Eco RW 200 Smi

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MIAMLDADE) MIAMLDADE COUNTY COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION "7 (786) 315.2590 F (786) 315.2599 vle.sovieco NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) ‘Feo Window Systems, LLC 8502 NW 80 Street Medley, FL 33166 Score: ‘This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER - Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (ATU), This NOA shall not be valid aftr the expiration dat stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Contol Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AH (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction, RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION: Series “Eeo-Guard 200” Aluminum Horizontal Rolling Window ~S.M.L. APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. WI4-15, titled “Eco-Guard Series-200 Alum Horiz. Rolling Wea, (S.M.L)”, sheets I through 6 of 6, dated 04/02/14, with revision B dated 10/24/17, prepared by Al- Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad, P-E., bearing the Miami-Dade County Product Control Approval stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and approval date by the Miami-Dade County Product Control Section, MIsSILE IMPACT RATING: Small Missile Impact Resistant Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state, , and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved”, unless otherwise noted herein, RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Flotida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site atthe request of the Building Official This NOA revises NOA No. 14-0415.05 and consists of this page I and evidence page E-1 and E-2, as well as approval document mentioned above. ‘The submitted documentation was reviewed by Sifang Zhao, P.E. oar Noli ina! Gea or. fais elec a es hee Approval Date: January 11, 2018 Page 1 Eco Window Systems, LLC. B. C D. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS NOA No. 14-0415.03 DRAWINGS 1. Manufacturer's die drawings and sections. 2. Drawing No W14-15, titled “Fico-Guard Series-200 Alum. Horiz. Rolling Waw. (S.MLL)”, sheets 1 through 6 of 6, dated 04/02/14, with revision A dated 05/28/14, prepared by Al-Faroog Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad, P-E. TESTS 1. Test reports on: 1) Ait Infiltration Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 4) Small Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked-up drawings and installation diagram of an Eco-Guard series 200 aluminum horizontal rolling window, prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Jnc., Test Report No. FTL~7748, dated 03/10/14, signed and sealed by Marlin D. Brinson, P.E. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations and structural analysis, complying with FBC 5 Edition (2014), dated 04/01/14, prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad, P-E. 2. Glazing complies with ASTM E1300-09 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1, Miami-Dade Department of Regulatory and Eeonomie Resources (RER) MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 13-0129.27 issued to E.I. DuPont DeNemours & Co., Ine. for their “DuPont Butacite® PVB Interlayer” dated 04/11/13, expiring on 12/11/16. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance, complying with FBC-5" Edition (2014), and of no, financial interest, dated April 02, 2014, issued by Al-Faroog Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad, P.E. 2. Proposal issued by the Product Control Section, dated 01-29-14, signed by Jaime Gascon, P-E., Supervisor, Product Control Section. OTHER 1. None. ng Zhao, PE. Product Control Examiner NOA No. 17-1102.24 Expiration Date: June 19, 2019 Approval Date: January 11, 2018 Eco Window Systems, LLC. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED NEW EVIDENCE SUBMITTED DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No W14-15, titled “Eco-Guard Series-200 Alum, Horiz, Rolling Waw. (SML,)”, sheets 1 through 6 of 6, dated 04/02/14, with revision B dated 10/24/17, prepared by Al-Faroog Corporation, signed and seated by Javad Ahmad, PE. 1. None. CALCULATIONS 1. None QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami-Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER). MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 16-1117.01 issued to Kuraray America, Ine. for their “Trosifol® Ultraclear, Clear and Color PYB Interlayers” dated 01/19/17, expiring on 07/08/19. ATEMENTS: 1. Statement letter of conformance, complying with FBC 5* Edition (2014), with FBC 6" Edition (2017), and of no financial interest, dated October 12, 2017, prepared by Al- Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad, P-E. OTHERS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 14-0415.05, issued to Eeo Window Systems, LLC for their Series “Eco-Guard 200” Aluminum Horizontal Rolling Window - $.M.L, approved on 06/19/14 and expiring on 06/19/19. pay Sitorg rhao Siang Zio, PE. Produst Control Examiner NOA No. 17101124 Expiration Date: June 19,2019 Approval Date: danuary 142018 WiNbOW WioTH ie (CAN. 9538) FAX. (808) 262.6978 1/8" TEMP, GSS aye °° “ rc - feces ett rc HEAD) re HEAT STREN'D. GLASS 5/16" AIR SPACE HEAD/SILL ‘SIL \ se: ame Al ear saewn ces comes (—Trosifol VB. \ aE eae EEE aE oy EEE yee (aH HE i \ tarory America, We. \ \ \ eee c/a HAT STREW, GLASS \ \ \ \ “urorey America, Ine." To i wae Tas commas 1N 5 12 K 8 | ( \ 1/8" HEAT STREN'D, CLASS \\\ scone \ VV) suc 4 [20H Sean 909 \ ALL Bat cca 209 OH sya VENT HEGHT t 10" ax HBS 60" WNGOW HEIGHT F AL-FAROOQ CORPORATIO! ENGINEERS & PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT ‘9360 SUNSET DRIVE, SUITE 220 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33173. “TEL, (205) 2648100 coun 4 See Sena SETING 8LOCKS AT INSUL. LAM, GLASS oe ‘sr SEL an HoT lage ge 0 GLASS TYPE GLASS TYPE _"B' ie i FALSE MUNTINS. a - 5/16" OVERALL NOW. THK. 3/47 OVERALL NOM. THK. (SURFACE APPUED) a ae GLAZING OPTIONS: eee 30.1/st WENT WoT THESE WINDOWS ARE RATED FOR SMALL MISSILE IMPACT. re MAWI-DADE COUNTY APPROVED INPACT RESISTANT SHUTTERS REQUIRED TYEIGAL ELEVATION FOR INSTALLATIONS UP TO 30 FT. OF GRADE. ‘SHUTTERS NOT REQD. FOR INSTALLATIONS ABOVE 30 FT. OF GRADE. | GLASS TYPES ‘A’ & ‘B’ LL. Fax (508) a88~8902 MAXIMUM DESIGN LOAD RATING = + 67.0 PSF (FOR SIZES SHOWN ABOVE OR swALLER) — — 119.0 PSF ECO-GUARD_SERIES—200 ALUMINUM HORIZONTAL ROLLING WINDOW APPROVAL APPLIES TO SINGLE UNITS OR SIDE BY SIDE COMBINATIONS OF H.R./H.R, OR HORIZONTAL ROLLING WITH OTHER WINDOW TYPES IN MODULES OF TWO OR MORE WINDOWS USING MIAMI-DADE COUNTY APPROVED MULLIONS IN-BETWEEN. LOWER DESIGN PRESSURE FROM WINDOWS OR MULLION APPROVAL WILL APPLY TO ENTIRE SYSTEM. /ECO-CUARD SERIES-200 ALUM HORIZ. ROLLING WOK. (S¥.