Greenanarchy 23
Greenanarchy 23
Greenanarchy 23
$4 USA, $5 CANADA,
Issue #23
Summer/Fall 2006
Many stories tell of miniature grandparents, midgets; a modern account
calls them tree shrews. A Deeper Look at Strategy
These midgets inhabited the earth while giants, the dinosaurs, walked Lately, many of us have been participating in lengthy discussions and
about in the light of day. Prudent tree shrews climbed down to feast on delving deeper into the subject of strategy; what it means to us, our
insects at night, not because the giants were mean, but because of the critiques of previous anarchist and non-anarchist strategies, examining
discrepancy in size. Many of the tree shrews were satisfied with this the process of developing strategies, and creating and adapting our own
strategies as individuals and as part of a larger momentum against
arrangement and they remained tree shrews. Some, undoubtedly a small
civilization. In this issue we have attempted to provide extra space for
minority, wanted to walk about in the light of day. these types of discussions and ideas. These are difficult subjects to tackle,
Fortunately for the restless ones, the dinosaurs were among the grand- and as usual, anarchists have some difficulty getting beyond the abstract.
mothers swallowed by the Biosphere. Former tree shrews could bask in Thus, more practical articles may be somewhat lacking.
the sun, or dance and play in the broad daylight, without fear of being To be clear, there is no unified green anarchist strategy, nor should there
trampled. Minorities among these again grew restless; some wanted to be, but instead, a conglomeration of various strategies focused on the
crawl, others to fly. The smug, conservative majorities, happy with their destruction of civilization, and the creation of a life outside its paradigm.
capacities, fulfilled by their environments, remained what they were. We hope this can be a push for more of these examinations and that
some of the ideas expressed here can be an insightful infusion into the
-Fredy Perlman, development of anti-civilization anarchist theory and practice.
Against His-story, Against Leviathan! What constitutes strategy might be an overwhelming and loaded question,
but for our purposes, it might be viewed as the process of having priorities
and acting upon them, or the act of plotting an overview of how to achieve
Some of Us Wish to Fly… one’s or a collection of peoples’ goals. To do this, it is important to open
Summer’s here, and the time’s come for fun, fighting, and attempting to fly. ourselves as honestly as possible to the context these goals are attempting
To take flight not in some technological or rationalist undertaking at to be realized within, including examining the past, current, and prospective
pushing the limits of gravity in a Wright Brothers to NASA fashion, but to future political, social, and ecological frameworks. This includes an
soar free from all constraints – morality, ideology, and all social, emotional, inquiry into both the strengths of what we are up against (and ourselves),
and institutional obstacles – and defy what we have always been told, and as well as obvious, subtle, and potential weaknesses. It is also necessary to
may have even believed to be impossible. For many of us, this is our most accurately assess the means at one’s disposal (what are we willing to do?
animated season, as we travel, explore, and most dynamically interact with what do we have to do this with? what do we need?), and possible associates
our world. It is often our most adventurous and energetic time of year. After in these objectives. And perhaps most importantly, as anarchists, how do
the reflection of winter is built upon with the new growth of spring, we view strategy in a way that does not merely set up a methodology for
summer provides the best time for activity, liveliness, and strength. achieving an objective, but instead signifies a break from the conventional
For experimentation. For pushing on boundaries. For shining. This understanding of strategy to include, embedded within it, the ends in our
will optimistically be followed by autumn’s gathering of the harvest and means? To live anarchy in the process, and not just view it as the end goal.
fruits of our endeavors. Summer is also the time of year for the annual Feral Ultimately, our strategy is a reflection of the world we desire.
Visions Against Civilization Gathering, taking place August 4-13. Once The need for clarity in anarchist theory, and specifically in terms of
again it will be a week-long gathering focusing on rewilding: physically, strategy, is paramount. There are many important questions to ask our-
mentally, and spiritually. Check out the announcement on page 84 for details. selves and deeply reflect on and discuss with others. Can strategy truly be
We’re excited about all the possibilities. We hope you are feelin’ it too! anti-authoritarian when we are speaking in terms of social change that
Suggested Readings
grapple with the apparent contradictions here? Where does morality fit in
this discussion? Is there an overlap between militaristic strategies and
implementation of anarchist goals? Is the concept of revolution useful to an
anarchist strategy? How is a comprehensive, yet fluid strategy developed?
How do we measure effectiveness? Who do we have these discussions from the Green Anarchy Archives
and explorations with? There are many more questions to ask, and we The subjects of strategy and tactics are vast, and intertwine with
only begin to scratch the surface in this issue, but we hope these types of many aspects of life, with much written on the topics. Every issue
questions continue to be a significant portion of every issue of Green of Green Anarchy has contained writings that were tactical or
Anarchy. The initiation of critical strategy is where possibilities begin. strategic in nature, so we’ve included a partial list of what we
consider to be relevant along these lines. All of these texts appear
. . . More Changes on our website: and are available in their
original context by purchasing back-issues from our distro (see
Change is unavoidable…No, change is important…No, No, No, change
page 82 for details). And don’t forget about all the “Direct Action
is the wonderful thing which all life stems from! And, Green Anarchy has
News” sections from past issues!
been and continues to go through some considerable changes. As we let
people know in issue #21/Fall 2005, a significant portion of the editorial Issue # 22: “Don’t Fear The Singularity” by Ran Prieur, “The Riot”
collective now lives rurally in Southern Oregon, while a vital base of from the Bibliotheque des Emeutes, and “If you don’t have something to
operations is still located in Eugene. This was an important (and long hide, then what are you afraid of?”
awaited) shift, as some of us wanted to move a little closer to a wild Issue #21: “Revolution, Zen, and Dirty Dishes” by Icarus Descending
existence. While communications can still be challenging, as we attempt and “The Ballot or The Bullet?” by Black Powder.
to run a collective over a longer distance, the transition is going quite
well. We have now produced three solid and well-received issues since Issue #20: “Elves Are Cautious” and “A Matter of Life and Death” by
the move, and look forward to many more. (I)An-ok Ta Chai.
However, several factors during this change have required us to Issue #19: “Primal Guerilla Warfare: nomadic gathering and hunting as a
re-strategize our long-term plans. The level of state repression towards the tactic” by Kevin Tucker, “Operation Civilization: The War That is ALL Wars
eco-anarchist movement, including those who publish ideas, has been on (part II)” by Saura Agni, “Contributing to Momentum Against Civilization”
the rise, which will inevitably effect all of us in some way. And, as our lives by Felonious Skunk, and “Locating an Indigenous Anarchism” by Aragorn!
have become more filled with everyday projects in an attempt to be less
dependant on the system and become more whole creatures, we have to
Issue #18: “When the zombies take over, how long till the electricity
fails?”, “The Swelling of Leeches” by The Cocktail Furies, “Operation
reprioritize our lives to include undertakings beyond the magazine. These Civilization: The War That Is All Wars” by Saura Agni. “‘Now What?’A
factors, combined with the relatively small size of our collective considering Primitivist Strategy Proposal” by RedWolfReturns, and “About getting
the enormous scope of the project, along with the all-too familiar financial free from the myth of Revolution” by Pablo A.
difficulty, has motivated us to reshape our publishing schedule. Because
many consider GA to be a vital project and we want to continue producing Issue #17: “End Game”, “Beyond Utopian Visions” by A.Morefus, “What
the highest quality magazine possible, we have decided to publish two times is Left? Nihilism vs. Socialism” by A!, and “A Warning to Insurrectionaries
a year instead of three. Most likely, our new schedule will consist of a Who Dwell In Scenes”
Winter/Spring issue (due out January) and a Summer/Fall issue (due out Issue #16: “Summits, Counter-Summits and Social War” by Wolfi
July). We hope this means more pages per issue and contributions that delve Landstreicher, “The Revolutionary Imperative of ‘Going Native’” by Rob
deeper into a variety of themes, often difficult with a shorter time schedule. Los Ricos, “Lights, Camera, Action! Destroying Video Surveillance
This change will have no effect on current subscriptions, with rates going Cameras as an Act of Rewilding” by The Grievous Amalgam, “The Feral
up minimally for new subscribers (see page 82 for details). Remember, Green Fury Unleashed” by Gimili
Anarchy is an all-volunteer project that costs thousands of dollars per issue. Issue #15: “Notes On Summits and Counter-Summits” by Some
Some ways you can help us along include: becoming a PAYING distributor, Rovereton Anarchists, “Electric Funeral: An In-Depth Examination of the
subscriber, special donor, or consider ordering from our extensive distro Megamachine’s Circuitry” by The Havoc Mass
(also located on page 82), which includes over 80 pamphlets and zines, books,
and videos. And don’t be afraid to add your voice to the ongoing anti-civilization Issue #14: “Revolt of the Savages: Primitive Revolts Against Civilization”
discussion by sending us your contributions for the next issue: articles (up to by Kevin Tucker, “Nihilism as Strategy” by A!
4000 words), reviews (under 1000 words), letters (under 500 words), poems, Issue #13: “Youth Liberation: Burn the Schools and Destroy the Media!”,
and images (as TIFF’s if possible or original hardcopies). We prefer that you “On Sabotage as One of the Fine Arts” by The Asturian Institute of
email all contributions of articles (as an RTF if sent as an attachment). We Comparative Vandalism, “Between Analysis and Vision: Moving Beyond the
have no strict theme for our next issue, but subjects of interest to us include Theory-Practice Dichotomy” by A. Morefus, “Zero War – Total Liberation”
the City, Communication, Relationships, Sexuality, and Culture. Check our Issue #12: “Towards An Effective Praxis: Moving Beyond the Violence/
website for updates. The deadline for our next issue is October 1st. Nonviolence Debate” , “Lessons From The Fall of Rome”, “Does Not
We thank all those who have helped us get this far, and look forward to Compute” by Austin Train, “A Swarm of Butterflies: A Fierce Defense of
your future support, ‘cause we ain’t a-goin’ nowhere! Chaos in Direct Action” by the Curious George Brigade
For an Uncivilized Reality, Issue #11: “An Invitation to Sabotage from Within” by David
The Green Anarchy Collective Issue #10: “Armed Resistance to Industrial Civilization: An Interview
with Ann Hansen” and “International Intifada: An Urgent Call To Partici-
Summer 2006 pate In The Colonizer’s Execution”
Issue #9: “Thinking Through the Fall”, “Hit Where It Hurts, But In the
Disclaimer: The editors of Green Anarchy do not necessarily agree with or
Meantime…” by Primal Rage, “The ELF And The Spectacle” by Against
Sleep and Nightmare (ASAN), “Perpetuating the Spectacle: A Response
endorse all or any particular article or action in each issue. Most articles are written and contributed
by people unknown to us. The news and actions are reported on as journalists. Green Anarchy To The ASAN” by Craig Marshall (Critter)
intends to provide an ongoing anti-civilization discussion of theory and practice, NOT periodically
release our position paper, ideological requirements, or directive for action. Articles are selected Issue #8: “Hit Where It Hurts” by Ted Kaczynski
for print when we feel that they have a nugget of interest to the wider anti-civilization discourse. …that’s as far back as we’ll go for now.
Please keep this in mind when reading and do not attribute any ideas or opinions expressed to
any party but the author. If you have additional questions, contact the collective (or the individual
author when available). If you have comments, write us a letter or email.
strength, increase our own momentum as we aim towards the
A Credible Threat
Unless one’s strategy is to back down from, ignore, or negotiate
realization of our wildest dreams and visions? How will ‘success’
or ‘win’ be defined or measured - if at all?
We surely need to continue to ask these and many other questions,
consider and debate our ideas, share those dreams and visions as
with oppression, a decision must be made to press onward, toward we clarify our strategies. But, one thing is clear now. We have to
what is necessary, for what is desired. This surely means to choose experiment. Take risks. Do what we’re afraid to do even as we dream
to move against the existent. This is the moment when desire and of doing it. Play again as children – learning, stretching out to our
intent, fueled by the passions of rage or joy or simple necessity, pleasure and avoiding or destroying that which causes unacceptable
are fused to will. And from that moment on, that will is inevitably and pain. If we can include the cleverness and wisdom gained over
inexorably pitted against the will of countless others who want the years, perhaps we’ll expand our free spaces while preventing the
something else entirely. This speaks directly to means and ends punishments and repression reserved for the still-wild youth.
– the essence of strategy – but what is to be said? Is this really Let all that we desire and despise inspire our actions, our combined
such a dilemma? Anarchist goals, particularly anti-civ anarchist momentum approaching unstoppable, and the whole of our life
goals, are opposed to the goals of our adversaries. We don’t seek propaganda-by-many-deeds. Perhaps then, anarchy will become,
domination of our will over others, only to let it be free amongst once and for all, the enticing possibility that makes it – and us –
the free will of others. We cannot be “just like them”. Our strategies a credible threat.
then, will be quite different from those whose end
always justifies their means.
But what does ‘different’ mean? What strategies do “Revolution is but thought
our enemies use? What strategies are used in other
‘liberation’ struggles? What can we take, what must carried into action.” –Emma
–Emma Goldman
be discarded when developing our own? How does
one apply anarchist “principles” to strategy and
tactics? How do rapidly escalating conditions such
as the instability of the State, its increased fear-
mongering and concomitant state repression, the
decimation of whole ecosystems, affect our priorities,
patience, and timing? What must be considered when
facing the massive security systems – technological
and human – designed to ferret out those whose
intention is to eliminate all authority and disrupt their
well-laid plans? How do we adapt and apply the life
strategies that have become almost ‘second nature’
to us and grasp more free space and time, gain more
Recommended Pamphlets Nihilism, Anarchy, and the 21st Century $3 Without A Trace: A Forensic Manual for You
A Principle on, implying ‘anywhere but here’. These are weak accusations that only
serve to deflect shared responsibility and criticism that hits too close to an
unexamined home and need to be exposed as such.
First, since there is no – and will be no – United Anarchists, there is
nothing to divide. We are individuals first and voluntary association means
just that; describing oneself as an anarchist does not create an immutable
link to any other anarchist. It does no more than articulate a presumptive
shared desire for the absence of rule/authority/hierarchy/domination. The
devil, as They say, is in the details and it’s these details which form the core
A desires, view of the world and place within it – doesn’t equate to ‘sects’ in
narchists of the past launched the critique of the many institutions of any sense of that word. Sects coerce (through influential manipulation more
domination that humans – through social and cultural mandates as well as often than punishment) others into accepting a necessary and dogmatic
force – were compelled into accepting. The words and deeds of many of adherence to a rightness of thought and deed. If sectarianism is suspected,
our predecessors continue to inspire those exploring their own paths to expose it to the light of day, but be clear and specific with the evidence.
liberation. The few ‘principles’ associated with anarchist theory and practice While surely most of us struggle with authoritarianism at times (whether
are surely amongst the most relevant of that inheritance. But, these as dominant or submissive) and ought to prioritize its elimination,
principles are not rules, agreements, or policies to follow; not formulas to challenging views or expressing contrary ones cannot automatically be
apply. They’re more akin to a tool for examining situations, ideas, projects, equated to the intent to gain or use power over another. Again, we need to
and relationships to expose existing or potential hindrances to the total be intelligent and forthright with our criticism.
emancipation of everyone who has such a wild aim. The charge of abuse is a serious one indeed and
Because this world is constantly in flux and our imbedded within that charge is a perpetrator, the
understanding of our selves within it (hopefully) intentional, if unconscious oppressor, and victim,
deepening, there can be no end to our questioning, the unwitting and/or incapacitated individual unable
contemplation, and critique. (Though this is all but to recognize and confront the domineering force.
useless if not applied to a living practice!) It certainly Too often, discussion around this sensitive subject
makes sense that new anarchists focus, almost ends up as a mere repetition of cliches and
singularly, on the obvious structures of domination, politicized rhetoric and are no use to those anx-
state, capital, and – to a lesser degree – religion. Over ious to gain strength and autonomy through direct
time – historical and individual – the hierarchical and honest interactions.
mechanisms and strategies supporting these As to the question of more important concerns –
institutions are also questioned: bureaucracy, the how can one not see that our struggle against all
nuclear family, social/cultural segregation (gender, institutions is one and the same as our struggle
race, ethnic, nationalism, ...) and so on. Eventually for with our selves and each other? Exposing, challeng-
some, democracy – ‘direct’ or not – is also revealed ing, and eradicating any and all threats to our
as the trap it is designed for. More recently, the critique liberation is not a separate (so cannot be an inferior)
of scientific ideology, technology, industrialism, the project from tearing down the more tangible
coexistent notion of Progress, and the positive view components designed to facilitate that domination.
of labor/work no longer escapes the sharpened Eliminating our own anti-liberatory presumptions
tongues and pens, the wicked blades. This question- and activities will not be any easier than ‘smashing
ing has led many, quite logically, to the critique and the state’. Both targets require a rather staggering
refusal of the whole of civilization: domestication level of engagement and sometimes frightening
with its transformation of free, wild beings into slaves revolt against a detestable yet almost comfortable
of an invisible elite and their concrete ideal, the city foe. Dissecting a project, theory, disagreement, or
(town, suburb, ...). A stratified mass, alienated from belief system exposes existing or potential affinities,
self and the whole. The result is the near-complete tensions, or points of departure; clues us into those
subversion of the individual free will. who wish to demolish or recuperate our will to
As long as ‘anti-civ’ anarchy is an ongoing resist; and hones a practice of truly radical ‘conflict
discussion and experiment and not just one more resolution’. What anarchist has not been asked
ideology to follow – thus yet another stopping …make
…make plans plans inin the
the turkish
turkish how “we” will deal with the inevitable problems
point – it will continue to be the most relevant, steam
steam bath,bath, nekkid.
nekkid. that arise in human relationships without inter-
exciting, and inspiring place anarchy has been vening authorities? How indeed.
taken in a very long time. There can be no limit to our critique, no sacred cows, no hands-off mentality.
