDSûINCLUDINGûAûPORTIONûmATûTOû*APANESEû losses after global credit spreads widened in strong and we were expecting a very good
But much of that has now been reversed 6 Nomura 2 20,833.33 5.5 6 Nomura 5 41,183.33 7.3
amid the sizeable and sustained rally in 7 Mitsubishi UFJ MS 2 19,733.33 5.2 7 Mitsubishi UFJ MS 5 40,083.33 7.1
8 MUFG 1 12,500.00 3.3 8 Credit Agricole 5 32,100.00 5.7
credit markets. The index tightened from
9 BNP Paribas 1 12,500.00 3.3 9 Daiwa Securities 4 28,683.33 5.1
10 Credit Agricole 2 11,750.00 3.1 10 MUFG 1 12,500.00 2.2
the new issues, returning to its lowest level
Total 7 379,250.00 Total 13 562,250.00
since March 6.
Excluding equity-related debt. Including preferreds. Including all Euro, foreign and global issues. Excluding equity-related
“Expectations for AT1 supply are low and debt.
THEREûWEREûMASSIVEû;CREDITûFUND=ûINmOWSûANDû Source: Refinitiv SDC code: K10 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: K12
“The problem is transactions paying no ZURICH INSURANCE COMPANY brought the day’s FRENCH DUO INJECT FURTHER VIGOUR
new issue premiums, or negative premiums, other subordinated trade, printing €750m of TO SNP MARKET
can continue only as long as we see an û.#ûSUBORDINATEDûNOTESûATûBPû
Last Monday, Additional Tier 1 Bankers away from the deal said it was market with deals that were well received
transactions from Commerzbank and ABN priced with a 0bp–5bp concession. and in high demand.
AMRO demonstrated the strength of the SOCIETE GENERALE entered the SNP market
primary market, with combined demand for NORMALISATION for the second time in under a month, while
the two trades peaking above €19.5bn. Elsewhere, KBC GROUP sold its second LA BANQUE POSTALEûBECAMEûAûlRST
MORNINGûONû4UESDAYûBOTHûDEALSû benchmark green bond issue, following its OFûCALLABLEûSENIORûNON
respectively, setting a new tone, bankers said. Leads BofA, Credit Agricole, Commerzbank, syndicate banker, “although people will
“It’s amazing how far we’ve come and we ING, KBC and Natixis opened books for the probably be disappointed with the rest of
SPREADS=vûSAIDûAû$#-ûBANKERûh4HEûWORRYûISû six holdco senior offering with initial price La Banque Postale started marketing a
have we, in the last three or four days, THOUGHTSûOFûMID
you can’t go 10bp tighter every day. I’m not with books closing in excess of €1.75bn. õBNûWITHûONEûOFlCIALûFROMûTHEû
saying this is the top of the market, but Bankers away from the deal judged it to syndicate expressing pleasure at the
Bankers suggested some investor They said KBC’s deal, and a €750m six Bookrunners were BNP Paribas, Citigroup,
attention was also drawn away to the SSA YEARûNON
PREFERREDû3.0 û Commerzbank, La Banque Postale, UBS and
demand was poured into syndications on Monday, show how far senior spreads have “With a call premium of around 15bp,
Tuesday. moved in recent weeks. THEYûPAIDûPRETTYûMUCHûZEROûNEW
Tuesday were able to achieve solid results, at lRSTû$#-ûBANKER As market sentiment continued to
least. “Levels are normalising, and that brings into strengthen in recent weeks, there has been
“We are seeing smaller order books, yet I play higher beta, larger spread names. And for an increasing appetite for SNP deals, with
suspect issuers in most cases have been able these lower beta guys, the best in class, levels lenders offering callable structures to
“It does feel like NIPs and book sizes have ITALIANS RETURN Higher spreads have also made callables
gone backwards, but they are still UNICREDITûWASûMEANWHILEûMAKINGûITSûlRSTû more palatable to issuers of SNP, as the cost
PALATABLEv FORAYûINTOûTHEûMARKETûSINCEû&EBRUARYû of the call option remains relatively stable
CALLûlVEûSENIORûPREFERREDû compared to the widening in spreads.
RISK APPETITE issue was marketed with initial price 3OCIETEû'ENERALEûOPENEDûBOOKSûFORûAûSELF
from RAIFFEISEN BANK INTERNATIONAL as proof sole bookrunner UniCredit. MID
that the market, while not as strong as it 4HEûSPREADûWASûSUBSEQUENTLYûlXEDûATûBPû “The maturity was an empty point of the
Leads BNP Paribas, BofA Securities, Morgan lNALûBOOKSûSTANDINGûINûEXCESSûOFûõBN syndicate banker.
Stanley, Raiffeisen Bank International and Societe The deal comes on the back of a The trade was ultimately launched at
YEARûBULLETûSENIORûPREFERREDû “This was a pretty strong result, with the
SPREADûWASûlXEDûATûBPûWITHûTHEûBOOKSû The tightening paved the way for BPER SNP issuance, and in particular demand
late as the extreme levels of volatility caused
YEARûDEALûATûBPû by the coronavirus pandemic have
saw fair value for the new issue at about INSIDEû)04SûOFûBP DISSIPATEDûSIGNIlCANTLYûASûEUROZONEû
countries ease lockdown measures and look
TIERûPERIPHERALûNAMEû to return to business.
While demand was more modest than for despite the softer market backdrop. “The big risk is that [spreads] have moved
other recent subordinated offerings, “The exercise worked well, they were able so much that even in spite of all the positive
bankers said the result was impressive given to get a good trade and a reasonable price market technicals it makes sense that we
Tuesday’s weaker backdrop. MOVEvûSAIDûAûBANKERûATûONEûOFûTHEûLEADS might see a step back in terms of spreads.
“It shows you investors’ appetite for risk "0%2ûWASûTHEûlRSTû)TALIANûBANKûOUTSIDEûTHEû We typically see that, so it’s key for issuers
ISûSTILLûVERYûMUCHûTHEREvûSAIDûAûSECONDû country’s top tier to enter the market since TOûGETûTHEIRûDEALSûOUTûQUICKLYvûTHEûlRSTû
syndicate banker. THEûCORONAVIRUSûCRISISûlRSTûHITûMARKETS banker said.
Like recent covered bond transactions, Bankers anticipate issuance will remain
LBBW followed the script of very limited SLOW
supply leading to exuberant demand – the “The liquidity party will continue; the
deal was more than three times subscribed ECB made it very clear it won’t take the CREDIT SUISSE GOES INTO COVEREDS
despite not offering any concession. PUNCHBOWLûAWAYûANYTIMEûSOONvûTHEûTHIRDû
“We were wondering when the next banker away said. CREDIT SUISSEûRAISEDû3&RMû53M ONû
German covered bond would come. A lot of 7EDNESDAYûTHROUGHû
issuers have parked their bonds or money ACHMEA’S CPT GETS BLOWOUT DEMAND covered bonds.
straight at the ECB due to its [purchase] -ARKETINGûBEGANûATûAûnûYIELDûFORû
THROUGHûCOVEREDûBONDûSECTORûTHATûHASû 55bp–60bp for the longer. Books opened for
away said. seen limited supply since October, and AûSETû3&RMûnYEARûATûAûûYIELDûANDûAû
h4HISûWASûTHEûlRSTûTESTûOUTûOFû'ERMANYû received blowout demand for its efforts. MINIMUMû3&RMûEIGHT
ANDû)ûTHINKûITûWASûMOREûTHANûSUCCESSFULvû A banker close to the deal said Tuesday’s area.
Leads ABN AMRO, Credit Agricole, trade was more than just a reopening of the 4HEûSHORTERûONEûWASûSETûATûûANDûTHEû
Commerzbank, LBBW and UBS started market and that it sent the upbeat message LONGERûUPPEDûTOû3&RMûATûPLUSûBP
GROWûTRANSACTIONûAûLEVELûTHATû demand in the sector. pay a premium over the benchmark PSHypo
ISSUEûPREMIUMûOFû “Irrespective of whether the ECB is and PfZ curves.
4bp, according to bankers away. buying or not, there’s so much cash around Bank treasuries took the largest portions
,""7ûHASûOUTSTANDINGû3EPTEMBERûû in this market that people don’t really care. of both tranches at just under a half of each,
ANDû3EPTEMBERûûPUBLICûSECTORûDEALSûTHATû It’s the heyday of selling whatever you feel ASSETûMANAGERSûTOOKûûOFûEACHûANDû
were respectively quoted at plus 5bp and LIKEûSELLINGvûAûSECONDûBANKERûCLOSEûTOûTHEû insurers and pension funds together took
MANDATEûONû4RADEWEB trade said. n
Orders peaked at €1.75bn within two The CPT structure has not been the Credit SuisseûWASûSOLEûLEADûONûTHEû&ITCHû!!!û
HOURSûENABLINGûTHEûISSUERûTOûRElNEûGUIDANCEû most favoured among covered bond rated deals.
TIGHTûENDûOFûTHEûRANGEûWITHûTHEûlNALûORDERû to exclude these securities from its
book still in excess of €1.7bn. purchase programme did little to improve
“The market is really in very good shape, the product’s popularity.
are coming at fair value and the tightening !CHMEAûHADûGETTINGûAûõMûû&EBRUARYû
4HEûlRSTûBANKERûBELIEVESûSUBSEQUENTû concession but were only marginally
covered bonds will come at markedly tighter oversubscribed with €590m in orders. HIGH-YIELD SUPPLY SURGES AMID
spreads, provided nothing crucial occurs on Now, however, a corner appears to have ECONOMY WORRIES
the macroeconomic front. been turned in a context of limited covered
More measured in his views, a third banker bond supply and wider CPT spreads. (IGH
SAIDûTHATûALTHOUGHû'ERMANûANDû&RENCHûISSUERSû $UTCHû#04SûHAVEûUNDERPERFORMEDû pace last week before worries resurfaced
the scope for tightening will be limited. BPûPICK
levels already, so I think from now on it will This time around, bookrunners ABN 53BNûWEREûSOLDûONûTHEûlRSTûTHREEûDAYSû
be an uphill battle and not that easy to AMRO, DZ Bank, ING, Rabobank, Societe Generale of the week, with around half of them
justify a further push. There may be more and UniCredit BEGANûMARKETINGûAûlVE
YEARûATû upsized in a sign of strong funding
[tightening] potential for issuers that are still THEûMID
SWAPSûPLUSûBPûAREAûFORûAûõMû conditions.
!CHMEASûSûISSUEDûATûPLUSûBPûWEREû priced the week before, which was the fourth
bank or group issues US$(m) (%) õBNûMARKûh$EPENDINGûONûHOWûYOUûTWEAKû through Wednesday, compared with
2 Credit Suisse 20 8,049.04 7.3 the second banker said. ACCORDINGûTOû)&2ûDATA
3 BNP Paribas 26 5,947.88 5.4 Achmea printed its bond at the tight end 3TRONGûPRIMARYûCONDITIONSûONûTHEûlRSTû
4 HSBC 26 5,804.39 5.3 OFûTHEûGUIDANCEûRANGEûANDûDREWûAûlNALûORDERû three days of the week were supported by
6 Credit Agricole 21 4,631.27 4.2 RECORDEDûFORûAû$UTCHû#04ûACCORDINGûTOû!".û FUNDSûWITHû53BNûPILEDûINTOûJUNKû
7 Commerzbank 20 4,536.92 4.1 AMRO analysts. bond funds in the reporting week through
8 ING 21 4,525.75 4.1 “The lack of supply [in covereds] is really Wednesday, according to Lipper data.
9 NatWest Markets 17 4,311.12 3.9 kicking in and redemptions are high in But the pace of the primary supply slowed
10 UBS 16 3,708.30 3.4 June. That book shows you how hot this on Thursday, with just two new deals
Total 129 109,567.31 MARKETûREALLYûISvûSAIDûAûBANKERûAWAYûFROMû emerging as the market sold off on concerns
Source: Refinitiv SDC code: J15a the trade. ABOUTûAûRESURGENCEûOFû#OVID
The notes were seen trading as low as When the exchange offer was announced take down a ton of Virgin notes ahead of the
MarketAxess. low as 55. But they have since climbed to ISSUANCEûTHEREv
Both Moody’s and S&P have negative over 70 in secondary trading, according to A second investor welcomed the recent
American Axle had a cash position of that it was considering alternatives that from large capital structures following a
53MûATûTHEûENDûOFûTHEûlRSTûQUARTERûANDû would strip collateral from secured prolonged drought in the primary market.
-OODYSûEXPECTSûITûTOûlNISHûTHEûYEARûWITHûAû bondholders if the exchange offer was h6-%$ûDEALSûHAVEûBEENûSUCKEDûUPûANDû
similar amount, as the substantial negative unsuccessful. HAVEûDONEûWELLûVERYûEASILYvûSAIDûTHEûSECONDû
CASHmOWûINûTHEûSECONDûQUARTERûISûOFFSETûBYû The company indicated it was considering investor. “There’s real demand for a bit of
the recovery in auto operations in the designating subsidiaries as “unrestricted YIELDûnûANDû6-%$ûISNTûEVENûALLûTHATûYIELDYv
)NûAûREPORTûRELEASEDûONû4UESDAYû&ITCHûSAIDû collateral outside the reach of secured TAKINGû6-%$ûUNSECUREDûBONDûRISKû
that auto supplier earnings will have fallen bondholders and use it to raise new debt – a according to an investor presentation seen
to their lowest in the second quarter of move that was most commonly associated BYû)&2
quarter. !NALYSTSûATûCREDITûRESEARCHûlRMû#OVENANTû junior to Virgin Media’s secured debt but are
Component sales in the US are expected Review said the company had the ability to structurally senior to its senior unsecured
TOûBEûDOWNûûINûTHEûSECONDûQUARTER do this, regardless of the success of the notes. Virgin Media is ultimately responsible
4HEûBIGGESTûIMPACTûONûFREEûCASHmOWûWILLû exchange offer, under the existing and for the payment of coupon and principal.
HAVEûBEENûINûTHEûlRSTûHALFûOFûûASûAûRESULTû proposed covenants. With this bond, Virgin Media will have
of weak earnings, but this should also RElNANCEDûALLûOFûITSûSENIORûUNSECUREDSûANDû
improve in the second half, the ratings ALLûOFûITSûRECEIVABLEûlNANCINGûBONDSû
agency said. EUROPE/MIDDLE EAST/ according to CreditSights analysts.
“Auto suppliers are cyclical businesses, AFRICA “Its next benchmark bonds do not
they’re capital intensive and they’re BECOMEûCALLABLEûUNTILû*ANUARYûûANDû
dependent on consumer buying power and VIRGIN MEDIA REFINANCES DEBT AHEAD management are not in a rush to bring the
portfolio manager at GW&K Investment recapitalisation. As such, after this deal, we
Management. VIRGIN MEDIAûHASûBEENûONûAûRElNANCINGûSPREEû expect Virgin to give the primary market a
“But as long as they’re not overly levered hitting the market four times in two weeks, BREAKvûWROTEûANALYSTS
and they can take advantage of capital as it looks to clean up its debt stack ahead of Now that all of Virgin’s senior notes have
markets when they can, pushing out the ITSûCOMBINATIONûWITHû/ been taken out, it can undertake a
maturity runway far enough, investors are The latest deal from the UK cable operator h0ERMITTEDû3TRUCTUREû2EORGANISATIONvûSAIDû
willing to believe that this will pass and WASûAûaM
CALLû CreditSights.
sterling and US dollars. of the guarantees of the senior notes and to
SINCLAIR DEBT SWAP FOR SPORTS Lead bookrunners Deutsche Bank (B&D) and grant a share pledge on the capital stock of
market the bond on June 10. wrote.
An attempt by SINCLAIR BROADCAST GROUP to The sterling component was a tap of The move would bring the language of
ease the debt load on its regional sports 6-%$SûaMûû*ULYûSûISSUEDû Virgin’s senior notes in line with the other
with tepid demand from investors as a Meanwhile, the other tranche was the MANAGEMENTûWANTINGûAûSINGLE
debt exchange deadline passed on Tuesday COMPANYSûlRSTû2&.ûINû53ûDOLLARSû STRUCTUREûFORûTHEûNEWû6IRGIN
night. ACCORDINGûTOû)&2ûDATAû7HISPERSûFORûTHATû53û combination, said CreditSights.
(OLDERSûOFûJUSTû53MûOFûTHEûlRMSû dollar bond were heard by one US investor The UK cable and broadband company
ûûSENIORûNOTESûORûûOFû ATûn announced on May 7 a plan to merge with
outstanding, agreed to swap their bonds for Virgin landed the £400m sterling tap at MOBILEûNETWORKûOPERATORû/ûINûAûDEALûTHATûHASûAû
4HOSEûINVESTORSûWILLûRECEIVEû53MûINû û"OTHûTRANCHESûPRICEDûONû*UNEû Liberty Global and Telefonica, which own
face value of new notes and US$10m in cash. 0ROCEEDSûFROMûTHEûDEALûRATEDû"""û 6IRGINû-EDIAûANDû/ûRESPECTIVELYûAREû
outstanding on the senior notes, the RElNANCEûTHEûCOMPANYSûaMûRECEIVABLEû venture to take on the likes of BT and Sky.
company said on Thursday. lNANCINGûNOTESûDUEû The merger is expected to close in the
UPûALSOûFAILEDûTOûMEETûTHEû Some investors grumbled that they felt MIDDLEûOFû
consent threshold to strip the covenants oversaturated by Virgin issuance. Virgin Media started its run of issuance
FROMûTHEûS “To be honest, I’m not inclined to play – WITHûAû53MûûUNSECUREDû*ULYûSûINû
CreditSights analysts as an attempt to take INVESTORûWHOûHADûBOUGHTû6IRGINSûõMû
advantage of the steep discounts on the YEARûNON
company’s bonds in the secondary market “It just seems ridiculous how often we’re .#ûVENDORûlNANCINGûNOTESûATûûUSEDû
as it tries to deal with the shutdown of seeing them in the market over the past TOûRElNANCEû6IRGINû-EDIASûaMûû
sports broadcasting revenues. couple of weeks. It gets harder and harder to 2&.SûDUEû!PRILû
Arranger and sole lead Deutsche Bank !NDûITûISûFARûINSIDEûTHEûBPûSPREADûFROMû BBVA has not announced its rationale for
PLUSûBPûAFTERûBPûAREAû)04SûONû was priced by LeasePlan one week earlier, but reported CET1 fell by 90bp over the previous
Wednesday followed by 75bp–77bp (WPIR) its residual value component meant it was not three months, something an SRT
guidance on Thursday morning. eligible for the ECB’s ABS Purchase Programme. securitisation could help improve.
!!!!û-OODYS30$"23 ûANDûWITHûAû
year average life, was sold to 17 separate probably indicates central bank buying. In FROMûûPREVIOUSLYû4HEûCURRENTûû
accounts, including protected orders. turn, the 45bp differential between its Class CET1 level puts it at the bottom of the
4HEûõMûPORTIONûTHATûWASûSOLDûAWAYû A and LeasePlan’s gives some indication of BPnBPûBUFFERûITûISûSEEKINGûTOû
FROMûPROTECTEDûORDERSûWASûûTIMESûCOVEREDû the strong technical support that ECB maintain over the minimum required.
ATûTHEûlNALûSPREADûANDûWENTûTOûOFlCIALû eligibility can provide. On Thursday, just as the new issue was
INSTITUTIONû ûBANKûTREASURYû ûASSETû Two years ago BBVA sold a similar being priced, Moody’s put three tranches
*URISDICTIONSûWEREû3PAINû û&RANCEû û selling only mezzanine and junior notes. DOWNGRADEûACTINGûONû#LASSESû#û$ûANDû%û
"ENELUXû ûANDû5+û Two years ago that was enough to get capital WHICHûITûRATESû"AAû"AûANDû"
The 75bp spread compares with the 40bp RELIEFûBUTûSIGNIlCANTûRISKûTRANSFERû Moody’s said its rating action was
achieved last month by two German auto requirements have since changed and all prompted by expected economic disruption
"ENZ tranches need to be placed. caused by the coronavirus outbreak.
