Public Perception of Climate Change in China: Results From The Questionnaire Survey

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Nat Hazards (2013) 69:459–472

DOI 10.1007/s11069-013-0711-1


Public perception of climate change in China: results

from the questionnaire survey

Hao Yu • Bing Wang • Yue-Jun Zhang • Shouyang Wang •

Yi-Ming Wei

Received: 21 March 2013 / Accepted: 7 May 2013 / Published online: 22 May 2013
Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

Abstract Based on the questionnaire survey, this paper analyzes China’s public percep-
tion of climate change in terms of several influence factors and some empirical findings are
obtained. We find that some respondents are willing to take individual actions to address
climate change, and they pay more attention to climate change or approve that climate
change does harm to residents and society; meanwhile, they tend to have confidence in the
government to deal with climate change or believe that fiscal and taxation policies are the
effective policy measures. However, there are also other respondents unwilling to take
actions and argue that climate change proves the natural consequences. Thus, in order to
motivate the public to take actions, the paper suggests that the government should
widespreadly disseminate relevant knowledge about climate change to the public and guide
the work to address climate change and adopt proper fiscal and taxation policies.

Keywords Public perception  Climate change  Questionnaire survey  Individual


1 Introduction

Climate change, which has become one of the severe challenges to sustainable develop-
ment of global social economy, is causing widespread concerns of the international

H. Yu  B. Wang  Y.-J. Zhang  Y.-M. Wei

School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China

H. Yu  B. Wang  Y.-J. Zhang  Y.-M. Wei (&)

Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT),
5 South Zhongguancun Street, Beijing 100081, China

S. Wang
Institute of System Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China

460 Nat Hazards (2013) 69:459–472

community. In the Fourth Assessment Report, IPCC (2007) indicated that impacts caused
by climate change are inevitable, and it will be beyond the current ability to cope with.
Therefore, measures must be taken to adapt to the influences and changes (Patt and
Schroter 2008). For China, on the one hand, global warming and the associated climate
change will necessarily influence numerous aspects of China’s social–economic devel-
opment. On the other hand, as the world’s largest emitter, China’s emission reduction is
under huge pressure of public opinion. Moreover, in recent years, environmental group
incidents occurred frequently and became a serious social problem in China. Since 1996,
the number of environmental protests in China has been growing by 29 % per year, and
over 300,000 petitions have been received on environmental matters during the Eleventh
Five-Year Plan period (2005–2010) (Chinadialogue 2012). Thus, it is necessary for China
to mobilize the public and make relevant policies and strategies to respond to climate
change actively.
The perception of climate change is the foundation for making related policies to cope
with climate change issues. Only be aware of the existence, the impact, and causes of
climate change, will it be possible to integrate climate change into policy planning,
projects, and daily activities and make the whole society to participate in the entire process
to mitigate climate change (Zhou and Feng 2011). In addition, research on how percep-
tions of climate change motivate the public to take individual action to respond to climate
change is of great significance for the government to implement the climatic policy
properly. Hence, this paper aims to analyze public perception of climate change and
explore how those perceptions promote the public to take individual actions to cope with
climate change.
There are many great studies about public perception, opinions, and attitude of climate
change (Leiserowitz et al. 2010; Corner et al. 2011; Poortinga et al. 2011; Aitken et al.
2011; Whitmarsh 2011; Kempton 1997). Bostrom et al. (1994) conducted a set of
exploratory studies and mental model interviews to characterize public understanding of
climate change. Based on the questionnaire survey about awareness of climate change
among enterprise managers, Xu et al. (2011) analyzed the relationship between climate
change awareness and enterprise managers’ background through cognitive index, behavior
index, and awareness index of climate change. Chen (2011) investigated 3,489 net citizens
to study the cognition of net citizens in China on climate change and put forward the
suggestion of publicity and education activities to raise public awareness. Chan (1999)
investigated environmental attitudes and behavior of respondents in Beijing and Gu-
angzhou and found that the China’s ecological perception is of limitations during that time.
Huda (2013) explored the relationship between perception on climate change as well as
climatic hazards with socio-demographic characteristics. Through the generalized ordered
logit models, Shields and Zeng (2012) found that there were gender differences in envi-
ronmental attitudes and the gender gap may have a relation with the substantial economic
and educational differences between men and women in China. Based on the literature
above, we come to the conclusion that most of studies are about the relationship between
the perception or attitude toward climate change and some other factors, such as socio-
demographic characteristics and respondents’ background.
In addition, some studies draw comparison between different objects’ perception about
climate change, or the same object’s concern with climate change in different times. Bord
et al. (1998) conducted a national and international survey on global warming in terms of
levels of awareness, actual knowledge, the degree of concern, perceived risk, and the
willingness to pay or sacrifice to mitigate or adapt to potential negative impacts. Using the
time-series analysis, Brulle et al. (2012) analyzed five factors of extreme weather events,