However, there is an area that anarchists of all persuasions and experience By considering a controversy from multiple perspectives starting with the
seem loathe to focus their critical eye. Interestingly, our relationships – the principles we at least theoretically agree on – while taking into account
only way life is actualized and where we can have the most immediate, unique personalities, natures, experiences, desires, and needs – perhaps
direct, and long-lasting effect – do not receive as consistent and sharp- we’ll continue to develop the critical theory that informs effectual practice
witted criticism as the ‘external’ systems (which are not so external after instead of shutting it down right off the bat.
all). This belies a tendency towards abstraction, forgetting or ignoring that Anarchy will come most clearly through the practice of mutuality,
the ‘totality’ of civilization consist of actual human beings. Of people who voluntary association, and non-mediated, non-representative interactions
adopt as their own, the civil mentality that both pushes and is pushed by – that is, direct action. Whatever end we envision for ourselves can be
so-far successful, deeply held authoritarian strategies. Can any of us really found within our means. While there are grave external restrictions to
be free from this, no matter how strong our desire or enthusiastic our actualizing anarchy in full, there are places and times where the only real
intent, as long as we remain a part of it? Is this not why we fight against it? limitations lie within ourselves. Perhaps by adding another strategic tool,
So, why does criticism between self-described anarchists frequently prompt anarchists of all persuasions will find themselves farther along the often
knee-jerk responses, with charges of ‘divisive’, ‘sectarian’, or ‘authoritarian’” treacherous, but forever enticing journey than ever-deemed possible!
getting lobbed so quickly? Why do otherwise strong individuals resort
to charges of abuse, with an almost affectionate claim of victim status. Question Everything!
weaknesses lie as well as their Urban Combat and
strengths, but they don’t fully
understand these same qualities
Guerilla Strategy
in leaderless, non-hierarchical, anti- Lessons Learned, Operation “Hue City”,
authoritarian resistance actions. Appendix B, Ready for Armageddon
This is to our advantage, but time Psychological Operations in
may not always be on our side. We Guerilla Warfare, by “Tacayán”
have to know our enemies as well Urban Combat and Future Urban
as ourselves as we develop and Warfare, Dr Brad Tousley
implement our strategies. Some Closes Quarter Battles
interesting readings to assist in
this endeavor:
Technology, Tactics,
and Weaponry
Classic War Strategy DARPA Technology Transition,
Art of War, Sun Tzu Defense Advanced Research
On Guerilla Warfare, Mao Tse-Tung Projects Agency
Principles of War, Carl von Network Centric Warfare: The
Clausewitz Problem of Social Order, Lt. Cl. David
Schmidtchen, Australia, June 2005
Strategy Basics The Evolution and Development of
Suggested Readings The Making of Strategy, Rulers,
States, and War, Murray,
Police Technology, Seaskate, Inc.,
for the National Institute of
on Strategy
Williamson, 1994 Justice, July 1998
on Strategic Theory for the 21st
Century: The Little Book on Big
Non-Lethal Weapons and
Equipment Review, A Research
Strategy, Harry R. Yarger, Feb 2006 Guide for Civil Law Enforcement
and Corrections, Department of
With a goal as all-encompassing as If anarchists have this thing called Bashing The Laser Range Finder
Defense, July 2002
ending the domination of our lives, momentum, it is in danger of being With a Rock, Mr. Lester W. Grau,
thwarted, our intentions and visions Foreign Military Studies Office, 1997 A Study of Assassination
while exploring and experiencing
recuperated, our projects compart- CIA Study of Assassination:
free and pleasurable relationships as
much as possible now – our challenge mentalized. The need for greater
Grand Strategy
American Grand Strategy after 9/11:
is great. Possibly insurmountable. support is tending towards a capitu-
An Assessment, Stephen D. Militarized Police
Assuredly so if anarchists don’t get lation to activism, thus gaining Militarizing American Police,
serious about strategy: developing bodies but not critically thinking Biddle:
A Nation at War in an Era of Peter Kraska
goals, conducting assessments, minds and passionate hearts. We Warrior Cops, The Ominous
practicing tactics, selecting targets, are a young (though ancient, too) Strategic Change, Williamson
Murray, Editor, September 2004 Growth of Paramilitarism in
applying intelligence, providing and ‘movement’ and most are danger- American Police Departments, by
accepting critique, and – so bloody ously unaccustomed to thinking Assymetric Strategy Diane Cecilia Weber, 1999
fucking crucial – making security and acting strategically – at least “Doctrine for Asymmetric Protecting Your Community From
‘natural’ again. The choices we make consciously. While patience is an Warfare”, Military Review, July- Terrorism: Gerard R. Murphy and
directly impact both our now and important quality, the global war August 2003 Martha R. Plotkin, 2003
our future; this IS the question of machine – never truly stilled – is Globalization and Asymmetrical
means and ends, not always an easy in high gear. As pain, misery, un- Warfare, William J. Hartman, State Assessment
question at that. certainty, and fear-mongering Major, US Army, April 2002 of Anarchist and
The state, capital, religion, hierar- escalate, so too does the pace of
chy, politics, science, technology... revolt. And with it, the heavy hand
How the Weak Win Wars: A “Eco-Terrorist” Strategy
Theory of Asymmetric Confict, by The United States, International
civilization – these are not merely of repression presses down wher- Ivan Arreguín-Toft
institutions of power whose doors ever the lighter touch of democracy Policing and the War against
Unorthodox Thoughts about Anarchist Terrorism, 1900-1914,
can be glued shut forever, one more fails to keep it in check. Asymmetric Warfare, Montgomery
smashed window the final straw that A key element to successful strat- Richard Bach Jensen
C. Meigs, Summer 2003 Beyond Arson? A Threat Assess-
makes it melt away. These are egies (you define ‘success’!) is the Strategic Assymetry, Steven Metz,
people, many who thrive on power, ability to take the long look both ment of the Earth Liberation Front,
Chaos as Strategy, P.H. Liotta, 2002 Gary A. Ackerman, Terrorism and
live for adulation, long for a place backwards and forwards. This is Swarming on the Battlefield,Past,
in history. No matter how thorough where anarchists ought to be at their Political Violence, Vol.15, No.4
Present, and Future, Sean J. A. (Winter 2003)
our writings, how intelligent our strongest, their most potent, their most Edwards
debates, how beautiful our web sites strategically astute. But we also need Threat Assessments and Radical
– we will not convince these and to be very good at assessing the now: Insurgency and Environmentalism, Bron Taylor, ibid
their followers to willingly, gently – keenly observant, able to think on our Counter Insurgency
cease and desist. We will never feet, and flexible enough to anticipate
Insurgency and Counter Insur- Center for Strategic Studies:
see the rush of ‘the masses’ or the and respond to rapidly changing
gency inthe 21st Century: (google for specific country)
‘working class’ to shut down the kill- situations in the moment.
Reconceptualizing Threat and Political Violence Movements:
ing floors of every factory and mall. There are many keen, experienced
Response, Steven Metz and
And – it must be stated clearly – minds developing grand, foreign and
Raymond Millen pvm.cfm#publications
there will be no one-world-unified economic, military, and social control
The War In Iraq: The Nature of RAND:
hoorah acknowledging the cor- strategies who do understand the
Insurgency Warfare, Andrew Global Guerrillas:
rectness of anarchist visions. We importance of the long view back and
Krepinevich, 2004
will be fought tooth and nail and with ahead and their lenses cast a wider
Modern Warfare: A French View of
every tool and weapon deemed and wider angle. They are paying
Counterinsurgency, Roger Military Writers:
necessary. And the warnings have very close attention to the rapidly
Trinquier, January 1985
been quite clearly issued. shifting current. They know where their
All Relationships:
Beyond Just Fucking or Fighting
as Revolutionary Agendas
“Not only do we desire to change our lives immediately, it is the
criterion by which we are seeking our accomplices. The same goes
for what one might call a need for coherency. The will to live
one’s ideas and create theory starting from one’s own life is not a
search for the exemplary or the hierarchical, paternalistic side of
the same coin. It is the refusal of all ideology, including that
of pleasure. We set ourselves apart from those who content
themselves with areas they manage to carve out – and safeguard
– for themselves in this society even before we begin to think, by
the very way we palpate our existence. But we feel just as far
removed from those who would like to desert daily normality and
put their faith in the mythology of clandestinity and combat
organizations, locking themselves up in other cages. No role, no
matter how much it puts one at risk in terms of the law, can take
the place of the real changing of relations. There is no short-cut,
no immediate leap into the elsewhere. The revolution is not a war.” by A. Morefus
– At Daggers Drawn
Theory is a dirty word in many anarchist connected to practical action is a vital anar- Also, not all theory is connected with practical
circles. Often, it is dismissed as “useless”, chist project. The deconstruction of all of application in our world. But, for theory to be
“masturbatory”, or “privileged” by those our relationships, from the personal to the relevant, it must concretely pertain to our lives
wanting to either prioritize living their lives and communal to the larger social context, and and not merely be an abstract overlay or
expressing themselves as freely as possible in particular from the perspective of developing removed concept. A theory disconnected from
within the confines of this death trip (art, anarchist strategies, is essential. practical application will have an outcome
sexual exploration, building communities of on our world, but most likely, not how we
mutual aid, primitive skills, etc.), those who This is no time to Swallow Anger perceived it or wished it to be (i.e. pacification,
wish to “just shut up and fight” (riots, sabotage, This is no time to Ignore Hate complacency, abstraction, arm chairism).
armed struggle, etc.), or the ones who stifle This is no time to be Acting Frivolous However, our critical theory, by its very nature,
theoretical development in favor of going because the time is getting late cannot be something that is complete, solid,
through the same perpetual and unfulfilling or ironclad. It is something to be freshly
political motions (politics, activism, etc.). This is no time for Private Vendettas encountered and perpetually reconceived in
While most of these pursuits can be beautiful This is no time to not know who you are our daily lives. It is less a methodology or
and significant in the deconstruction of this Self knowledge is a dangerous thing program for doing or thinking, and more a
society and the creation of free modes of living The freedom of who you are* persistent, thoughtful, and candid perceiving,
(aside from the bureaucratic, managerial, and understanding, and interacting with our world.
activist gibberish), they are not in any way No doubt, basic desires, wishes, interests, etc.
conflicting with the evolution of multifarious The Need for Critical Theory may remain relatively constant, but how we
organic critical theory. In fact, without such an Theory is integrally connected, whether we are experience and approach them is best left open
ongoing personal and collective investigation, aware of it or not, to all of our actions. Even and genuine.
examination, and critique of the complexity most of what we perceive as instinctual (at Whether we develop our own critical theory
and depth of the totality of civilization and least at this point) contains complicated or not, we will be guided by theoretical
how we are affected by it, no personal or thought processes that are unique to us, our positions and pushes. Is it not better to deeply
social transformation is even possible. And experiences, our desires, and in many cases, engage in the creation of our own unique
certainly any experiments we participate in unfortunately, our ideologies. Any time we subjective theory, in connection with others,
will be seriously limited by our unwillingness conceive of a desire, theory is a part of reaching than to – knowingly or not – accept the moti-
to question more deeply our intentions, goals, its obtainment or the effort put towards it. Yet vations and theoretical framework of another,
effectiveness, and contribution to larger not all actions are derived from a critical theory, whether individual (parent, teacher, boss,
contexts. This is why I argue that the devel- or a theory that has been vigorously developed guru, specialist, etc.) or institution (church,
opment of personal critical theory in concert to incorporate and understand the complex political system, organization, ideology, etc.)?
with a larger theoretical framework, and nature of the totality, and our place within it. Since many have never been encouraged to
develop critical thinking skills – they were from subjective desires in the context of the and because they do not typically seek society’s
socialized to be followers, to prefer a more world and our relationship to it. Our desires destruction (thinking they can coexist within
complete and “time-tested” worldview, lack inform the questions we ask. Since critical or on the edge of it), they do not evade the limi-
the confidence to develop their own theoretical theory is not guided by outside agendas, there tations imposed by society. They are often
basis, or are just plain lazy – people are is no fear in asking certain questions, because guided by ideologies which attempt to make
generally more easily guided by the theory of there is no ideology to uphold which might be ambiguous the alienation in our lives, and
the other. This usually leads to either the contradicted by certain unrestrained honesty. aspire to convince us of the tolerable conditions
full-throttle adoption or acceptance of a Ultimately, transparency in a theoretical process of this existence, and prevent many from rec-
single ideology (religion, patriotism, all assort- that is not guided externally can be the only ognizing our role or situation in this society.
ments of politicism), the concoction of various way we can seriously examine ourselves and Add to this the fact that the recuperation of
splintered ideas (new ageism, postmodernism), our world. It connects theory and practice in a any remotely radical theory and activity within
or the lack of interest in thinking at all (apathy, way that is consistent with our desires. And, it this context is almost a given; a safety valve
passive consumerism). Regardless of the honestly seeks authentic accomplices in our built into the system.
direction, thinking is done for people, and the actions and in our lives. In a culture in which we are told that
paradigm that creates these ideologies is main- “comfort” is paramount and “if it feels good,
tained, as it guides all thoughts and actions This is no time to turn away and drink go for it”, it might be wise to more deeply
within, perpetuating the alienation between or smoke some vials of crack investigate both the motivations for this
ourselves and our world. This is a time to gather force perspective (capitalism, for one), as well as
Critical theory, that is self-derived, inquisitive, and take dead aim and Attack our socialization 2. Now, I love pleasure,
discerning, and deliberative theory, attempts to don’t get me wrong, and would be the last to
limit the influence of external belief systems This is no time for Celebration suggest one deny themselves of any, especially
and to develop the starting point from within This is no time for Saluting Flags if we are in touch with our intuition and senses.
ourselves, and therefore limit the alienation This is no time for [New Aged] Inner Searchings But without at least some investigation into
between the self and what is attempted to be The future is at hand* where our desires emanate and how authentic
understood or changed. A direct relationship they are to us, we can easily fall into unhealthy
is created. This is not to say that any of us situations, reproducing the sickness of society,
have the answers, that there is not a historical ‘Cause We Just Wanna or become misled by fragmented or distorted
framework to interpret, or that others cannot
connect deeply to this process. It just means
Have Fun feelings. But how do we begin to figure out what
are socialized behaviors and which are desires
that all analysis stems directly from our personal One of the primary obstacles to the develop- that stem from our unique being? Since we
experience and our own eyes, and thus is more ment of critical theory is the exclusive focus are so immersed in the muck of society, this
connected to our desires, and therefore more on carving out space in the world to develop is an ongoing and often tricky exploration
relevant to our practice and lives in general. The either healthier relationships with ourselves with no cut and dry distinction in most cases.
connection to others in this pursuit can be a and those we are in community with, or to And, once we can start to grasp what aspects
helpful and vital process, but ultimately, we explore fetishized aspects of our desires. The of our perceived desires seem authentic, it
must internalize and use critical processes to first can, in general, have many positive aspects, is then a matter of not isolating or elevating
make these experiences pertinent to us, rather but only if viewed and acted upon within a a specific desire as the primary or sole focus
than simply wear their clothes. This is also true larger context, while the second can provide of our lives, at the exclusion of others. We
of examining the “historical record”, which temporary exploration, but is often a perpetual are hopefully driven by a multitude of desires,
should be viewed with a healthy amount of trap which becomes a “lifestyle”1, scene, or some overlapping, and some even contradict-
skepticism. We cannot view others’ positions counterculture. Both form boxes that are ing, but unless we can touch on many of these
or a historical context from a fixed or ideological difficult to get beyond, and both perpetuate as a related push or complex theory, then we
position, but from true inquisitiveness. It is too an illusion of making a significant break with can become unbalanced or even obsessed.
easy to read what we want (or our ideology society. Because they almost entirely move This is all part of the process of critical theory.
wants) from any source. from a reactionary position (providing an
Critical theory is not limited to one specific alternative to or escape from “straight” society), (continued on next page)
element of life, although at times it might
be helpful to temporarily isolate a specific
dynamic. Ultimately, if it is to have any deeper
relevance, these separate investigations need
to be contextualized into a holistic perspective
that incorporates an understanding of the
totality. Critical theory is not bound by the
dualism of morality, but instead looks to
understand the complicated nature of all
relationships. Dichotomies are merely over-
simplifications, usually stemming from a
theoretical framework that is agenda driven,
rather than from one’s true desire to compre-
hend our world and our relationship to it.
