Storage Stability of High Fiber Snack Bar: Open Access Original Research
Storage Stability of High Fiber Snack Bar: Open Access Original Research
Storage Stability of High Fiber Snack Bar: Open Access Original Research
The 4th Interna onal Conference on Applied Science and Health (ICASH 2019), 23-24 July 2019, Faculty of
Graduate Studies, Mahidol University, Thailand
Ins tute of Nutri on, Mahidol University, Phu hamonthon, Salaya, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
*Corresponding author’s email:
Background: Recently, there has been considerable interest in increasing the dietary fiber content in food prod-
ucts because of inadequate dietary fiber consump on when considering the daily recommended intake. To in-
crease dietary fiber intake, dietary fiber for fied foods are recommended. This study aimed to develop a high
fiber snack bar (HFSB) using a combina on of Jerusalem ar choke powder (JAP) and low-fat desiccated coconut
(LFDC) as sources of dietary fiber.
Methods: The changes in physicochemical and microbiological proper es, and sensory acceptability were mea-
sured during storage at 35 oC and 45 oC for 12 weeks. Therefore, the shelf-life of the products was calculated
by Q10 test.
Results: The HFSB had a higher L* value (lightness) than control (C) due to the addi on of LFDC. Total dietary
fiber of the HFSB was approximately 3.7 mes higher than that of the C formula. The L*, a*, and b* values of both
C and HFSB were sta s cally significant different (p<0.05) a er storage. The total color different (�E) values of
the HFSB were higher than those of the C formula due to inulin from JAP, which par cipated in the Maillard
reac on. During storage, the moisture content (MC) and water ac vity (aw) of the HFSB remained more stable
compared to those of the C due to the water-holding capacity of the fiber used. The aw of the C and HFSB
during storage were in the range of 0.57to 0.60 and 0.53 to 0.57, respec vely. Those ranges should be stable
against microbial growth. Higher storage temperature would increase the TBARS values and decrease the pH
(p<0.05) of the C and HFSB due to deteriora on. In terms of shelf-life calcula on, the C and HFSB snack bar
could be kept in metalized polyester at 30 oC for 11 weeks.
Conclusion: The JAP and LFDC exhibited great poten al for use as fiber ingredients. Although the JAP and LFDC
influenced the physicochemical proper es and sensory acceptability, the shelf-life of both C and HFSB was com-
parable. Therefore, further studies should be conducted to extend the shelf-life of the formulated snack bar.
Keywords: Snack bar, High fiber, Jerusalem ar choke, Low-fat desiccated coconut, Shelf-life
Received: 8 May 2019 Reviewed: 14 June 2019 Revised: 26 June 2019 Accepted: 19 July 2019
DOI: 10.35898/ghmj-33456
Selec on and peer-review under responsibility of the scien fic commi ee and the editorial board of The 4th Interna-
onal Conference on Applied Science and Health (ICASH 2019)
© Yayasan Aliansi Cendekiawan Indonesia Thailand (Indonesian Scholars’ Alliance). This is an open-access following Crea ve Commons
License Deed - A ribu on-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Interna onal (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
1. Introduc on
Many research articles have reported that dietary fiber consumption in children, adolescents, and
adults is inadequate when considering the daily recommended intake (Reicks et al., 2014). To increase
the consumption of dietary fiber, food products can be fortified using various fiber ingredients. Di-
etery fiber from conventional foods such as barley bran, oat bran, cereal, fruits, and vegetables, are
commonly used as value added fiber ingredients since they provide health benefits (Elleuch et al.,
2011). The dietary fiber content in 100 g of Jerusalem artichoke powder (JAP) is approximately 71.10 g,
Pra wi IA et al. GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal) 2019, Vol. 3, No. 3
2. Method
2.1 Materials
Low-fat desiccated coconut (LFDC) was obtained from Theppadungporn Coconut Co., Ltd., Thailand.
Jerusalem artichoke powder (JAP) was purchased from Saonfarm, Thailand. The other ingredients
for making the snack bar, including corn flakes, oat, butter, eggs, coconut sugar, honey, and salt, were
purchased from local supermarkets in Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. All chemical reagents and solvents
used in this study were of analytical grade.
GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal) 2019, Vol. 3, No. 3 Pra wi IA et al.
the developed samples were packaged in a metalized polyester bag (5.5 x 3 x 12 cm) that was heat
θs (T ) θs (T )
Q10 = Q1 = Q0.1
10 Q
= (1)
θs (T + 10) θs (T + ∆T )
θs (T ) = shelf-life at temperature T 0 C (week)
θs (T + 10) = shelf-life at temperature T+10 0 C (week)
Q1 = rate of loss quality at temperature T 0 C (week)
Q10 = rate of loss quality at temperature T+10 0 C (week)
∆T = different between measured (T) and predicted temperature
2.5.3 pH
pH of JAP and LFDC was determined by following the protocol of AOAC (2016). The sample was
ground using a blender (VKitch 565, China). Subsequently, 5 g of sample was mixed with 45 ml of
double distilled water in a 50-ml centrifuge tube, which was allowed to stand for 10 min before being
centrifuged (Hermle labortechnik GmbH, Germany) at 6,000 rpm for 5 min. After that, the sample was
filtered using filter paper (Whatman no 1, ∅ Ø 110 mm). The pH of the filtrate was directly measured
at room temperature (25 °C) using a pH meter (Waterproof pen meter, ST10 Ohaus, China).
Pra wi IA et al. GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal) 2019, Vol. 3, No. 3
2.5.4 Color
The color of JAP and LFDC was measured using a Hunter Lab Digital Colorimeter (ColorFlex EZ,
Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc., Reston, Virginia) in CIE-color system (L∗ , a∗ , b∗ ). The color pa-
rameters: L∗ represents lightness from black to white (0 to 100); a∗ ; from green (-) to red (+); and b∗ ;
from blue (-) to yellow (+). The total color difference, Delta E (∆E ∗ ), was calculated with the following
formula: √
∆E ∗ = (∆L∗ )2 + (∆a∗ )2 + (∆b∗ )2 (2)
GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal) 2019, Vol. 3, No. 3 Pra wi IA et al.
Figure 1. Appearance of control (C) snack bar during storage at 35 o C (1a) and at 45 o C (1b) every 4
weeks; appearance of high dietary fiber (HFSB) at 35 o C (1c) and HFSB at 45 o C (1d) every 4 weeks.
3. Results
3.1 Physicochemical proper es of freshly prepared control (C) and high dietary fiber snack
bar (HFSB)
Color values, water activity (aw), moisture content (MC), and pH of the C and HFSB are shown in
Table 1. The HFSB had higher L* value (lightness) than the C formula. The b* value (yellowness) of the
C was higher than that of the HFSB, which means the C was more yellow than the HFSB. There were
statistically significant differences (p<0.05) in pH and MC between the C and HFSB. The pH the HFSB
was 6.21, which was lower than that of the C (6.31). Otherwise, MC of HFSB was 7.87%, which was
higher than that of C (6.53). Photographs showing the appearance of freshly prepared C and HFSB
are presented in Figure 1.
Table 1. Color values (L∗ , a∗ , b∗ ), aw , MC, and pH of control (C) and high dietary fiber (HFSB) snack bar
Physical property C1 HFSB1
L∗ 35.07±0.53 37.49±0.92∗
∗ ∗
a 5.94±0.29 4.75±0.31
b 15.61±0.31 14.74±0.53
aw 0.58±0.07 0.57±0.05
MC (%) 6.53±0.45 7.87±0.26∗
pH 6.31±0.02∗ 6.21±0.02
Results are reported as mean±SD of triplicate analysis.
Means significantly different (p<0.05) in the same row.
Table 2 shows that C snack bar contained 1.81 g of dietary fiber per serving (44 g). This means the
product was not able to be classified as a high dietary fiber product. However, the HFSB could claim
to be a high dietary fiber product because it contained 6.78 g of dietary fiber per serving (>20% daily
value per serving).
