Greenanarchy 23

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$4 USA, $5 CANADA,

We must abandon all models, and

study our possibilities. –Edgar Allen Poe
BOX 11331
Eugene, OROR 97440
An Anti-Civilization Journal of
Theory and Action
Welcome to Green Anarchy, pg 2
The Garden of Peculiarities: Fragment 31, pg 48

Contents: Issue #23

The Nihilist Dictionary: #8–Community, pg 49
State Repression News, pg 56
Reviews, pg 62
News from the Balcony with Waldorf and Statler, pg 71
Practical Rewilding: Prehistory of Birth Control,
by Rat Girl, pg 72
Summer/Fall 2006
Letters, pg 76
Subscriber and Distributor Info, pg 82
Articles Green Anarchy Distro, pg 82
A Credible Threat, pg. 4
The Path Ahead, by John Zerzan, pg. 5 Direct Action
A Principle Strategy, by Interra Garé, pg. 6 Anarchist Resistance, pg 20
Deconstructing All Relationships, by A. Morefus, pg. 8 Ecological Resistance, pg 32
Play Fiercely! Our Lives Are at Stake! Indigenous Resistance, pg 38
by Wolfi Landstreicher, pg. 12 Anti-Capitalist and Anti-State Battles, pg 45
Hush, KISS, Play, by with @ jester, pg. 14 Symptoms of the Meltdown, pg 50
Why Misery Loves Company? by Ron Sakolsky, pg. 17 Update from France, pg. 52
Momentum Against Civilization (Part II): Prisoner Escapes and Uprisings, pg 54
Impulse and Collision in Terms of Strategy,
by Felonious Skunk, pg. 18
Instructions for an Insurrection,
by the Situationist International, pg. 24
Tokenism and the Banality of a Life Half-Lived,
by Oliver Fitzgerald, pg. 26
The Reasons for a Hostility:About the Mass Media,
by some comrades with free hands, pg. 27
As I Walk Through the Valley in Darkness…
It Seems I Am Mostly Alone, by Ann I. Solation, pg. 28
Bridges Worth Burning, by A.R. Son, pg. 31
Natural Born Killers, by Sky Hiatt, pg. 34
Permanent Subsistence Zones, by sea weed, pg. 42
Free Your Mind and Your Ass Will Follow,
by Rand W. Gould, pg. 53
For The Wearing of the Green?, pg. 74
Against the Megamachine 2006, by John Zerzan, pg 79
“The last communities do a ghost dance”,
by Fredy Perlman, pg. 80
Emerging through the veil, we dance ecstatic,
by Moon Su, pg. 81 Page 1 SUMMER/FALL ‘06 ISSUE
Welcome to Green Anarchy

Issue #23
Summer/Fall 2006
Many stories tell of miniature grandparents, midgets; a modern account
calls them tree shrews. A Deeper Look at Strategy
These midgets inhabited the earth while giants, the dinosaurs, walked Lately, many of us have been participating in lengthy discussions and
about in the light of day. Prudent tree shrews climbed down to feast on delving deeper into the subject of strategy; what it means to us, our
insects at night, not because the giants were mean, but because of the critiques of previous anarchist and non-anarchist strategies, examining
discrepancy in size. Many of the tree shrews were satisfied with this the process of developing strategies, and creating and adapting our own
strategies as individuals and as part of a larger momentum against
arrangement and they remained tree shrews. Some, undoubtedly a small
civilization. In this issue we have attempted to provide extra space for
minority, wanted to walk about in the light of day. these types of discussions and ideas. These are difficult subjects to tackle,
Fortunately for the restless ones, the dinosaurs were among the grand- and as usual, anarchists have some difficulty getting beyond the abstract.
mothers swallowed by the Biosphere. Former tree shrews could bask in Thus, more practical articles may be somewhat lacking.
the sun, or dance and play in the broad daylight, without fear of being To be clear, there is no unified green anarchist strategy, nor should there
trampled. Minorities among these again grew restless; some wanted to be, but instead, a conglomeration of various strategies focused on the
crawl, others to fly. The smug, conservative majorities, happy with their destruction of civilization, and the creation of a life outside its paradigm.
capacities, fulfilled by their environments, remained what they were. We hope this can be a push for more of these examinations and that
some of the ideas expressed here can be an insightful infusion into the
-Fredy Perlman, development of anti-civilization anarchist theory and practice.
Against His-story, Against Leviathan! What constitutes strategy might be an overwhelming and loaded question,
but for our purposes, it might be viewed as the process of having priorities
and acting upon them, or the act of plotting an overview of how to achieve
Some of Us Wish to Fly… one’s or a collection of peoples’ goals. To do this, it is important to open
Summer’s here, and the time’s come for fun, fighting, and attempting to fly. ourselves as honestly as possible to the context these goals are attempting
To take flight not in some technological or rationalist undertaking at to be realized within, including examining the past, current, and prospective
pushing the limits of gravity in a Wright Brothers to NASA fashion, but to future political, social, and ecological frameworks. This includes an
soar free from all constraints – morality, ideology, and all social, emotional, inquiry into both the strengths of what we are up against (and ourselves),
and institutional obstacles – and defy what we have always been told, and as well as obvious, subtle, and potential weaknesses. It is also necessary to
may have even believed to be impossible. For many of us, this is our most accurately assess the means at one’s disposal (what are we willing to do?
animated season, as we travel, explore, and most dynamically interact with what do we have to do this with? what do we need?), and possible associates
our world. It is often our most adventurous and energetic time of year. After in these objectives. And perhaps most importantly, as anarchists, how do
the reflection of winter is built upon with the new growth of spring, we view strategy in a way that does not merely set up a methodology for
summer provides the best time for activity, liveliness, and strength. achieving an objective, but instead signifies a break from the conventional
For experimentation. For pushing on boundaries. For shining. This understanding of strategy to include, embedded within it, the ends in our
will optimistically be followed by autumn’s gathering of the harvest and means? To live anarchy in the process, and not just view it as the end goal.
fruits of our endeavors. Summer is also the time of year for the annual Feral Ultimately, our strategy is a reflection of the world we desire.
Visions Against Civilization Gathering, taking place August 4-13. Once The need for clarity in anarchist theory, and specifically in terms of
again it will be a week-long gathering focusing on rewilding: physically, strategy, is paramount. There are many important questions to ask our-
mentally, and spiritually. Check out the announcement on page 84 for details. selves and deeply reflect on and discuss with others. Can strategy truly be
We’re excited about all the possibilities. We hope you are feelin’ it too! anti-authoritarian when we are speaking in terms of social change that


extends beyond ourselves and those we collaborate with? How do we

Suggested Readings
grapple with the apparent contradictions here? Where does morality fit in
this discussion? Is there an overlap between militaristic strategies and
implementation of anarchist goals? Is the concept of revolution useful to an
anarchist strategy? How is a comprehensive, yet fluid strategy developed?
How do we measure effectiveness? Who do we have these discussions from the Green Anarchy Archives
and explorations with? There are many more questions to ask, and we The subjects of strategy and tactics are vast, and intertwine with
only begin to scratch the surface in this issue, but we hope these types of many aspects of life, with much written on the topics. Every issue
questions continue to be a significant portion of every issue of Green of Green Anarchy has contained writings that were tactical or
Anarchy. The initiation of critical strategy is where possibilities begin. strategic in nature, so we’ve included a partial list of what we
consider to be relevant along these lines. All of these texts appear
. . . More Changes on our website: and are available in their
original context by purchasing back-issues from our distro (see
Change is unavoidable…No, change is important…No, No, No, change
page 82 for details). And don’t forget about all the “Direct Action
is the wonderful thing which all life stems from! And, Green Anarchy has
News” sections from past issues!
been and continues to go through some considerable changes. As we let
people know in issue #21/Fall 2005, a significant portion of the editorial Issue # 22: “Don’t Fear The Singularity” by Ran Prieur, “The Riot”
collective now lives rurally in Southern Oregon, while a vital base of from the Bibliotheque des Emeutes, and “If you don’t have something to
operations is still located in Eugene. This was an important (and long hide, then what are you afraid of?”
awaited) shift, as some of us wanted to move a little closer to a wild Issue #21: “Revolution, Zen, and Dirty Dishes” by Icarus Descending
existence. While communications can still be challenging, as we attempt and “The Ballot or The Bullet?” by Black Powder.
to run a collective over a longer distance, the transition is going quite
well. We have now produced three solid and well-received issues since Issue #20: “Elves Are Cautious” and “A Matter of Life and Death” by
the move, and look forward to many more. (I)An-ok Ta Chai.
However, several factors during this change have required us to Issue #19: “Primal Guerilla Warfare: nomadic gathering and hunting as a
re-strategize our long-term plans. The level of state repression towards the tactic” by Kevin Tucker, “Operation Civilization: The War That is ALL Wars
eco-anarchist movement, including those who publish ideas, has been on (part II)” by Saura Agni, “Contributing to Momentum Against Civilization”
the rise, which will inevitably effect all of us in some way. And, as our lives by Felonious Skunk, and “Locating an Indigenous Anarchism” by Aragorn!
have become more filled with everyday projects in an attempt to be less
dependant on the system and become more whole creatures, we have to
Issue #18: “When the zombies take over, how long till the electricity
fails?”, “The Swelling of Leeches” by The Cocktail Furies, “Operation
reprioritize our lives to include undertakings beyond the magazine. These Civilization: The War That Is All Wars” by Saura Agni. “‘Now What?’A
factors, combined with the relatively small size of our collective considering Primitivist Strategy Proposal” by RedWolfReturns, and “About getting
the enormous scope of the project, along with the all-too familiar financial free from the myth of Revolution” by Pablo A.
difficulty, has motivated us to reshape our publishing schedule. Because
many consider GA to be a vital project and we want to continue producing Issue #17: “End Game”, “Beyond Utopian Visions” by A.Morefus, “What
the highest quality magazine possible, we have decided to publish two times is Left? Nihilism vs. Socialism” by A!, and “A Warning to Insurrectionaries
a year instead of three. Most likely, our new schedule will consist of a Who Dwell In Scenes”
Winter/Spring issue (due out January) and a Summer/Fall issue (due out Issue #16: “Summits, Counter-Summits and Social War” by Wolfi
July). We hope this means more pages per issue and contributions that delve Landstreicher, “The Revolutionary Imperative of ‘Going Native’” by Rob
deeper into a variety of themes, often difficult with a shorter time schedule. Los Ricos, “Lights, Camera, Action! Destroying Video Surveillance
This change will have no effect on current subscriptions, with rates going Cameras as an Act of Rewilding” by The Grievous Amalgam, “The Feral
up minimally for new subscribers (see page 82 for details). Remember, Green Fury Unleashed” by Gimili
Anarchy is an all-volunteer project that costs thousands of dollars per issue. Issue #15: “Notes On Summits and Counter-Summits” by Some
Some ways you can help us along include: becoming a PAYING distributor, Rovereton Anarchists, “Electric Funeral: An In-Depth Examination of the
subscriber, special donor, or consider ordering from our extensive distro Megamachine’s Circuitry” by The Havoc Mass
(also located on page 82), which includes over 80 pamphlets and zines, books,
and videos. And don’t be afraid to add your voice to the ongoing anti-civilization Issue #14: “Revolt of the Savages: Primitive Revolts Against Civilization”
discussion by sending us your contributions for the next issue: articles (up to by Kevin Tucker, “Nihilism as Strategy” by A!
4000 words), reviews (under 1000 words), letters (under 500 words), poems, Issue #13: “Youth Liberation: Burn the Schools and Destroy the Media!”,
and images (as TIFF’s if possible or original hardcopies). We prefer that you “On Sabotage as One of the Fine Arts” by The Asturian Institute of
email all contributions of articles (as an RTF if sent as an attachment). We Comparative Vandalism, “Between Analysis and Vision: Moving Beyond the
have no strict theme for our next issue, but subjects of interest to us include Theory-Practice Dichotomy” by A. Morefus, “Zero War – Total Liberation”
the City, Communication, Relationships, Sexuality, and Culture. Check our Issue #12: “Towards An Effective Praxis: Moving Beyond the Violence/
website for updates. The deadline for our next issue is October 1st. Nonviolence Debate” , “Lessons From The Fall of Rome”, “Does Not
We thank all those who have helped us get this far, and look forward to Compute” by Austin Train, “A Swarm of Butterflies: A Fierce Defense of
your future support, ‘cause we ain’t a-goin’ nowhere! Chaos in Direct Action” by the Curious George Brigade
For an Uncivilized Reality, Issue #11: “An Invitation to Sabotage from Within” by David
The Green Anarchy Collective Issue #10: “Armed Resistance to Industrial Civilization: An Interview
with Ann Hansen” and “International Intifada: An Urgent Call To Partici-
Summer 2006 pate In The Colonizer’s Execution”
Issue #9: “Thinking Through the Fall”, “Hit Where It Hurts, But In the
Disclaimer: The editors of Green Anarchy do not necessarily agree with or
Meantime…” by Primal Rage, “The ELF And The Spectacle” by Against
Sleep and Nightmare (ASAN), “Perpetuating the Spectacle: A Response
endorse all or any particular article or action in each issue. Most articles are written and contributed
by people unknown to us. The news and actions are reported on as journalists. Green Anarchy To The ASAN” by Craig Marshall (Critter)
intends to provide an ongoing anti-civilization discussion of theory and practice, NOT periodically
release our position paper, ideological requirements, or directive for action. Articles are selected Issue #8: “Hit Where It Hurts” by Ted Kaczynski
for print when we feel that they have a nugget of interest to the wider anti-civilization discourse. …that’s as far back as we’ll go for now.
Please keep this in mind when reading and do not attribute any ideas or opinions expressed to
any party but the author. If you have additional questions, contact the collective (or the individual
author when available). If you have comments, write us a letter or email.
strength, increase our own momentum as we aim towards the

A Credible Threat
Unless one’s strategy is to back down from, ignore, or negotiate
realization of our wildest dreams and visions? How will ‘success’
or ‘win’ be defined or measured - if at all?
We surely need to continue to ask these and many other questions,
consider and debate our ideas, share those dreams and visions as
with oppression, a decision must be made to press onward, toward we clarify our strategies. But, one thing is clear now. We have to
what is necessary, for what is desired. This surely means to choose experiment. Take risks. Do what we’re afraid to do even as we dream
to move against the existent. This is the moment when desire and of doing it. Play again as children – learning, stretching out to our
intent, fueled by the passions of rage or joy or simple necessity, pleasure and avoiding or destroying that which causes unacceptable
are fused to will. And from that moment on, that will is inevitably and pain. If we can include the cleverness and wisdom gained over
inexorably pitted against the will of countless others who want the years, perhaps we’ll expand our free spaces while preventing the
something else entirely. This speaks directly to means and ends punishments and repression reserved for the still-wild youth.
– the essence of strategy – but what is to be said? Is this really Let all that we desire and despise inspire our actions, our combined
such a dilemma? Anarchist goals, particularly anti-civ anarchist momentum approaching unstoppable, and the whole of our life
goals, are opposed to the goals of our adversaries. We don’t seek propaganda-by-many-deeds. Perhaps then, anarchy will become,
domination of our will over others, only to let it be free amongst once and for all, the enticing possibility that makes it – and us –
the free will of others. We cannot be “just like them”. Our strategies a credible threat.
then, will be quite different from those whose end
always justifies their means.
But what does ‘different’ mean? What strategies do “Revolution is but thought
our enemies use? What strategies are used in other
‘liberation’ struggles? What can we take, what must carried into action.” –Emma
–Emma Goldman
be discarded when developing our own? How does
one apply anarchist “principles” to strategy and
tactics? How do rapidly escalating conditions such
as the instability of the State, its increased fear-
mongering and concomitant state repression, the
decimation of whole ecosystems, affect our priorities,
patience, and timing? What must be considered when
facing the massive security systems – technological
and human – designed to ferret out those whose
intention is to eliminate all authority and disrupt their
well-laid plans? How do we adapt and apply the life
strategies that have become almost ‘second nature’
to us and grasp more free space and time, gain more

Recommended Pamphlets Nihilism, Anarchy, and the 21st Century $3 Without A Trace: A Forensic Manual for You

from the GA Distro Intended to expose anarchists to the breadth

of the nihilist contribution to anarchy.
Non-Violence & Its Violent Consequences
and Me $3
An Absolutely indispensable guide to attack-
ing the system and getting away with it! A
The following are some important pamphlets focusing on William Meyers $2 must for anyone with subversive plans.
strategy and tactics. These are just some our extensive Pacifist absurdity debunked. Writings Of The Vancouver Five $4
selection in our distribution catalogue. See page 83 for On Organization by Jaques Camatte $3 Writings by members of the eco-anarcha-
ordering information. Collects Camatte’s major writings on the feminist urban guerrillas from Canada, the
anti-liberatory organizational mindset of Wimmin’s Fire Brigade and Direct Action.
Anti-Mass: Methods Of Organization For Earth Liberation Front: Frequently Asked
leftist political rackets.
Collectives $2 Questions ELF Press Office $3
Arguments against mass organization and What is the ELF? Why did they burn down Vail?
On The Road Again: Direct Action Under- Primitive Skills Series:
ground $2 Primitive Tools $3
in favor of more autonomous action. EcoDefense Dave Foreman/Bill Haywood $8
Some basics you need to know about the Primitive Fire and Cordage $3
Armed Joy Alfredo M. Bonanno $3 The classic field guide to monkey-wrenching.
nature of underground and clandestine Primitive Containers $3
An insurrectional anarchist classic! Electric Funeral Havoc Mass $3
resistance. Primitive/Semi-Permanent Shelters $3
At Daggers Drawn Elephant Editions $3 Provides historical precedents for infra-
Revolution And/Or Insurrection Kevin Tucker $4 Deer from Field to Freezer $3
Poetic insurrectionalist pamphlet that structural targeting.
An accumulation of some of Tucker’s best Brain Tan Buckskin $3
demonstrates that our dreams can only Grand Juries: Tools Of Political Repression
writings on the subject of resistance to civi- Primitive Wilderness Cooking $3
be realized through revolutionary struggle. Craig Rosebraugh $2
lization. (Get all seven pamphlets of this useful
Attacking Prisons at the Point of Production $2 Analysis of grand juries from experience.
The Revolutionary Pleasure of Thinking for series by Prairie Wolf for $18.)
A brief look at militant actions against the If an Agent Knocks Anonymous $2
Yourself $2 Feral Forager $3
prison-industrial complex. All you need to know about visits by the feds.
Takes dead aim at one of the most serious A guide to living off nature’s bounty in urban,
Disorderly Conduct Issues #1 and #2 are $2 Industrial Society & It’s Future: The
scourges stunting the growth of the anarchist rural, and wilderness areas.
each, #3 and #4 are $3 each, #5 and #6 are Unabomber’s Manifesto F.C. (Unabomber) $4
movement: ideology. Go Light (Issue #1) $3
$5 each, and $18 for the complete set. The An in-depth manifesto against industrialism.
Security Culture Free Some thoughts on wild parenting by
legendary eclectic insurrectionary green Insurrectionary Anarchy: Organizing Attack!
Basic precautions for direct action. (re)introducing children to edible and medici-
anarchist publication from Eugene. $1 Insurrectionalist ideas and practice.
Species Traitor #4 $10 nal plants, building shelters, hunting and
Down With Empire, Up With Spring $3 InTERRORgation: The CIA’s Secret Manual
This book edition of the anarcho-primitivist gathering, planting, and more!
A contribution to the dialogue on social on Coercive Questioning $5
periodical deals in detail with the relation- Weeping Willow CAC $3
revolution and ecological defense from Reprint of the CIA’s interrogation manual.
ship between rewilding and resisting as well Contains herbal remedies, wild foods and
the U.K. eco-anarchist periodical/book Describes methods of physical and mental
as what those might look like in practice. medicines, and some basic primitive skills.
Do Or Die. torture.


The Path Ahead
Without a new framework, or vision different
from that of the limited and failed efforts of the
A refusal to be
specific should be
past, there will be no possibility of challenging taken as the mark
the all-enveloping ecocide, dehumanization, of the politician.
and destruction so rampant today. Everyone “Anti-civilization”
knows that the candles are flickering, that the and/or “post-left”
generalized crisis continues to spread and must be more than
deepen. My conservative relatives know empty, buzz-word
it’s all going south. This frightening and labels.
unprecedented condition must be challenged If one practical
in its entirety and at its roots. There is less and task is the erasure
less interest in partial approaches, and for good of what remains
reason: they only guarantee that things will of the Left, an
continue to get worse and worse. equally important
It’s occurring to a growing number of people step is further,
in various places that to see a way out neces- unstinting explo-
sarily involves tackling the very nature of ration and ques-
society. Not just capitalism, but mass society tioning. We need
and its increasingly technified form, with its to problematize,
roots in civilization. Quite a few have now not assume or
taken up some anti-civilization rhetoric, while take for granted,
avoiding its substance. Recently I read an every component
internet post that began, “I’m anti-civ, but….” and institution
This individual went on to list things that he/she of civilization’s
condemned, but none of them were defining death-march.
aspects of civilization (e.g. domestication, Clearing away
cities). With this kind of maneuver, the lingo obstacles has to
changes, but nothing else. For example, one be accompanied
could remain accepting of marxism, with by a stepped-up
all its limitations, yet for some reason adopt pursuit of ways
the anti-civ label. Such misuse of terms is to move forward. Namely, alternatives, the This understanding is an essential and irreplace-
commonplace; for instance, Chomsky––a mild means to leave the sinking ship. The whole able foundation of health and meaningfulness.
progressive––is referred to as an anarchist. spectrum of other ways of living should be This lifeline is inestimable. Its echo is heard
Of course it is marxism, in general, that is the seen as absolutely essential, if terms like in comments that green anarchy is at base a
continuing refuge for those who cannot face “autonomy” and “reconnecting with the spiritual movement, which just may point to
reality, yet claim to radically oppose that reality. earth” are to bear the weight of what will soon world-changing reverberations. This is a very
Marxism, which has not been an inspiring be upon us. Skills that do not assume the appealing thing to them – and mysterious
vision since before World War I. Marxism, continuation of senile, infantilized modernity, to me. I have to say that this sphere is an
which affords a comforting if stunted world- but on the contrary are necessary for leav- intriguing, wide-open one for me. But it feels
view––comforting if the 19th century is one’s ing it. Earth skills, edible landscapes, so good to sense that something is going on and
context (and certainly inadequate even then). many ways to learn and explore. Skills that to have openness about it.
Some amount of liberatory potential would maximize individual anti-mediation and Productionism or the primitive future, two
attach to the ending of the Left, this much is wholeness, and are key to sharing the anti- materialities. One brought on by the extin-
clear. Though so very widely, if not universally, civilization vision. An invitation in real guishing of spirit, the other by embracing
discredited, the Left works to maintain a terms, without which only words can happen. spirit in its earth-based reality. The voluntary
horizon that is critically foreshortened. The Left’s Even if passengers realize that the jetliner abandonment of the industrial mode of ex-
vision is narrowed by a pair of blinders: the is careening straight for the ground, they are istence is not self-renunciation, but a healing
refusal to question mass production and techno- still not likely to jump out the window. return. Turning from this world’s present state
life. When those who identify as post-Left prove The realm of the spiritual beckons, because and direction, let’s look for inspiration from
it by taking on cardinal elements of leftism such it has to do—or should have to do—with those who have continued to live spiritually
as these, the term will begin to have substance. basic things. Our disembodied life-world within nature. Their example shows what we
Generalities, like rhetoric, serve mainly to mask has lost its place in existence. We no longer need to make our way to what still awaits, all
a failure of content. Heidegger spoke endlessly see ourselves within the web and cycles of around us.
of authenticity and was a Nazi; Sartre focused nature. The loss of a direct relationship to Tactics can have many helpful sources.
on freedom and was a Stalinist. If philosophy is the world has closed off a once-universal Paramount is the refusal of the whole collapsing
thought at its most general, politics makes the understanding of our oneness with the natural mess and resistance against all who work to
same mistake, and often with worse motives. world. The principles of relatedness and keep us enmeshed in it.
Only specificity and the concrete convey simplicity are at the heart of indigenous
real meaning, and play out the consequences
of personal intention and responsibility.
knowing: traditional intimacy with the
earth as the immanent basis of spirituality. –John Zerzan
Some even insist there are more important concerns to focus our attention

A Principle on, implying ‘anywhere but here’. These are weak accusations that only
serve to deflect shared responsibility and criticism that hits too close to an
unexamined home and need to be exposed as such.
First, since there is no – and will be no – United Anarchists, there is

nothing to divide. We are individuals first and voluntary association means
just that; describing oneself as an anarchist does not create an immutable
link to any other anarchist. It does no more than articulate a presumptive
shared desire for the absence of rule/authority/hierarchy/domination. The
devil, as They say, is in the details and it’s these details which form the core

by Interra Garé of our disagreements and debates.

Differences between tendencies – very loosely related to particular needs,

A desires, view of the world and place within it – doesn’t equate to ‘sects’ in
narchists of the past launched the critique of the many institutions of any sense of that word. Sects coerce (through influential manipulation more
domination that humans – through social and cultural mandates as well as often than punishment) others into accepting a necessary and dogmatic
force – were compelled into accepting. The words and deeds of many of adherence to a rightness of thought and deed. If sectarianism is suspected,
our predecessors continue to inspire those exploring their own paths to expose it to the light of day, but be clear and specific with the evidence.
liberation. The few ‘principles’ associated with anarchist theory and practice While surely most of us struggle with authoritarianism at times (whether
are surely amongst the most relevant of that inheritance. But, these as dominant or submissive) and ought to prioritize its elimination,
principles are not rules, agreements, or policies to follow; not formulas to challenging views or expressing contrary ones cannot automatically be
apply. They’re more akin to a tool for examining situations, ideas, projects, equated to the intent to gain or use power over another. Again, we need to
and relationships to expose existing or potential hindrances to the total be intelligent and forthright with our criticism.
emancipation of everyone who has such a wild aim. The charge of abuse is a serious one indeed and
Because this world is constantly in flux and our imbedded within that charge is a perpetrator, the
understanding of our selves within it (hopefully) intentional, if unconscious oppressor, and victim,
deepening, there can be no end to our questioning, the unwitting and/or incapacitated individual unable
contemplation, and critique. (Though this is all but to recognize and confront the domineering force.
useless if not applied to a living practice!) It certainly Too often, discussion around this sensitive subject
makes sense that new anarchists focus, almost ends up as a mere repetition of cliches and
singularly, on the obvious structures of domination, politicized rhetoric and are no use to those anx-
state, capital, and – to a lesser degree – religion. Over ious to gain strength and autonomy through direct
time – historical and individual – the hierarchical and honest interactions.
mechanisms and strategies supporting these As to the question of more important concerns –
institutions are also questioned: bureaucracy, the how can one not see that our struggle against all
nuclear family, social/cultural segregation (gender, institutions is one and the same as our struggle
race, ethnic, nationalism, ...) and so on. Eventually for with our selves and each other? Exposing, challeng-
some, democracy – ‘direct’ or not – is also revealed ing, and eradicating any and all threats to our
as the trap it is designed for. More recently, the critique liberation is not a separate (so cannot be an inferior)
of scientific ideology, technology, industrialism, the project from tearing down the more tangible
coexistent notion of Progress, and the positive view components designed to facilitate that domination.
of labor/work no longer escapes the sharpened Eliminating our own anti-liberatory presumptions
tongues and pens, the wicked blades. This question- and activities will not be any easier than ‘smashing
ing has led many, quite logically, to the critique and the state’. Both targets require a rather staggering
refusal of the whole of civilization: domestication level of engagement and sometimes frightening
with its transformation of free, wild beings into slaves revolt against a detestable yet almost comfortable
of an invisible elite and their concrete ideal, the city foe. Dissecting a project, theory, disagreement, or
(town, suburb, ...). A stratified mass, alienated from belief system exposes existing or potential affinities,
self and the whole. The result is the near-complete tensions, or points of departure; clues us into those
subversion of the individual free will. who wish to demolish or recuperate our will to
As long as ‘anti-civ’ anarchy is an ongoing resist; and hones a practice of truly radical ‘conflict
discussion and experiment and not just one more resolution’. What anarchist has not been asked
ideology to follow – thus yet another stopping …make
…make plans plans inin the
the turkish
turkish how “we” will deal with the inevitable problems
point – it will continue to be the most relevant, steam
steam bath,bath, nekkid.
nekkid. that arise in human relationships without inter-
exciting, and inspiring place anarchy has been vening authorities? How indeed.
taken in a very long time. There can be no limit to our critique, no sacred cows, no hands-off mentality.
However, there is an area that anarchists of all persuasions and experience By considering a controversy from multiple perspectives starting with the
seem loathe to focus their critical eye. Interestingly, our relationships – the principles we at least theoretically agree on – while taking into account
only way life is actualized and where we can have the most immediate, unique personalities, natures, experiences, desires, and needs – perhaps
direct, and long-lasting effect – do not receive as consistent and sharp- we’ll continue to develop the critical theory that informs effectual practice
witted criticism as the ‘external’ systems (which are not so external after instead of shutting it down right off the bat.
all). This belies a tendency towards abstraction, forgetting or ignoring that Anarchy will come most clearly through the practice of mutuality,
the ‘totality’ of civilization consist of actual human beings. Of people who voluntary association, and non-mediated, non-representative interactions
adopt as their own, the civil mentality that both pushes and is pushed by – that is, direct action. Whatever end we envision for ourselves can be
so-far successful, deeply held authoritarian strategies. Can any of us really found within our means. While there are grave external restrictions to
be free from this, no matter how strong our desire or enthusiastic our actualizing anarchy in full, there are places and times where the only real
intent, as long as we remain a part of it? Is this not why we fight against it? limitations lie within ourselves. Perhaps by adding another strategic tool,
So, why does criticism between self-described anarchists frequently prompt anarchists of all persuasions will find themselves farther along the often
knee-jerk responses, with charges of ‘divisive’, ‘sectarian’, or ‘authoritarian’” treacherous, but forever enticing journey than ever-deemed possible!
getting lobbed so quickly? Why do otherwise strong individuals resort
to charges of abuse, with an almost affectionate claim of victim status. Question Everything!
weaknesses lie as well as their Urban Combat and
strengths, but they don’t fully
understand these same qualities
Guerilla Strategy
in leaderless, non-hierarchical, anti- Lessons Learned, Operation “Hue City”,
authoritarian resistance actions. Appendix B, Ready for Armageddon
This is to our advantage, but time Psychological Operations in
may not always be on our side. We Guerilla Warfare, by “Tacayán”
have to know our enemies as well Urban Combat and Future Urban
as ourselves as we develop and Warfare, Dr Brad Tousley
implement our strategies. Some Closes Quarter Battles
interesting readings to assist in
this endeavor:
Technology, Tactics,
and Weaponry
Classic War Strategy DARPA Technology Transition,
Art of War, Sun Tzu Defense Advanced Research
On Guerilla Warfare, Mao Tse-Tung Projects Agency
Principles of War, Carl von Network Centric Warfare: The
Clausewitz Problem of Social Order, Lt. Cl. David
Schmidtchen, Australia, June 2005
Strategy Basics The Evolution and Development of
Suggested Readings The Making of Strategy, Rulers,
States, and War, Murray,
Police Technology, Seaskate, Inc.,
for the National Institute of

on Strategy
Williamson, 1994 Justice, July 1998
on Strategic Theory for the 21st
Century: The Little Book on Big
Non-Lethal Weapons and
Equipment Review, A Research
Strategy, Harry R. Yarger, Feb 2006 Guide for Civil Law Enforcement
and Corrections, Department of
With a goal as all-encompassing as If anarchists have this thing called Bashing The Laser Range Finder
Defense, July 2002
ending the domination of our lives, momentum, it is in danger of being With a Rock, Mr. Lester W. Grau,
thwarted, our intentions and visions Foreign Military Studies Office, 1997 A Study of Assassination
while exploring and experiencing
recuperated, our projects compart- CIA Study of Assassination:
free and pleasurable relationships as
much as possible now – our challenge mentalized. The need for greater
Grand Strategy
American Grand Strategy after 9/11:
is great. Possibly insurmountable. support is tending towards a capitu-
An Assessment, Stephen D. Militarized Police
Assuredly so if anarchists don’t get lation to activism, thus gaining Militarizing American Police,
serious about strategy: developing bodies but not critically thinking Biddle:
A Nation at War in an Era of Peter Kraska
goals, conducting assessments, minds and passionate hearts. We Warrior Cops, The Ominous
practicing tactics, selecting targets, are a young (though ancient, too) Strategic Change, Williamson
Murray, Editor, September 2004 Growth of Paramilitarism in
applying intelligence, providing and ‘movement’ and most are danger- American Police Departments, by
accepting critique, and – so bloody ously unaccustomed to thinking Assymetric Strategy Diane Cecilia Weber, 1999
fucking crucial – making security and acting strategically – at least “Doctrine for Asymmetric Protecting Your Community From
‘natural’ again. The choices we make consciously. While patience is an Warfare”, Military Review, July- Terrorism: Gerard R. Murphy and
directly impact both our now and important quality, the global war August 2003 Martha R. Plotkin, 2003
our future; this IS the question of machine – never truly stilled – is Globalization and Asymmetrical
means and ends, not always an easy in high gear. As pain, misery, un- Warfare, William J. Hartman, State Assessment
question at that. certainty, and fear-mongering Major, US Army, April 2002 of Anarchist and
The state, capital, religion, hierar- escalate, so too does the pace of
chy, politics, science, technology... revolt. And with it, the heavy hand
How the Weak Win Wars: A “Eco-Terrorist” Strategy
Theory of Asymmetric Confict, by The United States, International
civilization – these are not merely of repression presses down wher- Ivan Arreguín-Toft
institutions of power whose doors ever the lighter touch of democracy Policing and the War against
Unorthodox Thoughts about Anarchist Terrorism, 1900-1914,
can be glued shut forever, one more fails to keep it in check. Asymmetric Warfare, Montgomery
smashed window the final straw that A key element to successful strat- Richard Bach Jensen
C. Meigs, Summer 2003 Beyond Arson? A Threat Assess-
makes it melt away. These are egies (you define ‘success’!) is the Strategic Assymetry, Steven Metz,
people, many who thrive on power, ability to take the long look both ment of the Earth Liberation Front,
Chaos as Strategy, P.H. Liotta, 2002 Gary A. Ackerman, Terrorism and
live for adulation, long for a place backwards and forwards. This is Swarming on the Battlefield,Past,
in history. No matter how thorough where anarchists ought to be at their Political Violence, Vol.15, No.4
Present, and Future, Sean J. A. (Winter 2003)
our writings, how intelligent our strongest, their most potent, their most Edwards
debates, how beautiful our web sites strategically astute. But we also need Threat Assessments and Radical
– we will not convince these and to be very good at assessing the now: Insurgency and Environmentalism, Bron Taylor, ibid
their followers to willingly, gently – keenly observant, able to think on our Counter Insurgency
cease and desist. We will never feet, and flexible enough to anticipate
Insurgency and Counter Insur- Center for Strategic Studies:
see the rush of ‘the masses’ or the and respond to rapidly changing
gency inthe 21st Century: (google for specific country)
‘working class’ to shut down the kill- situations in the moment.
Reconceptualizing Threat and Political Violence Movements:
ing floors of every factory and mall. There are many keen, experienced
Response, Steven Metz and
And – it must be stated clearly – minds developing grand, foreign and
Raymond Millen pvm.cfm#publications
there will be no one-world-unified economic, military, and social control
The War In Iraq: The Nature of RAND:
hoorah acknowledging the cor- strategies who do understand the
Insurgency Warfare, Andrew Global Guerrillas:
rectness of anarchist visions. We importance of the long view back and
Krepinevich, 2004
will be fought tooth and nail and with ahead and their lenses cast a wider
Modern Warfare: A French View of
every tool and weapon deemed and wider angle. They are paying
Counterinsurgency, Roger Military Writers:
necessary. And the warnings have very close attention to the rapidly
Trinquier, January 1985
been quite clearly issued. shifting current. They know where their
All Relationships:
Beyond Just Fucking or Fighting
as Revolutionary Agendas
“Not only do we desire to change our lives immediately, it is the
criterion by which we are seeking our accomplices. The same goes
for what one might call a need for coherency. The will to live
one’s ideas and create theory starting from one’s own life is not a
search for the exemplary or the hierarchical, paternalistic side of
the same coin. It is the refusal of all ideology, including that
of pleasure. We set ourselves apart from those who content
themselves with areas they manage to carve out – and safeguard
– for themselves in this society even before we begin to think, by
the very way we palpate our existence. But we feel just as far
removed from those who would like to desert daily normality and
put their faith in the mythology of clandestinity and combat
organizations, locking themselves up in other cages. No role, no
matter how much it puts one at risk in terms of the law, can take
the place of the real changing of relations. There is no short-cut,
no immediate leap into the elsewhere. The revolution is not a war.” by A. Morefus
– At Daggers Drawn
Theory is a dirty word in many anarchist connected to practical action is a vital anar- Also, not all theory is connected with practical
circles. Often, it is dismissed as “useless”, chist project. The deconstruction of all of application in our world. But, for theory to be
“masturbatory”, or “privileged” by those our relationships, from the personal to the relevant, it must concretely pertain to our lives
wanting to either prioritize living their lives and communal to the larger social context, and and not merely be an abstract overlay or
expressing themselves as freely as possible in particular from the perspective of developing removed concept. A theory disconnected from
within the confines of this death trip (art, anarchist strategies, is essential. practical application will have an outcome
sexual exploration, building communities of on our world, but most likely, not how we
mutual aid, primitive skills, etc.), those who This is no time to Swallow Anger perceived it or wished it to be (i.e. pacification,
wish to “just shut up and fight” (riots, sabotage, This is no time to Ignore Hate complacency, abstraction, arm chairism).
armed struggle, etc.), or the ones who stifle This is no time to be Acting Frivolous However, our critical theory, by its very nature,
theoretical development in favor of going because the time is getting late cannot be something that is complete, solid,
through the same perpetual and unfulfilling or ironclad. It is something to be freshly
political motions (politics, activism, etc.). This is no time for Private Vendettas encountered and perpetually reconceived in
While most of these pursuits can be beautiful This is no time to not know who you are our daily lives. It is less a methodology or
and significant in the deconstruction of this Self knowledge is a dangerous thing program for doing or thinking, and more a
society and the creation of free modes of living The freedom of who you are* persistent, thoughtful, and candid perceiving,
(aside from the bureaucratic, managerial, and understanding, and interacting with our world.
activist gibberish), they are not in any way No doubt, basic desires, wishes, interests, etc.
conflicting with the evolution of multifarious The Need for Critical Theory may remain relatively constant, but how we
organic critical theory. In fact, without such an Theory is integrally connected, whether we are experience and approach them is best left open
ongoing personal and collective investigation, aware of it or not, to all of our actions. Even and genuine.
examination, and critique of the complexity most of what we perceive as instinctual (at Whether we develop our own critical theory
and depth of the totality of civilization and least at this point) contains complicated or not, we will be guided by theoretical
how we are affected by it, no personal or thought processes that are unique to us, our positions and pushes. Is it not better to deeply
social transformation is even possible. And experiences, our desires, and in many cases, engage in the creation of our own unique
certainly any experiments we participate in unfortunately, our ideologies. Any time we subjective theory, in connection with others,
will be seriously limited by our unwillingness conceive of a desire, theory is a part of reaching than to – knowingly or not – accept the moti-
to question more deeply our intentions, goals, its obtainment or the effort put towards it. Yet vations and theoretical framework of another,
effectiveness, and contribution to larger not all actions are derived from a critical theory, whether individual (parent, teacher, boss,
contexts. This is why I argue that the devel- or a theory that has been vigorously developed guru, specialist, etc.) or institution (church,
opment of personal critical theory in concert to incorporate and understand the complex political system, organization, ideology, etc.)?
with a larger theoretical framework, and nature of the totality, and our place within it. Since many have never been encouraged to
develop critical thinking skills – they were from subjective desires in the context of the and because they do not typically seek society’s
socialized to be followers, to prefer a more world and our relationship to it. Our desires destruction (thinking they can coexist within
complete and “time-tested” worldview, lack inform the questions we ask. Since critical or on the edge of it), they do not evade the limi-
the confidence to develop their own theoretical theory is not guided by outside agendas, there tations imposed by society. They are often
basis, or are just plain lazy – people are is no fear in asking certain questions, because guided by ideologies which attempt to make
generally more easily guided by the theory of there is no ideology to uphold which might be ambiguous the alienation in our lives, and
the other. This usually leads to either the contradicted by certain unrestrained honesty. aspire to convince us of the tolerable conditions
full-throttle adoption or acceptance of a Ultimately, transparency in a theoretical process of this existence, and prevent many from rec-
single ideology (religion, patriotism, all assort- that is not guided externally can be the only ognizing our role or situation in this society.
ments of politicism), the concoction of various way we can seriously examine ourselves and Add to this the fact that the recuperation of
splintered ideas (new ageism, postmodernism), our world. It connects theory and practice in a any remotely radical theory and activity within
or the lack of interest in thinking at all (apathy, way that is consistent with our desires. And, it this context is almost a given; a safety valve
passive consumerism). Regardless of the honestly seeks authentic accomplices in our built into the system.
direction, thinking is done for people, and the actions and in our lives. In a culture in which we are told that
paradigm that creates these ideologies is main- “comfort” is paramount and “if it feels good,
tained, as it guides all thoughts and actions This is no time to turn away and drink go for it”, it might be wise to more deeply
within, perpetuating the alienation between or smoke some vials of crack investigate both the motivations for this
ourselves and our world. This is a time to gather force perspective (capitalism, for one), as well as
Critical theory, that is self-derived, inquisitive, and take dead aim and Attack our socialization 2. Now, I love pleasure,
discerning, and deliberative theory, attempts to don’t get me wrong, and would be the last to
limit the influence of external belief systems This is no time for Celebration suggest one deny themselves of any, especially
and to develop the starting point from within This is no time for Saluting Flags if we are in touch with our intuition and senses.
ourselves, and therefore limit the alienation This is no time for [New Aged] Inner Searchings But without at least some investigation into
between the self and what is attempted to be The future is at hand* where our desires emanate and how authentic
understood or changed. A direct relationship they are to us, we can easily fall into unhealthy
is created. This is not to say that any of us situations, reproducing the sickness of society,
have the answers, that there is not a historical ‘Cause We Just Wanna or become misled by fragmented or distorted
framework to interpret, or that others cannot
connect deeply to this process. It just means
Have Fun feelings. But how do we begin to figure out what
are socialized behaviors and which are desires
that all analysis stems directly from our personal One of the primary obstacles to the develop- that stem from our unique being? Since we
experience and our own eyes, and thus is more ment of critical theory is the exclusive focus are so immersed in the muck of society, this
connected to our desires, and therefore more on carving out space in the world to develop is an ongoing and often tricky exploration
relevant to our practice and lives in general. The either healthier relationships with ourselves with no cut and dry distinction in most cases.
connection to others in this pursuit can be a and those we are in community with, or to And, once we can start to grasp what aspects
helpful and vital process, but ultimately, we explore fetishized aspects of our desires. The of our perceived desires seem authentic, it
must internalize and use critical processes to first can, in general, have many positive aspects, is then a matter of not isolating or elevating
make these experiences pertinent to us, rather but only if viewed and acted upon within a a specific desire as the primary or sole focus
than simply wear their clothes. This is also true larger context, while the second can provide of our lives, at the exclusion of others. We
of examining the “historical record”, which temporary exploration, but is often a perpetual are hopefully driven by a multitude of desires,
should be viewed with a healthy amount of trap which becomes a “lifestyle”1, scene, or some overlapping, and some even contradict-
skepticism. We cannot view others’ positions counterculture. Both form boxes that are ing, but unless we can touch on many of these
or a historical context from a fixed or ideological difficult to get beyond, and both perpetuate as a related push or complex theory, then we
position, but from true inquisitiveness. It is too an illusion of making a significant break with can become unbalanced or even obsessed.
easy to read what we want (or our ideology society. Because they almost entirely move This is all part of the process of critical theory.
wants) from any source. from a reactionary position (providing an
Critical theory is not limited to one specific alternative to or escape from “straight” society), (continued on next page)
element of life, although at times it might
be helpful to temporarily isolate a specific
dynamic. Ultimately, if it is to have any deeper
relevance, these separate investigations need
to be contextualized into a holistic perspective
that incorporates an understanding of the
totality. Critical theory is not bound by the
dualism of morality, but instead looks to
understand the complicated nature of all
relationships. Dichotomies are merely over-
simplifications, usually stemming from a
theoretical framework that is agenda driven,
rather than from one’s true desire to compre-
hend our world and our relationship to it.
These dualisms are typically intended to
guide specific behavior, which may even
change in given certain circumstances, but
whose theoretical rationalizations remain.
This approach implies an essentialness to The
understanding, where as critical theory stems
The illusion
illusion of
of freedom
freedom recreates
recreates the
the freedom
freedom to
to entertain
entertain illusions.
decisions, especially when they claim to be
The Struggle doing it for us, should be met with disdain.
Carries On… The revolutionary specialist is still a politi-
cian, no matter how righteous their rhetoric,
The opposite extreme of the inspiring their slogans, grand their promises,
counter-cultural or “escapist” or handsome their beret.
model is the duty-filled revo-
lutionary specialist. Neglecting This is no time to Ignore Warnings
huge portions of social and This is no time to Clear the Plate
other relations, the revolu- Let’s not be sorry after the fact
tionary specialist often makes and let the past become out fate
theirs a singular path. It is There is no time*
exclusively about a physical
fight or solely a material
concern. It is often guided by Chug, Chug, Chug,
ideology or superimposed
political theory that one All Aboard Activism!
adopts to greater or lesser Similar to the revolutionary specialist model,
degrees, while personal yet usually less extreme in both agenda and in
critical theory is neglected, action, a typical response to the miserable world
or in many cases, prohibited we currently inhabit is the idea that if we could
for the good of the People or only organize properly, do the “good work”, or
the Revolution. Often, this is focus on the right issues, we could achieve a
a result of one who thinks it “better world”. This model also incorporates
impossible to realize their the worst of the “lifestylist” or scenester, as it
own unique personal desires, is an illusion of working towards significant
feeling they are unrealistic, social change and living differently than the
“The moment revolution calls for that they lack the imagina- norms of society, when in reality, they are
tion to connect to them, that defined by it. This often plays out as the activist
it is out of their control, or model, an ineffective, delusional, moralistic,
self-sacrifice it ceases to exist.” that they should take the self-righteous, alienated, and specialized
-Raoul Vaneigem, back seat to the larger battle. method for shaping social change. There is
Vaneigem, They put themselves into a inherent in this process, a lack of critical theory.
The Revolution
Revolution of of Everyday
Everyday Life
Life larger struggle for removed Activism is the strategy of being active in
or abstract concepts (“two this society; to be engaged as an operative
arms for the Revolution”). within the modes, logic, and outlets of the
As the narrow-minded solely-seeking pleasure They may sometimes even appear to be self- system. Whether legally, morally, philosophically,
seeker or short-sighted scene dweller often motivated and passionately driven, but ultimately or theoretically (or a combination of them all)
neglects larger contexts, it frequently seems they indenture themselves to “the Cause”, constrained by and consistent with the system’s
the case that they are constantly at odds which inevitably assigns roles and obligation. values and processes, one is a player in the
with direct action, militant struggle, or Giving these fractured or alienated soldiers system, and at most a reactionary element in it.
insurrection. They may view these activities as “meaning” to their lives, the ideology guiding Typically, the actions the activist takes and ideas
a danger to their projects, a threat to the these sheep instills them with morality, guilt, they believe are not defined by them and are
prosperity of their communities, counter- sacrifice, responsibility, and obedience, not to removed from their lives. Rather than priori-
acting their work at “finding peace in this mention the self-righteous (and often dangerous) tizing their lives based on passions and desires,
world”, or inconsistent with their convoluted indignation to do “what is right” for the they are guided by the duty-filled expectations
ideologies which allow them to acquiesce, Revolution (all of these values warrant a of the activist world, and typically asked to play
escape, or dwell in apathy. Any critical lengthy study themselves). Ideology, if a role in some guilt-laden program. Activist-
perspective on these projects would either “correctly” applied or consumed, is the basis types (often an annoying vocal minority)
question their meaningfulness, or at least, for most justifications of horrific acts. History attempt to correct the problems in the world, in
understand that they are temporary, and is filled with these acts and players, yet mostly order to allow things to “run better for every-
that their true longevity (for those which re-written to suit the purpose of the ideology. one”. For instance, they deal with privilege and
actually do make a significant break with Aside from the ideological constraints of the oppression politics (the politicizing of racism,
the system) is dependant on the ultimate revolutionary specialist, the separation of sexism, homophobia, etc.) to correct our
destruction of the institutions of hierarchi- the actor from cast, or the problem of the expert, socialization along new ideological lines, the
cal power. This comprehension, and the comes into play. As we will see with the “correct ones”. This short-sighted approach,
action which moves with it, removes the activist, the revolutionary feels they can be part often with self-righteous judgement, can
“lifestyle” from anarchism, and makes of a specialized group to act in the implementa- never get past the simplistic and programmatic
anarchy a lived practice stemming from tion of a strategy aimed to solve the problems college textbook conclusions, offering a plethora
critical theory. of the world. They will be the ones who will of predictable, elementary, paternalistic/
make/change history. This mode of social maternalistic, and opportunistic solutions. Like
This is no time for Celebration change makes no significant break with the the revolutionary specialists, although even
This is no time for Shaking Heads mode society currently thrusts upon us, and is more directed by the system, activists become
This is no time for Backslapping thus a reactionary procedure; simply a changing the experts in change, especially in connection
This is no time for Marching Bands* of the guards. Already we are alienated and to their specialty, the single issue. They “raise
removed from directly controlling our lives, consciousness” through repetition, as they
and merely switching who makes these hammer their cause into our heads.
After years of going through the motions of The flip-side to the activist model (which
ineffectual resistance, many renegotiate their
relationship with “activism”, or, hopefully, give
goes through the motions or acts in the world
mindlessly), is the arm chair intellectual or
Some Notes On
it up altogether. Typically suffering from burn-
out and frustration, the only long-term persona
for the activist is the eternal defeated optimist,
political theorist who is critical of everything,
theoretically, yet never connects abstract
concepts to actual life or has a practical
often sacrificing themselves to the state and agenda; The Lazy Boy Revolution. This dwells Three antecedent conditions that
victimized by the delusional egos of their (often in ineffectiveness at the same level as the
unrecognized or unacknowledged) leaders. activist, revolutionary specialist, or counter- would be likely to encourage
By rejecting moralistic and sacrificial ten- culturalist, yet it carries with it a higher level of groupthink:
dencies for those of direct immediacy, we not smugness and self-righteousness as it contem-
only feel more connected and a part of our ac- plates and interprets the world from a false 1. High stress from external threats
tivity, but ultimately are able to stay healthier and “safe” objectivity. And, of course, avoiding with low hope of a better
and have a better chance of achieving short the crystallization of ideas and “the problem” solution than the one offered
and long-term goals. The only worthy activism and “the solution” program is a must, as ab- by the leader(s)/dominant culture
is to encourage people to think for themselves straction can only distance ourselves further. 2. High group cohesiveness
and to feel. The deconstruction of all of our relationships 3. The persuasive strength of the
with the world we inhabit is a difficult challenge,
This is no time for Congratulations but necessary if we are to move thoughtfully
group’s leader(s)/dominant culture
This is no time to Turn Your Back and strategically. This requires the creation
This is no time for Circumlocution of our own critical theory that is derived Three conditions involved when
This is no time for Learned Speech from and is, a lived reflection of us. This groupthink occurs:
certainly does not necessitate a positive vision,
This is no time to Count Your Blessings but does imply strategy, which combines and 1. Directive leadership
This is no time for Private Gain creates coherence between theory and practice. 2. Homogeneity of members’ social
This is a time to Put Up or Shut Up Remember, we are of this world. background and ideology
It won’t come back this way again 3. Insulation of the group from outside
There is no time* This is no time for Phony Rhetoric sources of information and analysis
This is no time for Political Speech
This is a time for Action
Creating Coherence Between because the future’s Within Reach Eight symptoms indicative of
Theory and Practice This is the time groupthink:
because there is no time
If we are to actually connect with our desires, There is no time* 1. Illusion of invulnerability
or live anarchy, there can be no separation 2. Unquestioned belief in the inherent
between theory and practice. The two are morality of the group
intertwined and dependent on each other. Notes:
There is always a theoretical framework [*] Lou Reed, There Is No Time
3. Collective rationalization of group’s
(or fragments of many) at play, so it is just a [1] “life-style” (ism) is a touchy subject in anarchist decisions
question of how much we determine what circles, mostly stemming from how it was used by Murry 4. Shared stereotypes of outgroup,
they are. We can submit to other theoretical Bookchin to dismiss any anarchist trend or subset which particularly opponents
positions, knowingly or not, or we can develop differed from his own. That is an absurd way to use the 5. Self-censorship; members withhold
our own. How we do this is a personal adven- term, and is not how it is used here. The purpose of using criticisms
ture, although we can certainly learn much “lifestyle” in this context is to mean a style of living one’s 6. Illusion of unanimity (false consensus)
life. This is usually driven by either superficial elements
from others, especially in approach or tech- (fashion, hipness, music, etc), or one specific element of
7. Direct pressure on dissenters to
niques (rather than detail). But, despite the one’s life they identify with (sexuality, hobbies, political
amount of time some spend in the development orientation, diet, etc). There is often a homogenous sub- conform
of critical theory, certain traps or limitations culture that informs the “style” this life takes from form 8. Self-appointed “mindguards” protect the
in its exploration and expression are common- to detail. It often lacks much in terms of critical theory. group from negative information
place. For instance, mystification, ambiguity, [2] “comfort” is a word which is loaded or informed by
jargon, and the disconnection from an engage- the expectations of a culture. It is a manufactured concept Seven symptoms of decision
ment with the world we wish to play a role that is dependent on standards of a context. For instance,
some find comfort living in a gated community or riding
in all form barriers to comprehension and in a Hummer, while others find comfort cooking on a affected by groupthink:
expression, and contribute to a lack of clarity campfire or drinking whiskey for breakfast. There 1. Incomplete survey of alternatives
in our thinking and in sharing of ideas. really is no absolute measurement for it. 2. Incomplete survey of objectives
3. Failure to examine risks of preferred
unit choice
opport slight. 4. Failure to re-appraise initially
f any ever
n tage o ful, how rejected alternatives
adva use 5. Poor information search
y to take nything
e wa ugh f of a 6. Selective bias in processing
along thxible enol yoursel information at hand
oat fle vai
a ling a gplans be ll, and a (confirmation bias)
St e ur sma
eg y 12 -ng out yoowever 7. Failure to work out contingency plans
Stratile carryts itself,
i h
Wh presen Page SUMMER/FALL ‘06 ISSUE
that Page 11 11
Play Fiercely! by Wolfi Landstreicher

Our Lives Are at Stake!