These dualisms are typically intended to
guide specific behavior, which may even
change in given certain circumstances, but
whose theoretical rationalizations remain.
This approach implies an essentialness to The
understanding, where as critical theory stems
The illusion
illusion of
of freedom
freedom recreates
recreates the
the freedom
freedom to
to entertain
entertain illusions.
decisions, especially when they claim to be
The Struggle doing it for us, should be met with disdain.
Carries On… The revolutionary specialist is still a politi-
cian, no matter how righteous their rhetoric,
The opposite extreme of the inspiring their slogans, grand their promises,
counter-cultural or “escapist” or handsome their beret.
model is the duty-filled revo-
lutionary specialist. Neglecting This is no time to Ignore Warnings
huge portions of social and This is no time to Clear the Plate
other relations, the revolu- Let’s not be sorry after the fact
tionary specialist often makes and let the past become out fate
theirs a singular path. It is There is no time*
exclusively about a physical
fight or solely a material
concern. It is often guided by Chug, Chug, Chug,
ideology or superimposed
political theory that one All Aboard Activism!
adopts to greater or lesser Similar to the revolutionary specialist model,
degrees, while personal yet usually less extreme in both agenda and in
critical theory is neglected, action, a typical response to the miserable world
or in many cases, prohibited we currently inhabit is the idea that if we could
for the good of the People or only organize properly, do the “good work”, or
the Revolution. Often, this is focus on the right issues, we could achieve a
a result of one who thinks it “better world”. This model also incorporates
impossible to realize their the worst of the “lifestylist” or scenester, as it
own unique personal desires, is an illusion of working towards significant
feeling they are unrealistic, social change and living differently than the
“The moment revolution calls for that they lack the imagina- norms of society, when in reality, they are
tion to connect to them, that defined by it. This often plays out as the activist
it is out of their control, or model, an ineffective, delusional, moralistic,
self-sacrifice it ceases to exist.” that they should take the self-righteous, alienated, and specialized
-Raoul Vaneigem, back seat to the larger battle. method for shaping social change. There is
Vaneigem, They put themselves into a inherent in this process, a lack of critical theory.
The Revolution
Revolution of of Everyday
Everyday Life
Life larger struggle for removed Activism is the strategy of being active in
or abstract concepts (“two this society; to be engaged as an operative
arms for the Revolution”). within the modes, logic, and outlets of the
As the narrow-minded solely-seeking pleasure They may sometimes even appear to be self- system. Whether legally, morally, philosophically,
seeker or short-sighted scene dweller often motivated and passionately driven, but ultimately or theoretically (or a combination of them all)
neglects larger contexts, it frequently seems they indenture themselves to “the Cause”, constrained by and consistent with the system’s
the case that they are constantly at odds which inevitably assigns roles and obligation. values and processes, one is a player in the
with direct action, militant struggle, or Giving these fractured or alienated soldiers system, and at most a reactionary element in it.
insurrection. They may view these activities as “meaning” to their lives, the ideology guiding Typically, the actions the activist takes and ideas
a danger to their projects, a threat to the these sheep instills them with morality, guilt, they believe are not defined by them and are
prosperity of their communities, counter- sacrifice, responsibility, and obedience, not to removed from their lives. Rather than priori-
acting their work at “finding peace in this mention the self-righteous (and often dangerous) tizing their lives based on passions and desires,
world”, or inconsistent with their convoluted indignation to do “what is right” for the they are guided by the duty-filled expectations
ideologies which allow them to acquiesce, Revolution (all of these values warrant a of the activist world, and typically asked to play
escape, or dwell in apathy. Any critical lengthy study themselves). Ideology, if a role in some guilt-laden program. Activist-
perspective on these projects would either “correctly” applied or consumed, is the basis types (often an annoying vocal minority)
question their meaningfulness, or at least, for most justifications of horrific acts. History attempt to correct the problems in the world, in
understand that they are temporary, and is filled with these acts and players, yet mostly order to allow things to “run better for every-
that their true longevity (for those which re-written to suit the purpose of the ideology. one”. For instance, they deal with privilege and
actually do make a significant break with Aside from the ideological constraints of the oppression politics (the politicizing of racism,
the system) is dependant on the ultimate revolutionary specialist, the separation of sexism, homophobia, etc.) to correct our
destruction of the institutions of hierarchi- the actor from cast, or the problem of the expert, socialization along new ideological lines, the
cal power. This comprehension, and the comes into play. As we will see with the “correct ones”. This short-sighted approach,
action which moves with it, removes the activist, the revolutionary feels they can be part often with self-righteous judgement, can
“lifestyle” from anarchism, and makes of a specialized group to act in the implementa- never get past the simplistic and programmatic
anarchy a lived practice stemming from tion of a strategy aimed to solve the problems college textbook conclusions, offering a plethora
critical theory. of the world. They will be the ones who will of predictable, elementary, paternalistic/
make/change history. This mode of social maternalistic, and opportunistic solutions. Like
This is no time for Celebration change makes no significant break with the the revolutionary specialists, although even
This is no time for Shaking Heads mode society currently thrusts upon us, and is more directed by the system, activists become
This is no time for Backslapping thus a reactionary procedure; simply a changing the experts in change, especially in connection
This is no time for Marching Bands* of the guards. Already we are alienated and to their specialty, the single issue. They “raise
removed from directly controlling our lives, consciousness” through repetition, as they
and merely switching who makes these hammer their cause into our heads.
After years of going through the motions of The flip-side to the activist model (which
ineffectual resistance, many renegotiate their
relationship with “activism”, or, hopefully, give
goes through the motions or acts in the world
mindlessly), is the arm chair intellectual or
Some Notes On
it up altogether. Typically suffering from burn-
out and frustration, the only long-term persona
for the activist is the eternal defeated optimist,
political theorist who is critical of everything,
theoretically, yet never connects abstract
concepts to actual life or has a practical
often sacrificing themselves to the state and agenda; The Lazy Boy Revolution. This dwells Three antecedent conditions that
victimized by the delusional egos of their (often in ineffectiveness at the same level as the
unrecognized or unacknowledged) leaders. activist, revolutionary specialist, or counter- would be likely to encourage
By rejecting moralistic and sacrificial ten- culturalist, yet it carries with it a higher level of groupthink:
dencies for those of direct immediacy, we not smugness and self-righteousness as it contem-
only feel more connected and a part of our ac- plates and interprets the world from a false 1. High stress from external threats
tivity, but ultimately are able to stay healthier and “safe” objectivity. And, of course, avoiding with low hope of a better
and have a better chance of achieving short the crystallization of ideas and “the problem” solution than the one offered
and long-term goals. The only worthy activism and “the solution” program is a must, as ab- by the leader(s)/dominant culture
is to encourage people to think for themselves straction can only distance ourselves further. 2. High group cohesiveness
and to feel. The deconstruction of all of our relationships 3. The persuasive strength of the
with the world we inhabit is a difficult challenge,
This is no time for Congratulations but necessary if we are to move thoughtfully
group’s leader(s)/dominant culture
This is no time to Turn Your Back and strategically. This requires the creation
This is no time for Circumlocution of our own critical theory that is derived Three conditions involved when
This is no time for Learned Speech from and is, a lived reflection of us. This groupthink occurs:
certainly does not necessitate a positive vision,
This is no time to Count Your Blessings but does imply strategy, which combines and 1. Directive leadership
This is no time for Private Gain creates coherence between theory and practice. 2. Homogeneity of members’ social
This is a time to Put Up or Shut Up Remember, we are of this world. background and ideology
It won’t come back this way again 3. Insulation of the group from outside
There is no time* This is no time for Phony Rhetoric sources of information and analysis
This is no time for Political Speech
This is a time for Action
Creating Coherence Between because the future’s Within Reach Eight symptoms indicative of
Theory and Practice This is the time groupthink:
because there is no time
If we are to actually connect with our desires, There is no time* 1. Illusion of invulnerability
or live anarchy, there can be no separation 2. Unquestioned belief in the inherent
between theory and practice. The two are morality of the group
intertwined and dependent on each other. Notes:
There is always a theoretical framework [*] Lou Reed, There Is No Time
3. Collective rationalization of group’s
(or fragments of many) at play, so it is just a [1] “life-style” (ism) is a touchy subject in anarchist decisions
question of how much we determine what circles, mostly stemming from how it was used by Murry 4. Shared stereotypes of outgroup,
they are. We can submit to other theoretical Bookchin to dismiss any anarchist trend or subset which particularly opponents
positions, knowingly or not, or we can develop differed from his own. That is an absurd way to use the 5. Self-censorship; members withhold
our own. How we do this is a personal adven- term, and is not how it is used here. The purpose of using criticisms
ture, although we can certainly learn much “lifestyle” in this context is to mean a style of living one’s 6. Illusion of unanimity (false consensus)
life. This is usually driven by either superficial elements
from others, especially in approach or tech- (fashion, hipness, music, etc), or one specific element of
7. Direct pressure on dissenters to
niques (rather than detail). But, despite the one’s life they identify with (sexuality, hobbies, political
amount of time some spend in the development orientation, diet, etc). There is often a homogenous sub- conform
of critical theory, certain traps or limitations culture that informs the “style” this life takes from form 8. Self-appointed “mindguards” protect the
in its exploration and expression are common- to detail. It often lacks much in terms of critical theory. group from negative information
place. For instance, mystification, ambiguity, [2] “comfort” is a word which is loaded or informed by
jargon, and the disconnection from an engage- the expectations of a culture. It is a manufactured concept Seven symptoms of decision
ment with the world we wish to play a role that is dependent on standards of a context. For instance,
some find comfort living in a gated community or riding
in all form barriers to comprehension and in a Hummer, while others find comfort cooking on a affected by groupthink:
expression, and contribute to a lack of clarity campfire or drinking whiskey for breakfast. There 1. Incomplete survey of alternatives
in our thinking and in sharing of ideas. really is no absolute measurement for it. 2. Incomplete survey of objectives
3. Failure to examine risks of preferred
unit choice
opport slight. 4. Failure to re-appraise initially
f any ever
n tage o ful, how rejected alternatives
adva use 5. Poor information search
y to take nything
e wa ugh f of a 6. Selective bias in processing
along thxible enol yoursel information at hand
oat fle vai
a ling a gplans be ll, and a (confirmation bias)
St e ur sma
eg y 12 -ng out yoowever 7. Failure to work out contingency plans
Stratile carryts itself,
i h
Wh presen Page SUMMER/FALL ‘06 ISSUE
that Page 11 11
Play Fiercely! by Wolfi Landstreicher
‘Nough said about the backfire that occurs until the shell is removed. Many a substance pasted into an innocuous cover message in say,
when you chat someone up who might be with a goodly amount of carbon will char and a magazine. There are even programs for hiding
connected. Yes? Albeit, speak with our fellow turn brown when heated; the milky center of messages in emails that look just like spam –
pranksters we must – well, until we reach the ubiquitous Euphorbiaceae plant illuminates there’s more reasons than one for the
Zerzania. So no matter how we share the in much the same way, so does a good piss! Spamcop’s existence. ‘Course I am ever-wary
secrets of a playful revolt – through voice or These are all techniques of steganography of techno-gurus from any camp and prefer low
song or drum; on paper, ribbon, or leather (stegan=roof), the craft of hiding the very tech, except perhaps for GPG.(1) Why let
strap; carried by wave, pigeon, or Trojan existence of a message; a secret covered. others have all the fun!?
horse—disguise my playmates, disguise! Ambiguous speech, sounds, or motions Creative minds and joyfilled playmates will
‘Cause our play is serious – or should I say – understood only by the select few and slipped create their own stego-game, but remember –
we play what we mean and we mean what we in ‘mongst the known, can tell your tale with there IS an inherent trap. The message is only
play...and we’re playing for keeps. And the no one in your midsts the wiser. Fill the know- cloaked and if discovered by the unintended,
way of our play means hiding in the open; a ing ear with casual drum beats, finger taps, security may be compromised immediately. To
taunt that is, in and of itself, quite delicious. and knock-knock games. For your eyes only, retain the element of surprise in our games,
Hidey-holes and subterfuges limited only by torches, beacons, smoke signals, hand signals. we must scramble, scramble away.
our imagination. Just remember – secrets are And don’t forget to see or hear what’s missing...
best amongst those who have no other need
nor want of secrets.
There is many a word game to hide beneath
– or within. Crossword puzzles may serve as
secret writing
The jester loves to play a joke and tickle the a tidy cover, especially when accompanied Its ever so lovely hiding things, and finding
imagination, knowing that many a trickster by a Cardan grill (pg16). Acrostics are fun the hidden as well, and no puzzle tickles quite
awaits, anxious to hack the king. So lets share too: ‘any nuanced anarchist revolts, clearly so much as the craftily encrypted message.
a bit of merriment ‘round the juicy jumbling harboring youthfulness’ might be an acrostic Rather than hide the existence of a message, cryp-
game. But, first, some tidbits to point our way. for ‘anarchy’. Imagine, trickster, imagine. tography (crypto=hidden) aims to hide the
Modern technology has sought to improve meaning using character (rarely, whole word)
substitution or transposition. Substitution
hidden language upon the old schemes, most lately with
steganographic software. Some programs changes the identity of the letters while main-
Many amongst us, in days of youthful passion, conceal messages in digital “white noise”, the taining their original order. With transposition
sent their fancy a missive inked in milk; the somewhat tangential bits of data that add depth schemes, letters or numbers retain their identity
heat required to reveal its poetry no less a to images, music, and video but go unnoticed but change positions within the message.
message itself. Trithemius’ Porta discovered by eye or ear. Of course, this is but an upgrade The trick of any cryptosystem is to keep it
that a message written on a hard-boiled egg to duff, the WWII-era “microdot”. Spies made simple, secure for the sender-receiver (a.k.a.
with ink made from an oh-zee of alum mixed a photographic image of a secret message then Alice and Bob) but impossible for the snoop/
with a pint of vinegar, will remain invisible shrunk it to fit as period or superscript dot cryptoanalyst (a.k.a. Eve). Standard conventions
are occasionally useful: the original message To decipher, Bob creates a
is called plaintext and is written in lower-case; table where the number of
the CIPHERTEXT (the result of encryption) columns equal the number of
is written in uppercase, while the key (a separate rails (4) and whose rows equal
set of characters used for locking it up), uses the total characters (16) divided
italicized lowercase characters. It is something by number of rails (4). He
of a tradition for Alice to transmit ciphertext places each letter top to bottom,
to Bob with word spacing eliminated and the left to right, to reveal Alice’s
letters recombined in 5-letter segments. enticing secret. Eve could
Tradition-sedition, we’ll do as we please. But crack this silly message in no
we do want to hide the beginnings and time just by trying every other
endings do we not? Maybe even drop the vwls letter, or every third letter, etc.
or use fonetik (miz)spelling. But, the key to until she found a coherent
the security of a strong cryptoystem resides word, the rest would be cake.
with the secrecy of its key, not with the To make it more difficult, Alice
supposed secrecy of the algorithm (steps/ and Bob could make it a
method of encryption). Examples are sure to double or reverse fence
clear this all up a bit, but its practice that tunes operation or add a key.
us in to the nuances of any game. A Columnar Transposition
algorithm uses a key to scramble
Transposition ciphers the code a bit more. Alice and
Bob choose eazie for the key-
These are the familiar anagram games, easy to word to cipher the same
decipher when words are short, increasingly message as before. Alice
difficult as word length increases. A 3-letter word creates a table with 5 columns (eazie=5) and
can only be scrambled 6 ways (cat, act, tac, cta,
tca, atc), a 9-letter word has over 362,000 distinct
3 rows (15/5) and places the letters across the Substitution Ciphers
columns. She slides each row off according to These are the trickiest of tricks, where letters
ciphering possibilities(2). Random transpositions alphabetic order of the keyword to make the are assigned new symbols (other letters,
are the most secure – even a short sentence would CIPHERTEXT. numbers, glyphs) either as monoalphabetic
take a goodly bit of time to unscramble. By hand.
ciphers, where one letter = one symbol or
But, Bob would be as challenged as Eve in
polyalphabetic systems where one letter =
deciphering Alice’s message if its reason is
multiple symbols. The most basic substitution
without rhyme. It would be much better to
cipher is the monoalphabetic Caesar Cipher,
arrange a sort of orderly disorder.
where every letter in the message is replaced
The Rail Fence Cipher is a kids’ game and
with the letter three places farther down the
easy for Eve to break, but it makes for a good
alphabet. That is, a=D, d=G, z=C, leaving us
illustration for us bigger kids. Alice wants to
with GRZQZLWKWKHNLQJ for Alice’s
send Bob the message, ‘down with the king’.
message. Variations on Caesar are abundant
She places each letter on 4 separate lines (she
and far more secure. The Vigenere Cipher is a
and Bob having previously agreed to using 4
polyalphabetic system that uses a shifting table
‘rails’), using an ‘a’ to fill in the last rail position. Bob receives (and Eve intercepts): (our example above) – made up of 26 by 26
Finally, she places each row of text together OTKDIEWHGNTHWHI. Bob worked out the cells – and a key. Each plaintext letter is sought
startingwith the top row. number of rows by dividing the message in the top row, the keyletter in the left col-
length (15) by the key length (5) filling down umn, with the crypto letter found at their junc-
the letters starting with the ‘a’ or ‘1’ column ture. Alice and Bob selected eazier for the key
and proceeding consecutively. phrase. Bob deciphers by copying the letters
of the key above the letters of the crypto-
gram. The row begun by the first keyletter
is sought in the table, and then proceeds
along this row until the CRYPTOLETTER is
encountered. Next, he goes straight up from
the CRYPTOLETTER to the first row, where
the plaintext letter is found. A Saint-Cyr Slide
can make this old game a bit easier and an
un-or differently ordered shift of characters
will make it all the harder for nosy Eve.
