Chapter I - Introduction: 1.1 Background of The Study

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1.1 Background of the Study

Organic food, also called green food refers to foods that are safe to be consumed, are of
fine quality, concerned with humane animal treatment, nutritious foods and are produced
under the principles of sustainable development (Liu, 2003).

Human concern towards environment is increasing and they are becoming more serious on
how to convert it into green environment and tend to seek green products. The demand for
organic food products is dramatically rising as the population becomes more affluent and
more educated about health and wellness issues, leading to greater consciousness in food
choices. Organic food is perceived to have better taste than conventional food and it is also
perceived to be more environmental-friendly. Consumer is taking organic food as a better
lifestyle choice.

Results of studies confirmed that consumers have positive attitudes towards organic
products where one of the most common mentioned reason for purchasing organic
products was it is perceived as healthier than conventional alternatives (Chinnici et al.,
2002; Harper and Makatouni, 2002). Consumer attitudes to organic food have also been
explored in a small number of qualitative studies (Nielsen at al., 1998; Torjusen et al.,
2001). Consumers do not always buy sustainable products as consequences of
environmental concern or to benefit the community or due to personal beliefs but mainly to
give priority to health, to be part of the social group, to distinguish from others and to
accomplish the need to try out new technologies (Vermeir and Verbeke, 2004).

1.2 Statement of the problem

Organic food has entered the global markets and rapidly gainedmarket share. Generally, in
purchasing organic product consumer passes through five steps: Need recognition,
Information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision and Post purchase
behavior. The consumer may reflect satisfaction or either dissatisfaction from the use of a

Many studies indicated that one major factor that considered being the barrier to organic
food consumption is due to its high price and lack of confidence in its status, but there are
some other factors too that might considered as barriers to organic food consumption
among consumer. For instance, knowledge on organic food as well as action taken by the
government either to inform or to create awareness has not reach the satisfactory level in
encouraging sustainable consumption with organic food.

Therefore, knowing how consumer perceived organic food product by understanding the
reasons of buying would probably help the marketers of organic food to establish a proper
communication message. Other factors that affect in consumer buying decision for organic
food are perceived quality, risk, demographic factors like: age, gender, income, education
and purchase intention.

In addition, consumer thought that organic food had to be eaten promptly because it
spoiled faster than conventional food. Limited availability of organic food was also an
important barrier to purchasing organic food. Consumers indicated that even if they wanted
to buy organic food, they could not find it easily.

1.3 Objective of the Study

Broad objective :
To understand attitude of consumer on their perception towards buying organic food
Specific objectives:
 To analyze consumer propensity towards a healthy lifestyle.
 To explore the core motivation values that underlie consumers purchasing decision of
organic food.
 To identify factors that might influence purchase intention of organic food among

1.4 Significance and purpose of the Study

Food consumption patterns are changing as a result of health and environmental issues.
Interest in organically produced food is increasing throughout the world. We have gone
through various studies and find out that organic agriculture is one of the sustainable
agriculture approaches that are being promoted and practiced extensively in the field.

There are several main motives for purchasing organic foods: the expected health and
environmental benefits, the support of local or small farmers, the attraction of fashionable
products, and the search for fresher and tastier products. Health and environmental
benefits have been reported as a main motive for purchasing organic foods by most
studies. Even though organic foods do not completely lack pesticide residue because of
the pollution in the air and environment, they are safer than conventional foods that get
pesticides directly (Dangour et al. 2009).
The second important motive to purchase organic foods is that the consumers were
considering that purchasing organic food products can support local and small farmers.
The third motive to purchase organic food is the consumers’ search for new trends of
healthy food products. The fourth motive is related to organic attributes including fresher
and tastier food (i.e. vegetables).
This study is more focused on the consumers who purchase organic food products. In this
research we try to find out the factors that influence consumer, in making purchase
decision regarding organic food and how they perceive it. Since today’s consumers are
more health conscious, this research helps to provide the basic information regarding how
they make their consumption decision. It also focuses on the attitude of consumer.
Similarly, this research helps to understand the changing trend among consumers
regarding their consumption behavior.

1.5 Limitations of the Study

The major limitations of the study have been listed below:
 Research will be based on primary data to be collected through the questionnaire
and in this method the respondents might be hesitant to give authentic and needed
information as much as they are expected to.
 The non-participant observation method especially by analyzing qualitative
information from journals, books, magazines etc. will be used for secondary data
collection which will slightly reduce the objectivity and the accuracy of the
 There are time and resource constraints, as the study has to be completed within
limited timeframe.


