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US 20060025227A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0025227 A1
Metni et al. (43) Pub. Date: Feb. 2, 2006
(54) RECIRCULATING VERTICAL WIND Publication Classification
(51) Int. Cl.
(76) Inventors: N. Alan Metni, Orlando, FL (US); A63G 31/00 (2006.01)
William J. Kitchen, Orlando, FL (US); (52) U.S. Cl. .............................................................. 472/137
Kenneth W. Mort, Morgan Hill, CA
(US); Charles N. Eastlake, Port (57) ABSTRACT
Orange, FL (US); Michael Palmer,
OquOSon, VA (US)
A vertical wind tunnel flight Simulator comprises a flight
chamber wherein a flier may experience a freefall Simula
Correspondence Address: tion. Airflow to Support the flier is induced by fans con
RICK MARTIN nected above the flight chamber through a duct. A Staging
PATENT LAW OFFICES OF RICK MARTIN, area having openings to the flight chamber is adjacent to the
PC flight chamber. One or two return air ducts are used to return
416 COFFMAN STREET air from the fans outlet to the fans inlet. Opposed louvers are
LONGMONT, CO 80501 (US) included on at least one duct Segment thereby regulating the
temperature via forcing ambient air into the Simulator. The
use of many duct Segments having diverging walls adds
(21) Appl. No.: 10/909,088 commercial value to the System by lowering the height.
Mounting components on the roof and behind walls creates
(22) Filed: Jul. 30, 2004 a spectacular pedestrian Viewing Scene of people in flight.
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Fig. 5 Fig. 6
Fig. 7
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Fig. 17
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Fig. 27
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US 2006/0025227 A1 Feb. 2, 2006

RECIRCULATING VERTICAL WIND TUNNEL power required to operate Such a wind tunnel. It is also
SKYDIVING SIMULATOR important to prevent occupants from flying laterally outside
of the air column and falling unsupported to the floor below.
CROSS REFERENCE PATENTS For this reason, the most advanced vertical wind tunnels are
designed Such that the air column extends completely from
0001 U.S. Pat. No. 6,083,110 is incorporated herein by one wall of the flight chamber to the other. This is not
reference. necessary in horizontal wind tunnels.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION 0007 Vertical wind tunnels used for freefall simulation
often have to operate in noise Sensitive environments Such as
0002 The present invention relates to the field of vertical amusement parks and Shopping malls. Horizontal testing
wind tunnels, more particularly, to temperature controlled tunnels can be located away from the crowds where they are
return flow vertical wind tunnels used as Skydiving simula free to make as much noise as is necessary.
tors and amusement devices.
0008 AS amusement devices, freefall simulators must
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION compete with other amusements on the basis of price and
can often be operated on a near continual basis. These two
0003) Wind tunnels are well known in the art. Wind factors make energy efficiency critical to Successful com
tunnels are available in many types and Styles depending mercial operation of a freefall Simulator. Energy efficiency is
upon the needs of the user. These include SubSonic wind much less important for horizontal testing tunnels in which
tunnels with and without return flow, transonic wind tunnels one often takes hours or days to Set up an experiment and
with and without return flow, vertical SubSonic wind tunnels then only runs the tunnel for a few minutes to collect the
with and without return flow, SuperSonic and hyperSonic necessary data.
wind tunnels with and without return flow, and compressible 0009 Height is a major constraint of freefall simulators
flow wind tunnels.
which Stand upright and often must be sited in high-density
0004. The majority of the wind tunnels are used for entertainment venues that have Severe height limitations.
research and testing purposes. These include testing of This is not true of horizontal testing tunnels which sit on
conventional aircraft, helicopters, parachutes and other aero their side and can be Successfully located far away from any
dynamic devices, wing Surfaces, control Surfaces, Subma crowds.
rines, rockets and other launch vehicles, ground vehicles, 0010 Finally no known prior art has focused on design
buildings and other basic flow investigations. ing these Systems to optimize visibility to public Spectators
0005 Horizontal wind tunnels (those in which the air in in a shopping mall or other high density entertainment
the full Speed Section of the tunnel flow generally horizon WCUC.
tally) are used for aerodynamic research and testing and are 0011 To make a commercially viable vertical wind tun
generally owned by major defense oriented corporations, the nel for skydiving Simulation, one must (1) move enough air
Federal government, or educational institutions and univer and do So Smoothly enough to adequately simulate freefall
sities. Some of these have been converted or adapted for for one or more persons in the flight chamber; (2) with a
vertical operation (in which the air in the full speed section device that is short enough and quiet enough to be located
of the tunnel flows generally vertically) but most or all where large numbers of potential customers tend to be, and,
perform poorly in that role. Design constraints that apply to (3) at power consumption levels low enough to make the
vertical wind tunnels used for freefall simulation differ from price of the experience acceptable to the public.
those of horizontal testing tunnels. In a vertical wind tunnel/
freefall simulator, it is important that the objects in the full 0012. The inventive challenge of satisfying these com
Speed Section of the wind tunnel (in this case the human peting requirements is met by the present invention. High
beings in flight) be able to move about inside that Section to airspeeds are required at the flight chamber to float one or
experience or practice human body flight. In a horizontal test more human beings. However, moving air through ductwork
tunnel, the objects placed in the tunnel are usually Static at high Speeds creates an enormous amount of Sound and
objects observed or measured by others. For this reason, this heat and requires a huge amount of power. Consequently,
fastest part of a horizontal wind tunnel is called a “test most modern wind tunnels expand and Slow the air just
Section'. In a vertical wind tunnel, this Same area is instead downstream of the flight chamber to decrease power con
referred to as the “flight chamber”. Sumption, noise output and heat generation. Doing So can
0006. In a vertical wind tunnel, it is important that people reduce power consumption by more than 60%, and only by
flying inside the tunnel be allowed to rotate in and out of the doing So will vertical wind tunnels become commercially
flight chamber without Stopping the airflow. In contrast, viable as entertainment devices or Skydiving Simulators.