Nat Hazards (2013) 69:459–472 461

public access to accurate scientific information, media coverage, elite cues, and movement/
countermovement advocacy affecting the US public concern about climate change between
2002 and 2010. Through a national and representative survey conducted in the US, Le-
iserowitz (2006) discovered that Americans had moderate climate change risk perceptions
and strongly supported a variety of national and international policies to mitigate climate
change. Geir et al. (2010) demonstrated the climate change attitude through the survey of
college students in China and Norway and found that college students in the two countries
generally are of the view that two governments should take more efforts to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions. Lorenzoni and Pidgeon (2006) examined how climate change
was conceptualized by the public in Europe and the USA, and the results indicated that
most individuals relate to climate change through personal experience, knowledge, the
balance of benefits and costs, and trust in other societal factors.
Rare studies are conducted to combine the perception of climate change with individual
action to address climate change. For instance, Xie and Chen (2012) established the Binary
Logistic model to analyze the main factors influencing public willingness to take actions in
response to climate change in China, based on 3,489 civil net citizens’ valid questionnaire
data.O’Connor et al. (1999) examined the relationship between risk perceptions and
willingness to address climate change, and the survey included measures of risk percep-
tions and knowledge tied to climate change.
Based on the literature analysis and situation of reality, it should be noted that (1) it is
crucial to study the perception of climate change and analyze those impact factors to adopt
individual action for the public to address climate change effectively as well as for the
government to implement climate change policy properly; (2) current research on this issue
has certain limitations; specifically, first, little literature investigates the public perception
of climate change and attitude to respond to climate change in China; second, though a
body of literature considers the perception or the attitude toward climate change, seldom of
them studies how the perception may influence the public to take individual action to
address climate change; moreover, the quantitative scale in the investigation is not accu-
rate, for instance, some items are measured with only three levels in some literature, which
may lead to great inaccuracy of the results. Therefore, this paper takes the China’s public
as the research object and examines climate change issues of the public in order to obtain
China’s public perception and attitude to deal with climate change and carry out targeted
publicity activities to promote China’s public and government to address climate change
more effectively.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 puts forward the methodology.
Section 3 presents the discussion of the survey results. Finally, the conclusions are dis-
played in Sect. 4.

2 Methodologies

2.1 Research framework

The research framework of public perception of climate change is shown in Fig. 1.

Based on the questionnaire survey, this paper analyzes the climate change issues
including public sensibility, public concern, perception of the causes, perception of the
impact, confidence on government’s response to climate change, and the influence of
climate change policies and then applies the regression model to explore the impact factors

462 Nat Hazards (2013) 69:459–472

Demography (age, sex etc.)

Public sensibility of climate


Public concern on climate change
perception Impact factors of
of climate individual action on
Perception of the causes of
change in climate change
climate change

Perception of the impacts of General analysis on

climate change perception of climate

Confidence on government’ s
response to climate change

Influence of climate change


Fig. 1 Research framework of public perception of climate change

of individual actions. Finally, based on the results, it puts forward some policy suggestions
to promote individual actions to address climate change.