2.1Literature Review
Research related to consumer attitudes and preferences for organic products is very
imperceptible (Chinnici et al.,2002). In earlier research most respondents are described as
white, female, professional and younger (Harris, 2000), however these characteristics
cannot be used across all studies as the responds towards organic food products changes
according to countries background, level of awareness, product availability and attitude
changes.Studies have found that health is strongly connected to the notion of organic food
and that it is the strongest purchasing motive when purchasing organic food. Organic food
is also perceived to have better taste than conventional food and it is also perceived to be
more environmental-friendly (Aertsens et al., 2009). The fact that consumers perceive
organic food as more environmental-friendly can be connected to the value of universalism
and it is said to be the dominant value when consumers purchase organic food (Thøgersen,
2007). According to Aertsens et al. (2009) many studies have identified a clear connection
with the importance consumers attach to the environment and their attitude based on
organic food products.

Based on the related articles, there are various factors that influence consumer perception
towards organic foods.

 Health Consciousness
Health consciousness is defined as an attitude in which people is aware of the
healthiness in their diet and lifestyle (Oxford Dictionaries, 2014). A consumer positive
attitude towards organic food is originated from the belief that organic food is good for
health, thereby they can consume without any fear and suspicion. The more health
conscious consumers, the more positive attitude they have towards organic food.
 Consumer Knowledge
Consumer knowledge determines to have a positive influence on their attitude towards
organic food. Knowledge of consumer is categorized as subjective knowledge, objective
knowledge and prior experience (Brucks, 1985). Subjective knowledge refers to what
the consumers perceive that they know. In other words, it is called as self- rated
knowledge. The low level of subjective knowledge results in the lack of confidence
(Chryssochoidis, 2000; Padel and Foster, 2005).
Objective knowledge is what the consumers actually know and finally prior experience
is defined as what the consumers have experienced before (Brucks, 1985). In particular,
subjective knowledge is concluded to have more positive influence on consumer attitude
than objective knowledge (Ellen, 1994). In addition, prior experience plays an essential
role to determine consumer attitude since the more experienced consumers have, the
more positive attitude they would have (Sorensen et al., 1996).
Consumer knowledge about organic food could be gained from different sources. The
source may be local governments, social media, social networks, notifications from
ecological organizations and advertisements. Subsequently, prior experience is also
considered as essential factor that influence consumer knowledge towards organic food.
Thus, the more knowledge (subjective knowledge, prior experiences and information)
consumers have the more positive attitude they have towards organic food.
 Environmental Concern

Consumers that are more involved in organic and environmental friendly related issues,
such as environmental protection tend to have positive attitude towards organic food and
strong intention to purchase.Many studies have investigated the attitude consumers have
towards organic food and they have found three main factors that is; organic food is
seen as healthier, more environmental-friendly and better tasting than conventional
food.Hence, the more consumers care about environmental friendly issues the more
positive their attitude is towards organic food.

 Personal and Subjective norms

Schwartz (1973) defined personal norms as an individual’s beliefs that acting or
behaving in a certain way is right or wrong. Personal norms have a strong impact on
consumer choice between organic and non-organic food. In other words, consumer
attitude towards an object is deemed to be influenced by consumer self-beliefs.
On the other hand, subjective norms are defined as the social pressure for an individual
to engage or comply with a group behavior such as family and friends. Subjective norms
have a positive influence on consumer attitude towards organic food.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

Perceived Price


Subjective Knowledge

Purchase Intention

Environment Friendly



Health Conscious

Personal Norms



2.3 Research Question
1. Is there any relation between purchase intention and health consciousness?

2. Does perceived quality of the product lead to purchase intension of the consumers?

3. Does perceived price of the product influences purchase intention?

4. Does trust influence purchase intention?

5. Has familiarity of the product any influence on the purchase intention?

6. Is purchase intention affected by environmental friendliness of the product?

7. Is subjective knowledge of the product related to purchase intention of the product?

8. Does attitude of the people affect the purchase intention?

9. Does taste affect the purchase intention?

10. Does personal norm affect the purchase intention?

2.4 Research Hypothesis

To achieve the objective of the study, the following hypotheses have been formulated.
These hypotheses were drawn from the theoretical framework of the study and will be
tested in the course of the investigation.

