Unit - I: F Ood Processing and Preservation
Unit - I: F Ood Processing and Preservation
Unit - I: F Ood Processing and Preservation
Unit – I
Fruits and vegetables are among the perishable commodities and important in human diet due to its
high nutritive value and significant nutritional contribution. So, if they are supplied whole year than
the status of national dietary picture will improve. Their production and wastage is of very large
amount due to the lack of knowledge and facilities. This results in market glut and become
unavailable during off season. It has been engaging the attention of policy makers as it can contribute
to the economic development of rural population. The post-harvest loses of these commodities are
estimated to be 40% and only 1% are processed. All the processed products are not in the reach of
the rural population. In order to avoid the glut and to utilize the surplus during the season it is
necessary to employ the modern techniques of preservation.
The fruit and vegetable processing have been setup or have to be setup in the developing
countries due to the following reasons:
Economic diversification
Reduce dependence on export commodities. Reduce loses.
Simulate agriculture production.
General employment.
Improve nutrition status.
New value-added products.
New source of income.
Freshly prepared products soon deteriorate in quality due the following reasons:
Enzymatic activity
Trace metal reaction
False storage
Use of unhygienic equipment.
Improper sealing after use.
Principle of preservation:
Method of preservation:
Based on different principle of preservation these are method of preservation. On the basis of the
most generally need methods of preservation they are as follows:
1. asepsis
2. Chemical Preservation
3.Preservation by altering temperature
4.Preservation by dehydration
5.Preservation by fermentation
1. Asepsis:
It means preventing the entire entry of microorganism in the food. Maintain the general cleanliness
while different processing operation increases their keeping quality. Wiping of raw material should
be done properly as dust particles act as source of contamination.
2.Chemical Preservation:
Microbial spoilage can also be controlled by the application of class I and class II preservatives.
The inhibitory action of preservation is due interfering with the biological activities of
microorganism and dehydration.
Preservation properties:
4. Preservation by dehydration:
Pickle is very famous in Indian household, almost every house makes pickles. Pickle is commonly
made up of easily available vegetables and fruits such as mango, carrot, cucumber, aonla, chili, etc.
Pickle is common form of preserving fruits and vegetable; the preservation in pickle is mainly due
to the brine or salt content in it. Modern pickle uses preservatives such as Sodium benzoate and
Acetic acid. The addition of chemical preservatives in pickle increases the shelf life of the pickle.
Fruits/Vegetable: 5kg
Salt: 500g
Fennel: 100g
Fenugreek: 50g
Sodium Benzoate: 5g
Mixed pickles are pickles made from a variety of vegetables mixed in the same pickling process.
Mixed pickles are eaten much like other pickles: in small amounts to add flavour and to accent a
Remove the unwanted parts and cut into small pieces. Mount a vessel on flame with mustard oil. Put
Vegetable, turmeric powder, salt, garam masala and coriander powder into the heating vessel and fry
it over for 4-5 minutes. Lower the vessel and let it cool, once cool enough add sodium benzoate and
acetic acid and mix it properly and fill it into pickle jar, the pickle is ready.
Blanching of mixture
Papayas are to be washed properly, then sliced into small pieces or grate it. The sliced are than mixed
with 500 ml of water. The mixture is than cooked in a pressure cooker till they are completely melted.
The mixture is than filtered by the help of either stainless steel or aluminium strainer separating the
pulp from seeds and its peel. Now the obtained pulp is mixed with proper amount of sugar and then
cooked in an aluminium vessel over a high temperature. The mixture must be stirred constantly so
that the lower portion is not burned. After cooking 10-15 minutes citric acid is added and then stirs
constantly. After a few moments, the jam is ready, the prepared jam should have 68% sugar content,
and it can check by the help of refractometer. The household method for checking properly cooked
jam is to place a spoon of cooked jam in a plate, if there is no water flowing from the corners of the
jam than it is cooked fine. Once the jam is cooked add colour, sodium benzoate and essence in an
adequate amount. The mixture is than cooked for a while and then filled in a jar and then use air tight
cap after the jam has cooled down. The jam obtained from 4 kg of apple is around 6 kg. The weight
of prepared jam can also be used to check the quality of jam
Slicing (Grating)
I ngredient
Add food colour, sodium benzoate and let it cook by covering the top for some time
Add dry fruits mix well and wait for some time
4. . JELLY
A jelly is a semi-solid product prepared by boiling a clear, strained solution of pectin containing
fruit extract, free from pulp, after the addition of sugar and acid. A perfect jelly should be transparent,
well-set, but not too stiff, and should have the original flavour of the fruit. It should be of attractive
colour and keep its shape when removed from the mould. It should be firm enough to retain a sharp
edge but tender enough to quiver when pressed. Guava, sour apple, plum, karonda, wood apple,
loquat, papaya and goose-berry are generally used for preparation of jelly. Apricot, pineapple,
strawberry, raspberry, etc. can be used but only after addition of pectin powder, because these fruits
have low pectin content.
