Effects of Thermal Processing
Effects of Thermal Processing
Effects of Thermal Processing
Normal pressure steaming, high pressure steaming, microwave, and frying are widely used to deactivate
enzyme in the oats, but these thermal processing methods may affect the structural and functional properties
of soluble dietary fiber, which contribute greatly to the health benefits of oat foods. The objective of this study
was to evaluate the effects of four different thermal processing methods on the structural and functional
properties of soluble dietary fiber from whole grain oats. The results showed that the thermal processing
resulted in changes on nutritional components of whole grain oats. Especially dietary fiber components, the
total dietary fiber, insoluble dietary fiber, and soluble dietary fiber content of heat-treated oats were signifi-
cantly increased (p < 0.05). Moreover, thermal processing can not only result in an increase in molecular
weight and particle size, but also cause molecular aggregation and different functional properties of soluble
dietary fiber. High pressure steaming-treated oat soluble dietary fiber displayed significantly higher swelling
and emulsifying (p < 0.05), but microwave-treated oat soluble dietary fiber exhibited the highest glucose,
cholesterol, and sodium cholate adsorption capacities. These results might provide basic information to
help to better understand the functionality of oat soluble dietary fiber and improve the process efficiency of
oat foods with high nutritional qualities.
Thermal processing, structural properties, functional properties, soluble dietary fiber, whole grain oats
Date received: 5 February 2018; accepted: 13 November 2018
water-holding capacity (WHC), oil-holding capacity the effects of thermal processing on the structural char-
(OHC), hydration capacity, glucose adsorption cap- acteristics and functional properties of SDF extracted
acity (GAC), and cholesterol adsorption capacity from whole grain oats. Normal pressure steaming
(CAC) (Ozyurt and Ötles, 2016), which is important (NPS), high pressure steaming (HPS), MI, and frying
for designing oat products with health benefits (Fabek (FR) were selected to process whole grain oat kernels
et al., 2014). Most importantly, these functional prop- and the different SDF samples were obtained, the
erties are related to food processing methods, extrac- SDF from unprocessed raw whole grain oat kernels
tion methods, chemical composition, structure, and was added as a control group to determine whether
particle size (Martı́nez et al., 2012; Peerajit et al., thermal processing led to difference in structural char-
2012; Wuttipalakorn et al., 2009). acteristics and functional properties of SDF. This is
Oats have more lipid than other cereals and are rich important because oat SDF contributes greatly to the
in lipase, lipoxidase, and other hydrolytic enzymes. nutritious value of oat foods. It is our hope that the
Over time, enzymes result in hydrolysis of the lipids research will provide valuable guidance for the process-
in the oats and affect the shelf life of the oat foods. ing of oat foods. Different kinds of processing methods
So, it is necessary to inactivate these enzymes to could be selected depending on the purpose of oat
extend shelf life during the oat processing and storage foods.
(Doehlert et al., 2010; Hu et al., 2010). The most effi-
cient treatments to deactivate enzymes are thermal pro- MATERIALS AND METHODS
cesses (Doehlert et al., 2010). Previous studies have
used diGerent thermal processing methods including
steaming, microwave (MI) heating, and passing Oat kernels were purchased from Zhangjiakou Jianjun
through infrared and gamma radiation to decrease lipo- Oat Food Co., Ltd (Zhangjiakou, China). The total
lytic activities (De Almeida et al., 2014; Hu et al., 2010; starch assay kit, total dietary fiber (TDF), and mixed
Jha et al., 2013; Li et al., 2016; Rose et al., 2008). linkage beta-glucan assay kit were purchased from
However, thermal processing can not only alter the Megazyme International Ireland Ltd (Bray, Ireland).
lipase activity, but also affect the structure, physico- Glucose, cholesterol, and sodium cholate were pur-
chemical properties, and nutritional effects of DF chased from Nanjing Jiancheng Bioengineering
(Zhang et al., 2011). Zhang et al. (2009) found that Institute (Nanjing, China), and other chemicals were
extrusion treatment could change the distribution of analytical reagent grade.
the molecular weight and the ratios of the (1/3) and
(1/4) chemical bonds in oat bran (OB) SDF.