3.2 Physicochemical proper es of control and high dietary fiber snack bar during storage
Color is one of the most important attributes related to quality, affecting consumer acceptability be-
cause it is the first thing that is clearly detected by consumers. However, a colorimeter instrument
was used in this study in parallel with sensory test by humans to get accurate and quantitative re-
sults. Higher storage temperature (45 oC) would accelerate the decrease in L* value and increase a*
value, thereby decreasing lightness and increasing the redness of the products. It is clear that the L*,
a*, and b* values were significantly different (p<0.05) after storage (Figure 2). Total color difference
Pra wi IA et al. GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal) 2019, Vol. 3, No. 3
Table 2. Proximate values and dietary fiber content of control (C) and high dietary fiber (HFSB) snack
bar (44g)
Nutrients C1 HFSB1
(�E) values of the C and HFSB kept at 35 oC were below 3.7 throughout storage time. On the other
hand, the �E values of the C and HFSB kept at 45 oC were higher than 3.7 at week 6 and week 4 of
storage, respectively (Table 3).
Figure 2. L* (2a), a* (2b), and b* (2c) of control (C) and high dietary fiber (HFSB) snack bar during storage
at 35°C and 45 °C for 12 weeks. Different superscripts (a-f) mean significantly different (p<0.05) in the
same line.
The pH, aw, and MC values of the C and HFSB snack bar throughout storage period are presented
in Figure 3. The pH of the C and HFSB slightly decreased (p<0.05) throughout the storage time. How-
ever, the pH values of the snack bar formulas kept at 45 oC rapidly decreased compared to those of
the formulas kept at 35 oC. The initial aw of the C and HFSB were 0.57 and 0.56, respectively. During
storage, aw of the C and HFSB were in the ranges of 0.52-0.63 and 0.48-0.57, respectively. The ini-
tial MC of the C and HFSB were 5.73% and 7.76%, respectively. The MC of the C snack bar (p<0.05)
increased significantly after storage, otherwise the MC of the HFSB remained more constant.
GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal) 2019, Vol. 3, No. 3 Pra wi IA et al.
Table 3. Total color difference (�E) of control (C) and high dietary fiber (HFSB) snack bar during storage
at 35 °C and 45 °C for 12 weeks
Storage me (week)
35 o C 45 o C 35 o C 45 o C
Figure 3. pH (3a), water ac vity (3b), and moisture content (3c) of control (C) and high dietary fiber
(HFSB) snack bar at 35°C and 45 °C for 12 weeks. Different superscripts (a-f) mean significantly dif-
ferent (p<0.05) in the same line.
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Table 4. Thio-barbituric acid reac ve substances (TBARS) of control (C) and high dietary fiber (HFSB)
snack bar during storage at 35 °C and 45 °C for 12 weeks
C (mg MDA/kg sample) HFSB (mg MDA/kg sample)
Storage me (weeks)
35 o C 45 o C 35 o C 45 o C
3.3 Thio-barbituric acid reac ve substances (TBARS) of control (C) and high dietary fiber
snack bar (HFSB) during storage
Thio-barbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) values of the C and HFSB after each week of storage
are presented in Table 4. The TBARS values of the HFSB were higher than the C formula. Furthermore,
there was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) in the TBARS values of the C stored at 35 oC
throughout the storage time. However, the TBARS values of the C and HFSB kept at 45 oC increased
gradually after storage from 0.019 to 0.022 and 0.023 to 0.026 mg MDA/kg, respectively. The TBARS
values of the C and HFSB snack bars kept at 45 oC were significantly increased (p<0.05) at week 4,
after which the values became constant until the end of storage.
GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal) 2019, Vol. 3, No. 3 Pra wi IA et al.
Table 5. Sensory evalua on of control (C) and high dietary fiber (HFSB) snack bar during storage at 35
°C for 12 weeks
Storage me Appearance Overall acceptability DFC
Table 6. Cut-off point parameter of control (C) and high dietary fiber (HFSB) snack bar during storage
at 35 °C and 45 °C.