(continued on next page)
A Double Columnar Transposition is more
difficult for all three players, with the ciphering Strategy 1 - Hide in the open.
process repeated twice using the same key- Moving about in the darkness and shadows,
word each time or, preferably, a different one occupying isolated places, or hiding behind
on the second pass. screens will only attract suspicious attention.
To lower an enemy’s guard you must act in
the open, hiding your true intentions under
scytale the guise of common every day activities.
The Nihilist cipher (above) is a notorious
polyalphabetic trick using the 5x5 Polybius
All About Eve The Code: The Science of Secrecy from
Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography,
Square. Plaintext and keys are converted into Always play with Eve, even if she doesn’t Simon Singh
two digit numbers. know she’s playing. Only Alice and Bob The Secret Language <http://
know the criticality of the messages’ timing
– yes? So keep time on your side. Remember, secret.html>
One-time Pad Eve cannot be Cryptology <http://
Remember me playmates, the key IS key to e x pected to try>
your private communications. The best possible o n l y t h e h a r d , The Black Chamber <http://
key is a random, disordered phrase and is long way to break
especially secure if only used once. However, through your mes- The_Black_Chamber/
this means Alice and Bob would need a safe sage – that is, by home.html>
Steganography: <http://
way of communicating the key each time they hand. Computer
needed one, obviously making the whole technology has 2001/20011008/
game rather silly. By establishing duplicate made schemes that steganography.shtml>
sets of random keys used in an agreed upon were secure for POW Tap Code <http://
sequence, they could have uniquely ciphered centuries easily
messages for as long as the keyset lasted. This breakable now. tapcode.htm>
is known as the one-time pad cipher, a tablet Cryptoanalysis is Hand signals http://
or book filled with pages containing unique what NSA exists for,
keys. Some say this is still the most secure is a main purpose hands.htm>
American Cryptogram
algorithm, and still used for the deepest, albeit for the development
Association <http://
limited, security apparatus. It is impractical of the computer,>
for those who have many secrets to attend to and the bane of all Cryptopage: http://
in short order, but for the rest of us gamers it those who want privacy, protection, and
may be the most practical. Check out the security. And the digiheads continue to advance
Beale Cipher for an interesting yarn about such the game in their direction. (We’re not the See also:
a cipher still uncovered. (And pay no mind only ones who love to play, eh?) So, it would Polybius Square, Tabula Recta, Route
to the arrogant who presume if modern be well worth your time to learn the basics ciphers, VIC cipher, Gyaru-moji, Quipu
technology cannot cracked a code it is likely a of decryption – letter frequencies, pattern
hoax or diversion – though these are useful too!) recognition, and the brute-force attack(3) if you Notes:
want to play 1) GPG - GPG/PGP is a digital encryption
Combo Locks this game for
system that keeps email and other data secret as
it traverses the King/Man’s Internet. It is a bit
Put stego and crypto together of work, but may be worth the effort to learn.
to tuck things away most BUT! if you’re going to use it, use it often –
sweetly. Imagine you and especially when you don’t need it. GPG/PGP
your playmates selecting (or Weave an Basics:
writing) a little zine or two alpha-
numeric The GNU Privacy Guard: http://
that to Eve appears as just
another bit of propaganda, mat
but [hushhh] is actually your leaving 2) The number of different combinations can be
spaces derived with the factorial of a number (n! or
one-time key pad. Mix up a
scytale strip
#23 Page 18
Removed from desire, it becomes about winning have distorted the defensive collision impulse
Impulse and Collision and completing the mission, even if it is revealed technique and have turned it into a misguided
Some interesting dynamics to look at in the the pursuit is misguided or the possibilities strategy, suggesting that patience might be the
realm of describing and understanding motion for a particular aspect of it are futile. strategic path for anarchists to take. That we
that can be seen as relevant to a discussion of The contrary position to this would be the need to collect more information before we act.
strategy, are impulse and collision. Impulse application of short, hard bursts or impulses This seems absurd not only from the perspective
describes the change in momentum. In a that have considerable momentum. Like any of one who feels nothing but disdain for this
collision (the agitator of change), an object sprinter will tell you, it is easier to give it the society and is wishing to live their desires, but
experiences a force for a specific amount of juice for a 50-yard dash than a marathon. from a strategic point of view, lacks significant
time which results in a change in momentum Sprinters can pull on short-term power boosts merit, not to mention the ecological collapse
(the object’s mass either speeds up or slows to extend themselves for very brief periods of we are beginning to experience. Do we really
down). The impulse experienced by the time beyond what one might perceive as pos- need more information? Does that not become
object equals the change in momentum of sible, putting every aspect of themselves into white noise at some point, dulling our senses
the object. The greater the time over which the it. While the marathoner can draw from a and further strengthening its grip over us? No,
collision occurs, the smaller the force acting similar type of reserve power supply from time we needn’t blindly charge or remain ignorant
upon the object. Thus, to minimize the effect to time, s/he typically settles into a zone, which of our enemy, but their overall momentum is
of the force on an object involved in a allows for them to essentially “turn off” aspects determined and generally transparent and needs
collision, the time must be increased; and of themselves for the larger not excessive pondering, while their tactics are
to maximize the effect of the force on cause and mechanically and in a constant state of response, reaction, and
an object involved in a collision, less consciously go through the development. So to be patient merely means
the time must be decreased. 2 motions. Rather than seeing our- to step aside while we watch this metamor-
This principle of minimizing selves as the foot soldiers in a lengthy phosis take place (and effect all of us). Patient
the effect of a force by extending the time war, we can see ourselves as rebels until when? And at what expense?
of collision can be witnessed in boxing. quickly lighting fuses (only a metaphor, Perhaps this installment was too semantically
When a boxer concedes that she will be hit in of course) in attempts to destroy an burdened for some, perhaps, for others, it was
the head by an opponent, she often relaxes immediate enemy. Not that a holistic overview over-simplistic, but hopefully, it at least added
her neck and allows her head to move back- is not also important, but the impulse for one more layer to the discussion of anarchist
wards upon impact. Known as “riding the action is strongest if it is connected to very strategy. And, perhaps, if we look at the world
punch”, a boxer utilizes this technique in direct and present situations in our lives. around us, and understand some of its basic
order to extend the time of impact of the glove As a defensive position, a prolonged reaction dynamics and functions, we don’t need a hyper-
on her head. This results in decreasing the limits the immediate impact on us from an sophisticated or convoluted theory on strategy
force and thus minimizing the damaging oppressive force. This might mean that in situ- to act in the world that we live.
effect in the collision. This simple technique ations in which we know we are outnumbered
can extend the endurance of the boxer or outgunned, or just plain screwed, it might
significantly over the length of a fight, or be wiser to save the bullets (just another Notes:
1] “In my own writings, I have always
even a career. metaphor) and wait it out a while rather then
distinguished social movements – which
Rock climbers use nylon ropes for the same go out in a suicidal blaze of fire. To go back to arise when people’s rage against being
reason. If a rock climber should lose his grip the previous boxing metaphor, if we take the dispossessed, dominated and exploited
and begin to fall, his momentum will ultimately punches in a way that allows them to utilize creates an impetus to rebellion that
more energy than the damage they are inflict- begins to take on social dimensions –
be halted by a rope, typically made of nylon or from political movements – which attempt to either channel
similar material because of its ability to ing, they may eventually tire, allowing us to social movements into narrow ideological confines or
stretch. As the rope stretches upon being better take advantage of their weaknesses. replace them altogether. What F. Skunk refers to as
pulled by the falling climber’s mass, it will This certainly is not an excuse or reason to “movement” is what I refer to as “political movement” and
reject. What he refers to as “momentum” includes what I
apply a force upon the climber over a longer endlessly wait around, as pause and delay is refer to as “social movement”, but also includes individual
time period. Extending the time over which only a temporary maneuver, not a long-term acts of rebellion that those of us who despise the civilized
the climber’s momentum is broken results strategy. There is also a tricky line where order carry out on our own and with a few others we trust
even when we see no evidence of a social movement of
in reducing the force exerted on the falling becoming so limber, stall reaction so long, or revolt. Used in this way, the concept of momentum may be
climber. This can make the difference between stretch out resistance so thin, we become useful in the sense of continuing the momentum of our own
minor and significant injury, and can, again, dissipated into nothing. The frog that does not revolt regardless of what is happening on a larger scale.”
-Wolfi Landstreicher (letter to GA #20)
extend the body’s endurance over time. know that the temperature keeps rising and it
is slowly being boiled alive comes to mind. 2] This equation is known as the impulse-momentum change
equation. The impulse experienced by an object is the
Any effective anarchist strategy would also
Application to be seeking more conspirators with whom they
force*time, the momentum change of an object is
the mass*velocity change, the impulse equals the
have considerable affinity, as well as allies momentum change. [F * t = m * Delta v]. The equation
Anarchist Strategy whose particulars may differ, but general says that the Impulse = Change in momentum.
Your imagination can probably apply these motion is agreeable.3 The more diverse the 3]“How do we anarchists, who have specific ideas of how
this society operates and how to fight against it, intertwine
simple dynamics to a multitude of situations. momentum against civilization, the more our rebellion with the rebellions of those who may not have
For instance, a long, drawn-out, prolonged civilization’s overall strength and collision such ideas, who are rebelling in response to immediate
and constant warfare begins to lose momentum against any single opponent will be dissipated. circumstances, without falling into the role of politicians
Against any opponent, and in concert with a presenting a program? Having been in situations where
over time, especially when it is not influenced social rage began to burn, and not being satisfied with the
by new forces of impact. It takes the shape of variety of accomplices, a combination of limits of my own minor acts of rebellion in these situations
a description of movement, that is, moving offensive and defensive impulse and collision (since these acts do not in themselves prevent the various
strategies can be explored. politicians and community leaders from channeling such
from point A to point B, with little regard for rage into safe, meaningless non-action dependent upon the
any other factors. To steal a cliché, it becomes Some, who have recognized the depth institutions), this is not a question I can ignore. My own
more like a job then an adventure. It loses and pervasiveness of the problems we face and desire to tear down this despicable order moves me to
the strength of the forces we are up against, confront this question.”
not only the passion, but also the purpose. -Wolfi Landstreicher (letter to GA #20)
of a Life Half-Lived
We are born wild animals ready for the
direct interaction, sensual exaltation, free
money from work. Our rapture is shrouded in
the dogma of a culture obsessed with purity,
choosing an appropriate name, buying the
appropriate clothing, collecting the appropriate
sexuality, gender transcendence, beauty, sin, and guilt. décor for our bedrooms, and constructing the
oneness, spiritual connectedness, and wildness The free individual in a free community is appropriate identity. The binary gender system
that come from living life participating in neither sexually inhibited nor sexually obsessed. has its roots in the sexual division of labor, and
nature. As we are domesticated, this potentiality She knows whom she wants to have sexual we cannot completely abolish it without
must be stripped from us and replaced with relations with and communicates this in an open abolishing the techno-culture founded on the
shallow tokens of these experiences. way, attentive to the other person’s wants. In a division of labor. We are offered a token of
The child reaches for a blackberry in a culture of monogamy and pornography, of gender transcendence by the dominant culture.
basket just beyond her grasp. “Use your objectification and gender identity, people feel It recognizes gender as a social construct, but
words,” replies the parent, teaching her to be sexually inhibited/repressed, sexually obsessed, is cheapening in addressing a fundamental
polite, civil, and docile, to commu- property of civilization as if it was
nicate only through a web of “Beauty is missing from our lives merely a condition of civilization,
symbolic thought, but the child
still looks her parents in the eyes, so long as it is an ideal that exists and employs the leftist tactic of
resocialization rather than encour-
still touches their hand in appre-
ciation for the blackberry. As he outside of and above us.” aging a total transformation of our
relationships and the destruction
learns to ignore his senses more and more, the or often both, and their sexual energy is frequently the institutions that maintain gender identity.
ideal forms of communication become those directed toward images rather than individuals. Beauty is missing from our lives so long as
in which direct experience is eliminated entirely. As children we are taught that sexual pro- it is an ideal that exists outside of and above
She calls her friends, instant messages them, miscuity is wrong, and that sex goes hand in us. In civilization, beauty is associated more
or sends emails, and becomes uncomfortable hand with marriage as a social contract that with art, literature, poetry, photography, the
with physical contact. He talks with his friends binds individuals together in a relationship of contrived human personification of a beauty
about the new (or old) cultural (or subcultural) codependence and jealousy. At the same time, standard, and the spectacular image of nature
commodities. There is no genuine physical or boys learn to conquer the attributes of their per- than with the world that we experience directly.
emotional exchange, only mutual socially sonalities considered feminine, their sensitive We are confronted daily with a world of digital
acceptable posturing. and empathetic instincts, just as macho porn communication, wars, mines, factories, poisoned
Those who never have their ability to encoun- stars conquer women who embody the feeble air, poisoned water, poisoned food, rampant
ter the world through their senses stripped and passive character of femininity. Likewise, suicide, senseless murder, mass starvation,
of them by symbolic thought, know the feeling of girls learn to repress their strong ferocious grotesque economic wealth, boring jobs, boring
the ground beneath their feet, the taste of fresh instincts and personify the identities of virgins schools, impersonal bus rides, anonymous
spring water, the smell of a field of wildflowers and whores that are fetishized by the dominant neighbors, endless highways, rows and rows
on a warm summer day, or the sight of bear patriarchal culture. of monocultures, and routines. We find beauty
tracks in the corner of their eye. They know Had we never been domesticated we would only in alternate realities because beauty has
exactly where a cricket is sitting when they never have had these gender identities imposed been consciously relegated to alternate realities
hear it chirp from across the field, and they feel on us. Our parents would not have been dying to make way for the progression of civilization.
ecstatic at the fullness of their sensory to know our sexes before we were born. They Irreplaceable in a life in harmony with nature
experience! In civilization, we try desperately would not have taken pictures of us in the is the fundamental oneness that pervades
to compensate for our desensitization. Our womb, and began mapping out our future everything, the understanding that we are
ecstasy is made in basements and bought with image, cheering, “it’s a boy,” and subsequently made out of the same materials as the trees,
the lake, the other animals, and all that surrounds
us, and that when we die we will decompose THE REASONS It represses. It collaborates with
into soil and nourish plants that will then
nourish other animals. The loss of this one- FOR A HOSTILITY: the police in denouncing and slandering, it
prepares the terrain for them with opportune
ness that we feel living in an alienated and
alarmism, it publicly justifies their operations.
mediated world is traumatizing, but some try Sometimes it represses by admitting an action
to regain it through mass society. They des- is right – someone called this “laudatory
perately seek a mass movement to convince
the Mass
repression” – i.e., by presenting that which is
them they are not alone. They are afraid of not subversive as being so, that which is just
moving beyond a lowest common denominator around the corner as distant, that which has
platform for fear that they (or the masses)
just now started as finished. More often all one
would be alienated. They do not understand gets from the mass media is the work of falsi-
to what extent alienation lies at the foundation fication and repression, i.e., the more openly
of every facet of civilized life. Our hostility toward journalists – their words, slanderous and criminalizing aspect. But rage
The Christian belief that the earth is the place their images – needs some more clarification. against journalistic lies is short-lived since it
of the material world and heaven is the place of As we explain in the following notes, the point can be undermined in less conflictual periods
the spiritual world has shown itself to be a self- is not the greater or lesser honesty of the individual by a series of sufficiently honest articles. The
fulfilling prophecy. Industrial civilization is a journalist or photographer, but rather the role problem is not the honesty of the individual
of the media apparatus itself. That mass media has journalist or the accuracy of the articles, but
barren lifeless wasteland, and many of those
the pretension of being the total representation rather the social activity of the mass media. In
who inhabit it are in search of spiritual ful- of reality is made obvious by this simple fact: the media machine, intellectual qualities and
fillment. Often the spiritual practices of people anyone who refuses to speak with journalists, ethical norms are swept away be the mass of
living closer to nature seem appealing. To “doesn’t want to communicate with anyone”. As information, by the “totalitarianism of the
distract themselves from their daily lives, if it was impossible to communicate in a direct fragment” that is the true face of the news.
civilized people often begin to adopt their New manner, without the filter of the press, radio, and Critical intelligence is formed through associa-
Age versions of the spiritual practices of native television. It is the same attitude that the political tion, analogy, memory. News, on the contrary,
people. They appropriate and parody these authorities have: anyone who refuses any relation- is the product of separation, of details, of the
practices and create a niche for them in ship with them, so they tell us, refuses dialogue eternal present. Media passivity is only the
commodity culture. But no path will lead us with everyone. And yet, despite the great steps reflection of the passivity of work and of
to spiritual fulfillment, especially those that forward in social domestication, the world is the market. As is well-known, the life that gets
belong to other people. Real Spiritual fulfillment not just populated by authorities, cops and away from us comes back to us in the form of
can only be found through direct connection journalists. In fact, it is actually beyond and the image. The more one is informed, the less
with the earth. against their power that real dialogue begins. one knows, i.e., the less one lives.