\) ECO WINDOW SYSTEMS, 8502 N.W. 80th STREET MEDLEY, FL. 33166 TEL, (205) 865-5299 ERED 70 WHT FR THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN DESIGNED AND TESTED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIRENENTS OF THE 2014 (STH EDITION)/2017 (TH EDITION) FLORIDA BUILDING CODE INCLUDING HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE (+VHZ). GE 1BY OR 2BY WOOD SUCKS & BUCK FASTENERS BY OTHERS, MUST BE GLASS CAPACITIES ON THIS SHEET ARE DESGNED AND INSTALLED ADEQUATELY TO TRANSFER APPLED PRODUCT Lonos BASED ON ASTM €1300-09 (3 SEC. GUSTS) ANCHORS SHALL BE CORROSION RESISTANT, SPACED AS SHOWN ON DETAILS Se “ OR? STATEMENT DONOS-CEC~219 AND INSTALLED PER MANUF’S INSTRUCTIONS. SPECIFIED EMBEDMENT TO BASE DESEO SIA EMEN TO pieced WATERIALS. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO STEEL/METAL SCREWS, THAT eee SEMEN i Se SEE eta Se reounbuete oF Soe/zor aman loo eos OOD SrwOHOS Tas prone femmou, eolme n 00 CY PRovEE AORN lela) Be em | SS” | W14-15 sea Tae) io] date [ By] deserption foe be TAO oF t FOR A SITE SPECINC PROJECT, ie. LIFE SAFETY OF THIS PRODUCT, ADEQUACY OF STRUCTURE RECENING THIS PRODUCT AND SEALING AROUNO OBENING FOR WATER INFILTRATION RESISTANCE. ETC. CONDMONS NOT SHOWN IN THIS DRAWING ARE TO BE ANALYZED SEPARATELY, AND TO BE REVIEWED BY BUILDING OFFICAL “TYPICAL ANCHORS DL. 0P6. wnoow Hecur EXTERIOR - ef @ Toh SE Bey wera. VA FOR SPACING pp bree fuawi-onoe couTy AreROWED coce Ost. INuLboN a MuLLON ANCH. pants e0ce_ | [SEE” SEPARATE. NOA | e0se foc m7 i 4 = \ ia ul Bz als \ az ee =F \ 2/6 [na | : TYPICAL ANCHORS \_ recat ancnors eee SEE ELEY. \ See ELev. FOR SPACING fom SPACING FoR SPAGNG WOOD BUCKS AND METAL STRUCTURE NOT BY ECO WOW, MUST SUSTAIN LOADS IMPOSED BY GLAZING SYSTEM AND TRANSFER THEM TO THE BUILDING STRUCTURE. WEEPHOLES: INCHORS: see exe. FoR SPACING Wi = 1/4" X 1-1/2" WEEPHOLES WITH BAFFLE AT 3-3/4” | 1/4" DIA. TAPCON BY “TW! (Fu=125 KSI, Fy=100 KSI) FROM EACH ENO ANO AT MIDSPAN ALA DIA ULTRACON BY 'ELCO" (Fu=177 KS), Fy=185 ASD Wo = 1/4" X 1" WEEPHOLES AT 10-8/8” FROM EACH INTO 28Y WOOD BUCKS OR WOOD STRUCTURES | END AND AT MIDSPAN 1=1/2" MIN. PENETRATION INTO WOOD (HEAD/SILL/JAMES) a THRU 18 BUCKS INTO CONG. OR BLOCKS 2 SEALANT. 1-1/4" MIN. EMBED INTO CONCRETE (HEAD/SILL /JAWBS) 5 eee 1-1/4" MIN. EMBED INTO BLOCKS (JAMBS) g ALL JOINTS AND FRAME CONNECTIONS SEALED WITH JOINT SEALER, DIRECTLY INTO CONCRETE OR BLOCKS 1-1/4" MIN. EMBED INTO CONCRETE. (HEAD/SILL/JAMBS) 1-1/4" MIN. EMBED INTO BLOCKS (JAMS) #14 SS OR SELF DRILLING SCREWS (6%DE 2 CRS) INTO MIAMI-DADE COUNTY APPROVED MULLIONS. oR INTO METAL STRUCTURES (HEAD/SILL/JAMBS) (3) THREADS MIN. PENETRATION BEYOND SUBSTRATE ALUMINUM: 1/8" THK. MIN. (6063-18 MIN.) |® STEEL: 1/8” THK. MIN. (Fy = 36 KSI MIN) B® (STEEL IN CONTACT WH ALUMINUM TO SE PLATED OR PANTED) TDPICAL EDGE DISTANCE 5 INTO CONCRETE AND MASONRY = 2-1/2" MIN. - q INTO WOOD STRUCTURE = 1” MIN Z| INTO METAL STRUCTURE = 3/4” MIN 8 fF y z WOOD AT HEAD, SILL OF WANES SO = 0:55 MIN. rey ql 2 ‘CONCRETE AT HEAD, SILL OR GAWBS 'c = SOCO PSI MIN. 7 =| 6-90 HOLLOW/FILLED BLOCK AT JAMES fim = 2000 PSI MIN ; \ Pista) na . at t Jat 3 a a0 1]\ “paren, avctons $ > E60E OST, bs Reena FOR SPACING F ~| ser Biv. / ae FOR SPACING c0ce 01st wooo evGK a f c z aes oO, S8is) EE 282 aE ads| eae Beas Bud gig O2bE