Sample preparation and thermal
Accumulating evidence has identified that some ther-
processing methods
mal processing can increase the extraction rate of nutri-
ents and increase their functionality and improve the Hu et al. (2010) and Wang et al. (2015) reported
quality of food (Dolatabadi et al., 2016; Farzaneh and that the optimal processing parameters of NPS, HPS,
Carvalho, 2017; Ghodsvali et al., 2016; Jabrayili et al., MI, and FR can completely inactivate the lipase
2016; Ozyurt and Ötles, 2016; Zhang et al., 2011). and make the quality of the oats after inactivated
Available evidence suggested that the high tempera- enzyme is good. Therefore, sample preparation and
tures and high pressures can break covalent bonds thermal processing were performed according to the
and disrupt physical structures of macromolecules lead- method from Hu et al. (2010) and Wang et al. (2015)
ing to a change in their functional properties with minor modification. Nonprocessed raw whole
(Kim et al., 2006; Singh et al., 2007). Many published grain oat kernels were used as a control and the four
studies have attempted to clarify the changes of thermal different thermal processing methods were described as
processing on the nutritional components, mainly follows:
focused on the starch, protein (Bornet, 1993; Honců
et al., 2016; Hu et al., 2010; Ovando-Martı́nez et al., NPS. The kernels were steamed in batches of 250 g,
2013; Runyon et al., 2015). Nevertheless, fewer studies which allowed the kernels to form a layer no
focused on the effects of thermal processing on the deeper than 1 cm in the steamer basket. Oat kernels
structural and functional properties of SDF from were placed into the metal basket of a steamer and
whole grain oats. treated over boiling water for 20 min.
Today, because of the high demand for crops for HPS. Using an autoclave, oat kernels were steamed at
extensive application in the human diet, increases in 121 C and 15 psi for 10 min.
the efficiency of the processing are attracting much MI. The oat kernels were treated by MI at 1000 W for
more attention (Farzaneh et al., 2017, 2016). 2 min.
Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate FR. Oat kernels were fried 160 C for 15 min by wok.
Food Science and Technology International 25(4)
After above thermal treatments, the oat kernels were index detector, and a Wyatt DAWN EOS MALLS
kept at room temperature for 24 h for moisture equili- detector. The oat SDF samples were dissolved
bration and then they were put in an air oven at 33 C (1 mg/ml) in mobile phase (NaNO3) and then passed
for 12 h to reduce the moisture content to about 10%. through a 0.22 mm nylon filter. The mobile phase was
Whole grain oat kernels were processed into flour using 50 mM NaNO3 with a flow rate of 0.5 ml/min and
a grinder at 50 Hz for 5 min and passed through a 100 ml of sample was injected, and then molecular
0.250 mm sieve. The different thermal processed whole mass distribution of oat SDF samples was determined
grain oat flours (OFs) were used for determination of through the designated software.
nutritional components and extract SDF.
Particle size distribution determination
SDF extraction
The particle size distribution of oat SDF samples was
Extraction of SDF from whole grain oats was per- analyzed by a particle size analyzer (Winner 3001, Jinan
formed according to enzymatic-gravimetric procedure Micro-Nano Particle Technology, Jinan, China). Five
AOAC 985.29 (2000) with minor modifications. Briefly, percent solution was prepared with distilled water and
samples were thoroughly dispersed in four times ultrasonically dispersed for 30 min, and then placed in a
volume of deionized water, and the pH was adjusted hopper and scanned in a range of 0.1–500 mm using a
to 6.0 with 0.1 mol/l NaOH. Afterwards, 0.1% (w/w) laser particle size analyzer.
