Software Checklist - RequirementsWorksheets
Software Checklist - RequirementsWorksheets
Software Checklist - RequirementsWorksheets
NS Not supported
IT2 The system should provide the ability to selectively archive system data based
on a user-defined number of years or other user-defined criteria. The archived
data should be able to be accessed via another medium, such as tape or DVD.
IT3 The system should provide the ability to schedule batch jobs.
The system should provide the ability to backup, recover, restart, and cancel
The system should use common master files across all functional modules, i.e..
Purchasing and AP will share a single vendor master file.
The system product database should allow access by a SQL-based language.
The system should provide a product data model that can be used for the
review of major data entities and relationships.
The system should provide the ability to maintain separate testing & production
The system should allow for vendor-approved modifications of the product
made by the Client without voiding product support.
The system should be an integrated Windows / web-based ERP System with
IT10 open standards. The system should provide a smart client for updates if either
a client/server based or a web-based system that requires client software
installation/upgrade is proposed.
The system should require standard Internet connection and TCP/IP protocol to
access all user interfaces
The system's access requirements through firewalls must be clearly identified
and follow standard port designations.
IT13 The system should support Fiber Channel SAN Technology.
The system and all application parameters should be table driven to maintain
The system's database management system should be ODBC and/or OLE DB
The system should be an integrated native web based system with common
architecture and database, not a web-enabled add-on.
The system should provide field level encryption using 3DES standards at a
IT18 The system should have a thin client base and n-tiered architecture design
The system database should run on the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 RDBMS
IT21 The system should provide access from outside of the firewall by non-domain
external users in accordance with generally accepted security standards.
IT22 The system should provide self service capabilities in order to allow vendors
and employees to inquire on and update their current information. Users would
be able to login remotely using a web browser to view/change their information.
The system should contain toolsets to accommodate the following:
IT23 1 API maintenance
IT23 2 Archiving/purging of data
IT23 3 Database maintenance
IT23 4 End-user interface design
IT23 5 System upgrade administration and patches
IT23 6 System security.
The proposed solution should offer a full suite of utility tools required to execute
various system maintenance functions including:
IT24 1 Backup management
IT24 2 Multiple monitoring sessions
IT24 3 Storage archival and retrieval
IT24 4 Performance monitoring (application and system)
IT24 5 Ability to monitor executing jobs
IT24 6 Batch monitors
IT24 7 Database optimization
The system should allow for the assignment of manual or automatic document
The system should not use any proprietary components, i.e. vendor's
programming proprietary language or DBMS.
IT27 The system should complete an average of 90% of all online update
transactions in under 1 second over any 60-minute period, durng peak usage.
IT28 The system should complete an average of 99% of all online update
transactions in under 5 seconds over any 60-minute period, during peak usage.
The system should complete 100% of simple, single-screen online inquiry
transaction in under 1 second, during peak usage.
The system should track system uptime and transaction response times in
order to demonstrate operation within acceptable levels.
The system should allow searches for documents or tables by code page or
The system should provide the ability to use hard drive storage medium for
storing archived historical data and recovery logs.
The system should provide the ability for the database to run its backup, while
simultaneously allowing inquiry access to the database.
The system should provide automated transaction back-out/roll-back should the
IT34 system fail during transaction processing and/or a transaction fails to reach
normal processing completion.
The system's on-line help should be updated with each new version release.
IT42 The system's on-line help should provide an index and search capability
IT43 The system's on-line help should be context sensitive.
IT44 The system help information should be able to be augmented by the Client for
specific additional help information. This information is retained during upgrades
IT45 The system user manual should be provided in electronic format.
The vendor's support site should contain a knowledge base where users can
access system related reference material and documents.
The vendor's support site should contain complete and up-to-date manuals for
IT47 all system modules and functionalities. The manuals should be available for all
available versions of the software.
IT55 The system should provide full integration with standard desktop applications
such as Word, Access, Excel and Adobe Acrobat. This includes the ability to
import or export data directly into these desktop applications.
The product should provide for integration and tools to easily export data to a
data warehouse.
The system should be 100% compatible with industry standard firewall
The system should support Microsoft Internet Explorer version (6) or higher.
The system should provide enterprise application integration (EAI)
The system should support data-transfer via flat files (i.e.: ASCII, variable
and/or fixed length, comma-delimited, etc.)
IT63 The system should provide the ability to interface or integrate with Windows
Active Directory and support a single user sign on if on a Windows system.
The system should have the ability to interface or integrate with Microsoft
Exchange as well as other industry standards.
IT65 The system should provide Microsoft Add-In capabilities.
The system should provide Software Development Kit (SDK) that allows the
technical staff to enhance and integrate the system.
IT78 The system should support the input of values into fields without the use of a
drop down box by typing in first few letters until valid value appears in box.
IT79 The system should provide detailed error messages.
IT89 The system should provide the ability to send broadcast message by specified
users to users at any time, as well as messages that are displayed at logon
The system should provide the capability to store, retrieve, display and print
IT90 imaged documents. The solution must provide the capability to receive
scanned documents from document scanners having industry-standard
connection protocols (SCI, TCP/IP, etc.)
The system should be able to accept scanned or electronic documents in any
format (pdf, xls, doc) and link them to a data record.
The product source code should be available for placing into escrow to be
IT92 available to the Client in the event that the vendor is acquired by another
company or goes out-of-business.
The system should provide transaction logging or journalizing at the data base
IT93 level. The system should be able to be recover all on-line transactions from the
transaction log.
The system should provide the ability to access any data elements and files
(permanent or temporary) within the system
The system should, in general terms, promote a central repository for purposes
of data security, control, backup and recovery.
The product will be available and supported 24 x 7 or based on user defined
business operations.
IT97 The system should provide the ability to list all records included in purge.
The system should provide migration paths for new fields during software
The system backup and/or restore should be able to be accomplished within a
maximum of 4 hours. (preferably 2 hours)
The system should be scalable to accommodate a potential increase in the
IT100 number of users. (please describe a common approach for application
scalability under the "Additional Comments" column.)
IT101 The system should allow the online creation of new user-defined data fields for
miscellaneous data tracking, alteration of database structure, and update of a
global data dictionary with these elements through proper security.
The system should lock records at the lowest database level when multiple
IT102 users are accessing the same record. (please describe how this process works
under the "Additional Comments" column.)
The system should provide various program checks for controlling data files,
verifying correct processing, and ensuring data integrity.
The system should use appropriate rules and constraints to enforce and
maintain referential integrity.
IT105 The system should have the ability to define global business rules
The system should provide table look-up fields that can be linked or refer to
other tables.
IT107 The system should be able to validate the integrity of the database before and
after a purge.
The system should have the ability to create new items by using pre-defined
item templates.
The system should have the capability to assign default values for fields in
order to reduce the data entry effort.
The system should provide simultaneous access to data by multiple users,
without degradation to the system response time.
IT111 The system should allow for mass updates to certain fields.
The system should provide active notifications based on specific events and
conditions. (Explain how this works in the system).
The system should provide an application system log for system supporting
The system should provide efficient application level load-balancing
IT114 functionality. (please describe the application architecture and how this works
under the "Additional Comments" column.)
IT115 The system should be able to run on servers in a cluster environment.
The system should provide a suspense log for rejected or unposted
The system should provide the capability to print specialized business forms
such as checks, purchase orders, invoices, 1099's, etc.
The system should provide the use of signature pads in order to capture
required signatures for credit card payments.
The system should provide the use of electronic approvals in order to capture
required signatures for electronic documents.
The system should provide the use of digitized signatures in order to print
electronic signatures.
The system should allow users to print directly to any printer defined on the
IT122 The system should allow for the definition of default printers for each user
The system should provide the ability to define system key words to fit current
IT123 business practicies and have those key words propagate throughout the
IT152 The system should provide the ability to customize report prompts (this includes
the actual verbage of the question prompt, the default response (if any), and the
specific rules established in association with the report prompt)
The system should provide the ability to setup prompts based on dynamic
IT153 values. This means that report designers do not have to maintain static prompt
value lists within individual reports. Instead, they can reuse existing prompts
stored in the repository.
The system should enable security setup for reporting. This may include
IT154 restricting users from running reports on activity that is unrelated to what they
The system should provide for calculations based on report columns such as
IT155 adding or subtracting from one column from another or setting up
analysis/variance columns.
IT156 The system should provide the ability to report or inquire on any data field within
the General Ledger or any other subsystem. Selection for a report should allow
mixing and matching of either/or General Ledger and Project/Activity accounts.
IT157 The system should allow for developing customized reports that can extract
information from several subsystems and produce them on the same report.
The system should provide the ability to schedule/queue numerous reports for
automatic printing. (schedule jobs)
IT159 The system should allow users to set up folders to organize the various types of
previously created reports (such as by department or function of the report)
The system should allow sorting, and grouping of data on customized reports in
user-specified orders
The system should provide complex selection criteria utilizing operators, such
as dashes to indicate a range, and wild cards.
The system should provide the ability to drill down, drill up, and/or drill around
IT162 (create cross tabs) to supporting documents and related transactions from any
field within the system.
The system should allow for system generated reports be copied over to user
libraries where they can be modified without altering the original report.
The system should provide the capability to use "English" descriptions and/or
IT164 an industry standard vocabulary for data elements, rather than specifying the
exact data element name.
The system should allow the creation of reports based on any data tables or
data element, including all subystems and audit logs.
The system should allow users to run reports on prior period and prior year
information for any subsystem.
The system should allow the system administrator to define the number of jobs
that can be executed at the same time.
The system's report writer should come with a library of canned reports that
have been specifically developed for the report writer application. These pre-
IT173 developed reports should be available as a starting point to allow the client to
modify and refine them to their own needs. Examples of reports may include
account listings, purchase order status reports, accounts payable detailed
transaction listings, etc.
The system should provide a full set of reports that are in compliance with
AICPA, GASB, FASB and GAAP standards.
The system should provide a foundation of standard government accounting
IT175 reports and provide a user friendly report writer to develop new reports or edit
standard reports to meet the client's needs.
The system should provide for the incorporation of general information into
reports, such as the current date, time, requestor, etc.
The system should allow reports to be sent to an individual or multiple
individuals as a distribution list, via email.
The system should provide the capability to generate letters and notices to
user-defined groups.
IT179 The system should provide the capability to produce mailing labels.
The system should provide the ability to create and define an unlimited number
IT180 of user defined reports utilizing query, third party report writing tools (e.g.
Cognos, Crystal Reports, Business Objects).
IT181 Users should be able to create and save their own reports.
The system should allow users to add or remove reports and templates to/from
menus with proper security.
The system should provide the ability for users to change their own password.
The system should have the ability to report attempts by unauthorized users to
use the system.
IT189 The system should have the ability to suspend after "x" attempts to access the
system with an incorrect password if authentication is internal to the system.
The system should provide the ability to assign sunset dates to user defined
IT190 passwords and/or prevent user defined passwords from expiring if
authentication is internal to the system.
The system should have a single log-on to provide access to all
IT192 The system should have the ability to copy a security profile.
The system's Ad Hoc/Query/Reporting should be subject to application security.
The system should provide e-commerce security including customer
authentication and encryption to protect customer data.
IT195 The system's e-commerce capabilities should be PCI-compliant.
System audit trails should distinguish between administrative and/or financial
The system should contain a date/time stamp and user information reflecting an
audit trail on:
IT197 1 System activity (system logins)
IT197 2 Document and data changes, including approvals
User name, ID, time, date, revised amount, and before and after update
IT197 3
IT198 The system should have the ability to define user access based on:
IT198 1 Departments/Organizations
IT198 2 Roles
IT198 3 Active Directory Group
IT198 4 Individuals
IT198 5 Application
IT198 6 File or document type
IT198 7 User ID and administratively-defined groups.
IT198 9 Menu
IT198 10 Module
IT198 11 Report
IT198 12 Screen
IT198 13 Transaction type
IT199 The system should have the ability to define user access based on:
IT199 1 Databases
IT199 2 Tables
IT199 3 Documents
IT199 4 Data Elements
IT200 The system should have the ability to define and lookup a user based on:
IT200 1 User Name
IT200 2 Role
IT200 3 User ID
IT200 4 Organization Name/Number
IT200 5 Date user was created
IT200 6 Last login
The system should allow users to review security transaction history on-line.
The system should allow users to review security transaction history in a report.
The system should be able to automatically sign a dormant user off of the
system after a user-defined time period.
The system should accommodate both decentralized (functional area security
administrators) and centralized (IT security) security.