2.2 Data collection

The survey is divided into two phases: a small-scale test and a random-sampling survey.
Small-scale test was mainly taken in the districts of Beijing, delivering 50 questionnaires.
Based on the 50 feedbacks, some improvement was made. In the phase of random-sam-
pling survey, both network investigation and field survey were used, and 277 question-
naires were received in the network investigation, of which 272 questionnaires were valid.
The field survey was mainly conducted in Beijing, and 400 questionnaires were delivered,
of which 237 questionnaires were effectively returned, with the qualified rate of 58.5 %.
Also, we applied the Cronbach’s coefficient to test the reliability of the questionnaire, and
the coefficient indicates that it is reliable.
Consequently, 509 valid questionnaires were obtained in these two ways, and the
respondents were from 21 provinces, 4 autonomous regions, and 4 municipality cities in
China. Figure 2 shows the widespread attributions of the respondents. The female accounts
for about 40 %, and it shows a slight imbalance of gender. Forty-nine percentage of the
respondents are between 18 and 24 years old followed by respondents of 25–34 and
35–44 years old whose percentages are 26 and 10 %, respectively.

2.3 Sample size

According to the statistical theory of questionnaire survey, the calculation formula of valid
sample size introduced by Kish and Ni (1997) is defined as follows:

Nat Hazards (2013) 69:459–472 463

Fig. 2 Widespread attributions of the respondents

N ¼ Z 2 r2 =d2 ð1Þ
where Z is Z statistics with a confidence interval. This survey takes the confidence of 95 %
to ensure the accuracy, and the corresponding Z value is 1.96; r is the overall standard
deviation, and generally takes 0.5; and d is the sampling error range and equals 5 % in this
Based on the calculation, the applicable observations in our survey are 509, which is
greater than the minimum valid sample size 384. Therefore, the sample satisfies the basic

3 Results and discussions

3.1 Analysis of public perception of climate change

3.1.1 Sensibility and concern about climate change

The survey shows that 93 % of the respondents are aware of climate change. Hence, public
sensibility to climate change is high. At the same time, it indicates that climate change has
existed in general life and the public has accepted the fact of climate change.
The public concern about climate change includes three aspects: general concern about
climate change, that is, without considering other conditions; concern about climate change
considering its impact on respondents personally; concern about climate change consid-
ering its impact on society.
As shown in Fig. 3, most of the respondents (78 %) are either fairly or very concern
about climate change issues, and only 1 % of respondents do not concern at all. The
proportion of respondents who fairly concern or very concern about climate change under
the three conditions is 57 %. Therefore, China’s public concern about climate change is
high, and it maybe because of the national program in response to climate change and the
government’s promoting energy conservation and emission reduction.
After considering the impact of climate change on respondents and society, the
concern appears to be changed (1) respondents who are very concerned about climate
change increases a lot. And the proportion increases from 24 % of general concern to 26
and 32 % after considering the impact of climate change on personal level and society
level, respectively; (2) the concern considering impact on society is higher than that

464 Nat Hazards (2013) 69:459–472

Fig. 3 Public concern about climate change

considering impact on respondents personally. The reason may be that the impacts of
climate change are often reflected in the whole society level, and the impact on public
personally is not easy to observe.

3.1.2 Perception of causes of climate change

Global warming is closely related to carbon dioxide emissions from human activities.
IPCC (2007) pointed out that global greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activities
are the main reasons of climate change. Figure 4 shows the statistics of public perception
about causes of climate change. It states that 27 % of respondents fairly or strongly agree
that climate change proves the natural consequences and 85 % fairly or strongly approve
that it is human activities that cause climate change. In addition, 22 % of respondents agree
with both of the two causes.
Basically speaking, China’s public accepts the viewpoint of current international
society, that is, climate change is mainly caused by human activities. It can be inferred that
respondents who agree that human activities cause climate change, tend to take positive

Fig. 4 Public perception of causes of climate change

Nat Hazards (2013) 69:459–472 465

action to improve the current situation of climate change, which will be further analyzed in
Sect. 3.2.

