Educational Movie Poster Analysis: Jembatan Pensil (The Pencil Bridge) Movie Represents Culture of Education in Indonesia

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Risma Fuji Hadiyanti, Rohimatul Khiyaroh, Rosmanah, Vira Tri Andira, Wanti Amelia
English Education Department
Faculty of Educational Sciences and Teachers Training
Siliwangi University, Indonesia

First Received: 15 June 2020 Final Proof Received: 15 June 2020

Educational movie poster is one of the promotional and advertising media in the form
of educational-themed posters. Aiming at attracting the attention of the audience by
providing information and illustration of the movie. Therefore, a poster must pay
attention to various elements that can achieve the desired goals with a combination of
text, visuals, signs, etc. that can represent meaning. However, found some posters do
not even meet the description of a movie and deserve special attention. This has become
the initial foundation of thought for research in educational movie posters using
Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA) which is the study of language in combination
with semiotic resources, which also reflects the previous studies of several experts in
movie posters but in different themes and more lead to the romance, horror, action, and
others outside the theme of education. This study makes the "Jembatan Pensil" (The
Pencil Bridge in English) movie poster as the main data and aims to represent the culture
and condition of Indonesian education with a framework analysis from Kress and Van
Leewuen (2006) with three main points covering the information value or compositional
organization, salience, and framing. Jembatan Pencil movie poster represents
Indonesian culture starting from the uniforms worn also the salute for the Indonesian
flag which became the visual center on the posters and other elements that represented
the fighting spirit in education carried out by children in rustic areas of Indonesia.

Keyword: “Jembatan Pensil” Movie, Educational Movie Poster, Multimodal

Discourse Analysis (MDA)

INTRODUCTION public around movies with educational
themes and genres, including representations
Movie poster becomes the choice media as a
that reflect several important points such as
great importance strategy in advertising to
identity, culture, social, rules and others. That
the public. In line with Bedi (2019), argues
way, the movie poster considered suitable as
that "publicizing a film through posters is a
a means of presenting information related to
crucial strategy used for advertising and for
the movie including the educational movie
apprising the general public of a film". A lot
poster as well as one of the strategies in
of creativity contained in the movie poster,
advertising to the public with various
make it attract public attention. Furthermore,
representations in it.
the movie poster also becomes one of the
By making a movie poster as an advertising
multimodal discourse that tries to build
strategy, of course, this must consider a lot of
meaning through a combination of several
things, because the terms "advertising"
verbal and visual signs. Huafang (2018) also
means providing information for drawing
argues "Movie posters, which belong to a
attention to something. (Dyer, 1982). Thus,
multimodal discourse with rich connotations
all aspects contained in a poster must be able
and unique images and texts, often use
to be an intermediary in delivering an
multiple social symbol resources such as
illustration of a movie. However, there is
images, words, and colors to coordinate and
frequently ambiguity in interpreting a movie
co-construct discourse meaning". Besides, if
poster caused by inaccurate visual or text
we do an in-depth study, the movie poster
presentation, which may also cause
presents a variety of unique things in it with
misunderstanding. For example in one of the
several characteristics for each genre such as
movies with the theme of education entitled
the image of a couple for romance,
"Bad Genius" which tells about genius
mysterious for horror, and perhaps presenting
students who use her knowledge to commit
an attractive poster display such as
criminal acts in education. The movie poster
educational movie poster. This educational
presented does not feature the slightest
movie poster is certainly a movie poster for
element of education, and is certainly a big
the educational genre. As mentioned earlier
question mark for anyone. Therefore, there is
about the purpose of the movie poster,
a need for in-depth study and concern about
educational movie poster automatically
how a movie poster can present numerous
serves as a strategy in advertising to the

meanings through a combination of various A brief about Jembatan Pensil movie
signs, symbols, text, and visuals, which can
This movie tells the story of children in
truly become an "advertising" that expresses
Muna, South Sulawesi who have not been
the right meaning to the public.
able to get a proper education. Lifting the
That concern also turns out to be supporting
story of children's education far from decent
some researchers in dedicating their
words, there is even a dialogue that mentions
knowledge through multimodal analysis to
the bottom of the class where they learn like
examine various interesting movie posters
"cowshed". They are Ondeng, Inal, Attar,
and representing numerous meanings such as
Yanti, and Nia who always play together and
Bedi (2019) in the analysis of "The Reader"
help each other. Some of them have
movie poster, Huafang (2018) in the
limitations, Ondeng who has mental
"Braveheart" movie poster, also Xu bo
retardation and Inal who cannot see
(2018) in the "Argo" movie poster. These
(blind). Jembatan Pensil also tells a life filled
studies have genres that describe adult life
with ideas, friendship, and the struggle with
with romance and action. It is rare to find
the figures that appear also represent the
studies that raise a child's life in the field of
character of the Muna community, who are
education and describe the education
mostly fishermen, weavers, stone breakers,
somewhere. Therefore, researchers are
and raising cattle/horses.
encouraged to take the same topic about
Every day the children leave for school on the
multimodal analysis in the movie poster, but
beach and only have sand as their base also
for different genres and themes, an
the distance is quite far even some children
educational movie entitled Jembatan
have to go through hills and rivers to get to
Pensil that elevates the culture of education
their school, in Towea Elementary School
in the interior of Indonesia which still has
with their only one teacher. The enthusiasm
difficulties in various aspects including
to study never slackened and continued to
access and teaching staff. The culture is also
grow with the arrival of Mrs. Aida who is a
represented in the movie poster, which is the
new teacher from Jakarta. Mrs. Aida is the
main focus and will be further discussed in
daughter of a teacher who has completed her
this study.
studies in Jakarta. She often invites them to
study in nature such as in hills and caves,

making children more familiar with their the differences in skin, race, religion and
environment. strata. Everyone has dreams and aspirations,
The struggle was so highlighted even though including people with mental retardation,
they have limitations. However, the mute, blind, deaf and others. We must be
limitations that they have not the slightest grateful for what we have up to now, where
fade their intention to seek education. those who have the passion to pursue their
Ondeng, with a mental disability, has a talent goals must struggle to get them.
for sketching. This ability he routinely does
Educational Movie Poster
to fill his days. He also paid close attention to
his friends, including waiting for them when A movie poster is a marketing medium that
they left for school and making sure, they used to attract the interest of the audience, as
crossed the weathered bridge safely. It also mentioned earlier. Thus, the movie poster
made him have the desire to rebuild the must contain specific information about the
bridge for his friends. Ondeng who has movie to meet consumer needs. Goswami
mental retardation always remembers his (2018) explains in more detail that a movie
father who died at sea making him out of poster usually contains important elements
control, so he ran after his father to sea such as visual and textual including character
without thinking about the dangers he would images, movie titles, character names,
face. Ondeng sank without being able to be director names, and release dates. Besides, if
saved. we consider the various genres of a movie,
The cast as five best friends in this movie the poster used must also refer to the genre
includes Didi Mulya (as Ondeng), Vickram that raised, and the properties of the poster
Priyono (as Attar), Angger Bayu (as Inal), must have a role in the automatic detection of
Permata Jingga (as Yanti), Nayla D. Purnama movie genres. Characteristics that appear like
(Nia), while the adult actors in this film are a mysterious impression on the horror genre,
Alisia Rininta (as Mrs. Aida), Kevin Julio (as a partner in the romance genre, and perhaps
Gading), Meriam Bellina (as Farida), Andi one of the interesting genres is education that
Bersama (as Teacher), and others. This has the characteristics of a movie poster that
movie has been released since 2017. adjusts the main focus of the movie. If a
Jembatan Pensil movie teaches us to respect movie poster aims to convey information
all people's ideas and dreams, regardless of about a movie (Kos, et. Al., 2015), then

automatically the educational movie poster One of the major approaches to the study of
also has the same role as the genre focus on multimodal discourse analysis is the
education. Includes all the elements that contextual approach of Kress and Van
represent a meaning that leads to education. Leewuen (2006). It is explored images and
visual design. The semiotic tools in visual
Multimodal Discourse Analysis
communication are delicately represented to
Multimodal discourse analysis (MDA) is the realize some particular functions, namely,
study of language in combination with representational meaning, interactive
semiotic resources. According to meaning, and compositional meaning. Three
(Matthiessen, 2007; Vovilas et al., 2010) main types of compositional meaning: (1) the
multimodal discourse analysis is concerned information value or compositional
with how different semiotic systems organization (e.g center/margin, top/bottom
complement one another in the creation of or left/right); (2) salience or to catch the
meaning. The semiotics systems are tools for reader’s attention in different elements
achieving communicative goals effectively. designed (e.g. size, color or sharpness,
It is used to describe the resources (or modes) backgrounding or foregrounding); and (3)
(e.g. language, image, music, gesture, and framing that is presence or absence of frames
architecture), which integrate across sensory that connect or disconnect elements pointing
modalities (e.g. visual, auditory, tactile, out whether they go together or not in making
olfactory, gustatory, kinesthetic) in meaning.
multimodal texts, discourses, and events,
collectively called multimodal phenomena. METHODOLOGY
All materials used in communicative events
The research design for this study is using a
must interact before people can arrive at a
case study that adopts the qualitative
comprehensive interpretation and meaning of
approach. Sagadin (1991) states that a “case
communicative events. Even though the
study is used when we analyze and describe,
verbal language is important and unique in
for example, each person individually (his or
the expression of meaning, relying solely on
her activity, special needs, life situation, life
it cannot enhance the comprehensive
history, etc.), a group of people (a school
description and interpretation of a
department, a group of students with special
multimodal text.
needs, teaching staff, etc.), individual

institutions or a problem (or several (as Ondeng) said in his interview that one of
problems), process, phenomenon or event in the reasons for this Pencil Bridge movie
a particular institution, etc. in detail. There besides providing an inspiring story is
are three purposes for a case study, namely: expected to be the promotion of tourism in
to describe in rich detail a phenomenon; to the Kendari area "Before shooting the airport
develop an explanation for a phenomenon; or in Kendari was closed. Now there are direct
to evaluate the phenomenon (Gall et al., flights there. Hopefully tourism on the set the
2007). The purpose of this case study is to movie is growing,"
describe the phenomenon of the educational
Jembatan Pensil movie is suitable to be
movie poster. Specifically, the researchers
watched by various ages like children,
chose one of the types of case studies there is
adolescents, and adults. As said before, this
a descriptive case study due to descriptive
movie has an inspiring story, about strong
case study used to describe an intervention or
friendships, and also presents an amazing
phenomenon and the real-life context in
natural state. Other than that, this movie also
which it occurred (Yin, 200). Besides that, a
tells the story of the struggle of elementary
descriptive case study aims only to present a
school-age children (Inal, Nia, Attar, Yanti,
detailed, contextualized picture of a
and Ondeng) to continue to get an education
particular phenomenon. Which is considered
in a free school built by Pak Guru. The blind
in line with this study to analyze in
Inal and Ondeng who have 'backwardness',
descriptive form and detailed. The overall
can still enjoy their school days happily even
objective of this study is to analyze the
though they have to go through winding trips
educational movie poster Jembatan Pensil in
when they go to their school.
order to explore how the information is
portrayed. For that story of the movie is displayed in a
poster starting from the cast, the natural
Data and method
environment, and also the culture of
Nowadays, making movies it is usually done Indonesia. The poster already represents the
and has fundamental reasons for making it. storyline of the movie which will be analyzed
One of them is to promote the culture or in more detail using the method of contextual
tourism of the place itself. As one of approach stated by Kress and Van Leewuen
Jembatan Pensil movie's actors Didi Mulya (2006) who explored images and visuals

design. In contextual approach there are three of it could be a model of systemic and
meanings are sought, such as representational comprehensive interpretation of
meaning also called ideational meaning representational meaning of an educational
(event, experience, background, activities, movie poster.
etc.), interactive meanings also called
interpersonal meaning (social relationships,
social distance, power relation), and
compositional meaning also called textual
meanings (information value, salience, and
frame). This study will focus only on
compositional meanings to find cohesion and
coherence of the poster The Pencil Bridge
movie to the culture of education in

Data selected

Besides the messages built by this movie

about the state of education in inaccessible
area of Indonesia, how difficult it is to have
access to quality education with adequate
facilities, Jembatan Pensil movie poster is
chosen as the data for discussion for the
Jembatan Pensil (The Pencil Bridge) movie poster
following reasons: the movies introduced by
this poster have a good popularity in public, Data analysis

this poster is also presenting the enchantment Three compositions of Kress and Van
of Muna Island, Southeast Sulawesi, Leeuwen (2006) model visual grammar in
Indonesia by the visual design which could multimodal texts will be taken into account in
illustrate how semiotic tools functions in the this paper. The researchers applied micro
relevant process most likely. Further, the analysis of language, image, and layout of the
poster touches upon almost every dimension poster through three
of representational meaning, so the analysis compositions: information value of

compositional organization (e.g. nationality and independence fought for
center/margin, top/bottom or left/ with blood and tears. Saluting for the flag
right); salience or different elements is also one of Indonesia's culture as a
designed to catch the readers’ attention (e.g. form of gratitude and respect for
size, color or sharpness, backgrounding or Indonesian fighters in the colonial era in
foregrounding); and framing or the presence fighting for independence. It is described
or absence of frames that connect or that they are the next generation who love
disconnect elements pointing out whether the motherland. There is also a written
they go together or not in the making of text "Jembatan Pensil" or The Pencil
meanings. Bridge in English. The bridge can be
interpreted as a road also in this movie as
access to school in that the five children
1. Information Value try to rebuild, then a pencil is a tool used
a. In the center of the poster are five by students to write down all the
children who are wearing Indonesian knowledge they get. That way can be
school uniforms and salute the flag. It can interpreted as a road that is trying to be
be interpreted that the main characters in built towards education or through gained
this movie are five elementary school knowledge.
children who are living their educational b. On the right side of the poster is a red and
life and therefore the most salient element white flag which is the national flag of
of the composition. The point of light in Indonesia. The flag shows that the setting
the poster is in their position with a salute of the film is in Indonesia, which is
to the flag by wearing the uniform of specifically told in the movie, Muna
elementary schools in Indonesia. They Island, Southeast Sulawesi. At the top of
salute the flag which can be interpreted as the poster are eight faces who are the
a symbolic way of giving respect or characters in the film also the text
tribute for something or someone else. "grahandikavisual mempersembahkan
When we see in the right of the children, (grahandikavisual presents in English)".
there is the Indonesia flag. In Indonesia, Eight faces which are sequentially placed
saluting the flag is one of the ways to from the back to the middle as it gives an
value the history and symbols of idea of the main character who often

appears from this movie that is the man in that the movie conveys a sensation of
the center. The facial expressions are adventure and young followed by
shown by each character in different feelings of cheerful and full of energy.
ways such as happiness and wailing but  Date and place of broadcast
as if showing a strong determination and This text is the second largest in the
expectation. The text “grahandikavisual poster, which indicates that after the
mempersembahkan (grahandikavisual movie title is the most important text, the
presents)” inform that this movie is text about the date and place of the film is
produced by Grahandika Visual as one of an important point that also needs
the intents of film making in Indonesia. attention. The meaning can be interpreted
c. It is clear, that the name of the movie, the that Red color can deliver the visible
date, and place of the movie appear at the message, which is about the show times
bottom and the most important of the movie so that makes the reader
information. The cast also some logos of enthusiast to watch.
those who support and sponsor of this  Text in the top and bottom of the poster
movie. It can be interpreted that This text, if sorted from the largest is the
information and promotion are listed in it. name of the publisher or film producer,
So that the reader can know who, what, the names of the characters in the film,
when, and where about the movie in the then the name of the director. It also
posters. shows the sequence of information that is
2. Salience important for the viewer to watch. In the
a. Size of Font black color can be described that the text
 The "Jembatan Pensil" text is made larger is communicative as the attribute of the
than any other text to emphasize that the product. Such as the word
text is the most important and the main “grahandikavisual” at the top of the
focus as well as become the title of the poster.
movie. It is using thick and large colors b. Color
with thick typography to catch the  Color of the school uniform
reader’s attention. With the gradation of The colors of the school uniforms worn
the yellow and orange color so that easy by the five children at the center poster
to see remotely. Here, it can be described are red and white, and that matches the

colors of the Indonesian flag. The texts such as the name of the film
uniform colors also reflect Indonesia as producer, the name of the character, also
well as primary students who are full of the director. This indicates that the texts
energy, high spirits, and cheerful. With have a position that is considered formal
this, the students expected to be able to also influential because it has power. Of
reflect as a child who is always cheerful course, some of these names are the most
and has a high enthusiasm to gain important elements that have the power to
knowledge in school to become the future make this film a reality.
pride of Indonesia. - Yellow and Orange
 Color of the flag This color used in the main text, which is
Red and white are the colors of the the title of the movie. Yellow has a
Indonesian flag. Red means brave and meaning of cheerful, happy, energetic,
white means pure. Red symbolizes the and optimistic. While orange, not much
human body, while white symbolizes the different from yellow, which has a
human soul. Both of the colors meaning of blazing passion, optimism,
complement each other. In addition, there and great strength. This means various
are also other meanings of the red and kinds of feelings try to emerge in this
white flag, the red color represents palm movie such as cheerfulness, enthusiasm,
sugar, and the white color symbolizes and optimism in education.
rice. Palm sugar and rice are equally - Red
important ingredients in Indonesian Besides symbolizing courage, red also
cuisine. Mr. Soekarno, the first means energy and excitement. This color
Indonesian president also said that, "The used for the date and place of the movie
colors were not just decided for the that tries to show excitement with the
Revolution. They came from the appearance of this movie and gives
beginning of human creation” positive energy.
 Color of the text  Color of the background
- Black - Blue
This color has several meanings, one of Blue is a universal color that often used
which is formal also describes strength because it has a versatile function. Many
and decisiveness. This color used in some companies use the blue color to convey

reliability, trustworthiness, and and produce a creative idea and openness
communication as well as the message of in accepting the opinions of others. This
the film itself, which tries to convey the is also, what is trying to be portrayed in
same impression to the audience by using this movie where the main characters try
the blue color from the sky. to think broadly about the meaning of
- White education for them and their desires and
The white color of the clouds gives the ideas in advancing education itself by
meaning of simplicity. It also provides rebuilding the bridge that is their access
another element that is more important to to school.
make it stand out more so that the  Clouds
background made simply than other In the formation of clouds, there is always
elements. Simplicity is also a a process of water, evaporating into
characteristic that brings up the learning clouds, and falling as rain. This gives a
activities carried out in this movie deep meaning that everything in life must
because of the lack of facilities. always have a process, heavy or light, the
- Brown process will always be there and we will
The brown color on the beach gives a always pass to achieve a goal.
down to earth impression also represents Clouds are also a combination of small
nature. It also represents the setting of the clouds and then form large lumps that
place in the movie, which shows more block the sun's rays and provide shade for
natural background, as learning activities humans. It inspires us to stay united, have
carried out in nature by Mrs. Aida in this good cooperation in achieving great
Movie. goals, and always provide shade in every
c. Backgrounding action taken. Besides, the existence of
 Sea and Sky clouds also inspires us. Looks small from
The sea and sky have a beautiful the bottom but they are on top, they
philosophy. With a vast expanse of sea always move from one place to another
and sky, it implies that life must also have following the wind. This teaches us that
a broad mindset, naturally, a way of height position are not always a
looking at life in a broad and open manner benchmark for us to be proud of.
will be formed. Our minds will go further Reflecting from clouds that are powerless

by the wind, even high positions do not whole element and whether there is a
guarantee great strength. match between them that forms a
In this movie, it is truly well illustrated meaning.
where education can be obtained not only Then, the framing contained in the poster
by those who have high strength and are:
position but rustic children, and even a. In the poster, all elements are
those with physical and mental connected with the background. This
deficiencies can have it. With their shown by the various core elements
determination and strong unity, making that are in the center, top, bottom, and
them able to go through each process the right side does not have a barrier
towards the goals they want in education that separates them.
 Beach b. However, between one element and
One of the charms of the beach is beauty another such as center, top, bottom,
itself, so many people make it a place to and flag images on the right side are
find inspiration. The beach also depicts a not connected and separated from
strength, drawn from the waves that each other. Seen from their separate
always come to him but the beach position and distance.
remains strong in its place. Give us a
This movie tries to show some portrait of the
message to always be an inspiration to
condition and culture of education in
anyone and stay strong in facing
Indonesia. With several important points,
anything. Moreover clearly illustrated
including the presence of the Indonesian flag
through this movie, which inspires us
which is included in the poster, which clearly
about the strength of their struggle in
shows the background of the core place that
education despite many obstacles and
is Indonesia, in the movie it explained
shortcomings they have. It is also a hard
precisely in Muna, Southeast Sulawesi. Then,
blow for us not to underestimate
five children wear red and white as an
education which is arguably we have a
Indonesian school for the primary school
much more decent education than them.
level. The existence of those who are
3. Framing
described as saluting the flag also strongly
Framing is the presence or absence of
represents Indonesian culture, which is a
frames that connects or disconnects the
form of gratitude and respect for the

Indonesian heroes who have fought for their knowledge through multimodal analysis
independence and is often done during the to examine various interesting movie posters
flag ceremony on Monday. The simplicity in and representing numerous meanings. This
dressing and the poster background in the research also reflects on the main theme of
form of beach and sky scenery has greatly the educational film poster as a follow-up to
explained that their existence is far from the research which was done on the same
luxury. This also illustrated in the film that issue. An analysis was carried out on each
Muna is an inland place that still has difficult poster element that represented every
access and a low level of education in meaning associated with the movie. The
Indonesia. However, with all the elements objective is to get the cultural values
contained in the poster depicting enthusiasm, contained especially education in Indonesia.
determination, thoughts, feelings, and hopes, The analysis was carried out using the Kress
it has represented the entire film with their and Van Leewuen (2006) framework which
struggle and goals in education. It is focused on 3 main points, namely (1) the
characteristic of Indonesian education culture information value or compositional
in rustic areas that still have limitations in organization (e.g center/margin, top/bottom
education, by having the enthusiasm and or left/right); (2) salience or to capture the
struggle not even necessarily possessed by reader’s attention in different elements
children in urban areas who already have the designed (e.g. size, color or sharpness,
proper education. backgrounding or foregrounding); and (3)
framing that is presence or absence of frames
that connect or disconnect elements pointing
As mentioned earlier about the purpose of the out whether they go together or not in making
movie poster, educational movie poster meaning. The data in the form of an
automatically serves as a strategy in educational movie poster with the title
advertising to the public around movies with "Jembatan Pensil", is a poster of Indonesian
educational themes and genres, including movie in the background of the Muna Island,
representations that reflect several important Southeast Sulawesi, and its educational life
points such as identity, culture, social, rules which is considered unfeasible due to limited
and others. That concern also turns out to be access and facilities. However, it remains the
supporting some researchers in dedicating main goal of getting an education for the

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