Is - Iso.6194.1.2007 (OIL SEAL)

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and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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IS/ISO 6194-1 (2007): Rotary shaft lip-type seals

incorporating elastomeric sealing elements, Part 1: Nominal
dimensions and tolerances [MED 30: Gaskets and Packing]

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IS/ISO 6194-1 : 2007
[Superseding IS 5129 (Part 1): ~oool

Indian Standard

ICS 23.100.60; 83.140.50

© SIS 2009
NEW DELHI 110002

March 2009 Price Group 7

Gaskets and Packing Sectional Committee, MED 30


This Indian Standard (Part 1) which is identical with ISO 6194-1 : 2007 'Rotary shaft lip-type seals incorporating
elastomeric sealing elements - Part 1: Nominal dimensions and tolerances' issued by the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation
of the Gaskets and Packing Sectional Committee and approval of the Mechanical Engineering Division Council.

This standard supersedes IS 5129 (Part 1) : 2000 'Rotary shaft lip-type seals : Part 1 Nominal dimensions and
tolerances' .

ISO 6194 consists of five parts , under the general title rotary shaft lip-type seals incorporating elastomeric
sealing elements. Other parts are as follows:
Part 2 Vocabulary
Part 3 Storage, handling and installation
Part 4 Performance test procedures
Part 5 Identification of visual imperfections

The text of the ISO Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as an Indian Standard without
deviations. Certain conventions are not identical to those used in Indian Standards. Attention is particularly
drawn to the following:

a) Wherever the words 'International Standard' appear referring to this standard, they should be read as
'Indian Standard'.

b) Comma (,) has been used as a decimal marker in the International Standard while in Indian Standards ,
the current practice is to use a point (.) as the decimal marker.

In the adopted standard, reference appears to certain International Standards for which Indian Stanliards also
exist. The corresponding Indian Standards which are to be substituted in their places are listed below along
with their degree of equivalence forthe editions indicated:

International Standard Corresponding Indian Standard Degree of Equivalence

ISO 286-2 : 1988 ISO system of limits IS 919 (Part 2) : 1993 ISO system of Ident ical
and fits - Part 2: Tables of standard limits and fits: Part 2 Tables of standard
tolerances grades and limit deviations tolerances grades and limit deviations
for holes and shafts for holes and shafts (first revision)

ISO 5598 : 1985 Fluid power systems IS 10416 : 1992 Fluid power systems do
and components - Vocabulary and components - Vocabulary (first

ISO 6194-2 : 1991 Rotary shaft lip-type IS 5129 (Part 2) : 2000 Rotary shaft do
seals - Part 2 : Vocabulary lip-type seals : Part 2 Vocabulary

For the purpose of deciding whether a part icular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated. expressing the result of a test or analysis , shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 : 1960 'Ru!es for rounding off numer ical values (revised) ' .The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
ISIISO 6194-1 : 2007

Indian Standard

1 Scope

This part of ISO 6194 describes seals utilising elastomeric sealing elements . They are considered suitable for
use under low-pressure conditions (see 6.1).

This part of ISO 6194 shows seal types and examples. It also specifies the nominal dimensions and
tolerances of the seals, shafts and housings, as well as a dimensional identification code.

NOTE ISO 6194 is complementary to ISO 16589 which covers seals incorporating thermoplastic sealing elements.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO 286-2, ISO system of limits and fits - Part 2: Tables of standard tolerance grades and limit deviations for
holes and shafts

ISO 5598, Fluid power systems and components - Vocabulary

ISO 6194-2, Rotary shaft lip-type seals - Part 2: Vocabulary

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 5598 and ISO 6194-2 apply.

4 Symbols
The symbols used in this part of ISO 6194 are as follows:

a housing-bore depth ;

d nominal inside diameter of the inner case;

b nominal seal width;

c housing chamfer length;

181150 6194-1 : 2007

D1 nominal diameter of the shaft to be used with the seal;

elm minor diameter at the shaft lead-in chamfer;

D2 nominal diameter of the housing bore and outer diameter of the seal;

r housing corner radius .