7ELLSû&ARGOûWROTEûINûAûRESEARCHûNOTEûONû extreme volatility in the mortgage bond “The overall agency CMBS market has
Monday. market and ignited margin calls for some STABILISEDûANDûTHEûNEEDûFORûTHEû&EDûTOû
About half of CBL’s CMBS loans are funds. provide unconditional support has
TRACKEDûBYû#-"8ûINDEXESûWITHûTHEûSERIESûû It also led to a plunge in revenues for hotels DIMINISHEDvû7ELLSû&ARGOûANALYSTSûWROTEûINûAû
having the greatest exposure at US$447m, and retailers, which are major borrowers in the research note last week.
according to JP Morgan. commercial real estate market. Last Tuesday, it bought only US$54m in
/Nû-ARCHûû#",ûREPORTEDûITûHADû Proceeds from the stock offering will go &ANNIEû-AEû#-"3ûOUTûOFûTHEû53Mû
COMPAREDûWITHû53MûONû$ECEMBERûû corporate purposes, including bolstering 3PREADSûONûSENIORû&ANNIEû#-"3ûAREû
liquidity and originating commercial RUNNINGûATûBPûOVERûSWAPSûmATûFROMûTHEû
)TûPOSTEDûAûNETûLOSSûOFû53MûINûTHEû mortgage loans and other target assets and start of the year and tighter than their
lRSTûQUARTERûCOMPAREDûWITHûAûLOSSûOFû investments. recent wide of 160bp, according to Wells
CBL also said it will also probably fail to US FED TO KEEP BUYING AGENCY CMBS
meet the minimum debt yield covenant of ‘SCRATCH-AND-DENT’ RMBS ISSUERS
lRSTûQUARTERûOFû it will continue to purchase agency
Meanwhile, CBL said it has hired Weil, COMMERCIALûMORTGAGE
BACKEDûSECURITIESû Investment managers are repackaging
Gotshal & Manges and Moelis & Co to help along with US Treasuries and agency hSCRATCH
explore ways to reduce overall leverage and MORTGAGE
interest expense and to extend the maturity stability in those markets amid a recession. LABELûRESIDENTIALûMORTGAGE
FAMILYû#-"3û market.
“Given the severity of the Covid backed by FANNIE MAE, FREDDIE MAC and GINNIE Investor appetite for riskier mortgage
downturn, coupled with its high levels of MAE since late March in an effort to bolster bonds outside of those guaranteed by FANNIE
MEETINGûITSûDEBTûOBLIGATIONSvû7ELLSû&ARGOû market, which had been virtually frozen as recent weeks with spreads on agency MBS
analysts said. THEû#OVID
They added several of CBL’s holdings that 0OLICY
MAKERSûSAIDûINûAûSTATEMENTûAFTERûAû prime auto and credit card ABS returning to
secure CMBS deals are joint ventures so they TWO
DAYûPOLICYûMEETINGûTHATûTHEû&EDûWOULDû levels seen prior to the global market rout in
MAYûNOTûBEûINCLUDEDûINûAûBANKRUPTCYûlLING purchase Treasuries, agency MBS and CMBS March.
“at least at the current pace to sustain Credit specialist PRETIUM CREDIT MANAGEMENT
BLACKSTONE MORTGAGE SELLS STOCKS smooth functioning of markets for these PRICEDûLASTû7EDNESDAYûAû53Mû
TO HELP FUND PROPERTY LOANS securities, thereby fostering effective TRANSACTIONûSECUREDûBYûNON
transmission of monetary policy to broader home loans, PRET 2020-NPL2ûITSûlRSTûSUCHûDEALû
SHAREû 4HEû&EDûPLANSûTOûCONDUCTûWEEKLYû#-"3û A fund managed by asset manager PACIFIC
offering of Class A common stock to help it PURCHASESûRANGINGûFROMû53MûTOû INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CO was set to price last
originate mortgage loans and other assets US$500m. WEEKûAû53Mû2-"3ûBRAVO 2020-RPL1,
(see Equity Americas section for more 3INCEû-ARCHûûTHEû&EDûHASûPURCHASEDû backed by reperforming mortgages.
details). 53BNûINûAGENCYû#-"3 .ON
trust, part of the world’s biggest private equity principal payments from its holdings of loans. They either are currently delinquent for
manager BLACKSTONE, makes senior loans agency CMBS. more than 90 days, or were once delinquent by
collateralised by commercial real estate in 4HEû&EDûHASûSLOWEDûITSûPURCHASESûOFû 90 days or more but the borrowers have
North America, Europe, and Australia. agency CMBS in recent weeks as spreads on resumed making payments.
The REIT sector was rattled in March as senior notes have largely returned to levels Investment managers buy these
OFFûINû-ARCH mortgages in the secondary market at a
Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share
bank or group issues US$(m) (%) bank or group issues €(m) (%) bank or group issues US$(m) (%)
1 BofA Securities 9 2,648.44 13.1 1 Credit Agricole 2 1,352.56 13.5 1 Goldman Sachs 33 8,231.69 10.0
2 BNP Paribas 7 2,138.59 10.6 2 BofA Securities 3 1,209.15 12.0 2 JP Morgan 37 7,127.39 8.6
3 Lloyds Bank 9 1,984.53 9.8 3 BNP Paribas 4 1,170.25 11.6 3 Citigroup 36 7,059.82 8.6
4 Citigroup 7 1,620.64 8.0 4 ING 2 873.04 8.7 4 Barclays 39 6,743.27 8.2
5 Credit Agricole 2 1,514.09 7.5 5 Commerzbank 2 873.04 8.7 5 Credit Suisse 34 6,305.70 7.6
6 Barclays 8 1,274.13 6.3 6 Goldman Sachs 2 791.39 7.9 6 BofA Securities 29 5,456.30 6.6
7 JP Morgan 4 1,091.33 5.4 7 LBBW 2 648.40 6.5 7 Wells Fargo 24 4,934.54 6.0
8 Commerzbank 2 956.17 4.7 8 JP Morgan 2 574.63 5.7 8 Deutsche Bank 32 4,924.79 6.0
9 ING 2 956.17 4.7 9 Morgan Stanley 2 547.58 5.4 9 Morgan Stanley 19 3,657.35 4.4
10 Morgan Stanley 3 850.78 4.2 10 Barclays 4 539.69 5.4 10 Nomura 22 3,579.25 4.3
Total 36 20,245.68 Total 17 10,048.57 Total 172 82,563.08
Includes securitisations, credit-linked notes (Euro, foreign, global and Includes securitisations, credit-linked notes (Euro, foreign, global and Includes securitisations, PFI bonds and credit-linked notes. Excludes US
domestics) and excludes CDOs. domestics) and excludes CDOs. global ABS/MBS, CDOs and self funded issues.
Source: Refinitiv SDC code: B16n Source: Refinitiv SDC code: B16g Source: Refinitiv SDC code: J10d
PEPPER became the sixth non-bank lender RMBS and other ABS originated by smaller Pepper previously accessed the market
to access the RMBS market since Firstmac lenders during the Covid-19 crisis. last October with the A$750m equivalent
reopened the segment on March 27 with last non-conforming RMBS, Pepper PRS25,
Wednesday’s A$700m (US$484m) no-grow, MARGIN PRESSURE which included a US dollar and green euro
non-conforming sale via PEPPER RESIDENTIAL The Pepper PRS26 A$160m Class A1s notes with tranche.
SECURITIES TRUST NO 26 (PRS26). a 0.6 year weighted-average life was priced at The senior Aussie tranche of PRS25, the
The transaction was also the fourth one-month BBSW plus 105bp. A$161.4m Class A1a notes, with a 2.3 year WAL,
RMBS in a row not directly supported by the The A$330m Class A1a and A$108.5m Class was priced at one-month BBSW plus 128bp,
Australian Office of Financial Management’s A2 notes, both with 3.1 year WALs, was priced 52bp tighter than the latest A1a note which has
A$15bn Structured Finance Support Fund 180bp and 240bp over one-month BBSW. a longer 3.1 year WAL.
scheme. The A$38.5m Class B, A$21m Class C and The PRS25 A$100m Class A2, A$42.3m Class
Pepper has, however, benefited from a A$15.4m Class D notes, all with 4.1-year WALs, B, A$23m Class C and A$16.5m Class D notes,
combined A$224.6m of secondary market was priced 310bp, 410bp and 535bp wide of all with 4.0 year WALs, were priced at one-
purchases of its outstanding RMBS tranches one-month BBSW. month BBSW plus 160bp, 190bp, 280bp and
by the AOFM between May 6 and June 3, which Pricing was not disclosed for the A$9.1m 380bp or 80bp, 120bp, 130bp and 155bp inside
freed up existing investors to buy the new bonds Class E, A$6.4m Class F or A$5.55m Class G1 the PRS26 equivalents.
on offer. notes, while the A$5.55m Class G2 notes were CBA was arranger for the latest trade and
The AOFM also invested A$39m in Pepper’s retained. joint lead manager with NAB, Macquarie,
warehouse facilities on May 28 under the SFSF, Respective credit support for the Class A1s to Standard Chartered and Westpac.
which was formed on March 19 to underpin D notes is 30%, 30%, 14.5%, 9%, 6% and 3.8%. John Weavers
û AUTO ABS ISSUERS BEEF UP RESERVES delinquency for auto loans even as
economic landscape and has only seen AMID DELINQUENCY WORRIES unemployment will probably stay elevated
BASEDûCOMPANYûWHICHûISûAû Auto ABS issuers have shored up the cash April.
unit of Sunnova Energy International, last reserves on their recent deals in an effort to Moreover, some auto lenders have
TAPPEDûTHEû!"3ûMARKETûINû&EBRUARYûWITHûAû address investor concerns about a spike in allowed borrowers to defer their loan
leases and contracts. measures and government stimulus run out. 19 outbreak.
The new offering, SNVA 2020-A, features two Bigger reserve funds on the recent wave &URTHERMOREûSOMEûOFûTHEMûLIKEû&ORDû
YEARûMATURITIESû of auto deals bolstered the appeal of the have temporarily suspended repossession of
53MûINû#LASSû!ûNOTEûANDû hottest sector in the ABS market, said lNANCEDûVEHICLES
53MûINû#LASSû"ûTRANCHE analysts and investors. All these programmes, together with the
Kroll assigned a preliminary A– rating on Higher reserve levels mean there is more GOVERNMENTSûlNANCIALûSUPPORTûWILLû
ûRATINGûONûTHEû"ûNOTEû cash available to ensure timely interest probably keep delinquencies relatively low
and proceeds are slated to repay some of payments to ABS holders. into the summer.
3%)SûRECENTûlNANCINGS “You are seeing more credit But investors worry if businesses have to
Sunnova hired Credit Suisse as the sole ENHANCEMENTSvûSAIDû-ERGANSERû#APITALû shut down again due to a wave of virus
!ûWHICHûISû portfolio manager Peter Kaplan. “You have outbreak later this year, delinquencies
expected to price this week. more cash on hand to make interest AMONGûSUB
On May 14, SEI said it had closed a private 4HESEûHEAVIERûCASH
placement of convertible debt for up to as the number of securitised auto loans that be the most affected by another work
US$190m and an additional privately were extended – allowing borrowers to SHUTDOWNvû-ERGANSERSû+APLANûSAID
principal amount. Moody’s said in a report on Wednesday. COMPAREDûWITHûûAûYEARûEARLIERûWHILEûITSû
“This capital will provide the liquidity 4HEûUNEMPLOYMENTûRATEûHITûAûPOST
Sunnova needs to continue our strong 7ARû4WOûHIGHûATûûINû!PRILûBEFOREû THEûPANDEMICû30ûSAIDûINûAûPRE
growth and to be fully prepared for any SLIPPINGûTOûûAûMONTHûLATERû)TûWASûONLYû on the Westlake deal.
future market disruptions as a result of this ATûûINû&EBRUARYûPRIORûTOûTHEû#OVID
CRISISvû3UNNOVAûCHIEFûEXECUTIVEûOFlCERû outbreak in the US. about two to three months of servicing fees
William Berger said in a statement on the “Levels of extensions in auto loan ABS and interest payment to ABS holders, the
QUARTERûRESULTS spiked in April, heightening the risk of rating agency said.
slower payments to securitisation
Indeed, the surge in US unemployment has &ORûNOWûDELINQUENCIESûHAVEûSTAYEDûLOWû ASIA-PACIFIC ABS
increased worries about rising defaults on ENOUGHûTHATûAUTOûISSUERSûEVENûSUB
solar and other consumer loans, though ones, can lock in cheap funding costs and LIBERTY SOUNDS OUT INVESTORS
CASEûLOSSûONûTHEû investors are snapping up new paper.
û auto loan deal on Wednesday with its senior indications of interest for the indicative
on its previous deal. tranches 10 times oversubscribed, two !Mû53M ûLIBERTY SERIES 2020-2
There also remains lingering concerns sources familiar with the deal said. RMBS offering that may launch this week.
about the unique challenges facing the solar Its DRIVE 2020-2 offering carries a reserve &ORûTHEûSENIORû!Mû#LASSû!Aû!Mû
industry, which competes with other energy LEVELûOFûûWHICHûWASûHIGHERûTHANûûFORûALLû #LASSû!BûANDû!Mû#LASSû!ûNOTESûWITHû
homeowners. to Moody’s. ANDûûYEARSûINITIALûGUIDANCEûISûONE
“We’ve had concerns regarding the Three upcoming auto deals have also BBSW plus 100bp area, 165bp–170bp and
costs borne to the borrower especially if increased their reserve funds in anticipation BPûAREAûRESPECTIVELY
other energy options become more OFûPICK
UPûOFûLATEûLOANûPAYMENTS NAB is arranger and joint lead manager
Management senior portfolio manager FORûITSû53MûPRIMEûAUTOûDEALûMBART 2020- Westpac.
Jake Remley said. 1û4HISûWASûHIGHERûTHANûTHEûûFORûITSû A regular issuer of RMBS, Liberty
“Also we have concerns around the previous offering last year. WORLD OMNI made PREVIOUSLYûACCESSEDûTHEûMARKETûONû-AYûû
PERMANENCEûOFûTHEûTAXûBENElTSûnûWEûlNDûITû the same move for its WOART 2020-B prime WITHûTHEûDUAL
driver of borrower behaviour, especially in FUNDINGûLEVELûFORûITSûSUB
Against that backdrop, Sunnova is previous deals. transaction.
expected to pay higher yields than its issue FORD MOTOR will leave the reserve level on 4HEû!USTRALIANû/FlCEûOFû&INANCIALû
INû&EBRUARYûWHENûITSû$OUBLEû"nûPAPERû its forthcoming prime auto deal, FORDO 2020-B Management bought all of the A$64.5m
Two weeks earlier, for instance, Loanpal THISûYEARûFROMû &INANCEû3UPPORTû&UNDûSCHEMEûWHICHûDROVEû
CONSIDERABLYûHIGHERûYIELDûOFû estimate projected only a modest rise in month BBSW.
Jun 9 2020 IADB US$4bn Jul 15 2025 0.625 99.97 MS+17 / T+22.4 0.631
Jun 9 2020 KBN US$1.5bn Jun 14 2030 1.125 99.539 MS+38 / T+36.38 1.174
Jun 9 2020 World Bank US$750m Jun 17 2024 Sofr+39 100 Sofr+39 -
Jun 12 2020 SEK US$500m Dec 12 2023 1.75 104.31 MS+21 / T+27.65 0.496
Jun 9 2020 Greece €3bn Jun 18 2030 1.5 99.375 MS+160 / B+187.8 1.568
Jun 9 2020 Ireland €6bn Oct 18 2030 0.2 99.135 MS+30 / B+59.7 0.285
Jun 9 2020 Lower Saxony €1bn Jun 16 2028 0.01 101.07 MS+1 / B+33.4 -0.12
Jun 9 2020 Spain €12bn Oct 31 2040 1.2 99.09 SPGB+28 1.251
Jun 10 2020 Finland €3bn Sep 15 2040 0.25 99.019 MS+10 / B+32.6 0.3
Jun 10 2020 Germany €6bn incr Aug 15 2050 0 94.51 B+2.5 0.187
Jun 10 2020 NRW €500m incr Jun 12 2040 1.5 122.31 MS+14 / B+37.2 0.343
Jun 10 2020 Unedic €4bn Nov 29 2029 0.25 99.851 OAT+25 0.266
Jun 9 2020 UK DMO £9bn Oct 22 2050 0.625 96.343 G+0.5 0.76
Jun 10 2020 L-Bank £750m Dec 9 2024 0.375 99.786 G+42 0.423
Jun 11 2020 IADB £250m incr Sep 15 2026 0.5 100.73 G+40 0.381
Jun 12 2020 CPPIB £1bn Jul 25 2023 0.375 99.719 G+47 0.466
Jun 10 2020 Lausanne SFr100m Jul 6 2032 0.35 100.18 MS+47 / Eidg+52.9 0.335
Jun 10 2020 Lausanne SFr100m Jul 6 2050 0.6 101.1 MS+65 / Eidg+67.9 0.56
Jun 9 2020 BNG Bank A$20m incr Jul 17 2028 3.3 114.85 ASW+63, 1.355
(A$1.485bn) ACGB+49.75
Jun 9 2020 NWB A$15m incr Dec 16 2030 1.67 100.19 ASW+64, 1.65
(A$65m) ACGB+54.2
Jun 9 2020 NWB A$50m Dec 16 2030 1.67 100 ASW+64, 1.67
Jun 10 2020 BNG A$20m incr Nov 27 2030 1.6 99.809 ASW+64, 1.62
(A$190m) ACGB+60.4
Jun 9 2020 NIB SKr300m incr Mar 22 2022 0.125 100.25 MS-9 -0.02
Jun 10 2020 Akademiska Hus SKr2bn Jun 12 2023 0.45 100 - 0.45
Jun 10 2020 World Bank SDB C$1.5bn Jul 2 2025 0.75 99.788 MS+3 / G+40.9 0.793
MS+21 area, MS+19 -1 >US$5.75bn, 117acs Aaa/AAA BMO / GS / MS / Nomura Amers 42.2%, APAC 34.4%, EMEA
area 23.4%. CB/OI 50.2%, Bks 32.5%, AM
14.9%, Ins/PF/Corp 2.4%.
MS+40 area, MS+40 - US$2.6bn Aaa/AAA BofA / BMO / Citi / MS EMEA 58%, Amers 28%, Asia 14%. CB/
area OI 53%, FM/Ins 29%, Bks 18%
Sofr+40 area - US$825m Aaa/AAA BMO / WFS -
MS+22 area - >US$700m Aa1/AA+ TD / DB -
MS+170/175, 10 >€15.7bn B1/BB-/BB/BBL BNPP / BofA / DB / GS / HSBC / JPM UK 27.5%, Greece 15%, Fr 12.5%, Ger/Aus/
MS+160/+165 WPIR Switz 9%, It 7%, Nordics 7%, RoEur 6.5%,
N/Amer 15%, Other 0.5%. FM 59%, Bks/PB
21%, HF/FIs 14.5%, Ins/PF 5.5%.
MS+34 area, MS+32 3 >€69bn, >400acs A2/AA-/A+ Barc / BNPP / Danske / Davy / UK 24%, Fr/Benelux 13%, Ire 12%, Nordics
area NatWest / Nomura 11%, Ger 10%, It 7%, Sp/Port 7%, RoEur 8%,
US/Other 8%. AM 37%, Bks/Intermediaries
36%, CB/OI 11%, Ins/PF 9%, HF 7%.
MS+3 area, MS+2 - >€2bn -/-/AAA Barc / Deka / Natx / NordLB / Uni -
OAT+62 area, - >€1.3bn Aa3/AA-/A+ BNPP / CA-CIB / Natx / NatWest / SG Ger/Aus/Switz 45%, Fr 28%, UK 9%, It
OAT+62 area 9%, Asia 5%, RoEur 4%. Ins/PF 48%, AM
28%, Bks/PB 17%, CB/OI 4%, Other 3%.
SPGB+low 30s, 4 >€78bn Baa1/A/A-/A BBVA / CA-CIB / Citi / GS / MS / Fr/It 25%, UK/Ire 18.8%, UK/Ire 18.8%,
SPGB+29 area NatWest Ger/Aus/Switz 16.8%, Sp 16.7%, RoEU
8.5%, US/Canada 4.8%, Nordics 4.2%,
Asia 2.6%, Other 2.6%. FM 33.8%, Tsy
27.7%, Ins/PF 18.1%, Bks 8.5%, HF 6.1%,
CB/OI 2.4%, Other 3.4%.
MS+14 area, MS+12 - >€25bn, 220acs Aa1/AA+/AA+ BNPP / CA-CIB / GS / NatWest / -
area Nomura
B+4.5 area 0 >€31.5bn, 120acs Aaa/AAA/AAA BNPP / Danske / DB / GS / JPM UK 31%, Ger 22%, Benelux 14%, Nordics
11%, It 4%, Fr 3%, RoEur 5%, RoW 10%.
AM 46%, HF 21%, Ins/PF 9%, Bks 8%,
CB/OI 2%, Other 14%.
MS+14 area - - Aa1/AA-/AAA BLB / BNPP / NordLB / Erste / LBBW -
G+0.5/+1 - >£72.8bn, 192acs Aa2/AA/AA- Barc / GS / JPM / Nomura / Santan UK ~91%, Other ~9%.