Parameter (weeks)
Sample Cut-off point (weeks)
∆E Overall acceptability DFC
C-35 12 8 8 8
C-45 6 4 4 4
HFSB-35 12 8 12 8
HSFB-45 4 4 4 4
Pra wi IA et al. GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal) 2019, Vol. 3, No. 3
4. Discussion
4.1 Physicochemical proper es of freshly prepared control (C) and high dietary fiber snack
bar (HFSB)
The L* value of HFSB was higher than C, expressed to be lighter, due to the addition of low-fat desic-
cated coconut (LFDC). There were statistically significant differences (p<0.05) in pH and MC between
the C and HFSB. The pH of the HFSB was lower than that of the C. Ozturk and Serdaroglu (2018) re-
ported that the addition of JAP in food products would decrease pH due to the natural characteristics
of the ingredient. However, the MC of the HFSB was higher than that of the C due to the moisture
content from JAP. In the proximate analysis, the C snack bar contained 1.81 g of dietary fiber per serv-
ing (44 g), meaning the product was not able to be classified as a high dietary fiber product. However,
the HFSB could claim to be a high dietary fiber product because it contained 6.78 g of dietary fiber
per serving (>20% daily value per serving) (Gilsenan, 2011). It is clearly seen that the JAP and LFDC
successfully helped to increase the dietary fiber content in the HFSB. Soluble dietary fiber (SDF) in-
cluding inulin mostly came from the JAP, whereas insoluble dietary fiber (IDF) mostly came from
4.2 Physicochemical proper es of control and high dietary fiber snack bar during storage
Total color difference (�E) values of the C and HFSB kept at 35 oC were below 3.7 throughout the
storage time. On the other hand, the �E values of the C and HFSB kept at 45 oC were higher than 3.7
at 6 and 4 weeks of storage, respectively. Eliades et al. (2004) suggested that the acceptance limit of
�E value is 3.7, which is clinically visible by human eyes beyond this value. The color alteration of the
HFSB was faster than that of the C because the inulin content from JAP participated in the Maillard
browning reaction, thereby reducing the lightness of the products (Broyart et al., 1998). The higher
storage temperature (45 oC) would accelerate the decrease in L* value and increase a* value, thereby
decreasing lightness and increasing the redness of the products. High storage temperature affected
the properties and quality of the products. Sun-Waterhouse et al. (2010) also observed that prolonged
exposure to high temperature would have serious effects on the color of the product. Maillard reaction
plays an important role in the change in color, which is favored by high temperature and alkaline pH
(Loveday et al., 2009). The other factor is an excess of reducing sugar present in the product. Pallavi
and Chetana observed that a snack bar with artificial sweeteners would be more stable than a snack
bar with sugar as the equilibrium relative humidity was closer to normal ambient conditions, espe-
cially reducing sugar. Reducing sugars such as all monosaccharides and some disaccharides, which
were also used as ingredients in this experiment, increased the Maillard reaction (Yilmaz and Toledo,
2005) as well as caramelization (Ameur et al., 2008). Maillard reaction produces several intermediate
compounds such as hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), methyl ketones, formic acid, and galactosyl-β-
pyranone from advanced Maillard (Cattaneo et al., 2008) in addition to brown-colored melanoidins
(Deeth, 2010). Melanoidin is produced from the final stage of the Maillard reaction, which establishes
brown and dark pigmentation color (Perez-Locas and Yaylayan, 2010).
The HFSB could retain MC due to the high water-holding capacity (WHC) of the fiber used (Grigelmo-
Miguel et al., 1999). In commercial products, MC of cereal bar was in a range between 8.00% and
10.06% (Padmashree et al., 2012). Theoretically, MC is the total amount of water present; the shifting
of MC in a product will affect its texture (Kong and Singh, 2011). Otherwise, aw is a key parameter
used for determining the rate of many chemical reactions and also the microbial growth in food prod-
ucts (Bchir et al., 2018). Throughout the storage period, the aw of the C and HFSB was in the ranges
of 0.52-0.63 and 0.48-0.57, respectively. Aigster et al. (2011) observed the initial aw of granola and
cereal bar was 0.69, which gradually increased to 0.77 during the storage time. However, the snack
bars were packed with good oxygen, light, and moisture barrier properties. Thus, the alteration in
aw could be associated with starch retrogradation, which removes water instead of the migration of
moisture through the packaging (Silva et al., 2013). In fact, yeast and mold start to grow at aw in the
GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal) 2019, Vol. 3, No. 3 Pra wi IA et al.
range between 0.70 and 0.80 (Rawat and Darappa, 2015). The snack bar can normally be classified as a
low moisture food product (LMF) due to the aw value being below 0.70. The low aw of the snack bar
product would help to extend its shelf life (Farakos et al., 2013). The pH values of the C and HFSB were
slightly decreased (p<0.05) throughout the storage time. The pH values of snack bar formulas kept at
45 oC rapidly decreased more than those of products stored at 35 oC. The higher temperature could
accelerate the deterioration of food products (Elmlund, 2014). In food products, formic acid generated
by the Maillard reaction contributes to the decrease in pH during heat treatment (da Silva et al., 2014;
Deeth, 2010). Moreover, it should be noted that the decrease in pH may be a sign of microbial growth
and chemical reaction.
