6.641 Electromagnetic Fields, Forces, and Motion: Mit Opencourseware

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6.641 Electromagnetic Fields, Forces, and Motion

Spring 2009

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6.641 — Electromagnetic Fields, Forces, and Motion Spring 2009

Final - Solutions - Spring 2009

Prof. Markus Zahn MIT OpenCourseWare

Problem 1

Figure 1: A diagram of a sheet of surface charge at y = 0 between two grounded perfect conductors at
y = −b and y = a (Image by MIT OpenCourseWare).

A sheet of surface charge with surface charge distribution σs (x, y = 0) = σ0 sin kx is placed at y = 0,
parallel and between two parallel grounded perfect conductors at zero potential at y = −b and y = a. The
regions above and below the potential sheet have dielectric permittivities of �2 and �1 . Neglect fringing field

Question: What are the electric potential solutions in the regions 0 ≤ y ≤ a and −b ≤ y ≤ 0?

A sinh k(y − a) sin kx 0<y<a
Φ(x, y) =
B sinh k(y + b) sin kx −b < y < 0

Φ(x, y = 0− ) = Φ(x, y = 0+ ) ⇒ −A sinh ka = B sinh kb

∂Φ �� �
Ey (x, y = 0+ ) = − y=0+
= −Ak cosh k(y − a) sin kx�y=0+ = −Ak cosh ka sin kx
∂Φ �� �
Ey (x, y = 0− ) = − y=0−
= −Bk cosh k(y + b) sin kx�y=0− = −Bk cosh kb sin kx

Final - Solutions - Spring 2009 6.641, Spring 2009

σs (x, y = 0) = σ0 sin kx = �2 Ey (x, y = 0+ ) − �1 Ey (x, y = 0− ) = −�2 Ak cosh ka sin kx + �1 Bk cosh kb sin kx

σ0 = −�2 Ak cosh ka + �1 Bk cosh kb

A sinh ka A sinh ka cosh kb

B=− ⇒ − �2 Ak cosh ka − �1 k = σ0

sinh kb sinh kb
� �1 sinh ka cosh kb �
⇒ −Ak �2 cosh ka + = σ0
sinh kb

−σ0 sinh kb
k[�2 cosh ka sinh kb + �1 sinh ka cosh kb]

−A sinh ka σ0 sinh ka

B= =
sinh kb k[�2 cosh ka sinh kb + �1 sinh ka cosh kb]

⎨ A sinh k(y − a) sin kx = −σ0 sinh kb sinh k(y − a) sin kx
⎪ 0<y<a
k[�2 cosh ka sinh kb + �1 sinh ka cosh kb]
Φ(x, y) = σ0 sinh ka sinh k(y + b) sin kx
⎪ B sinh k(y + b) sin kx =
⎩ −b < y < 0
k[�2 cosh ka sinh kb + �1 sinh ka cosh kb]

Question: What are the electric field distributions in the regions 0 < y < a and −b < y < 0?

� ∂Φ ∂Φ � � �
0<y<a E = −�Φ = − ix + iy = −Ak cosh kx sinh k(y − a)ix + sin kx cosh k(y − a)iy
∂x ∂y

−b < y < 0 E = −Bk[cos kx sinh k(y + b)ix + sin kx cosh k(y + b)iy ]

Question: What are the free surface charge distributions at y = −b and y = a?

σs (x, y = −b) = �2 Ey (x, y = −b)

= −�2 Bk sin kx

−σ0 �2 sinh ka sin kx

[�2 cosh ka sinh kb + �1 sinh ka cosh kb]

σs (x, y = a) = −�1 Ey (x, y = a)

= �1 Ak sin kx

−�1 σ0 sinh kb sin kx

[�2 cosh ka sinh kb + �1 sinh ka cosh kb]

Final - Solutions - Spring 2009 6.641, Spring 2009

Question: What is the potential distribution at y = 0?

σ0 sinh ka sinh kb sin kx

Φ(x, y = 0) =
k[�2 cosh ka sinh kb + �1 sinh ka cosh kb]

Problem 2


K =K 0 sin  i 

Figure 2: A diagram of a surface current sheet placed on the surface of a sphere of radius R (Image by MIT

A surface current sheet K = K0 sin θiφ is placed on the surface of a sphere of radius R. The inside of
the sphere (r < R) has magnetic permeability µ and the outside region (r > R) is free space with magnetic
permeability µ0 . The magnetic field at r = ∞ is zero.

Question: What are the boundary conditions on the magnetic field at r = 0 and r = R?