Wildness is the feeling that comes from The mass media is an integral part of the ruling
pursuing our desires and living vibrant lives order. As such, it forces participation, excludes, Today no one can do politics without selling
of ecstatic sensory experience. It is charac- recuperates and represses at the same time. her image. Anyone who does not want to break
teristic of a primitive lifestyle. To conceal the with politics in all its forms does not want to
inescapable suppression of real wildness by It forces participation. break with media representation. He might
civilization, we go to elaborate lengths to create Everyone must believe that the only reality that insult journalists for several weeks, in the
exists is that which the newspapers, radio, and impossibility of doing anything else; then she
social situations that imitate wildness. Most
television shape daily, the reality of the state will return to dialogue.
parties are calculated mockeries of sponta- and the economy. The media is the indispens- The media is necessary for mediating with
neity. They fail to improve the quality of our able tool in the determination of consensus. It is power. It is itself, and recent events confirm this,
interactions, and instead become a parade of the modern version of the myth, i.e., of the rep- what urges dialogue in order to, thus, foster the
superficiality, invoking the feeling of the resentation that unites the exploited with the repression of those who don’t dialogue with
individual lost in a crowd. exploiters. The media socializes the populace. their enemies.
When we recognize the source of our estrange- In the chatter of consensus, the police file
ment as our separation from the natural world It excludes. Thoughts and actions starts against anyone who remains silent.
and seek to reconnect with it, we must overcome hostile to this society must not appear. They Because to break off with the press and television,
the ideology of observation. Science teaches us must be silenced, falsified or rendered incompre- with the images and labels that they place on
to watch and study the natural world, but never hensible. Silencing when their very existence our backs, means breaking off with politics.
to participate in it. Literature, theater, and tele- is an attack against the constituted order. But the conclusion cannot be that of the
vision teach us to passively accept a narrative. Falsifying when that which cannot be silenced autism of the ghetto, but rather that of a
I will not passively accept the narrative of the has to be opportunely reconstructed. Rendering rebellion that gives itself its own tools of
trajectory of progress! I will not “take only incomprehensible when the media is forced to autonomous communication.
photographs leave only footsteps!” I want a concede some partial truth to revolt, so that its
total meaning goes unnoticed. The media takes
relationship with plants and animals, not photo-
every means of autonomous expression away
graphs of them. I refuse to watch nature as if
from behind glass. I hate that the alienation from the powerless. The one-sided nature of comrades
we learn in civilization carries over into our information is the opposite of communication
relationship with the undomesticated world.
between individuals. with
I want to reclaim direct experience, sensual It recuperates. It invites us to dia- free
exaltation, free sexuality, genderlessness, beauty,
oneness, spiritual connectedness, and wildness,
logue with the institutions, it creates spokespeople hands
and leaders, it integrates all subversive ideas and
and I want to participate in nature! I will not practices once it renders them harmless, separating
accept the tokens of these experiences that are them from their context, making us consume them
offered to us in civilization to conceal the dis- without living them, suffocating them with the
satisfaction that lies at the base of our daily lives! boredom of the already well-known.
…It Seems I proposal for a new type of action, nor a return to older
tactics, but instead some ideas to consider and questions
to ask ourselves. Hopefully people from an assortment
of positions are having serious discussions on such
Am Mostly matters. To not be, is to consider our lives as
insurrectionaries, revolutionaries, or those simply
wishing to end the current order, a mere game.
by Jesús Sepúlveda
country music. The curious thing is that they Toward this end, standardization is a process
FRAGMENT 31 sometimes sing songs that can appear to have
too much in common with the lives of their
of human cretinization through average,
standard formats. These formats contain the
In a place in the American Northwest, on the listeners. In reality, this is not strange. It is a values of plutocratic democracy that hold the line
outskirts of Eugene, Oregon, a hippie beanfest product of standardization. The heroes and behind the gains of the “mediocracies.” That
is celebrated annually. This fair is not quite a characters of the songs become stereotypes is to say, the standardizing government and
quilombo, although it could be. Quilombos are produced, massified and administrated by the ideologies: democratic concepts that are
disordered, rebellious, turbulent and Dionysian. symbolic culture that reproduces control through openly embodied by fascism. For the beanfest
They permit peculiarities to meet in a natural state the image. In this way, standardization appro- to again become some kind of quilombo, it is
of anarchy manifested in the perpetual present. priates peculiarity and transforms it into a imperative that all the wild feathers of peculiarity
Notwithstanding, the beanfest of the Northwest recognizable typology: archetypes, types of be unfurled. If not, the party is transformed
induces every participant to highlight one aspect physiologies, stereotypes, etc. into a concentration camp with confetti and
of their individuality, normed by a varied gamut of Stereotypes are vulgar forms of understanding balloons, but without sharing, or laughter, or
previously conformed cultural types: fashion, standardization and exist only by virtue of it. For companionship. This is not very different
fetish, appearance. This standardizes the revelry example, bus drivers always wave to each other from what happens at official events, which
and impedes a true celebration, uniforming the when they pass. This happens wherever civili- are repeated over and over again in schools
fun. By contrast, the true carnival is a ritual of zation has had a uniforming and homogenizing and public and private institutions, labor
remembrance, rings the warning bells over our impact. The more stereotypes a society has, the ceremonies, and so on. Truly, the objective
own reality and comprises a primordial higher its level of standardization and alienation. of these pseudo-celebrations is to prepare the
knowledge—that human beings are nothing but The stereotype is an image charged semiotically ideological and emotional foundation for
nature. Death is sufficient demonstration of that. and semantically by categories. Its action— propagandistic indoctrination and repressive
The fair, on the other hand, needs rules, security which is projected onto reality—is imposed over control: the twin weapons that the system uses
systems, guards, undercover police, all of which oppressed groups in the forms of exoticism or to maintain immobility. The quilombo, on the
go against nature, the planet and the joyous demonization. The exotic is a category constructed other hand—as a true carnival—is a form of
expression of being. Today, for example, it is by the dominant order to infantilize the other and social staging of consciousness, whose
illegal to smoke a joint in the fair. But it wasn’t appropriate him or her. Demonization provides Dionysian practice liberates and separates
always this way. In fact, the Oregon Country self-justification for aggression against the other. the reveler from the machine of training and
Fair began as a ‘Sixties festival that wanted to Without categories, the typologies and collective conduct control. That which is Dionysian,
emulate the carnivals of the Middle Ages and images cannot be widely recognized. Stereotypes in this case, not only disrupts the culture of
was highly anti-establishment in the beginning. spectacularize uniformity. This is obvious in mass “reason,” by antithetically opposing itself to
Hippies and flower people from all over the world culture: in the mass media culture of audiovisual the Apollonian, it also dissipates instrumental
attended, unfolding their colors and rebel smiles communication or “mainstream” American culture, norms by dismantling the duality between
against uniformity. for example. Its ideology is mediocrity, and its Bacchus and Apollo, which fades away in the
The locals form musical combos, and they play goal is to make sure that all human beings fit rebellious character of the celebration.
a kind of long folksong that is associated with like cogs in a big and incomprehensible machine. (See next page for recent “Post Scriptum”)
Although I still believe that the points made
in fragment 31 are valid, my opinion about the
The Nihilist’s Dictionary
Oregon Country Fair has changed in a positive
way. From outside, the fair is one more festival
mediated by the market that offers spectacles,
entertainment, and food. But it is also a
counter-cultural event that can reinforce
autonomy, solidarity, and community. By
counter culture I understand alternative
cultures to the mainstream that open interstitial
zones, where non-conformist and radical
spirits can develop their potential. The intersti-
tial zones are interzones where one can
fight, survive, and resist. It is a battlefield
in permanent motion—sometimes mediated
by the market, sometimes free for a vital
celebration of life. People involved in the fair
form a tribal crowd who camp, have a week-
long party, and make a living without having
to interact much with the Christian-Babylonian
by John
John Zerzan
marketplace. Non-hierarchical, caring and
tolerant interactions are prevalent in this Com-mu-ni-ty n. 1. a body of people having the same interests. 2. [Ecol.] an
temporary tribal family, being a hospitable aggregate of organisms with mutual relations. 3. a concept invoked to establish
scenario for consciousness expansion and solidarity, often when the basis for such affiliation is absent or when the actual
liberating practices. Its organization is more content of that affiliation contradicts the stated political goal of solidarity.
horizontal than vertical, and more chaotic than
linear—although indeed there are hierarchical Community, by which one obviously means more than, say, neighborhood, is a very
aspects proper to all organizational circum- elusive term but a continuing touchstone of radical values. In fact, all manner of folks resort to
it, from the pacifist encampments near nuclear test sites to “serve the people” leftists with their
stances. It is also an opportunity for kids to
self-sacrifice-plus-manipulation approach to the proto-fascist Afrikaaner settlers. It is invoked
hang out and grow in a counter-cultural envi-
for a variety of purposes or goals, but as a liberatory notion is a fiction.
ronment far away from the media and systemic Everyone feels the absence of community, because human fellowship must struggle, to
indoctrination. It is certainly closer to a free even remotely exist, against what “community” is in reality. The nuclear family, religion,
practice of anarchic ways of being than to a nationality, work, school, property, the specialism of roles–some combination of these seem
controlled, mechanized, and domesticated to comprise every surviving community since the imposition of civilization. So we are dealing
behavioral pattern. However, it happens inside with an illusion, and to argue that some qualitatively higher form of community is allowed to
the system, although it leaves spaces to unfold exist within civilization is to affirm civilization. Positivity furthers the lie that the authentically
“temporary autonomous zones.” We can social can co-exist with domestication. In this regard, what really accompanies domination,
choose to unfold these zones or not, but under as community, is at best middle-class, respect-the-system protest.
the current stage of the Empire, it can be a Fifth Estate, for example, undercuts its (partial) critique of civilization by upholding
survival tactic. Thus, challenging authoritarian community ties to it in its every other sentence. At times it seems that the occasional
structures and behaviors, and putting energy Hollywood film outdoes our anti-authoritarian journals in showing that a liberatory solidarity
into creating, encouraging, and multiplying springs from non-civilization and its combat with the “community” of industrial modernity.
autonomy is crucial. The Oregon Country Fair Jacques Camatte discussed capital’s movement from the stage of formal domination to that of
can be a celebration of life and a re-connection real domination. But there appear to be significant grounds from which to project the continuing
to nature for many in their transitional passage erosion of support for existing community and a desire for a genuine solidarity and freedom. As
toward liberation. Leaving behind prejudices Fredy Perlman put it, near the end of his exceptional Against His-Story, Against Leviathan!:
and standardizing stereotypes that perpetuate “What is known is that Leviathan, the great artifice, single and world-embracing for the first
the idiotic process which corrals humans into time, in His-story, is decomposing…It is a good time for people to let go of its insanity, its
masks and armors, and go mad, for they are already being ejected from its pretty polis.”
average formats may be a manner to unfold
The refusal of community might be termed a self-defeating isolation but it appears preferable,
reality in its multiple and peculiar possibilities.
healthier, than declaring our allegiance to the daily fabric of an increasingly self-destructive
It may also be a way to find a path to resist world. Magnified alienation is not a condition chosen by those who insist on the truly social
this gloomy, tedious, and empty world fostered over the falsely communal. It is present in any case, due to the content of community.
by paranoia, fea,r and repression. Opposition to the estrangement of civilized, pacified, existence should at least amount to
–Jesús Sepúlveda, June 2006 naming that estrangement instead of celebrating it by calling it community.
The defense of community is a conservative gesture that faces away from the radical break
As our regular readers know, The Garden of Peculiarities required. Why defend that to which we are held hostage?
is a poetic anti-civilization collection of 47 vignettes In truth, there is no community. And only by abandoning what is passed off in its name can we
originally written in Spanish by Jesús Sepúlveda. Over
move on to redeem a vision of communion and vibrant connectedness in a world that bears no
the past few years Green Anarchy has regularly printed
one fragment per issue. We are happy to announce that resemblance to this one. Only a negative “community,” based explicitly on contempt for the
this provocative book has finally been published in categories of existent community, is legitimate and appropriate to our aims.
English as a 108-page title from Feral House. We hope The Nihilist’s Dictionary was originally a regularly running column in Anarchy: A Journal of Desire
to carry it soon, but in the meantime, you can order it Armed over ten years ago. The entire dictionary can be found towards the end of John’s book, Future
for $12 from the publisher. Feral House, PO BOX Primitive (Autonomedia/Anarchy), and in a zine format available from our distro. P.S. only one more left!
39910, Los Angeles, CA 90039.
Death by a Thousand Cuts
More Symptoms of the Meltdown
“Be the Spark! When we step out of legality, when we are masked
by the night, when we become the earth, we are unconquerable.
These moments of collective power, of togetherness and tribe
are not limited to those times when we mass together. In the
dark, in different places, different times, our sparks join together
as one fire. Many of us will never meet each other; all the better,
we’ll still be one—but those who want to extinguish our flames
will find it more difficult.” – Do or Die #10
January 9, Buckeye, Arizona: The Common Ground Alliance In late January, the Synthron chemical manufacturing, and waste have on
The Real Cyberthreat reported more than 675,000 exca- plant in North Carolina exploded, killing all life. These are the same people
Cable TV contractors sinking a half- vation accidents in 2004 alone. In a one person and wounding dozens of who rail against anti-civ anarchists
mile of cable near I-10, pulled up a report issued by the Alliance for Tele-
others. A water main burst during the and eco-direct actionists as too
little extra wire in their backhoe. communications Industry Solutions, inferno carrying thousands of gallons extreme, too unsympathetic to the
Unmarked fiber-optic cable came cable dig-ups were listed as the of water-soluble chemicals into nearby plight of The Worker, devoid of com-
spooling out the bucket “like a single most common cause of outages Catawba River that are killing uncount- passion for ‘the people’. Over and
fishing line”, knocking out phone over the 12-year period ending in able aquatic species. The plant was over, they insist on ‘appropriate
and Internet service for millions of 2004. Though the number of incidents completely demolished and several technology’, but we never hear what
Sprint and Nextel wireless customers have been dropping in recent years, homes in the area also damaged. The makes it appropriate and how the
west of the Rockies. Transcontinental authorities are paying close attention
cause of the explosion is under investi- syndicalists, Pareconians, and their
Internet traffic slowed to a crawl to the increased severity and duration
gation, but a leak in the reactor used to Workers will solve environmental
with many corporations left elec- of outages. DHS and the FCC are now make paint additives is suspected. problems the ‘great minds’ of science
tronically isolated. In the end, a locking up previously public data Industrial ‘accidents’ like these, and have been incapable of resolving.
shallow hole dug out of a dirt road regarding infrastructure outages. worse, are not uncommon. While the Civilization is a complex, unfath-
outside a small town, triggered a Geographic and financial limitations bureaucracy attempts to use regulatory omable interaction of forces that will
three-and-a-half hour outage with have led different companies to install
controls and technological advance- always remain beyond anyone’s
national impact. The experts say this their cables next to eachothers’ ments to prevent potential disasters, control and those who support its
outage is a reminder that the most alongside the same limited number it’s simply not possible to monitor and “collapse” or are all about “taking it
vulnerable framework in America’s of roads and railways. “The vast prevent every leak, explosion, human down” have much to consider.
critical infrastructure lies literally majority of providers are on just slip-up, retaliatory action, and theft There is a plethora of toxic sub-
beneath our feet. two routes”, said Gorman. that can (and too often does) release stances and mechanisms in every
This fiber line was part of a “self- dangerous materials into the water, factory, farm, warehouse, high-
healing” ring network capable of January, Baymeadows, soil, air, and bodies. While Homeland rise,... that will remian lethal to all
rerouting traffic in the opposite Florida and Morgantown, NC: Security and the myriad of public and forms of life for a very, very long
direction when a problem occurs. Two Cautionary Tales private agencies bank on the fear of time. Strategy. Target. Method.