5 Seai types and examples

5.1 Seal outside-diameter construction

The constructions shown in Figure 1 show four basic types.

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4

Metal-cased Metal-cased Semi-rubber-covered Rubber-covered
with inner case metal-cased metal-cased

NOTE Because of some variations in design details, or seals made by different manufacturers, the constructions
shown are intended only to be representative of the basic types .

Figure 1 - Four basic types of outside-diameter construction

5.2 Sealing lip arrangements

Examples of sealing lip arrangements are shown in Figure 2.

a) Single lip b) Single lip with protection lip

Figure 2 - Sealing lip arrangements

151150 6194-1 : 2007

The sealing lip arrangements shown in Figure 2 can be used with each seal outside-diameter construction
shown in Figure 1.

Hydrodynamic aids on the main lip may be incorporated by some manufacturers in certain applications .

The design of the sealing lip should be agreed between the manufacturer and purchaser.

NOTE In view of some variations in design detail, or seals made by different manufacturers, the constructions shown
are intended only as representative examples of the basic types.

6 Pressure and nominal dimensions

6.1 Pressure
Seals of this type are normally used with atmospheric pressure on the air side, and sealing fluids at pressures
from 0 kPa to 30 kPa (0,3 bar) above atmospheric pressure. The user should consult the seal manufacturer
regarding use at other pressures.

6.2 Nominal dimensions

The nominal dimens ions of the seals are shown in Figure 3 and given in Table 1.

D, nominal diameter of the shaft to be used with the seal
Dz nominal diameter of the housing bore and outer diameter of the seal
b nominal seal width

a Ajr side.
'b Fluid side.

Figure 3 - Seal

151150 6194-1 : 2007

Table 1 - Nominal dimensions

Dimensions in millimetres

D, D2 ba D1 D2 ba D1 D2 ba D1 D2 ba

6 16 7 25 52 7 45 65 8 120 150 12
6 22 7 28 40 7 50 65 8 130 160 12
7 22 7 28 47 7 50 72 8 140 170 15
8 22 7 28 52 7 55 72 8 150 180 15
5 24 7 30 42 7 55 80 8 160 190 15
9 22 7 30 47 7 60 80 8 170 200 15
10 22 7 30 52 7 60 85 8 180 210 15
10 25 7 32 45 8 65 85 10 190 220 15
12 24 7 32 47 8 65 90 10 200 230 15
12 25 7 32 52 8 70 90 10 220 250 15
12 30 7 35 50 8 70 95 10 240 270 20
15 26 7 35 52 8 75 95 10 260 300 20
15 30 7 35 55 8 75 100 10 280 320 20
15 35 7 38 55 8 80 100 10 300 340 20
16 30 7 38 58 8 80 110 10 320 360 20
18 30 7 38 62 8 85 110 12 340 380 20
18 35 7 40 55 8 85 120 12 360 400 20
20 35 7 40 62 8 90 120 12 380 420 20
20 40 7 42 55 8 95 120 12 400 440 20
22 35 7 42 62 8 100 125 12 450 500 25
22 40 7 45 62 8 110 140 12 480 530 25
22 47 7
25 40 7
25 47 7
a b may be increased to permit the I.e 01moreCXlIIIPex seal c:oofIguralians

7 Shafts

7.1 Shaft ends

The end of the shaft shaH be provided with a Iead-in chamfer as shown in FigW"8" and given in Table 2 and
shall be free from burrs. sharp edges or rough machining marks.
rsnso 6194-1 : 2007

d m minor diameter at the shaft lead-in chamfer
D, nominal diameter of the shaft to be used with the seal

Figure 4 - Shaft Iead-in chamfer

Table 2 - Shaft lead-In chamfer

Dimensions in mil/imetres
Shaft diameter Shaft diameter
Dl dm D1 dm
max. max.
D 1.,; 10 D 1 - 1,5 50 <D, ~ 70 D, - 4,0
10 < D 1 .,; 20 D, -2,O 70 < D 1 ~ 95 D, - 4,5
20 < D , ~ 30 Dl- 2 ,5 95 < D, ~ 130 D, - 5,5
30 <D, .,; 40 D, - 3,0 130 < D, .,; 240 D, - 7,0
40 < D 1 .,; 50 Dl - 3,5 240 < o, .,; 480 D1 - 11.0

Assembly tools are specified in ISO 6194-3 and should be used to ensure that the sealing lip is not damaged.