Anarchist Practice as a Game of Subversion
When I first encountered anarchist ideas in the late 1970s and early (work, theft, scamming, etc.) as temporary measures for sustaining
1980s, it was quite common to talk about play and the subversive our capacity to steal back our lives and fight for the world we desire,
game, thanks to the influence of the Situationist International and better maintaining our defiance in the face of this imposition. This is, in
aspects of the counterculture. There is a lot to be drawn from fact, one aspect of the subversive game in practice, twisting the
thinking of our practice on these terms. In particular, I think impositions of this world against it.
that looking at anarchist revolutionary practice as a Here, I feel it would be good to draw a distinction
subversive game is a fruitful way of understanding between the outlaw and the anarchist who is playing
anarchist aims, principles and methodologies as a the game of subversion. Of course, every anarchist is
basis for developing our strategies and tactics. to some extent an outlaw, since we all reject the idea
The thing that has distinguished anarchism from that we should determine our activity on the basis
other conceptions of radical transformation is that of laws. But most outlaws are not playing the sub-
anarchists have generally considered their ideas to versive game. Rather they are centered on the much
be something to live here and now as much as possible more immediate game of outwitting the forces of order
as well as goals to be realized on a global scale. While without seeking to destroy them. For the anarchist
there have certainly been anarchists who have chosen revolutionary outlaw, this immediate game is simply a
to turn their perspective into mere politics, the idea of small part of a much greater game. She is making
living anarchy immediately gives anarchism a scope a much bigger wager than that of the immediate
that goes far beyond such meager visions, opening it “crime”. He is grasping his life now in order to use it
to the whole of life. to grasp the world.
This aspect of anarchism is what makes anarchist So this game combines the goal of destroying the ruling
practice resemble a game. Let me explain. A game could be order so that we can create a world free of all domination
described as an attempt to achieve a specific aim using only with the desire to grasp our lives here and now, creating
those means that fit certain conditions accepted by those them as far as possible on our own terms. This points to a
involved for the enjoyment they find in following these methodology of practice, a series of means that reflect our
conditions, even though they may lower efficiency. The immediate desire to live our lives on our own terms.
aim of anarchist practice would be to achieve a world This methodology can be summarized as follows:
free of all domination, without state, economy or the 1) direct action (acting on our own toward what
myriad of institutions through which our current we desire rather than delegating action to a repre-
existence is defined. I cannot claim to know what sentative); 2) autonomy (refusal to delegate
the most efficient way to get there would be. From decision-making to any organizational body;
an anarchist point of view, there has not yet been organization only as coordination of activities in
a successful revolution, so we have no models specific projects and conflicts); 3) permanent
for efficiency. But for those who desire this end, conflict (ongoing battle toward our end without
not out of a sense of duty as a moral cause, but any compromise); 4) attack (no mediation,
rather as a reflection on a grand scale of what they pacification or sacrifice; not limiting ourselves
want immediately, for their own lives, petty to mere defense or resistance, but aiming for
calculations of efficiency in achieving this end are the destruction of the enemy). This methodology
hardly a priority. I know that I would rather attempt reflects both the ultimate aim and the immediate
to achieve this end in a way that gives me the im- desire of anarchist revolutionary practice.
mediate joy of beginning to take back my life here But if we are to consider this practice as a game, it is
and now in defiance of the social order I aim to destroy. necessary to understand what type of game this is. We are
Here is where anarchist “principles” – the “rules” of the game not dealing with a game in which two (or more) opponents are
– come in. The refusal to choose masters, promote laws, go to the competing against each other in an effort to achieve the same goal. In
negotiating table with the enemy, etc. are based on the desire to make such a game, there could be room for compromise and negotiation.
our lives our own here and now, to play this game in a way that gives On the contrary, the subversive game is a conflict between two
us joy immediately. So we choose these “rules” not out of a sense of absolutely opposed aims, the aim of dominating everything and the
moral duty nor because they are the most efficient way for achieving aim of putting an end to all domination. Ultimately, the only way this
our goals, but rather for the joy we get from living on these terms. game could be won is through one side completely destroying the other.
In this light, we can also understand why in the area in which Thus, there is no place for compromise or negotiation, especially not
compromise is most forcefully imposed on us – the realm of survival for the anarchists who are clearly in a position of weakness where to
in a world based upon economic relationships, which always opposes “compromise” would, in fact, be to give up ground.
the fullness of life – we will choose whatever methods are The aims, principles, methodology and understanding of the nature
necessary to keep us alive. (How else could we play this game?) of the battle at hand describe the anarchist revolutionary game. As with
But we will do what necessity imposes on us in these situations any game, it is from this basis that we develop strategy and tactics.
Without such a basis, talk of strategy and tactics is just so much babble. Survival vs. the fullness of life – Strategies
While tactics are something we can only talk about in the specific for continually overturning the dominance of survival over our lives,
contexts of deciding what moves to make at specific points, it is for making our projects and desires determine how we deal with
possible to speak in a more general way about strategy. survival to the greatest extent possible – for example, when one needs
Strategy is the question of how to go about reaching one’s goals. to take a job, using it against the institution of work and the economy
This requires an awareness of certain factors. First of all what is through theft, giving things away, sabotage, using it as a free school
the context in which one is trying to achieve these goals? What to pick up skills for one’s own projects, always seeing it as a temporary
relationship do the goals have means to ends of one’s own and
with the context? What means are being prepared to quit as soon as
available for achieving these one’s desire requires it.
goals? Who might act as accom-
plices in this endeavor? These Solidarity – There are two
questions take on an interesting distinct aspects to this. 1) There are
twist for anarchists, because our many flare-ups of social conflict that
goal (the eradication of all domi- partially reflect the desire to take
nation) is not just something we back life and destroy domination and
want for a distant future. Not that use a methodology like that
being good christians, we aren’t described above, but without a
interested in sacrificing ourselves conscious total critique on the part
for future generations. Rather, of the participants. How do we
we want to experience this goal connect our conscious, ongoing
immediately in our lives and in conflict with the ruling order to these
our battle against the ruling order. flare-ups of conflict in a way that fits
So we need to examine these with our aims, “principles” and
questions in terms of this dual methodology? Since evangelism and
aspect of our goal. “moral leadership” conflict with
The question of context involves these “principles” by turning us into
analyzing the broader global pawns of a cause that we are trying
context, the nature of the ruling in- to promote, we need to think in terms
stitutions, the broader tendencies of complicity and straightforward-
that are developing and the potential ness. 2) Then there are the times
points of weakness in the ruling when the enemy grabs some of our
order and the areas for potential comrades and accomplices and locks
rupture. It also involves examining them up. There is a habit in these
the immediate context of our lives, situations of falling into a frame-
our voluntary and involuntary work of support/social work/charity.
relationships and encounters, the In terms of our aims and desires, I
immediate terrains that we think this is a huge mistake. Without
traverse, our immediate projects and so on. denying the necessity in building defense funds and keeping
The relationship between what we are striving for and the general communication open, our primary question is how to turn this situation
context of this social order is one of total conflict. Because we are into a way for attacking the ruling order. The anti-prison activities of
striving not only to destroy domination, but also to live immediately the French group Os Cangaceiros give some food for thought here.
against it, we are enemies of this order. This conflict is deeply
ingrained in our daily lives, in the variety of activities that are Small-scale, everyday ruptures – There
imposed on us by the rule of survival over life. So this conflict is are events that happen every day on a small scale that cause temporary
central to determining our strategy. breaks in the social routine. How can we use these subversively against
Since part of our goal is to grasp our lives back here and now, our this order, to expose the reality of this society and to open other
means need to embody this. In other words, any means that involve possibilities? How can we create such ruptures in a way that under-
surrendering our grasp on our lives (such as voting) are already a mines resignation and acceptance of normality?
failure. But this is where it becomes necessary to distinguish what
activities constitute such a surrender (voting, litigation, petitioning, Large scale ruptures – Disasters, riots, local and
bargaining with the enemy) and which can be incorporated into the regional uprisings all cause ruptures that can reveal a great deal about
reappropriation of one’s life and the attack against institutions of domi- the ruling order and that move people to self-activity, generosity and a
nation (for example, a temporary job, certain sorts of scams, etc., that temporary rejection of the moral order of this society. How can we take
give one access to certain resources, information and skills that are of advantage of such situations in a timely manner? What can we do to
use in one’s subversive activity). help extend the awareness and the rejection of the moral order beyond
Our accomplices could be anyone, regardless of whether they have the moment? How can we expose the various politicians and bureaucrats
a conscious anarchist critique or not, who use means in their specific of rupture – political parties, union leaders, militants and activists –
battles against what immediately dominates and oppresses them that without coming across as another one of that parasitical bunch?
correspond to our own – means through which they are actively
So there is a vast and challenging game before us, one that I
grasping their lives and struggles as their own immediately. And our
believe could make our lives into something marvelous. It is a game
complicity would last only as long as they use such means, ending the
we have to play fiercely, because in this game our lives are the stake.
moment that they give up their autonomy or begin to bargain with
There are no guarantees, no sure-fire methods for winning. But
their rulers.
for each of us, as individuals, there is one sure-fire way to lose. That
Having established this basis, here are a few areas for discussing
is to give in, to resign oneself to what the ruling order imposes.
Who’s ready to play?
Be strategic, the answer
is to the left of the tiger
leaving its lair.

‘Nough said about the backfire that occurs until the shell is removed. Many a substance pasted into an innocuous cover message in say,
when you chat someone up who might be with a goodly amount of carbon will char and a magazine. There are even programs for hiding
connected. Yes? Albeit, speak with our fellow turn brown when heated; the milky center of messages in emails that look just like spam –
pranksters we must – well, until we reach the ubiquitous Euphorbiaceae plant illuminates there’s more reasons than one for the
Zerzania. So no matter how we share the in much the same way, so does a good piss! Spamcop’s existence. ‘Course I am ever-wary
secrets of a playful revolt – through voice or These are all techniques of steganography of techno-gurus from any camp and prefer low
song or drum; on paper, ribbon, or leather (stegan=roof), the craft of hiding the very tech, except perhaps for GPG.(1) Why let
strap; carried by wave, pigeon, or Trojan existence of a message; a secret covered. others have all the fun!?
horse—disguise my playmates, disguise! Ambiguous speech, sounds, or motions Creative minds and joyfilled playmates will
‘Cause our play is serious – or should I say – understood only by the select few and slipped create their own stego-game, but remember –
we play what we mean and we mean what we in ‘mongst the known, can tell your tale with there IS an inherent trap. The message is only
play...and we’re playing for keeps. And the no one in your midsts the wiser. Fill the know- cloaked and if discovered by the unintended,
way of our play means hiding in the open; a ing ear with casual drum beats, finger taps, security may be compromised immediately. To
taunt that is, in and of itself, quite delicious. and knock-knock games. For your eyes only, retain the element of surprise in our games,
Hidey-holes and subterfuges limited only by torches, beacons, smoke signals, hand signals. we must scramble, scramble away.
our imagination. Just remember – secrets are And don’t forget to see or hear what’s missing...
best amongst those who have no other need
nor want of secrets.
There is many a word game to hide beneath
– or within. Crossword puzzles may serve as
secret writing
The jester loves to play a joke and tickle the a tidy cover, especially when accompanied Its ever so lovely hiding things, and finding
imagination, knowing that many a trickster by a Cardan grill (pg16). Acrostics are fun the hidden as well, and no puzzle tickles quite
awaits, anxious to hack the king. So lets share too: ‘any nuanced anarchist revolts, clearly so much as the craftily encrypted message.
a bit of merriment ‘round the juicy jumbling harboring youthfulness’ might be an acrostic Rather than hide the existence of a message, cryp-
game. But, first, some tidbits to point our way. for ‘anarchy’. Imagine, trickster, imagine. tography (crypto=hidden) aims to hide the
Modern technology has sought to improve meaning using character (rarely, whole word)
substitution or transposition. Substitution
hidden language upon the old schemes, most lately with
steganographic software. Some programs changes the identity of the letters while main-
Many amongst us, in days of youthful passion, conceal messages in digital “white noise”, the taining their original order. With transposition
sent their fancy a missive inked in milk; the somewhat tangential bits of data that add depth schemes, letters or numbers retain their identity
heat required to reveal its poetry no less a to images, music, and video but go unnoticed but change positions within the message.
message itself. Trithemius’ Porta discovered by eye or ear. Of course, this is but an upgrade The trick of any cryptosystem is to keep it
that a message written on a hard-boiled egg to duff, the WWII-era “microdot”. Spies made simple, secure for the sender-receiver (a.k.a.
with ink made from an oh-zee of alum mixed a photographic image of a secret message then Alice and Bob) but impossible for the snoop/
with a pint of vinegar, will remain invisible shrunk it to fit as period or superscript dot cryptoanalyst (a.k.a. Eve). Standard conventions
are occasionally useful: the original message To decipher, Bob creates a
is called plaintext and is written in lower-case; table where the number of
the CIPHERTEXT (the result of encryption) columns equal the number of
is written in uppercase, while the key (a separate rails (4) and whose rows equal
set of characters used for locking it up), uses the total characters (16) divided
italicized lowercase characters. It is something by number of rails (4). He
of a tradition for Alice to transmit ciphertext places each letter top to bottom,
to Bob with word spacing eliminated and the left to right, to reveal Alice’s
letters recombined in 5-letter segments. enticing secret. Eve could
Tradition-sedition, we’ll do as we please. But crack this silly message in no
we do want to hide the beginnings and time just by trying every other
endings do we not? Maybe even drop the vwls letter, or every third letter, etc.
or use fonetik (miz)spelling. But, the key to until she found a coherent
the security of a strong cryptoystem resides word, the rest would be cake.
with the secrecy of its key, not with the To make it more difficult, Alice
supposed secrecy of the algorithm (steps/ and Bob could make it a
method of encryption). Examples are sure to double or reverse fence
clear this all up a bit, but its practice that tunes operation or add a key.
us in to the nuances of any game. A Columnar Transposition
algorithm uses a key to scramble
Transposition ciphers the code a bit more. Alice and
Bob choose eazie for the key-
These are the familiar anagram games, easy to word to cipher the same
decipher when words are short, increasingly message as before. Alice
difficult as word length increases. A 3-letter word creates a table with 5 columns (eazie=5) and
can only be scrambled 6 ways (cat, act, tac, cta,
tca, atc), a 9-letter word has over 362,000 distinct
3 rows (15/5) and places the letters across the Substitution Ciphers
columns. She slides each row off according to These are the trickiest of tricks, where letters
ciphering possibilities(2). Random transpositions alphabetic order of the keyword to make the are assigned new symbols (other letters,
are the most secure – even a short sentence would CIPHERTEXT. numbers, glyphs) either as monoalphabetic
take a goodly bit of time to unscramble. By hand.
ciphers, where one letter = one symbol or
But, Bob would be as challenged as Eve in
polyalphabetic systems where one letter =
deciphering Alice’s message if its reason is
multiple symbols. The most basic substitution
without rhyme. It would be much better to
cipher is the monoalphabetic Caesar Cipher,
arrange a sort of orderly disorder.
where every letter in the message is replaced
The Rail Fence Cipher is a kids’ game and
with the letter three places farther down the
easy for Eve to break, but it makes for a good
alphabet. That is, a=D, d=G, z=C, leaving us
illustration for us bigger kids. Alice wants to
with GRZQZLWKWKHNLQJ for Alice’s
send Bob the message, ‘down with the king’.
message. Variations on Caesar are abundant
She places each letter on 4 separate lines (she
and far more secure. The Vigenere Cipher is a
and Bob having previously agreed to using 4
polyalphabetic system that uses a shifting table
‘rails’), using an ‘a’ to fill in the last rail position. Bob receives (and Eve intercepts): (our example above) – made up of 26 by 26
Finally, she places each row of text together OTKDIEWHGNTHWHI. Bob worked out the cells – and a key. Each plaintext letter is sought
startingwith the top row. number of rows by dividing the message in the top row, the keyletter in the left col-
length (15) by the key length (5) filling down umn, with the crypto letter found at their junc-
the letters starting with the ‘a’ or ‘1’ column ture. Alice and Bob selected eazier for the key
and proceeding consecutively. phrase. Bob deciphers by copying the letters
of the key above the letters of the crypto-
gram. The row begun by the first keyletter
is sought in the table, and then proceeds
along this row until the CRYPTOLETTER is
encountered. Next, he goes straight up from
the CRYPTOLETTER to the first row, where
the plaintext letter is found. A Saint-Cyr Slide
can make this old game a bit easier and an
un-or differently ordered shift of characters
will make it all the harder for nosy Eve.
(continued on next page)
A Double Columnar Transposition is more
difficult for all three players, with the ciphering Strategy 1 - Hide in the open.
process repeated twice using the same key- Moving about in the darkness and shadows,
word each time or, preferably, a different one occupying isolated places, or hiding behind
on the second pass. screens will only attract suspicious attention.
To lower an enemy’s guard you must act in
the open, hiding your true intentions under
scytale the guise of common every day activities.


And Now, The Harlot
Quinn’s Game
Play along with me through this fine pub-
lication, where I’ve dropped a message
along the way, awaiting your exposure.
Remember that whenever and however
we play, one thing always leads to another.
Especially fun!
1) Scytale strip + Cardan Grille, on this page.
2) The fence was derailed.
3) The nihilist leads to the key: 34234213514234
4) Veggies won’t eat the key, Vignere might.

The Nihilist cipher (above) is a notorious
polyalphabetic trick using the 5x5 Polybius
All About Eve The Code: The Science of Secrecy from
Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography,
Square. Plaintext and keys are converted into Always play with Eve, even if she doesn’t Simon Singh
two digit numbers. know she’s playing. Only Alice and Bob The Secret Language <http://
know the criticality of the messages’ timing
– yes? So keep time on your side. Remember, secret.html>
One-time Pad Eve cannot be Cryptology <http://
Remember me playmates, the key IS key to e x pected to try>
your private communications. The best possible o n l y t h e h a r d , The Black Chamber <http://
key is a random, disordered phrase and is long way to break
especially secure if only used once. However, through your mes- The_Black_Chamber/
this means Alice and Bob would need a safe sage – that is, by home.html>
Steganography: <http://
way of communicating the key each time they hand. Computer
needed one, obviously making the whole technology has 2001/20011008/
game rather silly. By establishing duplicate made schemes that steganography.shtml>
sets of random keys used in an agreed upon were secure for POW Tap Code <http://
sequence, they could have uniquely ciphered centuries easily
messages for as long as the keyset lasted. This breakable now. tapcode.htm>
is known as the one-time pad cipher, a tablet Cryptoanalysis is Hand signals http://
or book filled with pages containing unique what NSA exists for,
keys. Some say this is still the most secure is a main purpose hands.htm>
American Cryptogram
algorithm, and still used for the deepest, albeit for the development
Association <http://
limited, security apparatus. It is impractical of the computer,>
for those who have many secrets to attend to and the bane of all Cryptopage: http://
in short order, but for the rest of us gamers it those who want privacy, protection, and
may be the most practical. Check out the security. And the digiheads continue to advance
Beale Cipher for an interesting yarn about such the game in their direction. (We’re not the See also:
a cipher still uncovered. (And pay no mind only ones who love to play, eh?) So, it would Polybius Square, Tabula Recta, Route
to the arrogant who presume if modern be well worth your time to learn the basics ciphers, VIC cipher, Gyaru-moji, Quipu
technology cannot cracked a code it is likely a of decryption – letter frequencies, pattern
hoax or diversion – though these are useful too!) recognition, and the brute-force attack(3) if you Notes:
want to play 1) GPG - GPG/PGP is a digital encryption
Combo Locks this game for
system that keeps email and other data secret as
it traverses the King/Man’s Internet. It is a bit
Put stego and crypto together of work, but may be worth the effort to learn.
to tuck things away most BUT! if you’re going to use it, use it often –
sweetly. Imagine you and especially when you don’t need it. GPG/PGP
your playmates selecting (or Weave an Basics:
writing) a little zine or two alpha-
numeric The GNU Privacy Guard: http://
that to Eve appears as just
another bit of propaganda, mat
but [hushhh] is actually your leaving 2) The number of different combinations can be
spaces derived with the factorial of a number (n! or
one-time key pad. Mix up a
scytale strip

where n-bang). This is the number multiplied by every

Rail Cipher with a Caeser integer less than the number down to 1.
shift. For some crafty little Examples above, 3! = 3x2x1=6;
projects, make a couple 9!=9x8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1=362880.
slide in
scytale belts (see page 15), a to spell 3) Decryption - any of the links above will lead
Quipu wall-hanging, or knots a dream. you to the cryptanalyst game.
and string placemat. (right)
THERE IS A REALITY TO THE OLD SAYING THAT MISERY LOVES COMPANY. consumption to purchase a smiley-faced revolution at the cash register.
Like much commonsensical wisdom it purports to explain a pattern of Even our most revolutionary dreams are given price tags and rung up for sale.
human behavior that seems to occur over and over again and whose very Survival in this system of miserabilism is based on coping. Our minds
reoccurrence gives it the ring of truth. My parents passed this saying on have been so colonized by the unofficial dictatorship of market profit-
to me, just as their parents passed it on to them—unexamined. However, ability that we are mired in the endless maze of manufactured reality. The
if we dig deeper and place it in a social context, what is revealed is the bird’s eye view that might offer a visionary perspective on our situation is
secret of the misery-making-matrix; namely, once people have internal- absent. We cope in the present so that we can better cope in the future.
ized the artificial construct that their misery is inevitable, they are doomed Even for those who see the need for fundamental change, the long march
to a life of despair. Accordingly, we surround ourselves with those who through the institutions of the bureaucratic capitalist state is seen as the
have come to the same conclusion, so as to reinforce their acceptance of only “realistic” strategy. Yet what if we could set a new course “as the
the chains of consensus reality with the weight of mutual acquiescence. crow flies.” It’s no accident that human beings all over the earth dream of
What I have called mutual acquiescence is the polar opposite of the flying. The question is how to translate the aerial insights gained from
anarchist concept of mutual aid in that it paralyzes revolutionary action those flying dreams into direct action in order to liberate ourselves
rather than facilitating it. Why bother trying to change things, people from the oppressive yoke of civilization. The crow in flight laughs at
cynically say to each other, it’s hopeless. They fear and ridicule those the “you can’t get there from here” miserabilism that is characteristic of the
rebels who refuse a life of misery, and attempt to socialize their children fenced-in settler mentality.
to accept misery as their lot in life or even as the very price of being In Mohawk scholar Taiaiake Alfred’s new book, Wasáse (2005), he
human. Those parents who instill an unquestioning acceptance of the points to the aforementioned coping as a symptom of colonization. In
status quo into the next generation do so not only as a conscious means of seeking to get beyond coping and to develop a theory of what he calls
attempting to insure their offspring’s survival in “the real world,” but as “anarcho-indigenism,” he asks the question, what prevents us from
an unconscious way of normalizing their own condition of resignation. decolonizing our minds? Interestingly enough from a surrealist perspective,
At best, using this logic, they teach their kids how to individually he points to the atrophied power of the imagination as a key impediment
manipulate or circumvent the system of misery that is presented to them to decolonization. As he explains, “We have lost our ability to dream our
as a given rather than how to overthrow it by taking direct action toward new selves and a new world into existence. We have mistakenly accepted
the creation of a new reality or a world of new realities. the resolution to our problems that is designed by people who would have
The process of the accumulation and distribution of misery creates us move out of our rusty old colonial cages and right back into a shiny
the oppressive regime of everyday reality that governs our daily lives and new prison of coping defined by managed fears and deadened emotional
is mediated by a constant barrage of both homespun sayings like “misery capacities.” In the process of liberating the land from the continually grasp-
loves company” and the ing claws of the colonial
spectacular messages system, he calls for the
and amusements that creation of an “indig-
constitute the incessant enous warrior ethic”
drumming of the As Is. based upon emancipating
In essence then, what the occupied territory of
surrealists refer to as the mind.
miserabilism is a system If we aspire to be dream
which not only creates warriors, we must recog-
misery, but convinces us nize that we have all
that misery is the only been colonized by the
possible reality. A dull hegemony of civiliza-
Panglossian “best of all tion—both settlers and
possible worlds” replaces indigenous people,
the potential excitement though not in like
of knowing that all manner. Though this
worlds are possible. colonization is experi-
Anarchists, like enced differently, and is
myself, who find an af- predicated on unequal
finity with surrealism’s access to privilege,
critique of misery, seek civilization has cut
to erase the artificial deeply into all of our
dichotomy between psyches, in effect,
dream and reality as a threatening to loboto-
subversive act. Surreal- mize our ability to
ists, in assisting the dream. For surrealists,
process by which the the ultimate revolution-
imaginary becomes ary goal of realizing
real, decry the commodification of our dreams into political party poetry in everyday life is very much about regenerating the bedrock
branding and consumer fantasies of plasma screen televisions and primal connection between dream and reality that has been eroded by
eternally perfect bodies. We are outraged that our desires are carved into the same miserabilist system of civilization that has stolen the land from
market niches and sold back to us in the form of lifestyles, gadgets and beneath indigenous feet. From an anarcho-surrealist perspective, moving
products. Social revolution? Why resist domination when the seductive toward a world in which we can all lead more poetic lives involves
voice of (too) late capitalism presents us with the impoverished idea that restoring the insurrectionary power of the imagination and unleashing it
we can change the world by our consumer choices. In this regard, we are to create an anarchy that is not afraid to dream.
repeatedly propagandized to shop our way out of our alienation dollar by
dollar literally buying into a market system that requires only “conscious” –Ron Sakolsky
Contributing to Momentum
Against Civilization (Part II)
Impulse and Collision
in Terms of Strategy
“I have always put more faith in chaos than order, and I have always experienced more
success at connecting to my desires and achieving my goals with small, tight, and intimate
groups, rather than anything that is always outwardly expanding and “progressing”. And,
perhaps most importantly…it’s a lot harder for them to cut off more heads than a few big
ones, especially when [we] are coming at them from all directions, and all motivated by
[our] most potent and least alienated passions and instincts.”
-from Contributing to Momentum Against Civilization,
Part I (Green Anarchy #19)
To briefly clarify a key distinction from the first
Momentum vs. Movement essay, a movement is a group of people formed
In the initial installment on this subject, I around specific political ideas or measurements
addressed the urge to be a unique presence in of linear progress, while momentum is a dynamic,
a momentum against civilization rather than or process of variable change, that is influenced
working to create a monolithic green by an assortment of forces on a continuum of
anarchist movement. The movement support and conflict. Others have used different
model has proven itself to be an utter terminology to describe similar patterns, but for
failure and a suffocating and anti- the sake of this discussion, and for defining a
liberatory process, as it attempts to language less bogged down in political baggage,
harden ideas, manage conflict, and reduce I will continue to use these terms.1 In terms of
the individual to a role. It serves no use to physics, movement describes linear activity
anarchists who prioritize their goals and (time and space), but does not gauge the
define their affinity based on desire rather increase or decrease of its rate of motion. That
than abstract concepts. Standardizing and is, it suggests uniformity. Momentum describes
alienating our passions and goals into a lowest characteristics of what is moving, how fast it
common denominator for the sake of numbers, is moving, and where it is going, but also the
the outcome of the movement approach is increases or decreases in rate of motion
by Felonious
by either a dogmatic set of ideas or a vague (expresses changed velocity). The greater the
agenda based on superficial characteristics of momentum, the greater amount of force or a
Skunk “diversity”. Rejecting the movement model longer amount of time (or both) is required to
of seeking to build a “better” world stemming change its velocity. A force that acts against
from a moral or ideological project and an object’s motion slows it down, while a
agenda, instead, I seek to contribute to force that acts along with or parallel to an
a multiform momentum against civiliza- object’s motion speeds it up, both changing
tion without ideological prerequisites, its velocity, and therefore, changing its
moral bondage, or entrenched expec- momentum. As suggested in the first in-
tations. As each of us comes into stallment, the use of scientific terminology
conflict with civilization from our is somewhat problematic, but if we view
own experiences, understanding, momentum as a description of motion taking
and desires, so should the into account various influences of force, these
articulations and actions concepts can be applied to social dynamics,
against it be formed. especially for their metaphoric qualities.

#23 Page 18
Removed from desire, it becomes about winning have distorted the defensive collision impulse
Impulse and Collision and completing the mission, even if it is revealed technique and have turned it into a misguided
Some interesting dynamics to look at in the the pursuit is misguided or the possibilities strategy, suggesting that patience might be the
realm of describing and understanding motion for a particular aspect of it are futile. strategic path for anarchists to take. That we
that can be seen as relevant to a discussion of The contrary position to this would be the need to collect more information before we act.
strategy, are impulse and collision. Impulse application of short, hard bursts or impulses This seems absurd not only from the perspective
describes the change in momentum. In a that have considerable momentum. Like any of one who feels nothing but disdain for this
collision (the agitator of change), an object sprinter will tell you, it is easier to give it the society and is wishing to live their desires, but
experiences a force for a specific amount of juice for a 50-yard dash than a marathon. from a strategic point of view, lacks significant
time which results in a change in momentum Sprinters can pull on short-term power boosts merit, not to mention the ecological collapse
(the object’s mass either speeds up or slows to extend themselves for very brief periods of we are beginning to experience. Do we really
down). The impulse experienced by the time beyond what one might perceive as pos- need more information? Does that not become
object equals the change in momentum of sible, putting every aspect of themselves into white noise at some point, dulling our senses
the object. The greater the time over which the it. While the marathoner can draw from a and further strengthening its grip over us? No,
collision occurs, the smaller the force acting similar type of reserve power supply from time we needn’t blindly charge or remain ignorant
upon the object. Thus, to minimize the effect to time, s/he typically settles into a zone, which of our enemy, but their overall momentum is
of the force on an object involved in a allows for them to essentially “turn off” aspects determined and generally transparent and needs
collision, the time must be increased; and of themselves for the larger not excessive pondering, while their tactics are
to maximize the effect of the force on cause and mechanically and in a constant state of response, reaction, and
an object involved in a collision, less consciously go through the development. So to be patient merely means
the time must be decreased. 2 motions. Rather than seeing our- to step aside while we watch this metamor-
This principle of minimizing selves as the foot soldiers in a lengthy phosis take place (and effect all of us). Patient
the effect of a force by extending the time war, we can see ourselves as rebels until when? And at what expense?
of collision can be witnessed in boxing. quickly lighting fuses (only a metaphor, Perhaps this installment was too semantically
When a boxer concedes that she will be hit in of course) in attempts to destroy an burdened for some, perhaps, for others, it was
the head by an opponent, she often relaxes immediate enemy. Not that a holistic overview over-simplistic, but hopefully, it at least added
her neck and allows her head to move back- is not also important, but the impulse for one more layer to the discussion of anarchist
wards upon impact. Known as “riding the action is strongest if it is connected to very strategy. And, perhaps, if we look at the world
punch”, a boxer utilizes this technique in direct and present situations in our lives. around us, and understand some of its basic
order to extend the time of impact of the glove As a defensive position, a prolonged reaction dynamics and functions, we don’t need a hyper-
on her head. This results in decreasing the limits the immediate impact on us from an sophisticated or convoluted theory on strategy
force and thus minimizing the damaging oppressive force. This might mean that in situ- to act in the world that we live.
effect in the collision. This simple technique ations in which we know we are outnumbered
can extend the endurance of the boxer or outgunned, or just plain screwed, it might
significantly over the length of a fight, or be wiser to save the bullets (just another Notes:
1] “In my own writings, I have always
even a career. metaphor) and wait it out a while rather then
distinguished social movements – which
Rock climbers use nylon ropes for the same go out in a suicidal blaze of fire. To go back to arise when people’s rage against being
reason. If a rock climber should lose his grip the previous boxing metaphor, if we take the dispossessed, dominated and exploited
and begin to fall, his momentum will ultimately punches in a way that allows them to utilize creates an impetus to rebellion that
more energy than the damage they are inflict- begins to take on social dimensions –
be halted by a rope, typically made of nylon or from political movements – which attempt to either channel
similar material because of its ability to ing, they may eventually tire, allowing us to social movements into narrow ideological confines or
stretch. As the rope stretches upon being better take advantage of their weaknesses. replace them altogether. What F. Skunk refers to as
pulled by the falling climber’s mass, it will This certainly is not an excuse or reason to “movement” is what I refer to as “political movement” and
reject. What he refers to as “momentum” includes what I
apply a force upon the climber over a longer endlessly wait around, as pause and delay is refer to as “social movement”, but also includes individual
time period. Extending the time over which only a temporary maneuver, not a long-term acts of rebellion that those of us who despise the civilized
the climber’s momentum is broken results strategy. There is also a tricky line where order carry out on our own and with a few others we trust
even when we see no evidence of a social movement of
in reducing the force exerted on the falling becoming so limber, stall reaction so long, or revolt. Used in this way, the concept of momentum may be
climber. This can make the difference between stretch out resistance so thin, we become useful in the sense of continuing the momentum of our own
minor and significant injury, and can, again, dissipated into nothing. The frog that does not revolt regardless of what is happening on a larger scale.”
-Wolfi Landstreicher (letter to GA #20)
extend the body’s endurance over time. know that the temperature keeps rising and it
is slowly being boiled alive comes to mind. 2] This equation is known as the impulse-momentum change
equation. The impulse experienced by an object is the
Any effective anarchist strategy would also
Application to be seeking more conspirators with whom they
force*time, the momentum change of an object is
the mass*velocity change, the impulse equals the
have considerable affinity, as well as allies momentum change. [F * t = m * Delta v]. The equation
Anarchist Strategy whose particulars may differ, but general says that the Impulse = Change in momentum.

Your imagination can probably apply these motion is agreeable.3 The more diverse the 3]“How do we anarchists, who have specific ideas of how
this society operates and how to fight against it, intertwine
simple dynamics to a multitude of situations. momentum against civilization, the more our rebellion with the rebellions of those who may not have
For instance, a long, drawn-out, prolonged civilization’s overall strength and collision such ideas, who are rebelling in response to immediate
and constant warfare begins to lose momentum against any single opponent will be dissipated. circumstances, without falling into the role of politicians
Against any opponent, and in concert with a presenting a program? Having been in situations where
over time, especially when it is not influenced social rage began to burn, and not being satisfied with the
by new forces of impact. It takes the shape of variety of accomplices, a combination of limits of my own minor acts of rebellion in these situations
a description of movement, that is, moving offensive and defensive impulse and collision (since these acts do not in themselves prevent the various
strategies can be explored. politicians and community leaders from channeling such
from point A to point B, with little regard for rage into safe, meaningless non-action dependent upon the
any other factors. To steal a cliché, it becomes Some, who have recognized the depth institutions), this is not a question I can ignore. My own
more like a job then an adventure. It loses and pervasiveness of the problems we face and desire to tear down this despicable order moves me to
the strength of the forces we are up against, confront this question.”
not only the passion, but also the purpose. -Wolfi Landstreicher (letter to GA #20)


The Contentious, Unbidden,
and Relentless Weeds

in their Antiseptic Lawn

Anarchist Resistance from Around the World
“Mr. Palomar is crouched on the lawn, pulling up weeds. A dandelion claim they have discovered ties February 13, Athens, Greece:
between anarchists and admitted Anarchists burnt two cameras in the
clings to the ground with a foundation of jagged leaves, thickly bank robber and accused gang city center. In little over a year, Greek
overlapping; if you tug at the stalk, it breaks off in your hand, while member Yiannis Dimitrakis who anarchists have destroyed hundreds
the roots are still sunk in the ground…you must throw the interloper was arrested recently. Dimitrakis of police cameras. According to a
in a place it cannot put down roots again or scatter seed. When has refused to give investigators any communiqué: All our movements
information about his accomplices or are being recorded, it’s time to see
you start pulling up one weed, you immediately see another their motives or political affiliation. all cameras destroyed. The Fight
appear a bit farther on, and another, and still another. In no time goes on!
that stretch of lawn, so smooth that it seemed to need only a few February 8, Athens, Greece:
touches, proves to be a lawless jungle.” –Italo Calvino, Mr. Palomar Anarchists Accused in Attack February 27, Orlando, Florida:
on Head of Union A planned neo-Nazi march was cut
January 6, Athens, Greece: Italian 1,500 meter champion runner Two suspected anarchists are in short despite the protection of
Bombs Explode! as she passed through a northern custody on suspicion of attempting hundreds of riot pigs. The march,
A petrol bomb was thrown at a town en route to Turin. Contrary to to murder the head of Greece’s which was organized by the Minne-
branch office of the ruling New the newspaper and television reports, largest umbrella union. Nikos apolis-based National Socialist
Democracy party in Exarchia (an the companion who grabbed the Koundardas, 29, and Stelios Movement, was not allowed to
anarchist stronghold located in torch was able to run almost 60 Malindretos, 41, deny the attempted proceed as planned through Orlando
central Athens), causing minor meters with it before it was recaptured. manslaughter of the head of the neighborhoods after fist fights involv-
damage. In a separate incident an Four of eight protesters escaped, but General Confederation of Greek Labor ing counter-demonstrators broke
hour later, a bomb made of gas the other four were arrested and (GSEE), Christos Polyzogopoulos, on out. CBS News blamed the violence
canisters went off outside a branch taken to a local police station, The January 31. Malindretos allegedly on the anti-racist groups: Skinheads
of Aspis Bank in the city center, torch has been involved in 33 incidents claims he was forced to hit the victim Against Racial Prejudices and the
damaging the front entrance and the staged by anarchists and anti-global- after being threatened at gunpoint by Southeastern Anarchist Network. At
ATM. No one was hurt in either of ization activists since it left Rome. Jehovah’s Witnesses. The unionist least 17 anti-fascists were arrested
the attacks. Responsibility has been and a colleague were attacked and for charges of assault, disorderly
claimed by a new group called “Insur- January 31, Athens, Greece: severely beaten by a group of some conduct, and wearing masks.
rection Flame” in solidarity to the 3 Bombs and Bank Robbers? 15 suspected anarchists in Exarchia.
jailed anarchists accused under the Anarchists are believed to be respon- The youths are also said to have stolen Late-February,
anti-terrorist law for an attack against
sible for yet another firebomb attack Polyzogopoulos’s mobile phone, Thessaloniki, Greece:
Greek riot police and theft of their that destroyed a central Athens bank which they are said to have used to Anarchists firebombed two banks
riot gear. It has been claimed that last night. Greek anarchist groups make threatening calls to several (completely gutting one), an office
the attacks will continue until the have claimed responsibility for more politicians whose numbers they found of the ruling New Democracy political
prisoners’ living conditions improve. than a half dozen arson and bomb in its directory. Koundardas and party, and a number of Swedish
attacks against various targets in the Malindretos were also charged with diplomat cars.
January 23, Trent, Italy: past month. Police attempting to theft and causing damage.
Olympic Torch Apprehended catch the bombers have tried to draw
Four Italian anarchists were arrested a connection between anarchists and Strategy 13 - Startle the snake by hitting the grass around it.
for bursting through barriers and a gang of bank robbers known as When you cannot detect the opponent’s plans launch a direct, but
snatching the Olympic torch from an the “Thieves in Black.” Authorities brief attack and observe all reactions to reveal the strategy.


Early-March, Milan, Italy: Strategy 14 - Raise a corpse from the dead. April 3, Hania, Greece:
Anti-Fascist Counter- Take a method that has been forgotten or discarded and appro- Anarchists Steal Security
Demonstration Turns Violent priate it for your own purpose. Revive something from the Cameras
Anarchists and antifascists clashed past by giving it a new purpose or to reinterpret and bring to The director of the Mediterranean
with police and fascists in Italy’s life old ideas. Architecture Center in Hania on the
financial center, as up to 300 island of Crete is incensed that all of
people wearing balaclavas and Protesters tore up candidate posters at least two banks, and completely the center’s security cameras have
wielding crowbars set fire to cars for the upcoming provincial elections, destroyed a police car. Masked black been stolen. Aris Papadoyiannis told
and a building on one of Milan’s attacked a number of businesses, blockers also tussled with an overly the Kathimerini news service that the
busiest shopping streets after broke windows, and dragged garbage aggressive Associated Press photog- theft was “unacceptable” and “illogical.”
police tried to break up their protest into the street, which they set on fire. rapher and confiscated one of his The thievery occurred after a daytime
against a fascist pre-election rally. The first confrontation with police cameras. 17 protesters were taken into demonstration by anarchist groups
According to the cops, a nail bomb took place near the scene where custody during the demonstrations, demanding a ban on closed circuit
injured nine pigs and at least 45 police fatally beat a homeless man which prompted another march and security TV systems. Anarchist leaflets
people were detained. in 1999. Marchers threw bottles at demonstration outside of the jail were found scattered around the
“They turned a quiet Saturday cops. At least one pig was injured where they had been taken. center. Papadoyiannis, who said the
into a war zone,” Milan council and required stitches. cameras were only switched on
official Riccardo Dicorato said On Canada’s west coast, activists in March 26, Athens, Greece: when the center had collections,
while police rounded up dozens of Vancouver, British Columbia held a A makeshift bomb exploded outside conferences, or exhibitions, vowed
demonstrators and firemen hosed smaller, less eventful march with the a central Athens branch of Citibank to hunt down the thieves.
down burning cars and motor same theme, in which demonstrators damaging the entrance but causing
marked up the Main Street police no injuries. Police said an anonymous
scooters. It was the biggest dis-
station with paint balloons. Also, an
April 8, Kathimerini, Greece:
ruption in Italy since 2001, shortly caller had made a warning call to a A group of some 20 youths destroyed
after neo-fascist Prime Minister unmarked police vehicle and a cop newspaper saying a bomb would explode three traffic cameras. The suspected
Silvio Berlusconi came to power, standing next to it with a video camera in 30 minutes outside the bank. anarchists threw Molotov cocktails
when riots shook Genoa during were pelted with many eggs and
at the cameras in the neighborhood
the summit of the Group of Eight masked rebels attacked a journalist April 2, Thessaloniki, Greece : of Exarchia.
industrialized countries. who was taking photos of the march. “Resistance! No Tolerance for
The fascist rally that sparked the the Enemies of Freedom.” April 11, Trieste, Italy:
two-hour pitched battle was led by March 19, Mexico City, Mexico: An estimated one thousand anarchists
Police are investigating local anarchist
the Tricolour Flame, an extreme- Water Wars Arising and other anti-fascist protesters, groups after three molotov cocktail
right group running on Berlusconi’s Thousands of people took part in the wearing motorcycle helmets and bombs exploded outside a school
re-election ticket. Meanwhile, “March in Defense of Water” to demand armed with iron bars, clashed with that also serves as a polling station
members of the left lined up to dis- cleaner drinking water in Mexico City police outside the offices of the right- in Northern Italy. A fourth bomb failed
tance themselves from the protesters. and elsewhere. The demonstration was wing fascist group Chryssi Avgi. The to explode. The attack came on the
“We condemn in the strongest planned to coincide with the start of demonstration was organized by eve of a hotly contested national
terms this kind of violence. It does the Fourth World Water Forum in Anti-fascist Initiative to protest the election. Anarchists were respon-
not come from our concept of Mexico City. The forum hosted various stabbing of three teenage students sible for intense rioting that left part
democracy and civilisation,” Prodi foreign dignitaries who came to by fascists a week earlier, who are of Milan’s main shopping district
(Berlusconi’s rival) told reporters. discuss water management policies alleged to be members of Chryssi destroyed a few weeks earlier.
and international trade. Avgi. The three are recovering from
Mid-March, Athens, Greece: A large anarchist black bloc fought their injuries. Riot police used tear- April 14, Santa Cruz, California:
A group of approximately 30 anarchists with riot police and undercover agent gas against the protesters, but no one Resistance to Military Recruiters
attacked the National Bank of Greece provocateurs. They damaged a police was reported to have been seriously Anarchists and anti-war activists
branch in central Athens with motorcycle, numerous billboards, injured during the demonstration. expelled military recruiters from
molotov cocktails. A few days later, University of California Santa Cruz
anarchists burned two surveillance
camera control boxes. Surveillance
Anti-Pig Riot campus for the third time in the past
two years. Recruiters needed a police
cameras and banks are commonly
firebombed by anarchists in Greece,
in Montreal escort and a side door to make their
get away when a march of about 100
but the frequency of these actions has demonstrators, organized by a campus
greatly increased since the most recent group called Students Against War,
state of unrest broke out in France. culminated at the school’s biannual
job fair. Last year’s similarly successful
Mid-March, Montreal, Quebec, counter-recruitment protest at the job
Canada: Anti-Pig Rally Turns fair landed in a Pentagon surveillance
Into a Ruckus file, which listed the demonstration as
Montreal’s tenth annual march a “credible threat” to military facilities
against police brutality ended in a riot or personnel.
and the arrests of 33 participants.
“People [were] marching against the April 16, Sweden: Party
harassment of the homeless, squeegee Headquarters Vandalized
kids and sex workers,” said organizer A faction of the anarchist “Invisible
Frank Ducanal of the anarchist Opposé Party” has claimed responsibility
à la Brutalité Policière (Opposed to for a series of coordinated vandalism
Police Brutality) collective. Demon- attacks at the Center Party head-
strators also demanded justice for quarters throughout the country.
Mohamed-Anas Bennis, who was
shot by a Montreal pig in December. (continued on next page)
Windows were smashed at party offices discuss the matter of invading Iran “violently resisting an officer” and trast to the European Social Forum
in Stockholm, Uppsala, Gothenburg, and ask for the political and military “aggravated attempt at sabotage”. (ESF), a Leftist playground and power-
Växjö, Kalmar, Jönköping and Umeå. support of the Greek government. Earlier in the day, anarchist groups grab that was also taking place in
A party representative said that they More than 5,000 pigs blocked main held a rowdy march in the city’s Athens during the same dates.
believed that the attacks were in streets and imposed a prohibition of center that attracted a couple hundred On May 6, several hours before
protest of a newly proposed youth demonstrations in the center of Athens.people. Some, tired of the city’s zero the mainstream anti-war march, an
labor law that strips younger workers When the demonstrators tried to go tolerance policy towards graffiti, anarchist demo took place in down-
of their legal rights. The law was through the police blockades, tear-gas started to decorate the walls, bus town Athens with more than 1,500
designed to assist businesses and was sprayed against them. While the stops, and everything paintable. Many people under heavily surveillance
corporations and is similar to one that protesters began to run and disperse windows were smashed, including by riot police. Its main slogan was
was recently introduced in France, but to recover from the chemical weapons the Ministry of Defense, Confederation “No other world is possible as
was later withdrawn after nearly a attack, to the surprise of the police, of Finnish Industries EK, logging long as capitalism and the State
month of massive, disruptive and hooded anarchists suddenly appeared giant UPM-Kymmene, a clothing store exists”, parodying ESF’s slogan
violent protests. The Invisible Party out of the crowd, quickly setting up that sells fur, and a fast food joint. “Another world is possible”.
organized a solidarity demonstration roadblocks, in order to delay the riot Zurich, Switzerland: About 4,000 Several hours later, as the larger
that was held in support of the cops attacking the crowd again. Indeed,anarchists and leftists fought run- march began, hundreds of anarchists
French protesters. stones and Molotov cocktails kept ning battles with police. Another in small groups emerged out of the
them at bay for some time. Nine were group of about 100 radicals dis- crowd. Despite the massive amount
April 17, Athens, Greece: arrested and two injured. rupted a speech by President Moritz of pigs (more than 8,000 cops) they
Fascist Expelled from Campus Leuenberger and threw fireworks at managed to attack many targets,
Leads to Stabbing May Day, Northern Europe: him, forcing him to flee. firebombing four banks, ATM’s,
Some Traditions Might Be Germany: Anarchists held large police cars, cctv cameras, several
Students at Panteion University
Worth Keeping! celebratory parades and fought tra- embassies, the headquarters of the
exposed and expelled an armed
ditional pitched street battles with Greek police, a State’s Ministry,
member of the right-wing fascist Helsinki, Finland: Police fought
neo-Nazis in numerous cities. the Greek parliament, McDonald’s,
group Chryssi Avgi (Golden Dawn) anarchists and attempted to extinguish
Starbucks and many more.
who was discovered on campus. The bonfires in an industrial area. Dem-
fascist, Gerasimos Papagiannis, who onstrators occupied a number of May 4-7, Athens, Greece: During all that time the ESF managed
Anarchists Display Their the rally as if it was their own, and
is also the son of a high-ranking police the buildings that are slated to be
Hatred For the State eagerly played the part of the police
officer, was disarmed by the students. destroyed in order to make way for
or used the pigs for their purposes.
In response students called for an a large music arena and held off riot and Its Apologists These are the same people that are
anti-fascist demonstration to take police with rocks, Molotovs, and For the first time in Greece, the Liber-
allegedly against neo-liberalism, war,
place. As people were gathering, a other airborne objects, until dawn in tarian Anarchist Anti-authoritarian
and the State’s repression. In many
group of fascists armed with clubs, what police called an “exceptional Forum took place. This forum (with
occasions, they attempted to arrest
knives, and flare guns appeared and occurrence.” The firefighters, who open discussions, video projections,
attacked the crowd leaving three with were restricted from entering the area theatrical presentations, photogra- people (sometimes just on the
grounds of being hooded or wearing
serious stab wounds. by the anarchists, finally managed to phy exhibitions, anarchist books
black clothes) and hand them over
Once the fascists left, protesters put out the fires by early morning. and periodicals stalls, and a radio
to the police, which resulted in dozens
built barricades around the campus Police discovered many Molotov station broadcasting the discus-
of arrests and 17 prosecutions
and attacked cops – who they accused cocktails at the scene. 11 youths sions live on FM and on the internet)
including minors and immigrants.
of working with the fascists – with were detained for being suspected of was organized by anarchists in con-
molotov cocktails. Police did not
attempt to enter the university
grounds. Members of the same
fascist party were also responsible
Anarcho-Punks Celebrate at
for a stabbing incident that left May Day Festivities in Berlin.
three teenagers hospitalized in
Thessaloniki last month.