The system should allow multiple security roles to be assigned to the same
When conflicting multiple roles are assigned to the same user, the least
restrictive role should prevail.
The system should provide for a secure database environment available only to
IT207 defined processes (e.g. no direct entry/update outside of the application, except
for designated administrators)
The system should provide the ability to define security profiles to authorize
users to view, update and approve data.
The system should provide the ability to set up a security profile based on pre-
defined job function/role, user and/or organization.
The system should record unsuccessful logon attempts. This information
should be retained for a user-defined period of time.
The system should provide the ability to configure User ID/password rules such
IT211 as length, alpha/numeric, upper/lower case, password definition and expiration
The system should support role inheritance, so system administrator can
combine roles, and modify the parent role to form a new role.
The system should suppress password so that they do not appear on the
terminal as they are being entered.
The system should allow for the definition of security on reports at any level.
IT214 For example, read/write security can be placed on the report itself, on the entire
folder (to enable the same security on all reports within the folder), or on any
higher level
The system should allow for the definition of security roles on system reporting.
IT215 This would enable users with similar reporting needs to be assigned to the
same reporting role.
The system should provide ability to view or obtain security reports showing:
IT216 1 Security breaches or attempts
IT216 2 Authorized system use
IT216 3 Changes to security profiles
IT216 4 Security snapshot on a specific time period specified by the user
The system should provide for work queue usage and performance reporting
The system should provide the capability to route scanned documents and/or
reports to designated users (groups, individuals).
IT235 The system should provide for notes/comments on transactions
IT236 The system should record user id and date on notes/comments
The system should provide the ability to view a log of all activities (approvals,
IT237 notes, name of approver, date of approvals, etc) in association with a given
workflow item.
The system should be able to send a standardized and/or customized
IT238 notification to a user explaining why the document was rejected or unapproved
(with user and date information)
The system should allow the viewing of workflow items by their status (pending
approval, approved, rejected, etc.) in real time.
The system should provide adequate levels of management review and
IT240 approval throughout the system. This may include an automatic queuing or
routing of transactions pending management approval.
NS Not supported
GL9 The system should allow global control to setup account code terminology. In
other words, the system should allow administrators to establish
group/element/dimension names for cost centers and object codes.
The system should allow for the creation of shortcut account numbers in order
GL10 to facilitate data entry. A short series of numbers can be entered instead of the
fully qualified account.
The system should allow for the setup of user defined month-end posting
The system should allow for the setup of a number of days in which users
GL11 1 can still post back to the prior month. The system should have the
capability to define this by subsystem. For example, after the 10th day of
the month, AP cannot post back to the prior month and after the 15th day
of the month, no GL transactions can be booked to the prior month.
GL11 2 The system should allow each month to be defined as open or closed.
GL11 3 The system should allow authorized users the ability to override blocks so
they can post back to previous months or one year, if necessary.
The system should provide the ability to define the number of reporting periods
GL12 within a fiscal year. (13th, 14th periods) This would allow for the separation of
unique periods for balance forward entries, audit required adjustments, and
other special closing entries.
The system should allow for the setup of multiple seed numbers for journals.
GL13 This would allow different numbering conventions to be used for different types
of journal entries, which would facilitate reporting and inquiry based on these
The system should provide the ability to set up multiple ledgers to
accommodate different legal entities.
The system should provide the ability to maintain multiple charts of accounts for
different legal entities.
GL19 The system should be able to maintain a history of all changes made to the
chart of accounts and cost center setup structure (not only the latest change)
GL20 The system should provide the ability to create, delete, and inactivate cost
centers and object codes. Users should only be able to delete records that have
no associated history. (must be able to assign temporary cost centers)
GL21 The system should provide the ability to deactivate an existing account with all
historical summary data maintained and detailed transactions archived.
The system should provide the ability to block the deletion of accounts that
GL22 have associated history/transactions. (These accounts should be inactivated,
not deleted).
GL23 The system should provide the ability to re-open inactivated accounts.
GL24 The system should have the ability to run a utility to change old accounts to
new accounts, including the update of all historical transactions. The ability to
inquire and/or view on historical transactions should still be available.
The system should allow the user to view the future impact to the organizational
GL25 structure before making any actual change that would impact it (on-screen or by
report option)
The system should have built-in safeguards to ensure subsidiary accounts are
always in balance to G/L control accounts.
The system should provide for automated monthly and year end closing entries.
They system should provide the ability to account for pooled cash and
investments by fund.
GL36 The system should provide for the automation of most intrafund and interfund
clearing entries based on defined rules to ensure that funds stay in balance.
The system should provide the ability to create encumbrance balances in the
GL upon the posting of a purchase order or contract.
The system should provide the ability to exchange data with other subsystems
and have automatic posting to the GL from other subsystems
The system should be able to create and post transactions for subsequent
accounting periods.
The system should provide the ability to warn users of errors on-line before
posting (account code, budget allowance, duplicate entry, dr/cr balance…)
GL41 The system should provide a free form text field with the creation of journal
entries that allows for ample space to include a several sentence description.
The system should provide an easy method to correct data entry errors before
The system should provide the option for accrual entries to automatically
GL43 generate a reversal entry in the next accounting period or to a user defined
The system should provide the ability to post and then re-post balance forward
GL44 entries (allowing the ability to book additional entries to the previous year and
then re-posting the new balances to the new year)
The system should provide the ability to generate reports to ensure that the
subsystems are in balance with the General Ledger.
The system should provide automated notices/warnings when a subsystem is
out of balance with the General Ledger.
The system should provide the ability to upload/download general ledger
transactions (integration with desktop applications)
GL68 The system should provide for automatic matching of bank transactions with
general ledger transactions based on configurable matching rules and
classification of general ledger entries for more precise automatic reconciliation.
The system should provide the ability to manually enter checks, deposits, etc.
The system should allow the user to re-run reconciliations from prior months for
corrections or to include auditor adjustments for prior years.
The system should allow for the assignment of statuses to classify the progress
of bank reconciliations.
The system should allow the documentation of electronic notes in association
with unreconciled transactions.
The system should allow for date sensitive reporting. For example, a check
GL74 issued in January 2006 but not cleared until April 2006 should show as
outstanding when running January, February and March reports, even if the
current month is May 2006.
The system should track check activity dates, such as issue date, void date,
reversal date, cleared date, stop payment date, escheat date, etc.
They system should provide the ability to account for multiple restricted and
unrestricted bank and investment accounts.
GL77 They system should provide the ability to record bank information for multiple
banks and accounts (i.e. contact, mailing address, e-mail, account number)
The system should accept electronic bank statements. Transactions related to
a credit card should be able to be uploaded to a journal entry.
NS Not supported
The system should provide the ability to set up project start and close dates.
The system should provide the ability to prevent posting transactions to a
project when the project is inactive.
The system should allow adjustments in the current period, previous periods,
PJ5 future periods, and even previous years at the same time (with the proper
security access).
The system should allow users to set up projects in a hierarchical structure
PJ6 which includes the definition of different project sub-levels (i.e.: project, sub-
project, work breakdown structure, etc.)
The system should be able to track and report on project related performance
measures, services, and accomplishments.
The system should be able to track and report on all (multiple) funding sources
and/or contracts for each project.
The system should be able to track and report on all (multiple) projects that are
related to a single funding source..
The system should provide the ability to tie-in project information on
construction activities to Capital Improvement Program.
The system should provide the ability to apply changes to unit costs and
estimates during the life of the project.
The system should provide the ability to record and maintain an original budget,
PJ12 budget changes, and a revised budget for each project account at each level in
the hierarchy over multiple years.
The system should provide the ability to maintain various labor data (e.g. salary,
PJ13 fringe, other direct, premium time, bill rate, billable time, non- billable time,
multipliers, etc.).
The system should provide the ability to maintain various material items (e.g.
charge back rate, multipliers, bill rate, etc.).
The system should provide the ability to provide labor, equipment, and material
productivity analysis.
The system should be able to report the financial status of the project, including
all direct costs and allocations.
PJ17 The system should accommodate the transfer of funds between projects.
The system should provide a way to prevent deletion of a project account for
which funds are encumbered until the project is closed out.
PJ22 The system should provide the ability to track contract amount and revised
contract amount by project, contractor, consultant and account code structure.
The system should provide the ability to track the percentage of completion
from revised contract amounts.
The system should be able to flag/warn when actual costs against a particular
PJ24 project budget line item are approaching the budget limit. The timing of the
warning should be user definable.
The system should provide the ability to support backlog analysis (ie: the
PJ25 balance of the project dollar value against the remaining work yet to be
The system should allow users to view expenses that have been encumbered
but not yet billed.
The system should allow users to view paid and unpaid invoices, including
pending payment requests.
The system should provide the ability to allocate expenses by fund number,
PJ28 account number, cost center, project number, etc. (including indirect cost
The system should provide the ability to develop fully burdened labor rates that
are related to a specific project before they are allocated.
PJ30 The system should provide multi-year project budget capabilities
The system should automatically generate the next project number based on
user-defined criteria.
PJ32 The system should provide multiple seeds for assigning project numbers
The system should have a way to exclude project numbers from all the reports
if they have been flagged as "inactive".
The system should provide the ability to set up default mapping rules (for
PJ34 example: the user enters the project number and the system automatically
defaults to the associated GL account coding.)
The system should be able to interface with other Project Management
applications, such as Expedition, etc.
The system should be able to interface with other stand-alone applications,
PJ36 1 Hansen
PJ36 2 Accela
PJ36 3 Cartegraph
PJ36 4 Internally developed CIP Access database
The system should provide the ability to appropriate funds at the project level
The system should provide the ability to close projects to fixed assets
PJ38 periodically or at the completion of the project or when the asset is substantially
NS Not supported
The system should allow the recording of revenues to one or more phases by:
GA10 1 Percentage of billings
GA10 2 Percentage of participating dollars
GA10 3 User defined option
The system should provide the ability to support grant fiscal year closing
independent of the fiscal year of the organization
The system should provide the ability to archive closed grants/projects with no
activity beyond a user defined time interval.
The system should provide the ability to inactivate accounts upon closure of a
The system should provide the ability to bring forward fiscal year balances of
funds for multi-year grants.
The system should provide the ability to modify grant data prior to carryover.
The system should provide the ability to reference grant authorizing resolutions.
The system should allow for the establishment of allowed costs for each grant
GA17 based on user defined parameters. The system should then automatically
disallow unauthorized costs either in total or partial, along with reason for
The system should provide the ability to apply new reimbursement rules to a
The system should provide the ability to record grant encumbrances and
GA19 subsequent payments against existing encumbrances so that available funding
calculations can be generated.
The system should provide the ability to flag expenditures, encumbrances, and
GA20 commitments based on user-defined criteria (e.g., match exhausted, 90%
expended, etc).
The system should provide the ability to flag and report exceptions to events
GA21 that are not accomplished on time (e.g., submission of grant & other funding
source deliverables, status reports, etc.).
For projects that are funded by multiple grants, the system should provide user-
defined prioritization for the utilization of funds.
The system should provide the ability to transfer expenditure amounts between
The system should provide the ability to have multiple contract types per phase.
GA25 The system should be able to record expenditures by phase.
The system should allow refund of excess phase/project funds back to the
funding agency.
The system should provide the ability to capture eligible and ineligible costs by:
GA27 1 Task
GA27 2 Activity
GA27 3 Program
GA27 4 Other user-defined tracking
GA28 The system should provide the ability to track grant terms and balances from
starting date to completion of audit and/or user-defined completion date.
The system should provide the ability to apply correct indirect salaries and
fringe benefits allocated to the applicable grants.
The system should provide the ability to use more than one indirect cost
allocation per grant.
The system should allow for the identification of direct and indirect costs for
each grant.
The system should provide the ability to automatically create accounting entries
GA32 at user-defined intervals for the recognition of indirect cost recoveries or
matching fund information.
The system should provide the ability to maintain grants which will affect
multiple departments and/or funds.
The system should provide the ability to record project performance information.
The system should provide the ability to track and report current performance
against past performance and/or established goals.
The system should provide the ability to allow authorized personnel to access,
GA46 inquire, report and reconcile the status of grants and all other funding sources
by the following information:
GA46 1 Drawdowns
GA46 2 Obligations
GA46 3 Encumbrances
GA46 4 Expenditures
GA47 The system should be able to retain Vendor/Contractor history by grant.
The system should provide the ability to create a tickler file notice of
performance reviews and/or other user specified dates.
GA49 The system should provide the ability to roll-up grants to higher levels such as
grantor agency or CFDA number for internal and external reporting.