G+42 - >£1.05bn Aaa/AAA/- BofA / BMO / NatWest / RBC -
G+40 area - >£250m Aaa/AAA/- Barc / BofA / HSBC -
- - A$0 Aaa/AAA TD -
- - - Aaa/AAA Danske -
- - - -/AA SEB -
- - >C$1.7bn Aaa/AAA BofA / RBC / Scotia / TD Amers 51%, EMEA 31%, Asia 18%. Bks/
Corp 35%, AM/Ins/PF 33%, CB/OI 31%
AONIA+34 - A$1.2605bn Aa1/AA+ - -
ASW+51 - - Aaa/AAA DB / TD -
- - - Aa1/AA+ Citi -
Jun 8 2020 Duke Energy Florida US$500m Jun 15 2030 1.75 99.863 T+90 1.765
Jun 8 2020 eBay US$300m Mar 11 2025 1.9 103.432 T+70 1.141
Jun 8 2020 eBay US$450m Mar 11 2030 2.7 103.176 T+145 2.325
Jun 8 2020 Equinix US$500m Jul 15 2025 1.25 99.77 T+85 1.297
Jun 8 2020 Equinix US$500m Jul 15 2027 1.8 99.749 T+115 1.838
Jun 8 2020 Equinix US$1.1bn Jul 15 2030 2.15 99.711 T+130 2.182
Jun 8 2020 General Electric US$1.5bn May 1 2050 4.35 100.176 T+270 4.339
Jun 8 2020 GE Capital Funding US$1.5bn May 15 2030 4.4 105.074 T+290 3.769
Jun 8 2020 Magna International US$750m Jun 15 2030 2.45 99.569 T+162.5 2.499
Jun 8 2020 Northern States Power US$700m Jun 1 2051 2.6 98.118 T+105 2.69
Jun 8 2020 Plains All American Pipeline US$750m Sep 15 2030 3.8 99.794 T+295 3.825
Jun 8 2020 Philips 66 US$150m Apr 9 2025 3.85 111.947 T+80 1.25
Jun 8 2020 Philips 66 US$850m Dec 15 2030 2.15 99.701 T+130 2.182
Jun 8 2020 Roper Technologies US$600m Jun 30 2030 2 98.877 T+125 2.125
Jun 9 2020 American Campus US$400m Jan 30 2031 3.875 99.142 T+315 3.974
Communities Operating
Jun 9 2020 Fidelity National Financial US$650m Jun 15 2030 3.4 99.756 T+260 3.429
Jun 9 2020 Healthpeak Properties US$600m Jan 15 2031 2.875 99.125 T+215 2.972
Jun 9 2020 Westlake Chemical US$300m Jun 15 2030 3.375 99.588 T+260a 3.424
Jun 10 2020 Ares Finance US$400m Jun 15 2030 3.25 99.771 T+250 3.277
Jun 10 2020 Florida Gas Transmission US$500m Jul 1 2030 2.55 99.763 T+180 2.577
Jun 10 2020 Pinnacle West Capital US$500m Jun 15 2025 1.3 99.99 T+95 1.302
Jun 10 2020 Sempra Energy US$900m Oct 15 2025 4.875 100 4.875 4.875
Jun 8 2020 ACS €750m Jun 17 2025 1.375 99.947 MS+165 / B+197.8 1.386
Jun 8 2020 Deutsche Boerse €600m Perpetual (Jun 2027) 1.25 100 MS+143.1 / B+176 1.25
Jun 8 2020 OMV €750m Jun 16 2023 0 99.584 MS+45 / B+76.1 0.139
Jun 8 2020 OMV €750m Jun 16 2030 0.75 99.493 MS+85 / B+112.3 0.803
Jun 8 2020 SATO Corp €50m Jun 12 2030 2.45 100 - 2.45
Jun 8 2020 Veolia Environnement €500m Jan 15 2032 0.8 100 MS+78 0.8
Jun 9 2020 GALP Energia €500m Jan 15 2026 2 99.754 MS+227 / B+260.6 2.048
Jun 9 2020 Klepierre €140m incr Dec 13 2032 1.625 97.54 MS+180 / B+217.8 1.847
Jun 9 2020 Mohawk Industries €500m Jun 12 2027 (Apr 2027) 1.75 99.889 MS+195 / B+227.7 1.949
Jun 9 2020 SEB €500m Jun 16 2025 1.375 99.169 MS+180 / B+211.6 / 1.549
Jun 10 2020 Edenred €600m Jun 18 2029 1.375 99.958 MS+145 / B+176.5 1.38
MS+200 area, -5 >€1.75bn -/BBB- GS / SG / BNPP / Caixa / HSBC / ING Sp 38%, Ger/Aus/Switz 25%, UK 15%, Fr
MS+175 area / JPM / Santan / Uni 13%, Benelux 4%, Other 5%. FM 50%, CB/
OI 27%, Ins/PF 14%, Bks/PB 7%, Other 2%.
1.875%/2%, 1.5% -25 >€4.1bn -/A+ BNPP / Citi / DB / JPM / BofA / CMZ -
area / HSBC / SG
MS+85/90, MS+55 -5 >€2.3bn A3/-/A- Citi / CMZ / Erste / LBBW / Miz / RBI Fr 40%, Ger/Aus 21%, UK/Ire 12%,
area Nordics 11%, S.Eur 11%, Benelux 3%,
Switz 1%, Other 1%. FM 73%, Ins/PF
10%, Bks/PWM 7%, CB/OI 9%, Other 1%.
MS+130 area, -5 >€3.2bn A3/-/A- Citi / CMZ / Erste / LBBW / Miz / RBI Ger/Aus 31%, Fr 24%, Benelux 18%,
MS+95 area Nordics 13%, UK/Ire 5%, S.Eur 5%, Switz
3%, Other 1%. FM 65%, CB/OI 14%, Ins/
PF 14%, Bks/PWM 6%, Other 1%.
0 - - -/BBB SEB -
MS+120 area, -8 ~€3bn Baa1/BBB HSBC / Barc / NatWest / Santan / -
MS+90 area StCh
MS+260 area, - ~€1.1bn - BBVA / BNPP / CaixaBI / Miz / -
MS+235 area Santan / Uni
MS+190 area - - -/A- ABN / DB / Miz -
Jun 10 2020 Enexis green €500m Jun 17 2032 0.625 99.793 MS+60 / B+96.9 0.643
Jun 10 2020 Iliad €650m Jun 17 2026 2.375 98.547 MS+285 / B+319.1 2.64
Jun 10 2020 Snam €500m Jun 17 2030 0.75 99.856 MS+80 / B+108.8 0.765
Jun 10 2020 VW International Finance €1.5bn Perpetual (Jun 2025) 3.5 100 MS+374.6 / B+407 3.5
Jun 10 2020 VW International Finance €1.5bn Perpetual (Jun 2029) 3.875 100 MS+395.8 / 3.875
Jun 11 2020 Cibus Nordic Real Estate €135m Sep 18 2023 3mE+450 - - -
Jun 11 2020 SIG Combibloc €450m Jun 18 2023 1.875 100 B+255 1.875
Jun 11 2020 SIG Combibloc €550m Jun 18 2025 2.125 100 B+276 2.125
Jun 8 2020 Wessex Water £50m Sep 17 2029 1.5 98.356 G+140 1.686
Jun 9 2020 Northern Powergrid £300m Jun 16 2062 1.875 98.793 G+130 1.908
Jun 8 2020 PSP Swiss Property SFr50m incr Feb 6 2025 1 104.05 MS+65 / Eidg+68 0.123
Jun 10 2020 Straumann Holding SFr200m Oct 3 2025 0.55 100.2 MS+100 / 0.512
Jun 9 2020 Vasakronan NKr324m incr Jun 4 2025 3mN+131.5 100.52 3mN+131.5 -
Jun 8 2020 Specialfastigheter SKr500m Jun 15 2023 0.38 100 - 0.38
Jun 8 2020 Specialfastigheter SKr300m Jun 15 2023 3mS+75 101.57 - -
Jun 11 2020 Fastighets AB Stenvalvet SKr300m Jun 16 2023 1.75 99.957 - -
Jun 11 2020 Fastighets AB Stenvalvet SKr500m Jun 16 2023 3mS+165 100 3mS+165 -
Jun 11 2020 Kungsleden SKr300m Jun 18 2025 3mS+195 100 3mS+195 -
Jun 8 2020 Lloyds Banking Group US$1bn Jun 15 2023 1.326 100 T+110 1.326
Jun 9 2020 Credit Agricole US$1.5bn Jun 16 2026 1.907 100 T+150 1.907
(Jun 2025)
Jun 9 2020 Principal Financial Group US$500m Jun 15 2030 2.125 99.517 T+135 2.179
Jun 10 2020 Toronto-Dominion Bank US$1.75bn Jun 12 2023 0.75 99.926 T+58 0.775
Jun 10 2020 Toronto-Dominion Bank US$1.bn Jun 12 2025 1.15 99.995 T+83 1.151
Jun 11 2020 Fidelis Insurance US$300m Jun 30 2030 4.875 99.021 T+433.8 5
Jun 8 2020 ABN Amro Bank AT1 €1bn Perpetual (Sep 2025) 4.375 100 MS+467.4 4.376
Jun 8 2020 Commerzbank AT1 €1.25bn Perpetual (Apr 2026) 6.125 100 MS+636.3 6.131
Jun 8 2020 La Banque Postale SNP €750m Jun 17 2026 (Jun 2025) 0.5 99.421 MS+88 / B+118.9 0.618
Jun 8 2020 Societe Generale €1bn Jun 12 2030 1.25 99.478 MS+135 / B+161.3 1.306
Jun 9 2020 KBC Group €500m Jun 16 2027 (Jun 2026) 0.375 99.281 MS+72 / B+105.1 0.497
Jun 9 2020 Metropolitan Life €500m Jul 16 2027 0.55 99.89 MS+75 / B+107.8 0.566
Jun 9 2020 RBI T2 €500m Jun 18 2032 (Jun 2027) 2.875 99.432 MS+315 / B+347.8 2.966
MS+95 area, MS+65 -10 ~€2.8bn Aa3 ABN / BNPP / CMZ / ING Fr 28%, Ger/Aus 31%, Benelux 15%, UK/
area Ire 12%, Asia 6%, S.Eur 3%, Switz 3%,
Other 2%. FM 68%, Ins/PF 20%, OI/
Agcy 10%, Bks/PWM 1%, Other 1%.
MS+320 area, - >€1.9bn - BNPP / CA-CIB / Natx / Uni / BofA / -
MS+290 area CIC / Helaba / HSBC / ING / SMBC
Nikko / SG
MS+115 area, -2 ~€1bn Baa2/BBB+/BBB+/ BcaIMI / BBVA / BNPP / BofA / GS / Fr 26%, Ger/Aus 22%, Benelux 16%,
MS+85/+90 DNV GL 2nd opinion JPM / MUFG / SG / Uni UK/Ire 10%, It 9%, Switz 5%, Iberia 4%,
Other 4%. AM/FM 80%, Bks/PB 12%,
Ins/PF 6%, Other 2%.
3.875% area, - €2.9bn Baa2/BBB- Barc / BNPP / BofA / DB / RBC -
3.625% area
4.375% area, - €2.55bn Baa2/BBB- Barc / BNPP / BofA / DB / RBC -
- - - - Danske / Nordea -
2% area, 1.875%/2% - €2.9bn combined Ba2/BBB-/-/MSCI GS / UBS / Uni / CS -
AA / Sustainalytics
18.8 - Low Risk /
EcoVadis Platinum
2.25% area, - €2.9bn combined Ba2/BBB-/-/MSCI GS / UBS / Uni / CS -
2.125%/2.25% AA / Sustainalytics
18.8 - Low Risk /
EcoVadis Platinum
MS+41/43 - 10acs -/-/A- KBBS / UBS Switz 100%. Tsy 61%, AM 20%, Bks/PB
12%, PF 6%.
MS+115/+125, -10 108acs UBS BBB+/ ZKB ZKB / UBS Switz 100%. PB 45.5%, AM 31%, Ins
MS+100/+115 BBB+ 10.5%, PF 8%, Tsy 5%.
- - - CICERO SEB -
- - - -/AA+ Danske -
- - - -/AA+ Danske -
- - - - SEB -
- - - - SEB -
- - - Baa3 HCM -
Jun 9 2020 Zurich Finance (Ireland) T2 €750m Jun 17 2050 (Jun 2030) 1.875 99.699 MS+195 / B+223.5 1.908
Jun 10 2020 BPER Banca €500m Jul 7 2025 1.875 99.57 MS+220 / B+252.5 1.965
Jun 10 2020 Nationwide £750m Perpetual (Dec 2027) 5.75 100 G+562.5 5.75
Jun 11 2020 Credit Agricole SFr175m Oct 1 2026 0.5 100.07 MS+95 / 0.488
Jun 11 2020 Raiffeisen Schweiz SFr175m Jun 22 2021 0 100.2 - -0.2
Jun 8 2020 LBBW €500m Jun 17 2026 0.01 101.2 MS+3 / B+35.2 -0.19
Jun 9 2020 Achmea Bank €500m Jun 16 2025 0.01 100.13 MS+24 / B+55.4 -0.01
Jun 10 2020 Credit Suisse SFr200m Dec 17 2024 0 100 MS+51.6 / 0
Jun 10 2020 Credit Suisse SFr400m Jun 16 2028 0.25 100.18 MS+54 / Eidg+61.7 0.227
Jun 5 2020 NMI Holdings US$400m Jun 1 2025 7.375 100 T+691 7.375
Jun 8 2020 Griffon US$150m Mar 1 2028 5.75 100.25 T+399 5.696
(Mar 2023)
Jun 8 2020 International Game US$750m Jan 15 2029 5.25 100 T+447 5.249
Technology (Jan 2023)
Jun 8 2020 Sirius XM Radio US$1.5bn Jul 1 2030 4.125 100 T+325 4.125
(Jul 2025)
Jun 8 2020 Virgin Media US$250m Jul 15 2030 5 101 T+400 4.873
(Jul 2025)
Jun 9 2020 American Axle & US$400m Jul 1 2028 6.875 100 T+620 6.875
Manufacturing (Jul 2023)
Jun 9 2020 BWX Technologies US$400m Jun 30 2025 4.125 100 T+344 4.125
Jun 9 2020 HTA US$750m Dec 18 2025 7 99.439 T+663 7.125
(Dec 2022)
Jun 9 2020 Hillebrand US$400m Jun 15 2025 5.75 100 T+532 5.75
(Jun 2022)
Jun 9 2020 Realogy US$550m Jun 15 2025 7.625 100 T+722 7.625
(Jun 2022)
Jun 10 2020 Acadia Healthcare US$450m Jul 1 2028 5.5 100 T+485 5.5
(Jul 2023)
Jun 10 2020 Delta Air US$1.25bn Jan 15 2026 7.375 99.986 - 7.375
Jun 10 2020 Level3 Financing US$1.2bn Jul 1 2028 4.25 100 T+369 4.25
(Jul 2023)
Jun 10 2020 New Gold US$400m Jul 15 2027 7.5 100 T+695 7.5
(Jul 2023)
Jun 10 2020 Virgin Media US$500m Jul 15 2028 5 100 T+436 5
0%/0.05%, 0% area 10 SFr188m, 26acs -/-/AAA CS Switz 100%. Bks/Tsy 46%, AM 29%, Ins
yld, 0% yld 15%, PF 10%, Retail/PB 1%.
MS+55/+60, MS+55 13 SFr388m, 37acs -/-/AAA CS Switz 100%. Bks/Tsy 49%, AM 29%, PF
area 12%, Ins 8%, Retail/PB 1%.
1 Moody’s Government Bonds 5 Fitch Government Bonds n Negative outlook/on watch * Taken off positive watch/ c Improvement in ratings,
2 Moody’s Country Ceilings 6 Fitch Country Ceilings for downgrade outlook outlook or watch status
3 S&P Government Bonds p Positive outlook/on watch N New rating ** Taken off negative watch/ d Deterioration in ratings,
4 S&P Transfer and for upgrade W Rating withdrawn outlook outlook or watch status
Convertibility Assessments SD Selective default
Chinese high-yield developers are rushing to the or flat to their curves with final pricing tightening is more transparent and their assets are more
dollar bond market as spreads have continued to 50bp–60bp from initial guidance. The exception transferrable in the event of a liquidity crunch,”
tighten since Zhenro Properties Group reopened was Radiance’s US$250m deal, which only he said.
the market for the sector in mid-May. tightened 25bp from IPG. In a report dated June 8, Nomura said it
Seven property companies raised a combined Some of the deals were more than six times expected the solid demand in the dollar market
US$2.16bn last week, a return to the levels of subscribed, including Greenland’s offering, to persist as the spread differential between
activity last seen before the Covid-19 pandemic which despite a relatively large issue size of offshore and onshore property bonds has
closed high-yield primary in early March. It was US$500m was eight times covered, and CCRE’s become more attractive.
the busiest week since January 12–18, which US$400m issue, which was nearly nine times It also expects solid Single B names to
also featured seven deals, but still lagged the subscribed. Both were priced on June 8. gradually catch up with Double B names
January 5–11 peak for the year, when 14 property as risk appetite returns, but there will be a
deals were priced, according to IFR data. SOLID DEMAND divergence among Single B credits as small
“We’ve seen the strong recovery from the “Most of the deals that priced in the week developers with tight liquidity could face
March sell-offs with bond yields for many of the didn’t see considerable order attrition despite refinancing pressure.
property names coming back to the 2019 year- the significant tightening from IPGs, although Nomura has raised its estimate for the gross
end level, although still wider than January’s we saw a bigger drop [in orders] on Tuesday’s supply of offshore bonds from China’s property
tightest levels,” said a banker from a Chinese deals because of weaker market sentiment on sector this year to US$50bn–$55bn, from a
brokerage. “Developers are opportunistic, they’re the day,” said the banker. “The market overall prediction of US$45bn earlier.
monitoring the market and waiting for the right remains stable and supportive and we don’t see “The need for a liquidity buffer on delayed
window.” the window for developers closing soon.” pre-sales should drive more aggressive bond
Five frequent issuers with an established The new issues all had two or three-year issuance,” Nomura wrote. Chinese property sales
curve tapped the market last week – GREENLAND tenors to meet investor preferences. “Investors ground to a halt for much of the first quarter as
HOLDING GROUP, CENTRAL CHINA REAL ESTATE, are more comfortable with the short-end of showrooms were forced to close at the height of
CHINA FORTUNE LAND DEVELOPMENT, RONSHINE the curve. If risk appetite further improves, the Covid-19 outbreak.
CHINA HOLDINGS and POWERLONG REAL ESTATE developers will try longer-dated bonds,” said a Some developers may use their offshore debt
HOLDINGS. There were also two relatively new banker from a Chinese investment bank. issuance quotas to refinance 2021 maturities,
names with a short offshore track record, He said high-yield bond supply will continue while others may issue bonds with a tenor of less
RADIANCE GROUP and SINIC HOLDINGS (GROUP). to come mainly from China’s property sector as it than one year, for which they do not need to use
All transactions were oversubscribed, and has the lowest default risk among the country’s their quotas.
most of the issuers priced the new bonds inside high-yield issuers. “The business of developers Carol Chan
10-year Reg S bond in an offering that was managers booked 78%, banks 13%, and Spreads for Indian investment-grade
six times subscribed. private banks, corporates and others 9%. issuers have tightened after an initial knee-
The 2.95% bond was priced at 98.6 to yield The senior unsecured notes have an jerk reaction to Moody’s downgrade this
3.114%, or Treasuries plus 220bp, inside expected rating of Baa1 by Moody’s, in line month of the sovereign to Baa3 from Baa2,
initial guidance of the 260bp area. with the issuer’s parent company Champion with an unchanged negative outlook.
The Hong Kong-listed issuer previously REIT. PFC is rated Baa3/BBB–/BBB–, according to
visited the international bond market in Mizuho Securities, SMBC Nikko, UBS, BNP 2ElNITIVûDATA
2013 with a debut US$400m 10-year bond. Paribas, Citigroup, HSBC, JP Morgan, Standard “Although growth concerns remain for
That bond is fairly illiquid, but Nomura Chartered, DBS Bank, ICBC International and India for the next few months because of
saw fair value for the new issue at CMB International were global coordinators the lockdown, some investment-grade
Treasuries plus 225bp, based on bonds and bookrunners. CommerzBank was a joint issuers may come back to the dollar bond
from other Hong Kong landlords such as lead manager. market because of lack of supply and
Swire Properties and Hysan Development. The company owns and manages Three tightening of spreads,” said a DCM banker.