Late April, Athens, Greece:

Warm Welcome for
Condoleeza Rice
The anarchist group “Anti-State
Struggle” ignited a bomb outside a
showroom of the French carmaker
Renault and attempted to set off
another one at a McDonald’s. The
attacks, which did not cause any
injuries, were meant to send a
message to U.S. Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice, who was sched-
uled to visit the Greek capital later
that week. The group vowed to commit
more attacks in the near future.
Several thousand demonstrators
from the anarchist-antiauthoritarian
movement and the left-wing
demonstrated in Athens streets, as
a reaction to the visit of Condoleeza
Rice in Greece, planned in part to
place in the morning of Saturday 6
Anti-State and Anti-Capitalist
Anti-State Anti-Capitalist May, with more than one thousand
comrades defying the numerous
Struggles Cannot Be Repressed or
Struggles police forces and marching with
main slogan: NO OTHER WORLD IS
Manipulated, They Don’t Compromise
Manipulated, Compromise STILL STATE AND CAPITALISM.
These activities disturbed the state
and They Don’t Apologize! which in the last period has been
launching, through the media, an
intense disinformation campaign
against anarchists. The main point
of this campaign is the myth that the
anarchist struggle is supposed to
threaten the society instead of the
state, which is presenting itself as
the guard of social safety. The state’s
aim is to obstruct the influence that
anarchist theory and action have in
the social struggles and to gain social
consent for repression.
The organizers of the ESF were
also annoyed by these activities, as
their aim is the political hegemony
Pigmobile Burns in the context of resistance–that
in Athens has to be bound to their reformist
demands–as well as the hegemony
of their methods in the streets that
The following is a communiqué the people who resist. From the very the struggle claiming either the
certain moment.
from an anarchist collective in beginning the aim was to neutralize restoration of old Authority models
This hegemony of the social-demo-
Athens about the role of the Euro- social resistance by incorporating it or the beautification of the existing
cratic mentality was disputed by the
pean Social Forum, the Libertarian into the limits of the system, while structures and undermine in this way
riots that spread–spontaneously and
Anti-authoritarian Anarchist Forum, state repression–having the reformist’s the perspective of social liberation.
unorganized to a large degree–from
and related events: consent–would selectively target This conflict between the perspec-
anarchists and insubordinate youth,
those who sabotage this perspective. tive of revolt and the perspective of
in the anti-war demonstration orga-
In the past years, international In this context, any form of resistance incorporation to the system is present
nized by the ESF the afternoon of
summits of the global political and that remains uncontrolled by manipu- in every moment of the social antago-
May 6. The attacks against state
financial bosses triggered events of lating mechanisms is labeled as nism. It is the same conflict that was
and capitalist targets and the con-
resistance that explosively brought to “criminal” or “terrorist” activity. expressed during the 4th European
frontations with the police showed
limelight the variety of struggles The “World Social Forum–WSF” as Social Forum in Athens, which was
to the state that no structure of
bursting around the world–from indig- well as the european one, the “ESF”, organized on 4-7 May by local bureau-
manipulation can succeed unhindered
enous communities to the capitalist is the result of two coinciding factors: cratic trade-unions, reformist groups,
in its role and damaged the political
ghettos–against the state and capital. the first one is the pursuit of the State NGOs and the left parliamentary party
investment of the ESF in that protest
The gathering of thousands of to suppress the struggle “from within” of “Synaspismos” in the leading role,
that was planned to be a spectacular
people in the streets of Seattle, and the second one is the attempt of together with similar groups from
contribution to class pacification.
Prague, Genoa, Thessaloniki and else- social-democratic and left political Europe. Their purpose is to persuade
What the events revealed was the
where gave a new blow to these parties, unions and organizations to the people who, suffocating in the
collaboration between manipulation
struggles, opposing to the globalization buy out a new privileged position in world of the bosses and looking for
and state repression.
of domination the globalization of the system, pretending to be the voice ways to resist, are attracted in such
ESF groups inflicted unprovoked
resistance “from below”: the fight for a of the “anti-globalization movement” meetings inspired by events like those
violence upon demonstrators who
world without exploitation and op- and using its strength as means to in Seattle or Genoa, that the world can
were not inside their blocs and whose
pression, without borders and prisons. promote their political careers. The really change through the old or new
only “mistake” was that they didn’t
This reality of revolted people WSF and ESF are structures built institutions of the regime.
conform with the ESF’s organizing
from different countries joining “from above” in order to control and Parallel to other encounters and
committee (and theirs only) plans for
behind flaming barricades, trans- manipulate the resistance movements antagonistic to the intentions of the
a pacifist demo. It’s important to
forming those cities into battlefields created “from below”. ESF, anti-authoritarian collectives
mention that anarchists and other
between the society and its tyrants, Anarchists and antiauthoritarians, organized the same days in the
demonstrators attacked specific
deprived the dominators of the alibi either acting in international demon- Polytechnic School the Libertarian,
targets, such as the riot police and
of social consent to their criminal strations together with thousands of Anarchist, Anti-authoritarian Forum,
their vehicles, banks, the U.S., British,
plans and undermined the illusion insubordinate people or locally, in the creating a space for people to express
Italian and French embassies, the
that they’re omnipotent. various fronts of social-class war, the variety of experiences, views and
police headquarters, the courthouse,
Facing this expanding wave of re- have always fought for the self- dimensions in the anti-authoritarian
the E.U. office, the Greek parliament
sistance, the State resorted to the organization of the struggle and the struggle, with open discussions on
and ministries. In no case did they
foundation stone of its existence, total rejection of the state and capitalist issues such as biotechnology, capi-
attack the people participating in the
institutional and physical violence, institutions. Thus, they antagonized talist globalization, the “anti-terrorist”
ESF demo or even their “special guard
and simultaneously it promoted the from the start the intentions of the crusade, the institutional crisis of
groups”, as the ESF representatives
emergence of “leading personalities”– Reformist International to substitute democracy, labor, prisons, drugs,
claim in their blatant lies. On the con-
such as leftist intellectuals, politicians resistance in the streets with “alter- counter-information etc.
trary, it was the ESF “special guard
and bureaucratic unionists–to be native” hierarchical institutions– The peak of this encounter was the
recognized as “representatives” of institutions that want to set limits on anarchist demonstration that took (continued on page 25)
Instructions for
an Insurrection
If it seems somewhat absurd to talk of revolution, People’s creativity and participation can only be awakened by a
this is obviously because the organized revolutionary movement collective project explicitly concerned with all aspects of lived
has long since disappeared from the modern countries where the experience. The only way to “arouse the masses” is to expose the
possibilities of a decisive social transformation are concentrated. appalling contrast between the potential constructions of life and
But all the alternatives are even more absurd, since they imply the present poverty of life. Without a critique of everyday life, a
accepting the existing order in one way or another. If the word revolutionary organization is a separated milieu, as conventional
“revolutionary” has been neutralized to the point of being used in and ultimately as passive as those holiday camps that are the
advertising to describe the slightest change in an ever-changing specialized terrain of modern leisure. Sociologists, such as Henri
commodity production, this is because the possibilities of a central Raymond in his study of Palinuro, have shown how in such places
desirable change are no longer expressed anywhere. Today the the spectacular mechanism recreates, on the level of play, the dominant
revolutionary project stands accused before the tribunal of history relations of the society as a whole. But then they go on naïvely to
— accused of having failed, of having simply engendered a new commend the “multiplicity of human contacts,” for example, without
form of alienation. This amounts seeing that the mere quantitative
to recognizing that the ruling increase of these contacts leaves
society has proved capable of them just as insipid and in-
defending itself, on all levels WE NEED MORE REVOLUTION, authentic as they are everywhere
of reality, much better than revo- else. Even in the most libertarian
lutionaries expected. Not that it NOT MORE REVOLUTIONARIES... and antihierarchical revolutionary
has become more tolerable. The group, communication between
point is simply that revolution people is in no way guaranteed
has to be reinvented. by a shared political program.
This poses a number of problems The sociologists naturally sup-
that will have to be theoretically port efforts to reform everyday
and practically overcome in the life, to organize compensation
next few years. We can briefly for it in vacation time. But the
mention a few points that it revolutionary project cannot
is urgent to understand and accept the traditional notion of
resolve. play, of a game limited in space,
Of the tendencies toward in time and in qualitative depth.
regroupment that have appeared The revolutionary game — the
over the last few years among creation of life — is opposed to
various minorities of the workers all memories of past games. To
movement in Europe, only the provide a three-week break from
most radical current is worth the kind of life led during forty-
preserving: that centered on the nine weeks of work, the holiday
program of workers councils.1 villages of Club Med draw on a
Nor should we overlook the fact shoddy Polynesian ideology —
that a number of confusionist a bit like the French Revolution
elements are seeking to insinuate presenting itself in the guise of
themselves into this debate (see republican Rome, or like the
the recent accord among “leftist” revolutionaries of today who
philosophico-sociological journals define themselves principally in
of different countries). accordance with how well they
The greatest difficulty confront- fit the Bolshevik or some other
ing groups that seek to create a style of militant role. The revo-
new type of revolutionary organization is that of establishing new lution of everyday life cannot draw its poetry from the past, but
types of human relationships within the organization itself. The forces only from the future.
of the society exert an omnipresent pressure against such an effort. The experience of the empty leisure produced by modern capitalism
But unless this is accomplished, by methods yet to be experimented has provided a critical correction to the Marxian notion of the
with, we will never be able to escape from specialized politics. The extension of leisure time: It is now clear that full freedom of time
demand for participation on the part of everyone often degenerates requires first of all a transformation of work and the appropriation
into a mere abstract ideal, when in fact it is an absolute practical of this work in view of goals, and under conditions, that are utterly
necessity for a really new organization and for the organization of a different from those of the forced labor that has prevailed until now.
really new society. Even if militants are no longer mere underlings But those who put all the stress on the necessity of changing work
carrying out the decisions made by masters of the organization, they itself, of rationalizing it and of interesting people in it, and who pay
still risk being reduced to the role of spectators of those among them no attention to the free content of life (i.e. the development of a
who are the most qualified in politics conceived as a specialization; materially equipped creative power beyond the traditional categories
and in this way the passivity relation of the old world is reproduced. of work time and rest-and-recreation time) run the risk of providing


endless confron-
an ideological cover for a harmonization of the present production tations with the
system in the direction of greater efficiency and profitability without police, tear-gas
at all having called in question the experience of this production or and barricades,
the necessity of this kind of life. The free construction of the entire and not just paci-
space-time of individual life is a demand that will have to be fist fiestas led by
defended against all sorts of dreams of harmony in the minds of members of the
aspiring managers of social reorganization. parliament. Now,
The different moments of situationist activity until now can only like back then in
be understood in the perspective of a reappearance of revolution, a Genoa, on the one
revolution that will be social as well as cultural and whose field of hand they scream
action will right from the start have to be broader than during any of its that all radicals
previous endeavors. The SI does not want to recruit disciples or are “provocateurs”
partisans, but to bring together people capable of applying them- and on the other
selves to this task in the years to come, by every means and without hand they exploit
worrying about labels. This means that we must reject not only the and appropriate
vestiges of specialized artistic activity, but also those of specialized the incidents of
politics; and particularly the post-Christian masochism characteristic revolt – even the
of so many intellectuals in this area. We don’t claim to be developing memory of Carlo
Giuliani whom
a new revolutionary program all by ourselves. We say that this
they would call
program in the process of formation will one day practically oppose
“provocateur” if
the ruling reality, and that we will participate in that opposition. he was alive – as
Whatever may become of us individually, the new revolutionary they also know
movement will not be formed without taking into account what we well that their idea
have sought together; which could be summed up as the passage of mutilated pale
from the old theory of limited permanent revolution to a theory of manifestations are
generalized permanent revolution. unable to inspire
even their followers.
SITUATIONIST INTERNATIONAL The ESF made an official statement
1961 accusing “groups who used other Anarchist
demonstrators as a shield of pro-
Translated by Ken Knabb tection against the Police”, when in Political Prisoners:
(slightly modified from the version entitled “Instructions for Taking Up reality it’s themselves who attempt
Arms” in the Situationist International Anthology) to use all demonstrators in order to Bill Dunne #10916-086,
negotiate a better position in the Box 019001, Atwater, CA
1 balance of power inside the political 95301. Anti-authoritarian
Editor’s Note: While there is much deeply inspiring about their project, and
we continue to draw on it as an influence, we need to take a critical look at the system. They accuse those who sentenced to 90 years for
Situationists International, and their overall relevance to anti-civilization attacked state and capitalist targets the attempted liberation of
anarchist theory and practice. Beyond the questionable and outdated embracing for “extreme political despotism”, a prisoner in 1979.
of workers councils, some Situationists’ fetishization of technology is perhaps when it’s them who have beaten Ojore N. Lutalo #59860,
one of the most glaring inconsistencies with destroying civilization. We hope to even each other for the leadership
have an indepth-critique of the SI for our next issue. Let us know if you are
PO 861, SBI #901548, Trenton,
of the ESF, and have given their NJ 08625. Anarchist and
interested in helping. consent to the state’s despotism, black liberation soldier serving
requesting the most severe punish- time for revolutionary clan-
(continued from page 23) blamed the police for not confronting ment for the arrested. It’s also them, destine activities.
groups” who hit or tried to hit people effectively the “trouble-makers”… the representatives of the ESF, who
participating in the riots, having the The fact that the ESF harmonized first slander the people who resist Mike Rusniak DOC
unbelievable nerve to call them its voice with the voice of the police and then come to defend them as K88887, Dixon CC, 2600
victims of repression, in order to Brinton, PO Box 99, Dixon, IL
“fascists” (!) the very moment they and the media (exceeding them
gain another political alibi. 61021. Serving time for stealing
were throwing them on the ground actually), offered the state the nec- a police car, and other acts of
or pushing them towards the cops. essary political consent to proceed Against state repression being
anti-government property-
And of course demonstrators defended with repression. This consent was renewed by the political consent
themselves against this unprovoked immediately reflected on the severe offered by the social-democrat
violence. charges for the 17 persons arrested, reformists of the ESF, we oppose Brian McCarvill #11037967,
The moment the demo was finished, on the persecution of 8 of them for collective resistance in every front OSP, 2605 State St, Salem,
the slandering of the people who felonies and the imprisonment of 4, of the social-class war, we fight to OR 97310. Became politi-
participated in the riots and the attempt as exemplary punishment and as make the dream of revolt a night- cally active while serving a
to de-politicize the events began. means of intimidation for everyone mare for the state, the bosses and 39-year sentence on bogus
The most characteristic example is who fights outside the boundaries of their lackeys… charges, he has been con-
D. Stratoulis, representative of the the regime. SOLIDARITY TO THE PEOPLE tinually harassed after filing
ESF and prominent member of The ESF representatives–like the PERSECUTED FOR THE EVENTS OF 6 MAY a lawsuit against the Oregon
“Synaspismos” party, who appeared president of “Synaspismos” who FREEDOM FOR THE 4 IMPRISONED Dept. of Corrections.
on TV together with police officials. stated that “The endless peaceful THE STRUGGLE AGAINST DOMINATION Jerome W. Bey #37479,
There, he labeled social anti-violence march of the ESF positions Athens WILL EITHER BE SELF-ORGANIZED, SCCC (1-B-224), 255 West Hwy
as “raw/blind violence”, he explained next to Seattle, Genoa and Florence… ANTI-AUTHORITARIAN AND ANTI- 32, Licking, MO 65102. Social
to the audience the distinction between in the history of the movement INSTITUTIONAL OR NOTHING! prisoner and founder of the
real and not real anarchists (!), he against capitalist globalization”– Open assembly of anarchists/ anarcho-syndicalist Missouri
accused the minister of public order know very well that what really hap- anti-authoritarians Prison Labor Union.
that he undermines the events and pened in Seattle and Genoa was … 10 May 2006
Tokenism and the Banality
by Oliver Fitzgerald

of a Life Half-Lived
We are born wild animals ready for the
direct interaction, sensual exaltation, free
money from work. Our rapture is shrouded in
the dogma of a culture obsessed with purity,
choosing an appropriate name, buying the
appropriate clothing, collecting the appropriate
sexuality, gender transcendence, beauty, sin, and guilt. décor for our bedrooms, and constructing the
oneness, spiritual connectedness, and wildness The free individual in a free community is appropriate identity. The binary gender system
that come from living life participating in neither sexually inhibited nor sexually obsessed. has its roots in the sexual division of labor, and
nature. As we are domesticated, this potentiality She knows whom she wants to have sexual we cannot completely abolish it without
must be stripped from us and replaced with relations with and communicates this in an open abolishing the techno-culture founded on the
shallow tokens of these experiences. way, attentive to the other person’s wants. In a division of labor. We are offered a token of
The child reaches for a blackberry in a culture of monogamy and pornography, of gender transcendence by the dominant culture.
basket just beyond her grasp. “Use your objectification and gender identity, people feel It recognizes gender as a social construct, but
words,” replies the parent, teaching her to be sexually inhibited/repressed, sexually obsessed, is cheapening in addressing a fundamental
polite, civil, and docile, to commu- property of civilization as if it was
nicate only through a web of “Beauty is missing from our lives merely a condition of civilization,
symbolic thought, but the child
still looks her parents in the eyes, so long as it is an ideal that exists and employs the leftist tactic of
resocialization rather than encour-
still touches their hand in appre-
ciation for the blackberry. As he outside of and above us.” aging a total transformation of our
relationships and the destruction
learns to ignore his senses more and more, the or often both, and their sexual energy is frequently the institutions that maintain gender identity.
ideal forms of communication become those directed toward images rather than individuals. Beauty is missing from our lives so long as
in which direct experience is eliminated entirely. As children we are taught that sexual pro- it is an ideal that exists outside of and above
She calls her friends, instant messages them, miscuity is wrong, and that sex goes hand in us. In civilization, beauty is associated more
or sends emails, and becomes uncomfortable hand with marriage as a social contract that with art, literature, poetry, photography, the
with physical contact. He talks with his friends binds individuals together in a relationship of contrived human personification of a beauty
about the new (or old) cultural (or subcultural) codependence and jealousy. At the same time, standard, and the spectacular image of nature
commodities. There is no genuine physical or boys learn to conquer the attributes of their per- than with the world that we experience directly.
emotional exchange, only mutual socially sonalities considered feminine, their sensitive We are confronted daily with a world of digital
acceptable posturing. and empathetic instincts, just as macho porn communication, wars, mines, factories, poisoned
Those who never have their ability to encoun- stars conquer women who embody the feeble air, poisoned water, poisoned food, rampant
ter the world through their senses stripped and passive character of femininity. Likewise, suicide, senseless murder, mass starvation,
of them by symbolic thought, know the feeling of girls learn to repress their strong ferocious grotesque economic wealth, boring jobs, boring
the ground beneath their feet, the taste of fresh instincts and personify the identities of virgins schools, impersonal bus rides, anonymous
spring water, the smell of a field of wildflowers and whores that are fetishized by the dominant neighbors, endless highways, rows and rows
on a warm summer day, or the sight of bear patriarchal culture. of monocultures, and routines. We find beauty
tracks in the corner of their eye. They know Had we never been domesticated we would only in alternate realities because beauty has
exactly where a cricket is sitting when they never have had these gender identities imposed been consciously relegated to alternate realities
hear it chirp from across the field, and they feel on us. Our parents would not have been dying to make way for the progression of civilization.
ecstatic at the fullness of their sensory to know our sexes before we were born. They Irreplaceable in a life in harmony with nature
experience! In civilization, we try desperately would not have taken pictures of us in the is the fundamental oneness that pervades
to compensate for our desensitization. Our womb, and began mapping out our future everything, the understanding that we are
ecstasy is made in basements and bought with image, cheering, “it’s a boy,” and subsequently made out of the same materials as the trees,
the lake, the other animals, and all that surrounds
us, and that when we die we will decompose THE REASONS It represses. It collaborates with
into soil and nourish plants that will then
nourish other animals. The loss of this one- FOR A HOSTILITY: the police in denouncing and slandering, it
prepares the terrain for them with opportune
ness that we feel living in an alienated and

alarmism, it publicly justifies their operations.
mediated world is traumatizing, but some try Sometimes it represses by admitting an action
to regain it through mass society. They des- is right – someone called this “laudatory
perately seek a mass movement to convince
the Mass
repression” – i.e., by presenting that which is
them they are not alone. They are afraid of not subversive as being so, that which is just
moving beyond a lowest common denominator around the corner as distant, that which has
platform for fear that they (or the masses)
just now started as finished. More often all one
would be alienated. They do not understand gets from the mass media is the work of falsi-
to what extent alienation lies at the foundation fication and repression, i.e., the more openly
of every facet of civilized life. Our hostility toward journalists – their words, slanderous and criminalizing aspect. But rage
The Christian belief that the earth is the place their images – needs some more clarification. against journalistic lies is short-lived since it
of the material world and heaven is the place of As we explain in the following notes, the point can be undermined in less conflictual periods
the spiritual world has shown itself to be a self- is not the greater or lesser honesty of the individual by a series of sufficiently honest articles. The
fulfilling prophecy. Industrial civilization is a journalist or photographer, but rather the role problem is not the honesty of the individual
of the media apparatus itself. That mass media has journalist or the accuracy of the articles, but
barren lifeless wasteland, and many of those
the pretension of being the total representation rather the social activity of the mass media. In
who inhabit it are in search of spiritual ful- of reality is made obvious by this simple fact: the media machine, intellectual qualities and
fillment. Often the spiritual practices of people anyone who refuses to speak with journalists, ethical norms are swept away be the mass of
living closer to nature seem appealing. To “doesn’t want to communicate with anyone”. As information, by the “totalitarianism of the
distract themselves from their daily lives, if it was impossible to communicate in a direct fragment” that is the true face of the news.
civilized people often begin to adopt their New manner, without the filter of the press, radio, and Critical intelligence is formed through associa-
Age versions of the spiritual practices of native television. It is the same attitude that the political tion, analogy, memory. News, on the contrary,
people. They appropriate and parody these authorities have: anyone who refuses any relation- is the product of separation, of details, of the
practices and create a niche for them in ship with them, so they tell us, refuses dialogue eternal present. Media passivity is only the
commodity culture. But no path will lead us with everyone. And yet, despite the great steps reflection of the passivity of work and of
to spiritual fulfillment, especially those that forward in social domestication, the world is the market. As is well-known, the life that gets
belong to other people. Real Spiritual fulfillment not just populated by authorities, cops and away from us comes back to us in the form of
can only be found through direct connection journalists. In fact, it is actually beyond and the image. The more one is informed, the less
with the earth. against their power that real dialogue begins. one knows, i.e., the less one lives.
Wildness is the feeling that comes from The mass media is an integral part of the ruling
pursuing our desires and living vibrant lives order. As such, it forces participation, excludes, Today no one can do politics without selling
of ecstatic sensory experience. It is charac- recuperates and represses at the same time. her image. Anyone who does not want to break
teristic of a primitive lifestyle. To conceal the with politics in all its forms does not want to
inescapable suppression of real wildness by It forces participation. break with media representation. He might
civilization, we go to elaborate lengths to create Everyone must believe that the only reality that insult journalists for several weeks, in the
exists is that which the newspapers, radio, and impossibility of doing anything else; then she
social situations that imitate wildness. Most
television shape daily, the reality of the state will return to dialogue.
parties are calculated mockeries of sponta- and the economy. The media is the indispens- The media is necessary for mediating with
neity. They fail to improve the quality of our able tool in the determination of consensus. It is power. It is itself, and recent events confirm this,
interactions, and instead become a parade of the modern version of the myth, i.e., of the rep- what urges dialogue in order to, thus, foster the
superficiality, invoking the feeling of the resentation that unites the exploited with the repression of those who don’t dialogue with
individual lost in a crowd. exploiters. The media socializes the populace. their enemies.
When we recognize the source of our estrange- In the chatter of consensus, the police file
ment as our separation from the natural world It excludes. Thoughts and actions starts against anyone who remains silent.
and seek to reconnect with it, we must overcome hostile to this society must not appear. They Because to break off with the press and television,
the ideology of observation. Science teaches us must be silenced, falsified or rendered incompre- with the images and labels that they place on
to watch and study the natural world, but never hensible. Silencing when their very existence our backs, means breaking off with politics.
to participate in it. Literature, theater, and tele- is an attack against the constituted order. But the conclusion cannot be that of the
vision teach us to passively accept a narrative. Falsifying when that which cannot be silenced autism of the ghetto, but rather that of a
I will not passively accept the narrative of the has to be opportunely reconstructed. Rendering rebellion that gives itself its own tools of
trajectory of progress! I will not “take only incomprehensible when the media is forced to autonomous communication.
photographs leave only footsteps!” I want a concede some partial truth to revolt, so that its
total meaning goes unnoticed. The media takes
relationship with plants and animals, not photo-
every means of autonomous expression away
graphs of them. I refuse to watch nature as if
from behind glass. I hate that the alienation from the powerless. The one-sided nature of comrades
we learn in civilization carries over into our information is the opposite of communication
relationship with the undomesticated world.
between individuals. with
I want to reclaim direct experience, sensual It recuperates. It invites us to dia- free
exaltation, free sexuality, genderlessness, beauty,
oneness, spiritual connectedness, and wildness,
logue with the institutions, it creates spokespeople hands
and leaders, it integrates all subversive ideas and
and I want to participate in nature! I will not practices once it renders them harmless, separating
accept the tokens of these experiences that are them from their context, making us consume them
offered to us in civilization to conceal the dis- without living them, suffocating them with the
satisfaction that lies at the base of our daily lives! boredom of the already well-known.


impact on what was an already waning and disjointed
Initial and Final Communiqué: movement. Such a significant hit by the state should
act as a kick in the ass for us to take a hard look at how
we might more effectively challenge the vast network
of control.

As I Walk While it is essential to provide support (and strategize

what that really means) for those who remain strong
and retain their integrity in light of attacks by the forces
of control (harassment, intimidation, grand juries, indict-

Through ment, incarceration, and conviction), it is also important

to remain constant in our continual revolt against this
society. In doing so, it is imperative that we honestly and
critically examine our strategic and tactical goals
the Valley and practice. To not do so would only lead us into the
realm of constant ineffectiveness and would be a suicidal
termination to our particular role in a resistance to the

in Darkness global nightmare many of us wish to abort. Strategies

and tactics need to remain uncongealed and pliable,
taking into account current realities and situations, as well
as relevant historical context. This is not meant to be a

…It Seems I proposal for a new type of action, nor a return to older
tactics, but instead some ideas to consider and questions
to ask ourselves. Hopefully people from an assortment
of positions are having serious discussions on such
Am Mostly matters. To not be, is to consider our lives as
insurrectionaries, revolutionaries, or those simply
wishing to end the current order, a mere game.

Alone. Questioning the

by Ann I. Solation Cell Structure
For many, the cell structure model has offered a favorable
(My Individual Liberation Front) alternative to the tedious, hierarchical, and ineffectiveness
of organizations and the mass movement, often held
up by the Left and militaristic movements. It offers
“People will be together only in a common wretchedness as long as autonomy, and so people thought, a higher level of security. In light
each isolated being refuses to understand that a gesture of liberation, of recent arrests of purported ELF cells via the snitching by one or
however weak and clumsy it may be, always bears an authentic more of numerous cell’s alleged key members, and the subsequent
communication, an adequate personal message. The repression which flipping and cooperation with the state by others said to be involved,
strikes down the libertarian rebel falls on everyone: everyone’s blood it is time to reevaluate this mode of operation in not only eco-
flows with the blood of a murdered Durruti. Whenever freedom retreats actions, but all underground or illegal activity.
one inch, there is a hundred-fold increase in the weight of the order of Let us start by taking a closer look at the cell structure. Cell structured
things. Excluded from authentic participation, men’s actions stray into groups operate independently and autonomously from one another, but
fragile illusion of being together, or else remain locked in its opposite, may be grouped together under an organized name, philosophy, or issue.
the brutal, total rejection of social life. They swing from one to the
other like a pendulum turning the hands on the clockface of death.
Love in its turn swells the illusion of unity. Most of the time it founders
Strategy 2 - Surround Wei to rescue Zhao.
and is aborted in triviality. Its songs are crippled by the fear of always When the enemy is too strong to attack directly, then
returning to the same single note: the icy fear, whether there are two of attack something he holds dear. Know that in all things
us or ten, of finishing up alone as before. What drives us to despair is he cannot be superior. Somewhere there is a gap in the
not the immensity of our unsatisfied desires, but the moment when our armor, a weakness that can be attacked instead.
newborn passion discovers its own emptiness…No love is possible in
an unhappy world…Are you ready to smash the reefs of the old world
before they wreck your desires?”
-Raoul Vaneigem, The Revolution of Everyday Life

As 2006 unfolds, there is an unprecedented response by the

state to radical environmentalism and eco-anarchist activity. This
response is not all that surprising given the tremendous damage Strategy 25 - Replace the beams with rotten timbers.
(well over $100 million) inflicted on earth destroyers and animal Disrupt the enemy’s formations, interfere with their methods
torturers by groups like the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) and Animal of operations, change the rules in which they are used to
Liberation Front (ALF) over the past ten years (with until recently, following, go contrary to their standard training. In this way
only limited arrests). Add to this, the Federal government’s need to you remove the supporting pillar, the common link that
save face after a much-hyped (yet bungled) “war on terrorism”, and makes a group of men an effective fighting force.
we are left with a substantial blow which is having a devastating
It is a form of guerilla tactic that has been successfully used Their relationship is purely philosophical. Any physical relationship
around the world for organizing resistance against a greater or between different cells is detrimental to the longevity of the goals, the
more comprehensive military power (its historical use is long security of its members, and their general effectiveness. Currently,
and worthy of extensive study, although you’ll have to do your own however, there seems to have been a number of grave mistakes made
independent research here). The various cells may or may not be by some of the recently arrested, as certain members claim to know
subject to control by a higher authority, but for the sake of anarchist the make-up of many different cells, and are vocal about it. This may
strategy, we will only concern ourselves with the ones which are occur when the same individuals are members of various cells,
truly autonomous in theory and practice; those who are not merely especially concerning when cells inhabit an incestuous scene. Also,
autonomous for the direct actions, but for their entire existence as people move on with their lives and the vigilance of an under-
(i.e. conceiving, examining, deploying, and assessing actions, and ground warrior wears off and they surround themselves with less
other internal dynamics). militant people, reliving the good ol’ days and less security conscious
The most obvious advantage of the cell structure is the autonomy it conversations may occur (and, as we have found out recently, some-
provides, which allows for more diverse action, stemming from the times on tape). These are just a few of the possibilities which may
cell’s priorities, skills, and goals, while still being able to link, support, come back to haunt whenever one is engaged in illegal activity with
and be supported within a larger collaborative effort. This collaboration other people, and especially in an immature and disjointed movement,
is typically based on ideas rather than concrete activity, although devoid of a sincere culture of resistance.
similarity of action may also form cohesion. For instance, ELF cells The fact is, today’s accessory may be tomorrow’s stool pigeon, and
should be unaware of the membership (or existence) of other cells and that doesn’t even account for agent provocateurs, or those purposely
do not have a centralized location or infrastructure, yet they are planted by state agencies to incite certain behavior in order to trap
connected to each other in their adoption or adherence to shared “guiding people into illegal activity (or prospective illegal activity). This means
principles”, or as it is often crudely presented, their “ideology”. that trust between individuals may never be certain, so extreme
This aspect of the cell structure, if successful, creates distance between mindfulness is always needed. Hints as to people’s deeper commitment,
cells, and provides security and continued effectiveness, and at the behaviors, and strengths under pressure can never be fully measured, but
same time, offers a larger context to the actions. Authorities have more careful analysis and diligent awareness is a must. The line between
experience and aptitude in dealing with hierarchical organizations, paranoia and caution is a difficult one to distinguish at times. Often
which they can more easily disrupt, infiltrate, and destroy by focusing indications of people’s true character, or what people are capable of,
on key members or leaders. This separation also helps secure the can be revealed over time. It is best to slowly progress through levels
longevity of the movement, since the interruption or termination of of seriousness, using instinct combined with conservative judgement
one cell should (hypothetically) not interfere with other cells. all along the way, being sure to never be pressured into prematurely
Naturally, there are also some considerable disadvantages to the furthering experiments. While the cell structure may be a useful method
cell model of organizing attack; some are inherent in this form of for action in some cases, it must be employed with extreme caution,
structure, while others are recent problems in application. One and probably better left for marginally illegal activity, such as minor
significant issue with the cell structure (although certainly not exclusive disruptions, vandalism, and riotous activity. That is, until a more
to it) is the division of labor intrinsic in its use. Since there begins to distinct war situation is upon us.
develop a separation between those taking these types of actions, and
everyone else, they become the experts or specialists in action. This is
compounded when more technical or specialized skills are required. Revisiting the Lone
This isn’t necessarily an insurmountable or unequivocal problem.
Considering the immensity of the situation we are up against, it might
not be that bad of an idea for people to be attacking with their own
Gunman Theory
When it comes
unique skills. But perhaps social struggles can be more effective if down to it, how-
they are devoid of “elite” cells and are more informed by the concept ever deep we are in
of generalized revolt. Acts that are more easily reproducible for more relationship with
people offer inspiration that anyone can connect to and act from, rather another person, or
than simply be in awe of. group of people,
As a group delves deeper into illegality, and wish to conceal their however long we
identity, there may begin to develop new dilemmas. Cells that are have known them,
comprised of folks who maintain a connection with activist, anarchist, or whatever inter-
or sub-cultural scenes, or those who are semi-underground, risk their ests or activities we
safety and effectiveness by remaining partially visible in realms which have shared with
may already be watched. Often this is even further complicated by them in the past,
the differing needs of various members of a cell (jobs, families, friends, we are ultimately
etc). But those who are completely underground also commonly alone. In our cur-
suffer from an assortment of issues, from delusion, depression, rent context, we
paranoia, to the isolation of being removed not only from their peers can only truly trust
and a larger social movement, but from society in general. They often, ourselves, and even
by necessity, live very dull and marginal lives aside from the brief then never com-
moments of action. Social dynamics in a group frequently become pletely, if we con-
distorted from the stress of the situation combined with the extreme sider the myriad of
detachment. These problems can be minimized through healthy dysfunction thrust
communication and self-care, but the dynamics of being underground upon us, and that
do create specific problems to be honest about and deal with. we consciously
There are also some contemporarily specific problems with the and unconsciously
usage (properly and improperly) of the cell structure and its practice perpetuate. At least
in our current context. As stated above, members of one particular
cell should not be cognizant of others’ association in different cells. (continued on
next page)
we can help create certain situations in which we are only responsible are born into and die within – we may not be able to expect much
for our own actions, we solely bear the brunt of its outcome, and it may more from some. Also, without an overt war situation (although some
only be possible to implicate ourselves. This is not an appeal for of us understand we are in a war), people’s privilege, in many cases,
cutting ties with our friends, families and communities of desire. will often override solidarity against the state. This is a sad and
For what is life worth if not to share its joys, sorrows, and moments unfortunate reality that we are learning all too well (and in some
with others we care about. Nor is it a call for running and hiding, cases too late), as people trade their integrity and friends for less
as a social element is necessary for any significant transformation. prison time, in hopes of sooner continuing with their carved out
No, this is a tactical advisement for those who wish to take extreme niches and professions in this society. This makes acting in hyper-
and militant direct action against the system, and in regard to those anonymity and in seclusion all the more appealing, at least in regard
situations particularly. to underground action.
When one decides to enter the road into underground action, it is
best to keep specifics to one’s self, and, depending on the extremity,
even in generalities. At this point in time, due to the higher level of Alive On the Edge
surveillance, repression, and snitching, or until an open war is upon
us, acting alone in more extreme actions seems the wisest move. While
there are certainly some drawbacks to solitary action, for instance,
of Shadows
It is tough, at times, to exist in this schizo-
more elaborate or coordinated phrenic and often paranoid state of being;
activity is severely limited (although exhaustively open and honest about huge
there are still some interesting portions of our feelings, thoughts, and lives,
possibilities along these lines), breaking down the walls of isolation and
acting alone provides a number of alienation, and yet, concealing from even
advantages over group efforts. those closest to us some of our most daring,
Even more so than in small groups significant, and inspiring ideas and activities.
of relative affinity, by going solo This is not only emotionally challenging, ripping
one can act more closely to their at our very being, but how we actually achieve
own desires and take full advantage this separation with any amount of success is
of their unique skills, as well as overwhelming and seemingly unattainable,
better safeguard against their and certainly not too agreeable in our mythical
limitations. Only we know our full “perfect anarchist world”. That is until one
potential in the negative and recognizes what is at stake: our freedom. We
positive. It is also easier to slip in did not create this world, and those of us
and out and integrate your activities whose lifeblood is boiling with a disgust of
more fluidly when there is nobody it and whose every breath is steamy with
else to consider. There is no group venom for it, must come to grips with the
to answer or justify to, so a secret contradictions we face, and the self-protection
life is more attainable under these necessary to move through this reality while
circumstances. Another key to still living our desires, and attempting to
acting alone is the exclusion of dismantle civilization. Safety is an illusion,
the less healthy dynamics of group one that also offers complacency and acqui-
activity, which often, despite our escence, Thoughtful maneuvering and
best egalitarian intentions, are still mindful action seems the only way to act
typically riddled with problems. consciously and directly, while limiting
This is fine if it is a group house unwanted negative repercussions.
situation, an infoshop collective, or Walking in and out of parallel and contra-
a love triangle. These explorations dicting worlds can be difficult, and it will
are important and working through mean different things to each of us. For some,
these issues are a part of living as it may mean acting in isolation from most of
an anarchist, but drama, jealousy, insecurity, possessiveness, dishonesty, society, ala Ted Kaczynski. For others it may mean a double life as
control issues, and the likes are not things to bring into an action. a daytime straight 9 to 5er and nighttime eco-warrior. But for most
When achieving serious immediate goals and when our own safety it will be an amorphous and spontaneous existence in community
and security is on the line, these issues are best left to be dealt with at with like-minded folks who share different projects based on affinity,
home, work, or in the bedroom. and each taking responsibility for shared and solo subversive activity
Probably the most important reason to take action alone is for security depending on the circumstances, while being clear about the
reasons. Any glance through the “State Repression” section of Green boundaries. Solo action does not merely mean acting in segregation.
Anarchy or the various internet sites will show that most people’s There are some very interesting possibilities that have been attempted
integrity in stressful and troublesome situations is shaky at best, let in the past, and many more to be explored with individuals connecting
alone more excruciating or prolonged torture scenarios. When taking anonymously for more elaborate or coordinated activity. The
action that could land one in prison for huge periods of time, is it not potential is endless, both in method and target. No one should
best to only have only yourself to worry about trusting? It is simple, if expect that their actions will ultimately be the act which destroys
only you know what you have done, only you have the potential to rat the system, but each of us, acting from our own will and passions,
yourself out. Sure, people can lie about or project onto you activities with our own unique skills, may combine to create a tangible
to which you can be convicted, but that is out of your control. What is resistance. From this, inspiration for further activity and a culture
in one’s control is the level of security placed around oneself, and the of resistance may grow; one that encompasses more than exclusively
less who know what we do, the better. isolated anonymous nighttime action. We may walk into the darkness
In times where solidarity is glaringly weak – unlike struggles that alone, but the shadows we dance alongside of once there are un-
have a deeper cultural element, where resistance is the culture people anticipated and incalculable.
Bridges Worth Burning
Choosing Battles in the War to Decolonize Our Lives and Landbases
“From a certain point So while economic sabotage may serve as a The point is that we need to be questioning
deterrent to particular companies who don’t everything we do if we’re going to become more
onward there is no longer want to be put out of business (in which case and not less effective as the struggle to
any turning back. another company would most likely come reclaim our lives and liberate the earth
along and take their place), no amount of it intensifies. And it will intensify.
That is the point that must will save the biosphere from being murdered, Now more than ever, in the wake of massive
be reached.” because the capitalist economy won’t run out of US State reprisals for organized attacks on
- Franz Kafka money until it runs out of resources. They won’t lucrative capitalist property, we need to think
stop creating and spending money until the seriously about the risks of attacking the
CIVILIZATION WON’T GO OUT WITHOUT A FIGHT. planet is dead. system, and choose targets that are truly
We can’t vote domestication out of our lives, or The folly of ‘symbolic protest’ – where worth the risk.
petition against division of labour, or ignore something is done simply to ‘make a point’, True sabotage – the kind our enemies really
industrialism and wait for it to whither and die. rather than actually alter the situation in any fear – must do more than cost them money
To me, it’s as clear as day that isn’t going to tangible way – is thankfully almost entirely the and ‘make a point’; it must directly (and
work – no matter how much we wish it would. A realm of leftists and liberals. But it’s not hard ideally permanently) impede the functioning
lot of people, thankfully, feel the same way. This to find elements of symbolism permeating even of the megamachine . I trust that means
is a conversation with those people. the most militant of tactics, and by association something to everybody reading this, so I won’t
We have the strength, courage, skill, and most these are worth questioning. An obvious (if attempt to go into specifics here.
importantly passion and will to attack this small) example is the claiming of property To be clear, I’m not at all pronouncing
system, and to wound it. Our impact thus far destruction actions – sites of sabotage are often smaller or more strategically narrow actions
can clearly be seen in the response of our ‘signed’ with spray-paint, and frequently a illegitimate. Every blow struck against the
enemies – the frenzied denunciations and communiqué regarding the action will be sent walls of this death camp is precious, if only
disinformation, the brash attempts to cow us to the media. The logic is that claiming an action as proof that we’re still alive in here.
into submission and convince us that our cause in the name of our chosen underground But I think we all need to take stock of our
is a lost one, and of course the vast allocation of decentralized organization gives us a chance goals, and get realistic about what we’re going
resources to the armies of repression trying to to situate the action in the context of the to have to do to achieve them. I’m talking
undermine, imprison and ultimately annihilate us. broader struggle, and explain the purpose and about a focusing of energy. Because industrial
I believe we can bring down civilization. politics behind the action. But who are we civilization is a murderous machine, a killer
But we have to keep pushing and challenging explaining these things to? The company whose robot with an iron grip on our collective
ourselves, never resting for a moment on a (so-called) property we’ve just damaged or throat – we can’t just slap away at its
strategic or tactical platform simply because destroyed? Surely we’re not naive enough to expendable parts.
it’s what we’re already doing. Strategy and imagine they would care in the slightest what
tactics must continually evolve with the our motivations are for eating into their We’ve got to find its pressure points.
situation at hand, or else become extinct as profits? Or are we explaining ourselves to ‘the We’ve got to pull the plug.
valuable tools. It is in this spirit that I want to public’? To what extent are
raise a few questions here. communiqués claiming and
Much of our attack on the physical explaining actions even
manifestations of industrial civilization comes available to the soccer
under the rubric of ‘economic sabotage.’ Even mom or factory worker?
actions that have another primary objective – And to what extent do
liberation of animals, or preventing a new these people give a fuck
development from disrupting a fragile what “terrorists” (as we
ecosystem – are also framed in terms of have been characterized
economic sabotage (who doesn’t remember that in the corporate media
the 1998 Vail ski resort arson caused $12 for some time now) say
million worth of damage?). anyway? In short, are
Now any inconvenience to ecocidal capitalist we really communicating
scum is surely to be applauded as a fine and with people other than
righteous thing, and great things have indeed ourselves and the author-
been accomplished with campaigns of concerted ities? And in any case is
economic sabotage (SHAC comes to mind), but I claiming an action still
wonder about the value of economic sabotage as worth the extra risk
a tactic for the destruction of civilization. Money
may not grow on trees, as they say, but it does
grow in banks. It’s created out of thin air by
involved as far as the
authorities are concerned?
These are not rhetorical
by A.R. Son
- Excerpted from a work in progress.
financial institutions and governments the world questions. They have Feedback welcomed:
over in order to represent the resources that are different answers for each
consumed through the production of commodities. of us, depending on our
The “resources” being “consumed” every time perspective. And this is
money is spent are, of course, the natural world. just one small example.
Page 31
Flashes of Wild Hope
Ecological Resistance from Around the World
“We are not alone. We are not even outnumbered. If you count the birds, the wasps, each clump of grass and jack pine
tree; if you include the stones, the future children who cheer us on, the barnacles in the sea, and the bacteria in our guts,
we are very many. We have generation after generation of ancestors backing us up. Our ancestors were with the Earth
when things were still balanced, before civilization was even a bad dream. We carry their strength in our bodies made
from their bodies. We breath the same air they did. We are never alone.” –Fire and Ice
January 13, Alameda, California: be a hotbed of radical activity.” Last June, Guelph economic de-
Fire destroyed a tractor and damaged Police are already investigating velopment boss Peter Cartwright
a dump truck at a housing develop- three incidents from 2005. said we are in danger of becoming
ment site. Rags soaked in gasoline The letters “ELF” were spray- a “bedroom community,” meaning
were discovered near the vehicles, painted on the walkway near the a place where people lay their heads
which were engulfed in flames when Cutten Club pro shop when the build- at the end of the day, but spend their
ing mysteriously burnt to the ground waking hours outside the city. I think
firefighters arrived.
in November. The letters “ELF” and we’re beyond the danger point.
the message “No more development” Last month, council voted to allow
January, Norway and the UK: Mid January, Camano Island, the construction of more than 1,200
Washington: That Burning were found spray-painted on the new
Fish Farms Targeted Zellers store in June after a fire was
new homes in 2006, despite the fact
In Kent, England, cops are investigating Mansion on the Hill there are enough homes already
set in the front foyer of the building, approved to meet the city’s needs for
the possibility that “animal liberation Authorities suspect that environmen- causing $25,000 in damage. The
activists” may be responsible for releas- talists acting on behalf of the Earth seven more years. That’s 1,200 more
Church of Our Lady was also hit by households that need roads, water
ing 50,000 young rainbow trout into Liberation Front (ELF) were responsible arsonists the same night Zellers was
the Bewl Water Reservoir. Investigators for burning down a nearly completed, treatment, public transportation,
targeted, and similar flammable snowplowing, garbage collection,
say that a number of individuals in a $3 million 9,600-square-foot house. liquid was found at both scenes.
boat deliberately tampered with nine and on, and on and on.
Investigators would only say that The fire inside the unfinished home Guelph’s recent history of un-
of the ten large cages at a fish farm on someone spray-painted a threatening had almost died out by the time checked sprawl, which has had a
the reservoir. If the Animal Liberation message on a pink bedsheet and firefighters arrived, but it did cause wholly negative impact on the city,
Front or like-minded people are behind draped it across the front gate. $5,000 in damage, said police Sergeant is scandalous, and the worst part is
the sabotage, it would be the first time The ELF often target homes built Ron Lord. A pop can filled with an we’ve done it to ourselves in vast
they targeted a freshwater fish farm. in sprawling new developments. In unidentified liquid, a block of pool cue oceans of cookie-cutter little houses.
“It is hugely worrying,” said Bob West, the past year there have been at least chalk, and drug paraphernalia were We need to stop it.
a spokesman for the Association of two similar anti-sprawl arsons in found at the scene said investigators. Whether developers like to admit
Stillwater Game Fisheries Managers King and Whatcom Counties. In the King Jim Riddell, the city’s director of it or not, there are still a lot of
who estimated their losses at £100,000 County case the perpetrator(s) also planning and building, said there isn’t people who want to belong to the
or about $176,400. left behind a sheet claiming respon- anything the city can do to stop ELF. community in which they live.
The Norwegian Police Security Service sibility. It was signed by the ELF. We are at war, even if the images of
“There are other avenues to express
has blamed militant environmentalists spectacular daily life try to make us
concerns such as letter-writing and believe the contrary. We have not
for similar actions. “We are examining January 15, Payson, Arizona: e-mailing, rather than burning down
(farmed fish) escapes and possible Three heavy-duty vehicles – loader, chosen these social conditions our-
a house,” Riddell said. selves, we can only choose from what
illegal acts at other farming facilities.” trackhoe, and skid steer – were all City Councillor Dan Moziar said the
said investigation leader Kenneth position to fight. In order to do so, it is
severely damaged overnight, to the number of recent arsons targeted at
Nilsen. In June 2005, 100,000 salmon necessary to look at what is happening
tune of $25,000. Hydraulic, electrical, urban development is “concerning.” in our camp and in that of the ruling
were released at a farm owned by the and brake lines were cut, gauges “This group has just emerged in the
Volden Group, who has lost over order at the same time, what forces
smashed, and starters jammed. The last year and it’s concerning because move below the empire of names and
$890,000 due to the losses. Several machinery was used as part of a they are so covert,” Moziar said. “You official declarations, beyond the
other ‘suspicious’ events are being pipe-laying project for subdivisions. don’t know who you are dealing with eternal present of the media.
investigated at farms near Bergen, in and it’s hard to deal with a shadow.” Our position is that of combatants
Molde, and on the Helgeland coast. January 31, Guelph, Ontario, This statement was released: between two worlds—one that we
Live Kleveland, legal adviser for the don’t acknowledge, the other that
Canada: ELF Strikes Again in ARSON AT CLAIR AND GORDON
Norwegian Animal Welfare Alliance, does not yet exist.
finds it hard to believe that there is a Little Sleepy Town STREET IN GUELPH BY ANTI- In the memory of William C. Rogers
deliberate sabotage campaign aimed Responsibility for an early-morning DEVELOPMENT SABOTUERS
at Norway’s fish farms. “All serious blaze at a home under construction A STRIKE AGAINST DEVELOPERS,
was claimed through an e-mail to the FOR THE LOCAL COMMUNITY WE ARE WINNING
animal welfare organizations reject
Guelph Mercury. Police have tried to Oil, is running out. EARTH LIBERATION FRONT
such criminality. It is in any case
link the ELF to three other arsons in Its the bottom of the barrel and
extremely damaging to have farmed the barrel’s bottomed out. ‘cause
fish loose in the wild,” he claimed. Guelph over the past seven months. February 1, Alvin, Texas:
“There seems to be some attack on the Countdown started and in just An excavator backhoe used in
Editors Note: We’re not sure about a few years it’s going to collapse–
this one. On one hand freed do- Guelph,” said Canadian Security infrastructural maintenance was
Intelligence Service spokesperson and we can’t shed tears or the torched, completely destroying the
mesticated fish, on the other hand, pointing of our fingers for the
competition with, and possible Barbara Campion. She is surprised $280,000 piece of equipment. Two
world that we’ve created driving days earlier, graffiti was cleaned off the
weakening of already compromised at the number of arsons in town
round in SUVs and walking round
wild fish populations. Science won’t where the group has left its mark. earth destroyer. A bulldozer and a trac-
sedated while you do nothing to
help us on this one. What do you think? “It’s a smaller community, so you stop and change tor were also damaged in the attack.
would never think Guelph would
February 20, Tucson, Arizona: April 18, Santa Cruz, California:
Five homes that were under con-
struction were destroyed by fire.
SUV’s Vandalized
Unknown individuals disabled and
Earth and Animal Liberation Political Prisoners:
Authorities suspect that the Rancho defaced at least 15 SUVs. An “eye- Tre Arrow, CS# 05850722, Fran Thompson #1090915 HU
Sahuarita homes, a massive sprawl witness” reported seeing a group of Vancouver Island Regional Correc- 1C, WERDCC, P.O. Box 300,
project, were the victim of an eco- 30 to 40 young people on bicycles, tion Center, 4216 Wilkinson Rd., Valdalia, MO 63382. Longtime
logically-minded arson. Damages are Victoria, BC, V8Z 5B2, Canada. On eco-activist serving a life sentence
dressed in black trenchcoats, riding
estimated at $500,000. remand accused of involvement for killing, in self-defense, a stalker
away from the scene of one of the with an arson on logging trucks and who had broken into her home.
incidents. The saboteurs spray- an arson on vehicles owned by a
March 13, Salem, Oregon: painted politically charged messages sand & gravel company. Both oc- John Wade #38548-083, FCI
ELF Strikes Again such as “Oil equals blood” and curred in the USA. Tre is fighting Petersburg Low, Satellite Camp,
Three newly-constructed upscale “Guzzle” on the side of the vehicles against extradition to the US. PO Box 90027, Petersburg, VA
homes were vandalized with pro- and slashed the tires. 23804, USA. Serving 37 months
environmental slogans which read: Ted Kaczynski #04475-046, for a series of ELF actions against
“Stop building ant farms,” “E.L.F.,” May 16, Helsinki, Finland: US Pen-Admin Max Facility, PO Box McDonalds & Burger King, urban
8500, Florence Colorado 81226. sprawl, the construction industry,
“Rent is theft,” “Viva E.L.F.” and Direct Action Against Sentenced to multiple lifetimes in and an SUV dealership.
“Don’t kill my air.” Additionally, a Nanotechnology prison for the “Unabomber”
window was broken. According to A message anonymously received by
bombing attacks against some of Helen Woodson #03231-045
authorities, this is the second time EVTR (ALF Supporters Group in Finland): the architects of industrial society. FMC Carswell, PO Box 27137,
within the past two years that ELF During the night between Monday Admin Max Unit, Fort Worth, TX
vandals struck in this neighborhood. and Tuesday May 16, the elves Aaron Labe Linas #38448-083, 76127. Serving nine years for a series
Oregon police cadets are now going visited the Old Harbour in Helsinki, FMC Butner, PO Box 1600, Butner, of actions that focused on the
door to door handing out informa- which was to host the Nanotech- NC 27509. ELF prisoner doing interrelationship of war and the
tion about the ELF that says they are nology in Northern Europe Conference time for a series of actions against destruction of the natural world.
an “ecoterrorist organization.” The beginning the next day. The elves urban sprawl and other targets.
police say that they are taking this glued locks, broke a window and
Peter Young #10269-111, FCI
action in response to the incident of spray-painted messages:
Jeffrey Luers (Free) #13797671, Victorvill Medium II, Federal Cor-
OSP, 2605 State Street, Salem, OR rectional Institution, PO Box
anti-sprawl vandalism. Whatever “Stop Nano-Madness” and “Smash 97310. Serving a 22+ year sentence 5700, Adelanto,CA 92301. Serving
their motive, this type of dis-informa- Nanopticon”. for setting fire to Sports Utility two years for releasing mink and
tion campaign is not likely to have Nanotechnology poses a terminal Vehicles to protest the destruction foxes from six different fur farms.
any positive effects on the cases of threat and seeks to enslave life on of the environment. He has been
the 13 individuals who are scheduled an ever sophisticated level. This we made an example of by the criminal Editors’ Note: There are a
to go to trial next October in nearby cannot allow. May the life protecting injustice system. number of people that have
Eugene on ELF related charges. forces grow!
Christopher McIntosh #30512- been arrested for accused
eco-activity or recently sen-
Early April, Cacahuatepec, 013, USP Hazelton, U.S. Peni-
May 22, Espoo, Finland: tentiary, P.O. BOX 2000,
tenced. See “State Repression”
Guerrero, Mexico: Farmers Metsa-Botnia Headquarters Bruceton Mills, WV 26525, USA. section (page 56) for details.
Halt Dam Project Targeted Serving 8 years for a joint ELF/ALF For more info:
About 400 angry farmers armed with Friendly heroes of the night arson attack on a McDonalds.
machetes seized control of the water paid a visit to Metsa-Botnia
pumping station that supplies the headquarters. The action
nearby tourist hot spot of Acapulco was in solidarity with the
with approximately 70 percent of fight against the gigantic
their water, to protest government pulp mill project in Uruguay.
plans to build a $1 billion hydro- Ninjas delivered Metsa-
electric dam. The demonstrators cut Botnia a reminder of the
off the city’s water supply and left environmental destruction
without incident after city officials pulp mills cause. The facade
in Acapulco promised to push the is now decorated with dozens
Federal Electricity Commission to of stencil paintings stating
halt all work on the dam project and “sellutehdas haisee” (pulp
remove heavy machinery from the mill stinks) and “terrorista
town of Apanhuac, where preliminary del medio ambiente” (en-
excavations had been taking place. vironmental terrorist). The
Officials agreed to petition tourism locks of the main entrance
officials to compensate farmers for doors to the building were
land that had been expropriated for the glued, and the action was
Playa Diamante zone tourist develop- completed with a load of
ment, but the farmers say that they stinking butyric acid. “Re-
will not rest until the dam project, sistance against the real
which threatens to flood their farm ecoterrorists will never
land and cause havoc on local eco- end, not in Uruguay nor in
systems, is completely defeated. Finland!”
“To the
the land of these Isles most of us will return one day—
dying, rotting, giving life. Until then, the wind and soil should
Strategy 19 - Remove firewood under the cooking pot. inspire us. When our leaps halt machines, our scythes cut
When faced with an enemy too powerful to engage
directly you must first weaken him by undermining his through experiments, our wrenches disable diggers and
foundation and attacking his source of power. our matches start fires—we are the land.” –Do or Die #10
by Sky
T hey say we are living through the 6th great mass extinction
of non-human species here on Earth. As any calamity shifts the
influence of power, that also means we’ve entered the 6th great age
of the microbes. Conditions fatal to slowly evolving, relatively new
species, such as our own, will prove beneficial, even ideal, for rapidly
mutating ancient species such as virus and bacteria. These are the In The Dancing Matrix; Voyages Along the Viral Frontier Robin Henig
Earth’s first and oldest living things, shadowed in Precambrian summarizes, “The single biggest threat to man’s continued dominance
fossils 3.2 billion years old. Before them, there was nothing. For a of the planet, is the virus.”
billion years after them, there was nothing else. They prepared the Despite the notoriety, viruses are absent from taxonomic inventories.
Earth for all later life, but we tend to think of them as elemental things, They aren’t alive exactly, just elemental protein strings that need a
sadly denied the dignity of consciousness. But when the calculus of host cell to replicate. Maybe that’s why they don’t know fear, don’t
cognition melts away, and the body assumes its most vulnerable form, get tired or confused, or angry or impatient. Maybe that’s why they’re
the laws of organic order weaken. In fact, for bacteria and viruses, not programmed to give up, cede or surrender. According to researcher
most laws of biology exist only to be broken. Glenn Morris, “These are bugs that spend every second of their lives
“The war against infectious disease has been won,” the U.S. Surgeon trying to protect themselves and replicate.” There is no down time.
General famously proclaimed in 1969. That was before the passive- Their cousins, the bacteria, can exist breathing sulfide, oxygen,
aggressive strategies of microbes threatened wonder-drugs and the methane, ammonia, carbon monoxide, inert nitrogen. They can live
utopia they hinted at. Medical professionals also predicted the end of comfortably in boiling water, acid, ice, and desert dryness, suspending
specific diseases, such as T.B., which killed one million people a year life’s functions waiting for a drop of rain.
in 1908 and today is the second leading cause of death worldwide, Things were different on Earth when viruses and bacteria appeared.
killing three million annually. In the U.S., tuberculosis infections Times were hard. The young planet was an unreceptive, lethal
increased 20% in six years between 1985 and 1991. The war has not environment, possibly satisfied to smolder forever as molten rock
been won. When penicillin first saved a human life in 1942, an attending devoid of life. It was not necessarily guaranteed that species would
doctor conmented later, “Nothing in my whole experience has ever appear at all, or survive. Any form of life, in that world, would have to be
compared to that.” Another witness was equally stunned. “It was a truth inconceivably resilient. They would have to be almost indestructible.
so gratifying as to be at times almost unbelievable.” The age of Compared to the Precambrian, civilization has been a cornucopia for
antibiotics was begun. In Why We Get Sick, authors Randolph Ness them. Everything we do threatens us and favors them. Global warming,
and George Williams refer to antibiotics as “Perhaps the greatest colonialism, chronic change, pollution, cities, ozone depletion, refugees,
medical advance of the century and one of the greatest of all time...” poverty, prostitution, wealth, war, dams, homelessness, prisons, prison
Death was defeated. Science reigned. Within three years, resistances camps, drug-addiction, animal-based agriculture, garbage dumps,
appeared. The microbes quickly learned how to disable the new drug irrigation. “The scale of disease associated with irrigation is massive,”
therapies. In 1998, for the first time in 56 years, a hospital patient died writes Sandra Postel in The Last Oasis. Hot water systems, humidifiers,
of an untreatable staphylococcus infection. Today 90% of hospital staph air-conditioning. Legionaires (X) Disease started in the A/C of a
infections have resistances to all antibiotics but one—vancomycin— conference center and is now a threat worldwide. Microbes favor the
also known as the drug of last resort. The golden age is over. tepid artificial ponds of modernity. Soil bacteria, we now know, do well
Vancomycin resistant Enteroccocus. VISA—vancomycin inter- in high-tech cooling equipment. International trade and travel? Paul
mediate resistant Staphylococcus aureus. The phenomenon has been Reston writes about this in The Hot Zone. A “virus from the rainforest
institutionalized. New areas of specialization are appearing. Summits is now within 24 hours of every city on Earth–Paris, Rome, New York
are held to focus on a problem that could push us into the “post- – wherever planes fly.” Bacteriologists call it viral trafficking along the
antibiotic age.” To avert a crisis, they will have to alter the course of viral highway. Laurie Garrett calls it the globalization of microbes.
contemporary reality. As long ago as 1996, the World Health Organization Researchers and doctors who gather to consider the intensifying health
issued warnings of “a major plague for the coming century.” crises, are going to have to think about all these things. Maybe eventually
Truthfully, plague already sounds major to me. WHO narrowed the they’ll realize civilization is a disease machine.
potential microbial culprits to T.B., cholera, AIDS, diphtheria, polio. Our manifest imperialist destiny has liberated bacteria whose lethal
If the crisis cannot be averted, infectious disease will continue threats were once held off by acquired ecosystems immunities. Wildness
spreading, pandemics will rise, every surgical procedure will be as once offered protection to everyone. In stable times, one species
dangerous as it was in 1920 and elective surgery will be unheard of. became extinct and one appeared, on the average, every million years.