I ngredients:
1. Guava - 3 kg
2. Sugar - 3 kg
3. Citric acid - 15 gm.
4. Water - 500 ml.
5. Colour - 15 gm.
6. Essence - 5-8 ml.
Wash and cut guava into thin slices and cook with water until very soft. Put this mixture in a
coarse cloth and allow the juice to drip through into a bowl underneath and leave it for 12 hours. Do
not squeeze the bag. Use the mixture in the bag for guava cheese. Measure the juice and add 3 cups
of sugar to each pint of juice. Heat the sugar, guava juice and stir until it is dissolved. Strain the juice,
add lemon juice and cook on a hot fire until settling point is reached. Then cool and pour into airtight
Guava fruit
Judging of end-point
Squash is made of fruit juice or pulp mixed with sugar syrup. It is one of the nonfermented
beverages produced to preserve the fruit. It is mixed in water at 1:4 ratio to make it drinkable. It
contains 40-50% sugar and 25% pulp. Citric acid is added to acquire sour and tangy taste. Colour and
flavour are added as per required. The preservation used is potassium Meta bi-sulphite (KMS), it is
added 1 gm per kilogram. Squash is prepared using fruits such as oranges, lemon, mango, litchi, etc.
I ngredients:
1. Orange - 2 kg
2. Sugar - 2 kg
3. Water - 1 lit.
4. Citric acid - 30 g
5.K. M. S - 4g
6.Colour - 2g
7.Essence - 5 ml
Juice extraction
peel. Ingredients
1. Carrot - 2 kg
2. Sugar - 1-1.5 kg
3. Water - 500 ml.
4. Citric acid - 5-7 gm.
5. Colour - 15 gm.
6. Essence - 6-8 ml
Addition of sugar, citric acid (1.5-3 gm. Per kg pulp) and pectin (1%)
Hot filling
Amla candy or Indian gooseberry is probably the most-healthiest candy.it is loaded with all the
benefits of amla.
I ngredients:
Amla: 2 kg
Sugar: 1 - 1.5 kg
Water: 1-2l
Colour: 5 g or as you like
Acetic Acid: 2 – 5 g or as you like
Boil water in a large vessel. When water starts boiling add all the amlas in the boiling water. Boil
amlas in the boiling water for 2 minutes. Switch off the flame. Let it stay in the boiling water for 2
more minutes and strain the amlas. Allow it to cool. When they become cold, cut them using knife.
Put these amlas in a large vessel, pour 325gms of sugar so that it covers the amlas entirely. Powder
the remaining 25 g (2 tbsp of sugar) of sugar. This powdered sugar will be used later on after amlas
sun dried. Close the vessel and keep it aside for 3 days. After First day sugar gets turned into syrup
and amla pieces will be floating in the syrup. Stir the syrup and cover keep it aside for 2 more days.
After third day amla settles down at the bottom of the vessel and syrup at the top. Sieve the amla
pieces and put them in sunlight to dry. Sun dry these pieces for 2 - 3 days till it turns brown in colour.
After drying coat these amla pieces with powdered sugar. Amla sugar candy is ready to use. Store it
in air tight containers. You can consume 1 - 2 pieces every day.
Boiling Water
Add amla
s ummary
Food preservation technology has become an integral part of food processing industry in India.
FMGC is the 4th largest sector in Indian economy and with the potential of growth in this sector,
there is immense need for food preservation products. One of the main reason for why this food
preservation is being considered as important is that there is a gap between production and
consumption of food. Thus, this preservation technique is sole technology to maintain those gaps and
meet out our need of foods without being spoiled. As, such due to the upgradation of preservation,
many industries are also being developed and successfully supplying the food product in market.
Moreover, govt. of India is aiming to provide all those preservation facilities directly to the farmers,
so as to preserve their agriculture product from field level. Many institutes, training centre, industries,
colleges and research centre for food preservation has been established to achieve the goal of
reduction in food wastage due to spoilage and increasing the food availability in our nation.
