Gradiant Boosting Algorithm Baisics
Gradiant Boosting Algorithm Baisics
Gradiant Boosting Algorithm Baisics
The next step is to train a gbm model using our training holdout.
While all other arguments are exactly what were discussed in the
previous section, there are two additional arguments that have
been specified- interaction.depth and shrinkage. Interaction
Depth specifies the maximum depth of each tree( i.e. highest level
of variable interactions allowed while training the model).
Shrinkage is considered as the learning rate. It is used for
reducing, or shrinking, the impact of each additional fitted base-
learner (tree). It reduces the size of incremental steps and thus
penalises the importance of each consecutive iteration.
Note: Even though we are initially training our model with 1000
trees, we can prune the number of trees based on either the “Out-
of-Bag or “Cross-Validation” technique to avoid overfitting. We
will later see how to incorporate this in our gbm model (see the
section “Tuning a gbm model and Early Stopping”)
The ROC and the AUC: Based on the true and false positives, I
produced the ROC curve and calculated our AUC value.
By definition, the closer the ROC curve comes to the upper left
corner in the grid, the better it is. The upper left corner
corresponds to a true positive rate of 1 and a false positive rate of
0. This further implies that good classifiers have bigger areas
under the curves. As evident, our model has an AUC of 0.8389.
Final Remarks: