272003-C-StructuralComponents-structural Capasity of Pile
272003-C-StructuralComponents-structural Capasity of Pile
272003-C-StructuralComponents-structural Capasity of Pile
14 STRUCTURE magazine
Under gravity loads, bored piles in compression can be nominally Table 4. Partial factors on shaft friction and end bearing.
reinforced (using minimum reinforcement). Usually, it is more eco- Shaft Friction Safety End Bearing Safety
nomical to use a larger pile with nominal reinforcements compared to Factor Factor
a smaller pile that is heavily reinforced. However, smaller diameter piles
with heavier reinforcements may be adopted in certain situations such ACI-336^ 1.5 to 5 1.5 to 5
as space constraints or low headroom. For comparison in this article, EC2* 1.68 2.04
only nominally reinforced bored piles founded in soil are discussed. CP4 1.5 to 2 3
^ LRFD is denoted as strength design method, ASD is denoted as alternate design method
Structural Capacity Based on ACI-318 * The 1.68 and 2.04 factors for EC2 were calculated based on Design Approach 1 –
Combination 2 (usually governing for pile design) where there is a 1.3 factor on live
In the U.S., ACI-318 is a commonly used standard for the design of loads and 1.2 model factor applied to 1.4 and 1.7 for shaft and base, respectively.
reinforced concrete structures. ACI-318 is primarily an LRFD code, These factors assume that appropriate load tests were carried out.
but ASD is also allowed. Bored piles are known as drilled shafts, drilled
piers, or auger-cast piles. The structural design of drilled piers is similar A strength reduction factor, φ, of 0.75 is used for spirally reinforced
to a beam-column. However, in most practical cases, the design can columns and 0.65 for tied columns. There is a further reduction factor
be simplified to a short column by assuming the bending moment of 0.85 and 0.8 for spiral and tied columns, respectively, to account
is negligible (gravity loads only) and the pier is laterally restrained, for eccentricities.
unless in the case of very soft soil (for example, less than 1.5 psi (10 Ignoring the contribution of steel (for a nominally reinforced pile),
kPa) shear strength). U.S. practice also includes seismic considerations the ultimate capacity for a tied column is:
in certain areas, which may require special detailing requirements, φPn = (0.65)(0.8)(0.85)fckAc = 0.442 fckAc = 0.35 fcuAc
such as spiral hoops (for added shear strength) and more stringent This gives a working load of 0.25fcuAc after dividing by a combined
reinforcement spacing and limits. For column design, ACI-318 pro- load factor of 1.4.
vides the following well-established equation for column capacity: Note that ACI-336.3R for drilled piers specifies load factors of 1.4
and 1.7 for dead load and live load, respectively, whereas ACI-318
φPn = φ(0.85f´c Ac + fyAst)
specifies load factors of 1.2 and 1.6. The difference in load factors for
ACI’s strength reduction factor, φ, is an overall factor to reduce drilled piers and columns suggest that underground concrete is more
nominal strength, similar to the partial safety factor for materials in uncertain and requires a higher factor of safety compared to concrete
the Eurocodes (e.g., 1.5 for concrete). columns in a superstructure.
continued on next page
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Table 5. Difference between a column and a bored pile.
The U.S. model building code is the International Building Code to bring it down to working load capacity). Because bored piles are
(IBC). In IBC (allowable stress design), the allowable stress in concrete lightly reinforced, the contribution from steel can be ignored. This
is 0.33fc´ (0.26fcu). This is in line with a general rule of thumb that means the ultimate pile structural capacity reduces to:
design stress is a third of material strength for piling. N = 0.45fcuAc
The coefficient 0.45 is further reduced by 10% to 0.4 to account
for eccentricity and tolerances in construction. To bring the ultimate
Structural Capacity Based on CP4 capacity to working load capacity, 0.4 is divided by 1.5 (equivalent
For rock-socketed piles with full-length reinforcement, using a short to a combined load factor) to obtain a coefficient of 0.267 (note:
column formula, CP4 states that the ultimate structural capacity is 1.4 and 1.6 were load factors for dead and live load, respectively,
given by the sum of stress multiplied by area for both concrete and based on British Standards). Therefore, CP4 recommended the pile
steel components: structural capacity (working stress) to be 0.25fcu. This capacity is to
Pu = 0.4fcuAc + 0.75fyAs be compared to column loads (serviceability limit state) acting on
where fcu and fy are concrete and steel strength, respectively, and A is the pile, without any load factors.
area. To derive the working load, using a minimum safety factor of When CP4 was in use, the common concrete strength for bored piles
two, the equation becomes: was C30 (fcu = 4,350 psi or 30MPa), which means that the allowable
Pu = 0.2fcuAc + 0.375fyAs stress was 1,088 psi (7.5 MPa). Also, CP4 limits concrete strength
In CP4, structural capacity (working stress) of nominally reinforced to 1,088 psi (7.5 MPa) to account for quality control issues when
bored piles is calculated using 0.25fcu (ultimate cube strength) but pouring concrete into a hole underground. Even with higher concrete
limited to a maximum of 1,088 psi (7.5 MPa). Some engineers are strengths, there is a need to be mindful that such a high strength of
tempted to view 0.25 as a “safety factor” for structural capacity using concrete may not be adequately compacted and subjected to issues
a permissible stress perspective, giving a false sense of safety. However, associated with bored pile construction, such as mixing with water
this is not strictly correct because the 0.25 is a value obtained after and soil, necking, etc. For this reason, 1,088 psi (7.5 MPa) was the
accounting for several aspects of cube strength which are different maximum working stress allowed in concrete, even if much higher
compared to actual concrete cast-in piles. strength of concrete was used.