Man has a several occasions proved his intelligence and superior skill by converting the wondrous
capabilities of the animal world to his material advantage. One of the finest discoveries in this line is
our knowledge regarding the procurement of honey collected by bees. The use of honey was known
to man since the earliest of times in India as well as in the other parts of the world, because it is a
nourishment of high food values. In olden days and in many places
still, the method utilize for obtaining honey from the hive is very
crude. Crushing of hive to extract honey destroyed the endeavoring
efforts of bees which they serve during the formation of comb and
in providing nourishment to the developing larvae. Not only are the
comb and larvae destroyed, this method also give very unhygienic
honey. Modern investigators have overcome these difficulties by
using scientific methods of beekeeping which is known as Apiculture.
Apiculture is defined as the scientific management and study of honey bees. It is derived from the
Latin word “apis” meaning bee and “culture” meaning rearing.
Attributes of Bee-keeping:
Bee-keeping provides sustainable livelihood options for economical, vulnerable communities
because of its following attributes:
It is also called the European honey bee or the Italian honey bee and was introduce in India by Prof.
A.S. Atwal. Initially the bee was introduced into Himachal Pradesh and Punjab but now it has
acclimatized and spread to almost all states of India. The behavior and appearance of A.mellifera is
similar to that A.cerana. It makes its nest in enclose spaces in parallel combs and is endowed with all
good quality of hive bee, i.e. has a prolific queen, swarm less, gentle tempered, and so domesticable,
good honey gatherer and can guard its nest against enemies. The average honey yield is 20-25kilo
per colony, but elite beekeepers have obtained an average yield of 50 kg per colony.
Honey bee is a social insect. The most of the honey of the bee is known as the bee-hive. A hive in
summer consist of 32-50 thousands individual, depending on the locality. A colony is termed ‘weak’
or ‘strong’ according to the number of the worker bees it possesses. There are three types of individual
in a colony, namely the queen, worker and drone. Due to the existence of several morphological
forms, bees are said to be a polymorphic species. All these three caste depend on each other for their
i) Bee Hive:
The bee hive is based on certain principles and is called “movable frame hive”. Hive is made
of wooden box. The box is made double walled. Double wall
is hive is used because it provides sufficient insulation that
keeps the hive warm in winter and cool in summer.
The distance between two frames is called “bee space”. This space serves as a passage for the
movement of the bees and at the same time it is very important because it is the space in which the
bee should not form a comb. There is another similar chamber above the brood chamber called as
“super”. This chamber is meant for the storage of honey only and here queen is never allowed to
enter. To prevent the entrance of queen into super, queen excluder is used between the brood and
super chamber. On the top of the super there is an inner covering and then a roof.
ii ) Queen Excluder:
This consists of a frame fitted with a metallic wire net assembled together 0.15 inches apart. It is
utilized for preventing the queen’s entrance from the brood chamber to the super chamber. The holes
in the net do not cause any inconvenience to the workers to pass through it.
Comb Foundation:
It is a sheet of bee wax on both sides of which exact shape of different cells of the comb is made in
advance. The sheet is cut to the size of hanging frame and is fitted inside it. It can be used for several
iii) Bee gloves:
They are leather gloves used by beekeepers to protect their hands from sting of bees.
A bee veil is a covering to protect the keeper’s face from the sting of bees. It is made up of fine net,
usually silken through which bees cannot pass.
Smoker: It is a device used by keepers to subdue the bees if irritated during hive inspection.
The materials use for producing smoke are anything like rotten wood, chips, wood latches, waste
papers etc.
v) ) Hive tool:
It is a flat, narrow and long piece of iron which help in scraping the dirty materials deposited by the
bees especially bee glue and superfluous pieces of comb on the inner walls of the hive.
ix) Feeder:
During drought and lack of natural food these are fed with artificial food. Sugar syrup are
taken in the bottle is place over the frame of brood chamber to prevent the bees from sinking in
the syrup.
x) Honey extractor
There is dearth of nectar and pollen in this season. Starvation takes great toll in the
colonies. Therefore sugar syrup feeding is a must
Egg laying capacity decreases to a great extent. Therefore uncovered comb should be
remove and preserved for next season.
Para-di-chlorobenzene (PDB) may be used for preservation of the combs.
Rainy season:
Bees are very inactive and the colonies become weak.
Artificial feeding becomes necessary.