there is little need to move the static objects in the test 0013 However, if one expands the airflow in any section
Section of a horizontal wind tunnel during its operation. of a wind tunnel too rapidly, the flow will “separate” and
Furthermore, Since fliers in a vertical wind tunnel are free to become turbulent rather than laminar. This will make the
move about inside flight chamber, it is necessary to constrain entire System perform poorly, increasing power consump
their movement to appropriate parts of the system. While it tion and decreasing flow quality to the point that the device
is possible to put a Safety net on both the upstream and will not adequately simulate true freefall. The threshold at
downstream ends of the flight chamber, these produce an which this flow Separation occurs in an expanding duct is
enormous amount of drag which creates noise and increases fairly well defined in the literature; in simple terms, the walls
the power required to attain any given Speed. In fact, Such a of Such an expansion cone cannot diverge away from one
pair of nets can consume as much as 30% to 50% of the total another at greater than 9-12 degrees. For that reason,
US 2006/0025227 A1 Feb. 2, 2006

increasing the length of horizontal test tunnels or the height and thereby encourages the efficient exchange of air between
of vertical wind tunnels tends to improve efficiency. Unfor the wind tunnel and the ambient air.
tunately, while this is easily done for a horizontal System, 0024. What is needed is a vertical wind tunnel amuse
doing So in a vertical System dramatically increases the ment and training device having a mesh “floor” made of
construction and operation cost and reduces the number of Specially designed cables that produce less drag and, there
places at which one can gain governmental approval to fore, leSS noise than conventional cables.
build. Consequently, minimizing height while maximizing
the expansion and deceleration of the airflow downstream of 0025. What is needed is a vertical wind tunnel amuse
the flight chamber is the key to making a vertical wind ment and training device having at least one Zero-drag
tunnel commercially Successful. Similarly, constraining the electronic upper barrier instead of a physical net to prevent
occupants to the Safe areas of the wind tunnel without fliers from moving too high in the flight chamber and
increasing drag and power consumption is essential. quickly modulating the Speed of the air to bring them back
down to and hold them at a safe level.
0.014. The prior art wind tunnels do not offer a design that
is quiet and short enough to be built in high density Shopping 0026. What is needed is a vertical wind tunnel amuse
and entertainment venues while remaining efficient enough ment and training device having the lowest possible total
to allow commercially viable operation. height for any given efficiency in order to reduce construc
tion costs and meet common governmental constraints on
0.015 What is needed is a vertical wind tunnel amuse building height.
ment and training device having a flight chamber on the inlet
Side of the fans for improved airflow, Speed and quality, at 0027. What is needed is a vertical wind tunnel amuse
lower power consumption and higher Safety for the fliers. ment and training device optimized for height by having
most or all of the components downstream of the flight
0016 What is needed is a vertical wind tunnel amuse chamber expand the air as rapidly as possible without
ment and training device having a Sealed and pressure creating flow Separation.
balanced Staging area adjacent and connected to the flight
chamber in a way that allows people to move in between the 0028. What is needed is a vertical wind tunnel amuse
two without Stopping the airflow. ment and training device optimized for height by providing
an optional flight chamber in which the air is expanded as
0017 What is needed is a vertical wind tunnel amuse much as possible without creating Separation as it passes
ment and training device having transparent windows allow through the flight chamber section or a flight chamber that
ing spectators, instructors or others outside the flight cham is actually shaped like a diffuser.
ber to See into it.
0029 What is needed is a vertical wind tunnel amuse
0.018 What is needed is a vertical wind tunnel amuse ment and training device optimized for height and overall
ment and training device having a plurality of Smaller fans Size by mounting the fans in conical ducts that themselves
rather than a single, more expensive and difficult to maintain act as “diffusers”.
0030. What is needed is a vertical wind tunnel amuse
0.019 What is needed is a vertical wind tunnel amuse ment and training device that allows installation configura
ment and training device having one or more return air ducts tions which optimize spectator viewing areas of the fliers to
to conserve heat, reduce energy consumption, reduce noise pedestrians in a Shopping mall.
and allow all-weather operation. 0031. The present invention meets these needs.
0020 What is needed is a vertical wind tunnel amuse SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
ment and training device having only one or two return ducts
even though it may have a greater number of fans than return 0032. An aspect of the present invention is to provide a
Vertical wind tunnel amusement device having a flight
0021 What is needed is a vertical wind tunnel amuse chamber situated on the inlet side of a plurality of fans which
ment and training device having fans housed in low profile are in turn connected to a plurality of expanding return air
casings that allow them to be mounted as closely together as ducts, thereby maximizing efficiency while minimizing the
possible So that more than one fan can be connected to each height of the amusement device.
return air duct without the need for long transition ducts that 0033. Another aspect of the present invention is to pro
would increase the height or width of the entire System. vide a vertical wind tunnel having a flight chamber on the
0022 What is needed is a vertical wind tunnel amuse inlet Side of the fans for improved airflow Speed and quality,
ment and training device having a passive air exchange at lower power consumption and higher Safety for the fliers.
System that ejects heated air and draws in cooler ambient air 0034. Another aspect of the present invention is to pro
in order to most efficiently control the temperature inside the vide a vertical wind tunnel having a two-stage Staging area
wind tunnel. adjacent and connected to the flight chamber in a way that
0023. What is needed is a vertical wind tunnel amuse allows people to move in between the two without Stopping
the airflow.
ment and training device having a passive air exchange
system the components of which form a “nozzle” or flow 0035) Another aspect of the present invention is to pro
contaction that not only mechanically ejects the air from vide a vertical wind tunnel having transparent windows
inside the wind tunnel but also creates the proper pressure allowing Spectators, instructors or others outside the flight
gradient between the inside and outside of the wind tunnel chamber to see into it, including in a shopping mall venue.
