JEE Class Companion Physics: Module-9

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JEE Class Companion

For JEE Main and Advanced




Chapter_3 EMI

Chapter_4 Alternating Current

Chapter_1 - Capacitance 1.1 Charging and Discharging Capacitor 1.20

Section A - Capacitance Calculation Charging of a Condenser 1.20

(Sphere, Cylinderical, Parallel plate), Discharging of a Condenser 1.24

Sharing of Charge, Combination of Capacitor Force Between the Plates of a

Introduction 1.1 Capacitor 1.26

Capacitance of an Isolated Capacitors with Dielectric 1.26

Conductor 1.1 Introduction of a Dielectric Slab of

Definition of Capacitance 1.1 Dielectric

Important Point About the Capacitance Constant K Between the Plates 1.27

of an Isolated Conductor 1.1 Exercise 1.33

Capacitance of an Isolated Answer Key 1.58

Spherical Conductor 1.1

Capacitor 1.2 Chapter_2 - Magnetism 2.1

Parallel Plate Capacitor 1.2 Section A - Magnetic field due to a straight wire,
Cylindrical Capacitor 1.3 Circular Loop, Circular Arc
Spherical Capacitor 1.3 The Magnetic Field 2.1
Energy Stored in a Charged Capacitor 1.3 Biot-Savart Law 2.1
Energy Density of a Charged Field due to a straight current
Capacitor 1.4 carrying wire 2.2
Calculation of Capacitance 1.4 When the wire is of finite length 2.2
Heat Generated 1.4 Magnetic field at an axial point of a
Distribution of Charges on Connecting circular coil 2.5
Two Charged Capacitors 1.5 Field at the centre of a current
Section B - Circuit Problems (Switch, Energy etc.) ARC 2.6
Capacitor Circuits 1.7
Section B - Magnetic Field due to Cylinder, Large
Combintion of Capacitors 1.9
Sheet, Solenoid, Toriod 2.8
Series Combination 1.9
Solenoid 2.8
Parallel Combination 1.11
Magnetic Lines and Their Characteristics 2.9
Mixed Combination 1.12

Series-Parallel 1.13 Section C - Ampere Law 2.10

Ladder Problems 1.14 Ampere’s law 2.10
Symmetric Circuits 1.14 Uses of Amepere’s current law 2.11
Section C,D - Dielectric, R-C Circuit Hollow current carrying infinitely

Circuit Solution for R-C Circuit at T = 0 long cylinde 2.12

(Initial State) And T = ¥ (final State) 1.18 Solid infinite current carrying cylinder 2.12
Magnetic field inside a long solenoid 2.14 Magnet in an external uniform

Toroid 2.15 magnetic field 2.32

Infinite Current Carrying sheet 2.15 Magnet in an External Nonuniform

Magnetic field 2.33

Section D - Magnetic Force on Charge and
Terrestrial Magnetism 2.34
Current Carrying Wire 2.16
Elements of the Earth’s Magnetic
Magnetic force on moving charge 2.16
Field 2.34
Difference between magnetic force
Moving-coil galvanometer 2.34
and electric force 2.16
Tangent law 2.35
Motion of a charged particle in a
Tangent galvanometer 2.35
uniform magnetic field 2.16
Oscillation magnetometer 2.36
When the charged particle is given
Some terms related to magnetism 2.37
velocity perpendicular to the field 2.16
Magnetic behaviour of atom 2.38
When the charged particle is moving at an
Molecular / atomic theory of
angle to the field 2.19
magnetization 2.39
Motion of a charged particle in combined
hysteresis 2.39
electric and magnetic field 2.20
Curie law 2.40
Magnetic force on A current carrying
Exercise 2.41
wire 2.23
Answer Key 2.77
Point of application of magnetic force 2.24
Force between two long straight parallel

current carrying conductors 2.24 Chapter_3 -

Electromagnetic Induction 3.1
Section E - Torque on a Current Carrying Loop

and Magnetic Dipole Moment, Moving Coil

Galvanometer 2.27 Section A -

Current loop in a uniform magnetic field 2.27 Flux, Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law 3.1
Magnetic flux 3.1
Magnetic moment 2.27
Faraday's law of electromagnetic
Torque on a current loop 2.27
induction 3.1
Work done in rotating a current loop 2.28
Lenz's law 3.2
Section F - Magnetic Field due to Bar magnet
Calculation of Induced EMF 3.3
and Earth Magnet, Para - Dia - Ferro 2.29
By changing the magnetic field 3.3
Magnet 2.29
By changing the area 3.5
Pole strength, magnetic dipole and
Section B - EMF induced in Moving Rod, Rotating
magnetic dipole moment 2.29
Ring, Disc. 3.6
Magnetic field and strength of
magnetic field 2.29 Motional Emf 3.6

Induced e.m.f due to rotation 3.11

By Changing The Angle 3.12 Chapter_4 - Alternating Current
Induced electric field due to a time Section A - Average and RMS value of Alternating
varying magnetic field 3.13 Current 4.1

Section C - Self Induction, Mutual Induction

Self induction 3.14 Alternating Current 4.1

Self Inductance of solenoid 3.15 Average and Rms Value of Alternating

Inductor 3.15 Current 4.2
Energy stored in an inductor 3.16 Average current (Mean current) 4.2
Mutual inductance 3.17
R.M.S Value of alternating current 4.3

Section D - L-R circuit, L-C Oscillations Section B - AC circuit only R, Only L,

L.R. Circuit 3.18 Only C, Combined 4.4

Growth and decay of current in L-R Series Ac Circuit 4.4

circuit 3.19 When only Resistance is
Growth of Current 3.19 in an AC circuit 4.4
Decay of Current 3.20
When only Inductor is in An AC circuit 4.4
Series Combination of Inductors 3.22
When only Capacitor is in An AC circuit 4.5
Series L-R Circuit 4.6
Section E -
Series C-R Circuit 4.7
Induced, Properties of EM Waves basic
L.C. circuit 4.8
equations of electricity and magnetism 3.22

Faradays law for time varying magnetic Series L-C-R Circuit 4.9

field 3.22 Section C - Power in an AC circuit, Resonance,

Concept of displacement current Quality Factor 4.12

(Modified Ampere's law) 3.23 Power In An Ac Circuit 4.12

Final form of maxwell's equation 3.23 Resonant Frequency 4.12
Transverse nature of electro magnetic Sharpness of Resonance (Q - Factor) 4.13
wave and its properties 3.23
Choke Coil 4.14
Electromagnetic waves 3.23
Oscillations In L-C Circuit 4.15
Transverse nature of electromagnetic
Section D - Transformer, AC Generator 4.16
waves 3.24
Transformer 4.16
Poynting vector (derivation and
Exercise 4.19
required) 3.24
Anser Key 4.32
energy density and intensity 3.24

electromagnetic spectrum 3.25

Exercise 3.26

Answer Key 3.51


• Capacitance
Capacitance; Parallel plate capacitor with and without dielectrics; Capacitors in series and parallel;

Energy stored in a capacitor.

• Magnetism

Biot-Savart law and Ampere’s law, magnetic field near a current-carrying straight wire, along the

axis of a circular coil and inside a long straight solenoid; Force on a moving charge and on a

current-carrying wire in a uniform magnetic field.

Magnetic moment of a current loop; Effect of a uniform magnetic field on a current loop; Moving

coil galvanometer.

• Electromagnetic Induction

Electromagnetic induction: Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law; Self and mutual inductance.

• Alternating Current

RC, LR and LC circuits with DC and AC source.

Capacitance 1.1

Section A - Capacitance Calculation 1Coulomb

(Sphere, Cylinderical, Parallel 1 Farad = 1 Volt
plate), Sharing of Charge,
Combination of Capacitor 1 F = 10–6 F, 1nF = 10–9 F or 1 pF = 10–12 F
1. INTRODUCTION • Capacitance of an isolated conductor depends
A capacitor can store energy in the form of potential on following factors :
energy in an electric field. In this chapter we'll (a) Shape and size of the conductor:
discuss the capacity of conductors to hold charge
On increasing the size, capacitance increase.
and energy.
(b) On surrounding medium :
1.1 Capacitance of an isolated conductor With increase in dielectric constant K,
When a conductor is charged its potential increases. capacitance increases.
It is found that for an isolated conductor (conductor
should be of finite dimension, so that potential of (c) Presence of other conductors:
infinity can be assumed to be zero) potential of the When a neutral conductor is placed near a
conductor is proportional to charge given to it. charged conductor capacitance of conductors
q increases.

Isolated conductor
• Capacitance of a conductor does not depend on
(a) Charge on the conductor
(b) Potential of the conductor
(c) Potential energy of the conductor.
q = charge on conductor
V = potential of conductor
qV  q = CV 1.4 Capacitance of an isolated Spheical
Where C is proportionally constant called Conductor.
capacitance of the conductor. EXAMPLE 01

1.2 Definition of capacitance : Find out the capacitance of an isolated spherical

Capacitance of conductor is defined as charge conductor of radius R.
required to increase the potential of conductor by Sol. Let there is charge Q on sphere.
one unit.
 Potential V 
1.3 Important point about the capacitance R
of an isolated conductor:
Hence by formula : Q = CV
• It is a scalar quantity.
• Unit of capacitance is farad in SI unis and its CKQ
dimensional formula is M–1L–2I2T4 Q
• 1 Farad : 1 Farad is the capacitance of a conductor for
which 1 coulomb charge increases potential by 1 volt. C = 40R

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1.2 Theory and Exercise Book

(i) If the medium around the conductor is vacuum or 2.1 Parallel Plate Capacitor
air : Two metallic parallel plates of any shape but of same
Cvacuum = 40R size and separated by small distance constitute
R = Radius of spherical conductor. (may be solid or parallel plate capacitor. Suppose the area of each
plate is A and the separation between the two plates
is d. Also assume that the space between the plates
(ii) If the medium around the conductor is a dielectric contains vacuum.
of constant K from surface of sphere to infinity
We put a charge q on one plate and a charge –q on
the other. This can be done either by connecting
Cmedium = 40KR one plate with the positive terminal and the other
with negative plate of a battery (as shown in figure
Cmedium a) or by connecting one plate to the earth and by
(iii)  K = dielectric constant.
Cair / vaccum giving a charge +q to the other plate only. This charge
will induce a charge – q on the earthed plate. The
charges will appear on the facing surfaces. The
charges density on each of these surfaces has a
A capacitor or condenser consists of two conductors magnitude  = q/A.
separated by an insulator or dielectric.
(i) When uncharged conductor is brought near to a
charged conductor, the charge on conductors
remains same but its potential dcreases resulting in
the increase of capacitance.
(ii) In capacitor two conductors have equal but opposite
(iii) The conductors are called the plates of the capacitor.
The name of the capacitor depends on the shape of
the capacitor.
If the plates are large as compard to the separation
(iv) Formulae related with capacitors: between them, then the electric field between the
(a) Q = CV plates (at point B) is uniform and perpendicular to
the plates except for a small region near the edge.
Q QA QB The magnitude of this uniform field E may be
 C  
V VA – VB VB – VA calculated by using the fact that both positive and
negative plates produce the electric field in the same
Q = Charge of positive plate of capacitor.
direction (from positive plate towards negative plate)
V = Potential difference between positive and of magnitude /20 and therefore, the net electric
negative plates of capacitor field between the plates will be,
C = Capacitance of capacitor.
  
(v) The capacitor is represented as following : E  
2 0 2 0  0
, Outside the plates (at point A and C) the field due
(vi) Based on shape and arrangement of capacitor plates to positive sheet of charge and negative sheet of
there are various types of capacitors: charge are in opposite directions. Therefore, net
field at these points is zero.
(a) Parallel plate capacitor
The potential difference between the plates is,
(b) Spherical capacitor.
(c) Cylindrical capacitor  qd
 V  E.d    d 

 0 A 0
(v) Capacitance of a capacitor depends on
(a) Area of plates.  The capacitance of the parallel plate capacitor is,
(b) Distance between the plates. q A 0 0 A
C  or C
(c) Dielectric medium between the plates. V d d

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Capacitance 1.3

2.2 Cylindrical Capacitor EXAMPLE 02

Cylindrical capacitor consists of two co-axial
Find capacitance of the given system.
cylinders of radii a and b and length l. If a charge q
is given to the inner cylinder, induced change –q 2Q Q
will reach the inner surface of the outer cylinder.
By symmetry, the electric field in region between
the cylinders is radially outwards. A=Area
By Gauss’s theorem, the electric field at a distance
r from the axis of the cylinder is given by
1 q
E Sol. Arranging charges
2 0l r
The potential difference between the cylinders is    Q
given by  E   
2 0 2 0 0 2A0
  1
dr q  a
V    E dr   q   In 
2 0l b r 2 0l  b Qd
Now, V = Ed = 2A 3Q Q Q 3Q
2 2 2 2
A Q / 2 A 0
 C 
– + + –B V d
– + + –
– + + –
– –
+ + –
– a +
– + + –
– + + – – q –q
– – Q –Q


q 2 0l
or, C  
V  a
 In  initially Finally middle state
 b
Work has to be done in charging a conductor against
2.3 Spherical Capacitor the force of repulsion by the already existing
A spherical capacitor consists of two concentric charges on it. The work is stored as a potential
spheres of radii a and b as shown. The inner sphere energy in the electric field of the conductor. Suppose
is positively charged to potential V and outer sphere a conductor of capacity C is charged to a potential
is at zero potential. V0 and let q0 be the charge on the conductor at this
The inner surface of the outer sphere has an equal instant. The potential of the conductor when (during
negative charge. charging) the charge on it was q (< q0) is,
The potential difference between the spheres is
Q Q – – C
V – –
40a 40 b +
+ + Now, work done in bringing a small charge dq at

Hence, capacitance + b + this potential is,

+ +

Q 4 0ab + a +
C – + q
V (b  a) –
– dW  Vdq    dq
 C

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1.4 Theory and Exercise Book

 total work done in charging it from 0 to q0 is, 3.3 Heat Generated :

(1) Work done by battery
q0 q0
q 1 q 20 W = QV
W   dW   dq 
0 0
C 2 C Q = charge flow in the battery
This work is stored as the potential energy, V = EMF of battery
(2) W = +Ve (When Battery discharging)
1 q 20 W = –Ve (When Battery charging)
 U
2C (3)  Q = CV (C = equivalent capacitance)
Further by using q 0 = CV0 we can write this so W = CV × V = CV2
expression also as,
1 2
Now energy on the capacitor  CV
1 1 2
U CV02  q 0 V0
2 2  Energy dissipated in form of heat (due to resistance)
In general if a conductor of capacity C is charged H = Work done by battery – {final energy of
capacitor - initial energy of capacitor}
to a potential V by giving it a charge q, then

1 1 q2 1 EXAMPLE 03
U  CV2   qV
2 2C 2 At any time S1 switch is opened and S2 is closed
then find out heat generated in circuit.
3.1 En ergy Den sity of a Charged
Capacitor V
This energy is localized on the charges or the plates
but is distributed in the field. Since in case of a S1
parallel plate capacitor, the electric field is only
between the plates, i.e., in a volume (A × d), the
energy density

1 2V
U CV 2 1  A V2
2  0 
UE   
volume A  d 2  d  Ad
initially finally
1  V 1  v 
or U E  0    0 E 2  d  E  Sol.
2 d 2 + – + –

3.2 Calculation of Capacitance

V 2V
The method for the calculation of capacitance
involves integration of the electric field between two Charge flow through battery = Qf – Qi
conductors or the plates which are just equipotential = 2CV – CV = CV
surfaces to obtain the potential difference Vab. Thus,
1 1 
a   H = (CV × 2V) –  C(2V)2  CV 2 
2 2 
Vab  –  E.dr
 1 
 2CV 2   2CV 2  CV 2 
 2 
q q
 C  a  
Vab 1
–  E.dr H CV 2

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Capacitance 1.5


(a) Find the final charge on each capacitor if they CONNECTING TWO CHARGED
are connected as shown in the figure. CAPACITORS :
When two capacitors C1 and C2 are connected as
shown in figure
+ +
20V 5F 2F 5V
– – +Q1 –Q1  Q1' – Q1'
C1 C1
Sol. Initially
0c 0c +Q2 –Q2  Q'2 – Q'2
C2 C2
+ 100C + 10C
C3 C2 Initially Finally
– 100C – 10C

Before connecting the capacitors

Finally let q charge flows clockwise then
Now applying KVL
Parameter Ist Capacitor IInd Capacitor
q (10  q) (100  q)
  0
Capacitance C1 C2
C1 C2 C3
Charge Q1 Q2
+q –q

Potential V1 V2
+ (100  q) C + (10  q) C

– (100  q) C – (10  q) C
After connecting the capacitors
st nd
Parameter I Capacitor II Capacitor
q 10  q 100  q
   0 Capacitance C1 C2
2 2 5
5q + 50 + 5q – 200 + 2q = 0 Charge Q1' Q '2
12 q – 150 = 0 Potential V1 V2
75 / 6 C
+ –
 q C (a) Common potential :
6 C1
525 + + C
C C3 C2 6 By charge conservation on plates A and C before
so finally 6 – –
and after connection.
Q1 + Q2 = C1V + C2V

(b) Find heat loss in the above circuit. Q1  Q2 C1V1  C2 V2 Total ch arge
 V 
H = Energy [initially – finally] on capacitor C1  C2 C1  C2 = Total capaci tan ce

 1 1 
    5  (20) 2   2  (5) 2   C1
2 2  (b) Q1'  C1V  (Q1  Q 2 )
C1  C2
2 2 2
 1  525  1 1  75  1 1  135  1  
              10 6 J
 2  6  5 2  6  2 2  6  2   C2
Q '2  C 2 V  (Q1  Q 2 )
C1  C 2

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1.6 Theory and Exercise Book

(c) Heat loss during redistribution : when oppositely charged terminals are connected
1 C1C 2
H  U i – U f  (V1 – V2 ) 2  C1V + C2V = C1V1 – C2V2
2 C1  C2
The loss of energy is in the form of Joule heating in C1V1 – C 2 V2
the wire. C1  C2
• When plates of similar charges are connected
with each other (+with + and – with –) then 1 C1C2
put all values (Q1, Q2, V1, V2) with positive sign. H (V1  V2 ) 2
2 C1  C2
• When plates of opposite polarity are connected
with each other (+ with –) then take charge
and potential of one of the plate to be negative. EXAMPLE 05
Derivation of above formulae : Find out the following if A is connected with C and
V1 V2 B is connected with D.
+ – + – (i) How much charge flows in the circuit.
C1 C2 (ii) How much heat is produced in the circuit.

C1V 2F 3F

+ – + – D
A + – B
C1 20V 10V
V 0
C2 Sol. Let potential of B and D is zero and common potential
on capacitors is V, then at A and C it will be V.
+ – D
C C2V By charge conservation,
Let potential of B and D is zero and common 3V + 2V = 40 + 30
potential on capacitors is V, then at A and C it will
be V.
+ –
C1V + C2V = C1V1 + C2V2 Q1=2V
V 0
C V  C2 V2
V 1 1 + –
C1  C2
1 1 1
H  C1V12  C2 V22 – (C1  C 2 )V 2
2 2 2 5V = 70  V = 14 volt
1 1 1 (C1V1  C2 V2 ) 2 Charge flow = 40 – 28 = 12 C
= C1V12  C2 V22 –
2 2 2 (C1  C2 ) Now final charges on each plate is shown in the
1  C12 V12  C1C2 V12  C 2C1V22  C22 V22 – C12 V12 – C 2 V22 – 2C1C 2 V1V2 

2  C1  C 2 
 A B
+ –
28C – 28C
1 C1C2
 (V1 – V2 ) 2  12C 12C
2 C1  C2
+ –
1 C1C2 2
H = 2 C  C (V1 – V2 ) C 42C –42C D
1 2

1 1
A + – B (ii) Heat produced = × 2 × (20)2 + × 3 × (10)2
C1 2 2
V 0
C2 1
– × 5 × (14)2 = 400 + 150 – 490
D + –
= 550– 490 = 60 J

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Capacitance 1.7

• When capacitor plates are joined then the 30–q q–30 –q–30 30+q
charge remains conserved. + – – +
• We can also use direct formula of redistribution 1F 2F E
as given above.

–20+q 20–q
Repeat above question if A is connected with D – 2q = – 25
and B is connected with C. q = 12.5 C
Final charges on plates
17. 5C – 17.5C
Q1=2V –4C –
4C + – +
A B A B –42.5C 42.5C
V 0 36C 36C 12 .5 C

+ – D C
–7 .5C 7.5 C
D C 6C –6C – +

Sol. Let potential of B and C is zero and common potential Note

on capacitors is V, then at A and D it will be V
The student can now attempt section A from
2V + 3V = 10  V = 2 volt
Now charge on each plate is shown in the figure.

Heat produced = 400 + 150 – ×5×4
2 Section B - Circuit Problems (Switch, Energy etc.)
= 550 – 10 = 540 J
• Here heat produced is more. Think why ?
Find charge on each capacitor.
Three capacitors as shown of capacitance 1F, 2F
and 2F are charged upto potential difference 30 4F

2F 2F
V, 10 V and 15V respectively. If terminal A is
connected with D, C is connected with E and F is 20V 10V
connected with B. Then find out charge flow in the 5V 10V

circuit and find the final charges on capacitors.

Sol. Charge on C1 = C1V1 = 2 × (20 – 5)C
30V 10V
+ – + – = 30 C
A B C D Charge on C2 = C2V2 = 2 × (20 – (–10))C
1F 2F 20V
20V +
15V C
+ – + + – 3
– 10V
E F – –10
2F C1 C2
Sol. Let charge flow is q.
Now applying Kirchhoff's voltage low = 60 C
(q – 20) (30  q) 30 – q Charge on C3 = C3V3 = 4 × (20 – 10)C
– –  0
2 2 1 = 40 C

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1.8 Theory and Exercise Book

10V E 30V
Find charge on each capacitor. F + – × – + D
10V G –25V
2F 2F
4F 25V

10V 20V
Sol. Let potential at A is 0, so at D it is 30 V, at F it is 10 V
and at point G potential is –25V. Now apply Kirchhoff's
Sol. Charge on C1 = (x – 10) C1
Ist law at point E. (total charge of all the plates
Charge on C2 = (x – 0) C2 connected to 'E' must be same as before i.e. 0)
Charge on C3 = (x – 20) C3  (x – 10) + (x – 30) 2 + (x + 25) 2 = 0
Now from charge conservation at node x 5x = 20
x x
C1 C2 Final charges :
10V 20V
Q2F = (30 – 4) 2 = 52 C

(x – 10)C1 + (x – 0)C2 + (x – 20)C3 = 0
 2x – 20 + 2x + 4x – 80 = 0  x = 25/2

 25 
so QC1    10  2C  5C
 2  Q1F = (10 – 4) = 6 C

25 Q2F = (4 – (–25)) 2 = 58 C
Q C2   2C  25 C
Q C3  (25/ 2  40)  4 C  30 C

2F 2F 2F
5 C – 30C
25 C 2F
–5 C +30C
–25C 4V 4V

Find voltage across capacitor C1.

In the given circuit find out the charge on each x y
capacitor. (Initially they are uncharged)
C1 C2
1F 2F
2V –4V C5
10V 30V
25V O O O O

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Capacitance 1.9

Now from charge conservation at node x and y Note

for x
(x – 4)C1 + (x – 2)C2 + (x – y)C3 = 0 In series combination the smallest capacitor gets
maximum potential
 2(x – 4) + 2(x – 2) + (x – y) 2 = 0
6x – 2y – 12 = 0 .....(1)
For y C1
(v) V1  V,
(y – x)C3 + [y –(–4)]C4 + (y – 0)C5 = 0 1 1 1
   ......
 (y – x)2 + (y + 4) 2 + y 2 = 0 C1 C2 C3
= 6y – 2x + 8 = 0 .....(2) 1
eq. (1) & (2) C2
V2  V
y = – 3/4 x = 7/4 1 1 1 ,
   ......
C1 C2 C3
7  3 5
So potential difference = x – y =      volt 1
4  4 3
V3  V
1 1 1
   ......
6.1 Series Combination : Where V = V1 + V2 + V3
(i) When initially uncharged capacitors are (vi) Equivalent Capacitance :
connected as shown, then the combination is Equivalent capacitance of any combination is
called series combination that capacitance which when connected in
+ – + – + – place of the combination stores same charge
C1 C2 C3 and energy as that of the combination
V1 V2 V3

In series :
1 1 1 1
(ii) All capacitors will have same charge but   
Ceq C1 C2 C3 ........................
different potential difference across then.
(iii) We can say that • In series combination equivalent is always less
Q then smallest capacitor of combination.
V1 
C1 (vii)Energy stored in the combination
V1 = potential across C1
Q2 Q2 Q2
Q = charge on positive plate of C1 Ucombination =  
2C1 2C2 2C3
C1 = capacitance of capacitor similarly
Q Q Q2
V2  , V3  .........
C2 C3 Ucombination = 2C

1 1 1 Energy supplied by the battery in charging the

(iv) V1 : V2 : V3 = C : C : C
1 2 3 combination
We can say that potential difference across
Q Q2
capacitor is inversely proportional to its capacitance Ubattery = Q × V = Q . C  C
eq eq
in series combination.
1 U combination 1
V 
C U battery 2

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
1.10 Theory and Exercise Book

• Half of the energy supplied by the battery is stored

in form of electrostatic energy and half of the energy Three initially uncharged capacitors are connected
is converted into heat through resistance. in series as shown in circuit with a battery of emf
Derivation of Formulae : 30V. Find out following :
(i) charge flow through the battery,
C1 C2 C3
(ii) potential energy in 3 F capacitor.
(iii) Utotal in capacitors
Meaning of equivalent capacitor
(iv) heat produced in the circuit

C1 C2 C3 Ceq
B 2F 3F 6F

C eq 
V 1 1 1 1 3 2 1
Sol.     1
Now, Ceq 2 3 6 6

Initially, the capacitor has no charge. Applying Ceq = 1 F.

kirchhoff's voltage law (i) Q = Ceq V = 30 C
(ii) charge on 3F capacitor = 30 C
–Q –Q –Q
  V0 Q  30  30
C1 C2 C3 energy =  = 150 J
2C 23

1 1 1 30  30
V  Q    (iii) Utotal = J = 450 J
 1 C 2 C 3
(iv) Heat produced = (30 C) (30) – 450 J = 450 J

C1 C2 C3
+Q –Q +Q –Q +Q –Q Two capacitors of capacitance 1 F and 2F are
Q Q Q charged to potential difference 20 V and 15 V as
 –  –  –
C1 C2 C3 shown in figure. If now terminal B and C are
connected together terminal A with positive of
Q battery and D with negative terminal of battery then
find out final charges on both the capacitor.
1F 2F
V 1 1 1
   A + – B C + – D
Q C1 C 2 C 3 20V 15V
20  q 30  q
1 1 1 1  –  –
   1 2
Ceq C1 C2 C3
20+q +
– + –
–20+q 30+q –30+q
in general
1 1
Ceq n 1 Cn

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Capacitance 1.11

Now applying kirchoff voltage law • Equivalent capacitance is always greater then the
largest capacitor of combination.
–(20  q) 30  q
–  30  0 (vii) Energy stored in the combination :
1 2
– 40 – 2q – 30 – q = – 60 1 1
Vcombination  C1V 2  C 2 V 2  .............
3q = – 10 2 2
Charge flow = – C. 1 1
3  (C1  C 2  C3 ........) V 2  C eq V 2
2 2
Charge on capacitor of capacitance 1F = 20 + q =
3 U battery  QV  CV2
Charge on capacitor of capacitance 2F = 30 + q = U combination 1
3 
U battery 2
6.2 Parallel Combination : • Half of the energy supplied by the battery is stored
(i) When one plate of one capacitor is connected in the form of electrostatic energy and half of the
with one plate of the other capacitor, such energy is converted into heat through resistance.
combination is called parallel combination.
Formulae Derivation for parallel combination :
(ii) All capacitors have same potential difference Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3
but different charges. Q1
= C1V + C2V + C3V
+ –
(iii) We can say that : Q2
= V(C1 + C2 + C3)
+ –
Q1 = C1V Q3
+ –
Q1 = Charge on capacitor C1 C3 C1
C1 = Capacitance of capacitor C1 Q1
V 0
V = Potential across capacitor C1 Q Q2 C2
(iv) Q1 : Q2 : Q3 : C1 : C2 : C3 Q3 C
The charge on the capacitor is proportional to
its capacitane Q  C V 0
(v) Q1  C  C  C Q
1 2 3 Q
 C1  C 2  C3
C2 Ceq = C1 + C2 + C3
Q2  Q
C1  C2  C3 In general
C3 Ceq   Cn
Q3  Q n 1
C1  C2  C3

Where Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 .............. Three initially uncharged capacitors are connected

to a battery of 10 V in parallel combination. Find
• Maximum charge will flow thorugh the capacitor out the following ?
of largest value. (i) charge flow from the battery
(ii) total energy stored in the capacitors
(vi) Equivalent capacitance of parallel combination
(iii) heat produced in the circuit
Ceq = C1 + C2 + C3
(iv) potential energy in the 3F capacitor.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
1.12 Theory and Exercise Book

 C2   6 
1F (ii) V1   C  C  V   6  3   18  12 V
 1 2   
(iii) v2 = 18 – v1 = 6v
3F (iv) Q1 = Q2 = C1V1 = C2V2 = CV

In the circuit shown the capacitors are C1 = 15F ;
Sol. (i) Q = (30 + 20 + 10) C = 60 C
C2 = 10F and C3 = 25F. Find
(ii) Utotal = × 6 × 10 × 10 = 300 J C1
(iii) Heat produced = 60 × 10 – 300 = 300 J

(iv) U3F = × 3 × 10 × 10 = 150 J C2

6.3 Mixed Combination :
The combination which contains mixing of series (i) the equivalent capacitance of the circuit,
combinations or other complex combinations fall in (ii) the charge on each capacitor and
mixed category. (iii) the potential difference across each capacitor.
There are two types of mixed combinations (C1  C2 ) C3  25  25 
Sol. (i)   F  12.5 F
(i) Simple (ii) Complex. (C1  C2 )  C3  25  25 

Two capacitors of capacitances C 1 = 6F and Q
C2 = 3F are connected in series across a cell of
emf 18 V. Calculate Q2
(i) the equivalent capacitance,
(ii) the potential difference across each capacitor,
(iii) the charge on each capacitor. 10V

1 1 1
Sol. (i) C  C  C (ii) Q = Total charge supplied by the cell = CV =
1 2
(12.5 × 10) C = 125 C
C1C2 63 Charge on
 C   2F
C1  C2 6  3
 C1   15 
C1  Q1   Q     125  75C
C1 C2  C1  C 2   15  10 
Q1 Q2
Charge on

V1 V2  C2   10 
C2  Q2   Q     125  50 C
 1  C 2   15  10 
Charge on C3 = Q = 125 C

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Capacitance 1.13

Q1 75 63
(iii) p.d. across C1  V1  C  15  5V 8F
 2 F

p.d. across C2 = V2 = V1 = 5 V 2F

Q 3 125 4F
p.d. across C3  V3  C  25  5V

In the given circuit find out charge across 6F and
1F capacitor.
(2+2+4)F  8F


2F  88

 40  F
88 

Find charge in each capacitor :
It can be simplified as
Sol. In series charge will be same on all capacitors and
18 in parallel charge will be propotional to capacitane.
Ceq = = 2F
32C – 32C 8C –8C
Charge flow through the cell = 30 × 2 C
3F 6F 16C 8C 8C
–8C – 8C


Q = 60 C
Find out the Relation between C1, C2, C3 and C4
Now charge on 3F = Charge on 6F = 60 C such that point A and B are equipotential. [Balanced
wheat stone bridge]
Potential difference across 3F
60 C1
  20V C2
 Charge on 1F = 20 C
C3 C4
6.4 Series-Parallel

8F 6F Sol. When A and B are equipotential then there will be
no charge on capacitor C5. So remove it. Now C1,
2F C2 are in series and C3, C4 are in series so they will
4F 3F
have same charges respectively.

q1 q 2
  ...(1)
Find equivalent capacitance of the circuit C1 C3

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
1.14 Theory and Exercise Book

C1 q1 Find equivalent capacitance between points A

q1 and B.

C 2C 4C
q1 A 
q2 C4 C 2C 4C
q1 q 2 B –
and C  C ...(2)
2 4

C 2C 4C
C2 C4 A
  C2C3 = C1C4
C1 C3
Sol. 2C 4C

6.5 Ladder Problems B


Let equivalent capacitance x then capacitance after

C,D point will be 2x because every capacitance
becomes 2 times as compared to A, B.
Find equivalent capacitance between point A and B.
C 2x

B (2x  C)C C
 x  x=
(2x  C  C) 2

Let Capacitance is C eq then after line CD

6.6 Symmetric Circuits :
capacitance again will be equal to Ceq , because

circuit is infinite. Then


Ce q C Ce q C C

(Ceq  C)  C C
Ceq  5 –1
 C  C  Ceq  Ceq  C
Find equivalent Capacitance between A and B.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Capacitance 1.15

Sol. Because line CD is symmetric about A and B so Sol. There are total (n – 1) capacitors which are in series.
we remove it then
1 1 1
so C  C  C  ........(n – 1) times

C C 1 (n – 1) C
  Ceq 
A B Ceq C n –1

 Ceq  2C Find out equivalent capacitance between A and B.

C C Sol. Put numbers on the plates The charges will be as
shown in the figure.
C C V12 = V32 = V34
C So all the capacitors are in parallel combination.
C Ceq = C1 + C2 + C3
+ +
Find equivalent Capacitance between A and B. A 2 –
– –
+ 3
Sol. Because line CD is symmetric about points A and + B
B so we remove it. 4 –

Find out equivalent capacitance between A and B.
Now A B

So Ceq 

d C1

A+ 0 2 –B
1 2 3 4 n d
0 3
A –
B d
+ C2
0 4
Find equivalent Capacitance between point A and
B if Capacitance between any two plates is C. There are only two capacitors. Ceq = C1 + C2

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
1.16 Theory and Exercise Book

A 0
Find out equivalent capacitance between A and B. Sol. C
1 C C
– C
A+ d A B
2 +
d +
3 – C C
d D
– –B

The modified circuit is 1 1 2 5

  
Ceq C 3C 3C
C B 3C 3A0
C  Ceq  
5 5d

Ceq 
3 Alternative method :
Other method :
Q xy
C 
2 +x
+x Q xy
3 –x C 
4 –2x

1 0
Q 2xA –x x
Ceq  
V V 2 +x Ae0
–x x
V = V2 – V4 = (V2 – V3) + (V3 – V4) O
+ 3 +x Ae 0
A +y y
xd 2xd 3xd
   4 –y Ae 0
0 0 0 + (x+y) x y
5 – (x+y) Ae 0 –
2Ax0 2A0 2C 0
 Ceq   
3xd 3d 3

Potential of 1 and 4 is same

Find out equivalent capacitance between A and B.
y 2x
 y = 2x
Area A A 0 A 0

–  2y  x 
d C V
+ + d
A +  A 0 

d (x  2x) A0 3A0
– – C 
B (5x)d 5d

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Capacitance 1.17

q –q1
Sol. Initially + –
Five similar condenser plates, each of area A, are q
placed at equal distance d apart and are connected 1 – 5  10  0
to a source of e.m.f. E as shown in the following
 q1 = 10 F
diagram. The charge on the plates 1 and 4 will be
 q2 = 10 × 2 C = 20 C 10V 5V

1 2 3 4 5 So charge Flown (Q) = (q2 – q1) = 10 C

Work done by battery = QV = 10 × 10 = 100 J

V q2 –q2

 0 A 2 0 A 0 AV 20 AV
(A) , (B) ,
d d d d
0 AV 30 AV 0 AV 40 AV So
(C) , (D) ,
d d d d Heat
Sol. From equivalent circuit diagram Charge on first plate = [W.D B – {final initial}energy of capacitor]
Q = CV
1 2  1 1 
 100 –   2  (0)2 –  2  5  J
 AV 3 2  2 2 
 Q 0
Charge on fourth plate 3 4  100 – {100 – 25}J = 25 J
Q' = C(–V) 5 4
0 AV
Q'  V Find charge flown through battery and heat
+ –
generated in the circuit after shifting switch from
As plate 4 is repeated twice, hence charge on 4
S1 to S2.
will be Q'' = 2Q'
2C C
20 AV
Q ''   C
Hence the correct answer will be (B).
S1 S2

S Sol. Initially
1 X

10V 5V
When switch is shifted from 1 to 2 then find charge V
flown in circuit and heat generated. For node x

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
1.18 Theory and Exercise Book

(x – v) 2c + (x – v) c + (x + 0) c = 0
 4x = 3v  x
4 + 60C
20V –
20V – 6F
3V/4 x'
+ 60C
– 2C
V C 2C C Sol. 10V
– 3F
– + 4 + 3VC –
CV + – 4 3
initial finally

V V So charge flow in path 1 = 120 – 60 = 60C
So charge flow in path 2 = 60 + (60 – 30) = 90C
(x  0) C  (x   0) 2C  (x  V) C  0
So charge flow in path 3 = (60 – 30) = 30C
 x  So work done by battery of 20 V = 60 × 20J
So now charge on capacitor = 1200J
So charge flow from battery Wwork done by battery of 10 V = – 30 × 10J
= –300J
3CV – + 2VC + VC
4 + – 4 – 4
 1 (60)2 1 (60)2 
Initial energy of capacitors =  2 6  2 3   J
 

= 900 J
 3CV CV  CV Final energy of capacitor
Q  
 4 4  2
1 2 1 2
So heat generated =  6  (20)   3  (10)   J = 1350 J
2 2 
  1  3V 2 1 2
V 1
 V  
H  QV    C    (2C)     C     So heat loss = (1200 – 300) – (1350 – 900) J = 450 J
  2  4  2 4 2  4  
 1  V 2 1 2
V 1
 3V  
  C    (2C)     C     The student can now attempt section B from
 2  4  2 4 2  4   exercise.

CV 2
H  QV 
Section C,D - Dielectric, R-C Circuit


Find the charge flown through the path 1, 2, 3 as CIRCUIT AT T = 0 (INITIAL
shown in figure after closing switch S and heat STATE) AND T =  (FINAL STATE)
generated in the circuit.
• Charge on the capacitor does not change
1 instantaneously or suddenly if there is a resistance
20V 6F in the path (series) of the capacitor.
2 • When an uncharged capacitor is connected with
battery then its charge is zero initially hence potential
10V 3F
difference across it is zero initially. At this time the
capacitor can be treated as a conducting wire

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Capacitance 1.19

Find out current I1, I2, I3, charge on capacitor and
E dQ
of capacitor in the circuit when it is initially
Before connection Just after connection at t = 0 uncharged in the following situations
• The current will become zero finally (that means in
steady state) in the branch which contains capacitor. R I1 I2

 R
C E – I3 C

0 0
Before connection After connection at t = 
(a) Just after the switch is closed
(b) After a long time when switch is closed.
Sol. (a) Initially the capacitor is uncharged so its
Find out current in the circuit and charge on capacitor behaviour is like a conductor
which is initially uncharged in the following situations.
Let potential at A is zero so at B and C also zero
2 and at F it is . Let potential at E is x so at D also x.
Apply Kirchoff's Ist law at point E :

10V 3F x– x–0 x–0

  0

3x 
(a) Just after the switch is closed 
(b) After a long time when switch was closed.
Sol. (a) For just after closing the switch : 
x Qc = 0
Potential difference across capacitor = 0 3

10 –  / 3   2
 QC = 0  i =  5A  I1  
2 R 3R
+10 0 dQ  
I2   , I3 
dt 3R 3R
10V Alternatively

0 0   2
i1   
(b) After a long time R eq R  R 3R
At steady state current i = 0 2
and potential difference across capacitor = 10 V
i1 
2 i2  i3  
2 3R
+10 0
i=0 (b) at t =  (finally)
10V + Capacitor is completely charged. So their will

be no current through it.
0 0

 QC = 3 × 10 = 30 C I2 = 0, I1 = I3 =

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
1.20 Theory and Exercise Book

Now S2 is closed and S1 is open.

   
VE – VB = VD – VC =  R  (p.d. across capacitor and charge on it will not
 2R  2
change suddenly)
F R E / 2 D
/2 Potential at A is zeo so at D it is –2
R  current through the capacitor
 R
 – (–2) 3
  (B to D)
(ii) after a long time, i = 0
C dQ VB – VA = VD – VA = – 2
 QC  , = I2 = 0
2 dt  Q = C(–2 – 0) = – 2C

C i=0 –2
I1 I2 I3 Q dQ/dt B D
Time  
2  +
t=0 0  2
3R 3R 3R 3R –
Finally   C 0A
2R 0 0
t= 2R 2 (iii) The charge on the lower plate (which is
connected to the battery) changes from –C to 2C.
 this charge will come from the battery,
At t = 0 switch S1 is closed and remains closed for  charge flown from that cell is 2C downward.
a long time and S2 remains open. Now S1 is opened
and S2 is closed. Find out C –2 –2
S1 R S2 R
 –2C
 2
C 0
0 0

(i) The current through the capacitor immediately 8. CHARGING AND DISCHARGING
after that moment
(ii) Charge on the capacitor long after that moment.
8.1 Charging of a condenser :
(iii) Total charge flown through the cell of emf 2
after S2 is closed. • In the following circuit. If key 1 is closed then the
Sol. (i) Let Potential at point A is zero. The potential at condenser gets charged. Finite time is taken in the
point B and C will be  (because current through charging process. The quantity of charge at any
the circuit is zero.) instant of time t is given by
VB – VA = ( – 0)
q  q 0 [1 – e –( t / RC) ]
 Charge on capacitor = C ( – 0) = C
 S2 R
C i=0 B D
C 2
 2
C 1
– C

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Capacitance 1.21

Where q0 = maximum final value of charge at t = . Applying Kirchoff voltage law

According to this equation the quantity of charge q C – q
 – iR – 0  iR 
on the condenser increases exponentially with C C
increase of time. C – q dq C – q
i  
• If t = RC =  then CR dt CR

  1 R
q = q0 [1 – e–(RC/RC)] = q 0 1 – e 
 
or q = q0 (1 – 0.37) = 0.63 q0  C
= 63% of q0
• Time t = RC is known as Time Constant.
i.e. the time constant is that time during which the CR
dq C – q
charge rises on the condenser plates to 63% of its   C – q .dq  dt
dt CR
maximum value.
q t
• The potential difference across the condenser plates dq dt t
at any instant of time is given by 0 C – q  0 RC  – ln (C – q) + ln C = RC
V  V0 [1 – e –( t / RC) ]volt C t
ln 
• The potential curve is also similar to that of charge. C – q RC
During charging process an electric current flows
in the circuit for a small interval of time which is
known as the transient current. The value of this
current at any instant of time is given by C

I  I 0 [e –( t / RC) ] ampere
0.63 C
According to this equation the current falls in the
circuit exponentially (Fig.)
• If t = RC =  = Time constant t
O t=RC

– t / RC
I C – q = C. e  q  C(1 – e – t / RC )
I0 During
charging RC = time constant of the RC series circuit.
After one time constant
 1
0 t q  C  1 –  = C (1 – 0.37) = 0.63 C
 e

Current at any time t
dq   1 
I0 i  C  –e – t / RC  – 
dt   RC  

I0 /R
I  I 0 [e –( RC / RC)   0.37 I 0 = 37% of I0
i.e. time constant is that time during which current 
in the circuit falls to 37% of its maximum value. R

Derivation of formulae for charging of O t=RC
It is given that initially capacitor is uncharged. Let  – t / RC
 e
at any time t

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1.22 Theory and Exercise Book

Voltage across capacitor after one time

constant V = 0.63 
Q = CV Vc
In the figure shown below, find out the current as
function of time and charge on capacitor C1 and
VC  (1 – e – t / RC ) 
also plot the graph of charge on plate A and B of
Voltage across
0.63 
capacitor C2 as a function of time.
the resistor
VR = iR
t C1=C
= e – t / RC O t=RC
+ –
By energy conservation, q/C
Heat dissipated = work done by battery – U R
capacitor A –
 C2=C 2
1 1 B +
 C( ) – ( C2 – 0)  C2
2 2
Alternatively :
Sol. Let at any time charge on C1 = q
VR Now apply, K.V.L
 q (q – 2C)
–iR–  +=0
c C

0.37 2q
3   iR  3C = 2q + iRC
O t=RC
+q –q
+ –
 i R
Heat = H   i Rdt
0  A –2C  q
B 2C – q
 –2t 
2 RC 2
 2
e Rdt   e –2t / RC dt
R R 0
q t
dq dt
3C = 2q + iRC  0 3C – 2q  0 RC
 q
– n(3C – 2q) t

1 2 0 RC
0.63  2
 3C – 2q  –2t
 n  
t  3c  RC

In the figure time constant of (2) is more than (1) 3C – 2q = 3Ce–2t/RC

 q (1 – e –2t / RC )
 2
 – 2t 
2  e RC 
 dq 3 –2t / RC
R  –2 / RC  i  e
  0 dt R

2t  At plate A,
 2 RC  – RC  2 C
– e  
2R  0 2 3
Charge qA = q – 2C = C (1 – e–2t/RC) – 2C

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Capacitance 1.23

Alternate solution
q 2C
B By equivalent
C / 2 Time constant of circuit = 2C × R = 2RC
maximum charge on capacitor = 2C ×  = 2C
Hence equations of charge and current are as given
–C / 2
A q  2 C(1 – e – t / 2RC )
–2C B + iR –  – iR
q i R Di
c 3c –2 t / RC q1   C(1 – e – t / 2RC ) q i
=–  e 2 q
2 2  2C
 – t / 2RC
c  i1  e q E
qA = – (1  3e –2t / RC ) 2R q
2 A O
q2 = = C (1 – e–t/2RC)
c 2
qB = (1  3e –2t / RC )
 – t / RC
 i2  e

Without using the formula of equivalent find out the

charge on capacitor and current in all the branches A capacitor is connected to a 12 V battery through
as a function of time. a resistance of 10 . It is found that the potential
difference across the capacitor rises to 4.0 V in
B + iR –  – iR 1s. Find the capacitance of the capacitor.
i R i Sol. The charge on the capacitor during charging is given
q D
+q/2 by Q  Q0 (1 – e – t / RC )
+ q
 C C – Hence, the potential difference across the capacitor
–q/2 –q/2 2C
q Q Q0
E q is V  (1 – e – t / RC )
A q O
Here, at t = 1 s, the potential differences is 4V
Sol. Applying KVL in ABDEA whereas the steady potential difference is
 12V .
q  q 2C – q C
 – iR =  i – =
2C R 2CR 2CR So, 4V = 12V (1 – e–t/RC)

q – t / RC 1
dq dt dq t or, 1 – e 
  0 (2C – q)  2CR 3
2C – q 2CR
– t / RC 2
or, e 
2C – q
 e – t / 2RC  q  2C(1  e – t / 2 RC )
2C t  3
or, RC  n  2   0.405
 
q  – t / 2RC
q1   C(1 – e – t / RC )  i1  e t 1 s
2 2R or, RC =  = 2.469 s
0.405 0.405

q  – t / RC 2.469 s
q2   C(1 – e – t / 2RC )  i2 = e or, C  10  = 0.25 F..
2 2R

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1.24 Theory and Exercise Book

8.2 Discharging of a condenser :

(i) In the given circuit if key 1 is opened and key 2
Initially the capacitor is uncharged find the charge
is closed then the condenser gets discharged.
on capacitor as a function of time, if switch is closed
(ii) The quantity of charge on the condenser at any
at t = 0.
instant of time t is given by q =q0 e–(t/RC)
i.e. the charge falls exponentially.