eae hese ae8s 2 Luc. Pax (05) 885-5902 £EDO-GUIRD SERIES~200 ALUM HORIZ. ROLLS WOW. (S.ML.) ECO WINDOW SYSTEMS, 8502_N.W, 80th STREET MEDLEY, FL. 35166 TEL, (505) 865-5299 oe Se a} ls (3 é we roving m0. Wi4—15 (iret 2 ote) 1/8" UK SH = “TYPICAL ANCHORS ‘SEE ELEY. -\ FOR SPACING \ ! ew. srRUCTuRE\ Be \EB “eS 1/4" Wak, “SMS Woo ucKS / TYPICAL ANCHORS /—SE al. J FoR SPaGne winoow wort XO LAYOUT Mayi-DAD€ county ‘APPROVED MULLION —\ DRIAL anchors, SEE'SteARATE NO \ ‘SEE ELEV. FOR SPACING \ wow wore wanbow wom FAK (305) 885-5902 FOR SPACING ia bs )-GUMRD SERES-200 ALN HORIZ. ROLLING WOW. (SA CO WINDOW SYSTEMS, 8502 _N.W, 80th STREET MEDLEY, FL. 33166 TEL ($08) 85~£299 | PORTED To 7017 TRE | seserption TTF, OE Any drawing Sy RY || w14—15 Coun > | aor f c pea, mNcHoRS Bera. wrens fiao-Dabe COUNTY ABPROED =i see 2 FF Bosc WWCLLON te MOLLION ANCHORS Zz See FoR Sean coce. dst [See Sersénte NOM %, P32 7 . Se raz ie Be ik i Si cals = SoS 85 ongts Gal g . dle iz cee. | > 5 & 8828 > Bebe 88558 Oe: i \ g 2 35 TYPICAL ANCHORS gas \ eet gears Fon Sean eae” age Sane de ZIG B ra Slag ee & gibt 2 5 b z a) bs zs a 6) 5lgs" 1/4 Max, SY giz=e 3 ee TF] ae gl2 223 aigad® i glu ese a I Te Lee ag Re po, snore rea. ayovons / eee [Fok Shine mea / a { Bilal | | ‘| [a EP yee Se INSTALLATION DETAILS WITH PLUSH FRAME ADAPTER RE eri F 2 sboe st raving ne. W14-15 (erect 4 of 6) a meu] Part ¢ | quaxmmny [DescRirriox i 1 Fx201 1 FRAME HEAD EY es 2 | _rra0z + rRawe” si =|4] 300 [Fane seu {3 L 3_| F208: + | six Trac RSERT z eels la T 4] F208) NOW FRAME A 25 Fa 3) moi FED FRAME LAME ge x87 sae oz 17° 6 F108 FIRED MTG. RAIL 25. cgls : | 7 [0s VENT INTERLOOK ges et oRae Taian fen 2 r |® vent toP/sotto aan | @ steeL REINFORCING Sie aeiencr TO OT orToM RE Sb as = | _ fies GUNG BED (AM. CASS) 6208 sep “ia | ti0 LAZING BEAD (INSUL, LAM, GLASS) Qe g ee ce ae i : ae RENFOAGNG Bx geise Apa outeas 1 | Rave + __|AOD=ON SiC RSE oes-18 |= e 238 i Gy eae eee ae 1 14 | pra08 | 47 VET ROLLER HOUSING & GuDE | eacon |= $025 ¢ ® eee is [Fao | 2/ vent [ROLLER BRASS [= Hage s 9s ve [par | 2/ vem | Rouee Pw (St. steel [= 228s ¢ Se sioe 77 |e x [nS REGO. | FRAME/VENT ASSEMBLY SCREWS [ers [pa evs 2*h te [#0 x 3" | 2/ VENT [Foc RAL SUL SOREWS (SUL EXO) ons us x 7 sl pes 19 [_waser_[ as Re00._[ FW SEAL WSTRPPING = ours Blo 8 a3 _—> 20 | ascot1ed | AS REGO. | BULB SEAL ‘o-ton | sonece. eo L, a) i 7 2 g — [@_w sue oes 223 zi for [AS R00. [BULB SEAL SauToPRENE | UTRAFAG, DUROMETER e5z8 eae | zz | e205 [as ean. [6Uene BEAD BUS SANTOPRENE | ULTRAFAD, DUROVETER 6525 gli og aoe 2.083-——4 re PAC —T Fi WWE ~ z = 5 | a 23 | fip-60| as ReGo._| lass spacer SiUGONE | FRANK LOWE a 8 sare i alo f-1.250-| 2 | sizosp | 2/ vent | sneer aon, ATO" Frow Top & sorrow | - | SULLWaN & ASSOC. gle z are 25 | #8 x 1/6 | 2/ LaTcH | LAToH INST. SOREW stsrzat_[ on sws g|9a | j | GLAZING BEADS 26 | _waa. | 2/ wow. | WEEP VALVE = [PREFERRED ENG. PRODUCTS g/bs Cy | fae 130 LL = Ly vent 676” oe SERED = formes ez 258 eee eee 28 [Fried = [ust FRAME A0seTER 306576 | orToNAL sige ,i 00 L v3 28. 5 2/ uve [SeTmNG BLOCK EPDM | DURONETER 7525 SHORE A BZ 08 aes T 4344] 30) 5 1/ weer [OPEN Cau FOR PAD = 3 x 9/16" x 205/16" tone || 8/5 3 g @__ MEETING RAIL : ey Boag @ rw su 136 feoca | eueed 2.188 4 Perret eereee 1422 1.202 ie | 62 el z I cz si e @___ su track é FIXED MTG. 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