US 2006/0025227 A1 Feb. 2, 2006

0036) Another aspect of the present invention is to pro 0047 Another aspect of the present invention is to pro
vide a vertical wind tunnel having a plurality of Smaller fans vide a vertical wind tunnel optimized for height by expand
angled in a non-parallel alignment rather than a single, more ing the air as much as possible without creating Separation
expensive and difficult to maintain fan. as it passes through the flight chamber. This diffusing flight
0037 Another aspect of the present invention is to pro chamber could also be thought of as a Zero-height flight
vide a vertical wind tunnel having one or more return air chamber or Zero-length test Section.
ducts to conserve heat, reduce energy consumption, reduce 0048. Another aspect of the present invention is to pro
noise and allow all-weather operation. vide a vertical wind tunnel optimized for height by mounting
the fans in conical ducts that themselves act as “diffusers'.
0.038 Another aspect of the present invention is to pro
vide a vertical wind tunnel having only one or two return 0049 Another aspect of the present invention is to pro
ducts even though it may have a greater number of fans than vide a zero height flight chamber wherein the fliers fly in an
return ducts. expanding diffuser chamber with a reduced air Velocity the
0039. Another aspect of the present invention is to pro higher they fly, thereby forming a Self-catching flow in the
chamber to slow the flier as he or she descends.
vide a vertical wind tunnel having fans housed in low
profile, diffusing casings that allow them to be mounted as 0050. Other aspects of this invention will appear from the
closely together as possible So that more than one fan can be following description and appended claims, reference being
connected to each return air duct without the need for long made to the accompanying drawings forming a part of this
transition ducts that would increase the height or width of Specification wherein like reference characters designate
the entire System. corresponding parts in the Several ViewS.
0040 Another aspect of the present invention is to pro 0051) To eliminate the risk of occupants falling out of the
vide a vertical wind tunnel having a passive air exchange air column and injuring themselves, the air column extends
System with adjustable inlet/outlet doors that mechanically completely from one wall of the flight chamber to the other.
ejects heated air from the System and draw in cooler ambient This “wall to wall' airflow also reduces drag at the edges of
air in order to most efficiently control the temperature inside the air column and increases efficiency of the entire System.
the wind tunnel with minimal extra work by the fans. The airflow passes through a “cable floor” into the flight
0041 Another aspect of the present invention is to pro chamber. The cable floor provides support for the users
vide a vertical wind tunnel in which the adjustable inlet/ when the airflow through the flight chamber is not Sufficient
outlet doors are arranged Such that they also form a “nozzle” to Support them. At or near the upper (or downstream) end
or flow contraction thereby creating a favorable pressure of the flight chamber, a “virtual net” comprised of one or
gradient between the inside and outside of the tunnel and more electronic (preferably optic) sensors, monitors the
encouraging the air exchange in order to efficiently control position of the occupant(s) within the flight chamber. In the
the temperature inside the wind tunnel with minimal extra preferred embodiment, the control System will automatically
work by the fans and without the use of other more costly air lower the Speed if the occupant(s) fly too high in the flight
cooling technologies. chamber.

0.042 Another aspect of the present invention is to pro 0052 The flight chamber can be round, oval or polygonal
vide a vertical wind tunnel in which the position of the and can range from a bit less than 75 square feet to over 160
inlet/outlet doors is controlled by known means in order to Square feet in area. The flight chamber may accommodate up
maintain a comfortable temperature inside the wind tunnel. to six users at a time. The airflow velocity in the flight
chamber can reach as high as 160+ mph, which-will fully
0.043 Another aspect of the present invention is to pro Support as many as Six users. In the preferred embodiment,
vide a vertical wind tunnel having a mesh “floor” made of one or more of the walls of the flight chamber include or
Specially designed cables (preferably Steel) that produce less comprise flat or curved windows constructed of transparent
drag and, therefore, leSS noise than conventional cables. Plexiglas(E), acrylic plastic, glass or Similar high Strength
0044 Another aspect of the present invention is to pro transparent material. When present, the windows into the
vide a vertical wind tunnel having one or more Zero-drag flight chamber allow an unrestricted view of the activities
electronic upper barriers instead of a physical net designed taking place within the therein.
to prevent fliers from moving too high in the flight chamber 0053 Adjacent to the flight chamber is a staging area.
and capable of quickly modulating the Speed of the air to The flight chamber has an entry opening and exit opening to
bring fliers back down to and hold them at a safe level. the Staging area through which a user or multiple users may
0.045 Another aspect of the present invention is to pro enter and exit the flight chamber. In certain embodiments in
vide a vertical wind tunnel having the lowest possible total which rotations of occupants in and out of the flight chamber
height for any given efficiency in order to reduce construc might be leSS frequent, these opening may be fitted with
tion costs and meet common governmental constraints on doors which slide, roll or otherwise move to close one or
building height. both of these openings. Users wait in the Staging area for
their turn in the flight chamber. The Staging area has
0046) Another aspect of the present invention is to pro transparent windows So that an observer may view the flight
vide a vertical wind tunnel optimized for height by having of any person(s) within the flight chamber without entering
not just the primary diffuser just downstream of the flight the Staging area. The Staging area has a Single or multiple
chamber but also most or all of the components downstream doors that open periodically to allow people to exit the entire
of the flight chamber expand the air as rapidly as possible System. The Staging area may also be fit with an optional
without creating flow Separation. "piggyback or Secondary Staging area. This creates an
US 2006/0025227 A1 Feb. 2, 2006

airlock that allows groups to rotate in and out of the Staging mechanism comprised of an even number of louvers located
area from outside the System without requiring the airflow to on opposing faces of the return air duct. These are situated
Stop. and sized So that they together create a nozzle or Sudden
0054) The area above (downstream of) each doorway in contraction in the flow area at the point of the louvers. This
upper Section of the flight chamber may include perforated nozzle increases decreases the dynamic static pressure at
panel which provides an alternate airflow path when users that point of the System and assists in the expulsion of heated
are entering and exiting the flight chamber. In the preferred air from the wind tunnel through the exhaust louver. This
embodiment, a small flow deflector will also be located
lowers the pressure in the System and assists the inlet louvers
below (upstream of) the cable floor just below each opening as they draw in cooler ambient air from outside of the
System. This arrangement allows heated air in the System to
between the flight chamber and Staging area to minimize the be replaced with cooler ambient air, thereby allowing a user
amount of air moving between them and reduce the amount to adjust the temperature in the flight chamber for flyer
of balancing necessary. comfort without the need for expensive alternatives Such as
0.055 The fans and other controls can be operated from air conditioning or evaporative cooling.
inside the Staging area, inside the flight chamber or from an 0060. At the bottom (or downstream) end of the return air
attached or remote control room. The fans are controlled to towers, the air again passes through a set of turning Vanes (or
achieve the optimum airflow velocity through the flight Simply a duct with a 90 degree turn if no vanes are used) that
chamber. redirects the air from a Substantially vertical to a Substan
0056 Next above the perforated section is the primary tially horizontal path. The air then enters the bottom plenum
divergent diffuser. The primary diffuser diverges at approxi which may also act as a divergent diffuser expanding the air
mately 3.5 to 5 degrees from the major axis providing a as much as possible without causing flow Separation. At the
“equivalent cone angle' of 7 to 10 degrees. The increasing end or the (or downstream) end of the bottom plenum, the
croSS-Sectional area reduces the Velocity of the airflow from air again passes through a set of turning Vanes (or simply a
the flight chamber to the fans. Above (or downstream of) the duct with a 90 degree turn if no vanes are used) that redirects
primary diffuser is the upper plenum which may include the the air from a Substantially horizontal to a Substantially
first Set of high efficiency turning Vanes. In a Single return vertical path. In a multiple return system, the flows will be
System these turning Vanes (or simply the plenum if no vanes re-joined at this point.
are used) redirect the airflow from substantially vertical to 0061 The air then passes into the inlet contractor. This
Substantially horizontal. In a multiple return System, these trumpet-shaped or bell-shaped device quickly reduces the
Vanes (or simply the plenum if no vanes are used) split the flow area and accelerates the air to its maximum speed just
air into to basically equal flows and turn each flow from ahead of the flight chamber. Here again aerodynamic laws
substantially vertical to substantially horizontal. govern how quickly one can reduce this flow area without
0057 The airflow then passes through the inlet ducts and degrading the quality of that flow.
into the fans. The fan inlet duct transitions the flow from
roughly Square or rectangular to roughly round. In the BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
preferred embodiment, the fan inlet ducts act as diffusers 0062 FIG. 1 is a top perspective view of a single return
expanding the flow area as much as possible without creat Simulator.
ing flow Separation. The fans are preferably high-efficiency
axial flow fans, although any fan adapted for use in a wind 0063 FIG. 2 is a cutaway view of the FIG. 1 embodi
tunnel is acceptable. In the preferred embodiment, the fans ment.
contain a bullet-shaped noSecone and a teardrop-shaped 0064 FIG. 3 is a top perspective view of the flight
tailcone. In the preferred embodiment, the fan casings act as chamber of FIG. 1.
diffusers and are sized Such that, after taking into account the
area in the center of the fan obscured by the noSecone, fan 0065 FIG. 4 is a top plan view of an oval outlet,
centerbody and tailcone, the net flow area through the fans rectangular inlet airflow contractor.
increases as much as possible without creating flow Sepa 0066 FIG. 5 is a schematic view of an oval/polygon
ration. The velocity of the airflow through the invention is shaped outlet of an airflow contractor.
controlled by either changing the pitch of the fans or by
changing the rotational Speed of the fans. 0067 FIG. 6 is a schematic view of an oval outlet airflow
0.058. The airflow passes through the fans and into the
exit ducts which also transition from roughly round to 0068 FIG. 7 is a schematic view of an oval viewing area.
roughly Square or rectangular. In the preferred embodiment, 0069 FIG. 8 is a top perspective view of a double airlock
the exit ducts are act as diffusers expanding the airflow as Staging area.
much as possible without creating flow Separation. The
airflow travels through a Set of exit ducts to the Second Set 0070 FIG. 9 is a schematic view of a temperature
of high-efficiency turning Vanes (if used) which turn the air regulator.
from substantially horizontal to substantially vertical. 0071 FIG. 10 is a side, cutaway view of the temperature
0059) The airflow then enters the return air ducts. In the regulator of FIG. 9.
preferred embodiment, these return air ducts are also shaped 0072 FIG. 11 is a top perspective view of deflectors on
as divergent diffusers expanding the airflow as much as flight chamber entrance doors.
possible without creating flow Separation. In the preferred
embodiment, each return air duct has an air exchange 0073 FIG. 12 is a close up view of a deflector.
US 2006/0025227 A1 Feb. 2, 2006

0074) FIG. 13 is a side cutaway view of a fan and the flight chamber 10 could be isolated from the flight
housing. chamber to reduce noise near the flight chamber 10.
0075 FIG. 14 is a side cutaway view of two fans and 0093 Most prior art flight chambers provide for parallel
housings mounted divergent from a centerline therebetween. walls in the flight chamber So that experienced fliers can
0076 FIG. 15 is a top perspective view of a two return practice maneuvers at a constant wind Velocity perhaps at
Simulator. around 140 miles per hour. Simulator 1 has a “Zero height'
flight chamber along elevation 11. Elevation 11 is the line
0077 FIG. 16 is a cutaway view of the FIG. 15 embodi which joins the airflow contractor 9 to the airflow diffuser
ment. 10, wherein the diffuser 10 has diverging walls 20.2122,
etc., and the diffuser 10 also serves as the flight chamber 10.
0078 FIG. 17 is a schematic view of a V footprint two
return Simulator. 0094) Nominally the air speed at line 11 is at about 140
mph, the maximum speed in the Simulator. AS the flier goes
007.9 FIG. 18 is a schematic view of a V footprint two higher in the flight chamber 10 to the top of the flight
return Simulator in a mall. chamber 10 to junction 110, the air speed drops, perhaps to
0080 FIG. 19 is a schematic view of a multi-simulator about 120 mph. Fliers can change their drag profiles from a
configuration in a building. maximum spread eagle position to a minimum human ball
position. Thus, if a flier ascends to the top of the flight
0081 FIG. 20 is a side perspective view of a mall type chamber 10 and then changes his drag to a human ball shape,
Viewing area for a simulator. he will fall downward. The diffuser shape of the flight
0082 FIG. 21 is a schematic view of a dual contractor chamber 10 will provide a self-braking system due to the
(one underground and horizontal) system. increasing airspeed with each incremental descent down into
the flight chamber 10. A safety net is provided a line 11.
0.083 FIG. 21A is a sectional view taken along lines
21A-21A of FIG. 21. 0.095 The diverter 2 meets the diffuser 10 at junction 110.
The air is diverted from a vertical path to a horizontal path
0084 FIG. 22 is a top perspective view of a cable floor. in the diverter 2. All the diverters 2,4,6,8 change the air
0085 FIG. 23 is a side perspective view of an anti-drag direction by about 90 degrees.
cable, first embodiment. 0096. The fan assembly 3 accelerates the air, perhaps
with two side-by-side fans. The basic dynamics in a return
0.086 FIG. 24 is a view of a second embodiment cable. air Simulator involve compromises in energy efficiency,
0087 FIG. 25 is view of a third embodiment cable. noise and size. In the Simplest design, one would attempt to
keep the airflow close to full speed for the entire loop
0088 FIG. 26 is a schematic view of a floor sensor/ through the simulator. However, the height would have to
shutoff system. rise, the noise would be enormous, and the heat from friction
0089 FIG. 27 is a top perspective view of a rounded in the plenums would be enormous. Therefore, for more
diffuser. efficient operation, it is necessary to Slow the air down
during its travel through the Simulator loop by enlarging the
0090 FIG.28 is a schematic view of a cruise ship having croSS-Sectional areas of the plenum to attain commercially
a water-cooled Simulator. acceptable levels of height h as well as noise, and simul
taneously attempt to use the least horsepower possible for
0.091 Before explaining the disclosed embodiment of the the fans.
present invention in detail, it is to be understood that the
invention is not limited in its application to the details of the 0097. The diverters 2,4,6,8 generally do not have diverg
particular arrangements shown, Since the invention is ing walls due to cost construction considerations. The fan
capable of other embodiments. Also, the terminology used housing Segment 300 and the fan Section 3 have diverging
herein is for the purpose of description and not of limitation. walls. The top plenum 30 has diverging walls. The Vertical
return plenum 5 has diverging walls. The bottom plenum 7
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED does not have diverging walls due to tradeoffs in cost
EMBODIMENT construction considerations. Bottom plenum 7 could have
diverging walls.
0092 Referring first to FIG. 1 a single return simulator
1 is shown, wherein height L is preferably in the range of 0098. The airflow contractor 9 has converging walls
about 50-120 feet. Some installations may bury all compo functioning to narrow the croSS-Sectional plenum area,
nents below a ground level of either G or G. The flight thereby accelerating the air to about 140 mph for flight
chamber 10 may be made entirely or partially with trans Simulation.
parent panels. If ground level is at G, then an opaque 0099] The air inlet 12 brings in ambient air to cool the
pedestal-type image formed in area d which may be about Simulator air.
Seven feet high. This embodiment in a mall creates an
eye-catching, live action human flight Studio in the flight 0100 Referring next to FIG. 2 a schematic representa
chamber 10. This design attracts new “fliers” who pay to tion of the internal workings of the Simulator 1 is shown.
experience simulated skydiving in flight chamber 10. Dotted Airflow is shown by the arrows F. Diverting vanes 200, 201,
line R represents a roof, wherein components above R can 202, 203 each change the airflow direction by 90 degrees.
be roof-mounted to reduce noise. Dotted line W represents Two fans 40,41 are schematically shown mounted horizon
a wall, wherein components beyond the wall Waway from tally side by side in their housing 3, refer to FIG. 13 for a
US 2006/0025227 A1 Feb. 2, 2006

perspective view, wherein right after the fans a plenum each return leg of the tunnels: an exhaust louver and an
diffuser 300 expands and slows the airflow. The diffusing intake louver. The exhaust and intake louvers are located and
continues in top plenum 30, and then in Vertical return oriented so that there is favorable interaction between them.
plenum 5, and finally through the flight chamber 10. This location is part of what is novel about this system.
0101 A passive temperature regulation System is pro 0108. The leading edge of the exhaust louver deflects into
vided by having air inlet 12 louver 120 face downstream. the tunnel and Scoops out the air from inside the tunnel. The
Additionally the air outlet 26 has a louver 260 that faces intake louver is located on the opposite tunnel wall from the
upstream. By mounting the inlet 12 about opposite outlet 26, exhaust louver. Its hinge line is designed to line up with the
a reducing nozzle is formed by louvers 120, 260, thereby leading edge of the exhaust louver at the design Setting. The
creating a decreased Static preSSure Zone V downstream trailing edge of the intake louver is deflected into the tunnel.
from the inlet 12. Therefore, ambient air is forced pas It is deflected to a greater extent than the exhaust louver to
sively drawn into the simulator 1 without the use of an cause the internal airflow Velocity to increase by creating
additional fan. nozzle N. This is the key. That increase in Velocity causes a
0102 Referring next to FIG. 3 the diffuser/flight cham decrease in the internal Static pressure (Bernoulli’s law). The
ber 10 is in the shape of a polygon (octagon) as seen by the lower internal static pressure (below atmospheric) actually
base B. Base B is covered by a safety net. The walls 20.21,22 SuckS air into the inlet. As a minimum, the intake louver has
etc. diverge at an optimal aerodynamic angle in the range of the same chord or length as the exhaust louver. In Some wind
about 7-12 degrees from each other. The top of the flight tunnel configurations it is desirable that the intake louver
chamber 10 is seen as a rectangle at arrow 110. All or some have a greater length or chord than the exhaust louver to
of the walls 20.2122 etc. may be transparent. reduce the deflection required.
0103) Referring next to FIG. 4 an airflow contractor 400 0109 Traditional wind tunnel air exchangers either have
has the preferred design of a rectangular inlet 401 and an the exhaust and intake in Separate Sections of the wind
oval outlet 402. Transition walls 403 contract the airflow tunnel, or if they are in the same part of the wind tunnel there
is not favorable interaction between the two louvers to cause
from the inlet 401 to the outlet 402. Preferably the height h, this desired drop in the internal Static pressure. Other designs
FIG. 2, which is sometimes buried underground equals have employed a Screen or Some other drag-producing
length d. This combination of shape and dimensions form device downstream of the exhaust and upstream of the
a cost-effective balance for a relatively low height, and intake to achieve a drop in internal Static pressure in order
commercially viable simulator 1. to cause the outside air to enter the tunnel. While this works,
0104 Referring next to FIGS. 5,6,7 the term “oval outlet” it is very inefficient. This results in unnecessary loSS in total
airflow contractor covers any oval-like shape Such as poly preSSure and the attendant loSS in tunnel performance. Often
gon oval outlet 500 and perfectly oval outlet 600. The there is additional ducting required to control the internal
oval-like shape provides for a larger viewing area 700 Static preSSure which increases the construction cost. The
compared to a round outlet having the same cross-sectional present invention avoids these problems and achieves the
area. Area 701 includes a staging and entry area. The flight desired air exchange with the lowest power loSS.
chamber bottom B1 could be in a mall with expensive retail 0110 Referring next to FIGS. 11, 12 a deflector 1100 is
space, wherein the larger viewing area 700 has considerable placed along the bottom edge of a flier entrance 1101,1102
commercial value.
in order to reduce airflow from the flight chamber into the
0105 Referring next to FIG. 8 a two-stage staging cham room 802 and thereby minimize cavity resonance in room
ber 800 consists of a flight chamber bottom B2 with a flight 802. The deflector 1100 has an angled leading edge 1103.
chamber wall 809 having windows 810 and flier entrances The leading edge 1103 inclines into the flight chamber 10 in
806.807. Entrances 806.807 can be doorless or with hinged a downstream direction. The flight chamber 10 could be
doors or with sliding doors. So long as doors 801,805 are round instead of a polygon as shown. Optionally a deflector
closed the fans do not have to be shut down to allow fliers 1196 could be mounted at the top of the door, wherein it
to enter/leave the flight chamber 10. Ambient pressure is bends inward into the Staging area from the flight chamber.
shown as A. Doors 801,805 open from ambient A to first 0111 Referring next to FIGS. 13, 14 the fans 40,41 of
staging room 802 and second staging room 804. Door 803 FIG. 2 are shown in their preferred design. They are
Separates the Staging rooms 802,804. In operation a group of oriented Slightly away from each other relative to a center
fliers could enter room 804 while door 803 is closed, then line as shown. The fan planes P41,P42 are canted down
door 805 is closed. Then the fliers would enter room 802
with doors 801,805 closed. Flier entrances 806,807 are used. Stream forming acute angle P43. The fan cowling (fan can)
1300 has diverging walls 1302 after the segment next to the
0106 Referring next to FIGS. 9,10 the temperature regu blade 1301. Nominally W1 may be 103 inches, and W2 may
lating system 1000 consists of a plenum 5 having an airflow be 122 inches. A Staggering of the fans can help place the
F. The outlet 26 is located opposite the inlet 12, but slightly two fan cans 1300 closer together such as by moving the
upstream at a distance d11 chosen by design parameters. front 149 of fan 41 to dotted line 1499. This reduces the
Preferably louvers 120,260 are controllable from a control distance between the two columns of air from the fans which
room to vary the air exchange from ambient Ato the plenum reduces the length of the return plenum and the height. Blade
5. Inlet air volume I must approximate outlet air volume 0. 1301 could be forward.
The decrease in internal static pressure V is formed by 0112 Referring next to FIGS. 15,16 a dual return simu
contracting and accelerating the air at nozzle N. lator 1500 is shown. Functional equivalent components to
0107 The air exchange system used for closed-circuit the Single return Simulator 1 are given like numbers, wherein
wind tunnels disclosed herein consist of two large louvers in no further description is needed.
US 2006/0025227 A1 Feb. 2, 2006

0113. In this particular embodiment, the flight chamber cm) grid. Both ends of the cable are run through a com
1503 has parallel walls rather than diverging walls in order pression spring. One hundred-twenty two (122) cables make
to provide a relatively constant airflow therein. Above the up the tunnel floor.
flight chamber 1503 is a diffuser 1504 which connects to a 0122) The compression of the Springs is adjusted to give
double diverter 1505. Double diverter 1505 has two divert
ing vanes 1507,1508. Fan ductwork 1521 supports the fans the proper “bounce to the floor providing increased Safety
40,41. Top diffusers 1520 connect to the diverters 2.4 as should a flyer become unstable and fall to the cable floor.
shown. A left and a right vertical return plenum 5 each has Tunnel Viewing Walls
a temperature regulator system 1000.
0114. The bottom plenums 7 each connect to a double 0123 There are 11 large 14" (31 mm) acrylic panels
diverter 1501. Double diverter 1501 has two diverting vanes which allow the controller, flyers and spectators in the
1505,1506. An airflow contractor 1502 accelerates the air
Staging/viewing area to See the activity in the flight chamber
flow into the flight chamber 1503. A larger flight chamber and flight deck.
