ABB VD4 VCB 33KV Catalogue
ABB VD4 VCB 33KV Catalogue
ABB VD4 VCB 33KV Catalogue
Vacuum circuit-breaker 36 kV
Instruction manual BA 434/03 E
• Danger!
Pay special attention to the hazard notes in the instruction manual marked with
this warning symbol.
• Make sure that under operation condition of the switchgear or switchboard
the specified data are not exceeded.
• Keep the instruction manual accessible to all persons concerned with
installation, operation and maintenance.
• The user’s personnel are to act responsibly in all matters affecting safety at
work and the correct handling of the switchgear.
Anerkannte Regeln der Technik und Betriebsanleitungen
beachten !
Gefährliche Spannung
kann elektrischen Schock und Verbrennungen verursachen.
Vor Aufnahme von Arbeiten jeder Art dieses Gerät unbedingt freischalten,
erden und kurzschließen.
Always observe the instruction manual and follow the rules
of good engineering practice !
Hazardous voltage
can cause electrical shock and burns.
Disconnect power, then earth and short-circuit before proceeding
with any work on this equipment.
If you have any further questions on this instruction manual, the members of our
field organization will be pleased to provide the required information.
Contents Page Contents Page
1 Summary 5 5 Installation 14
1.1 General 5 6 Commissioning/Operation 14
1.2 Standards and specifications 5 6.1 Note on safety at work 14
1.2.1 Switchgear manufacture 5 6.2 Preparatory activities 14
1.2.2 Installation and operation 5 6.3 Operation of the circuit-breaker 14
1.3 Operating conditions 5 6.3.1 Charging the spring energy store 14
1.3.1 Normal operating conditions 5 6.3.2 Closing and opening 15
1.3.2 Special operating conditions 5 6.3.3 Operating sequence 15
2 Technical data 6 6.3.4 Run-on block 16
2.1 Technical data 6 7 Maintenance 17
7.1 General 17
2.2 Technical data 7
7.2 Inspection and functional testing 17
releases and blocking magnet
7.2.1 Switching devices in general 17
2.3 Technical data 7
motor-operated mechanisms 7.2.2 Stored-energy spring mechanism 17
2.4 Permissible number of switching 7 7.2.3 Breaker pole 17
operations in relation to breaking current
7.3 Servicing 18
2.5 Dimensions 7
7.3.1 Switching devices in general 18
3 Structure and function 9
7.3.2 Stored-energy spring mechanism 18
3.1 Structure of the breaker poles 9 7.3.3 Breaker pole 18
3.2 Structure of the breaker operating 9 7.4 Repair 19
7.4.1 Replacement of circuit-breaker parts 19
3.2.1 Releases, blocking magnet 9 and accessories
and auxiliary switches
7.4.2 Touch up of surfaces 19
3.3 Function 10
7.5 Spare parts and auxiliary materials 19
3.3.1 Charging of the spring energy store 10
7.5.1 Spare parts 19
3.3.2 Closing procedure 10
7.5.2 Auxiliary materials 20
3.3.3 Opening procedure 10
8 Application of the 23
3.3.4 Autoreclosing sequence 10 X-ray regulations
3.3.5 Quenching principle of the 10
vacuum interrupter
4 Despatch and storage 13
4.1 Condition on delivery 13
4.2 Packaging 13
4.3 Transport 13
4.4 Delivery 13
4.5 Intermediate storage 13
We reserve all rights to this publication. Misuse, particularly including duplication and making available of this manual –
or extracts – to third parties is prohibited. The information supplied is without liability. Subject to alteration.
© ABB Calor Emag Mittelspannung GmbH, 2000
4 ABB Power Distribution
1 Summary 1.3 Operating conditions
Rated voltage kV 36
Rated frequency Hz 50/60
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage kV 170
Rated power frequency withstand voltage kV 70
Rate of rise of transient recovery voltage kV/µs 0.57
Peak of transient recovery voltage kV 62
Rated operating sequence O-3min-CO-3min-CO
Rated operating sequence with autoreclosing O-0.3s-CO-3min-CO
VD4.. kV A kA kA kA s mm c. kg
When the operating voltage is lower than the rated voltage, the same values apply as for rated voltage.