H1: There is significant influence of Health conscious towards purchase intention of

organic food.

H2: There is significant influence of perceived quality towards purchase intention of

organic food.

H3: There is significant influence of perceived Price towards purchase intention of organic

H4: There is significant influence of trust towards purchase intention of organic food.

H5: There is significant influence of familiarity towards purchase intention of organic


H6: There is significant between environmental friendly and purchase intention of organic

H7: There is significant between subjective knowledge and purchase intention of organic

H8: There is significant influence of attitude towards purchase intention of organic food.

H9: There is significant influence of taste towards purchase Intention of organic food.

H10: There is significant influence of personal norm towards purchase intention of organic

After, hypothesis are formulated, collecting the data, analyzing it and getting result became
the next step in research. Hypothesis helps to check whether our research was significant or
not. If there doesn’t exist any relation between dependent and independent variable then
the research is irrelevant and the work needs to be done from the starting. Therefore,
knowing the right dependent and independent variable became the most for us. However,
the conceptual framework that we prepared worked significantly and we were able to get
good result about perception and image Organic food on the eyes of consumer.


3.1 Research Methodology

3.1.1 Research Design

Both primary and secondary data has been chosen for the study. For secondary data
collection; books, articles and literature reviews, have been relied upon. The primary data
is collected through self administered questionnaires which were distributed to 110
respondents. Simple random sampling technique is followed when choosing the

3.1.2 Research Instrument

The instrument used in this research for collecting primary data is questionnaire. There
were simple and understandable questions asked; and that were directly linked to the
objectives of this research. Total 30 questions were included in the questionnaire. Likert
scale is used to measure independent variables. Respondents were allowed to select only
one answer for each question in the questionnaire.


4.1 Data analysis

In this research, new advanced econometric model and different statistic tools was used to
measure purchase intention of the consumer towards organic food. Different statistical
tools such as analysis of variance (ANOVA), correlation of coefficient, Regression
analysis was used to test hypothesis. Other methods of data analysis considered in this
study include parametric and non-parametric measurement such as trend analysis and
pictorial graphs i.e. (pie-chart and Bar graph). The appropriate computer software (SPSS)
was extensively used to measure the relationship between the variables under this study.


To measure the reliability of the study, Cronbach’s alpha has been used after the collection
of data. This measures the internal consistency of the data to reflect the reliability.
Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.5 or more shows satisfactory level of reliability and internal
consistency among data.

Variables Cronbach alpha No. of items

Attitude 0.526 3
Subjective knowledge 0.655 2
Familiarity 0.665 2
Taste 0.655 2
Health Consious 0.894 4
Personal Norm 0.899 3
Perceived Price 0.707 2
Environment Friendly 0.845 2
Quality 0.931 3
Trust 0.641 3
Purchase intention 0.806 3
Table 4.1.1

Table 1: shows that Subjective Knowldege has Cronbach alpha of 0.655, so there is
internal consistency among data. Trust has strong reliability with Cronbach alpha of 0.641.
Familiarity also has reliability with Cronbach alpha of 0.665. Health conscious has no
strong consistency hence the Cronbach alpha is 0.894. Personal norm has stronger

reliability with Cronbach alpha of 0.899. Perceived Price has Cronbach alpha of 0.707
which means that there is consistency among the data. Environment Friendly has Cronbach
alpha of 0.845 so, it is also reliable. Quality has a stronger reliability with Cronbach alpha
of 0.931. Taste has Cronbach alpha of 0.655, so there is internal consistency among data.
Purchase intention is consistent; hence, cronbach alpha is 0.806. In addition, the
Cronbach’s Alpha is 0.916, which shows consistency in variable as a whole.