A source close to the deal estimated that Garden Road and Langham Place in Hong The spread on PFC’s 3.95% April 2030
Champion REIT had priced inside fair value, as Kong. bonds have tightened by 44bp to 367bp
2027 and 2029 bonds from Hysan, which is SINCEû*UNEûûACCORDINGûTOû2ElNITIVûDATA
rated a notch higher at A3/BBB+/A–, were seen In the domestic market, PFC raised
at G spreads of 225bp and 231bp, respectively. INDIA Rs55.24bn (US$731m) from two-tranche
Some key accounts were initially deterred BONDSûACCORDINGûTOûAû"3%ûlLING
by the tight price guidance, but came in PFC SENDS RFP FOR DOLLAR BONDS
later, said the source.
Final orders were over US$1.8bn from 124 POWER FINANCE CORP has sent banks a request INDONESIA
accounts, including US$130m from the for proposals for a potential Reg S/144A US
leads. The issue size was capped at dollar bond issue, according to market GEO ENERGY STRIKES IT LUCKY
US$300m. sources.
Asia took 96% of the Reg S bonds and The tenor and size will be decided after GEO ENERGY RESOURCES said that holders of its
EMEA 4%. Asset managers and fund the appointment of banks. US dollar bonds had not consented to a
KOREA ELECTRIC POWER CORPORATION garnered and private banks and others 1%. the projects need to be approved by the
strong investor demand for a five-year green The bonds held up with the tight pricing in the government, which under the current
bond issue despite mounting pressure from aftermarket on their first few days of trading, but administration has been calling for a shift to
global investors over its involvement in overseas spreads widened to around 85bp over Treasuries renewables and cutback in the dependence
coal projects. last Friday, according to Tradeweb, broadly in on coal and nuclear power.
The state-backed utility, rated Aa2/AA/AA–, line with a wider market sell-off. The Indonesian projects recently received the
priced US$500m of 1.125% senior unsecured The near-monopoly operator of South Korea’s green light in the South Korean government’s
notes at 99.695 to yield 1.188%, or Treasuries electricity grid is under pressure from global preliminary feasibility test after being deemed to
plus 75bp, inside initial guidance of 120bp area. investors over its climate policy. have “insufficient business value” last year.
Final pricing came flat to Korea Development Kepco said it has received a letter from Kepco has acknowledged investors’ ESG
Bank’s five-year bonds, priced in late May at Blackrock asking for fuller disclosure on concerns and said it will focus on low-carbon
plus 90bp, and tighter than other comparable its overseas coal projects, while a group of and environmentally friendly projects in the
credits, including Korea East-West Power and international investors, including APG Asset future, while participating in coal projects only
Kepco’s other genco subsidiaries, according to Management, Church Commissioners of under strict standards, according to a letter to
an investor note. England and UBS Asset Management, urged it investors early last month.
Despite the tight pricing, the deal was over in late March to reconsider its plans to finance In a statement, Kepco said its new bond
10 times subscribed, drawing final orders of new overseas coal-fired power plants. offering demonstrated investor demand for
more than US$5.2bn from 270 accounts. There APG shunned the new green bond, saying sustainable investments and highlighted that
was virtually no attrition from the peak book of it wanted to see a climate transition strategy it was the first South Korean company to issue
US$5.3bn at final guidance. from Kepco, as with all energy companies it green bonds for two straight years.
“Generally, around 150–200 accounts buy invests in. Kepco previously visited the international
[South] Korean paper so the bonds were well The Dutch pension fund, which managed bond market in June last year with a debut green
received thanks to good market conditions, €538bn in assets last year, has already sold a bond offering, which was its first offshore deal
strong credit and the ESG factor,” said a banker €60m equity stake in Kepco over lack of progress for nearly nine years.
on the deal. to lower carbon emissions. This left APG with a The government holds a 51% stake in the firm.
Investor demand was also seen in the US, minimal position in Kepco, with less than €1m Proceeds will be allocated to green eligible
which took 22% of the notes. Asian investors held in a passive strategy. categories, in accordance with Kepco’s
bought 66% and the rest went to EMEA. Asset Kepco plans to invest in new coal mines sustainable finance framework.
managers and fund managers took 62%, and power stations including Jawa 9 and Citigroup, HSBC and JP Morgan were
insurers and pension funds 15%, banks 13%, 10 in Indonesia and Vung Ang 2 in Vietnam, bookrunners.
central banks and sovereign wealth funds 9% pending final board approval. Before that, Jihye Hwang
proposal intended to remove a put option, for the tender offer. Morrow Sodali is exploration carried out in May by SMG
but that a new discovery might mean it does information and tender agent. Consultants at one of its mines in
not need to redeem the bonds early anyway. When the company issued the dollar Kalimantan had revealed reserves of a
The coal miner had offered holders of its bonds, it had agreed to acquire two mines further 29 million tons. It is also in talks
US$154.017m 8% bonds due 2022 a cash from Titan Global Energy, but the with the Indonesian authorities to extend its
payment of US$10 per US$1,000 of principal transaction was terminated on April 1 after PERMITSûFORûTHEû3$*ûANDû4"2ûMINESûBYûlVEû
amount if they consented to amend the being on hold for months. and six years, respectively.
terms. Geo Energy needs to have 80 million tons As a result, Geo said the put option on the
The proposed amendments would have of coal reserves by April 4 2021, as well as a bonds may fall away whether or not it
allowed Geo to take on new debt and production operations permit that expires makes another acquisition by April 2021.
removed a clause that gives investors the no earlier than October 4 2025, otherwise
option to redeem the bonds in April 2021. bondholders have the right to trigger a put GARUDA EXTENSION APPROVED
The company needed holders of 75% of the option. If its reserves reach 120 million tons,
bonds to give their consent in order to make the put option will be removed. GARUDA INDONESIA said holders of 90.88% of its
the changes. The company would have met these targets US$500m 5.95% sukuk issue due on June 3
The consent solicitation ran alongside a if it had completed the Titan Global Energy have agreed to amend the terms, giving it
tender offer for the bonds, which expires on acquisition, but the collapse of the agreement breathing room as travel restrictions weigh
June 18. Geo offered US$430 per US$1,000 of left it looking to either make another on the airline industry.
face value for holders that tendered by June acquisition or change the terms of the notes. Following the approval, the carrier will
4, and U$$400 for those that tendered after Geo Energy had 74.5 million tons of extend the maturity by three years and
that date but by June 18. reserves at the end of March, and the leases waive covenants until operations return to
Holders of US$20.86m of the bonds had on its two biggest mines, run by subsidiaries normal.
tendered them by the early-bird deadline of Sungai Danau Jaya and Tanah Bumbu Holders of 89% of the sukuk had approved the
June 4. Resources, expire in 2022. proposal as of the early-bird deadline of June 1.
Deutsche Bank was dealer-manager for the Fortuitously, the company said in an The airline offered to pay 1.25% of
consent solicitation and holds the same role announcement on June 5 that preliminary principal amount to sukuk holders that gave
their consent to the proposal by June 1. This US$107.6m in the same period in 2019. It The investor demand came despite the
payment dropped to 0.5% for those that gave had cash of US$265m and US$676m of deal being unrated and the negative
their approval after June 1 but by June 8. undrawn loans at the end of March. headlines about port operators in
Garuda, which is 60% state-owned, is in Proceeds from the offering will be used to connection with virus containment
discussions with the government about a repay part of its revolving credit facility and measures.
possible bridge loan, but nothing has been for general corporate purposes. Unctad, the United Nations organisation
OFlCIALLYûCONlRMED Bank of America was sole global coordinator THATûTRACKSûTRADEûmOWSûEXPECTSûWORLDûTRADEû
PJT PartnersûWASûlNANCIALûADVISERûTOû for the MGM China trade. to fall by 27% in the second quarter from the
Garuda and Allen & Overy was legal adviser. The new bonds were quoted at a cash lRSTûBECAUSEûOFûTHEûPANDEMICûTHATûHADû
Clifford Chance was legal adviser to an ad price of 100.1 on Friday, according to ALREADYûLEDûTOûAûûDROPûINûTHEûlRSTûTHREEû
hoc committee of investors that holds 28% MarketAxess. months of this year.
of the sukuk. Deutsche Bank is sole global coordinator Nomura saw fair value for the new 2030s
The measures required approval by 75% of and lead left bookrunner for the Wynn at 4.75%, calling the issuer a cross-over
those present at a meeting comprising Macau deal. candidate if rated, for example, between
holders of at least 75% of the sukuk. BBB– and BB+.
It added that the bonds should trade about
MACAU Economic Zone, rated Baa3 by Moody’s,
MGM ADDS TO CASINO COMEBACK operations and lower reliance on the coal
Philippine port operator INTERNATIONAL supply chain. Nomura also cited strong
MGM CHINA on Thursday priced a US$500m CONTAINER TERMINAL SERVICES has printed a domestic technicals in the Philippine
CALLûTWOûBONDûISSUEûATûPARûTOû US$400m 4.75% 10-year bond that was more corporate sector.
yield 5.25%, inside initial guidance of 5.625% than 4.5 times covered, shrugging off 4HEû0HILIPPINESûCREDITûPROlLEûHASûBEENû
area, just as a rival casino operator forecasts of a slump in global trade due to characterised by a robust economic
announced a new deal. the coronavirus outbreak. PERFORMANCEûSTRENGTHENINGûlSCALûPOSITIONû
The 144A/Reg S deal has expected ratings The senior unsecured notes issue was and limited vulnerability to external shocks
of Ba3/BB– (Moody’s/S&P), in line with the priced at 99.607 to yield 4.8%, which was at in recent years, according to a Moody’s
YIELDûDEALûOFû THEûTIGHTûENDûOFûlNALûGUIDANCEûANDûWELLû report in May, although the virus outbreak
the year from the Macau casino sector. inside initial guidance in the 5.25% area. presents near-term challenges.
Nomura put fair value at around 5%, 4HEû2EGû3ûDEALûDREWûlNALûORDERSûOFûMOREû Proceeds of the new bonds will be used to
based on the MGM China 2024 and 2026 than US$1.85bn from 111 accounts. It also RElNANCEûANDûEXTENDûTHEûMATURITYûOFûTHEû
bonds, which were quoted at yields of 4.76% paid a negative new issue concession of group’s liabilities, and for general corporate
and 5.26% mid. 5bp–10bp compared with similar credits purposes.
Final guidance had already been set when from the Philippines, although there was a Asia bought 80%, EMEA 19% and offshore
peer WYNN MACAU, rated B1/B+ (Moody’s/ new issue premium of 10bp–15bp compared US accounts 1%. Fund managers and asset
Fitch), announced price talk of 5.5% area for with its own curve. managers took 65% of the notes, private
a US$750m 5.5-year non-call two offering, This was calculated by looking at the 40bp banks and banks 21% and insurers and
which was set to be priced in New York DIFFERENCEûBETWEENûlVE
YEARû pensions 14%.
hours on Friday. Treasury yields, then applying this to ICTSI’s ICTSI develops, manages and operates
Triple B rated SANDS CHINA had reopened 2025 bonds and adding 10bp for the extra PORTSûINû!SIA
the US dollar market for Macau casino credit risk, according to a banker on the the Middle East and Africa.
credits with a US$1.5bn dual-tranche deal. Citigroup, Credit Suisse and JP Morgan were
Yankee trade on June 2 that repriced its “The bond offered an attractive headline bookrunners.
MGM China owns and operates the MGM Philippines dollar credit post Covid-19,” said
Macau and MGM Cotai casino, hotel and the banker. THAILAND
entertainment resorts in Macau. New York- While the new bonds were also priced
listed MGM Resorts International holds a amid an overall credit rally, a ICTSI funding THAI OIL DUAL-TRANCHER PRICES
can put the bonds at a cash price of 101 if sheet and defensive business structure
there is a change of control. There is also a contributed to the strong demand. THAI OIL has raised US$1bn from a two-
put option at par if MGM China loses its “There was a reduction in trade volumes tranche bond offering that priced inside its
gaming licence. from the lockdown but we were able to secondary curve after tightening twice from
Macau closed casinos for a 15-day period RETAINûOURûMARGINvûTHEûOFlCIALûSAID initial guidance just before a sell-off in US
in February to prevent the spread of ICTSI’s Ebitda was US$830m in FY19 and markets on Thursday.
coronavirus. MGM China’s casinos resumed 53MûINûTHEûlRSTûQUARTERûOFûTHISûYEARû A US$400m 10-year 2.5% note priced at
full operations on March 20 with additional with a relatively stable margin at 53%–57%, 99.859 to yield 2.516% or Treasuries plus
safety measures such as fewer seats at thanks to continued cost improvements, 185bp. Initial guidance had been set at plus
gaming tables and greater distances according to a note from Nomura analysts. 245bp area and was later revised to the
between slot machines. The new bonds were quoted 15bp tighter 210bp area.
In the two months ended May 31, MGM INûTHEûAFTERMARKETûONûTHEIRûlRSTûTRADINGûDAYû A US$600m 30-year tranche was priced at
China lost an average of US$61.2m per last Thursday at 4.65% but were trading par to yield 3.75%, inside initial guidance
month, measured in property Ebitda terms, weaker at 4.71% last Friday, according to that began at the 4.3% area and was revised
COMPAREDûWITHûANûAVERAGEûMONTHLYûPROlTûOFû Tradeweb. to the 3.95% area.
Jun 8 2020 Central China Real Estate US$400m Aug 27 2023 7.65 99.543 - 7.8
Jun 8 2020 Champion REIT US$300m Jun 15 2030 2.95 98.6 T+220 3.114
Jun 8 2020 Greenland Holding US$500m Dec 16 2022 6.25 99.718 6.45%(YTP) 6.45
Jun 8 2020 Kepco US$500m Jun 15 2025 1.125 99.695 T+75 1.188
Jun 9 2020 China Fortune Land US$300m Jun 16 2022 6.92 100 - 6.92
Jun 9 2020 Ronshine China US$250m Dec 15 2023 (Dec 2022) 7.35 100 - 7.35
Jun 9 2020 Shanghai Construction US$600m Jun 16 2025 2.25 99.456 T+195 2.366
Jun 9 2020 UPL US$500m Jun 16 2030 4.625 99.565 T+385 4.68
Jun 10 2020 China Mengniu Dairy US$500m Jun 17 2025 1.875 99.526 T+160 1.975
Jun 10 2020 China Mengniu Dairy US$300m Jun 17 2030 2.5 99.587 T+175 2.547
Jun 10 2020 Credicorp US$500m Jun 17 2025 2.75 99.459 T+250 2.867
Jun 10 2020 International Container US$400m Jun 17 2030 4.75 99.607 - 4.8
Terminal Services
Jun 10 2020 Powerlong Real Estate US$250m incr Jul 23 2023 6.95 99.853 - 7
Jun 10 2020 Radiance US$250m Sep 17 2023 (Jun 2022) 8.8 99.195 - 9.25
Jun 10 2020 Zhengzhou Airport Economy US$300m Jun 17 2023 3.4 100 - 3.4
Zone Xinggang Investment
Jun 11 2020 Sinic Holdings US$210m Jun 18 2022 10.5 98.473 - 11.38
Jun 11 2020 ThaiOil Treasury Center US$400m Jun 18 2030 2.5 99.859 T+185 2.516
Company Ltd
Jun 11 2020 ThaiOil Treasury Center US$600m Jun 18 2050 3.75 100 T+233.8 3.75
Company Ltd
Jun 9 2020 Albania €650m Jun 16 2027 3.5 99.239 MS+378.4 / 3.625
Jun 9 2020 AFC US$700m Jun 16 2025 3.125 99.427 MS+279.8 / 3.25
Jun 9 2020 Dubai Islamic Bank US$1bn Jan 16 2026 2.95 99.988 MS+245 / T+254.3 2.952
Jun 9 2020 Helios Towers US$750m Dec 18 2025 (Jun 2022) 7 99.439 - 7.125
Jun 9 2020 PPF Telecom €100m incr May 20 2024 3.5 102.6 MS+303.8 / 2.75
(€600m) B+336.1
Jun 10 2020 Croatia €2bn Jun 17 2031 1.5 98.572 MS+165 / B+197.4 1.643
8.35% area - US$3.5bn, 259acs -/-/BB- BNPP/BofA/Citi/CNCBI/CS/Haitong/ APAC 93%, EMEA 6%, US O/S 1%. FM/
MS/StCh AM/HF 77%, BKs/FI 11% , PB 7%, Ins/
Corp 5%.
T+260 area, T+220 - US$1.8bn, 124acs Baa1 Miz/SMBCNikko/UBS/BNPP/Citi/ Asia 96%, EMEA 4%. AM/FM 78%, Bks
HSBC/JPM/StCh/DBS/ICBCI/CMBI/ 13%, PB/Corp/Other 9%.
7% area, 6.45% - US$4bn, 188acs Ba2 BOCI/Haitong/ShenwanHongyuan/ Asia 90%, Eur 10%. FM/AM 85%, FI 11%,
(YTP) CLSA/GuotaiJunan PB 4%.
T+120 area, T+75 7 US$5.2bn, 270acs Aa2/AA HSBC/Citi/JPM Asia 66%, US 22%, EMEA 12%. AM/FM
62%, Ins/PF 15%, Bks 13%, CB/SWF 9%,
PB/Other 1%.
7.5% area, 6.92% - - Ba3 BOCI/CNCBI/CMBI/GuotaiJunan/ -
7.95% area - US$1.3bn, 83acs -/BB-/BB+ (China CS/CNCBI/Citi/Haitong/HSBC/ Asia 81%, Eur 19%. FM/AM 87%, FI/Bks
Chengxin) Orient/UBS 7%, PB 6%.
T+245 area - US$5.1bn, 203acs Baa2 Haitong/HSBC/ANZ/BoC/BoCom/ Asia 96%, Eur 4%. AM/FM 49%, Bks/FI
BNPP 39%, Sov/Ins 11%, PB/Other 1%.
T+435 area, T+385 -15 US$2bn, 146acs Baa3/BBB-/BBB- BofA/JPM/MUFG/Citi/Rabo/SG/UBS APAC 64%, EMEA 36%. AM/FM 72%, Ins
# 13%, Bks 7%, PB 4%, Other 4%.
T+240a - US$3.7bn, 147acs Baa1 BOCHK/Barc/Citi/DBS/GS/JPM/Miz/ Asia 91%, EMEA 9%. AM/FM 70%, Bks
SG/StCh 26%, PB/Corp/Other 4%.
T+255a - US$2bn, 102acs Baa1 BOCHK/Barc/Citi/DBS/GS/JPM/Miz/ Asia 85%, EMEA 15%. AM/FM 69%, Bks
SG/StCh 23%, Ins 5%, PB/Corp/Other 3%.
Low 300s area, - - -/BBB/BBB+ BofA/GS/JPM -
5.25% aare, 4.85% - US$1.85bn, 111acs - Citi/CS/JPM Asia 80%, EMEA 19%, US O/S 1%.
(+/-5) AM/FM 65%, PB/Bks 21%, Ins/PF
7.5% area - US$1.6bn, 73acs B2 BofA/CS/DB/GuotaiJunan/ ASIA 99%, EMEA 1%. FM/AM 88%, PB
Haitong/JPM/UBS/HSBC/ 7%, Bks/FI 5%.
9.5% area YTP, - US$1.1bn, 47acs -/B-/B/BB- (Lianhe GuotaiJunan/Haitong/CICC/ABCI/ APAC 96%, EMEA 4%. FM/AM/Ins 77%,
9.25% YTP Global) AMTD/BNPP/Central/CMBI/ PB/Corp 15%, Bks/FI 8%.
4% area - - -/-/BBB+ CICC/Industrial/BoCom/SPDB/ -
5.625% area, 5.25% - US$4.3bn Ba3/BB- BofA/BoCom/BoC/Barc/ -
11.875% area - US$1.5bn, 76acs -/-/B+ GuotaiJunan/BOCI/UBS/CS/BNPP/ ASIA 98%, EUROPE 2% | AM/FM/HF
BofA/CCBI/CMBCHK/CMBI/Haitong/ 85%, PB 9%, BANK 6%
T+245 area, T+210 0 - Baa2/BBB+ ANZ/BofA/BNPP/Citi/DB/StCh -
T+185 (the #)
4.3% area, 3.95% 0 - Baa2/BBB+ ANZ/BofA/BNPP/Citi/DB/StCh -
3.75% (the #)
The government’s balance sheet will also on the rouble in the next 12 months, with The 7.50% January 2025 note was placed
weaken. additional pressure expected in the coming at the beginning of this year, with GFH
“From a quasi-balanced budget, we now months from recovered demand for imports, unable to move pricing. However, the
area this year, with a lot of uncertainty Donets estimates the downside at 5%–7% has a chequered history, was able to set a
coming from revenues behaviour. This will from the current level of near to 69 versus new benchmark in the international
push the debt-to-GDP above 80% (from 71% the US dollar. markets.
in 2019), virtually erasing most of the h!TûTHEûSAMEûTIMEûSIGNIlCANTû&8ûSALESûBYûTHEû The details of the increase were not
PAINFULLYûDIFlCULTûIMPROVEMENTSûACHIEVEDû Ministry of Finance (via the Central Bank of disclosed in an announcement published on
over the last years,” said ING analysts. Russia) in recent weeks have been supporting the Dubai Financial Market.