During those times, species in each bioregion grew habituated to one Forests may passively allow their destruction, seas die quietly, and
another. Compatibility was the first law and it has never been rescinded. mammals, fish, and birds fade into extinction. Bacteria are not like that.
Pathogens and hosts once lived together. Auto-immune harmony They redefine the paradigm of life into rigid dictums coded in the
prevailed. If anything moved out of the protective eco-cluster, it risked chemical combinations and random genetic variations of their own
death head-on. If new organisms came in, most were soon exterminated. design. We followed their rules for eons, from Australopithecus to the age
For every 1000 life forms that appeared on Earth only one survived. of iron. But, the present age has deterred us. So much so, that the end of
Stability, continuity, and permanence have always been the laws of the fossil fuel era, a new ice age triggered by global warming, over-
being alive. Of course, we’ve long suspected the bugs and germs would population, water wars—all of this is distant future history. According to
thrive in a post-apocalyptic world. But, did we see them as the the Earth’s oldest living things, civilization will never make it that far.
apocalypse? If an airborne transmissible form of AIDS appears, What scientists now understand about bacteria is, you can kill them,
according to Arno Karlen, we’re probably doomed. All the virus has but you can never kill them all. Among the teeming millions found in
to do is migrate to the lungs, where its deadly properties can be spread the head of a pin, genetic variety naturally exists. The antibiotics
by merely breathing on someone. There are no laws of biology select for those few by killing all the rest. New antibiotics have to be
preventing that from happening. synthesized for these survivors, and so it goes. By now, worldwide
Certainly civilizations existed long before antibiotics and many multiple drug-resistant (MDR) bacteria are returning and Old-World
survived to modern times. Of those that failed, they failed for diseases are on the rise. The diseases of yesterday? Except for smallpox,
different reasons, in relative isolation in their bioregion. It took there is no such thing. Most are returning. Cholera—there are now
technology to break down the protective limits, so that each threat 139 strains on record. Measles, gonorrhea, plague, typhus, T.B., malaria.
to one becomes a threat to all. Before tourism, sailing ships and diphtheria, yellow fever, dengue fever, scarlet fever—the old-fashioned
airplanes, if past cultures encountered novel pathogens, the damage strain was wiped out, now a new, heartier version has returned and
would be localized. As today’s societies are all connected, civili- killed. Rheumatic fever, the black death, dysentery. Leprosy has
zation as a whole is threatened. The global village is hostile and evolved untreatable new strains. Syphillis infects more people today
uncompromising. Errors are “magnified worldwide.” While humans than in the l950’s. Emerging diseases are also on the rise: Marburg,
focus on oil wars, marauding weather systems, mutant frogs, Ebola, AIDS, HSE, Kuru, CJD, Lassa fever, West Nile virus. Wasting
and world hunger, the microbes diseases, lingering diseases. In Health
persevere in their inexorable conquest Illness and the Social Body, Fruend and
of the planet. One pill makes you larger McGuire write, “Chronic, degenerative
gives you, don’t do anything at all

and one pill make you small,

The Yellow Fever mosquito vectors diseases increase as populations move
usually live in forest and jungle from hunter-gatherer to agriculture to
canopies preying on monkeys and the industrial community.” This works
small animals. When they cut the well for pharmaceuticals, who prefer
trees, the mosquitoes came down. to manufacture drugs that will be
Now they share their microbes with taken for forty years, rather than those
humans. Along the way they devel- that will be used episodically, rarely
oped resistances to DDT. If you burn or never.
the forests of Borneo, the fruit bats In The Future in Plain Sight, Eugene
may turn to nearby farms and pass on Linden refers to cities as, “The ideal
pathogens to the livestock, which may nurseries for incubating more virulent
pass them on to farmers. If you kill forms of disease.” They are the con-
all the gazelle, the tsetse fly will go temporary plague zones. The world’s
elsewhere. If you build subdivisions first sedentary agriculturalists, and later
in the eastern U.S. forests, deer will colonialists, pulled whole populations
be pressed nearer to your yards and off ancestral lands, into growing urban
homes. Deer ticks may be transferred centers. Arno Karlen calls cities “super-
to pets, which may pass on Lyme herds of humans,” where pathogens can
Di s ease to humans. As humans intermingle and interbreed freely. Sick
overpopulate, the more the microbes building syndrome is a modern problem.
focus on us. We’re depleting their Synthetic compounds leach into the
former victim populations, while recirculated ‘canned air’ of offices cut
offering human hosts with virgin off from the outside atmosphere. Germs
immune systems to prey upon. At revel in it. The inner city is a third world
present, there are 5,000 vials of exotic anti-oasis, where outbreaks of MDR T.B.
viruses from the Amazon rain forest are difficult to eradicate. The homeless
freeze-dried in a Yale lab waiting for And the ones that Mother often fail to complete the lengthy treat-
someone to take a look at them. This ments necessary. Cities breached ancient
is only a fraction of the populations health parameters and gave rise to
of bacteria and viruses waiting in their equanimity zones for us to ‘crowd diseases,’ those infectious marauders in need of constant new
stumble upon them. Consider the compulsiveness with which victims to sustain them. This is the “threshold effect” by which
scientists take care to insure no alien bacteria are brought back to increasingly urbanized populations reach critical levels, permitting new
Earth from deep space missions, and the estimated two million infections to spread continuously. Measles, mumps, colds, flu, smallpox—
bacteria of earthly origin still waiting to be encountered, studied all need large populations, endless supplies of new victims lacking toler-
and characterized. The potentially catastrophic hazard was here all ances or immunities, to sustain them. All organisms in a given cluster
along. “If we had discovered them on Mars,” write Sagan and would have either died out or developed immunities. In primal times,
Margulis, “they would have received the attention they deserve.” such diseases and the epidemics they fostered were impossibilities.
Every time we enter a virgin forest to destroy it or exploit it, we are
stepping from a lunar landing module onto alien terrain. (continued on next page)


The remaining threats of modernity? Global Our relationship to animals has shaped the world,
warming sends disease vectors migrating northward almost promising it would become civilized. With
prospering in the warmer climates reminiscent of the disease load from animal-based agriculture, it
the ancient warmer Earth. Ozone depletion may was ordained the Europeans would defeat the New
be inconsequential to bacteria since they created World natives. Indigenous hunter-gatherers and
the Earth’s oxygen, which the Sun converted to gardeners had a more distant relationship to animals,
ozone, but not before the microbes became resistant and so, few infectious diseases to share and no
to the effects of radiation. Poverty offers microbes immune tolerances to the conqueror’s microbial
millions of compromised hosts as helpless victims. inventory. The pioneers may not have really needed
As the ranks of the poor increase worldwide, disease other weapons. It is said many villages were
spreads among them. Refugees, now 20 million decimated before the conquerors even reached
strong globally, are distressed human super-herds them, as the microbes spread ahead reshaping
spreading disease among them. AIDS forms a history. In Health and the Rise of Civilization,
deadly triad with syphilis and tuberculosis. Mark Nathan Cohen writes, “Meat is the most
Suppressed immunities are ideal sanctuaries dangerous source of food-borne infection.” Not
where old diseases are reborn as unconquerable only historic diseases, but also many emerging
adversaries, indifferent to our drugs and vast infectious diseases are coming to us this way. It’s
technologies. Drug-addiction introduces reused as though each animal were a kingdom unto itself—
needles – proficient disease vectors standing in a universe of alien bacteria wrapped in skin.
for mosquitoes, ticks, contaminated water. Carnivores have evolved tolerances to the kingdom
War is a microbial nirvana zone. Favored elements bodies of other beings. But, for humans, the haz-
are on hand simultaneously: filth, open wounds, ards of eating meat have helped push humans to
strangers thrown together in unknown lands. “Four their present level of socio-cultural incompetence.
out of five fatalities in WWII were from infections, After decimating Indian populations, smallpox
not from the wounds,” write the Zimmermans in went on to become the only disease science can take
Killer Germs. In WWI, three million died from credit for wiping out. Vaccinations—disabled
typhus alone. The avian flu has recently (Feb, 15, versions of the virus, did the job. Vaccinations are
06) moved into Africa, Greece, Italy, and Bulgaria. not an invention of the present, but have been around
Birds will fly. Epidemiologists are plotting the since ancient times. In those days, however, humans
migration routes. The bird flu has also entered were naturally exposed to nonlethal versions of the
Iraq. Maybe the smell of explosives will nudge microbe in their daily lives. Today, vaccinations—
it into that final mutation allowing it to spread recently linked to ADHD and autism—are dispensed
contagiously from human to human. Then, in doctor’s offices setting up a dependency so that,
returning American troops could effectively should regular vaccinations become unavailable for
spread the disease among us. In that case, there any reason, those born after that time will not be
could be a reevaluation of their mission there. protected against future outbreaks. This matters
As civilization advanced, even food has served because, although they’ve wiped out the disease,
as a convenient disease vector. The first proto- smallpox isn’t really gone. Reserves are held in labs
humans ate primarily plant food as evidenced in Russia and the U.S. as a safeguard to develop
by grinding molars and the long intestine. Next, vaccines against potential bio-terrorism. Some of these
early humans began scavenging meat killed by high-risk samples have already come up missing. And
other animals. Third, came hunter-gatherer estimates are that at least a dozen “rogue nations”
status. Then, animal-based agriculture. And finally, harbor illegal stocks of smallpox virus. This is not
factory farming. Through the first stages, humans quite news. The U.S. weaponized anthrax, as well as
advanced beyond the tropics taking on new diseases in exchange a form of botulism 10,000 times as virulent as nerve gas. They were
for the calories to feed the global population expansion. Animal- going to use it on Cuba, but changed their minds. Eight ounces could
based agriculture pressed humans into closer association to other have wiped out all humanity. Is it still on the shelf? Who knows? Historically,
species, themselves now sedentary, accelerating the incidence of biologic weapons treaties are broken by everyone who signs them.
disease crossover. We now know that all infectious diseases come Workers in the field agree, “The potential for bio-terrorism is limit-
to us from animals. Sixty-five diseases from dogs—distemper in less.” In Our Final Hour, Martin Reese writes, “Disaster could be
dogs is caused by a virus that jumped to humans as measles. Thirty- caused by someone who is merely incompetent rather than malign.”
five diseases from horses including the common cold. Forty-six from Potential bio-terrorists may have already taken note that smallpox
sheep and goats. One-hundred from birds including the quickly vaccinations were discontinued in the U.S. in 1972, since, by then,
mutating avian flu with a 50% fatality rate in humans so far. The flu more people were dying from the vaccine than from the virus. So, if
pandemic of 1918 only killed one in a thousand. Millions died. Of a smallpox were used as a weapon here, many Americans would be
potential modern avian flu pandemic, author Laurie Garrett says the vulnerable. Maybe the terrorists are just watching the clock. The longer
only thing she can think of that would be worse would be nuclear they wait, the larger the percentage of the population unprotected.
war. Cholera, hantavirus, typhus and various plagues, from rodents As we have seen, there are crucial limits to vaccines and antibiotics.
that have followed humans into their urban sanctuary. There are 129 Prospects of longevity, however, have no doubt won more converts
strains of cholera now on record—the microbe is an opportunist to civilization than any other achievement of our times. Drug
lurking in the contaminated waters of the third world. Forty-two therapies were maximized, the sick were cured, infectious disease
diseases from pigs. Leprosy—from tanning water buffalo hides. quelled into submission, life-spans soared. But those gains were
From monkeys we get Ebola, and Marburg—a disease so lethal artificial—an unsustainable anomaly of the present. In fact, it
researchers risk their lives working on it. Fifty diseases from has recently been reported that for the first time in American
cattle including T.B. and smallpox—the one bacteria science history, the next generation will have a shorter life-span than the
claims to have wiped out. present one [depending on access to life-extending technologies].


Destabilizing adjacent ecosystems for the benefit of one species is “We are in an arms race,” write the authors of The Killers Within.
biocultural deficit spending. Anything deserving of acclaim cannot “Disarmament is not an option.” This is a world in which strepto-
be good for one species to the detriment of all the rest. Eventually mycin has become a nutrient to the bacteria we are at war with.
the debt comes due and your empire of domination will fall. All-out The solution to our health crisis will not be discovered through the
war on Nature is not the pathway to health. Genuine gains must lens of the electron-scanning microscope. To defeat the germs, we
obey planetary edict. need to lay down the weapons of technology, retreat into the forest
and leave the wreckage of civilization behind us. If we can live there
As far as records indicate, no age in history has ever spent
in Nature, in relatively small groups of closely aligned people
so much money on health and healing as the present one.
committed to a geographic domain, living as simply as possible, as
No age has ever had to.
primitively as possible, living wild, without war, without agriculture,
From Herb Growing for Health, by Donald Law.
without cities—if we can do that and
In the 21st century, concentrated populations disaster or upheaval doesn’t intervene,
all share the same needle, and are infected myths of Earthly sanctuary are as close
with the same disease. They share a pact of as they ever will be to coming true.
similar destinies—the lethal injections of “Disease is life under changed condi-
modernity. Fair trade means trading in every- tions,” Florence Nightengale said.
thing. Nikes, Pepsi, movies, new diseases, old “There are no specific diseases, only
diseases, everything. The old illnesses are on specific disease conditions.”
the rise everywhere. New ones are emerging In the closing paragraph of Viruses,
everywhere. Antibiotic resistance is happen- Arnold Levine writes: “That special
ing everywhere. Infectious disease is up 20% relationship between host and parasite
in the last 20 years—not in the third world, will continue to make human beings—and
but in the U.S. Why haven’t the microbes all forms of life on Earth—what we are
taken over the Earth? Well, haven’t you and what we will be. It is important for us
been listening? to know the rules.”
The bad news is, our genetic memories have I agree.
been erased. The black box of civilization has
disrupted the evolutionary health processes SOURCES:
with an array of medical armaments behind
The Antibiotic Paradox, by Stuart Levy M.D.
which we, barely evolving, wither and Beyond Antibiotics, by Schmidt, Smith and Schnort
atrophy. Natural health has been disrupted. Hard-won species gains Beyond Vancomycin, Science News, vol. 155, p. 268-269, Corinna Wu.
Bioevolution, by Michael Fumento
have been erased across a wide spectrum and we’ve regressed toward The Coming Plague, by Laurie Garrett
immunological vulnerability. Our bodies can identify and attack one A Dancing Matrix— Voyages Along the Viral Frontier, by Robin Henig (x)
million foreign proteins. But only if we are exposed to them. Science Deadly Feast, by R. Rhodes
The Future in Plain Sight, by Eugene Linden
doesn’t let that happen. Now we have “the Hygiene Hypothesis”, Garden of Microbial Delights, by Sagan and Margulis
the theory that our immune systems are so under-used they cannot A Green History of the World, by Clive Ponting
Guns, Germs and Steel, by Jarred Diamond
respond effectively to the world around us. We are left on our own to Health, illness and the Social Body, by Peter E.S. Fruend and Meredith B. McGuire
face the challenge of recapturing robust, evolved immunities and the Health and the Rise of Civilization, by Mark Nathan Cohen
primal health dynamic. Our ancestors had already paid for it in full. Herb Growing for Health, by Donald Law
The Hot Zone, by Richard Preston
But the bond has been broken. Killer Germs, by David and Barry Zimmerman
What’s happening is, the old diseases initially declined through the The Killers Within, by Michael Shnayerson and Mark J. Plotkin
The Last Oasis, by Sandra Postel
use of antibiotics. During that same time, the ‘diseases of civilization’ Man and Microbes, by Arno Karlen
surfaced: heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, etc. Then the original Mirage of Health, by René Dubos
diseases began reemerging, often in more virulent forms. And now Natural History Magazine, 2-99
The Next 50 Years, edited by John Brockman
new infectious diseases, emerging diseases, are appearing, superimposed Our Final Hour, by Martin Reese
on all the rest. That’s the path we’re on. But most researchers Overkill, by Dr. Kimberly M. Thompson
Parasite Rex, by Carl Zimmer
continue looking for the real magic bullet. In some circles, optimism Viruses, by Arnold Levine M.D.
persists. In his recent book Bioevolution, Michael Fumento predicts The Virus Realm, by Paul D. Thompson
that the future achievements of genetic engineering will include the Why We Get Sick, by Randolph M. Ness M.D. and George C. Williams, Ph.D
end of most diseases, increases in human life-span, higher crop yields
and soil fertility, restoration of the environment, the end of malnutrition,
plant diseases wiped out. In The Next 50 Years, John Brockman writes
“…we will almost certainly be able to produce artificial immune
systems that can counter both living viruses and computer viruses.”
Nanotechnology will “…provide habitats to protect us from our own
ecological misdemeanors…” James Watson of double helix fame once
said, “If biologists won’t play god, who will?” Apparently he has
followers: immortalists, transhumanists, cryonicists.
Could we ever stop the microbial masses in their tracks? Well, the
laws of probability are not on our side. We’ve put a man on the Moon.
Developed nuclear weaponry. If we could have stopped the microbes,
it seems as though, by now, we would have done it. No, this world
will never be healthy. Civilization lacks the innate qualities. It is
structurally flawed. No matter how secure we may feel in the anti-
septic isolation chamber of the present, no matter how many CAT
scans, MRIs, EKGs, or novel drugs we consume, it will not happen.


Outposts because they can be imprisoned.
Then there are the language barriers;
nobody speaks the Sentinelese
language. This is before we think

Undiscovered about identifying the culprits and

compiling forensic evidence. We
would have to arrest the entire tribe.”
He adds: “We are in an impossible

by Tourists situation. If we raided the island there

would be casualties on both sides.”
According to Kumar, a number of
people – government officials, an-
thropologists, and fishermen – have
Indigenous Resistance tried to get on the island before, but
the tribe is clearly determined to live
their lives without interference.
“Even when rescuers in helicopters
and boats approached the island after
the 2004 tsunami to check on any
casualties, they were met with arrows
and spears, so how are we going
to conduct an investigation?”
According to a cop in Port Blair,
“It’s too dangerous, if we go in with
Every day is a reenactment of the creation story. We emerge guns we face international con-
from dense unspeakable material, through the shimmering demnation, if we go in unarmed we
power of dreaming stuff. will be killed by poison darts and
This is the first world, and the last. arrows smeared with blood. What
Once we abandoned ourselves for television, the box that drifted onto the shore of North can we do?”
separates the dreamer from the dreaming. It was as if we Sentinel Island, a tiny outcrop in the The Andamans, the term probably
were stolen, put into a bag and carried on the back of a Indian Ocean that is a “preservation taken from the Sanskrit word
whiteman who pretends to own the earth and the sky. In the area” off limits to the outside world. nagnamanaba, meaning “naked
Other fishermen, who witnessed the man”, form, along with the Nicobar
sack were all the people of the world. We fought until there attack from the water, described how Islands, part of an archipelago of 572
was a hole in the bag. the pair, believed to be drunk on palm islands that lies 1,000km off India’s
When we fell we were not aware of falling. We were driving wine, died after they were attacked east coast in the Bay of Bengal and
to work, or to the mall. The children were in school learning by axe-wielding tribal warriors. An stretches in a north-south arc for
subtraction with guns, although they appeared to be in Indian coastguard helicopter, sent more than 800km. Although closer
classes. out to investigate, was attacked with to Burma, the islands are “admin-
We found ourselves somewhere near the diminishing point bows and arrows, leaving the pilot istered” by Delhi and form the
of civilization, not far from the trickster’s bag of tricks. under no illusions as to the safety subcontinent’s most remote state.
Everything was as we imagined it. The earth and stars, of landing. The first documented contact with
every creature and leaf imagined with us. The incident has divided opinion in the islands was made more than
the archipelago. Relatives of Sundar 1,000 years ago by Chinese and
The imagining needs praise as does any living thing. Stories Raj are calling for justice and govern- Arabian travelers, who were met with
and songs are evidence of this praise. ment compensation. But the local a hail of arrows when they tried to land.
The imagination conversely illuminates us, speaks with us, authorities, under pressure from
sings with us. international preservation groups
Stories and songs are like humans who when they laugh are Strategy 4 - Make your enemy
and a largely sympathetic local
indestructible. population, are reluctant to pursue
tire while conserving energy.
Choose the time and place for
No story or song will translate the full impact of falling, or the matter. And they are backed by
battle. In this way you know
the inverse power of rising up. the father of the second victim.
“Believing in justice is one of the
when and where the battle
Of rising up. will take place, while your
–Joy Harjo, A Postcolonial Tale pillars of your society but for me it’s
different,” says schoolteacher RK
enemy does not. Encourage
Tiwari, “My son Pandit got his own
your enemy to expend his
Having survived occupations of the justice…What more is there to say?”
energy in futile quests while
Sentinelese Tribe islands by the Burmese, the British, The 74-year-old father continues: “As
you conserve your strength.
When he is exhausted and
and the Japanese. Most recently, a far as I am concerned the Sentinelese
confused, you attack with
Kills Two Intruders tsunami which took the lives of almost
2,000 other islanders in the archi-
are the victims in this, not my son.
They live in constant terror of heavily
energy and purpose.
January 27, North Sentinel pelago, the elusive Sentinelese armed poachers from Myanmar
Island: Fishermen Killed by remain one of the most mysterious [Burma] and Port Blair. They were Strategy 9 - Watch the fires
Reclusive Tribal Warriors peoples on earth – but today the only defending themselves with burning across the river.
Delhi’s furthest-flung claimed outpost very existence of the tribe remains bows and arrows and rocks in the Delay until the enemy has
is still occupied by tribes who hunt under threat. only way they know how.” become exhausted fighting
wild pigs and fish with arrows, On January 27, Indian fishermen Andamans’ police chief, Dharmendra amongst themselves. Then
believe that birds talk to spirits, do Sunder Raj, 48, and Pandit Tiwari, Kumar believes the matter will never go in full strength and pick
not posses fire, and have no word to 52, were killed by loin-clothed be prosecuted: “We have witnesses, up the pieces.
describe a number greater than two. Sentinelese warriors, after their boat yes, illegal poachers who won’t testify
They described the Andamanese Miriam Ross of the London-based has been one of their only ways ofof the river Aikwa are flowing
as three feet tall with human bodies Survival International, says: “People clean for the first time in years,
making a living. One of those attacked
and bird beaks. In 13th-century, should be kept away from Sentinel now that the mine’s waste pipe-
died in the hospital. The locals are now
describing the Sentinelese tribe Island as any contact with the outside declaring they will keep the mine line is smashed.
in his travel journals, Marco Polo world is potentially deadly for the closed until Indonesia and Freeport But this cannot last: the mine is
wrote: “They are a most violent and Sentinelese. For a start they are leave West Papua. Reports from the biggest gold mine in the world;
cruel generation who seem to eat incredibly susceptible to common it accounts for around a fifth of
inside West Papua suggest that up to
everybody they catch.” During the [civilized] diseases to which they have 500 soldiers moved in to disperse Indonesian GDP. Neither the Freeport
18th and 19 th centuries, Christian no immunity. We need to look at the protesters using tear gas and livecompany nor the Indonesian govern-
missionaries also encountered wider picture here. Some of the neigh- ment are going to stand back and
rounds, killing at least one person.
fierce resistance, and the islands boring tribes to the Sentinelese have There are also reports of sabotagewatch their profits shrink. Neither
and their people seemed destined been assimilated into our world and inside the mine itself by Papuan have a glowing record when it
to remain an enigma. paid a terrible price...These tribals are employees while Papuan students incomes to human rights, either. The
It was the British that made the not carrying out murder with impunity Indonesian military have already
Jakarta showed solidarity by invading
first significant “breakthrough” with as some people might think, they were arrived at the mine and are firing
the Freeport offices there and smash-
the Andamans’ indigenous tribes, simply defending their lives.” ing the windows and the offices. gas at the protestors. One man has
even putting them on display at When the tsunami struck in 2004, the 13 students have been arrested. been shot and killed.
Calcutta Zoo after they established Sentinelese knew something was According to a letter from Papuan The Freeport Mining Company
a penal colony on South Andaman coming. Minutes before the waves tribal leader Benny Wenda who now already has the blood of my people
in 1858 and attempted to civilize the struck, tribal leaders scattered pig and on its hands. The company must take
lives in exile in Britain (Feb 23):
natives at special homes in which turtle skulls around their settlement For decades, my people have responsibility for all the deaths and
they were dressed in Western and hurled stones toward the ocean scavenged on rubbish dumps outsidepain it has caused since 1967, and it
clothes and then taught to read before gathering their baskets, bows the Freeport mine, hoping to gleanmust withdraw from our land.
and write. and arrows and amulets of ancestral any specks of gold overlooked by Freeport and the Indonesian mili-
This proved disastrous for many of bones for protection. They all survived the mechanical sorting process. tary are, between them, creating a
the tribes – with no resistance to – for how long, though, it is hard to say. genocide in our country.
Three days ago, five of these innocent
foreign civilized diseases, In March, clashes con-
they quickly succumbed to tinued as three cops and
epidemics of pneumonia, one soldier were killed in
measles and influenza. At conflicts with indigenous
the time of first contact with and environmental activists
the British, there were over calling for the closure of
5,000 Andamanese; today the massive mine. 19 other
less than 50 remain. cops were hospitalized
During the Second World after they were attacked
War, the islands were occu- with Molotov cocktails,
pied by the Japanese, who stones, and machetes.
killed hundreds of indig- There have been no re-
enous people suspected ports yet on the number of
of collaborating with the demonstrators injured,
allied forces. After India but local media suggested
gained independence in that there were fatalities.
1947, the expansionist Video footage shows un-
policies of its first prime dercover cops firing live
minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, ammunition at protesters,
continued the devastation and riot police using
of the Andamans’ native
tribes. As part of India’s
Protesters Clash with Indonesian Pigs rubber bullets and tear
gas. Armed police raided
own plan for colonization, Papua’s main university,
thousands of settlers were sent to people were shot and badly where many protesters were gath-
the Andamans from the mainland. Papua Merdeka! wounded as Freeport tried to clear ered, in an attempt to find protest
Over the past 50 years, the islands’ them off the dumps. They are now organizers. About 40 people were
population has increased more than Free Papua! in hospital in critical condition. arrested and are being interrogated.
tenfold to 30,000 and – thanks to February, Jayapura, West Outraged by the callous The Indonesian government has a
disease, de-forestation and Nehru’s Papua, Indonesia: World’s shootings, and determined to make long history of using torture during
vision of a modern India – the indig- Largest Gold Mine Shutdown a stand, local people set up road- interrogations.
enous groups now comprise less
The Freeport mine (the largest gold
blocks around the mine. This was Demonstrators broke through
than 1 percent of that total.
and copper mine in the world) in West
a spontaneous demonstration, police lines and smashed the
There is also the prospect of
Papua was shut down by locals.
fired by the frustration and anger of building’s first floor windows. Police
enforced relocation, along with a
Over 400 Papuans blockading the
ordinary people denied even the used a water cannon to disperse
loss of culture, language and other
road to the mine while pipelines
opportunity to pick over the rubbish protesters. “Snatch squads” of
skills that have been honed by gen-
were sabotaged, making the local
left behind after the illegal exploi- undercover cops infiltrated the
erations of ancestors and passed
river system run clean for the first
tation of their homeland. Freeport crowds and picked off individuals
on by word of mouth. Finally, there
time in 30 years! This was in response
have temporarily suspended mining who were then brutally arrested.
comes the indignity of government
to an attack by paramilitary police
operations, and around 400 people The days action was a culmination
hand-outs, disease, alcoholism and
who shot at local people scavenging
from seven different tribal groups of four days of marches and road
the acceptance that you are no longer
on the corporation’s refuse for waste
are now manning the roadblocks. blockades that closed down the
part of a tribe with its own mother
gold. Since their land was stolen from
Papuans who work in the mine have mining operation.
tongue and unique way of life. gone on strike in solidarity with those
them by Freeport, such scavenging
protesting outside, and the waters
(continued on next page)
Sixteen students are still being basic bodily functions are beginning outside The University of La Frontera
held in prison and are currently on to fail, they are currently falling in (UFRO) in Temuco. Six Nations Uprising
trial for taking part in the demonstra- and out of consciousness, and are The Mapuches, the principal indig- April 20, Caledonia, Ontario:
tion. They are facing a number of periodically unable to speak. enous Chilean ethnic group, are Standoff on Stolen Land
charges, including murder and The four political prisoners initiated struggling for the return of their More than 150 heavily-armed Ontario
subversion. Police launched house- the protest to bring about the revision ancestral lands, stolen from them by Provincial Police (OPP) officers raided
to-house searches and patrols in and of their 10-year sentence for a Decem- the Spanish conquistadors after a Native land reclamation camp that
around Abepura during which a ber, 2001 act of arson that destroyed three centuries of struggle and also was set up at the site of a corporate
number of student dormitories 100 hectares (247 acres) of mono-crop through the actions of the govern- housing development on February 28
were badly damaged. Vehicles were pine plantations near Ercilla. The trees ments at the end of the 18th and which local tribes say sits on native
stopped and searched and Papuan were planted by the Forestal Mininco beginning of the 19 th centuries. land. The cops used pepper-spray and
passengers were dragged out, Company on land that the Mapuche According to police data, the Mapuches tasers and pounded on people at the
kicked and beaten. Students are said to have camp in the process of making 16
from the Central Highlands caused hundreds arrests. The raid was met with
appeared to be targeted in of fires, and have resistance by the camp occupants
revenge attacks reminiscent also had violent and by some 200 Natives who flooded
of those that took place in confrontations into the site from the nearby Six Nations
Abepura in December 2000 with riot cops. reserve. Two cops were reportedly
when three students were The Mapuches injured and hospitalized. Some
killed and dozens more say that they are windows of a police van were
were tortured in police accused of set- smashed as the cops retreated.
custody. A total of 57 ting fires in a ploy Tensions rose after talks to end the
people, mostly students, to facilitate the dispute apparently broke down. A
were originally arrested. theft of their land. judge granted an injunction in March
Hundreds of others fled to According to a to remove the occupiers, but police did
the surrounding hills to Mapuche spokes- not enforce it until now. According to
find sanctuary. An unknown person, after a one protester: “By the time anybody
number of others wanted by short pause in saw that they were coming, the police
the police are still in hiding. their protest, the were all over the site and basically
There have also been reports four prisoners began arresting people.” The protesters
of torture against two of renewed their argued that the site was part of a large
the detainees. Protest Over Media Depiction of hunger strike in land grant back in 1784, but the
West Papua is the western Mapuche Hunger Strike. rejection of the provincial and federal governments
half of the island of New almost complete say the land was surrendered in 1841
Guinea. It is currently occupied by Indians claimed an ancestral right to. non-advancement of a negotiation to help build a major highway.
Indonesia, whose soldiers have been Furthermore, they aim to bring about that would have permitted their The Six Nations land defenders began
responsible for the deaths of at least the immediate release of all Mapuche conditional liberation. The initiative constructing barricades on roads and
100,000 people there. The Free West political prisoners. is what caused them to temporarily the highway next to the site, using
Papua Campaign exists to support the On April 29, the families of those interrupt their then 63-day hunger burning tires, cut-down power poles,
Papuan peoples’ struggle for freedom. on hunger strike protested against strike. Minister of Justice Isidro parked dumptrucks, dumped gravel.
Freeport McMoran is a U.S. company the failure of the Chilean government Solís stated that if the health of the A vehicle was pushed off an overpass
that has been operating in West Papua to respond to the situation, by occupy- Mapuches worsened to the point of onto the highway below and burned. A
since 1967. It has been implicated in ing the prison in Angol where their endangering their lives, the gov- footbridge that goes over a railway line
widespread human rights and envi- family members are detained. Sub- ernment would intervene and in the area was burned down so that it
ronmental abuses. Recently it admitted sequently, the Chilean government force-feed them. could not be used by police. Masked
having paid $20 million to Indonesian has responded by promising to abstain For further information contact: indigenous warriors with batons,
military and police officials between from applying the anti-terrorist law Mapuche International Link, e-mail: baseball bats, and socks filled with rocks
1998 and 2004. against Mapuches in the future., or are patrolling the barricades to prevent
Nevertheless, the hunger strike check out: another police invasion.
Mapuche Prisoners continues.
A number of demonstrations
on Hunger Strike have taken place across Chile “It’s
“It’s obvious
obvious that
that the
the colonial
colonial way of doing
over the past few weeks, in
May 2: 50+ Day Protest of “Anti- support of the hunger strikers, things is a path of destruction that will destroy
Terrorist” Convictions Continues which have been violently the world for everyone.”
Mapuche political prisoners Juan suppressed by the Chilean
Huenulao, Patricio Marileo, Jaime police resulting in the injury –Kahentinetha
–Kahentinetha Horn, Horn, Mohawk
Mohawk Nation Nation
Marileo, and activist Patricia Troncoso and detention of many more
continue their protest in the Temuco Mapuche. The demonstrations
Hospital, some 670 km south of have taken place amidst a
Santiago, Chile. They state they have national news blackout. In
been processed under “anti-terrorist” Valparaiso, demonstrators
laws passed by former dictator smashed television sets to
Augusto Pinochet, which allows protest the news media
charges to be passed against the blackout of the case of four
accused based on the testimonies indigenous political prisoners,
of unidentified witnesses. Their health who began their hunger
is now seriously deteriorating, they strike on March 13. Riots
are experiencing considerable weight broke out at a solidarity
loss (each have lost 20 kilos), their protest earlier in the month Six Nations Land Defenders at Barricades
“The OPP stuck their stick into a bee’s Six Nations defenders, Native political newspaper. No arrests were made and
nest,” one native protester said. By
mid-morning, hundreds of native
organizations are playing their role
as an extension of the Canadian
the Vancouver Police Department did
not try to break up the protest, because
North American
people from across the province and
as far away as Manitoba had poured
government that funds them.
Some white residents of Caledonia
they “allow democratic peaceful
protests to take place in this city.”
Native Political
into the area. They said their numbers
would rise if efforts to remove occu-
have asked for the army and martial
law to be brought in to end the stand-
The situation continues…
For more details, check out:
piers increased. “We’re here and we’re off. In early April, a reported 500 Byron Shane Chubbuck
not going anywhere,” said Hazel Hill Caledonia residents demonstrated for insurrectionary_anarchists/ #07909051, US Penitentiary, PO
of the nearby Six Nations reserve. the ending of the re-occupation camp. Box 26030, Beaumont, TX,
A man from Manitoba said: “We A large number of police are still index.html 77705. Indigenous activist serving
think this protest has national im- in the Caledonia area. Royal Canadian time for robbing banks to acquire
funds to support the Zapatista
plications.” He said that he hoped
this is not a repeat of the 1995
Mounted Police officers are assisting
the OPP. Canadian Armed forces are Nquatqua/ rebellion in Chiapas.
Ipperwash confrontation, in which
unarmed native protester Anthony
likely present in nearby Hamilton, in
a contingency and support capacity.
St’at’imc Blockade Eddie Hatcher #0173499,
Marion Correctional Institute,
(Dudley) George was shot to death
by an OPP sniper.
A Mohawk man who was arrested
on April 20 at the camp, was held
in D’Arcy POB 2045, Marion, NC 28752.
Longtime Native freedom-fighter
Mohawks at the Kahnawake reserve the longest in jail since he refused to April 30, British Columbia: being framed for a murder he did
near Montreal raised flags on top of cooperate with his jailers. He was Native People Fight to Stop not commit.
the Mercier Bridge as a show of soli- released without charges. Other Old Growth Logging and
darity with the Six Nations defenders. people arrested face a number of Preserve Their Culture Leonard Peltier #89637-132,
USP Terre Haute, U.S. Peniten-
Kahnawake Mohawk warriors have serious charges. Members of the N’Quátqua band and tiary, 4700 Bureau Road South,
said they are maintaining defensive On April 24, a Vancouver solidarity their supporters blocked the entrance Terre Haute, IN 47802. American
vigil entrances to the reserve “to en- demonstration for the Six Nations to D’Arcy. The protestors claim that Indian Movement (AIM) activist,
sure that no further violence is initi- defenders took place, primarily the tribal elected representatives serving two Life sentences, having
ated by the Governments of Canada organized and controlled by members went against the wishes of the area been framed for the murder of
and Ontario upon our people.” residents and negotiated a logging two FBI agents.
The following day, Mohawks agreement between the N’Quátqua
at the Ontario reserve of Tyend- Logging Company and Pemberton’s Luis V. Rodriguez #C33000,
inaga acted in solidarity by CRB Logging Company to allow for PO Box 7500, Crescent City, CA
blocking a Canadian National 95532-7500. Apache/Chicano
the removal of 81 hectares of old
railway line with a bus and activist being framed for the
growth forest near Anderson Lake. murder of two cops.
burning material for about 20 The protestors’ goal is to prevent
hours, shutting down national logging trucks from entering or Tewahnee Sahme #11186353,
freight and passenger service. exiting traditional N’Quátqua territory. SRCI, 777 Stanton Blvd, Ontario,
A solidarity information The area is winter range to mule deer. OR 97914. Dedicated Native
picket was also set up at the As well, it is a habitat for bobcats, rights advocate serving additional
Mohawk reserve of Akwesasne cougars, bears, wolves, and many time for a prison insurgency.
in Ontario near the Canada-US species of birds. At least two endan-
border bridge.
David Scalera (Looks
gered species, the rubber boa and Away) #13405480, TRCI, 82911
On April 22, the Secwepemc the horned owl, are also indigenous. Beach Access Rd, Umatilla, OR
Native Youth Movement initiated Blockade spokesperson Carol 97882. Dedicated Native rights
a solidarity action, setting up Thevarge makes it clear that what’s at advocate serving additional time
camp and posting billboards, stake is more than old growth timber; for a prison insurgency.
banners and warrior flags along it’s also culture, water, animals, plant
the Trans Canada Highway at the life, fish, and the band’s heritage.
Neskonlith reserve in British The sole shareholder of the forest exploring. I really want my
Columbia. The billboards read: N’Quátqua Logging Company is own children and their children to
“Stop OPP Terrorism” and “OPP Chief Harry O’Donaghey. More be able to do the same.” Peters is
out of SIX NATIONS” that 80 per cent of O’Donaghey’s clearly frustrated that his chief has
The OPP and the federal constituency do not agree with his effectively sold out his people and
government are calling for a decision to enter into an agreement intends to mobilize other youth to
“peaceful” resolution to the to log the area. join the blockade.
conflict through negotiations. From of government-funded Native insti- “We don’t own this forest and it’s While youthful energy is present on
the government’s standpoint, these tutions, who created a “security” not for sale. It belongs to my children, the blockade, elders are just as
negotiations are predicated on the team to police the march, in an my grandchildren, and my great- committed. Mary Laura Thevarge is
willful ending of the re-occupation effort to prevent anything similar to grandchildren,” said Mariko Kage, one of those elders determined the
camp and the removal of the high- the Six Nations rebellion from who identified herself as a commu- roadblock would continue: “As long
way and road blockades, which land occurring in Vancouver. The demon- nity member and the mother of four as I’m around, this will go on. When
defenders have refused to do. stration was attended by about 400 St’át’imc children. While she sees the I first started out, I did these things
Spokespeople for Native political people at its height and ended at the logging as having a negative impact for me, but now I do them for my
organizations such as the Assembly entrance to the Lion’s Gate bridge in on future opportunities such as grandchildren and great grand-
of First Nations, the Metis Nation of Vancouver, stopping one direction eco-tourism, her first concern is over children. I come to these meetings
Ontario, the Union of Ontario Indians of traffic for about an hour. The loss of heritage. whenever they need me.”
and the Six Nations band council, security team pushed people out of Nineteen-year-old Conrad Peters
are telling Natives to stay away from the opposing lane of traffic. plans to settle and raise a family Strategy 3 - Kill with a borrowed knife.
the re-occupation camp, but many A Vancouver Police spokesperson in D’Arcy in the type of natural Attack using the strength of another due
have ignored them. With these public described the protest organizers as environment he enjoyed as a child. to lack of strength or to conserve strength.
requests for non-solidarity with the “cooperative” to the Vancouver Sun “I’ve spent many of my years in the
permanent subsistence zones
by sea weed
planting themselves in a bio-region. They want to (or continue to)
home hunt, fish, collect herbs and medicines, and grow gardens together,
Here in the Comox Valley, herring season has come and gone share tools and child-minding responsibilities, and help clothe and
once again. Many of us take special notice of this natural cycle, it shelter one another using everything from permaculture techniques
seems truly wondrous. The water whitening from fish spawn, the to re-appropriation.
seagulls excitedly squealing with anticipation and satisfaction, The focus, of course, must be on access to land that can potentially
the deep bark of sea lions filling the air, keen-eyed bald eagles swooping support these clans and groups that are based on voluntary association
down from their tree top perches to gorge themselves. But there is and mutual aid and self-sustenance. As these liberated spaces are
a sinister player in this seasonal cycle. It’s called the commercial created, a general and natural willingness to defend these territories
fishing industry. naturally emerges. From South America, to South Africa, Chiapas to
In the middle part of the eighteenth century, the expansion west by India, we read and hear about communities that are not only trying
the European invaders involved the use of market hunting as opposed to survive, but also creating new societies based on anarchic insights.
to a subsistence approach. Combined with the development of breech Using everything from guerilla strategies to mass assemblies, these
loading firearms, this led to the extermination and near extinction of communities are determined to secede from the nation-states that
several species, including the pronghorn, elk, deer, and some water- confine and dispossess them. This is where the herring fishery comes
fowl. On the Great Plains, frozen pronghorn carcasses were stacked back into our focus.
like cordwood along railway lines to be shipped east to urban centers. Here in what is known as British Columbia, in the Coast Salish
The elimination of the bison was part of a covert policy of the United and Kwakiutl territories where the Gulf Islands are located, there
States government to deprive first nations of their subsistence base, have always been people who participated in the annual herring run
and thereby their base of operation against the army and settlers. The same who were not part of the commercial industry. (Incidentally, while
forces today are used to prevent any possibility of rebels regrouping the group of islands is collectively known as the “Gulf Islands”, they
and claiming territory within which to live according to principles of are located in a strait, not a gulf. This is because a European explorer
mutual aid and organically self-organized subsistence ways. named them without travelling the full length of the waters.) In any
Of course, as the earth’s natural abundance is plundered for the market, case, some are newcomers while others have been doing so for
First Nations traditionalists, rebellious or not, also have less chance decades. They harvest the roe and net the fish along the shoreline or
of living according to the old ways. Take note that it was a military from boats. Typically the roe, or eggs from the females, is collected
policy to deprive the resisters of their food source so that they would on hemlock or other evergreen boughs or kelp that is floated in the
lose their base of operations. Doesn’t that indicate that in order for us water until they are saturated. On many islands, families and friends
to begin having some successes in terms of the social war that we also collect the roe which washes onto the shore mixed in with the
need to secure a food source for ourselves as we regroup and strategize seaweed for their gardens, providing a rich source of minerals. All
on how to win a few battles? this is collected on a small scale, harvested without machines or wage-
Unless humans begin to live in accordance with ecological principles slaves. Oftentimes, the fish itself is harvested, not just the roe. Using
that are in harmony with our biosphere and with each other, ecological different preservation techniques, like pickling, this bounty is stored
and social collapse appear inevitable. This means uncivilizing for future use, providing security. Some use the herring as bait for
ourselves. The signs are everywhere: climate change on a global scale, other fish. All along the West Coast, indigenous peoples traditionally
empires aggressively pursuing imperial conquests, the populations of collected herring roe as a food source. All of this activity is and has
entire nations muted by fear of punishment and numbed by mood been pursued on a scale commensurate with sustainability.
altering drugs, planetary domestication and plunder of wild nature,
overflowing prisons, astronomical suicide rates, cancer, extinction,
hunger, and atomized existences. Name a civilization that wasn’t empty handed
fundamentally characterized by centralization, coercive authority, But according to Dave Wiwchar, in a report published in the
ecological destruction, imperialism, and a general self-centeredness Nuu-chah-nulth Southern Region Reporter, “…over the last few years,
and arrogance. It’s not just the state and capitalism that are to blame, First Nations fishers who drop hemlock trees or kelp bundles in order
because every civilization included classes and a state. We have to to harvest the traditional dietary staple of siihmuu (herring roe) have
look at what it is about the world views of civilized peoples that leads come up empty handed. Boughs that would normally be laden with
them to disrespect life and tolerate oppressive, impersonal institutions numerous layers of roe, two inches thick, are being hauled up
as an inevitable part of every day living. with barely a single egg. Traditionally, herring spawning areas were
But there are many examples of individuals, groups of friends heavily protected by Chiefs, and Nuu-chah-nulth spawn-on-kelp/bough
and communities resisting the current and pursuing different paths. fishers used special “silent paddles” whenever they ventured into
The ones that inspire me the most are the ones committed to firmly herring spawning areas.”


The report continues: “Siihmuu/Kwaqmis is traditionally very of parasites eagerly plundering this incredible abundance of life, the
important to us as it is the first resource to return to our territories boats appear rather innocuous, even picturesque, especially at night,
after the winter,” said elder Nelson Keitlah. “In the days of my grandpa, when the boats are lit up and together resemble a small floating village.
no one was allowed to go into the spawning areas where the herring There exists no local cottage food industry that harvests the fish for
were looking for a place to spawn. Not even a noise from a canoe was human consumption. Pickled herring and roll mops (delicious tasting
allowed. People had a very high respect for the herring as they are a strips of herring rolled around capers, pickles or olives and bathed in
very important part of the food chain, and our diet,” he said. Keitlah vinegar and spices) are sold locally but imported from Europe. There
fears noise from the vessels, machinery, and sonar of the commercial are 252 seine and 1254 gillnet licenses in the roe herring fishery alone.
fishery are driving the herring down to depths where their eggs will Fisheries and Oceans Canada set the quota and catch limit based on
not survive. “We’ve been saying for years that the sonar and machines an “ exploitation rate of 20 percent or less”. This means they ostensibly
are a total disrespect to the herring and as a result, the herring are now leave some 80 percent of the stock in the ecosystem. But this is
spawning in deep water, and not coming near shore where we can misleading because the Canadian commercial fishery takes only 20%
feed on them,” he said. “We haven’t had siihmuu/kwaqmis in recent of what moves through our waters. What about the American fishery,
years as it has been very scarce. We need to be able to harvest them in the sea lions, the salmon and cod, etc. who are also all feeding on this
a natural, normal way, which is a much better way to do it than to run? If the stocks continue to be affected by contamination of spawn-
harvest the roe by seiners.” [large, weighted nets] ing grounds and attacks on other aspects of the intertwined marine
And in an article in the February 28, 2004 edition of the Globe and ecosystem, it doesn’t matter what percent is taken – the herring will
Mail, Mark Hume quotes Reg Moody of the Heiltsuk Nation in Bella eventually disappear unless the commercial fishery is terminated and
Bella: “Who knows, maybe this province and country will soon see the spawning grounds are protected from industrial activity. This year,
scenes on national TV of what took place with our brothers from Burnt 2005, the total allowable coast-wide commercial roe herring catch is
Church on the East Coast. These stocks mean that much to us. Our 25,574 tons! The spawn on kelp fronds fishery is 3,000 tons for 37
way of life is at stake here,” he said. “To protect the future of the non-Heiltsuk licenses and 525 tons for the nine Heiltsuk First Nation
central coast region, the Heiltsuk and Kitasoo Xaixas Nations have licenses. It’s worth noting that the once abundant Haida Gwai herring
been instructed by their people not to allow a seine or gillnet sac-roe run is at a record low. In terms of statist laws and regulations, there is
fishery in their traditional territories for the 2004 season…” said Mr. a whole herring daily limit of 20 kilograms and a possession limit of
Moody in a statement. The bands declared that all herring fishing 40 kilograms for the so-called recreational fisher.
grounds traditionally used by natives on the central coast were closed
to the commercial fleet for that season.
The traditional method of stringing fronds of seaweed in spawning village ways
areas allowed the herring to lay their sticky eggs on the seaweed and So a few friends and comrades went down to our shoreline and set
then swim away. But the commercial method is harmful and unsus- up a small camp. A fire pit was set up, some fresh water brought
tainable. The seiners are noisy, scaring the spawning herring away down, a few posts and beams erected to define the area and for use as
into deep waters, and the fish are killed to extract the egg sacs something to secure windbreaks to. Meanwhile, several of us gathered
rather than allowing them to swim away. Combine this with indus- rock salt and pickling vinegar, capers, pickles, and food grade buckets.
trial activity on or near their spawning grounds and the herring I phoned my mom on the East Coast of Canada to ask for a recipe and
are increasingly threatened. any tips she might have. Believe it or not, even though I’m only 46
years old, my mom grew up making her own soap from animal fat,
churning her own butter, collecting nuts, weaving wool, harvesting
the fishery firewood with horses and sleighs, etc. Her family, living on the Gaspe
This year a group of us living on Sla Dai Ich, an island in the strait Peninsula in rural Quebec, lived essentially without any money. They
that separates Vancouver island from the mainland, many who share had just enough from selling hazelnuts along the highway, firewood
a desire to return to village-based lives firmly embedded in bio-regions, from their land, and cutting hair for other villagers to pay their
decided that we should begin to learn about the natural cycle of the property taxes, buy oil and flour and a few other basics. In one
herring. The island that we live on is a regular stop for the annual generation, all these skills have been lost in our family. While my
pacific herring run. At roughly 250,000 tons, the herring that pass mother does mourn these ways, she does so only with some reservation.
through our waters is one of the largest biomass that moves around on It was all too much work she complains. I believe this is because
our planet, comparable say to the bison, mentioned previously, two while the effort was done in the context of an extended family of
hundred years ago. pioneers, it was without the deep roots of true village ways. I’m not
Because the fishery is essentially based strictly on the collection of proposing pioneer ways, but village ways, a life where communal
roe, what actually occurs in the water is this: a convoy of fishing activity is predominant and private activity relatively insignificant.
boats gathers in the straight as the herring arrive in our waters to spawn. It so happened that Rongeur Radical, a comrade from the Mauvaise
The boats and the smaller punts surround the schools of fish. Once Herbe group (Montreal-based green anarchists) visited our island and
the fishery is opened by government officials, the herring are brought camp one day and we had an interesting talk about their activity
onto the boats by nets, which are slapped by large powered paddles and ours, shared some perspectives and gathered some fresh oysters
beating the herring out of the nets. From the shoreline, one sees fish to roast. One of the things we talked about was the ego and its
seemingly flying through the air onto boats. The females are gutted development. We both recognized how damaging the overblown sense
and the roe extracted to feed the hungry Japanese sushi and delicacy of individual self importance brought on by a civilized and Judeo-
market, while the males and the female carcasses are collected for Christian worldview is. Rongeur then related to me how some tribes
animal food and fertilizer. About thirty to fifty boats gather on the people from the Vietnam area traditionally didn’t use the word I,
waters off our shores. And while in reality they are a veritable platoon (continued on next page)


zone on a separate beach created by other locals, all we have are
each others homes to visit or commercial ventures to hang out in.
But this was/is different. I even went there at night to see if any-
one was around and to sit by the fire with a friend to listen to the
waves and sea lions, smell the ocean air, and clear my head. I think
some of us would like to put up a campsite or two permanently on
our shoreline, regardless of the outcome of the herring fishery.
Eventually, a couple of comrades visiting from the city did gather
a few fish and brought them back to one of our homes. They were
killed, their heads removed, then gutted and scales shed. Then after
splitting them in two, the fillets were spread with mustard, wrapped
around capers and pickles and placed in a bucket of pickling vinegar
“We didn’t succeed in filling and onions, to be eaten at a later time.
We didn’t succeed in filling any hampers for the next several
any hampers for the next months, but we took a first step. That’s how all great dreams are
realized, by taking a first step. Hopefully next year we’ll be a little
several months, but we took luckier and a little more experienced. Eventually maybe local kids
a first step. That’s how all will stay out of school, comrades will visit from urban centers
and we’ll all spend weeks just gutting and pickling herring as an
great dreams are realized, by extended group of friends, neighbors and rebels. Over time, we will
feel compelled to defend the ecological integrity of these waters and
taking a first step.” to protect the herring that dwell in them and which help sustain us.

but rather usually spoke about themselves from the perspective of

the relationship that they were engaged in at the moment of talking.
For instance a nephew speaking with an uncle would say: “nephew The pacific herring play a huge role in the marine ecosystem of our
wants to walk with uncle”. What I derive from this is that an ego territory. Herring are an important part of the northern Pacific marine
without community, without a place, without context is just a ground- food web. They are a food source for gulls, ducks, pilchards, and
less, atomized, floating ghost. jellyfish. Pacific cod, lingcod, halibut, Chinook salmon, and harbor
A few of the group got hold of a zodiac boat and ventured into the seals all have diets largely comprised of herring. Three quarters of
water armed with a video camera to document the commercial aspect the lingcod’s diet consists of herring.
of the fishery. I wasn’t one of them, but it sure sounded a little risky. The near shore and intertidal environment is critical to the continued
Bobbing around in extremely cold and choppy waters in a rubber abundance of herring. This is where they deposit their eggs and only at
dinghy trying to videotape a gathering of fishers who likely weren’t very specific locations. It is important for us to protect the spawning
too sure whether or not they wanted to allow it. After all, if anyone grounds closest to us. In some areas, for instance Cherry Point in Puget
gets a lot of finger-pointing from self-righteous urban environ- Sound, herring stocks have declined rapidly over the past decades.
mentalists and activists, it’s the rural wage slaves and zeks (urban The decline is attributed to a high level of commercial fishing and to
liberals call them rednecks) who do all the primary extraction and contamination of the spawning grounds by industrial activity (refineries,
plundering of resources: loggers, fishers, miners, etc. (When you shipping, and petroleum movement in or near the spawning grounds).
can’t yell at the CEO of the bank you yell at the poor teller!) So, As this season’s fishery comes to a close, those that earn their living
thanks to our three brave friends, we have a few hours of documentation from this industry could take some time and consider the obvious:
to use in our arsenal for future use. But at that point we still hadn’t commercialized, market-driven, mass levels of fishing are simply not
gathered any herring. sustainable. These ways are the result of, and help perpetuate, a
Each day for over a week, a dedicated bunch of the group went down worldview that is fundamentally opposed to wild nature and to the
to the camp and waited to determine whether the herring had begun to possibility of human communities once again living in reciprocity
fill the waters enough so that we could stand along the shoreline and with wild nature. We all need to re-learn how to integrate our lives
net them, which is how it normally happened. The fish become so into this fishery as we do with all of the natural cycles in each of our
plentiful, that simply by dipping a net into the water, one can gather bio-regions. We need to explore ways to support ourselves, ways that
as many as a half dozen herring at a time! While they waited, they are in harmony with nature and our potential place in it. This includes
collected oysters and roasted them over the fire, and explained to fishing in sustainable ways. It isn’t hysteria to suggest that the herring
others from our village what they were up to. During that time many might eventually disappear from over-fishing and bureaucratic
local friends, neighbors, and comrades from urban centres came and mismanagement. The herring should be here for our great great great
went, some were just curious, but most were hoping to learn something grandchildren. How can we quietly witness a veritable invasion in
and to participate in this subsistence approach to living. our waters that depletes and threatens one of our potential food
One of the aspects of this attempt to learn and feed ourselves and sources? As the herring dwindle, so too will the other fishes that
understand one of the natural cycles of our bio-region that was so feed on them, while the life forms that the herring feed on will
appealing, was that it wasn’t about politics. Some called it the protest become overpopulated, creating a domino of scarcity, unbalance and
camp, others the herring camp, just the camp, or even Vali’s camp, ill health and contributing to the eventual collapse of the complex
after one of the core people who initiated the energy around it. But marine ecosystem of our territories.
the days weren’t intended on being spent arguing with politicians,
trying to recruit members, or hand out petitions. Here was a chance Box 47 Denman Island, BC
to feed ourselves, to build a culture not based on wage work, to Canada
learn new skills, to witness and document another plunder. The small
camp also reminded me of how little autonomous space we actually V0R 1T0
have in our lives. Apart from our local pirate radio station (yeah we’re
on air!), situated in a small trailer, and another small autonomous
The Battles “Everything must be destroyed which is
construed as impediment, whether an
old building, an old city or an old work
of art, not to speak of an old civilization.