3.1.3 Perception of the impact of climate change

For the impact of climate change, the numbers of respondents who agree or disagree that
‘‘the impact is uncertain’’ are almost the same, accounting for 30 % or so, and the share of
respondents who are neutral is 40 %, as is shown in Fig. 5. In general, the public is
uncertain about how much impact of climate change, so it is necessary to popularize to the
public about the impact of climate change.
About the question whether the seriousness of climate change is exaggerated, half of
respondents agree with the severity of climate change, and 35 % of respondents take
neutral attitude, while only 15 % of respondents agree that the seriousness of climate
change is exaggerated.
The public attitude is distinct about the question whether climate change is harmful to
residents and society. As is shown in Fig. 5, 78 % of respondents agree that climate change
does harm to residents and society, while only 4 % disagree.
Therefore, although respondents are uncertain about how much impact of climate
change, generally they accept that the seriousness is not exaggerated. That is to say, the
impact of climate change should be alert. This ambivalence, on the one hand, reflects that
the public recognizes the uncertainty of climate change; on the other hand, it states that
climate change makes effects gradually. Meanwhile, the public mainly agrees that climate
change is harmful and the reason may lie in the frequent extreme climate events, such as
the snow disaster in 2008, southwest drought and southern flood and drought in recent

3.1.4 Public attitudes toward government credibility and policy influence in response
to climate change

In the survey, we examine the public about the responsible party of responding to climate
change, and the result is shown in Fig. 6. It shows that 93 % of respondents agree that in
China, the government should play a leading role in response to climate change. In

Fig. 5 Public attitudes toward the impact of climate change

466 Nat Hazards (2013) 69:459–472

addition, 51 % of respondents hold positive attitudes toward that the government can take
active measures responding to climate change, as is shown in Fig. 7. While a third of
respondents are neutral and tend to watch the enforcement of the government to cope with
climate change in the future. On the whole, the public is satisfied and confident with the
actions of government to address climate change, but there are still some wait-and-see
Some effective policies should be adopted to guide and support the efforts to address
climate change. And fiscal and taxation policies related to climate change are important
and efficient tools, which have been given wide attention by the international community.
Recently, levies on international aviation by the EU have pushed up the public opinions of
the effect of fiscal and taxation policies.
The Kyoto Protocol stated three mechanisms in response to climate change, among
which, fiscal and taxation policies such as carbon tax and energy tax are regarded as the
most feasible measures to reduce emissions and caused extensive concern of the global
society (Liang and Wei 2012). As Fig. 7 shows, 85 % of respondents agree that fiscal and
taxation policies can play a constructive role in dealing with climate change, and only
about 3 % of respondents hold a negative attitude. It reveals that China’s public has
accepted the effect of fiscal and taxation policies in response to climate change. Thus, the
implementation of fiscal and taxation policies is faced with a good atmosphere of public
opinions, and it is suggested that the government should implement feasible measures of
fiscal and taxation to cope with climate change.

3.2 Impact factors of individual action on climate change

3.2.1 Data definitions

Table 1 shows the definition and description of impact factors of individual action in
response to climate change.
The concern about climate change is measured using the following three items: general
concern about climate change; concern about climate change considering its impact on
society; and concern about climate change considering its impact on respondent personally.
The Cronbach’s coefficient of the three items is 0.73, which proves that they can be
integrated into the indicator of concern about climate change.

Fig. 6 Responsible party for responding to climate change. Note Respondents are allowed to select several

Nat Hazards (2013) 69:459–472 467

Fig. 7 Public attitudes toward government credibility and policy influence in response to climate change

Table 1 Definitions of impact factors of individual action in response to climate change