4.3 Thio-barbituric acid reac ve substances (TBARS) of control and high dietary fiber snack
bar during storage
The TBARS values of the C and HFSB snack bars kept at 35 and 45 °C for 12 weeks are shown in Table
4. The TBARS values of the HFSB were higher than those of the C throughout storage time because
of the addition of JAP and LFDC in the formulation. There was no statistically significant difference
(p>0.05) in TBARS values of the C at 35 oC during the storage time. However, the TBARS values of the
C and HFSB increased significantly (p<0.05) at 4 weeks of storage, after which the values became con-
stant until the end of storage. Trinidad et al. (2006) observed that proximate analysis of LFDC per 100
g of sample is as follows: 3.6% moisture, 3.1% ash, 10.9% fat, 12.1% protein, and 70.3% carbohydrates.
Otherwise, the proximate analysis of JAP per 100 g sample is as follows: 3.39% moisture, 3.66% ash,
0.91% fat, 8.91% protein, and 83.13.3% carbohydrates (Bui et al., 2016). It is clear that the fat content of
the HFSB was higher than that of the C, at 6.95 and 5.83, respectively (see Table 2). Thus, fat from the
LFDC and JAP contributed to increase the TBARS value because of lipid oxidation. Lipid oxidation is
one of the big problems in food products, where oxidative rancidity causes shelf life quality deterio-
ration, including nutritional loss and toxic compound formation. Lipid oxidation produces aldehyde
compounds. Thus, it can be detected as malondialdehyde (MDA) as it is associated with off-flavors
and aromas, which are usually found in meat products (Ghani et al., 2017). Table 4 shows that snack
bar formulas kept at 45 oC had higher TBARS values than those kept at 35 oC. This was probably due
to lipid oxidation, which was expedited by several factors such as the presence of lipoxidase, peroxide,
light, MC, and high temperature (Chow, 1980). However, the TBARS values of the C and HFSB snack
bar were less than 0.05 mg MDA/kg sample. The TBARS values were less than the rancidity threshold
(1–2 mg MDA/kg sample) for food products, especially corn snacks (Etemadian et al., 2018).
Pra wi IA et al. GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal) 2019, Vol. 3, No. 3
(Eliades et al., 2004). For the 9-point hedonic scale, the overall acceptability score should be higher
than 6.0 (like slightly), meaning the product is accepted by panelists (Giménez et al., 2012). Based on
Freitas and Costa (2006), the product will be rejected if the score for difference from control (DFC) is
3 or above. The Q10 equation was used for predicting the product shelf-life at 30 oC. The shelf-life
prediction for the C and HFSB snack bar stored at 30 oC was 11 weeks. Padmashree et al. (2012) sug-
gested that cereal snack bars packed in metallized polyester films have limited shelf-life of around 3 to
4 months. However, higher temperature during transportation and storage should also be considered
due to the shelf-life of these products being shorter than that obtained from calculation.
5. Conclusion
Jerusalem artichoke powder (JAP) and low-fat desiccated coconut (LFDC) helped to increase the total
dietary fiber by 3.7 times. Thus, the developed high fiber snack bar (HFSB) could be classified as a
high fiber food product. However, the addition of JAP and LFDC contributes to certain changes in the
physicochemical properties and stability of the snack bar. For shelf-life prediction by Q10 test, the C
and HFSB snack bar could be kept at 30 oC for 11 weeks. Modified packaging should be considered
in further experiments in order to help extend the shelf-life of the snack bar.
The authors gratefully acknowledge to Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University for financial
support. The authors also would like to thanks Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University for support-
ing the laboratory instruments.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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Cite this article as: Pratiwi IA, Kemsawasd V, Winuprasith T. Storage Stability of High Fiber Snack
Bar. GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal). 2019; 3(3):124-137. doi:10.35898/ghmj-33456