If a radius is used instead of a lead-in chamfer, its value shall be between 1,8 mm and 3,0 mm .

7.2 Diametral tolerance

The shaft shall have a diametral tolerance not greater than h11 (see ISO 286-2) .

ISIISO 6194-1 : 2007

7.3 Surface roughness and hardness

7.3.1 Surface roughness

The seal contact surface of a ground shaft shall be finished to a surface roughness, measured in the axial
direction of between Ra 0,2 ~m and Ra 0,5 um, and between Rz 1,2 pm and Rz 3,0 um.

Some surface finish processes will not provide roughness values that fall within the limits given in this part of
ISO 6194. Surface roughness requirements shall be determined between the manufacturer of the surface and
the seal supplier.

The seal contact surface shall normally be free of machining leads.

Ground and polished shafts may require other grades of surface texture, in which case they should be subject
to agreement between the manufacturer and user.

Exceptional service conditions may necessitate the selection of other grades of surface texture, in which case
they should be subject to agreement between the manufacturer and user.

7.3.2 Surface hardness

Unless otherwise agreed on between the manufacturer and user, the surface hardness of the shaft should be
a minimum of 30 Rockwell C. If the shaft could be subject to damage during handling, this should be
increased to 45 Rockwell C.

8 Housings

8.1 Dimensions

8.1.1 Where the housing is a rigid fully machined ferrous part, the housing bore shall conform to 8.2 and 8.3.

8.1.2 The housing bore shall be provided with a lead-in chamfer, free from burrs, as shown in Figure 5 and
specified in Table 3.

8.1.3 The housing-bore depth and corner radius shall be as shown in Figure 5 and specified in Table 3.

If the housing is not in accordance with 8.1.1 to 8.1.3 (e.g. non-ferrous or non-metallic material, pressing of
ferrous or non-ferrous material), the dimensions, tolerances and lead-in configuration should be agreed
between the purchaser and manufacturer.

15/150 6194-1 : 2007

lro •
., , .


Figure 5 - Housing bore

Table 3 - Housing-bore dimensions

Dimensions in millime Ires

Nominal seal width Minimum housing bore Chamfer length Maximum housing-bore
depth comer radius
b a c r

~ 10 b + 1,2 0,7 to 1 0,5

> 10 b + 1,5 1 101,3 0,75

8.2 Housing-bore tolerance

The housing bore shall have -a diametral tolerance not greater than H8 (see ISO 286-2) .

8.3 Housing-bore surface roughness

The surface roughness of the housing bore, measured in the axial direct ion, shall be between Ra 1,6 IJm and
Ra 3,2 IJm, and between Rz 6,3 IJm and Rz 12,5 IJm.

No visible surface imperfections are allowed .

The housing-bore surface roughness may require lower values when metal cased seals are used, in which
case they should be subject to agreement between the manufacturer and user.

9 Seal tolerances

9.1 Seal width

The recommended seal width tolerances are listed below in Table 4.

151150 6194-1 : 2007

Table 4 - Seal width tolerance

Dimensions in millimetres

Nominal seal width Tolerance


s « 10 ±O,3
10<b:l; 14 ±0,4
14 < s « 18 ±O,5
18 < b :l; 25 ±O,5

9.2 Seal outside diameter

To provide an interference-fit between the seal outside surface and -the housing-bore surface, the
recommended tolerances for the outside diameter of the seal shall be as shown in Table 5.

The seal outside diameter tolerances in Table 5 are to be used for ferrous housings only. If non-ferrous
housing materials are used, the seal manufacturer shall be consulted. The seal manufacturer provides the
proper recommendations regarding the interference fit between the seal and the non-ferrous housing.