Banca IMI/Privredna banka Zagreb, Barclays the rouble, and the Ministry of Finance has S&P downgraded GFH by one notch in
Bank and JP Morgan were the other leads. stated that it will continue to do so, not only to March. The ratings agency said that GFH’s
offset lower oil prices, but also production cuts earnings materially depend on its
due to the OPEC+ agreement,” said Donets. investment banking revenue, which it
RUSSIA “This is likely to translate into a more expected to be under pressure over the
stable rouble performance even amid low following quarters.
VEON EXPLORES ROUBLE ANGLE oil prices as compared with 1Q20. We “We also consider that GFH is more
estimate that the FY20 exchange rate will exposed to the deteriorated liquidity
Telecoms VEON sold a Rbs20bn (US$287m) average 73.5 versus the US dollar.” situation than commercial banks due to its
using roubles as a way to hedge against “GFH relies more on short-term (3-12
exposures in the currency. REGIONAL months) wholesale funding than
The offering came 20bp inside initial commercial banks. In addition, as a
guidance of the 6.50% area. PPF RETURNS TO FOUR-YEAR SEAM wholesale bank it has no direct access to
Andrey Solovyev, global head of debt central bank funding, and cannot directly
capital markets at VTB Capital, which was PPF TELECOM returned to the market on borrow from its commercial banking
one of the bookrunners, said that given part Tuesday with a €100m tap of a note it sold in subsidiary.”
of the company’s revenues are in roubles, mid-May. S&P said that GFH’s treasury portfolio
raising money in the currency offered a The issuer (Ba1/BB+/BBB-), which was remains relatively liquid and, absent new
natural hedge for the issuer. previously known as PPF Arena 1, is a CEE credit events, it should be able to meet its
The other bookrunners were Alfa-Bank, telecoms provider, and is the holding company liquidity requirements for the next quarters,
Citigroup and Sberbank CIB. of O2 Czech Republic, CETIN and Telenor CEE. even if new funding may be more limited.
The settlement currency for the new It had started marketing the tap of its The issuer said the proceeds of the sukuk
bond is roubles, but there is an optional FX €500m 3.50% May 2024 senior secured notes will be used to further strengthen GFH’s
election on any coupon payments and around 20bp back of secondary levels with balance sheet and diversify its income.
principal at maturity in US dollars, on guidance of 2.875% area. The yield was then
request. set at 2.75% off books of more than €160m.
Books for VEON’s issue at one point “We maintain our “Buy” LEBANON
reached over Rbs30bn, but fell away to recommendation on the notes, which we
Rbs25bn when the yield was set. believe represent good relative value within EUROBOND HOLDERS COULD HAVE
“International investors actively the European high-yield telecoms universe,” HAD OIL TANKER SEIZED
participated in the deal, most of the wrote Lucror Analytics.
international demand came from UK and “We also note that the company’s PPF LEBANON could have recently had an oil tanker
Continental European investors,” said 2.125% January 2025 notes trade expensive seized by Eurobond holders because of its
Solovyev. relative to both the 2024s and the PPF stinging debt crisis and the government was
Earlier in June, VEON announced it had 3.125% March 2026 notes, and suggest taking steps to avoid such risks in future, the
entered into a Rbs100bn term loan current holders of the 2025s consider energy minister said on Thursday.
agreement with Sberbank. switching into the 2026s or 2024s.” Lebanon plunged into a US$31bn
“We expect VEON’s leverage to remain BNP Paribas, Credit Suisse and HSBC were sovereign default in March, saying it needed
moderate, at around 2x in the medium global coordinators and bookrunners for the to preserve dwindling dollars for vital
term,” said Fitch in assigning a BBB– rating reopening. imports, and has since entered talks with
to the new issue. the International Monetary Fund.
û)TûDElNESû6%/.SûNETûDEBTûTOû%BITDAûWITHû Speaking at the presidential palace about
the Algerian operations deconsolidated, but a fuel oil shortage, Energy Minister
REmECTINGûDIVIDENDSûFROMûTHISûSUBSIDIARYû Raymond Ghajar listed the potential seizure
h$ELEVERAGINGûmEXIBILITYûISûDRIVENûBYû MIDDLE EAST of an oil tanker off its shore by bondholders
MODESTûPOSITIVEûFREEûCASHmOWûGENERATIONû as among the issues complicating the
but also low single-digit revenue growth and country’s supplies.
SLIGHTLYûIMPROVINGûPROlTABILITYûFROMûvû BAHRAIN “We have been exposed on this issue to
said Fitch. several setbacks, including what happened
S&P assigned an expected BB+ rating to GFH INCREASES SUKUK about two weeks ago because we weren’t
the deal. able to open credit at the central bank in the
Sofya Donets, Russia & CIS economist at GFH tapped its sukuk on Tuesday, increasing required time, so there was a risk that the
Renaissance Capital, says that unprecedented the amount by US$200m and taking the oil tanker would be subject to seizure by the
lSCALûSTIMULUSûATûûOFû'$0ûISûLIKELYûTOûWEIGHû issue up to US$500m. Eurobond holders,” said Ghajar.
contracts and in turn bond prices for both down 8%,” said Sebastian Lema, an analyst
credits. with asset manager Noctua Partners. PERU
Vale’s 6.250% 2026s were trading at a That rally in iron ore appears to have
dollar price of 118.568 to yield 2.933% on made all the difference to investor CREDICORP DRAWS BIG CROWD IN DEBUT
Wednesday, up more than eight points since sentiment toward CSN, which still faces DOLLAR BOND
May 11, according to MarketAxess data. SUBSTANTIALûRElNANCINGûRISKSûAMIDûAûPOORERû
And as the second largest exporter of iron OUTLOOKûFORûITSûmAT
ore in Brazil, steel maker CSN has also This month Moody’s moved its outlook on sold a heavily subscribed debut bond in the
received a boost, with its 6.75% 2028s its B2 rating to negative, citing weakening primary market on Wednesday, drawing eight-
changing hands at 87.10 to yield 9.132%, up credit metrics amid an expected decline in and-a-half times in demand from investors.
more than 20 points since May 5, just when steel demand. The company, which owns Peru’s largest
iron prices started to climb. Despite several liability management bank BANCO DE CREDITO DEL PERU, sold a
“The bullish sentiment around iron ore is exercises, CSN still faces some R$9bn (US$1.8bn) 53MûlVE
due to China’s recovery and supply in debt maturities between 2021-2022, mostly in yield 2.867% or 250bp over Treasuries.
disruptions,” said Omotunde Lawal, head of the form of bank debt, said Moody’s. Pricing came inside initial price thoughts of
the emerging markets corporate debt group low 300bp and guidance of 262.5bp-275bp.
“I think Vale’s mine closure, announced a ECUADOR pick-up to its banking subsidiary BCP, which
couple of days ago, is giving a bit more issued a 2.70% 2025 note last year that closed
tailwind to iron ore prices.” HOLDERS OF ECUADOR 2024s at a G-spread of 203bp on Tuesday,
Earlier this month, the Brazilian FORM GROUP according to MarketAxess data.
government ordered the closure of Vale’s It also came with a nice spread over the
Itabira mines after a cluster of employees Another group of investors have come sovereign curve, where Peru’s 7.35% 2025 was
were infected with the coronavirus. together to prepare for talks with ECUADOR trading at around 123.370 to yield 1.731%.
Vale is one of the world’s largest iron ore over its upcoming restructuring of some “This bond is representative of Peru’s
companies, and the closure of its Itabira US$17bn of external bonds. economy and is trading wide to the
operation equates to about a 10% shortage in Holders of Ecuador’s 2024 bonds sovereign. It’s essentially Peru risk,” said a
production. announced last week that they had formed a market source close to the deal.
“The reality is that these things are still group and had retained Quinn Emanuel Books swelled to peak at around US$4.25bn
quite immaterial in terms of Vale’s scale. So Urquhart & Sullivan to advocate for their after 199 accounts participated in the deal,
one mine closure a year for a couple of unique interests in talks with the sovereign. which was executed at a rapid pace with
weeks doesn’t really move the needle very “Ecuador 2024 notes are governed by an launch taking place during morning hours.
much,” said Lawal. indenture dated June 20 2014, the material Credicorp, rated BBB/BBB+ by S&P and
Ratings agency Moody’s took a similar terms of which are unique in Ecuador’s Fitch, was given a similar rating to its BCP
view, noting in a report that “the setback on capital structure and distinguish Ecuador subsidiary, which is rated BBB+/BBB+.
production supports iron ore prices, which 2024 notes from Ecuador’s other external Low leverage, strong liquidity
are trading near or above US$100/ton, and indebtedness,” the group said in a MANAGEMENTûANDûSTRONGûDIVIDENDûmOWSû
better positions the company to withstand statement. were drivers for its BBB+ rating, Fitch said in
the operating environment challenges”. They join another group of institutional a report.
While most commodities have been investors, represented by BroadSpan Capital Credicorp has consolidated return of
under pressure, iron ore prices have been on LLC and UBS Investment Bank, that announced average equity and return on average assets
a tear recently breaking through the last week that they had formed a creditor of 17.1% and 2.4%, respectively, as of
53TONûMARKûFORûTHEûlRSTûTIMEûSINCEû committee. December 2019, said Fitch.
August. Earlier this month, Ecuador set down the Proceeds will be used to strengthen the
“Year-to-date, iron ore and gold are the path towards a broad restructuring as it lNANCIALûlRMSûRESERVEûFUNDûANDûOTHERû
only commodities with gains, whereas you races to complete debt talks before mid- general corporate purposes.
still have Brent down 38%, copper down August when the grace period on deferred The deal was led by Bank of America,
6.5%, and soft commodities such as soybeans coupon payments ends. Goldman Sachs, and JP Morgan.
For more information on the various advertising and sponsorship opportunities available within IFR,
email: cmi.advertising:@tr.com
Chailease units on borrowing spree Hong Kong-based LEI SHING HONG CREDIT has
ASIA Cambodian, Singaporean, Thai subsidiaries follow affiliates term loan into general syndication after
attracting four Taiwanese lenders in the
Taiwan-listed CHAILEASE HOLDING is on a Lead arrangers taking US$20m–$29m senior syndication phase.
borrowing spree across South-East Asia with its will receive all-in pricing of 130bp and 135bp Far Eastern International Bank is the original
Cambodian and Thai subsidiaries becoming the via a 30bp fee. Arrangers joining with mandated lead arranger and bookrunner of
latest to tap the loan markets. US$10m–$19m earn all-in pricing of THEûFACILITYûWHICHûCANûBEûINCREASEDûTOûUPûTOû
Mizuho Bank is the coordinator for a loan of 126.67bp and 131.67bp via a 20bp fee. 53M
around US$100m for Chailease Thailand and is Newly established CHAILEASE INTERNATIONAL KGI BankûMega International Commercial
reaching out to relationship banks. FINANCIAL SERVICES (SINGAPORE) is the borrower. BankûTaishin International Bank and Yuanta
Chailease’s Cambodian unit is also sounding Chailease Holding’s Vietnam-based Commercial Bank joined in senior syndication
the market for a US dollar loan. unit CHAILEASE INTERNATIONAL LEASING has with the same title.
The terms of the two borrowings are yet to also launched a three-year loan of up to 4HEûDEALûWHICHûCANûBEûDRAWNûINû(ONGû
be determined, but they follow close on the US$70m the week before last. Bank SinoPac +ONGûORû53ûDOLLARSûOFFERSûIDENTICALûPRICINGû
heels of two other loans totalling US$150m for is the sole MLAB of the transaction, which ASûTHEûCOMPANYSûPREVIOUSûLOANûPAYINGûANû
Chailease’s Singaporean and Vietnamese units. has an initial size of US$50m and a US$20m INTERESTûMARGINûOFûBPûOVERû,IBORûORû
Mizuho is also the sole mandated lead arranger greenshoe. (IBORûANDûHASûAû
and bookrunner of a US$100m three-year bullet The deal offers a top-level all-in pricing of The borrower will pay any excess interest
loan for the Singaporean unit, which comprises a 149.05bp based on an interest margin of 130bp RATEûBEYONDûAûBPûDIFFERENCEûBETWEENû
US$100m Tranche A and a US$100m Tranche B. The over Libor and an upfront fee of 50bp. 4!)&8ûANDû,IBOR
two tranches cannot exceed a combined US$100m. Earlier this month, Chailease International Banks are invited to join at three ticket
Tranches A and B offer interest margins of Finance Corp, another unit of Chailease LEVELSû-,!"SûRECEIVEûAûTOP
120bp and 125bp over Libor, respectively. The Holding, obtained an increased Rmb3.79bn PRICINGûOFûBPûFORûCOMMITMENTSûOFû
borrower will pay any excess interest rate beyond (US$413m) three-year term loan. 53MûORûMOREûVIAûAûBPûMANAGEMENTû
a 35bp difference between TAIFX and Libor. Mizuho Bank (China) was the sole MLAB of FEEû-,!SûEARNûANûALL
MLAs joining with US$30m or above earn a that loan, which pays a margin of 85bp over FORûTICKETSûOFû53MnMûVIAûAûBPûFEEû
top-level all-in pricing of 133.33bp and 138.33bp the one-year loan prime rate. Banks were while lead arrangers get an all-in pricing of
based on an upfront fee of 40bp for tranches A offered a top-level participation fee of 30bp. BPûFORû53MnMûVIAûAûBPûFEE
and B, respectively. Evelynn Lin The guarantor is parent company Lei
Shing Hong. Funds are for working capital
&UNDSûWILLûBEûUSEDûTOûRElNANCEûDEBTûANDû "ANKû#4"#û"ANKû(ANGû3ENGû"ANKû-5&'û The borrower last tapped the loan market
for general corporate purposes. ANDû7ESTPACû"ANKINGû#ORPûASû-,!"S FORûAû53M
-IDEAû'ROUPûISûTHEûGUARANTORûWHILEûITSû The facility paid a top-level all-in pricing of $ECEMBERû
subsidiary MIDEA INTERNATIONAL is the BPûBASEDûONûTHEûMARGINûOFûBPûOVERû Far Eastern International Bank also led
LEVELû NEGATIVEûOUTLOOKûOVERûEXPECTATIONSûTHATûTHEû The borrower provides mortgage loans
leverage as the operating environment has advertisement spaces and marine vessels.
potential for further pressure on Far East
slowdown in economic activity if the Covid- VEHICLEûOFû(ONGû+ONG
larger than the borrowing it completed a FUNDINGûANDûLIQUIDITYûPROlLEûREMAINSû Proceeds will be used for general working
year ago. ADEQUATEûSUPPORTEDûBYûITSûESTABLISHEDû capital and corporate funding purposes.
company is offering an interest margin of funding conditions could become more reduced on a tiered basis subject to Link
BPûOVERû,IBORûFORûTHEûLATESTûFACILITYûnûTHEû challenging for the sector as a whole. The 2%)4SûENVIRONMENTALûSOCIALûANDû
company also has a high level of governance performance.
year loan signed which was in May last year. UNENCUMBEREDûASSETSûWHICHûCOULDûBEûUSEDû Link REIT’s ESG metrics will be measured
Relationship banks are working on credit FORûASSET
BACKEDûSECURITISATIONûANDûAûLARGEû by its continued inclusion in leading global
approvals to form the arranger group. amount of unused credit lines to support its sustainability indices as well as
YEARûLOANû funding needs and reduce short-term improvements in its Global Real Estate
March from DBS Bank. The facility was used 4HEûLOANûSPLITûINTOûAû!MûPIECEûANDûAû &+3û&OODûû!GRIûSOURCESûAGRICULTURALû
for general corporate funding purposes !M
STOREYû )Nû-ARCHûTHEûCOMPANYûALSOûAMENDEDûANDû It is engaged in a diverse range of
OFlCEûTOWERûINû3YDNEYSûCENTRALûBUSINESSû increased existing revolving credit facilities business in Indonesia and across the
back its planned acquisition of Lixil Viva. environment as a result of the coronavirus company Sembcorp Marine has entered
SMBCûISûTHEûSOLEûLENDERûOFûTHEûLOANûWHICHû pandemic. into a bilateral revolving facility for up to
is secured with Lixil Viva shares. 5NDERûTHEûAGREEMENTSû&LETCHERû"UILDINGû 53M
4HEûBORROWINGûISûSPITûINTOûAûcBNû may opt to rely on more favourable levels Sembcorp Marine is providing a
Home improvement store operator Securities Exchange on Wednesday. Standard CharteredûISûTHEûSOLEûLENDERû
!RCLANDû3AKAMOTOûLAUNCHEDûAûcûPERû Total interest cover ratio may be lowered arranger and agent.
OFFERûENDSûONû*ULYû TIMESûANDûSENIORûINTERESTûCOVERûRATIOûTOûXû pre-payment will be triggered if Sembcorp
Luxury toilet maker LIXIL Group has FROMûXûWITHûEARNINGSûBEFOREûINTERESTûANDû Industries’ ownership in Sembcorp Marine
Saitama-based home improvement store for testing these ratios. )FûTHISûHAPPENSûLOANSûANDûTRADEûFACILITIESû
unit. The company expects to be in compliance TOTALLINGûAPPROXIMATELYû3BNû
,ASTûMONTHû,IXILû'ROUPûSAIDûITûWOULDûSELLû with its normal covenant levels at June. 53BN ûASûOFû*UNEûûMAYûBEûAFFECTED
)TALIANûMAKERûOFûCURTAINûWALLSû0ERMASTEELISAû Should Fletcher Building need to rely on Singapore-listed Sembcorp Industries
53ûCONSTRUCTIONûGROUPû!TLASû(OLDINGSûFORûANû not pay a dividend until it is in compliance $ECEMBERûû
undisclosed amount. with and agrees to be tested at normal
available liquidity and a leverage ratio of
Japan Bank for International Cooperation
MUFG and Mizuho Bank were the mandated CHR HANSEN TAPS BRIDGE LOAN
joined in syndication. lVE
*!,SûPREVIOUSûAIRCRAFTûlNANCINGûWASûAû this month with two banks at the top. 53MûACQUISITIONûOFû53
cBNûBORROWINGûALSOûWITHûAû*")#û The agricultural commodities supplier PROBIOTICSûCOMPANYû5!3û,ABSûWITHûAûBRIDGEû
GUARANTEEûINû&EBRUARY has appointed BNP Paribas and Rabobank as loan.
the mandated lead arrangers and The low interest bridge loan is being
BOOKRUNNERSûOFûTHEûLOANûWHICHûWILLûBEûUSEDû provided by Chr Hansen’s core banks.
NEW ZEALAND for capital expenditure and general Chr Hansen tapped the loan market in
RYMAN CLOSES A$200m LOAN 4HEûTWOûBANKSûWEREûALSOû-,!"SûONûTHEû revolving credit facility.
Aû!Mû53M ûlVE
TRANCHEû syndication. Handelsbanken as bookrunners and
Sole mandated lead arranger and Development Bank of Japan jointly acquired HSBC were mandated lead arrangers.
bookrunner Commonwealth Bank of Australia SHARESûINû&+3û&OODûû!GRIûWITHûAûTOTALû #HRû(ANSENûISûACQUIRINGû5!3û,ABSûFROMû
ENDEDûUPûWITHû!MûAFTERûBank of Baroda INVESTMENTûOFûAPPROXIMATELYû53MûFORû private equity fund Lakeview Equity
nutrition and health business Erber Group.
DSM has a strong balance sheet and is
committed to maintaining an investment-
Sovereign loan delayed
GRADEûCREDITûPROlLE UGANDA Deal has an end of June deadline for completion
The company’s liquidity is supported by
õBNûOFûUNDRAWNûREVOLVINGûCREDITû UGANDA‘s sovereign loan has been delayed by The other €300m portion of the financing
the impact of the coronavirus, low oil prices and was arranged and underwritten by TDB Bank as
LINKEDû2#&ûORIGINALLYûAGREEDûINû-AYûû South Africa’s recent sovereign downgrade. underwriter and initial mandated lead arranger
THATûMATURESûINû The €300m loan, underwritten by and closed on April 14, with Societe Generale
4HEûCOMPANYûAGREEDûANûADDITIONALûõMû Standard Bank, will be used to fund Ugandan taking a €130m portion. It is a separate facility to
2#&ûINû!PRIL infrastructure projects. It forms part of a bigger Standard Bank’s €300m loan and backs similar
4HEû2#&SûAREûNOTûSUBJECTûTOûlNANCIALû €600m seven-year loan, which is the country’s but different infrastructure projects.
covenants or material adverse change first ever sovereign loan. Both €300m facilities have the same pricing
clauses. The deal, which the Ugandan government and tenors and were agreed by the Ugandan
brought to market in November, pays 445bp over parliament, meaning it is not possible to
Libor. renegotiate pricing.