This is a natural process of multiplication of colonies when the strength of the bees in the colony
increases and bees feel over-crowding. They make preparation of swarming. The old queen flies away
from the hive with thousands of workers to form a new colony. In the first swarming, the mother
queen leaves with 50-70% of the workers. There may be a farther swarming with a virgin queen.
Repeated swarming reduces the number of workers each time, which leave the colony too weak to
Symptoms of swarming:
a) Genetic trait.
b) Congestion in the colony.
c) Lack of space in the colony.
d) Lack of space for hive food storage.
e) Increase in temperature.
f) Delay in re-queening.
Season and time:
Swarming takes place when there is a sufficient flow of pollen and nectar.
The most favorable time is spring and autumn at lower attitudes and May, June and July in high hills
Swarming generally occurs in the forenoon between 10am-12pm but occasionally it is notice
at the other part of the day. Swarming does not occur when its rainy or stormy.
a) Inspection of the colony at regular intervals.
b) Allow sufficient space in the brood and super for brood rearing and honey storage.
c) Add new comb foundations so that the bees can make more comb cells for egg and
collection of the nectar and pollen.
d) Destroy unnecessary queen cells.
e) Remove any comb with unnecessary drone cells.
f) Enable good ventilation with full air circulation in the hive.
g) Re-queen the colony with the quality queen each year.
h) Place the queen guard at the hive entrance if there are signals indicating the swarming.
Absconding and migration:
Symptoms of absconding:
a) Workers create a non-laying environment for the queen 15days before absconding.
b) The number of eggs, larvae, pupae in the colony is reduced.
c) Stores of nectar and pollen are depleted.
d) Fewer bee flights (incoming and outgoing) are seen at the entrance.
e) Many workers fly around the hive making piping sound. Bees take off fast and fly higher.
1) Lack of food during dearth period due to harvesting all the honey at the end of the honey
flow season.
2) Endemic disease and attack by pest.
3) Inadequate and inappropriate seasonal management of the colony.
4) Transfer of the colony from a traditional to an improved hive at an unfavourable time of
5) Disturbance to bees as a result of poor method of colony inspection.
6) Lack of an appropriate and safe side and obstacles in the part of bees flying to and from
the entrance.
Control and management of absconding:
1) Leaves some honey while harvesting at the end of the flow period.
2) Feed with sugar syrup continuously for a period of three days if the brood combs don’t
have any food stores.
b) Nosema disease and Amoeba disease: these diseases are cause by protozoan
parasites, Nosema apis and Vahlkampfia mellifica. Nosema affects the stomach and
small intestine which become grayish white as compare to yellowish of a normal bee.
Amoeba disease on the other hand affects the malphighian tubules.
c) “Isle of wight” or Acarine disease: This disease occurs due to blocking of the
trachea of bee by small parasitic mite, Acarapiswoodi. A mixture of safrol oil, Nitro
Honey: It is a sweet, viscous, edible fluid obtained by honey bees from nectar and pollen secreted
by plants. When the bee sucks the nectar from the flower it passes them to its honey sac where it gets
mixed with its acid secretion. These nectar and pollen are dropped in particular channels in the hive.
Further processing of temperature in the hive is done by workers through flapping of their wings. The
actual process of honey formation is not possible to enumerate in detail. However, it is believe that
the cane sugar of the nectar is converted into dextrose and laevulose inside the honey sac by the action
of certain enzymes. After regurgitation it finally changes into honey which is stored in the hive for
future use.
Fig: Honey
It is a wax of high melting point (about 140 0F) secreted by wax glands of worker bees. It is utilized
in the construction of hive. This wax is used by human beings for several purposes like manufacturing
of cosmetics, cold creams. Shaving creams, polishes, candles, ointments, lipsticks, lubricants, in
model works etc. it is also by beekeepers in the formation of comb-foundation bases for modern bee
In India about 16 lakh people are engaged in beekeeping and allied activities. Beekeeping generally
means honey production, but a beekeeper can produce other commodities for sale and generate
income. These include queen rearing, package bees, pollen, propolis collection, wax, royal jelly, bee
venom and renting colonies for pollination. The honey itself can be sold in bulk or can be bottled for
retail selling. Further it can be produce as comb honey or creamed honey which is sold at a higher
price. Honey can also be used in the production of alcoholic drinks. The production and marketing
strategies would depend on the type of operation and the kind of colony to be used.
The most significant feature of beekeeping industry in India is the export of honey to other country
which started at a reasonable scale in 1995-96. It is apparent now that there is a great potential of
beekeeping in the country and world market is ready to purchase any amount of honey from India.