 R 2
Sol. Applying KVL in loop ABCDA q0
(iii) If t = RC =  = time constant, then q = =
 – iR – (i – i1) R = 0 e
0.37 q0 = 37% of q0
 – 2iR + i1R = 0
i.e. the time constant is that time during which
Applying KVL in loop ABCEFDA
the charge on condenser plates falls to 37%
 – iR – i1R – =0 q

B i
R C i1 R E
q + q  0.37q0
R q/C t
 –q – t  RC  
A (iv) The dimensions of RC are those of time i.e.
M°L°T1 and the dimensions of are those
2 –  – i1R – 2i1R q of frequency i.e., M°L°T–1

2 C
(v) The potential difference across the condenser
C – 3i1RC = 2q plates at any instant of time t is given by
dq V  V0e –( t / RC) volt
C – 2q = 3 .RC
dt (vi) The transient current at any instant of time is
dt 1 C – 2q t given by I  –I 0e –( t / RC) ampere. i.e. the current
 C – 2q   3RC
0 0
 – ln
2 C

3RC in the circuit decreases exponentially but its
direction is opposite to that of charging current.
C Derivation of equation of discharging
q (1 – e –2t / 3RC )
2 circuit :
Method for objective :
V + V–
In a circuit when there is only one capacitor then q q
+ – i i
q  Qst (1– e – t /  ) : Qst = steady state change on +Q C –Q +q/c –
  R eff C R
i + iR –
Reffective is the resistance between the capacitor when Initially
battery is replaced by its internal resistance. At any time t

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Capacitance 1.25

q q q q – 2C
Applying K.V.L.  – iR  0  i = – – iR – 0
q t
–dq dt q t q q
   – ln  – –  2 – iR  0
q 0

q  Q.e – t / RC 2q
3   iR
dq Q – t / RC
i–  e +q/C
dt RC i
q –q
i q iR
 /R –

q – 2C – q – 2C
 2C – q + C
O t=RC 2q
3 – iR 

q 3 – iRC = 2q
RC  3C – 2q
0.37 qmax
q dq t dt
 
t 0 2 C – 2q  0 RC
O t=RC
1  3C – 2q  t
– n  
2  3C  RC

At t = 0 Sw is closed, if initially C1 is uncharged and  3C – 2q  2t

ln  –
C2 is charged to a potential difference 2 then find  3C  RC
out following (Given C1 = C2 = C) 3C – 2q = 3C e–2t/RC
3C (1 – e–2t/RC) = 2q
C1=C Sw 3
q C(1  e 2 t / RC ) Ans.
R dq 3 2t / RC
i  e Ans.
 dt R
C2 2 On the plate B
B+ q' = 2C – q
3 3
 2 C  C  Ce 2t / RC
(a) Charge on C1 and C2 as a function of time. 2 2

(b) Find out current in the circuit as a function of time. q'

(c) Also plot the graphs for the relations derived in 2C
part (a)
Sol. Let q charge flow in time 't' from the battery as C
shown. The charge on various plates of the capacitor t
is as shown in the figure.
C 3 C
  C e 2 t / RC  1  3e 2t / RC 
Now applying KVL 2 2 2 

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1.26 Theory and Exercise Book

q * For polar molecules dipole moment  0

3C * For non-polar molecules dipole meomet = 0
2 (iii) Capacitance in the presence of dielectric

A A AK0 AK 0
C   
t V  d d
In a capacitor as plates carry equal and opposite
charges, there is a force of attraction between the d K
plates. To calculate this force, we use the fact that
the electric field is conservative and in a conservative
dU Here capacitance is increased by a factor K.
field F   . In case of parallel plate capacitor:
q 2 1 q 2x A d
U  [as C  0 ]
2C 2  0 A x (iv) Polarisation of material :
d  q 2
 1 q 2 When a nonpolar substance is placed in an electric
So, F   dx  2  A x   2  A field then dipole moment is induced in the molecule.
 0  0
This induction of dipole moment is called polarisation
The negative sign implies that the force is attractive.
of material. The induced charge also produces
electric field.

(i) In absence of dielectric –b

E Eind
+++++++++++++ +++++  b
 –
b = induced (bound) charge density.
  b
E E in  E  E ind  
0  0 0
(ii) When a dielectric fills the sapce between the It is seen the ratio of electric field between the plates
plates then molecules having dipole moment align in absence of dielectric and in presence of dielectric
themselves in the direction of electric field. is constant for a material of dielectric. This ratio is
called 'Dielectric constant' of that material. It is
+ + + + + +
E(extenal) represented by r or k.
+ + + + + +
no-effect + + + + + +
  1
+ + + + + + E in   b    1  
+ + + + + + molecules of K0  K 
polar material
effective (v) If the medium is not filled between the plates
s completely then electric filed will be as shown in
s sb figure.
e0 e0 Case : (1)

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + –sb The total electric field produced by bound induced

–s charge on the dielectric outside the slab is zero
b = induced charge density (called bound charge because they cancel each other.
because it is not due to free electrons).

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Capacitance 1.27



K 0


Case : (2) Let q0, C0, V0, E0 and U0 represents the charge,
 capacity, potential difference, electric field and
energy associated with charged air capacitor
 respectively. With the introduction of a dielectric
K1 t1
K1 0 slab of dielectric constant K between the plates and
d the battery disconnected.
 t2 (i) Charge remains constant, i.e., q = q0, as in an
K20 isolated system charge is conserved.
(ii) Capacity increases, i.e., C = KC0, as by the
presence of a dielectric capacity becomes K times.
so potential difference between plates (iii) Potential difference between the plates
   decreases, i.e., V   V0  , as
v =  [d – t1 – t 2 ]  k  t1  k  t 2 K
0 1 0 2 0

so equivalent capacitance q q V
V  0  0 [ q = q and C = KC ]
C KC0 K 0 0
v (iv) Field between the plates decreases, i.e.,
A E0
C E , as
  t1 t 2  K
0  d – t1 – t 2  k  k 
 1 2
V V0 E0 V V
E   [as V  0 ] and E 0  0
d Kd K K d
C (v) Energy stored in the capacitor decreases i.e.
 1  1 
d – t1  1–  – t 2  1 – 
 k1   k2  U 
U   0  , as
 K 

10.1 Introduction of a Dielectric slab of

q2 q 20 V
dielectric constant K between the U   0 (as q = q and C = KC ]
2C 2KC0 K 0 0

(a) When the battery is disconnected (b) When the battery remains connected (potential
is held constant)
(i) Potential difference remains constant, i.e., V = V0,
as battery is a source of constant potential
C0, V0, E0, U0 difference.
(ii) Capacity increases, i.e., C = KC 0, as by
presence of a dielectric capacity becomes K

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1.28 Theory and Exercise Book

(iii) Charge on capacitor increases, i.e., q = Kq0, as Q = Q0 = 1.77 × 10–3 C

q = CV = (KC0)V = Kq0 [ q0 = C0V]
Q Q0
(iv) Electric field remains unchanged, i.e., E = E0, as V   2V0
C C0 / 2

V V0 V
E   E 0 [as V = V0 and 0  E 0 ] 1
d d d U CV 2  C0 V02  8.84  108 J
(v) Energy stored in the capacitor increases,
i.e., U = KU0, as V 2V0
E   E 0  5000 V / m
d 2d 0
1 1 1
U CV 2  (KC0 ) (V0 ) 2  KU 0 [as C = KC
2 2 2 0

1 2
In the last illustration, suppose that the battery is
and U 0  C0 V0 ]
2 kept connected while the plates are pulled apart.
What are the answers to the parts (a), (b), (c) and
(d) in that case ?
Sol. If the battery is kept connected, the potential
A parallel plate air capacitor is made using two
difference across the capacitor plates always
square plates each of side 0.2 m, spaced 1 cm apart.
remains equal to the emf of battery and hence is
It is connected to a 50V battery.
(a) What is the capacitance ?
V = V0 = 50V
(b) What is the charge on each plate ?
(c) What is the energy stored in the capacitor ? 0 A 0 A C 0
C    1.77  105 F
d' 2d 2
(d) What is the electric field between the plates ?
(e) If the battery is disconnected and then the plates C0 V0 Q 0
Q  CV    8.85  104 C
are pulled apart to a separation of 2 cm, what are 2 2
the answers to the above parts ?
Sol. (a) 1 1 C  U
U CV 2   0  V02  0  2.21  108 J
2 2 2  2
0 A (8.85  10 12 )  0.2  0.2
C0    3.54  10 5 F
d 0.01 V V0 E 0
E    2500 V / m
–5 –3 d 2d 0 2
(b) Q0 = C0V0 = 3.54 × 10 × 50 = 1.77 × 10 C

12 1 11 2 8
(c) U0  C0 V0   (3.54 10 )(50)  4.42 10 J
2 2
A parallel plate capacitor has plates of area 4 m2
V0 50 separated by distance of 0.5 mm. The capacitor is
(d) E 0    5000 V / m
d 0.01
connected across a cell of emf 100 V.
(e) If the battery is disconnected the charge on the (a) Find the capacitance, charge and energy stored
capacitor plates remains constant while the potential in the capacitor.
difference between the plates can change. (b) A dielectric slab of thickness 0.5 mm is inserted
0 A C 0 inside this capacitor after it has been disconnected
C   1.77  105 F
d 2 from the cell. Find the answers to part (a) if K = 3.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Capacitance 1.29

0 A 8.85  10 12  4
Sol. (a) C0    7.08  102 F * Capacitance does not depend upon the position of
d 0.5  103
dielectric (it can be shifted up or down & still
Q0 = C0V0 = (7.08 × 10–2 × 100)C = 7.08 C
capacitance does not change).
U 0  C 0 V02  3.54  10 4 J * If the slab is of metal then

(b) As the cell has been disconnected A0

Q = Q0

K0 A
C  KC 0  0.2124 F

Find out capacitance between A and B if two

Q Q0 V 100
V   0  V dielectric slabs of dielectric constant K1 and K2 of
C KC0 K 3
thickness d1 and d2 and each of area A are inserted
Q 2
0 Q U 2
between the plates of parallel plate capacitor of plate
U   0 = 118 × 10–6 J
2C 2KC0 K area A as shown in figure.

If a dielectric slab of thickness t and area A is A

inserted in between the plates of a parallel plate
K1 d1
capacitor of plate area A and distance between the
K2 d2
plates d (d > t) then find out capacitance of system.
What do you predict about the dependence of B
capacitance on location of slab ?

A  A
Sol. C ;
Sol. d K t V
d1 d 2  d d 
V  E1 d1  E 2 d 2     1 2
Q A K10 K 2 0 0  k1 k 2 
C 

t1 t t 2 A0 A
V   ( t1 + t2 = d – t)  C
0 K0 0 d1 d 2
 K1 0 A
K1 K 2 C1 
 K 2 0 A
 [t 1  t 2  t / k] C2 
0 d2
1 d1 d2
  
C A K 1 0 A K 2 0 B
  t  Q A
 V  d  t  k   C  C
0 This formula suggests that the system between A
and B can be
 C considered as series combination of two capacitors.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
1.30 Theory and Exercise Book

Find out capacitance between A and B if two Find out capacitance between A and B if three
dielectric slabs of dielectric constant K1 and K2 of dielectric slabs of dielectric constant K1 of area A1
area A1 and A2 and each of thickness d are inserted and thickness d1 K2 of area A2 and thickness d2

between the plates of parallel plate capacitor of plate and K3 of area A2 and thickness d3 are inserted
between the plates of parallel plate capacitor of plate
area A as shown in figure.
A area A as shown in figure. (Given distance between
A1 1 2 A2
the two plates d = d1 + d2)
K1 K2 d A1 A2
Sol. K2 d1
K3 d2
C1 C2 Sol. It is equivalent to

C2 C3 C1
C  C1 
B C2  C3 C3

A1K1 0 A K 
C1  , C2  2 2 0 B
d d A 2 K 2 0 A 2 K 3 0
A1K1 0 d1 d2
C 
V  V  d1  d 2 A 2 K 2  0  A 2 K 3  0
E1   1 E2   2
d K1 0 ; d K 2 0 d1 d2

1 2 A1K10 A 22 K 2 K 302
 
–1b – 2 b d1  d 2 A 2 K 2 0d 2  A 2 K 30 d1

1b 2 b
A1K10 A K K
1  2   2 2 3 0
d1  d 2 K 2d 2  K 3d1

K10 V K 2 0 V
1  2 
d d
A dielectric of constant K is slipped between the
Q1  Q 2 1A1  2 A 2 K1 0 A1 K 2  0 A 2 plates of parallel plate condenser in half of the space
C   
V V d d as shown in the figure. If the capacity of air
A condenser is C, then new capacitance between A
and B will be
C1 C2 C
The combination is equivalent to : (B)
 C = C1 + C 2 B

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Capacitance 1.31

C • Breakdown voltage
(C) [1  K]
The voltage across the capacitor at which the
2[1  K] current starts flowing through capacitor is called
C Breakdown voltage.
Sol. This system is equivalent to two capacitors in parallel
A 2f 4f
with area of each plate .
C' = C1 + C2
Breakdown voltage Breakdown voltage
 A  AK = 20v = 30V
 0  0
2d 2d

0 A C
 [1  K]  [1  K]
2d 2 Find the break down voltage for the capacitors if
Hence the correct answer will be (C) they are connected in series

2f 4f

C1 C2

max. charge max. charge

k1 = 20 × 2C = 40 C= 30 × 4 c = 120 C
k2 Charge will be same on both the capacitors so 2F
capacitor will reach at breakdown voltage first, so
Find the equivalent capacitance of the given figure. maximum charge possible = 40 C

1 y d –y 1 1 Q Q
Sol.   0 dx So Breakdown voltage = VC  VC  C  C
1 2
dc 0 k1bdx 0 k 2 b dx 1 2

1 d 0 k1  y(k 2 – k1 ) 40 40
 y k1 V=  volt
dc  0 k1k 2 b dx 2 4
0 k1k 2 b dx d0-y 120
dc  V volt = 30 volt
d 0 k1  y(k 2 – k1 ) 4
dx Leakage current :
All these capacitors (small) are parallel
Ceq a
0 k1k 2 b dx
so Ceq   dC   A
0 0 0 1  y(k 2 – k1 )
d k k 

d0 y
 0 k1k 2 b dx R
Now   Ceq   d
a x d
0 d k  0 x(k – k )
0 1 2 1
0 kA
here C
a 0 k1k 2 b  (k – k1 ) 
Ceq  ln  2 
d 0 (k 2 – k1 )  k1  d
Resistance (R) =

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1.32 Theory and Exercise Book

Theoritically after disconnection from battery charge Case I Voltage source remains connected
should remain as it is but due to the material's V = constant.
resistance discharging takes place. This discharging 1
U  CV 2
current is called leakage current. So R should be 2
high for a good capacitor so that leakage current is
b b
i +

F d

RC –
t x

 dU  v dC
(viii) Force on a dielectric due to charged F 
 dx  2 dx
xb0 K 0 (  – x)b
where C = 
d d
+ 0 b
– – – – – – – – – –  C [Kx   – x]
dC 0 b
 (K – 1)
dx d
+ + + + + + + + + +
– 0 b(K – 1)V 2
 F = constant (does not depends on x)
Case II : When charge on capacitor is constant
If dielectric is completely inside the capacitor then
force is equal to zero. F

– – – – – – – – – – x
F xb0 x  0 (  – x)b Q2
C  , U
d d 2C
+ + + + + + + + + + 2
–  dU  Q dC dC 0 b
F  2
. [where,  (K – ) ]
 dx  2C dx dx d

Q2 dC
 . (here force 'F' depends on x)
2C2 dx


The student can now attempt section C , D from


Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Capacitance 1.33

Exercise - 1 Objective Problems | JEE Main

Section A - Capacitance Calculation (Sphere, 8. What is the equivalent capacitance of the system
Cylinderical, Parallel plate), Sharing of Charge, of capacitors between A & B
Combination of Capacitor
1. The capacitance of a metallic sphere will be 1F, if
its radius is nearly C C
(A) 9 km (B) 10 m C C C
(C) 1.11 m (D) 1.11 cm
2. No current flows between two charged bodies
connected together when they have the same (A) C (B) 1.6 C
(A) capacitance or Q/V ratio
(C) C (D) None
(B) charge
(C) resistance
(D) potential or Q/C ratio Section B - Circuit Problems (Switch, Energy etc.)
9. If the p.d. across the ends of a capacitor 4F is 1.0
3. Two spherical conductors A and B of radii R and kilovolt. Then its electrical potential energy will be
2R respectively are each given a charge Q. When (A) 4 × 10–3ergs (B) 2 ergs
they are connected by a metallic wire. The charge (C) 2 joules (D) 4 joules
(A) flow from A to B 10. A conductor of capacitance 0.5 F has been
(B) flow from B to A charged to 100volts. It is now connected to
(C) remain stationary on conductor uncharged conductor of capacitance 0.2F. The
(D) none of these loss in potential energy is nearly -
(A) 7 × 10–4 J (B) 3.5 × 10–4 J
4. The capacity of a parallel plate condenser is C. –4
(C) 14 × 10 J (D) 7 × 10–3 J
Its capacity when the separation between the
plates is halved will be 11. A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C is
(A) 4C (B) 2C connected to a battery and is charged to a potential
(C) C/2 (D) C/4 difference V. Another capacitor of capacitance 2C
is similarly charged to a potential difference 2V.
5. Two spherical conductors of capacitance 3.0F and The charging battery is now disconnected and the
5.0F are charged to potentials of 300volt and capacitors are connect in parallel to each other in
500volt. The two are connected resulting in such a way that the positive terminal of one is
redistribution of charges. Then the final potential is - connected to the negative terminal of the other. The
(A) 300 volt (B) 500 volt final energy of the configuration is
(C) 425 volt (D) 400 volt 3
(A) zero (B) CV2
6. N drops of mercury of equal radii and possessing
25 9
equal charges combine to form a big spherical drop. (C) CV2 (D) CV2
6 2
Then the capacitance of the bigger drop compared
to each individual drop is 12. A 2  F capacitor is charged to a potential
(A) N times (B) N2/3 times = 10 V. Another 4  F capacitor is charged to a
(C) N times (D) N5/3 times potential = 20V. The two capacitors are then
connected in a single loop, with the positive plate of
7. From a supply of identical capacitors rated 8  F
one connected with negative plate of the other. What
,250 V, the minimum number of capacitors required
heat is evolved in the circuit?
to form a composite 16  F,1000 V is :
(A) 300  J (B) 600  J
(A) 2 (B) 4
(C) 900  J (D) 450  J
(C) 16 (D) 32

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1.34 Theory and Exercise Book

13. In the circuit shown in figure charge stored in the 16. Find the potential difference Va – Vb between the
capacitor of capacity 5  f is points a and b shows in each parts of the figure.

2V a 2V
2f 2f 2f 5f 3f 4f

100 V
2F b 2F

(A) 60  C (B) 20  C
6V 4F
(C) 30  C (D) zero
a 12V 2F b
14. Three uncharged capacitors of capacitane C1 = 1F,
C2 = 2F and C3 = 3F are connected as shown in (b) 1F

figure to one another and to points A, B and D

potential A = 10V, B = 25V and D = 20 V, 7
(A) zero, – V = –10.3 V
Determine the potential (0) at point O.
(B) one, – V = –10.3 V
(C) one, – V = –10.3 V
C1 72
C2 O C3 (D) zero, – V = –10.3 V
B 17. Each plate of a parallel plate air capacitor has an
area S. What amount of work has to be performed
(A) 20 V (B) 30 V to slowly increase the distance between the plates
(C) 40 V (D) 10 V from x1 to x2 If :
(i) the charge of the capacitor, which is equal to q or

15. Five capacitors are connected as shown in the q 2 (x 2  x1 ) q 2 (x 2 – x1 )

(A) 2 0 S
(B) 2 0 S
figure. Initially S is opened and all capacitors are
uncharged. When S is closed, steady state is
q 2 (x 2 – x1 ) q 2 (x1 – x 2 )
obtained. Then find out potential difference between (C) (D)
0 S 2 0 S
the points M and N.

(ii) the voltage across the capacitor, which is equal to

M V, is kept constant in the process.

4F 2F 4F  1 1   1 1 

31V 0 SV 2  –  0 SV 2  – 
7V  x1 x 2   x 2 x1 
\ (A) (B)
6F 1.2F 2 4
 1 1   1 1 
0 SV 2  –  0 SV 2   
(C)  x 2 x 1 (D)  x 2 x 1
(A) 14 (B) 12
2 2
(C) 10 (D) 15

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Capacitance 1.35

18. If charge on left plane of the 5  F capacitor in the 22. In the circuit shown, a potential difference of 60V
circuit segment shown in the figure is-20  C, the is applied across AB. The potential difference
between the point M and N is
charge on the right plate of 3  F capacitor is
5F 2F 60V C C

4F B N

(A) +8.57  C (B) -8.57  C (A) 10 V (B) 15 V

(C) 20 V (D) 30 V
(C) + 11.42  C (D) -11.42  C
23. Find the equivalent capacitance across A & B
19. In the circuit shown, the energy stored in 1  F
23F 7F
capacitor is
A 13F 1F B
3F 5F

10 F 1F
4 F
28 15
(A) F (B) F
24V 3 2
(C) 15  F (D) none
(A) 40  J (B) 64  J
24. An infinite number of identical capacitors each of
(C) 32  J (D) none
capacitance 1 F are connected as in adjoining
figure. Then the equivalent capacitance between
20. A capacitor C1 = 4F is connected in series with A and B is
another capacitor C2 = 1 F. The combination is
connected across a d.c. source of voltage 200V.
The ratio of potential across C1 and C2 is -
(A) 1 : 4 (B) 4 : 1
(C) 1 : 2 (D) 2 : 1

(A) 1F (B) 2F

21. In the circuit shown in figure, the ratio of charges (C) 1/2F (D) 
on 5  F and 4  F capacitor is :
25. Three large plates are arranged as shown. How much
charge will flow through the key k if it is closed?
3 F Q 2Q
5 F d 2d

4 F

6V K
5Q 4Q
(A) (B)
6 3
(A) 4/5 (B) 3/5
(C) 3/8 (D) 1/2 (C) (D) none

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1.36 Theory and Exercise Book

26. Five conducting parallel plates having area A and 29. The diagram shows four capacitors with capacitances
separation between them d, are placed as shown in and break down voltages as mentioned. What should
the figure. Plate number 2 and 4 are connected wire be the maximum value of the external emf source
and between point A and B, a cell of emf E is such that no capacitor breaks down?[Hint: First of
connected. The charge flown through the cell is all find out the break down voltages of each branch.
3  0 AE After that compare them.]
(A) E
4 d 2C;2kV
2  0 AE
(B) 1 2 3 4 5
3 d
4  0 AE 7C;1kV 3C;2kV
 0 AE
(D) (A) 2.5 KV (B) 10/3 KV
(C) 3 KV (D) 1 KV
27. Five identical capacitor plates are arranged such
that they make capacitors each of 2  F. The plates 30. Three capacitors 2  F, 3  F and 5  F can
are connected to a source of emf 10 V. The charge withstand voltages to 3 V, 2V and 1V respectively.
on plate C is Their series combination can withstand a maximum
10V voltage equal to
(A) 5 Volts (B) (31/6) Volts
(C) (26/5) Volts (D) None
Section C - Dielectric
D 31. A metallic plate of thickness (t) and face area of
one side (A) is inserted between the plates of a
(A) +20  C (B) +40  C parallel plate air capacitor with a separation (d) and
(C) +60  C (D) +80  C face are (A). Then the equivalent capacitance is :

28. Consider the situatino shown in the figure. The 0 A 0 A

(A) (B) (d x t )
switch S is open for a long time and then closed. d
0 A 0 A
(C) (d  t ) (D) (d  t )

32. Two metal plates form a parallel plate condenser.

The distance between the plates in d. Now a metal
(i) Find the charge flown through the battery when plate of thickness d/2 and of same area is inserted
the switch S is closed.
completely between the plates, the capacitance -
(A) C/2 (B) C/4
(A) remains unchanged
(C) C (D) none of these
(B) is doubled
(ii) Find the work done by the battery. (C) is halved
(A) C2 (B) C2/2 (D) reduced to one fourth
(C) C2/4 (D) none of these
33. The distance between plates of a parallel plate
(iii) Find the change in energy stored in the capacitors.
capacitor is 5d. Let the positively charged plate
(A) C2 (B) C2/2
2 is at x=0 and negatively charged plate is at
(C) C /4 (D) none of these
x=5d.Two slabs one of conductor and other of a
(iv) Find the heat developed in the system. dielectric of equal thickness d are inserted
(A) C2 (B) C2/2 between the plates as shown in figure. potential
(C) C /4 (D) none of these versus distance graph will look like:

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Capacitance 1.37

35. The parallel plates of a capacitor have an area 0.2

Cond. Diele. m2 and are 10–2 m apart. The original potential
difference between them is 3000 V, and it decreases
to 1000 V when a sheet of dielectric is inserted
between the plates filling the full space. Compute :
(0  9  10 –12 S.I. units )
(i) Permittivity  of the dielectric.
x=0 x=d x=2d x=3d x=4d x=5d
(A) 25 × 10–12 C2 N–1 m–2
(B) 37 × 10–12 C2 N–1 m–2
v v (C) 27 × 10–12 C2 N–1 m–2
(D) 28 × 10–12 C2 N–1 m–2

(A) (B) 36. A parallel plate isolated condenser consists of two

metal plates of area A and separation ‘d’. A slab of
x x
thickness ‘t’ and dielectric constant K is inserted
between the plates with its faces parallel to the
v v
plates and having the same surface area as that of
the plates. Find the capacitance of the system. If
K = 2, for what value of t/d will the capacitance of
(C) (D)
the system be 3/2 times that of the condenser with
x x air filling the full space ?
1 2
(A) (B)
34. A parallel plate capacitor has two layers of dielectric 3 3
as shown in figure. This capacitor is connected across
a battery. The graph which shows the variation of (C) (D) 3
electric field (E) and distance (x) from left plate.

y 37. Hard rubber has a dielectric constant of 2.8 and a

k=2 k=4 dielectric strength of 18 × 106 volts/meter. If it is used
as the dielectric material filling the full space in a parallel
x plate capacitor. What minimum area may the plates
(d,0) (3d,0) of the capacitor have in order that the capacitance be
7.0 × 10–2 f and that the capacitor be able to withstand
y y
a potential difference of 4000 volts.
(A) 0.62 m–2 (B) 0.32 m–2
(C) 0.42 m –2 (D) 0.52 m–2
(A) (B)
38. Two parallel plate air capacitors each of capacitance
(d,0) (3d,0) x (d,0) (3d,0) x C were connected in series to a battery with e.m.f .
Then one of the capacitors was filled up with uniform
dielectric with relative permittivity k. What amount
y y
of charge flows through the battery ?
1 k +1 1 k –1
(A) Δq = CE (B) Δq = CE
(C) (D) 2 k –1 2 k +1

(d,0) (3d,0) x (d,0) (3d,0) x 1 k -1

(C) Δq = CE (D) none of these
2 k +1

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1.38 Theory and Exercise Book

39. A parallel-plate capacitor of plate area A and plate 42. The capacity and the energy stored in a parallel plate
separation d is charged to a potential difference V condenser with air between its plates are respect
ively C0 and W0. If the air is replaced by glass
and then the battery is disconnected. A slab of
(dielectric constant = 5) between the plates at
dielectric constant K is then inserted between the constant charge, the capacity of the plates and the
plates of the capacitor so as to fill the whole space energy stored in it will respectively be -
between the plates. Find the work done on the W0
(A) 5C0 , 5W0 (B) 5C0 ,
system in the process of inserting the slab. 5
C0 C 0 W0
0 AV 2  1 0 AV 2  1
(C) , 5W 0 (D) ,
  5 5 5
(A)  –1 (B)  –1
2d  K  d K 
43. By inserting a plate of dielectric material between
0 AV 2  1 0 AV 2  1 the plates of a parallel plate capacitor at constant
 
(C)   1 (D)   1 potential, the energy is increased five times. The
2d  K  d K 
dielectric constant of the material is
(A) 1/25 (B) 1/5
40. In the adjoining figure, capacitor (1) and (2) have a (C) 5 (D) 25
capacitance ‘C’ each When the dielectric of 44. A glass slab is put with in the plates of a charged
dielectric constant K is inserted between the plates parallel plate condenser. Which of the following
of one of the capacitor, the total charge flowing quantities does not change?
through battery is : (A) energy of the condenser
(B) capacity
(C) intensity of electric field
B C (D) charge

Section D - R-C Circuit
45. Find the potential difference between the points A
and B and between the points B and C figure in steady

KCE 3F B 1F

(A) from B to C
3F 1F
(B) from C to B 1F

A 20 10 C
(K-1) CE
(C) 2(K+1) from B to C 100V
(A) 75 V and 25 V (B) 35 V and 65 V
(K-1) CE (C) 25 V and 75 V (D) 65 V and 35 V
(D) 2(K+1) from C to B
46. Find heat produced in the capacitors after long time
on closing the switch S
41. The distance between the plates of a charged
4F 5F
parallel plate capacitor is 5 cm and electric field
inside the plates is 200 Vcm-1 . An uncharged metal
20 V 2
bar of width 2 cm is fully immersed into the R 2
capacitor. The length of the metal bar is same as S
that of plate of capacitor. The voltage across
capacitor after the immersion of the bar is :
(A) 0.0002 J (B).0005 J
(A) zero (B) 400 V
(C) 0.00075 J (D) zero
(C) 600 V (D) 100 V

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Capacitance 1.39

47. In the circuit shown, the cell is ideal, with emf=15 50. In the transient shown the time constant of the
V. Each resistance is of 3  . The potential circuit is :
difference across the capacitor is (after long time) R C

V1 V2
R  3 C  3F R
2R R
5 5
(A) RC (B) RC
+ – 15 V 3 2

7 7
(A) zero (B) 9 V (C) RC (D) RC
4 3
(C) 12 V (D) 15 V

51. In the circuit shown in figure C1 =2C2 . Switch S is

i1 6F
closed at time t=0. Let i1 and i2 be the currents
i2 flowing through C1 and C2 at any time t, then the

48. 10 20 ratio i1 / i2

i3 C1
2V R
(i) In steady state, find the charge on the capacitor S
shown in figure. V
(A) 4 C (B) 5 C (A) is constant
(C) 6 C (D) 7 C
(B) increases with increase in time t
(C) decreases with increase in time t.
(ii) Find out values of i1, i2 and i3
(D) first increases then decreases
(A) 0, 1/15A, 1/15A (B) 1/15A, 0, 1/15A
(C) 0, 1/15A, 0 (D) 1/15A, 1/15A, 0
52. In the circuit shown, when the key k is pressed at
49. A capacitor C =100  F is connected to three resistor time t =0, which of the following statements about
each of resistance 1 k and a battery of emf 9V. current I in the resistor AB is true
The switch S has been closed for long time so as
to charge the capacitor. When switch S is opened,
the capacitor. Discharges with time constant
C 2V 1000
1k 

1k 
S (A) I = 2mA at all t
1k 
(B) I oscillates between 1 mA and 2mA
(A) 33 ms (B) 5 ms (C) I = I mA at all t
(C) 3.3 ms (D) 50 ms (D) At t=0, I=2mA and with time it goes to 1 mA

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
1.40 Theory and Exercise Book

53. In the R-C circuit shown in the figure the total 55. In the given figure the steady state current is
energy of 3.6 x 10-3 J is dissipated in the 10 
resistor when the switch S is closed. The initial
charge on the capacitor is

2F 10

(A) 60  C (B) 120  C

(C) 60 2  C (D) C (A) zero (B) 0.6 A
(C) 0.9 A (D) 1.5 A
54. A capacitor of capacitance 5 F is connected as
shown in the fig. The internal resistance of the cell
is 0.5 . The amount of charge on the capacitor
plate is :-

(A) 0 C (B) 5 C
(C) 10 C (D) 25 C

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Capacitance 1.41

Exercise - 2 (Level-I) Objective Problems | JEE Main

Section A - Capacitance Calculation (Sphere, 6. A capacitor of capacitance 1  F withstands the
Cylinderical, Parallel plate), Sharing of Charge, maximum voltage 6 kV while a capacitor of 2  F
Combination of Capacitor withstands the maximum voltage 4 kV. What
1. What physical quantities may X and Y represent ? maximum voltage will the system of these two
capacitor withstands if they are connected in series?
(A) 10 kV (B)12 kV
(C) 8 kV (D) 9 kV

Section B - Circuit Problems (Switch, Energy etc.)

7. Find equivalent capacitance across AB (all
capacitances in  F)
(A) pressure v/s temperature of a given gas 17
(constant volume) A B
(B) kinetic energy v/s velocity of a particle
13 5 1
(C) capacitance v/s charge at a constant potential
(D) potential v/s capacitance at a constant charge 1
2. The capacitance of a parallel plate condenser does 20
(A) F (B) 9  F
not depend upon 3
(A) the distance between the plates (C) 48  F (D) None
(B) area of the plates
(C) medium between the plates 8. (i) Find the charges on the three capacitors
(D) metal of the plates connected to a battery as shown in figure. Take C1
= 2.0 F, C2 = 4.0 F, C3 = 6.0 F and V = 10 volt.
3. Two capacitances of capacity C 1 and C2 are
connected in series and potential difference V is V C2 C3
applied across it. Then the potential difference C1
acros C1 will be (A) 20 C, 40 C, 60 C
C2 C1 + C 2 (B) 40 C, 20 C, 60 C
(A) V C (B) V C1 (C) 60 C, 40 C, 20 C
(D) 40 C, 60 C, 20 C
C2 C1
(C) V C + C (D) V C + C (ii) Find out work done by the battery during he process
1 2 1 2
of charging
4. Three long concentric conducting cylindrical shells (A) 1500 J (B) 1200 J
have radii R, 2R and 2 2 R. Inner and outer shells (C) 1600 J (D) 1300 J
are connected to each other. The capacitance across
(iii) Find out total energy stored in the capacitors.
middle and inner shells per unit length is:
(A) 500 J (B) 300 J
1 (C) 600 J (D) 800 J
0 6  0
(A) 3 (B)
ln 2 ln 2 9. Three plates A, B and C each of area 0.1 m2 are
 0 separated by 0.885mm from each other as shown
(C) 2 ln 2 (D) None in the figure. A 10 V battery is used to charge the
system. The energy stored in the system is
5. Two capacitor having capacitances 8  F and 16
 F have breaking voltages 20 V and 80 V. They A
are combined in series. The maximum charge they C 10V
can store individually in the combination is
(A) 160  C (B) 200  C (A) 1  J (B) 10-1  J
(C) 1280  C (D) none of these (C) 10-2  J (D) 10-3  J

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1.42 Theory and Exercise Book

10. Four metallic plates are arranged as shown in the 14. A capacitor of capacitance C is initially charged
figure. If the distance between each plate then to a potential difference of V volt. Now it is
capacitance of the given system between points A connected to a battery of 2V with opposite polarity.
and B is (Given d <<A) The ratio of heat generated to the final energy
stored in the capacitor will be
d (A) 1.75 (B) 2.25
d (C) 2.5 (D) 1/2
15. Two dielectric slabs of constant K1 and K2 have been
filled in between the plates of a capacitor as shown
0A 20 A
(A) (B) below. What will be the capacitance of the capacitor
d d
3 0 A 40 A
(C) (D)
d d

11. In the circuit shown initially C1, C2 are uncharged.

After closing the switch 2 0 A 2  0 A  K1 + K 2 
(A) (K1 + K2 ) (B)  
d d  K1 × K 2 
12V C 2  8 F d 2  0 A  K1 × K 2 
C 1  4F (C) 2 A (D)  
0 d  K1 + K 2 

(A) The charge on C2 is greater that on C1 16. A capacitor C is charged to a potential difference
(B) The charge on C1 and C2 are the same V and battery is disconnected. Now if the capacitor
(C) The potential drops across C1 and C2 are the same plates are brought close slowly by some distance
(D) The potential drops across C2 is greater than (A) some + ve work is done by external agent
that across C1 (B) energy of capacitor will decrease
(C) energy of capacitor will increase
12. Two capacitors of equal capacitance (C1 = C2 ) (D) none of the above
are shown in the figure. Initially, while the switch S
is open, one of the capacitors is uncharged and the Section C - Dielectric
other carries charge Q0. The energy stored in the
charged capacitor is U0. Sometimes after the switch 17. The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor is
is colsed, the capacitors C1 and C2 carry charges 2.5F when it is half filled with a dielectric as
Q1 and Q2 , respectively, the voltages across the shown in the figure, Its capacitance becomes 5F,
capacitors are V1 and V2, and the energies stored the dielectric constant of the dielectric is
in the capacitors are U 1 and U2 . Which of the
following statements is INCORRECT ?
1 S
(A) Q 0 = (Q1 + Q 2 )
(B) Q1 = Q2 C1 C2
(C) V1 = V2
(D) U0 = U1 + U2 (A) 7.5 (B) 3.0
(C) 0.33 (D) 4.0
Question No.13 to 16 (4 questions)
13. A capacitor of capacitance C is charged to a potential 18. Four identical plates 1, 2, 3 and 4 are placed parallel
difference V from a cell and then disconnected from to each other at equal distance as shown in the
it. A charge +Q is now given to its positive plate. The figure. Plates 1 and 4 are joined together and the
potential difference across the capacitor is now space between 2 and 3 is filled with a dielectric of
Q dielectric constant k = 2. The capacitance of the
(A) V (B) V +
C system between 1 and 3 & 2 and 4 are C1 and C2
Q Q C1
(C) V + (D) V – , if V < CV respectively. The ratio C is :
2C C 2

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Capacitance 1.43

5 1 24. A parallel plate capacitor has a capacity C. The

3 2 separation between plates is doubled and a dielectric
(B) 1
(C) 3/5 medium is inserted between plates. The new capacity
5 is 3C. The dielectric constant of medium is
(D) 4
7 (A) 1.5 (B) 3.0
(C) 6.0 (D) 12.0
19. The capacity of a parallel plate condenser is 5F.
When glass plate is placed between the plates of the
conductor, its potential becomes 1/8th of the original 25. An air capacitor of 1  F is immersed in a
value. The value of dielectric constant will be - transformer oil of dielectric constant 3. The
(A) 1.6 (B) 5 capacitance of the oil capacitor is
(C) 8 (D) 40
(A) 1F (B) F
20. Two identical capacitors 1 and 2 are connected in 3
series to a battery as shown in figure. Capacitor 2 (C) 3F (D) 2F
contains a dielectric slab of dielectric constant k as
shown. Q1 and Q2 are the charges stored in the 26. A parallel plate condenser is immersed in an oil of
capacitors. Now the dielectric slab is removed and
dielectric constant 2. The field between the plates
the corresponding charges are Q’1 and Q’2. Then
(A) increased proportional to 2.
1 2
(B) decreased proportional to 1/2
(C) increased proportional to 2
E (D) decreased proportional to 1/2
Q'1 K+ 1 Q '2 K+ 1
(A) Q = (B) Q = Section D - R-C Circuit
1 K 2 2
Q'2 K+1 Q'1 K 27. A capacitor of capacitance 100 F is connected
(C) Q = 2 K (D) = across a battery of emf 6.0 V through a resistance
2 Q1 2
of 20 k for 4.0s. The battery is then replaced by a
21. A capacitor stores 60  C Charge when connected thick wire. What will be the charge on the capacitor
across a battery. When the gap between the plates 4.0 s after the battery is diconnected ?
is filled with a dielectric, a charge of 120  C flows (A) 70 C (B) 80 C
through the battery. The dielectric constant of the
(C) 60 C (D) none of these
material inserted is
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) None 28. A capacitor of capacitance 0.1 µF is charged to
certain potential and allow to discharge through a
22. In the above question, if the initial capacitance of resistance of 10 MHow long will it take for the
the capacitor was 2  F, the amount of heat produced
potential to fall to one half of its original value-
when the dielectric is inserted.
(A) 0.1s (B) 0.2346 s
(A) 3600  J (B) 2700  J
(C) 1800 J (D) none (C) 1.386 s (D) 0.693 s

23. A parallel plate capacitor is connected to a battery 29. The electric field between the plates of a parallel-
and inserted a dielectric plate between the place of plate capacitance 2.0 F drops to one third of its
plates then which quantity increase. initial value in 4.4 s when the plates are connected
(A) potential difference
by a thin wire. Find the resistance of the wire.
(B) electric field
(C) stored energy (A) 3.0  (B) 2.0 
(D) E. M . F of battery (C) 4.0  (D) 1.0 

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1.44 Theory and Exercise Book

30. A 5.0 F capacitor having a charge of 20 C is 33. When the key is pressed at time t = 0 then which of
discharged through a wire of resistance of 5.0 . the following statement about the current i in the
Find the heat dissipated in the wire between 25 to resistor AB of the given circuit is true:
50 s after the capactions are made.
(A) 4.7 J (B) 3.7 J
(C) 5.7 J (D) 2.7 J

31. A charged capacitor is allowed to discharge through

a resistance 2  by closing the switch S at the
instant t = 0. At time t = ln2  s, the reading of the
(A) at t = 0, i = 2mA and with time it goes to 1 mA
ammeter falls half of its initial value. The resistance
(B) i oscillatets between 1 mA and 2 mA
of the ammeter equal to
(C) i = 2mA at all t
0.5 F (D) i = 1 m A at all t
+ –
S 34. Time constant of a series R–C circuit is :-
(A) +RC (B) –RC
2 R C
(C) (D)
(A) 0 (B) 2 
(C)  (D) 2 M 

32. In the circuit shown in the figure, the switch S is

initially open and the capacitor is initially uncharged.
I1, I2 and I3 represent the current in the resistance
2, 4 and 8 respectively.

2 I1 4F
6V 8 2F 4
I3 I2

(A) Just after the switch S is closed,

I1 = 3A, I2 = 3A and I3 = 0
(B) Just after the switch S is closed,
I1 = 3A, I2 = 0 and I3 = 0
(C) long time after the switch S is closed,
I1 = 0.6A, I2 = 0 and I3 = 0
(D) long after the switch S is closed,
I1 = I2 = I3 = 0.6A

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Capacitance 1.45

Exercise - 2 (Level-II) Multiple Correct | JEE Advanced

Section A - Capacitance Calculation (Sphere, Section B - Circuit Problems (Switch, Energy etc.)
Cylinderical, Parallel plate), Sharing of Charge, 4. Two capacitors of 2F and 3F are charged to 150
Combination of Capacitor volt and 120 volt respectively. The plates of
1. Two capacitors of capacitances 1F and 3F are capacitor are connected as shown in the figure. A
discharged capacitor of capacity 1.5 F falls to the
charged to the same voltages 5V. They are free ends of the wire. Then
connected in parallel with oppositely charged plates
. F
connected together. Then
(A) Final common voltage will be 5V
(B) Final common voltage will be 2.5 V –
+ 120V
150V – 2F 3F +
(C) Heat produced in the circuit will be zero
(D) Heat produced in the circuit will be 37.5J
(A) charge on the 1.5 F capacitor is 180 C
(B) charge on the 2 F capacitor is 120 C
2. A parallel-plate capacitor is connected to a cell. Its (C) charge flows through A from right to left
positive plate A and its negative plate B have charges (D) charge flows through A from left to right
+Q and –Q respectively. A third plate C, identical
5. Two thin conducting shells of radii R and 3R are
to A and B, with charge +Q, is now introduced
shown in the figure. The outer shell carries a charge
midway between A and B, parallel to them. Which +Q and the inner shell is neutral. The inner shell is
of the following are correct ? earthed with the help of a switch S.