4.1.2 Correlation

A Pearson 1
Sig. (2-
N 1
S Pearson . 1
K Correlati 0
on 5
Sig. (2- .
tailed) 5
N 1 11
1 0
F Pearson . . 1
M Correlati 1 49
on 2 0**
Sig. (2- . .

tailed) 1 00
9 0
N 1 11 11
1 0 0
T Pearson . . . 1
S Correlati 3 22 58
T on 8 8* 3**

Sig. (2- . . .
tailed) 0 01 00
0 6 0
N 1 11 11 11
1 0 0 0
H Pearson . . . . 1
C Correlati 6 21 40 68
on 0 9* 5** 1**

Sig. (2- . . . .
tailed) 0 02 00 00
0 1 0 0
N 1 11 11 11 11
1 0 0 0 0
P Pearson . . . . . 1
N Correlati 4 15 57 74 79
on 6 8 9** 8** 0**


Sig. (2- . . . . .
tailed) 0 10 00 00 00
0 0 0 0 0
N 1 11 11 11 11 11
1 0 0 0 0 0
P Pearson . . . . . . 1
P Correlati 4 19 46 67 66 69
on 7 7* 3** 1** 8** 7**

Sig. (2- . . . . . .
tailed) 0 04 00 00 00 00
0 0 0 0 0 0
N 1 11 11 11 11 11 11
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
E Pearson . . . . . . . 1
F Correlati 5 08 34 59 76 76 56
on 3 9 4** 7** 2** 3** 9**

Sig. (2- . . . . . . .
tailed) 0 35 00 00 00 00 00
0 5 0 0 0 0 0
N 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Q Pearson . . . . . . . . 1
Correlati 4 09 42 67 85 79 58 77
on 9 8 1** 9** 7** 3** 9** 9**

Sig. (2- . . . . . . . .
tailed) 0 31 00 00 00 00 00 00
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
N 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
T Pearson . . . . . . . . . 1
Correlati 2 22 37 48 64 55 45 54 66
on 8 9* 7** 0** 5** 5** 9** 6** 4**

Sig. (2- . . . . . . . . .
tailed) 0 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
N 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
P Pearson . . . . . . . . . . 1
Correlati 3 28 55 63 66 74 52 60 67 51
on 4 7** 0** 2** 4** 2** 7** 6** 6** 7**

Sig. (2- . . . . . . . . . .
tailed) 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
N 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0
Table 4.1.2

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Correlation test

The Correlation between Purchase intention and attitude is 0.344 which, with subjective
Knowledge is 0.287, with Familiarity 0.550, with Taste is 0.632, with Health conscious is
0.664, with PN is 0.742, with PP is 0.527, with EF is 0.606, with quality is 0.676 and
Trust is 0.517.

Thus, there is low level of correlation among purchase intension with attitude and
Subjective Knowledge whereas there is positive correlation and high level of correlation
with familarity, taste, Health conscious, personal norms and perceived price , environment
friendly, quality and Trust.

4.1.3 Regression analysis

Model Sum of Df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 102.070 10 10.207 15.829 .000a
Residual 63.838 99 .645
Total 165.908 109
Table 4.1.3
a. Predictors: (Constant), TST, SK, A, T, FM, PP, EF, Q, PN, HC
b. Dependent Variable: P

Hence the P-value is .00 which is less than significant level (0.05), the regression line is
significant as a whole i.e. model is fit. Therefore it ensures that regression analysis can be

Multiple Regression Analysis

Model Unstandardized Standardize t Sig.

Coefficients d
B Std. Beta
1 (Constant .375 .332 1.128 .262
A -.029 .100 -.024 -.293 .770
SK .147 .095 .119 1.550 .124
FM .099 .086 .110 1.145 .255
HC .075 .164 .070 .458 .648
PN .448 .149 .423 3.002 .003
PP -.063 .095 -.064 -.665 .507
EF .031 .110 .032 .281 .779
Q .163 .138 .172 1.179 .241
T .046 .108 .037 .421 .674
TST .076 .105 .076 .719 .474
Table 4.1.4

The dependent variable is “Purchase intension” and the independent variables are Attitude,
Subjective knowledge, Familiarity, Taste, Health conscious, Personal Norm, Perceived
price, Environmental Friendly, Quality, Trust. Thus we are trying to predict the effect of
Attitude, Subjective knowledge, Familiarity, Taste, Health conscious, Personal Norm,
Perceived price, Environmental Friendly, Quality, Trust on Organic food . Also it is the
case of multiple regression analysis.

The linear equation is;

Product Image= 0.375-0.029A+0.147SK+0.099FM+0.076TST+0.075HC+ 0.448PN-



A= attitude

SK=Subjective Knowlegde

FM= Familiarity

TST= Taste

HC= Health Conscious

PN=Personal Norms

PP= Perceived Price

EF= Environment Friendly

Q= Quality


4.1.4 Hypothesis Testing

 Hypothesis for Attitude

Hence P-value i.e. (0.770) is greater than 0.05 significant level, hence the attitude doesn’t
influence the purchase intention of Organic food among consumers.