For Autonomy There is no destruction which does not

also construct: but what elicits the
construction is the destruction itself.
The supersession of a condition is not

Rage On the apprehension of its need in thought.

It is only the conscious action of men
and women upon the world which
ultimately transforms it.”
Anti-State & Anti-Capitalism Actions –Robert Chasse, The Power of Negative
Thinking or Robin Hood Rides Again

January 16, Liaoning, China: company. The incidents – graffiti and

Resistance to Free a broken window via an explosive
Market Continues device – caused $1,557 worth of
damage, according to local pigs.
China has joined many other industrial
Most other protests were of the usual
nations in setting up special security
form: music and street theater; anti-
to put down riots and counter “the
WEF sloganeering; multicolored
threat of terrorism”. Thousands of
balloons, blah, blah, blah.
cops armed with automatic weapons
and electric batons attempted to put
a stop to a week-long rally in China’s January 30, Osaka, Japan:
southern industrial heartland injuring Homeless Evicted for the
as many as 60 people and killing at Bourgeois Rose
least one, a 13-year-old girl, according Throughout Japan’s second city,
to villagers. Locals retaliated by bright blue plastic sheeting dots
smashing police cars and mounting streets and parks; the ‘tents’ where
hit-and-run attacks and throwing ten thousand jobless and homeless
rocks at security forces. Like so many take shelter; most of them men,
demonstrations roiling throughout many of them aging and unwell with
rural China, the tension between locals TB and other civilized diseases. The
and the government involve land use number of homeless people in Japan
and environmental damage. This latest has risen sharply over the past 15
demonstration began as silent sit-ins, years–officially the number is
but grew more boisterous by the day 30,000, but other estimates reach as
as more and more locals joined in. high as 100,000—an all too familiar
Eventually as many as 10,000 pigs result of economic recession.
were deployed, roughly twice the Twenty-eight of the dispossessed
number of protesters at the peak of have been living in Utsubo and Osaka-
the demonstrations. jo Parks, the sites selected for the
This area lies in the northeastern upcoming 14th World Rose Conven-
‘Rust Belt’, surrounding the largest tion. When squatters ignored the city’s
cities, and the foundry for Deng eviction demands, nearly 700 city
Xiaoping’s revolutionary economic employees, guardsmen, and cops tore
program. Now it’s the epicenter of down the encampments and hauled
unrest as China takes the all-too- away personal belongings.
familiar step from Communism to Officials succeeded in removing all the
Capitalism. Decades of growth has with Beijing. Instead, the villagers “They are making poisonous chemi- tents at Osakjo Park, but park residents
brought to the area, of course, some learned recently the land was being cals for foreigners that the foreigners and their supporters were locked in a
of the country’s worst poverty and re-sold to developers to build special don’t dare produce in their own tense standoff with police at Utsubo
environmental devastation. Security chemical and garment industrial countries,” a local man said. Explain- Park. TV footage showed cops, guards
forces have grown accordingly, pro- zones. ing why he had been willing to rush and city workers pushing and shoving
tecting “the people’s” interests. Lately There were 87,000 protests in into the plant during a 2004 action, homeless people and their supporters.
however, some of those people seem 2005, up from 74,000 the previous despite signs warning of toxic In the process of eviction, one person
to think their interests lie somewhere year, according to official reports. chemicals all about, he said, “It is was arrested on suspicion of ‘assault’,
other than in the manufacture of The words of two people involved better to die now, forcing them out, three taken away in ambulances includ-
high-tech equipment, textiles, and in a protest at a chemical plant in than to die of a slow suicide.” ing one guardsman, with many others
furniture – much of which is exported 2004 ought to give everyone a wounded. In the words of one refusenik:
to the United States. much-needed pause for thought: January 26, Zurich, Switzerland: We understand the limitations of
This latest revolt was a response to “Our fields won’t produce grain Opposition to the World Economic fighting our struggle so that we the
a 2003 government land acquisition anymore,” said a 46-year-old Forum got a little tougher when dispossessed can fit into the brutal
program locals believed was to be woman who lives near the plant in opponents vandalized the home of economic system. We want our
used to build a superhighway con- question. “We don’t dare to eat food a management consultant and a
grown from anywhere near here.” (continued on next page)
necting the nearby city of Zhuhai building belonging to a technology
arresting one unlucky ‘hobo’. April 8-13, South Korea:
With an over $22 million Anti-US Actions Continue
investment in the Greenway, Hundreds of angry farmers fought
authorities are making sure 6,000 riot cops and 750 government-
“it’s a safe, clean place to go”. hired pigs after two of three important
‘Clean’ obviously does not waterways were filled with cement.
include the clouds of pollut- The area has been reclaimed for
ants spewing from the wood the US military who wants to level the
product factories dominating area for an army base. Ten cops and
the cityscape. In yet another ten farmers were reportedly injured
touch of sad irony, inmates and 30 demonstrators were detained
from the county Community in the clashes. Less than a week later,
Justice Work Center will be rice farmers and motion picture
cleaning out the camps. industry production workers clashed
with riot cops over the government’s
March 3, India, Kashmir, plans for a new Free Trade Agreement
and Pakistan: with the US. Protesters broke apart
Violent riots and strikes shipping containers blocking their
greeted George W. Bush at path, as cops attacked with a water
each stop of his Asia tour cannon and batons.
with protesters chanting anti-
U.S. slogans alongside burned April 19, Honiara, Solomon
whole lives as ours, not workfare, drains, or overflowing and pollutedeffigies of the latest in a too-long line
not welfare. We want an entire creeks. In Dharavi, Asia’s biggest Islands: Mobs Riot Over
of puppet-targets. A number of Election Results
change from this capitalist system slum, about a million people occupydemonstrators were shot or beaten
...Disregarding the overwhelming a 2-square-km patch of land, a Cops in this South Pacific island nation
to death by cops who also threw
accumulation of personnel and cramped refugee camp that is, despite were, for the most part, unable or
rocks at demonstrators.
equipment from the city, more than curious protestations to the contrary, unwilling to do anything about mobs
100 people gathered in the early simply untenable. of anti-government protesters and
April 3, Belo Horizonte, Brazil: rioters who trapped the newly elected
morning (and some the night earlier) In Amsterdam, cops initiated another
to contest the 8 a.m. attack, and “eviction wave,” clearing out all Bank on Resistance! Prime Minister, Snyder Rini, inside
after six hours of standing against squatted buildings that had lost Hundreds of protesters, armed with parliament and looted and burned the
the city and overturning entirely court cases since the last assualt handguns, gasoline bombs, and Chinese business district. The ruling
the city’s plans of attack, the sav- in the fall of 2005. The Spuistraatsticks ‘n stones destroyed the lobby party which Rini belongs to has been
agery of the city was unleashed for and Vijzelstraat buildings were of the Companhia Energetica de accused of corruption and acting as
all to see. This thirty-day fight was evicted without much resistance, Minas Gerais electric company a shill for foreign business interests
possible because of our comrade’s headquarters, injuring several cops from Taiwan and China. Demonstra-
but the Bilder-dijkstraat (Wild West)
care, the assistance of many people residents splattered riot cops withduring a demonstration against the tors attacked international “peace
and our solidarity. We could not Inter-American Development Bank. keeping” forces from Australia and
paint balloons as pigs sprayed their
stop the evictions, but we certainly building with a water cannon. Cops Pigs fired rubber bullets, sprayed tear New Zealand and burned more than
did not lose! gas, and set off concussion grenades, a dozen police vehicles. Seventeen
in shipping containers finally entered
The following day, when a group through a window on an upper floor injuring as many as 17 people. The Australian and two New Zealand pigs
of outcasts went to Utsubo Park’s while being suspended from a, which was holding its annual were injured and had to be evacuated
northern administration office to A number of people were arrested. meeting, requires participating for medical treatment.
protest and demand their valuables Right here in our own back yard,governments to finance infrastructure
back, they were turned away, then Jackson County (Oregon) authori- projects which affected people are
attacked. The same day, in the ties recently destroyed dozens of increasingly opposed to. Many of the
southern administrative office, au- “hobo” camps along the Bear Creek demonstrators are from the
thorities surrounded about 30 tent Greenway, a “ribbon of green land” Movement of Dam-Affected
dwellers with eight cars and tried to along the river being upgraded. ThePeople or the Brazilian Landless
destroy tents set up to receive the Workers Movement (MST).
“nature” area is part of a national Com-
dispossessed from Utsubo park. munity Millennium Trail – a network
This scenario is being repeated in of areas for “protecting natural
city after city throughout the world environments, interpreting
as homelessness grows with the rise history and culture,
in living costs, unemployment, dis- enhancing recreation
ease, and an aging populace. Fur- and tourism, and the
thermore, many cities are pushing promotion of alter-
through yet another cycle of reno- nate transportation”.
vation: sprucing up streets and Deputies used infra-
polishing facades to lure business red detection devices
and tourist dollars. from the air to map
In Mumbai, India, bulldozers razed out all the transient
homes, replacing them with makeshift camps in advance of
plastic shacks in preparation for new the sweep, then
construction. More than a quarter of used the GPS to
India’s 311 billionaires live in the city, locate the camps.
but half the city’s 17 million people A dozen deputies Angry Farmers
live in slums or on sidewalks, in and a helicopter Fight Riot Cops!
shanties near railway tracks, sewage attacked at dawn,
April 23, Lázaro Cárdenas, May 2, Atenco, Mexico: with machetes, clubs, Molotov cock- A day later, Atenco woke to a siege
Michoacan, Mexico: Days of Extreme Unrest tails and bottle rockets. Police also that led to hundreds more wounded
Striking Workers Killed A police raid that blocked 60 unper- attacked photographers from both the and detained as over three thousand
Two steelworkers were killed and mitted flower vendors from setting up national and the international press pigs invaded, filling the streets, cutting
many others wounded when they their stands at the Texcoco local and attempted to take cameras. down everyone in their way with
market in the clubs, and firing
attempted to re-take the worker
State of Mexico, tear gas to disori-
occupied Villacero steel company’s
about 20 miles ent, and to kill.
Sicartsa complex. Members of the
east of Mexico Several protest-
Miners and Metalworkers Federa-
City, sparked an ors were shot
tion (SNTMM), who controlled the
anti-police riot that in the head at
factory, responded by hurling
left one resident close range with
molotov cocktails and stones and
dead and a number metal gas pel-
setting vehicles on fire. Martín
of pigs hospital- lets three inches
Rodríguez, head of Section 271 of
ized. Some angry long and one
the SNTMM said the workers will
bystanders at- inch in diameter.
continue the occupation and they
tacked cops and Within two hours,
will battle “to the death because
demanded the the pigs had oc-
there’s no turning back.” The strike
release of the four cupied Atenco.
and occupation of Sicartsa began on
street vendors They then went
April 2nd, as did many wildcat
who had been ar- house to house,
strikes at several other Villacero and
rested. The tense breaking win-
Grupo México mines and steelworks.
situation quickly dows and doors,
escalated, with pulling people
April 28, Hamburg, Germany: into the street,
No Discards or Dumpster
machete wielding Thousands March to Atenco for Support
peasants burning beating them
Food Here tires and throwing rocks and gasoline and then piling
Inspired by the film, “Edukators”, a bombs at some 400 riot cops. The All told, over 50 people were injured them in police vans and trucks. A
group of 30 or so pranksters dressed flower vendors called to the residents and 100 detained by the authorities. masked individual in civilian
in superhero costumes stole 1500 of neighboring San Salvador Atenco Protestors took 11 pigs hostage, but clothes pointed out which houses
Euro worth of food from a gourmet for help and the Atenco residents released them to the Red Cross later in to raid. Several people who had
market, vanishing into the streets blocked the highway that borders their the evening. A fourteen year-old boy was participated as speakers in high
after leaving flowers for the cashiers. town and leads to Texcoco. shot in the chest and killed in the after- profile Other Campaign events in
They quickly distributed the con- Police response was overwhelming, noon. Local media reported that the boy Mexico City, were singled out and
fiscated champagne, chocolate, with hundreds of state and federal was killed by projectiles from the pro- beaten. There are also reports of
fish, and steak to unpaid interns and police, most clad in riot gear, arriving testors, but the death certificate said women being raped in the police
workers in menial jobs while cops, in to lift the blockade. Atenco resisted, otherwise: bullet wound to the chest. vans on the way to jail.
14 patrol cars and a helicopter, Hundreds of people hid in houses
searched futilely for the superheroes. across the town as by mid-after-
From their communiqué: I tried talkin’ about it noon Atenco became an occupied
“Spider Mum, Operaistorix, Superflex I got the big runaround city, but according to a list circulat-
and Santa Guevara are not alone. ing on the Internet compiled from
Whether as a well-connected perma- When I rolled with the punches witness accounts, 275 people have
nent internee, a call-center angel, I got knocked on the ground been detained and at least 18 people
migrant cleaner or a college drop-out are missing.
with no clear job prospects: without By all the Atenco is famous across Mexico
the mutant skills of the Precarious BULLSHIT for a successful 2002 resistance
Super Heros, survival in the city against forced displacement from
of millionaires is impossible. Even goin’ down their community to make way for a
though it us who produce the wealth new Mexico City airport. Villagers,
of Hamburg City, we get none of it. mostly small farmers, formed the
That needn’t remain the case. From People’s Front in Defense of Land
the gourmet breakfasts at the Süllberg (Frente del Pueblo en Defensa de
to boar’s neck and champagne from La Tierra) and with machetes in
“Frische Paradies”: the locations of hand, they inspired popular protest
wealth are as numerous as are the in Mexico.
methods of reclaiming that wealth.
Just one question remains: where will
you be using you super powers?” Strategy 15 - Entice the tiger
This is just the latest in a playful series to leave its mountain lair.
of actions carried out over the past
couple years by a group or groups Never directly attack an
associated with “Hamburg for Free”. A
Time is truly wastin’ opponent whose advantage
year ago a group went into a Michelin- There’s  no guarantee, is derived from its position.
starred restaruant fancied by the rich Smile is in the makin’ Instead lure him away from
and famous, snagging all the food from
We gotta fight the powers that be his position thus separating
their buffet. They also share tips on fare
dodging, sneaking into movies, and him from his source of
Internet file-sharing. How do they escape
—Isley Brothers, Fight the Power (1975) strength.
detection? They fly away, said Multiflex.

by Jesús Sepúlveda
country music. The curious thing is that they Toward this end, standardization is a process
FRAGMENT 31 sometimes sing songs that can appear to have
too much in common with the lives of their
of human cretinization through average,
standard formats. These formats contain the
In a place in the American Northwest, on the listeners. In reality, this is not strange. It is a values of plutocratic democracy that hold the line
outskirts of Eugene, Oregon, a hippie beanfest product of standardization. The heroes and behind the gains of the “mediocracies.” That
is celebrated annually. This fair is not quite a characters of the songs become stereotypes is to say, the standardizing government and
quilombo, although it could be. Quilombos are produced, massified and administrated by the ideologies: democratic concepts that are
disordered, rebellious, turbulent and Dionysian. symbolic culture that reproduces control through openly embodied by fascism. For the beanfest
They permit peculiarities to meet in a natural state the image. In this way, standardization appro- to again become some kind of quilombo, it is
of anarchy manifested in the perpetual present. priates peculiarity and transforms it into a imperative that all the wild feathers of peculiarity
Notwithstanding, the beanfest of the Northwest recognizable typology: archetypes, types of be unfurled. If not, the party is transformed
induces every participant to highlight one aspect physiologies, stereotypes, etc. into a concentration camp with confetti and
of their individuality, normed by a varied gamut of Stereotypes are vulgar forms of understanding balloons, but without sharing, or laughter, or
previously conformed cultural types: fashion, standardization and exist only by virtue of it. For companionship. This is not very different
fetish, appearance. This standardizes the revelry example, bus drivers always wave to each other from what happens at official events, which
and impedes a true celebration, uniforming the when they pass. This happens wherever civili- are repeated over and over again in schools
fun. By contrast, the true carnival is a ritual of zation has had a uniforming and homogenizing and public and private institutions, labor
remembrance, rings the warning bells over our impact. The more stereotypes a society has, the ceremonies, and so on. Truly, the objective
own reality and comprises a primordial higher its level of standardization and alienation. of these pseudo-celebrations is to prepare the
knowledge—that human beings are nothing but The stereotype is an image charged semiotically ideological and emotional foundation for
nature. Death is sufficient demonstration of that. and semantically by categories. Its action— propagandistic indoctrination and repressive
The fair, on the other hand, needs rules, security which is projected onto reality—is imposed over control: the twin weapons that the system uses
systems, guards, undercover police, all of which oppressed groups in the forms of exoticism or to maintain immobility. The quilombo, on the
go against nature, the planet and the joyous demonization. The exotic is a category constructed other hand—as a true carnival—is a form of
expression of being. Today, for example, it is by the dominant order to infantilize the other and social staging of consciousness, whose
illegal to smoke a joint in the fair. But it wasn’t appropriate him or her. Demonization provides Dionysian practice liberates and separates
always this way. In fact, the Oregon Country self-justification for aggression against the other. the reveler from the machine of training and
Fair began as a ‘Sixties festival that wanted to Without categories, the typologies and collective conduct control. That which is Dionysian,
emulate the carnivals of the Middle Ages and images cannot be widely recognized. Stereotypes in this case, not only disrupts the culture of
was highly anti-establishment in the beginning. spectacularize uniformity. This is obvious in mass “reason,” by antithetically opposing itself to
Hippies and flower people from all over the world culture: in the mass media culture of audiovisual the Apollonian, it also dissipates instrumental
attended, unfolding their colors and rebel smiles communication or “mainstream” American culture, norms by dismantling the duality between
against uniformity. for example. Its ideology is mediocrity, and its Bacchus and Apollo, which fades away in the
The locals form musical combos, and they play goal is to make sure that all human beings fit rebellious character of the celebration.
a kind of long folksong that is associated with like cogs in a big and incomprehensible machine. (See next page for recent “Post Scriptum”)
Although I still believe that the points made
in fragment 31 are valid, my opinion about the
The Nihilist’s Dictionary
Oregon Country Fair has changed in a positive
way. From outside, the fair is one more festival
mediated by the market that offers spectacles,
entertainment, and food. But it is also a
counter-cultural event that can reinforce
autonomy, solidarity, and community. By
counter culture I understand alternative
cultures to the mainstream that open interstitial
zones, where non-conformist and radical
spirits can develop their potential. The intersti-
tial zones are interzones where one can
fight, survive, and resist. It is a battlefield
in permanent motion—sometimes mediated
by the market, sometimes free for a vital
celebration of life. People involved in the fair
form a tribal crowd who camp, have a week-
long party, and make a living without having
to interact much with the Christian-Babylonian
by John
John Zerzan
marketplace. Non-hierarchical, caring and
tolerant interactions are prevalent in this Com-mu-ni-ty n. 1. a body of people having the same interests. 2. [Ecol.] an
temporary tribal family, being a hospitable aggregate of organisms with mutual relations. 3. a concept invoked to establish
scenario for consciousness expansion and solidarity, often when the basis for such affiliation is absent or when the actual
liberating practices. Its organization is more content of that affiliation contradicts the stated political goal of solidarity.
horizontal than vertical, and more chaotic than
linear—although indeed there are hierarchical Community, by which one obviously means more than, say, neighborhood, is a very
aspects proper to all organizational circum- elusive term but a continuing touchstone of radical values. In fact, all manner of folks resort to
it, from the pacifist encampments near nuclear test sites to “serve the people” leftists with their
stances. It is also an opportunity for kids to
self-sacrifice-plus-manipulation approach to the proto-fascist Afrikaaner settlers. It is invoked
hang out and grow in a counter-cultural envi-
for a variety of purposes or goals, but as a liberatory notion is a fiction.
ronment far away from the media and systemic Everyone feels the absence of community, because human fellowship must struggle, to
indoctrination. It is certainly closer to a free even remotely exist, against what “community” is in reality. The nuclear family, religion,
practice of anarchic ways of being than to a nationality, work, school, property, the specialism of roles–some combination of these seem
controlled, mechanized, and domesticated to comprise every surviving community since the imposition of civilization. So we are dealing
behavioral pattern. However, it happens inside with an illusion, and to argue that some qualitatively higher form of community is allowed to
the system, although it leaves spaces to unfold exist within civilization is to affirm civilization. Positivity furthers the lie that the authentically
“temporary autonomous zones.” We can social can co-exist with domestication. In this regard, what really accompanies domination,
choose to unfold these zones or not, but under as community, is at best middle-class, respect-the-system protest.
the current stage of the Empire, it can be a Fifth Estate, for example, undercuts its (partial) critique of civilization by upholding
survival tactic. Thus, challenging authoritarian community ties to it in its every other sentence. At times it seems that the occasional
structures and behaviors, and putting energy Hollywood film outdoes our anti-authoritarian journals in showing that a liberatory solidarity
into creating, encouraging, and multiplying springs from non-civilization and its combat with the “community” of industrial modernity.
autonomy is crucial. The Oregon Country Fair Jacques Camatte discussed capital’s movement from the stage of formal domination to that of
can be a celebration of life and a re-connection real domination. But there appear to be significant grounds from which to project the continuing
to nature for many in their transitional passage erosion of support for existing community and a desire for a genuine solidarity and freedom. As
toward liberation. Leaving behind prejudices Fredy Perlman put it, near the end of his exceptional Against His-Story, Against Leviathan!:
and standardizing stereotypes that perpetuate “What is known is that Leviathan, the great artifice, single and world-embracing for the first
the idiotic process which corrals humans into time, in His-story, is decomposing…It is a good time for people to let go of its insanity, its
masks and armors, and go mad, for they are already being ejected from its pretty polis.”
average formats may be a manner to unfold
The refusal of community might be termed a self-defeating isolation but it appears preferable,
reality in its multiple and peculiar possibilities.
healthier, than declaring our allegiance to the daily fabric of an increasingly self-destructive
It may also be a way to find a path to resist world. Magnified alienation is not a condition chosen by those who insist on the truly social
this gloomy, tedious, and empty world fostered over the falsely communal. It is present in any case, due to the content of community.
by paranoia, fea,r and repression. Opposition to the estrangement of civilized, pacified, existence should at least amount to
–Jesús Sepúlveda, June 2006 naming that estrangement instead of celebrating it by calling it community.
The defense of community is a conservative gesture that faces away from the radical break
As our regular readers know, The Garden of Peculiarities required. Why defend that to which we are held hostage?
is a poetic anti-civilization collection of 47 vignettes In truth, there is no community. And only by abandoning what is passed off in its name can we
originally written in Spanish by Jesús Sepúlveda. Over
move on to redeem a vision of communion and vibrant connectedness in a world that bears no
the past few years Green Anarchy has regularly printed
one fragment per issue. We are happy to announce that resemblance to this one. Only a negative “community,” based explicitly on contempt for the
this provocative book has finally been published in categories of existent community, is legitimate and appropriate to our aims.
English as a 108-page title from Feral House. We hope The Nihilist’s Dictionary was originally a regularly running column in Anarchy: A Journal of Desire
to carry it soon, but in the meantime, you can order it Armed over ten years ago. The entire dictionary can be found towards the end of John’s book, Future
for $12 from the publisher. Feral House, PO BOX Primitive (Autonomedia/Anarchy), and in a zine format available from our distro. P.S. only one more left!
39910, Los Angeles, CA 90039.
Death by a Thousand Cuts
More Symptoms of the Meltdown
“Be the Spark! When we step out of legality, when we are masked
by the night, when we become the earth, we are unconquerable.
These moments of collective power, of togetherness and tribe
are not limited to those times when we mass together. In the
dark, in different places, different times, our sparks join together
as one fire. Many of us will never meet each other; all the better,
we’ll still be one—but those who want to extinguish our flames
will find it more difficult.” – Do or Die #10

January 9, Buckeye, Arizona: The Common Ground Alliance In late January, the Synthron chemical manufacturing, and waste have on
The Real Cyberthreat reported more than 675,000 exca- plant in North Carolina exploded, killing all life. These are the same people
Cable TV contractors sinking a half- vation accidents in 2004 alone. In a one person and wounding dozens of who rail against anti-civ anarchists
mile of cable near I-10, pulled up a report issued by the Alliance for Tele-
others. A water main burst during the and eco-direct actionists as too
little extra wire in their backhoe. communications Industry Solutions, inferno carrying thousands of gallons extreme, too unsympathetic to the
Unmarked fiber-optic cable came cable dig-ups were listed as the of water-soluble chemicals into nearby plight of The Worker, devoid of com-
spooling out the bucket “like a single most common cause of outages Catawba River that are killing uncount- passion for ‘the people’. Over and
fishing line”, knocking out phone over the 12-year period ending in able aquatic species. The plant was over, they insist on ‘appropriate
and Internet service for millions of 2004. Though the number of incidents completely demolished and several technology’, but we never hear what
Sprint and Nextel wireless customers have been dropping in recent years, homes in the area also damaged. The makes it appropriate and how the
west of the Rockies. Transcontinental authorities are paying close attention
cause of the explosion is under investi- syndicalists, Pareconians, and their
Internet traffic slowed to a crawl to the increased severity and duration
gation, but a leak in the reactor used to Workers will solve environmental
with many corporations left elec- of outages. DHS and the FCC are now make paint additives is suspected. problems the ‘great minds’ of science
tronically isolated. In the end, a locking up previously public data Industrial ‘accidents’ like these, and have been incapable of resolving.
shallow hole dug out of a dirt road regarding infrastructure outages. worse, are not uncommon. While the Civilization is a complex, unfath-
outside a small town, triggered a Geographic and financial limitations bureaucracy attempts to use regulatory omable interaction of forces that will
three-and-a-half hour outage with have led different companies to install
controls and technological advance- always remain beyond anyone’s
national impact. The experts say this their cables next to eachothers’ ments to prevent potential disasters, control and those who support its
outage is a reminder that the most alongside the same limited number it’s simply not possible to monitor and “collapse” or are all about “taking it
vulnerable framework in America’s of roads and railways. “The vast prevent every leak, explosion, human down” have much to consider.
critical infrastructure lies literally majority of providers are on just slip-up, retaliatory action, and theft There is a plethora of toxic sub-
beneath our feet. two routes”, said Gorman. that can (and too often does) release stances and mechanisms in every
This fiber line was part of a “self- dangerous materials into the water, factory, farm, warehouse, high-
healing” ring network capable of January, Baymeadows, soil, air, and bodies. While Homeland rise,... that will remian lethal to all
rerouting traffic in the opposite Florida and Morgantown, NC: Security and the myriad of public and forms of life for a very, very long
direction when a problem occurs. Two Cautionary Tales private agencies bank on the fear of time. Strategy. Target. Method.
Most telecommunication networks ‘terrorism’, the crumbling Machine
A krypton gas canister exploded at
have some redundancy meant to the Florida location of Unison, an
poses the greatest threat of all. January 20,
prevent such outages. In this case, aviation and missile Marshallville,
however, another section of the parts manufacturer, Georgia:
same line (buried in a railroad causing the evacuation In this small town of
culvert near Reno Junction, CA) had of 500 workers with 1,300 people about 90
suffered damage a few days earlier fifteen taken to local miles south of Atlanta,
during a mudslide; the water- hospitals for injuries. a mob attacked cops
logged portion had been removed When fire officials with rocks then looted
for repairs. Together, the two cuts tested the area for and burned down the
effectively sawed off the entire radiation they found white police chief’s
westernmost section of the ring. levels high enough temporary home (he
“But that conspiracy of bad timing to require decontami- had just returned from
and wet weather pales against the nation procedures for Iraq) after a black man,
impact that deliberate saboteurs or about 20 people. An Clarence Walker, 48,
terrorists could make with some expert in nuclear was murdered by his
rented backhoes and careful target physics from the pigs. Cops claim that
selection” notes one pundit. Another Mayo Clinic was they only used “minimal
expert, Sean Gorman, a DHS consult- called to consult with firefighters force” to subdue Walker who was
ant who had mapped the fiber-optic to ensure the facility was safe for Meanwhile, ‘environmentalists’ wanted on outstanding charges, but
paths for his PHD reports, “We’ve the employees to return. The cause are supporting nuclear energy solu- witnesses saw pigs sitting on him
looked at scenarios where we of the explosion is under investi- tions to the fossil fuel problem while and spraying him with pepper spray.
(could) have multiple fiber cuts that gation. Rare gases, such as krypton, Leftists extoll the virtues of worker- Further, Chief Stephen Stewart had
effectively disconnect the West are used in lighting, lasers, and managed production, with neither let it be known that Walker would be
Coast from the East Coast. It’s not medical imaging, as well as labo- group addressing the long list of arrested “dead or alive”, according
very difficult to figure out.” ratory research. devastating impacts that mining, to the victims brother.
January 31, February 15, the suspect provided details on how While the power was back up,
East St. Louis, Missouri: Portsmouth, Virginia: he had lit them. South Africa’s second biggest city
Sometimes Opportunity Beckons Officials have asked the public for help Scholten has a “pretty extensive” may now face months of power cuts
finding those responsible for a series record of misdemeanors for such while technicians work to bring
The entire first shift of the East St.
of fires and bomb threats at local things as graffiti vandalism and Koeberg back to full power ahead
Louis police department called in
schools, including one at I.C. Norcom violating the town’s skate park of the start of the southern hemi-
sick on Tuesday, the day after the city
High School and two more at Woodrow ordinance. The spate of fires spooked sphere winter, analysts say. The
refused to pay more than 230 work-
Wilson High School. Officials reported residents of this picturesque wine blackouts are not unique to Cape
ers due to budgeting problems. The
that since the first Wilson fires, 11 country town (especially lawyers Town, with industrial and financial
news that there would be no payroll
bomb threats have been called in to and chiropractors). The first fire hub Johannesburg having been hit
checks came the same day they were
Portsmouth schools and are trying to started on the evening of February by intermittent outages for the past
to be issued. Officers from other
determine whether they are links 15th at a downtown law office with two years.
departments were pulled off normal
between the incidents. Among other subsequent blazes this week at a
duties and placed on the streets.
security measures, schools will be law office building (twice) and at a March 7, Zeralda, Algeria:
“swept” for suspicious items twice a chiropractic office at the former Hundreds of youthful rioters, in a
February 2, West Warwick, Rhode city hospital.
day by staff. The tab for the pranks seaside suburb of Algiers, attacked
Island: Creative Writing Class government buildings
now stands at $500,000.
Gets (Unwanted?) Attention and looted and burned
A seventh-grade writer is a target of a
Secret Service Investigation after he
February 21, Don’t push me ‘cause I’m too the state bank. Unrest
broke out after news
wrote an essay threatening George
Bush. His teacher alerted school Washington: close to the edge. spread that a 34-year-old
man named Faycal was
officials after he turned in his assign- Fire investigators say shot and killed by local
ment describing what he would do on small fires were set nine pigs. Faycal reportedly
a perfect day. Thomas M. Powers, times at Evergreen High went to the police station
Secret Service agent in charge, said School between Jan. 23 to confront a cop about
the investigation is ongoing, but the and Feb. 13. The total a “love rivalry”. According
essay may have been a “cry for help.” loss is estimated to be to authorities, Faycal
“Threatening the president is a felony,” $20,000. Two teenage threatened cops with an
he said. The one-page essay also said girls, ages 16 and 17, axe and was promptly
the student wanted to kill Oprah are suspected of being fired upon.
Winfrey, hurt executives at Coca-Cola involved in the arsons.
and Wal-Mart, and attack a Walgreens Charges are pending in
the case and investiga-
April 5, Brooklyn, New
pharmacy. “His perfect day would be
to see the destruction of these people,” tors say the two could York: Saying Never
Schools Superintendent David Raiche face charges that range Again With Meaning!
said. The student felt the companies from Reckless Burning More than 1,000 ultra-
were doing inappropriate things, he to Arson 1. Orthodox Hasidic Jews
continued, and the student had been flooded the streets of
barred temporarily from coming back February 23, February 28, Cape Town, South their Borough Park neighborhood in
to school as a ‘mental health’ rather Healdsburg,California: Burning a spontaneous demonstration against
Africa: Blackouts Hit Africa police brutality and harassment.
than disciplinary precaution. “He was Up His Boredom Cape Town’s lights may be back on
writing a letter threatening everyone on Around 6:30 pm, residents began
A local, unemployed drifter was after a week of blackouts, dark pushing and shoving cops following
the planet,” School Board Chairman arrested on suspicion of igniting a nights, and traffic chaos, but South
Daniel T. Burns Jr. said. “He was just the arrest of 75-year-old Arthur
string of fires at historic downtown Africa now faces a desperate race Schick who police say was talking
mad at the world.” buildings in the Sonoma County to avert a critical energy crisis over on a cell phone while stopped at a
town, authorities said. Henry the next two years, analysts said. traffic light. According to some eye-
February 14, St. John’s, Pellouchoud Scholten, 26, was Energy experts say years of inac- witnesses, the elderly man, who is
Newfoundland: picked up after an unidentified infor- tion have allowed the power grid hard of hearing, was roughed up
Police are investigating the damage mant told police that he was involved in Africa’s biggest economy to by pigs after he failed to provide
to 14 pieces of snow clearing equip- in setting four fires at three down- stagnate despite demand spurred them with identification when they
ment at a municipal depot, caused town office buildings during the past by strengthening economic growth, asked for it. The police say that
when a mixture of sand and grit was week. The informant — a young leaving infrastructure strained Schick was argumentative and
put into the fuel tanks of six sanding woman — used her cell phone to sometimes beyond capacity. “It’s threw himself on the ground. Two
machines and eight snowblower record the suspect’s detailed remarks definitely a severe problem, some men who tried to intervene in the
attachments. Mechanics found fuel about the fires, police said. companies could go out of business, arrest were arrested themselves,
lines and filters blocked with the “He has been bragging about light- businesses that rely on electricity including one who allegedly
mixture, which is commonly used ing the fires. We’ve had five people to survive,” an electrical engineer jumped on the back of one cop.
around the depot. So far, the city has who’ve come in today, saying that stated.Recently, technical prob- Residents shouted “No justice, no
spent $15,000 on repairs but the tab Henry was responsible,” according to lems at Koeberg, the continent’s peace” and “Nazi Germany” as they
is expected to climb as more inspec- authorities. “He told one young woman only nuclear-fired facility, exposed smashed the windows of a police
tions are completed. “There’s no that he started the fires because it is holes in the system and subjected cruiser and set another one on fire.
doubt that it had to be done by some- such a boring town and that he Cape Town to eight days of rolling Rioters built numerous bonfires in the
body inside,” said Mayor Andy Wells. wanted to create chaos.” The defacto blackouts. Roads in parts of the streets, which they held for about four
“It was not possible for anybody pig helped her buddies obtain a city – the country’s tourism hub – hours until riot police were able to
external to get into the yard and do statement from Scholten by meeting were gridlocked, shops shut regain control of the situation. Two
this.” However, union officials insist him for lunch at a downtown park their doors, and harvested fruits cops suffered minor injuries, but no one
there are gaps in security at the depot bench and recording their conver- lay rotting in stifling heat, costing was arrested after the initial incident.
and anyone can sneak onto the sation with her cell phone. When the region hundreds of millions
property to cause damage. she asked Scholten about the fires, of rands. (continued on next page)
April 20, Mexico:
Drug War Hits the Sunning Rich
Acapulco authorities discovered the
heads of two cops along with a red
Nous sommes líinaccompli de 68
sign with black lettering taped to the [We
[We are
are the
the unfinished
unfinished business of ‘68]
government office: “So that you learn
some respect.” The heads were iden- “The media’s treatment of our social struggles is
tified as those of Acapulco Preventive always a letdown. The short, entertaining
Police Commander Mario Nunez format of the articles or news items
Magana and Preventive Police Officer is always dramatically distant from
Jesus Alberto Ibarra. The two cops’ the complexity of our projects.
decapitated bodies were later found Seeking a catchy image or lively
at the site of a January incident where personality, the journalists turn
drug cartel members were killed in a our battles into a spasmodic
shootout. The beheaded pigs had spectacle, then invariably
been part of the battle. abandon us when the conflict
This popular bourgeois resort city drags on. In their accounts,
has been shaken by more than a our revolts are systemati-
dozen high-profile gun slayings as
cally presented as eccentric,
well as several grenade attacks on
or cute, or immature, con-
police stations this year already.
Authorities in the Pacific coast state trasted with the carefully
of Guerrero stepped up security in phrased commentaries of
the resort city and other tourist areas their talking heads.”
in response to a wave of violence that
has left at least three dead and more
—Anonymous, Grenoble,
10 April 2006
Update from France
than a dozen wounded this past week
including several lawyers and cops. There is a lot going on as anarchists, Late March: nearly a month earlier peaked when
In another spectacular incident in anti-capitalists, students, workers, French Interior Minister Sarkozy let between one and three million people
Petetlan, about 100 miles from union bosses, and leaders engage pigs know he wanted them to get took to the streets and continued to
Acalpulco, unidentified assailants in various levels of resistance to tough with ‘delinquents’ during a disrupt some 50 universities. A
lobbed a grenade inside a restaurant, changes in youth and elder job scheduled 36-hour strike. Mass transit hundred school students blocked a
injuring about 40 people celebrating the laws, increased police actions, systems were all but immobilized bridge linking France and Germany
birthday of the local mayor’s chauffeur. and other acts of state and capital with only two out of three high-speed for two hours at Strasbourg, while
The mayor wasn’t present during this repression. This is an ongoing trains, about 40% of other long- in Paris protesters blocked several
attack, the second in three days along struggle and we can’t possibly distance trains, and about half of its main train stations, delaying Eurostar
the Pacific coast. In the first incident, cover it in the depth it requires, so suburban lines operating. In Paris, trains from London. Protesters also
assailants threw a grenade at a home we’ve provided a couple Internet the underground rail network and slowed traffic around Paris’ Orly
in the resort city of Acapulco, wounding links to writings by participants. suburban service were also badly hit airport, forcing some travelers to
two men and three women. To encourage you in this explo- by the strike and airport officials drag their luggage on foot. Before
ration, a few tidbits: warned of delays and cancellations. dawn, about 100 students blocked
May 14, Montgomery County, Schools, post-offices, banks, government a highway used by trucks carrying
Maryland: Mid-March: Airbus parts to the factory outside
offices and unemployment bureaus
Riot cops launched a pre-dawn Toulouse, in southern France.
MySpace=CopSpace Too! assault on a number of buildings
also experienced serious disruption.
Two teenagers are facing 22 charges Despite the threat of violent repres- On April 10, the state backed down
on the Sorbonne campus where and the youth jobs order (CPE) was
each, accused of setting fires that they sion, youths attacked police cars,
students fortified themselves as rescinded, with the unions declaring
bragged about on the Internet. The 17- government buildings, and riot cops
part of a three-day sit-in protest to victory. However, 12 universities
year-old schoolmates were allegedly with rocks and other projectiles. In
a newly proposed youth labor law. remained disturbed as of April 14th,
involved in 17 fires in the county, and one incident, a makeshift explosive
After being evicted, hundreds of which one is blocked (Toulouse II)
each faces two counts of first-degree was tossed into a police car leaving
marched through the Latin Quarter and one is closed by the university
arson and four counts of second- its inhabitants just enough time to
where they smashed up a on grounds of safety (Rennes II).
degree arson, fire officials said. The escape before their vehicle exploded
McDonald’s, built barricades, and On April 24th, the first day back
two boys were charged as juveniles, in flame. A dozen private cars were
clashed with pigs again. at the Sorbonne since the strike
so their names have not been released. set on fire and garbage bins torched
Students last occupied the ended, several hundred students
Authorities had been searching for in Montfermeil and the adjacent town
Sorbonne in the spring of 1968. from various French universities
clues for months in the series of fires of Clichy-sous-Bois where last fall’s
After their eviction, protests followed voted to re-occupy it, and around
where stores, vehicles, a bowling alley, violence began when two teenagers
that sparked a nation-wide revolt. 200 students occupied a confer-
and two school buses were set ablaze were electrocuted as they ran from
One of the most well known student ence room, but were escorted out
between Jan. 20 and April 16. When pigs. A third youth that was badly
leaders of the ’68 demonstrations by riot police later that day.
investigators got a tip to log on to burned in that incident was arrested
is Daniel Cohn-Bendit, who since As we go to print, the streets are, they found enough in this latest melee on charges of
has abandoned his anti-authoritarian calm. Is it over? Have the unions
photos and descriptions they needed throwing rocks at a police car.
politics and joined the government and student leaders successfully
to make the arrests. “The significant as a member of the Green Party. Early April: squelched a rebellion again?
thing is they posted on the Internet, He said that the current protests Protests moved to the roadways and
and bragged about the fires and that cannot be compared to 1968 and Links:
rail yards as demonstrators attempted
certainly allowed us to break the that when he heard about them he -
to shut down commerce and force the
case,” Montgomery County Fire expressed sympathy for Prime france2006.documents.htm
government to back down. Protests
Chief Thomas Carr said. “They Minister Dominique de Villepin. -
that began on university campuses
posted photos of these fires.”
free your mind and
your ass will follow
Prison as a Liberating Experience
Caught deep within the gears and cogs of the American dream-death machine, I quit, and the company and the Local 890,
I often ponder my humanity’s and the planet’s existence. I have the eventually went out of business. After
time, you see, they gave it to me. Undistracted, undiluted, uncut, p-time, that, I worked within the UAW for
because the continuous audio-visual roar of the spectacle is reduced to a awhile, saw it for what it was – a corporate
dull, monotonous hum inside the wire, that can be further reduced by foil – and pretty much opted out of the
unplugging from radio and tv. Time is actually more mine than ever, whole damned system by 1977.
restored by a sentence of the court, and ample proof everything they do After Vietnam, most of my movement
tends to work against them in the long run. friends and I thought the shops were the next
What to do? Contemplate my navel for hours? Fall to my knees and battlefield – the front lines in the war against
pray for deliverance? Play crazy and get fitted with a nice pharmaceutical capital. We were wrong. The workers, as most
straitjacket? Or, be rational, fight my case in the courts, read, study, exercise, everyone else in America were, still are, totally
and prepare myself for the inevitable? After all, as Ho Chi Minh once enthralled by the spectacle. Nearly everyone
said, “Open the gates of prison and the dragon will fly out!” worshiping at the alter of commodity, slaving away
Prison is a situation that cuts two ways. One way, you can find Jesus, for things they don’t need and/or wholly detrimental
Allah, and Buddha. Hell, they might just find you, as God is creepin’ and to our continued existence as a species on this planet.
oozin’ all over these penitentiaries. This way, of course, requires “faith” Others took a more direct approach, blew shit up and
and, to paraphrase Crowley, when you sleep with faith you’ll find a corpse robbed banks, etc., apparently thinking these acts would
in your arms on awakening. The other way, the rational way, and its on! wake-up the slumbering working class, and the rest of the
You’re the dragon soaring through the air and breathing fire, ‘cause ain’t government. No dice, didn’t happen. Proving that it’ll take a whole
no doubt prison can be a liberating experience. lot more than a “Weatherman” to wake these people up. Just look at the
Looking back while doing time is a situational prerequisite, if only to apathy in the face of the years of hurricane disaster predictions for the city
avoid being shanked there. If awake, and dancing (i.e., not sleeping with of New Orleans.
faith) then you will be analyzing your past – checking and rechecking All we got to show for our collective efforts is the wholesale destruction
your errors and what you somehow managed to get right. of the environment, global warming, declining union memberships, fraudulent
Back in the day, seeing the need for radical change, I became enamored corporate bankruptcies designed to lower wages and eliminate pension
of the Black Panther Party and the derivative, White Panther Party. I read and medical benefits, numerous invasions and occupations of other countries,
Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao and was completely misled into the “War on Terror”, “urban renewal” via hurricane Katrina and Rita,
thinking the Industrial working class (i.e., the proletariat) would be the George W. Bush, his friends Osama bin Laden and Pat Robertson, and a
vanguard of the revolution. Before I knew it, I was all the way in, not lot of cool people in jails, prisons, or dead!
realizing that instead of a proletariat, all America had was a labor aristocracy, However, I did find the front lines, eventually and accidentally. They’re
whose slogan was and still is: “Fuck a revolution, give us a few more here inside! In the current situation, it is extremely difficult to come to
dollars, a few more toys, and to hell with the rest of the world!” grips with the oppressor class as you probably noticed. This is because
Off and running, I got a job as a welder, organized the second Boilermakers’ everything is so spectacularly amorphous and derivative. Not true of prison,
local in Michigan, Local 890, got my ass kicked by a company goon, and as you are face-to-face with the guns of the oppressors on a daily basis.
was almost arrested for having my ass kicked in the process, only to see the This particular situation, in turn, facilitates a disconnect from the spectacle
goon elected president of the local. His election occurred, primarily, and provides you with a unique sense of community. If you doubt this, then
because it was scheduled on a Sunday morning and most of the workers take a good look at what went down at New York’s Attica State Prison on
were too tired or too lazy to show up, and the ones that did show thought September 13, 1971 and has been going down in prisons all over the world!
I was “too radical”. Being a state prisoner is a mark of honor. If I hadn’t been imprisoned
Needless to say, the goon by the state, it would confirm my mesmerization by the spectacle and
negotiated a crap contract, compliance with this sick society. It seems to me, something is seriously
wrong with anybody who isn’t in the statists’ face enough to be locked-up
occasionally, considering these bastards are destroying our homes, our
world, and our everyday life. If you ain’t part of the solution, then you’re
most definitely part of the problem.
Besides finding prison, oddly enough, a liberating experience,
the upside to all the statist and capitalist crap is that, in their
blind arrogance, they’ll inevitably bring the temple down
themselves. The thing is, not to get buried in the rubble with
them. In the immortal words of Parliament-Funkadelic’s
George Clinton, “Free your mind and your ass will follow.”
So, let’s get our asses the hell out of here!

Rand W.Gould
Autumn Equinox 2005 (9/22/05)
(C187131) Kinross Correctional facility
16770 S. Watertower Dr.
Kincheloe, MI 49788
crime who were trying to break out,
but authorities foiled their escape

For a World attempt. The Justice Minister said the

riot was part of a coordinated series
of attacks throughout the country
that organized criminals had planned

Without but never put into motion. “According

to our information, the breakout from
pre-trial detention center No. 5 was
to be followed by similar attempts at
other prisons.” “Very serious forces

Cages! are considering destabilization in

the country,” said Nino Burjanadze,
the speaker of parliament.