heat stable a-amylase was added and hydrolyzed at
95 C with constant stirring at 120 g for 30 min. After
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
the temperature of the hydrolysate was cooled down to
(FT-IR) determination
60 C, 0.016% (w/w) neutral protease was added and
further hydrolyzed for 30 min with constant stirring at The FT-IR of oat SDF samples was determined accord-
120 g. After the enzymatic hydrolysis reaction was ing to Diop et al. (2011). Oat SDF samples were thor-
quenched at 95 C for 5 min and then centrifuged at oughly mixed with KBr (1:100, w/w) and infrared
3800 g for 20 min at room temperature, the supernatant spectra of samples were obtained by a Fourier trans-
and sediment were collected. The supernatant was con- form spectrometer (IR Prestige 21, Shimadzu) in the
densed to one-tenth with a vacuum rotary evaporator 4000–400 cm1 region with 32 scans and a resolution
(Model R203B, Shanghai Senco Technology Co. Ltd, of 4 cm1.
Shanghai, China). At the end, the concentrated super-
natant was mixed with 95% (v/v) ethanol at 4 C for
Scanning electron microscopy
12 h and then subjected to centrifugation at 3800 g for
(SEM) determination
15 min. The precipitated flocculate was dried in a
vacuum freeze dryer for 48 h. The dried flocculate was The oat SDF images were observed using a scanning
SDF, which was milled and passed through a 0.250 mm electron microscope (SU1510, Hitachi, Japan). The
sieve and stored at 4 C. The extracts were stored under sample was prepared according to a published
refrigeration for further analysis. method (Chen et al., 2014a). Briefly, oat SDF samples
were fixed on a specimen holder with double-sided
scotch tape and sputter coated with gold.
Nutritional components determinations
Subsequently, each sample was transferred to the scan-
The moisture content, ash, total starch, protein, lipid, ning electron microscope at an acceleration voltage of
TDF, SDF, insoluble dietary fiber (IDF), and total b- 20 kV and magnifications of 300 and 1000.
glucan were determined according to AOAC 934.01/
4.1.03, 942.05/4.1.10, 996.11/32.2.05A, 988.05/4.2.03,
WHC, OHC, swelling capacity (SC),
920.39/4.5.01, 985.29, and 995.16 (2000) methods,
emulsifying activity (EA), and emulsion
respectively. All samples were analyzed in triplicates.
stability (ES) determinations
The WHC of SDF was determined by the procedure of
Molecular weight distribution determination
Sowbhagya et al. (2007). The OHC was measured by
Molecular weight of oat SDF samples was determined the method of Wang et al. (2015). The SC was deter-
using gel permeation chromatography-multi-angle laser mined according to the method of Sowbhagya et al.
light scattering (GPC-MALLS) (Wyatt Technology (2007).
Co., USA) equipped with two Viscotek A 6000 M col- EA and ES were evaluated following Wang et al.
umns. The GPC-MALLS system consists of a Waters (2015) with minor modification. Briefly, 2 g whole
2690D separations module, a Waters 2414 refractive grain oat SDF was dispersed in 100 ml deionized
Dong et al.
water to obtain 100 ml whole grain oat SDF suspen- with 0.15 mol/L NaCl solution and adjusted the pH
sion, which was homogenized using a Caframo HD-1 to 7.0, then 100 mL of the above solution was mixed
homogenizer at 2000 g for 2 min and then 100 ml of with 1.0 g SDF samples and incubated at 37 C for 2 h.
corn oil was added to each sample and homogenized Next, the solution was centrifuged at 4000 g for 20 min.
for 1 min. The emulsions were centrifuged at 2000 g for The supernatant (1 ml) was analyzed using furfural col-
5 min and then emulsion volume was measured. EA orimetric method; 1 ml of supernatant was mixed with
was expressed as the milliliter of the emulsified layer 6 ml 45% H2SO4 solution, afterward, added 1 ml 0.3%
volume of the 100 ml entire layer in the centrifuge furfural solution. Finally, the absorbance was measured
tube. The EA was calculated as follows at 620 nm after cooling to room temperature. The con-
centration of sodium cholate was calculated according
EAð%Þ ¼ V1 =V0 100 ð1Þ to the standard curve of sodium cholate salt
(Y¼1.742X0.00043, R2 ¼ 0.9984). The formula to cal-
where V1 and V0 are the volumes of the emulsified layer culate adsorption capacity for sodium cholate is as
and the total sample, respectively. follows
The ES was determined by heating the prepared
emulsions at 80 C for 30 min, cooling them to room SACðmg=gÞ ¼ ðm0 mÞ=W ð4Þ
temperature (25 C), and centrifuging at 2000 g for
5 min. ES was expressed as milliliter of the remaining where m0 is the total amount of sodium cholate in the
emulsified layer volume of 100 ml of the original emul- solution (mg), m is the amount of sodium cholate in the
sion volume. The ES was calculated as follows supernatant (mg), and W is the weight of whole grain
oat SDF sample (g).