Dehradun has a congenital climate for growing Pluerotus species of mushroom without any
artificial cooling or heating system throughout the year around depending on the different altitudes
where temperature ranges between 20-30° C.
Artificially grown mushrooms are not only delicious but they are also rich in nutritional food
value and are free from dangers of poisoning as compared to wild mushrooms. They are easy to grow
on a maize stalk etc. Requiring minimum space, shorter gestation period and low investment cost
with higher net returns to the farmer as compared to other crops.
Mushrooms are fleshy fungi. In Latin ‘fugo’ means to flourish. In Greek the term “mushrooms” was
derived from the word “sphonggos” which means “sponge” and refereed to the sponge-like structure
of the same species. Mushroom lacks the usual green matter (chlorophyll) present in other plants.
After the mycelium has grown profusely and absorbed sufficient food materials, it forms the
reproductive structures which we commonly refer to as ‘Mushroom’
Mushrooms produces millions of minute seeds, which are called spores look like powder. The spores
germinate under favourable condition on suitable substrate (wood, soil, compost etc.) and give rise
to new mushroom mycelium that again produces mushroom in growing season. In some kind of
mushrooms, fruiting bodies are formed underground e.g. Tuber spp. Mushrooms vary in size, shapes
and colour. They grow in a variety of climatic condition and on various types of soil and other
substrate. In rainy season they are commonly seen.
There are edible and non-edible mushroom. Some of the edible mushrooms are:
Agricus arvensis
Agricus bisporus
Amanita caesaria
Coprinus atramentarius
Pluerotus otreatus
Lentinula edodes
Mushroom is good source of energy. Mushroom is a good source of carbohydrates, fats, minerals,
protein, vitamins.
Mushroom is good source of energy. Mushroom is a good source of carbohydrates, fats, minerals,
protein, vitamins.
Growing Season: March to October in mid hills and November to March in valleys.
Growing Methods: Poly-bags and block culture methods are common. The latter is more suitable
for commercial cultivation because it is faster and cheaper.
Materials required:
1. Paddy straw- Fresh golden yellow paddy straw free from moulds and properly stored in dry
place not exposed to rain.
2. Plastic Sheets of 400-gauge thickness- 1Sq.m. of plastic sheet is required for making one
3. Wooden Mould- Wooden moulds of 45x30x15 cm=ms size each having no top or bottom but
having a separate wooden cover 44x29cms dimension.
4. Hand chopper or Chaff cutter for cutting the straw.
5. Drums for boiling straw (minimum two).
6. Jute rope, coconut ropes/plastic ropes, gunny bags.
7. Spawn or mushroom seeds- These-spawn can be obtain from the Assistant Pathologist,
Mushroom Development Centre, Clock tower and one packet required for each block.
8. One sprayer
9. Straw Storage Shed 10x8 size.
10. Mushroom houses or rooms. 8
b. When fruit bodies start forming the requirement of air is increased. Therefore, once fruit
bodies start forming it is essential that there is an exchange of fresh air every 6-12 hrs, by
opening the ventilator provided at the front and back side of the room.
c. The fruiting bodies (mushrooms) are ready for picking just when the periphery of the cap
starts turning upwards. This will be evident as small crinkles on the sides of the pileus (cap).
d. To harvest the mushroom take hold of the stipe (stalk) at the base with thumb and fore finger
and with a gentle clockwise twist, the mushroom is neatly detached from the straw without
disturbing the straw or any small mushroom growing alongside.
e. Do not use knife of scissors fir harvesting. The blocks will again come to fruiting after about
a week.
Spawn running room is one where the beds are kept for spawn running. This room needs
ventilation but does not require light. Temperature in the room should be between 24 to 28°C.
Mushroom Shed:
Mushroom shed should be preferable thatched. It should have a door. The thatched portions
can be covered with chicken mesh to prevent entry of snakes, rats and squirrels. The floor of the shed
may be filled with sand to a height of 15 cm and watered. Racks are to be erected inside the
mushroom house to accommodate the mushroom beds. The inner side of the mushroom shed can be
lined with gunny bags and watered twice daily to keep the room cool. The shed may be laid in east
west to avoid direct effect of sun and to reduce the temperature inside the cropping room.