NOTE Since the interference between the seal outside surface and the housing-bore surface is a characteristic
related. to the design of the seal, it may be necessary for agreement to be reached between the purchaser and
manufacturer on the limits to be used. See Annex A for the recommended form.

Table 5 - Seal outside-diameter tolerances

Dimensions in millimetres unless otherwise specified

Nominal Diametral tolerance Roundness tolerance a

outside diameter
D2 Metal cased Rubber covered b, c Metal cased Rubber covered

D2:l; 50 +0,20 +0,30

+0,08 +0,15 0,18 0,25

5O<~:l;80 +0,23 +0,35

+0,09 +0,20 0,25 0,35

80 < ~:l; 120 + 0,25 +0,35

+0,10 + 0,20 0,3 D,S

120<~:l;180 +0,28 +0,45

+ 0,12 +0,25 0,4 0,55

180<~:l; 300 +0,35 +0,45 0,25 % of out- 0,8

+0,15 +0,25 side diameter

3OO<~:l;530 +0,45 +0,55 0,25 % of out- 1

+0,20 +0,30 side diameter

ISIISO 6194-1 : 2007

a The roundness tolerance is equal to the difference between the maximum diameter and the minimum diameter derived from three
or more equally spaced measuremf"nts.
b Rubber-covered and serni-rubber-covered seals having a wave-profile outside surface are ac:ceptable but will require different
tolerances, to be agreed upon between the manufacturer and purchaser.
C Rubber-covered and sem i-rubber-covered seals employing certain materials other than nitrile may require different tolerances , to
be agreed upon between the manufacturer and purchaser.

10 Size identification code

The size identification code shall consist of the nominal dimensions of the shaft and housing, as given in
Table 1.

Examples of the size identification code are given in Table 6.

Table 6 - Examples ofsize Identification code

Dimensions in millimetres

D, ~ Size code

6 16 006016

70 90 070090

400 440 400440

11 Identification statement (Reference to this part of ISO 6194)

Manufacturers are strongly recommended to use the following statement in test reports, catalogues and sales
literature when electing to comply with this part of ISO 6194:

"The nominal dimensions and tolerances of the seals, shafts and housings conform to ISO 6194-1, Rotary
shaftlifHYpe seals itJC01POl'8ting elastomeric sealingelements - Parl1: NolTinaldimensions and tolerances,"

ISIISO 6194-1 : 2007

Annex A

Seal specification

A.1 For the convenience of both lhe purchaser and manufacturer, it is recommended that the purchaser
complete a form such as the one given in Table A.1, to supply the necessary information to the manufacturer
to ensure the supply of a seal suitable for the application.

A.2 It is also recommended that the manufacturer complete a form such as the one given in Table A.2, to
supply the purchaser with the necessary information to ensure that the seal is in accordance with the
equipment design and application requirements, to enable the purchaser to carry out inspection or quality
control on the seals supplied by the manufacturer.

rssso 6194-1 : 2007

Table A.1 - Purchaser's information

Purchaser: Reference:
Application: Assembly drawing:
1 Shaft information
a) Diameter (0 1) ••••••••••···• · · mm max mm min.
b) Material .
c) Surface roughness Ra urn Rz lJm
d) Type of finish .
e) Hardness .
f) Chamfer information .
g) Rotation
1) Direction of rotation a
Clockwise .
- Anti-clockwise .
- Bi-rotational .
2) Rotation speed min- 1
3) Rotation cycles (Time on .... ..... Time off ........ .)
h) Other shaft motion (if applicable)
1) Axial reciprocation
Length of stroke mm
- Cycles per minute ..
- Reciprocation cycles (Time on Time off .. .. .....)
2) Circumferential oscillation
Magnitude of oscillation Degrees
- Cycles per minute .. a
- Oscillation cycles (Time on Time off )
i) Additional information(i.e. splines. holes, keyways, shaft lead. etc.)
2 Housing information
a) Bore diameter (0 2 ) mm max mm min.
b) Bore depth (a) mm max mm min.
c) Material .
d) Surface roughness Ra pm Rz Ilm
e) Chamfer information .
f) Housing rotation (if applicable}
1) Direction of rotation a
Clockwise .
- Anti-clockwise ..
Bi-rotational .
2) Rotation speed min-1
3 Contained fluid information
a) Type of fluid Grades .
b) Fluid temperature Normal ·C Max ·C Min ·C
c) Temperature cycles ..
d) Fluid level , ..
e) Fluid pressure kPa bar
f) Pressure cycle ..
4 Alignment
a) Housing-bore eccentricity mm
b) Shaft runout (FIM) mm
5 External conditions
a) External pressure kPa bar
b) Materials to be excluded (i.e. dust, mud, water, etc.) .
8 Directionof rotation viewed from the air side.

