AL - Hatar Monuments

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Northern Technical University

Engineering Technical College

Building and Construction Department

Stage : Second – A
Subject : English Report
Grope Names :
‫منهل عمار محمد‬
‫سيف جمال مدين‬
‫بالل عبد الكريم بالل‬

AL – Hatar Monuments
The ruins of Hatra circa 1988

Hatra was an ancient city in the Nineveh Governorate of present-

day Iraq. The city lies 290 km (180 mi) northwest of Baghdad and 110
km (68 mi) southwest of Mosul.

Hatra was a strongly fortified caravan city and capital of the small
Kingdom of Araba, located between the Roman and Parthian/Persian
empires. Hatra flourished in the 2nd century, and was destroyed and
deserted in the 3rd century. Its impressive ruins were discovered in the
19th century.
Some believe Hatra may have been built by the Assyrians or possibly
in the 3rd or 2nd century BC under the influence of the Seleucid
Empire, but there is no reliable information on the city before the
Parthian period. Hatra flourished under the Parthians, during the 1st
and 2nd centuries AD, as a religious and trading center. Later on, the
city became the capital of possibly the first Arab Kingdom in the chain
of Arab cities running from Hatra, in the northeast, via Palmyra, Baalbek
and Petra, in the southwest. The region controlled from Hatra was the
Kingdom of Araba, a semi-autonomous buffer kingdom on the western
limits of the Parthian Empire, governed by Arabian princes.

Hatra became an important fortified frontier city and played an

important role in the Second Parthian War, withstanding repeated
attacks by the Roman Empire. During the 2nd century CE the city
repulsed sieges by both Trajan (116/117) and Septimius Severus
(198/199). Hatra’s forces defeated the ascendant Sassanid Persians in
238 at the battle of Shahrazoor, but fell shortly after in 241 to the army
of Sassanid king Shapur I and was destroyed. The traditional stories of
the fall of Hatra tell of al-Nadirah, daughter of the King of Araba, who
betrayed the city into the hands of Shapur as she fell in love with him.
The story tells of how Shapur killed the king and married al-Nadirah,
but later had her killed also after realizing her ingratitude towards her

Hatra was the best preserved and most informative example of a

Parthian city. Its plan was circular, and was encircled by inner and outer
walls nearly 2 kilometres (1.2 mi) in diameter and supported by more
than 160 towers. A temenos (τέμενος) surrounded the principal sacred
buildings in the city's centre. The temples covered some 1.2 hectares
and were dominated by the Great Temple, an enormous structure with
vaults and columns that once rose to 30 metres. The city was famed for
its fusion of Greek, Mesopotamian, Canaanite, Aramean and Arabian
pantheons, known in Aramaic as Beiṯ Ĕlāhā ("House of God"). The city
had temples to Nergal (Assyrian-Babylonian and Akkadian), Hermes
(Greek), Atargatis (Syro-Aramaean), Allat, Shamiyyah (Arabian), and
Shamash (the Mesopotamian sun god). Other deities mentioned in the
Hatran Aramaic inscriptions were the Aramaean Ba'al Shamayn, and
the female deity known as Ashurbel, which was perhaps the
assimilation of the two deities the Assyrian god Ashur and the
Babylonian Bel—despite their being individually masculine.

Art of Hatra
According to John M. Rosenfield, the statuary of Hatra belong to the
Parthian cultural sphere, with numerous similarities in terms of
clothing, decorative elements or posture, which tend to be massive and
frontal, with feet often splayed. The architecture of Hatra itself is
generally seen as an example of Parthian architecture. Similarities can
be seen with the Art of the Kushans as well, due either to direct cultural
exchanges between the area of Mesopotamia and the Kushan Empire
at that time, or from a common Parthian artistic background leading to
similar types of representation.

Victory relief of Military commander Hatra military man.

Sanatruq . He is using from the city of Hatra.
a small altar at his
Modern Hatra

Hatra was used as the setting for the opening scene in the 1973 film
The Exorcist, and since 1985 has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Saddam Hussein saw the site's Mesopotamian history as reflecting

glory on himself, and sought to restore the site, and others in Ninevah,
Nimrud, Ashur and Babylon, as a symbol of Arab achievement,spending
more than US$80 million in the first phase of restoration of Babylon.
Saddam Hussein demanded that new bricks in the restoration use his
name (in imitation of Nebuchadnezzar) and parts of one restored Hatra
temple have Saddam's name.

The site was first surveyed by Walter Andrae of the German

excavation team working in Assur from 1906 to 1911. But systematic
excavations have been undertaken only from 1951 by Iraqi
archeologists. From the 1980s, the Italian Archaeological Expedition,
directed by R. Ricciardi Venco (University of Turin), made major
discoveries at Hatra. The excavations were focused on an important
house ("Building A"), located close to the Temenos, and on deep
soundings in the Temenos central area. Now the Expedition is active in
different projects regarding the preservation and development of the
archaeological site.
In 2004, The Daily Telegraph stated "Hatra's finely preserved columns
and statues make it one of the most impressive of Iraq's archaeological

Destruction by ISIL

Actions by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, which occupied
the area in mid-2014, have been a major threat to Hatra. In early 2015
they announced their intention to destroy many artifacts, claiming that
such "graven images" were un-Islamic, encouraged shirk (or
polytheism), and could not be permitted to exist, despite the
preservation of the site for 1,400 years by various Islamic regimes. ISIL
militants pledged to destroy the remaining artifacts. Shortly thereafter,
they released a video showing the destruction of some artifacts from
Hatra. After the bulldozing of Nimrud on March 5, 2015, "Hatra of
course will be next" said Abdulamir Hamdani, an Iraqi archaeologist
from Stony Brook University. On March 7, Kurdish and Iraqi official
sources reported ISIS had begun the demolishing the ruins of Hatra. A
video released by ISIL during the next month showed the destruction of
the monuments.

UNESCO and ISESCO issued a joint statement saying "With this latest
act of barbarism against Hatra, (the IS group) shows the contempt in
which it holds the history and heritage of Arab people."
The pro-Iraqi government Popular Mobilization Forces captured the
city on 26 April 2017. A spokeswoman for the militias stated that ISIL
had destroyed the sculptures and engraved images of the site, but its
walls and towers were still standing though contained holes and
scratches received from ISIL bullets. PMF units also stated that the
group had mined the site's eastern gates, thus temporarily preventing
any assessment of damage by archaeologists. It was reported on 1 May
that the site had suffered less damage than feared earlier. A journalist
of EFE had earlier reported finding many destroyed statues, burnt
buildings as well as signs of looting. Layla Salih, head of antiquities for
Nineveh Governorate, stated that most of the buildings were intact and
the destruction didn't compare with that of other archaeological sites
of Iraq. A PMF commander also stated that the damage was relatively

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