Most telecommunication networks ‘terrorism’, the crumbling Machine
A krypton gas canister exploded at
have some redundancy meant to the Florida location of Unison, an
poses the greatest threat of all. January 20,
prevent such outages. In this case, aviation and missile Marshallville,
however, another section of the parts manufacturer, Georgia:
same line (buried in a railroad causing the evacuation In this small town of
culvert near Reno Junction, CA) had of 500 workers with 1,300 people about 90
suffered damage a few days earlier fifteen taken to local miles south of Atlanta,
during a mudslide; the water- hospitals for injuries. a mob attacked cops
logged portion had been removed When fire officials with rocks then looted
for repairs. Together, the two cuts tested the area for and burned down the
effectively sawed off the entire radiation they found white police chief’s
westernmost section of the ring. levels high enough temporary home (he
“But that conspiracy of bad timing to require decontami- had just returned from
and wet weather pales against the nation procedures for Iraq) after a black man,
impact that deliberate saboteurs or about 20 people. An Clarence Walker, 48,
terrorists could make with some expert in nuclear was murdered by his
rented backhoes and careful target physics from the pigs. Cops claim that
selection” notes one pundit. Another Mayo Clinic was they only used “minimal
expert, Sean Gorman, a DHS consult- called to consult with firefighters force” to subdue Walker who was
ant who had mapped the fiber-optic to ensure the facility was safe for Meanwhile, ‘environmentalists’ wanted on outstanding charges, but
paths for his PHD reports, “We’ve the employees to return. The cause are supporting nuclear energy solu- witnesses saw pigs sitting on him
looked at scenarios where we of the explosion is under investi- tions to the fossil fuel problem while and spraying him with pepper spray.
(could) have multiple fiber cuts that gation. Rare gases, such as krypton, Leftists extoll the virtues of worker- Further, Chief Stephen Stewart had
effectively disconnect the West are used in lighting, lasers, and managed production, with neither let it be known that Walker would be
Coast from the East Coast. It’s not medical imaging, as well as labo- group addressing the long list of arrested “dead or alive”, according
very difficult to figure out.” ratory research. devastating impacts that mining, to the victims brother.
January 31, February 15, the suspect provided details on how While the power was back up,
East St. Louis, Missouri: Portsmouth, Virginia: he had lit them. South Africa’s second biggest city
Sometimes Opportunity Beckons Officials have asked the public for help Scholten has a “pretty extensive” may now face months of power cuts
finding those responsible for a series record of misdemeanors for such while technicians work to bring
The entire first shift of the East St.
of fires and bomb threats at local things as graffiti vandalism and Koeberg back to full power ahead
Louis police department called in
schools, including one at I.C. Norcom violating the town’s skate park of the start of the southern hemi-
sick on Tuesday, the day after the city
High School and two more at Woodrow ordinance. The spate of fires spooked sphere winter, analysts say. The
refused to pay more than 230 work-
Wilson High School. Officials reported residents of this picturesque wine blackouts are not unique to Cape
ers due to budgeting problems. The
that since the first Wilson fires, 11 country town (especially lawyers Town, with industrial and financial
news that there would be no payroll
bomb threats have been called in to and chiropractors). The first fire hub Johannesburg having been hit
checks came the same day they were
Portsmouth schools and are trying to started on the evening of February by intermittent outages for the past
to be issued. Officers from other
determine whether they are links 15th at a downtown law office with two years.
departments were pulled off normal
between the incidents. Among other subsequent blazes this week at a
duties and placed on the streets.
security measures, schools will be law office building (twice) and at a March 7, Zeralda, Algeria:
“swept” for suspicious items twice a chiropractic office at the former Hundreds of youthful rioters, in a
February 2, West Warwick, Rhode city hospital.
day by staff. The tab for the pranks seaside suburb of Algiers, attacked
Island: Creative Writing Class government buildings
now stands at $500,000.
Gets (Unwanted?) Attention and looted and burned
A seventh-grade writer is a target of a
Secret Service Investigation after he
February 21, Don’t push me ‘cause I’m too the state bank. Unrest
broke out after news
wrote an essay threatening George
Bush. His teacher alerted school Washington: close to the edge. spread that a 34-year-old
man named Faycal was
officials after he turned in his assign- Fire investigators say shot and killed by local
ment describing what he would do on small fires were set nine pigs. Faycal reportedly
a perfect day. Thomas M. Powers, times at Evergreen High went to the police station
Secret Service agent in charge, said School between Jan. 23 to confront a cop about
the investigation is ongoing, but the and Feb. 13. The total a “love rivalry”. According
essay may have been a “cry for help.” loss is estimated to be to authorities, Faycal
“Threatening the president is a felony,” $20,000. Two teenage threatened cops with an
he said. The one-page essay also said girls, ages 16 and 17, axe and was promptly
the student wanted to kill Oprah are suspected of being fired upon.
Winfrey, hurt executives at Coca-Cola involved in the arsons.
and Wal-Mart, and attack a Walgreens Charges are pending in
the case and investiga-
April 5, Brooklyn, New
pharmacy. “His perfect day would be
to see the destruction of these people,” tors say the two could York: Saying Never
Schools Superintendent David Raiche face charges that range Again With Meaning!
said. The student felt the companies from Reckless Burning More than 1,000 ultra-
were doing inappropriate things, he to Arson 1. Orthodox Hasidic Jews
continued, and the student had been flooded the streets of
barred temporarily from coming back February 23, February 28, Cape Town, South their Borough Park neighborhood in
to school as a ‘mental health’ rather Healdsburg,California: Burning a spontaneous demonstration against
Africa: Blackouts Hit Africa police brutality and harassment.
than disciplinary precaution. “He was Up His Boredom Cape Town’s lights may be back on
writing a letter threatening everyone on Around 6:30 pm, residents began
A local, unemployed drifter was after a week of blackouts, dark pushing and shoving cops following
the planet,” School Board Chairman arrested on suspicion of igniting a nights, and traffic chaos, but South
Daniel T. Burns Jr. said. “He was just the arrest of 75-year-old Arthur
string of fires at historic downtown Africa now faces a desperate race Schick who police say was talking
mad at the world.” buildings in the Sonoma County to avert a critical energy crisis over on a cell phone while stopped at a
town, authorities said. Henry the next two years, analysts said. traffic light. According to some eye-
February 14, St. John’s, Pellouchoud Scholten, 26, was Energy experts say years of inac- witnesses, the elderly man, who is
Newfoundland: picked up after an unidentified infor- tion have allowed the power grid hard of hearing, was roughed up
Police are investigating the damage mant told police that he was involved in Africa’s biggest economy to by pigs after he failed to provide
to 14 pieces of snow clearing equip- in setting four fires at three down- stagnate despite demand spurred them with identification when they
ment at a municipal depot, caused town office buildings during the past by strengthening economic growth, asked for it. The police say that
when a mixture of sand and grit was week. The informant — a young leaving infrastructure strained Schick was argumentative and
put into the fuel tanks of six sanding woman — used her cell phone to sometimes beyond capacity. “It’s threw himself on the ground. Two
machines and eight snowblower record the suspect’s detailed remarks definitely a severe problem, some men who tried to intervene in the
attachments. Mechanics found fuel about the fires, police said. companies could go out of business, arrest were arrested themselves,
lines and filters blocked with the “He has been bragging about light- businesses that rely on electricity including one who allegedly
mixture, which is commonly used ing the fires. We’ve had five people to survive,” an electrical engineer jumped on the back of one cop.
around the depot. So far, the city has who’ve come in today, saying that stated.Recently, technical prob- Residents shouted “No justice, no
spent $15,000 on repairs but the tab Henry was responsible,” according to lems at Koeberg, the continent’s peace” and “Nazi Germany” as they
is expected to climb as more inspec- authorities. “He told one young woman only nuclear-fired facility, exposed smashed the windows of a police
tions are completed. “There’s no that he started the fires because it is holes in the system and subjected cruiser and set another one on fire.
doubt that it had to be done by some- such a boring town and that he Cape Town to eight days of rolling Rioters built numerous bonfires in the
body inside,” said Mayor Andy Wells. wanted to create chaos.” The defacto blackouts. Roads in parts of the streets, which they held for about four
“It was not possible for anybody pig helped her buddies obtain a city – the country’s tourism hub – hours until riot police were able to
external to get into the yard and do statement from Scholten by meeting were gridlocked, shops shut regain control of the situation. Two
this.” However, union officials insist him for lunch at a downtown park their doors, and harvested fruits cops suffered minor injuries, but no one
there are gaps in security at the depot bench and recording their conver- lay rotting in stifling heat, costing was arrested after the initial incident.
and anyone can sneak onto the sation with her cell phone. When the region hundreds of millions
property to cause damage. she asked Scholten about the fires, of rands. (continued on next page)
April 20, Mexico:
Drug War Hits the Sunning Rich
Acapulco authorities discovered the
heads of two cops along with a red
Nous sommes líinaccompli de 68
sign with black lettering taped to the [We
[We are
are the
the unfinished
unfinished business of ‘68]
government office: “So that you learn
some respect.” The heads were iden- “The media’s treatment of our social struggles is
tified as those of Acapulco Preventive always a letdown. The short, entertaining
Police Commander Mario Nunez format of the articles or news items
Magana and Preventive Police Officer is always dramatically distant from
Jesus Alberto Ibarra. The two cops’ the complexity of our projects.
decapitated bodies were later found Seeking a catchy image or lively
at the site of a January incident where personality, the journalists turn
drug cartel members were killed in a our battles into a spasmodic
shootout. The beheaded pigs had spectacle, then invariably
been part of the battle. abandon us when the conflict
This popular bourgeois resort city drags on. In their accounts,
has been shaken by more than a our revolts are systemati-
dozen high-profile gun slayings as
cally presented as eccentric,
well as several grenade attacks on
or cute, or immature, con-
police stations this year already.
Authorities in the Pacific coast state trasted with the carefully
of Guerrero stepped up security in phrased commentaries of
the resort city and other tourist areas their talking heads.”
in response to a wave of violence that
has left at least three dead and more
—Anonymous, Grenoble,
10 April 2006
Update from France
than a dozen wounded this past week
including several lawyers and cops. There is a lot going on as anarchists, Late March: nearly a month earlier peaked when
In another spectacular incident in anti-capitalists, students, workers, French Interior Minister Sarkozy let between one and three million people
Petetlan, about 100 miles from union bosses, and leaders engage pigs know he wanted them to get took to the streets and continued to
Acalpulco, unidentified assailants in various levels of resistance to tough with ‘delinquents’ during a disrupt some 50 universities. A
lobbed a grenade inside a restaurant, changes in youth and elder job scheduled 36-hour strike. Mass transit hundred school students blocked a
injuring about 40 people celebrating the laws, increased police actions, systems were all but immobilized bridge linking France and Germany
birthday of the local mayor’s chauffeur. and other acts of state and capital with only two out of three high-speed for two hours at Strasbourg, while
The mayor wasn’t present during this repression. This is an ongoing trains, about 40% of other long- in Paris protesters blocked several
attack, the second in three days along struggle and we can’t possibly distance trains, and about half of its main train stations, delaying Eurostar
the Pacific coast. In the first incident, cover it in the depth it requires, so suburban lines operating. In Paris, trains from London. Protesters also
assailants threw a grenade at a home we’ve provided a couple Internet the underground rail network and slowed traffic around Paris’ Orly
in the resort city of Acapulco, wounding links to writings by participants. suburban service were also badly hit airport, forcing some travelers to
two men and three women. To encourage you in this explo- by the strike and airport officials drag their luggage on foot. Before
ration, a few tidbits: warned of delays and cancellations. dawn, about 100 students blocked
May 14, Montgomery County, Schools, post-offices, banks, government a highway used by trucks carrying
Maryland: Mid-March: Airbus parts to the factory outside
offices and unemployment bureaus
Riot cops launched a pre-dawn Toulouse, in southern France.
MySpace=CopSpace Too! assault on a number of buildings
also experienced serious disruption.
Two teenagers are facing 22 charges Despite the threat of violent repres- On April 10, the state backed down
on the Sorbonne campus where and the youth jobs order (CPE) was
each, accused of setting fires that they sion, youths attacked police cars,
students fortified themselves as rescinded, with the unions declaring
bragged about on the Internet. The 17- government buildings, and riot cops
part of a three-day sit-in protest to victory. However, 12 universities
year-old schoolmates were allegedly with rocks and other projectiles. In
a newly proposed youth labor law. remained disturbed as of April 14th,
involved in 17 fires in the county, and one incident, a makeshift explosive
After being evicted, hundreds of which one is blocked (Toulouse II)
each faces two counts of first-degree was tossed into a police car leaving
marched through the Latin Quarter and one is closed by the university
arson and four counts of second- its inhabitants just enough time to
where they smashed up a on grounds of safety (Rennes II).
degree arson, fire officials said. The escape before their vehicle exploded
McDonald’s, built barricades, and On April 24th, the first day back
two boys were charged as juveniles, in flame. A dozen private cars were
clashed with pigs again. at the Sorbonne since the strike
so their names have not been released. set on fire and garbage bins torched
Students last occupied the ended, several hundred students
Authorities had been searching for in Montfermeil and the adjacent town
Sorbonne in the spring of 1968. from various French universities
clues for months in the series of fires of Clichy-sous-Bois where last fall’s
After their eviction, protests followed voted to re-occupy it, and around
where stores, vehicles, a bowling alley, violence began when two teenagers
that sparked a nation-wide revolt. 200 students occupied a confer-
and two school buses were set ablaze were electrocuted as they ran from
One of the most well known student ence room, but were escorted out
between Jan. 20 and April 16. When pigs. A third youth that was badly
leaders of the ’68 demonstrations by riot police later that day.
investigators got a tip to log on to burned in that incident was arrested
is Daniel Cohn-Bendit, who since As we go to print, the streets are, they found enough in this latest melee on charges of
has abandoned his anti-authoritarian calm. Is it over? Have the unions
photos and descriptions they needed throwing rocks at a police car.
politics and joined the government and student leaders successfully
to make the arrests. “The significant as a member of the Green Party. Early April: squelched a rebellion again?
thing is they posted on the Internet, He said that the current protests Protests moved to the roadways and
and bragged about the fires and that cannot be compared to 1968 and Links:
rail yards as demonstrators attempted
certainly allowed us to break the that when he heard about them he -
to shut down commerce and force the
case,” Montgomery County Fire expressed sympathy for Prime france2006.documents.htm
government to back down. Protests
Chief Thomas Carr said. “They Minister Dominique de Villepin. -
that began on university campuses
posted photos of these fires.”
free your mind and
your ass will follow
Prison as a Liberating Experience
Caught deep within the gears and cogs of the American dream-death machine, I quit, and the company and the Local 890,
I often ponder my humanity’s and the planet’s existence. I have the eventually went out of business. After
time, you see, they gave it to me. Undistracted, undiluted, uncut, p-time, that, I worked within the UAW for
because the continuous audio-visual roar of the spectacle is reduced to a awhile, saw it for what it was – a corporate
dull, monotonous hum inside the wire, that can be further reduced by foil – and pretty much opted out of the
unplugging from radio and tv. Time is actually more mine than ever, whole damned system by 1977.
restored by a sentence of the court, and ample proof everything they do After Vietnam, most of my movement
tends to work against them in the long run. friends and I thought the shops were the next
What to do? Contemplate my navel for hours? Fall to my knees and battlefield – the front lines in the war against
pray for deliverance? Play crazy and get fitted with a nice pharmaceutical capital. We were wrong. The workers, as most
straitjacket? Or, be rational, fight my case in the courts, read, study, exercise, everyone else in America were, still are, totally
and prepare myself for the inevitable? After all, as Ho Chi Minh once enthralled by the spectacle. Nearly everyone
said, “Open the gates of prison and the dragon will fly out!” worshiping at the alter of commodity, slaving away
Prison is a situation that cuts two ways. One way, you can find Jesus, for things they don’t need and/or wholly detrimental
Allah, and Buddha. Hell, they might just find you, as God is creepin’ and to our continued existence as a species on this planet.
oozin’ all over these penitentiaries. This way, of course, requires “faith” Others took a more direct approach, blew shit up and
and, to paraphrase Crowley, when you sleep with faith you’ll find a corpse robbed banks, etc., apparently thinking these acts would
in your arms on awakening. The other way, the rational way, and its on! wake-up the slumbering working class, and the rest of the
You’re the dragon soaring through the air and breathing fire, ‘cause ain’t government. No dice, didn’t happen. Proving that it’ll take a whole
no doubt prison can be a liberating experience. lot more than a “Weatherman” to wake these people up. Just look at the
Looking back while doing time is a situational prerequisite, if only to apathy in the face of the years of hurricane disaster predictions for the city
avoid being shanked there. If awake, and dancing (i.e., not sleeping with of New Orleans.
faith) then you will be analyzing your past – checking and rechecking All we got to show for our collective efforts is the wholesale destruction
your errors and what you somehow managed to get right. of the environment, global warming, declining union memberships, fraudulent
Back in the day, seeing the need for radical change, I became enamored corporate bankruptcies designed to lower wages and eliminate pension
of the Black Panther Party and the derivative, White Panther Party. I read and medical benefits, numerous invasions and occupations of other countries,
Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao and was completely misled into the “War on Terror”, “urban renewal” via hurricane Katrina and Rita,
thinking the Industrial working class (i.e., the proletariat) would be the George W. Bush, his friends Osama bin Laden and Pat Robertson, and a
vanguard of the revolution. Before I knew it, I was all the way in, not lot of cool people in jails, prisons, or dead!
realizing that instead of a proletariat, all America had was a labor aristocracy, However, I did find the front lines, eventually and accidentally. They’re
whose slogan was and still is: “Fuck a revolution, give us a few more here inside! In the current situation, it is extremely difficult to come to
dollars, a few more toys, and to hell with the rest of the world!” grips with the oppressor class as you probably noticed. This is because
Off and running, I got a job as a welder, organized the second Boilermakers’ everything is so spectacularly amorphous and derivative. Not true of prison,
local in Michigan, Local 890, got my ass kicked by a company goon, and as you are face-to-face with the guns of the oppressors on a daily basis.
was almost arrested for having my ass kicked in the process, only to see the This particular situation, in turn, facilitates a disconnect from the spectacle
goon elected president of the local. His election occurred, primarily, and provides you with a unique sense of community. If you doubt this, then
because it was scheduled on a Sunday morning and most of the workers take a good look at what went down at New York’s Attica State Prison on
were too tired or too lazy to show up, and the ones that did show thought September 13, 1971 and has been going down in prisons all over the world!