SPAIN Standard Bank has been hit by the increased In addition, the deal has an end of June
cost of funds following South Africa’s latest deadline for completion when the Ugandan
GESTAMP GETS €200m EIB LOAN downgrade at the end of April when S&P government’s budget process for the current
downgraded its long-term foreign-currency fiscal year ends.
Car parts maker GESTAMPûHASûAGREEDûAûõMû credit rating to BB- from BB, which has slowed “Pricing can’t go up, as parliament approved it
loan from the European Investment Bank for the progress of the deal. at that level,” said the second banker. “Getting it
research and development to make cars “The deal has been caught in the headwinds done by the end of June is key.”
safer and lighter. of Covid-19 and its impact, including the South Uganda is, however, seen as a good risk. The
4HEûCOMPANYûEXPECTSûTOûAGREEûAûõMû African downgrade and a general contraction in East African economy is growing faster than 6%
loan from another multilateral lender for liquidity,” said one banker. “It will get done but and is rated B2 by Moody’s and B+ by Fitch with
the same purpose. things are just slower.” a stable outlook.
The company has agreed a covenant Banks looking to come into the deal, which “Uganda’s stable macroeconomic context, low
WAIVERûUNTILûTHEûSECONDûQUARTERûOFûûONû will be a small club loan, are also struggling with liquidity and debt distress risks, and manageable
ITSûõBNûSYNDICATEDûLOANûTOûREINFORCEûITSû the increased cost of funds public debt stock were conducive to the
lNANCIALûmEXIBILITYûDURINGûTHEûCORONAVIRUSû “Other lenders are also getting delayed. transaction,” TDB said when it closed its €300m
crisis. Everything is far more under the microscope than facility.
û)Nû*ANUARYû'ESTAMPûEXTENDEDûTHEû before,” a second banker said. Sandrine Bradley
LINKEDûREVOLVINGûCREDITûFACILITYûWHICHûHASû designed to incentivise portfolio
been fully drawn. companies to improve their ESG Healthcare and diagnostic company MEDICOVER
ALONGSIDEû3ANTANDERû"ANKûOFû!MERICAû gender equality on the board of directors; revolving credit facility to provide additional
bookrunning mandated lead arrangers. sustainability governance. Medicover has seen revenue impacted by
The mechanism is directly tied to EQT’s the crisis after governments placed
higher level targets on diversity and climate restrictions on movement and health
SWEDEN as well as its governance model. services in the markets where it operates.
Investment group EQT has signed a fund as facility agent and sustainability agent. BOOKRUNNERS: 1/1/2020 TO DATE
bridge facility with pricing linked to the EQT and future portfolio companies will Managing No of Total Share
ENVIRONMENTALûSOCIALûANDûGOVERNANCEû work with advisers to develop customised bank or group issues US$(m) (%)
performance of its private equity portfolio and measurable key performance indicators 1 BNP Paribas 86 57,362.70 18.4
companies. FORûTHEûINDIVIDUALûCOMPANIESûWHICHûWILLûBEû 2 Credit Agricole 59 24,569.60 7.9
The fund level subscription credit facility reported quarterly and audited annually. 3 Santander 57 20,483.90 6.6
TOTALSûõBNûANDûHASûANûUPPERûLIMITûOFû This approach will contribute to an 4 HSBC 51 16,653.17 5.3
LINKEDûFUNDû increase of reliable and comparable ESG 5 SG 42 15,380.77 4.9
BRIDGEûFACILITYûOFûTHISûSIZEûINûTHEûGLOBALûFUNDû data. 6 UniCredit 56 15,125.75 4.9
lNANCINGûMARKETSû%14ûSAID The aggregated results from the portfolio 7 JP Morgan 35 14,993.19 4.8
“This is a game-changing moment for companies’ ESG efforts will be compared 8 Deutsche Bank 37 14,330.76 4.6
%14ûBUTûALSOûTHEûPRIVATEûEQUITYûINDUSTRYû with the pre-set KPI targets. The portfolio’s 9 Citigroup 31 12,631.06 4.1
further evidencing how our industry also AVERAGEDûFULlLMENTûRATEûWILLûIMPACTûTHEû%3'û 10 Natixis 24 8,559.75 2.7
HEADûOFûTHEû improved ESG performance meaning lower Proportional credit
%14û0RIVATEû%QUITYû!DVISORYû4EAM pricing. Source: Refinitiv SDC code: R17
callable at a premium of two points in the 3INGAPOREû&UNDû/CEANû,INKû0ARTNERSûANDû ARRANGERSûONûTHEû!",
JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs were global in talks with some relationship Chinese INû-ARCHûTOûPRESERVEûlNANCIALûmEXIBILITYûINû
coordinators. JP Morgan was admin agent. banks for the debt funding. LIGHTûOFûTHEûCORONAVIRUSûHASûBEENûREDUCEDû
Hurtigruten last tapped the loan market /Nû!PRILûûCOMûANNOUNCEDûTHATûTHEû and amended to provide the retailer with up
INû.OVEMBERûûWHENûITûPRICEDûANûõMû consortium proposed to acquire all of its TOû53MûINûUNSECUREDû2#&
facility. The offer values the business at about PRELIMINARYûEARNINGSûFORûTHEûlRSTûQUARTERû
Moody’s downgraded Hurtigruten to B3 53BNûTHEû#HINESEûlRMûSAID ENDINGû-AYû
decline in bookings and increase in lVE
cancellations for Hurtigruten’s cruises Investment. a year earlier. It also reported an adjusted
caused by coronavirus fears and travel %BITDAûLOSSûOFû53MûINûTHEûlRSTûQUARTERû
restrictions will lead to weakening credit FROMûADJUSTEDû%BITDAûOFû53MûINû
metrics and pressure on its liquidity. CEO Jeff Gennette attributed the decline in
30ûALSOûDOWNGRADEDûTHEûlRMûINû-ARCHû sales to the government-mandated store
RESTRUCTURING closures resulting from the coronavirus spread.
TDR Capital bought the business h4HEûPANDEMICûSIGNIlCANTLYûIMPACTEDû
alongside Periscopus and Home Capital in OURûlRST
LATEû UNITED STATES but I am proud of the way our team
Hurtigruten operates cruises along the NAVIGATEDûTHISûDIFlCULTûPERIODûANDû
.ORWEGIANû#OAST MACY’S CLOSES FINANCING maintained the business while our stores
will go toward funding business
US auto technology business GARRETT operations. SERTA SIMMONS SIGNS AGREEMENT
MOTION has completed an amendment to its 4HEûlNANCINGûCOMPRISESûAû53BNû
REVOLVERûDUEûûAûõMû4ERMû,OANû!û in senior secured notes. BEDDING has signed a transaction support
ANDûAû53Mû4,"ûDUEû REVOLVINGûCREDITûFACILITYûWHICHûINCLUDESûAû second-lien term loan lenders to slash
4HEûlRMûOFFEREDûLENDERSûAûBPû swingline sub-facility and a letter of credit 53MûOFûDEBT
THEûREVOLVERûANDû4,!ûANDûAûBPûINCREASEû bridge facility. Macy’s will be allowed to COMPANYûWILLûRECEIVEû53MûOFûlRST
on the TLB during the covenant relief REQUESTûINCREASESûUPûTOû53MûINû NEWûMONEYûDEBTûANDû53MûOFûSECOND
period. additional capacity under the revolving OUTûDEBTûWHICHûWILLûBEûSWAPPEDûFORûAû
increase if both credit agencies downgrade Bank of America is a lead arranger and The second-out debt will be exchanged
JP Morgan led the amendment. the issuer of the swingline and letter of lRST
ûWASûLASTû credit facilities. 53ûOFûSECOND
facility. Managing No of Total Share Europe, Middle East, Africa
4HEûEUROûTRANCHEûPRICEDûATûBPûOVERû bank or group issues US$(m) (%) Managing No of Total Share
%URIBORûANDûTHEûDOLLARûLOANûPRICEDûATûBPû 1 HSBC 17 4,890.43 7.6 bank or group issues US$(m) (%)
OVERû,IBORû4HATûDEBTûlNANCINGûWASûTOû 2 BNP Paribas 24 4,484.16 7.0 1 HSBC 9 2,403.18 7.1
support its spin-off from aero parts maker 3 Goldman Sachs 19 4,403.23 6.9 2 BNP Paribas 12 2,092.56 6.2
Honeywell. 4 Credit Agricole 16 4,195.10 6.5 3 Morgan Stanley 9 2,059.59 6.1
5 Barclays 19 4,134.55 6.5 4 SG 7 1,955.99 5.8
6 JP Morgan 21 3,730.02 5.8 5 Deutsche Bank 12 1,836.03 5.5
ASIA-PACIFIC 7 Deutsche Bank 20 3,444.46 5.4 6 Credit Agricole 9 1,797.03 5.3
8 Citigroup 9 3,114.58 4.9 7 Barclays 11 1,722.40 5.1
BANKS VIE FOR 58.COM MANDATE 9 Natixis 8 3,029.11 4.7 8 BofA Securities 8 1,635.26 4.9
10 UniCredit 12 2,780.58 4.3 9 UniCredit 7 1,590.84 4.7
Banks are bidding for the mandate to lead a Total 87 64,072.20 10 Credit Suisse 14 1,554.12 4.6
debt package of about US$3bn to back the Excluding project finance. Western Europe only included. Total 48 33,614.62
LISTEDû Excluding project finance.
ONLINEûCLASSIlEDSûMARKETPLACEû58.COM. Source: Refinitiv SDC code: P10 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: P13
MURRAY ENERGY‘s exit from Chapter 11 bankruptcy bar Murray or other lenders from interfering with EUROPE/MIDDLE EAST/
protection has been delayed indefinitely by the its ability to preserve the DIP FILO collateral. AFRICA
bankruptcy court until the coal supplier files a GACP said that Murray defaulted on a
complete plan of reorganisation. financial covenant under its US$90m DIP FILO GMS IMPLEMENTS RESTRUCTURING
The court will only decide on new dates for the loan by inflating the assets securing the loan.
plan confirmation once the company files all the According to previous negotiations between !BUû$HABI
requested supplements to the proposed plan. the company and GACP, the current assets MARINE SERVICESûHASûlNALISEDûANDû
Murray has yet to file, among other things, report was only to comprise coal receivables implemented a debt restructuring that it
term sheets for a proposed takeback debt and inventory but Murray included non-coal AGREEDûWITHûITSûBANKSûINû-ARCHûWHICHû
agreement and an exit facility loan agreement. receivables in the statement. includes the extension of term loan
The company’s US$440m debtor-in- In addition to the alleged default, GACP facilities and a new working capital
possession loan comprises US$350m in new said that assets securing the FILO loan are facility.
money and a US$90m first in, last out loan deteriorating, which could affect its recovery '-3ûHASûRENEWEDûITSû53MûTERMû
facility that rolled up the company’s pre-petition value. It said that the value of the coal LOANûEXTENDINGûTHEûMATURITYûTOû*UNEûû
FILO facility. receivables and inventory are already “far below” û4HEûRENEWEDûFACILITIESûHAVEûAû
Murray has about US$1.9bn in pre-petition the US$160m floor set in the financial covenant. CHANGEDûAMORTISATIONûPROlLEûWITHûAû
secured loan debt, comprising US$150.7m GACP also said that in the event of default, it 53MûREDUCTIONûINûlXEDûAMORTISATIONû
under an asset-based loan facility due 2021, a is entitled to “block or limit withdrawals from any PAYMENTSûUNTILû
US$1.72bn superpriority term loan due 2022, bank accounts that are a part of the collateral” The cash interest margin is the same as
and a US$51m term loan that matures this year, for its DIP FILO loan, and it is therefore seeking previous facilities and is indexed to the net
according to an October court filing. It also has court permission to enforce this. leverage of the company.
US$788m in pre-petition secured bond debt, and Murray responded to GACP’s court request, )TûHASûALSOûAGREEDûAû53MûWORKINGû
US$45m in unsecured debt. calling it an attempt to upend its exit from CAPITALûFACILITYûTHATûALSOûMATURESûONû*UNEûû
Murray’s next court hearing, scheduled for bankruptcy and “obtain rights and remedies
June 15, has also been adjourned. The hearing GACP does not have” under the DIP credit GMS will now seek shareholder approval
was to address a request from one of the agreement. for a share capital increase before the end
company’s DIP lenders to protect its collateral. Murray filed for bankruptcy in October, driven OFûû)TûISûAIMINGûTOûRAISEûNETûPROCEEDSû
On May 13, DIP FILO lender Great American by the decline in demand for coal. OFûATûLEASTû53MûTOûSTRENGTHENûITSû
Capital Partners filed a court order requesting to Sasha Padbidri balance sheet and to avoid the issuance of
warrants and incurrence of PIK interest
payable to the banks.
The company will also receive an ASSETûMANAGERSû"LUE-OUNTAINû#APITALû The company was last in the syndicated
OUTûDEBTûWHICHû Sound Point Capital Management and LOANûMARKETûINû*ANUARYûûWHENûITû
QUARTERSûOFû extended the maturity of a loan that was
and second-lien loans. Cirque du Soleil’s debt. ORIGINALLYûARRANGEDûINû.OVEMBERû
Serta was acquired by private equity Cirque du Soleil started exploring debt 4HEûMATURITYûOFûTHEûlNANCINGûWASû
The acquisition package included a BANKRUPTCYûINû-ARCHûAFTERûITûWASûFORCEDûTOû scheduled loan repayments reduced by
LIENûTERMûLOANûPRICEDû cancel shows because of the coronavirus TWO
ATûBPûOVERû,IBORûANDûAû53Mû outbreak. 4HEûSIX
LIENûDEBTûWASûLATERûREPRICEDûINû temporarily lay off most of its staff after LOANûAû53MûCOMMITTEDûCAPITALû
!PRILû nationwide coronavirus shutdowns nixed EXPENDITUREûFACILITYûANDû53MûFORû
Group made an offer on Monday to take The timing of any court restructuring !BUû$HABIû!BUû$HABIû#OMMERCIALû"ANKû
control of the circus company through a REMAINSûINûmUXûASû#IRQUEûDUû3OLEILû and HSBC Bank Middle East as mandated
debt restructuring in Canada. prepares to review bids. lead arrangers.
The group of creditors is proposing to It is unclear if the creditor group’s bid GMS is listed on the London Stock
BASEDû#IRQUEû will be accepted. But as Cirque du Soleil’s %XCHANGEû4HEûCOMPANYûSERVESûTHEûOILûGASû
ANDûREDUCEûITSû53BNûDEBTûBYû53Mû CREDITORSûTHEûGROUPûWILLûHAVEûAûSAYûOVERû and renewable energy industries from its
and new shareholders.
Kogan is also looking to raise up to A$15m
through a share purchase plan.
The two Chinese education companies
are discussing the possibility of selling
HK$30bn (US$3.9bn) FROM ITS HONG Proceeds will be used to offer more shares in Hong Kong with internal
KONG SECONDARY LISTING, MAKING products to more customers and to enhance stakeholders and external advisers, said
IT THE SECOND-LARGEST FLOAT THIS its operating model when opportunities arise. people familiar with the matter, adding that
YEAR BEHIND BEIJING-SHANGHAI Canaccord Genuity and Royal Bank of Canada no decision has yet been made.
HIGH SPEED RAILWAY’S Rmb30.7bn were the lead managers for the placement. The companies have not yet picked banks
(US4.3bn) SHANGHAI IPO for the transactions, which could come as
early as this year, said two of the people.
CHINA It is unclear how much the two
companies are looking to raise. At current
15 months
and Haitong International are the joint
Founded in 2005, Bohai Bank also counts
New Oriental declined to comment while
TAL did not reply to requests for comment.
Investors have raised concerns over TAL’s
PREFERRED INVESTMENT IN Tianjin TEDA Investment, China Shipping corporate governance standards after the
ALBERTSONS VALUED THE GROCER Investment and State Development & tutoring services provider said in early April
AT US$10bn, AND DOES NOT INCLUDE Investment as shareholders. StanChart that it had caught one employee allegedly
BENCHMARK FOR THE FLOAT holds 25%. introduced “Light Class” business.
Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share
1 Morgan Stanley
US$(m) (%)
10,207.62 10.2
2 Goldman Sachs
3 JP Morgan
2 Goldman Sachs
3 JP Morgan
4 China Secs 18 5,410.81 5.1 4 China Secs 18 5,410.81 5.4
BIO-PHARMACEUTICAL BECAME THE 5 UBS 38 5,097.36 4.8 5 UBS 38 5,097.36 5.1
FIRST COMPANY TO PRICE AN IPO ON 6 CICC 32 5,095.07 4.8 6 CICC 32 5,095.07 5.1
THE SHANGHAI STAR BOARD USING 7 Credit Suisse 21 4,499.30 4.3 7 Citigroup 21 4,179.78 4.2
AN INDICATIVE PRICE RANGE. THE 8 Citigroup 21 4,179.78 4.0 8 Macquarie Group 20 3,770.62 3.8
Rmb1.07bn (US$151m) FLOAT PRICED 9 Macquarie Group 20 3,770.62 3.6 9 Citic 17 3,693.83 3.7
AT THE TOP OF THE Rmb8.65–Rmb8.95 10 Citic 17 3,693.83 3.5 10 HSBC 16 3,660.17 3.7
RANGE AND RETAIL DEMAND WAS AS Total 906 105,574.99 Total 848 99,829.06
STRONG AS EVER, WITH THE TRANCHE Including all domestic and international deals and rights issues Including all domestic and international deals and rights issues
3,100 TIMES COVERED Source: Refinitiv SDC code: C4a1 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: C4a2
4HEûINCIDENTûBRIEmYûWEIGHEDûONûTHEû Boyu Capital was founded in 2010 and as other working capital needs. Nio China
stock, which bounced back on signs counts as partners former TPG Capital plans to invest in research and development,
the company is recovering from the senior executive Mary Ma and Alvin Jiang, manufacturing facilities, improve its supply
CORONAVIRUSûIMPACTû)TSûOFmINEûBUSINESSû also known by his Chinese name Jiang chain and enhance its sales and service
is expected to maintain high growth Zhicheng, who is the grandson of former network.
while the online business is also Chinese president Jiang Zemin. Nio’s shares fell 5.7% on Wednesday and
expanding. 4HEûCOMPANYûPOSTEDûAûNETûPROlTûOFû 6.2% on Thursday, to US$5.91, but are still
New Oriental, a private education Rmb2.44bn in 2019, up from Rmb726m in up 47% year-to-date.
provider, saw its net income increase 41% 2018, on revenue of Rmb8.35bn.
year on year to US$138m in the three GF Securities is the sponsor. SHENZEN, REDSUN AND ZHENRO SEEK
months to February 29 2020. IPO APPROVALS
Three companies from the healthcare sector Services and Zhenro Services Group sought
SMOORE INTERNATIONAL, one of the world’s started pre-marketing last Monday for Hong listing approvals last week for their
largest e-cigarette makers, sought listing Kong IPOs of a combined US$800m. respective US$300m–$400m, US$70m–$80m
approval last week for a Hong Kong IPO of Chinese medical equipment maker KANGJI and US$150m Hong Kong IPOs.
US$600m–$900m. MEDICAL is planning to raise about US$400m Pre-marketing of the deals will start this
Pre-marketing will start this week once FROMûITSûmOATûBank of America, CLSA and week if approvals are granted.
approval is granted. Goldman Sachs are sponsors. Shenzhen-listed Hepalink has a portfolio of
CLSA is the sponsor. Kangji, which makes equipment for drugs to treat blood clots and immune system
IFR reported last August the company minimally invasive surgery, posted a net DISORDERSû&ORûTHEûlRSTûNINEûMONTHSûOFûûITû
planned to raise about US$400m from the PROlTûOFû2MBMû53M ûFORûûUPû POSTEDûAûPROlTûOFû2MBMû53M ûUPû
mOATûINûTHEûlRSTûHALFûOFûû4HEûDEALûSIZEû 46% from 2018. 60% from the same period a year earlier.
has since become much bigger as investors HYGEIA HEALTHCARE, a Warburg Pincus- Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley are the
have shown strong interest, said people backed Chinese hospital operator and joint sponsors.
close to the deal. radiotherapy equipment maker, intends to Redsun, a Chinese property management
Smoore was listed on the China National raise about US$300m from its listing. COMPANYûPOSTEDûAûNETûPROlTûOFû2MBMûFORû
Equities Exchange and Quotations and Books are tentatively scheduled to open 2019, up 73% from 2018.
delisted from the over-the-counter on June 16 and close on June 19 ahead of the The company is wholly owned by Zeng
exchange in June last year. listing on June 29. Huansha, the chairman of Hong Kong-listed
3MOOREûPOSTEDûPROlTûANDûTOTALû The company posted an adjusted net Redsun Properties.
comprehensive income of Rmb921m PROlTûOFû2MBMûFORûTHEûûMONTHSûENDEDû ABC International is the sponsor.