 Hypothesis for Subjective Knowledge

Hence P-value i.e. (0.124) is greater than 0.05 significant level, hence the Subjective
Knowledge doesn’t influence the purchase intention of Organic food among consumers.

 Hypothesis for Familiarity

Hence P-value i.e. (0.255) is greater than 0.05 significant level, hence the Familiarity
doesn’t influence the purchase intention of Organic food among consumers.

 Hypothesis for Taste

Hence P-value i.e. (0.474) is greater than 0.05 significant level, hence the Familiarity
doesn’t influence the purchase intention of Organic food among consumers.

 Hypothesis for Health conscious

Hence P-value i.e. (0.648) is greater than 0.05 significant level, hence the health conscious
doesn’t influence the purchase intention of Organic food among consumers.

 Hypothesis for Personal Norm

Hence P-value i.e. (0.03) is less than 0.05 significant level, hence the Personal norm
influence the purchase intention of Organic food among consumers.

 Hypothesis for Perceived Price

Hence P-value i.e. (0.507) is greater than 0.05 significant level, hence the perceived price
doesn’t influence the purchase intention of Organic food among consumers.

 Hypothesis for Environment Friendly

Hence P-value i.e. (0.779) is greater than 0.05 significant level, hence the Environment
Friendly doesn’t influence the purchase intention of Organic food among consumers.

 Hypothesis for Quality

Hence P-value i.e. (0.241) is greater than 0.05 significant level, hence the quality doesn’t
influence the purchase intention of Organic food among consumers.

 Hypothesis for Trust

Hence P-value i.e. (0.674) is greater than 0.05 significant level, hence the Trust doesn’t
influence the purchase intention of Organic food among consumers.

4.1.5 Multicollinearity Test

Model Collinearity Statistics
Tolerance VIF
A .567 1.765
SK .655 1.528
FM .424 2.358
HC .166 6.017
PN .196 5.096
PP .418 2.391
EF .306 3.273
Q .183 5.471
T .504 1.985
TST .348 2.875
Table 4.1.5

As VIF is less than 10, there exists no multicollinearity. Multicollinearity is a phenomenon

in which two or more predictor variables in a multiple regression model are highly
correlated, meaning that one can be linearly predicted from the others with a non-trivial
degree of accuracy.

4.2 Descriptive Statistics

4.2.1 Gender
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Valid male 58 52.7 52.7 52.7

female 52 47.3 47.3 100.0

Total 110 100.0 100.0
Table 4.2.1

figure 4.2.1

Out of 110 respondents, 58 respondents are male and 52 respondents are female.

4.2.2 Education Level

Out of 110 respondents, 1 respondent study at primary level, 20 respondent are study at
Secondary level, 45 respondents are study at under graduate, and 44 respondents of post

Education level
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Valid primary level 1 .9 .9 .9
secondary level 20 18.2 18.2 19.1
under graduate 45 40.9 40.9 60.0
Post graduate 44 40.0 40.0 100.0
Total 110 100.0 100.0

Table 4.2.2

figure 4.2.2

4.2.3 Income level

Out of 110 respondents, 16 respondents has income level below 20000, 20 respondents has
income level ranges from 20000-30000, 28 respondents has income level ranges from
30000-40000, 46 has respondents income level ranges above 40000.

4.2.4 Descriptive frequency for Purchase intention
P1 P2 P3
N Valid 110 110 110
Missing 0 0 0
Mean 3.05 2.97 2.62
Median 3.00 3.00 2.00
Mode 3 2 2
Table 4.2.4

Table shows that most priority question with highest mean of 3.05 is “how often do you
purchase organic foods.” It means people often purchase organic food. Similarly the least
priority question with mean 2.62 is “I have intention to purchase the organic food if price
decrease: which means that people often hesitate to purchase organic food even if the price

figure 4.2.4 p1

figure 4.2.4 p2

figure 4.2.4 p3


5.1 Findings
Following are the findings from above analysis:

1. The data taken for analysis is found to be reliable as per the reliability testing i.e.
Cranach alpha.
2. There is positive correlation between purchase intention and attitude, subjective
knowledge, trust, taste, health consciousness, etc.
3. Personal norms influences the most, when deciding upon the purchase and other
variables are insignificant.
4. There exists no multicollinearity i.e. the correlation of two independent variable are
not greater than correlation between dependent and independent variable.