(A) The charge on the inner face of B is now - 3R
(B) There is no change in the potential difference S

between A and B
(C) The potential difference between A and C is (A) With the switch S open, the potential of the
one-third of the potential difference between B and C inner sphere is equal to that of the outer
(B) When the switch S is closed, the potential of
(D) The charge on the inner face of A is now Q/2
the inner sphere becomes zero
(C) With the switch S closed, the charge attained
3. When two identical capacitors are charged by the inner sphere is –q/3
individually to different potentials and connected (D) By closing the switch the capacitance of the
parallel to each other, after disconnecting them from system increases
the source :
6. A circuit shown in the figure consists of a battery
(A) net charge on connected plates is less than the of emf 10V and two capacitance C 1 and C2 of
sum of initial individual charges. capacitances 1.0F and 2.0F respectively. The
(B) net charge on connected plates equals the sum potential difference VA – VB is 5V
of initial charges. A B
C1  C2
(C) the net potential difference across them is
(A) charge on capacitor C1 is equal to charge on
different from the sum of the individual initial capacitor C2
potential differences. (B) Voltage across capacitor C1 is 5V
(C) Voltage across capacitor C2 is 10 V
(D) the net energy stored in the two capacitors is
(D) Energy stored in capacitor C1 is two times the
less than the sum of the initial individual energies. energy stored in capacitor C2

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1.46 Theory and Exercise Book

7. Four capacitors and a battery are connected as 12. Two capacitors C1 = 4F and C2 = 2F are charged
shown. The potential drop across the 7F capacitor to same potential V = 500 Volt, but with opposite
is 6V. Then the polarity as shown in the figure. The switches S1
and S2 are closed.
7F + –
3.9 F S1 C1 S2
(A) potential difference across the 3F capacitor is 10 V
(B) charge on the 3F capacitor is 42C – +
(C) e.m.f. of the battery is 30V C2
(D) potential difference across the 12F capacitor is 10V
(A) The potential difference across the two
Question No.8 to 11 (4 questions) capacitors are same and is given by 500/3V
The figure shows a diagonal symmetric arrangement (B) The potential difference across the two
of capacitors and a battery capacitors are same and is given by 1000/3V
8. Identify the correct statements. (C) The ratio of final energy to initial energy of the
4F 2F
B system is 1/9
2F (D) The ratio of final energy to initial energy of the
A C system is 4/9
2F D 4F

+ – 13. In the circuit shown, each capacitor has a capacitance

E=20V C.The emf of the cell is E. If the switch S is closed
(A) Both the 4F capacitors carry equal charges in
opposite sense S
(B) Both the 4F capacitors carry equal charges in C
same sense C
(C) VB – VD > 0 C
(D) VD – VB > 0
+ –
9. If the potential of C is zero, then E
(A) VA = + 20V (A) positive charge will flow out of the positive
(B) 4(VA – VB) + 2(VD – VB) = 2VB
terminal of the cell
(C) 2(VA – VD) + 2(VB – VD) = 4VD
(D) VA = VB + VD (B) positive charge will enter the positive terminal
of the cell
10. The potential of the point B and D are (C) the amount of charge flowing through the cell
(A) VB = 8V (B) VB = 12V will be CE
(C) VD = 8V (D) VD = 12V (D) the amount of charge flowing through the cell
will be 4/3 CE
11. The value of charge q1, q2 and q3 as shown in the
figure are
14. When a parallel plates capacitor is connected to a
q1 q2
+ – B + – source of constant potential difference,
+q (A) all the charge drawn from the source is stored

A + – + – C in the capacitor.
q2 D q1 (B) all the energy drawn from the source is stored
+ – in the capacitor.
E=20V (C) the potential difference across the capacitor
(A) q1 = 32 C ; q2 = 24 C ; q3 = – 8 C grows very rapidly initially and this rate decreases
(B) q1 = 48 C ; q2 = 16 C ; q3 = + 8 C to zero eventually.
(C) q1 = 32 C ; q2 = 24 C ; q3 = + 8 C (D) the capacity of the capacitor increases with
(D) q1 = 3 C ; q2 = 4 C ; q3 = + 2 C the increase of the charge in the capacitor

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Capacitance 1.47

Section C - Dielectric Section D - R-C Circuit

15. Following operations can be performed on a 19. The circuit shown in the figure consists of a battery of
capacitor X – connect the capacitor to a battery of emf  = 10 V; a capacitor of capacitance C = 1.0F and
emf E Y – disconnect the battery three resistor of values R1 = 2, R2 = 2 and R3 = 1.
Z – reconnect the battery with polarity reversed Initially the capacitor is completely uncharged and the
W – insert a dielectric slab in the capacitor switch S is open. The switch S is closed at t = 0.
(A) In XYZ (perform X, then Y, then Z) the stored
electric energy remains unchanged and no thermal
energy is developed
(B) The charge appearing on the capacitor is greater
 R2 R3 C
after the action XWY than after the action XYW.
(C) The electric energy stored in the capacitor is
greater after the action WXY than after the action
(A) The current through resistor R3 at the moment
the switch closed is zero
(D) The electric field in the capacitor after the action
(B) The current through resistor R3 a long time after
XW is the same as that after WX the switch closed is 5A
(C) The ratio of current through R1 and R2 is always
16. The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor is C constant
when the region between the plate has air. This (D) The maximum charge on the capacitor during
region is now filled with a dielectric slab of dielectric the operation is 5C
constant k. The capacitor is connected to a cell of
1 2 3
emf E, and the slab is taken out 20. In the circuit shown in
(A) charge CE(k –1) flows through the cell figure C 1 = C 2 = 2  F.
(B) energy E2C(k – 1) is absorbed by the cell Then charge stored in C1 C2
(C) the energy stored in the capacitor is reduced (A) capacitor C1 is zero
by E2C(k – 1) (B) capacitor C2 is zero 2 1 3
1 2 (C) both capacitor is zero
(D) the external agent has to do E C(k-1) (D) capacitor C1 is 40C 120V
amount of work to take the slab out
Question No. 21 to 22 (2 question)
17. The plates of a parallel plate capacitor with no The charge across the capacitor in two different
dielectric are connected to a voltage source. Now RC circuits 1 and 2 are plotted as shown in figure.
a dielectric of dielectric constant K is inserted to fill
the whole sapce between the plates with voltage
source remaining connected to the capacitor. qmax
(A) the energy stored in the capacitor will become 1
(B) the electric field inside the capacitor will
O t
decrease to K-times
(C) the force of attraction between the plates will 21. Choose the correct statement (s) related to the two
increase to K2 - times circuits
(D) the charge on the capacitor will increase to K-times (A) Both the capacitors are charged to the same
18. A parallel plate capacitor A is filled with a dielectric (B) The emf’s of cells in both the circuit are equal
whose dielectric constant varies with applied voltage (C) The emf’s of the cells may be different
as K = V. An identical capacitor B of capacitance (D) The emf E1 is more than E2
C0 with air as dielectric is connected to voltage
source V0 = 30 V and then connected to the first 22. Identify the correct statement(s) related to the R1,
capacitor after disconnecting the voltage source. R2, C1 and C2 of the two RC circuits.
The charge and voltage on capacitor. (A) R1 > R2 if E1 = E2 (B) C1 < C2 if E1 = E2
(A) A are 25 C0 and 25 V (B) A are 25 C0 and 5 V R 1 2 C
(C) B are 5c0 and 5V (D) B are 5C0 and 25 V (C) R1C1 > R2C2 (D) R < C
2 1

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1.48 Theory and Exercise Book

Exercise - 3 | Level-I Subjective | JEE Advanced

Section A - Capacitance Calculation (Sphere, 6. In the circuit shown in figure, find the amount of
Cylinderical, Parallel plate), Sharing of Charge, heat generated when switch s is closed.
Combination of Capacitor
1. The figure shows a circuit consisting of four
5V 10V
capacitors. Find the effective capacitance between
X and Y.

X Y 7. Find the charge on the capacitor C = 1F in the

circuit shown in the figure.
2. The plates of a parallel plate capacitor are given
charges +4Q and –2Q. The capacitor is then
connected across an uncharged capacitor of same
capacitance as first one (= C). Find the final potential
difference between the plates of the first capacitor.

3. A parallel plate capacitor has an electric field of 8. Three capacitors of 2 F, 3  F and 5 F are
105V/m between the plates. If the charge on the independently charged with batteries of emf’s 5V, 20V
capacitor plate is 1  C, then the force on each
and 10V respectively. After disconnecting from the
capacitor plate is
voltage sources. These capacitors are connected as
shown in figure with their positive polarity plates are
Section B - Circuit Problems (Switch, Energy etc.)
connected to A and negative polarity is earthed. Now
4. The capacitor each having capacitance C = 2F
are connected with a battery of emf 30 V as shown a battery of 20V and an uncharged capacitor of 4F
in figure. When the switch S is closed. Find capacitance are connected to the junction A as shown
with a switch S. When switch is closed, find :


30V A

(A) the amount of charge flown through the battery

(B) the heat generated in the circuit
(C) the energy supplied by the battery
(D) the amount of charge flown through the switch S
(a) the potential of the junction A.
5. In the circuit shown in the figure, initially SW is (b) final charges on all four capacitors.
open. When the switch is closed, the charge passing
through the switch _____________ in the direction 9. In the given network if + –
____________ to __________. potential difference between
p and q is 2V and C2 = 3C1. a c2
60V c1
Then find the potential
A SW p
60V q
difference between a & b.
c1 c2

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Capacitance 1.49

10. Find the equivalent capacitance of the circuit Section C - Dielectric

between point A and B.
16. Find the capacitance of the system shown in figure.
C 2C 4C 8C Plate area = A

d k=1 k=2
A Infinite B
d k=3 k=4
C 2C 4C 8C

11. In the following circuit, the resultant capacitance

between A and B is 1F. Find the value of C. 17. The two parallel plates of a capacitor have equal
and opposite charges Q. The dielectric has a
dielectric constant K and resistivity . Find that the
“leakage” current carried by the dielectric is given

by the relationship i 
K 0 

12. Five identical capacitor plates, each of area A, are 18. A parallel plate air-core capacitor is connected
arranged such that adjacent plates are at a distance across a source of constant potential difference.
‘d’ apart, the plates are connected to a source of
When a dielectric plate is introduced between the
emf V as shown in figure. The charge on plate 1 is
two plates then prove that electric field intensity
____________ and that on plate 4 is
____________. does not change

19. A parallel plate capacitor has a parallel sheet of

1 2 3 4 5 –
copper inserted between and parallel to the two
plates, without touching the plates. For what position
of copper plate the capacity of the capacitor after
13. The two identical parallel plates are +q
+3q the introduction of the copper sheet is minimum,
given charges as shown in figure. If
the plate area of either face of each maximum and invariant
plate is A and separation between
plates is d, then find the amount of 20. The area of the plates of a parallel plate capacitor is
heat liberate after closing the switch. S A and the gap between them is d. The gap is filled
with a non homogeneneous dielectric whose dielectric
14. A solid conducting sphere of radius 10 cm is enclosed constant varies with the distance ‘y’ from one plate
by a thin metallic shell of radius 20 cm. A charge q as: K =  sec(  y/2d), where  is a dimensionless
= 20 C is given to the inner sphere. Find the heat
constant. The capacitance of this capacitor is
generated in the process, the inner sphere is
connected to the shell by a conducting wire -
21. Condenser A has a capacity of 15  F when it is
15. A parallel plate capacitor is charged by connecting it filled with a medium of dielectric constant 15. Another
to a battery. The battery is disconnected and the plates condenser B has a capacity 1  F with air between
of the capacitor are pulled apart to make the separation
the plates. Both are charged separately by a battery
between the plates twice. Again the capacitor is
connected to the battery (with same polarity) then the of 100 V. After charging, both are connected in
potential difference between the plates increases when parallel without the battery and the dielectric material
the plates are pulled apart (yes or not) being removed. The common potential now is :

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1.50 Theory and Exercise Book

Section D - R-C Circuit 27. In an R-C circuit capacitor lost 63% of initial charge
22. A capacitor of capacity C is charged to a steady in 5 ms when it discharges through a resistor of R .
potential difference V and connected in series with If it discharges through a resistor of 2R ,then it lost
an open key and a pure resistor ‘R’. At time t = 0, 63% of its initial chargein K ms. Find the value of K.
the key is closed. If I = current at time t, a plot of
log I against ‘t’ is as shown in (1) in the graph.
Later one of the parameters i.e. V, R or C is 28. In the given circuit, At t = 0–, before the switch
changed keeping the other two constant, and the closed, VC was measured as 100 V. If energy
graph (2) is recorded. Then C increase or not. liberated in resistor in t second is k×10-1(1–e-125t),
then find the value of k.

log I

O t

23. Three identical capacitors Q

29. An RC transient has a power transient given by
are charged by connecting
them in parallel across a
P  360 e-t10 . Value of resistor in circuit is 10 
battery of V volt. They are and initial charge on capacitor is 60 k C. Find
then allowed to discharge R1
the value of K.
via resistor R1, R2 and R3. R2
Here, Q charge versus t R3
t 30. Find heat produced in the circuit shown in figure on
time graphs are shown.
Then R1 is smallest or not. closing the switch S.

24. For the circuit shown in figure below, At t = 0, switch

is closed, the initial current through resistor and final
charge on capacitor are


31 In steady state, calculate energy stored in capacitors

10 V
shown in Fig. and the rate at which battery supplies
25. For the given circuit shown in figure below, Time energy.
constant is
S 6R
3 3
+ R
2µF 2µF

26. During charging of capacitor in the circuit shown, 2

R 1 2
+ 1µF
C 10V –

Circuit current versus time graph is

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Capacitance 1.51

Exercise - 3 | Level-II Subjective | JEE Advanced

Section A - Capacitance Calculation (Sphere, (i) radius a = b/e if the potential of the capacitor is to
Cylinderical, Parallel plate), Sharing of Charge, be maximum
Combination of Capacitor (ii) radius a = b/ e if the energy per unit length of
1. An insolated conductor initially free from charge is the system is to be maximum.
charged by repeated contacts with a plate which after
each contact has a charge Q due to some mechanism. 5. Find the charge flown through the switch from A to
If q is the charge on the conductor after the first B when it is closed.
operation, prove that the maximum charge which can
Qq 3F
be given to the conductor in this way is . 3F 10V 6F
Q- q 5V 3F
A B 5V 6F
Section B - Circuit Problems (Switch, Energy etc.) 6F
2. Five identical conducting plates 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 are
fixed parallel to and equdistant from each other (see
figure). Plates 2 & 5 are connected by a conductor 6. Figure shows three concentric conducting spherical
while 1 & 3 are joined by another conductor. The shells with inner and outer shells earthed and the
junction of 1 & 3 and the plate 4 are connected to a middle shell is given a charge q. Find the electrostatic
source of constant e.m.f. V0. Find : energy of the system stored in the region I and II.

4 –
2 q

1 + r

(i) the effective capacity of the system between the
terminals of the source.
(ii) the charges on plates 3 & 5 Given d = distance 7. Find the charge which flows from point A to B,
between any 2 successive plates & A = area of when switch is closed.
either face of each plate.
3. When the switch S in the figure is thrown to the
left, the plates of capacitors C1 acquire a potential 5F 5F 5F 5F 5F
difference V. Initially the capacitors C 2C 3 are
uncharged. The switch is now thrown to the right.
What are the final charges q 1, q 2 & q 3 on the 20V
corresponding capacitors.
Section C - Dielectric
C2 8. A potential difference of 300 V is applied between
V C1 the plates of a plane capacitor spaced 1cm apart. A
plane parallel glass plate with a thickness of 0.5 cm
and a plane parallel paraffin plate with a thickness
of 0.5 cm are placed in the space between the
4. A capacitor consists of two air spaced concentric capacitor plates find :
cylinders. The outer of radius b is fixed, and the (i) Intensity of electric field in each layer.
inner is of radius a. If breakdown of air occurs at (ii) The drop of potential in each layer.
field strengths greater than Eb, show that the inner (iii) The surface charge density of the charge on capacitor
cylinder should have the plates. Given that : kglass = 6, kparaffin = 2

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
1.52 Theory and Exercise Book

9. A parallel plate capacitor has plates with area A &

+ –
separation d. A battery charges the plates to a C
potential difference of V 0 . The battery is then
disconnected & a di-electric slab of constant K & S1
thickness d is introduced. Calculate the positive work R2
done by the system (capacitor + slab) on the man
E S2
who introduces the slab.
14. In the figure shown initially switch is open for a
10. A parallel plate capacitor is filled by a di-electric long time. Now the switch is closed at t = 0. Find
whose relative permittivity varies with the applied the charge on the rightmost capacitor as a function
of time given that it was initially unchanged.
voltage according to the law = V, where  = 1
per volt. The same (but containing no di-electric)
capacitor charged to a voltage V = 156 volt is
connected in parallel to the first “non-linear” V R C C
uncharged capacitor. Determine the final voltage
Vf across the capacitors.

15. In an RC circuit while charging, the graph of ln I versus

11. Two parallel plate capacitors of capacitance C and time is as shown by the dotted line in the adjoining
2C are connected in parallel then following steps diagram where I is the current. When the value of the
are performed. resistance is doubled, which of the solid curves best
(i) A battery of voltage V is connected across the represents the variation of ln I versus time?
ln I S
(ii) A dielectric slab of relative permittivity k is slowly
inserted in capacitor C.
(iii) Battery is disconnected.
(iv) Dielectric slab is slowly removed from capacitor. t

Find the heat produced in (i) and work done by

external agent in step (ii) & (iv). 16. Find how the voltage across the capacitor C varies
with time t (Fig.) after the shorting of the switch
12. The gap between the plates of a plane capacitor is Sw at the moment t = 0.
filled with an isotropic insulator whose di-electric Sw
constant varies in the direction perpendicular to the

   R C
plates according to the law K = K1 1+ sin X , 
 d 
where d is the separation, between the plates & K1
is a constant. The area of the plates is S. Determine
the capacitance of the capacitor. 17 Find the time constant for the following circuit.

Section D - R-C Circuit
13. The capacitors shown in figure has been charged
to a potential difference of V volts, so that it carries R 2R
a charge CV with both the switches S1 and S 2
remaining open. Switch S1 is closed at t = 0. At t =
R1C switch S1 is opened and S2 is closed. Find the
charge on the capacitor at t = 2R1C + R2C.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Capacitance 1.53

Exercise - 4 | Level-I Previous Year | JEE Main

1. A parallel plate capacitor is made by stacking n 5. A parallel plate capacitor with air between the plates
equally spaced plates connected alternatively. If the has a capacitance of 9 pF. The separation between
its plates is d. The space between the plate is now
capacitance between any two adjacent plates is C,
filled with two dielectrics. One of the dielectrics
then the resultant capacitance is (AIEEE 2005)
(A) (n – 1)C (B) (n + 1)C has dielectric constant K1 = 3 and thicknes while
(C) C (D) nC
the other one has dielectric constant K2 = 6 and
2. A full charged capacitor has a capacitance C. It is
discharged through a small coil of resistance wire thickness . Capacitance of the capacitor is now
embedded in a thermally insulated block of specific (AIEEE 2008)
heat capacity s and mass m. If the temperture of (A) 1.8 pF (B) 45 pF
the block is raised by T , the potential difference (C) 40.5 pF (D) 20.25 pF
V across the capacitance is (AIEEE 2005)
6. Let C be that capacitance of a capacitor discharging
through a resistor R. Suppose t1 is the time taken
2mC T mC T
(A) (B) for the energy stored in the capacitor to reduce to
s s half its initial value and t2 is the time taken for the
charge to reduce to one-fourth its initial value. Then
msT 2 ms  T t1
the ratio
C t2 will be. (AIEEE 2010)

(A) 1 (B)
3. A parallel plate condenser with a dielectric of
dielectric constant K between the plates has a 1
(C) (D) 2
capacity C and is charged to a potential V volts. 4
The dielectric slab is slowly removed from between
the plates and then reinserted. The net work done 7. A resistor R and 2F capacitor in series in
by the system in this process is (AIEEE 2007) connected through a switch to 200 V direct supply.
Across the capacitor is a neon bulb that lights up at
1 120 V. Calculate the value of R to make the bulb
(A) (K  1)CV 2 (B) CV 2 (K  1) / K
2 light up 5 s after the switch has been closed
(log10 2.5  0.4) (AIEEE 2011)
(C) (K  1)CV 2 (D) zero
(A) 1.7  105  (B) 2.7  106 

4. A battery is used to charge a parallel plate capacitor (C) 3.3  107  (D) 1.3  104 
till the potential difference between the plates
8. Combination of two identical capacitors, a resistor R
becomes equal to the electromotive force of the and a DC voltage source of voltage 6V is used in an
battery. The ratio of the energy stored in the experiment on C–R circuit. It is found that for a parallel
capacitor and the work done by the battery will be combination of the capacitor, the time in which the
(AIEEE 2007) voltage of the fully charged combination reduces to
half its original voltage is 10 s. For series combination,
(A) 1 (B) 2
the time needed for reducing the voltage of the fully
1 1 charged series combination by half is [AIEEE 2011]
(C) (D) (A) 20 s (B) 10 s
4 2
(C) 5 s (D) 2.5 s

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
1.54 Theory and Exercise Book

13. A combination of capacitors is set up as shown in

Potential difference

25 the figure. The magnitude of the electric field, due

to a point charge Q (having a charge equal to the
V in volts

sumof thechargeson the4F and 9F capacitors),
at a point distant 30 m from it, would equal :
(JEE MAIN 2016)
9. 5 3F
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time t in seconds
The figure shows an experimental plot for discharging 2F
of acapacitor in anR-Ccircuit. Thetimeconstant  of
this circuit lies between. [AIEEE 2012] + –
(A) 50 sec and 100 sec 8V
(B) 100 sec and 150 sec (A) 360 N/C (B) 420 N/C
(C) 150 sec and 200 sec (C) 480 N/C (D) 240 N/C
(D) 0 and 50 sec
14. A capacitance of 2 F is required in an electrical
10. Two capacitors C1 and C2 are charged to 120 V
and 200 V respectively. It is found that by connecting circuit across a potential difference of 1.0 kV. A
them together the potential on each one can be made large number of 1 F capacitors are available which
zero. Then: [AIEEE 2013] can withstand a potential difference of not more
(A) 3C1 + 5C2= 0 (B) 9C1 = 4C2 than 300 V.
(C) 5C1 = 3C2 (D) 3C1 = 5C2 The minimum number of capacitors required to
11. A parallel plate capacitor is made of two achieve this is : (JEE MAIN 2017)
circular plates separated by a distance of 5 mm (A) 32 (B) 2
and with a dielectric of dielectric constant 2.2 (C) 16 (D) 24
between them. When the electric field in the
dielectric is 3 × 104 V/m, the change density of the 15. A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance 90pF is
positive plate will be close to : (JEE MAIN 2014) connected to a battery of emf 20 V. If a dielectric
(A) 3 × 104 C/m2 (B) 6 × 104 C/m2
(C) 6 × 10–7 C/m2 (D) 3 × 10–7 C/m2 5
material of dielectric K = is inserted between
12. In the given circuit, charge Q2 on the 2µF capacitor the plates, the magnitude of the induced charge will
changes as C is varied from 1µF to 3µF. Q2 as a function be : (JEE MAIN 2018)
of 'C' is given properly by : (figure are drawn (A) 0.9 n C (B) 1.2 n C
shematically and are not to scale)(JEE MAIN 2015) (C) 0.3 nC (D) 2.4 nC



Charge Charge

Q2 Q2
(A) (B)
1µF 3µF 1µF 3µF

Charge Charge

Q2 Q2
(C) (D)
1µF 3µF 1µF 3µF

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Capacitance 1.55

Exercise - 4 | Level-II Previous Year | JEE Advanced

1. In the given circuit, the switch S is closed at time
6 0 R (15d  9Vt)  0 R
t = 0. The charge Q on the capacitor at any instant t (A) (B)
5d  3Vt 2d 2 – 3dVt – 9V 2 t 2
is given by Q(t) = Q0 (1 – e–t). R 1

Find the value of Q0 and 6 0 R (15d  9Vt)  0 R

 in terms of given R (C) (D)
2d 2  3dVt – 9V 2 t 2
C 5d  3Vt
parameters shown in the +
– v
circuit. [JEE’ 2005 (Scr)]
6. At time t = 0, a battery of 10 V is connected across
2. An uncharged capacitor of capacitance 4 F, a
point A and B in the given circuit. It the capacitors
battery of emf 12 volt and a resistor of 2.5 M are
connected in series. The time after which vC = 3vR have no charge initially, at what time (in seconds)
is (take ln 2 = 0.693) [JEE’ 2005 (Scr)] does the voltage across them become 4 V ?
(A) 6.93 sec. (B) 13.86 sec [JEE 2010]
(C) 20.52 sec. (D) none of these
2M 2F
3. Given : R1 =- 1, R2 = 2, C1 = 2 F, C2 = 4F
The time constants (in  S) for the circuits I, II, III
are respectively [JEE 2006]
C1 C2 C1
2M 2F
V R1 R2
(I) (II) [Take : n 5 = 1.6, n 3 = 1.1]
R2 7. A 2 F capacitor is charged as shown in figure.
R1 The percentage of its stored energy dissipated after
the switch S is turned to position 2 is [JEE 2011]
C1 C2
1 2
(A) 18, 8/9, 4 (B) 18, 4, 8/9
(C) 4, 8/9, 18 (D) 8/9, 18, 4 V
4. A circuit is connected as 3 F 6 F
shown in the figure with
the switch S open. When

the switch is closed, the 3 6 (A) 0% (B) 20%
total amount of charge Y (C) 75% (D) 80%
that flows from Y to X is
[JEE 2007] 9V
(A) 0 (B) 54 C 8. In the given circuit a
(C) 27 C (D) 81 C charge of +80 C is given
5. A parallel plate capacitor C with plates of unit area to the upper plate of the
and separation d is filled with a liquid of dielectric 4F capacitor. Then in the
constant K = 2. The level of liquid is initially.. steady state, the charge
Suppose the liquid level decreases at a constant on the upper plate of the
speed V, the time constant as a function of time t is 3f capacitor is.
[JEE 2008] [JEE 2012]
C (A) +32C (B) +40C
d d R (C) +48C (D) +80C

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
1.56 Theory and Exercise Book

9. In the circuit shown in the figure, there are two parallel (A) Magnitude of the maximum charge on the
plate capacitors each of capacitance C. The switch

S1 is pressed first fo fully charge the capacitor C1 and capacitor before t = is 1 × 10-3 C.

then released. The switch S2 is then pressed to charge
the capacitor C2. After some time, S2 is released and (B) The current in the left part of the circuit just
then S3 is pressed. After some time, [JEE 2013]

S1 S2 S3 before t = is clockwise.

C1 C2 (C) Immediately after A is connected to D, the
2V0 V0
current in R is 10A.
(D) Q = 2×10-3C. [JEE 2014]
(A) the charge on the upper plate C1 is 2CV0.
(B) the charge on the upper plate of C1 is CV0. 12. A parallel plate capaitor having plates of area S and
(C) the charge on the upper plate of C2 is 0. plate separation d, has capacitance C1 in air. When
(D) the charge on the upper plate of C2 is -CV0. two dielectrics of different relative permittivities
10. A parallel plate capacitor has a dielectric slab of dielectric (1 = 2 and 2 = 4) are introduced between the two
constant K between it plates that covers 1/3 of the area plates as shown in the figure, the capacitance becomes
of its plates, as shown in the figure. The total capacitance C2
of the capacitor is C while that of the portion with C2. The ratio C is- [JEE Advanced 2015]
dielectric in between C1. When the capacitor is charged, d/2
the plate area covered by the dielectric get charge Q1
and the rest of the area gets charge Qz. The electric
field in the dielectric is E1 and that in the other portion is
E2. Choose the correct option/options. ignoring edge S/2
effects. [JEE 2014]
(A) =1 + –
E2 S/2

E1 1
(B) =
E2 K
Q1 3 d
(C) = (A) 6/5 (B) 6/5
Q2 K
(C) 7/5 (D) 7/3
C 2+K
(D) =
C1 K
13. A combination of capacitors is set up as shown in
11. At time t = 0, terminal A is the circuit shown in the the figure. The magnitude of the electric field, due
figure is connected to B by a key and an alternating to a point charge Q (having a charge equal to the
current I(t) = I0cos(t) with I0=1A and =500 rad s-1 sum of the charges on the 4F and 9F capacitors),
starts flowing in it with the initial direction shown in at a point distant 30 m from it, would equal:
7 [JEE Advanced 2016]
the figure. At t  . the key is switched from B to
 3F
D. Now onwards only A and D are connected. A total 4F
charge Q flows from the battery to charge the capacitor 9F
fully. If C=20F, R=10 and the battery is ideal with
emf of 50V, identify the correct statement (s). 2F

+ –

(A) 360 N/C (B) 420 N/C

(C) 480 N/C (D) 240 N/C

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Capacitance 1.57

PARAGRAPH (14 to 15) one more time by raising the voltage to V0 and the
Consider an evacuted cylindrical chamber of height capacitor is charged to the same final voltage V0
h having rigid conducting plates at the end and an as in process 1.
insulting curved surface as shown in the figure. A These two processes are depicted in figure 2
number of spherical balls made of a light weight and
soft material and coated with a conducting material V
are placed on the bottom plated. The balls have a V0

radius r << h. Now a high voltage source (HV) is S

connected across the conducting plates such that the 2V0/3
bottom plate is at +V0 and the top plate at –V0. Due R T>>RC
to their conducting surface, the balls will eventually V C
collide with the top plate, where the plate and are T 2T t
repelled by it. The balls will eventually collide with Figure 1 Figure 2
the top plate, where the coefficient of restitution can
be taken to be zero due to the soft nature the material 16. In process 2, total energy dissipated across the re-
of the balls. The electric field in the chamber can be sistance ED is - [JEE Advanced 2017]
considered to be that of a parallel plate capacitor.
1 2 1  1 CV 2 
Assume that there are no collisions between the balls (A) ED = 3  2 CV0  (B) ED =  0 
and the interaction between them is negligible.   3 2 
(Ignore gravity) [JEE Advanced 2016] 1
14. Which one of the following statements is correct? (C) ED = 3 CV02 (D) ED = CV02
(A) The balls will stick to the top plate and remain
there 17. In process 1, the energy stored in the capacitor EC
(B) The balls will bounce back to the bottom plate
and heat dissipated across resistance ED are re-
carrying the same charge they went up with
(C) The balls will bounce back to the bottom plate lated by - [JEE Advanced 2017]
carrying the opposite charge they went up with (A) EC = ED (B) EC = ED ln 2
(D) The balls will execute simple harmonic motion 1
between the two plates (C) EC = 2ED (D) EC = E
2 D

15. The average current in the steady state registered

18. Three identical capacitors C 1,C2 and C3 have a
by the ammeter in the circuit will be
capacitance of 1.0 F. each and they are uncharged
(A) zero
(B) proportional to the potential V0 initially. They are connected in a circuit as shown
in the figure and C1 is then filled completely with a
(C) proportional to V 01/2
dielectric material of relative permittivity r . The
(D) proportional to V02
cell electromotive force (emf) V0=8V. First the
switch S1 is closed while the switch S2 is kept open.
PARAGRAPH - (16 To 17) [JEE Advanced 2017] When the capacitor C3 is fully charged, S1 is opened
Consider a simple RC circuit as shown in figure 1.
and S 2 is closed simultaneously. When all the
Process-1: In the circuit the switch S is closed at
capacitors reach equilibrium, the charge on C3 is
t = 0 and the capcitor is fully charged to voltage V0
(i.e., charging continues for time T >> RC). In the found to be 5 C The value of r =____________.
process some dissipation (ED) occurs across the [JEE Advanced 2018]
resistance R. The amount of energy finally stored in
the fully charged capacitor is EC.
Process-2: In a different process the voltage is v0
first set set to 0 and maintained for a charging C1 C3
2v0 S1 C2
time T >> RC. Then the voltage is raised to
without discharging the capacitor and again main-
tained for a time T >> RC. The process is repeated

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
1.58 Theory and Exercise Book

Exercise - 1 Objective Problems | JEE Main

1. A 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. D
8. B 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. D 14. A
15. B 16. D 17. (i) B (ii) A 18. A 19. C 20. A
21. C 22. D 23. B 24. B 25. A 26. B 27. B
28. (i) A (ii) B (iii) C (iv) C 29. A 30. B 31. C 32. B
33. B 34. A 35. C 36. B 37. A 38. B 39. A
40. D 41. C 42. B 43. C 44. D 45. C 46. D
47. C 48. (i) A (ii) A 49. D 50. C 51. B 52. D
53. B 54. C 55. D

Exercise - 2 (Level-I) Objective Problems | JEE Main

1. D 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. B
8. (i) A (ii) B (iii) C 9. B 10. B 11. B 12. D 13. C
14. B 15. D 16. B 17. B 18. B 19. C 20. C
21. C 22. C 23. C 24. C 25. C 26. B 27. A
28. D 29. B 30. A 31. A 32. B 33. A 34. A

Exercise - 2 (Level-II) Multiple Correct | JEE Advanced

1. BD 2. ABCD 3. BCD 4. ABC 5. ABCD

6. AD 7. BCD 8. BC 9. ABCD 10. BC
11. C 12. AC 13. AD 14. AC 15. BCD
16. ABD 17. ACD 18. BC 19. ABCD 20. BD
21. AC 22. D

Exercise - 3 | Level-I Subjective | JEE Advanced

1. F 2. 3Q/2C 3. 0.05 Nt 4. (a) 20 C, (b) 0.3 mJ, (c) 0.6 mJ. (d) 60 C
5. 60 c, A to B 6. 150 J 7. 10 C
8. (a) volts ; (b) 28.56 C, 42.84 C, 71.4 C, 22.88 C 9. 30 V 10. C

32 A 0 V 2 A 0 V 1 q2 d
11. F 12. , – 13. 14. 9J 15. proof
23 d d 2 0 A

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Capacitance 1.59

25  0 A
16. 17. Proof 18. proof 19. proof 20. 0 A/2d
24 d
21. 800 volt 22. C is increases 23. R1 is smallest 24. 0.2 A, 20 c

25.  = 3 RC 26. 27. 10 28. 2 29. 2 30. 0


31. = 80.5 × 10–6 J ,10 W

Exercise - 3 | Level-II Subjective | JEE Advanced

5  0 A  4  0 AV  2  0 AV 
1. Proof 2. (i) 3  d  ; (ii) Q3 = 3  d 
, Q5 = 3  d 
  

C12V(C2  C3 ) C1C2C3V
3. q1= C C  C C  C C q2=q3 C C  C C  C C 4. Proof 5. 69 C
1 2 2 3 1 3 1 2 2 3 3 1

3kq12 4q 400
6. UI = where q1 = – ; UII = 2K(q  q1)2 / 35 r 7. – C
10 r 25 7

8. (i) 1.5 × 104 V/m, 4.5 × 104 V/m, (ii) 75 V, 225 V, (iii) 8 × 10– 7 C/m2

1  1
9. W= C0 V02  1 – K  10. 12 volt

3 1 1 0SK1
11. (i) CV 2 ; (ii) – CV 2 (K – 1) ; (K + 2) (K – 1) CV2 ; 12. C
2 2 6 2d
 1 CV CV  1 – t /RC 
13. q = CE  1  e  + 2 14. q 1 – e
2  2

 15. R

16. V= (1 – e–2t/RC) 17. Time constant = 7RC/6.

Exercise - 4 | Level-I Previous Year | JEE Main

1. A 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. B
8. D 9. B 10. D 11. C 12. D 13. B 14. A
15. B

Exercise - 4 | Level-II Previous Year | JEE Advanced

CVR2 R1  R2
1. Q0 = R  R and a = CR R 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A
1 2 1 2

6. 2 sec 7. D 8. C 9. B,D 10. A,D 11. C,D

12. D 13. B 14. C 15. D 16. B 17. A
18. 1.50

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.1

Section A - Magnetic field due to a straight 2. BIOT-SAVART LAW
wire, Circular Loop, Circular Arc Biot-Savart law gives the magnetic induction due
1. THE MAGNETIC FIELD to an infinitesimal current element.
In earlier lessons we found it convenient to describe Let AB be a conductor of an arbitrary shape
the interaction between charged objects in terms carrying a current i, and P be a point in vacuum at
of electric fields. Recall that an electric field which the field is to be determined. Let us divide
surrounding an electric charge. The region of space the conductor into infinitesimal current-elements.

surrounding a moving charge includes a magnetic Let r be a displacement vector from the element
field in addition to the electric field. A magnetic field to the point P.
also surrounds a magnetic substance. According to ‘Biot-Savart Law’, the magnetic field
In order to describe any type of field, we must  
induction d B at P due to the current element d l
define its magnitude, or strength, and its direction.
Magnetic field is the region surrounding a moving is given by
  
 i (d l  r)
charge in which its magnetic effects are perceptible
 i (d l  r)
on a moving charge (electric current). Magnetic d B or d B  k
r3 r3
field intensity is a vector quantity and also known as
 Where k is a proportionalty constant.
magnetic induction vector. It is represented by B . 
Here d l vector points in the direction of current i.
Lines of magnetic induction may be drawn in the
same way as lines of electric field. The number of B
lines per unit area crossing a small area
dl dB
perpendicular to the direction of the induction being r P
 i
numerically equal to B . The number of lines of
 A
B crossing a given area is referred to as the
magnetic flux linked with that area. For this reason 0 Wb
In S.I. units, k   107
 4 amp  metre
B is also called magnetic flux density..

There are two methods of calculating magnetic field   0 i (d l  r)
at some point. One is Biot-Savart law which gives  dB  ...(1)
4 r3
the magnetic field due to an infinitesimally small
current carrying wire at some point and the another Equation (1) is the vector form of the Biot-Savart
is Ampere’ law, which is useful in calculating the Law. The magnitude of the field induction at P is
magnetic field of a symmetric configuration carrying given by
a steady current.  0 i d l  sin 
d B ,
The unit of magnetic field is weber/m2 and is known 4 r2

as tesla (T) in the SI system. where  is the angle between d l and r .

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.2 Theory and Exercise Book

If the medium is other than air or vaccum, the Now equation (i) can be written in this form
magnetic inducton is 1
 0 i
  0 r i (d l  r)  B
4 d  cos  d
dB  ...(2) – 2
4 r3
where r is relative permeability of the medium and 0 i
or B  [sin 1  sin 2 ] ...(3)
is a dimensionless quantity. 4 d
LENGTH For the case shown in figure
Consider a straight wire segment carrying a current  0i
B at A = (sin 2 – sin 1 )  i
i and there is a point P at which magnetic field to be 4 r
calculated as shown in the figure. This wire segment 2
makes angle 1 and 2 at that point with normal 1 A
OP. Consider an element of length dy at a distance  r

y from O and distance of this element from point P Direction of B : The direction of magnetic field is

is r and line joining P to Q makes an angle  with determined by the cross product of the vector i d l
the direction of current as shown in figure. Using
with r . Therefore, at point P, the direction of the
Biot-Savart Law magnetic field at point P due to
magnetic field due to the whole conductor will be
small current element is given by
perpendicular to the plane of paper and going into
0 i  dy sin   the plane.
dB   
4  r 2  Right-hand Thumb Rule : The direction of B at
 a point P due to a long, straight wire can be found
As every element of the wire contributes to B in
by the right-hand thumb rule. The direction of
the same direction, we have
magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane
containing wire and perpendicular from the point.
The orientation of magnetic field is given by the
i direction of curl fingers if we stretch thumb along
O d 1 the wire in the direction of current. Refer figure.
y  2

dy Q

 i dysin 
B 0  ....(i)
4 A r 2

From the triangle OPQ as shown in diagram, we

have Conventionally, the direction of the field
y = d tan  or dy = d sec2 d perpendicular to the plane of the paper is represented
and is same triangle, by  if into the page and by O if out of the page.
r = d sec  and  = (90º – ), where  is angle Now consider some special cases involving the
between line OP and PQ application of equation (3)

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.3

CASE 1 : When the point P is on the perpendicular

In this case angle 1 = 2, using result of equation
(3), the magnetic field is
Calculate the magnetic field induction at a point
 2i
B 0 sin 1 a 3
4 d distance, metre from a straight wire of length
L P 2
L d 1
where sin 1  ‘a’ metre carrying a current of i amp. The point is
L2  4d 2 on the perpendicular bisector of the wire.
0 i x
Case - 2 Sol. B= [sin1 + sin2]
4 d
(i) If the wire is infinitely long then the magnetic
field at ‘P’ (as shown in the figure) is given by  i  1 1  2 30°
a P
(using 1 = 2 = 90° = 10–7     d 30°
×  (a 3 / 2)  2 2  
and the formula ‘B’ due ×
to straight wire) r
I P × =  10 –7 T
I a 3 y
B= 0  B × ×
2 r Perpendicular to the

The direction of B at various is as shown in the plane of figure (inward).
figure. The magnetic lines of force will be
concentric circles around the wire (as shown
earlier) Find resultant magnetic field at ‘C’ in the figure
(ii) If the wire is infinitely upto 
× shown.
long but ‘P’ is as × ×
shown in the figure. S R
 I ×
The direction of B at ×
90° C a
various points is as P
shown in the figure. ×
P i Q
At ‘P’
 0I
B = 4 r Sol. It is clear that ‘B’ at ‘C’ due all the wires is directed
. Also B at ‘C due PQ and SR is same. Also due
CASE III : When the point lies along the length of to QR and PS is same
wire (but not on it)  Bres = 2(BPQ + BSP)

id l B
0 i
A BPQ = (sin 60° + sin 60°)
P a
r 2

If the point P is along the length of the wire (but not

 0i
 BSP = (sin 30° + sin 30°)
one it), then as d l and  r will either be parallel 3a
  4
or antiparallel, i.e.,  = 0 or , so i d l  r = 0 and 2
hence using equation (1)
 3 0i  0i  40i
 B   Bres = 2    = 3a
B  d B  0  2 a 2 a 3 

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.4 Theory and Exercise Book

 
at D : B1 is × and B2 is and both are equal in
Figure shows a square loop magnitude
made from a uniform wire.  Bres = 0 Ans.
Find the magnetic field at the D C (ii) It is clear from the above solution that B = 0 at
centre of the square if a battery point ‘D’.
is connected between the
points B
A and C. A
In the figure shown two long wires W1 and W2
Sol. The current will be equally divided at A. The fields
each carrying current I are placed parallel to each
at the centre due to the currents in the wires AB
other and parallel to z-axis. The direction of current
and DC will be equal in magnitude and opposite in
in W1 is outward and in W2 it is inwards. Find the
direction. The resultant of these two fields will be 
zero. Similarly, the resultant of the fields due to the B at ‘P’ and ‘Q’
wires AD and BC will be zero. Hence, the net field y
at the centre will be zero.

In the figure shown there are two parallel long wires I I

(placed in the plane of paper) are carrying currents w1 w2
a a
2 I and I consider points A, C, D on the line
  
perpendicular to both the wires and also in the plane Sol. Let B due to W1 be B1 and due to W2 be B2 .
of the paper. The distances are mentioned.  

Find (i) B at A, C, D By summetry B1 = B2 = B
1 2
0 I I
BP = 2 B cos 60° = B = = 0
2 2a 4 a
2I C I D
a a/2 a  I
a  Bp  0 ˆj Ans.
 y
(ii) position of point on line A C D where B is zero. B1 B2
60° 60°
  
Sol. (i) Let us call B due to (1) and (2) as B1 and B2
respectively. Then 2a 2a
 
at A : B1 is and B2 is ×
60° 60°
a a ×
 2I  I
B1 = 0 and B2 = 0
2a 2 2a

3 0I 0 I 0 I
 Bres = B1 – B2 = Ans. For  B1 = ,  B2 =
4 a 2  5a 2 a
 
at C : B1 is × and B2 also × a 1
tan = =
2a 2
0 2 I  I 
 Bres = B1 + B2 = + 0  B =(B1 cos ĵ ) + (B2 – B1sin) î
a a
2 2
2 2
1  0I
sin =  B  ˆj    0 I –  0 I  iˆ
6 0 I 3 0 I  
= = Ans. 5 5a  2 a 10a 
2 a a ×

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.5

id l dBcos 
R  r dB
  P
B2 x dBsin


× 
Consider an element i d l of the loop as shown in

2  2 I I figure, and the distance of point P from current

cos =  B  0 ˆi  0 ˆj element is r. The magnetic field at P due to this
5 5a 5a
current element from the equation (1) can be given
 
  id l  r
In the figure shown a large dB 
4 r3
metal sheet of width ‘w’ In case of point on the axis of a circular coil, as for
carries a current I (uniformly every current element there is a symmetrically
distributed in its widith ‘w’. a P
I situated opposite element, the component of the field
Find the magnetic field at point perpendicular to the axis cancel each other while
‘P’ which lies in the plane of along the axis add up.
the sheet w
 0 idl sin 
sin 
4  r 2
 B   dBsin  =
Sol. To find ‘B’ at ‘P’ the sheet can be considered as
Here,  is angle between the current element id
collection of large number of infinitely long wires.
Take a long wire distnace ‘x’ from ‘P’ and of width   
l and r , which is 2 everywhere and
‘dx’. Due to this the magnetic field at ‘P’ is ‘dB’

 I  sin  = =
 0  dx  r R  x2
 w 
dB = 
2 x x P 2 R
0 iR
 B=  dL
 4  (R  x 2 )3/ 2
due to each such wire B dx 0

will be directed inwards 0 iR

or, B= (2R)
0I 4  (R 2  x 2 )3/ 2
 Bres =  dB  2w
 0 2 i R 2
or, B= ...(4)
4  (R 2  x 2 ) 3 / 2
a w
dx  I aw
xa x  20w . ln a Ans. B
0 i


Consider a circular loop of radius R and carrying a
steady current i. We have to find out magnetic field If the coil has N turns, then
at the axial point P, which is at distance x from the  0 2 NiR 2
centre of the loop. B=
4  (R 2  x 2 ) 3 / 2

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.6 Theory and Exercise Book

Here, dl = Rd dl B

Direction of B : Direction of magnetic field at a

point the axis of a circular coil is along the axis and  0 iRd d
4  0 R 2
 B=  P
its orientation can be obtained by using the right-
hand thumb rule. If the figers are curled along the R
 i
current, the stretched thumb will point towards the or, B= 0 ...(5)
4 R
magntic field.
It ‘l’ is the length of the circular arc, we have

0 i l
B= ...(6)
4 R 2
Consider some special cases involving the
application of equation (5)

CASE I : If the loop is semicircular

Magnetic field will be out of the page for
anticlockwise current while into the page for ACW CW
clockwise current as shown in the figure given. In this case  = , so
Now consider some special cases involving the
0  i
application of equation (4) B=
4 R

CASE I : Field at the centre of the coil and will be out of the page for anticlockwise current
In this case distance of the point P from the centre while into the page for clockwise current as shown
(x) = 0, the magnetic field in the figure.