Storage room is one where the closed mushroom bags are kept after completion of spawn
running. The temperature should be between 23 to 25°C. Most of the growers use the same room for
spawn running and cropping. The polythene bag is opened by cutting with a sterile blade on 16 th day
of spawning for white oyster mushroom (opening dates differ as per variety). The moisture level of
the beds are observed and watered accordingly. The mushroom beds with excess moisture will lead
to contamination. Pin heads appear on third or fourth day of opening of the beds and fully grown
mushroom appear within three to four days appearance of pin heads. The mushroom should be
harvested early morning before watering the bed. After the first harvest is completed the beds are
scrapped one to two cm deep from the entire surface of the bed. The second crop appears within
another week. Three to four crops of mushroom can be over in about 35-40 days for white oyster
mushroom (days differ as per variety). The harvested mushroom can be stored for one to three days
under refrigeration. The shelf life is about 12-16 hours at room temperature (differs as per variety).
If the compost, casing materials and the room for keeping mushroom beds are made germ
free, the incidence of diseases will not take place. The excess humidity, temperature and poor
ventilation are likely to cause disease infection. The clean and tidy environment helps to keep diseases
at bay.
Some of the important diseases and their control measure are given in the table below:-
Plant residues such as straw, leaves and also wastes from agriculture, forest and industry
mostly remain unused. These are disposed of by burning some other wasteful methods. However
these residues can be converted into substrate for the cultivation of mushroom and the spent substrate
can be utilized as manure .Another advantage of mushroom is that they are grown in rooms, for which
the wasteland may be utilized. Being grown in vertical stacks, mushroom come into production very
rapidly make mushroom growing a profitable venture.
Mushroom is also called white vegetables or boneless vegetarian meats contain ample
amounts of proteins, vitamins fibers and medicines. Mushroom contains 20-35%protein (dry weight)
which is higher than those of vegetables and fruits and is of superior quality. It is considered ideal
for patients of hyper-tension and diabetics.
Mushroom has a huge domestic and foreign market. It is estimated that there is a world
market for 20lakh tones per annum in which the contribution of India is negligible. In the domestic
market also the availability of mushroom is limited to cities and big town only. Mushroom can be
not only in raw form but also in dried form
There is huge international demand for dried mushroom and the mushroom and the farmers
get farm price of around Rs. 250 per kg for dried oyster mushroom. There are exporters in the market
who are willing to supply the spawn (seed material) and also buy the dried mushroom.
The cultivation of oyster mushroom of Pluerotus spp. is relatively simple and it can be a
homestead project. The mushroom industry is gradually taking root but the pace is rather slow
because of insufficient scientific support and inadequate training programs. At present there is no
organized spawn producing units and therefore, spawn supply to growers is limited and uncertain. A
few research workers engaged in this activity have to attend to various other researches, training an
advisory service that they are unable to do full justice. But the cultivation of mushroom in Arunachal
Pradesh is of special relevance because the straw and plant residues are easily available to the growers
and the environment is conducive for their cultivation. Hence, the future of this industry in the state
is very bright.
ocio economic is the study of the society and its economic status. The survey is conducted
annually to record the number of persons living in a particular area. In which the adults are interviewed
to collect data about their economic status, employment, education, schemes and projects introduced
by the government, development in the area, health status, etc. Every item of the survey behaves as a
wide and vivid range of grades so that no systematic or defined scale can be taken to measure it.
The wellbeing of the society and its members is generally measured by the social status and
the economic achievement. The socio-economic status may be measured through the quantum respect
and reverence afforded by the other members of the closed group society.
Socio economic survey is a complex exercise and no single function can be attributed to it
for defining the survey results. Every item of the survey behaves as a wide and vivid range of grades
so that no systematic or defined scale can be taken to measure it. The methodologies to be used and
the result analysis solely depends on objective of the study.
In this process we visited some random villages, and within this village we went to some random
house to collect data to know the socio-economic condition of that village and to understand the rural
sociology of Uttarakhand.
Uttarakhand is situated in the Northern part of India. It has a population of 10,116,752 inhabitants as
per the census. The state had a growth rate of 19.17% over the last census. The male to female ratio
is 1000: 963. The population density is 189 per sq. km. The literacy rate of Uttarakhand is 79.63%.
The state borders Tibet, Nepal, Himachal Pradesh and the Uttar Pradesh plains districts. Dehradun,
the state's capital is about 240 km away from India's capital, New Delhi. There are 13 districts in
Uttarakhand: Pithoragarh, Almora, Nainital, Bageshwar, Champawat, Uttarkashi, Udham
Singh Nagar, Chamoli, Dehradun, Pauri Garhwal, Tehri Garhwal, Rudra prayag and