I was “too radical”. Being a state prisoner is a mark of honor. If I hadn’t been imprisoned
Needless to say, the goon by the state, it would confirm my mesmerization by the spectacle and
negotiated a crap contract, compliance with this sick society. It seems to me, something is seriously
wrong with anybody who isn’t in the statists’ face enough to be locked-up
occasionally, considering these bastards are destroying our homes, our
world, and our everyday life. If you ain’t part of the solution, then you’re
most definitely part of the problem.
Besides finding prison, oddly enough, a liberating experience,
the upside to all the statist and capitalist crap is that, in their
blind arrogance, they’ll inevitably bring the temple down
themselves. The thing is, not to get buried in the rubble with
them. In the immortal words of Parliament-Funkadelic’s
George Clinton, “Free your mind and your ass will follow.”
So, let’s get our asses the hell out of here!
Rand W.Gould
Autumn Equinox 2005 (9/22/05)
(C187131) Kinross Correctional facility
16770 S. Watertower Dr.
Kincheloe, MI 49788
crime who were trying to break out,
but authorities foiled their escape
ItIt is
is upon
upon our
our route
route to
to escape
escape that
that we
we become
become alive,
alive, by Bro. Khalfani Malik Khaldun
(s/n Leonard McQuay)
we find
find ourselves,
ourselves, we put our plans into action. P.O. Box 557
Westville, IN 46391-0557
News from
in his “big tent of anarchy?”
Boo Hiss Back to Internet Role Playing For You!
Electoral Poo
the Balcony
I recall back when those sassy ladies, the suffragettes, believed that
voting made a difference. Boy was that a hoot. They paraded around
town all dolled up in their Sunday finery. That Caty Stanton sure
was a looker. Just a-carrying on about the so-called right to vote.
Rights! Who gives you those rights? But at least you knew where
those dames stood.
with tatler
Today’s sorry excuse for a suffragette comes in the form of Cara
Jennings, cofounder of the Radical Cheerleaders. They are
everyone’s favorite group at knowing how to make an intolerable
o r f that isn’t enough for Cara. When she isn’t hollerin’ at Multi-national-
who-gives-a-fuck in the name of somebody’s damn revolution, she
is winning elections for city commissioner. Back in our day it was
Blue Cohosh
Tactics for Liberating our Bodies
from the Medical Establishment by Rat
by Rat Girl
As with any herbal/medicinal remedies, With a diet of lean meat, fruit, and vegetables There is also a distinct difference between rural
these are merely suggestions and not and relatively few carbohydrates, the amount and urban populations. Urban populations ex-
prescriptions. Caution is required.
of body fat necessary to conceive and main- perience puberty much sooner than their rural
We encourage people to do their own
research and seek out the advice of tain a pregnancy is harder to come by. Social counterparts in the same country. The rate of pre-
experienced folks in their region (ie structure also plays an important role. For cocious puberty is also on the rise. Precocious
midwives, herbalists), as illness and instance, in traditional Tibetan society, the most puberty is presently defined as earlier than 8 years
failure of prevention or termination common form of marriage is polyandry, which in girls, although there are many cases of girls
can occur with these methods. is one woman with multiple men. This effectively younger than 6. There’s a similar declining age
keeps a stable population in an area where it’s of male sexual maturity and rise in precocious
In today’s society there are relatively few necessary due to limited resources. (It also puberty (younger than 9 in boys) but it’s harder
options for birth control. There are barrier means that most women don’t ever marry due to track since males don’t experience anything
methods, hormonal methods, and surgical to a shortage of husbands.) The opposite of noticably as drastic as menstruation or breast
methods for women and only surgical and barrier polyandry is polygamy, practiced in many development. Puerto Rico has the highest
methods for men. In the past, contraception was countries, most notably in Northern Africa (the incidence of precocious puberty with many girls
as widely varied as the different tribes which Middle East). This marriage of one man to developing breasts as young as 2 years of age.
used them. People in primitive societies were many women, produces many more children. One ancient form of natural birth control is
much more in tune with their bodies so Natural This reproductive strategy is important in areas breastfeeding. Although it was once thought
Rhythm methods (knowing when you’re plagued by war or disease when most of the woman could not become pregnant while
ovulating) and pulling out (Coitus Interuptus) children won’t survive. still regularly breastfeeding, this is not reliable
were much more effective than they are today. Another factor is when young women come and is becoming less so; possibly due to the
(Ovulation is usually preceded by a rise in body of age. The average age of puberty has been effects of an industrialized life. But the general
temperature and a thinner and more prolific steadily declining in industrial societies due concept is quite simple, if breastfeeding tapers
vaginal discharge. The pull out method only to a plethora of factors such as increased off, your period will start again and your chances
works if you wait at least twelve hours between dependence on grains and dairy products of becoming pregnant increase (Note: you will
sexual encounters and if the male involved is coupled with bovine growth hormones in meat start ovulating before your period resumes so you
in tune with his body.) There were also readily and milk, high rates of sexual abuse, and can become pregnant before menstruation actually
available primitive forms of abortion and there chemical factors such as exposure to phthalates, resumes). In nomadic societies, babies were
was herbal contraception for both males and which mimic sex hormones, and certain hair breast-fed as long as possible, usually about 4
females in some societies. products which contain hormones. Phthalates years. In agricultural societies it was usually more
In nomadic gatherer/hunter societies the need are found in many everyday products in our like 2 years, and in modern industrial society and
for abortion was more rare since fertility was society like cosmetics, body gels, lotions, soft bottle-feeding it is not abnormal for women to
regulated by daily life and migrational patterns. plastic toys (commonly given to infants) and become pregnant immediately following a birth.
Women are less likely to become pregnant even the medical equipment used during Despite all the environmental factors
when they are exerting themselves to walk hospital births. The average age of first decreasing the chance of pregnancy, women in
long distances than when they are resting in a menstruation in nomadic or primitive agrarian primitive societies would occasionally get
single location for long periods of time. In an societies is around 16 or later, for fully agri- pregnant at inconvenient times, such as before
extreme example, some female athletes today cultural societies it’s closer to 14 and for a long journey, at a time when there was a
will not only be unable to conceive but will modern industrial societies it’s between 12 and shortage of food, or when they were already
simply cease menstruating for years at a time. 13. The last poll for the United States, (which was taking care of a child young enough to have to be
Body fat plays a significant role in fertility. taken in the 90’s), showed an average age of 11. carried. In essence, the need for abortion arises.
Abortion, unlike what we’ve been led to I’ve had it work in three days and I’ve read of Blue Cohosh: The root was used by the
believe, is not limited to the modern surgical it working for some women in as few as two; it Chippewa women as a contraceptive. Indigenous
procedure. Abortion was originally procured just depends on the individual and dose. The women would also drink the tea a couple weeks
using herbs which caused the uterus to contract downsides of this method (usually called side- before childbirth to assist in a swift delivery. It
and expel unwanted pregnancies. This method, effects) are weakness, headaches, cramping and causes uterine contractions but can also lower
usually administered by midwives or ‘wise- mild nausea. If you experience extreme reactions blood pressure.
women’, has been around since the connection such as throwing up or fainting it’s probably a
Black Cohosh: The root is used to help
between a swelling belly and an eventual baby good idea to stop or at least lessen your dose.
open the cervix either for abortion or childbirth.
was made. Most of the information on herbal Another downside, depending on what com-
It’s also used to dilate blood vessels and is an
abortion and natural contraception methods bination of herbs you choose to use, as the tea
anti-inflammatory and painkiller. It can suppress
went underground during the Crusades, witch- can taste really nasty. On the other hand, you
ovulation but to what degree is not entirely
hunts, and other acts of genocide perpetrated can simply use more of the ingredients that you
known. It’s most effective when combined with
throughout the ages. (It is interesting to note like the taste of. For instance ginger, licorice,
Blue Cohosh and/or Vitamin C. It’s a rare plant
that the rise of the medical establishment we or pennyroyal – which has a minty taste.
(endangered in some areas) since it principally
know today began at the same time as the You should stop taking the herbs the day after
grows in old growth forests, so it’s easier to
famous witch-hunts.) This was the turning point your period starts and drink nettle tea and/or eat
purchase than collect it in the wild. This herb
in which women began relying on male doctors a lot of spinach in order to revitalize your body.
has a higher risk of unwanted-effects than the
for help with birthing rather than on female
Pennyroyal: The leaves and flowers of other herbs, so I’ve personally never used it but
midwives/witches. Fortunately, modern
pennyroyal are the most effective and, I think, I’m mentioning it because many recipes call
herbalists and anthropologists have rediscov-
best tasting of abortatives. It grows wild and for it along with Blue Cohosh. It can cause low
ered some of that ancient knowledge.
is used in both Europe and North America blood pressure, blood clotting, vomiting, and
There is a plethora of herbs with abortative
(although slightly different varieties). It’s fainting, in large doses.
and contraceptive properties in any given
recognizable by its strong peppermint smell and
bioregion. I will describe a few of the most Mugwort: The leaves and flowers are
flavor (as it is a member of the mint family)
common, effective, and safe herbs available. But used to promote menstruation. It’s recogniz-
and its small purple flowers when in bloom. It
keep in mind, that while these herbs are consid- able by its sage-like odor and toothed leaves,
grows close to the ground in bunches near
ered safe for most women, some women can have which are slightly cottony feeling underneath.
water. It can be differentiated from peppermint
allergic reactions to particular herbs and women The flowers are small, yellow and grow in
and other mints by its smaller, smoother,
with kidney or liver problems shouldn’t attempt bunches. It usually grows on riverbanks and
rounder leaves and thinner stalk. Pennyroyal
an herbal abortion. Also, stick with the prescribed can easily get 3-5 feet tall in late summer.
causes the uterine muscles to contract and is
form of the herb. Pennyroyal, which is only mildly Licorice Root: This is a sweet, blending
most effective when combined with Blue
toxic fresh or dried, has killed women who’ve herb, which increases the potency of the
Cohosh or Mugwort and drunk as hot tea or
taken the oil. Parsley, whose leaves are perfectly herbal mixture as well as being a mild
eaten fresh. It was used by the indigenous people
edible, has poisonous seeds. abortative in its own
Most of these herbs can be right. It’s good for the
found in health food stores and digestive system and is
herbal shops but some can an anti-bacterial. It can
easily be grown or found in the also be a mild laxative
wild as well. and can cause a rise in
In order to induce an blood pressure.
abortion you should drink
about six cups of tea per day. Ginger: Similar to
Use a small spoonful or licorice root, ginger root
teaspoon of herbs per cup of is good for the digestion
water and at least two different and helps in inducing
herbs. You should choose at Pennyroyal abortions. In my opinion,
least one major herb (penny- it’s the more powerful of
royal, blue/black cohosh) and the two. It also can help
one helper herb (ginger, expel parasites and pre-
licorice, mugwort). I per- vent flatulence. Crystal-
sonally think that it’s best to lized ginger and ginger
use as many different herbs chews work just as well
as possible. All herbs should as ginger tea, in my ex-
be taken with a combination perience. Although the
of fasting (or simply light eastern ginger root is
eating) and exercise and easier to get hold of since
shouldn’t be taken for more it’s sold in most grocery
than six days. The herbs are most effective before stores, the wild ginger native to this continent
of this continent and by early European settlers presumably works as well despite the fact
the 6th week of pregnancy. After the 6th week, your
who reportedly drank pennyroyal tea with a that it is an entirely different plant. The wild
chances of success drop immensely. Overall, if
tablespoon of brewers yeast added to it in ginger grows in old growth forests as a
taken correctly, the herbs are effective around
order to induce an abortion. It also works well trailing shrub. It has large round leaves, which
60-80% of the time depending on the woman. The
topically as an insect repellent and is used to are more potent than the root and a single
most common causes of failure using herbs
promote sweating during colds. Never, ever distinctive purple flower, which hides under
include waiting too long before taking them,
use the essential oil internally. One drop the leaves.
not taking them for a long enough period of
of essential oil is equal to 50-75 gallons of
time or not taking them continuously (skipping (continued on page 75)
pennyroyal tea!
days). Generally, it works by the fifth day.
For The Wearing
of the Green?
“A lot
lot of
of people
people who
who don’t
don’t live
live here
here imagine
imagine Ireland
Ireland as
as aa green
island, populated
populated by
by friendly
friendly drunkards
drunkards or or paedophile
paedophile priests.
Al though
though most
Al most of
of that
that would
would be
be true,
true, it’s
it’s sad
sad to
to add
add that
that wewe irish
(for whatever
whatever that
that means)
means) areare some
some of of the
the most
most consumerist
bunch of
of gobshites
gobshites you’re
you’re likely
likely to
to meet.”
I’ve just been spurred on to write a bit of a we were conquerers, treefellers, and agricul- such terrible people or anything, it doesn’t
rant about Ireland, after seeing a bit of the turalists. We stripped the island completely of matter where we’re from, we’re just behaving
“Economist World Figures 2005” summed up all its trees, many animals, and are now slashing as we know how to behave.
in one of the papers. It’s pretty sad to give any major roads into every ‘undeveloped’ acre. The It has always seemed strange to me that
thought to these kindsa statistics, but inspiration modern irish landscape is one of mushrooming people here have such disregard (bordering on
(!HA!) comes in all sorts of guises. A lot of grey bungalows, new roads, big chainstores, contempt) for wild things. A garden is a
people who don’t live here imagine Ireland as sprawling suburbs, new cars [over 38% of mowed lawn with a pretty flower bed – that
a green island, populated by friendly drunkards population indeed!], international pharmaceutical gets uprooted 3times a year – and everything’s
or paedophile priests. Although most of that companies, ‘managed’ forest parks, landfills, sprayed in case the ‘weeds’ find a way in. A lot
would be true, it’s sad to add that we irish (for hospitals, and – if they get it built – even a toxic of people round me prefer the view of a road to
whatever that means) are some of the most waste incinerator! that of a lake or woodland. They build their
consumerist bunch of gobshites you’re likely The “unspoilt beauty” the tourist office likes brand new houses to look out on the road; they
to meet. According to the aforementioned to talk about is hard to find these days. For put up fences to keep their kids in or other kids
stats, we rate 4th highest in the world for the most modern irish people, beauty is something out, and day after day diggers and lorries roll
skill of “colour television ownership” (at well you find on a magazine cover, on the TV, or up and down widening or ‘improving’ roads.
over 99%), and an impressive 2nd for “beer maybe in an orderly flower bed. The rocky In Ireland for decades we have been gleefully
consumption”! I’m not going to slag us all off ground, bracken, gorse, brambley hedges, taking cash from the rest of the EU, which we
by the way, I just want to clear a few things up and other free growing plants and trees use to build new roads! According to some tourist
with our friends over the sea: a lot of our are unsightly. Everyone curses the beautiful bumph I got on the ferry, Ireland has more roads
strange and self-destructive behaviour comes fox. The only badgers I’ve ever seen have been per square mile than any other EU country!!
from our lack of connection with our island. lying in their own blood on the side of the road. Obviously that’s something to be proud of.