ESð%Þ ¼ V2 =V1 100 ð2Þ
CAC determination
where V1 is the volume of the original emulsion layer
(ml) and V2 is the volume of emulsion that remains The CAC of SDF samples was determined according to
emulsified (ml). the procedure of Zhang, Huang and Ou (2011) with
some modification. First, fresh egg yolk was diluted
with nine times volume of distilled water. Whole
GAC determination
grain oat SDF (1.00 g) was mixed with 50 ml of the
The GAC was determined by the method described by diluted yolk; then adjusted the pH to 7.0, 2.0, and 7.0
Peerajit et al. (2012). Briefly, each sample (1 g) was (simulating the pH conditions in the stomach and small
mixed with 100 ml of different glucose concentrations intestine, respectively); the mixtures were maintained in
(50, 100, and 200 mmol/l) and incubated at 37 C for a shaker water bath at 37 C for 2 h; afterward, the
6 h. The sample was centrifuged at 4000 g for 20 min mixtures were centrifuged at 3500 g for 20 min. The
after glucose adsorption reached equilibrium. The cholesterol in the supernatant was determined at
amount of glucose retained by whole grain oat SDF 550 nm.
was determined by measuring the supernatant glucose A 0.1 ml volume of the supernatant was measured
content using a glucose assay kit. GAC was expressed according to the cholesterol standard curve
as millimoles of retained glucose per gram of whole (Y ¼ 1.8663X þ 0.0148, R2 ¼ 0.9991), where Y is the
grain oat SDF absorbance at 550 nm of sample and X is cholesterol
concentration. The formula to calculate adsorption
GACðmmol=gÞ ¼ ðCi Cs Þ Vi=Ws ð3Þ capacity for cholesterol is as follows
where Ci is the glucose concentration of the original CACðmg=gÞ ¼ ðm0 mÞ=W ð5Þ
solution (mmol/l), Cs is the supernatant glucose content
when adsorption reached equilibrium (mmol/l), Ws is where m0 is the total amount of cholesterol in the solu-
the weight of whole grain oat SDF (g), and Vi is the tion (mg), m is the supernatant cholesterol (mg), and W
supernatant volume (ml). is the whole grain oat SDF sample weight (g).
Food Science and Technology International 25(4)
was considered at p < 0.05. Duncan’s comparison test Lan et al. (2012) reported that steam processing and
was used. drying in sunshine affected the physicochemical proper-
ties of DF isolated from Polygonatum odoratum.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION De Paula et al. (2017) suggested that cooking signifi-
cantly increased the extractability and molecular weight
Nutritional components of thermal
of b-glucan. In sum, high temperatures break down
processed whole grain oats
glycosidic bonds in polysaccharide, which can lead to
The contents of nutritional components of thermal pro- the release of oligosaccharides and thus increase the
cessed whole grain oats are presented in Table 1. The quantity of SDF (Wolf, 2010). The above result
results showed that the total starch contents of thermal showed that thermal processing contributes to the
processed whole grain oats had a slight decrease, but increase of oat DF content and affecting their structural
there was no significant difference among the MI, FR, properties. Therefore, it is necessary to study the effects
and control (p > 0.05). Moreover, thermal processing of thermal processing on DF.