1503 can be supported with the four fans shown as compared 0.124. There is a large acrylic panel that allows spectators
to the two-fan embodiment of FIG. 2. to see inside the control room. FIGS. 23.24.25 offer indi
0115 Referring next to FIG. 17 a dual return simulator vidual cable designs which could form mesh net 2201. Basic
1700 has a flight chamber 1701 with flier 1704 therein. The aerodynamics teaches that a wing-type profile reduces drag
air return components 1702,1703 are shown with this top as opposed to a blunt or flat profile. Cable 2300 has a
standard twisted element core 2301 with an external helical
plan view to form a V configuration (angle 1705 is an acute wrap 2302.
angle) extending from the flight chamber 1701. One use for
this simulator 1700 is in a public pedestrian walkway PW as 0125 Cable 2400 has a modified twisted element core
shown, a viewing area VAjuts into the pedestrian walkway 2401 with a single helical element 2402 missing.
PW, while the components 1702,1703 are soundproofed and 0126 Cable 2500 has a modified twisted core 2501 with
hidden by wall W. As noted above, the fans and related double helical elements 2502 missing.
ductwork may be mounted on the roof.
0116 Referring next to FIG. 18 another V shaped simu 0127. Referring next to FIG. 26 a flight chamber 10 has
lator 1800 is set in a different mall environment. The a flier sensor 2600 that uses energy waves 2601 (light, radio,
pedestrian walkway PW has expensive retail Store space Sound, UV, etc.) to detect a flier moving too high into the
along area 1805. Less expensive mall space 1899 may have flight chamber 10. A controller 2602 may consist of simple
Storage areas and could house return air components 1801, on/off output logic, or current modulator or the like to
1802. An outside wall WOUT locates the return air compo temporarily reduce the airflow to drop the flier lower into the
nents 1803,1804 outside as shown. flight chamber. An emergency ambient door 2604 could also
be opened by the controller 2602. A mesh net 2605 may also
0117 Referring next to FIG. 19 a wall W creates an be used to prevent fliers from traveling too high.
enclosed area designated as PUBLIC. Possible configura
tions of simulators 1 and 1500 are shown. Flying humans 0128 Referring next to FIG. 27 another diffuser 2700
1704 could create an exciting indoor amusement area des might also serve as a flight chamber. The walls 2701 could
ignated as PUBLIC. be three-inch acrylic panels. The oval outlet 2702 has curved
0118 Referring next to FIG. 20 an artist's rendering of
the simulator 1 of FIG. 1 is shown, wherein a mall 2000 has 0129 Referring next to FIG. 28 a ship 2850 has a
a pedestrian walkway PW. The term “mall herein includes simulator 2801 with a seawater cooling system 2800. A
a high-people density entertainment venue including amuse seawater inlet 2851 feeds a heat exchanger 2853 in the
ment parks, theatre complexes, family entertainment cen simulator via a flow controller 2852. An air temperature
ters, and college campuses. Ground level G. forms pedestal sensor 2854 communicates to a temperature controller 2802
area di So that the public looks up into the transparent flight to keep the air temperature at a Set point by controlling the
chamber 10. A ticketing area 2001 could blend in with other flow controller 2852.
retail store fronts. Walls W and the ground G. Screen 0.130. Although the present invention has been described
components 5,6,7,8 are shown in dots. with reference to preferred embodiments, numerous modi
0119 Referring next to FIGS. 21 and 21A, a two-stage fications and variations can be made and Still the result will
airflow contractor is shown. A first Stage contractor 2111 is come within the scope of the invention. No limitation with
horizontal and feeds diverter 8. The Second Stage contractor respect to the Specific embodiments disclosed herein is
2112 is vertical and feeds the flight chamber 10. The intended or should be inferred. Each apparatus embodiment
simulator 2110 could bury the first stage contractor 2111 described herein has numerous equivalents.
underground. The result is leSS noise and less height for the
Second Stage contractor 2112. This invention can provide a We claim:
lower overall height for the simulator 2110. 1. A vertical wind tunnel Skydiving Simulator comprising:
0120 Referring next to FIG. 22 a staging area 2200 has a recirculating airflow plenum having a generally rectan
a flight chamber 2202 with a bottom B consisting of a mesh gular configuration;
net 2201.
a vertical flight chamber capable of floating at least one
Cable Floor human housed within a first vertical side member of the
0121 The floor of the flight chamber is a 3/32-17-strand generally rectangular configuration and located on an
stainless steel aircraft cable woven into a 2'x2' (60 cmx60 inlet Side of a fan assembly;
US 2006/0025227 A1 Feb. 2, 2006

Said fan assembly further comprising a plurality of fans 16. A vertical wind tunnel Skydiving Simulator compris
mounted horizontally in a top member of the generally ing:
rectangular configuration; a recirculating airflow plenum having a generally rectan
wherein the top member return duct, the first vertical side gular configuration with a central vertical member and
member, a Second Vertical Side member return duct of a first and a Second vertical return air plenum;
the generally rectangular configuration each have a
divergent wall Segment to expand a flow of recirculat a vertical flight chamber capable of floating at least one
ing air while maintaining a generally laminar airflow; human housed within the central vertical member;
and Said fan assembly further comprising a plurality of fans
wherein an uppermost part of the top member is no more mounted horizontally in a top member of the generally
about 50-120 feet above a lowest part of a bottom rectangular configuration;
member of the generally rectangular configuration.