ISII50 6194-1 : 2007

Table A.2- Manufacturer's infonnation

Manufacturer: ..........................................................•..... Part No .

Issue No. Date .

Seal specification:
Type : Nominal shaft diameter (D,): .
Outside diameter (D2): mm max mm min.
Seal width (b) : mm max mm min.
Inner case diameter (A): mm max mm min .
Sealing lip description (delete where not applicable):
Plain lip Up incorporating hydrodynamic aids
Uni-directional RHILH Bi-directional

Sealing lip material .

Case specifications:
Outer case material Inner case material
Outer case thickness Inner case thickness .

Spring material. .

Optional infonnation .

Test specification: .

Example drawing:

1 preferred identification location

D , nominal diameter of the shaft to be used with the seal

~ nominal diameter of the housing bore and outer diameter of the seal
d nominal diameter of the inner case
b nominal seal width

a Direction of rotation indicator viewed from air side .

IsnSO 6194-1 : 2007


[1] ISO 48:1994, Rubber, vulcanized or thetmeplastic - Determination of hardness (hardness between
10lRHO and 100 IRHO)

[2] ISO 1629:1995, Rubber and lattices - NomenclatufB

[3] ISO 4287, Geometrical Product Specificatiom (GPS) - Surface texture: Profile methcxJ- Terms,
definitions and surface textufB parameters

[4] ISO 4288, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Surface textufB : Profile method - Rules and
procedures for the assessment of surface texture

[5] ISO 6194-3, Rotary shaft lip type seals - Part 3: Storage, handlmg and installation

[6] ISO 6194-4, Rotary shaft lip type seals - Part 4: Performance test procedures

[7] ISO 6194-5, Rotary shaft lip type seals - Part 5: Identification of visual imperfections

[8] ISO 7986, Hydraulic fluid power - Sealing devices - Standard test methods to assess the
performance of seals used in oil hydraulic reciprocating applications

[9] ISO 16589-1:2001, Rotary shaft IiJHype seals incotpOrating thermoplastic sealing elements-
Part 1: Nominal dimensions and tolerances

[10] ISO 16589-2:2001, Rotary shaft lip-type seals incorporating thermoplastic sealing elements -
Part 2: Vocabulary

[11] ISO 16589-3:2001, Rotary shaft lip-type seals inCOl"fJOl'Bling thermoplastic sealing elements-
Part 3: Storage, handling and installation

[12] ISO 16589-4:2001, Rotary shaft lip-type seals incotpOrating thermoplastic sealing elements-
Part 4: Petformance .test procedures

[13] ISO 16589-5:2001, Rotary shaft lip-type seals incorporating thermoplastic sealing elements-
Part 5: Identification of visual imperfections
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmon ious development of the activities .of standardization, marking and quality cert ification of
goods and attending to connected matters in the country.

BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of the these publications may be reproduced in
any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use. in the
course of implementing the standard , of necessary deta ils , such as symbols and sizes , type or grade
des ignat ions . Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publ ications) , BIS .

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments . Standards are
also reviewed periodically; a standard alongwith amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates
that no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision.
Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or
edition by referring to the latest issue of 'BIS Catalogue' and 'Standards : Monthly Additions'.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc: No. MED 30 (0973).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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