also resulted in the change of the crude protein content,
which was significantly lower than that of the unpro-
Molecular weight distribution
cessed sample (p < 0.05). Mubarak (2005) also reported
that boiling, autoclaving, and MI cooking significantly The molecular weight chromatograms of thermal pro-
decreased the crude protein content due to their diffu- cessed whole grain oat SDF are shown in Figure 1. The
sion into the cooking water. However, the crude fat GPC-MALLS chromatograms of the thermal pro-
levels had no obvious changes, which was consistent cessed whole grain oat SDF were similar. The molecu-
with the results obtained by Hu et al. (2010). The mois- lar weight distribution exhibited a strongest peak when
ture content was significantly reduced after different all samples were at about 12 min. The Mw (weight-
thermal processing (p < 0.05), which was caused by average molecular weight), Mn (number-average
loss of water as a result of heating. The TDF, SDF, molecular weight), Mp (peak position molecular
and IDF contents of thermal processed whole grain weight), and polydispersity index (PDI) values are
oats were significantly increased (p < 0.05). shown in Table 2. The Mw, Mn, and Mp values of
Chen et al. (2014b) found that thermal processing control were 1.159 106, 2.534 105, and 2.134
improved the content of SDF from soybean residues. 105 g/mol, respectively, whereas thermal processing
Stojceska et al. (2010) suggested that extrusion technol- improved the Mw, Mn, and Mp of the whole grain
ogy increased the levels of TDF in gluten-free products SDF, which may be due to the presence of intermolecu-
made from gluten-free cereals. These results could be lar aggregation by the different thermal processing con-
partly confirmed by the observation that thermal pro- ditions, which was consistent with the results obtained
cessing has an effect on DF. In addition, the b-glucan as by Kong et al. (2015). It can be seen that the Mw of
major SDF components also significantly increased SDF after HPS was the highest (4.603 106 g/mol),
(p < 0.05). It might be that high pressure and high tem- indicating that the SDF molecular after HPS easily
perature aggravated the movement of molecules to aggregated. The PDI (Mw/Mn) was used to clarify
promote the dissolution of DF (Lai and Lu, 2014). the breadth of SDF molecular weight distribution.
Table 1. Nutritional content (%) of different thermal processed whole grain oats
Total starch 60.22 0.37a 58.86 0.18c 59.32 0.43bc 59.68 0.56ab 60.10 0.25a
Crude protein 11.15 0.05a 10.80 0.03c 10.08 0.13e 10.98 0.04b 10.26 0.08d
Crude fat 7.50 0.04a 7.44 0.02a 7.49 0.04a 7.45 0.02a 7.47 0.03a
Moisture 7.12 0.25a 6.42 0.08b 6.04 0.12c 5.17 0.04d 5.04 0.07e
Ash 1.48 0.05d 1.87 0.07c 2.12 0.04b 2.08 0.02b 2.25 0.04a
TDF 12.05 0.07e 13.85 0.11c 14.51 0.07b 14.64 0.04a 12.68 0.06d
IDF 7.03 0.04e 8.39 0.02a 8.03 0.13b 7.83 0.06c 7.44 0.15d
SDF 5.02 0.04e 5.46 0.14c 6.48 0.07b 6.81 0.10a 5.24 0.08d
b-glucan 3.06 0.02e 3.13 0.04d 3.29 0.02c 3.78 0.11a 3.43 0.04b
FR: frying; HPS: high pressure steaming; IDF: insoluble dietary fiber; MI: microwave; NPS: normal pressure steaming; SDF: soluble
dietary fiber; TDF: total dietary fiber.
Data were mean SD (n ¼ 3). Values in the same row with different letters are significantly different (p < 0.05).
Dong et al.
0.4 –5
–5 –2.0x10
–2.4x10 0.2
–5 –2.5x10
0.3 –5
Detector voltage (V)
–2.2x10 –5
0.2 –2.2x10
–5 –5
–2.4x10 –2.4x10
–5 –5
–2.6x10 0.05 –2.6x10
Differential refractive index (RIU)
Detector voltage (V)
0.1 –5
Figure 1. The GPC-MALLS chromatograms of different thermal processed whole grain oat SDF. SDF-a: control, SDF-b:
NPS, SDF-c: HPS, SDF-d: MI, and SDF-e: FR. SDF: soluble dietary fiber.