The derivation of 0.25 was strongly influenced by BS8110 (or local
Singapore CP65), which was the corresponding reinforced concrete
design code used in conjunction with CP4. When a column is loaded
Structural Capacity Based on EC2
to failure in compression, the ultimate capacity is the sum of concrete Using Eurocodes, the structural design of reinforced concrete is in
and steel components, and it is given by an empirical formula: accordance with EC2. EC2 provides the following equation for pre-
N = 0.67fcuAc + fyAs (Note that 0.67fcu = 0.85fck, using fck = 0.8fcu) dicting the ultimate capacity of reinforced concrete piles:
where fck = fć = cylinder strength and fcu = cube strength. NRd,p = Acfcd,p where fcd,p = αcc,p fck/γc,f
This is the maximum load, independent of creep and shrinkage According to EC2, αcc “is the coefficient taking account of long-
effects. The 0.67 factor applied to cube compression strength of term effects on the compressive strength and of unfavorable effects
concrete is to account for differences such as size (actual structural resulting from the way the load is applied” and 0.85. γc,f is the partial
element is much larger than cube), boundary conditions (actual safety factor for concrete (1.5 x 1.1; 1.1 being required for casting
building load on column versus loading using compression testing piles without a permanent casing).
machine), rate of loading (much faster rate in cube test), and quality With all these factors, the ultimate stress in concrete becomes:
of compaction (cube test is properly compacted). fcd,p = αcc,pfck/γc,f = 0.85 x (0.8fcu)/(1.5x1.1) = 0.412fcu
An additional “partial safety factor” of 1.5 needs to be applied for Under Eurocodes, the load factors for permanent (dead load) and
design against ultimate collapse (note that this factor is not meant variable action (live load) are 1.35 and 1.5, respectively. Because
Table 6. Construction tolerances for bored piles. permanent loads are much higher than variable
loads for most structures, a combined load factor
Code Tolerance can be assumed to be approximately 1.4.
ACI-336 4% of the diameter or 3 inches (75mm), whichever is less The working stress of concrete then becomes
EN1536 (execution 4 inches (100 mm) (≤40 inches diameter) 0.29fcu (higher than 0.25fcu using ACI-318 or
standard for bored piles) 0.1D (40<D≤60 inches diameter) 0.25fcu using CP4).
6 inches (150mm) (>60inches diameter) By comparing the working stress allowed for
concrete, it appears that EC2 allowed a 16%
CP4 3 inches (75mm) higher value as compared to ACI-318 and CP4.
16 STRUCTURE magazine
Table 7. Allowable concrete stress in bored piles in compression. and specify higher strength concrete for bored piles. However, design-
Code Allowable Concrete Stress (psi or MPa) ers should be cautioned on the need to ensure stringent
quality control measures during pile construction and verify
ACI-318 0.25fcu that concrete strength can be achieved on-site.■
EC2 0.26fcu
CP4 0.25fcu and not greater than 1088 psi (7.5 MPa) The online version of this article contains references.
Please visit www.STRUCTUREmag.org.
However, in EC2, it is necessary to reduce the design diameter of a
bored pile by 2 inches (50mm) for diameters greater than or equal FileName:19-1670_Ad_1/2IslandStructure_July_BridgeRepairSolutions Page Size: 5w" x 7.5h" bleed
to 40 inches (1,000mm) when there is no permanent casing. Job#: This 19-1670 H. Y. Ng isPR#: N/A
a Principal Engineer with a localNumber authorityofinvolved
Pages: 1in reviewing
design diameter reduction is on 1 1 4top
4 E of. Nthe
e w p1.1o r t factor
C e n t e applied
r Dr.
to the Georgina Morra Email: gmorra@mapei.com
and granting approval for structural and geotechnical design. Bleed: Yes Amount: .125"
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
concrete partial factor of 1.5. Such a reduction in capacity using Date: June 7, 2019 10:29
(xyhng@hotmail.com) AM Colors: CMYK Process, 4/0
EC2 equations is to allow for greater uncertainties in casting con-
N O T E : C O L O R S V I E W E D O N - S C R E E N A R E I N T E N D E D F O R V I S U A L R E F E R E N C E O N L Y A N D M A Y N O T M A T C H T H E F I N A L P R I N T E D P R O D U C T.
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