Consumer Trust On Organic Food

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Consumer generally have more trust for organic foods like green products which are grown
organically, some of the consumers have more trust on organic foods which are having premium
price. The most important factor is the trust which the company which produce organic food
need to build. The decision to buy a organic food have the influence of the trust that the quality
of the food will be better. The relation between trust and knowledge of the products is also
determine before buying decision (Krittinee Nuttavuthisit, 2015). Attitude towards organic food
also influence the consumer to buy organic food, where trust plays a vital role for the attitude.
Knowledge for organic food has the similar impact increase in knowledge can have the right
attitude of the consumers. The main focus is that how the knowledge of the consumer will boost
the trust for organic food (Chih-Ching Teng, 2015). The quality of organic food is the subjective
view of the consumer on which the trust is the build by the consumers. Organic food products
which comes with a organic certificate has the better influence in the trust factor. Trust plays a
key role in buying decision of organic food products (Lukas Zagata, 2012).

Nuttavuthisit, K., & Thøgersen, J. (2017). The importance of consumer trust for the emergence of a
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Teng, C. C., & Wang, Y. M. (2015). Decisional factors driving organic food consumption: Generation of
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Zagata, L., & Lostak, M. (2012). In goodness we trust. The role of trust and institutions underpinning trust
in the organic food market. Sociologia Ruralis, 52(4), 470-487.


Consumer health consciousness also influences the buying decision for organic food which also
motivates the consumer. In today’s world every consumer want to have a healthy life style for
which they prefer having healthy food for a healthy lifestyle, health consciousness and
environment attitude relation plays a vital role towards consumption of organic food. Educating
the consumers about organic food is also important so that they prefer organic food over
conventional food (Mei‐Fang Chen , 2009). Purchase intention of the consumer for organic foods
is determined by the knowledge and health consciousness for the consumers. Food safety is the
most preferred indicator as per some researches which have been done, attitude and purchase
intention of organic food highlights that the consumer is willing to buy organic food, health life
is also the main factor which is consider by some consumers for that they in take more of organic
foods (Nina Michaelidou, 2009 ). Consumption of organic food products is considered as an
investment towards their own health which is done by having healthy food, so consumer who
intake organic food as their main food are more of health conscious as compared to other
consumers. Consumers who are willing to pay the premium price for the organic food shows the
influence they are with their health (Kriwy, 2012).
Chen, M. F. (2009). Attitude toward organic foods among Taiwanese as related to health consciousness,
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Kriwy, P., & Mecking, R. A. (2012). Health and environmental consciousness, costs of behaviour and the
purchase of organic food. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 36(1), 30-37.


Consumers along with health concern also has concerns towards the environment like they want
to protect the environment for this they prefer having organic food. As compared to the general
consumer, the members of welfare society for environment have more concerns and hence they
prefer having organic food which has less impact on the environment. Consumer positive attitude
towards cooking and shopping was also a factor for decision making ( wilkins, 2008). Purchase
decision were made based on the production of the products which were causing less harm to the
environment, consumers are willing to pay for the premium products only if they are
environment friendly as well as healthy to maintain the healthy life style. Green products are the
most preferred products by the consumers. (Davies, 1995).

Wilkins, J. L., & Hillers, V. N. (2008). Influences of pesticide residue and environmental concerns on
organic food preference among food cooperative members and non-members in Washington
State. Journal of Nutrition Education, 26(1), 26-33.

Davies, A., Titterington, A. J., & Cochrane, C. (1995). Who buys organic food? A profile of the purchasers
of organic food in Northern Ireland. British Food Journal, 97(10), 17-23.

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