53M ûFORûTHEûlRSTûHALFûOFûûMOREû October 31 2019, up 82% from the same Zhenro Services, which provides property
THANûlVEûTIMESûTHEû2MBMûEARNEDûINû period in 2018. management services to Hong Kong-listed
the same period of 2018. Warburg Pincus owns a 17.2% stake in the :HENROû0ROPERTIESû'ROUPûPOSTEDûAûNETûPROlTû
Its clients include Japan Tobacco, company. of Rmb74m for the nine months to
0ACIlCû"RITISHû!MERICANû Haitong International and Morgan Stanley are September 30 2019, up 160% from the same
Tobacco, RELX and NJOY. joint sponsors. period of 2018.
IMMUNOTECH BIOPHARM is working with joint Zonrong Ou, the controlling shareholder
SICHUAN LANGJIU SAYS CHEERS TO IPO sponsors CCB International and Guosen of Zhenro Properties Group, owns 87.3% of
SecuritiesûONûAûmOATûOFûATûLEASTû53M Zhenro Services.
Clear spirits producer SICHUAN LANGJIU has Books are scheduled to open in the second CCB International is the sponsor.
lLEDûTOûTHEû#HINAû3ECURITIESû2EGULATORYû half of June and the deal will price in late
Commission for a Rmb7.45bn (US$1.05bn) June. TRINA SOLAR SOARS 136% ON DEBUT
Shenzhen IPO. The biopharmaceutical company has a
The company plans to offer up to 70m portfolio of 10 drug candidates focusing on TRINA SOLAR‘s A-shares soared as high as 136%
mOAT cancer treatment. It posted a loss of above their IPO price when they made their
It will use Rmb6.32bn of the proceeds to Rmb109m for 2019, wider than a Rmb35m trading debut on June 10. The stock climbed
upgrade and build four production bases, loss for 2018. to Rmb19.26 from the Rmb8.16 issue price
and fund warehousing, packing and liquor before closing at Rmb17.21, up 110.9%.
fermentation bacteria projects. The rest of NIO UPSIZES FOLLOW-ON The photovoltaic equipment producer,
the proceeds will be used for IT services, to which was delisted in the US in 2017, raised
build an R&D centre, and for working Electric-vehicle maker NIO has upsized a Rmb2.53bn (US$357m) from its Star IPO of
capital. primary follow-on to raise US$428m after MûSHARESûORûAûûFREE
The company’s chairman, Wang Junlin, pricing the deal at US$5.95 per share. planned to issue 439m shares with a
holds a 76.7% stake directly and indirectly The New York-listed company sold 72m fundraising target of Rmb3bn.
through biggest shareholder, Sichuan American depository shares, instead of 60m Proceeds will be used to fund a
Langjiu Group. at launch, at a 5.5% discount to last photovoltaic power generation project, to
Crystal Glitter, which was registered in Wednesday’s close of US$6.30. upgrade photovoltaic modules and a
Hong Kong in 2016 and is 100% held by PE There is a 15% greenshoe. research and development centre, and to
lRMû"OYUû#APITALûBOUGHTûAûSTRATEGICûSTAKEû Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse and CICC are replenish working capital.
of 11.2% in 2017. the bookrunners. Sole sponsor Huatai United Securities is
The chairman’s brother, Wang Jungang, The company plans to use the proceeds to charging Rmb158m as a service fee and
holds a 5% stake. fund cash investments in Nio China, as well investing Rmb75.8m, or 3% of the offering.
GAN & LEE PHARMACEUTICALS was due to price a SINOCELLTECH GROUP has set the issue price at KAISA PROSPERITY HOLDINGS has raised HK$456m
Rmb2.54bn (US$359m) Shanghai IPO on Rmb25.64 per share for a Shanghai Star (US$59m) from a top-up share placement.
June 12. IPO of Rmb1.28bn (US$181m), downsized The Chinese property management
Books will open for a day on June 16. from a proposed Rmb1.98bn. company sold 14m shares or 9.09% of its
The biopharmaceutical company plans to 4HEûPRE
PROlTûCOMPANYûPLANSûTOûOFFERû enlarged share capital at HK$32.55 each, near
offer 40.2m A-shares, or 10% of the enlarged 50m shares, or 11.5% of the enlarged the bottom of a HK$32.50–$33.45 range. The
capital. capital. It is selling 4% of the shares to the lNALûPRICEûREPRESENTSûAûDISCOUNTûOFûûTOûLASTû
The insulin manufacturer will use the sponsor, with the remainder of the deal Monday’s closing price of HK$36.15.
proceeds for insulin mass production, split 80.2%/19.8% between institutional and The books were well oversubscribed with
research, marketing, and working capital, retail investors. about 20 investors participating, including
to register insulin products in the US and to The implied market capitalisation of long-only funds, sovereign wealth funds and
build an R&D centre. Rmb11.2bn meets the minimum Rmb4bn HEDGEûFUNDSû4HEûTOPûlVEûINVESTORSûTOOKû
PROlTûCANDIDATESûONû about 80% of the deal.
revenue of Rmb2.89bn in 2019. the Star market. The company plans to use the proceeds
Citic Securities is the sponsor and joint Companies in the pharmaceutical for future M&A, strategic investments,
bookrunner with Orient Securities. industry must have at least one core working capital and general corporate
product at the Phase II clinical trial stage. purposes.
SIMCERE FILES FOR HONG KONG IPO Sinocelltech, which manufactures There is a 90-day lock-up period.
recombinant proteins, monoclonal ABC International and Haitong International
SIMCERE PHARMACEUTICAL GROUP is looking to antibodies and vaccines, will use the were the bookrunners.
raise around US$500m through a Hong proceeds for clinical research and working
Kong IPO, according to people close to the capital. RUBYMAB LEADS ALPHAMAB SALE
deal. Its net loss widened to Rmb798m in
4HEûCOMPANYûlLEDûFORûTHEûPROPOSEDû 2019 from Rmb459m in 2018, on revenue Three shareholders have raised a combined
listing on June 10. of Rmb2.6m and Rmb2.9m respectively. HK$440m (US$57m) through a sell-down in
Simcere listed on the NYSE in 2007 and CICC is the sponsor, and Citic Securities is ALPHAMAB ONCOLOGY.
delisted in 2013. THEûlNANCIALûADVISER The block trade of 26.7m shares, or 2.9%
It has a range of 50 product candidates in of outstanding, was priced at the top of the
different stages of development to treat YONGDA AUTO SELL SHARES VIA TOP-UP HK$16.28–$16.50 range, representing a 4.1%
cancer as well as central nervous system and discount to the pre-deal close of HK$17.20
autoimmune-related diseases. CHINA YONGDA AUTOMOBILES SERVICES has raised on Thursday.
)TûPOSTEDûANûANNUALûPROlTûOFû2MBBNû HK$995m (US$128m) through a top-up Controlling shareholder Rubymab sold
(US$141m) last year, up 37% from Rmb734m placement at HK$8.29 per share, or a 7.5% 14.5m shares, according to a company
a year earlier. discount to the pre-deal close. announcement and faces a 12-month
CICC and Morgan Stanley are the joint The company marketed 120m shares, lock-up.
sponsors. representing 6.1% of the enlarged share The other vendors are PAG Growth and
capital, at an indicative range of HK$8.22– Classic Insight Project Company, which
ESR CAYMAN SHARE SALE TOTALS $8.42 each. have a 90-day lock-up.
HK$1.95bn Proceeds are for general corporate Morgan Stanley was the bookrunner.
purposes. There is a 90-day lock-up.
Three institutional shareholders have raised Goldman Sachs, HSBC and Morgan Stanley SHANXI SEC PRICES RIGHTS ISSUE
a combined HK$1.95bn (US$251m) from a were the bookrunners.
sell-down in ESR CAYMAN. Shenzhen-listed SHANXI SECURITIES has set the
The block was upsized to 116m shares, WEIGAO GROUP READIES STAR issue price at Rmb5.00 each for a Rmb4.24bn
from 80.7m shares at launch, and priced at SPIN-OFF (US$600m) rights issue, lower than the
the bottom of the HK$16.80–$17 marketed proposed Rmb6bn sizing.
price range, or a 4.3% discount to the pre- Hong Kong-listed Shangdong Weigao The brokerage will offer 849m shares on
deal close of HK$17.56 on June 5. Group Medical Polymer plans to spin off June 16 on a 3-for-10 basis. Trading in its
The selling shareholders are WP OCIM subsidiary SHANDONG WEIGAO ORTHOPEDIC shares will be halted from June 17–24.
One, a Warburg Pincus unit, Montsoreau DEVICE on the Shanghai Star market. Shanxi Financial Investment Holdings,
Investment and Mercer Investments Weigao Ortho will sell 5%–20% of the the biggest shareholder in the company
(Singapore). enlarged capital in the IPO. with a 30.6% stake and which is owned by
There is a 90-day lock-up for WP OCIM The spin-off manufactures orthopaedic Shanxi Provincial Finance Department, has
One and Montsoreau Investment. Mercer medical implants including spinal, trauma committed to take up its full entitlement.
sold its entire stake. and joints products. It also produces Proceeds will be used to expand the
Concurrently, certain ESR employees surgical instruments and tools for BROKERSûINTERMEDIARYûCAPITALûlXEDûINCOMEû
exercised stock options and sold 8.7m implant surgery. and bill investment businesses and increase
shares at the same price in an off-market The parent company holds around 80.5% the capital of a subsidiary.
transaction. of Weigao Ortho. Its shares changed hands The company posted revenue of
WP OCIM One now owns about 16.1% of at HK$16.36 in the morning of June 12, Rmb5.08bn in 2019, down 26%. It is the
ESR’s enlarged share capital. up 2.3%. biggest shareholder in the Zhong De
CLSA, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley The proposal still needs approval from Securities JV with Deutsche Bank with a
handled the sale. shareholders and regulators. 66.7% stake.
Citic Securities is the sponsor and joint DCB BANK PLANS QIP SHARE SALE
bookrunner with Zhong De securities. SINGAPORE
placement of up to Rs5bn (US$66m), subject SEMBCORP MARINE LAUNCHES
INDIA to shareholder approval. RIGHTS ISSUE
Details on the timing and syndicate will
MAHINDRA FINANCE HIRES BANKS be disclosed later. Loss-making Singaporean rig builder
The private sector bank is raising the SEMBCORP MARINE is launching a S$2.1bn
MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA FINANCIAL SERVICES has hired funds to strengthen its balance sheet. DCB (US$1.5bn) rights issue backed by parent
Axis Bank, BNP Paribas, HDFC Securities, HSBC, "ANKSûNETûPROlTûFELLûTOû2SMûINûTHEû company Sembcorp Industries and state-
ICICI Securities, Kotak, Nomura and SBI Capital quarter to March 31, down 29% from OWNEDûINVESTMENTûlRMû4EMASEKû(OLDINGS
Markets to work on an up to Rs35bn (US$463m) Rs963m a year earlier. The 5-for-1 issue is priced at S$0.20 per
rights issue targeted for next month. The bank raised Rs3.78bn via a QIP in share, representing a 76% discount to the
Details on the record date, timing, 2017. pre-deal close of S$0.85 and a 35% discount
entitlement ratio and pricing will be DCB Bank shares are down 57% year-to-date. to the theoretical ex-rights price, based on
provided later. IFR calculations.
It is raising capital to strengthen its Sembcorp Industries will subscribe to its
balance sheet as the Covid-19 pandemic is MALAYSIA S$1.27bn entitlement and an additional
likely to increase loan defaults by S$230m in case of undersubscription.
customers. IGB COMMERCIAL REIT PLANS LISTING Temasek is sub-underwriting S$600m of the
Mahindra Finance shares are down 52% rights with no fee.
year-to-date. IGB COMMERCIAL REIT will list 1.23bn new The issuer has seen its business hit by the
units on Bursa Malaysia at an illustrative oil price crash and the Covid-19 pandemic.
SHRIRAM TRANSPORT PLANS price of M$1 each to raise M$1.23bn This is the second time Temasek is
RIGHTS ISSUE (US$289m), parent IGB said in a stock stepping up to back a local rights issue since
EXCHANGEûlLING the coronavirus outbreak, following the
#OMMERCIALûVEHICLEûlNANCIERûSHRIRAM The IPO will be completed by the fourth S$15bn rights issue of Singapore Airlines.
TRANSPORT FINANCE is planning a rights issue quarter. In order to subscribe to the rights,
of up to Rs20bn (US$264m) in the second Up to 945m units will be reserved for Sembcorp Industries will convert a S$1.5bn
half of the year, people with knowledge of IGB shareholders and 282m will be sold to subordinated loan extended to Sembcorp
the transaction said. institutional and retail investors. Marine in June 2019 into equity.
The company is raising funds to Existing shareholders are entitled to two Subsequent to these transactions,
strengthen its balance sheet amid the Covid- shares of IGB Commercial REIT for every Sembcorp Industries proposes to demerge
19 pandemic and India’s nationwide lVEû)'"ûSHARES Sembcorp Marine through a special share
lockdown since March. 4ENûOFlCEûBLOCKSûANDûRETAILûSPACEûWORTHû distribution in order to focus on its energy
ICICI Securities is working on the M$3.15bn will be injected into the REIT. and urban development businesses.
transaction and other banks are likely to Most of these properties are located in Sembcorp Industries shareholders will
join. Kuala Lumpur’s Mid Valley City. receive between 427 and 491 Sembcorp
The company last raised Rs5.84bn Hong Leong is the adviser to the listing. Marine shares for every 100 Sembcorp
THROUGHûAûQUALIlEDûINSTITUTIONALûPLACEMENTû Industries shares held, with no cash outlay.
in 2010. Following the rights and share dividend
Shriram Transport shares are down 47% NEW ZEALAND issues, Temasek will hold over 29% of Sembcorp
year-to-date. Marine and 49.3% of Sembcorp Industries.
INFRATIL COMPLETES SHARE Both companies will convene shareholder
HAPPIEST MINDS SEEKS US$100m IPO PLACEMENT meetings in August or September to seek
prospectus for an IPO of around US$100m from a share placement priced at NZ$4.76 Sembcorp Marine for the rights issue and to
and is targeting a launch in the fourth per share. Sembcorp Industries for the proposed share
quarter. The infrastructure investment company dividend distribution. Credit Suisse is sole
Primary shares totalling Rs1.1bn and sold 52.5m new shares, or 8% of existing adviser to Temasek.
35.7m secondary shares will be sold in the issued capital, at a discount of 8% to the Sembcorp Marine shares closed at S$0.585 on
IPO. Controlling shareholder Ashok Soota pre-deal close of NZ$5.175. Thursday and Sembcorp Industries at S$1.98.
and JP Morgan Asset Management are the The placement was supported by existing
sellers. and new institutional investors in local and EAGLE HOSPITALITY TRUST FACES PROBE
Institutional buyers will be allocated 75% offshore markets, as well as clients of
of the offer, high-net-worth investors 15% BROKERAGEûlRMS Singapore’s central bank and police force
and retail investors 10%. Infratil is raising an extra NZ$50m from have opened a joint investigation into EAGLE
ICICI Securities and Nomura are the lead retail investors through a share purchase HOSPITALITY TRUST for alleged breaches of
managers. plan. disclosure requirements.
Happiest Minds provides information Proceeds will provide additional balance The embattled US-focused REIT said its
technology services for clients in the retail, SHEETûmEXIBILITYûTOûFUNDûGROWTHûINVESTMENTSû current directors had attended interviews
consumer packaged goods, e-commerce, across Infratil’s portfolio companies and with the Monetary Authority of Singapore as
banking, insurance, transportation and take advantage of new opportunities. part of the joint investigation. It did not
hospitality sectors. UBS is the bookrunner. provide further details.
Having closed on debut at €12.74 from GVS is being compared to three main peer
GERMANY €9.50 pricing, the shares pushed up to a groups.
closing high of €14 on the second day of 4HEûlRSTûGROUPûINCLUDESûINDUSTRIALûlLTRATIONû
PHARMASGP COVERED AFTER FOUR DAYS trading and closed at €13.20 before the peers which trade at around 15.7–16.9 EV/Ebitda
OF VIRTUAL IPO greenshoe was exercised, a near 39% for 2020, which includes the US’s Donaldson.
premium. Life science companies such as Germany’s
"OOKSûWEREûOFlCIALLYûCOVEREDûONûTHEûBASEû The shares had come off a little on Sartorius comprise the second group and
deal size for the €207.9m–€240.9m IPO of Monday, opening at €13.08 and closing at trade between 17.8 and 24 EV/Ebitda.
PHARMASGP last Thursday, four days into õûlNISHINGûLASTûWEEKûATûõ The third group includes Italian
bookbuilding. On full exercise of the greenshoe, the deal corporates such as Interpump and Carel,
Books opened last Monday following a SIZEûRISESûTOûõMûANDûTHEûFREE
mOATûTOû trading around 13–15 EV/Ebitda.
pre-marketing process in which two 41.3%. Investor feedback was positive on Tuesday
analysts virtually met more than 170 Hauck & Aufhauser was bookrunner. with investors said to be particularly
investors in just eight days. INTERESTEDûINûTHEûCOMPANYSûGROWTHûPROlLEû
PharmaSGP focuses on over-the-counter and the long history of its management team.
pharmaceuticals based on natural active ITALY The expectation is that UK investors will
ingredients and other healthcare products. dominate the book for GVS followed by US
The chemical-free approach has attracted GVS LAUNCHES SPEEDY BOOKBUILD WITH accounts, with domestic investors expected
ESG-focused investors, as well as healthcare, CORNERSTONE-BACKING to be around a sixth of demand.
consumer and generalist names.
A price range was published on Monday Filter company GVS opened books on its IPO
morning, and books opened in the afternoon last Thursday after gaining approval from MONACO
once the prospectus was approved. the Italian regulator following publication
PharmaSGP has been able to keep to its of a price range last Monday. SCORPIO BULKS UP
aim of an early summer IPO, with the IPO The Milan IPO is set to raise between €427m
market quickly reopening following the and €506.3m and follows the pattern of other Stretched by Covid-19, SCORPIO BULKERS
coronavirus shutdown and the company European IPOs during the coronavirus sapped some of the momentum out of its
still on track to achieve projected pandemic of including cornerstones and a recent stock rebound by raising US$75.7m
PERFORMANCEûlGURESûFORûTHEûYEARûAûBANKERû speedy bookbuild of just four days. from an overnight stock sale.
involved said. Capital Research and Management has The owner of 55 vessels used to ship
The range of €31.50–€36.50 per share committed to buy 9.3% of the offering, commodities such as grain, coal and
comes at an around 20% discount at the corresponding to 3.26% of GVS post-money. fertiliser was able to increase the size of the
bottom to main peer Dermapharm, which In the past month most European listings offering from US$60m at launch.