The system should provide the ability to review an online summary of all
financial information by grant.
GA51 The system should provide the ability to produce grant reports showing:
GA51 1 Expenditures
GA51 2 Expenditures inception to date
GA51 2 Funding sources
GA51 3 Revenues
The system should provide the ability to report matching fund requirements.
The system should provide the ability to generate requests for reimbursements.
The system should be able to generate standard federal reports (including The
Single Audit Report).
The system should be able to generate Schedule of Federal Financial
Assistance Award (Total federal expenditures with corresponding CFDA #).
The system should be able to generate reports showing grantor status and
The system should provide the ability to generate a Grant transaction history
report (reflecting ALL activity for each grant).
The system should provide the ability to generate program history reports or
inquiries, showing funds budgeted and expended by a date range.
GA60 The system should provide the ability to show remaining grant balances.
The system should provide the ability to generate the following reports for
individual grants, as well as for all grants:
GA61 1 Year end and interim financial statements
GA61 2 The system should provide grant titles in all reports.
The system should provide the ability to track the following information for each
grant related activity:
GA62 1 Grant number
GA62 2 Account code
GA62 3 CFDA number
GA62 4 Funding agency
GA62 5 Name of program
GA62 6 Type of funding agency (federal, state, local, etc.)
GA62 7 Award amount
GA62 8 PO number
GA62 9 Vendor name
GA62 10 Invoice number
GA62 11 Check number
GA63 The system should be able to track and manage the following:
GA63 1 Grants in progress
GA63 2 Report due dates
GA63 3 Grant eligibility
GA63 4 Grant proposal
GA63 5 Multiple grant approval phases
GA63 6 Reimbursements
GA63 7 Sub recipient contracts
The system should provide the ability to denote if grants are for multiple years.
The system should provide the ability to consolidate grant, budget, and grant
expense information on a project and department basis.
The system should provide cost accounting information to calculate indirect cost
GA68 rates and provide internal service billings between supporting departments and
the grant/project.
GA69 The system should provide the ability to generate multiple seeds for grants.
The system should provide the ability to exclude grant numbers from all the
reports if they have been flagged as "inactive".
The system should provide the ability to set up default mapping rules (for
GA71 example: the user enters the grant number and the system would automatically
default to the associated GL account coding - either the cost center or object
code or both) with manual override.
The system should provide the ability to create the Quarterly Expenditure
Report for Federal Grants - SF 269
The system should provide the ability to create the Federal Cash Transactions
Report - SF 272
GA74 The systems should allow an awarded grant to become a contract.
GA75 The system should provide a text field to denote comments/notes.
NS Not supported
PR9 The system should have the ability to automatically encumber funds during the
requisition process or when the requisition is made into a purchase order.
The system should have the ability to reconcile purchase order totals to
encumbrance totals
PR11 The system should provide the ability to automatically adjust encumbrance
balances when a change order affects account coding or line amounts.
The system should provide the ability to automatically reverse the pre-
encumbrance when the encumbrance record is created.
The system should provide full encumbrance capabilities. For blanket purchase
PR13 orders, the system should allow the users to encumber releases against the
The system should provide the ability to close unused encumbrances easily and
adjust the budget balances accordingly .
The system should automatically calculate the extended price (units x unit cost).
The system should have the ability to automatically notify the Purchasing
Department of approved requisitions that are ready to be processed.
The system should have the ability to forward requisitions (based on user
defined criteria) to the appropriate buyer.
The system should have the ability to track buyer workload and be able to
display outstanding requisitions by buyer.
PR27 The system should provide the ability to print descriptive information on the
purchase order document, including vendor name and address, shipping
instructions, special instructions, and a menu of Terms & Conditions.
The system should provide the ability to assign line item notes to purchase
PR28 orders in situations where descriptions would be helpful for clarification or
justification purposes.
The system should provide a separate screen for notes (pertaining to the PO as
PR29 a whole) to document any pertinent conversations between the buyer and the
vendor or any other pertinent conversations. This note section should be time
stamped and should have security features. The notes should have the option
of being labeled as internal or external (to print on the PO)
The description field for purchase order line items should have word-wrap
The system should have the ability to generate single or multi-page purchase
The system should allow numerous line items to be charged to a single account
and a single line item to be charged to multiple accounts.
The system should provide for the automatic assignment of a system assigned
purchase order number.
PR38 The system should automatically close a purchase order and all associated
encumbrances when a final payment is issued by Accounts Payable.
PR39 The system should provide users the ability to complete an on-line electronic
order form that automatically creates a purchase requisition within the system.
The system should track discounts offered by the vendor with automatic
notification as items are requisitioned from those vendors.
The system should be able to provide a list of preferred vendors based on
commodity codes used when entering a requisition.
The system should be able to track freight charges and to define freight routing
The system should allow buyers to override either user-specified or system
generated vendors and prices.
The system should maintain an audit trail of all users who have modified a
The system should allow the creator of the requisition to edit the requisition
document up until the point it has received any approvals.
The system should allow for approval overrides so that authorized users can
print the purchase order immediately.
The system should provide a field for the delivery location on a purchase order.
The system should generate an automated notification to the ordering
PR48 department when the receiving department enters returns or backordered items
into the system.
The system should warn/prevent receiving until purchase orders have been
completed and printed by the Purchasing Department
The system should allow the design of customized forms, including a Request
for Quote, Purchase Request and Purchase Order.
The system should be able to show the status of purchase
PR51 requisitions/purchase orders to reflect whether the document has been
approved, printed, received, and/or paid.
The system should maintain an audit trail of all approval activities related to a
PR52 requisition. This includes the approver's name, the date of activity, whether the
approver made changes to the requisition, and whether the approver rejected,
approved or forwarded the requisition.
The system should provide the capability for users to inquire and report on
PR53 where a requisition is in the approval process and how long it has been waiting
for approval from that approver.
The system should be able to report and inquire on purchasing activities by:
PR62 1 vendor name and ID
PR62 2 account number
PR62 3 buyer
PR62 4 by date
PR62 5 end user
PR62 6 ordering department
The system should have the ability to automatically update the fixed asset
The system should have the ability to interface with bar coding inventory
The system should provide the ability to print the DBA name on the purchase
order, not just the name of the individual.
The system should provide an unlimited number of line items for each
Requisition and Purchase Order
The system should track the flow of information for the entire life cycle of
procurement. (i.e.: requisition-to-payment.)
The system should have integration tools for any procurement card programs.
The system should provide the ability to electronically transmit purchase orders
to vendors.
The system should have the ability to send (hard copy or electronic format)
quote solicitation letters to vendors
The system should provide an automated sole source form that will be attached
PR71 to the requisition. Upon creating the requistion, the system should generate a
prompt that asks the user to respond as to whether or not the requisition is to
be sole-sourced. The system should automatically bring up the sole source
form and require it's completion by the user.
PR72 When entering a commodity code, the system should generate a pop-up
window with the most frequently used commodity codes for that user/buyer.
The system should have the ability to differentiate the receipt of an item from a
PR73 proof of payment for the item. In other words, the receipt of the item should not
be authorization for payment. There should be an additional workflow approval
process before a payment can be processed for the item.
The system should have the capability to link the requisition to the Hansen work
order system (by work order number).
The system should have the capability to link the requisition to a Fleet
Management System (by the equipment number).
The system should have the ability to track items that are currently out for bid.
The system should have the ability to provide savings breakdowns on bids and
The system should provide a tracking system that can target bidders'
performance, including vendors who consistently do not bid.
PR82 The system should allow vendors to submit their bids on-line
PR83 The system should allow vendors to submit attachments with their bids.
The system should provide system access to open bids, bid tabs, award tabs,
vendors, contract terms, etc
The system should provide maintenance of multiple addresses for each vendor.
PR86 The system should allow vendor "numbers" to be setup as alphanumeric.
The system should allow the user to view and select from a list of all available
addresses associated with a vendor.
The system should provide the ability to identify vendors who have won bids
and the activity for those bids.
The system should maintain an easy-to-use master vendor file, including
vendor information and types of commodity/service they can bid on.
PR90 The system should have the ability to create a "to be determined" vendor for
purchase requests where the initiator does not know the vendor to be selected.
PR91 Users should have access to the vendor file while in the Requisition screen,
allowing them the ability to look up vendor information. Vendor information
such as fax, email, and phone number should be easily accessible
NS Not supported
BM3 The system should provide a flexible way of preparing budget details that is not
restricted to the attributes of the chart of accounts. (The ability to budget at
lower or more detailed levels than the chart of accounts allows for)
The system should provide the ability to budget related revenues and
expenditures at the program level.
The system should accommodate multi-year (inception to date) budget controls.
The system should provide the ability to develop multi-year and inception to
date project budgets according to user-defined parameters.
The system should provide the ability to keep multiple budget years open at the
same time.
The system should maintain on-line budget data for any number of past,
present, and future years.
The system should provide the ability to make mass adjustments to multiple
budget line items at once.
The system should provide the ability to make dollar and percentage
adjustments by budget line item or line item group.
BM11 The system should provide the ability to allocate overhead and administration
costs to departments, cost centers, programs, sub-program, etc.
The system should allow for the transfer of funds between budgeted line items.
BM13 The system should be able to assign unique identifiers for budget transfers.
The system should provide the ability to perform budget modifications and
maintain appropriate audit trails.
The system should provide the ability to budget by position. It should have the
BM15 ability to handle approved agreements by bargaining unit and estimated
increases, salary and step pay plans. The system should provide the ability to
view different job classifications and their corresponding pay ranges and steps.
The system should be able to track salary commitments and payroll
expenditures by position.
The system should allow the same employee to be budgeted to multiple
account codes
BM19 The system should allow users to view current year- to- date or user defined
range of actual hours by employee as a basis to prepare the upcoming budget.
The system should have the ability to budget by base salary (and other pay
BM20 increments) by various accounting elements (funding sources, division,
subprogram, etc.)
The system should provide pull-down lists and lookup features within data fields
The system should allow users to view the detail charges of actual spending or
encumbrance amounts against the budget.
They system should provide the ability to perform budget checking at all
BM23 transaction points, including pre-encumbrance, purchase order, invoice, and
check generation.
The system should integrate with Human Resources (Position Control), Payroll,
BM24 General Ledger, Purchasing, Grant Management, Project Accounting and other
applicable subsystems.
BM25 The system should allow for the budget based projections, including:
The system should provide the ability to compute "what if" scenarios using
BM25 1
user defined calculations.
The system should provide the ability to perform a variety of revenue,
BM25 2 expenditure, and fund balance forecasting including the ability to perform
fee analysis.
The system should allow forecasts to be calculated in terms of percentage
BM25 3 increases or decreases (either globally or for specific departments, funding
sources or other units).
The system should allow salary and benefits projections based on user
BM25 4
defined parameters (fixed cost, percentage, lump sum).
The system should allow for the analysis of subsequent proposals and changes
without affecting current budgets.
The system should provide the ability to accommodate project contingency line
items in budgets.
BM28 The system should provide Performance-based Budgeting.
The system should provide users the ability to enter budget requests
(modifications, transfers,etc.) on-line.
The system should allow users the ability to create a budget "worksheet" to
facilitate the budget preparation process.
The system should provide the ability to create, maintain and compare multiple
budget versions
The system should provide on-line budget preparation capabilities to all
departments based on user defined rules.
The system should provide the ability to create the final budget document on-
line in its finished form.
The system should provide a report that lists information for employees
BM34 including position and hourly rate by account number with flexible subtotaling
The system should allow users to download or upload budgets from desk-top
The system should allow budgets to be copied forward from the current budget.
The system should provide a complete encumbrance transaction history report.
The system should provide standard and customized budget reports. At a
minimum, the standard reporting should provide the ability to:
BM42 1 Run reports based on date range (user defined, fiscal year, etc)
Develop exception reports or criteria-driven reports (e.g. accounts that are
BM42 2
75% expended at mid-year)
BM42 3 Drill down to the lowest level
BM42 4 Drill down to a supporting scanned document
Run variance reports to compare actual expenditures to encumbered
BM42 5
amounts against the respective budgets for at least a five year period.
Develop other customized management and budget reports based any
BM42 6
budget data field
Develop statistical budget information to allow research and analysis
BM42 7
(including performance measurements)
BM42 8 Include charts and other graphical information
The system should provide the ability to tie performance data to any level of
detail (e.g.: organization, program or division rollup).
The system should provide the ability to track original and amended budgeted
amounts by line item.
At each stage of budget checking (requisition, purchase order, invoice, check),
BM45 the system should allow for the designation of whether a warning or a block will
occur when a user attempts to enter a transaction that exceeds the available
funds in the budget.