 0 2 i  0 i CASE II. If the loop is a full circle with N turns

B= 
4 R 2 R In this case  = 2, so
i i  0 2 Ni
4 R
B B i i
CASE II : Field at a point far away from the centre

 0 2R 2i ACW CW
It means x >> R, B = and will be out of the page for anticlockwise current
4 x 3
while into the page for clockwise current as shown
in the figure.
Consider an arc of radius R carrying current i and
subtending an angle  at the centre.
According to Biot-Savart Law, the magnetic field Two wire loop PQRSP formed by joining two
induction at the point P is given by semicircular wires of radii R1 and R2 carries a
 current i as shown in the figure given below. What
 0 idl
4 0 R 2
B= is the magnetic field induction at the centre O in
cases (A) and (B) ?

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.7

i R2
R2 A charge of one coulomb is placed at one end of a
S R R1 Q P
S R O R1 Q
nonconducting rod of length 0.6m. The rod is rotated
P i
(A) in a vertical plane about a horizontal axis passing
Sol. (a) As the point O is along the length of the straight through the other end of the rod with angular
wires, so the field at O due to them will be zero and frequency 104 rad/s. Find the magnetic field at a
hence magnetic field is only due to semicircular point on the axis of rotation at a distance of 0.8 m
portions from the centre of the path.
Now half of the charge is removed from one end
  i i
 |B |  0 [  ] and placed on the other end. The rod is rotated in a
4 R2 R1
vertical plane about horizontal axis passing through
the mid-point of the rod with the same angular
  0 i  1 – 1 
or, | B| = 4   R 2 R 1  out of the page frequency. Calculate the magnetic field at a point on
 
the axis at a distance of 0.4 m from the centre of the
 0  1 1 
(b) | B| = 4  i  R  R  into the page Sol. As the revolving charge q is equivalent to a current
 1 2

 104 
i = qf = q × =1× = 5 × 103 A
2 2
A battery is connected between two points A and B
0 2 iR 2
on the circumference of a uniform conducting ring Now B =
4  (R 2  x 2 ) 3 / 2
of radius r and resistance R as shown in the figure q=1C
given below. One of the arcs AB of the ring substends
an angle  at the centre. What is the value of the 0.6 m
magnetic field at the centre due to the current in the 0.8m B
i 2   5  103 (0.6) 2
A  B = 10–7 × = 1.13 × 10–3 T
i1 i [(0.6) 2  (0.8) 2 ]3 / 2
i2  If half of the charge is placed at the other end and
r the rod is rotated at the same frequency, the
equivalent current.
(B) q q
(A) i’ =   f    f = qf = i = 5 × 103 A
Sol. (a) As the field due to arc at the centre is given by 2 2
 i
B= 0 0.3m
4 r
 B= 0.4m

But (VA – VB) = i1R1 = i2R2

R1 L1 q/2
or, i2 = i1 R = i1 L [ R  L] In this case, R’ = 0.3 m and x’ = 0.4 m
2 2
2   5  103  (0.3)2
  B’ = 10–7 × = 2.3 × 10–3T
i2 = i1 [ L = r] [(0.3)2  (0.4) 2 ]3 / 2
(2  – )
 BR =
The student can now attempt section A from
i.e., the field at the centre of the coil is zero and is exercise.
independent of .

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.8 Theory and Exercise Book

Section B - Magnetic Field due to Cylinder,

Large Sheet, Solenoid, Toriod dx

(i) Solenoid contains large number of circular loops P x
wrapped around a non-conducting cylinder. (it may
be a hollow cylinder or it may be a solid cylinder) 1 2

B R B 0 ni  1 2 
=   
2   12  R 2  2
2 R

Axis of the
solenoid  0ni
 = cos 1 – cos 2 
(ii) The winding of the wire is uniform direction of the (iv) For ‘Ideal Solenoid’ :
magnetic field is same at all points of the axis. * Inside (at the mid point)
  >> R or length is infinite
(iii) B on axis (turns should be very close to each
others). 1  0
2  
 0ni
B= (cos 1 – cos 2 ) ...(7) 0 ni
2 B= [1 – (–1)]
where n : number of turns per unit length.
B = 0ni
1 1
cos1 = ; cos = = – cos2 If material of the solid cylinder has relative
 21  R 2  22  R 2 permeability ‘r’ then B = 0rni
0 ni
 P 2 At the ends B =
1 2

2 1 (v) Comparision between ideal and real solenoid :

(a) Ideal Solenoid

 ni    
B= 0  2 1 2  2 2 2  B
2  1  R 2  R 
 B   0ni
 0ni / 2
0 ni
= (cos 1  cos )
Derivation : Take an element of width dx at a end centre of solenoid end x (distance
distance x from point P. [point P is the point on axis from centre)
at which we are going to calculate magnetic field.
Total number of turns in the element dn = ndx where
n : number of turns per unit length] Real Solenoid
 0iR 2
dB = (ndx)
2(R 2  x 2 ) 3 / 2
 0iR 2 ndx
B =  dB   2(R 2  x 2 )3 / 2 x
– 1  / 2 x /2

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.9


The space surrounding a magnet or magnetic
configuration in which its effects are perceptible is
A solenoid of length 0.4m and diameter 0.6m consists called the magnetic field of the given magnet or
of a single layer of 1000 turns of fine wire carrying magnetic configuration.
a current of 5.0 × 10–3 ampere. Find the magnetic
field on the axis at the middle and at the ends of the
V– s N
solenoid. (Gives 0 = 4 × 10–7 )
A– m

Sol. B=  ni [cos1 – cos 2 ] S N
2 0 S

 n= = 2500 per meter
0.4 U-Shape magnet
i = 5 × 10–3 A. (A)

In order to visualise a magnetic field graphically,
1 Michael Faraday introduced the concept of lines.
(i) According to him a line is an imaginary curve the
tangent to which at a point gives the direction of
the field at that point.
Regarding magnetic field it is worth noting that :
0.2 0.2
cos1 = = (i) Outside a magnet, field are from north to to south
(0.3)2  (0.2)2 0.13 pole while inside from south to north, i.e., magnetic
lines are closed curves i.e., they appear to converge
–0.2 or diverge at poles.
cos2 = (ii) The number of magnetic lines of field originating or
terminating on a pole is proportional to its strength.
1 2  0.2 0 lines are assumed to be associatd with a unit
 B= × (4 ×  × 10–7) × 2500 × 5 × 10–3 pole. so if a body encloses a pole of strength m,
2 0.13
total lines linked with the body (called magnetic
  10 –5 flux) will be 0(m).
= T (iii) Magnetic lines of field can never intersect each other
because if they intersect at a point, intensity at that
point will have two directions which is absurd.
90° (iv) Magnetic lines of field have a tendency to contract
longitudinally like a stretched elastic string
(ii) (producing attraction between opposite poles) and
repel each other laterally (resulting in repulsion
between similar poles)
At the end

= 0.8
cos1 =
(0.3) 2 + (0.4) 2 S
cos2 = cos 90° = 0
B= × (4 ×  × 10–7) × 2500 × 5 × 10–3 × 0.8
 B = 2 × 10–6 Wb/m2 (A)

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.10 Theory and Exercise Book


1. Straight current carrying wire


(v) Number of lines of field per unit area, normal to the

2. Circular coil
area at a point, represents the magnitude of field at
that point. so crowded lines represent a strong field
while distant lines represent weak field. Further, if
the lines of force are equidistant and straight the
field is uniform otherwise not

Non uniform fields

3. Solenoid

Magnitude is Direction is Both magnitude

not constant not constant and direction are ××××× ××××××××××× ×××××
(A) (B) not constant
(C) (ideal)

Uniform field

× × × × ×

Both magnitude and

direction are constant (Real)

(vi) In a region of space where there is no magnetic The student can now attempt section B from
field, there will be no lines of field. This is why, at a exercise.
neutral point (where resultant field is zero) there
cannot be any line of field.
(vii) Magnetic lines of field originate from or enter in Section C - Ampere Law
the surface of a magnetic material at any angle. 7. AMPERE’S LAW
(viii) Magnetic lines of field exist inside every magnetised This law is useful in finding the magnetic field due
material to currents under certain conditions of symmetry.
(ix) As monopoles do not exist, the total magnetic flux Conside a closed plane curve enclosing some
linked with a closed surface is always zero, i.e., current-carrying conductors.
  
 B.ds   (0)  0
0 The line integral  B . d l taken along this closed

This law is called Gauss’s law for magnetism. curve is equal to 0 times the total current crossing

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.11

the area bounded by the curve. SOLVED EXAMPLE

i.e.,  B. d l  i 0

where i = total current (algebraic sum) crossing the 

Find the value of  B .d for the loops L , L , L in1 2 3

As a simple application of this law, we can derive 

the figure shown. The sense of d is mentioned in
the magnetic induction due to a long straight wire
carrying current i. the figure.
Suppose the magnetic induction at point P, distance 
R from the wire is required. Sol. for L1  B .d   (I 0 1 – I2 )

here I1 is taken positive because magnetic lines of

i B
force produced by I1 is anti clockwise as seen from
top. I2 produces lines of 
B in clockwise sense as

seen from top. The sense of d is anticlockwise
as seen from top.
Draw the circle through P with centre O and radius 
for L2 :  B . d   0 (I1 – I 2  I 4 )
R as shown in figure.
 I1 I2
The magnetic induction | B | at all points along this
L1 I3
circle will be the same and will be tangential to the
circle, which is also the direction of the length

element d l .

  
Thus, l 
 B .d  Bdl B  dl  B × 2 R for L3 :  B . d  0
The current crossing the circular area is i.
Thus, by Ampere’s law, B × 2R = 0i 7.1 USES OF AMEPERE’S CURRENT LAW :
 0i To find out magnetic field due to infinite current
 B= carrying wire
2 R

Note B

• Line integral is independent of the shape of path

and position of wire with in it. P R
  R
• The statement B.d  does not necessarily mean

that B = 0 everywhere along the path but only that
 
no net current is passing through the path. By B.S.L. B will have circular lines. d is also

• Sign of current : The current due to which B is taken tangent to the circle
  
produced in the same sense as d (i.e. B.d ) 
positive will be taken positive and the current  B .d   B.d
 
which produces B in the sense opposite to d will
  = 0° so  B.d = B 2R
be negative.
( B = const.)

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.12 Theory and Exercise Book

Now by amperes law : Case (I) : rR

B 2R = 0I taken an amperian loop inside the cylinder. By
symmetry it should be a circle whose centre is on
 0i the axis of cylinder and its axis also coincides with
 B=
2 R the cylinder axis on the loop.
 1
r 2
7.2 Hollow current carrying infinitely long  B .d   B.d  B  d = B . 2pr =  0
R 2
cylinde : 0 Ir
0 Jr
B= =
2 R 2
(I is uniformly distributed on the)  
whole circumference   Jr
 B 0 r
(i) for r  R 2
By symmetry the Case (II) :
amperian loop is a
circle. 0 I
 r 2R r B 1/ r
=  B.d   Bd B

No current
 =0 r=R r
 
2 r
R r  R  B.d  = B  d = B.(2r) = 0. I
= B  d
0 0I I  JR 2
 B= also B 0 (ˆj  r)
ˆ = 0
2 r 2 r 2 r
0 I
 B = const.  B=   R2  
2 r B  0 2 (J  r )
(ii) r<R
 
 B .d   0I

=  B.d  B  1/ r
Consider a coaxial cable which consists of an inner
wire of radius a surrouded by an outer shell of inner
= 0 (0)
and outer radii b and c respectively. The inner wire
= B(2r) = 0 r=R
carries an electric current i0 and the outer shell
 Bin = 0 carries an equal current in opposite direction. Find
Graph the magnetic field at a distnace x from the axis where
(a) x < a, (b) a < x < b (c) b < x < c and
7.3 Solid infinite current carrying cylinder : (d) x > c. Assume that the current density is uniform
in the inner wire and also uniform in the outer shell.
Assume current is uniformly distributed on the
whole cross section area


current (a) (b)

density J  2

(c) (d)

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.13

A cross-section of the cable is shown in figure. Draw

a circle of radius x with the centre at the axis of the (a) Figure shows a cross-section of a large metal sheet
cable. The parts a, b, c and d of the figure carrying an electric current along its surface. The
correspond to the four parts of the problem. By current in a strip of width dl is Kdl where K is a
symmetry, the magnetic field at each point of a circle constant. Find the magnetic field at a point P at a
will have the same magnitude and will be tangential distance x from the metal sheet.
to it. The circulation of B along this circle is,
therefore, P
 
 B.d  B2x x

in each of the four parts of the figure.

(a) The current enclosed within the circle in part b is i0
so that Sol. Consider two strips A and C of the sheet situated
i0 i symmetrically on the two sides of P (figure). The
.x 2  02 x 2
a 2 a magnetic field at P due to the strip A is B 0
Ampere’s law perpendicular to AP and that due to the strip C is Bc
  pependicular to CP. The resultant of these two is
 B.d  0i gives parallel to the width AC of the sheet. The field due
0 i 0 x 2 ix to the whole sheet will also be in this direction.
B. 2x = 2 or, B = 0 0 2 Suppose this field has magnitude B.
a 2 a
The direction will be along the tangent to the circle.
(b) The current enclosed within the circle in part b is i0
so that
i A
B 2x = 0 i0 or, B = 0 0 C
2 x
dl O dl
(c) The area of cross-section of the outer shell is
c2 – b2. The area of cross-section of the outer
shell with in the circle in part c of the figure is B P
x2 – b2.
2 2
i 0 (x – b )
Thus, the current through this part is . x
(c 2 – b2 )
This is in the opposite direction to the current i0 in 

the inner wire. Thus, the net current enclosed by

the circle is The field on the opposite side of the sheet at the
same distance will also be B but in opposite direction.
i0 (x 2 – b2 ) i 0 (c2 – x 2 ) Applying Ampere’s law to the rectangle shown in
inet = i0 –  2
c2 – b2 c – b2 figure.
From Ampere’s law,
2B  = 0 K  or,, B= 0K
2 2
 0i 0 (c – x )
 0i 0 (c – x )2 2
B 2x = or, B =
c 2 – b2 2 x(c2 – b 2 ) Note that it is independent of x.
(d) The net current enclosed by the circle in part d of
the figure is zero and hence (b) A cylinder of radius R1 have cylinderical cavity of
B 2x = 0 or, B = 0. radius R2 as shown in the figure and have current
density J (down ward). Find Magnetic field when

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.14 Theory and Exercise Book

(i) r > R1 (on x-axis towards right)

r1 r2
× ×
× × ×× ×
× 1 2
× × × R2
×R1× O R Q
× ×× ×
× × ××× × 
× × ×
Horizontal component BH = B1 sin 1 – B2 sin 2
(ii) r < R1 (on x-axis towards left) 0 J
(iii) when point is in cavity = [r1 sin 1 – r2 sin 2 ]
Sol. (i) r > R1 (on x-axis towards right)
BH = 0 from eq. (1)
y Vertical component Bv = B1 cos 1 + B2 cos 2
× × × × 0 J
× = × ×
+ = [r1 cos 1  r2 cos 2 ]
×× × x × ×× 2
× r ×

(1) (2)

Magnetic field due to big cylinder = B1

Magnetic field due to smaller cylinder = B2
Br = B1 + B2

  0 jR 12   0JR 2 2   0i

=  2 r   – 2 (r – )   Bv = . from eq. (2)
   2

(ii) r < R1 (on x-axis) towards left of centre Magnetic

field due to big cylinder 8. MAGNETIC FIELD INSIDE A LONG
 0Jr 2
B1 = The magnetic field inside a very tightly wound long
2 r
solenoid is uniform everywhere along the axis of
Magnetic field due to smaller cylinder
the solenoid and is zero outside it.
0 (–J) R 22
B2 =
2 (r  ) r
 i i
So net Magnetic field

0 J  R 22 
B = B1 + B 2 = 2  r – r    To calculate the magnetic field at a point P inside
 
the solenoid, let us draw a rectangle PQRS as
(iii) When the point(p) is in cavity shown in figure. The line PQ is parallel to the
solenoid axis and hence parallel to the magnetic field
+J  inside the solenoid. l
–J B S R
r1 P
2 r2 Q  

= B1 + B2   B .dl  Bl P Q
× × × × × × × ×
 
On the remaining three sides, B .d l is zero
PR = r1 sin 1 = r2 sin2 ...(1)
and  = r1 cos1 + r2 cos2 ...(2) 
everywhere as B is either zero (outside the

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.15

 0 N i
solenoid) or perpendicular to d l (inside the  B=
n= = No of turns per unit length
 the circulation of 
B along PQRS is 2 R
so B = 0 n i
 
 B .d l  Bl
10. Infinite Current Carrying sheet
If n is the number of turns per unit length along the Now from Ampere’s loop
length of solenoid, total nl turns cross the rectangle
PQRS. Each turn carries a current i.
 B.d   0

 Net current crossing PQRS = nli

 B.d   B.d   B.d   B.d    0
Using Ampere’s law, AB BC CD DA

 

l  0 nil
 B .d
 Bl = 0 nil  B = 0 ni ...(9) D × C
r ×
× B Ampere's
9. Toroid :  loop
B × r
It is on hollow circular tube have windings of
conducting wire closely attached to each other A B
circullerly on it (as shown below)

B d   B'd cos90  B d   B' d cos90   0

R d B + 0 + B + 0 = 0  
 0


for ideal Toroid d << R Three identical long solenoids P, Q and R are
Magnetic field in Toroid connected to each other as shown in figure. if the
magnetic field at the cente of P is 2.0 T, what would
Let N = Total No. of turns
be the field at the centre of Q? Assume that the
Now from Ampere’s circuital law field due to any solenoid is confined within the
volume of that solenoid only.
 B.d =  i 0 in
B.2R = 0 iin = 0 Ni
× Sol.
× ×
× R
B As the solenoids are identical, the currents in Q
× and R will be the same and will be half the current
R × in P. The magnetic field within a solenoid is given
× × by B = 0 ni. Hence the field in Q will be equal to
Ampere's the field in R and will be half the field in P i.e., will
× B × loop
× × be 1.0 T

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2.16 Theory and Exercise Book


The student can now attempt section C from

A Charged particle of mass 5 mg and charge q =

Section D - Magnetic Force on Charge and +2C has velocity v  2iˆ – 3jˆ  4kˆ . Find out the
Current Carrying Wire
magetic force on the charged particle and its
11. MAGNETIC FORCE ON MOVING acceleration at this instant due to magnetic field
CHARGE   
When a charge q moves with velocity v , in a
 B  3jˆ – 2kˆ . v and B are in m/s and Wb/m2

magnetic field B , then the magnetic force respectively.
experienced by moving charge is given by following   
formula :
Sol. F  qv  B = 2 × 10–6 (2iˆ – 3jˆ  4k)
ˆ  (3jˆ – 2k)
  
F  q(v  B) Put q with sign. ...(9) = 2 × 10–6 [–6iˆ  4 ˆj  6k]
ˆ N

v : Instantaneous velocity
 By Newton’s Law
B : Magnetic field at that point. 
 F 2  10 –6
a  (–6iˆ  4ˆj  6k)
(1) Magentic force is always perpendicular to = 0.8 (–3iˆ  2 ˆj  3k)
ˆ m/s2
the field while electric force is collinear
with the field.
(2) Magnetic force is velocity dependent, i.e., acts 
only when the charged particle is in motion while A charged particle has acceleration a  2iˆ  xjˆ in a
electric force (qE) is independent of the state 
magnetic field B  –3iˆ  2ˆj – 4kˆ . Find the value of
of rest or motion of the charged particle.
(3) Magentic force does no work when the x.
 
charged particle is displaced while the electric Sol.  FB
force does work in displacing the charged  
 aB
 
 a. B  0
     (2iˆ  xj).(–3i
ˆ ˆ  2ˆj – 4k)
ˆ =0
• F  v and F  B also
 
• Fv power due to magnetic force on a  – 6 + 2x = 0  x = 3.
charged particle is zero. (use the formula of power
P = F. v for its proof) 12. MO TIO N OF A CHARGED
 
• Since the F  B so work done by magnetic force is
zero in every part of the motion. The magnetic
force cannot increase or decrease the speed (or MAGNETIC FIELD.
kinetic energy) of a charged particle. Its can only 12.1 WHEN THE CHARGED PARTICLE IS
change the direction of velocity. GIVEN VELOCITY PERPENDICULAR
• On a stationary charged particle, magnetic force is TO THE FIELD
  Let a particle of charged q and mass m is moving
• If F || B , then also magnetic force on charged
with a velocity v and enters at right angles to a
particle is zero. It moves along a straight line if
only magnetic field is acting. 
uniform magnetic field B as shown in figure.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.17

The force on the particle is qvB and this force will T = 2m/qB
always act in a direction perpendicular to v. Hence,
2 m 2 4m 2 2m
the particle will move on a circular path. If the  Tp : T : TD = : :
qB 2qB qB
radius of the path is r then
= 1 : 2 : 2 Ans.
× × ×
×v  v ×
× ×
× F × A positive charge particle of charge q, mass m
× × enters into a uniform magnetic field with velocity v
× × × × × v × ×
as shown in the figure. There is no magnetic field
to the left of PQ. Find P
mv 2 mv (i) time spent, B
 Bqv or, r = ...(10)
r qB (ii) distance travelled in the A

Thus, radius of the path is proportional to the magnetic field v 

momentum mv of the particle and inversely (iii) impulse of magnetic force. Q

proportional to the magnitude of magnetic field. Sol. The particle will move in the field as shown. Angle
Time period : The time period is the time taken subtended by the arc at the centre = 2
by the charged particle to complete one rotation of (i) Time spent by the charge in magnetic field
the circular path which is given by,
qB m
t =   t t=
2 r 2m m qB
T=  ...(11)
v qB (ii) Distance travelled by the charge in magnetic field :
The time period is independent of the speed v. mv
= r (2) = .2
Frequency : The frquency is number of revolution qB
of charged particle in one second, which is given Q
v  × × × ×
1 qB D× × × ×
 =  ..(12) y r × × × ×
T 2 m 2 2r sin
C × × × ×
and angular frequency =  = 2 r × × × ×
x A× × × ×
q.v 
(iii) Impulse = change in momentum of the charge
A proton (p),  - particle and deuteron (D) are =(–mv sin  i + mv cos  j )
moving in circular paths with same kinetic energies
– (mv sin  i + mv cos  j ) = –2mv sin i
in the same magnetic field. Find the ratio of their
radii and time periods. (Neglect interaction between
Repeat above question if the charge is –ve and the
2mK 
Sol. R= angle made by the boundary with the velocity is .
qB 6
  5
2mK 2.4 mK 2.2 mK Sol. (i) 2 – 2 = 2 – 2. = 2 – =
 Rp : R : RD = : : 6 3 3
qB qB qB
qBt 5m
=1:1: = t = t=
2 m 3qB

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.18 Theory and Exercise Book

× × × × × R
× × × × ×
v \6 C
× × × × ×
 Sol.
× C× 2×– 2× ×
 u
–q. v × × × × ×
× × × × ×
mu T m
× × × × × (i) d > means d > R  t = 
qB 2 qB

5r d
(ii) Distance travelled s = r (2 – 2 ) = (ii) sin  =
3 R C
(iii) Impulse = charge in linear momentum 
d 
= m (– v sin  î + v cos  ĵ )  = sin–1   C
– m (v sin  î + v cos ĵ ) t = 
 m d
= – 2 mv sin  î = – 2 mv sin î = – mv î  t= sin –1  
6 qB R

In the figure shown the P

B What should be the speed of charged particle so
magnetic field on the left
that it can’t collide with the upper wall? Also find
on ‘PQ’ is zero and on the
right of ‘PQ’ it is uniform. the coordinate of the point where the particle strikes
Find the time spent in the the lower plate in the limiting case of velocity.
magnetic field.
Q y
Sol. The path will be semicircular wall
time spent × × ×
C q,m
= T/2 = m/qB B v d
u ×(0,0) × ×

A uniform magnetic field of strength ‘B’ exists in a Sol. (i) The path of the particle will be circular larger
region of width ‘d’. A particle of charge ‘q’ and the velocity, larger will be the radius. For particle
mass ‘m’ is shot perpendicularly (as shown in the not to s strike R < d
figure) into the magnetic field. Find the time spend R3
by the particle in the magnetic field if    d
C3 C2 C1
B=0 B B=0
q,m  v
u m

d (ii) for limiting case v 
mu mu
(i) d  (ii) d < R=d 2d
qB qB
 coordinate = (–2d, 0, 0)

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.19

12.2 WHEN THE CHARGED PARTICLE IS perpendicular to the field. The components v||
remains unchanged as the force qv  B is
perpendicular to it. In the plane perpendicular to
In this case the charged particle having charge q
the field, the particle traces a circle of radius r
and mass m is moving with velocity v and it enter
the magnetic field B at angle  as shown in figure. mv 
= as given by equation. The resultant path
Velocity can be revsolved in two components, one qB
along magnetic field and the other perpendicular to
is helix.
it. Let these components are v|| and v Complete analysis :
v|| = v cos and v = v sin 
Let a particle have initial velocity in the plane of the
The parallel component v|| of velocity remains
paper and a constant and uniform magnetic field
 also in the plane of the paper.
unchanged as it is parallel to B . Due to the v the
the particle starts from point A1.
particle will move on a circular path. So the resultant
It completes its one revolution at A 2 and 2 nd
path will be combination of straight-line motion and
revolution at A3 and so on. X-axis is the tangent to
circular motion, which will be helical as shown in
the helix points
 A1, A2, A3,............. all are on the x-axis.
 B distance A1A2 = A3A4 = .............. = v cos.
v sin

v T = pitch
where T = Time period

q,m v cos 
v sin
v sin   t

+z c –z
A1 X

A2 A3 A4 A5
Pitch Let the initial position of the particle be (0, 0, 0)
and v sin in +y direction. Then
mv  mv sin 
The radius of path is (r) =  ...(13) in x : Fx = 0, ax = 0, vx = constant = v cos,
qB qB
x = (v cos) t
2 r 2 mv sin  2 m In y-z plane :
Time period (T) = v  v sin  qB  qB ..(14) From figure it is clear that

y = R sin, here  = t
Bq vy = v sin cos
Frquency (f) = ...(15)
2 m z = – (R – R cos)
Pitch : Pitch of helix described by charged particle vz = v sin sin
is defined as the distance moved by the centre of acceleration towards centre
circular path in the time in which particle completes = (v sin)2/R = 2R
one revolution.  ay = – 2R sin , az = – 2R cos
Pitch = distance A1A2 = A3A4 = .......... = v cos. T At any time : the position vector of the particle
(or its displacement w.r.t. initial position)
2 m 2 mv cos  
V||.T = v cos   ...(16) r  xiˆ  yjˆ  zkˆ , x, y, z already found
Bq qB

If the velocity of the charge is not perpendicular to velocity v  v x ˆi  v y ˆj  v z k,
ˆ v , v , v already found
x y z
the magnetic field, we can break the velocity in two

a  a x ˆi  a y ˆj  a z k̂ , ax, ay, az already found
components – v||, parallel to the field and v  ,

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.20 Theory and Exercise Book

  
SOLVED EXAMPLE CASE I : When v , E and B all the three are
In this situation as the particle is moving parallel or
A beam of protons with a velocity 4 × 105 m/s enters anti-parallel to the field, the magnetic force on it
a uniform magnetic field of 0.3 T at an angle 60° to will be zero and only electric force will act, so
the magnetic field. Find the radius of the helical
 
path taken by the proton beam. Also find the pich  F qE
a  
of the helix mp = 1.67 × 10–27 kg m m
Sol. Radius of the helical path taken by the proton beam

m(v sin )  v1
r= = 1.2 cm v
qB q

2 r B
Time period T = = 2.175 × 10–7s
v sin 
Hence the particle will pass through the field
 pitch of the helix p = v cos .T following a straight-line path (parallel to the field)
with change in its speed. So in this situation speed,
 p = 4 × 105 × × 2.175 × 10–7 = 4.35 cm velocity, momentum and kinetic energy all will
change without change in direction of motion as
shown in the figure.
v , E and B are collinear..
When the moving charged particle is subjected CASE II : - E || B and uniform   0, 180°
  
simultaneously to both electric field E and magnetic ( E and B are constant and uniform)
field 
B , the moving charged particle will

  +q E,B
experience electric force Fe  q E and magnetic
  
force Fm  q( v  B )
V0 sin
   
F  q[ E  V  B ] ..(17)

which is ‘Lorentz force equation’. 

x, E, B
Now let us consider two special cases involving V0 cos

the application of above equation z


Magnetic force is frame dependent, Electric force is x

frame dependent but lorentz force is frame
along X axis : Fx = qE, ax = , v = v cos + axt,
m x 0

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.21

x = v0cost + a x t
in y z plane : EXAMPLE 24
qv0 sin  B = m(v0 sin)2/ R If a charge particle (q) inters into the magnetic field
at origin with velocity vi, then find the maximum
mv 0 sin  y v 0 sin
 R= possible positive x co-ordinate of particle if mag-
netic field is given as
v sin  qB  R B = B0x (– k̂ ) x > 0
= 0  C
R m =0 x<0
  t Sol. Because F = qv0B0x at any time t at position x
= = 2f Fvertical = qB0 v 0 x cos 
 1 qE 2 ˆ dy qB0 v 0 x cos 
r  {(V0 cos )t  t }i  R sin tjˆ  (R – R cos t)(–k)
so ˆ ay =  ...(i)
2 m dt m

r  {(V cos )t  t }iˆ  R sin tjˆ  (R – R cos t)(–k)

ˆ dv y  dx  qB0 x
  (v 0 cos )
dx  dt  m
  qE  ˆ
V   v 0 cos   t  i +(V sin) cost ĵ v0
 m  0
+V0 sin  sint – k̂ )

 qE ˆ qv0B0x=F v0

a i + 2 R [– sin  ĵ – cos k̂ ] 

   at any time t x
CASE III : v , E and B are mutually
perpendicular dx
 v 0 cos 
  dt
v , E and 
B are
E v0 x max 2
mutually perpendicular. In q{B0 .x} qB0 x max
Fe  dv y   m
dx  v =
case situation of 
E and
0 0

 are such that q v EXAMPLE 25
B 
A long, straight wire carries a current i. A particle
   having a positive charge q and mass m kept at a
F  F e F m  0
 distance x0 from the wire is projected towards it
B Fm
 with a speed v. Find the minimum separation
  F
or, a     0 , then the particle will pass between the wire and the particle
 m  Sol. Let the particle be initially at P(figure). Take the
 
wire as the Y-axis and the foot of perpendicular
through the field with the same velocity. from P to the wire as the origin. Take the line OP
In this situation, as the X-axis. We have, OP = x0. The magnetic
Fe = Fm or, qE = qvB field B at any point to the right of the particle is,
therefore, in the X-Y plane. As there is no initial
or, v = velocity along the Z-axis, the motion will be in the
X-Y plane. Also, its speed remains unchanged. As
This principle is used in velocity-selector to get a the magnetic field is not uniform, the particle does
charged beam having a specific velocity. not go along a circle.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.22 Theory and Exercise Book

   The electric and magnetic fields may be written as

The force at time t is F  q v  B
   
E   E j and B   Bk
    i  Y
 q (v x i  v y j)    0 k  i respectivley. The force on the electron is
 2 x  x0       
O x F  e(E  u  B)  eE j  eB(u y i  u x j)
 i  i P
 jq v x 0  i qv y 0 Thus, Fx = euy B and Fy = e(E – uxB).
2 x 2 x
The components of the acceleration are
Fx  qi v y v
Thus ax   0   y ...(i) du x eB
m 2m x x ax   uy ...(i)
dt m
where   du y e
2 m and ay   (E  u x B) ...(ii)
dt m
dv x dv x dx v x dv x
Also ax    ...(ii) We have,
dt dx dt dx
As, 2 2
vx + vy = v , 2 d2 u y eB du x eB eB
   . u y   2 u y
giving vx dvx = – vy dvy ...(iii) dt 2 m dt m m
From (i), (ii) and (iii),
v ydv y v y where   ...(iii)
 m
dx x
This equation is similar to that for a simple harmonic
dx dv y motion. Thus,
or, 
x  uy = A sin (t + ) ...(iv)
Initially x = x0 and vy = 0. At minimum separation and hence,
from the wire, vx = 0 so that vy = –v.
du y
x v  A  cos(t  ) ...(v)
dx dv y x v dt
Thus x x  
 or, In x   
du y Fy eE
2 mv
At t = 0, uy = 0 and  
 dt dt m
or; x = x0 e–v/ = x0 e 0 qi

Putting in (iv) and (v)

 = 0 and A 
An electron is released from the origin at a place m B
where a uniform electric field E and a uniform
magnetic field B exist along the negative Y-axis and Thus, uy  sin t
the negative Z-axis respectively. Find the
displacement of the The path of the electron will be perpendicular to
electron along the Y-axis u the Y-axis when uy = 0. This will be the case for the
when its velocity becomes E F
first time at t where
perpendicular to the sin t = 0
electric field for the B
 m
first time. X or, t =  or, t  
Sol. Let us take axes as shown in figure. According to  eB
the right-handed system, the Z-axis is upward in dy E
the figure and hence the magnetic field is shown Also, uy   sin t
dt B
downwards. At any time, the velocity of the electron
may be written as y
  
u  ux i  uy j
or,  dy  B sin t dt
or, y 
(1  cos t)

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.23

 The number of free electrons in the small element

At t , considered in nAd . Thus, the magnetic force on

the wire of length d is
E 2E 
y (1  cos )   
B B dF  (nAd)(–ev d  B)
Thus, the displacement along the Y-axis is If we denote the length d along the direction of
2E 2Em 2Em 
  the current by d  , the above equation becomes
B BeB eB2  

x dF  nAev d d   B
cycloid   
qE0 Using (i), dF  id   B
B 0 
The quantity id  is called a current element
    
y Fres   dF   id   B  i  d  B
ax = E sin t ( i is same at all points of the wire)
m 0
vx t     
qE 0 If B is uniform then Fres  i   d   B
0 dv x  m 0 sin tdt  
  
qE 0 Fres  i L  B ...(18)
 vx = (1 – cos t)
m  
Here L   d  = vector length of the wire = vector
x t
qE 0
 dx 
m 0
(1 – cos t).dt connecting the end points of the wire.

qE 0  sin t 
 x= t–
m    P  Q
Suppose a conducting wire, carrying a current i, is
 If a current loop of any shape is placed in a uniform
placed in a magnetic field B . Consider a small
Bthen ( F ) on it = 0
res magnetic
element d of the wire (figure). The free electrons

i ( L  0)
d Direction of force : The direction of force is always

F perpendicular to the plane containing i d L and 
with a speed vd opposite to the direction of the and is same as that of cross-product of two vectors
current. The relation between the current i and the      
(a b) with a  idL and b  B
drift speed vd is
i = jA = nevdA 
 id L
Here A is the area of cross-section of the wire and dF
n is the number of free electrons per unit volume. 
Each electron experiences an average (why average B

?) magnetic force  
   id L  
f  –ev d  B B dF

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.24 Theory and Exercise Book

The direction of force when current element id L i2
i1 i2 i1
 
and B are perpendicular to each other can also dF1 dF2 dF1  dF2 
be determined by applying either of the following B2 d d
rules. 1
1 2 2
(a) Fleming’s Left-hand Rule : Stretch the fore-
finger, central finger and thumb of the left hand The force on dl2 length of wire-2 due to field of
mutually perpendicular. Then if the fore-finger points wire-1, dF2 = i2 dL2 B1

in the direction of the field ( B ) and the central in  0 2i1i 2  2i
dF2 = dL2 [ B1 = 0 1 ]
the direction of current i, the thumb will point in the 4 d 4 d
direction of force (or motion).
(b) Right-hand Palm rule : Stretch the fingers dF2  0 2 i1i 2
or  ...(19)
and thumb of the right-hand at right angles to each dL 2 4  d
other. If the fingers point in the direction of current
It will be true for wire-1 in the field of wire-2. The
i, and the palm in the direction of the field 
B then direction of force in accordance with the right-hand
thumb will point in the direction of force. screw rule will be as shown above.
So the force per unit length in case of two
14.1 POINT OF APPL ICAT ION OF parallel current-carrying wires separated by a
MAGNETIC FORCE : distance ‘d’ is
On a straight current carrying wire the magnetic
force in a uniform magnetic field can be assumed dF  0 2i1i 2

dL 4  d
to be acting at its mid point.
If i1 and i2 are along the same direction, the forces
between the wires is attractive in nature and if i1
and i2 are oppositely directed the force is repulsive.
× B I, I
/2 The direction of forces is given by Fleming’s left-
hand rule.
This can be used for calculation of torque.
Definition of ‘ampere’
14.2 FOR CE B ETWE EN T WO L ONG dF  0 2i1i 2
dL 4  d
Let us consider two very long parallel straight wires If i1 = i2 = 1 A ; d = 1 m; dL = 1 m ; then
carrying currents i1 and i2. dF = 2 × 10–7 N
Each wire is placed in the region of magnetic Hence, ‘ampere’ is defined as the current which
induction of other and hence will experience a force. when passing through each of two parallel infinitely
The net force on a current-carrying conductor due long straight conductors placed in free space at a
to its own field is zero. So if there are two long distance of 1m from each other produces between
parallel current-carrying wires 1 and 2 (as shown them force of 2 × 10–7 N for one metre of their
below), the wire-1 will be in the field of wire-2 and
vice versa.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.25

(a) What should the minimum value of  which can

prevent the wire from sliding on the rails ?
(b) Describe the motion of the wire if the value of
 is half the
A wire is bent in the form of an equilaterial triangle
value found in the pervious part
PQR of side 10 cm and carries a current of 5.0 A.
It is placed in magnetic field B of magnitude 2.0 T
× × × × × × × ×
direction perpendicular to the plane of the loop. Find
the forces on the three sides of the triangle. i × × × × × × × ×

× × × × × × × ×
Sol. (a) The force on the wire due to the magnetic field
F3 B   
F1 F2
is F  i   B or, F = iB
P Q It acts towards right in the given figure. If the wire
does not slide on the rails, the force of friction by
the rails should be equal to F. If 0 be the minimum
Sol. Suppose the field and the current have directions coefficient of friction which can prevent sliding, this
as shown in figure. The force on PQ is force is also equal to 0 mg. Thus,
  
F1  i   B 0 mg = i  B

or, F1 = 5.0 A × 10 cm × 2.0 T = 1.0 N iB

or, 0 =
The rule of vector product shows that the force F1 mg
is perpendicular to PQ and is directed towards the
 0 iB
inside of the triangle. (b) If the friction coefficient is  =  , the
  2 2mg
The forces F2 and F3 on QR and RP can also be
wire will slide towards right. The frictional force by
obtained similarly. Both the forces are 1.0 N directed the rails is
perpendicularly to the respective sides and towards
the inside of the triangle. iB
f = mg = towards left.
   2
The three forces F1 , F2 and F3 will have zero
resultant, so that there is no net magnetic force on iB iB
The resultant force is iB   towards
the triangle. This result can be generalised. Any 2 2
closed current loop, placed in a homogeneous
magnetic field, does not experience a net magnetic right. The acceleration will be a = . The wire
will slide towards right with this acceleration.

Figure shown two long metal rails placed horizontally

In the figure shown a semicircular wire is placed in
and parallel to each other at a separation  . A

uniform magnetic field B exists in the vertically a uniform B directed toward right. Find the resultant
downward direction. A wire of mass m can slide on magnetic force and torque on it.
the rails. The rails are connected to a constant
current source which drives a current i in the circuit. B

The friction coefficient between the rails and the

wire is . P Q

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.26 Theory and Exercise Book

Sol. The wire is equivalent to B

 =0 Find the magnetic force on the loop ‘PQRS’ due to
 Fres = 0 Ans. 2R the straight wire.
forces on individual parts are marked in the figure  0 I1 I2 ˆ
0 I1 I 2 a(i) =  0 I1 I2 (–i)
by × and . By symmetry their will be pair of Sol. Fres = a ( –iˆ s) +
2a 2 (2a) 4
forces forming couples.
I2 a
=  i(Rd) B sin (90 – ). 2R cos

I y
  x
× Q
In the figure shown the wires AB and PQ carry
constant currents I1 and I2 respectively. PQ is of
i R 2
= B uniformly distributed mass ‘m’ and length ‘  ’ AB
and PQ are both horizontal and kept in the same
 i R 2
  B(– ˆj) Ans. vertical plane. The PQ is in equilibrium at height
‘h’. Find

Find the resultant magnetic force and torque on the P Q
loop. h
 I A
Sol. Fres  0 , ( loop) I1 B

 B
and   i  R 2B(–ˆj)
R (i) ‘h’ is terms of I1 I2 ,  , m, g and other standard
using the above method I constants.
(ii) If the wire PQ is displaced vertically by small
distance prove that it performs SHM. Find its
In the figure shown find the resultant magnetic force time period in terms of h and g.
and torque about ‘C’, and ‘P’. I Sol. (i) Magnetic repulsive force balnaces the weight.
 ×B
Sol. Fnett = I. 2R. B P
Q  0 I1 I 2  0 I1 I 2 
C R   mg  h
 wire is equivalent to 2 h 2 mg

dF (ii) Let the wire be displaced downward by distance

x (<< h).
P 2R Q 
P R Magnetic force on it will increase, so it goes
back towards its equilibrium position. Hence it
Force on each element is radially outward : c = 0
performs oscillations.
about point P
 0 I1 I 2
 Fres   – mg
P =  [ i /(Rd)Bsin 90] R sin  = 2 I B R2 Ans. 2 (h – x)

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.27

Magnetic moment of a
mgh mg(h – h  x)
= – mg = current loop is a vector 
h–x h–x M
quantity and direction is
perpendicular to the plane
mg mg
= x x for x << h of the loop. Its dimensions
h–x h
are [L2A] and units are
m h
 T = 2 = 2 Ans. Magnetic moment is case of a charged particle
mg / h g having charge q and moving in a circle of radius R
Note 1
with speed v is given by qvR
The student can now attempt section D from
exercise. v
As we know, the equivalent current i = qf = q
2 R
and |A| = R2
Section E - Torque on a Current Carrying  1
Loop and Magnetic Dipole  M = i | A | = qvR
Moment, Moving Coil
Consider a rectangular coil CDEF of length L and
15. CURRENT LOOP IN A UNIFORM width b is placed vertically, while a uniform
MAGNETIC FIELD magnetic induction B passes normally through it as
shown. The coil is capable of rotation about an
axis O 1O 2 .
According to magnetic effects of current, in case If the loop is oriented in the magnetic field such
of current-carrying coil for axial point, that the normal to the plane of the coil makes an
  2NiR 2 angle  with the direction of 
B , then the torque
B 0
4 (R 2  x 2 ) 3 / 2 experienced by the loop

  2 NiR 2 b b
 = (iLB)sin   (iLB) sin 
when x >> R, B  0 2 2
4 x 3
i.e. ,  = iLbB sin  = iAB sin 
If we compare this result with the field due to a
small bar magnet for a distant axial point, i.e., where A = Lb is the area of the loop.
The maximum torque experienced is  = iAB, when

  2M  = 90°
4 x 3 F1

where M is magnetic moment of the bar magnet. D

We find that a current-carrying coil for a distant

point behaves as a magnetic dipole of moment
 O1
M = NiR = NiA ...(20) i b O2

where A is area of the loop. So the magnetic moment

of a current carrying coil is defined as the product F E
of current in the coil with the area of coil in the
vector form. F2

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.28 Theory and Exercise Book

and for a coil of N turns Sol. As the coil is in the form of an equilateral triangle,
 = NiAB its area
Here NiA = M = Magnetic moment of the loop.
  A=  L  Lsin 60
In vector notation   M B ...(21) 2
This result holds good for plane loops of all shapes 1 3
rectangular, circular or otherwise. =  (0.02)   3 × 10–4 m2
2 2


When a current loop is rotated in a uniform magnetic
field through an angle  about an axis then work S
done will be
w 

 dW    d   MBsin  d
0 0
So its magnetic moment
W = – [MB cos ]0 = MB (1 – cos ) ...(22)
M = iA = 0.1 × 3 × 10–4

= 3 × 10–5 A-m2
Now, the couple on a current-carrying coil in a
magnetic field is given by  = MB sin 
For a given length L of a wire carrying a current i, how Since the plane of the coil is parallel to the magnetic
many circular turns would produce the maximum 
magnetic moment and of what value ? field, the angle between M and B will be 90° and
Sol. For a cicular coil having N turns, magnetic moment hence  = MB sin 90° = MB
M = R2 iN ...(i)   = ( 3 × 10–5) × 5 × 10–2 = 5 3 × 10–7 N-m
Now, length of wire L = (2R) N
 R=
2 N
The arrangement is as shown below
Substituting the above value of R in equation (i),
(a) Find the potential energy of the loop.
we get
(b) Find the work done to increase the spacing
L2 i L2 between the wire and the loop from a to 2a.
M = Ni × 2 2 or, M =
4 N 4 N i2
From equation (ii), it is clear that M will be maximum
when N = minimum = 1, i.e., the coil has only one i1

turn and
1 2 a b
(M)max = iL
4 Sol. (a) Magnetic moment of a small element of the loop.
dM = i2 Ldx
The direction of the magnetic moment is
A coil in the shape of an equilateral triangle of side perpendicular to the plane of paper pointing inwards.
0.02 m is suspended from a vertex such that it is  
dU = –dM B = – dM B, where B is the magnetic
hanging in a vertical in plane magnetic field of 5 ×
10–2 T. Find the couple acting on the coil when a field at the position of this element.
current of 0.1 ampere is passed through it and the  0 2 i1
magnetic field is parallel to its plane. i.e., B =
4 a  x

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.29

pole of opposite nature. SO, ‘N’ and ‘S’ always

0  dx 
 dU = – 2i1i 2 l   exist together.
4 ax i1 i2  they are

dx A C B A C C B
 U =– 2i1i 2 l  a b  N S  N S N S
4 0 a+ x x dx

Know as +ve and –ve poles. North pole is treated

0 a b
= 2i1i 2 l log e   as positive pole (or positive magnetic charge) and
4  a 
the south pole is treated as –ve pole (or –ve
magnetic charge). They are quantitatively
0 a b
(b) Ui = – 2i1i 2 l log e   represented by their “POLE STRENGTH” + m and
4  a 
– m respectively (just like we have charge +q and
0  2a  b  –q in electrostatics). Pole strength is a scalar
Uf = – 2i1i 2 l  log e  quantity and represents the strength of the pole
4  2a 
hence, of the magnet also).
0  2(a  b)  A magnet can be treated as a dipole since it always
 W = U = Uf – Ui = 2i1i 2 l log e  
4  2a  b  has two opposite poles (just like in electric dipole
we have two opposite charges –q and +q). It is
Note called MAGNETIC DIPOLE and it has a direction
is from –m to +m that means from ‘S’ to ‘N’)
The student can now attempt section E from
Section F - Magnetic Field due to Bar magnet +m g –m
and Earth Magnet, Para - Dia -
Ferro M = m.lm here lm = magnetic length of the magnet.
lm is slightly less than lg (it is geometrical length of
the magnet = end to end distance). The ‘N’ and ‘S’
16.1 Pole strength, magnetic dipole and are not located exactly at the ends of the magnet.
magnetic dipole moment :
For calculation purposes we can assume  m   g
A magnet always has two poles ‘N’ and ‘S’ and
like poles of two magnets repel other and the unlike [Actually  m /  g 0.84]
poles of two magnets attract each other they form
The units of m and M will be mentioned afterwards
action reaction pair.
where you can remember and understand.

