WasteM Anthur
WasteM Anthur
WasteM Anthur
Stakeholders Dry waste management is done Haritha Karma Sena (Green Warriors)
and kudumbasree which is a self-help group.
The key stakeholders from the government, include the Suchitwa Mission
for technical assistance and infrastructure finance, CKCL for non-
biodegradable waste management, and Haritha Keralam for organic
waste management.
Organic waste Source management of organic waste is encouraged for citizens to take
More than 1000 portable indoor composters (Bio Bin) costing around
Rs.1000 are distributed to households that segregate garbage at the
source and are interested in composting.
199 Biogas units have been installed to promote the “Waste to Energy”
concept. The gas generated is consumed for cooking saving costs on LPG
Interview with citizens using biogas and impact on household cost
reduction in use of cooking gas.
Dry Waste The Karitha Karma Sena follows the calendar system for collection of
waste from residents and 100% of the city is covered and 100% source
segregation according to declaration by the municipality.
Public Bottle booth in public places to collect waste PET bottles and raise
Involvement awareness.
10 specially designed bottle booths were installed in public places and
schools to collect PET and to inculcate the practice of proper disposal.
Issues The daily increase in plastic waste, especially MLPs, and in some places
littering continues to be a problem.
Future Fecal Sludge Treatment Plant is envisaged and the ULB has acquired 90%
outlook of the land to construct the project.