Impact factor Indicator Definition

Demography Age (X1) Under 18 years old = 1; 18–24 years

old = 2; 25–34 years old = 3; 35–44 years
old = 4; 45–54 years old = 5; 55 years
and older = 6
Gender (X2) Female = 0; male = 1
Length of residence (X3) Under 6 months = 1; 6 months to
1 year = 2; 1–3 years = 3; 3–5 years = 4;
5–7 years = 5; 7–10 years = 6; more than
10 years = 7
Public sensibility of Whether be aware of climate No = 0; yes = 1
climate change change (X4)
Public concern about Integrated concern about climate Not concerned at all = 1; not very
climate change change (X5) concerned = 2; neutral = 3; fairly
concerned = 4; very concerned = 5
Perception of the causes Climate change proves natural Strongly disagree = 1; fairly disagree = 2;
of climate change consequences (X6) neutral = 3; fairly agree = 4; strongly
agree = 5
Perception of the The effects of climate change Strongly disagree = 1; fairly disagree = 2;
impacts of climate are uncertain (X7) neutral = 3; fairly agree = 4; strongly
change The seriousness of climate agree = 5
change is exaggerated (X8)
Climate change is harmful to
residents and society (X9)
Confidence on Trust the government to respond Strongly disagree = 1; fairly disagree = 2;
government’s to climate change effectively neutral = 3; fairly agree = 4; strongly
response to climate (X10) agree = 5
Influence of climate Fiscal and taxation policies can Strongly disagree = 1; fairly disagree = 2;
change policies be used in response to climate neutral = 3; fairly agree = 4; strongly
change (X11) agree = 5

The result of individual action to cope with climate change is displayed in Fig. 8 and the
majority of respondents agree that individuals can play an important role in response to
climate change. Specifically, 71 % of respondents believe that it is their responsibility to

468 Nat Hazards (2013) 69:459–472

take actions to mitigate climate change and 65 % agree that personal behavior is important
to address climate change, of which respondents between 18 and 34 accounts for 89 %. In
addition, 62 % of respondents approve that they can make a contribution to cope with
climate change and 61 % believe that they can change their behavior to against climate
This paper uses four items to measure ‘‘individual action in response to climate
change’’, including: (1) It’s my responsibility to take actions to mitigate climate change;
(2) Personal behavior is important to respond to climate change; (3) I can make contri-
bution to cope with climate change; (4) I can change my behavior to against climate
change. The Cronbach’s coefficient of the four items is 0.85, which indicates that they can
be used as the indicator of ‘‘individual action in response to climate change’’. The value of
indicator varies from 1 to 5 and means the degree of possibility for the public to approve
the importance of individual action in response to climate change and take action.

3.2.2 Analysis of impact factors of individual action in response to climate change

The correlation analysis is conducted by regarding ‘‘individual action in response to cli-

mate change’’ as the dependent variable and the eleven indicators as prediction variables
and the results are shown in Table 2.
First, respondents’ age, gender, and length of residence do not pass the test of signif-
icance, and an analysis of one-way ANOVA is conducted. The result is presented in
Table 3 and it states that in 5 % significance level, the age has a significant impact on the
individual action. And the young people are more willing to take individual actions than
the old ones. In addition, the gender and time do not have significant impact on the
individual actions.
Second, the concern about climate change (X5), the X9 indicator of perception of the
impact of climate change (that is, climate change is harmful to residents and society),
confidence on government’s response to climate change (X10) and influence of fiscal and
taxation policies in response to climate change (X11) have a significant positive impact on

Fig. 8 Public attitudes on individual action to cope with climate change

Nat Hazards (2013) 69:459–472 469

Table 2 Regression parameters of impact factors of individual action in response to climate change
Impact factor Indicator Unstandardized p value

Demography Age (X1) -0.067 0.213

Gender (X2) -0.124 0.122
Length of residence (X3) 0.026 0.214
Public sensibility of climate Whether be aware of climate change (X4) -0.082 0.608
Public concern about climate Integrated concern about climate change 0.421 0.000***
change (X5)
Perception of causes of climate Climate change proves natural -0.100 0.013**
change consequences (X6)
Perception of the impact of The effects of climate change are uncertain 0.03 0.433
climate change (X7)
The seriousness of climate change is -0.134 0.002***
exaggerated (X8)
Climate change is harmful to residents and 0.110 0.034**
society (X9)
Confidence on government’s Trust the government to respond to climate 0.217 0.000***
response to climate change change effectively (X10)
Influence of climate change Fiscal and taxation policies can be used in 0.175 0.000***
policies response to climate change (X11)
Constant 0.720 0.045**
R2 0.449