2. The simulator of claim 1, wherein the flight chamber wherein the top member, the first and Second Vertical Side
further comprises a mechanical Safety net for a bottom and member, and the central vertical member each have a
a human Sensor associated with a top Segment, wherein the divergent wall Segment to expand a flow of recirculat
human Sensor connects to a controller which Slows the flow ing air while maintaining a generally laminar airflow;
of recirculating air when a human is Sensed near a top of the
flight chamber. wherein an uppermost part of the top member is no more
3. The simulator of claim 2, wherein the controller further than about 50-120 feet above a lowest part of a bottom
comprises a fan control means functioning to slow at least member of the generally rectangular configuration.
one fan. 17. The simulator of claim 16, wherein the flight chamber
4. The simulator of claim 3, wherein the fan control means further comprises a mechanical Safety net for a bottom and
further comprises a fan power control module to temporarily a human Sensor associated with a top Segment, wherein the
reduce a current flow to at least one fan. human Sensor connects to a controller which Slows the flow
5. The simulator of claim 1, wherein the vertical flight of recirculating air when a human is Sensed near a top of the
chamber further comprises divergent walls to decrease an flight chamber.
airflow rate therethrough. 18. The simulator of claim 17, wherein the controller
6. The Simulator of claim 1 further comprising a tempera further comprises a fan control means functioning to slow at
ture regulator having an air inlet louver located at an least one fan.
opposite opposing Side of an air outlet louver in a duct 19. The simulator of claim 18, wherein the fan control
member from an air outlet louver, wherein an acceleration means further comprises a fan power control module to
nozzle is formed by the louvers, thereby creating a decreased temporarily reduce a current flow to at least one fan.
Static pressure Zone and pulling outside air into the air inlet. 20. The simulator of claim 16, wherein the vertical flight
7. The simulator of claim 1, wherein each fan assembly chamber further comprises divergent walls to decrease an
further comprises a housing having divergent walls to airflow rate therethrough.
decrease an airflow rate therethrough. 21. The simulator of claim 16 further comprising a
8. The simulator of claim 1, wherein the vertical flight temperature regulator having an air inlet louver located
chamber further comprises a staging area with multiple opposite an air outlet louver in a duct member, wherein an
chamber means functioning to enable ingreSS and egreSS acceleration nozzle is formed by the louvers, thereby pulling
from the Vertical flight chamber while maintaining an oper outside air into the air inlet louver.
able for flight airflow through the flight chamber. 22. The simulator of claim 16, wherein each fan assembly
9. The simulator of claim 5, wherein the first vertical further comprises a housing having divergent walls to
chamber further comprises an oval horizontal croSS-Sec decrease an airflow rate therethrough.
tional shape. 23. The simulator of claim 16, wherein the vertical flight
10. The simulator of claim 1, wherein each fan is mounted chamber further comprises a staging area with multiple
in a non-parallel fashion to an adjacent fan and away from chamber means functioning to enable ingreSS and egreSS
a centerline therebetween.
11. The simulator of claim 1, wherein the flight chamber from the Vertical flight chamber while maintaining an oper
has an entry door with a deflector at its downstream bottom able for flight airflow through the flight chamber.
edge. 24. The simulator of claim 16, wherein the flight chamber
12. The simulator of claim 1, wherein the bottom member further comprises an oval horizontal cross-sectional shape.
is buried underground, thereby forming a mounting height 25. The simulator of claim 16, wherein each fan is
above a ground level for the flight chamber at or above the mounted in a non-parallel fashion to an adjacent fan and
ground level. away from a centerline therebetween.
13. The simulator of claim 1 wherein an inlet to the first 26. The simulator of claim 16, wherein the flight chamber
Vertical Side member has the same dimensions as a croSS has an entry door with a deflector at its downstream bottom
Sectional Segment of the bottom member. edge.
14. The Simulator of claim 1, wherein the uppermost part 27. The simulator of claim 16, wherein the bottom mem
of the top member is no more than about 50-60 feet above ber is buried underground, thereby forming a mounting
the lowest part of the bottom member. height above a ground level for the flight chamber at or
15. The simulator of claim 6, wherein the outlet louver above the ground level.
faces upstream inside the duct member, and the inlet louver 28. The simulator of claim 16, wherein an inlet to the
faces downstream inside the duct member, thereby forming central vertical member has the same dimensions as a
the acceleration nozzle. croSS-Sectional Segment of the bottom member.
US 2006/0025227 A1 Feb. 2, 2006

29. The simulator of claim 16, wherein the uppermost part wherein two return plenums form a V shape with their
of the top member is no more than about 50-60 feet above connecting plenums to the flight chamber.
the lowest part of the bottom member. 33. A flight simulator comprising:
30. The simulator of claim 21, wherein the outlet louver
faces upstream inside the duct member, and the inlet louver a vertical wind tunnel flight chamber;
faces upstream in the duct member, thereby forming the a return air plenum System having at least a two-stage
acceleration nozzle.
31. A vertical wind tunnel Skydiving Simulator compris airflow contraction assembly;
Ing: wherein a first Stage contraction member is horizontally
a recirculating airflow plenum; mounted along a bottom plenum; and
a fan assembly to provide an airflow for human flight in a Second Stage construction member is vertically mounted
a vertical flight chamber; under the flight chamber.
34. An anti-drag mesh comprising:
a portion of Said airflow plenum further comprising
divergent walls to expand and Slow the airflow; a cable having an exterior helical winding.
Said airflow plenum further comprising a temperature 35. An anti-drag mesh comprising:
regulator, a cable having at least one missing helical Strand.
Said temperature regulator further comprising an inlet 36. A public entertainment System comprising:
louver mounted about opposite an outlet louver in a
common Segment of the plenum, Said outlet louver a vertical wind tunnel having a human flight chamber
having a door facing inward and upstream in the which has a transparent Section enabling a viewing of
common Segment of the plenum, Said inlet louver a flier in flight therein;
facing inward and downstream in the common Seg Said flight chamber mounted at or near a ground level,
ment; and thereby enabling passers-by to view the flier in flight;
wherein the doors form an internal narrowing of the Said flight chamber mounted proximate to a public walk
common Segment of the plenum, thereby forming a
decreased Static pressure Zone which draws air into the way; and
inlet louver. wherein Said vertical wind tunnel has at least one machin
32. A flight Simulator comprising: ery component Segregated from the public walkway.
a vertical wind tunnel flight chamber; at least two vertical
return plenums, and

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