N S N S 16.2 Magnetic field and stre ngth of

magnetic field.
(i) The physical space around a magnetic pole has
F F special influence due to which other pole experience
a force. That special influence is called MAGNETIC
FIELD and that force is called ‘MAGNETIC
(i) FORCE’. This field is quanlitatively represented by
The poles of the same magnet do not comes to meet ‘STRENGTH OF MAGNETIC FIELD’ or
each other due to attraction. They are maintained ‘MAGNETIC INDUCTION” or “MAGNETIC

we cannot get two isolated poles by cutting the FLUX DENSITY”. It is represented by B . It is a
magnet from the middle. The othe end becomes vector quantity.

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2.30 Theory and Exercise Book

 here m is with sign and r = position vector of the

Definition of B : The magnetic force experienced
by a north pole of unit pole strength at a point due test point with respect to the pole.
to some other poles (called source) is called the
strength of magnetic field at that point due to the (ii) Due to a bar magnet :
source. (Same as the case of electric dipole in electrostatics)
 independent case never found. Always ‘N’ and ‘S’
 F
Mathematically, B  exist together as magnet.
m 
  0  M
Here F = magnetic force on pole of pole strength at A (on the axis) = 2   3 for a << r ...(25)
 4  r
m. m may be +ve or –ve and of any value. S.I. unit
 Bres
of B is Tesla or Weber/m2 (abbreviated as T and B
line r
Wb/m2). –m m
  A
We can also write F  mB . According to this Bres
direction of on +ve pole (North pole) will be in the axis
direction of field and on –ve pole (south pole) it will 2a r

be opposite to the direction of B . 
 0  M
at B (on the equatorial) = –   3 for
   4  r
and a << r ...(26)
N  F S
F At General point :
Bn Bres
The field generated by sources does not depend on   0  M cos   Br
Br = 2   3
the test pole (for its any value and any sign).  4  r

(A) B DUE TO VARIOUS SOURCE  0  M sin 
Bn =   3 S N
(i) Due to a single pole :  4  r
(Similar to the case of a point charge in
0 M
electrostatics) Bres = 1  3cos2  ...(27 (a))
4 r 3
m Bn tan 
tan = B  2 ...(28 (b))
 0  m
B=   2 ...(23)
 4  r
This is magnitude
Direction of B due to north pole and due to south
poles are as shown. Find the magnetic force on a short magnet of
 magnetic dipole moment M2 due to another short
magnet of magnetic dipole moment M1.

  M1 M2
N S r
Sol. : To find the magnetic force we will use the formula
 of ‘B’ due to a magnet. We will also assume m and
–m as pole strengths of ‘N’ and ‘S’ of M2. Also
  0  m  length of M2 as 2a. B1 and B2 are the strengths of
in vector from B    3 r ...(24)
 4  r the magnetic field due to M 1 at +m and –m

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Magnetism 2.31

respectively. They experience magnetic forces F1 N

and F2 as shown. A M1 B
+m –m N S M2

r–a 2a

  0  M1  M M
F1 = 2   3
m and Ans. F  3  0  24 1 upwards on M1
 4  (r – a)  4  r
down wards on M2
   M1
F2  2  0  3
 4   (r  a)
 Fres = F1 – F2
A magnet is 10 cm long and its pole strength is 120
 0   1   1   CGS units (1 CGS unit of pole strength = 0.1 A-m).
= 2   M1m  3 
– 3 
 4   (r – a)   (r  a)   Find the magnitude of the magnetic field B at a
point on its axis at a distnace 20 cm from it.
–3 –3 Sol. The pole strength is m = 120 CGS units = 12 A-m
  0  M1 m   a   a 
= 2  4   r 3 1  r  – 1  r   Magnetic length is 2l = 10 cm or l = 0.05 m
      
Distance from the magnet is d = 20 cm = 0.2 m.
By using, Binomial expansion, and neglecting terms The field B at a point in end-on position is
of high power we get  0 2Md  4md
B=  0
4  (d 2 –  2 )2 4  (d 2 – 2 )2
  0  M1m  3a 3a 
Fres = 2   3 1  –1  
 4  r  r r 
 –7 T – m  4  (12A – m)  (0.05m)  (0.2m)
= 10 
 A  [(0.2m)]2 – (0.05m) 2 ]2
  0  M1m 6a   0  M1 3M 2
= 2  3 = 2  4
 4  r r  4  r = 3.4 × 10–5 T.

  0  M1 M 2
= 6  4
 4  r
Find the magnetic field due to a dipole of magnetic
Direction of Fres is towards right. moment 1.2 A-m2 at a point 1 m away from it in a
direction making an angle of 60° with the dipole-
Alternative Method : axis.
 0 2M 1 dB  6M Sol. The magnitude of the field is
B= .  – 0  41
4 r3 dr 4 r
0M 2
B = 4  r 3 1  3cos 
dB  0  6M1M 2
F = – M2 ×  F=   4
dr  4  r 2
 –7 T – m  1.2A – m
= 10  1  3cos2 60
 A  1m 2
Two short magnets A and B of magnetic dipole The direction of the field makes an angle  with
moments M1 and M 2 respectively are placed as the radial line where
shown. The axis of ‘A’ and the equatorial line of
‘B’ are the same. Find the magnetic force on one tan  3
tan  = =
magnet due to the other. 2 2

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2.32 Theory and Exercise Book

Figure shows two identical magnetic dipoles a and
  
b of magnetic moments M each, placed at a •  acts such that it tries to make M  B

•  is same about every point of the dipole it’s
separation d, with their axes perpendicular to each potential energy is
 
other. Find the magnetic field at the point P midway U = – MB cos = – M. B
between the dipoles. = 0° is stable equilibrium
= is unstable equilibrium
d for small ‘ ’ the dipole perfoms SHM about = 0°
a S = – MB sin ;
S N b I = – M B sin
MB 
(a) = –  
 I 
for small , sin 
Angular frequency of SHM
MB 2 I
Bb    T  2
a S I T MB
S N b here I = I if the dipole is free to rotate

P Ba N = I if the dipole is hinged



Sol. The point p is in end-on position for the dipole a and SOLVED EXAMPLE
in broadside-on position for the dipole b’. The

 0 2M A bar magnet having a magnetic moment of 1.0 ×

magnetic field at P due to a is Ba =
4  (d / 2)3 10–4 J/T is free to rotate in a horizontal plane. A
along the axis of a, and that due to b is B b = horizontal magnetic field B = 4 × 10–5T exists in the
space. Find the work done in rotating the magnet
0 M
parallel to the axis of b as shown in slowly from a direction parallel to the field to a
4  (d / 2)3
direction 60° from the field.
figure. The resultant field at P is, therefore Sol. The work done by the external agent = change in
potential energy
B= B2a  B2b
= (–MB cos2) – (–MB cos1)
0M = – MB (cos60° – cos 0°)
= 12  2 2
4 (d / 2)3 1 1
= MB  × (1.0 × 104 J/T) (4 × 10–5 T)
2 2
2 50 M = 0.2 J
d 2
The direction of this field makes an angle  with Ba
such that tan = Bb/Ba = 1/2.
A magnt of magnetic dipole moment M is released
in a uniform magnetic field of induction B from the
position shown in the figure. 120°
Find :
(same as case of electric dipole)
(i) Its kinetic energy at  = 90°
Fres = 0 (for any angle) +m mB
B (ii) its maximum kinetic energy during the motion.
 = MB sin  
–m (iii) will it perform SHM? oscillation ? Periodic
* here  is angle between mB
  motion ? What is its amplitude ?
B and M

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Magnetism 2.33

(i) Apply energy conservation at  = 120° and  = 90° I
We have, T = 2 
– MB cos 120° + 0 MB
= – MB cos 90° + (K.E)
42I 4 2  25  10 –5 kg / m 2
MB or, M= =
KE = Ans. BT 2 2
2 6  (25  10–6 T)  s2
(ii) K.E. will be maximum where P.E. is minimum. P.E.
is minimum at  = 0º. Now apply energy = 27 A-m2
conservation between  = 120º and  = 0º. (b) In this case the moment of inertia becomes
–mB cos 120º + 0
m' 2
= – mB cos 0º + (KE)max I’ = (L  b2 ) where b’ = 0.5 cm.
(KE) max  MB Ans. The time period would be
The K.E. is max at  = 0° can also be proved by I'
T’ = ...(ii)
torque method. From  = 120° to  = 0° the torque MB
always acts on the dipole in the same direction (here
Dividing by equation (i),
it is clockwise) so its K.E. keeps on increases till
 = 0°. Beyond that  reverses its direction and
m' 2
then K.E. starts decreasing (L  b2 )
T' I' 12
  = 0° is the orientation of M to here the  
T I m 2
maximum K.E. (L  b2 )
(iii) Since ‘’ is not small.
 the motion is not S.H.M. but it is oscillatory and
periodic amplitude is 120°. (7cm) 2  (0.5cm) 2
 = 0.992
(7cm)2  (1.0cm)2
A bar magnet of mass 100 g, length 7.0 cm, width
0.992  
1.0 cm and height 0.50 cm takes /2 seconds to or, T’ = s = 0.496  s.
complete an oscillation in an oscillation
magnetometer placed in a horizontal magnetic field
of 25T. 16.4 MAG NET IN AN EX TERN AL
(a) Find the magnetic moment of the magnet.
No special formula are applied is such problems.
(b) If the magnet is put in the magnetometer with
Instead see the force on individual poles and
its 0.50 cm edge horizontal, what would be the
calculate the resultant force torque on the dipole.
time period?
Sol. (a) The moment of inertia of the magnet about the Note
axis of rotation is
• Force due to Non-uniform Magnetic field
m' 2
I= (L  b2 )
12 F=

100  10 –3 • If a source of Magnetic Moment have

= [(7 × 10–2)2 + (1 × 10–2)2] kg-m2
12 dimension very less than the distance of point of
application then we can replace it with magnet of
=  10 –5 kg – m 2 magnetic moment equal to .

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2.34 Theory and Exercise Book


Earth is a natural source of magnetic field. Geographical Vertical
North P
17.1 Elements of the Earth’s Magnetic Geographical Bh
Meridian Bv
The earth’s magnetic field at a point on its surface Magnetic
is usually characterised by three quantities : (a) North

declination (b) inclination or dip and (c) horizontal

component of the field. These are known as the Meridian

elements of the earth’s magnetic field. Thus, from the knowledge of the three elements,
(a) Declination both the magnitude and direction of the earth’s
A plane passing through the geographical poles (that magnetic field can be obtained.
is, through the axis of rotation of the earth) and a
given point P on the earth’s surface is called the
geographical meridian at the point P. Similarly, the
plane passing through the geomagnetic poles (that The horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic
is, through the dipole-axis of the earth) and the point field is 3.6 × 10–5 T where the dip is 60º. Find the
P is called the magnetic meridian at the point P. magnitude of the earth’s magnetic field.
Sol. We have BH = B cos 
The angle made by the magnetic meridian at a point
with the geographical meridian is called the BH 3.6  105 T
or, B    7.2  105 T
declination at that point. cos  cos60º

(b) Inclination or dip

The angle made by the earth’s magnetic field with 18. MOVING-COIL GALVANOMETER
the horizontal direction in the magnetic meridian, is
called the inclination or dip at that point. W

(c) Horizontal component of the earth’s

North South
magnetic field
As the name indicates, the horizontal component is
component of the earth’s magnetic field in the S

horizontal direction in the magnetic meridian. This

direction is towards the magnetic north. The main parts of a moving-coil galvanometer are
Figure shows the three elements. Starting from the shown in figure. A rectangular coil of several turns
geographical meridian we draw the magnetic is wound over a soft-iron core. The wire of the coil
is coated with an insulating material so that each
meridian at an angle  (declination). In the magnetic
turn is insulated from the other and from the iron
meridian we draw the horizontal direction specifying core. The coil is suspended between the two pole
magnetic north. The magnetic field is at an angle  pieces of a strong permanent magnet.
(dip) from this direction. The horizontal component The current to be measured is passed through the

BH and the total field B are related as galvanometer. As the coil is in the magnetic field B
  
BH = B cos  of the permanent magnet, a torque   niA  B
or, B = BH / cos . acts on the coil. Here n = number of turns,

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Magnetism 2.35

i = current in the coil A = area-vector of the coil

and B = magnetic field at the site of the coil. This
torque deflects the coil from its equilibrium position.


The pole pieces are made cylindrical. As a result,

the magnetic field at the arms of the coil remains
parallel to the plane of the coil everywhere even as
Tangent Law
the coil rotates. The deflecting torque is then
  niAB . As the upper end of the suspension strip SOLVED EXAMPLE
W is fixed, the strip gets twisted when the coil
rotates. This produces a restoring torque acting on
the coil. If the deflection of the coil is  and the At any place on earth, the horizontal component of
torsional constant of the suspension strip is k, the earth’s magnetic field is 3 times the vertical
restoring torque is k. The coil will stay at a component. The angle of dip at that place will be
deflection  where (A) 60º (B) 45º
k (C) 90º (D) 30º
niAB = k or, i 
nAB Bv Bv
Hence, the current is proportional to the deflection. Sol. tan = B  3 B
H v

The constant is called the galvanometer 1
nAB = = tan 30º  = 30º (4)
constant, and may be found by passing a known
current, measuring the deflection  and putting these
values in equation. 20. TANGENT GALVANOMETER
(M ovin g Ma gne t Type
Sensitivity Galvanometer)
The sensitivity of a moving-coil galvanometer is This is based on tangent law. It is used for detention
defined as /i. From equation, the sensitivity is and measurement of low electric currents.
If galvanometer has coil in which, n is the number
. For large sensitivity, the field B should be of turns, r is radius of soild and 0 magnetic
permittivity of free space.
large. The presence of soft-core increases the
magnetic field.



When a magnet (e.g. a compass needle) is placed
under the combination of two perpendicular
magnetic fields of intensities V and H. Let the
magnet make an angle  with H at equilibrium
position then
V = H tan 

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2.36 Theory and Exercise Book

Then magnetic field intensity due to coil vibrate simple harmonically about the direction of
field and its mean position.
 0 2 n
B= The time period of T of vibration is given by
4 r
This field will be perpendicular to the horizontal
component of earth’s magnetic T
field so B = H tan 
 0 2n
= H tan  line
4 r
 = K tan  mirror

2rH I
K =  n is a constant for a galvanometer. It is T = 2
0 MH
called reduction factor of galvanometer. where, I = moment of inertia of magnetic about
the suspension fibre as the axis of rotation,
Tangent Galvanometer M = magnetic moment of the magnet,
H = intensity of uniform magnetic field
Uses : (A) To compare of horizontal component of earth’s
magnetic field at two places, horizontal component
of earth’s magnetic field be H1 and H2 and time
perior of oscillation T1 andT2 respectively.
The radius of the coil of a tangent galvanometer is
16 cm. How many turns of the wire should be used H2 T12
if a current of 40 m A is to produced a deflection of Then H = 2
1 T2
45º. given, horizontal component of earth’s field is
(B) To compare magnetic moments of two magnets
0.36 × 104 T.
of same size and same mass
(A) 458 (B) 229
(C) 200 (D) 115 M2 T12
Sol. Here , r = 16 cm = 0.16 m , n ? M1 T22
I = 40 mA = 40 × 103 A, (C) To determine the magnetic moment of a
 = 45º H = 0.36 × 104 T magnet
 0 nI I
As = H tan  T = 2
2r MH
If mass, length and breadth of magnet are m1 and
2r H tan
 n= 0I m ( 2  b 2 )
b respectively then I = . If H is known,
2 x 0.16 x 0.36 x 104 tan 45º M can be calculated
= ,
4  x 107 x (40 x 10 3 ) (D) To compare the magnetic moments of two
n = 229 magnets of unequal size and masses. When north
pole of two magnets are in same direction, Then
When a magnet is suspended freely in a uniform Time period T1 = 2 (M  M ) H ....(1)
1 2
magnetic field, using an unspun thread, it comes to
rest in a direction NS parallel to the direction of the
field. If this magnet is slightly deflected from its
equilibrium position and left, magnet begins to

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Magnetism 2.37

and when they are in opposite direction. EXAMPLE 50

I1 + I 2 A thin magnetic needle oscillates in a horizontal plane

Time period T2 = 2 (M - M ) H ....(2) with a period T. It is broken into n equals parts.
1 2
The time period of each part will be :
(A) T (B)

M1 T22 + T12 T
By equation (1) and (2) M = 2 2 (C) Tn2 (D)
T2 - T1 n

I m  2 /12
SOLVED EXAMPLE Sol. T = 2 = 2 m B or T m
MB p

Oscillation Magnetometer
1/ 2
EXAMPLE 48 m
T'  n n  T
The period of oscillation of a freely suspended bar = or T’ =
T  m  n
magnet is 4 second. If it is cut into two equal parts  
length wise then the time period of each part will
(A) 4 sec. (B) 2 sec. MAGNETISM
(C) 0.5 sec (D) 0.25 sec (A) Magnetic permeability : It is the ability of
2 material to permit the passage of magnetic lines
I m
Sol. T = 2 = 2 12  m  B = 4 sec through it. If it denoted by . Its unit is weber/
MB p
m 2 Relative magnetic permeability (r), is a factor by

2 which the magnetic field B is increased
T’ = 2 mp = 4 sec when a material is brought in the field. r is unitless.
12  B

r =  =1+
The length , breadth and mass of two bar magnets where 0 is permeability of vaccum and  is
are same but their magnetic moments are 3M and susceptibly of material.
2M respectively. These are joined pole to pole and (B) Intensity of magnetization (I) : It is
are suspended by a string. When oscillated in a defined as magnetic moment per unit volume.
magnetic field of strength B, the time period obtained 
 magnetic moment m
is 5s. If the poles of either of the magnets are I = =
volume V
reverse then the time period of the combination in
the same magnetic field will be – m 2 m m
I= = A (2 ) =
(A) 3 3 s (B) 2 2 s V A
For bar magnet of pole strength m, length x and
(C) 5 5 s (D) 1s
area of cross-section A.
I 1
Sol. T = 2 or T  (C) Magnetic susceptibility : For paramagnetic
and diamagnetic substances, the intensity of

T1 3M- 2M magnetization ( I ) of a material is directly
T2 = 3M+ 2M or T2 = 5 5 s proportional to magnetic in intensity ( H )

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2.38 Theory and Exercise Book

 
Thus I =  H Magnetic Permeability
The proportionality content  is called susceptibility.
It is a dimensionless quantity.
For vaccum = 0. A magnetising field of 2 × 103 amp/m produces a
Note magnetic flux density of 8 Tesla in an iron rod.
The relative permeability of the rod will be
(A) 102 (B) 100
(C) 10 (D) 101
(D) Magnetic Intensity : The actual magnetic
 B
field inside the material is the sum of the applied Sol. r =  = H
0 0
magnetic field and magnetic field due to
  8
 B B or r = 2 x 103 x 4  x 10 7 = 104
Hence H = 0  I = 

where B is the resultant magnetic field, and  Magnetization

permeability of the material and I intensity of EXAMPLE 54

magnetization. The quantity H is called magnetic A bar magnet made of steel has a magnetic moment
field intensity or magnetizing field intensity. Unit of of 2.5 A-m2 and a mass of 6.6 × 103 kg. If the
it is ampere/meter. density of steel is 7.9 × 109 kg/m3, find the intensity
of magnetization of the magnet.
Sol. The volume of the bar magnet is
Magnetic Susceptibility
mass 6.6 10 3 kg
EXAMPLE 51 V = density =
7.9  103 kg / m 3
The magnetic susceptibility of a paramagnetic
substance is 3 × 104. It is placed in a magnetising = 8.3 x 107 m3.
field of 4 × 10 4 amp/m. The intensity of The intensity of magnetization is
magnetisation will be
(A) 3 × 108 A/m (B) 12 × 108 A/m M 2.5 A- m 2
I= = = 3.0 × 106 A/m
(C) 12 A/m (D) 24 A/m V 8.3 × 10 -7 m 2
Sol. I = XH = 3 × 10-4 × 4 x 103 = 12 A/m


If an electron having charge e is revoling in an orbit
of radius r having uniform angular velocity . Then
The horizontal component of flux density of earth’s
magnetic field is 1.7 × 105 tesla. The value of Magnetic moment of atom contributed by the
horizontal component of intensity of earth’s magnetic 1
field will be ? electron M = e r2 and magnetic field B
(A) 24.5 A/m (B) 13.5 A/m
(C) 0.135 a/m (D) 1.35 A/m eh
= = 9.27 x 1024 . ampere meter2
B 1.7 x 10 -5 W b/m 2
Sol. H= = = 13.5 A/m If source as the unit of atomic magnetic dipole
0 4 p x 10 -7 W b/A- m
moment. Where h is plank’s constant.
Hence the correct answer will be (B).

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.39

24. MOLECULAR / ATOMIC THEORY OF (c) Ferromagnetic substances : In these

MAGNETIZATION substance each individual atom/molecule has
According to this theory magnetic moment. They have strong tendency to
align themselves so they make domain. In a domain,
(i) Every molecule/atom of a magnetic substance a large no. of atoms/molecules align in same
has north pole as well as south pole of equal direction.
strength, so it is a magnetic dipole. Different domains have different directions of
(ii) In unmagnetized condition, atomic dipoles are magnetic moment hence, the material remains un
randomly oriented and they cancel dipole magnetized.
moment of one another. When a magnetic field is applied, the domains which
are aligned along the direction of the field grown in
(iii) After applying magnetic field, atomic dipoles
size and those opposite to it get reduced. iron nickel
align in its direction.
and cobalt etc. are examples of such materials.
(iv) Extent of magnetization depends on extent of
realignment of the molecular dipoles. B
(v) On heating magnetization reduces or vanish
completely. On the basis of this theory Unmagnetized Domain-growing
magnetic materials are classified into three
categories B

(a) Paramagnetic substances : Every

molecules / atoms of these substances has its own Domain-alignment
dipole moment. When we place such substances in
magnetic field tries to align every individual molecule 25. HYSTERESIS
/ atom in its direction e.g. chromium, CuSO4 , crown As shown in adjacent curve, as we change field
intensity, magnetization changes.
glass, aluminimium, platinum, manganese, solution
In the beginning , the field is zero and sample has
of salts of iron and nickel are paramagnetic
no magnetization,
substances. this is corresponding to point O.
Permeability of paramagnetic substance is greater
than unity. Susceptibility of paramagnetic
substances varies inversely to the temperature of

(b) Diamagnetic substances : Molecules /

atoms of this type of substances do not have dipole As we increase field intensity, magnetization point
moment individually. When they are kept in any A corresponds to saturation magnetization. As value
magnetic field, magnetic moment induces but it is of and direction of field intensity varies,
magnetization along path ACDEFGA is followed.
in opposite direction to the applied magnetic field.
Hence as field intensity increased or decreased,
e.g. copper, gold, mercury , quart, antimony and
magnetization does not return to its initial value. This
Bismoth etc.
fact is called hysteresis. The curve ACDEFGA is
Permeability of diamagnetic substances is always called hysteresis loop. This are of the hysteresis
less than unity. loop is proportional to the thermal energy developed
Susceptibility of diamagnetic substances does not per unit volume of the material as it goes through
change with temperature. the hysteresis cycle.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.40 Theory and Exercise Book

Hysteresis loop for soft iron is narrow and large, 26. CURIE LAW
whereas hysteresis loop for steel is wide and short. According to this law, intensity of magnetization (I)
Hysteresis of a magnetic material is directly proportional to
magnetic induction (B) and inversely proportional
to the temperature of magnetic material.
The mass of a speciment of a ferromagnetic material
is 0.6 kg. and its density is 7.8 x 103 kg/m3. If the I
area of hysteresis loop of alternating magnetising
field of frequency 50Hz is 0.722 MKS units then
the hysteresis loss per second will be –
(A) 277.7 × 105 Joule (B) 277.7 × 106 Joule
(C) 277.7 × 104 Joule (D) 277.7 × 104 Joule we know B  H

I 1 I C
So  = =
where  is susceptibility of material and C is a
constant called curie constant.
Sol. WH = VAft
The variation of I with graph it is clear that saturation
m is reached when H/T exceeds a certain limit.
= Aft or
d Magnetic thermometers are based on curie law and
filled with paramagnetism substance (e).
WH = x 0.722 x 50 = 277.7 x 105 Joule
7.8×103 Note

The student can now attempt section F from


Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.41

Exercise - 1 Objective Problems | JEE Main

Section A - Magnetic field due to a straight

wire, Circular Loop, Circular Arc
I P(2,3)

1. A point charge is moving in a circle with constant

speed. Consider the magnetic field produced by the O I

charge at a fixed point P (not centre of the circle)

on the axis of the circle.
(A) it is constant in magnitude only
0I 50 I
(B) it is constant in direction only (A) (B)
5a 2
(C) it is constant in direction and magnitude both
(D) it is not constant in magnitude and direction 0 I
both. (C) I2 (D) 0

5. Two very long straight parallel wires, parallel to

2. Four infinitely long ‘L’ shaped wires, each
y-axis, carry currents 4I and I, along +y direction
carrying a current i have been arranged as shown
and – y direction respectively. The wires are passes
in the figure. Obtain the magnetic field intensity at
the point ‘O’ equidistant from all the four through the x-axis at the points (d, 0, 0) and (–d, 0,
corners. 0) respectively. The graph of magnetic field
z-component as one moves along the x-axis from
x = – d to x = +d, is best given by

i a i
a O

(A) O (B) x

(A) 1 wb/m2 (B) 0 wb/m2

(C) 2 wb/m2 (D) none of these

(C) x (D) x
3. Two parallel, long wires carry currents i1 and i2 with
i1 > i2. When the current are in the same direction,
the magnetic field at a point midway between the
wire is 10 mT. If the direction of i2 is reversed, the 6. If the ratio of magnetic fields at two point in a
field becomes 30mT. The ratio i1/i2 is
definite direction due to a long current carrying
(A) 4 (B) 3 wire is 3/4, then the ratio of the distances of these
(C) 2 (D) 1 points from the wire will be :

2 4
4. Two mutually perpendicular insulated long (A) (B)
3 3
conducting wires carrying equal currents I, intersect
at origin. Then the resultant magnetic induction at
point P (2m, 3m) will be - 3 3
(C) (D)
4 2

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.42 Theory and Exercise Book

7. Two parallel straight long conducting wires, which 10. A uniform beam of positively charged particles is
are placed at a distance r from each other, are moving with a constant velocity parallel to another
carrying equal currents i in opposite directions. The beam of negatively charged particles moving with
value of magnetic induction at a point situated at a the same velocity in opposite direction separated
point situated x from one wire in between the wires by a distance d. The variation of magnetic field B
will be : along a perpendicular line draw between the two
beams is best represented by
0i  1 1 0 i  1 1
(A)    (B)    B
2  r  x x  2  r  x x  B

 0i 0 i (A) d/2 d (B)

(C) (D) d
2(r  x) 2x d/2

8. A battery is connected between two points A and B B

B the circumference of a uniform conducting ring

of radius r and resistance R. One o the arcs AB of (C) (D)
d/2 d d/2 d
the ring subtends an angle  at the centre. The value
of the magnetic induction at the centre due to the
current in the ring is :
11. Infinite number of straight wires each carrying
current I are equally placed as shown in the figure.
Adjacent wires have current in opposite direction.
 Net magnetic field at point P is

(A) zero, only if  = 180°

a y
(B) zero for all values of 
z x
(C) proportional to 2(180° – ) 30°
P 30° 1 2 3 4 5
(D) inversely proportional to r

9. Determine the magniutde of magnetic field at the

centre of the current carrying wire arrangement
shown in the figure. The arrangement extends to  0I  n 2 0I  n 4
(A) k̂ (B) k̂
4 3a 4 3a
infinity. (The wires joining the successive square
are along the line passing through the centre)
0I  n 4 ˆ
(C) (–k) (D) Zero
 4 3a
2 a 4a
2a 12. A long straight wire, carrying current I, is bent at its
(B) 0 midpoint to form an angle of 45°. Induction of
 i O i 
magnetic field at point P, distant R from point of
2 2 0 i
(C) ln 2 bending is equal to :
 P
(D) none of these R 45°

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.43

16. A hollow cylinder having infinite length and carrying

 
2 – 1 0I
 
2  1 0I uniform current per unit length  along the
4R 4R
circumference as shown. Magnetic
field inside the cylinder is
 
2 –1 0I
 
2  1 0 I
4 2R 4 2R  0
(A) (B) 0

(C) 20 (D) none

Section B - Magnetic Field due to Cylinder,
Large Sheet, Solenoid, Toriod
17. Axis of a solid cylinder of infinite length and radius
13. In a coaxial, straight cable, the central conductor R lies along y-axis it carries a uniformly distributed
and the outer conductor carry equal currents in current ‘i’ along +y direction. Magnetic field at a
opposite directions. The magnetic field is zero.
R R
point  ,y,  is :
2 2

 0I ˆ ˆ  0i ˆ ˆ
(A) (i – k) (B) ( j – k)
4 R 2 R

0i ˆ  0i ˆ ˆ
(C) j (D) (i  k)
4 R 4 R
(A) outside the cable
(B) inside the inner conductor 18. The dimensional formula for the physical quantity
(C) inside the outer conductor
E 2 0  0
(D) in between the two conductors. is

(E = electric field and B = magnetic field)

14. The magnetic field B inside a long solenoid, carrying
acurrent of 10A, is3.14 × 10–2 T. Find the number (A) L0M0T0 (B) L1M 0T–1
of turns per unit length of the solenoid. (C) L–1M0T1 (D)L 1/2M 0T –1/2
(A) 1500 turns/m. (B) 3500 turns/m.
(C) 2000 turns/m. (D) 2500 turns/m. 19. Two circular coils A and B of radius
cm and 5 cm respectively carry current 5 Amp
15. A rod AB moves with a uniform velocity v in a 2
uniform magnetic field as shown in figure.
and Amp respectively. The plane of B is
× × × A× × × 2
× × × × × ×
× × × v× × × perpendicular to plane of A and their centres
× × × × × × coincide. Find the magnetic field at the centre.
× × × × × ×
× × × × × × 5 5
(A) 4   10 –5 T (B) 4π × 10 –5 T
2 2 3 2
(A) The rod becomes electrically charged.
(B) The end A becomes positively charged.
5 5
(C) The end B becomes positively charged. (C) 2π × 10 –5 T (D) 4π × 10 –5 T
2 2 2 3
(D) The rod becomes hot because of Joule heating.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.44 Theory and Exercise Book

20. Find the magnetic induction at the origin in the 23. A current carrying wire (current = i) perpendicular
figure shown. to the plane of the paper produces a magnetic field,
as shown in the figure. A square of side a is drawn
μ0I  3 1 
(A) 2R  4 ˆk + ˆj  Y with one of its vertices on the wire. The integral
 π   
R  B.dr alog PQR has the value lines of B

μ0 I  3 ˆ 1 ˆ  R (A) +0i
(B)  k + j X Oi

4R  4 π  I μi
Z (B) 0 a
μ0I  3 1 
(C) 3R  4 ˆk + ˆj 
π  μ 0i μ 0i P Q

(C) (D)
4 2
μ0I  1 1 
(D) 4R  2 ˆk + ˆj 
π  24. An electron moving in a circular orbit of

radius r makes n rotations per second. The magnetic
field produced at the centre has magnitude.
Section C - Ampere Law μ 0 ne
(A) zero (B)
21. A thin, straight conductor lies along the axis of a μ 0 ne μ 0 n 2e
hollow conductor of radius R. The two carry equal (C) (D)
2r 2r
currents in the same direction. The magnetic field B
is plotted against the distance r from the axis. Which 25. Net magnetic field at the .centre of the circle O
of the following best represents the resulting curve ? due to a current carrying
loop as shown in figure is
i i  O
( < 180°)
(A) B (B) B (A) zero
R R (B) perpendicular to paper inwards
r r (C) perpendicular to paper outwards
(D) is perpendicular to paper inwards if  90° and
perpendicular to paper outwards if 90°   < 180°

(C) B (D) B
R 26. Find the magnetic induction of the field at the point
r r O of a loop with current I, whose shape is
A current I flows along a thin wire shaped as shown
in figure. The radius of a curved part of the wire is
22. A current I flows along the length of an
equal to R the angle is 2. Find the magnetic
infinitely long, straight, thin-walled pipe. Then
induction of the field at the point O.
(A) the magnetic field at all points inside the pipe is
the same, but not zero. (A) B = (π -  + sin)μ 0 I
(B) the magnetic field at any point inside the pipe is
zero. I O
(B) B = (π -  + tan )μ 0 R
(C) the magnetic field is zero only on the axis of the 2R 2
(D) the magnetic field is different points (C) B = (π -  + tan)μ 0
inside the pipe.
(D) none of these

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.45

27. A current I flows around a closed path in the Section D - Magnetic Force on Charge and
horizontal plane of the circle as shown in the figure. Current Carrying Wire
The path consists of eight arcs with alternating radii
r and 2r. Each segment of arc subtends equal 29. Magnetic lines of force are -
angle at the commom centre P. The magnetic field (A) continuous
produced by current path at point P is (B) discontinuous

3  0I (C) sometimes continuous and sometimes

(A) ; perpendicular to discontinuous
8 r
the plane of the paper P (D) nothing can be said
and directed inward
30. A charged particle is accelerated through a potential
3  0I difference of 12 kV and acquires a speed of 1.0 ×
(B) ; perpendicular to the plane of the paper
8 r 106 m/s. It is then injected perpendicularly into a
and directed outward magnetic field of strength 0.2 T. Find the radius of
the circle described by it.
1  0I
(C) ; perpendicular to the plane of the paper (A) 12 cm (B) 14 cm
8 r
and directed inward. (C) 10 cm (D) none of these

1  0I 31. A neutron, a proton, an electron and an

(D) ; perpendicular to the plane of the paper
8 r a-particle enters a uniform magnetic field with equal
and directed outward. velocities. The field is directed along the inward
normal to the plane of the paper. Which of these
28. A coaxial cable is made up of two conductors. The tracks followed are by a - particle.
inner conductor is solid and is of radius R1 & the (A) A × × × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × ×
outer conductor is hollow of inner radius R2 and (B) B × × B × × × × ×
× × × × × × ×
outer radius R3. The space between the conductors (C) C D
A × × × ×
× × ×
is filled with air. The inner (D) D × × × × × × ×
and outer conductors are
carrying currents of equal
magnitudes and in 32. A charged particle moves in a magnetic field
 
opposite directions. Then
B = 10 iˆ with initial velocity u = 5 ˆi+ 4 ˆj . The path
the variation of magnetic of the particle will be
field with distance from
(A) straight line (B) circle
the axis R3
(C) helical (D) none
is best plotted as :

33. Electrons moving with different speeds enter a

uniform magnetic field in a direction perpendicular
(A) (B)
to the field. They will move along circular paths.
R1 R2 R3 r R1 R2 R3 r

(A) of same radius

(B) with larger radii for the faster electrons.
(C) with smaller radii for the faster electrons.
(C) (D)
(D) either (B) or (C) depending on the magnitude
R1 R2 R3 r R1 R2 R3 r
of the magnetic field

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.46 Theory and Exercise Book

34. A proton of mass 1.67 × 10–27 kg and charge 1.6 × 38. A particle having charge q enters a region of uniform
10–19C is projected with a speed of 2 × 106 m/s at 
magnetic field B (directed inwards) and is deflected
an angle of 60° to the x-axis. If a uniform magnetic
a distance x after travelling a distance y. The
field of 0.104 T is applied along the y-axis, the path
magnitude of the momentum of the particle is
of te proton is :
(A) A circle of radius 0.2 m and time period qBy
 ×10–7s
(A) x
(B) A circle of radius 0.1 m and time period
2×10–7s qBy
(B) y
(C) A helix of radius 0.1 m and time period of x
2 × 10–7 s
(D) A helix of radius of 0.2 m and time period qB  y2  qBy 2
(C) 2  x + x  (D)
4 × 10–7s   2x

35. Three ions H+, He+ and O+2 having same kinetic
energy pass through a region in whcih there is a Section E -Torque on a Current Carrying Loop
uniform magnetic field perpendicular to their and Magnetic Dipole Moment,
velocity, then : Moving Coil Galvanometer
(A) H+ will be least deflected
(B) He+ and O+2 will be deflected equally. 39. A current carrying loop is placed in a uniform
(C) O+2 will be deflected most magnetic field. The torque acting on it does not
(D) all will be deflected equally. depend upon -
(A) area of loop (B) shape of loop
36. A particle having charge of 1 C, mass 1 kg and
speed 1 m/s enters a uniform magnetic field, having (C) value of current (D) magnetic field
magnetic induction of 1 T, at an angle q = 30°
between velocity vector and magnetic induction. 40. The time period of vibration of two magnets in same
The pitch of its helical path is (in meters) position is 3 sec. When polarity of weaker magnet
3 is reversed, the combination makes 12 oscillations
(A) (B) 3 per minute. Compare the magnetic moments of two

(C) (D) 
2 17
(A) 4 (B)
37. A square loop ABCD, carrying a current i, is placed
13 1
near and coplanar with a long straight conductor (C) (D)
8 4
XY carrying a current I, the net force on the loop
will be
2μ 0 Ii Y
41. A toroid of mean radius ‘a’, cross section radius ‘r’
(A) C
3π B and total number of turns N. It carries a current ‘i’.
i L The torque experienced by the toroid if a uniform
μ 0 Ii I
(B) A magnetic field of strength B is applied :
2π D
L/2 L (A) is zero
2μ IiL X
(C) 0 (B) is Bi N  r2

(C) is B i N  a2
μ IiL
(D) 0 (D) depends on the direction of magnetic field.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.47

42. A conducting ring of mass 2kg and radius 0.5 m is Section F - Magnetic Field due to Bar magnet
placed on a smooth horizontal plane. The ring carries and Earth Magnet, Para-Dia-Ferro
a current i = 4A. A horizontal magnetic field B =
10 T is switched on at time t = 0 as shown in figure. 46. The points A and B are situated perpendicular to
The initial angular acceleration of the ring will be the axis of 2 cm long bar magnet at large distances
(A) 40  rad/s2 x and 3 x from the centre on opposite sides. The
(B) 20  rad/s2 B ratio of magnetic fields at A and B will be
(C) 5  rad/s ////////////// approximately equal to -
(D) 15  rad/s2 (A) 27 : 1 (B) 1 : 27
(C) 9 : 1 (D) 1 : 9
43. In the figure shown a coil of single turn is wound on
a sphere of radius R and mass m. The plane of the 47. A conductor of length l and mass m is placed along
coil is parallel to the plane and lies in the equatorial the east-west line on a table. Suddenly a certain
plane of the sphere. Current in the coil is i. The
amount of charge is passed through it and it is found
value of B if the sphere is in equilibrium is
to jump to a hight h. The earth’s magnetic induction
mg cos  is B. The charge passed through the conductor is
(A) iR B
1 2 gh
mg (A) Bmgh (B) B  m
(B)  iR

gh m 2gh
mg tan  mg sin  (C) B m (D)
(C)  i R (D)  i R B

44. A thin non conducting disc of radius R is rotating 48. The most suitable metal for permanent magnets
clockwise (see figure) with an angular velocity  is -
about its central axis, which is perpendicular to its (A) steel (B) iron
plane. Both its surfaces carry +ve charges of (C) copper (D) aluminium
uniform surface density. Half the disc is in a region
of a 49. When a ferromagnetic material is heated above its
uniform, unidirectional Curie temperature,
magnetic field B parallel to (A) it gets demagnetised
the plane of the disc, as
(B) it becomes diamagnetic
shown. Then,
B (C) behaves like a paramagnetic substance
(A) The net torque on the disc is zero
(D) remains unaffected
(B) The net torque vector on the disc is directed
(C) The net torque vector on the disc is directed 50. A straight current carrying conductor is placed in
(D) The net torque vector on the disc is parallel to B such a way that the current in the conductor flows
in the direction out of the plane of the paper. The
45. A rectangular coil PQ has 2n turns, an area 2a and conductor is placed between two poles of two
carries a current 2I, (refer figure). The plane of the magnets, as shown. The conductor will exerience
coil is at 60º to a horizontal uniform magnetic field a force in the direction towards
of flux density B. The torque on the coil due to
magnetic force is 2n,2a,2I
(A) BanI sin 60º
(B) 8 BanI cos 60º Coil 60º
(C) 4 anI Bsin 60º B (A) P (B) Q
(D) none (C) R (D) S

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.48 Theory and Exercise Book

Exercise - 2 (Level-I) Objective Problems | JEE Main

Section A - Magnetic field due to a straight 5. Find the ratio of magnetic field magnitudes at a
wire, Circular Loop, Circular Arc distance 10 m along the axis and at 60° from the
axis, from the centre of a coil of radius 1 cm,
1. In the following hexagons, made up of two different carrying a current 1 amp.
material P and Q, current enters and leaves from
3 2
points X and Y respectively. In which case the (A) (B)
7 7
magnetic field at its centre is not zero.
4 1
Q Q (C) (D)
Y Y 7 7
(A) (B)
X X 6. Two long parallel wires situated at a distance 2a
are carrying equal current ‘i’ in opposite direction
as shown in figure. The value of magnetic field at a
Y Y point P situated at equal distances from both the
wires will be : i
(C) (D)
P Q P Q r
X  0i a
(A)  r 2a 

2. Three rings, each having equal radius R, are placed  0i a 2 r
(B) ×
mutually perpendicular to each other and each r i
having its centre at the origin of co-ordinate system.
If current I is flowing through each ring then the  0i a 2  0i a
(C) (D)  r 2
magnitude of the magnetic field at the common  r2

centre is y
7. Two mutually perpendicular conductors carrying
0I currents I1 and I2 lie in one plane. Locus of the
(A) 3
2R point at which the magnetic induction is zero, is a
x (A) circle with centre as the point of intersection of
(B) zero
the conductor.
0 I 0 I (B) parabola with vertex as the point of intersection
(C) ( 2 – 1) (D) ( 3 – 2)
2R 2R of the conductors
(C) straight line passing through the point of
3. Magnetic monopoles cannot exist - intersection of the conductors
(A) true (B) false (D) rectangular hyperbola
(C) may be true or false (D) nothing can be said
8. Current flows through uniform, square frames as
shown. In which case is the magnetic field at the
4. Figure shows a straight wire of length l carrying a
centre of the frame not zero ?
current i. Find the magnitude of magnetic field
produced by the current at point P.

2μ 0i l
(A) P (A) (B)
l i
2μ 0i
(C) (D)
μ 0i 2μ 0i
(C) (D)
2πl πl

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.49

Section B - Magnetic Field due to Cylinder, 12. Consider a long cylindrical shell of
Large Sheet, Solenoid, Toriod non-conducting material which carries a surface
charge fixed in place (glued down) of  C/m2 , as
9. A long cylindrical conductor of radius R shown in Figure. The cylinder is suspended in a
carries current i as shown. The current manner such that it is free to revolve about its axis,
density j is a function of radius r as j = br, where b is a without friction. Initially it is at rest,
constant. The magnetic field at a distance r1(r1<R) is Axis
then it is spinned until the speed of
i the surface of the cylinder is v0.
What is magnetic field inside the
(A) v0dx
μ 0 br12 μ 0 br13
(A) (B) (B) 0v0
2 2
(C) 0
μ br 2 (D) none of these
(C) 0 1 (D) zero

13. A long straight wire carries a current of 10 A directed

10. An infinite long solenoid having n turns per unit along the negative y-axis as shown in figure. A
length is shown in figure. The magnetic filed at P, uniform magnetic field B0 of magnitude 10–6 T is
when a current I is flowing through it would be directed parallel to the x-axis. What is the resultant
magnetic field at the following points?
R (a) x = 0, z = 2m ;
(b) x = 2m, z = 0 ; z
(c) x = 0, z = – 0.5 m B0
(A) 0nI (B) zero (A) 0, 0.4×10-6T, 2×10-6T
(B) 0, 1.41×10-6T, 5×10-6T x
μ 0 nI μ 0 nI  1  i
(C) (D) 2 1 -  (C) 3.2×10-6T, 2.4×10-6T, 0
2 2  2
(D) 5×10-6T, 0, 1.2×10-6T

11. Calculate the magnetic moment of a thin wire with

14. A uniform current density j flows inside an infinite
a current I = 0.8 A, wound tightly on half a toroid.
plate of thickness 2d parallel to its surface. The
The diameter of the cross-section of the toroid is
magnetic field induction is
equal to d = 5.0 cm, the number of turns is N =
500. (A) 0jx inside the plate at a distance of x from
median plane.

