Straight Line: Positions of Straight Lines Relative To Projection Planes

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Positions of Straight Lines Relative to Projection Planes

A straight line is the shortest distance between two points. A straight line is
infinite; it may be defined by two points, or by a point and angles of inclination to
the projection planes. In most cases, it is defined by a line segment, i.e. part of the
line between two given points. In order to construct the projection line, we need to
find the projection of its endpoints and connect them. The length of the projection
of the line cannot be more than its true value. A straight line is read as it is
indicated in space, for example AB is indicated on the complex drawing as (A' B',
A" B", A'''B''').
1. An oblique line – a line is not parallel and perpendicular to planes of
projection. Horizontal A' B' and frontal A''B'' projections of oblique line non
parallel and non perpendicular to the axis X.

2.Horizontal line.
A straight line parallel to the horizontal plane of projection H is called a
horizontal line or horizontal. Frontal projection of horizontal line parallel to axis X.
3.Frontal line.
A line parallel to the frontal plane of projection F is called a frontal line or
frontal. Horizontal projection of the frontal is parallel to the axis X.

4.Profile line.
A line parallel to the profile plane of projection P is called a profile line.

Horizontal A' B' and frontal A''B'' projections of profile line perpendicular to
the axis X.

5. Horizontal-projecting line – a line perpendicular to the horizontal plane

of projection.
The horizontal projection of horizontal-projecting line is point A' ≡ B' ,
frontal projection A'' B'' – the line perpendicular to the axis X.
6.Frontal-projecting line - a line perpendicular to the frontal plane of
The frontal projection of frontal -projecting line is point A'' ≡ B'' , horizontal
projection A' B' – the line perpendicular to the axis X.

7. Profile-projecting line - a line perpendicular to the profile plane of

projection. Horizontal A' B' and frontal A''B'' projections of profile-projecting
line parallel to the axis X.

Problem 1. Construct 3 projections of oblique line

a) b)

c) d)

Problem 2. Construct horizontal and frontal projections of the lines AB and
determine position of this point
A(20,60, 20), B(90,10,40)

a) b)

c) d)
Horizontal A' B' and frontal A''B'' projections of line AB non parallel and non
perpendicular to the axis X. Therefore, line AB is a oblique line


Task 1. Construct 3 projections of horizontal line

Task 2. Construct 3 projections of profil line
Task 3. Construct 3 projections of frontal-projecting line
Task 4. Construct 3 projections of oblique line
Task 5. Construct horizontal and frontal projections of the lines AB,CD and EF
and determine positionы of this lines.
a) A(80,50, 20), B(30,50,20)
b) C(10,30, 60), D(60,70,20)
c) E(40,20, 50), F(40,20,20)

*Work to be performed on two sheets of A3 format

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