The system should allow authorized users the ability to establish a tolerance
BM46 percentage or any other user defined constraint before the over-budget
condition is blocked or warned.
The system should provide a contact person or "responsible person" assigned
to each cost center/department.
The system should allow for the creation of temporary cost center numbers and
allow them to be deleted if they are not approved.
The system should allow for the definition of security that restricts the access,
BM49 creation and/or approval of specific budgets to authorized users. Security
should be provided at the functional and database level.
The system should provide the ability to electronically route the following while
maintaining a complete audit trail:
Budgets for approval. The approver should be able to make changes to
BM50 1
the budget.
BM50 2 Proposed budgetary transfers/changes.
NS Not supported
The system should have the capability to receive vendor invoices electronically.
The system should maintain vendor payment records for current period, year-
to-date, prior years and also by date range.
The system should provide a Vendor Analysis Report that shows various
breakdowns of activities (quantity, product line, type) by vendor.
AP16 The system should prevent duplicate invoices from being entered.
The system should allow users to view duplicate invoices when the user is
flagged that they are attempting to enter a duplicate invoice.
The system should allow the user to enter multiple invoice numbers (as one
AP18 query) for which the system will check to see any of them are duplicate invoice
AP19 The system should allow payments against multiple invoices on one check
The system should allow the user to request separate checks when multiple
invoices are being processed for the same vendor.
AP21 The system should support multiple payment types (e.g., system generated
checks, manual checks, wire transfers, procurement cards, e-commerce, etc.)
The system should update encumbrance records once an invoice is paid. (In
order to move the amount from encumbered to actual).
The system should provide the ability to pay both encumbered and non-
encumbered items on the same check.
AP24 The system should allow for the processing of stop payments.
AP25 The system should be able to void a range of checks.
AP26 The system should allow users to void stale dated checks.
The system should provide the ability to void a check and facilitate the re-
processing of a new check for the same invoice(s).
AP28 The system should have the ability to issue manual warrants/checks.
AP29 The system should allow invoices that are not tied to a purchase order to be
entered into the system. (as long as the purchase does not exceed budgets)
The system should allow multiple partial payments against a purchase order or
a contract until the total amount is reached.
The system should allow users to select from different bank accounts for
The system should provide the capability for AP users to schedule check runs
AP32 (users with appropriate security can define when and how often checks are
The system should allow authorized users to withhold payments to a vendor
even though the invoice is due
AP34 The system should have the ability to suspend and/or restart payment for
specified vendors, contracts or work orders based on a user defined duration.
The system should provide the ability to override the defaulted vendor discount.
AP39 The system should provide the ability to automatically calculate discounts when
the check payment date is the same as, or prior to, the discount due date.
The system should provide the ability to view and report on invoices waiting for
payment by fund, department, vendor, due date, etc.
AP41 The system should provide a field to indicate the distribution of the check. It
should enable the user to indicate the specific pick-up location of the check.
The system should provide the capability to sort and print checks based on
user-defined selection criteria. (including the pick-up location)
The system should provide the ability to undo an invoice distribution/posting
with the proper security.
The system should allow the customization of checks with fields such as the
AP44 invoice number(s), invoice line item(s), invoice amount(s), discounts taken,
vendor name, vendor number, purchase order number and/or any other AP
data field.
The system should provide the option to print invoice line items on the check
stub in detail or summary format.
The system should allow the printing of check details on successive check
stubs if there is an overflow condition.
The system should be able to print checks on blank check stock (the system
should print the system generated check number on the check).
When voiding a check, the system should automatically reverse the General
Ledger and AP postings.
AP49 The system should provide a check register of manually prepared checks.
The system should be able to flag checks such as: negative checks and zero
The system should provide standard and customized reports. Standard reports
should, at a minimum, include Cash Disbursements Journal, Open Payables
Listing, Accounts Payable Aging Report, Outstanding Invoice Listing, Cash
AP51 Requirements Report, Check Register, Outstanding Checks, Cleared Checks,
Check Reconciliation Report, Vendor List, Void and Stale Dated Report,
ACH/Wire Report, and Inactive Vendor List. (Have client identify others that
they need)
The system should generate reports that identify gaps in the check sequence
The system should have the ability to set up pay codes and distribution codes,
AP53 allowing users to define terms of payment and the allocation of invoice amounts
to various departments.
The system should amortize existing pre-payments by automatically generating
invoices to distribute the payments to the proper periods.
The system should come with a time and expense functionality for the tracking
of travel advances and travel expense reports.
The system should provide a functionality for recurring invoices where the user
AP59 can define the repetitive invoice and then the system will automatically generate
an invoice based on the specifications defined in the template. (frequency,
amount, account, vendor, invoice numbering convention, etc.)
The system should allow templates to be established that can be used to
simplify data entry for future invoices that are similar in nature.
The system should facilitate check reversals. The user should only need to
enter the bank id and check number within the reversal record and the system
AP61 should automatically extract all check related information into the record The
user would then simply need to post the record and the check would be
The system should have the ability to automatically re-open an invoice upon
check reversal.
The system should provide the ability to reverse an electronic payment and
create a new electronic payment without entering additional data.
The system should have controls to block or warn users when invoices exceed
the budget, encumbrances or when using invalid accounts
The system should provide an efficient process to facilitate the payment of
AP65 immediate checks that need to be processed before the regular check
processing date.
The system should enable interfaces of invoice information (from another
AP66 application). The system should automatically generate invoices for payment
based on the uploaded information.
The invoice screen should allow for the definition of a (user defined) invoice
AP67 category/group to enable the grouping of invoices for approvals, payment,
reporting and inquiry.
The system should provide multiple payment selection criteria (i.e.: by due date,
AP68 by vendor, invoice category/group, by invoice number, by account number, by
department number, etc.) in order to allow the user to pay based on various
The system should provide the ability to de-select an invoice for payment (after
a group of invoices has been selected for payment).
The system should provide the option to automatically split freight or shipping
charges among split accounts within an invoice
The system should allow the user to distribute to multiple account numbers for
each invoice.
For telephone and other utility bills, the system should provide the ability for
AP72 users to set up distribution codes for the allocation of the invoiced amounts to
various departments.
The system should provide visibility to the PO while in invoice data entry mode.
If the invoice is associated with a PO, then the user should be able to view the
AP73 purchase order line items and indicate the lines and amounts they would like to
pay. This information would then automatically come forward into the invoice in
order to reduce the need for duplicate data entry.
AP74 The system should be able to produce an automatic notification to alert a user
when there is a payment request that exceeds a certain dollar amount.
AP79 The system should have the ability to import procurement card information from
the procurement card provider. Please list the procurement card providers
under the "comments" column that your system has interfaced with in the past.
NS Not supported
The system should provide the ability to print debit and credit memos on request
AP21 The system should be able to bill partial invoices
The system should support tear-off remittance advice that the customer can
return with the payment
The system should allow for user-defined delinquency notices and form letters
and be able to maintain a history of what was sent.
The system should allow users to print invoices and/or statements in any user
AP24 defined criteria (i.e. by customer number, customer name, zip code, payment
status, etc)
The system should provide the ability to include informational messages on
The system should allow users to suppress statements with zero and credit
AP27 The system should allow the same check to apply to multiple open items
The system should allow partial payments to be applied to specific invoice line
AP32 The system should provide online customer and billing data (such as invoices,
adjustments and payments by customers, etc. ) by authorized personnel.
The system should display the open item/balance forward status and aging for
customer invoices
The system should provide the ability to review past due customer accounts on-
line by authorized personnel
The system should provide the ability to assess interest, late charges and
AP36 The system should provide the ability to waive the following:
AP36 1 Late Fees.
AP36 2 NSF Fees.
AP36 3 Interest or Finance Charges.
The system should provide the ability to review customer aging and other
statistics (such as last payment date, etc.) on-line by authorized personnel
The system should allow users to define aging categories (e.g., current,
30,60,90 days)
The system should provide the ability to write off accounts based on user
defined criteria.
The system should provide the ability to track accounts sent to collection
The system should provide a Billing module that is capable of creating different
user-defined forms for different types of enterprise activities.
The system should provide the ability to tie a customer code to some sort of
geobase of street addresses for business license billing.
AP43 The system must be able to accommodate internal service billings.
AP58 The system should provide the ability to send out remittance notices to
customers with no billed amount (for example: Transient Occupancy Tax, etc.)
The system should provide the ability to maintain customer correspondence
AP59 and internal notes/comments (for example: Customer has paid with NSF checks
in the past, etc. )
NS Not supported
The system should provide the ability to track multiple receipt types including:
CR8 1 Cash
CR8 2 Check
CR8 4 Credit Cards
CR8 5 Direct Deposits
CR8 6 Other (auto-pay, lockbox, online payment, online banking, etc.)
During cash receipting, the system should allow the online lookup of customer
numbers based on a full or partial name entry.
During cash receipting, the system should allow the online lookup of account
name and numbers.
CR11 The system should provide for automatic General Ledger updates. It should
allow a single cash receipt to be posted to multiple General Ledger accounts.
For each line of a cash receipt, the system should allow for the entry of the
CR12 project, grant, work order, and/or task number for notation or posting to those
The system should provide the user the ability to override the offset account to
which the General Ledger transaction will be posted.
The system should allow for automatic generation of General Ledger
CR14 distribution by receipt type, accounts receivable type, customer or other
The system should provide the ability to print receipts immediately after
customer payments are entered.
The system should provide for a daily and monthly cash receipts journal report
showing all transactions.
CR20 The system should be able to interface to various POS systems by specific
revenue accounts and type of receipt (cash, check, credit card, debit card, etc.)
The system should provide the ability to tie a customer code to some sort of
geobase of street addresses for business license billing
The system should provide the ability to interface to CLASS (Recreation &
Parks System)
CR23 The system should provide the ability to interface to PERMIST PLUS
The system should provide the ability to interface to AIMS (Automated Issuance
Management System), a parking citation management system.
NS Not supported
FA9 The system should provide the capability to assign primary classes to assets.
(for reporting and inquiry) For example, building, vehicles, equipment, etc.
The system should provide the capability to assign secondary or tertiary classes
FA10 to assets. (for sorting and inquiry) For example, office equipment could
represent a secondary class and fax machine, copier, and printer could
represent tertiary classes.
The system should allow both the automatic and manual entry creation of
assets into the system
FA12 The system should allow for improvement adjustments to an asset to increase
the value and/or extend the useful life, while maintaining the original asset
information intact. It should track the history of improvements to an asset.
The system should integrate with the General Ledger, Accounts Payable,
Purchasing, and Work Order modules.
The system should allow for the automatic creation of capital assets based on
FA14 user-defined specifications (account number & dollar threshold). Information
from Purchasing and Accounts Payable can then be automatically brought over
to the Capital Assets database.
FA15 The system should allow for the creation of detailed retirement records in
relation to an asset, including sales price, disposal date, method of sale, etc.
The system should provide the ability to track multiple funding sources
(grant/local funding) related to one asset
The system should provide the ability to track an asset that was purchased from
more than one cost center (charge code)
The system should be able to expedite the process of transfers and disposals
through automated processing. For example, an electronic transfer form could
be established whereby as soon as the asset number is entered, the remaining
FA18 data fields are populated from the Capital Asset database. Using automated
tools, this form is then sent to the receiving department for their acceptance of
the transfer and then to Accounting to ensure the proper entries are made
within the Capital Assets system.
The system should accommodate the creation of user-defined electronic
FA18 1
The system should have the capability to automatically populate data fields
FA18 2
on the form from existing asset information.
The system should allow electronic forms to be routed for electronic
FA18 3
The system should have the ability to track the transfer of assets and all
associated location/transfer history
The system should have the ability to provide for the automatic creation of
entries to the General ledger for transfer and disposition transactions.
The system should have the ability to maintain detailed vehicle records for
insurance purposes.
The system should have the ability to maintain cost, insurance, and
replacement values for property.
FA23 The system should have the ability to maintain detailed warranty records
The system should provide the ability to print standard reports and create
FA24 customized reports. (standard reports should include depreciation and inventory
reports by class/category, cost center, etc.)
The system should allow for CIP classification to accrue costs while the asset is
still under construction, but exclude it from depreciation
FA26 The system should provide the ability to link related assets together
The system should provide miscellaneous fields to track (and report on) user
defined information
The system should provide the ability to track information related to the asset
FA28 purchase, such as contract number, purchase order number, funding source,
grant information, bid number, check number, invoice number, vendor, item
description, GL account, etc.