Higher values on request.
At the rated auxiliary voltage.
If the activating relay contact cannot itself interrupt the release coil current.
Ambient temperature ≤ 55 °C.
With natural ventilation of the switchgear panel.
Ambient temperature ≤ 40 °C.
Approximate values
With short-circuited intermediate current transformer
Rated voltages AC: 110 and 220 V, DC: 24, 48, 60, 110 and 220 V.
See RN3U for supply voltage
Rated voltage AC: 240 V, DC: 125 and 240 V.
110 150 1.6 S 281 UC-K 15
220 150 0.75 15
240 170 0.75 15
24 130 4.0 S 282 UC-K 15
48 130 3.0 15
60 130 2.0 15
110 140 1.0 15
125 160 1.0 15
220 140 0.75 15
240 150 0.75 15
Approximate values
At the rated auxiliary voltage
2.4 Permissible number of vacuum interrupter switching operations in relation to breaking current
See figure 2/1.
2.5 Dimensions
See figure 2/2.
4 Rated 4 Rated
3 current 3 current
2 1250 A 2
1250 A
1600 A 1600 A
2000 A/ 4
2000 A/
10 10
2500 A 8
2500 A
6 6
4 4
3 3
2 2
3 3
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
3 3
Number of operations n
Number of operations n
2 2
10 2 10 2
8 8
6 6
4 4
3 3
2 2
10 10
8 8
6 6
5 5
0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 20 30 40 60 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 20 30 40 60
1000 390
View A
360 360 260
Terminal face
max. 22 deep
E - Cu bar 80 x 100
DIN 46433
920 + 5 TE 405
435 60
The operating mechanism is fundamentally suitable The five-pole auxiliary switch S1 is operated by the
for autoreclosing and, due to the short charging charging condition indicator 55.8. It controls the
times, also for multi-shot autoreclosing. charging motor M0, serves as an electrical interlock
for shunt release ON Y3 when the spring energy
The operating mechanism is normally fitted with a storage mechanism is not sufficiently charged, and
charging motor. There is also a facility for charging also provides an electrical switching readiness
the stored energy spring manually. signal.
There is one rating plate 55.7 with the main data of Operation of the five-pole auxiliary switches S3, S4
the switch equipment on front plate 50.7, and and S5 is dependent on the switching position of
another on breaker mechanism housing. the circuit-breaker.
Auxiliary switch S3 interrupts the circuit of the op-
tional additional shunt release OFF Y9 with the
circuit-breaker in the open position, and the circuits
of shunt release ON Y3 and the optional blocking
magnet Y1 with the circuit-breaker in the closed
position. There is one further NOC for other
Figure 3/1: Circuit-breaker, operator's side Figure 3/2: Circuit-breaker, terminal side
50.8 Wheel
57.1 Upper terminal
57.2 Lower terminal
57.4 Pole tube caps
57.5 Transport plugs
57.8 Insulating material pole tube
58.4 Figure 3/5: Partial section of a vacuum interrupter 58, simplified
schematic diagram
58.5 Details vary according to the specified switching duties.
58.7 58.1 Insulator
58.6 58.2 Fixed contact
58.3 Movable contact
58.4 Metal bellows
58.5 Screen
58.6 Guide
58.7 Interrupter lid
• Drying agent bags inserted in the film-sealed 1. Devices with basic packaging or unpacked:
packaging. • A dry and well ventilated storeroom with
• See instructions for use of the drying agent bags climate in accordance with VDE 0670, part
in accordance with DIN 55 473: 1000/IEC 60694.
– If colour indicator is blue: contents dry, • Room temperature which does not fall below
–5 °C.
– If colour indicator is pink: contents moist
(e.g. relative humidity above 40 %). • Do not remove or damage the packaging.