January 30, Grafton, New South

Wales: Imagine Coordination
The Acmena Juvenile Justice Centre
Prison was placed in lockdown following a
reported riot about two hours earlier.
The center is set up for about 30
Escapes inmates, but is presently holding up
to 35, mainly Aboriginal youths
and according to authorities. Staff
members were threatened with a
Uprisings knife while the facility was trashed
and flooded, causing up to $100,000
damage. Computers and printers
were smashed, electricity cables on
the roof ripped out, and windows
cracked. “It’s now under about four
inches of water”, said authorities.
“The invisible insurrection of a million minds is Three inmates managed to climb onto
the roof and set at least two fires.
not enough: for they must pass to action, they must “The staff at the facility have pro-
engage – and be engaged by – the real world. It is at tective gear and helmets, which they
this level – beyond mutual affirmation and as its can use to control situations, but the
way things are set up is they have to
expression – that the minds become individuals, call a manager, who is often off-site as
most of these incidents happen at
and must organize.” –Robert Chasse, night, and then the staff have to call
The Power of Negative Thinking or Robin Hood Rides Again the police. It’s usually all over by the
time they can use the equipment,” a
January 24, Rondônia, Brazil: In early March, at Urso Panda prison, January 27, Tbilisi: A Prison spokesman said. “And it means that
Shaking It Up in a remote Amazon jungle northwest of Rebellion is Brewing in Georgia while this was happening Grafton
An uprising began at the Agenor Sao Paulo, 44 inmates escaped in a 130- Seven prisoners and two guards were didn’t have any police,” the spokes-
Martins de Carvalho prison in Ji-Paraná, foot tunnel dug over the course of weeks killed in Georgia when riot police used man said.
some 1,335 miles northwest of São or months. Once the tunnel was ready, firearms to put down a rebellion by
Paulo, according to Rondônia state the participants broke holes in the walls inmates trying to break out of a jail in January 31, Baghdad, Iraq:
police spokesman Lenilson Guedes. between their cells and ran for their lives. the capital. Gunfire could be heard Resistance Inside and Out
“Inmates called out to the guards Only 7 were found by mid-afternoon. overnight at Tbilisi’s prison No. 5, A riot at Camp Bucca, the main
saying that a prisoner was ill and had on the outskirts of the capital after detention facility for “security
to be taken to the infirmary. When January 24, Burma: cops in riot gear were sent in. detainees”, began after a contraband
three guards entered the cell to escort Another Warden Attacked Some prisoners set fire to their bed search in one of the camps 10 com-
the prisoner to the infirmary, three Two prisoners died with severe injuries sheets and the flames could be seen pounds. The melee quickly spread to
inmates opened fire with .38 caliber at Kale Myo prison in northern Burma, from the barred windows. Up to 30 three additional compounds with
revolvers.” One guard was shot after a riot took place inside the prison incarcerated individuals had been prisoners throwing rocks and bran-
through the heart and died instantly after five prisoners attacked the warden. wounded, as well as 10 cops. Cops dishing DIY weapons, according to
and three inmates died in the ensuing During the attack, prison authorities confiscated two submachine guns, the official statement. After applying
shootout with the other two guards. fired shots in the air and the attack three grenades, knives, drugs and “non-lethal force” for 45 minutes,
About half of the prison’s 300 inmates turned into a full-scale riot. According other banned items. The prison build- lethal force was used, killing four and
then took advantage of the confusion to sources, the prisoners attacked ing was almost completely destroyed, injuring 6 prisoners.
and tried to escape but were stopped the warden over oppression of the so prisoners were being moved to
by heavily armed guards and pigs. prisoners by guards and authorities. facilities in other parts of the country. February 18, Sherman Oaks,
When prison warden Joel de Araújo In the incident, 17 prisoners were Reports indicate the rioting started California: Handcuffed Man
Pereira and security director Eliseu arrested and beaten by prison au- after 6 inmates were severely beaten Briefly Escapes
Segatto Pereira arrived to calm thorities on suspicion of inciting the while in the prison hospital, but Handcuffed prisoner, Richard
things down, they were grabbed by incident; two later died and five others authorities said the violence was Mudica, 33, choked his driver to
a group of prisoners and held hostage. were sent to the hospital for treatment. started by prisoners linked to organized escape from the car he was being
transported in – possibly by a A few days earlier, 80 prisoners The riot was apparently sparked by Ultimately, the event helps determine
bounty hunter – to Los Angeles on a work detail delivering water to a change in prison uniform rules. the effectiveness of the technologies
International Airport for a trip to voting booths, slipped past guards Inmates are now required to wear by placing them in realistic situations
Michigan where he was ‘wanted’. focused on the local election farce. bright orange uniforms to prevent a and allows for suggestions for modi-
The car subsequently crashed into Only twenty were recaptured. repeat of a January escape by seven fication of the technology. Priorities
a wall and the driver taken to a prisoners who mingled with visitors. include: Counterterrorism, Crime
hospital. Helicopters and search March 1, Amman, Jordan: There was a fresh outbreak of Mapping, DNA Testing, Info Manage-
dogs were involved in the ensuing Cops Taken Hostage violence the following day, when ment, Less-Than-Lethal Devices,
manhunt with cops going door- At al-Juwaida prison, inmates went police opened fire on inmates trying Location & Tracking, Non-Intrusive
to-door looking for him. He was on the offensive in solidarity with two to push down a gate. Concealed Weapons & Contraband
found two hours later hiding in the others scheduled to be moved out. Detection, Non-Invasive Drug
garage of a home less than a block The two, a Jordanian and a Libyan, May 5, Houston, Texas: Detection, Officer Protection, Secure
away from where he escaped. have been sentenced to death for “Please Come Back” Communications, Vehicle Stopping,
killing U.S. diplomat Lawrence Foley Houston cops admit proper proce- Tactical Electronics Equipment, Surveil-
February 22, Sydney, Australia: in 2002. The rioters feared they were dures were not followed when an lance/Intelligence, and Robotics.
Two Escapes in One Week being taken to meet their death. inmate in a wheel chair escaped on his With the largest prison system in the
Ronnie Thomas, 18, became the Jordanian officials said security way to the downtown jail. When Rafael world – sitting at 2.1 million as of June
seventh prisoner to escape from a forces have been able to negotiate Cruz arrived in his wheelchair at the 2004 and increasing by about 900
New South Wales jail this year the release of some of the cops, but Harris County jail intake facility via bus new inmates every week – riots are a
when he drove out of John Morony as many as eight others were still Thursday night, he found himself alone growing threat. As another hot sum-
II Correctional Complex near believed to be held captive. on the sidewalk and promptly departed. mer approaches, and prisons remain
Windsor, in Sydney’s north-west. The Three-hours later the cops were called overcrowded, change is certain. What
minimum-security prisoner had been March 1, Kabul, Afghanistan: when someone realized they had remains to be seen is whose change
completing ground maintenance prevails.
A riot began in Pul-e-Charkhi, a huge paperwork but no prisoner. Cops will
work when he escaped in the guard’s run-down prison built in the 1970s on not charge Cruz with escape since
blue Ford. Also recently, Andrew the outskirts of the capital. Inmates there was no one there to escape from.
Nothing Else to Lose
Tyrrell, 54, climbed over a compound took over several parts of the complex. “They’d just like for him to come back.” But Your Chains
roof at Sydney’s Long Bay jail and Armed with makeshift weapons, So many people from all walks of life
scaled a perimeter fence. rioters attacked guards, setting alight May 7, Moundsville, West Seem to always ask me have I paid
furniture and bedding and smashing Virginia: Playing the Riot Game the Price
February 27, Uganda: windows and doors. Troops – backed The Office of Law Enforcement Having spent my adult life behind
408 Inmates Flee by tanks and armored personnel Technology Commercialization, the these bars
Soldiers, cops, and prison wardens carriers – surrounded the jail after the National Institute of Justice, and the Assuming from all that’s been lost
combed the outskirts of Arua riot broke out. National Corrections and Law Enforce- and unseen scars
searching for the escapees. The 1,300 prisoners involved in the ment Training and Technology And somehow still manage to smile . . .
group was being returned to their rioting were moved under police Center (NCLETTC) host a Mock Nothing Else to Lose But Your Chains
cells after supper when they acted escort to a new prison block. Four Prison Riot in the former West Virginia
inmates died and a number of injured Penitentiary every year. The purpose Although I remain steadfast and true
quickly to shut off the kitchen from to form
the guards and flee. Heavy gunfire prisoners taken to the hospital. of the riot is to give correction officers
And stand each morning in excellent
killed several escapees and one Authorities agreed to restore food, and tactical team members an oppor-
civilian stopped on the road was water, and power that had been tunity to use and evaluate emerging I can’t help but to ask myself what’s left
wounded. withheld during the unrest. technologies in riot training scenarios. My ancestor’s voice whispers in my
ear saying push forward.
Nothing Else to Lose But Your Chains
Sometimes I want to react to objects
of my anger
Then my focus centers on my family
who need me
This calms me to Peace and allows
me to envison
My life outside all of this madness . . .
Nothing Else to Lose But Your Chains
An unseen evil robbed me of my
An unseen evil robbed me of a
beautiful mother
An unseen evil robbed me of my
Extensions of my Soul a Story that
must be told . . .
There’s nothing Else You can take
from me
But these chains of yours . . . . . .

ItIt is
is upon
upon our
our route
route to
to escape
escape that
that we
we become
become alive,
alive, by Bro. Khalfani Malik Khaldun
(s/n Leonard McQuay)
we find
find ourselves,
ourselves, we put our plans into action. P.O. Box 557
Westville, IN 46391-0557


Automated Vultures
Devouring Our Freedom
“My students at the prison told me that plastered all over the walls of the
L.A. County Jail, and across the walls of jails everywhere, is the phrase
“Make a Deal.” Many of my students told me that one of the
easiest, most direct ways to shut down the whole court
system would be for prisoners to stop making it easier
on their captors, to not make deals…Until those in
power figure out a way to completely replace humans News
with machines, there will always be more of us then there
are of them. All it will take for this whole rotten system to collapse is for enough of
us to learn to say no. And to say no again. And again. And again. And again.”
–Derrick Jensen, Welcome to the Machine
Editors Note: The State continues on its path of Anarchists Arrested for Lamont was re-arrested while at work because
attempting to squash all resistance, especially in Alleged Solidarity Firebombing investigators say they found a utility knife on a
regards to anarchist and ecological struggles, with Early February, Barcelona, Spain: Three anar- desk in his home while searching it. According
continued arrests, indictments, convictions, chists, two Spanish and one Italian-born, were to his parole conditions, Lamont is not allowed
sentencing, subpoenaing, and harassment (at arrested by anti-terrorism police agents. The to have any knives in his home outside of the
times, unfortunately, aided by the testimony, three youths are facing charges in connection kitchen and his home is subject to surprise
cooperation, and snitching of former activists and with the December 15 firebombing of the Depart- searches. During his interrogation, detectives
comrades). As with our preceding issue, there is ment of Justice of Catalonia and other attacks alluded that they were watching him because
much to report, but please check out our previous against CIRE, a prison labor company. The they believed that he was plotting to target the
issue, our website, or other sources we have bombing was done in support of Italian-born Big Bear Dam. Activists have claimed that
provided for more comprehensive background on anarchist prisoners, Alberto Maria Bettini and Lamont’s arrest is part of a coordinated series
the following cases. We will do the best we can to Francesco Gioia. The two were among the of actions by law enforcement to target and
stay as current as possible, but keep in mind that seven demonstrators cops arrested at a 300 disrupt animal rights, environmental, and social
the publishing procedure is a lengthy process, and person strong June 25 protest in solidarity justice movements in the U.S.
items may be dated by the time you read this. We with anarchist prisoners in Italy. In Barcelona,
encourage people to do their own self-education following the arrests, bombs exploded at the Rod Coronado
on the current situations, how to support folks, and Italian Cultural Institute, killing a police dog, Arrested for Speech
how to protect themselves. While these times are wounding a pig, and damaging a Fiat (Italian) February 23, San Diego, California: Native
troubling, it is important not to let doom and gloom car dealership. American environmental activist Rod Coronado,
consume us. There is a need to stay strong, both Police claimed that the three individuals 39, has been indicted on a felony charge of
for those who are being targeted, and for our own arrested are prison activists who have been demonstrating how to use a destructive device
continued resistance to civilization. Merely saying supporting the release of the arrested demon- to commit arson. He is accused of admitting to
no, even repeatedly, will not suffice. strators. Both Alberto and Francesco are accused being a member of the Earth Liberation Front and
of belonging to Il Silvestre, a group that publishes teaching how he constructed incendiary devices
High-Tech Prison to Open the anti-civilization anarchist magazine Terra at an August 1, 2003 lecture in Hillcrest, California.
January 18, Amsterdam, Netherlands: At the new Selvaggia. The publishers, many of whom are Rod, who was arrested in Arizona, is said to have
jail in Lelystad, inmates will be wearing Wavetrend’s under house arrest, are accused of promoting admitted to using similar devices in the 1990’s
non-removable RFID bracelets incorporating anti- sabotage and participating in direct action. while acting on behalf of the Animal Liberation
tamper alarms. These chains transmit a signal every Francesco Gioia was recently extradited to Italy Front. If convicted, he faces up to 25 years in
1.5 seconds, identifying both prisoner and their to face charges of promoting sabotage and prison and/or a $250,000 fine.
position. Also, microphones in each 6-person participating in direct action and additional Currently, Rod and his co-defendant, Matt Crozier,
dormitory-style cell transmits voices to “emotion- charges for escaping house arrest. are awaiting sentencing for 3 charges in the
recognition” software that analyzes sound volume Sabino Canyon mountain lion trial. Coronado was
and rhythms to detect potential problems. Matt Lamont Re-Arrested arrested March 24, 2004 during an Arizona Game
Prisoners do their own cooking and washing. February, Chino, California: Political prisoner and Fish operation to remove mountain lions
They organize their own daytime schedules via a Matthew Lamont’s release date has been pushed from the recreation area. Crozier was arrested
touch-screen monitor at the foot of their beds. Each back from May to July 22, and he is facing addi- several months later. Coronado and Crozier were
day, prisoners log on to the system with their brace- tional charges in connection with a fight he was each convicted in December 2005 of one count
let to identify themselves and create their individual involved in while in prison. Matt was attacked by of felony conspiracy to impede or injure a federal
program, dividing time between work, sports, and members of the Aryan Brotherhood, a white officer, one count of misdemeanor interference
recreation activities. Once their program has been supremacist prison gang who threatened to kill with or injury of a federal officer, and one count
validated by DOJ systems, it is automatically trans- Lamont when he went to jail in 2002 after of misdemeanor depredation of federal property.
ferred for authorization. Adherence to the program pleading no contest to possession of a destructive They could face up to 7 years in prison for the
is monitored in real time with prisoners earning device. Prosecutors alleged that Matt was felony conviction. A support campaign has been
credit for good behavior. Alarms sound and guards planning to blow up a building full of neo-Nazis set up for Rod and Matt. For more info check
alerted on PDAs if inmates are not present in the celebrating Adolf Hitler’s birthday. out the website:, or e-mail:
zones prescribed by the program.
Man Jailed for Refusing to effect on free speech. Pamelyn Ferdin, the current Over 120 people were arrested, of those, fifteen
Remove Shirt? president of SHAC Inc., told the jury that “for the have been charged with serious felonies. A summer
March 1, Colorado: Shareef Aleem, 37, was government to say you can’t say this and you can’t trial is scheduled for the others who were indicted
sentenced to 45 days for contempt (during his say that is going down a very scary path of going in connection with the riot. They are charged with
trial on charges he assaulted a cop) for wearing a toward fascism.” The defendants expect to receive various offenses, including aggravated riot,
T-shirt in court with a photograph of Stanley sentences of between 3 and 8 years in jail. felonious assault, vandalism, burglary, and
“Tookie” Williams and the word “redemption.” Sentencing is scheduled this summer. robbery. The Toledo Anti-Racist Action group say
Williams was a former gang member convicted As of mid-May, all of the defendants had been they are continuing to raise money for legal aid
of homicide in California who was executed in released to the homes of family members on and are planning a protest for upcoming trials.
December 2005despite mass protest. house arrest pending sentencing in June. This Lasandra welcomes books and letters of
Aleem apparently refused Judge Katherine gives them time to get their affairs in order and support. Her address is: Lasandra Burwell
Delgado’s order to remove the shirt. “There are limits continue to reach out to friends and supporters W063658, Ohio Reformatory for Women, 1479
to the judge’s powers concerning free speech,” to raise funds for appeals attorneys. Donations Collins Ave. Marysville, OH 43040.
Aleem’s attorney, Mark Burton, said. He promised can be made payable to “NJARA” and earmarked
an appeal and said Aleem planned a hunger strike for the SHAC 7 and sent to: NJARA, PO Box 174, Four ELF Suspects Plead Out
while in jail. According to Aleem’s lawyer, Aleem Englishtown, NJ 07726. You can also donate March 18, Sacramento, California: Three admitted
removed a T-shirt on February 28 that prosecutors online and learn more about the case at Earth Liberation Front saboteurs were sentenced for
found offensive. That shirt had the words “U.S. their roles in a number of attempted and one
History 101” and included a picture partially successful arson in the
in which a white overseer whipped a Sacramento area. The accused
black slave. The next day Aleem refused “ring-leader,” Ryan Daniel Lewis,
to remove the shirt depicting Williams was sentenced to six years in federal
after prosecutors objected. prison after pleading guilty to two
Aleem was arrested Feb. 3, 2005, counts of attempted arson and one
during a University of Colorado Board count of arson. After completing his
of Regents meeting concerning pro- sentence he will have a three-year
fessor Ward Churchill. Police say Aleem term of supervised release and be
became combative at the meeting, ripped ordered to pay $243,000 restitution.
off a pig’s badge and grabbed another Sisters Eva Rose Holland and Lili
cop by the throat. Aleem pleaded not Marie Holland were each sentenced
guilty to “second-degree assault of a to two years in prison, three years of
peace officer”, which carries a pos- supervised release and ordered to
sible 16-year prison term. The trial pay a $2,000 fine for one count each
ended in a hung jury. Prosecutors are of attempted arson. The Holland sis-
set to retry the case. .. .. .They
.They want
want us
us in
in line
line and
and quiet.
quiet. ters cooperated with investigators
in exchange for lesser charges and
SHAC Under Attack a reduced sentence. The fourth co-
March 2, Trenton, New Jersey: Six defendant, Jeremiah Colcleasure,
animal rights advocates associated entered a guilty plea for one count
with the group Stop Huntingdon Animal of attempted arson on March 3 and
Cruelty (SHAC) were convicted in is awaiting sentencing. The US
federal court of conspiring to cause Attorney recommended downward
financial damages to an animal testing departures in sentencing for the
company. The defendants were com- Holland sisters and Colcleasure
monly known as the SHAC 7 before the because of their “substantial coop-
government dropped charges against eration with the government in this
one of their co-defendants. The company investigation”. No claim of Lewis’s
Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) per- cooperation was made by the US
forms vivisection experiments on Attorney in this particular case, nor
about 75,000 beagle puppies, rabbits, did any such claim appear in Lewis’s
mice, and other animals each year, and kills 500 Anti-Fascist Rioter plea agreement. Nonetheless in the
animals a day. The defense was not allowed to criminal complaint against Eric McDavid, Zachary
Gets Five-Year sentence Jenson and Lauren Weiner (who are all currently
present any evidence that related to the cruelty March 2, Toledo, Ohio: Lasandra Burwell has been
of vivisection or reflect on the virtues of the under federal indictment; see next page) it states:
sentenced to 5 years imprisonment for 2nd Degree “On August 31,2005 FBI Joint Terrorism Task
SHAC protests. Felony Assault, 1st Degree Felony Assault, and
The crux of the government’s case was that Force (JTTF) Agents interviewed Lewis, who
Fourth Degree Aggravated Riot for throwing bricks indentified McDavid in a digital photo recovered
SHAC used its website, which was taken offline at police cars and cops during the anti-fascist riot
following the verdict, to encourage others to from the hard drive of Lewis’s computer. Lewis
in Toledo, OH last October. People came out in the further advised that McDavid was a friend and had
commit crimes against HLS and its supporters. hundreds to protest when the National Socialist
The group’s campaign to get HLS to stop testing intentions to travel by hitchiking to protest
Movement held a march in a predominately African destinations across the country, including the
on animals or close down has had a large degree American Toledo neighborhood. The crowd grew
of success. Dozens of large companies, including presidental inauguration in Washington DC.”
to over 1,000 and police were no match for the No more is known at this time about the
The Bank of New York, Stephens Inc. and Marsh protestors who caused the nazis to flee and then
Inc. have pledged in writing to never have anything nature of Lewis’s cooperation with the govern-
turned on the police. Police cars were destroyed, ment. All that is known is that he identified and
to do with HLS again. cops on bikes were attacked, and the shoulder to
Five of the defendants, Kevin Kjonaas, Joshua discussed someone else with the FBI and that
shoulder line of the riot police was driven back. person was later arrested. Support for any of
Harper, Lauren Gazzola, Jacob Conroy, and Andrew The cops also fled, leaving their cars behind as
Stepanian were taken into custody immediately those who cooperated is being denied by most
rioters clapped and cheered. “We should do this responsible political prisoner support groups.
upon receiving the verdict. Defense lawyers said everyday”, one protestor exclaimed.
that the verdict will likely have a very chilling (continued on next page)
bomb scares shut down Peter is very concerned that his supporters
the city center. The dummy might be thinking he is ignoring their letters of
bombs were allegedly left support. He isn’t! The censorship of Pete’s mail
by “gay terrorists”. Since at Victorville FCI has reached a new high and he
the election, an MP from estimates that 50% of all his mail is not being
the conservative Catholic delivered to him. If you have written to Pete and
Party has accused the have not received a timely response, please assume
Law and Justice Party of that your letter never reached Pete and please do
orchestrating the bomb write again.
hoax as an election ploy.
More Cooperation
More Arrests with ongoing Investigations
in Italy May 30, Sacramento, California: Lauren Weiner,
May 4, Pisa, Italy: Ten Zachary Jenson, and Eric McDavid were arrested
eco-anarchists have been in Auburn, CA as part of the government’s
arrested and charged ongoing campaign against radical environmen-
with conspiracy to over- talists on January 13, and were charged with
throw the State and conspiracy to destroy property by means of fire
u s ing explosives to or explosives, accused of plotting to blow up a
damage power lines. U.S. Forest Service genetics lab along with cell
Some of the ten have phone towers and power generators. While
also been charged with Zachary, 20, of Monroe, WA, and Eric, 28, of
carrying and using Foresthill, CA, both maintain their innocence,
explosive devices. At Lauren Weiner, 20, of Pound Ridge, NY, has
this moment the info is agreed to cooperate with investigators as part of
very vague as the news a plea bargain. This includes testifying against
is still coming in, but the Eric and Zachary. She entered a guilty plea to
arrests appear to be “conspiracy to commit an offense or defraud the
linked to an event in Unites States”. This is a lesser conspiracy charge
September 2005 which than Lauren and her co-defendants were indicted
saw an electricity pylon under. According to assistant United States Attorney
in the mountains near Steve Lapham “the defendant agrees to cooperate
Pisa being damaged by with the continuing investigation and prosecution
explosives. All those of this case”.
arrested are being In their original indictment, the FBI revealed
linked by the state to details about information coming from a “confi-
the eco-anarchist group Il Silvestre. Of the ten dential source (CS) who is deeply imbedded within
Anti-Gay Law Leads who have been arrested five have been placed the subjects’ cell,” identified as a young woman
to Club Eviction under strict house arrest (no phone calls, no visits, named “Anna” who was in Auburn with the others
April 1, Warsaw, Poland: Le Madame, formerly etc) whilst the other five have been remanded at the time of the arrests. According to authorities,
Warsaw’s only gay club, was raided by police and into custody. “Anna” provided housing for the three in a cabin
evicted. The eviction came after a week-long occu- which, unbeknownst to them, was rented by the
pation and a series of protests involving hundreds Animal Liberationists FBI and was specially equipped with audio and
of supporters, including American actor John video surveillance equipment. “Anna” also wore
Malkovich. The club, which was an integral space
Get Lengthy Sentence
May 11, Nottingham, Britain: Four British animal a concealed wire in order to record conversations
for Warsaw’s small, openly gay community, had with the three and was paid $75,000 plus expenses
become a more inclusive space frequented by liberation activists, who have each previously
pleaded guilty to “blackmail” for their role in a by the FBI over the course of the two years during
artists, intellectuals, leftists, and anarchists. which she infiltrated various anarchist groups
Police set up a cordon around the building at campaign against a farm which bred guinea pigs and events.
6am while there were only about 50 supporters for torture and death at the hands of vivisectors, Due to the recent events, Sacramento Prisoner
in the building. Pigs with saws cut through pipes where given lengthy prison sentences. Kerry Support has ended support for Lauren Weiner, who
and chains that protesters used to lock themselves Whitburn, John Smith and Jon Ablewhite were all has been living with her mother at her home in Pound
to the building. Witnesses claimed that many of sentenced to twelve years imprisonment. Josephine Ridge, New York, since her mother bailed her out
the individuals arrested were brutalized by the po- Mayo was sentenced to four years imprisonment. for $1.2 million in late January. Eric and Zachary,
lice. Supporters gathered outside and chanted “To however, are still in need of your support. They
Nie Koniec, To Poczatek” (“It’s Not Over, It’s Just Peter Young remain in Sacramento County Jail and could face
the Beginning”). Faces More Charges five to 20 years in federal prison if they are
The effort to close the club was led by President ALF prisoner Peter Young is on his way to South convicted of conspiring to use fire or explosives
Lech Kaczynski’s anti-gay Law and Justice Party. Dakota to face more charges. There is little to damage property. Weiner’s sentencing is set
After various failed attempts to close the club the information right now, but Peter has stated that for August 8. McDavid and Jenson are set for
party decided to simply purchase the building and he is being charged there for a raid on the Turbak court appearances August 15. For more info on the
evict them. Kaczynski, while serving as Warsaw’s mink ranch (which has since gone out of business). two prisoners, or how to support them, check out
mayor last year, declared a gay pride parade to be This is one of the same raids that Peter was their websites: and
an illegal demonstration. Although some of the charged for in his federal case. Peter faces over
pride marchers were arrested by police following 20 years in South Dakota. Donations can be They can be contacted at: Zachary Jenson X-
the event, Kaczynski condemned police for not made payable to the “Peter Young Support 4198632 7E213A, Sacramento County Main Jail,
using enough force to stop the march and for Fund” and sent to: Peter Young Support Fund, 651 “I” Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 and Eric
arresting some of the fascists who tried to 740A 14th St. #237, San Francisco, CA McDavid X-2972521 4W114A, Sacramento
disrupt the parade. He won last year’s presidential 94114. You can also donate online using paypal County Main Jail, 651 “I” Street, Sacramento,
election, which fell three days after a series of false at: CA 95814. For more info on the case, see:
As “Operation Backfire” Continues…
As we go to print, the nation-wide sweep elements of the Earth Liberation Front (ELF)
of arrests, dubbed “Operation Backfire” by and Animal Liberation Front (ALF) were
the FBI that began in December of 2005, allegedly responsible. Additional defen-
continues. It is focused on dozens of people dants already charged in the conspiracy
and numerous arsons in Oregon, Wyoming, are Joseph Dibee, Josephine Sunshine
Washington, California and Colorado from Overaker, Rebecca Rubin, Jonathan Paul,
1996 through 2001 that caused damage Sarah Kendall Harvey, Susan Savoie, and
in the millions of dollars. FBI Director Darren Thurston. U.S. Attorney Karin J.
Robert S. Mueller declared it the bureau’s Immergut stated that, “We will continue
“highest domestic terrorism priority”. to aggressively investigate and prosecute
Ongoing pre-trials are occurring and grand those responsible for acts of eco-terrorism
juries continue in Eugene, Denver, San in Oregon.”
Diego, and San Francisco targeting envi- This case, along with the other cases,
ronmentalists and animal rights defenders.
Most trials are scheduled to begin on
They can were jointly investigated by the FBI, ATF,
Eugene Police Department, U.S. Bureau of
October 31. Land Management, U.S. Forest Service,
As of June 1, 2006, the following are
those who have been accused in “Operation
only get Oregon State Police, and Lane County
Sheriff’s Office. Copies of the indictments
Backfire”: Daniel McGowan, Kevin Tubbs,
Stanislas Meyerhoff, Chelsea Gerlach,
Joseph Dibee, Josephine Sunshine
in if we can be obtained by calling Public Information
Officer Diane Peterson at 503-727-1066.
Prosecuting attorneys in the case are
Overaker, Rebecca Rubin, Jonathan Paul,
Sarah Kendall Harvey, Susan Savoie,
Darren Thurston, Nathan Block, Joyanna
let them. Assistant U.S. Attorney Kirk Engdall and
Assistant U.S. Attorney John Ray in Eugene,
and Assistant U.S. Attorney Stephen F.
Zacher, and Briana Waters. Some have Peifer, in Portland.
been released under strict court agreements, More recently, Nathan and Joyanna have
while others remain in custody. Most have been formally charged with involvement
been indicted in the blanket conspiracy in the Romania Chevrolet Truck Center
charge, attempting to link them together arson. The result of this is, they have each
into a fictional group the Feds have dubbed had 35 additional arson charges placed
“The Family”. This is, no doubt, an attempt against them and a second “use of a
to create a sinister mystique around them and to one or more incendiary bombs – in relation to a destructive device” placed against them. This
be able to charge them under more extreme “anti- crime of violence, which carries a minimum prison means that both now face 47 arson charges, one
terrorism” laws. The response by the accused has sentence of 30 years. They are also facing con- attempted arson charge and two “use of a
been mixed, with some refusing any cooperation spiracy charges along with 11 other people the destructive device” charges. If found guilty on
with the state, others attempting to work out plea government claims were part of an Earth Liberation all counts they face a mandatory minimum
agreements without implicating others, and some Front cell that was active primarily in the Pacific sentence of 65 years imprisonment.
spilling their guts and fabricating stories to avoid Northwest between 1996 and 2001. Donations can be sent via a check or money
the hefty sentences. Obviously, support will be Defendants already charged in the Jefferson order, made out to Maureen Block (Nathan’s
granted to those with integrity, and denied to those Poplar Farm case are Kevin Tubbs, Stanislas mother, in constant contact with him and Joy). The
who cooperate with the state’s investigation at Meyerhoff, Chelsea Gerlach, and Daniel McGowan, address is: S.N.J. c/o Maureen Block, 881 Oak
other’s expense. who face trial in Eugene on October 31. Their Hill Rd., Swanville, ME 04915. For more info, see:
The following are just a few of the ongoing indictment alleges the Jefferson Poplar Farm
events revolving around the recent attack by the arson was part of a broad conspiracy from 1996 You can contact them at: Nathan Block #1663667,
Federal government on radical environmentalism through 2001 involving numerous other arsons Lane County Jail, 101 W 5th Ave, Eugene, OR
in the Northwest. Please check out issue #22 for and attempted arsons in Oregon, Washington, 97401 and Joyanna Zacher #1662550, Lane
more details, or the various websites listed. Wyoming, Colorado and California, in which County Jail, 101 W 5th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401.

Two More Arrested Briana Waters Indicted

in Operation Backfire Late March, Seattle, Washington:
February 24, Olympia, Washington: Briana Waters, 30, of Berkeley, California
Federal agents arrested Olympia residents was indicted on charges from the May
Nathan Frazer Block, 24, and Joyanna L. 2001 fire that destroyed the University
Zacher, 28, after a federal grand jury in of Washington Center for Horticulture
Eugene indicted them on arson charges building, that was claimed by the Earth
in relation to a May 2001 fire at the Liberation Front (ELF). She is the
Jefferson Poplar farm in Clatskanie, first person to be publicly charged
Oregon. The indictments charge 12 counts in connection with that arson, which
of arson and one count of attempted targeted the work of Toby Bradshaw,
arson involving farm buildings and trucks. an associate professor of forest resources
Each count of arson and attempted arson whose genetic research focused on
carries a minimum sentence of five years Summer nights are heavy. One sleeps badly in showing how poplars grow by mapping
in prison, up to a maximum of 20 years. the tiny rooms. It is the Eve of the Guillotine. their DNA.
The defendants are also charged with –Zo d’Axa (continued on next page)
using and carrying a destructive device –
The fire was one of two set by the ELF on that same Daniel has been falsely accused of multiple counts After refusing to testify, Hogg was walked by
night. The other one in Clatskanie, Oregon destroyed of arson, property destruction, and conspiracy. If federal agents to the courthouse for contempt
the offices of a poplar farm. 13 people face conspiracy convicted, he would face a minimum of life in prison proceedings before Judge Hogan. Although Hogg
charges in connection with that and more than a dozen and a maximum of life plus three-hundred and thirty- is not charged with any crimes, he will remain in jail
other arsons claimed by the group. five years. He is from New York, and has been an until September 30, 2006 unless his attorney, Paul
The ELF accused Bradshaw of being “the driving active member of the community, working on Loney, is successful in motions for his release.
force in G.E. (genetically engineered) tree research,” diverse projects such as the demonstrations against Please send urgent letters of support to: Jeffrey
and a person who “continues to unleash mutant the Republican National Convention, Really Really Hogg #1065518, 1901 NE F St. Grants Pass,
genes into the environment that is certain to cause Free Markets, and supporting political prisoners such OR 97526.
irreversible harm to forest ecosystems.” as Jeff “Free” Luers and others. Daniel has stated
On March 30, Briana Waters was taken into that there will never be any cooperation on his part More Grand Jury Subpoenas
custody in Seattle, Washington. The feds had with his “captors.” In late January, McGowan was March 18, Oregon: In Eugene, former North
showed up at Waters’ door earlier that month and ordered released to the custody of his sister, American Earth Liberation Front Press Office
basically told her she could either cooperate or she pending the payment of $1.6 million bail. Donations spokesperson, Craig Rosebraugh, was scheduled
would become a defendant in the case. She told can be made by going to the Daniel McGowan support to appear before a federal grand jury, but his
the feds they would have to make her a defendant, page at: appearance has been rescheduled for August.
because she would not allow the FBI to coerce her Check and money orders can be made out to “Lisa Rosebraugh served as a press officer from 1997
into cooperation. She voluntarily surrendered herself, McGowan” and sent to: Lisa McGowan, PO Box to early September 2001. This is his eighth grand
and, based on her lack of criminal background, she 106, New York, NY 10156. Questions and concerns jury subpoena during the last nine years.
was released to return to her partner and young child. can be directed to Rosebraugh has consistently resisted testifying
Waters joined tree-sitters and forest defenders in before grand juries. During a 2002 Senate
the summer of 1999 on Watch Mountain in Jonathan Paul, 40, long-time animal rights and hearing he refused to answer more than 50 ques-
Washington’s Gifford Pinchot National and produced environmental activist was arrested in Southern tions by invoking his “Fifth Amendment right”.
a 60-minute documentary about the campaign called Oregon. He is being charged with an arson at a
WATCH! (2001). She faces a minimum sentence of horse slaughter-house and meat packing plant On March 21, Camillo Stephenson was subpoenaed
35 years in prison if convicted of all charges. A trial in Redmond, Oregon, in 1997. Paul, a firefighter to a Denver, Colorado grand jury and questioned
date was scheduled for June. To view the support and long-time activist who helped co-found in regards to the 1998 Vail ski resort fire. It appears
campaign site visit Please America’s Whale Alliance and Ocean Defense that Jake Ferguson made some statements to the
make donations payable to Eric Waters (Briana’s International, faces up to 20 years in prison and FBI that he claimed Camillo would corroborate.
brother and administrator of the Fund), and send a $250,000 fine and has been released on strict No such luck for Jake, as once again the information
them to: Eric Waters, P.O. Box 1689, Old Chelsea conditional bail. he has provided to the federal government proves
Station, New York, NY 10113. to be untrue.
Support Update: Based on information from lawyers
New Indictments On close to the cases, and looking at the proceedings Cooperating with the State
Darren Thurston at the June 2 bail hearing for Nathan Block and To the best of our knowledge, the following are
April 7, Reno, Nevada: U.S. Attorney McGregor Joyanna Zacher, we can no longer recommend known, to various degrees, to have collected
Scott and FBI Special Agent Drew Parenti an- support of Chelsea Gerlach (still incarcerated) and information, snitched, informed, or cooperated with
nounced four new indictments in connection with Suzanne Savoie (currently on bail). Chelsea Gerlach Federal authorities at other’s expense as part of
an Earth Liberation Front (ELF) October 15, 2001 and Suzanne Savoie have both been named by “Operation Backfire”. All have, to various degrees,
arson at the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) some of their co-defendants, as well as by some of detrimentally affected the situation of others: Jacob
Litchfield Wild Horse and Burro Facility near the lawyers, as cooperating with the authorities “Jake” Ferguson, Stanislas Meyerhoff, Kevin Tubbs,
Susanville, California. Three of those indicted already which has included making statements against Sarah Harvey (aka Kendall Tankersley), Jen Kolar,
face ELF related charges in Oregon, including the others. We have not yet confirmed the full extent Suzanne Savoie, and Chelsea Gerlach. They will
Canadian Thurston, who is in custody. Two others, of their cooperation (and there may be others whom justifiably be denied support by us and most
Rebecca Rubin, 32, and Joseph Dibee, 38, are at they have named), but we have confirmed that both prisoner support groups. These are most of the
large, as is the fourth suspect named for the first Gerlach and Savoie have made statements against people indicted. Not a good sign. We would direct
time in the indictment, Justin Solondz, 26. The Nathan Block and Joyanna Zacher. people to the previous issue of GA for further details
new charges against Darren, who was originally on the ongoing snitching, and the pathetic gathering
arrested for allegedly possessing fake identification Jeff Hogg Jailed for of information by Jacob “Jake” Ferguson in par-
in December 2005 (and later indicted with the Resisting the Grand Jury ticular. Also, be aware that information has and
other arrested in these cases), are “Conspiracy to May 18, Eugene Oregon: Activist Jeff Hogg has continues to be provided by others not yet named.
Commit Arson”, “Arson of a Government Facility” been jailed for contempt by Judge Hogan until There is a controversial website called
and “Use and Carrying of a Destructive Device further notice for refusing to testify before a “,” where informants and snitches
During and in Relation to a Crime of Violence”. If Grand Jury which is investigating a series of direct are listed and notes compared by criminal defendants
Darren is convicted on all counts, he faces a actions which occurred in Oregon between the and their attorneys. The site contains mostly
minimum sentence of 30 years. mid-1990s and 2001. Under the Grand Jury rules reposted public information from trial affidavits,
He can receive mail at: Darren Thurston Jeff can be held for up to 18-months or until the media articles, etc.
#701415, Multnomah County, Inverness Jail, Grand Jury ceases its investigations, whichever
11540 NE Inverness Dr., Portland, OR 97220. A the sooner. Helpful Websites:
support campaign has been set up for Darren. It Hogg walked into the federal courthouse after
can be contacted via This making a brief statement before the media and
group has also set up a website which can be supporters. “I am being forced to choose between
viewed at: betraying social change movements or going to
jail without committing a crime,” Hogg said. “It’s
Others Needing Support not a fun choice to make and it makes you question
Daniel McGowan, 31, an environmental and social everything you believe in.” Hogg, a first-year nursing
justice activist, has pled not guilty and denies any student who works with autistic adults concluded:
knowledge or involvement in the crimes he is being “But I won’t be coerced by the government to give
charged with and denies membership in the ELF. up my principles.”
Weeklong Cyber Storm
Hits Internet
February, Worldwide: Devastating attacks on the Internet from
anti-globalization activists, underground hackers, and bloggers
delivering misinformation campaigns, political rantings, and
musings about current events joined others who shut down electricity
in 10 states. Failures in vital systems for online banking and retail
sales, infected discs mistakenly distributed by commercial software
companies, and other critical flaws were discovered in core Internet
technology. These attacks were aimed at causing a “significant
cyber disruption” that could seriously damage energy, transportation
and health care industries and undermine public confidence.
Alas, this was only a test. Government officials from the United
Ricos aka
States, Canada, Australia, and England along with executives from
Microsoft, Cisco, Verisign, and others said they were careful to Robert
simulate attacks only using isolated computers, working from
basement offices at the Secret Services headquarters in downtown
Washington. George Foresman, HLS Undersecretary likened his
agency’s role during any Internet attack to an orchestra conductor, Released!
coordinating responses from law enforcement, intelligence agencies, June 29, Salem, OR: Rob was released after seven years in prison!
the military, and private firms. The government’s goal is a “symphony He will still be under tight state supervision and possibly confined to
of preparedness,” Foresman said. Oregon. We do not yet know what other restrictions may occur.
More than 115 government agencies, companies and organizations Help with housing, work, financial matters, and general post-prison
participated. They included the White House National Security Council, support is needed.
Justice Department, Defense Department, State Department, National Rob is an anarchist political prisoner finishing an 88-month sentence
Security Agency and CIA, for hitting a cop with a rock during the June 18, 1999 Reclaim the
which conducted its own Streets celebration turned riot in Eugene, OR. We need to let Rob know
he is not forgotten, that the principles he has struggled for (for 30 years)
cybersecurity exercise called
and that he will have spent over 7 years in prison for are still alive.
“Silent Horizon” last May. An
He is planing many talks in the near future and his schedule is quickly
earlier cyberterrorism exercise filling up. Please contact Rob’s friend, comrade, and booking agent
called “Livewire” for Homeland Marlena with questions regarding media and press. If you would like to
Security and other federal schedule a reading or speaking presentation for your collective, commu-
agencies concluded there nity or student organization, workshop, forum or conference keynote
were serious questions over address, please e-mail her at: Mailing address is:
government’s role during a En Lucha 1724 NE Broadway, Ste. 554, Portland OR 97212-4115.
cyberattack depending on All personal mail should be sent to: Rob los Ricos, PO Box 50634,
who was identified as the Eugene OR 97405. For now donations should be made out to “Rob
culprit – terrorists, a foreign Thaxton”, but he will soon legally change his name to Rob los Ricos.
government, or bored teen- Look for Rob’s soon to be updated website:
agers. It also questioned
whether the U.S. government
would be able to detect the From: Rob los Ricos Communiqué,
early stages of such an attack Oregon State Correctional Facility, June 6
without significant help from
Howdy Comrades!
private technology companies.
It’s hard to believe that two weeks from today I will walk out of the
gates of this concrete razor wired medium security facility and step
into freedom. I’ve been moved four times in as many weeks but it’s
MOVE Prisoners: not likely that I’ll be moved again with so little of my sentence left.
MOVE is a radical ecological movement that has been attacked by To my supporters; I want to send you all a great big thank you for
the Philadelphia Police since its inception. Nine members were helping me make it through this long and strange trip. Your letters
convicted and sent to prison for life following a 1978 siege at their and visits over the past seven plus years have meant more than I
house in which one cop was killed by another cop. One of those nine, can ever convey. I have had a stream of amazing, interesting and
Merle Africa, died in prison after being denied medical treatment. yes, somewhat strange people flow in and out of my life. I have
made friends and have held on to them. I’ve made friends and have
Debbie Simms Africa #006307, Janet Holloway Africa lost them. I’ve crossed a few bridges but have also burnt a few.
#006308, Janine Philips Africa #006309, 451 Fullerton Ave, I have known love and I have caused pain. Hmmm...
Cambridge Springs, PA 16403-1238. For now, the only thing that I have left to say is that it will be great to
Michael Davis Africa AM4973, Charles Simms Africa be out among y’all. It looks like there’s a reading lined up for me on
AM4975, Box 244, Grateford, PA 19426-0244 SCI Grateford. July 1st at the Laughing Horse Bookstore in Portland Oregon. It’ll be
interesting to see how I measure up to the image that some of you
Edward Goodman Africa AM4974, Box 200, Camp Hill, PA may have of me! In any case, I look forward to meeting all of you.
17011-0200 SCI Camp Hill. En Lucha,
William Philips Africa AM4984, Delbert Orr Africa Rob los Ricos
AM4985, Drawer K, Dallas, PA 18612 SCI Dallas.