FA29 The system should provide capabilities to automatically create multiple fixed
asset records based on a purchase order, contract or direct payment (for
example, a contract to purchase large quantities of handheld equipment).
FA30 The system should provide the ability to record donated assets.
The system should provide sufficient fields to track location information, such as
FA31 building, department, room, room description, address, phone, GPS number,
The system should provide the capability to assign a responsible person or role,
such as a custodian, to a capital asset.
FA33 The system should provide a "notes" section to allow free form text entry
FA39 The system should provide the ability to assign capital asset numbers based on
a 'seed' number so that numbers will not be skipped or duplicated
The system should provide the ability to setup multiple seed numbers in order
FA40 to maintain different numbering conventions for different types of assets. (for
example: capital assets can use a numbering convention like FA00001 and
non-capital/controllable items can use a nunbering convention like NC00001)
The system should provide the ability for users to override system assigned
asset numbers.
The system should allow for the creation of an electronic form that will be
FA42 automatically sent to the responsible asset custodian upon receipt of the asset.
The form will require the custodian to complete information regarding the asset,
including serial number, model number, location, etc. Once completed, the
information will automatically update the asset record.
The system should provide the ability to set up field level security in order to
FA43 restrict users to read or write access based on their location/department, or
other user defined criteria.
The system should provide the ability to track controlled (non-capital) assets.
FA44 These assets should be able to be uniquely identified so that they do not
The system should provide the ability to track employee-issued controlled asset
items for internal control purposes.
The system should provide the ability to distinguish capital assets in
FA46 government funds, proprietary funds and government wide for GASB reporting
The system should provide the ability to manually enter a specific amount of
FA47 depreciation as an exception to normal depreciation methods, i.e. an override
The system should have the capability to retain the fixed asset number (that
FA48 was automatically assigned by the system) within the A/P or the G/L
subsystems. This would facilitate users in identifying fixed asset assignments
based on expenditure activity reports.
The system should provide the ability to make mass changes to an unlimited
FA49 number of asset records based on a single request/single screen entry with full
audit trail of changes made.
The system should allow asset fields to be updated (if they were originally
FA50 entered incorrectly), such as the asset classification, location, cost, etc. with full
audit trail of changes made.
NS Not supported
IN9 The system should provide the ability to generate master parts lists and sub
lists for equipment by, but not limited to, manufacturer, quantity and cost.
The system should provide the ability to manage separate warehouse
The system should provide the ability to adjust the average cost paid for an
inventory item.
The system should provide the ability to read and track bar codes on packaging
from all suppliers for stock receiving, and physical inventory.
The system should provide the ability to select stock items by item description,
IN13 item number, commodity code, manufacturer part number and commodity
The system should provide an interface to Work Order, Project/Grant, General
Ledger, Accounts Payable and Purchasing modules
The system should provide a multi-line, free text area for the description of
inventory items.
The system should provide the ability to maintain a detailed activity history for
each stock item.
IN17 The system should have the capability to automate the re-order process:
The system should provide the ability to automatically generate purchase
IN17 1
requisitions for items that have reached their re-order point.
This purchase requisition should have the ability to be manually updated or
IN17 2
modified after system creation.
The system should have the capability to generate automated notifications
IN17 3 for reorder items in order to provide the user the opportunity to accept or
reject the automatic creation of a requisition.
IN18 The system should provide for the receipt of partial line items.
The system should provide the ability to freeze an individual commodity/stock
IN19 item or all items in a warehouse for inventory cycle counts, physical inventories
and adjustments. The system should be able to institute separate freezes for
different warehouse locations.
The system should provide the ability to track and then purge an item record
IN20 and its entire historical information for items with zero on-hand quantities and/or
no activity over a user-defined period.
The system should provide the ability to credit stock returns to the dept/office
that originated the issue/order
The system should provide the ability to print the following standard inventory
Inventory master listing by any user defined criteria, including but not
IN22 1 limited to, inventory number, description, location, equipment number,
quantity on hand, unit of measure, size, description, supplier, cost, buyer,
NS Not supported
The system should have the ability to generate receipts for walk-in customers
The system should have the ability to calculate penalties based on user-defined
The system should have the ability to calculate interest owed on late payments
based on user-defined rules
The system should have the ability to calculate the amount of Business Tax
based on user-defined rules
BL6 The system should have the ability to accept partial payments
The system should be able to interface to a Cash Receipts system that also has
the capability to perform items BL2 thru BL6
The Business Tax module should interface with the General Ledger, Accounts
Payable, Cash Receipts, Budgeting, Billing, etc. in real time.
BL9 The system should have the ability to accept payments on-line
BL10 The system should support on-line application processing
BL11 The system should support on-line renewal processing
BL12 The system should have the ability to generate reminder notices
BL13 Users should be able to print customer letters in batch based on user-defined
criteria such as late payment notice, billing, expiration notice, and statement.
BL14 The system should provide a drop down menu consisting of user configured
letters using values from the active customer record and print a single letter.
Users should be able to add and remove letters from the menu.
The system should provide the ability to print labels based on user-defined
criteria, such as GIS codes, start date, business location, etc.
The system should have the ability to generate bulk emails based on user-
BL16 defined criteria and sends out late payment notice, billing, expiration notice, and
statement electronically.
BL17 The system should support the customization of statements and invoices.
BL18 The system should support Word mail merge features.
The system should have the ability to provide various inquiries and reports
BL19 including outstanding payments, penalties, and fees based on user-defined
The system should provide drill down capability allowing users to see the
following detail information:
BL20 1 Payment history
BL20 2 Penalties, etc.
BL22 The system should provide the ability to allow residents to perform a business
search online. The results of the search should display information such as the
business name, street address, and type of business.
The system should allow businesses to be grouped by business categories.
BL24 The system should track the following information:
BL24 1 DBA Name
BL24 2 Business Name
BL24 3 Customer Name
BL24 4 Business Address
BL24 5 Business Phone Number(s)
BL24 6 Emergency Phone Number(s)
BL24 7 Business Mailing Address
BL24 8 Business Fax Number
BL24 9 Business Email Address
BL24 10 Business Website
BL24 11 Owner Name/Corporate Officer Name
BL24 12 Owner/Officer Title
BL24 13 Owner's Address
BL24 14 Owner's Phone
BL24 15 Social Security Number
BL24 16 Type of Ownership
BL24 17 Additional Owner Name(s)/Corporate Officer Name(s)
BL24 18 Additional Owner/Officer Title(s)
BL24 19 Additional Owner Address(es)
BL24 20 Additional Owner Number(s)
BL24 21 Rate Class
BL24 22 Business Category (ies)
BL24 23 Description of Business
BL24 24 SIC Code
BL24 25 Start Date
BL24 26 Number of Rental Units
BL24 27 Business Square Feet
BL24 28 Parcel Number
BL24 29 State ID Number
BL24 30 State Sales Tax Number
BL24 31 Federal Tax ID Number
BL24 32 State Contractors License Number
BL24 33 Number of Employees
BL24 34 Closing Date of Business
BL24 35 Number of Days Conducting Business (if business is not located in City)
BL24 36 Tax Certificate Number
BL24 37 Business Status (active, closed, etc.)
BL24 38 Renewal Category Code
BL24 39 District Code
The system should provide miscellaneous fields to be used at the user's
BL27 The system should accommodate multiple fields for owner name, business
name, address/location, phone number, etc. within the same record.
The system should provide the ability to automate the printing of renewal forms
BL28 at year end close without impacting or limiting normal business tax processing
The system should provide the ability to print renewal forms for one business
owner with multiple business locations.
The system should be able to track multiple business categories (tax rates) for
one owner and generate only one tax certificate
The system should be able to print a single renewal notice form for business
owners with multiple business categories (tax rates).
The system should be able to track overdue accounts and generate
BL32 notices/correspondence or automated email notifications to the registered
owner, if mailing address is different from business address.
The system should allow for the uploading of external information (i.e.: the State
Franchise Tax Board) in order to produce leads on unregistered businesses.
BL33 The system should provide sorting, matching and reporting functionality with the
uploaded information and the information should only be available to authorized
personnel. Once the lead becomes confirmed, the user should be able to add it
to the customer database.
The system should provide the ability to create a separate line item on the
BL34 business tax renewal notice to accommodate any special business
improvement area assessments.
The system should provide the ability to integrate with outstanding AP invoices
BL35 in order to prevent payments from being issued to business tax customers with
overdue accounts (or to deduct the overdue amount from the invoice and pay
the net amount.)
The system should provide the ability to trigger an AP payment request for
those customers who overpaid.
NS Not supported
CM8 The system should provide a consistent contract data entry screen whether the
contract is a revenue contract, encumbered contract, or expensed
(unencumbered) contract with the ability to define multiple line items.
The system should integrate in real time to Purchasing, Budget, Bid/Quote,
Accounts Payable and other applicable subsystems.
The system should provide an "Authorization to Start" field for consultant
CM11 The system should be able to create and generate letters based on user-
defined templates (ie: "Authorization to Start", "Insurance Renewal Notices",
"Notice to Proceed", "Contractor's Affidavit", other legal documents, etc.)
The system should provide multiple contract approval routes to track all stages
of the contract approval process based on contract type.
CM13 The system should be able to maintain a list of required legal documents.
The system should maintain a library of standard and acceptable legal/bond
The system should allow for the creation of a single year or a multi-year
CM16 The system should provide the ability to track:
CM16 1 Advertised date
CM16 2 Bid opening date
CM16 3 Board/Council date
CM16 4 Notice of pending award date
CM16 5 Notice to proceed date
CM16 6 Notice of completion date
CM16 7 Final payment date
CM34 The system should provide the ability to track the contract amount, payments
and the contract balance for the original contract as well as all the amendments.
The system should provide the ability to track numerous modification numbers.
CM36 The system should be able to create and process change orders
The system should provide the ability to identify contract modifications either as
a quantity change, a scope change or a combination.
CM51 The system should provide the ability to flag how much money has been spent
on American Disabilities Acts (ADA) related improvements for each contract.
The system should provide the ability to maintain multiple remittance addresses
for the same contractor.
The system should be able to maintain an on-line plan holder list to track which
contractors have requested pre-bid technical plans or information.
The system should provide web-based capability, allowing contractors to view
CM54 the results of a particular bid. The amount of information displayed on the web
should be user-defined.
The system should provide the ability for contractors to submit bids
CM56 The system should provide the ability to track warranty claims.
CM57 The system should provide the ability to track stop notices
CM58 The system should provide the ability to track liquidated damages
The system should provide the ability to attach multiple contracts to the same
project (flip file.)
The system should provide multiple seeds to designate different types of
The system should allow authorized personnel to override the system assigned
contract number.
NS Not supported
AT1 10 Current and historical records of any disciplinary, dismissal actions or failed
background checks with warning for reason dismissed or terminated.
AT1 11 Testing requirements.
AT1 12 Applicant/Candidate's schedule of tests, interviews, etc.
AT1 13 Applicant/Candidate's position in user-defined qualification steps.
AT1 14 Scoring results based on user-defined criteria.
AT1 15 Current testing/scoring results.
AT1 16 Historical test scores and banked scores.
AT1 17 Interview results/scoring/comments per interviewer.
AT1 18 Interview history.
AT1 19 Reference checks and results.
AT1 20 Criminal Background Check
AT1 21 Education verification (transcripts, required coursework).
AT1 22 Credential verification.
AT1 23 License verification.
AT1 24 Certifications
AT1 25 Languages and Proficiency
AT1 26 Veterans status.
AT1 27 Eligibility to work in the U.S..
AT1 28 Response to job offer, if extended..
AT1 29 User defined rejection reason codes.
AT1 30 Address
AT1 31 Home, work and cell phone numbers
AT1 32 Home and work e-mail addresses
AT1 33 Driver's License - State, Class, Number
AT1 34 History of notices sent
AT1 35 User defined comments field.
The system should provide the ability to merge eligibility lists and/or criteria.
The system should provide the ability to automatically notify the applicant of the
results of each interview or test result.
The system should provide the ability to designate the applicant as successful
in testing automatically after test results are entered.
The system should provide the ability to provide access to real-time and/or
AT19 archived interactive data in multiple areas for viewing on screen or in reports on
screen prior to printing and/or other interaction with all the applicant/candidate
The system should provide the ability to generate customized notices using
Microsoft standard products or other editing capabilities.
The system should provide the ability to produce an individual applicant profile.
The system should provide the ability for applicants to log into their online
application (at a later date) to make changes to their information.