H(r = 0) = finite, Hθ (r = R+ , θ) − Hθ (r = R− , θ) = K0 sin θ

µHr (r = R− , θ) = µ0 Hr (r = R+ , θ)

Final - Solutions - Spring 2009 6.641, Spring 2009

Question: What are the general form of the solutions for the magnetic scalar potential inside

and outside the sphere?


� × H = 0 ⇒ H = −�χ

Ar cos θ 0<r<R
χ(r, θ) = C
r 2 cos θ R<r<∞

Question: Use the boundary conditions of part (a) and solve for the magnetic scalar potential

and the magnetic field H inside and outside the sphere.


1 ∂χ A sin θ 0 < r < R

Hθ = − = C
r ∂θ r 3 sin θ R < r < ∞

∂χ −A cos θ 0<r<R
Hr = − = 2C
∂r r 3 cos θ R<r<∞

Hθ (r = R+ , θ) − Hθ (r = R− , θ) = K0 sin θ ⇒ − A = K0
µ0 2C
µHr (r = R− , θ) − µ0 Hr (r = R+ , θ) ⇒ −µA =
µ0 2C C � 2µ0 �
A=− ⇒ 3 1+ = K0
µ R3 R µ
K0 R3 2µ0 C 2µ0 K0
C= , A=− =−
1 + 2µµ0 µ R3 µ 1 + 2µµ0

⎧ 2µ K
⎨ − µ0 1+ 20µ0 r cos θ 0<r<R
χ(r, θ) = 3
K0 R cos θ
2µ 2 R<r<∞
1+ µ0 r

⎧ 2µ0 K0
⎨ −A(cos θir − sin θiθ ) = −Aiz = µ 1+ 2µ0 iz 0<r<R
H(r, θ) = K0 R 3
2µ 3 (2 cos θir + sin θiθ ) R<r<∞
1+ µ0 r

Final - Solutions - Spring 2009 6.641, Spring 2009

Question: The scalar magnetic potential for a point magnetic dipole of moment miz at the
origin is H = −�χ, χ = m4πr
cos θ

What is the effective magnetic moment of the sphere and the surface current sheet for
r > R?

m K0 R 3 4πK0 R3
= 2µ ⇒m=
4π 1+ µ 0
1 + 2µµ0

Question: What is the equation for the magnetic field line that passes through the point

(r = R0 ,θ = π2 ) where R0 > R.


dr Hr 2 cos θ
= = R<r<∞
rdθ Hθ sin θ
dr 2 cos θdθ
r sin θ
� �
dr 2 cos θ
= dθ
r sin θ

2 cos θ
ln r = dθ
sin θ
Let u = sin θ, du = cos θdθ

ln r = = 2 ln u + C1 = ln u2 + C1 = ln(sin2 θ) + C1

r r

ln = C1 ⇒ = eC1 = C2

sin2 θ sin2 θ

r = R0 , θ = ⇒ C2 = R0 ⇒ r = R0 sin2 θ

Question: For the field line in (e), if R0 = 2R, at what angles of θ does the field line contact

the sphere?


R 1
R0 = 2R ⇒ = = sin2 θ
R0 2
1 π 3π
sin θ = √ ⇒ θ = , (45◦ , 135◦ )
2 4 4

Final - Solutions - Spring 2009 6.641, Spring 2009

Problem 3
A reluctance motor is made by placing a high permeability material, which is free to rotate, in the air gap
of a magnetic circuit excited by a current i(t).

Figure 3: A diagram of a reluctance motor (Image by MIT OpenCourseWare).

The inductance of the magnetic circuit varies with rotor angle θ as

L(θ) = L0 + L1 cos 2θ, L0 > 0, 0 < L1 < L0

where the maximum inductance L0 + L1 occurs when θ = 0 or θ = π and the minimum inductance
L0 − L1 occurs when θ = ± π2 .

Question: What is the magnetic torque, Tmag , on the rotor as a funcion of the angle θ and

current i(t)?


1 2 dL(θ) 1
Tmag = i = i2 (−L1 2 sin 2θ) = −L1 i2 sin 2θ
2 dθ 2

Question: With i(t) a DC current I, a constant positive mechanical stress Tmech > 0 is applied.
What is the largest value of Tmech = Tmax for which the rotor can be in static equilibrium?
Tmech + Tmag = Tmech − L1 i2 sin 2θ = 0
maximum of sin 2θ = 1
Tmech = Tmax = L1 I 2

Final - Solutions - Spring 2009 6.641, Spring 2009

Question: If Tmech = 12 Tmax , plot the total torque Tmag + Tmech . Use a graphical method to
determine the equilibrium values of θ and label which are stable and which are unstable.
� �
2 1
TT = Tmech + Tmag = L1 I − sin 2θ = 0