Same as most of the rest of the world, but here Here in the countryside, where I live, no one Here, anything ‘modern’ is good. At the
in Ireland is what I know. ever walks anywhere. This year me and my moment, ‘wages’ are meant to be high. So
The first humans only came to Ireland about kids were the only blackberry pickers around, employed people spend a lot of money on
9,000 years ago. Which is recent in historic as no one bothers with berries any more! mortgages, holidays, car loans, and
terms. We have never lived harmoniously on They all said they hadn’t got the ‘time’. Rich ‘socialising’, and we all know the Irish like a
this island; after a possible few generations of pickings for me though, so no complaints. Now drink. As Germaine Greer pointed out in her
fishers who would have gone lightly on the land, I’m not going on about this coz I think we’re new book [whitefella jump up – see review in
the UK’s GA!] every displaced people uses
drink to dull the pain of their separation. While
some of the older rural people would have a
Prehistory of Birth Control
‘love’ for the land, and country, that love is
not a free love+respect, it’s a love of territory. Juniper Berries: One of the only
We have always seen this rugged island as herbs that is just as effective for men as it is
something to be conquered, to be fought for women. I find that they taste horrible but
against. Ourselves, and all our ancestors, have they can also be swallowed whole like a pill.
been in a strange inhospitable land, where A common use among the desert dwelling,
we’ve struggled against nature to survive. indigenous people who had access to the
There’s a lot of pain that our natural human evergreen tree/shrub was for couples to eat
urge to belong to somewhere has never been one berry the day before sex, one berry the
satisfied. So there’s anger, self-destruction, and day that sex took place, and one berry the day
aggression. It does not just stem from the after to prevent conception. This method
hundreds of years of British oppression (even works to both suppress sperm production and
if that was the boot that broke the camel’s keeps an egg from implanting. To induce
back), it comes from much further back. permanent sterility, some males would eat a
Butterfly laying eggs on parsley
As you walk around the cities and trip over berry a day for a year. Supposedly it works
the homeless junkies and winos (and kids), (continued from page 73) although I don’t know anyone who has tried
while unable to stop looking into all the glitter- it. The berries are also good for the gums
Parsley: This is an herb everyone knows. when chewed and were traditionally used by
ing shopfronts full of appliances and fashion, It’s usually used as a garnish and is commonly
you know there’s something wrong (“widening Europeans to flavor liqueurs and gin. Note:
found in yards and gardens as well as in due to the toxins present in the berries I
gap between rich and poor” etc, you say). every grocery store. I’d advise against
When you walk through the ‘country’ along a wouldn’t recommend this method on a
collecting wild parsley since there are many regular basis.
tarmac road and everywhere you go, you can’t dangerous look-alikes including poisonous
escape the noise of a distant digger or jack- hemlock. Eating the fresh leaves can help Neem Oil: This ancient remedy from India
hammer. Where every hedgerow gets pruned induce an abortion. Another method of in- comes from an evergreen tree, which has
ruthlessly in case it gets in the way of cars. ducing abortion is to stick a sprig of parsley similar properties to Juniper and is currently
Where foxes are shot and farmers shoot their in your vagina up near the cervix. Due to the being researched as an effective spermicide
cattle up with hormones and antibiotics. fact that this is extremely uncomfortable I’ve and male oral contraceptive. In women it
Where 50% of the water supply in my area is never adequately tested this. Eat only the enhances the immune response of the uterus,
contaminated with animal and human feces. leaves. The seeds are toxic! which will keep things from growing there. It
And in small towns, the main local employment kills sperm and amazingly, most STDs. So far
is in slaughterhouses+packers, or increasingly, Wild Carrot Seeds: Queen Anne’s studies have shown it to be 100% effective
american software/pharma companies. And Lace (otherwise known as wild carrot) is the when taken internally by males without any
then everyone goes off to Mass once a week. ancestor to the modern carrot. They usually grow major side-effects. Neem oil is usually sold in
If this whole country is just one big rock with in abandoned fields or along roadsides. They this country as a safe, alternative pesticide.
5 million displaced people on it, most of whom should be harvested in late summer or fall
would rather be somewhere seems when the seeds are mature. Eating a teaspoon Vitamin C: Large doses of vitamin C
logical that we have one of the highest of seeds a day (well chewed) or crushed tablets, although not enough alone, can aid in
drug+alcohol abuse rates in the world. and steeped in tea can prevent conception abortion. You can also use either vitamin C
We have an impression of ourselves as poor. and aid in abortion. It’s also a good source tablets or lemon juice mixed with honey as a
We have it ingrained in ourselves that we are of vitamin A and can kill parasitic worms. natural spermicide.
missing something, and we are. We’re missing Queen Anne’s Lace is characterized by a
our clean streams, our berries, our forests, our cluster of tiny, white flowers, which curl up For more information on herbal medicine
wild animals. So go round to anyone’s house in age. It has poisonous look-alikes so make check out the New Age Herbalist by
and you’ll see the new big-screen TV, the new sure you properly identify it. Look for the Richard Mabey or Medicinal Plants of the
car, every kid over 7 with their own mobile hairy stem and distinct carrot-like odor. You Pacific West by Michael Moore.
phone, the dishwasher, huge freezer, micro- can also dig up the plant and look for the For more info on herbal abortions check
wave, and computer (and I’m not talking about tiny, white carrot. out:
rich people here).
We certainly have known brutality on this Wild Carrot
island, at the hands of the English, and all the
other conquerors too, no doubt. This has bound
the populace together in a superficial kind of
solidarity, an ‘irishness’. But we have not been
bound to the island, we are still adrift in the
Atlantic, waiting to be rescued. Anyone who
can afford it takes foreign holidays every year
just to keep “sane”. And most of us will never
feel like we belong. We just keep building the
breezeblock fortresses and burying our heads
in our made-up jobs.
An American friend of mine visiting here
found the countryside really unspoilt, full of
life, but that makes me wonder, what is it like
over there?
Hickman has never talked nor seen a
Hmong in his life, for if he did, I
challenge him to ask them about the
yellow mist that wiped out a whole
village or the barbarism imposed by
the Laos People Democratic Republic
better yet, straight out deny it to their
face, like the way you denied it to all
the readers of GA. Quite frankly, the
reaction would be similar if you were
to deny the Jewish, American Indian,
Cambodian, Vietnamese, Sudanese
and a countless number of other
holocausts that has plagued this Earth.
Yet if Hickman did in fact read the
article he would not leave out the Laos
People Democratic Republic’s
genocidal remark in 1975 that, “We
[Laos People Democratic Republic]
must eradicate the Meo minority
completely.” But of course Hickman’s
insubstantial academic resources are
good enough to formulate his critique
x 1133 and deny the death of thousands of
Hmong people. “Same ole Leftist
Bo R
P.O. ene, O bullshit”.
For the destruction of civilization
Eug 7440
and the replenishing of the Earth,
9 Killa T
greenan e@
collectiv Anti-civilization
Dear editors:
I read a story, a generational epic
trilogy by Kathryn Lynn Davis, in
which the characters live in the Scottish
Highlands in the 1800s. I cried
throughout the story and was left
Please keep them under 500 words. depressed. I wondered why I tortured
myself, but would have read the story
again, and probably will. After reading
it, I mourned the loss of its setting,
Kitties and know that I believe GA to be one of justify the death of thousands of of living in the forest.
the few North American anarchist Hmong people at the hands of the
Amateur Boxing publications worthy of reading. Your Panthet Lao, who were just as barbaric
Too Deep for Tears
Caro Amici, All We Hold Dear
images are captivating, your words as the U.S. during the Vietnam War.
About two years back I was working profound and your uncompromising Somewhere Lies the Moon
What was appalling was that
for a large photocopying corporation stance to the plague of leftists is some- Hickman perceived the article as a This longing to live in the
we all know and hate when I came thing to be admired. Seriously. I am denial to the death of millions of wilderness was not new to me (I’ve
across issue #18. I was so intrigued always disappointed with the lack of Vietnamese people. In no way, shape, always had it), but it affected me
that I read it during work when I confrontation by anarchists when or form did the article condone the more deeply, I think, because I’ve
should have been paying attention to liberals step up to the plate. I will genocide perpetuated by the U.S. in begun to feel almost hopeless about
customers. From a bad employee I continue helping out with any means the 60’s and 70’s. In fact, many of my ever feeling at home for more than
became a worse employee and thanks I have and hope GA keeps growing. relatives (including my grandfather) just those wonderful moments
to the compelling words of GA I quit Keep it real. were killed by the U.S.-led occupa- when I stand on the side of a
my job and started boxing. Its interest- Tuo amico, tion. The intent of the article was to mountain with my little girls and
ing to note that the front cover of that Britton expose the brutality of colonialism look out over the water and berry-
issue, if I’m not mistaken, is a feral and progress as well as to demonstrate scented forest.
cat colony located in downtown that the Left has no sympathy for the In an interview by blogger Robin
Rome, Italy. This particular feral cat Same Ole Leftist
indigenous population. Dood with blogger Amos Keppler,
colony is called Torre Argentina and Bullshit It seemed like Hickman completely Amos said of his experience living
check this out: it is the exact location Dear brothers and sisters of GA, skimmed over the article because in “the wild” that he didn’t miss
where Julius Caesar was knifed by In response to a letter that John A. never once did he mention the Corvée anything from civilization, and
Brutus and his gang in the year 44BC. Hickman wrote in the Winter/Fall labor which was imposed by the found that strange. “. . . the most
Another interesting thing about this 2005-06 issue of GA, I would first French colonialist, the environmental enduring and prevalent realization
colony is that some of these cats are like to state that Hickman is up to degradation at the hands both the you get out there: We belong there.
descendants of felines that have never the “same ole Leftist bullshit”. With French and U.S., the separation from It’s our home.”
been domesticated. But kitties and presumptions and denial, Hickman the ancestral land that have been habitu- As a child, my longing to belong to
amateur boxing aside I’d like you to utilizes a quasi-academic outlook to ated for generations, and most likely the Earth manifested as an obsession
The last
last by the next Church is already announced.
No less a personage than the Enlightened
scientific economist Marx lodges Morgan’s
version of an Iroquois community in the
basement of his revolutionary edifice. The
sharing ways of the Iroquois, dubbed Primitive
Communism, linger in the basement of this
edifice while laboring humanity passes upward,
through slavery, serfdom and wage labor, to
Fully Developed Communism.
The four beasts of Daniel as well as the three
ages of Joachim di Fiore are processed for
their upward passage by Humanity’s Productive
Forces. Each stage is a Mode of Production.
The context is a labor camp, and the
revolutionary subjects are His-story’s objects,
namely zeks, called Proletarians.
The Eschaton of this Apocalypse is still a
labor camp animated by concentrated zeks,
but is can be distinguished from all previous
camps by the portentous fact that the Archons
of the post-revolutionary polity are all members
of the Paradisial Party. The eschatological po-
lice bully, incarcerate and kill by the grace
of Ahura Mazda, just like ancient Cyrus. The
repressors wear the free and sharing ways of
the Iroquois as badges and armbands.
A farcical replay of the Roman Church’s
expropriation and inversion of the anti-Roman
crisis cult, the Revolutionary Church nevertheless
succeeds in channeling numerous potential
do a
a ghost
rebels into neo-Franciscan Orders, Leviathanic
dead ends which, like the earlier Orders, become
the vanguard of the repression. It becomes the
main project of the stunted rebels to succeed
where Businessmen failed, to destroy what
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Zines: Strangely Like War Churchill And Chellis Glendinning $12
In the technological society, we are all subjected Disorderly Conduct Issues #1 and #2 are $2 (co-written with George Draffan) $16 A wonderful documentation of two speeches
to poisonous chemicals and contaminations. each, #3 and #4 are $3 each, #5 and #6 are $5 Civilizations have always been founded on a dis- delivered by Ward and Chellis on June 17th, 2001.
Weeping Willow Coalition Against Civilization $3 each, (sorry, they kept getting bigger) and $18 connection from the earth, and this separation Society of the Spectacle: The Film! $12
Contains herbal remedies, wild foods and for the complete set. No longer published. is also what is basic to their eventual collapse. The hard-to-find filmatic interpretation of the
medicines, and some basic primitive skills The legendary insurrectionary green-anarchist This can be illustrated in no clearer terms than Situationist classic by Guy Debord (made by Debord
Without A Trace: A Forensic Manual for You publication, brought to you by the “Bring On in the legacy of deforestation, from ancient himself) that turns the Spectacle on its head!
Mesopotamia to the Pacific Northwest. With Surplus $12
and Me $3 The Ruckus” Society. Sorry, it almost never
An Absolutely indispensable guide to attacking makes it into prisons. Not for the timid. most of the aboriginal forests now gone, the Collage/commentary by Italian filmmaker, Erik
the system and getting away with it! A must Green Anarchist (U.K.) Current issue only $2 life-support system for not only civilized humans, Gandini takes a hard look at the grotesque
for anyone with felonious plans. This uncompromising predecessor of Green but also for all of life is in jeopardy. Jensen and nature of civilization and the multifaceted resistance
Woman and Nature Susan Griffin $3 Anarchy was one of the earliest primitivist zines. Draffan document this stark scenario of eco- to it. Tackling weighty themes like consumption,
This compilation from Griffin’s most powerful Still offering many action reports and strong logical breakdown, while inspiring us to act. technology, objectification, and domination.
and incisive book features some of the most anti-civilization analysis.
provocative eco-feminist writings out there. Killing King Abacus (#1 and 2) $3 each
Writings Of The Vancouver Five $4
Writings by members of the eco-anarcho-feminist
Cutting-edge journal of insurrectional anarchist theory.
Lugnut (issue #4) $2
How to order:
urban guerrillas from Canada, known as the An engaging, concise overview of (anti)civilization - Please send well-concealed cash, checks, or postal money orders made out to
Wimmin’s Fire Brigade and Direct Action. from Ireland. Revealing – and fun! “Green Anarchy” in U.S. Currency only (no loose change).
Species Traitor (issue #3) $4
Thick anarcho-primitivist zine from the east-
- Mail orders to: PO BOX 11331, Eugene, OR 97440.
Back to Basics Series: coast’s Coalition Against Civilization, focusing - We try to fill orders quickly, but we’re very busy and delays often do occur. Please
volume one: The Origins of Civilization $1 on theory and insurrection.(See our book be patient. Email us at: if it is taking a long time or if
Some basic anarcho-primitivist assumptions section for the newly released issue #4) you have any questions about availability.
and questions about the origins of civilization.
volume two: The Problem of the Left $1 - International orders can take longer because we do not tend to ship airmail, as it
Leftism 101 for anarchists
Books: is quite expensive. Please add about 30% to your total price for the high cost of
volume three: The Rewilding Primer $1 Anarchy After Leftism Bob Black $5 international mail (except when noted). Contact us for airmail rates.
An intro to various rewilding ideas and practices. A scathing critique of Murray Bookchin and his
volume four: What Is Green Anarchy $1 particular form of social anarchism from the
An overview of green anarchist ideas. bad-boy of the Post-Left. * Check-out:
The 4th Annual
Black and Green Anarchist Gathering
August 4-13
Feral Visions 2006
Goin’ Wild. . .
Southwest Style!
Once again, the Black and Green Network is facilitating a week-long gathering focusing on rewilding:
physically, mentally, and spiritually. After three years of successful gatherings (Pennsylvania, Oregon, and
Tennessee), we are heading to the Southwest! The entire event is centered on active participation and we hope
that people will bring their knowledge and experience, as well as being prepared to be relatively self-sufficient.
From the local organizers: “Come gather in the beauty and wildness of the south
eastern high elevation sky island mountains of southern arizona. Engage in healing,
rewilding, and deep discussions on empowerment, resistance and survival. Share skills and
knowledge of ancestrial life ways/primitive skills, wild edible and medicinal plants,
A new compilation by liberation, industrial collapse and anything else your wild and defiant imaginations can
conjure up! A special space will be created for kid friendly classes and kids only space!
surrealist anarchist The most possible gathering site is sacred indigenous land, so we ask that folks be
respectful of the land and the native people who hold it as sacred. Please no weapons,
Ron Sakolsky heavy drugs, or alcohol. And please leave your dogs at home. See you in the wild!”
news, direct
action, state
interesting info,
and more!
Always keep
your sheild
between you
and your bomb!
And with arm and heart,
word and pen,
dagger and gun,
irony and curse, theft,
poisoning and
arson, let’s make...war
on society!