The system should provide the ability to provide applicants a self-service
AT39 module so they can view the status of their application(s) and receive test
The system should provide the ability to track all applicant history under one
master record.
The system should provide the ability for the hiring manager to do online
searches for applicants and view the applications and scanned documents.
AT42 The system should provide the ability to prevent hiring managers from viewing
applicants who have not provided all required documentation and information.
The system should provide the ability to allow managers to schedule applicant
interviews on-line.
AT45 The system should provide a web based method for individuals to request
future notification when applications are being accepted. (Job Interest Cards)
AT46 The system should support scanning of written test answer sheets.
The system should support test analysis statistics, including point biserial,
AT47 biserial ratio, difficulty %, passpoint analysis and adverse impact by item
analysis, and display responses by overall test result.
The system should provide ability to update and manipulate data in user
AT48 defined methods including; interfield arithmetic, calcuation days between
events, 4 point rescale, linear transformation, standardized scores,
percentages, percentiles, banding, ranking, randomizing.
The system should provide web based method for hiring departments to
AT49 request (requisition) names of eligible candidates and to receive (have certified)
names and applications of eligible individuals.
The system should provide robust reporting functionality for the management
AT50 and tracking of each applicant and/or candidate through the recruiting and
application process.
AT50 1 The system should provide for the reporting on applications received and
grouped by user defined criteria (e.g.position number, job title, department)
The system should provide for the reporting on applicants tested (e.g.,
AT50 2
written, practical, oral).
The system should provide for the reporting on applicants passed/failed
AT50 3
(e.g., written, practical, oral).
AT50 4 The system should provide for the reporting on applicants interviewed.
The system should provide for reporting on the number of eligible
AT50 5 applicants qualified/certified for hire in each stage of the process (e.g.,
meeting minimum requirements, passing tests, successful in the
assessment process).
The system should provide for the reporting on applicants medically
AT50 6
examined, drug tested and background checked.
The system should provide for the reporting on applicant(s) selected for
AT50 7
The system should provide for the reporting on applicants to whom job
AT50 8
offers have been extended.
The system should provide for the reporting on the status of selected
AT50 9 applicants per position number or job title and related attributes (i.e.,
background checks, budget constraints).
The system should provide for user defined analytical reports to analyze,
AT50 11 sort, select and report on candidates using specific attributes such as
education, experience, skills, references, past performance, test results,
work location preference, veterans status, etc.
The system should provide reporting functionalities to include frequency
AT50 12 counts, two-way crosstabs, univarate and bivarate statistics, inter-rater
reliability and applicant flow analysis.
The system should provide for reporting on activity per position number
AT50 12 including number of applicants, status of applicants, average length to hire,
qualifications, credentials, etc.
The system should provide for reporting for EEO reports on applicants
AT50 13
(tracking of race, sex, position applied, etc.).
AT51 The system should provide a web based method for individuals to request
future notification when applications are being accepted. (Job Interest Cards)
AT52 The system should support scanning of written test answer sheets
The system should support test analysis statistics, including point biserial,
AT53 biserial ratio, difficulty %, passpoint analysis and adverse impact by item
analysis, and display responses by overall test result
The system should provide ability to update and manipulate data in user
AT54 defined methods including; interfield arithmetic, calcuation days between
events, 4 point rescale, linear transformation, standardized scores,
percentages, percentiles, banding, ranking, randomizing
The system should provide web based method for hiring departments to
AT55 request (requisition) names of eligible candidates and to receive (have certified)
names and applications of eligible individuals.
NS Not supported
LM4 The system should provide the ability for an employee to "donate" leave hours
to another employee according to the Organizations Catastrophic Leave Policy.
The system should provide the ability to track any required documentation and
LM5 approval forms of the leave/absence (e.g., FMLA documentation, Doctor’s
Certificate of Authorization, etc.)
The system should provide the ability to generate letters and forms using
LM6 Microsoft editor capability for management of employees' leaves and
informational use by Leave Management.
The system should provide the ability to track eligibility and qualifications for
each type of leave/absence based on user defined criteria.
The system should provide the ability to adjust leave/absence plan accruals,
time taken, balances etc. with appropriate security.
The system should provide the ability to create user defined leave/absence
LM9 accrual structures based on employee attributes (attributes may include years
of service, job assignment, bargaining unit, etc.).
The system should provide the ability to define parameters, carryover amounts,
ceilings, etc. for leave/absence plans.
The system should provide automated retroactive vacation accruals based on
user defined criteria (i.e., class, compensation, etc.).
The system should provide the capability to earn leave/absence accruals
during paid absence based on user defined criteria.
The system should provide the ability to produce a benefit eligibility list upon
request for employees hired during a selected time period.
The system should provide a warning flag when recorded absence hours are
LM14 greater than the normal work hours for a specific work day. The warning flag
should be user-defined.
LM16 The system should provide the ability to track historical data per employee on
each leave plan such as type of leave, leave start date, leave ending date,
estimated return to work date and date paperwork received for approval.
The system should provide the ability to accrue sick leave based on user
defined criteria.
The system should provide the ability to manage different groups of employees
with different eligibility rules and different accrual/earning rates.
The system should provide the ability to accommodate vacation buy back and
sell programs, i.e. leave conversion based on user defined criteria.
The system should provide the ability to track paid and unpaid leaves of every
kind including accrual based and government required.
LM21 They system should provide the ability to integrate time and attendance activity
fully with the Leave Management System based on user defined transactions.
The system should provide the ability to move an employee automatically to a
LM22 new accrual rate due to anniversary date, eligibility change or policy rule
The system should provide the ability to warn employees, Supervisors, or
LM23 Managers when the employee attempts to use more leave hours than are
currently available.
LM24 The system should provide the ability to stop the use of leave hours not yet
earned if the organization's policy does not allow negative leave balances.
The system should provide the ability to bank compensatory time based on
employee eligibility rules similar to a leave plan.
The system should provide the ability to calculate annual leave accruals based
on user defined formulas.
LM27 The system should provide the ability to track multiple comp plans
LM28 The system should provide the ability to create e-mail notices or form letters for
automated mailings regarding user defined events including, but not limited to:
LM28 1 Initiation of Leave.
LM28 2 Expiring leave.
LM28 3 Leave without pay letters.
LM28 4 Family leave letters (FMLA).
LM28 5 Open enrollment.
The system should provide the ability to notify Leave Management, the
LM29 employee's Supervisor and/or Manager and any other personnel deemed with a
"need to know" upon the approaching expiration of a type of leave/absence
status (e.g., FMLA, expiration of a temporary position).
The system should provide the ability to track concurrent leave/absence
LM30 statuses (e.g., maternity leave/absence with illness leave/absence) based on
differing rules.
The system should provide the ability to prorate leave accruals for part-time
The system should provide the ability to perform fiscal year end updates on
LM32 employee records based on defined criteria (i.e., years of service, vacation
earning factor, bargaining unit, employee group, seniority, etc.).
NS Not supported
PA9 The system should provide the ability to create evaluations forms and process
forms electronically with full update to the employee's HR and Payroll records.
The system should provide the ability to create performance evaluations based
on a position's current job description and user defined criteria.
PA11 The system should provide the ability to flag employees under a Supervisor or
Manager's responsibility who have an approaching performance evaluation.
The system should provide the ability to escalate unperformed or late
performance evaluations to the next level of authority for review.
The system should provide the ability to allow for on-line employment
verification via an Internet portal.
The system should alert the designated authorities if an employee's required
PA14 licensure or certificate will expire with a user defined parameter such as 30
days, 90 days, etc.
PA20 The system should provide the ability to perform mass changes by user-defined
criteria, including but not limited to, bargaining unit, class code, compensation
structure, etc. and update the employee record or appropriate databases.
The system should provide the ability to flag and notify Human Resources if an
PA21 employee's inactive status (e.g., leave status) has exceeded a user-determined
amount of time.
The system should provide the ability to establish a standard rounding method.
The system should provide the ability to indicate reason code and description
for personnel actions when action is initiated.
PA24 The system should provide the ability to interface with current and historical
payroll summary data allowing authorized users access to inquire.
The system should provide the ability to cross reference an employee's medical
PA25 limitations based on the results of physical examinations with the requirement of
a specific position to prevent an employee from being assigned beyond their
The system should provide the ability to enter multiple personnel actions per
employee per payroll cycle.
The system should provide the ability to enter personnel transactions with a
future effective date.
The system should provide the ability to apply a warning to a user who enters a
personnel transaction with an effective date that is retroactive.
The system should provide the ability to generate a warning on a personnel
PA29 action for a salary increase that is outside of the range or edit the action against
the appropriate salary plan table.
PA30 The system should provide the ability to view pending personnel transactions
based on their status in an automated workflow/approval process.
The system should date and time stamp each personnel transaction when it is
created and each time it is processed through an approval conduit.
The system should stamp each personnel transaction with the source of the
PA32 action and the source of any user processing the action through an automated
workflow process.
The system should provide the ability to escalate any personnel transaction to
PA33 the appropriate next level if the assigned processing time period expires at its
current point in an automated workflow process.
PA45 The system should provide the ability to record disciplinary actions by employee
and to track the employee's progress through any probationary process.
The system should provide the ability to create salary schedules tied to job
Ths system should provide data validation tables to ensure data entry accuracy
The system should provide the capability to override specific position attributes
at the employee record level with appropriate authorization.
PA49 The system should provide security authorization levels for users based on
roles and responsibilities and to the detail of screens and/or individual fields.
The system should provide security authorization levels to protect employee
social security numbers.
Ths system should provide the ability to attach scanned documents/images to
an employee's master record.
PA52 The system should provide point-in-time reporting.
The system should allow users to track multiple user defined breaks in service,
PA53 for example breaks resulting from a legal settlement, reduction in hours, lay-off,
or disciplinary action.
The system should provide the ability to track data attributes specific to a job
code that include, but are not limited to, the following:
PA54 1 Salary range.
PA54 2 Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) status.
PA54 3 Workers compensation code.
PA54 5 Employee type/bargaining unit/employee association
PA54 6 Record of job classification code(s).
PA54 7 Licenses, certificates and registration requirements.
PA60 The system should provide the capability to report on work related injuries
including employee name, work location, job code, department, Supervisor, etc.
The system should provide the ability to track employees in all possible states
PA61 of employment status: recruitment, hiring, assigned positions, paid leaves,
unpaid leaves, separated, barred (prevented from being hired or rehired),
absences, etc.
The system should provide checklists for employee hire and termination
PA62 processes to ensure all steps are completed (checklist should include policy
and agreement documents).
The system should provide a disciplinary action report in a pre-defined and/or
user-defined format with user defined variables.
The system should provide a report of vacancies and hires by class and
department within a user defined date range.
The system should provide a report(s) documenting current employees on
leave with user defined parameters.
The system should provide a report documenting frequency of absenteeism or
PA66 tardiness by employee, by department, by manager or by user defined
parameters for a specified time range.
The system should provide the ability to create an employee history report (date
PA67 hired, date of increases, promotions, hourly rates, date of evaluations,
department changes, etc.).
The system should provide the ability to report using data from all positions,
both primary and otherwise, for all employees.
PA69 The system should provide the ability to allow employees with authorization to
access limited reports via the web or their desktop computer.
The system should provide detailed recap and summary reports for EEO
The system should provide the ability to create all required state and federal
The system should provide the ability to create a labor distribution report which
PA72 identifies labor in hours, overtime, position, department, date, time of day or
shift, etc.
The system should provide the ability to create a Probation Status Report at the
organizational and individual employee level.
The system should provide the ability to create an anniversary date report by
department, month/year, etc.
The system should provide the ability to create a COLA History Report by
bargaining unit, COLA, effective date, etc.
The system should provide the ability to create a New Hire Report with user
defined data attributes.
The system should provide the ability to create a Termination Report with user
defined data attributes.
PA78 The system should provide the ability to create a Job Class Report.
The system should provide the ability to create an Average Salary Report by
class, bargaining unit, etc.
The system should provide the ability to create a report for tuition
reimbursement usage.
The system should provide the ability to create tickler reports for forthcoming
service awards.
The system shall provide the ability to create a turnover rate report by gender,
PA82 age, appointment to class, date, disciplinary release, promotion, race,
classification, probation release, transfer and/or resignation, etc.
The system should provide robust ad hoc reporting tools that easily access any
employee data field.
The system should provide the ability to generate reports based on a position
PA84 control number and all data related to that position from various tables and
employee files.
The system should provide code structures that are easily identifiable to ease in
report creation and recognition.
The system should provide for the creation of a detailed report of number of
PA86 people hired by job class, class code, subject area, department, fiscal year,
calendar year, month, year, etc.