The results displayed that the SDF molecular weight on the molecular weight values and improved Mw of
distribution after MI treatment was the most uniform, SDF. In previous studies, it was shown that thermal
but after that HPS was the most dispersed. These processing could induce effective extraction of high-
results indicated that thermal process had an impact molecular-weight SDF from OB (Zhang et al., 2009).
Food Science and Technology International 25(4)
Table 2. Molecular weight distribution of different thermal processed whole grain oat SDF
Dong et al. (2016) reported that the molecular weights Table 3. Particle size distribution of different thermal
of b-glucan from three processed oat products like oat processed whole grain oat SDF
meal (OM), OF, and high fiber OB were very different.
Sample D10 (mm) D50 (mm) D90 (mm) Span
Notably, three oat products modulating the gut micro-
biota and producing antiobesity effects in obese rats Control 1.328 3.48 20.28 5.45
had obvious differences. Wood (2007) found that NPS 1.384 8.39 37.67 4.32
b-glucan with higher molar mass exhibited better HPS 1.789 8.62 40.74 4.52
health and nutritional effects to the maintenance of MI 1.750 6.84 30.37 4.18
normal blood cholesterol levels and to the reduction FR 1.496 4.23 24.40 5.41
of blood glucose rises after consumption of b-glucan.
However, b-glucan with a smaller molar mass exhibited FR: frying; HPS: high pressure steaming; MI: microwave; NPS:
normal pressure steaming.
better prebiotic effects in the intestine (Arora et al.,
D10, 10% of the volume that is smaller than the size indicated.
2012; Barsanti et al., 2011). We will also study the D50, 50% of the volume that is smaller than the size indicated.
structural effects of thermal processing on DF compo- D90, 90% of the volume that is smaller than the size indicated.
nents (b-glucan, arabinoxylan) in order to find the rela- Span, the width of particle size distribution. Span¼(D90D10)/D50.
tionship between structure and nutritional properties in
the future.
(from 1.00 to 133.10 mm with a mean particle size of
12.50 mm) on its functional properties; it was found
Particle size distribution
that as particle size decreased, SDF content increased,
Particle size distributions play important roles in the with the WHC, water retention capacity (WRC), SC,
functionality of DF. The shape and size of the fibers and oil binding capacity (OBC) increasing significantly.
depend on degree of processing and it also may vary These studies indicated that particle size changes are
during transit in the intestinal tract as a result of diges- related to the functional properties of SDF. The vari-
tion processes (Rosell et al., 2009; Zhang and Moore, ation in size and shape of SDF after the different pro-
1999). Particle size distribution of the thermal pro- cessing methods depend on their degree of processing
cessed whole grain oat SDF is displayed in Table 3. and the type of cell walls present in the foods (Ozyurt
The particle size was expressed by D10, D50, and D90. and Ötles, 2016).
The results showed that D10, D50, and D90 of whole
grain oat SDF after thermal processing were increased,
and the median diameter (D50) of SDF after HPS treat-
ment was the highest, which was similar to the trends of FT-IR of thermal processed whole grain oat SDF is
molecular weight measurements shown in Table 2. shown in Figure 2. Thermal processed whole grain
Additionally, the particle span of SDF after MI treat- oat SDF samples showed similar spectral profiles with
ment was lower than that of any other thermal the control. As can be seen in Figure 2, there was a
treatments, indicating the particle size distribution of broad absorption band at about 3400 cm1, which cor-
SDF after MI treatment was the most uniform. responds to the stretching absorption bands of –OH
Raghavendar et al. (2006) found that when the particle groups. Notably, this is closely related to the hydrogen
size of coconut residue reached 1.127–550 mm, its bonds and the moisture contained in the molecules of
hydration properties increased. Zhu et al. (2014) stu- the SDF component (Raghavendar et al., 2006).
died the effect of buckwheat hull DF particle size The absorption peaks at 3000–2800 cm1 indicated
Dong et al.