• Unpackaged devices:
4.3 Transport – Are to be loosely covered with protective
(Figures 2/2, 3/2 and 6/2) sheeting.
Loading of the package units must only be carried – Sufficient air circulation must be
out with a maintained.
• crane, • Check regularly for any condensation.
• fork-lift truck and/or 2. Devices with seaworthy or similar packaging
with internal protective sheeting:
• trolley jack.
• Store the transport units:
– protected from the weather,
• Avoid impact during handling.
– dry,
• Do not subject to other damaging mechanical
stresses. – safe from damage.
• Lifting gear must not be attached to the breaker • Check the packaging for damage.
poles or parts of the operating mechanism. Use • Check the drying agent (see also section 4.2):
the lifting lugs T in the Figures 2/2 and 6/2.
– on arrival of the consignment,
• Handling unit TE must be screwed on to move
the breaker on rollers 50.8. – subsequently at appropriate intervals.
• If the maximum storage period starting from
4.4 Delivery the date of packaging has been exceeded:
The duties of the consignee on receipt of the – The protective function of the packaging is
switching devices at site include the following: no longer guaranteed.
• Checking the delivery for completeness and – Suitable action must be taken if inter-
freedom from damage (e.g. moisture and its mediate storage is to continue.
adverse effects).
• Any short quantities, defects or damage in
– Must be precisely documented on the
consignment note.
• Connect the main terminals without any perma- • Check the circuit-breaker for damage and
nent tension or pressure forces, exerted for restore to the proper conditions where
example by the conductor bars. necessary.
• When connecting the conductor bars, the bolts • Remove any contamination (particularly on the
must be inserted to the depth shown on the insulating materials) which has occurred during
dimensional drawing. transit, storage or installation.
• Take account of any tested terminal zone. • Check the primary and secondary connections
and the protectiv conductor terminal.
• Use DIN bolts of tensile class 8.8, fastening
conductor bars together with dished washers. • Check the charging motor on circuit-breakers
with motor-operated mechnisms by applying
• Make a short-circuit proof connection between auxiliary voltage. The stored energy spring is
the PE conductor and the main earthing bar in charged.
the switchgear, using contact washers.
• On breakers with manual charging mechanisms,
• Remove any dirt. See also section 7.3.1. charge the stored energy spring by hand (see
Section 6.3.1).
• Perform a trial opening or closing operation of
the circuit-breaker using push-button 54.2 or
54.3 (taking into account any required auxiliary
voltage and any relevant interlocks). Observe
switch position indicator 55.4 and charging
Recommended condition indicator 55.8.
rated tightening torque1) 2) • Remove transport plugs 57.5 from the poles.
• Check that pole tube caps 57.4 are properly
Lubricant 3) fitted.
Thread size without Oil • Ensure that the Instruction Manual is available to
or grease the operators at all times.
M 6 10.5 4.5
6.3 Operation of the circuit-breaker
M 8 26 10
(Figures 3/3 and 6/1)
M 10 50 20
M 12 86 40 6.3.1 Charging the spring energy storage mechanism
Off-On-Off or auto-
automatically (re-)charge I reclosing sequence
Off-On-Off or auto-
automatically (re-)charge I reclosing sequence
Autoreclosing Off 0
(Activation via On I (automatic charging
protection system starts)
Off 0
With carefully performed inspections and servicing 7.2.2 Stored-energy spring mechanism
work, and under normal operating conditions, the
circuit-breakers, depending on the type, have a (Figures 7/1 and 7/2)
service life of up to 20,000 operating cycles and Functional testing of the operating mechanism is to
more. be performed:
Note: • after 5000 operating cycles or
The following must be observed for all maintenance • during servicing work as set out in 7.2.1.
Prior to functional testing, switch the breaker off
• The relevant specifications in section 1.2.2
and isolate the outgoing feeder.