NS Not supported
BN3 16
Default options for Organization's default policy for specific benefit plans.
BN3 17 Budgeted expense per benefit type per budget year.
BN3 18 Budgeted expense per benefit type per benefit plan year.
BN3 19 Employee statuses eligible for benefit plan participation.
BN4 The system should provide the structure to designate the following data item
attributes related to each employee benefit program including, but not limited to:
BN4 1 Plan type.
BN4 2 Plan name.
BN4 3 Plan vendor.
BN4 4 Vendor policy identification.
BN4 5 Plan beginning date.
BN4 6 Plan ending date.
BN4 7 Coverage type (options, salary based, default, etc.)
BN4 8 Contribution type (flat, table driven, salary based, age graded, etc.)
The system should have the ability to enforce table-driven limits and maximums.
The system should have the ability to track vesting and breaks in service as
defined by each benefit plan.
The system should have the ability to track deferred retirement benefit plans
through the benefit plan set up.
The system should provide the ability to report on budgeted vs. actual costs
BN9 based on user defined criteria by benefit plan, by plan year, by budget year,
including employer and employee costs, etc.
BN10 The system should provide the ability to project the cost impact to changes in
benefits, accruals, allowances, etc. for current employees and retirees.
The system should provide the ability to create a disability retirement report by
name, SSN, department, month/year, bargaining unit, etc.
The system should provide the ability to establish multiple vendors per plan.
BN18 The system should provide a master screen including name, address, phone
number, date of birth, date of hire, status date, employee identification number,
SSN, plan enrollment, etc., with additional screens for plan enrollments.
The system should automatically disenroll employee/retiree in previous plan
when change/new enrollment of plan occurs.
The system should automatically calculate balance due from employee/retiree
BN20 and create an arrears amount when payroll deduction is less than full amount
The system should not allow a rehired employee to be automatically enrolled in
old benefits.
The system should automatically verify benefits status based on employee
status and eligibility rules.
The system should provide the ability for an employee to have an employee
BN23 status for benefits eligibility that is different from their position oriented
employee status.
The system should provide the ability to enroll employees in multiple plans with
one point of data entry.
The system should provide the option for self-service enrollment of organization
approved benefit plans with interface to the organization's Intranet or via an
BN25 Internet portal. The self-service tools should include the ability to set up
appropriate workflow/security to produce notifications, warnings and approval
The system should "pend" online request for changes or updates if participant is
required to submit proof/documentation.
The system should provide electronic enrollment process with user defined
BN28 The system should allow users to program/configure benefits reports.
The system should provide the ability to print benefits statements as needed or
on a user defined frequency basis.
The system should provide automated notice when employee / retiree / term /
beneficiary becomes Medicare eligible.
The system should provide the ability to generate advance notices to
employees and retirees who are eligible for Medicare.
The system should provide automated letters using Microsoft or Rich Text
BN32 editor capabilities, based on user defined criteria, to notify members of benefit
The system should provide automated benefits letter with options based on
BN33 employee status changes, including but not limited to, job data and family
status changes.
BN35 The system should provide the ability to calculate benefit deduction amounts
based on user defined table of rates, formulas, and eligibility/coverage rules.
The system should provide the ability to track, bill and collect benefits costs
from employees on leave.
The system should provide integration between accounts receivable and
benefits billing.
BN38 The system should provide benefit eligibility tracking by employee group.
The system should provide the ability to assign benefit plan codes, deduction
BN39 codes, and related premiums based on employee groups and employee
The system should provide the ability to track employee’s coverage and
coverage level based on class and bargaining unit.
The system should provide the ability to track beneficiaries (e.g., for life
insurance, final paycheck, retirement contributions).
The system should provide the ability to prorate benefits for part-time
employees based on user defined formulas.
The system should provide the ability to track COBRA eligibility based on
Federally defined criteria with the ability to enhance but not reduce.
BN44 The system should provide the ability to generate automated feeds to vendors
for benefit plan billing reports including, but not limited to, the following:
BN44 1 Employee name.
BN44 2 Employee social security number.
BN44 3 Employee date of birth..
BN44 4 Employee address.
BN44 5 Employee coverage election.
BN44 6 Effective date of employee coverage.
BN44 7 Covered dependents, if applicable for benefit plan.
BN44 8 Covered dependents' names.
BN44 9 Relationship of covered dependents.
BN44 10 Covered dependents dates of birth.
BN44 11 Covered dependents social security numbers.
BN44 12 Eligibility status of dependent(s).
BN44 13 Effective date of each covered dependent's coverage.
BN44 14 Covered dependents' address if different from employee.
BN44 15 Covered Retirees participants
The system should provide the ability to create automated feeds to vendors to
BN45 process updates to benefit plan eligibility and billing on a weekly, biweekly,
monthly, quarterly, or annual basis.
The system should provide the ability to include all covered individuals in any
BN46 automated vendor feed including, but not limited to, employees, employees'
dependents, retirees, retirees' dependents, COBRA, COBRA beneficiaries,
employees on leave, etc.
The system should provide the ability to create online benefits information and
eligible enrollment options for the employee and/or organization.
System should provide the ability to view the following information online
including, but not limited to, the following:
BN48 1 Employee leave balance information.
BN48 2 Employee benefits enrollment history.
BN60 The system should provide the ability track and query the following, but not
limited to, name, identification number and social security number of participant.
The system should provide the ability to track an employee's salary history
(e.g.,, date of hire) when identification number changes.
The system should provide the ability to track employees not eligible to
participate in the pension system.
The system should provide the ability to track and maintain benefit information
BN63 and changes in status for retired employees, surviving spouse and dependents
that includes, but is not limited to, the following:
BN63 1 Retirement date
BN63 2 Date of death
BN63 3 Type of retirement (e.g service, early, disability)
Name, social security number, address, telephone number, and date of
BN63 4
birth of beneficiaries both primary and contingent
BN63 5 Dependent coverage eligibility and expiration dates
BN63 6 Last day paid updated from payroll system
BN63 7 Last day worked tied to leave status
BN63 8 Retire/ rehire status
BN63 9 Medical coverage provider eligibility and expiration dates
BN63 10 Medical coverage
BN65 The system should provide the ability to extract and report benefit information
and changes in status into a form letter for retiree/beneficiary correspondence.
The system should provide the ability to define and track multiple defined
contribution benefit plans.
The system should track employee contributions for various retirement plans.
The system should provide the ability to define defined benefit and defined
contribution eligibility rules on an organizational and benefit plan level.
BN69 The system should provide the ability to configure and change employee and
employer contribution rates for current calculations (e.g., calculation of benefits,
eligibility rules, retirement plan, retirement plan eligibility date etc.)
BN70 The system should provide the ability to configure and change employee and
employer contribution rates for retroactive calculations (e.g., calculation of
benefits, eligibility rules, retirement plan, retirement plan eligibility date etc.)
The system should provide the ability to manage retroactive adjustments to
BN71 employee data based on retroactives changes to contribution levels, calculation
of benefits, etc.
The system should provide the ability for the system to update an employee's
BN72 retirement plan eligibility based on plan rules and the personnel actions
processed on the employee's record.
The system should provide the ability to automatically configure and re-
BN73 configure employee pension information (i.e., pension plan code and deduction
amount) for new hires, re-hires, and transfer between retirement plans as
needed based on plan rules.
The system should provide the ability to generate reporting on a pay period,
monthly, quarterly, annual, and fiscal year basis.
The system should provide the ability to generate a "Newly Enrolled/Change
The system should provide a report of terminated employees with the reason
for termination, date of termination, and benefits code.
BN77 The system should provide participant reports, including but not limited to,
enrollment, dependent names and relationships, department name, pay group,
social security number, etc. that can be generated by individual or group.
The system should provide the ability to track employees by hire date,
insurance plan, gender, department, and bargaining unit, etc.
The system should provide the ability to manage pension eligibility rules and
BN79 affect an employee's record automatically when an employee's job information
and assignment change.
The system should provide the ability to generate insurance billing reports
including, but not limited to, the following:
BN80 1 type of coverage,
BN80 2 class code,
BN80 3 employee name
BN80 4 amount
BN80 5 number of insured,
NS Not supported
TR1 The Training module should be fully integrated with Personnel Administration,
Applicant Tracking, Tuition Reimbursement and Performance Evaluation.
TR2 The system should provide the ability to track all required and optional training,
licenses, certifications, skills, etc., per employee, by the topic and department.
The system should provide the ability to track the history of all training/licensing
related activity by department.
TR4 The system should provide the ability to track the last activity date and next
required action date per employee and per training and licensing requirement.
The system should provide the ability to provide automated reminder notices of
internally scheduled training courses.
The system should provide the ability to track multiple types of tests, both
pass/fail and scored for employees.
TR7 The system should provide the ability to maintain an education plan, including
recommended course and curriculum by position and/or employee.
The system should provide the ability to track internally sponsored and vendor
sponsored training all in one system.
The system should provide the ability to provide electronic registration with
automated integration on the employee's calendar via Outlook.
The system should provide electronic registration with validation of course
TR10 capacity, transfer of registrants to wait list, and validation of attendee
qualifications such as position, recent training, status, rate class, identification
of paid professional development.
The system should provide electronic training approval routing based on user
defined routing paths.
The system should provide the ability to provide automated notification that
certifications, contracts and licenses, etc. are about to expire.
The system should provide the ability to maintain course development data,
including, but not limited to:
TR13 1 Course Title
TR13 2 Course ID number/code number
TR13 3 Course description
TR13 4 NEW: Course capacity
TR13 5 Course category
TR13 6 Course learning objective
TR13 7 Course duration
TR13 8 Course prerequisite
TR13 9 Facility requirements
NS Not supported
PC20 The system should provide the ability to value budgeted positions in different
ways (e.g., by dollar amount, by full time equivalent (FTE), by period).
PC21 The system should provide the ability to track variances between budget and
actual costs by position, by business entity, by department, by FTEs, etc.
The system should provide the ability to create and maintain position
definitions/classifications with rules and salary ranges/tables.
The system should provide edits to prevent action on a position which is not
authorized and budgeted.
The system should provide the ability to create salary schedules tied to specific
The system should provide the ability to track and report on filled and vacant
PC25 positions by position number, budgeted vs. non-budgeted, pending,
department, date range, union affiliation, or other user defined parameters.
The system should provide the ability to revise and update any table driven
PC26 attributes through a user friendly interface such as position numbers, number of
FTEs approved per position, department/division numbers and/or titles without
complete re-creation of the table.
The system should provide the ability to create a set of standard reports related
to position control.
The system should provide the ability to create ad hoc reports based on user
defined criteria.
NS Not supported
The system should provide the ability to interface payroll information to and
PY1 from the General Ledger, Human Resources, Personnel Administration,
Recruitment/Applicant Tracking, Timekeeping, Leave Management, Benefits
Administration, Grants/Activities, Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable.
The system should provide the ability to calculate earnings per employee based
PY2 on employee pay attributes, taxes based on tax tables as mandated by Federal,
State and local requirements, and deduct expense deductions assigned to the
employee arriving at a net pay check value.
The system should track an unlimited number of earnings/pay codes, including
but not limited to:
PY3 1 Regular
PY3 2 Overtime
PY3 3 Bonuses
PY3 4 Premium Pay
PY3 5 Vacation
PY3 6 Holiday
PY3 7 Shift Differentials
PY3 8 Function Pay
PY3 9 Sick Pay
PY3 10 Personal Days
PY3 11 Comp Time
PY3 12 Auto and Mileage Reimbursement
PY3 13 Relocation Reimbursement
PY3 14 Employee Association Dues
PY3 15 Uniform Allowance
PY3 16 Longevity (Career Enhancement)
PY3 17 Garnishments
PY3 18 Retroactive Adjustment
PY3 19 User Defined Earnings
PY3 20 Bond Calculation
PY3 21 Charity Tracking
The system should provide the ability to create multiple definitions of pay cycles
PY4 and pay periods including but not limited to weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly,
monthly, 27-day cycle, etc.
The system should provide a hierachical code structure within the organization
PY5 (i.e. Company, EIN, Business Unit, Division, Department, Employee Groups,
The system should provide the ability to group employees by common attributes
PY6 within any organizational unit without having to set up multiple employee
records for each unit.
PY13 The system should provide the ability to default basic pay and deduction codes
for new hires based on user defined employee groups and parameters.
The system should provide the ability to restrict the use of pay and deductions
PY14 codes based on user defined criteria linking codes to specific employee groups,
payroll groups, or bargaining units.