*** p \ 0.001; ** p \ 0.05; * p \ 0.10

the individual action. In contrast, perception of causes of climate change (X6) and the X8
indicator of perception of the impact of climate change (that is, the seriousness of climate
change is exaggerated) have a significant but negative impact on the individual action to
cope with climate change.
Additionally, the sensitivity to climate change (X4) and the X7 indicator of perception of
the impact of climate change (that is, the effect of climate change is uncertain) do not have
significant impact on the individual action in response to climate change.
In summary, the age (X1), concern about climate change (X5), perception of causes of
climate change (X6), perception of the impact of climate change (X8 and X9), confidence on
government’s response to climate change (X10) and influence of fiscal and taxation policies
in response to climate change (X11) are factors that affect the public to take individual
action in response to climate change.

Table 3 Results of ANOVA on

Sum of df Mean F p value
the factor of age
squares square

Interblock 5.514 3 1.838 2.903 0.040**

Interclass 174.395 266 0.656
Total 179.908 269

470 Nat Hazards (2013) 69:459–472

4 Conclusions and policy implications

According to the investigation on the China’s public, this paper summarizes the climate
change issues including the public sensitivity, public concern, public perception of causes,
public perception of the impact, public confidence of the government’s response to climate
change and the influence of fiscal and taxation policies, and then analyzes the interrelation
between those factors above and the willingness to take individual actions to address
climate change. And some conclusions are drawn as follows:
First, the young people agree more on the importance of individual action in response to
climate change. Even though 93 % of respondents are sensitive to climate change,
public sensitivity to climate change does not significantly influence public actions.
Second, besides the higher concern on climate change, there is a positive correlation
between public concern on climate change and the subjective response to climate
change. The public tends to believe that climate change is more likely caused by human
behavior and those respondents with the opposite view may be unlikely or reluctant to
mitigate climate change.
Third, 78 % of respondents hold the opinion that climate change may bring a
detrimental impact upon residents’ life and social development, and they greatly approve
the significance of individual actions in climate change.
Finally, there is a close link between public confidence toward the action of government
to deal with climate change and individual actions. Eighty-five percentage of
respondents argue that fiscal and taxation policy is an effective tool to deal with
climate change, and they are more willing to take individual actions.
Based on the conclusions above, the following policy implications are put forward.
(1) The government should expand the publicity on the knowledge of climate change and
raise public awareness of climate change issue. This survey demonstrates that
respondents who concern about climate change would like to agree with the
importance of individual action in climate change and are more willing to take
actions. Accordingly, it is wise for the government to deeply facilitate the diffusion of
climate change knowledge, especially to strengthen the publicity among the old and
to raise public awareness of climate change. Only in this way can we improve the
overall public response to climate change.
(2) It is of vital necessity for the relevant departments to make the public pay attention to
the effect of climate change and easily access to the information of the possible
effects caused by climate change. The result indicates that they are more willing to
take individual actions in climate change when respondents recognize the probable
impact to our daily life and social development. Therefore, in order to improve the
individual action in climate change, the government or other organizations should
increase the publicity on the possible influence of climate change and provide the
latest information to the public in time.
(3) The government should actively guide the public participation and properly adopt the
fiscal and taxation policies to address climate change issues. The results indicate that,
respondents who have trust in the ability of government or acknowledge the active
role of the fiscal and taxation policy in response to climate change would be more
willing to take individual action to tackle climate change. Thus, to enhance public
confidence in the government, the government should play a guiding role to deal with
climate change. On the one hand, it should adopt a constructive attitude to address

Nat Hazards (2013) 69:459–472 471

climate change. On the other hand, the global cooperation in the field of climate
change should be strengthened. Moreover, appropriate use of the relevant fiscal and
tax policy may be a wise choice to address climate change. The government still
needs improvement in decision-making through multi-sectoral participation and
coordination mechanism in order to further boost the public participation in the action
of responding to climate change.

Acknowledgments We are grateful to the financial support of National Basic Research Program of China
under the Grant No. 2012CB955704, National Natural Science Foundation of China under the Grant Nos.
71020107026, 71001008, and 71273028.


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