μ0 j
(B) inside the plate at a distance of x from
median plane.
(C) 0jd outside the plate.
(A) 0.6 Am2 (B) 1 Am2
(D) 20jd out side the plate.
(C) 0.5 Am2 (D) 1.5 Am2

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.50 Theory and Exercise Book

Section C - Ampere Law 18. Eight wires cut the page perpendicularly at the points
shown in figure. A wire labeled with the integer k
15. A long thin walled pipe of radius R carries a current
(k=1.2,....8) bears the current ki0. For those with
I along its length. The current density is uniform
odd k, the current flows up out of the page; for
over the circumference of the pipe. The magnetic
field at the center of the pipe due those with even k it flows down into the page. The
 
to quarter portion of the pipe value of  B.dr along the close path (as shown in
shown, is
the figure) in the direction indicated by the arrow is
μ I 2 μ0I
(A) 0 2 (B)
4π R π2R
2μ 0 I 2 4

(C) (D) None 2

π2 R 1


16. A long straight metal rod has a very long hole of

radius ‘a’ drilled parallel to the rod axis as shown in
the figure. If the rod carries a current ‘i’ find the
value of magnetic induction on the axis of the hole,
where OC = c (A) 100i0 (B) –100i0
 0 ic a (C) –40i0 (D) 40i0
(A) C
 (b 2 – a 2 )
19. Let B P , B Q and B R be the magnetic field
 0 ic produced by the three infinite long wires P,Q and R
(B) 2 (b 2 – a 2 )
respectively. The three wires are placed
symmetrically inside an equilateral triangular loop
 0 i(b 2 – a 2 )  0 ic
(C) (D) as shown in figure. Current in 3 wires are shown in
2c 2 a 2 b 2
17. A cylindrical conductor of radius R carries a current
its length. The current density J, however, it is not
uniform over the cross section of the conductor but
is a function of the radius according to J = br, where
b is a constant.
Find an
expression for the
magnetic field B.
(a) at r1 < R &
(b) at distance r2 > R, measured from the axis

μ 0 br12 μ 0 bR 3
(A) B1 = , B2 =
B  
If  BP .dl = 40 T–m and
μ br μ 0 bR 3
2 A
(B) B1 = 0 , B2 =1
2 B  
 BP .dl = – 150 T–m, then the value of i is
μ 0 br12 μ 0 bR 3
(C) B1 = , B2 =
(A) 15 A
(B) 5a
μ 0 br12 μ 0 bR 3 (C) 13A
(D) B1 = , B2 =
2 (D) information is insufficient

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.51

20. A charged particle of specific charge  is released 23. A particle moving with velocity v having specific
 charge (q/m) enters a region of magnetic field B
from origin at time t = 0 with velocity V = V0ˆi+ V0ˆj
 3mv
in magnetic field B = B0ˆi . The coordinates of the having width d = 5qB at angle 53º to the boundary

particle at time t = B  are (specific charge  = q/m) of magnetic field. Find the
angle  in the diagram.
 V0 π 2V0   2V π 2V  (A) 37º 53º
0 0
(A)  B α , 0, - B α  (B)  0, B α , B α 
 0 0   0 0  (B) 60º
(C) 90º
 3V π 2V  (D) none
0 0
(C)  B α , - B α , 0 
 0 0 
24. A particle of specific charge (charge/mass)  starts
 2 2V0 π V0 π 2V0  moving from the origin under the action of an
(D)  B α , B α , B α   
 0 0 0  electric field E = E0ˆi and magnetic field B = B0kˆ .
ˆ 3 ˆj) . The value
Its velocity at (x0, y0, 0) is (4 i–
21. In the diagram shown, a wire carries
of x0 is
 
current I. What is the value of the  B. d l (as in 13  E 0 16  B 0
(A) 2 B (B) E0
Ampere’s law) on the helical loop shown in the 0

figure. The integration is done in the sense shown.

25 5
The loop has N turns and part of helical loop on (C) 2 E (D) 2B
0 0
which arrows are drawn
outside the plane of paper.
25. A particle of charge q and mass m starts moving
(A) –0(NI) I from the origin under the action of an electric field
(B) 0(I)   
E  E0 i and B  B 0 i with velocity    0 j . The
(C) 0(NI)
speed of the particle will become 20 after a time
(D) zero
2m  0 2Bq
(A) t = (B) t = m
qE 0
Section D - Magnetic Force on Charge and
Current Carrying Wire 3Bq 3m  0
(C) t  m (D) t 
22. A block of mass m & charge q is released on a long 0 qE
smooth inclined plane magnetic field B is constant,
uniform, horizontal and parallel to surface as shown. 26. A charged particle enters a unifrom magnetic field
Find the time from start when block loses contact perpendicular to its initial direction travelling in air.
with the surface. The path of the particle is seen to follow the path in
m figure. Which of statements 1-3 is/are correct ?
m cos  B
(A) qB (1) The magnetic field strength may have been
increased while the particle was travelling in air
(2) The particle lost energy by ionising the air
m cosec 
(B) (3) The particle lost charge by ionising the air
(A) 1,2,3 are correct
(B) 1,2 only are correct entry
m cot 
(C) (D) none (C) 2,3 only are correct
(D) 1 only

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.52 Theory and Exercise Book

27. A charged particle (charge q, mass m) has velocity 30. A square current carrying loop made of thin wire
v0 at origin in +x direction. In space there is a and having a mass m = 10g can rotate without
uniform magnetic field B in –z direction. Find the y friction with respect to the vertical axis OO1, passing
coordinate of particle when is crosses y axis. through the centre of the loop at right angles to two
opposite sides of the loop. The loop is placed in a
2mv 0 mv 0
(A) (B) homogeneous magnetic field with an induction B =
qB qB
10–1T directed at right angles to the plane of the
drawing. A current I = 2A is flowing in the loop.
4m v 0
(C) (D) None of these Find the period of small oscillations that the loop
performs about its position
of stable equilibrium.
28. A conducting circular loop of radius r carries a
(A) 0.40s
constant current I. It is placed in a uniform magnetic
  (B) 0.57 s I
field B0 such that B0 is perpendicular to the plane
(C) 1.14s
of the loop. Find the magnetic force acting on the (D) 1 s O1
loop is
(A) 4rIB (B) zero 31. Q charge is uniformly distributed over the same
(C) 2rIB (D) none surface of a right circular cone of semi-vertical
angle  and height h. The cone is uniformly rotated
about its axis at angular velocity . Calculated
29. A rectangular loop of wire is oriented with the left associated magnetic dipole moment.
corner at the origin, one edge along X-axis and the 
other edge along Y-axis as shown in the figure. A Qω 2
(A) h tan2 
magnetic field is into the the page and has a 2
magnitude that is given by  = y
Q 2
(B) h tan2
Q 2 Q 2
a (C) h cos2  (D) h sin2
×B 2 4

X 32. Find the work and power required to move the

conductor of length l shown in the fig. one full turn
where  is constant. Find the total magnetic force in the anticlockwise direction at a
on the loop if it carries carrent i.
rotationl frequency of n
  z
(A) F = α a 2 i ˆi (B) F = α a 2 i ˆj revolutions per second if the r A
  magnetic field is of magnitude
(C) F = 2α a2 iˆi (D) F = 2α a2 iˆj I I
B0 everywhere and points
radially outwards from Z- y

Section E - Torque on a Current Carrying axis. The figure shows the x

Loop and Magnetic Dipole surface traced by the wire AB.
Moment, Moving Coil (A) – 2  r B0 i l, – 2  r B0 i l n
(B) 4  r B0 i l, 4  r B0 i l n
(C) 2  r B0 i l, 2  r B0 i l n
(D) – 4  r B0 i l, 4  r B0 i l n

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.53

33. The magnetic needle of a tangent galvanometer is 37. A magnet of moment 4.0 A m2 is held in a uniform
deflected at an angle 30° due to a magnet. The magnetic field 5.0×10 -4 T with the magnetic
horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field moment vector making an angle of 30° with the
0.34×10-4 T is along the plane of the coil. The field. The work done in increasing the angle from
magnetic intensity is : 30° to 45° is nearly :
(A) 1.96×10-4 T (B) 1.96×10-5 T (A) 3.18×10-4J (B) 4.3×10-4J
(C) 1.96×104 T (D) 1.96×105 T (C) 7.3×10-4J (D) Zero

34. In a deflection magnetometer, the external magnet

Section F - Magnetic Field due to Bar magnet
should be replaced :
and Earth Magnet, Para-Dia-
(A) always in the direction resultant field of earth Ferro
(B) always with its axis along E-W.
(C) along N-S in tan A position. 38. The vertical component of earth’s magnetic field is
zero at –
(D) always along N-S.
(A) magnetic equator (B) magnetic pole
35. A short magnet produces a deflection of 45° along (C) geographic poles (D) at 90° latitude
the east of deflection magnetometer, at a certain
distance. When kept at the same distance in the 39. On placing a piece of ferromagnetic material of
south, the deflection will be : cross-sectional area 1cm2 in magnetic field of 200
(A) tan-1 (1/2) (B) tan-1 (2) oersted, flux density of 3000 Gauss is produced in
it. The values of relative permeability and magnetic
(C) 45° (D) 60°
susceptibility of the material will respectively be -

36. A coil in the shape of an equilateral triangle of side (A) 11.9 and 150 (B) 150 and 11.9
 is suspended between the pole places of a (C) 50 and 11.9 (D) 15 and 14
permanent magnet, Such that B fixed is in plae of
the coil. If due to a current I in the triangle, a torque 40. Each atom of every matter is a complete magnet
 acts on it, then side  of the triangle is : itself :

1/ 2
(A) True (B) False
1      
(A)   (B) 2  (C) May be true or not (D) Can't say anything
3  BI   3BI 

1/ 2 1/ 2
2      
(C)   (D) 2  
3  BI   3BI 

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.54 Theory and Exercise Book

Exercise - 2 (Level-II) Multiple Correct | JEE Advanced

Section A - Magnetic field due to a straight

wire, Circular Loop, Circular Arc Z

1. Consider the magnetic field produced by a finitely –a

a Y
long current carrying wire. i O
X i
(A) the lines of field will be concentric circles with
centres on the wire.
(B) There can be two points in the same plane where (A) B = 0 for all points on the x-axis
magnetic fields are same. (B) At all points on the y-axis, excluding the origin,
(C) There can be large number of points where the B has only a z-component.
magnetic field is same. (C) At all point of the z-axis, excluding the origin, B
has only a y-component.
(D) The magnetic field at a point is inversally
(D) B cannot have an x-component.
proportional to the distance of the point from the
5. In the previous question, if the current is i and the
magnetic field at D has magnitude B,
2. A long straight wire carries a current along the
 0i  0i
x-axis. Consider the points A(0, 1, 0), B (0, 1, 1), (A) B = (B) B =
2 2 2 3
C (1, 0, 1) and D (1, 1, 1). Which of the following
pairs of points will have magnetic fields of the same (C) B is parallel to the x-axis
magnitude ? (D) B makes an angle of 45° with the xy plane
(A) A and B (B) A and C
(C) B and C (D) B and D Section B - Magnetic Field due to Cylinder,
Large Sheet, Solenoid, Toriod

3. Consider three quantities x =E/B, 6. Two coaxial long solenoids 1 and 2 of same length
are set so that one is inside the other. The number
y = 1/  0  0 and z = . Here, l is the length of of turns per unit length are n1 and n2. The currents
i1 and i2 are flowing in opposite directions. The
a wire, C is a capacitance and R is a resistance. All
magnetic field inside the inner coil is zero. This is
other symbols have standard meanings.
possible when
(A) x, y have the same dimensions (A) i1  i2 and n1 = n2 (B) i1 = i2 and n1 = n2
(B) y,z have the same dimensions (C) i1 = i2 and n1  n2 (D) i1n1 = i2n2
(C) z,x have the same dimensions
7. A steady current I is passing through a long wire
(D) none of the three pairs have the same
of radius R (solid wire). If the current is distributed
uniformly across the cross - sectional area of the
wire, than
4. Two long thin, parallel conductors carrying equal (A) magnetic field increases linearly from
currents in the same direction are fixed parallel to center to surface.
the x-axis, one passing through y = a and the other (B) magnetic field falls off inversaly with
through y = –a. The resultant magnetic field due to distance r from center of wire for r > R .
the two conductors at any point is B. Which of the (C) magnetic field at centre of wire is zero.
following are correct ? (D) magnetic field at centre of wire is non - zero.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.55

8. In the diagram XY is a long solenoid of 10. A large plate with uniform surface charge density
insulated wire wound on a cardboard tube. PQ is a  is moving with constant speed v as shown in the
soft iron cylinder. The current is flowing in the figure. The magnetic field at a small distance from
wounded wire in the direction shown in figure. For plate is
this arrangement mark the correct statement.


Card board

μ 0 σv
(A) 0v in magnitude. (B) in magnitude
(A) X : North ; Y : South ; P : North 2
(B) If the rod PQ is free to move along its axis then (C) perpendicular to plate (D) parallel to plate
rod comes to rest in middle of XY.
(C) The initial force of attraction between rod and 11. Consider an infinite long cylindrical
solenoid will increase considerably if cardboard tube conductor of radius R carrying a current I with a
is replaced by one made from some magnetic non uniform current density J =  r where a is a
material. constant. find the magnetic field for inside and
(D) None of these. outside prints.

Section C - Ampere Law I

9. A long cylindrical shell has inner radii R1 and outer

radius R2. It carries current I uniformly distributed
over its cross - section. A wire is placed in the hollow
region parallel to the cylindrical axis. For given
situation mark the correct statement(s) -
αμ 0 2 αμ 0 3
(A) For magnetic field to be zero (A) Inside r (B) Outside r
3 3R
everywhere outside the cylinder, the wire may b e
anywhere in the hollow region but possess the αμ 0 2 αμ 0 3
(C) Inside R (D) Outside R
current I in opposite direction to that of cylinder 3 3r
(B) For magnetic field to be zero everywhere outside
Section D - Magnetic Force on Charge and
the cylinder, the wire must be on the cylindrical axis
Current Carrying Wire
and carries current I in the opposite direction to
that of cylinder current. 12. Two identical charged particles enter a uniform
(C) For magnetic field to be zero everywhere inside magnetic field with same speed but at angles 30°
the hollow region, the wire can be placed anywhere and 60° with field. Let a, b and c be the ratio of
inside the hollow region but it shouldn’t possess any their time periods, radii and pitches of the helical
current. paths than
(D) For a unique value of current of wire (when (A) abc = 1 (B) abc > 1
placed on axis) there may be one point in between (C) abc < 1 (D) a = bc
R1<r<R2, so that magnetic field is zero at this point.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.56 Theory and Exercise Book

13. Consider the following statements regarding a 15. An electron is moving along the positive
charged particle in a magnetic field. Which of the X-axis. you want to apply a magnetic field for a
statements are true : short time so that the electron may reverse its
(A) Starting with zero velocity, it accelerates in a direction and move parallel to the negative X-axis.
direction perpendicular to the magnetic field. This can be done by applying the magnetic field
(B) While deflecting in magnetic field its energy
gradually increases. (A) Y-axis (B) Z-axis
(C) Y-axis only (D) Z-axis only
(C) Only the component of magnetic field
perpendicular to the direction of motion of the
charged particle is effective in deflecting it.
(D) Direction of deflecting force on the moving
charged particle is perpendicular to its velocity.

14. Which of the following statement is correct:

(A) A charged particle enters a region of uniform
magnetic field at an angle 85° to magnetic lines of
force. The path of the particle is a circle.
(B) An electron and proton are moving with the
same kinetic energy along the same direction. When
they pass through uniform magnetic field
perpendicular to their direction of motion, they
describe circular path.
(C) There is no change in the energy of a charged
particle moving in a magnetic field although magnetic
force acts on it.
(D) Two electrons enter with the same speed but
in opposite direction in a uniform transverse
magnetic field. Then the two describe circle of the
same radius and these move in the same direction.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.57

Exercise - 3 | Level-I Subjective | JEE Advanced

Section A,B -Magnetic field due to a straight 5. Find the magnetic induction at the centre of a
wire, Circular Loop, Circular Arc, rectangular frame of wire whose diagonal is equal
Magnetic Field due to Cylinder, to d = 16 cm and the angle between the diagonals is
Large Sheet, Solenoid, Toriod equal to  = 30°, the current flowing in the frame
equal to I = 5.0 A.
1. A certain length of wire carrying current is bent in
the form of a coil of one turn. The same wire is
then bent to form two turns of smaller radius. The
magnetic induction at its centre for the same
current is:

2. A straight conductor is split into indentical

semicircular turns by tearing it into two parts from
within. A current enters at one end and after passing
through two parts leaves at the other, the field at
6. Two identical coils carrying same current have
the centre of the loop of radius r is :
common centre but have their planes at right angles
to each other. If the field due to each is B, what is
3. A current of 1A is flowing in the sides of equilateral the resultant field?
triangle of side 4.5×10-2 m. The magnetic induction
at centroid of the triangle: 7. Two circular loops of equal radii are placed, one
vertically and other horizontally with a common
center. The current flowing is clock-wise in both
and has same magnitude. the direction of magnetic
field at the center :

8. The magnetic induction of the field at the point O

of a loop with current I, whose shape is given in

4. A long wire is bent into a circular loop and long O
straight wires. On other sides, but there being B
no contact at the point P. If a current I enters at
Q and leaves at R, then, the magnetic induction at
point O :
9. Two concentric coils X and Y of radii 16 cm and 10 cm
lie in the same vertical plane containing N-S direction.
X has 20 turns and carries 16 A. Y has 25 turns &
carries 18 A. X has current in anticlockwise direction
(I) (I) and Y has current in clockwise direction for an observer,
r looking at the coils facing the west. The magnitude of
net magnetic field at their common centre is

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.58 Theory and Exercise Book

10. Two identical circular coils of wire each having a 15. A pair of stationary and infinitely long bent wires
radius of 4 cm and 10 turns have a common axis is placed in the X-Y plane as shown in figure. The
and are 6 cm apart. If a current of 1 A passess wires carry currents of 10 A each as shown. The
through each coil in the opposite direction find the segments L and M are along thex-axis. The
magnetic induction. At a point on the axis, midway segments P and Q are parallel to the y-axis such
between them. that OS = OR = 0.02 m. Find the magnetic
induction at the origin O.
11. A direct current is passing through a wire. It is bent
to form a coil of one turn. Now it is further bent to 
form a coil of two turns but at smaller radius. The y i
ratio of the magnetic induction at the centre of this  L R Q M 
coil and at the centre of the coil of two turn is i P O S x

12. A current of i ampere is flowing through each of 

the bent wires as shown the magnitude and direction
of magnetic field at O is
16. Figures shows a long wire bent at the middle to form
a right angle. The magnitudes of the magnetic fields
O R' at the points P, Q, R and S are B 1, B2, B3, B4
respectively. The wire and the circumference of
circle are coplaner. Relation between B1,B2,B3,B4

13. Two wire loops PQRSP formed by joining two

semicircular wires of radii R 1 and R2 carries a i Q
S d
current I as shown in (fig.) The magnitude of the
P .
magnetic induction at the centre C is ........

R2 R1
Section C - Ampere Law

17. Six wires of current I 1 = 1 A, I 2 = 2A,

14. A current carrying wire is placed in the grooves of I3 = 3A, I4 = 1A, I5 = 5A and I6 = 4A cut the page
an insulating semi circular disc of radius ‘R’, as perpendicularly at the points 1,2,3,4,5 and 6
shown. The current enters at point A and leaves respectively as shown in the figure. Find the value
from point B. Determine the magnetic field at point D.  
of the integral  B.dl around the closed path.

A 1 2
i ×4 ×5
30° 3
30° D ×6

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Magnetism 2.59

18. A system of long four parallel conductors whose 22. If a magnetic field B exists in the region as shown
sections with the plane of the drawing lie at the in figure, what is the average magnetic force on
vertices of a square there flow four equal currents. the free electrons ?

23. Due to the magnetic force, the free electrons get

I1 I2
accumulated on one side of the conductor along its
length. This produces a transverse electric field in
the conductor which opposes the magnetic force
on the electrons. Find the magnitude of the electric
field which will stop further accumulation of
The directions of these currents are as follows : electrons.
those marked  point away from the reader, while
those marked with a dot point towards the reader. 24. What will be the potential difference developed
How is the vector of magnetic induction directed at across the width of the conductor due to the electron
the centre of the square? accumulation ? The appearance of a transverse
emf, when a current - carrying wire is placed in a
19. Two circular coils of wire each having a radius of 4 magnetic field, is called Hall effect.
cm and 10 turns have a common axis and are 6 cm
apart. If a current of 1 A passes through each coil 25. Two long conductors are arranged as shown below
in the opposite direction find the magnetic induction to form overlapping cylinders, each of radius r,
at the centre of either coil. whose centers are separated by a distance d.
Current of density J flows into the plane of the page
20. Find the magnit ude of the magnetic induction B of a along the shaded part of the one conductor and an
magnetic field generated by a system of thin equal current flows out of the plane of the page
conductors along which a current i is flowing at a along the shaded portion of the other, as shown.
point A(O, R, O), that is the centre of a circular What is the magnitude and direction of the magnetic
conductor of radius R. The ring is in yz plane. field at point A ?

y d Conductor

r y
i A
i i
Vacuum x

Section D - Magnetic Force on Charge and

26. A U-shaped wire of mass m and length l is immersed
Current Carrying Wire
with its two ends in mercury (see figure). The wire
Paragraph Ques. No. 21 to 24 is in a homogeneous field of magnetic induction B.
A current i is passed through a silver strip of width
d and area of cross-section A. The number of free 
If a charge, that is, a current pulse q = idt , is sent
electrons per unit volume is n. through the wire, the wire will jump up. Calculate,
× × × ×v × × × from the height h that the wire reaches, the size of
× × × × × × × the charge or current pulse, assuming that the time
×i × × × × × × of the current pulse is vey small in comparision with
× × × × × × × the time of flight. Make use of the fact that impulse

21. Find the drift velocity v of the electrons.

of force equals  F dt , which equals mv. Evaluate
q for B = 0.1 Wb/m2, m = 10 gm
 = 20 cm & h = 3 meters [g = 10 m/s2]

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.60 Theory and Exercise Book

encountered in part (b). What will be the magnitude

× × × × × × × ×
B and direction of the field EH? Assume that n, the
× × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × ×m number of conduction electrons per unit volume, is
Hg 1.1 × 1029/m3 & that h = 0.02 meter, w = 0.1cm,
i = 50 amp, & B = 2 webers/meter2.

27. A conductor carrying a current i is placed parallel 29. Two long straight parallel conductors are
to a current per unit width j0 and width d, as shown separated by a distance of r 1 = 5 cm and carry
in the figure. Find the force per unit length on the currents i 1 = 10 A & i 2 = 20 A. What work per
conductor. unit length of a conductor must be done to
increase the separation between the conductors
z to r2 = 10 cm if, currents flow in the same
direction ?
j0 h
30. Electric charge q is uniformly distributed over a rod
of length l. The rod is placed parallel to a long wire
carrying a current i. The separation between the
rod and the wire is a. Find the force needed to move
the rod along its length with a uniform velocity v.
28. A current i, indicated by the crosses in fig. is
established in a strip of copper of height h and width
31. An electron moving with a velocity
w. A uniform field of magnetic induction B is applied
at right angles to the strip. 5 × 106 ms–1 î . In the uniform electric field of
5 × 107 Vm–1 ˆj . Find the magnitude and direction
of a minimum uniform magnetic field in tesla that
X will cause the electron to move undeviated along
B X h its original path.

32. A particle of charge +q and mass m moving under
the influence of a uniform electric field E î and a
(a) Calculate the drift speed vd for the electrons.
(b) What are the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field B k̂ enters in I quadrant of a
magnetic force F acting on the electrons? coordinate system at a point (0, a) with initial velocity
v î and leaves the quadrant at a point (2a, 0) with
(c) What would the magnitude & direction of
homogeneous electric field E have to be in order to velocity – 2v ˆj . Find
counter balance the effect of the magnetic field?
(a) Magnitude of electric field
(d) What is the voltage V necessary between two
(b) Rate of work done by the electric field at point
sides of the conductor in order to create this field E?
(0, a)
(e) If no electric field is applied form the outside
(c) Rate of work done by both the fields at (2a, 0)
the electrons will be pushed somewhat to one side
& thereforce will give rise to a uniform electric field
EH across the conductor untill the force of this
electrostatic field EH balance the magnetic forces

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.61

33. A proton beam passes without deviation through a 37. A wire loop carrying current I is placed in the X-Y
region of space where there are uniform transverse plane as shown in the figure.
mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic field
with E and B. Then the beam strikes a grounded M y
target. Find the force imparted by the beam on the V

target if the beam current is equal to I. P
a x
34. An infinitely long straight wire carries a conventional
current I as shown in the figure. (a) If a particle with charge +Q and mass m is placed at
the centre P and given a velocity along NP (fig). Find its
instantaneous acceleration
I' c (b) If an external uniform magnetic induction field
a 
B = Biˆ is applied, find the torque acting on the loop
b due to the field.

The rectangular loop carries a conventional current

I’ in the clockwise direction. Find the net force on 38. The length of a magnet is large compared to its
the rectangular loop. width and breadth. The time period of its oscillation
in a vibration magnetometer is 2s. The magnet is
cut along its length into three equal parts and these
35. A charged particle having mass m and charge q is
parts are then placed on each other with their like
accelerated by a potential difference V, it flies
poles together. The time period of this combination
through a uniform transverse magnetic field B. The
will be :
field occupies a region of space d. Find the time
interval for which it remains inside the magnetic
field. 39. A certain amount of current when flowing in a
properly set tangent galvanometer, produces a
defleciton of 45°. If the current be reduced by a
Section E - Torque on a Current Carrying
Loop and Magnetic Dipole factor of 3 , the deflection would :
Moment, Moving Coil

36. A square cardboard of side l and mass m is

suspended from a horizontal axis XY as shown in
figure. A single wire is wound along the periphery
of board and carrying a clockwise current I. At
t = 0, a vertical downward magnetic field of induction
B is switched on. Find the minimum value of B so
that the board will be able to rotate up to horizontal

B oar

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.62 Theory and Exercise Book

Exercise - 3 | Level-II Subjective | JEE Advanced

Section A,B -Magnetic field due to a straight 7. An electron gun G emits electron of energy 2kev
wire, Circular Loop, Circular Arc, traveling in the (+) ve x-direction. The electron are
Magnetic Field due to Cylinder, required to hit the spot S where GS = 0.1 m & the
Large Sheet, Solenoid, Toriod line GS makes an angle of 60° with the x-axis,

1. A square frame of side  carries a current I and shown in the fig. A uniform magnetic field B parallel
produces a field B at its centre. The same current to GS exists in the region out sides to electron gun.
Find the minimum value of B needed to make the
is passed through a circular coil having same
electron hit S.
perimeter as the square. The field at the centre of
the circular coil B’. Then ratio is :
B' B
b 60°
2. The magnetic induction Gun X
of the field at the point I
O of a loop with current b 8. The magnetic field due to a current carrying square
I, whose shape is a loop of side a at a point located symmetrically at a
illustrated below is - O distance of a/2 from its centre (as shown is)

3. Equal current i is flowing in three infinitely long wires a/2

along positive x, y and z directions. The magnitude
field at a point (0, 0, –a) would be :

4. Find the magnetic induction at point O, if the current a

carrying wire is in the shape shown in the figure.
Section C, D - Ampere Law, Magnetic Force
O r i on Charge and Current Carrying Wire
r 9. An infinite wire, placed along z-axis, has current I1 in
positive z-direction. A conducting rod placed in xy plane
5. A wire carrying I is shaped as shown. Section AB parallel to y-axis has current I2 in positive y-direction.
is a quarter circle of radius r. The magnetic field at The ends of the rod subtend +30° and –60° at the origin
C is directed
with positives x-direction. The rod is at a distance a
from the origin. Find net force on the rod.
I 10. A straight segment OC (of length L meter) of a
circuit carrying a current I amp is placed along the
6. The figure shows a conductor of weight 1.0 N and x-axis. Two infinitely line straight wires A and B,
length L = 0.5 m placed on a rough inclined plane each extending form z= –  to + , are fixed at y =
making an angle 30° with the horizontal so that – a metre and y = +a metre respectively, as shown
conductor is perpendicular to a uniform horizontal
in the figure. If the wires A and B each carry a
magnetic field of induction B = 0.10 T. The
coefficient of static friciton between the conductor current I amp into plane of the paper. Obtain the
and the plane is 0.1. A current of I = 10 A flows expression for the force acting on the segment OC.
through the conductor inside the plane of this paper What will be the force OC if current in the wire B
as shown. What is the force needed to be the is reversed?
applied parallel to the inclined plane to sustaining
the conductor at rest?
× B I
O x
  30 z ×A

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.63

11. Three infinitely long conductors R, S and T are lying 15. Four long wires each carrying current I as shown
in a horizontal plane as shown in the figure. The in the figure are placed at the points A, B, C and D.
currents in the respective conductors are Find the magnitude and direction of
2 b b Y
IR = I0 sin (t + )
3 R S T
IS = I0 sin ( t) D(–a,a) + A(a,a)
a X
IT = I0 sin ( t – ) C(–a,–a) + B(a,–a)
3 P
Find the amplitude of the vertical component of the (i) magnetic field at the centre of the square.
magnetic field at a point P, distance ‘a’ away from (ii) force per metre acting on wire at point D.
the central conductor S.
Section E - Torque on a Current Carrying
12. A very long straight conductor has a circular cross- Loop and Magnetic Dipole
section of radius R and carries a current density J. Moment, Moving Coil
Inside the conductor there is a cylindrical hole of
radius a whose axis is parallel to the axis of the 16. A stationary, circular wall clock has a face with a
conductor and a distance b from it. Let the z-axis radius of 15cm. Six turns of wire are wound around
be the axis of the conductor, and let the axis of the its perimeter, the wire carries a current 2.0 A in the
clockwise direction. The clock is located, where
hole be at x = b. Find the magnetic field
there is a constant, uniform external magnetic field
of 70 mT (but the clock still keeps perfect time) at
R exactly 1 : 00 pm, the hour hand of the clock points
x in the direction of the external magnetic field
b (a) After how many minutes will the minute hand
point in the direction of the torque on the winding
(a) on the x=axis at x = 2R due to the magnetic field?
(b) What is the magnitude of this torque.
(b) on the y = axis at y = 2R.

17. A square loop of wire of edge a carries a current i.

13. In above problem show that the change in frquency (a) Show that B for a point on the axis of the loop
of rotation caused by the magnete field is given and a distance x from its centre is given by,
approximately by v = ± . Such frequency 4 0 ia 2
4m B= .
 (4x 2  a 2 )(4x 2  2a 2 )1/ 2
shifts were actually observed by Zeeman in 1896.
(b) Can the result of the above problem be reduced
to give field at x = 0 ?
14. Zeeman effect. In Bohr’s theory of the
(c) Does the square loop behave like a dipole for
hydrogen atom the electron can be thought of as points such that x >>a ? If so, what is its dipole
moving in a circular orbit of radius r about the moment?
proton. Suppose that such an atom is placed in
a magnetic field, with the plane of the orbit at
right angle to B.
(a) If the electron is circulating clockwise, as viewed by
an observer sighting along B, will the angular freuqency
increase or decrease ?
(b) What if the electron is circulating
counterclockwise? Assume that the orbit radius does
not change.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.64 Theory and Exercise Book

Exercise - 4 | Level-I Previous Year | JEE Main

1. A charged particle of mass m and charge q travels 5. A moving coil galvanometer has 150 equal divisions.
on a circular path of radius r that is perpendicular Its current sensitivity is 10 divisions per milliampere
to a magnetic field B. The time taken by the particle and voltage sensitivity is 2 divisions per millivolt. In
to complete one revolution is [AIEEE 2005] order that each division reads 1 V, the resistance in
Ohms needed to be connected in series with the
2mq 2q 2 B coil will be [AIEEE 2005]
(A) (B)
B m
(A) 103 (B) 105
2qB 2m (C) 99995 (D) 9995
(C) (D)
m qB

6. In a region, steady and uniform electric and

2. A magnetic needle is kept in a non-uniform magnetic magnetic fields are present. These two fields are
field. It experiences [AIEEE 2005] parallel to each other. A charged particle is released
(A) a torque but not a force from rest in this region. The path of the particle will
(B) neither a force nor a torque be a [AIEEE 2006]
(C) a force and a torque (A) helix (B) straight line
(D) a force but not a txorque
(C) ellipse (D) circle

3. Two concentric coils each of radius equal to 2 cm

are placed at right angles to each other. 3 A and 7. Needles N 1, N 2 and N 3 are made of a
4A are the currents flowing in each coil ferromagnetic, a paramangnetic and a diamangnetic
respectively. The magnetic induction in Wb/m2 at substance respectively. A magnet when brought
the centre of the coils will be close to them will [AIEEE 2006]

(0  4  107 Wb / Am) [AIEEE 2005] (A) attract N1 and N2 strongly but repel N3

(A) 12 × 10–5 (B) 10–5 (B) attract N1 strongly, N2 weakly and repe N3
(C) 5 × 10–5 (D) 7 × 10–5 weakly
(C) attract N1 strongly, but repel N2 and N3 weakly
4. Two thin, long parallel wires, separated by a distance (D) attract all three of them
d carry a current of I ampere in the same direction.
They will [AIEEE 2005]
8. A charged particle moves through a magnetic field
 0I 2 perpendicular to its direction. Then [AIEEE 2007)
(A) attract each other with a force of
(A) the momentum changes but the kinetic energy
is constant
 0I 2
(B) repel each other with a force of (B) both momentum and kinetic energy of the
particle are not constant

0I2 (C) both momentum and kinetic energy of the

(C) attract each other with a force of particle are constant
(2d 2 )
(D) kinetic energy changes but the momentum is
0I2 constant
(D) repel each other with a force of
(2d 2 )

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.65

9. A current I flows along the length of an 13. A horizontal overhead powerline is at a height of
infinitely long, straight, thin walled pipe. Then 4m from the ground and carries a current of 100 A
[AIEEE 2007] from east to west. The magnetic field directly
(A) the magnetic field is zero only on the axis of the below it on the ground is [AIEEE 2008]
( 0  4  10 7 TmA 1 )
(B) the magnetic field is different at different points
inside the pipe (A) 2.5 × 10–7 T, southward
(C) the magnetic field at any point inside the pipe is zero (B) 5 × 10–6 T, northward
(D) the magnetic field at all points inside the pipe is (C) 5 × 10–6 T, southward
the same, but not zero (D) 2.5 × 10–7 T, northward

10. A charged particle with charge q enters a region of

14. Relative permittivity and permeability of a material
constant, uniform and mutually orthogonal fields E are  r and  r respectively. Which of the following
  
and B with a velocity v perpendicular to both E values of these quantities are allowed for a

and B , and comes out without any change in diamagnetic material ? [AIEEE 2008]

magnitude or direction of v . Then [AIEEE 2007] (A)  r  0.5,  r  1.5 (B)  r  1.5,  r  0.5
 
  B   E (C)  r  0.5,  r  0.5 (D)  r  1.5,  r  1.5
(A) v  E  (B) v  B
B2 B2
 
15. The magnitude of the magnetic field (B) due to loop
  B   E
(C) v  E  (D) v  B  ABCD at the origin (O) is [AIEEE 2009]
E2 E2
(A) zero
11. A long straight wire of radius a carries a steady  0 (b  a ) a A
current I. The current is uniformly distributed across (B)
its cross-section. The ratio of the magnetic field O
30º |

a 0 I  b  a  b D
at and 2a is [AIEEE 2007] (C)
2 4  ab  C

(A) 1/4 (B) 4

(C) 1 (D) 1/2 0 I   
4  2(b  a)  3 (a  b) 
12. Two identical conducting wires AOB and COD are B

placed at right angles to each other. The wire AOB 16. Due to the presence a A
carries an electric current I1 and COD carries a cur-
of the current I1 at the | 1

rent I2. The magnetic field on a point lying at a dis- 30º |

origin in the figure.
tance d from O, in a direction perpendicular to the
[AIEEE 2009] b D
plane of the wires AOB and COD, will be given by
(A) the forces on AB and DC are zero C
[AIEEE 2007)
(B) the forces on AD and BC are zero
1/ 2
 0  I1  I 2  0 2 (C) the magnitude of the net force on the loop is
(A) (B) (I1  I 22 )1/ 2
2  d  2d μ 0 II1  π 
given by  2(b - a) + 3 (a + b) 
4π  
0 0
(C) (I1  I2 ) (D) ( I12  I 2 2 ) (D) the magnitude of the net force on the loop is
2d 2d
μ 0 II 1
given by (b - a)

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.66 Theory and Exercise Book

17. Two long parallel wires are at a distance 2d apart.

B v 2 B v
They carry steady equal current flowing out of the (A) l1   l2  ,l 
plane of the paper as shown. The variation of the
magnetic field along the line XX' is given by
B v 2 B v
(B) l1  l2  ,l 
[AIEEE 2010] 3R 3R

B v
(C) l1  l2  l 
X X’
(A) B v B v
(D) l1  l2  ,l 
d d 6R 3R

19. A current I flows in a infinitely long wire with cross

section in the form of a semi-circular ring fo radius
X X’ R. The magnitude of the magnetic induction along
its axis is [AIEEE 2011]
d d
0 I 0 I
(A) (B)
2 2 R 2R

0 I 0 I
X X’ (C) (D)
(C) 4R 2 R

d d

20. A boat is moving due east in a region where the

earth's magnetic field is 5.0 × 10–5 NA-1m-1due north
and horizontal. The boat carries a vertical aerial 2
m long. If the speed of the boat is 1.50 ms–1, the
(D) magnitude of the induced emf in the wire of aerial
d d
[AIEEE 2011)
(A) 0.75 mV (B) 0.50 mV
18. A rectangular loop has a sliding connector PQ of
(C) 0.15 mV (D) 1 mV
length – and resistance R  and it is moving with a
speed v as shown. The set-up is placed in a uniform
magnetic field going into the plane of the paper. 21. A thin circular disk of radius R is
The three currents I1, I2 and I are uniformly charged with density   0 per unit area.
[AIEEE 2010] The disk rotates about its axis with a uniform angular
speed  . The magnetic moment of the disk is
[AIEEE 2011)

(A) 2 R 4  (B) R 4

R 4 R 4
(C)  (D) 
2 4

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.67

22. A charge Q is uniformly distributed over the surface 25. A rectangular loop of sides 10 cm and
of non-conducting disc of radius R. The disc rotates 5 cm carrying a current I of 12 A is placed in different
about an axis perpendicular to its plane and passing orientations as shown in the figures below ;
z z
throgh its centre with an angular velocity . As a
result of this rotation, a magnetic field of induction B
B is obtained at the centre of the disc. If we keep (a) y (b) I y
both the amount of charge placed on the disc and x I
z z
its angular velocity to be constant and vary the radius
of the disc then the variation of the magnetic
induction at the centre of the disc will be represented (c) I y (d) I y
by the figure. [AIEEE 2012] x x I
If there is a uniform magnetic field of 0.3 T in the
positive z direction, in which orientations the loop
would be in (i) stable equilibrium and (ii) unstable
equilibrium ? [JEE MAIN 2015]
(A) (B)
(A) (b) and (d), respectively
R R (B) (b) and (c), respectively
(C) (a) and (b), respectively
(D) (a) and (c), respectively

26. Two coaxial solenoids of different radii carry current


B I in the same direction. Let F1 be the magnetic force
(C) (D) 
on the inner solenoid due to the outer one and F2 be
R R the magnetic force on the outer solenoid due to the
inner one. Then: [JEE MAIN 2015]
 
(A) F1 is radially inwards and F2 = 0
 
23. Proton, deuteron and alpha particles of same kinetic (B) F1 is radially outwards and F2 = 0
energy are moving in circular trajectories in a  
(C) F1 = F2 = 0
constant magnetic field. The radii of proton, deuteron  
(D) F1 is radially inwards and F2 is radially outwards
and alpha particle are respectively rp, rd and r .
Which one of the following relation is correct?
27. Two long current carrying thin wires, both with
[AIEEE 2012]
current I, are held by insulating threads of length L
(A) r = rp = rd (B) r = rp < rd and are in equilibrium as shown in the figure, with
(C) r >rd>rp (D) r = rd> rp threads making an angle '' with the vertical. If wires
have mass  per unit length then the value of I is :
24. The coercivity of a small magent where the (g = gravitational acceleration) [JEE MAIN 2015]
ferromagnet gets demagnetized is
3 –1 πgL
3 × 10 A m . The current required to be passed in (A) 2 tanθ
a solenoid of length 10 cm and number of turns L
100, so that the magnet gets demagnetized when
inside the solenoid, is : [JEE MAIN 2014] πλgL
(B) tanθ
μ0 I I
(A) 3 A (B) 6 A
(C) 30 mA (D) 60 mA
πλ g L πλg L
(C) sin θ μ co sθ (D) 2 s in θ μ c o sθ
0 0

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.68 Theory and Exercise Book

28. Two identical wires A and B each of length 'l', carry 32. The dipole moment of a circular loop carrying a
the same current I. Wire A is bent into a circle of current I, is m and the magnetic field at the centre
radius R and wire B is bent to form a square of side of the loop is B 1. When the dipole moment is
'a'. If BA and BB are the values of magneitc field at doubled by keeping the current constant, the
the centres of the circle and square respectively, magnetic field at the centre of the loop is B2. The
then the ratio B is : [JEE MAIN 2016] B1
ratio B is : [JEE MAIN 2018]
2 2
πr π2
(A) (B)
16 2 16
π2 π2 (A) (B) 2
(C) (D) 2
8 2 8
(C) 3 (D) 2
29. Hysteresis loops for two magnetic materials A and
B are given below :
B B 33. An electron, a proton and an alpha particle having
the same kinetic energy are moving in circular orbits
of radii re, rp, r respectively in a uniform magnetic
H H field B. The relation between re, rP, r is :
[JEE MAIN 2018]
(A) (B) (A) re < r < rP (B) re > rP = r
These materials are used to make magnets for
(C) re < rP = r (D) re < rP < r
electric generators, transformer core and
electromagnet core. Then it is proper to use:
[JEE MAIN 2016]
(A) A for electromagnets and B for electric
(B) A for transformers and B for electric genera-
(C) B for electromagnets and transformers.
(D) A for electric generators and transformers.

30. A magnetic needle of magnetic moment 6.7 × 10–2

Am2 and moment of inertia 7.5 × 10–6 kg m2 is
performing simple harmonic oscillations in a
magnetic field of 0.01 T. Time taken for 10 complete
oscillations is - [JEE MAIN 2017]
(A) 8.76 s (B) 6.65 s
(C) 8.89 s (D) 6.98 s

31. When a current of 5 mA is passed through a

galvanometer having a coil of resistance 15 , it
shows full scale deflection. The value of the
resistance to be put in series with the galvanometer
to convert it into a voltmeter of range 0–10 V is :
[JEE MAIN 2017]
(A) 4.005×10  (B) 1.985×103 
(C) 2.045×103  (D) 2.535×103 

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.69

Exercise - 4 | Level-II Previous Year | JEE Advanced

1. In a moving coil galvanometer, torque on the coil 4. Some laws/processes are given in Column I.
can be expressed as  = ki, where i is current through Match these with the physical phenomena given
the wire and k is constant. The rectangular coil of in Column II. [JEE 2006]
the galvanometer having numbers of turns N, area Column - I Column - II
A and moment of inertia I is placed in magnetic (A) Dielectric ring (P)Time independent
uniformly charged electrostatic
field B. Find
field out of
(a) k in terms of given parameters N, I, A and B.
(b) the torsional constant of the spring, if a current (B) Dielectric ring (Q)Magnetic field
i0 produces a deflection of /2 in the coil in reaching uniformly charged rotating with
equilibrium position. angular velocity 
(c) the maximum angle through which coil is (C) Constant current in (R) Induced
deflected, if charge Q is passed through the coil ring i0 electric field
almost instantaneously. (Ignore the damping in (D) i = i0 cos t (S) Magnetic
mechanical oscilations) [JEE 2005] moment

2. Analytical & Descriptive Questions 5. A magnetic field B = B0ˆj exists in the region
A movin g coi l gal van omet er exper i en ce 
a < x < 2a and B = – B0ˆj , in the region 2a < x < 3a,
torqu e = ki, where i i s curren t. If N coils
where B0 is a positive constant. A positive point
of ar ea A each and moment of inertia I is

kept in magnetic fiel d B. [JEE 2005] charge moving with a velocity v = v 0ˆi , where v0 is

(A) Find k in terms of given parameters. a positive constant, enters the magnetic field at
x = a. The trajectory of the charge in this region
π can be like, [JEE 2007]
(B) If for current i deflection is , find out torsional
constant of spring. B0
(C) If a charge Q is passed suddenly through the
galvanometer, find out maximum angle of deflection. 0
a 2a 3a x
3. An infinite current carrying wire passes through point
O and in perpendicular to the plane containing a
current carrying loop ABCD as shown in the figure. z z
Choose the correct option(s). [JEE2006]
a 2a 3a
(A) Net force on the loop is zero.
(A) a 2a 3a x (B) x
(B) Net torque on the loop is zero.
(C) As seen from O, the C
loop rotates clockwise. B

z z
(D) As seen from O, the
loop O a 2a 3a
rotates anticlockwise. A
(C) a 2a 3a x (D) x

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.70 Theory and Exercise Book

6. Two wires each carrying a steady current I are shown (C) The wire is placed in (R) A constant
in four configurations in Column I. Some of the a constant electric potential
resulting effects are described in Column II. Match field that has a difference
the statements in Column I with the statement in direction along the develops
Column II and indicate your answer by darkening length of the wire. between the
appropriate bubbles in the 4 × 4 matrix given in the ends of the wire
ORS. [JEE-2007] (D) A battery of (S) Charges of
Column I Column II constant emf is constant
(A) Point P is situated (P) The magnetic connected to the . magnitude
midway between the fields (B) at P ends of the wire. appear at the
wires due to the ends of the wire
P currents in the
8. Assertion and Reason
wires are in the Statement I The sensitivity of a moving coil
same direction. galvanometer is increased by placing a suitable
(B) Point P is situated at (Q) The magnetic magnetic material as a core inside the coil.
the mid-point of the fields(B) at P due [JEE 2008]
line joining the centers to the currents Statement II Soft iron has a high magnetic permeability
of the circular wires, in the wires are and cannot be easily magnetized or demagnetized.
which have same radii. in opposite directions Mark your answer as
(A) If statement I is true, Statement II is true;
P Statement II is the correct explanation for
Statement I
(B) If Statement I is true, Statement II is not a
(C) Point P is situated at (R) There is no correct explanation for Statement
the mid-point of the line magnetic field at P (C) If Statement I is true; Statement II is false.
joining the centers of (D) If Statement I is false; Statement II is true.
the circular
9. A particle of mass m and charge q, moving with
velocity v enters Region II normal to the boundary
as shown in the figure. Region II has a uniform
(D) Point P is situated at (S) The wires repel magnetic field B perpendicular to the plane of the
the common center of each other paper. The length of the Region II is l. Choose the
the wires correct choice (s). [JEE 2008]

P Region I Region II Region III

0 X X X X
7. Column I gives certain situations in which a straight v X X X X
metallic wire of resistance R is used and Column II X X X X
gives some resulting effects. Match the statements
is Column I with the statements is Column II. l
[JEE 2007]
(A) The particle enters Region III only if its veloc-
Column - I Column - II
(A) A charged capacitor (P) A constant qlB
is connected to the current flows ity v >
ends of the wire. through the (B) The particle enters Region III only if its veloc-
(B) The wire is moved (Q) Thermal energy qlB
ity v <
perpendicular to its is generated m
length with a in the wire (C) Path length of the particle in Region II is
constant velocity in maximum when velocity v = qlB / m
a uniform magnetic (D) Time spent in Region II is same for any
field perpendicular
to the plane of motion. velocity v as long as the particle
returns to Region I.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.71

10. A steady current I goes through a wire loop PQR (S) Charges are placed at the corners of a rectangle of
having shape of a right angle sides a and 2a and at the mid point of the longer
triangle with PQ = 3x, PR = 4x and QR = 5x. If the sides. M is at the centre of the rectangle. PQ is
magnitude of the magnetic field at P due to this parallel to the longer sides.
 μ I 
loop is k  0  , find the value of k.
 48πx 
[JEE 2009]

11. Six point charges, each of the same magnitude

q, are arranged in different manners as shown
in Column II. In each case, a point M and a line
PQ passing through M are shown. Let E be the (T) Charges are placed on two coplanar, identical
electric field and V be the electric potential at M insulating rings at equal intervals. M is the mid-point
(potential at infinity is zero) due to the given charge between the centres of the rings. PQ is
distribution when it is at rest. Now, the whole perpendicular to the line joining the centres and
system is set into rotation with a constant angular coplanar to the rings.
velocity about the line PQ. Let B be the magnetic
field at M and m be the magnetic moment of the
system in this condition. Assume each rotating
charge to be equivalent to a steady current.
[JEE 2009]
Column I
(A) E = 0
(B) V  0
(C) B = 0
(D)   0 Passage Based Problem (Q.12 to Q.13)
Column II Electrical resistance of certain materials, known as
(P) Charges are at the corners of a regular hexagon. M superconductors, change abruptly from a non-zero
is at the centre of the hexagon. PQ is perpendicular value to zero as their temperature is lowered below
to the plane of the hexagon a critical temperature TC(0). An interesting property
of superconductors is that their critical temperature
becomes smaller than TC (0) if they are placed in a
magnetic field i.e. the critical temperature TC (B) is
a function of the magnetic field strength B. The
dependence of TC (B) on B is shown in the figure.
[JEE 2010]
(Q) Charges are on a line perpendicular to PQ at equal TC(B)
intervals. M is the mid-point between the two
innermost charges.