5.2 Conclusion
Food safety, human health and environmental concern along with sensory attributes such
as nutritive value, taste, freshness and appearance influence organic food consumer
preferences. Consumers also associate organic food with natural process, care for the
environment and animal welfare and the non-use of pesticides and fertilizers. Premium
price continues to suppress organic food consumption. (Shafiea,F; Rennieb,D
(2012),).Concern for human health and safety, which is a key factor that influences
consumer preference for organic food, is consistent with observed deterioration in human
health over time and, therefore, motivates consumers to buy organic food as insurance
and/or investment in health( Bonti-Ankomah,S. (2006), Organic and Conventional Food: A
Literature Review of the Economics of Consumer Perceptions and Preferences).

In the present context, where people are becoming more conscious, awareness regarding
organic food product is increasing. However, what are the intentions of people when they
choose to buy organic food products over the inorganic ones; is a matter of question. Thus,
we have tried to explain variables affecting the buying behavior of people when they
choose to buy organic food. In the study, we have taken many variables like perceived
price of the product, attitude of people, trust in organic food, taste preferences, health
consciousness, environmental friendliness, personal norms, etc. among which, we found
personal norm to be the most influential to people when they choose to buy. However, this

is applicable only to Nepalese context and further detailed studies regarding other factors,
apart from the ones calculated above, is to be done.

5.3 Recommendations
When researcher deeply analyzed the view of the consumer towards the organic
food the researcher also depicted some recommendations for the buyer of the organic food
as well as the producer of the organic foods. Following mention are some of them:

 Organic foods are very much healthier for the consumer in comparison to the non-
organic food.
 The farmers must have to ethical while producing and farming the products in order
to consider the health concern of the people.
 Government must have to make some scheme in order to promote the farmer to
produce the organic products.
 Different types of awareness program must be conducted by the concern authority
in order to increase the use of organic foods and products.

Bonti.S. (2006). Organic Conventional Food: A Literature Review Of Theeconomics Of
Perception And Preferences.

Shafiea.F, R. (2012). Consumer Perception Towards Organic Food.

Annunziata Azzurra, Pascale Paola, Consumers' Behaviours And Attitudes Toward Healthy
Food Products:The Case Of Organic And Functional Foods

Siti Nor Bayaah Ahmad And Nurita Juhdi, consumer’s perception and purchase intentions
towards organic food products: exploring the attitude among malaysian consumers.

Pant.P, Business Research Methodology


Name: ………………………………………

Adress: …………………………………….


Male ˜ □ Female ˜□

Education Level

Primary level □ Secondary level ˜□ Under graduate ˜□ Post graduate ˜□

Not at all ˜□

Below 20000 □ 20000-30000 ˜ □ 30000-40000˜□ 40000 and above □ ˜

Rating scale:
1-Strongly agree 5- Disagree
2-Agree 6 Strongly disagree
3-Slightly agree
4-Slightly disagree

Perception and purchase intention towards organic food Component

1 2 3 4 5 6
products among Nepalese consumer
I think it is good to buy organic food
Organic food have same content of vitamin and mineral than
conventional ones
Organic foods are safety as conventional ones.
Subjective knowledge
I am well informed about organic food.

My knowledge about organic food is sufficient
I am familiar with organic food, so I prefer to buy those.

I started eating organic food since I was a child

Organic foods are tastier
I don’t want to give up the food that I like even though it is not
Organic food has more freshness.
Health conscious
Organic food is safer to eat as conventional ones
Organic food contains more nutrients and vitamins
Organic food helps me to stay healthy
Organic foods are chemical free
Personal norm
I feel I should choose organic food instead of conventional food.
I believe that choosing organic food is a good decision.
I get a good conscience about myself when I choose organic food.
Perceived price
Organic foods are expensive as compared to conventional ones
I am willing to pay extra to buy organic food
Environmental friendly
Organic farming is friendly to environment
Organic farming prevents contamination of air, water, soil and
Organic foods have superior quality
Organic foods have more nutrients than conventional food
Organic food are better quality and less associated with health
I trust the market agent that sells organic food
I have trust on organic foods
I trust on doctors and nutrients about their saying of organic foods
Purchase intention
How often do you purchase organic food?
I am more likely to buy organic food for the next time I go for
I have intention to purchase the organic food if price decrease


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