The system should provide the ability to link earnings and deduction codes to
specific payroll cycles and frequency cycles.
PY16 The system should provide ability to set a default number of hours for hourly
employees and alter the number of hours worked on an exception basis.
The system should provide the ability to utilize different GL account codes to
record vacation pay, sick pay, etc.
The system should provide the ability to track payment information in detail,
PY18 including but not limited to, check issue date, pay cycle, pay rate, location, job
cost, hours worked, pay type, labor distribution, deduction type, taxes, taxable
amount, etc.
The system should provide the ability to automatically update employee records
with each payroll cycle and each adjustment cycle.
The system should provide the ability to process and update employee records
PY20 based on personnel transactions entered through Human Resources or satellite
payroll offices.
The system should provide the ability to automatically generate payroll posting
PY21 entries to the General Ledger and validate General Ledger account codes
against the chart of accounts before processing posting.
The system should provide the ability to default earning and deduction codes
PY22 from the earning and deduction master based on, but not limited to, the payroll
organizational unit or group.
The system should provide the ability to locate and display employee data
based on SSN, employee identifier and/or name.
The system should provide the ability to locate and display employee
information using a portion of a name or letter sort.
The system should provide the ability to affect mass action payroll changes for
PY25 a large group by, but not limited to, organizational unit, bargaining unit, or
employee group.
The system should maintain historical payroll detail for a user defined time
period within the master database.
PY43 The system should provide the ability to calculate the payout of an eligible leave
balance based on user defined criteria and initiated by a personnel action.
The system should calculate all types of employee garnishments (e.g., effective
date, limit, establish priority).
The system should provide the ability to take current and/or arrears (wage
assignments) for court ordered garnishments.
The system should provide the ability to develop user-defined cap for earnings
and deductions.
PY52 The system should provide the ability to have payroll adjustments reflected in
correct pay period through a reporting mechanism or user initiated functionality.
The system should provide the ability to pay employees for authorized hours
from multiple assignments up to a user-defined limit.
The system should provide the ability to calculate benefits based on a "benefit
PY54 eligible FTE value" and/or a "position FTE value" and to prorate benefits based
on either or both of these FTE definitions.
PY55 The system should provide the ability to perform retroactive pay adjustments by
individual, bargaining unit, and any other user defined criteria.
The system should provide the ability to automatically calculate retro pay, if
PY56 necessary, and transfer salary when an employee transfers to a different
organizational unit as authorized, even mid-pay period.
The system should provide the ability for online ad-hoc calculation of employee
PY57 paycheck amount through a "what if" modeler allowing changes to deductions,
pay rates, withholding allowances, etc.
The system should provide the ability to set final check flag for terminated
employees to prevent further timesheet processing and check printing.
The system should provide the ability to interface with the Accounts Payable
PY59 module to create payment to specified vendors or agencies for deductions
taken from employees' payroll checks each pay cycle or at a user defined
The system should provide the ability to void/reverse checks including
PY60 cancellation of an automatic payroll deposit, with accompanying adjustments
integrated to General Ledger.
The system should provide the ability to automatically reverse a
check/automatic payroll deposit with an audit trail.
The system should provide the ability to generate supplemental checks with
immediate update of year-to-date payroll information.
The system should provide the ability to allow supplemental payroll checks with
appropriate deductions reported in the regular pay cycle.
The system should provide the ability to take deductions and use special
earnings outside of the regular pay cycle (e.g., special pay).
The system should provide the ability to review and modify pending payroll
PY65 transactions prior to final processing of each standard or supplemental payroll
PY66 The system should provide the ability to correct errors and reprocess
exceptions online prior to printing checks and/or automatic payroll deposits.
The system should provide the ability to view manual checks online immediately
after they are generated.
PY68 The system should provide the ability to produce and/or allow direct deposit
payments to be made to multiple banks or payees for each employee.
The system should provide the ability to automatically adjust all accrual
balances (e.g., illness, vacation) resulting from activity or time taken.
The system should provide the ability to automatically adjust liability values in
PY70 the General Ledger as a result of adjustments to the accrual balances or pay
The system should provide the ability to process catastrophic leave donations
to other employees.
PY72 The system should provide the ability to adjust retirement contributions as a
result of retroactive pay adjustments and/or changes in retirement systems.
The system should provide the ability to produce W-2 Forms at the end of each
calendar year.
The system should provide the ability to print fiscal year-to-date total per
employee by any attribute in the account code structure.
The system should provide ability to establish a limit on the dollar amount of an
individual payment (e.g., net pay).
The system should have the ability to process a deceased employee's
payments in accordance with Internal Revenue Service requirements.
The system should have the ability to perform calendar year end updates on
PY77 employee records based on defined criteria (e.g., year-to-date gross earnings,
social security and Medicare taxes).
The system should have the ability to set up appropriate approval and audit trail
procedures for all interfaces.
PY79 The system should provide the ability to enter time in future pay periods.
The system should provide comments fields associated with time entry data
(e.g., user can provide narrative reason for overtime).
The system should provide the ability to enter and process non-hourly/wage
PY81 reimbursements, including but not limited to mileage and other non-taxable
reimbursements, etc. through Accounts Payable, with payments to the
employee through Payroll.
PY82 The system should provide the ability to interface with Accounts Payable and
initiate the generation of a check to deduction agencies as part of a payroll or
monthly closing process with the option to create EFT payments if available.
PY83 The system should provide electronic signature features.
The system should provide the ability to create automated workflows for payroll
and time and attendance processing.
The system should have the ability to keep track of work hours when an
employee works several different shifts.
PY86 The system should allow time entry by shift.
The system should provide tracking of compensatory time with different rules
for different groups of employees.
The system should provide the ability to assign employee hours to capital
improvement projects, special projects and grants.
The system should provide the ability to trigger shift differentials based on user
defined criteria.
The system should provide work history accessible to departments for on-line
viewing of hours worked.
The system should provide the ability to create user defined deduction classes,
PY95 deduction codes and maintain a variety of employee payroll deductions,
including standard deductions for tax purposes as well as pre-tax deductions,
state mandated deductions, benefit deductions, and user defined deductions.
The system should provide the ability to integrate and update information
PY96 automatically to the General Ledger with the complete processing of each
standard or supplemental payroll cycle.
PY97 The system should provide the ability to eliminate the processing and
distribution of check stubs by allowing payment information to be accessible,
viewable, and printable to authorized users and employees via an on-line portal.
The system should have the ability to post direct deposit/checks remittance
PY98 advice to a secured website where employees can view and print their own
The system should provide the ability to process hours and time worked based
PY99 on multiple positions, pay rates, and function pays during each standard and/or
supplemental payroll cycle.
The system should provide the ability to support voiding of an entire payroll and
PY100 re-running it if significant errors are discovered after the payroll has been run
and posted.
The system should provide the ability to designate employees as exempt or
PY101 non-exempt and to process their pay appropriately according to FLSA
The system should provide the ability to pay inactive employees, but should
PY102 provide a warning at the point of data entry and on an edit report during payroll
The system should provide the ability to view timesheets related to each pay
period and historically for a user defined period of time.
The system should provide the ability to calculate contributions and set
PY104 maximums on deductions related to benefit plans, retirement plans and any
other user defined deductions code.
PY105 The system should provide the ability to build user defined earnings
accumulators which will accumulate specific earnings codes into cumulative
totals throughout the year for purposes of pension, 401k, 403b, etc.
The system should provide the ability to cancel a check by check number and
PY106 have totals automatically reverse from the employee pay history, the leave
system and General Ledger.
The system should provide the ability to check for duplicate and/or incorrect
social security numbers.
PY112 The system should provide the ability to enter payroll overrides and adjustments
for one-time dollar hour adjustments and other miscellaneous transactions
affecting an employee’s check including, but not limited to, the following:
PY112 1 Withholding both additional and specific deductions.
PY112 2 Withholding both additional and specific tax amounts.
The system should provide the ability to enter time at decentralized locations by
the following methods, including but not limited to:
PY113 1 By timekeeper
PY113 2 By employee
PY113 3 Intranet
PY113 4 File transfers
The system should provide the ability to audit, modify, and approve timekeeping
PY114 data and adjustments prior to final processing of a standard or supplemental
payroll cycle.
The system should provide the ability to establish a default configuration that
PY115 limits the menus available to the employee for inputting time to only those items
relevant to that employee.
The system should allow entry of time by exception only and positive entry
The system should provide the ability to adjust exception hours based on user
PY117 defined criteria (i.e., classification, physical location, bargaining unit, work year,
The system should provide the ability to generate Accounts Receivable entries
based on non-hourly/wage reimbursements.
The system should provide a pay check stub, including but not limited to the
following information:
PY119 1 Employee Number.
PY119 2 Organizational unit number (dept, division, project, etc.)
PY119 3 Employee name.
PY119 4 Period ending.
PY119 5 Issue date.
PY119 6 Pay rate per earnings code.
PY119 7 Message field for general or employee specific notes.
PY119 8 Gross earnings.
PY119 9 Adjusted taxable earnings.
PY119 10 Medicare earnings.
The system should provide the ability for exception reports for leave balance.
PY125 The system should provide reports of retirement deductions by employee.
The system should provide all mandated governmental reports, including but
not limited to PERS payoll contribution reports.
The system should provide the ability to identify, enter and report, with
PY127 appropriate security, those hours charged to any fund, department and
organization for positions that do not exist or are not authorized in position
The system should provide the ability to inquire or run reports on earnings
PY128 balances based on a variety of time periods, including but not limited to pay
period, monthly, quarterly, year-to-date, fiscal year-to-date, and employee
The system should have the ability to provide garnishment reports, including
but not limited to the following:
Garnishment report of employees after each payroll run who have active
PY129 1
garnishment on their payroll record and have been garnished.
Garnishment insufficient fund report after each payroll run to identify
PY129 2 employees who have active garnishment on their payroll record but did not
earn enough to be garnished.
Garnishment warrant report (issued to creditors) drawn from garnished
PY129 3
Garnishment report after each payroll run of employees whose
PY129 4
garnishment has been satisfied.
PY130 6 FMLA, stand-by hours, extended leave, safety leave, awarded hours,
excused absence, unexcused absence, suspension, worker's
compensation and non-pay activities including the reason and description.
The system should provide time collection data reporting at any user defined
The system should provide the ability to track and report absence history from
time and attendance records.
The system should provide the ability to create deduction overrides for one time
PY133 adjustments or transactions which are temporary. (For example, the need to
change the direct deposit to savings only for one check.)
The system should provide the ability to accommodate vacation buy back and
sell programs, i.e. leave conversion based on user defined criteria.
The system should be FLSA compliant in the public sector. The system should
PY135 provide the ability to accurately calculate both MOU overtime and FLSA
overtime obligations, compare the two, and pay the higher amount in the
following situations:
For employees who are on the 9/80 work schedules, the system should have
PY136 the ability to split hours worked in one day into two separate work weeks
without averaging.
The system should accommodate any length of work period between 7 and 28
days (ie: MOU overtime is based on hours in a paid status in a 7-day work
PY137 period, and FLSA overtime is based on hours worked for work periods ranging
anywhere from 7 to 28 days. The start and end of an FLSA work period may not
coincide with the pay period.
The system should accommodate any number of hours in the designated work
period between 40 and 212 (ie: MOU overtime may be paid after 40 hours in a
PY138 week, however, the FLSA may not require overtime until after 43 hours. If an
employee works 45 hours, the FLSA calculation should assume that the City is
required to pay the 3 hours between 40 and 43 at the straight time MOU rate,
and hours 44 and 45 at 1.5 times the FLSA regular rate.)
The system should accommodate employees who receive special
PY139 compensation that may be based on a flat amount, a percentage, a daily rate,
an hourly rate or a weekly rate.
The system should accommodate employees who receive a lump sum payment
PY140 that must be allocated back over the period in which the payment was earned
(ie: FLSA overtime for all periods in which the lump sum was earned must be
recalculated to determine if any FLSA obligation exists.)
PY142 The system should provide the ability to designate special compensation items
as being includable or not includable in the FLSA regular rate calculation.
The system should provide the ability to pay both exempt and non-exempt
PY143 employees based on a "level pay plan" (ie: Fire and Police personnel work a
varying number of hours per week based on a yearly average, but their weekly
pay remains static.)
The system should be able to distinguish between FLSA and non-FLSA
compensatory time.
PY145 The system should provide the ability to cash out CTO time at termination
based on the higher of the employee's regular rate of pay at the date of
termination, or the average regular rate during the last 3 years of employment.