12. In the graphs below, the resistance R of a
(R) Charges are placed on two coplanar insulating rings superconductor is shown as a function of its
at equal intervals. M is the common centre of the temperature T for two differenct magnetic fields
rings. PQ is perpendicular to the plane of the rings. B1 (Solid line) and B2 (dashed line). If B2 is larger
than B1, which of the following graphs shows the
correct variation of R with T in these fields?

(A) (B)
B2 B1 B1

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.72 Theory and Exercise Book


(C) (D) B2
B1 B2 (A) (B)

13. A superconductor has TC (0) = 100K. When a

magnetic field of 7.5 T is applied, its TC decreases
to 75 K. For this material one can definitely say
that when (Note T = Tesla)
(A) B = 5T, TC (B) = 80 K (C) (D)
(B) B = 5T, 75K < TC (B) < 100 K
(C) B = 10T, 75K < TC (B) < 100 K
(D) B = 10T, TC (B) = 70 K
17. A long insulated copper wire is closely wound as a
14. A thin flexible wire of length  is connected to two spiral of N turns. The spiral has inner radius a and
adjacent fixed point and carries a current I in the outer radius b. The spiral lies in the X–Y plane and
clockwise direction, as shown in the figure. When a steady current I flows through the wire. The Z-
the system is put in a uniform magnetic field of component of the magnetic field at the centre of
strength B going into the plane of the paper, the the spiral is [JEE 2011]
wire takes the shape of a circle. The tension in the Y
wire is : [JEE 2010]
l a
b X

μ0N I b μ0N I b + a

(A) 2(b - a) In  a  (B) 2(b - a) In  b - a 
IBL    
(A) I B L (B)
π μ0N I  b  μ0N I  b + a 
(C) In   (D) In  
IBL IBL 2b a 2b  b-a 
(C) (D)
2 4
18. Consider the motion of a positive point charge in a
region where there are simultaneous uniform
15. An electron and a proton are moving on straight  
parallel paths with same velocity. They enter a semi- electric and magnetic fields E = E ˆj and B =B ĵ .
0 0
infinite region of uniform magnetic field perpendicular At time t = 0. At time t = 0, this charge has velocity

to the velocity. Which of the following statement(s) v in the x - y plane, making and angle  with the
is/are true? [JEE 2011] x-axis. Which of the following option(s) is(are)
(A) They will never come out of the magnetic field correct for time t > 0 ? [JEE 2012]
region. (A) If  = 0o, the charge moves in a circular path
(B) They will come out travelling along the parallel in the x-z plane.
paths. (B) If  = 0o, the charge undergoes helical motion with
(C) They will come out at the same time. constant pitch along the y-axis.
(D) They will come out at different times. (C) If If  = 10o , the charge undergoes helical
motion with its pitch increasing with time, along the
16. Which of the field patterns given below is valid for y-axis.
electric field as well as for magnetic field ? (D) If If  = 90o, the charge undergoes linear but
[JEE 2011] acclerated motion along the y-axis.

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Magnetism 2.73

19. A cylindrical cavity of diameter a exists inside a cylinder 22. Two short bar magnetic of length 1 cm each have
of diamter 2a as shown in the figure. Both the cylinder magnetic moments 1.20 Am2 and 1.00 Am2
and the cavity are infinitely long. A uniform current respectively. They are placed on a horizontal table
density J flows along the length. If the magnitude of parallel to each other with their N poles pointing
N towards the South. They have a common magnetic
the magnetic field at the point P is given by  0 aJ, equator and are separated by a distance of 20.0 cm.
then the value of N is : [JEE 2012] The value of the resultant horizontal magnetic induction
at the mid - point O of the line joining their centre is
close to :
(Horizontal component of earth's magnetic induction
is 3.6×10–5 Wb/m2)
(A) 3.50 × 10–4 Wb/m2
(B) 5.80 × 10–4 Wb/m2
(C) 3.6 × 10–5 Wb/m2a
(D) 2.56 × 10–4 Wb/m2
20. A loop carrying current I lies in the
x-y plane as shown in the figure. The unit vector K̂ is 23. A particle of mass M and positive charge Q, moving
coming out of the plane of the paper. The magnetic with a constant velocity u1 = 4ˆi m s -1 , enters a
moment of the current loop is : [JEE 2012] region of uniform static magnetic field normal to
(A) a 2 IK̂ the x-y plane. The region of the magnetic field
extends from x = 0 to x = L for all values of y.
π  2 ˆ
(B)  2 + 1  a IK After passing through this region, the particle emerges
 
on the other side after 10 milliseconds with a velocity
π  2 ˆ a u 2 = 2( 3iˆ + ˆj)ms -1 .The correct statements(s) is (are)
(C) –  2 + 1  a IK x
  a (A) the direction of the magnetic field is –z direction.
(D)  2π + 1 a IK̂
(B) the direction of the magnetic field is +z direction.
(C) the magnitude of the magnetic field is
21. An infinitely long hollow conducting cylinder with 50πM
inner radius R/2 and outer radius R carries a uniform 3Q
current density along its length. The magnitude of (D) the magnitude of the magnetic field is

the magnetic field B as a function of the radial 100πM
units. [JEE Advanced 2013]
distance r from the axis is best represented by :
[JEE 2012] 24. A steady current I flows along an infinitely long
hollow cylindrical conductor of radius R. This
  cylinder is placed coaxially inside an infinite solenoid
B B of radius 2R. The solenoid has n turns per unit length
(A) (B) and carries a steady current I. Consider a point P
r r at a distance r from the common asxis. The correct
R/2 R R/2 R
statement(s) is (are)
(A) In the region 0 < r < R, the magnetic field is
 non-zero.

B B (B) In the region R < r < 2R, the magnetic field is
(C) (D)
along the common axis.
r R/2 R (C) In the region R < r < 2R, the magnetic field is
R/2 R
tangential to the circle of radius r, centered on the axis.
(D) In the region r > 2R, the magnetic field is non-zero.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.74 Theory and Exercise Book

Paragraph 25 to 26 27. Two parallel wires in the plane of the paper are distance
The figure shows a circular loop of radius a with two long X0 apart. A point charge is moving with speed u between
parallel wires (numbered 1 and 2) all in the plane of the the wires in the same plane at a distance X1 from one
paper. The distance of each wire from the centre of the of the wires. When the wires carry current of magnitude
loop is d. The loop and the wires are carrying the same l in the same direction, the radius of curvature of the
current I. The current in the loop is in the counterclockwise path of the point charge is R1. In contrast, it the currents
direction if seen from above. l in the two wires have directions opposite to each other,

the radius of curvature of the path is R2. If = 3 , the

value of is [JEE Advanced 2014]

28. The coercivity of a small magnet where

the ferromagnet gets demagnetised is
3×103 Am-1 . The current required to be passed in a
[JEE Advanced 2014] solenoid of length 10 cm and number of turns 100,
so that the magnet gets demagnetised when inside
25. When d  a but wires are not touching the loop, it the solenoid is (JEE 2014)
is found that the net magnetic field on the axis of (A) 30 mA (B) 60 mA
the loop is zero at a height h above the loop. In that (C) 3 A (D) 6 A
29. A concutor (shown in the figure) carrying constant
(A) current in wire 1 and wire 2 is the direction PQ current I is kept in the x-y plane in a uniform
and RS, respectively and h  a 
magnetic field B . If F is the magnitude of the total
(B) current in wire 1 and wire 2 is the direction PQ magnetic force acting on the conductor, then the
and SR, respective and h  a correct statement(s) is (are)
(C) current in wire 1 and wire 2 is the direction PQ [JEE Advanced 2015]
and SR, respectively and h  1.2a
(D) current in wire 1 and wire 2 is the direction PQ
and RS, respectively and h  1.2a

26. consider d>>a, and the loop is rotated about its

diameter parallel to the wires by 30° from the x

position shown inthe figure. If the currents in the

wires are in the opposite directions, the torque on (A) If B is along ẑ , F  (L+R)
the loop at its new position will be (assume that the 
(B) If B is along x̂ , F= 0
net field due to the wires is constant over the loop) 
(C) If B is along ŷ , F  (L+R)
2 2 2 2
μ 0l a μ 0l a 
(A) (B) (D) If B is along ẑ , F= 0
d 2d

3μ 0 l2 a 2 3μ 0 l2 a 2
(C) (D)
d 2d

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Magnetism 2.75

Paragraph for Questions 30 to 31 (B) If B1 = B2 and n1 = 2n2, then V2 = V1

In a thin rectangular metallic strip a constant current I flows (C) If B 1 = 2B 2 and n 1 = n 2 , then
along the positive x-direction, as shown in the figure. The
V2 = 0.5V1
length, width and thickness of the strip are l, w and d,
 (D) If B1 = 2B2 and n1 = n2, then V2 = V1
respectively. A uniform magnetic field B is applied on the
strip along the positive y-direction. Due to this, the charge 32. Consider two identical galvanometers and two
carries experience a net deflection along the z-direction.
identical resistors with resistance R. If the internal
This results in accumulation of charge caries on the surface
PQRS and apperance of equal and opposite charges on the of the galvanometers R C < R/2, which of the
face opposite to PQRS. A potential difference along the z- following statement(s) about any one of the
direction is thus developed. Charge accumulation continues galvanometer is (are) true? [JEE Advanced 2016]
until the magnetic force is balanced by the electric force. (A) The maximum voltage range is obtained when
The current is assumed to be uniformly distributed on the all the components are contained in series
cross section of the strip and carried by electrons.
(B) The maximum voltage range is obtained when
[JEE Advanced 2015]
the two resistors and one galvanometer are
l y
connected in series, and the second galvanometer
I K I is connected in parallel to the first galvanometer
w x
(C) The maximum current range is obtained when
d M
z all the components are connected in parallel
(D) The maximum current range is obtained when
30. Consider two different metallic strips (1 and 2)
the two galvanometers are connected in series and
of the same material. Their lengths are the same,
the combination is connected in parallel with both
widths are w1 and w2 and thicknesses are d 1 and
the resistors
d 2, respectively.
Two points K and M are symmetrically located
33. A symmetric star shaped conducting wire loop is
on the opposite faces parallel to the x-y plane
carrying a steady state current I as shown in the
(see figu re). V 1 and V 2 are the potenti al figure. The distance between the diametrically
differences between K and M in strips 1 and 2 , opposite vertices of the star is 4a. The magnitude
respectively. Then, for a given curent I flowing of the magnetic field at the center of the loop is
through them in a given magnetic field strength [JEE Advanced 2017]
B, the correct statement(s) is (are).
(A) If w1 = w2 and d1 = 2d2, then V2 = 2V1
(B) If w1 = w2 and d1 = 2d2, then V2 = V1
(C) If w1 = 2w2 and d1 = d2, then V2 = 2V1
(D) If w1 = 2w2 and d1 = d2, then V2 = V1

31. Consider two different metallic strips 0l

(A) 3[2  3]
(1 and 2) of same dimensions (length l, width w and 4a
thickness d) with carrier densities n 1 and n 2,
respectively. Strip 1 is placed in magnetic field B1 0l
(B) 6[ 3  1]
and strip 2 is placed in magnetic field B2, both along 4a
positive y-directions. Then V1 and V2 are the potential
differences developed between K and M in strips 1 (C) 3[ 3  1]
and 2, respectively. Assuming that the current I is the
same for both the strips, the correct option (s) is (are). 0l
(D) 6[ 3  1]
(A) If B1 = B2 and n1 = 2n2, then V2 = 2V1 4a

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2.76 Theory and Exercise Book

34. Two infinitely long straight wires lie in the xy-plane 35. In the xy-plane, the region y>0 has a uniform
along the lines x   R . The wire located at x=+R. magnetic field B1 k and the region y<0 has another
carries a constant current I1 and the wire located
at x=–R carries a constant current I2. A circular uniform magnetic field B 2 k . A positively charged
loop of radius R is suspended with its centre at particle is projected from the origin along the positive
(0,0, 3R ) and in a plane parallel to the xy-plane. y-axis with speed 0 =  ms–1 at t = 0, as shown in
This loop carries a constant current I in the the figure. Neglect gravity in this problem. Let t =
clockwise direction as seen from above the loop. T be the time when the particle crosses the x-axis
The current in the wire is taken to be positive if it is in from below for the first time. If B2=4B1, the average
the  j direction. Which of the following statements speed of the particle, in ms–1, along the x-axis in the
 time interval T is __________.
regarding the magnetic field B is (are) true? [JEE Advanced 2018]
[JEE Advanced 2018] y
(A) If I1=I2, then B cannot be equal to zero at the
origin (0,0,0) B1
(B) If I1>0 and I2<0, then B can be equal to zero
at the origin (0,0,0) x
(C) If I1<0 and I2>0, then B can be equal to zero
at the origin (0,0,0)
(D) If I1=I2, then the z-component of the magenetic

 0 I 
field at the centre of the loop is  – 
 2R  36. A moving coil galvanometer has 50 turns and each
turn has an area 2×10–4 m2. The magnetic field
produced by the magnet inside the galvanometer is
0.02 T. The torsional constant of the suspension
wire is 10 –4 N m rad –1. When a current flows
through the galvanometer, a full scale deflection
occurs if the coil rotates by 0.2 rad. The resistance
of the coil of the galvanometer is 50  . This
galvanometer is to be converted into an ammeter
capable of measuring current in the range 0–1.0 A.
For this purpose, a shunt resistance is to be added
in parallel to the galvanometer. The value of this
shunt resistance, in ohms, is...........
[JEE Advanced 2018]

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Magnetism 2.77

Exercise - 1 Objective Problems | JEE Main

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. B
8. B 9. C 10. D 11. B 12. A 13. A 14. D
15. B 16. B 17. A 18. A 19. A 20. B 21. B
22. B 23. C 24. C 25. C 26. C 27. A 28. C
29. A 30. A 31. B 32. C 33. B 34. C 35. B
36. B 37. A 38. C 39. B 40. B 41. A 42. A
43. B 44. B 45. B 46. A 47. D 48. A 49. A
50. B

Exercise - 2 (Level-I) Objective Problems | JEE Main

1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. C
8. C 9. C 10. D 11. C 12. B 13. B 14. C
15. A 16. B 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. A 21. B
22. C 23. C 24. C 25. D 26. B 27. A 28. B
29. B 30. B 31. B 32. A 33. B 34. B 35. A
36. B 37. A 38. A 39. D 40. B

Exercise - 2 (Level-II) Multiple Correct | JEE Advanced

1. A,B,C 2. B,D 3. A,B,C 4. A,B,C,D 5. A,D 6. B,D 7. A,B,C
8. A,B,C 9. B,C,D 10. B,D 11. A,D 12. A,D 13. C,D 14. B,C,D
15. A,B

Exercise - 3 | Level-I Subjective | JEE Advanced

0I  1 
1. four time as the first value. 2. Zero 3. 4 105 T 4.   1
2r   

 0 I   2   
5. 0.10 mT 6. 2B 7. Downwards at 45° 8. B 
4  b a 

0i  1 3  0 I  1 1 
9. 5 × 10–4 T towards west 10. 0 11. 1:4 12. 8  R  R '  13. 4  R  R 
   1 2

14. 15. 1 × 10–4 wb/m2, towards the reader. 16. B1 = B2 = B3 = B4 17. m0 weber.m-1
4 R 3

μ 0i i iB
18. 19. 1.3 ×10-4T 20. B = 2(2π 2 - 2π + 1) 21. 22.
4πR Ane An

iB i Bd
23. 24. 25. (m0/2p) pdJ, in the +y direction 26. 15C
Ane Ane
μ 0 iJ 0  d  ˆ
27. tan -1   (-k) 28. (a) 1.4×10 -4 m/s (b) 4.5 × 10-23 N (down)
π  2h 
(c) 2.8 × 10-4 V/m (down) (d) 5.7 × 10-6 V (top+, bottom–) (e) same as (c)
W 0 1 2 μ ll
2 r μ 0 iqv 3mv 2 mEl
29. l = 2π ln r = 27.6μ J/m 30. 31. 10 k̂ 32. 33.
1 2πa 4qa Be

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
2.78 Theory and Exercise Book

μ 0 ll'C 1 1  α -1
 dB q 
34. 2π  a - b  to the left 35. t = m qB , where α = sin   if d < R; T / 2 if d > R
   2mV 

QV μ 0 l  3 3   π 3
(b) τ = Bl  3 - 4  a ˆj
36. 37. (a) m 6a  π - 1
2il    
38. 2 s 39. decrease by 15°

Exercise - 3 | Level-II Subjective | JEE Advanced

8 2  0 I  3 2  i μ 0l  3 
 2 2.
4 
 
 2a b

3. 0 ˆj – iˆ
2 a
  4. 4πr  2 π + 1
 
5. perpendicular to the plane of the paper, directed into the paper 6. 0.62 N < F < 0.88 N
2μ 0 i μ0 l1l 2
7. Bmin = 4.7 × 10-3 T 8. 9. /n (3) along – ve z direction
3πa 4π

 μ l 2   L2 + a 2  μ 0 l0 3b μ J a2 R
10. F =  0  /n 
 2π   a
2  -k

 
ˆ , zero 11.
2π (a 2 + b 2 )
12. (a) B = 2  2R - b - 2  ,
 

1 a2  0 μ J a 2b  qB
(b) Bx = μ 0 JR  4 - 4R 2 + b 2  , By = - 2  4R 2 + b 2  13. ± 14. (a) increase, (b) decrease
    4πm

0 μ  4l 0 μ  l2 
4   1
15. (i) 4π  a  along Y–axis, (ii) 4π  2a  10 , tan  3  + π with positive axis
     

2 2μ 0i μ ia 2
16. (a) 20 min. (b) 5.94 × 10-2 Nm 17. (b) B = (c) B = 0 3 , M=ia2
πa 2πx

Exercise - 4 | Level-I Previous Year | JEE Main

1. D 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. B
8. A 9. C 10. A 11. C 12. B 13. C 14. B
15. B 16. B 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. C 21. D
22. A 23. B 24. A 25. A 26. C 27. D 28. C
29. C 30. B 31. B 32. D 33. C

Exercise - 4 | Level-II Previous Year | JEE Advanced

2i 0 NAB NABπ 2BiNA BNAπ

1. (a) k = N AB, (b) c = , (c) Q × 2li 0
2. (a) k = BNA (b) K = (c)
π π 2I
3. A,C 4. AP; BP,Q,S; CQ,S; DQ,R 5. A
6. AQ,R; BP; CQ,R; DQ or AQ,R; BP; CQ,R; DQ,S
7. AQ; BR,S; CS; DP,Q,R
8. C 9. A,C,D 10. 7
11. A  P, R, S, B  R, S, C P, Q, T, D  R, S
12. A 13. B 14. C 15. B,D 16. C 17. A 18. C,D
19. 5 20. B 21. D 22. D 23. A,C 24. AD 25. C
26. B 27. 0003 28. C 29. A,B,C 30. A,D 31. A,C 32. AC
33. B 34. ABD 35. 2 36. 5.55

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.1

Section A - Flux, Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law EXAMPLE 1

Find flux passing through Area ?
Consider a closed curve enclosing an area A (as B
shown in the figure). Let there be a uniform 37°

magnetic field B in that region. The magnetic flux

through the area A is given by
 
Sol. Since A is  to B
B  
  B.A  0


Whenever the flux of magnetic field through the
area bounded by a closed conducting loop changes,
 
  B.A ...(i) an emf is produced in the loop. The emf is given by
= BA cos   ...(ii)
where  is the angle which the vector B makes  

with the normal to the surface. If B is perpendicular

where   B.dA the flux of magnetic field through
the area.
 
to A , then the flux through the closed area A is The emf so produced drives an electric current
zero. SI unit of magnetic flux is weber (Wb). through the loop. If the resistance of the loop is R,
then the current
ε 1 d
Note i= =- ...(iii)
R R dt
Area vector is to the surface
For open surface choose one direction as the EXAMPLE 2
area vector direction and stick to it for the A coil is placed in a constant magnetic field. The
whole problem. magnetic field is parallel to the plane of the coil as
For closed surfaces outward normal is taken shown in figure. Find the emf induced in the coil.
as area vector direction
Flux is basically count of number of lines B
crossing a surface
 B.ds  0 because magnetic field lines exists
in closed loop. Sol.  = 0 (always) since area is perpendicular to
magnetic field.
 emf = 0

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.2 Theory and Exercise Book

EXAMPLE 3 In figure (c & d) the flux through the loop decreases

Find the emf induced in the coil shown in figure. as the magnet moves away from the loop, the flux
The magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane of due to the induced magnetic field tries to maintain
the coil and is constant. the flux through the loop. The direction of Bind is
same as that of Bext due to magnet.
 Lenz’s law is closely related to the law of
conservation of energy and is actually a
Sol.  = BA (always) = const. consequence of this general law of nature. As the
 emf = 0 north pole of the magnet moves towards the loop
an induced current is produced. This opposes the
EXAMPLE 4 motion of N-pole of the bar magnet. Thus, in order
Show that if the flux of magnetic induction through to move the magnet toward the loop with a constant
a coil changes from 1 to 2, then the charge q that
velocity an external force is to be applied. The work
flows through the circuit of total resistance R is
2 – 1 done by this external force gets transformed into
given by q = , where R is the resistance of electric energy, which induces current in the loop.
the coil. There is another alternative way to find the direction
d of current inside the loop which is described below.
Sol. Let  be the instantaneous flux. Then is the
instantaneous rate of change of flux which is equal Figure shows a conducting loop placed near a long,
to the magnitude of the instantaneous emf. so the straight wire carrying a current i as shown. If the
1  d  current increases continuously, then there will be
current in the circuit |i| = R  dt  , since the current
  an emf induced inside the loop. Due to this induced
dq emf, an electric current is induced. To determine
is the rate of flow of charge, that is, i =
dt the direction of current inside the loop we put an
t =t
 1 d  arrow as shown. The right hand thumb rule shows
q=  idt or q =   R . dt  dt
t =0   that the normal to the loop is going into the plane.
where  is the time during which change takes place.
Again the same rule shows that the magnetic field
but at t = 0,  1, and at t = t,  = 2
at the site of the loop is also going into the plane of
1 2 – 1 the diagram.
 q= R  d
The effect of the induced emf is such as to oppose
the change in flux that produces it.  
Thus B and dA are in the same direction.
S S N N  
V V V V Therefore  B.d A is positive if i increases, the
N N S S magnitude of flux  increases. Since magnetic flux
 is positive and its magnitude increases, d t is

positive. Thus  is negative and hence the current is

i i
i i negative. Thus the current induced is opposite, to
(a) (b) (c) (d)
that of arrow.
In figure (a & b) as the magnet approaches the
loop, the flux through the loop increases. The Brain Teaser
induced current sets up an induced magnetic field Two identical coaxial circular loops carry equal
Bind whose flux opposes this change. The direction currents circulating in the same direction. What
of Bind is opposite to that of external field Bext due will happen to the current in each loop if the
to the magnet. loops approach each other ?

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.3

emf = A. = 2 × 10 = 20 v
Find the direction of induced current in the coil dt
shown in figure. Magnetic field is perpendicular to  i = 20/5 = 4amp. From lenz’s law direction of current
the plane of coil and it is increasing with time. will be anticlockwise.


B The magnetic flux ( 2) in a closed circuit of
resistance 20  varies with time (t) according to
the equation  = 7t2 – 4t where  is in weber and t is
Sol. Inward flux is increasing with time. To oppose it in seconds. The magnitude of the induced current
outward magnetic field should be induced. Hence at t = 0.25 s is
current will flow in anticlockwise. (A) 25 mA (B) 0.025 mA
EXAMPLE 6 (C) 47 mA (D) 175 mA
Figure shows a long current carrying wire and two Sol.  = 7t2 – 4t
rectangular loops moving with velocity v. d
 Induced emf : | e|= = 14t - 4
Find the direction of current in each loop. dt
Sol. In loop (i) no emf will be  Induced current :
induced because there is no |e| |14t - 4 | |14 × 0.25 - 4 |
i = = =
flux change. R 20 20
ln loop (ii) emf will be (at t = 0.25 s)
induced because the constant i 0.5
coil is moving in a = = 2.5 × 10 -2 A
V 20
region of decreasing (ii)  (A)
magnetic field inward
in direction. EXAMPLE 9
Therefore to oppose the flux decrease in inward Consider a long infinite wire carrying a time varying
direction, current will be induced such that its current i = kt (k > 0). A circular loop of radius a and
magnetic field will be inwards. For this direction of resistance R is placed with its centre at a distance
current should be clockwise. d from the wire (a < < d). Find out the induced
current in the loop?
Sol. Since current in the wire is continuously increasing
As we know that magnetic flux () linked with a therefore we conclude that magnetic field due to
closed conducting loop = BA cos  where B is the this wire in the region is also increasing.
strength of the magnetic field, A is the magnitude
of the area vector and  is the angle between μ 0i
Magnetic field B due to wire = going into and
magnetic field vector and area vector. 2πd
Hence flux will be affected by change in any of perpendicular to the plane of the paper
them, which is discussed in the next page. Flux through the circular loop,
μ 0i
 = × πa 2
4.1 By changing the magnetic field 2πd
i = kt a
EXAMPLE 7 μ 0 a 2 kt k>0 d
Figure shows a coil placed in decreasing magnetic
field applied perpendicular to the plane of coil. The Induced e.m.f. in the loop
magnetic field is decreasing at a rate of 10 T/s. d -μ 0 a 2 k
ε =- =
Find out current in magnitude and direction dt 2d
| ε | μ 0a 2 k
2 Induced current in the loop i = =
R 2d R
Direction of induced current in the loop is
B R  5
Sol.  = B.A anticlokwise.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.4 Theory and Exercise Book

Two concentric coplanar circular loops have A rectangular wire frame of length 0.2 m, is located
diameters 20 cm and 2 m and resistance of unit at a distance of 5 × 10–2 m from a long straight wire
length of the wire = 10–4 /m. A time -dependent carrying a current of 10 A as shown in the figure.
voltage V =(4 + 2.5 t) volts is applied to the larger
The width of the frame = 0.05 m. The wire is in the
as shown. The current in the smaller loop is
plane of the rectangle. Find the magnetic flux through
the rectangular circuit. If the current decays uniformly
to 0 in 0.2 s, find the emf induced in the circuit.
r2 0.05m

Sol. r1 = 1.0 m, r2 = 10–1 m x
Resistance of outer loop = 2 × 10–4 
Resistance of inner loop = 0.2 × 10–4 
V (4 + 2.5t)
Current in outer loop = = A
R 2π × 10 -4
Sol. A current, i = 10 A is flowing in the long straight
V=(4+2.5t) wire. Consider a small rectangular strip (in the
rectangular wire frame) of width dx at a distance x
from the straight wire.
The magnetic flux at the location of the strip,
μ 0i
Bx =

 2  
The flux linked with the infinitesimally small
 1.25 
or i 0 =    × 10 4 +  4
 × 10 × t  A rectangular strip
 π   π  
Magnetic field produced at the common centre μ 0i
= Bx × Area of the strip = dx = l dx
(see figure) 2πx
μ 0i μ i where l is the length of the rectangular wire circuit
B= = 0 T
2r1 2 = 2 × 10–1 m
or or dx = (0 i l/2) (dx/x)
4π [(2 + 1.25t) × 10 ] 4 Hence, the total magnetic flux linked with the
B= × 10 -7 × = 2 × 10 -3 (2 + 1.25t) T
2 π rectangular frame

× 10 4 ] μ 0 il
× 10 -7 × = 2 × 10 -3 (2 + 1.25t) T =  d x = φ = [log e x]rr12

Hence, flux linked with the inner loop, μ 0 il μ il r 
 = BA = 2 × 10–3 (2 + 1.25 t) × (0.1)2 or  = [log e r2 - log e r1 ] = 0 log e  2 
2π 2π  r1 
= 2 × 10–5 (2 + 1.25t) Wb
Substituting values, we get
Hence, the e.m.f. induced in smaller loop
 = 2 × 10–7 × 10 × 2 × 10–1 × loge2
=   2   10 5  1.25 = 2.772 × 10–7 Wb
 –2.5  10  5 V r 
μ o l log e  2 
The negative sign indicates that the induced e.m.f. Induced e.m.f. | ε |= dφ =  r1  di
(or current) is opposite to applied e.m.f. (or current) dt 2π dt
Hence, the current induced in the inner (smaller)
loop is 10
= (2 × 10 -7 × 2 × 1 0 -1 lo g e 2 )
| ε| 2.5π × 10 -5 V 0 .2
i = = = 1.25 A
R (0.2π × 10 -4 )Ω = 1.386 ×10–6 V = 1.386 V

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.5

EXAMPLE 12 at O, the plane of the loop being in the plane of the

paper. The loop is now made to rotate with a
Figure shows a wire frame PQSTXYZ placed in a
time varying magnetic field given as B =  t, where constant angular velocity  about an axis passing
 is a positive constant. Resistance per unit length
through O, and perpendicular to the plane of the
of the wire is . Find the current induced in the wire paper in the clockwise direction. The effective
and draw its electrical equivalent diagram. resistance of the loop is R.
(a) Obtain an expression for the magnitude of the
induced current in the loop.
(b) Show the direction of the current when the loop
B is entering into the region II.
T S (c) Plot a graph between the induced emf and the
time of rotation for two periods of rotation.
Sol. (a) As in time t, the arc swept by the loop in the
field, i.e., region II.
P a
1 1
A= r(rθ) = r 2 ωt
2 2
Sol. Induced emf in So the flux linked with the rotating loop at time t,
 4b
part PQST =  a2 1
 = BA = Bωr 2 t [θ = ωt]
(in anticlockwise b 2 2
direction, from i i and hence the induced emf in the loop,
Lenz’s Law) d 1 2
i  a2 =– = – Bωr = constant.
Similarly induced i dt 2
emf in part TXYZ  4a And as the resistance of the loop is R, the induced
=  b2 (in current in it,
anticlockwise direction, from Lenz’s Law) ε Bωr 2
i= =-
Total resistance of the part PQST = a R 2R
Total resistance of the part PQST = l4b. Region I Region II + + + + +
The equivalent circuit it is shown in the diagram. Region I
Region II
+ + + + +
× × × × × ×
writing KVL along the current flow  A + + + + +
× × × × × × 

 b2 –  a2 –  4ai –  4bi = 0 + + + + +
C O × × × × × × O+ + + + +
i= (b – a) × × × × × × + + + + +

D D+ + + + +
× × × × × × i
Brain Teaser : + + + + +
A copper ring is held horizontally and a bar Fig (a) Fig (b)

magnet is dropped through the ring with its

length along the axis of the ring. Will the
acceleration of the falling magnet be equal to, 
T/2 t
greater than or lesser than the acceleration due O
T 3T/2 2T
to gravity ?


(b) When the loop is entering the region II, i.e., the
SOLVED EXAMPLES field figure (b), the inward flux linked with it will
increase, so in accordance with Lenz’s law an
anticlockwise current will be induced in it.
A space is divided by the line AD into two regions. (c) Taking induced emf to the negative when flux
Region I is field free and the region II has a uniform linked with the loop is increasing and positive
magnetic field B directed into the paper. ACD is a when decreasing, the emf versus time graph
semicircular conducting loop of radius r with centre will be, as shown in figure (c)

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.6 Theory and Exercise Book

EXAMPLE 14 Section B - EMF induced in Moving Rod,

Rotating Ring, Disc.
Two parallel, long, straight conductors lie on a smooth
4.3 Motional Emf
plane surface. Two other parallel conductors rest
We can find emf induced in a moving rod by
on them at right angles so as to form a square of
considering the number of lines cut by it per sec
side a initially. A uniform magnetic field B exists at assuming there are ‘B’ lines per unit area. Thus
right angles to the plane containing the conductors. when a rod of length l moves with velocity v in a
Now they start moving out with a constant velocity (v). magnetic field B, as shown, it will sweep area per
(a) Will the induced emf be time dependent? unit time equal to l v and hence it will cut B l v lines
per unit time.
(b) Will the current be time dependent?
t t+dt
Sol. (a) Yes,  (instantaneous flux) = B (a + 2vt)2
dφ l V B
 = = 4Bv(a + 2vt)
ε Hence emf induced between the ends of the rod = Bvl
(b) No, (instantaneous current) i =
R d
Also emf = . Here  denotes flux passing through
Now R = 4(a + 2vt)r where r = resistance per unit dt
the area, swept by the rod. The rod sweeps an area
equal to l vdt in time interval dt. Flux through this
4Bv(a + 2vt) Bv d B l vdt
 i= = (a constant) area = Bl vdt. Thus = = Bvl
4r(a + 2vt) r dt dt
If the rod is moving as shown in the following figure,
The current will be time independent it will sweep area per unit time = v l sin 

× × × ×
× × × B× t t+dt
Find the direction of × × × ×
× × × × 
× × × B× l
induced of current in the A × × × × B

wire AB. When rotated × × × ×

×D × × ×
× × × × C
anticlockwise through angle × × × ×
 if it is placed initially as ×D × × ×
C and hence it will cut B v l sin  lines per unit time.
shown in the figure × × × ×
Thus emf = Bvlsin.

Sol. Range of Angle Rotated Direction of induced 4.3.1 Mechanism of The induced EMF a cross
current the ends of a moving rod :

0 – 90 A to B Figure shows a conducting rod of length l moving

with a constant velocity v in a uniform magnetic
90 – 180 A to B field. The length of the rod is perpendicular to
magnetic field, and velocity is perpendicular to both
180 – 270 B to A
the magnetic field and the length of the rod. An
270 – 360 B to A electron
 inside the conductor experiences a magnetic
force FB = -e (v× B) directed downward along the
rod. As a result electrons migrate towards the lower
Note end and leave unbalanced positive charges at the
top. This redistribution of charges sets up an electric
Now The student can now attempt Section - A from field E directed downward. This electric field exerts
exercise. a force on free electrons in the upward direction.
As redistribution continues electric field grows in
magnitude until a situation, when

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.7

× × Q +
FB = e A
× × L C
× × C V E VBL
× × v
× × B B
× × Now consider rod AB, which is a part of the coil.
× × Emf induced in the rod = B L v. Now suppose the
× × P –
FE = eE
emf induced in part ACB is E, as shown in figure.
  
Since the emf in the coil is zero,
|q v× B|=| q E|
Emf (in ACB) + Emf (in BA) = 0
After this, there is no resultant force on the free
or – E + vBL = 0
electrons and the potential difference across the or E = vBL
conductor is Thus emf induced in any path joining A and B is
    
same, provided the magnetic field is uniform. Also
 d ε = - E . d l =  (v × B) . d l ...(4)
the equivalent emf between A and B is BLv (here
Thus it is the magnetic force on the moving free the two emf’s are in parallel)
electrons that maintains the potential difference. So
e.m.f. developed across the ends of the rod moving EXAMPLE 17
perpendicular to magnetic field with velocity Figure shows an irregular shaped with AB
perpendicular to the rod, moving with velocity v, as shown. Find the emf
P induced in the wire.
e = vBl ...(5)
As this emf is produced Blv v A
due to the motion of the
r l
conductor, it is called
motional emf.
In the problems related to motional e.m.f. we can A A
Sol. The same emf will be v
replace the rod by a battery of e.m.f. vB l.
The moving rod can be represented (or equivalent) i n d u ced i n t h e  B l
st raigh t imagi nary l
as electrical circuit as shown in figure. B
wire joining A and B, B B
which is Bvl sin 
Find the value of emf induced in the rod for the EXAMPLE 18
following cases. The figures are self explanatory. A 0.4 meter long straight conductor moves in a
V magnetic field of magnetic induction 0.9 Wb/m2 with
(a) Ans. emf = 0 a velocity of 7 m/sec. Calculate the emf induced in
B the conductor under the condition when it is
V maximum.

Sol. If a rod of length l is moved with velocity v and at

(b) B Ans. emf = 0 angle  to the length of the rod in a field B which
is perpendicular to the plane of the motion, the flux
linked with the area generated by the motion of rod
in time t,
(c) Ans. emf = 0
× × × × ×

Figure shows a closed coil ABCA moving in a × × × × ×

uniform magnetic field B with a velocity v. The flux × × ×  × ×
passing through the coil is a constant and therefore
× × l× × ×
the induced emf is zero.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.8 Theory and Exercise Book

d 0il v
= Bv l sin 
 = Bl (v sin)t so, |  | = Sol. E=BlV=
dt 2x
This will be maximum when sin  = max = 1, i.e.,
the rod is moving perpendicular to its length and Emf is equal to the rate with which magnetic field
lines are cut. In dt time the area swept by the rod is
then ()max = Bv l
l v dt. The magnetic field lines cut in dt time
Emax = 0.9 × 7 × 0.4 = 2.52 V

l v
A square metal wire loop of side 10 cm and μ i l vdt i
= B l vdt = 0 Const
resistance 1 ohm is moved with a constant velocity 2πx x
v0 in a uniform magnetic field of induction B = 2
Wb/m2 as shown in figure. The magnetic field lines
are perpendicular to the plane of the loop. The loop  0 il v
 The rate with which magnetic field lines are cut =
is connected to a network of resistance each of 2 x
value 3 ohm. The resistances of the lead wires OS
and PQ are negligible. What should be the speed of
the loop so as to have a steady current of 1
A rectangular loop, as shown in the figure, moves
milliampere in the loop ? Find the direction of current
in the loop ? away from an infinitely long wire carrying a current
v0 i. Find the emf induced in the rectangular loop.
E = B1 L V – B2 L v
× × × × × × × × Q
 × × × × × × × × 3 3
B × × × × × × × × P 3
× × × × × × × × A C
× × × × × × × × O L v
× × × × × × × × 3 3 i B1 LV B2LV
× × × × × × × × b
S x
× × × × × × × ×

Sol. As the network AQCS is a balanced Wheatstone μ 0i μ 0i μ 0 iLbv

bridge, no current will flow through AC and hence = Lv – Lv =
2πx 2π(x + b) 2πx(x + b)
the effective resistance of the network between
6×6 Aliter : Consider a small segment of width dy at a distance
RQS = = 3 ohm
6+6 y from the wire. Let flux through the segment be
and as the resistance of the square metal wire loop
d. dy
is 1 ohm, the total resistance of the circuit,
R = 3 + 1 = 4 ohm μ 0i y L v
Now if the loop moves with speed v0, the emf  d = L dy current i
induced in the loop, x

 = Bv0l x +b
μ 0 iL dy μ iL
So the current in the circuit, i =

Bv 0l  =
2π 
= 0 (ln(x + b) – lnx)

Substituting the given data,
d μ iL  1 dx 1 dx 
In accordance with Lenz’s law, the induced current 0
Now dt = 2π  x + b dt – x dt 
in the loop will be in clockwise direction.  

μ 0iL  (–b)  –μ 0 ibLv

EXAMPLE 20 = 2π  x(x + b)  v =
  2πx(x + b)
A rod of length l is kept parallel to a long wire
carrying constant current i. It is moving away from
the wire with a velocity v. Find the emf induced in μ 0 ibLv
 induced emf =
the wire when its distance from the long wire is x. 2πx(x + b)

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.9

A rod of length l is placed perpendicular to a long
The power delivered by the external agent is
wire carrying current i. The rod is moved parallel
converted into joule heating in a by using the
to the wire with a velocity v. Find the emf induced circuit(as shwon above). It means magnetic field
in the rod, if its nearest end is at a distance ‘a’ from helps in converting the mechanical energy into joule
the wire. heating.
Sol. Consider a segment of rod of length dx, at a distance
x from the wire. Emf induced in the segment
A rod of mass m and resistance r is placed on fixed,
v resistanceless, smooth conducting rails (closed by
+ – a resistance R) and it is projected with an initial
μ 0i
d = dx.v a velocity u Find its velocity as a function of time.
2πx l
l u R
μ 0 ivdx μ iv  l + a  m,r
 =  = 0 ln  
2πx 2π  a 
Sol. Let at an instant the i
velocity of the rod be v.
EXAMPLE 23 The emf induced in the rod r R
Two parallel wires AL and BM placed at a distance will be vB l . The
l are connected by a resistor R and placed in a
electrically equivalent Blv
circuit is shown in the
magnetic field B which is perpendicular to the plane
following diagram.
containing the wires. Another wire CD now
connects the two wires perpendicularly and made Bl v
 Current in the circuit i =
to slide with velocity v. Calculate the work done R+r
per second needed to slide the wire CD. Neglect At time t
the resistance of all the wires. Magnetic force acting on the rod is F = i l B,
Sol. When a rod of opposite to the motion of the rod.
length l moves in a A L
magnetic field with × × × × × × × × × × ilB=–m ...(1)
velocity v as shown × × × × × × × × × ×
R v Bl v
in figure, an emf l × × × × F× × × × × ×
i= ...(2)
 = Bv l will be × × × × × × × × × × Now solving these two equation
induced in it. Due to
this induced emf, a B 2l 2 v dv
= –m.
current R +r dt
 Bvl
i= = will flow in the circuit as shown in B2l 2 dv
R R  – .dt =
(R + r) m v
figure. Due to this induced current, the wire will
experience a magnetic force dV
let  – K. dt =
B 2l 2 v V
FM = Bi l =
R v t V=ue–kt
which will oppose its motion, So to maintain the dv
 =  –K.dt u
motion of the wire CD, a force F = FM must be u
v 0

applied in the direction of motion. v

The work done per second, i.e., power needed to
slide the wire is given by ln  u  = –Kt
  t
dW B 2 v 2l 2
P= = Fv = FM v =  V = ue–Kt
dt R

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.10 Theory and Exercise Book

The component of force parallel to the incline

In the above question if a constant force F is applied B 2 l 2 vcosθ
on the rod. Find the velocity of the rod as a function = × cosθ
of time assuming it started with zero initial velocity.
B 2 l 2 cos 2 θ
dv If v is constant, × v = mg sin 
Sol. m =F–ilB ...(1) R
Bl v  v=
i= ...(2) B 2 l 2 cos 2 θ

dv B 2l 2 v V
m =F–
dt R+r A rod PQ of mass m and resistance r is moving on
t two fixed, resistanceless, smooth conducting rails
v t
B2l 2 dV dt (closed on both sides by resistances R1 and R2). Find
let K =
  F – Kv =  m
0 0 the current in the rod at the instant its velocity is v.
1 t P
 – K ln(F – KV)  m
B r
R1 l R2
 F – kV  Kt V
ln  = – m
 F 
F – KV = F e–kt/m Q
F Sol. The equivalant circuit of above figure
V= (1 – e–kt/m)
K Biv
Bl v
R1 r R2 i= R 1R 2
A square wire of length l, mass m and resistance R R1 + R 2
slides without friction down the parallel conducting
wires of negligible resistance as shown in figure.
The rails are connected to each other at the bottom
by a resistanceless rail parallel to the wire so that In the above question if one resistance is replaced
the wire and rails form a closed rectangular loop. by a capacitor of capacitance C as shown. Find the
The plane of the rails makes an angle  with
velocity of the moving rod at time t if the initial
horizontal and a uniform vertical field of magnetic
velocity of the rod is v and a constant force F is
induction B exists throughout the region. Show that
applied on the rod.
the wire acquires a steady state velocity of
Neglect the resistance
mgRsinθ F
magnitude v = 2 2 of the rod. R C
B l cos 2 θ B

Sol. At any time t, let the velocity of the rod be v.