• Notes on safety at work in section 6.1
• Standards and specifications in the country of
installation. Isolate and secure the working area in accordance
with the safety regulations specified by DIN VDE/
Maintenance work may only be performed by fully IEC.
trained personnel, observing all the relevant safety
regulations. It is recommended that ABB Calor Scope of functional testing:
Emag after-sales service personnel should be • Perform several switching operations under no
called in, at least during the performance of load, above all with circuit-breakers seldom
servicing and repair work. operated in normal service.
While the work is in progress, all auxiliary voltage • Switch off the charging motor (if fitted) and
sources must also be disconnected and secured to discharge the spring mechanism by ON/OFF
prevent reconnection. switching operations.
• Examine visual the condition of the lubrication on
In order to prevent accidents (particularly injury rotary bearings, sliding surfaces, etc.
to hands!) extreme care should be taken during
all repair work on the operating mechanism, • Check the proper mechanical/electrical se-
especially with front plate 50.7 removed. quence of the individual functions.
Use only halogen free cleansers, and in no case If the pole tube is damaged or destroyed, it may be
1.1.1-trichlorethane, trichlorethylene or carbon necessary to replace the complete breaker pole.
tetrachloride! The working life of the vacuum interrupter is defined
by the sum current limit corresponding to the
7.3.2 Stored-energy spring mechanism equipment data in individual cases in accordance
with section 2.4:
Servicing or the spring mechanism is to be
performed after 10,000 operating cycles. • When the sum current limit is reached, the
complete breaker poles are to be replaced.
Prior to servicing, switch the breaker off, and isolate
the outgoing feeder. • When the permissible number of mechanical
operating cycles (i.e. the number corresponding
Observe the safety regulations!
to Ia=0 on the characteristic curve) of the
Details of the servicing: vacuum interrupters has been reached, the
breaker poles must be replaced. However, it
• Swich off the charging motor (if fitted), and
should be investigated beforehand as to
discharge the spring energy storage mechanism
whether the installation of a new breaker would
by closing and opening the breaker once.
be more advantageous.
• Replace parts subject to high climatic and
For testing the vacuum without dismantling the
mechanical stresses after 10,000 operating
circuit-breaker you may use:
cycles as a precaution (for details see ABB Calor
Emag after-sales service). • Vacuum tester VIDAR,
from Programma Electric GmbH,
• For replacing highly stressed parts neutralize
Bad Homburg v.d.H.
bysic tension of the spiral spring, state the rate.
Be careful when carrying out! A test DC voltage of 60 kV is to be set for testing of
the pressure inside the interrupter chamber with
• Relubricate pawls, support shafts, sliding and vacuum tester VIDAR.
rotating bearing surfaces. Lubricant: Isoflex To-
pas NB 52. Testing is to be performed at the rated contact
distance in the OFF condition.
VD4.. kV A kA
Always quote the serial number of the switch equipment when ordering parts.
Quote contact arrangement
State the type of release and voltage
55.5 55.35
55.4 55.6
Figure 7/1: Stored-energy spring mechanism, front plate removed Figure 7/2: Stored-energy spring mechanism, front plate removed
Type 21
– S1 Auxiliary switch on operating mechanism – Y1 Blocking magnet – V3 Series rectifier for – Y3 and – K0
– S2 Auxiliary switch on blocking magnet – Y2 Shunt release OFF – V4 Series rectifier for – Y4
– S3 Auxiliary switch on the breaker shaft – Y3 Shunt release ON – V7 Series rectifier for – Y7
– S4 Auxiliary switch on the breaker shaft – Y4 Undervoltage release – V9 Series rectifier for – Y9
– S5 Auxiliary switch on the breaker shaft – Y7 Indirect overcurrent release – M0 Charging motor for spring
– S7 Auxiliary switch for fault annunciation – Y9 Second shunt release OFF energy storage mechanism
(fleeting contact, time ≥ 30 ms) – V1 Series rectifier for – Y1 – K0 Anti-pumping relay
– V2 Series rectifier for – Y2 – R0 Series resistor
Arrangement for DC 24, 48, 60, 110, 125, 220, 240 V; AC 110, 220, 240 V