The following reviews are the individual opinions of various members of the Green Anarchy
Collective: (FS)=Felonious Skunk, (WTS)=W.T.Smoke, and (JZ)=John Zerzan.
“I can only be me. I will tell you what tickles me. and as uprisings and revolts are igniting in hot especially when we have so much in common
I will tell you what fills me with pleasure. spots around the globe, this refreshing insurrection- in terms of general analysis and methods for
ary anarchist zine, primarily focusing on strategy, attack. This is key to an insurrectionalist posi-
I will tell you what stimulates my mind and is a much needed addition to the anarchist press. tion, and one I feel
imagination. I will tell you what I am indifferent I am sure some people may complain that vital to contribut-
to. I will tell you what annoys and disturbs me. they don’t get specific ing to a momentum
And I will tell you what I think is shit and enough with against civilization.
deserves to be composted with the rest of what they are A Murder of Crows
against (i.e. seeks to extend in-
this fucking society. Then I am done, finished more detailed tercommunication
with it, and it is cast out. The rest is for you analysis on the and interaction
to do what you want with, it is now yours.” origins and in- between insurrec-
– 2nd Floor Bathroom Wall, stitutions of civi- tionary projects
Eugene Public Library, Summer 2005 lization), or that and encourage
they don’t offer useful critical
A Murder of a blue-print for a
future anarchist
Through the
Crows #1 society. But, I think
their overall project
sharing of their
analysis con-
“We do not assume that our world is inevitably
is vital to an anar- cerning certain
heading towards a liberatory transformation of
chist development projects and
social relations. Misery, work, starvation, slavery,
of strategy and the events they
war, and ecological degradation are present on a
connection of theory hope to ex-
scale never before seen. Why would we think
and practice. If anar- pose both
we could have any effect upon this state of
chists are ever going strengths
affairs? How could we believe that we can
to grow past small and weak-
change the ever-accelerating rush towards a bleak
circles of hard-headed nesses in
future of greater social control and ecological
idealists or insignifi- order to
collapse? Because we are unwilling to lie down
cant scensters, then a develop
and eat shit while we are around…If there is a
serious delving into a more
choice between cynicism and helplessness or
strategy is essential. critical
determined and focused attack on the present
Sure, we need to have ground in
institutions of domination, we choose the latter.”
well-articulated and which to sow our current and
– Introduction to A Murder of Crows
analytical discussions future experiments in attacking this social order.
I am very optimistic about this new periodical from of all of the institutions of control, as well as After an impressively defiant and explanatory
Seattle. In a time of ever more desolation and ongoing and honest debates. We needn’t put aside opening statement, AMoC features a brief Italian
devastation, when those movements seeking an our analysis to combine efforts with those we may translation, “We Are Much Too Young to Wait”,
end to this death-trip are under considerable attack, generally agree with, yet have diverging details, which examines the “wild youths” who continue
to revolt in France against their daily misery, the situation, that our compliance with the system This journal is sure to help fill the enormous
reactionary elements wishing to squash, co-opt, allows it to continue, and that it continually insurrectionalist void left by the important
and mediate this rage, as well as the function of strengthens its control over us. The upside to this, anarchist journal of similar focus, Willful
the city as an oppressive form that is the terrain with the advancement of the mechanisms of con- Disobedience, which is on extended (and perhaps
for these dynamics. “Solidarity is a Weapon” trol, is that new weaknesses are created, and permanent) sabbatical. (FS)
offers information and analysis on the recent “these weaknesses are an opportunity.” The bulk $2, A Murder of Crows, PO Box 20442,
wave of repression on radical environmentalists of the essay assesses various strategies of taking Seattle, WA 98102
and eco-anarchists. The issue also contains articles advantage of these weaknesses, and creating new
that illustrate and give accounts of the insurrec- ones through the use of sabotage. This is con-
tionary anarchist movements in Argentina and cluded by a critical, yet general, restating of an Eberhardt Press
Vancouver, Canada, as well as two articles insurrectionalist strategy.
which describe in detail the ongoing resistance My only complaint about A Murder of Crows
Review, Issue #2
to immigration centers in Italy and the repression is the tendency, at times, (which I have seen A few years ago, some anarchists got their hands
that coincides with this. All of them contain not throughout many insurrectionalist essays and on a clunky old printing press in hopes of
only factual and historical elements, but strategic zines) to develop a line or a rigidity, especially obtaining more control over their literature
discussion as well. There is also a brief, but in describing how we should attack, or more projects, relying less on professional printers or
impressive, action report section. precisely, how we shouldn’t. While I agree with copy shop scams, and for creating more hand-
“Revolt and Misrepresentation” attempts to take most of the premises for a generalized revolt, what some productions. After long painstaking hours
a critical eye to how we analyze social dynamics that entails and what is outside of that sucking in toxic fumes, breaking their backs bent
by quickly reviewing how uprisings and over a finicky machine, and many, many test
conflicts in Algeria and Argentina, and the runs, Portland’s Eberhardt Press seems
aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, have been to be rolling quite well. Focusing
reported on by radicals. The author puts forth mainly on little known and original
some valid and helpful advice, such as: pamphlets and books, they provide
analysis is useless if its intent is to spread an printing services to comrades and fellow
ideology; the importance of understanding publishers throughout the world at
contradictory tendencies within insurrection- rates so down to earth it would make a
ary situations; avoiding misrepresentations, professional printer piss his/her pants
homogenization, and the candy-coating of (since they only charge a hair above the
events; evading intellectual laziness or over- cost of production). Needless to say, they
simplifications; and the learning of other are a wonderful anarchist resource to have
languages and development of international in the Northwest. Eberhardt Press Review
contacts, especially in hot spots. is their in-house publication of reviews.
“Casualties of a Social Disaster” takes a This marks the second issue of what looks
look at the effects of Hurricane Katrina on to be an interesting regular read.
immigrants in particular, claiming that all Unfortunately, this installment begins with
disasters (even natural ones) are social in what I found to be its least significant piece,
terms of how people are affected by them. but perhaps it served as an opening act to
The author uses this concept to look at how better showcase the other features. Christopher
the state prioritizes its activities, notably, Blake Ruth’s review of “On Bullshit” by
the restoration of order and the reestab- Harry Frankfurt is well-written, and even
lishment of capitalist relationships. These witty at times. But who really cares about
motivations directly conflict with those some obscure philosophical essay that has
who self-organize to meet their needs, been recently re-released as a small book, even
creating, or rather emphasizing a social if, as Ruth suggests, it has mysteriously gained
war. This is probably the case with popularity as of late? I don’t know where
immigrants more than with any other Christopher hangs, but I haven’t heard any talk
portion of the population due to their about this seemingly irrelevant academic tract
extreme marginalization and, in many around the water-cooler. I don’t think asking the
cases, illegalization, in this society. The article goes difference between truth and untruth and what
on to discuss some of the specific ramifications begins to become too established. lies outside of this question (notably, bullshit) is
this disaster had on the 300,000 or so immigrants And, while it may seem more desirable to proceed touching on the pulse of mainstream culture. Nor
in the area affected. But this is not a call for refor- towards that direction, it can’t exclude that which should it be to be investigated, but it is presented
mation of F.E.M.A. or the government’s response doesn’t fall into its self-restrained method, at least here as if everyone thinks about these things, and
to disasters, nor the Americanization of immigrants not without cogent argumentation that stems from in reference to some specialist’s concepts of them.
to place them within the jurisdiction of “protection”. an open perspective rather than the propping It is important to grapple with morality and es-
Instead it is a call to breach the gap between up of one’s own ideas. I feel, mostly from the sentialist perspectives, but when the night comes
disaffected people in all sectors of the population repetitive use of catch-phrases along these lines falling from the sky, it seems Ruth might not even
in the hopes of better actualizing these situations and the complete insistence on a social struggle notice unless it is first presented as a thesis paper.
as part of a larger social war. While I felt some of (which I would agree is more desirable, but not “Mujeres Libres” by Leah is a much more
the optimism to be naïve, overall it was the clearest essential in every sense), that this may be the grounded and relevant review, taking a look at
and most applicable discussion on the topic I case. But the trend of jargon and pitfalls of self- the new edition of Martha Ackelsberg’s Free
have read. referential and idea-centric prescriptions can be Women of Spain: Anarchism and the Struggle for
The issue’s longest piece, “Fire at Midnight, seen in any of the significant current anarchist the Emancipation of Women. This is, however,
Destruction at Dawn” clearly articulates the trends (including post-leftism, primitivism, more of a history lesson (or should I say her-story?)
world they are against, one of commodification, and pro-situationist). This becomes an unnec- then a straight book review, taking a deeper look
dispossession, exclusion, technofication, essary point of tension, rather than a variety at the part of the Spanish Revolution often
militarization, alienation, and isolation. It also of prioritizations. marginalized or forgotten about. Leah is both
distinctly states that there is no way within the Overall, issue #1 of A Murder of Crows has set the (continued on next page)
confines of this system to truly challenge this bar high for future issues, and I’m very encouraged.
critical and complimentary to both the book and movement”, he, like many of us, is searching
the group Mujeres Libres, while offering some Anarchy & Nihilism: outside its margins for useful lessons and ideas
useful lessons for contemporary anarchists. She
challenging the underlying essentialist feminist
Consequences to put into practice.
“Consequences: On Revolutionary Despair”
perspectives, while still asking important by Aragorn! opens the pamphlet with an outlined statement
questions about women’s all too familiar role as Nihilism, if we succinctly define it, is the under- on the limitations and dilemmas of the various
either peripheral or forgotten, not only in standing that everything about this society must social change models, historically and those
dominant society, but also in radical and revo- go. Since it is built on a rotten foundation, there currently practiced (from insurrection to
lutionary movements. can be nothing but putrid flowers of misery that revolution to collapse), and where we remain.
I really enjoyed Samuel Grey’s “Wither germinate from its foul detritus. Nihilism informs He rejects the singular approaches, claiming
Postmodernism?”, a look at Ecology and the End us that society’s destruction is primary, without them to be “more of the same”. But Aragorn! asks,
of Postmodernity by George Myerson and the need or desire for affirmative visions of what “Is the quiet misery of daily life preferable to a
Postmodernism for Beginners by Jim Powell. For another world might look like. This offers some reactionary rupture?” To which he follows that
those in the radical milieu who didn’t have pomo interesting food for thought (but probably limited historically anarchism has not been the answer
shoved down their throat in college like I did, or to a spicy condiment or maybe an exotic hors to a liberated social transformation, but instead,
those who stare blankly when the term is thrown d’oeuvre) for amoral anarchists wishing to is comprised of a series of “moments worth living”,
around, Grey offers a concise look into the strategize in the midst of this deranged society. ascending to a “glorious failure”. These stark
subject in a context which makes sense to anti-civ Nihilism has a historic framework, mostly stem- words may seem scandalous and burning, but they
anarchists and the random reader. Grey con- ming from 19th Century Russia, one that inspired do offer a more grounded and non-idealized
cludes with statements like: “Modernism and the “propaganda by the deed” anarchists. It also basis to examine the positive aspects of anarchism,
postmodernism, seen as binary opposites, then read has a contemporary and popular as well as the possible divergent approaches to
as symptoms of the same ailment. Perhaps one day usage that depicts contemplating and acting upon our situation other
both will be irrelevant.” Grey also rejects science, then the idealized and romantic raising of the
totalitarianism, democracy, and progress, black flag. Challenging notions of sacrifice,
in an attempt to portray the need to “fig- pragmatism, and the role of revolutionary
ure out how to unravel this tangle with “supermen”, he goes on to speak of an impasse
minimal tears to the fabric of life.” we occupy. Without the words to describe a
Also of interest were “The I and Thou transformation nor the ability to create it, we
of Martin Buber” by Anthony, an involved become desperate. This hopelessness leads to
look at the admirable and problematic actions outside of our theory or strategy,
writings of the German philosopher, and without goals and resolution, and is materialized
Jai Soutine’s informative “Al Zarqawi: merely of consequences. This insight does
The Man Behind the Myth”. Perhaps most ring true, but we are left without an idea of
detailed and engaging, however, was a what this means for us or the author’s
reprint from the New York Review of Books feelings about this situation. This removed
(11/5/70), John William Ward’s look at the or “objective” perspective seems intentional
classic text of Alexander Berkman’s Prison and perhaps stems from the author’s
Memoirs of an Anarchist: Studies in the particular form of nihilism and amoralism.
Libertarian and Utopian Tradition. Ward In the longest piece, “Nihilism and
takes us through the Russian Jewish Science”, Aragorn! explains how historical
immigrant’s transformation from the blundered (Russian) nihilism was reacting to
assassination attempt of Carnegie Steel manager specific circumstances (the spiritualism,
and strike crusher Henry Clay Frick, through superstition, and sentimentality of the
prison, to his post-incarceration renunciation Orthodox Church, and the rent, bureau-
of direct violence in America. Ward offers a cracy, and authority imposed by the
complex look at not only the anarchist who Czarist political structure), rather than
preached and practiced “propaganda by the an intentional motivation. It repre-
deed”, but also a multifaceted exploration of sented localized apprehension and
violence itself as a revolutionary strategy, pre- opposition rather than a universal
senting much for contemplation. skepticism. It was too short-lived to
Also available from Eberhardt Press are the break from this characteristically revolutionary
books A Crime Called Freedom: Writings and either mind- pattern, and thus never came to the fruition that
Communiqués of Os Cangaceiros and Fire to the less violence or self-destructive a perspective of ultimate pessimism might. One
Powder Keg: War and Social Guerrilla Struggle apathy, both of which probably contribute little byproduct of this was the embracing of “natural
in Iraq (both translated by Wolfi Landstreicher) to anarchist theory or practice. Fortunately, some science”. Rather than a wholesale rejection of
and Suffled How It Gush: A North American anarchists are offering more useful analysis of the logic of civilization, it merely abandoned the
Anarchist in the Balkans by Shon Meckfessel. the nihilist tendency. The first installment of this dominant forces of that time and context, and
Some of their pamphlets include: Free to Choose: series, Nihilism, Anarchy, and the 21st Century replaced them with another encompassing world-
A Guide to Reproductive Freedom and Criminal (available from the GA distro, see page 82), view. Aragorn! goes on to ponder the relevance
(and other Writings) by Isabelle Eberhardt, the provided some important groundwork to un- of nihilism’s key concepts (“Critique as practice”,
“young radical stricken with wanderlust and derstanding the aspects of nihilism that may be “Avocation of the Deed”, and “Negation” or
possessing a keen ability to record the beauty relevant to anarchy, as it opened up much non-participation as political practice) to our
and mystery she found in the world” from which discussion on the subject, and was quite influential. situation, while attempting to avoid the pitfalls of a
the printers get their name. You can check out Now Aragorn! brings us the next chapter on the restrained scope. He concludes by declaring that
their complete catalogue and other projects they subject, Anarchy & Nihilism: Consequences. anarchist nihilism rejects the answer or solution
are currently engaged in by going to their This time, rather than focusing on nihilism’s discourse in favor of offering a “frame of reference”,
website: (FS) applicability to anarchists, Aragorn! asks “What one which also includes the role of “opposition”
Eberhardt Press, 3527 NE 15th #127, does anarchy have to offer nihilism?” Seemingly as part of this society we wish to reject.
Portland, OR 97212 frustrated with the incoherence and ridiculous Perhaps most useful in this pamphlet was nature of much of what makes up the “anarchist “When Dictionaries Burn”, offering some
interesting definitions to key concepts of the left me completely dissatisfied. My expectations Kinko’s!, and leave it around town. Alright,
nihilist tradition flavored with Aragorn’s as far as practice, and my general perspective, again, that’s cool, I’m all for DIY, but I’ll just
particular distillations and seasonings. take me somewhere completely different. It is say, a lot of what comes from that process, in my
“Now is the Time (and Yet We Wait)” concludes possible to understand and continue to critically opinion, is best left for the recycling bin. There
the pamphlet asking the question “But what to examine how power functions and are occasionally, however, personal zines
do?” A very worthwhile question considering the evolves, while actively moving towards which I feel have an
fact that all theory is purposeless and illusory its destruction. Patience, in my opinion, engaging balance
without the intent to practice. This essay appro- was not what I was looking for after of personal stories,
priately suggests that we cannot “bring down the getting me all worked up. Blue-balled drama, humor,
castle walls by running full speed into them” and once again by the A! man. (FS) sadness, social
“it may be that the world has become sophisti- PO Box 3920, Berkeley, CA 94703, commentary, and
cated enough to no longer need castles.” In an age of ideas to keep me
evermore psychological control and self-policing interested. Now
and the conversion of the material to the virtual, this is especially
strategy against this system becomes more Ker-Bloom! subjective in the
ambiguous and amorphous. However, one begins by artnoose realm of personal
to wonder if the essay is about to slip into a Ker-Bloom! is a concise little pocket- zines, but I really
postmodern rationalization, but instead it offers sized zine assembled every two do enjoy reading
a solid critique of the postmodern condition. months from the hand-printed world most issues of Ker-
Describing it as a “tool in the arsenal of this of Bay Area craftsperson, artnoose. Bloom!. Don’t get me
order”, explaining that the group in the maximal It started about ten years ago when wrong, I’ve tossed
position to take advantage of a displaced reality the creator, who was already profi- aside a few of them
(stripped of historical, anthropological, and even cient in letterpress (that’s the old-fashioned which were just too
physical meaning and framework) are those in art of hand-setting every letter of the type!), fucking hippie for me,
control of it. Believing in nothing, decided to self-publish some of her like the one about the anarcho-snugglism, but
isolated, and apathetic serves writings out of an old barn she that’s the great thing about stuff in little packages,
the interests of the dominant shared with a press, spiders, its easy to ignore the ones you don’t like and
order, and is the consequence mice, rats, cats, possums, keep the ones you do. For the most part, how-
of postmodernism. This huge bumblebees, and ram- ever, I am regularly entertained and responsive
accepted “end of history” bunctious raccoons. She just to the zine.
premise is the most effective writes about her life, but when Some of my favorite issues of Ker-Bloom!
control mechanism at their you live amongst the Bay Area have been #27 (Bomb in my Head), which
disposal. Why resist what anarchist scene, that is inevita- accounts the whiske- induced attempt to remove
is a given? How can you bly political, often troublesome, cysts from her head with the help of a friend and
destroy what is universal? and typically amusing. X-acto blade; #30 (Head Scars), which deals with
All of this is strongly The construction and presen- the less intoxicated and triumphant removal of
challenged, yet why does tation are simple, but of much the cysts, as well as the emotional scars we all
the conclusion leave such higher quality than your average carry with us; #44 (Book Stork), reminds us that
a bad taste in my mouth? zine, probably because artnoose in this technofied nightmare, it is important to
Since it is assumed is an artisan first, and writer know where things come from; and #59 (The
that power no longer second. This is in no way a dis’ on Gray Ribbon Award), deals with the perpetual
looks like a citadel, that a her prose, which is pretty engaging, feelings of second-placeness, and the acceptance
siege strategy may not be applicable, just that the care in pro- of who we are and how we do
and that singular points of attack may no longer duction is very apparent. things with honesty and
be sufficient, it is suggested that the “simple” Not only is each issue candor, even when we never
solution to this problem is “engaged patience”. uniquely designed, but it also come out on top.
This is described as “total engagement in the contains clever little artwork There are also some
social and political processes around us”. and is numbered (like repro- supplementary artnoose
Examples given are “attending church, going ductions of paintings) so we zines outside of Ker-
to shareholder meetings, attending city council, know the copy we hold in our Bloom! worth checking
toasters, Elks lodges, civic organizations, and hands is one of a small set of out. The Blackberry Bloc
even leftist meetings.” The purpose of this is to hand-crafted pieces of creativity. or What Scott and Atnoose
gather information, to better understand how Now I have to say, I’m not Did on Their Summer
society functions. Yet it is never suggested that typically a huge fan of the Vacation was a compan-
we would do anything with this information, so personal zine format, as it ion zine to issue #56 of
I am left assuming we will remain in a perpetual mostly seems to be exclusively Ker-Bloom! and gave a
holding pattern, continually examining all of the therapy for people. This is fine, humorous day by day
system’s developments, metamorphoses, and but I’m not usually too enticed. account of their 700-
adaptations, crippled to ever act. How is this I prefer to deal with my, or oth- mile bike travels down
better than postmodernism? The choice of not ers, emotional and psychological the West Coast. The
acting because this reality is all a given and issues face-to-face, in community, Fifth Wheel was one person’s
there is nothing we can do or not acting not mediated through the world of brutal, heartfelt, at times amusing, account of
because there is too much to patiently scrutinize. zines. I also prefer writing to be relevant to my an anarchist group-house/relationship drama/
Still, I would strongly suggest reading Nihilism, life, and to be thought-provoking, which many disaster, subtitled: With Friends Like These,
Anarchy, and the 21st Century and Anarchy & personal zines are not. When they are not of the Who Needs Infiltrators?. And, my personal
Nihilism: Consequences. But, while this new recovery variety, they are often a compilation of favorite, My Friends Are Superheroes, which
pamphlet offers a lot in terms of a breakdown of political rantings about society that are either comically illustrates all of the admirable traits
nihilism compared to social change movements incoherent or would never make it through a of her pals. As it states, “Forget celebrities in
and understanding its possible usefulness as part serious editor, thus, cut and paste it, and go to (continued on next page)
of an overall analysis for anarchists, its punch-line
action flicks. My superheroes are real, and they’re received some $75,000+ over the past two years. and perhaps less obvious development. But the
all around me. I have a posse, y’know.” Reminding There was some interesting information offered editors do not make their case. Did they leave
us that we don’t need to look far for inspiration, that suggests “Anna” is more the “classic agent out some important details?
and that there are reasons (though we may some- provocateur” than observer/reporter to the FBI, The rest of this second issue covers the SHAC 7
times forget) why we choose our friends. From an important point for the legal defense as well convictions, new charges against Rod Coronado
travels to break-ups to sexual abuse to dealing as those studying the strategy of the state. The and Peter Young, an update on “Operation
with the dysfunction and joy of living in an subtitle of this piece, “What’s Going On, and Backfire”, some notes about grand juries, ending
anarchist scene, artnoose has covered a lot of Why We Should Care”, is obviously a rhetorical with ‘Free’s’ call for resistance against the
ground, and there’s still a big world out there question used to provide a springboard for the “Green Scare” (does anyone else find this link
to continue to explore, and give us her unique editors analysis and opinion. I found the to the communist ‘threat’ of the past annoying?)
rendition of. (FS) article somewhat bland – loaded down with far Overall, I’m a bit less enthusiastic about this
artnoose, PO Box 3525, Oakland, CA 94609 too many obvious observations punctuated by second issue: the writing was less cohesive and
cliches such as “The powers-that-be want every analysis less astute. Since providing information
single one of us to be afraid” and “The FBI is and analysis of this sort is so important – and the
The Warrior Wind driven by a need for sacrificial flesh...” There goal of the newsletter one presumes – it would
c/o Liberation Projects were also rather odd pronouncements regarding be much more interesting if the Warrior Wind
the manner in which the state responds to prisoner focused on well-reasoned and genuinely im-
co-produced by Tarantula
requests; odd because many comments seem passioned analysis rather than worrying about
Distribution naïve or intentionally rudimentary. Unless the getting it out quickly (the sense I was left with
The inaugural issue of this 8-page newsletter reader is new to a critique of the state – and this issue). This new project has the potential
subtitled, Against a Society of Confinement: particularly of the prison system – the fact that to be an important tool for keeping up-to-date
“Blow, wild wind, blow”, was released in February. its managers play a heavy hand according to their on prison issues, so I hope the editors will make it
While it does not contain a statement of goal or own or their ‘handlers’ whims, hardly need be clearer who their intended audience is. (WTS)
politics it focuses on state repression activities mentioned, much less emphasized. One of the Free. Liberation Projects , 838 E. High St.,
of interest to anarchists. This issue contains reasons “we should care”, it seems, is that one of #115 Lexington, KY 40502.
information about “Operation Backfire”, “Dis- the terms of defendant Lauren Weiner’s release Free. Tarantula Distribution, Portland, OR
patches from Jeff ‘Free’ Luers”, and a few tidbits states that “Ms. Weiner shall not have contact
of recent state repression and resistance news. It with any person, group, association or engage in
closes with the Ralph Chapin poem from which environmental issues or The World Can’t Wake
the publication draws its name. advocacy”. This is conse-
There are quently combined with Reinventions
plenty of accounts the federal prosecutor’s The World Can’t Wake (WCW) takes on the Revo-
now regarding statement that Lauren lutionary Communist Party’s anti-war platform
the 13 (or more) (as well as the other called “The World Can’t Wait” in this 8-page zine.
“Backfire” arrests defendants) had been It exposes – or perhaps aids in the resurrection of
due to the testi- contacted in jail by “the – this Leftist ‘threat’. For someone who knows
mony of infiltrators movement’s prisoner little about this obscure but long-standing political
and snitches who support network.” The party, it contains some interesting historical
are linking them to editors’ say that this information about leader Bob Avakian while
numerous ELF and now amounts to an also providing some solid, if largely unsurprising
ALF-claimed actions. “insinua[tion] that criticisms of the anti-war movement overall. The
What could an irregu- those who write to or author(s) call the peace activists to task a number
larly scheduled pub- visit prisoners are of times for not applying the same sort of analysis
lication add to the in fact ‘eco-terror’ to these behind-the-scenes backers of various
mix? Most impressive operatives”. They protests and demos as they do to the antics of the
was their initial analy- further insist that Bush administration (as though there is really
sis of the situation Weiner has had no much real critical thinking going on to start with).
placing it solidly in the contact with outside This movement continues to be a well-controlled
context of the current supporters–“not and rather sheepish spectacle that repeats the same
climate and fast-paced even by mail that strategy several times a year, year in and year out
trajectory of the state. was responded despite its ineffectiveness. The “hearts and minds”
Their call for solidarity to–since an early of some of the marchers might be open to the
for the recent arrestees in jail visit”. The persuasions of the RCP’s “Chairman Bob” or
memory of Bill Rodgers concern then is International ANSWERS World Workers Party as
and for all who are locked that this “lie” and the author(s) allege, but it’s unlikely. I think the
away is a call that ought the terms of her condition “set dangerous pre- writers, like others, over-rate the influence of
not be ignored and again cedents” because “the authorities explicitly Marxists, Maoists, and Stalinists. This is not to
their context was clear. A cautionary wisdom [their emphasis] and publicly relate every say that continuing to expose the antics of the Left
needs to be exercised if, when, and how that oppositional perspective, and even the smallest is not necessary – quite the contrary. There are
solidarity is articulated/communiquéd. The yet- gestures of solidarity, to the specter of ‘terrorism’.” lots of players in the political game and I got the
to-be-turned arrestees surely don’t need backlash This is obvious hyperbole and runs counter to sense that the author(s) are more than a little
as they prepare their important defense. credible analysis. Surely, the authorities will say concerned with this particular group of losers,
Overall, I found this first issue to be solid, well- and do just what they will to further their objective giving them more credit than they deserve with
crafted, and fairly well-written. Unfortunately, of using these and other “eco-terror” suspects as laments like “the longer the WCW goes unexposed
the second issue fell short of the first. a warning to all who may attempt to thwart their – and unopposed – the more the RCP will thrive and
Issue Number Two came out only 6 weeks goals. Hitching their star to the terrorist band- the more difficult it will be for a more vibrant
after the first and focuses on the three Auburn wagon when ever possible is a popular ploy and and autonomous anti-war movement to emerge”.
arrests for conspiracy, which carries up to 20 one that some supporters and legal eagles are They never indicate how such a ‘movement’ could
years in federal prison; a charge based primarily challenging. If the state is also linking prisoner emerge or why it would be desirable, or what
on the testimony of an infiltrator reported to have support to ‘terror’ as well, it would be an interesting different strategy would be pressed, leaving me to
wonder where the author(s) are coming from There are 7 short sections starting with Rules Mae Bee has clearly given the complexities of
(a)politically. of Engagement (my choice of capitalization, the intimate relations considerable thought – it seems
While there are some good observations (and a authors was all over the place – as was this may be the result of personal experiences –
few potentially usable slogans for those inclined punctuation – which was disconcerting at first. and there are a number of astute insights through-
to such, as with “In radical Breaking the rules usually is though, so out regarding jealousy, pain, responsibility, and
politics, ignorance is never maybe this is part desire. S/he correctly challenges the notion of
an alibi”) from an anti- of the lesson), governing feelings and responses and inevitable
authoritarian perspective, moving to Choice changes through contracts – these don’t work any
there is almost a sense of and Respect, Jeal- better for controlling fucking than they do for
apology for the continued ousy and Other fighting. It also often puzzled me to see other-
weak opposition to the Feelings, Break wise rebellious anti-authoritarians embrace, if
state along with a murky Out or Break Up, apologetically, pre-configured restrictions on
critique of their own a super-short Di- how they would respond to desires so intimately
(“...and if, under Bush and rect Action bit, tied to our well-being and which have been used
Cheney or their succes- Communities Not by all manners of authoritarians to control behavior.
sors, a ‘state of exception’ Couples, ending I also agree with Mae Bee in one aspect of the
– a regime of drastically with Right Here, argument – our personal relationships, our most
curtailed liberties – does Right Now. intimate lives could be the most expansive,
emerge...”). What are Mae Bee calls on autonomous, and joyful expression of anarchy
they waiting for? green anarchists to now and I long to live in a time and place where
The subtitle to this is do away with “rule the sexual expression of affection and desire is
“Amnesia and the Anti- relationships” – no longer sacred, no longer set aside from all the
War Movement”; the defined as monoga- other expressions of love and caring. However,
cover is a collection of mous partnerships as Bee greatly over-simplifies, even dismisses at
political leaders/figure- well as polyamorous times, the difficulties we all have of living what
heads including Bush, groupings that insist we desire – not just because of the material
Mao, and Bin Laden on any restrictions to restrictions, but because of the internal struggles
superimposed on bat “follow[ing] their carried over from our experiences with family,
bodies hovering over desires” – in favor friends, and past lovers. There are many reasons
what looks to be a of (using falsely op- lovers choose monogamy (not all are coerced).
sleeping student and a posed comparators) Anarchists, green or not, cannot be expected to
popular Goya quote, “The sleep of “communities not suddenly put aside their long-held notions about
reason produces monsters”. couples”, “desire not consent”, and “trust not love and sex, their fear of abandonment or loss
This pamphlet is surely more interesting than fear”. S/he points out the many coercive rela- (which does not equate to ownership!), or deeply
the commie Worker paper being pushed by some tionships we have in mass society; as relationships ingrained beliefs about
annoying woman at the BASTARD conference we consent to but do themselves. Even when
(where I found this WCW pamphlet), but definitely not desire such as they truly want to do so;
less interesting than the many and varied re- worker and con- when they have become
sponses she got by the spontaneously-formed sumer. She then at- intellectually and emo-
unwelcoming (non)committee. (WTS) tempts to apply this tionally conscious of
No price. PO Box 61036, Palo Alto, CA same tension to the necessity for all au-
94306-1036. those “rule relation- tonomous individuals
ships”. A valid point to do as they will; even
of consideration,for when they desire those
A Green anarchist certain, but Bee was they love to experience
project on unable to dig into this
possibility – instead
limitless joy and pas-
sion as a natural and
freedom and love moving into mandates obvious adjunct to
of her/his own. Another that love; they may
by Mae Bee potentially interesting not be able to let go.
pictures by Chester Wren discussion was side- Further complicating
This zine is a 6-pager with even smaller print stepped when s/he matters is the reality
than GA’s. It is meant to “inspire[s] unconvincingly links that our most inti-
thought...arouse emotions, discussion and infant jealousy of a new mate relationships
hopefully other writings rather than cause upset”. sibling at “the mothers expose some of our
In the opening paragraph, Mae makes it clear body” to the jealousy of an most insidious
that “our ‘common project’ [authors quotes]” adult lover seeing a “new authoritarian ten-
is “the abolition of all power relationships”, person at it’s lovers body” dencies, our uncon-
this “includes the abolition of coercive/closed – the tie being “ulti- scious oppressive
relationships”; defined by the author as those mately” the ideology of compulsions, and
love/sexual relationships that use rules or perma- “ownership”. The differ- otherwise hidden
nent contracts to control unwanted behavior. ence, s/he reports, is that the neurosis. This
S/he further insists that “these relationships mother can convince the means there will
cannot be part of a free society” and “must be first child of her never-to- be some not-insig-
confronted by all who seek such freedom and be-lessened love; thus, in nificant amounts of time and energy required to
communities”. The quotes from “On Sexual most cases the child adapts to the new love, while break through the barriers. We all choose our
Poverty” (Willful Disobedience #4) and John adults choose to restrict access to the new love, battles and some folks choose to avoid the com-
Moore’s “Introduction to Anarcho-Primitivism” if they are permitted at all. Again and again, good plications multiple lovers bring in the current
seem to be offered more as proof of concept points are raised but the author is too quick to draw
conclusions and prescribe solutions.
(continued on next page)
than inspiration.
social context . Hopefully, we can all deal more though interesting – ideas, to Audrey’s calm and Again, I was pleasantly surprised. He differentiated
honestly with all the contradictions inherent straightforward look back at her anarchist parents, Utopian schemes – those prescriptive ordered
to living in this uptight world. comrades, and projects along with a quick note systems that seek to enclose people in an ideo-
I still manage to appreciate Mae Bee’s “contri- on anarchy today. I could listen to her for much logically-driven world view – from the dreams
bution to something ongoing rather than a final longer and would would enjoy exploring the sub- that “remind us of why we fight this society”.
word” despite its serious shortcomings and ject of aging in anarchy at some point with her He contrasted the historical models of the
naive – however desirable – insistence on just and others. Any other anarcho-geezers out there? perfection-oriented schemers (ie Plato’s Repub-
“being here now” and somewhat questionable The Critical Thinking discussion was not what lic, New Atlantis) with the actions and attempts
notions of sexual direct action (“seducing the I thought it would be, but I actually enjoyed it of some of the dreamers (ie Brazil’s Conudo’s 3-
lovers of the possessive”, “stealing kisses from even more than I thought I would. It was casual year fight against the state to keep their way of
forbidden lips”…). I suppose I tend to appreciate and the facilitator refused to hide her own life, the 1960’s Diggers and their “nothing
any honestly-intended discussion regarding the nervousness – a valuable example to those who shabby, no garbage approach to life in the city”).
personal, the up-close, the day-to-day as my are fearful of giving or participating in workshops. He gave a dozen or more real-world situations
anarchy is more a way of living and relating than Lee made it work by encouraging a dialogue worth exploring but left time for good dis-
a futuristic ideal and am most interested in between everyone in the room, many of whom cussion (I would have enjoyed more of this)
sharing with others who view it similarly. S/he were writers. A lot of the early discussion explored amongst the attendees throughout. I hope others
also inspired some questions worth pondering. the ways we write and read, interpret and filter were as inspired as I to share their dreams for an
Can we, should we, must we, free ourselves from ours and others words. There was some emphasis anarchist future no matter – if not especially
limits placed on the free expression/experience on shit-talk disguised as criticism, the hypercritical – how far-fetched they might be. Most of us are
of that most enticing feeling that overflows; that nitpicker, and the sense of scoring points. The quite vocal in describing what it is we despise
presses us to act in those still-too-rare, but adversarial relationship of Wagner and Nietzsche and nearly equally as silent about what it is we
always-beautiful moments of urgent, unpredict- cited by one participant as criticism well-done desire. Wolfi described this Utopia as a living
able, and spontaneous passion (whatever inspires might be worth checking into since it seems many dream, an exploration, and journey where the
it)? Does our reluctance to resist or our apolo- of us have a difficult time with conflict of this way we live is an attack on this society that
getic willingness to accept, sexual restrictions sort. My only criticism of the workshop is that we aim to end. While I get a lot from reading
parallel similar tendencies with regard to other while I recognize it would take more than an hour and talking to the staid rationalists, I most
societal, cultural, traditional, civilized, impositions and a half to delve into the methods, tools, enjoy those who also embrace their own uto-
as Mae Bee suggests? Interesting questions arguments, and fallacies related to critical theory, pian madness for inspiration.
all, but Bee, there are no clear and broadly it is important to introduce these concepts, at least Non-classical Anarchism: this was the least
applicable answers. (WTS) through a handout. interesting session I attended, partly because two
c/o Leeds EF!, c/o Cornerstone Resource I was pretty skeptical about the topic of Wolfi’s of three presenters (John Zerzan and Lawrence
Centre, 16 Sholebroke Avenue, Chapletown, workshop this year, Utopia as an Anarchist Practice. Jarach) are not always lively speakers and neither
Leeds LS7 3HB Utopian notions have always run counter to a had much in the way of new or inspiring material
free-expression of the individual and small group. to offer me, and the third (a former Nihilist
The 6th Annual
BASTARD Conference
I look forward to this event every year and this
years BASTARD conference was the most inter-
esting, insightful, and somehow most intimate
one I’ve been to. It was an excellent rebound to
last year’s uninspired one. There was no particular
theme, which might be the best way to approach
this type of program. I actually had a hard time
choosing between workshops that ran at the same
time. As it turns out, my choices were all worth
the time stuck in chairs bolted to the floor as
church bells chimed and elevator alarms blared,
reminding me of some of the many constant
annoyances of city life. The BASTARDS are a
diverse bunch, but they all seem to share an
enthusiasm for making the time in the Bay area fun,
interesting, and though-provoking – no easy task!
As a 50+year-old, I was particular interested
in the panel discussion which I thought was to
be about aging in anarchy, facilitated by the
always-charming, sweetly blunt octogenarian
and “black-diaper baby”, Audrey. As it turned
out, it was really a look at anarchy through the
eyes of four people of different ages, Anarchism
from 18 - 80. Not quite the same thing. However,
it was interesting to hear perspectives ranging
from the intelligent but nervous 18-year old who
tended to speak in rather prescriptive radical-
academic phrases, to the twenty-something who Strategy 29 - Deck the tree with false blossoms.
spoke about moving from almost thoughtless Tying silk blossoms on a dead tree gives the illusion that the tree is healthy.
pranks to a more stead anarchy (not always useful Through the use of artifice and disguise make something of no value appear
in my opinion), to the forty-something quirky valuable; of no threat appear dangerous; of no use appear useful.
John who tends to the verbose and far-out –
turned Christian anarchist) had a liveliness museum piece. (Someone needed to say it, no?) There are a few signs of the completely tamed
bordering on disturbed. One of the potentially (And FE is no longer an “anarchist” zine any- position of anarcho-liberal, but time will tell. (JZ)
interesting points came after Lawrence gave the way, right?) Fifth Estate, PO Box 201016, Ferndale,
most explicit list of characteristics of “post-left” There are articles about war (always bad), MI 48220
anarchy to-date. An obviously torture (ditto), the $10/year; single issue $3/US, $4/Canada
liberal member of the World Social Forum
audience asked why (the no-future leftist
anarchists are “ob- revival project), and Big Easy, Small
sessed” with the state Chavez in Venezuela
and capital. “What (typical statist so-
about racism and cialism). Walker This is a 50-page booklet about hurricane
sexism?”, the young Lane’s piece dis- Katrina’s social impact. Most of it consists of
white male demanded. cusses the last two excerpts from press reports (e.g. from the
However, the way in topics and con- Times-Picayune of New Orleans) and this is its
which the question was cludes, “Only a greatest strength. One revealing observation or
asked precluded any radical retreat from comment after another, with a minimum of
real dialogue about the authoritarian and political interpretation.
strategy of identity technological so- The latter arrives in the final few pages and
politics used by the lutions can restore leaves little doubt that Big Easy, Small Window
state and other politicos. balance and stave is just one of the many fairly generic products
Perhaps next year? Two off catastrophe.” on the subject of last fall’s Katrina disaster. A
brief exchanges covered U n f o r t u n a t e l y, disaster, it should be said, that is far from over.
work and activism, but this ending rings Some of the points are as valid as they are
all I really got that was rather weak and oft-said: the event caused a big disruption to
new came from the hollow inasmuch the capitalist economy, the morale of those in
wingnut Christian: since as he pretty authority was low, faith in government also low,
everything is shit we might much throws in unlawful acts were often defended, etc. But
as well join a church! the towel just some of the concluding remarks amount to
By far the most two paragraphs largely unjustified cheerleading: looting and
memorable point in the e a r l i e r. Given arson, even gunfire, were very significant and
conference was an im- overpopulation spreading, “capital’s dominant social relations”
promptu lunch with Jason and domestication, Walker muses, maybe are undermined and guerrilla warfare is a “very
McQuinn. He had just read our less-than- Chavismo’s leftism is “the best we can hope for.” real possibility.”
favorable review of the Alternative Press Review, There’s a somewhat The chief theme–and limitation–of this
one of his editorial projects. We sat down out- weary tone to the issue, in booklet and others like it is its goal of a
side a cafe and started going through the review my opinion. The content “self-organized
top to bottom, assessing and debating various isn’t so bad, but there’s a society.” None of
points along the way. Unfortunately, we were not sense of it as a going- the foundational
able to get to the really tough points where our through-the-motions, a components of
differences might have been a bit more heated. well-worn litany kind of that society are
I left wishing more folks could engage in this type thing. Peter Lamborn discussed or even
of dialogue: intelligent, open, direct, and without Wilson’s “Secular me n t i o n e d . T h e
rancor. To paraphrase Jason, you gotta have thick Antinomian Anabaptist existence of mass
skin if you write publicly, a lesson we could all Neo-Luddism” is an production, and of
take a little something from. (WTS) interesting, brief survey cities themselves, is of non-political his- simply assumed, to
torical forbears of the be continued under
anarcho-primitivists new management–
Fifth Estate of today. But I’m not “self-management.”
Issue 372/Spring 2006 sure why he felt it Big Easy, Small
necessary to throw Window largely fails to
Early in 2005 Fifth Estate ran a statement by
in passing slurs reveal the intended
David Watson, erstwhile long-term editor, that
about the latter as objective of urban insurrec-
I think many found an offensive choice for an
humorless nihilists. tion. The author explicitly
anarchist periodical. Watson said he’d voted for
I haven’t met any hopes for revolt to happen,
Kerry the previous November and did so with no
primitivists who but what would be its aim?
regrets. Later in the year FE dropped the term
could accurately The goal of “self-organized
anarchist, now billing itself as “an anti-authoritar-
be so described. society” is the only point
ian magazine of ideas and action.” Not surprising,
On the last page made in this regard. With no
I suppose, that Kerry voter Fred (letters, current FE)
– “Books from the critique of industrial society,
applauds the disposal of “anarchist” from FE covers
Barn”, features a the booklet implies their fun-
in pretty much precisely Watson’s “reasoning.”
prominent promo for what damental acceptance of the
But despite Watson’s decision to help legitimate
surely sounds like (I haven’t read it) one of the prevailing world. (JZ)
and reproduce the political system of the prevailing
many, many liberal Bush-hating tomes, Bush No price. One Thousand Emotions, PO Box
death machine, and Fred’s relief over the scuttling
League Spectacles: Empire, Politics, and Culture 633333, St. Louis, MO 63163
of the “A” word, still, in the current issue, I could
have done without a dozen-plus pages celebrating in Bushwacked America, by Fran Shor. (continued on next page)
the 70th birthday of the Spanish Revolution. Maybe FE can continue to tread a sort of
bohemian, “anti-authoritarian” path, not exactly Strategy 10 - Knife sheathed in a smile.
(Another dozen or so in five years?) Same for Charm and ingratiate yourself to your enemy. When
Haymarket, an even more dusty, irrelevant anarchist and keeping at least an equally safe
you have gained his trust, move against him in secret.
distance from being explicitly anti-civilization.
Kind of put me in mind of a musical Fire and
Endgame Ice. I think we could use a great, ascending chorus Igniting
by Derrick Jensen of such jargon-free, no-holds-barred cries. Gives
one ideas about being less afraid to unlimber our
a Revolution:
Volume I: The Problem of
deepest feelings and desires. (JZ)
Froseph (until October 2006): 129 Walnut
Voices in Defense
Volume II: Resistance St., Winona, MN 55987 of the Earth
This two-volume work has been well worth the (from October 2006 on): crimethinc. c/o Froseph edited by Steven Best
wait. The scuttlebutt was that Derrick was working PO Box 13998, Salem, OR 97309-1998
on a how-to manual for anti-civilization operatives, and Tony Nocella
This collection needs a mention though it came
a book more technical or hands-on than theoretical.
Evidently, Endgame evolved as it was being written.
Lugnut #4 to us well past this issue’s deadline. Close to fifty
The overall emphasis is on analysis of what the descent of man voices in all, arranged in
civilization is, why its nature is the destruction seven sec-
of life and freedom. There’s a great strand of the (2K6) tions: The
personal throughout as well, which always shines Lugnut #4: the descent of man (2K6) History and
through in Derrick’s books. is a 28-page primitivist booklet that just Nature of
Another important component is never misses. Every Revolution-
the deconstruction of sentence is loaded. ary Environ-
basic assertions about From agriculture, mentalism,
civilization by its de- patriarchy, special- Sustainability
fenders, well-written ization, and domi- and the Politics
unmaskings of the nation to work, of Consump-
various arguments in industrialism, and tion, Religion
favor of civilization’s its no-future, and Spirituality,
purported inevitability, collapse, re-wild- Primitivism
necessary existence, ing and more— and the Critique
unavoidable presence. the whole lot, of Civilization,
The volume on resis- I ’ d say. And Repression and
tance also proceeds in br o u g h t o ff Resistance, Direct
this way, in the main, in a modest, Action and Be-
examining and debunk- graceful, often yond, and Social
ing the many excuses for humorous Movements and
not taking civilization on. style. Alliance Politics.
Those who have heard A very hand-
the author speak will likely Early on somely produced
hear his voices in these our anony- volume of 441 pages, Igniting contains a
pages, both as a presence mous author considerable wealth of approaches and outlooks
and in terms of topics intro- reveals, from a wide variety of contributors. This is the
duced in person. The 939 “I’m just a kind of book that one can dip into at random,
pages cover the subject pu n k t h a t and find perspectives to learn from. There are a
thoroughly, passionately, works on a few here that have not been exactly famous for
convincingly. These books building site”, either anti-authoritarian or radical environmental
are essential, across the board. We and a bit fur- politics, but much strong content overall.(JZ)
can only hope that they reach is as ther on, “On- $21.95 from AK Press
considerable as possible. We are, wards and
after all, heading into the endgame
one way or another. (JZ)
u p wards. I’ve
managed to
Fighting for
$18.95 per volume, Seven
Stories Press,
squash mil-
lions of years
140 Watts Street, New York, of human his- Because A Better
NY 10003, Sevenstories. com tory into the
first few para- World is Possible
graphs. Forgive
Twinkle me if I’ve left
by Edgey Wildchild and
Esperanza Naciente
Pig #4 something out.”
Concise, pithy This is a nifty little book (142 pages) that also
Twinkle Pig #4 is a 30-page remarks abound. arrived very late in our work on GA #23. It
“audiozine” by Froseph. From Concerning typical consists of twelve rather brief chapters that sketch
the cover: “Struggling to love a world so far hunter-gatherer out various historical and contemporary aspects
away, nature’s enemy presently prevents today. fare, for example: “The food eaten is all local, fresh, of an anti-civilization overview.
But small can be big, hearts can break, adven- organic, macrobiotic and non-processed.” This handy tome has quite a reach with its
tures can be had. Why hold it up when we can A further, summary-type sample: “Critics of anti- explorations, striving to show the connections
evolve out of it?” civ ideas like to dismiss it as utopianism while among the range of dominations in this global-
The format is basically the lyrics of the placing all their hopes in a techno-industrial future...I izing world. Fighting is a fine introductory work,
eleven tunes on the enclosed, independently think all that needs to be asked is what state our world further evidence of a growing willingness to look
produced CD, plus discussion of how these is in now and what line of thinking got us here.” at our situation with a needed depth of focus.(JZ)
songs came to be. It’s anti-civ, from the Real high marks for this top-drawer zine.(JZ) $13.95 from Planting Seeds Press,
heart, and way more than a “liner notes” kind No price listed. PO Box 54, Franklin Square, NY 11010-0054
of thing.
It makes me wonder if CluckO chasing after our bread pudding and
nursing staff or just confirming his role as the ring leading moralist

News from
in his “big tent of anarchy?”
Boo Hiss Back to Internet Role Playing For You!

Electoral Poo

the Balcony
I recall back when those sassy ladies, the suffragettes, believed that
voting made a difference. Boy was that a hoot. They paraded around
town all dolled up in their Sunday finery. That Caty Stanton sure
was a looker. Just a-carrying on about the so-called right to vote.
Rights! Who gives you those rights? But at least you knew where
those dames stood.

with tatler
Today’s sorry excuse for a suffragette comes in the form of Cara
Jennings, cofounder of the Radical Cheerleaders. They are
everyone’s favorite group at knowing how to make an intolerable

a n d S demonstration unbearable. With chants so embarrassing non-radical

cheerleaders would rather give us a sponge bath then do them. But

o r f that isn’t enough for Cara. When she isn’t hollerin’ at Multi-national-

who-gives-a-fuck in the name of somebody’s damn revolution, she
is winning elections for city commissioner. Back in our day it was

W quite enough to call yourself an anarchist because you’re filled with

piss-and-vinegar even if you hadn’t read Goldman or Kropotkin. It’s
something else entirely to say “decision-making should come from
a community of equals, not from “top-down authoritative govern-
ment.”” That’s called being a liberal where we come from no matter
how black your bloc is, or how loud your chant.
Go back to grad school!

Aren’t they all marching in line yet?

We can’t pass another opportunity to comment on the embarrassment
of NEFAC (a highly coveted role) Wayne Price and one of his latest
manifestos “Our Program is the Anarchist Revolution!” (although
he has probably written three more since this one) We are reassured
that this program has nothing whatsoever to do with the Programs
of the past, no siree! No matter how much it looks like something
we read in a one-room schoolhouse. Worse than the baggage of
every camo-clad nationalist & tyrant of the past century is this
particular howler. “Revolutionaries support struggles for reforms
because they are struggles.” Which not only confirms our suspicion
that WP and NEFAC see the role of the Revolutionary as a specialist
of struggle (like the proctologist of organization) and themselves in
Internet Incontinence that role, but that the very existence of struggle is enough to inspire
them to action.
The old folk’s home can be a bit of a bore as we are pushed around by
stocky interns like RCP newspapers are by failed chess players. Struggle good. Reason good. Revolution!
Today after our meal of mushy squash and meat paste we were carted
to a class on the “internet” which evidently is some sort of elaborate
dating service. While “browsing” through the world of internet
anarchy we came across run by internet persona and
do-gooder ChuckO. His site, which has more asinine (read: liberal)
links than head lice on a dread-haired hippy, offers the budding neo-
phyte anarchist a complete listing of every boring activist site out there.
His recent response to the so-called “Open letter to Green Anarchy”
has gotten my goat like a stale bag of dumpstered bagels. ChuckO has
caused quite a row here at the home with his accusations of us being
sectarian. Secretarian!? Why the closest thing Waldorf and I get to a
secretary is the nice brunette who gives us extra bread pudding on Fridays.
Strategy 7 - Create something from nothing. Strategy 27 - Pretend to be a pig in order to eat the tiger.
You use the same feint twice. Having reacted to the first and often Hide behind the mask of a fool, a drunk, or a madman to create
the second feint as well, the enemy will be hesitant to react to a third confusion about your intentions and motivations. Lure your
feint. Therefore the third feint is the actual attack catching your opponent into underestimating your ability until, overconfident,
enemy with his guard down. he drops his guard. Then you may attack.
Practical Rewilding:
Prehistory of Birth Control

Blue Cohosh
Tactics for Liberating our Bodies
from the Medical Establishment by Rat
by Rat Girl
As with any herbal/medicinal remedies, With a diet of lean meat, fruit, and vegetables There is also a distinct difference between rural
these are merely suggestions and not and relatively few carbohydrates, the amount and urban populations. Urban populations ex-
prescriptions. Caution is required.
of body fat necessary to conceive and main- perience puberty much sooner than their rural
We encourage people to do their own
research and seek out the advice of tain a pregnancy is harder to come by. Social counterparts in the same country. The rate of pre-
experienced folks in their region (ie structure also plays an important role. For cocious puberty is also on the rise. Precocious
midwives, herbalists), as illness and instance, in traditional Tibetan society, the most puberty is presently defined as earlier than 8 years
failure of prevention or termination common form of marriage is polyandry, which in girls, although there are many cases of girls
can occur with these methods. is one woman with multiple men. This effectively younger than 6. There’s a similar declining age
keeps a stable population in an area where it’s of male sexual maturity and rise in precocious
In today’s society there are relatively few necessary due to limited resources. (It also puberty (younger than 9 in boys) but it’s harder
options for birth control. There are barrier means that most women don’t ever marry due to track since males don’t experience anything
methods, hormonal methods, and surgical to a shortage of husbands.) The opposite of noticably as drastic as menstruation or breast
methods for women and only surgical and barrier polyandry is polygamy, practiced in many development. Puerto Rico has the highest
methods for men. In the past, contraception was countries, most notably in Northern Africa (the incidence of precocious puberty with many girls
as widely varied as the different tribes which Middle East). This marriage of one man to developing breasts as young as 2 years of age.
used them. People in primitive societies were many women, produces many more children. One ancient form of natural birth control is
much more in tune with their bodies so Natural This reproductive strategy is important in areas breastfeeding. Although it was once thought
Rhythm methods (knowing when you’re plagued by war or disease when most of the woman could not become pregnant while
ovulating) and pulling out (Coitus Interuptus) children won’t survive. still regularly breastfeeding, this is not reliable
were much more effective than they are today. Another factor is when young women come and is becoming less so; possibly due to the
(Ovulation is usually preceded by a rise in body of age. The average age of puberty has been effects of an industrialized life. But the general
temperature and a thinner and more prolific steadily declining in industrial societies due concept is quite simple, if breastfeeding tapers
vaginal discharge. The pull out method only to a plethora of factors such as increased off, your period will start again and your chances
works if you wait at least twelve hours between dependence on grains and dairy products of becoming pregnant increase (Note: you will
sexual encounters and if the male involved is coupled with bovine growth hormones in meat start ovulating before your period resumes so you
in tune with his body.) There were also readily and milk, high rates of sexual abuse, and can become pregnant before menstruation actually
available primitive forms of abortion and there chemical factors such as exposure to phthalates, resumes). In nomadic societies, babies were
was herbal contraception for both males and which mimic sex hormones, and certain hair breast-fed as long as possible, usually about 4
females in some societies. products which contain hormones. Phthalates years. In agricultural societies it was usually more
In nomadic gatherer/hunter societies the need are found in many everyday products in our like 2 years, and in modern industrial society and
for abortion was more rare since fertility was society like cosmetics, body gels, lotions, soft bottle-feeding it is not abnormal for women to
regulated by daily life and migrational patterns. plastic toys (commonly given to infants) and become pregnant immediately following a birth.
Women are less likely to become pregnant even the medical equipment used during Despite all the environmental factors
when they are exerting themselves to walk hospital births. The average age of first decreasing the chance of pregnancy, women in
long distances than when they are resting in a menstruation in nomadic or primitive agrarian primitive societies would occasionally get
single location for long periods of time. In an societies is around 16 or later, for fully agri- pregnant at inconvenient times, such as before
extreme example, some female athletes today cultural societies it’s closer to 14 and for a long journey, at a time when there was a
will not only be unable to conceive but will modern industrial societies it’s between 12 and shortage of food, or when they were already
simply cease menstruating for years at a time. 13. The last poll for the United States, (which was taking care of a child young enough to have to be
Body fat plays a significant role in fertility. taken in the 90’s), showed an average age of 11. carried. In essence, the need for abortion arises.
Abortion, unlike what we’ve been led to I’ve had it work in three days and I’ve read of Blue Cohosh: The root was used by the
believe, is not limited to the modern surgical it working for some women in as few as two; it Chippewa women as a contraceptive. Indigenous
procedure. Abortion was originally procured just depends on the individual and dose. The women would also drink the tea a couple weeks
using herbs which caused the uterus to contract downsides of this method (usually called side- before childbirth to assist in a swift delivery. It
and expel unwanted pregnancies. This method, effects) are weakness, headaches, cramping and causes uterine contractions but can also lower
usually administered by midwives or ‘wise- mild nausea. If you experience extreme reactions blood pressure.
women’, has been around since the connection such as throwing up or fainting it’s probably a
Black Cohosh: The root is used to help
between a swelling belly and an eventual baby good idea to stop or at least lessen your dose.
open the cervix either for abortion or childbirth.
was made. Most of the information on herbal Another downside, depending on what com-
It’s also used to dilate blood vessels and is an
abortion and natural contraception methods bination of herbs you choose to use, as the tea
anti-inflammatory and painkiller. It can suppress
went underground during the Crusades, witch- can taste really nasty. On the other hand, you
ovulation but to what degree is not entirely
hunts, and other acts of genocide perpetrated can simply use more of the ingredients that you
known. It’s most effective when combined with
throughout the ages. (It is interesting to note like the taste of. For instance ginger, licorice,
Blue Cohosh and/or Vitamin C. It’s a rare plant
that the rise of the medical establishment we or pennyroyal – which has a minty taste.
(endangered in some areas) since it principally
know today began at the same time as the You should stop taking the herbs the day after
grows in old growth forests, so it’s easier to
famous witch-hunts.) This was the turning point your period starts and drink nettle tea and/or eat
purchase than collect it in the wild. This herb
in which women began relying on male doctors a lot of spinach in order to revitalize your body.
has a higher risk of unwanted-effects than the
for help with birthing rather than on female
Pennyroyal: The leaves and flowers of other herbs, so I’ve personally never used it but
midwives/witches. Fortunately, modern
pennyroyal are the most effective and, I think, I’m mentioning it because many recipes call
herbalists and anthropologists have rediscov-
best tasting of abortatives. It grows wild and for it along with Blue Cohosh. It can cause low
ered some of that ancient knowledge.
is used in both Europe and North America blood pressure, blood clotting, vomiting, and
There is a plethora of herbs with abortative
(although slightly different varieties). It’s fainting, in large doses.
and contraceptive properties in any given
recognizable by its strong peppermint smell and
bioregion. I will describe a few of the most Mugwort: The leaves and flowers are
flavor (as it is a member of the mint family)
common, effective, and safe herbs available. But used to promote menstruation. It’s recogniz-
and its small purple flowers when in bloom. It
keep in mind, that while these herbs are consid- able by its sage-like odor and toothed leaves,
grows close to the ground in bunches near
ered safe for most women, some women can have which are slightly cottony feeling underneath.
water. It can be differentiated from peppermint
allergic reactions to particular herbs and women The flowers are small, yellow and grow in
and other mints by its smaller, smoother,
with kidney or liver problems shouldn’t attempt bunches. It usually grows on riverbanks and
rounder leaves and thinner stalk. Pennyroyal
an herbal abortion. Also, stick with the prescribed can easily get 3-5 feet tall in late summer.
causes the uterine muscles to contract and is
form of the herb. Pennyroyal, which is only mildly Licorice Root: This is a sweet, blending
most effective when combined with Blue
toxic fresh or dried, has killed women who’ve herb, which increases the potency of the
Cohosh or Mugwort and drunk as hot tea or
taken the oil. Parsley, whose leaves are perfectly herbal mixture as well as being a mild
eaten fresh. It was used by the indigenous people
edible, has poisonous seeds. abortative in its own
Most of these herbs can be right. It’s good for the
found in health food stores and digestive system and is
herbal shops but some can an anti-bacterial. It can
easily be grown or found in the also be a mild laxative
wild as well. and can cause a rise in
In order to induce an blood pressure.
abortion you should drink
about six cups of tea per day. Ginger: Similar to
Use a small spoonful or licorice root, ginger root
teaspoon of herbs per cup of is good for the digestion
water and at least two different and helps in inducing
herbs. You should choose at Pennyroyal abortions. In my opinion,
least one major herb (penny- it’s the more powerful of
royal, blue/black cohosh) and the two. It also can help
one helper herb (ginger, expel parasites and pre-
licorice, mugwort). I per- vent flatulence. Crystal-
sonally think that it’s best to lized ginger and ginger
use as many different herbs chews work just as well
as possible. All herbs should as ginger tea, in my ex-
be taken with a combination perience. Although the
of fasting (or simply light eastern ginger root is
eating) and exercise and easier to get hold of since
shouldn’t be taken for more it’s sold in most grocery
than six days. The herbs are most effective before stores, the wild ginger native to this continent
of this continent and by early European settlers presumably works as well despite the fact
the 6th week of pregnancy. After the 6th week, your
who reportedly drank pennyroyal tea with a that it is an entirely different plant. The wild
chances of success drop immensely. Overall, if
tablespoon of brewers yeast added to it in ginger grows in old growth forests as a
taken correctly, the herbs are effective around
order to induce an abortion. It also works well trailing shrub. It has large round leaves, which
60-80% of the time depending on the woman. The
topically as an insect repellent and is used to are more potent than the root and a single
most common causes of failure using herbs
promote sweating during colds. Never, ever distinctive purple flower, which hides under
include waiting too long before taking them,
use the essential oil internally. One drop the leaves.
not taking them for a long enough period of
of essential oil is equal to 50-75 gallons of
time or not taking them continuously (skipping (continued on page 75)
pennyroyal tea!
days). Generally, it works by the fifth day.
For The Wearing
of the Green?

“A lot
lot of
of people
people who
who don’t
don’t live
live here
here imagine
imagine Ireland
Ireland as
as aa green
island, populated
populated by
by friendly
friendly drunkards
drunkards or or paedophile
paedophile priests.
Al though
though most
Al most of
of that
that would
would be
be true,
true, it’s
it’s sad
sad to
to add
add that
that wewe irish
(for whatever
whatever that
that means)
means) areare some
some of of the
the most
most consumerist
bunch of
of gobshites
gobshites you’re
you’re likely
likely to
to meet.”