1.1 SDF-a
1650 621
1400 1078
3400 2928 SDF-b
Absorbance /%
0.7 SDF-c
4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0
Wavenumbers / cm
stretching absorption bands of C–H. The absorption structure of SDF from thermal processed whole grain
peaks between 1640 and 1620 cm1 revealed the oats was more obvious and uniform, especially the
absence of carbonyl groups (C ¼ O). The absorption microstructure of SDF extracted from MI-treated
peaks between 1400 and 1200 cm1 were attributed to whole grain oats was relatively even, which was consist-
C–H bending vibration. The absorption peaks in the ent with the results of molecular weight distribution
range of 1200–1000 cm1 showed the C–O stretching shown in Table 2, but there was not a great deal of
vibrations of fiber (Alemdar and Sain, 2008). difference between the different thermal processing
Furthermore, peak at 898 cm1 revealed the stretching groups.
vibration of b-glycosidic linkages in polysaccharides
(Ma and Mu, 2016). Moreover, the absorption peak
WHC, OHC, SC, EA, and ES
at 620 cm1 revealed the angular vibration of C–H in
the sugar molecule. The above absorption peaks were The WHC, OHC, SC, EA, and ES results are shown in
the characteristic absorption peak of sugars (Elleuch Table 4. The thermal processing reduced the WHC and
et al., 2011). These results showed that thermal process- OHC values compared to the control sample. Several
ing of whole grain oats did not cause chemical changes researchers reported WHC and OHC of DFs are
of SDF. related to the chemical structure of the polysaccharides
component and process-related variability such as par-
ticle size, processing conditions, and method (Ozyurt
and Ötles, 2016). In addition, the swelling of SDF
The morphological characterization of whole grain oat after thermal processing was significantly increased
SDF observed by SEM is shown in Figure 3. SEM than that of the control sample (p < 0.05), and the swel-
revealed the changes in the microstructure of whole ling of HPS-treated oat SDF was the largest than other
grain oat SDF after thermal processing. The micro- thermal treatments (p < 0.05). The increase in SC might
structure of SDF from untreated whole grain was be attributed to a rise in the amount of short chains and
irregular and rough, and flaky shape in the magnifica- the surface area of DF induced by thermal processing.
tion was not obvious. However, some SDF from ther- Raghavendar et al. (2006) showed that the SC of DF is
mal processed whole grain oats showed the presence of strongly related with the characteristics of the major
a big flaky structure, which may be attributed to the components and the physical structure of DF.
presence of intermolecular aggregates by the different Hromádková et al. (2003) studied the influence of
thermal processing (Kong et al., 2015). Moreover, flaky drying treatment on the SC of b-glucan and drew a
Food Science and Technology International 25(4)
Figure 3. SEM of different thermal processed whole grain oat SDF. a/A: control, b/B: NPS, c/C: HPS, d/D: MI, and
e/E: FR.
Dong et al.