1 π 5π
sin 2θ = ⇒2θ = , (30◦ , 150◦ )
2 6 6

π 5π 13π 17π

θ= , , , (15◦ , 75◦ , 195◦ , 255◦ )

12 12 12 12

∂TT ��
Stable if < 0 θ = 15◦ , 195◦ Stable
∂θ �TT =0

∂TT ��
Unstable if > 0 θ = 75◦ , 255◦ Unstable
∂θ �TT =0

Question: If the rotor has moment of inertia J and is slightly perturbed from a stable equilib­

rium position θeq at t = 0 by an angle position θ� (t), what is the general frequency of oscillation?

What is the oscillation frequency for θeq found for stable equilibrium in part (c)?


θ = θeq + θ� (t)

TT (θ) = Tmech + Tmag (θ = θeq ) = 0

�(θ� (t))
� �� 0 dTT ��
TT (θ = θeq + θ (t)) = �TT�(θ = θeq ) +
� �
dθ �θ=θeq
Jd2 θ Jd2 θ�

dTT ��
= = θ�
dt2 dt2 dθ �θ=θeq
d2 θ �

1 dTT ��
− θ� = 0
dt2 J dθ �θ=θeq
d2 θ�

1 dTT ��
Let ω02 = − ⇒ 2 + ω02 θ� = 0
J dθ θeq
� dt

dTT ��
ω02 > 0 if <0
dθ �θeq

% Mathematica code for generating the graph

In[1] = f[angle_] = .5 - Sin[2*angle*2*Pi/360]
Out[1] = 0.5 - Sin[angle*Pi/90]

In[2] = Plot[f[angle],{angle,0,360},AxesLabel -> {"Angle Theta in Degrees", "Total Torque/(L1*I^2)"}]

Out[2] = %See Figure 4

Final - Solutions - Spring 2009 6.641, Spring 2009

Figure 4: A graph plotting Total Torque versus Angle Theta in Degrees (Image by MIT OpenCourseWare).

θ� (t) = A1 sin ω0 t + A2 cos ω0 t

Perturbations are bounded if ω0 real (ω02 > 0)

dTT �

This requires dθ θeq < 0

dTT ��
= −2L1 I 2 cos 2θeq ⇒ cos 2θeq > 0 for stability
dθ �θeq

θeq cos
√ 2θeq Stability

15◦ 3/2
√ Stable

75◦ −
√ 3/2 Unstable

195◦ 3/2
√ Stable

255◦ − 3/2 Unstable


dθ � �
Question: If the initial conditions of the perturbation are dt � and θ� (t = 0) = Δθ what is
θ� (t) for t > 0. Neglect any damping.

dθ� ��

= ω0 (A1 cos ω0 t − A2 sin ω0 t)|t=0 = A1 ω0 = 0
dt �t=0

A1 = 0
θ(t = 0) = Δθ = A2 ⇒ θ(t) = Δθ cos ω0 t
� �1/2
1 2
ω0 = 2L1 I

Final - Solutions - Spring 2009 6.641, Spring 2009

Question: If i(t) is a DC current I and a motor drives the rotor angle θ at constant angular

speed Ω so that θ = Ωt, what is the voltage v(t) across the coil?


dλ d[L(θ)I] dL(θ) dL(θ) dθ

v(t) = = =I =I
dt dt dt dθ dt
v(t) = −2L1 IΩ sin 2Ωt

Problem 4

Figure 5: A diagram of a parallel plate capacitor with two dielectrics in series (Image by MIT OpenCourse-

A parallel plate capacitor with electrodes of area A has its upper electrode in a free space region in series
with a solid dielectric of thickness s and dielectric permittivity �. The x = s interface has no free surface

Question: What are the electric fields E1 and E2 in the dielectric and free space regions?

V0 = E1 s + E2 (x − s)

�E1 = �0 E2 ⇒ E2 = E1
� �

E1 s + (x − s) = V0
�0 V 0
E1 =
[�0 s + �(x − s)]
E2 =
[�0 s + �(x − s)]

Final - Solutions - Spring 2009 6.641, Spring 2009

Question: What is the free surface charge density on the lower electrode?
��0 V0
σs (x = 0) = �E1 =
�0 s + �(x − s)

Question: What is the capacitance C(x) of the capacitor?
σs A ��0 A
C(x) = =
V0 �0 s + �(x − s)

Question: what is the electric force on the upper electrode?

1 2 dC(x) 1 V02 �2 �0 A

fx = V0 =−
2 dx 2 [�0 s + �(x − s)]2


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