I’ve just been spurred on to write a bit of a we were conquerers, treefellers, and agricul- such terrible people or anything, it doesn’t
rant about Ireland, after seeing a bit of the turalists. We stripped the island completely of matter where we’re from, we’re just behaving
“Economist World Figures 2005” summed up all its trees, many animals, and are now slashing as we know how to behave.
in one of the papers. It’s pretty sad to give any major roads into every ‘undeveloped’ acre. The It has always seemed strange to me that
thought to these kindsa statistics, but inspiration modern irish landscape is one of mushrooming people here have such disregard (bordering on
(!HA!) comes in all sorts of guises. A lot of grey bungalows, new roads, big chainstores, contempt) for wild things. A garden is a
people who don’t live here imagine Ireland as sprawling suburbs, new cars [over 38% of mowed lawn with a pretty flower bed – that
a green island, populated by friendly drunkards population indeed!], international pharmaceutical gets uprooted 3times a year – and everything’s
or paedophile priests. Although most of that companies, ‘managed’ forest parks, landfills, sprayed in case the ‘weeds’ find a way in. A lot
would be true, it’s sad to add that we irish (for hospitals, and – if they get it built – even a toxic of people round me prefer the view of a road to
whatever that means) are some of the most waste incinerator! that of a lake or woodland. They build their
consumerist bunch of gobshites you’re likely The “unspoilt beauty” the tourist office likes brand new houses to look out on the road; they
to meet. According to the aforementioned to talk about is hard to find these days. For put up fences to keep their kids in or other kids
stats, we rate 4th highest in the world for the most modern irish people, beauty is something out, and day after day diggers and lorries roll
skill of “colour television ownership” (at well you find on a magazine cover, on the TV, or up and down widening or ‘improving’ roads.
over 99%), and an impressive 2nd for “beer maybe in an orderly flower bed. The rocky In Ireland for decades we have been gleefully
consumption”! I’m not going to slag us all off ground, bracken, gorse, brambley hedges, taking cash from the rest of the EU, which we
by the way, I just want to clear a few things up and other free growing plants and trees use to build new roads! According to some tourist
with our friends over the sea: a lot of our are unsightly. Everyone curses the beautiful bumph I got on the ferry, Ireland has more roads
strange and self-destructive behaviour comes fox. The only badgers I’ve ever seen have been per square mile than any other EU country!!
from our lack of connection with our island. lying in their own blood on the side of the road. Obviously that’s something to be proud of.
Same as most of the rest of the world, but here Here in the countryside, where I live, no one Here, anything ‘modern’ is good. At the
in Ireland is what I know. ever walks anywhere. This year me and my moment, ‘wages’ are meant to be high. So
The first humans only came to Ireland about kids were the only blackberry pickers around, employed people spend a lot of money on
9,000 years ago. Which is recent in historic as no one bothers with berries any more! mortgages, holidays, car loans, and
terms. We have never lived harmoniously on They all said they hadn’t got the ‘time’. Rich ‘socialising’, and we all know the Irish like a
this island; after a possible few generations of pickings for me though, so no complaints. Now drink. As Germaine Greer pointed out in her
fishers who would have gone lightly on the land, I’m not going on about this coz I think we’re new book [whitefella jump up – see review in
the UK’s GA!] every displaced people uses
drink to dull the pain of their separation. While
some of the older rural people would have a
Prehistory of Birth Control
‘love’ for the land, and country, that love is
not a free love+respect, it’s a love of territory. Juniper Berries: One of the only
We have always seen this rugged island as herbs that is just as effective for men as it is
something to be conquered, to be fought for women. I find that they taste horrible but
against. Ourselves, and all our ancestors, have they can also be swallowed whole like a pill.
been in a strange inhospitable land, where A common use among the desert dwelling,
we’ve struggled against nature to survive. indigenous people who had access to the
There’s a lot of pain that our natural human evergreen tree/shrub was for couples to eat
urge to belong to somewhere has never been one berry the day before sex, one berry the
satisfied. So there’s anger, self-destruction, and day that sex took place, and one berry the day
aggression. It does not just stem from the after to prevent conception. This method
hundreds of years of British oppression (even works to both suppress sperm production and
if that was the boot that broke the camel’s keeps an egg from implanting. To induce
back), it comes from much further back. permanent sterility, some males would eat a
Butterfly laying eggs on parsley
As you walk around the cities and trip over berry a day for a year. Supposedly it works
the homeless junkies and winos (and kids), (continued from page 73) although I don’t know anyone who has tried
while unable to stop looking into all the glitter- it. The berries are also good for the gums
Parsley: This is an herb everyone knows. when chewed and were traditionally used by
ing shopfronts full of appliances and fashion, It’s usually used as a garnish and is commonly
you know there’s something wrong (“widening Europeans to flavor liqueurs and gin. Note:
found in yards and gardens as well as in due to the toxins present in the berries I
gap between rich and poor” etc, you say). every grocery store. I’d advise against
When you walk through the ‘country’ along a wouldn’t recommend this method on a
collecting wild parsley since there are many regular basis.
tarmac road and everywhere you go, you can’t dangerous look-alikes including poisonous
escape the noise of a distant digger or jack- hemlock. Eating the fresh leaves can help Neem Oil: This ancient remedy from India
hammer. Where every hedgerow gets pruned induce an abortion. Another method of in- comes from an evergreen tree, which has
ruthlessly in case it gets in the way of cars. ducing abortion is to stick a sprig of parsley similar properties to Juniper and is currently
Where foxes are shot and farmers shoot their in your vagina up near the cervix. Due to the being researched as an effective spermicide
cattle up with hormones and antibiotics. fact that this is extremely uncomfortable I’ve and male oral contraceptive. In women it
Where 50% of the water supply in my area is never adequately tested this. Eat only the enhances the immune response of the uterus,
contaminated with animal and human feces. leaves. The seeds are toxic! which will keep things from growing there. It
And in small towns, the main local employment kills sperm and amazingly, most STDs. So far
is in slaughterhouses+packers, or increasingly, Wild Carrot Seeds: Queen Anne’s studies have shown it to be 100% effective
american software/pharma companies. And Lace (otherwise known as wild carrot) is the when taken internally by males without any
then everyone goes off to Mass once a week. ancestor to the modern carrot. They usually grow major side-effects. Neem oil is usually sold in
If this whole country is just one big rock with in abandoned fields or along roadsides. They this country as a safe, alternative pesticide.
5 million displaced people on it, most of whom should be harvested in late summer or fall
would rather be somewhere seems when the seeds are mature. Eating a teaspoon Vitamin C: Large doses of vitamin C
logical that we have one of the highest of seeds a day (well chewed) or crushed tablets, although not enough alone, can aid in
drug+alcohol abuse rates in the world. and steeped in tea can prevent conception abortion. You can also use either vitamin C
We have an impression of ourselves as poor. and aid in abortion. It’s also a good source tablets or lemon juice mixed with honey as a
We have it ingrained in ourselves that we are of vitamin A and can kill parasitic worms. natural spermicide.
missing something, and we are. We’re missing Queen Anne’s Lace is characterized by a
our clean streams, our berries, our forests, our cluster of tiny, white flowers, which curl up For more information on herbal medicine
wild animals. So go round to anyone’s house in age. It has poisonous look-alikes so make check out the New Age Herbalist by
and you’ll see the new big-screen TV, the new sure you properly identify it. Look for the Richard Mabey or Medicinal Plants of the
car, every kid over 7 with their own mobile hairy stem and distinct carrot-like odor. You Pacific West by Michael Moore.
phone, the dishwasher, huge freezer, micro- can also dig up the plant and look for the For more info on herbal abortions check
wave, and computer (and I’m not talking about tiny, white carrot. out:
rich people here).
We certainly have known brutality on this Wild Carrot
island, at the hands of the English, and all the
other conquerors too, no doubt. This has bound
the populace together in a superficial kind of
solidarity, an ‘irishness’. But we have not been
bound to the island, we are still adrift in the
Atlantic, waiting to be rescued. Anyone who
can afford it takes foreign holidays every year
just to keep “sane”. And most of us will never
feel like we belong. We just keep building the
breezeblock fortresses and burying our heads
in our made-up jobs.
An American friend of mine visiting here
found the countryside really unspoilt, full of
life, but that makes me wonder, what is it like
over there?
Hickman has never talked nor seen a

Hmong in his life, for if he did, I
challenge him to ask them about the
yellow mist that wiped out a whole
village or the barbarism imposed by
the Laos People Democratic Republic
better yet, straight out deny it to their
face, like the way you denied it to all
the readers of GA. Quite frankly, the
reaction would be similar if you were
to deny the Jewish, American Indian,
Cambodian, Vietnamese, Sudanese
and a countless number of other
holocausts that has plagued this Earth.
Yet if Hickman did in fact read the
article he would not leave out the Laos
People Democratic Republic’s
genocidal remark in 1975 that, “We
[Laos People Democratic Republic]
must eradicate the Meo minority
completely.” But of course Hickman’s
insubstantial academic resources are
good enough to formulate his critique
x 1133 and deny the death of thousands of
Hmong people. “Same ole Leftist
Bo R
P.O. ene, O bullshit”.
For the destruction of civilization
Eug 7440

and the replenishing of the Earth,

9 Killa T

greenan e@
collectiv Anti-civilization
Dear editors:
I read a story, a generational epic
trilogy by Kathryn Lynn Davis, in
which the characters live in the Scottish
Highlands in the 1800s. I cried
throughout the story and was left
Please keep them under 500 words. depressed. I wondered why I tortured
myself, but would have read the story
again, and probably will. After reading
it, I mourned the loss of its setting,
Kitties and know that I believe GA to be one of justify the death of thousands of of living in the forest.
the few North American anarchist Hmong people at the hands of the
Amateur Boxing publications worthy of reading. Your Panthet Lao, who were just as barbaric
Too Deep for Tears
Caro Amici, All We Hold Dear
images are captivating, your words as the U.S. during the Vietnam War.
About two years back I was working profound and your uncompromising Somewhere Lies the Moon
What was appalling was that
for a large photocopying corporation stance to the plague of leftists is some- Hickman perceived the article as a This longing to live in the
we all know and hate when I came thing to be admired. Seriously. I am denial to the death of millions of wilderness was not new to me (I’ve
across issue #18. I was so intrigued always disappointed with the lack of Vietnamese people. In no way, shape, always had it), but it affected me
that I read it during work when I confrontation by anarchists when or form did the article condone the more deeply, I think, because I’ve
should have been paying attention to liberals step up to the plate. I will genocide perpetuated by the U.S. in begun to feel almost hopeless about
customers. From a bad employee I continue helping out with any means the 60’s and 70’s. In fact, many of my ever feeling at home for more than
became a worse employee and thanks I have and hope GA keeps growing. relatives (including my grandfather) just those wonderful moments
to the compelling words of GA I quit Keep it real. were killed by the U.S.-led occupa- when I stand on the side of a
my job and started boxing. Its interest- Tuo amico, tion. The intent of the article was to mountain with my little girls and
ing to note that the front cover of that Britton expose the brutality of colonialism look out over the water and berry-
issue, if I’m not mistaken, is a feral and progress as well as to demonstrate scented forest.
cat colony located in downtown that the Left has no sympathy for the In an interview by blogger Robin
Rome, Italy. This particular feral cat Same Ole Leftist
indigenous population. Dood with blogger Amos Keppler,
colony is called Torre Argentina and Bullshit It seemed like Hickman completely Amos said of his experience living
check this out: it is the exact location Dear brothers and sisters of GA, skimmed over the article because in “the wild” that he didn’t miss
where Julius Caesar was knifed by In response to a letter that John A. never once did he mention the Corvée anything from civilization, and
Brutus and his gang in the year 44BC. Hickman wrote in the Winter/Fall labor which was imposed by the found that strange. “. . . the most
Another interesting thing about this 2005-06 issue of GA, I would first French colonialist, the environmental enduring and prevalent realization
colony is that some of these cats are like to state that Hickman is up to degradation at the hands both the you get out there: We belong there.
descendants of felines that have never the “same ole Leftist bullshit”. With French and U.S., the separation from It’s our home.”
been domesticated. But kitties and presumptions and denial, Hickman the ancestral land that have been habitu- As a child, my longing to belong to
amateur boxing aside I’d like you to utilizes a quasi-academic outlook to ated for generations, and most likely the Earth manifested as an obsession


with my Native ancestry. I wore my when folks are working at their shitty library. Staying in touch with the world was clearly disgusted by the last issue,
older brother’s moccasins until my jobs and are dying to get out of the outside and the war to save it is very and in particular the incisively critical
toes wore through the leather. I held office and go home. People are most important to me. Thanks in advance. review section and the whimsically
onto that identity for a long time, open to realizing the idiocy of their Thanks senile and seasoned rantings from
but eventually realized that it didn’t corporate jobs and materialist existence Peter Young #10269-111 “Waldorf and Statler”, and with good
matter whether the length of time on the ride home, when they are dying FCI Victorville, Medium II, P.O. reason. His project is an embarrass-
since when my ancestors last lived to get out of the stale office parks and Box 5700, Adelanto, CA 92301 ment, and it is only a matter of time
tribally was longer or shorter, and it looping freeways. Deflating that his number comes
didn’t change how I lived and how I tires in mass could be easily up. Oh please, next
felt about it. Reading the Highland achieved and isn’t even van- issue! Attempting to
stories helped me to move beyond dalism, so I imagine the preemptively dismiss
that dependence on a Native identity, penalties couldn’t be very radical criticism is a
and so did an unpleasant experience harsh. Office parks situ- time-tested tactic of
three years earlier with a young ated near interstates those who reside in the
Native man at a drum circle when (which are common) could quagmire of irrelevance
he said that nursing my baby near be hit. Of course, the and the insipid terrain
the drum was inappropriate. more one blends in, the of nothingness. Y’all
I have no doubt that were I not a more likely one is to be got the guts to have an
mother (with the risk of losing my successful (the essence of opinion, even when it’s
children to those “authorities” who the covert action). The not popular (the only
feel they have the right to decide message would come time that it is really
how I raise my children), were I across loud and clear as appropriate). Keep up
responsible only to myself, I would these cars, driven by the good work!
live in the wilderness. I would make desparate souls clammering blacksun
that choice. It would be a simple for escape, hobbled onto the freeways P.S. A couple news items
and easy choice. in less than perfect condition, causing from my end. I have been
Although I believe that the wilder- mass rush hour traffic jams. Beyond charged at the state level
ness would be the best place to raise deflating, I would also like to note the with burglary in South
my children (within a tribe), I will tire as one of the most vital and one Dakota for an 8-year old
not make that choice. Instead, I of the most vulnerable of all of mink release. My official
“decorate the walls of the prison cell” civilization’s necessities. release date is set at January
by spending time outside, learning Stephen Hren 31, 2007.
about survival, connecting with like-
minded people, reminding my three- Primitive
year-old that we are animals. When Stay In Touch
my children are grown I will again
consider the choice of living outside This is Peter Young, serving 2 years for
of civilization in the way that I so liberating mink in 1997. I just arrived Green Anarchy,
desperately want to. at my designated prison in Victorville, Greetings my friends! I’m writ-
Sara McGrath ing to you in regards to your inspiring
CA after 2 months in transit. I wanted
magazine. It is by far the greatest anti-
Just Some
to get you my new address and let you Thoughts
Deflating know how much I appreciate the issues civilization journal ever written on
direct action. Wild Ones,
Civilization I’ve been sent over the last 10 months
I’m currently incarcerated behind Just some thoughts on a cold but clear since my arrest. I’ve been a long time
the state’s walls in prison. I have fourOregon night.
A form of direct action I never see reader. If you remain in a position fellow comrades who are trying to Moonlight filters through misty forest
considered is the mass deflating of financially to continue my subscription, organize a guerrilla/primitive group and settles lightly on moss covered
tires to try and promote traffic jams. I would very much appreciate it, and that’ll be the greatest threat the pigs ground glistening with the rain of the
Traffic jams are easy to create, especially will donate read issues to the prison have seen on the homeland. evening. Dreadlocks formed and knot-
Industrialization and the money ted in desert winds glow silvery in the
hungry corporations need to be stopped moonlight, frizzy with the humidity. I
in their destruction. We plan to do thismiss the owls and coyotes, yet the forest
through action and distribution of has called me, as the mountains still do.
guerrilla cells throughout the country. I am calm and deeply at peace–how
GA may or may not be able to help could I be otherwise, gazing at such a
with the organizing, but we ask any- moon–and yet anxious too. My path has
one who’s interested to assist us with led me to these forests and now I am
any help possible. adrift again, seeking those places, people
Love and Anarchy and experiences that bring meaning and
Obviously Anonymous beauty to a life fragmented and regi-
P.S. Could you also subscribe me to a mented by walls, rules, symbols…lies.
new issue of GA? Secondly, could I also I seek, I dream, I walk and dance,
laughing under a sky clear by compari-
get a copy of “Security Culture”? Thanks.
son, at least not raining again. The rain brings another beauty, a life-filled splendor of moist succulence so strange
I recently read Chuck-O’s dismissal to me after months in the desert. I feel
of Green Anarchy online at the one-time the desert winds in my soul, telling
marginally anarchist, these days secrets of ancient people and future paths.
solidly reformist, He (continued on page 78)
I know where to go, how to live; the some, and not believable or pertinent to veterans. Before I was born, he lived All is well now. I am very grateful
only question is how soon, how soon others ...but what do you really think a long time in the desert, a hermit, for all your guy’s work. By far, hands
can we bring it all down? Compassion John? Your reviews are sure to keep living off the land eating what he down, I think the GA thing is the best
compels destruction. I love, and so I people on their toes and provide could shoot with a .38 pistol. He spectrum of life thoughts & actions
must hate, or at least abhor and obstruct, us with some places to further our taught me a lot. Then I did my thing going. Even Nietzsche would be
throwing my will and my spirit into research (and where to not waste our and came back different. 14 months impressed. Thanks.
ending this madness of civilization. I time). I appreciated the “Practical in an army hospital “PTSD” & all To the Living
will be no martyr. Why leap into the Rewilding” in this issue, as I was that crap. 10 years in prison. I get out Cheers!
jaws of the beast to choke it-maybe- slightly turned-off by the description in August 2006. George R Curnutt, K50776
when you can glide silently beside and of steel-trap usage in the previous Anyway, I was fearing the “loss” of CRC, BOX 3535-210-68, Norco,
break, burn, rend, and thrash…and issue, although I get my meat from my ma & pops before I paroled. I CA 92860-0999
disappear. We may not kill this beast, Whole Foods, so who am I to criticize. feared I would suicide out & all that.
but it will not be the same as before- And, as usual, the action reports were Well, the reading of all your guys stuff Anarchy As Role
and neither will we.
i was talking to a friend
Cheers! about anarchy, more im-
Green Anarchy, portantly green anarchy
Cheers on the technology when i decided to just
issue! A topic much in need google the word and see
of deeper inquisition. The what comes up. It made
cover was intense and me really sad to find that
moving…the synthetic and the first three hits were for
counterfeit life-support an online role playing game
system we all have been co- and only after some scrolling
erced to cling to and depend was i able to find a link to
on… puissant, yet so fragile. the philosophy. Which led
You could see fear, depression, me to your site. Even
desperation, hope, and devi- though i have my issues
ance in her stare all at once. with what i see as anarchy,
Glad to see the Unabomber i still see, love and appreciate
stuff inside the cover and the sheer beauty of the
sprinkled about. The text ideal and to see something
has so much to offer, despite bred so far outside of the
some awkwardness and circle choked and drug into
areas of shortsightedness. the middle of it only to be
RedWolfReturn’s piece was resurfaced as a marketing
the perfect opener for the tool and an online role
issue, starting from the personal dynamite, especially the quasi-erotic brought me back to my senses. Just
French report. Thanks for all the updates in time. I think pops sensed it too, he playing game makes me sick. Its so
reflection on the damage technology amazing to me that in a world of
inflicts on all of life, including us. on the state repression front, and the hung on waiting for me to be ready.
whole package in general. I hope He died and I feel him as me, not a total mediocrity more people arnt
“I Am Not a Machine” offered an more extreme. How people dont feel
intelligent, substantial, and insight- your financial difficulties turn loss but I gained and the rest of the
around, because we can’t afford to universe! I see aspects of my dad in any kind of urge to break something,
ful analysis on technology’s inherent start something, or just scream is
mediating condition, and I especially lose you. Thanks everything and my living is a con-
Janice Frontage tinuation of him. Even the ants and beyond me. Or maybe its becoming
dug the Jerry Mander stuff. I remember a more normal feeling to want that.
the relevance the book had back in roaches seem to look at me like happy
puppies! I just don’t feel any “loss”. I mean being homeless is becoming
the seventies and its main thesis still Such Good Shit an ideal vaction for a lot of people i
rings true. “Motorway to Roswell” Dear GA, All is gain. I wish I could express
myself better. I will have to leave it know.....i digress.
added a little quirkiness, while the I have to thank you all for doing what Ive read about green anarchy and
Jacques Ellul piece brought some of you do. It is hard not to get all long at thanks.
My dad left nothing. Made no will. things of that nature before and flirted
the more classical critiques of tech- winded. I am in prison and have 50 with the ideas for some time now.
nological society that a lot of the minutes to get a letter and a shower. He wanted me to be free. When I
parole, I will have what I walk out There was a zine in circulation called
anti-civilization discourse has been Over the years I have spent Profane Existance that introduced me
built on, along with Lewis Mumford. $20,000. On books. Religious, the gate with. I would have died 6
months ago. Now I look forward to to the ideas in literary form.
I really enjoyed Helena’s piece on the philosophy, psych, magic, you name I spent the past hour reading the
role technology inflicts on women as it! Searched for a reason. being utterly free, though I still have
parole to contend with. I will work “about” section of your site and now
baby making equipment, and the ar- But inside I always knew nothing im back in this weird grey area of feeling
ticle critical of viewing “alternative” was to be learned nor sought. ‘It’ was the system.
At any rate, I have plenty left to that i dont understand anything
power as the solution to our problems. and is always naturally me. about the world around me. I havent
Zerzan’s essay on the “Axial Age” drew In the last couple months my read. I just got #21 two hours after I
found out pops died. Right on time! really felt that way since i was first
some very insightful connections pops managed to get me all the getting into punk.
between the solidification and con- books you guys sell and I got most Finished reading Wild Within as he
died. My pops was a bike club Really i guess i wanted to say
solidation of religious myth and power mentioned in Species Traitor #4 thanks for that, and if you could
with that of the rise of civilization. As (which I did get completed!). Zerzan, president too once. I am reading at
present A Language Older Than Words. send me any info on obtaining
usual, Zerzan makes the important Jensen, Rezendes, and the GA paper past publications of your zine
connections, but it also suffers from saved my life! Such good shit! I sure wish I would
have ran into you long ago. I did, but and getting more in the future itd
the typical (and ironic) ultra academic My dad just died at 83, almost 84. be greatly appreciated.
style that is not always accessible to We were very tight. Both of us are did not know it.
Jade E. De Grio
John Trudell maintains more credibitly than
Russel Means. But I’m sure you catch
Testified! my drift. anonomous
Are you completely unaware that
John Trudell testified against other GA Note: This letter clarified much
AIM members in Grand Jury trials for us, and we only regret that it had
and also volunteered his own testi- been placed in an obscure folder over
mony to John Graham’s extradition a year ago, making it difficult to find,
hearing in canada? Providing material and untimely to print.
to the state that will be used against
other movement members and
against the movement itself is called Fuck “Security
collaborating with the enemy.
Collaboration is a serious offense in
any resistance movement, it is a hell
Hey y’all,
I wanted to write a “Fuck Security
of a lot more than just ‘infighting’ or Culture” article, but as usual, no time.
‘longrunning disputes, factions, and
political mud-slinging.’ Collaboration
results in severe repercussions for
For now, here’s some thoughts I had
about the countless fuckers intent on
squashing, containing, or taking over
people, including imprisonment and radical/revolutionary projects. How June 2–5, 2006 saw, for me, a very satisfying anti-civ gathering in
death. It is not something that should do we stay safe from interlopers — the hills above Girona, about 60 miles north of Barcelona. Organized
be just brushed off because some and our own paranoia? by the Llavors d’Anarchia folks, about 100 were there over the
poem is amusing to you. The judge First, we gotta deal with our shit! extended weekend from some half dozen countries besides Spain.
who heard the case against John Promoting hostility between groups I was impressed by many things, starting with the good-natured,
Graham (to have him extradited to and breeding internal disputes is a mature attitudes of everyone I encountered. These are the most
stand trial in S. Dakota for the murder classic tactic of state actors and other serious of times and yet all attendees seemed to have sunny spirits
of Anna Mae Aquash) said in her asswipes. Authoritarian tendencies equal to the perfect weather. Folks engaged the range of challenges
closing statement that without the and other such weaknesses (abstract facing us, more often than not in meetings of the whole, with attentive
submission of John Trudell, she fears, embarrassing habits, painful respect and no grandstanding. Despite the numbers of people at
would be unable to grant the U.S.’s addictions, swollen heads...) can’t be many of the sessions, problems of “equal access” to speaking did
application for extradition. If Trudell used against us so easily if we’re open, not arise, for example.
had just kept his mouth shut, the case honest, and direct with people that Among many highlights was the fascinating contribution of Thierry
would be over and done with right matter to us. Save the trashing for use- Sallantin, a former anthropologist who has lived among indigenous
now, and John Graham would be a less and anti-liberatory projects, people in French Guyana (north of Brazil) for about 20 years.
free man. pigs, and the like. Always priority- Convicted of helping them fight gold mining interests there, he spent
In the case of Arlo Looking Cloud, one for me: a healthy relationship
six years in prison. He spoke simply but movingly of indigenous
John Trudell’s ‘testimony’ helped send with myself, my compañeros, and
lifeways that he has come to know and value, and proposed that
Arlo up the river for life. What is the rest of my crazy-ass world.
Trudell’s submission? Well, apparently, Nothin’ else seems to work if these other primitivists join him in this very, very sparsely populated country.
he heard Looking Cloud confess to aren’t syncing well. Thierry feels that we industrialized people must communicate how
him – there’s no recording, no other Second, we need critical thinking inferior and destructive is mass society, so that primitive ways are
witnesses, just what is known as AND common sense. Dig beneath not exchanged for it.
‘hearsay.’ And this is the sole ‘evidence’ surface of what you hear and read. In a somewhat different vein was the “Propulsores Paleoliticos”
the U.S. is using against Looking Negative, confusing, or harmful rumors workshop, exploring the creative uses of slingshots. Anti-
Cloud and Graham. So, what the NEVER get passed on, but deal with nanotechnology protests and discussions were concluding in
fuck? Its bad enough that you print the source or the target for clarity Grenoble as the gathering began, and we were joined by some who
the work of collaborators in your sake!. Be leery of poseurs who talk had been present there, stimulating an examination of that Brave
magazine, but then you have to go and shit, shit-talk, use loaded terms, and New World threat. The closing workshop was a luddite skit or reading
defend it, and diminutize the extremely other such politicking to marginalize that concluded with the smashing of technological objects by whoever
damaging effects collaboration has an individual, group, or project. If volunteered. The biggest rush forward to obliterate something was
against liberation movements. long-term relationships end suddenly when a cell phone was held aloft!
Continuing to support Trudell is its – especially with unexpected angst – Paca and others translated everyone very ably (in my admittedly
own form of collaboration. It lends was it just dysfunctional bullshit or under-informed opinion), and the get-together was neither over-or-
him an air of respectabilty, like he is was someone influencing the split? ganized nor left totally to on-the-spot arrangements. The food was
still a respected member of the move- Announcements regarding jailhouse fine, available for 2 euros per meal.
ment. He’s not, he’s a joke. And for snitching need to be verified – the I heard many say that this was the best yet of the four gatherings
the people who he has betrayed, his state loves to play one off the other
that have been held annually in or fairly near Barcelona by the Llavor
poems hold no nostalgic warmth for to get info. As to agents provocateur –
group of friends.
the good old days when he had they’re easy. Don’t do anything dan-
something to say. They are hollow and gerous with anyone you can’t trust There was much less emphasis on sharing primitive skills than at
bitter words that echo down the range your life with! Feral Visions encampments, even though the question of practical
with the footsteps of the prison guards. Last for now, when in doubt or alternatives to civilizational modes was a pretty constant focus of
And in terms of Russel Means, he nervous, take a deep breath. Get some the event. I had a great time, meeting super individuals and hearing
too is a collaborator, a sell out and a perspective. Talk to a deeply trusted their perspectives and experiences. A memorable time of much sharing.
traitor. I was thinking the equivilant friend before going off the deep end. Great thanks to all on hand and giant gratitude to Paca, Ramon,
of printing Russell Means in Green Times are tough and they ain’t Lourdes, Pepe, Encarnia, and all others who made it happen.
Anarchy would be printing Noam gonna get softer any time soon.
Chomsky, but then i realized that
Chomsky is less of a sell out and
Lets keep on keepin’ on,
Running Wild
-John Zerzan
But the Leviathanic inversion of this fire

The last
last by the next Church is already announced.
No less a personage than the Enlightened
scientific economist Marx lodges Morgan’s
version of an Iroquois community in the

basement of his revolutionary edifice. The
sharing ways of the Iroquois, dubbed Primitive
Communism, linger in the basement of this
edifice while laboring humanity passes upward,
through slavery, serfdom and wage labor, to
Fully Developed Communism.
The four beasts of Daniel as well as the three
ages of Joachim di Fiore are processed for
their upward passage by Humanity’s Productive
Forces. Each stage is a Mode of Production.
The context is a labor camp, and the
revolutionary subjects are His-story’s objects,
namely zeks, called Proletarians.
The Eschaton of this Apocalypse is still a
labor camp animated by concentrated zeks,
but is can be distinguished from all previous
camps by the portentous fact that the Archons
of the post-revolutionary polity are all members
of the Paradisial Party. The eschatological po-
lice bully, incarcerate and kill by the grace
of Ahura Mazda, just like ancient Cyrus. The
repressors wear the free and sharing ways of
the Iroquois as badges and armbands.
A farcical replay of the Roman Church’s
expropriation and inversion of the anti-Roman
crisis cult, the Revolutionary Church nevertheless
succeeds in channeling numerous potential

do a
a ghost
rebels into neo-Franciscan Orders, Leviathanic
dead ends which, like the earlier Orders, become
the vanguard of the repression. It becomes the
main project of the stunted rebels to succeed

where Businessmen failed, to destroy what

dance, human communities still remain, to eradicate

the last traces of what Marx called Primitive
Communism, so as to send all humanity
scurrying up the escalator, past His-story’s
concentration camps, toward the highest stage
–Fredy Perlman of moronization, the topmost camp, the one
ruled by the General Secretary of the Paradisial
Conclusion of
of Party, a ruler who calls himself The Proletariat.
Against History,
History, Against
Against Leviathan!
Leviathan! Revolutionary archons compete with Enlight-
ened archons in rending the Biosphere,
turning the world into a place where free
THE LAST COMMUNITIES DO A GHOST DANCE, experiences a vision when he pushes obfus-
human beings can neither stand nor lie nor sit.
and the ghosts of the last communities will cating facts aside and sees that the process
called Civilization has not been the boon his The last relics of the world’s communities
continue to dance within the entrails of the
Enlightened contemporaries claim it to be are safely lodged in trophy cases which, their
artificial beast. The council-fires of the never-
but rather the bane that explains the Euro- guards insist, contain all there is to know
defeated communities are not extinguished by
peans’ loss. Blake, Melville and Thoreau sing about communities.
the genocidal invaders, just as the light of
these revelations to their school-stunted con- The beast now turns on the zeks in its
Ahura Mazda was not extinguished by rulers
temporaries, and despite an increasingly total entrails, for they too, however stunted they may
who claimed it shone on them. The fire is
schooling apparatus and an ever more ubiquitous be, still possess what Quakers call an “inner
eclipsed by something dark, but it continues
press, the grandchildren of irredeemably light,” and any such light is anathema to Levia-
to burn, and its flames shoot out where they
Leviathanized zeks begin to stir with rhythms than, whose element is the dark, the synthetic.
are least expected.
that come from outside their synthetic environment. Having eliminated the communities of outsiders,
Just as Ahura Mazda’s flame was carried to
The fire that was to burn down the last beast the Technological Wonder proceeds to generate
Albi in southern France by Bogomils and their
of the Apocalypse, a fire kept alive by Free outsiders inside its own entrails, to expunge
western successors, the flames kept alive by
Spirits, Adamites, Ranters and rebelling zeks human zeks and replace them with machines,
this continent’s communities are carried to
and serfs, is forgotten but not extinguished. with things made of its own substance.
the darkest corners of Europe and America.
Its flames are relit with kindling that comes This bizarre last act surprises only those
A Montaigne experiences a revelation when
from council fires of Cheyenne, Dakota, who still take Leviathan at its word and think
he sees that the people Europeans call Savages
Potawatomi communities. it rational. Its rationality is as artificial as its
possess realms Europeans have lost. A Rousseau
Emerging through the veil,
love of nature and its devotion to humanity.
The beast that so cruelly and bloodily swallowed
humanity so as to turn people into appendages
of tools now shoves the appendages aside and
generates pockets of human beings superfluous we dance ecstatic
to its further progress. Our strategy is the dance wherein theory and practice are most intimately acquainted; where strengths
The new outsiders are not radicals. They are and weaknesses are partnered, back and forth – bidden or not. Our dance has direction and aim with
people who happened to animate springs and an implied – if intermediate – ending. For some, and at times, that aim may be only to remain free to
gears which can now be automated, namely dance another day.
artificialized. The outsiders may be scions of Without general or headquarters, we are first and always the individual strategist. If we dance at
the most royalist zeks or managers, like the times with a troupe, we are never martinets. Each must reveal to the self those hidden patterns that
French Canadians who actually found kinship lead us – whether astray or in line – or we reveal each to the other when prudent avoiding such revela-
and community although they, unlike many of tions to the enemy. Whenever dancers merge or proximate, patterns shift and balances may be tipped
their contemporaries, didn’t know they or uniquely experienced; this is a time for caution and reflection – perhaps within the instant.
wanted these gifts. Our strategy seeks to harmonize the cacophony of awareness, contemplation, comprehension,
The displaced zeks languish, and it is not yet sensation, intuition, experience, impetus, and decision into that single fluid moment of many such
moments when desire and intent meet opportunity. Strategy tunes as it is tuned, our dance a flexible
known if the Quakers are right, if the new out-
undulation—even when staccato. It is concerned with the groove, the exploratory move; the feint and
siders do indeed still have an “inner light,”
slide, crouch and leap, twist and turn. No step ever truly identical, even when the dance repeats.
namely an ability to reconstitute lost rhythms, Strategy is multi-dimensional and multi-directional. It is in all ways far and near, momentous and
to recover music, to regenerate human cultures. timeless, sooner and later, the look behind and ahead, but always dancing with the now. Attempting to
It is also not known if the technological see the unseen, touch what cannot be felt, hear that which was always before silent. Placing the
detritus that crowds and poisons the world known, the likely, and the imaginable in concert with prevailing conditions and recognizing the vast
leaves human beings any room to dance. unknowable territory between adversaries. Dancing delicately but boldly, feeling each rhythm more
What is known is that Leviathan, the great sweetly, strategy is imagination playing with the unlikely, toying in impossibilities.
artifice, single and world-embracing for the Our strategy must account for a great asymmetry, with symmetry rarely appreciated. We make use
first time in His-story, is decomposing. of the adversaries weaknesses and avoid its strengths, challenging and dodging to draw them into
From the day when battery-run voices acting according to our plan. Tactics, targets, and timing shift to harmonize with other dancers only
began broadcasting old speeches to battery- when we wish. Always to undermine enemy strengths and exploit their vulnerabilities to gain an
run listeners, the beast has been talking to ever-greater freedom of movement.
itself. Having swallowed everyone and every- Our strategy may be as chaos, playing and dancing in the here and now, shifting and adapting,
thing outside itself, the beast becomes its own feeling everything around us in motion; refusing to adhere to doctrine or rules of engagement. Chaos
sole frame of reference. It entertains itself, considers an ever-expanding and contracting sphere of influence, spreading out or tucking close on
exploits itself and wars on itself. It has our terms. We appear and disappear without warning; moving like the wind without detectable rhythm.
reached the end of its Progress, for there is But, our dance may also be as orderly as the disorder requires – understanding the nature of the ploy.
nothing left for it to progress against except Instead of being directed by strategic schools of thought, it is better to direct ones strategic thought
itself. Being above all else a war engine, the towards schools. Extract what you will, but never forget for whom and for what these schools exist.
Strategy may be direct a sally to search and destroy. Indirect when transformations are desired.
beast is most likely to perish once and for all
Three aspects of strategy are inspiration, creation, and attack and are interchangeable, inter-
in a cataclysmic suicidal war, in which case
connected forms.
Ahriman would permanently extinguish the Our strategy does not look to the quick and decisive end sought by the militarist whose means are
light of Ahura Mazda. suited to anothers acceptable political end. Ours is a totalizing strategy, the dance of unrelenting will
People waste their lives when they plead with that cannot fail to challenge the captured will of those conscripted to fight for others. We dance only
Ahriman to desist from extinguishing the light, for ourselves, for our own pleasure, at no ones beck and call. We love to dance alone, but are always
for such a deed would be Ahriman’s final tri- pleased when other such dancers join us in a fluid, joyful, all encompassing embrace; a dance of life.
umph over Ahura Mazda, and the pleaders
might learn too late that they are the ones who –from A Craft of Insurrection, by Moon Su
put the idea into the monster’s head.
Leviathan is turning into Narcissus, admiring
its own synthetic image in its own synthetic
pond, enraptured by its spectacle of itself.
It is a good time for people to let go of its sanity,
its masks and armors, and go mad, for they are
already being ejected from its pretty polis.
In ancient Anatolia people danced on the
earth-covered ruins of the Hittite Leviathan
and built their lodges with stones which con-
tained the records of the vanished empire’s
great deeds.
The cycle has come round again. America is
where Anatolia was. It is a place where human
beings, just to stay alive, have to jump, to
dance, and by dancing revive the rhythms,
recover cyclical time. An-archic and pantheistic
dancers no longer sense the artifice and its
linear His-story as All, but as merely one cycle,
one long night, a stormy night that left Earth
wounded, but a night that ends, as all nights
end, when the sun rises.
Detroit, March 1983 Page 81 SUMMER/FALL ‘06 ISSUE
The cost of the items is for printing, postage, and a little extra to keep this project going.

Feral Revolution Feral Faun $5

An Anti-Civilization Journal of Theory and Action Pamphlets: A collection of critical, inspirational, and insightful
Single issues of Green Anarchy can be mailed to you for: $4 in the U.S., $5 in Canada, Abolition Of Work & Primitive Affluence anti-civilization anarchist writings by Feral Faun.
$6 in Europe, $7 around the world. Back issues (#9-22) are still available for $4 each, Bob Black $2 Future Primitive John Zerzan $2
A great post-left critique of work. Taken from the book, this essay presents a
or $50 for the set. The last half-a-dozen issues (since we shifted to a magazine
A Child’s Guide to Nihilism $2 scathing critique of civilization and technology.
format) have been focused along certain themes, although each issue does This “Coloring and Activity Book” offers a unique, Grand Juries: Tools Of Political Repression
go beyond the specific focus. *Check out our website for more details on each issue. yet concise, introduction to the general outlook Craig Rosebraugh $2
Issue #15 (Winter 2004) focused on: Issue #19 (Spring 2005) focused on: and historical framework, including interactive Analysis of grand juries by someone who’s been
exercises, word searches, crossword puzzles, and through many of them.
“The Problem of the Left” “Indigenous Resistance”
an assortment of clever and humorous lessons. If an Agent Knocks Anonymous $2
Issue #16 (Spring 2004) focused on: Issue #20 (Summer 2005) focused on: Against the Engineering of Life $3 All you need to know about visits by the feds.
“Rewilding” “Spirituality, Ideology, and Worldviews” Lucid analysis of biotechnology and techno-sci- Industrial Domestication: Industry As The
entific society by former Situationist, Rene Riesel. Origins Of Modern Domination Leopold Roc $1
Issue #17 (Summer 2004) focused on: Issue #21 (Fall/Winter 2005-06) was A Map Chellis Glendinning $3 This essay shows why the struggle for workers’
“Introduction to Green Anarchy” an eclectic issue. The contents of a speech delivered by Chellis. autonomy must be one to destroy industrialism.
Anti-Mass: Methods Of Organization For Industrial Society & Its Future: The
Issue #18 (Fall/Winter 2004-05) Issue #22 (Spring 2006) focused on: Collectives $2 Unabomber’s Manifesto F.C. (Unambomber) $4
focused on: “Class Struggle” Technology. Arguments against mass organization and in An in-depth manifesto against industrialism.
favor of more autonomous action. Insurrectionary Anarchy: Organizing Attack! $1
An insurrectional anarchist classic!
A short excerpt from Do Or Die, focusing on
insurrectionalist ideas and practice. Argues for a
Here are the rates for a 4 Issue Subscription (2 years): At Daggers Drawn Elephant Editions $3 new strategic orientation, one completely severed
Beautifully poetic insurrectionalist pamphlet from liberal and reformist thought patterns.
U.S. - $15, Canada - $19, Europe - $23, that convincingly demonstrates that our dreams InTERRORgation: The CIA’s Secret Manual on
and the rest of the planet - $27 can only be realized through revolutionary Coercive Questioning $5
struggle and that revolutionary struggle itself 56-page reprint of the CIA’s interrogation manual.
Subscriptions are FREE for Prisoners! is already the realization of many of our goals. Describes methods of physical and mental torture
Note to Prisoners: Attacking Prisons at the Point of Production $2 to “induce compliance” from “unwilling subjects.”
A brief look at militant actions against the An Introduction to Critical Theory: The Dialectic
Due to our mailing costs, we are asking that prisoners now re-subscribe every four issues prison-industrial complex. of Everyday Life $2
(for free) so we know that you would like to continue receiving our magazine. We will let you
Beyond Agriculture $3 Originally published in 1980 by the Columbia
know when your subscription has run out with your fourth issue. We also ask prisoners to
Debunks agriculture and organic gardening, in Anarchist League, this short text is a powerful
share copies if possible, rather than sign up all of their friends, as it is quite expensive
to continue the 600+ free prisoner subscriptions. favor of a foraging existence. attack on ideological non-thought.
Colonization Is Always War Zig Zag $2 Lessons Of Easter Island Clive Ponting $1
Send well-concealed cash, postal money orders or checks in U.S. Modern resistance to the forces of colonialism. Taken from A Green History of the World.
Consent Or Coercion Ed Stamm $2 Let’s Get Free! $3
currency made out to Green Anarchy. And, let us know what issue you
An accessible introduction to anarchism. 28-page zine about Jeff “Free” Luers, earth
would like to start your subscription at (the current or next issue). Disgust Of Daily Life Kevin Tucker $3 defender, anarchist, and political prisoner currently
If domestic subscribers would like their subscription in an envelope, A creative piece furthering the critique of serving 23 years for a politically-motivated arson.
please note and add an additional $4 per subscription ($1 per issue). civilization and its totality. Contains writings, poetry, and artwork by Free.
Down With Empire, Up With Spring $3 Libres y Salvajes: la diversidad insurreccion $3
PO Box 11331, Eugene, OR 97440. A contribution to the dialogue on social revolution
and ecological defense, this pamphlet contains
A compilation of insurrectionary and green
anarchist writings, including Feral Faun, John
email us at: excerpts from an excellent essay in the final Moore, Robin Terranova, Willful Disobedience,
with any questions or orders. issue of the U.K. eco-anarchist periodical/book and Killing King Abacus. Translated into Spanish
Do Or Die. by Llavor d’ Anarquia in Barcelona, Spain.
Earth Liberation Front: Frequently Asked Listening To The Land: An Interview With
HOW TO DISTRIBUTE GREEN ANARCHY Questions ELF Press Office $3 Ward Churchill by Derrick Jensen $1
What is the ELF? Why did they burn down Vail? A great interview with American Indian Move-
Here are the rates for distribution: EcoDefense Dave Foreman and Bill Haywood $8 ment revolutionary and author, Ward Churchill.
U.$. This classic book put into a thick zine format, is a Native Resistance To Canada $2
Quantity under 49 copies - $1.75 per copy field guide to monkey-wrenching and ecological Modern Native struggles against colonialism.
direct action. It is a huge and indispensable guide Network of Domination Wolfi Landstreicher $3
Quantity over 50 copies - $1.50 per copy to fucking with the System! Anarchist analysis of the institutions, structures,
Electric Funeral Havoc Mass $3 and systems of domination and exploitation to
Canada Originally appearing in GA #15, this essay is be debated, developed and acted upon.
Sending Green Anarchy to Canada costs extra. We ask that people pay the “an in-depth examination of the mega-machine’s Nihilism, Anarchy, and the 21st Century $3
same rates as above but add about 20% more money for postage. circuitry”. It gives historical precedents and Intended to expose anarchists to the breadth
eloquently advocates for infrastructural targeting of the nihilist contribution to anarchy.
International in actions against industrial society. Nihilist’s Dictionary $2 John Zerzan
Sending large quantities of Green Anarchy overseas costs a lot of money and Enemy Of The State: An Interview With John Originally a regularly running column Anarchy:
takes time. We ask that people add about 30% more money for postage. We Zerzan by Derrick Jensen $1 A Journal of Desire Armed and published in its
will send packages out as cheap as possible (usually surface) unless specifically Brief, but informative conversation with J.Z. entirety in John’s book, Future Primitive.
requested by you to send it air mail. False Promises Ward Churchill $3 Non-Violence & Its Violent Consequences
This essay, subtitled, An Indigenist Examination William Meyers $2
of Marxist Theory and Practice, from Ward’s Pacifist absurdity debunked.

Anarchy Radio
book, Since Predator Came, is a thorough and On Organization by Jaques Camatte $3
scholarly look at the theoretical and practical This pamphlet collects Camatte’s major writings
conflicts between an indigenous world-view on the predictable, repetitive and anti-
and practice and that of Marxism. liberatory organizational mindset of leftist
with John Zerzan Fawda Venomous Butterfly Publications $3
Analyzes the struggle in Palestine from an
political rackets.
On the Poverty of Student Life $2
Tuesdays @ 9pm (PDT) insurrectional anarchist perspective. Classic and scandalous Situationist tract from 1966
Feral Forager $3 that thoroughly trashes the university system.
88.1 KWVA Eugene A guide to living off nature’s bounty in urban, On The Road Again: Direct Action Underground $2
online: rural, and wilderness areas. Contains wild foods
and medicines, how to use roadkill, and more.
Some basics you need to know about the nature
of underground and clandestine resistance.
Our Enemy, Civilization $3 Fire and Ice by Laurel Luddite and Skunkly Welcome to the Machine
Essays against civilization, industrialism, mass The Fredy Perlman Series: Monkly $10 (co-written with George Draffan) $18
society, and modernity. The Continuing Appeal of Nationalism $3 An emotionally poignant and extremely lucid From tiny ID chips tracking everything we purchase
Primitivist Primer John Moore $1 A concise and critical look at national liberation book. Subtitled, “Disturbing the Comfortable and to governmental/corporate entities gathering and
An interesting and very accessible introduction struggles from an anarchist perspective Comforting the Disturbed while Tracking Our recording every last detail of our lives to the hyper-
to the movement against civilization. Anti-Semitism and the Beirut Pogrom $2 Wildest Dreams,” the personal approach of their militarism of the all-encompassing police state,

Quiet Rumours: An Anarcha-Feminist Reader, A look at the inherent racism of Zionism, and stream-of-consciousness writing is often missing Jensen and Draffan reveal the horrific modern
the Dark Star Collective (not entire book) $3 the condition of an oppressed people becoming in the either over-simplistic rhetorical or hyper- surveillance and control culture of the machine.
A compilation of some major anarcha-feminist an oppressor. intellectual writings of the anarchist milieu. Through meticulous research and personal
articles of the past century. Ten Theses on the Proliferation of Egocrats $1 narrative, they challenge our submission to the
Rebel’s Dark Laughter: Writings Of Bruno A brief look at the rationality and development NEW! institutions and technologies of civilization itself.
Filippi Venomous Butterfly Publications $3 of the ego-leader/dictator. Fighting for Freedom by Edgey and Esperanza $14
Selected writings and poetry by this late Italian Progress and Nuclear Power $1 Species Traitor #4 $10

This handsome paperback is a collection of 12
insurrectionary anarchist. This essay traces the systematic coloniza- short essays taking on domination/civilization. The awsome new issue focuses on the conse-
Revolution And/Or Insurrection Kevin Tucker $4 tion of North America, and links it to the Fine intro-material. quences of domestication and agriculture, the
“Some Thoughts on Tearing this Muthafucka mind-set which perpetuates industry and collapse of civilization, and on the primal war.
Down”. It is an accumulation of some of Kevin nuclear power. It is in a new format: 200 pages, book binding.
Tucker’s best writings on the subject of resistance (Get all four Fredy Perlman essays for $6)
Derrick Jensen:
to civilization. A Language Older Than Words $20
The Revolutionary Pleasure of Thinking for Brilliant, disturbing, and original, this deeply personal John Zerzan:
Yourself $2 Primitive Skills Series: book gets to the core of humanity’s internal and Against Civilization Edited by Zerzan $15
A situationist tract translated into plain English, Primitive Tools $3 external conflicts. From domestic abuse to silence This long-awaited newly expanded addition of the
this essay was originally published in the U.S. Stones, bones, shells, antlers, horns, wood; you and control to clearcuts, the omnicidal composition classic collection of essays against civilization has
in 1975 by The Spectacle. It takes dead aim at can make simple tools from them all! of our culture is bleakly illustrated. But through this, been released!. Recently unavailable, it includes
one of the most serious scourges stunting the Primitive Fire and Cordage $3 Derrick successfully composes an inspiring guide writings by Kirkpatrick Sale, Chellis Glendinning,

growth of the anarchist movement: ideology. Making fire from bow and hand drills, and to self-discovery, personal healing, interpersonal Barbra Mor, Marshall Sahlins, and more!
Security Culture Free! simple techniques to make rope and string. relationships and planetary survival. This is definitely Elements Of Refusal $15
Basic precautions for direct action. Primitive Containers $3 not some New-Age escapist treatise, but instead, a Johnny Z’s extensive research attempts to trace
Society Against The State Pierre Clastres $1 Learn how to make baskets, bags, and what-nots. deeply grounded and emotional masterpiece. the roots of domination. From time, agriculture,
Analysis of the anti-authoritarian nature of many Primitive/Semi-Permanent Shelters $3 The Culture of Make-Believe $22 language, and so on to the various other forms

indigenous peoples by this French anarchist Learn four different methods of primitive building. Interweaving political, historical, philosophical, of social control that domesticate and dominate
anthropologist. Deer from Field to Freezer $3 and deeply personal perspectives, Derrick argues all life.
that only by understanding past horrors can we Running On Emptiness $15

Stopping The Industrial Hydra: Revolution So, now you’ve found or killed a deer. What next!
Against The Megamachine George Bradford $2 Brain Tan Buckskin $3 hope to prevent future ones (and heal from and John’s most recent book includes “Time & Its
Looks at the ecological disasters perpetuated by Raw deer skin to finished buckskin in as little escape the current set-up). Researching and criti- Discontents,” “Whose Unabomber,” “Abstract
cally examining the atrocities that characterize our Expressionism,” John’s memoir “So, How Did You

industrial capitalism and technological civilization. as 10 hours!
This Is What Democracy Looks Like VBP $3 Primitive Wilderness Cooking $3 culture–lynchings, slavery, manufactured disasters, Become An Anarchist” and other great essays.
Essays criticizing the anti-globalization move- Boiling, baking, roasting, frying and more! deathsquads–he arrives at some shocking and
thought-provoking conclusions in this 700-page
ment and the paltry ideal of democracy.
Towards The Creative Nothing: Selected
(Get all seven pamphlets of this useful series
by Prairie Wolf for $18.) literary bombshell that will shatter your illusions Videos:
Writings Of Renzo Novatore VBP $3 and rattle your bones. Anarchy In Spain Rottin’/Johnny Productions $12
A great compilation of rants by this obscure NEW! Listening to the Land $18 An account of two green anarchists’ 2001 tour of
anarcho-individualist revolutionary. Go Light (Issue #1) $3 Choosing the dialogue form instead of the single- Spain, including visits to squats, CNT museums,
UnCivilized $3 Thoughts on primal parenting and the wild child, voice narrative, Jensen’s hope was that the reader and interviews with contemporary anarchists.
This “Primer on Civilization, Domestication, and focusing on teaching kids ways of relating to the could experience “the communal effort at working Fuck The System and Takin’ It Down!
Anarchy” combines a deeply radical overview world outside, or on the edge of, the civilized through some of the greatest and most difficult Destruction Productions $15
of civilization with compelling personal voices context. (Re)introducing children to edible and questions ever faced by human beings.” This book FTS is a 60-minute music-documentary of

of yearning and resistance. medicinal plants, building shelters, hunting is a collection of over two dozen provocative anarchist uprisings in Eugene and around the
Undesirables VBP $3 and gathering, planting, singing and dancing, conversations with environmentalists, theologians, world, including various inciteful music videos!
Essays on technology and class struggle and more! Native Americans, psychologists, and feminists. TID!, the long-awaited sequel, is an additional
translated from Greek and Italian anarchist Highlights include interviews with Paul Shepard, 60 minutes of anti-civilization music and videos.
Ward Churchill, and Susan Griffin. U.S. Off The Planet: An Evening With Ward
We All Live In Bhopal David Watson $1
Zines: Strangely Like War Churchill And Chellis Glendinning $12

In the technological society, we are all subjected Disorderly Conduct Issues #1 and #2 are $2 (co-written with George Draffan) $16 A wonderful documentation of two speeches
to poisonous chemicals and contaminations. each, #3 and #4 are $3 each, #5 and #6 are $5 Civilizations have always been founded on a dis- delivered by Ward and Chellis on June 17th, 2001.
Weeping Willow Coalition Against Civilization $3 each, (sorry, they kept getting bigger) and $18 connection from the earth, and this separation Society of the Spectacle: The Film! $12
Contains herbal remedies, wild foods and for the complete set. No longer published. is also what is basic to their eventual collapse. The hard-to-find filmatic interpretation of the
medicines, and some basic primitive skills The legendary insurrectionary green-anarchist This can be illustrated in no clearer terms than Situationist classic by Guy Debord (made by Debord
Without A Trace: A Forensic Manual for You publication, brought to you by the “Bring On in the legacy of deforestation, from ancient himself) that turns the Spectacle on its head!
Mesopotamia to the Pacific Northwest. With Surplus $12

and Me $3 The Ruckus” Society. Sorry, it almost never
An Absolutely indispensable guide to attacking makes it into prisons. Not for the timid. most of the aboriginal forests now gone, the Collage/commentary by Italian filmmaker, Erik
the system and getting away with it! A must Green Anarchist (U.K.) Current issue only $2 life-support system for not only civilized humans, Gandini takes a hard look at the grotesque
for anyone with felonious plans. This uncompromising predecessor of Green but also for all of life is in jeopardy. Jensen and nature of civilization and the multifaceted resistance
Woman and Nature Susan Griffin $3 Anarchy was one of the earliest primitivist zines. Draffan document this stark scenario of eco- to it. Tackling weighty themes like consumption,
This compilation from Griffin’s most powerful Still offering many action reports and strong logical breakdown, while inspiring us to act. technology, objectification, and domination.
and incisive book features some of the most anti-civilization analysis.
provocative eco-feminist writings out there. Killing King Abacus (#1 and 2) $3 each
Writings Of The Vancouver Five $4
Writings by members of the eco-anarcho-feminist
Cutting-edge journal of insurrectional anarchist theory.
Lugnut (issue #4) $2
How to order:
urban guerrillas from Canada, known as the An engaging, concise overview of (anti)civilization - Please send well-concealed cash, checks, or postal money orders made out to
Wimmin’s Fire Brigade and Direct Action. from Ireland. Revealing – and fun! “Green Anarchy” in U.S. Currency only (no loose change).
Species Traitor (issue #3) $4
Thick anarcho-primitivist zine from the east-
- Mail orders to: PO BOX 11331, Eugene, OR 97440.
Back to Basics Series: coast’s Coalition Against Civilization, focusing - We try to fill orders quickly, but we’re very busy and delays often do occur. Please
volume one: The Origins of Civilization $1 on theory and insurrection.(See our book be patient. Email us at: if it is taking a long time or if
Some basic anarcho-primitivist assumptions section for the newly released issue #4) you have any questions about availability.
and questions about the origins of civilization.
volume two: The Problem of the Left $1 - International orders can take longer because we do not tend to ship airmail, as it
Leftism 101 for anarchists
Books: is quite expensive. Please add about 30% to your total price for the high cost of
volume three: The Rewilding Primer $1 Anarchy After Leftism Bob Black $5 international mail (except when noted). Contact us for airmail rates.
An intro to various rewilding ideas and practices. A scathing critique of Murray Bookchin and his
volume four: What Is Green Anarchy $1 particular form of social anarchism from the
An overview of green anarchist ideas. bad-boy of the Post-Left. * Check-out:
The 4th Annual
Black and Green Anarchist Gathering

August 4-13
Feral Visions 2006
Goin’ Wild. . .
Southwest Style!
Once again, the Black and Green Network is facilitating a week-long gathering focusing on rewilding:
physically, mentally, and spiritually. After three years of successful gatherings (Pennsylvania, Oregon, and
Tennessee), we are heading to the Southwest! The entire event is centered on active participation and we hope
that people will bring their knowledge and experience, as well as being prepared to be relatively self-sufficient.
From the local organizers: “Come gather in the beauty and wildness of the south
eastern high elevation sky island mountains of southern arizona. Engage in healing,
rewilding, and deep discussions on empowerment, resistance and survival. Share skills and
knowledge of ancestrial life ways/primitive skills, wild edible and medicinal plants,
A new compilation by liberation, industrial collapse and anything else your wild and defiant imaginations can
conjure up! A special space will be created for kid friendly classes and kids only space!
surrealist anarchist The most possible gathering site is sacred indigenous land, so we ask that folks be
respectful of the land and the native people who hold it as sacred. Please no weapons,
Ron Sakolsky heavy drugs, or alcohol. And please leave your dogs at home. See you in the wild!”

“It is a dynamic collage of ideas, images, What to Bring:

Some food will be provided, but for the most part, bring what you need, including: sun block, sleeping bag
& action–ranging widely from Mayday to or blankets, tent or tarp, flashlight, batteries, sturdy boots, eating utensils and bowl, water filter, mini-shovel,
utopia, from refusal to autonomy, & from toilet paper, snacks and food, water containers, small cook-stoves and fuel, notebooks, pencils, pocket knife,
insurrection to imagination…This book is musical instruments, propaganda, friends and family, respect, security consciousness, special skills and
knowledge, and an enthusiastic and participatory attitude.
in turn defiant, reflective, & playful–a brick
through the windows of despair & a door- For more info, check out:
way to creating an anarchy that is not afraid To get involved, contact:
to dream…”
Fifth Estate Books, The 36th strategy:
PO Box 6, Liberty, TN 37095 If All Else Fails Retreat If it becomes obvious that
your current course of
action will lead to defeat

Green Anarchist then retreat and regroup.

When your side is losing
there are only three choices
For the Destruction of Civilization! remaining: surrender,
The original unapologetic compromise, or escape.
Green Anarchist paper from the U.K. Surrender is complete
defeat, compromise is half
BCM 1715, London defeat, but escape is not
defeat. As long as you are
WC1N 3XX, UK not defeated, you still have a chance.


news, direct
action, state
interesting info,
and more!
Always keep
your sheild
between you
and your bomb!


With flaming
heart and
hand, I face

And with arm and heart,
word and pen,
dagger and gun,
irony and curse, theft,
poisoning and
arson, let’s make...war
on society!

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