Table 4. Functional properties of different thermal processed whole grain oat SDF
WHC (g/g) 5.82 0.02a 4.65 0.04e 4.75 0.03d 4.95 0.02b 4.82 0.02c
OHC (g/g) 2.42 0.03a 1.51 0.04d 1.48 0.02d 2.15 0.02b 1.83 0.03c
SC (ml/g) 1.68 0.03c 1.75 0.05c 2.12 0.04a 2.05 0.03b 1.70 0.03c
EA (%) 59.39 2.23b 60.49 1.13b 65.43 2.95a 62.30 1.95ab 63.05 2.29ab
ES (%) 81.28 2.13b 88.30 2.09a 83.38 2.96b 82.08 1.92b 88.67 1.20a
GAC (50 mmol/g) 3.48 0.34a 3.65 0.53a 4.12 0.83a 4.45 0.62a 3.23 0.72a
GAC (100mmol/g) 7.65 0.57a 7.82 0.65a 7.41 0.62a 7.95 0.74a 6.86 0.83a
GAC (200 mmol/g) 16.25 0.72a 16.32 0.54a 16.68 0.82a 16.96 0.86a 15.87 0.63a
SAC (mg/g) 11.32 0.16bc 11.43 0.07b 11.53 0.36b 12.12 0.08a 11.05 0.12c
CAC (mg/g) pH¼7 8.62 0.17c 9.13 0.19b 9.28 0.13b 10.95 0.28a 7.64 0.10d
CAC (mg/g) pH¼2 6.32 0.32c 6.84 0.20b 6.96 0.16b 8.52 0.16a 5.68 0.18d
CAC: cholesterol adsorption capacity; EA: emulsifying activity; ES: emulsion stability; GAC: glucose adsorption capacity; OHC: oil-
holding capacity; SAC: sodium cholate adsorption capacity; SC: swelling capacity; SDF-a: control; SDF-b: normal pressure steaming;
SDF-c: high pressure steaming; SDF-d: microwave; SDF-e: frying; WHC: water-holding capacity.
Results are expressed as the mean SD (n¼3). Values in the same row with different letters are significantly different (p < 0.05).
conclusion that the existence of porous structure of significantly slow down the diffusion rate of glucose
SDF (b-glucan) was helpful to SC. So it is necessary solution and led to the higher GAC (Peerajit et al.,
to study further the effects of thermal process on the 2012).
structure of SDF. EA was a molecule’s ability to act as The DF with high bile acid adsorption can effectively
an agent that facilitates solubilization or dispersion of delay or inhibit bile acid adsorption during gastrointes-
two immiscible liquids and ES was the ability to main- tinal digestion by accelerating the excretion of bile
tain an emulsion and its resistance to rupture (Lan acids, thereby preventing epithelial cell and DNA
et al., 2012). Oat SDF has good emulsifying property damage (Wuttipalakorn et al., 2009). The sodium cho-
and has a certain degree of improvement after different late and cholesterol (at pH 2.0 and 7.0) adsorption
thermal treatments. Especially SDF after HPS treat- capacities of SDF were listed in Table 4. The results
ment was highest and up to 65%, but there was not a indicated that oat SDF in all samples had good
great deal of difference between thermal processing sodium cholate adsorption capacities. The CAC of
groups and the control sample (p > 0.05). The above SDF after different thermal processing was different,
results showed that HPS whole grain oat SDF had and the pH of the system had a great influence on
good SW and ES than other samples. SDF cholesterol adsorption capacities. The CAC at
pH 7 was higher than those at pH 2. These results indi-
cated that SDF exhibited better healthy effect to lower
Glucose, sodium cholate, and cholesterol
the concentration of cholesterol in the small intestine,
adsorption capacities
which was consistent with the study obtained by Nsor-
Three different concentrations of glucose (50, 100, and Atidana et al. (2012). In these in vitro experiments, the
200 mmol/l) were used to evaluate GAC of SDF. This GAC, SAC, and CAC of SDF were increased after
value is used to show the behavior of dietary fiber on thermal processing than that of control except for
adsorbing of glucose during the gastrointestinal transit FR. The GAC, SAC, and CAC of MI-treated oat
time (Chau et al., 2007; Ou et al., 2001). As shown in SDF were the highest, while the GAC, SAC, and
Table 4, the results revealed that whole grain oat SDF CAC of FR-treated oat SDF were the lowest, which
in different glucose concentrations (50–200 mmol/l) was consistent with the results obtained by Wang
could adsorb the glucose (3.23–16.96 mmol/g) effect- et al. (2015). These results showed that NPS, HPS,
ively. It was observed that the GAC values were and MI could improve functionalities like CAC and
dependent on concentration and there were no signifi- STAC values.
cant differences in GAC between control and other
thermal treatments, but MI-treated SDF exhibited the
highest glucose adsorption capacities. The SEM images
in Figure 3 revealed that MI treatment resulted in obvi- The effects of different thermal processing on structural
ous network structure; this structure could also and functional properties of SDF from whole grain
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