Berenberg brought to market in a 2018 IPO, included cornerstone tranches, including A syndicate led by Bank of America, BTIG
on an Ebit 2021 basis. those by JDE Peet’s, Nanoform and Pexip. and Clarksons Platou found takers for 4.1m
The base deal of 6.6m shares will raise up Bookbuilding for GVS will run until June NEWûSHARESûINûTHEûSHIPPERûATûAûlXEDû
to €240.9m and an upsize option of 1.8m 16, with eliminated travel time allowing marketing price of US$18.46, a 10% discount
shares could take it to €306.6m at the top of bankers to shorten the process. General to the previous close for the equivalent of
the range. There is also a maximum 15% consensus that volatility remains high also 57% of outstanding.
greenshoe. All of the offering is secondary. contributed to the shortened timetable. The stock held above the offering price to
4HEûSELLERSûAREûTHEûlRMSûTWOûFOUNDERSû Goldman Sachs and Mediobanca are joint close at US$18.67 in Wednesday’s
Clemens Fischer and Madlena Hohlefelder, bookrunners. Lazard is advising. aftermarket but slumped to US$17.77
who own 90% and 10% of the company, A price range of €7.00–€8.30 has been set. during Thursday’s broader market sell-off.
respectively. The base deal comprises 10m primary While up 40% in the past three weeks
If the upsize option and greenshoe are shares and 51m from GVS Group. There is ahead of pricing, shares of Scorpio Bulkers
exercised in full, their combined holding also a 15% secondary greenshoe. are still down 70% this year as Covid-19 has
will be reduced to 19.5%. Keeping their 4HEûFREE
mOATûWILLûBEûûIFûTHEûGREENSHOEû hurt global trade and the dry bulk market.
respective positions as head and deputy is fully exercised.
head of PharmaSGP’s supervisory board, '63ûMANUFACTURESûlLTERSûFORûTHEû EMEA EQUITIES
THEYûWILLûRETAINûSIGNIlCANTûINmUENCEûOVERû healthcare and life sciences, energy and BOOKRUNNERS: 1/1/2020 TO DATE
PharmaSGP. mobility and health and safety sectors. Managing No of Total Share
The company said that its CEO and the It has seen an uptick in its safety business bank or group issues US$(m) (%)
CFO would become shareholders following during the coronavirus pandemic, owing to 1 Goldman Sachs 33 5,903.94 9.2
completion of the IPO. The company and its product line of masks. GVS’s safety 2 Citigroup 28 5,877.95 9.2
existing shareholders are locked up for six business line kept the IPO on track while 3 Morgan Stanley 22 5,265.69 8.2
months. other planned Italian listings fell by the 4 BofA Securities 28 5,211.75 8.1
Berenberg is bookrunner. Total fees are up wayside due to the pandemic. 5 JP Morgan 38 5,061.88 7.9
to 3%, including a discretionary portion. GVS recorded adjusted Ebitda of €62m for 6 Credit Suisse 15 4,254.62 6.6
the year ending December 31 2019. The 7 Barclays 24 3,236.09 5.1
FULL EXERCISE FOR EXASOL company said it expected this to rise to 8 UBS 15 2,825.76 4.4
between €88.2m and €100.8m in 2020 based 9 HSBC 18 1,960.08 3.1
Database software business EXASOL has fully on estimated revenues. 10 BNP Paribas 18 1,697.98 2.7
exercised the 1.07m secondary greenshoe Pricing is based on EV/Ebitda at 12.8 at the Total 423 64,053.44
for its Frankfurt IPO, with the stock still bottom of the range for 2020 and 15 at the Including all domestic and international deals and rights issues
trading well above pricing. top of the range. Source: Refinitiv SDC code: C4cr
were down around 60% in the same period Investment AB Spiltan, Lerit Forvaltning IMMOFONDS PLANS SFr100m
to just over US$20 per barrel. Oil prices fell and Dalex sold shares at SKr190 each. The RIGHTS ISSUE
further in April but have now recovered to three sellers were pre-IPO investors in
around US$40 per barrel for WTI and Brent Paradox. REIT IMMOFONDS IMMOBILIEN is planning a
crude. Pricing was a 10.4% discount to last SFr100m (US$105.7m) rights issue in
Having pushed above SR33 in late May, Wednesday’s close of SKr212. autumn for targeted investments, reducing
the shares were down slightly at SR32.40 Spiltan retains 17.2% of Paradox while debt and acquiring new properties.
ONû3UNDAYûANDûlNISHEDûATû32ûONû Lerit and Dalex hold 8.6% and 2.9%, At last Wednesday’s close the fund’s
Monday. So while the aftermarket respectively, locked up for 180 days. market cap was around SFr162.6m.
performance has been disappointing, The 70-line book was multiple times Shares in Immofonds Immobilien fell
retail investors can at least now mark a oversubscribed with long only, wall-crossed 2.13% last Wednesday to close at SFr505
10% return in six months. accounts dominating. Anchor orders came each.
By Thursday’s close, the stock was still at from Nordic and international investors. )TûWILLûBEûTHEûlRSTûFUNDRAISINGûBYûTHEû
SR32.35. The top 10 orders took 70% of the company since 2013.
There was no indication as to how many transaction. Immofonds Immobilien invests in
retail investors are eligible for the bonus Paradox shares were subdued last residential properties in urban centres
shares or how many bonus shares will be Thursday only trading around the SKr190 throughout Switzerland with a focus on
dropping off and closing down 15.3% at
SKr179.50, 5.5% below the ABB price.
SWEDEN By Friday just before 3pm shares were up UAE
at around SKr186.30 each but still below
Investment company BURE EQUITY raised
SKr1bn (US$108.5m) last Wednesday SWITZERLAND UK-listed GULF MARINE SERVICES will seek
evening, the upper end of the SKr800m– shareholder approval for an at least US$75m
SKr1bn target in an accelerated bookbuild INA FLAT FOLLOWING US$122m SPIN-OFF capital increase before the end of 2020,
run by SEB. having agreed with banks to restructure its
A total of 5.175m shares were sold at Swiss property spin-off INA INVEST debuted on debt facilities.
SKr193 each, representing a 6.1% discount SIX Swiss Exchange on Friday more than 8% GMS has renewed term loans totalling
to last Wednesday’s close of SKr205.60. above pricing on its SFr116m (US$122m) at- US$391m with an extended maturity to June
A number of Swedish institutional market rights issue. 30 2025, replaced working capital facilities
investors, including Ramsbury Invest, The IPO for Ina Invest was completed with a US$50m facility also extended to June
Swedish national pension fund AP4, SEB- through a rights issue directed to the 30 2025, and increased headroom on
stiftelsen, Formica Capital and Lottie Tham parent’s shareholders. As there was no lNANCIALûCOVENANTS
and family, took part in the placing. market price the pricing was determined by The oil services company must raise at
Bure said it saw good opportunities to demand gathered through a concurrent least US$75m from an equity capital raise or
expand its investment portfolio and will bookbuild to institutions. additional costs through PIK interest and
diversify and strengthen its shareholder Pricing was set at SFr22.42 per share, the contingent warrants will become due.
base through the ABB. maximum price given during bookbuilding A date for shareholders to vote on the
The Tigerschiold and Bjorkman families, ANDûmATûTOûNETûASSETûVALUEû)NAû)NVESTûSHARESû capital increase will be announced in due
Bure’s two largest shareholders with opened at SFr24.30 on Friday morning but course.
around 11.2% and 9%, respectively, said at were trading around strike by around 11am Bank of America and Investec are corporate
launch that they intended to remain long- and was still at the same level a couple of brokers to GMS, BofA having co-led the
term shareholders. hours later. £179m 2014 IPO.
Shares closed last Thursday at SKr200, The straight line on the chart at SFr22.42, GMS shares closed on Wednesday up
down 2.7% and above the fundraising level. which ordinarily would be the seen as a 0.36% at £13.80.
By Friday at 3pm in London shares had clear sign of active stabilisation, was entirely
risen to SKr202.60 each. natural as there is no greenshoe.
Shareholders of former parent Implenia UK
TRIO SELLS 4.7% OF PARADOX were offered up to 5.17m new shares on the
INTERACTIVE basis of seven new Ina shares for every 25 WHITBREAD STUMBLES FOLLOWING £1bn
Implenia shares held. FUNDRAISING
A trio of shareholders in game developer Take-up from Implenia shareholders was
PARADOX INTERACTIVE sold 4.7% of the 59.2%, with the concurrent bookbuild Hotel and restaurants group WHITBREAD
company last Wednesday evening, raising closing on Thursday and pricing announced completed its capital increase of just over
SKr940.5m (US$101.7m) in a trade run by ahead of the trading debut on Friday. £1bn last week, with 91.34% take-up of
Carnegie and Goldman Sachs. A banker involved said that the bookbuild rights and the rump placing of remaining
A total of 4.95m secondary shares were was very niche, and saw demand from mid- shares dealt with swiftly on Wednesday
sold after the deal was upsized by 10% due cap investors. morning.
to a strategic long-term investor coming Pricing at SFr22.42 represents a market There were acceptances for 61.45m shares
mOATû out of 67.27m offered on a 1-for-2 basis at
A wall-cross prior to launch led to demand is 58.33%. £15. The low 90s take-up was said to be in
in excess of the full launch deal size. Credit Suisse was bookrunner. line with expectations given retail
EVERSOURCE FUNDS GAS PURCHASE natural gas assets of Columbia Gas from each, the top of the US$85.85-$86.26 reoffer
NiSource announced in February. range and no discount to last sale.
EVERSOURCE ENERGY moved fast in Thursday’s A syndicate led by Goldman Sachs, Barclays Though the deal was small relative to
pre-open to raise US$517.6m to help fund its and Citigroup reoffered 6m Eversource shares, Eversource’s US$29bn market cap, the shares fell
US$1.1bn purchase of the Massachusetts or less than 2% of the company, at US$86.26 to $84.35 in Thursday’s broader market carnage.
Issuer Country Date Amount Greenshoe Tenor Coupon/YTM % Premium (%) Bookrunner(s)
RAG-Stiftung/Evonik Germany 10/06/2020 €500m – 6y 0.000/–0.400 20.0 GS, JPM, UBS
Aptiv Ireland 09/06/2020 US$1.0bn US$15m 3y 5.500 22.5 GS, Citigroup, Barclays, BofA, DB, JPM
Jazz Pharmaceuticals Ireland 08/06/2020 US$85m US$15m 6y 2.000 40.0 JPM, BofA, GS
LivaNova UK 11/06/2020 US$25m US$37.5m 5.5y 3.000 30.0 Barclays, BofA, GS
Ocado UK 10/06/2020 £350m – 7y 0.750 35.0 GS, JPM
Coupa Software US 10/06/2020 US$1.2bn US$18m 6y 0.375 32.5 GS, Barclays, BofA, JPM
Eventbrite US 10/06/2020 US$13m US$2m 5y 5.000 18.0 Morgan Stanley
Glaukos US 08/06/2020 US$25m US$37.5m 7y 2.750 30.0 JPM
Okta US 09/06/2020 US$1.0bn US$15m 6y 0.375 32.5 GS, JPM, Morgan Stanley
TheRealReal US 10/06/2020 US$15m US$22.5m 5y 3.000 27.5 Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse, BofA
WisdomTree Investments US 09/06/2020 US$15m US$22.5m 3y 4.250 60.0 Oppenheimer
Zendesk US 11/06/2020 US$1.0bn US$15m 5y 0.625 32.5 GS, Morgan Stanley
58.com 87 Duke Energy Florida 35 Korea Electric Power 35, 66 Sands China 67
ABN AMRO 3, 39 Dun & Bradstreet 89 Korean Air Lines 13 Santander 10, 53
Achmea Bank 43 Eagle Hospitality Trust 93 La Banque Postale 41 Sarana Multi Infrastruktur 77
ACS 36 eBay 35 Lancashire Holdings 98 Saudi Aramco 96
Aditya Birla Fashion & Retail 13 Ecuador 73 L-Bank 32 Scorpio Bulkers 95
ADNOC 80 Edenred 37 LBBW 42 SEB 3, 38
Africa Finance Corp 3 Egypt 80 Lebanon 71 Segro 13, 98
Airbus 10, 75 Enexis 36 Lei Shing Hong Credit 78 Sembcorp Marine 13, 93
Akouos 104 EQT 81 Lemonade 103 Serta Simmons Bedding 87
Albania 70 Equinix 35 Liberty Financial 53 Shandong Weigao Orthopedic Device 92
Albertsons 13 ESR Cayman 92 Liberty Global 82 Shanxi Securities 92
Alphamab Oncology 92 Estaleiro Jurong Aracruz 79 Link Finance 78 Sharjah Islamic Bank 72
Alstom 10 Eventbrite 106 LivaNova 106 Shenzhen Hepalink Pharmaceutical, 91
American Axle & Manufacturing 44 Eversource Energy 102 Loanpal 52 Shriram Transport Finance 13, 93
Aptiv 105 Evonik 104 Lower Saxony 31, 32 Sichuan Langjiu 91
ArcherDX 104 Exasol 95 Lummus Technology 85 Siemens 75
Arcland Sakamoto 79 Fannie Mae 51 LVMH 83 SIG Combibloc 46, 82
Arya Sciences Acquisition II 104 Far East Consortium International 76 Macy’s 87 Simcere Pharmaceutical Group 92
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank 33 Far East Horizon 78 Magna International 35 Sinclair Broadcast Group 45
Athene Global Funding 42 Fate Therapeutics 100 Mahindra and Mahindra Financial Services 13 Sinic Holdings (Group) 65
Avidity Biosciences 101 FEC May22 76 MasMovil 9 Sinocelltech Group 92
Aviva Investors 17 Finland 4, 30 McDermott International 85 SiTime 103
Azek 99 Finnair 94 Medicover 81 SK Biopharmaceuticals 94
Banco de Credito Del Peru 73 FKS Food & Agri 77, 79 Mercedes-Benz 53 Smoore International 91
Bank11 fur Privatkunden und Handel 50 Fletcher Building 79 Mesa Laboratories 100 Snam 36
Bank of Japan 39 Florida Gas Transmission 35 MetLife Global Funding 42 Societe Generale 41
Bank Rakyat Indonesia 77 Ford Motor 53 MGM China 67 Societe Nationale SNCF SA 31
BASF 75 Fortune Brands 84 Midea International 78 Solar Mosaic 52
Basic-Fit 96 Freddie Mac 51 Mitchells & Butlers 83 Southwest Airlines 84
BBVA 48 Freeport Indonesia 77 Mohawk Industries 37 Spain 4
Biffa 13, 98 Fusion Welcome-Fuel SA 104 Molina Healthcare 83 Spirit Realty Capital 101
Bill.com 100 Galp Energia 3, 38 Morgan Stanley Principal Funding 5 Standard Chartered 17
Blackstone 51 Gan & Lee Pharmaceuticals 92 Murray Energy 88 State Bank of India 11
Blackstone Mortgage Trust 51, 101 Garrett Motion 87 Nationwide Building Society 3, 27 Straumann Holding 39
Boels 86 Garuda Indonesia 66 NatWest Markets 21, 42 Sunnova Energy Corp 52
Bosch 10 GE 35 NetEase 89 Sweden 30
BP 10, 75 General Motors 52, 84 New Development Bank 29 TAL Education 90
BPER Banca 3, 41 Generation Bio 101 Nexans 80 Telefonica 82
BrightView 103 Geo Energy Resources 65 Nio 91 ThaiOil 2
Brixmor 35 Germany 4, 30 Nord Anglia 86 Thales 75
Budimex 96 Gestamp 81 Northern Powergrid 36 TheRealReal 106
Bure Equity 97 GFH 71 Northern States Power 35 Thermo Fisher Scientific 84
BurgerFi 104 Ginnie Mae 51 North Rhine-Westphalia 31 ThyssenKrupp 8
Burning Rock Biotech 89 Goldman Sachs 25 Ocado 13, 105 Tiffany & Co 83
Canada Pension Plan Investment Board 33 Greece 4 Okta 106 Tiphone Mobile Indonesia 77
Cannae 89 Greenland Holding Group 65 Oman 80 Tokyo Metro 39
Cardiovascular Systems 100 Grieg Seafood 47 OMV 35 Tom Tailor Holding SE 80
CareDx 100 Gulf Marine Services 88, 97 Oneok 104 Toronto-Dominion Bank 35
Cathay Pacific Airways 12 GVS 95 Opes Acquisitions 104 Total 75
CBL & Associates 50 Hamilton Projects Acquiror 85 OQ 80 TPG Telecom 76
Central China Real Estate 65 Happiest Minds Technologies 93 Pacific Investment Management Co 51 Trane Technologies 84
Cerberus 19 Helios Towers 3, 63, 83, 98 Paradox Interactive 97 Travelodge 25
Chailease Holding 78 Help/Systems Holdings 85 PayPal 84 Trebia Acquisition 104
Chailease International Leasing 78 Hertz Global 24 Pepper 52 Trina Solar 91
Champion REIT 64 Hilong Holding 64 PepsiCo 84 UBS 21
Charoen Pokphand Foods 105 HL Acquisitions 104 Perusahaan Listrik Negara 77 Uganda 81
Chef’s Warehouse 86 HP 35, 84 PG&E 15 UK 4
China Bohai Bank 90 HSBC 17 PharmaSGP 95 UK DMO 32
China Fortune Land Development 65 Hudson Executive Investment 104 Phillips 66 35 Ultimate Fighting Championship 86
China Mengniu Dairy 64 Hurtigruten 86 Plains All American 35 Unedic 30
China Yongda Automobiles Services 92 Hygeia Healthcare 91 Pluralsight 101 UniCredit 41
Chr Hansen 79 Hyve Group 99 PolyPid 104 Univision Communications 86
Cirque du Soleil Entertainment 88 Iceland Foods 47 Ports and Free Zone World FZE 82 UPL Corp 10
Cofinimmo 94 IGB Commercial REIT 93 Power Finance Corp 11, 65 UPM-Kymmene 10
Commerzbank 3, 19, 39 Iliad 3, 39 Powerlong Real Estate Holdings 65 Vale 72
Coty 9 Immofonds Immobilien 97 PPF Telecom 71 Vaxcyte 101
Coupa Software 106 Immunotech Biopharm 91 Prasac Microfinance Institution 76 Veolia 37
Credicorp 73 Ina Invest 97 Pretium Credit Management 51 VEON 71
Credit Agricole 42 Indofood Sukses Makmur 77 Prosil Acquisition 48 Vicor 103
Credit Suisse 25, 43 Indomobil Finance Indonesia 77 Province of Cordoba 72 Virgin Media 3, 45
Croatia 70 Infratil 93 Qander Consumer Finance 50 Vodafone Hutchison Australia 76
CSN 72 Inter-American Development Bank 29, 33 Radiance Group 65 Volkswagen 37
Daimler 10, 75 International Container Terminal Services 67 RAG-Stiftung 104 Vroom 99
Danaher 83 Internet Brands 85 Raiffeisen Bank International 41 VW 3
Danske Bank 42 Iqvia 46 Raiffeisen Schweiz Genossenschaft 42 Westlake 53
DCB Bank 93 Ireland 4 Replimune 100 Whitbread 97
Delta Air Lines 28 Japan Airlines 79 Retrophin 100 World Bank 29
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 14 Jazz Pharmaceuticals 105 Ronshine China Holdings 65 World Omni 53
Deutsche Bank 25 JD.com 89 Roper Technologies 35 Wynn Macau 67
Deutsche Boerse 3, 37 JetBlue Airways 85 Roundstone Securities No. 1 48 Yanlord Land Group 76
Diamond Sports 45 Kahoot 96 Royal Bank of Scotland 21 Zendesk 106
Dilosk RMBS No.2 48 Kaisa Prosperity Holdings 92 Royal Dutch Shell 10, 75 Zheneng Jinjiang Environment Holding 77
DP World 82 Kangji Medical 91 Royalty Pharma 103 Z Holdings 39
DSM 80 KBC Group 41 Ryman Healthcare 79 Zurich Insurance Company 41
Dubai Islamic Bank 72 Kogan.com 90 Safran 75
Duff & Phelps 85 Kommunalbanken 29 Saint-Gobain 75
Social bond issuance has flourished as a range of predominantly supranational,
sovereign and agency borrowers tap the market to raise critical funds for FORMAT
Covid-19 mitigation and relief. For the time being, labelled and unlabelled WEBCAST
Covid-19 bonds have overshadowed environmental issuance. But how will
ESG bond segmentation play out once economies get through the worst of the TIME
outbreak and start to ease lockdown measures? 13:00 BST
Moderated by Keith Mullin, Founder & Director of KM Capital Markets, this timely
webcast will bring together a panel of senior market participants to assess
current themes in the ESG bond market. TUESDAY
JUNE 23 2020
Speakers to date:
• Ralf Berninger, Head of Investor Relations and Sustainability, SFIL
• Dominika Rosolowska, Sustainability Funding Officer, European Investment Bank
• Sandrine Enguehard, Head of Impact Structuring, Societe Generale
• Frank Richter, Investor Relations, NRW.Bank
• Felix Grote, Senior Funding Officer, Council of Europe Development Bank
• Théo Kotula, ESG Analyst, Responsible Investment, AXA Investment Managers
Topics covered will include:
• An update on current ESG capital markets activity.
• Social finance themes have come to the fore as the Covid-19 crisis has deepened. How will the
interplay between the ‘E’ and the ‘S’ in ESG finance develop through the current health and
economic crisis?
• Reviewing Covid-19 response bonds
• Latest trends in green bonds
• How are investors influencing the behaviour and performance of issuers in the environmental/
sustainable capital markets?
• How are issuers rising to the challenges of disclosure, reporting and transparency? Are the
challenges greater for public sector issuers?
• Is there sufficient transparency and disclosure around social impact measurement in particular?
• Is the Green Bond market playing its part in helping move the needle on governments’
COP-21 commitments?
The webcastby:
is free to join - all you need to do is register at https://tinyurl.com/yavkug5g
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