Applying Newtons law :
F – i l B = ma ...(1)

 q
Also B l v = i1 R =
Sol. Force down the plane = mg sin 
At any instant if the velocity is v the induced e.m.f Applying KCL,
= l B cos × v dq Bl v d dq
i = i1 + = + (Bl vC) i dt
B l vcosθ dt R dt 1

Current in the loop × i

Bl v q
Force on the conductor in the horizontal direction + Bl Ca R V
or i= C
R ilB –q
B l vcosθ B
= Bl × Putting the value of i in eq. (1),

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.11

B2 l 2 v dv
F– = (m + B2l2C)a = (m + B2l2C) Sol. × × × × × × ×
R dt
× × × × × × ×
(m + B2l2C)  dt × × × × dx× × ×
B2l 2 v A B
R × × × x × × × ×
Integrating both sides, and solving we get × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × ×
 tB 2 l 2 
FR  1 – e R(m + CB l )
2 2

v = B2l 2   
  Bωl 2
 dE =  Bωxdx ,
VA – VB =
4.4 Induced e.m.f due to rotation

4.4.1 Rotation of the rod

Consider a conducting rod of length l rotating in a A rod PQ of length 2 l is rotating about one end P in
uniform magnetic field. a uniform magnetic field B which is perpendicular
 to the plane of rotation of the rod. Point M is the
B mid point of the rod. Find the induced emf between
M & Q if that between P & Q = 100V.
dr l  B = Uniform

B d  rBdr
dr Bwl 2
Sol. EMQ + EPM = EPQ corner  = 100
v  r 2
emf induced in a 2
small segment small segment l 
B 
just like a rod 2 Bl 2
EMQ + =
2 2
Emf induced in a small segment of
length dr, of the rod = v B dr = r  B dr 3 3
r EMQ = Bl 2 = × 100 V = 75 V
 emf induced in the rod 8 4

 1
rdr  B  l 2 Bl 2 / 2
=B  0 2
A rod of length L and resistance r rotates about one
equivalent of this rod is as following end as shown in figure. Its other end touches a
conducting ring a of negligible resistance. A
resistance R is connected between centre and
flux through the area swept by periphery. Draw the electrical equivalence and find
d the current in the resistance R. There is a uniform
or = = the rod in time dt
dt dt magnetic field B directed as shown.
B l 2  dt 1
= 2
= Bl
dt 2

Find out the potential difference between A & B : O r

A r
E 1
× × × × × × × r Bl 2 i
O A R 2
Sol. 1 D R
× × × × × × × Bl 2
R 2
× × × × × × × D C E
× × × × × × ×
l 1
× × × × × × × Bωl 2
current i = 2
× × × × × × × R+r

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.12 Theory and Exercise Book

4.5 By Changing The Angle

Solve the above question if the length of rod is 2L Let us consider the case when the magnitude of
and resistance 2r and it is rotating about its centre. the magnetic field strength and the area of the coil
Both ends of the rod now touch the conducting ring.
remains constant. When the coil is rotated relative
to the direction of the field, an induced current is
E  produced which lasts as long as the coil is rotating.
We have,  = BA cos  [where B is the magnetic
O field strength, A is the magnitude of the area vector
&  is the angle between them] If the angular
velocity with which the coil is rotating is , then
C  = t B
Induced e.m.f. in the coil
r r r d
A ε = - = BAω sin ωt
Sol. C 
E r
Induced current in the coil
R | | BA
i   sin t
 r/2 R R
 BL2
2 
i=  A ring rotates with
r r   const
R R
R 2 2 angular velocity 
about an axis in the
plane of the ring and B
which passes through t=0
A rod of length l is rotating with an angular
the center of the ring.
speed  about its one end which is at a distance
A constant magnetic field B exists perpendicular to
‘a’ from an infinitely long wire carrying current
i. Find the emf induced in the rod at the instant the plane of the ring. Find the emf induced in the
as shown in the figure. ring as a function of time.
Sol. At any time t,  = BA cos  = BA cos t

Now induced emf in the loop
i –d 
e= = BA  sin t
a dt
If there are N turns
emf = BAN sin t
Consider a small segment of rod of length dx, at a
BA N is the amplitude of the emf e = em sin t
distance x from one end of the rod.
Emf induced in the segment e e
i= = m sin  t = im sin t
μ 0i R R
dE = (xω)dx
2π(x + a)
im =
μ 0i a x
 E=  2π(x + a) (xω)dx
 The rotating coil thus produces a sinusoidally varying
current or alternating current. This is the principle
μ iω   l + a  which is always used in generator.
= 0  l – a.ln  
2π   a 

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.13


× ×
× × × ×
Consider a conducting loop placed at rest in a × R× ×
 × ×
magnetic field B . Suppose, the field is constant till
t = 0 and then changes with time. An induced current Sol. (i) When r < R
starts in the loop at t = 0.
let at a distance r electric field is E
The free electrons were at rest till t = 0 (we are not
interested in the random motion of the electrons.)   d E× × × B
ε =  E.dl = –
The magnetic field cannot exert force on electrons dt r× ×
× ×
at rest. Thus, the magnetic force cannot start the × ××
d[B.(πr 2 )] × ×R
induced current. The electrons may be forced to E. 2r = – dt ×
move only by an electric field. So we conclude that
an electric field appears at time t = 0. r dB Br
E= = 0
2 dt 2
This electric field is produced by the changing
magnetic field and not by charged particles. (ii) When r > R E
The electric field produced by the changing
  –d ×
× R
magnetic field is nonelectrostatic and  E.dl = ×
dt ××
nonconservative in nature. We cannot define
a potential corresponding to this field. We call d(BπR 2 )
it induced electric field. The lines of induced E.2 r =
dt E
electric field are closed curves. There are no
2 2
starting and terminating points of the field R dB BR
 E= . = 0
lines. 2r dt 2r

If E be the induced electric field, the force on the

charge q placed in the field of q E . The work done

per unit charge as the charge moves through d l

is E. d l .The emf developed in the loop is, r

 
=  E .d l Find the e.m.f induced in the rod as shown in
Using Faraday’s law of induction, the figure.
d B=B0t
dt × ×
  d × × ×
or,  E .d l =– ...(6) × Circular field region
dt × R× (Radius = R)
× d
The presence of a conducting loop is not necessary A ×  ×
× B

to have an induced electric field. As long as B
keeps changing, the induced electric field is present.
d sec 
If a loop is there, the free electrons start drifting
and consequently an induced current results. Sol.
 d

What will be the electric field at a distance r from dx x

axis of changing cylindrical magentic field B, which
is parallel to the axis of cylinder ?

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.14 Theory and Exercise Book

Torque experienced by thering

qr 2 dB
90 –  τ = (qE) r =
2 dt
  Angular impulse experienced by the ring
dBqr 2 B
=  τ dt = dt = qr 2

r dB dsecθ dt 2 2
E= = B0 Also angular impulse acquired = l where l is
2 dt 2
moment of inertia of the ring about its axis = mr2
d secθ B 0 d x cos θ  mr2  = qr2 B/2
dE = E.dx cos  =
 Angular velocity acquired by the ring  = qB/2m
E  /2
B0 d B0  d Note
  dE =
2 
–  /2
dx  E=
Now The student can now attempt Section - A from
Alternate :
Induced emf in OA & OB is zero
 
(because B & dl are perpendicular)
Total induced emf in OAB is in AB Section C - Self Induction, Mutual Induction
Area = ld
Self induction is induction of emf in a coil due to its
O own current change. Total flux N passing through
B 0 ldt
= a coil due to its own current is proportional to the
A l B current and is given as N  = L i where L is called
d B ld
= 0
dt 2 coefficient of self induction or inductance. The
inductance L is purely a geometrical property i.e.,
we can tell the inductance value even if a coil is not
connected in a circuit. Inductance depends on the
A thin, nonconducting ring of mass m, carrying a shape and size of the loop and the number of turns
charge q, can rotate freely about its axis. At the it has.
instant t = 0 the ring was at rest and no magnetic If current in the coil changes by I in a time interval
field was present. Then suddenly a magnetic field t, the average emf induced in the coil is given as
B was set perpendicular to the plane. Find the
Δ(N) Δ(LI) LΔl
angular velocity acquired by the ring. = – = – =–
Δt Δt Δt
Sol. Due to the sudden change of flux, an electric field
The instantaneous emf is given as
is set up and the ring experiences an impulsive
torque and suddenly acquires an angular velocity. d(N) d(LI) Ldl
=– =– =–
dt dt dt
d d 
(induced emf) = - = -  B . dA S.I unit of inductance is wb/amp or Henry (H)
dt dt
  L - self inductance is +ve quantity.
Also ε =  E.d l where E is the induced electric L depends on : (1) Geometry of loop
field. (2) Medium in which it is kept. L
    does not depend upon current. L is a scalar quantity.
d d
  E .d l =-  B . dA  E . 2πr = - (Bπr 2 )
dt dt
Brain Teaser
r dB
 E =- If a circuit has large self-inductance, what
2 dt
 inference can you draw about the circuit.
Force experienced by the ring = q |E|

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.15

6.1 Self Inductance of solenoid 7. INDUCTOR

l It is represent by
l >> r L
A electrical equivalence of loop
Let the volume of the solenoid be V, the number of L
turns per unit length be n. Let a current I be flowing 
in the solenoid. Magnetic field in the solenoid is given
as B = 0 nl. The magnetic flux through one turn of
solenoid  = 0 n l A. i i
If current i through the inductor is increasing the
The total magnetic flux through the solenoid = N 
induced emf will oppose the increase in current
= N 0 n l A and hence will be opposite to the current. If current
= 0 n2 l A l i through the inductor is decreasing the induced emf
 L = 0 n2 l A = 0 n2 V will oppose the decrease in current and hence will
 = 0 n i  r2 (n l) be in the direction of the current.
 (increasing) i (decreasing)
L= = 0 n2 r2 l L L
Inductance per unit volume = 0 n2 i i

Induced emf induced emf

Over all result

The current in a coil of self-inductance L = 2H is A B
+ –
increasing according to the law i = 2 sin t2. Find the
amount of energy spent during the period when the L
current changes from 0 to 2 ampere. di
Sol. Let the current be 2 amp at t =  VA – L = VB
Then 2 = 2 sin 2   =
2 Note
When the instantaneous current is i, the self induced
If there is a resistance in the inductor (resistance of
di the coil of inductor) then :
emf is L . If the amount of charge that is displaced
in time dt is dq, then the elementary work done L, R
 di  di A B
= L .  dt  dq = L . dt idt = Lidi
  L R
τ τ

W = Lidi =
 L(2sin t
)d(2 sin t 2 )

τ τ AB is a part of circuit. Find the potential

W=  8 L sin t co st 2 (tdt) = 4L  sin 2t 2 (tdt) difference vA – vB if
0 0

Let  = 2t2 i 2
Differentiating d = 4t dt A B
sinθdθ 1H 5 volt
 W = 4L  (i) current i = 2A and is constant
= L (– cos) = – L cos 2t2 (ii) current i = 2A and is increasing at the rate
π/2 of 1 amp/sec.
W = –L  cos2t 2  0
(iii) current i = 2A and is decreasing at the rate
= 2 L = 2 × 2 = 4 joule 1 amp/sec.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.16 Theory and Exercise Book

2i 7.1 Energy stored in an inductor :

+ –
Sol. + – + – If current in an inductor at an instant is i and is
1H 5 volt increasing at the rate di/dt, the induced emf will
oppose the current. Its behaviour is shown in the
di di figure.
L = 1
dt dt
working as a load
writing KVL from A to B
VA – 1 – 5 – 2 i = VB
dt i, increasing i
 di / dt L di/dt
(i) Put i = 2, =0 di
Power consumed by the inductor = i L
VA – 5 – 4 = VB dt
 VA – VB = 9 volt di
Energy consumed in dt time = i L dt
di dt
(ii) Put i = 2, =1;  total energy consumed as the current increases from
VA – 1 – 5 – 4 = VB 1 2
or VA – VB = 10 V0
0 to I =  ILdi =

di 1 2 1
(iii) Put i = 2, =–1 = L i  U = L i2
dt 2 2
VA + 1 – 5 – 2 × 2 = VB
VA = 8 volt Note

This energy is stored in the magnetic field with

energy density
dU B2 B2
Find current i, i1 and i2 in the following circuit. = =
dV 2 2 0r
i R
i2 Total Energy

Find out the energy
Sol. at t=0 per unit length ratio
V inside the solid long
i = i2 = and i1 = 0 wire having current
2R R
i R density J.

i1 i2 Sol. Take a ring of radius r and thickness dr as an

element inside the wire
dE B2
= 2μ
dv 0

at t=
μ 0 jr
i R using B= r
i1 i2 dE μ 2J 2r2 dr
= 0
dv 4(2μ 0 )
μ 0 j2 r 2
  dE =  2πrdr
i V E πμ0 j2 R 4
 i1 = i2 = =  =
2 2R  16

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.17

A circuit contains an ideal cell and an inductor S1
with a switch. Initially the switch is open. To calculate mutual inductance M between them,
It is closed at t = 0. let us assume a current i1 through the inner solenoid S1
Find the current as a There is no magnetic field outside the solenoid and
 L the field inside has magnitude,
function of time.
N 
B = μ 0  1  i1
Sol. = L  l1 
dt and is directed parallel to the solenoid’s axis. The
i i
magnetic flux B 2 through the surrounding coil is,
  εdt =  Ldi therefore,
0 0
μ 0 N 1 i1
 B2 = B(πR 12 ) = πR 12
t l1
t = Li  i =
N 2  B2 N  μ N i  μ 0 N1 N 2 πR 1
Now, M= =  2   0 1 1  πR 12
i1  i1   l1  l1
Consider two coils P and S placed close to each μ 0 N1N 2 πR 12
 l1
other as shown in the figure. When the current
passing through a coil increases or decreases, the Notice that M is independent of the radius R2 of
magnetic flux linked with the other coil also changes the surrounding coil. This is because solenoid’s
and an induced e.m.f. is developed in it. This magnetic field is confined to its interior.
phenomenon is known as mutual induction. This coil
in which current is passed is known as primary and Brain Teaser
the other in which e.m.f. is developed is called as What is the meaning of the statement “The
secondary. coefficient of mutual inductance for a pair of
coils is large” ?
Let the current through the primary coil at any
instant be i 1. Then the magnetic flux 2 in the
secondary at any time will be proportional to Note
i1 i.e., 2  i1
Therefore the induced e.m.f. in secondary
For two coils in series if mutual inductance is
when i1 changes is given by considered then
d2 di Leq = L1 + L2 ± 2M
ε = - i.e., ε  - 1 i1
dt dt P

Find the mutual

di1 dM i1 inductance of two
   -M = –
dt dt concentric coils of a2
radii a1 and a2 a1
 2 = M i1
where M is the constant of proportionality and is (a1 << a2) if the
known as mutual inductance of two coils. It is defined planes of coils are same.
as the e.m.f. induced in the secondary coil by unit
rate of change of current in the primary coil. The Sol. Let a current i flow in coil of radius a2.
unit of mutual inductance is henry (H). 0 2  i
Mutual Inductance of a Pair of Solenoids one Magnetic field at the centre of coil = 2a a 1
Suurounding the other coil
Figure shows a coil of N 2 turns and radius R 2 0  i 2 0 a12
surrounding a long solenoid of length l1, radius R1 or M i = 2a a 1 or M 
2 2a 2
and number of turns N1.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.18 Theory and Exercise Book

EXAMPLE 44 Sol. (a) To find mutual inductance, it does not matter in

Solve the above question, if the planes of coil are which coil we consider current and in which
perpendicular. flux is calculated (Reciprocity theorem) Let
Sol. Let a current i flow in the coil of radius a1. The
current i be flowing in the larger coil. Magnetic
magnetic field at the centre of this coil will now be
parallel to the plane of smaller coil and hence no μ 0i
field at the centre = .
flux will pass through it, hence M =0 2b
μ 0i 2
flux through the smaller coil = πa
Solve the above problem if the planes of coils make  M= πa 2
 angle with each other. 2b
Sol. If i current flows in the larger coil, magnetic field (ii) | emf induced in larger coil |
produced at the centre will be perpendicular to the   di  
plane of larger coil. = M   dt  in smaller coil 
  
Now the area vector of smaller coil which is μ0 μ πa 2
perpendicular to the plane of smaller coil will make = πa 2 (2) = 0
2b b
an angle  with the magnetic field.
μ 0 πa 2
  μ 0i (iii) current in the larger coil =
Thus flux = B.A = 2a . a12 cos  bR
μ 0 πa 1 2 cosθ 1
or M= 2a 2 Now The student can now attempt Section - C from

Find the mutual inductance between two rectangular

Section D - L-R circuit, L-C Oscillations
loops, shown in figure.
Sol. Let current i flow in the
loop having  -by long
sides. Consider a
b As the switch S is closed in given figure, current
segment of width dx at c
in circuit wants to rise upto in no time but
a distance x as shown R
flux through the regent a inductor
 di V
opposes it  dt  L 
μ i μ 0i   
d =  0 –  b dx
 2πx 2π(x + a)  hence at time t = 0
inductor will behave
 μ 0i μ 0i  as an open circuit v S
 =   2πx – 2π(x + a)  b dx
c  
at t = 0
μ 0ib  c+b a + b + c
= 2π  ln c – ln a + c 
 

Figure shows two concentric coplanar coils with

radii a and b (a << b). A current i = 2t flows in the
smaller loop. Neglecting self inductance of larger di
loop As the time passes, i in the circuit rises and
(a) Find the mutual decreases. At any instant t.
inductance of the two coils b

(b) Find the emf induced Ldi

a + iR = V
in the larger coil dt
(c) If the resistance of v
current reaches the value at time t =  or we
the larger loop is R find the R
current in it as a function of time can say, inductor will behave as a simple wire.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.19

at t = 
v/R R R L b
E a

di di
E–L = R i or E – Ri = L
v dt dt
di dt
or =
E – Ri L
Find value of current i, i1 and i2 in given figure at
Multiplying by – R on both the sides, we get
(a) time t = 0 i2 R
–R di –Rdt
i1 E – Ri L
(b) time t = 
L R Integrating the above equation, we have
loge(E – Ri) = – t +A ...(1)
v L
Sol. (a) At time t = 0 inductor behaves as open circuit where A is integration constant. The value of this
i = v/R constant can be obtained by applying the condition
i1 = 0 i2 that current i is zero just at start i.e., at t = 0. Hence
i 1
loge E = 0 + A
i2= i = v/R i or A = logeE ...(2)
Substituting the value of A from equation (2) in
v equation (1), we get
(b) At time t = . Inductor will behaves as simple
wire R
loge(E – Ri) = – t + loge E
v 2v
i= =  E – Ri 
(R /2) R R
or loge   = – t
 E  L
i1 = i2 =  E – Ri   R 
or  E  = exp  – L t 
i2 R    

Ri  R 
i1 or 1– = exp  – L t 
E  
i Ri   R 
or = 1 – exp  – t  
E   L 
E   R 
10. GR OW TH AND DECAY OF  i = R 1 – exp  – L t  
  
The maximum current in the circuit i0 = E/R. So
10.1 Growth of Current
  R 
Consider a circuit containing a resistance R, an i = i0 1 – exp  – L t   ...(3)
  
inductance L, a two way key and a battery of e.m.f
E connected in series as shown in figure. When the Equation (3) gives the current in the circuit at any
switch S is connected to a, the current in the circuit instant t. It is obvious from equation (3) that i = i0,
grows from zero value. The inductor opposes the
growth of the current. This is due to the fact that exp  – t  = 0 i.e., at t = 
when the current grows through inductor, a back  L 
e.m.f. is developed which opposes the growth of i0
current in the circuit. So the rate of growth of current
is reduced. During the growth of current in the i
circuit, let i be the current in the circuit at any instant Growth of current

t. Using Kirchhoff’s voltage law in the circuit, we

obtain O t

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.20 Theory and Exercise Book

Hence the current never attains the value i0 but it R L

approaches it asymptotically. A graph between
current and time is shown in figure.
• We observe the following points
(i) When t = (L/R) then S 
  R L  Sol. Using above result (note 4)
i = i0 1 – exp  – L × R   = i0 {1 – exp(–1)} ηε
   L1i1 = L2i2  i2 =
 1
= i0  1 – e  = 0.63 i0
 
Thus after an interval of (L/R) second, the current
reaches to a value which is 63% of the maximum Which of the two
current. The value of (L/R) is known as time curves shown 1
constant of the circuit and is represented by . Thus has less time 2
the time constant of a circuit may be defined as the constant.
time in which the current rises from zero to 63% of t
its final value. In terms of , Sol. curve 1
 
i = i 0  1 - e τ  10.2 Decay of Current
 
(ii) The rate of growth of current (di/dt) is given by Let the circuit be disconnected from battery and
switch S is thrown to point b in the figure. The
di d  i 1 – exp  – R t    current now begins to fall. In the absence of
= 0  L  
dt dt       inductance, the current would have fallen from
di R  R  maximum i0 to zero almost instantaneously. But due
 = i 0   exp  – t  ...(4)
dt L  L  to the presence of inductance, which opposes the
decay of current, the rate of decay of current is
 R  i0 – i
From equation (3), exp  – L t  = reduced.
  i0 suppose during the decay of current, i be the value
di  R  i – i  R of current at any instant t. Using Kirchhoff’s voltage
 = i0    0  = (i 0 – i) ...(5) law in the circuit, we get
dt  L   i0  L
This shows that the rate of growth of the current di di R
–L = Ri or =– i
decreases as i tends to i0. For any other value of dt dt L
current, it depends upon the value of R/L. Thus Integrating this expression, we get
greater is the value of time constant, smaller will be
the rate of growth of current.
ε R
Final current in the circuit = , which is L
independent of L.
After one time constant, current in the loge i = – t + B
circuit=63% of the final current (verify where B is constant of integration. The value of B
yourself) can be obtained by applying the condition that when
More time constant in the circuit implies t = 0, i = i0
slower rate of change of current.  loge i0 = B
If there is any change in the circuit Substituting the value of B, we get
containing inductor then there is no
instantaneous effect on the flux of inductor. logei = – t + logei0
L1i1 = L2i2 L
i R
or loge i =– t
0 L
At t = 0 switch is closed (shown in figure) after a
 R 
long time suddenly the inductance of the inductor is or (i / i0) = exp  – L t  ...(6)
L  
made  times lesser ( η ) then its initial value, find
 R   t
or i = i 0 exp  - t  = i 0 exp  - 
out instant current just after the operation.  L   τ

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.21

where  = L/R = inductive time constant of the

circuit.  iR + ε  di
It is obvious from equation that the current in the –+   + iR + i. =0
 2  dt
circuit decays exponentially as shown in figure.
• We observe the following points ε 3IR di
 – + = –L
(i) After t = L/R, the current in the circuit is given 2 2 dt
by i
 –ε + 3 iR 
 2  dt = – L. di
i  
 R L Decay of current
i = i0 exp  – L × R  = i0 exp(–1) –di di
  – =

O t dt –ε + 3 iR
= (i0 / e) = i0/2.718 = 0.37 i0 t
di t 1  –ε + 3iR 
–  2L =  –ε + 3iR  – = ln
So after a time (L/R) second, the current reduces 0 0
2L 3R  –ε 

to 37% of the maximum current i0. (L/R) is known
 –ε + 3iR  3Rt
as time constant . This is defined as the time during – ln   =
 –ε  2L
which the current decays to 37% of the maximum
current during decay. ε  –

i = + 3R  1 – e
(ii) The rate of decay of current in given by 
 
di d   R 
= dt  i 0 exp  – L t  
dt   
Figure shows a circuit consisting of a ideal cell, an
di R  R  R
 = i0 exp – L t = – i ...(7) inductor L and a resistor R, connected in series.
dt L   L Let the switch S be closed at t = 0. Suppose at t =
0 current in the inductor is i0 then find out equation
di R
or – = i of current as a function of time
dt L
R i0 L
This equation shows that when L is small, the rate
of decay of current will be large i.e., the current will C
decay out more rapidly.

B S  A
In the following circuit the switch is closed at t = 0. Sol. Let an instant t current in the circuit is i which is
Initially there is no current in inductor. Find out increasing at the rate di/dt.
current the inductor coil as a function of time. Writing KVL along the circuit, we have
R R di di
– L – iR = 0  L =  – iR
dt dt
i t
L di dt  ε – iR  Rt
R =
   ε – iR L  ln  ε – i R  = –
i0 0  0 
Sol. At any time t i
–  + i1 R – (i – i1) R = 0
–  + 2i1 R – i R = 0
B S  A
iR + ε
i1 = ε – (ε – i 0 R)e –Rt/L
2R   – iR = ( – i0R)e–Rt/L i=
di R
Now, – + i1 R + iR +L. =0
R R If the current in
– – +
i R+
1 t=0 – iR – the inner loop C
(i–i1)R R L c h a n g e s
 + dt
i–i1 + according to i =
2t2 then, find
i i

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3.22 Theory and Exercise Book

μ0 2 Section E - Induced, Properties of EM Waves

Sol. M= πa
| emf induced in larger coil | 12. BASIC EQ UATIO NS OF
  di  
= M   dt  in smaller coil  The whole concept of electricity and magnetism
  
can be explained by the four basic equations we
μ0 2μ 0 πa 2 t have deal so far.
e= πa 2 (4t) =
2b b q–q
Applying KVL : - i (1)  E .ds =  0
(Gauss law for electrostatic)
q R
+e – – iR = 0
c (2)  B.ds = 0 (Gauss law for magnetism)
2μ 0 πa t 2
q e
 – –iR = 0
b c (3)  B.d = µ i (Ampere’s law for Magnetism)

2μ 0 πa i di
differentiate wrt time :

– R = 0 on
(4)  E.d = 0 (Ampere’s law for electrostatic)
The above stated equation are true for non-time
2μ 0 πa 2 C
solving it i = 1 – e –t/RC  varying fields
b  


To understand the concept of faradays law we con-
i L1 L2 sider a circular conducting loop placed in a region
O V where time dependent magnetic field is present
V1 V2

V —
= O V — x x e x x x Conducting
Leq E
 V = V1 + V2 x e x ex
Time dependent magnetic
field is switched on at t = 0
di di di E
L eq = L1 + L2
dt dt dt x x x e x x x
Leq = L1 + L2 +................. E
Parallel Combination of inductor From the earlier concept we know that an induced
di di di emf will be produced in the conducting loop due to
i = i1 + i2  = 1 + 2
dt dt dt which current will flow in the loop.
For current to flow a force must act on the electron
which will move then from static state. This force
O i V cannot be due to magnetic field (since magnetic
force does not act on stationary charge). Hence
this force must be due to an electric field which has
been generated due to changing Magnetic field.
v v v Note
= +
L eq L1 L 2
This electric field is non conservative in nature.
Faraday stated this fact in his equation
Now 1The student
1 1
 can now attempt Section - C from
 ...........
L eq
exercise. L1 L 2

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.23


Maxwell tried to generalis the concept of faradays (a)  E. ds =  0
law that if changing magnetic field can produce
changing electric field then the reverse should also (b)  B.ds =0
be true i.e. changing electric field must produce
magnetic fied. To understand the concept of d B
displacement current let us try to understand this
(c)  E.dl = – dt
experiment when the switch was closed at t = 0  d 
both the needles deflected. (d)  B.dl = µ 0  I 0 dt 
 
The above equation is known as Maxwell’s
Magnetic Magnetic equation for time varying form.
needle (1) needle (2) Howover for free space there are no charges and
no conduction current the equations that are
Parallel plate significant.
d B
 E .d   dt
t=0 V . d
 B d  µ 0 0 E
Deflection of needle (1) is under stood as M.F. is
Solving these two differential equation the equation
produced due to current flowing in the wire.
of electric field and magnetic field that satisfies
But why did needle 2 deflect? It is lying in between
these differential equations are obtained
the two plates of capacitor where there is no Ey = E0 sin(t – x/c)
current. This magnetic field between the plates is Bz = B0 sin (t – x/c)
due to the changing electric field between the plates
E0 1
(During charging of capacitor). Hence maxwell Here B = C and
conducted that changing electric field produces a 0 µ 0 0 = C
magnetic field
For Needle (1) Amper’s law 16. TRANS VER S E NATUR E OF
 B.d = µ i 0 c
For needle (2) Amper’s law 16.1 Electromagnetic waves :
d E The idea of electromagnetic waves was given by
 B .d = µ00 .... (2)
dt Maxwell and experimental verification was
Hence there are two methods of producing M.F. provided by Hertz and other scientists. A brief
(a) Due to flow of electron which is known as con- history of electromagnetic waves is as follows:
On the basis of experimental study of
duction current
electromagnetic induction, Faraday concluded that
(b) Due to changing electric field
a magnetic field changing with time at a point
combining eq. (1) and eq. (2) produces a time varying electric field at that point.
  d E   Maxwell in 1864 pointed out an electric field
 B.d = µ0 i C    0 dt 
  
changing with time at a point also produces a time
varying magnetic field. The two fields are mutually
Modifield ampere’s law perpendicular to each other. This idea led Maxwell
to conclude that the mutually perpendicular time
Note varying electric and magnetic fields produce
electromagnetic disturbances in space. These
dE disturbances have the properties of wave which are
ε0 is known as displacement current
dt called as electromagnetic waves.
According to Maxwell, the electromagnetic

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.24 Theory and Exercise Book

waves are those waves in which there are 

sinusoidal variation of electric and magnetic S Poynting vector
field vectors at right angle to each other as The magnitude of poynting vector represents the
well as right angles to the direction of wave rate at which energy flows through a unit surface
propagation. An electromagnetic wave is shown area perpendicular to the direction of wave
in fig. propogation SI unit J/sm2 or w/m2

Envelope of electric 18. ENERGY DENSITY AND INTENSITY

intensity vector Direction of
Y We know that electric and magnetic field have
E B E energy and since EM wave have both these
X components hence it carries energy with it.
We know that energy density associated with E.F.
Envelope of magnetic =  E2
induction vector 2 0

The velocity of electromagnetic wave in free space B2

We know that energy density associated with M.F. =
is given by 2µ 0
1 Thus total energy of EM wave is given by
c= (µ 0 0 ) 1 B2
U = UE + UB or 0E2 +
where µ 0 (1 = 1.257 × 10 –6 T mA –1 ) and 2 2µ 0
0 (= 8.854 × 10–12 C2N–1m–2) are permeability and putting the values of E.F. and M.F.
permittivity of free space respectively. The velocity
1 B 20 sin 2 ( t  x / c)
of electromagentic waves in free space is equal to U= 0E02 sin2(t – x/c) +
the velocity of light. Therefore, light is 2 2µ 0
electromagnetic waves. The electromagnetic If we take the average value over a long period of
waves are transverse in nature. time
 2  x  1
16.2 Transverse nature of electromagnetic sin  t   =
waves:   c  Av 2
We have seen that electromagnetic waves consists 1 1 2
of a sinusoidally verying electric and magnetic field.  U av   E 20  B0
4 4µ 0
These fields act right angles to each other as well
as right angles to the direction of propagation of The above equation can also be written as
waves. These fields are represented by 0 E 02 B20
E = E0 sin (t – x/c) Uav = or Uav =
2 2µ 0
and B = B0 sin (t – x/c)
respectively. The two fields combine to constitute Intensity :
electromagnetic wave. The electromagnetic wave Energy crossing per unit area per unit time
propagates in space in a direction perpendicular to perpendicular to the direction of propogation is called
the directions of both fields as shown in fig. The intensity of wave.
electric field vectors (E) is along Y-axis and mag- Energy contained in the volume :
netic field vector (B) along Z-axis while the wave
propagation direction is along X-axis. As both the E.M. wave
fields are perpendicular to the direction of propa- A
gation of electromagnetic wave and hence the elec-
tromagnetic waves are transverse in nature. CT


U = Uav × vol =  E2 (ACT)
Poynting vector is a vector that describes the mag- U  E 2C
nitude and direction of energy flow rate. intensity = = 0
AT 2
 
 E B 1 1 2
S  I 0 CE 20 or B0
µ0 2 2µ 0

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Electromagnetic Induction 3.25


Orderly arrangement of electromagnetic radiations according to their wavelength or frequency is
called as electromagnetic spectrum.
The electromagnetic spectrum encompasses radiowaves, microwaves, infrared rays, visible light,
ultraviolet rays, X-rays and gamma rays fig. shown the most commonly enecountered.
Wavelength in nm

102 10 01 10–1 10–2 10–3 10–4 10–5 10–6 10–7 10–8 10–9 10–10 10–11 10–12 10–13
Radio X rays
wave Micro wave Infra red
Radio Y rays

107 108 109 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021

Visible light Frequency in Hz

750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 nm

Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Violet

Name Frequency range (Hz) Wavelength range (m)

20 –13 19 –10
-ray 5 × 10 – 3 × 10 6 × 10 – 1 × 10
19 16 –10 –8
X-ray 3 × 10 – 1 × 10 1 × 10 – 3 × 10
Ultraviolet 1 ×1016 – 8 × 1014 3 × 10–8 – 4 × 10–7
Visible light 8 × 1014 – 4 × 1014 4 × 10–7 – 8 × 10–7
14 13 –7 –5
Infra-red 4 × 10 – 1 × 10 8 × 10 – 3 × 10
Micro-waves 3 × 1011 – 1 × 109 1 × 10–3 – 3 × 10–1
Ultra high radio frequencies 3 × 109 – 3 × 108 1 × 10–1 – 1
9 7
Very high Radio frequencies 3 × 10 – 3 × 10 1 – 10
7 4
Radio frequencies 3 × 10 – 3 × 10 10 – 104

Colour Wavelength (m)

–7 –7
Violet 4 × 10 – 4.5 × 10
–7 –7
Blue 4.5 × 10 – 5 × 10
Green 5.5 × 10–7 – 5.7 × 10–7
7 –7
Yellow 5.7 × 10 – 5.9 × 10
Orange 5.9 × 10–7 – 6.2 × 10–7
Red 6.2 × 10–7 – 7.5 × 10–7


Now The student can now attempt Section - E from exercise.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.26 Theory and Exercise Book

Exercise - 1 Objective Problems | JEE Main

Section A - Flux, Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law 5. An electron is moving in a circular orbit of radius R
with an angular acceleration . At the centre of the
1. A flux of 1m Wb passes through a strip having an
orbit is kept a conducting loop of radius r, (r < < R).
area A = 0.02 m2. The plane of the strip is at an
The e.m.f induced in the smaller loop due to the
angle of 60º to the direction of a uniform field B.
motion of the electron is
The value of B is-
(A) 0.1 T (B) 0.058 T (A) zero, since charge on electron in constant

(C) 4.0 mT (D) none of the above.  0 er 2  0er 2

(B)  (C) 
4R 4R
2. The number of turns in a long solenoid is 500. The
(D) none of these
area of cross-section of solenoid is 2 × 10–3 m2. If
the value of magnetic induction, on passing a 6. A vertical bar magnet is dropped from position on
current of 2 amp, through it is 5 × 10 tesla, the –3 the axis of a fixed metallic coil as shown in fig-I. In
magnitude of magnetic flux connected with it in fig-II the magnet is fixed and horizontal coil is
webers will be dropped. The acceleration of the magnet and coil
–3 –2
(A) 5 × 10 (B) 10 are a1 and a2 respectively then
(C) 10–5 (D) 2.5 S
3. A conducting loop of radius R is present in a uniform N
magnetic field B perpendicular the plane of the ring. fixed fixed N
If radius R varies as a function of time ‘t’, as R = R0 + fig-1 fig-II
t. The e.m.f induced in the loop is (A) a1 > g, a2 > g (B) a1 > g, a2 < g
(C) a1 < g, a2 < g (D) a1 < g, a2 > g
× × × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × × × 7. A negative charge is given to a nonconducting loop
× × × × × × × × ×
× × B× × × R × × and the loop is rotated in the plane of paper about
× × × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × × × its centre as shown in figure. The magnetic field
× × × × × × × × ×
produced by the ring affects a small magnet placed
above the ring in the same plane :
(A) 2 (R0 + t) B clockwise
(B) (R0 + t)B clockwise
(C) 2(R0 + t)B anticlockwise
(D) zero

4. The instantaneous flux associated with a closed

circuit of 10  resistance is indicated by the (A) the magnet does not rotate
following reaction  = 6t2 – 5t + 1, then the value (B) the magnet rotates clockwise as seen from
in amperes of the induced current at below.
t = 0.25 sec will be: (C) the magnet rotates anticlockwise as seen from
(A) 1.2 (B) 0.8 below
(C) 6 (D) 0.2 (D) no effect on magnet is there.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.27

8. Two conducting rings P and Q of radii r and 2r rotate 11. A conducting square loop of side I and resistance
uniformly in opposite directions with centre of mass R moves in its plane with a uniform velocity v
velocities 2v and v respectively on a conducting perpendicular to one of its sides. A uniform and
surface S. There is a uniform magnetic field of
constant magnetic field B exists along the
magnitude B perpendicular to the plane of the rings.
perpendicular to the plane of the loop in fig. The
The potential difference between the highest points
current induced in the loop is
of the two rings is
× × × × × ×
2v B v
r 2r × × × × × ×
P S Q × × × × × ×
(A) zero (B) 4 Bvr × × × × × ×
(C) 8 Bvr (D) 16 Bvr (A) BI/R clockwise
(B) BI/R anticlockwise
Section B - EMF induced in Moving Rod, (C) 2BI/R anticlockwise
Rotating Ring, Disc.
(D) zero
9. A small conducting rod of length l, moves with a
uniform velocity v in a uniform magnetic field B as 12. Two identical conductors P and Q are placed on
shown in fig- two frictionless fixed conducting rails R and S in a
× ×
Y× × × × uniform magnetic field directed into the plane. If P
× × × × × ×
× × × × × × is moved in the direction shown in figure with a
 V
× × × × × ×
constant speed, then rod Q
× × × × × ×
(A)Then the end X of the rod becomes positively
× × ×
charged R
× × ×
(B) the end Y of the rod becomes positively charged
× × ×
(C) the entire rod is unevely charged
(D) the rod becomes hot due to joule heating.
(A) will be attracted towards P
10. Consider the situation shown in fig. The
(B) will be repelled away from P
resistanceless wire AB is slid on the fixed rails with
(C) will remain stationary
a constant velocity. If the wire AB is replaced by a
resistanceless semicircular wire, the magnitude of (D) may be repelled or attracted towards P
the induced current will
13. Two infinitely long conducting parallel rails are
× × ×A ×
connected through a capacitor C as shown in the
× ×v
figure. A conductor of length l is moved with
× × × ×
constant speed v0. Which of the following graph
× × × B×
truly depicts the variation of current through the
(A) increase (B) remain the same conductor with time ?
(C) decrease  B 
(D) increase or decrease depending on whether the  
l v0
semicircle bulges towards the resistance or away  
from it.  

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.28 Theory and Exercise Book

17. A rod of length l rotates with a uniform angular

Current Current
velocity  about its perpendicular bisector. A
I (t) I (t) uniform magnetic field B exists parallel to the axis
(A) (B)
t (time) t (time)
of rotation. The potential difference between the
two ends of the rod is
Current Current (A) zero (B) B2
I (t) I (t) 2
(C) (D)
(C) B 2 (D) 2 B 2
I = 0 t (time) t (time)

18. A rod of length 10 cm made up of conducting and

14. A long straight wire is parallel to one edge as in fig.
non-conducting material (shaded part is non-
If the current in the long wire is varies in time as I
conducting). The rod is rotated with constant
= I0e–t /, what will be the induced emf in the loop ? angular velocity 10 rad/sec about point O, in
d constant magnetic field of 2 tesla as shown in the
a figure. The induced emf between the point A and B
of rod will be
b × × × × ×
3cm A
× × × × ×
 0bI  d  a   0bI  d  a 
(A) ln   (B) ln   × × × × ×
  d  2  d  B
× × × × ×
20 bI  d  a   0bI  d  × × × × ×
(C) ln   (D) ln  
  d    d  a 
× O × × × ×
(A) 0.029 V (B) 0.1 V
15. The magnetic field in a region is given by (C) 0.051 V (D) 0.064 V
  x
B  B 0  1   k . A square loop of edge-length d is 19. The north pole of a magnet is brought near a coil.
 a
placed with its edge along x & y axis. The loop is The induced current in the coil as seen by an
 observer on the side of magnet will be
moved with constant velocity V  V0 i . The emf
(A) in the clockwise direction
induced in the loop is
(B) in the anticlockwise direction
V0 B 0 d 2 V0 B 0 d 2
(A) (B) (C) initially in the clockwise and then anticlockwise
a 2a
V0 B 0 a 2
(C) (D) None (D) initially in the anticlockwise and then
clockwise direction.
16. There is a uniform magnetic field B normal to the
20. A metal sheet is placed in a variable magnetic field
xy plane. A conductor ABC has length AB = l1,
which is increasing from zero to maximum.
parallel to the x-axis, and length BC = l2, parallel to
Induced current flows in the directions as shown in
the y-axis. ABC moves in the xy plane with
figure. The direction of magnetic field will be -
velocity v x i  v y j . The potential difference
between A and C is proportional to
(A) normal to the paper, inwards
(B) normal to the paper, outwards.
(A) vxl1 + vy l2 (B) vxl2 + vy l1
(C) from east to west
(C) vxl2 – vy l1 (D) Vxl1 – vy l2
(D) from north to south

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.29

Section C - Self Induction, Mutual Induction 26. Two coil A and B have coefficient of mutual
inductance M = 2H. The magnetic flux passing
21. The coefficient of mutual induction between two through coil A changes by 4 Weber is 10 seconds
coils is 4H. If the current in the primary reduces due to the change in current in B. Then
from 5A to zero in 10–3 second then the induced (A) change in current in B in this time interval is 0.5 A
e.m.f. in the secondary coil will be- (B) the change in current in B in this time interval is 2A
(A) 104 V (B) 25 × 103 V (C) the change in current in B in this time interval is 8A
(C) 2 × 104 V (D) 15 × 103 V (D) a change in current of 1A in coil A will produce
a change in flux passing through B by 4 Weber.
22. The number of turns in a coil of wire of fixed radius
27. In the circuit shown in figure, a conducting wire
is 600 and its self inductance is 108 mH. The self
HE is moved with a constant speed V towards left.
inductance of a coil of 500 turns will be-
The complete circuit is placed in a uniform
(A) 74 mH (B) 75 mH 
magnetic field B perpendicular to the plane of the
(C) 76 mH (D) 77 mH
circuit directed in inward direction. The current in
23. A long solenoid contains 1000 turns/cm and an
alternating current of peak value 1A is flowing in it. A A H K
search coil of area of cross-section 1 × 10–4 m2 and × × × × ×
having 50 turns is placed inside the solenoid with its R × × × × ×
plane perpendicular to the axis of the solenoid. A peak
× ×× × ×C
× ×V × × ×D
voltage of 22 × 10–2V is produced in the search coil. G E
The frequency of current in the solenoid will be –
(A) clockwise (B) anticlockwise
(A) 50 Hz (B) 100 Hz
(C) alternating (D) Zero
(C) 500 Hz (D) 1000 Hz
28. Induction furnaces work on the principle of :
24. The magnetic flux through a stationary loop with (A) self-induction (B) mutual induction
resistance R varies during interval of time T as  = (C) eddy currents (D) none of the above
at (T – t). The heat generated during this time
neglecting the inductance of loop will be Section D - L-R circuit, L-C Oscillations
2 3 2 2
a T a T
(A) (B) 3 R 29. In the adjoining circuit, initially the switch S is
open. The switch ‘S’ is closed at t = 0. The
a 2T a 2T 3 difference between the maximum and minimum
(C) 3 R (D) R
current that can flow in the circuit is
25. A closed planar wire loop of area A and arbitrary
shape is placed in a uniform magnetic field of 10V s
magnitude B, with its plane perpendicular to 0.1 H 10
magnetic field. The resistance of the wire loop is 10
R. The loop is now turned upside down by 180° so
that its plane again becomes perpendicular to the
magnetic field. The total charge that must have (A) 2 Amp
flowen through the wire ring in the process is (B) 3 Amp
(A) < AB/R (B) = AB/R (C) 1 Amp
(C) = 2AB/R (D) None (D) nothing can be concluded

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.30 Theory and Exercise Book

30. Two identical inductance carry currents that vary 34. A long solenoid of N turns has a self inductance L
with time according to linear laws (as shown in and area of cross section A. When a current i
figure). In which of two inductance is the self flows through the solenoid, the magnetic field inside
induction emf greater ? it has magnitude B. The current i is equal to :
1 35. The current in an L - R circuit in a time
t = 2L / R reduces to-
(A) 1 (B) 2 (A) 36.5% of maximum
(C) same (B) 13.5% of maximum
(D) data are insufficient to decide (C) 0.50% of maximum
(D) 63.2% of maximum
31. L, C and R represent physical quantities
inductance, capacitance and resistance. The 36. A rectangular loop of dimensions l & w and
combination which has the dimensions of resistance R moves with constant velocity V to the
frequency is right as shown in the figure. It continues to move
1 R 1 R with same speed through a region containing a
(A) and (B) and
RC L RC L uniform magnetic field B directed into the plane of
C the paper & extending a distance 3 W. Sketch the
(C) LC (D)
L flux, induced emf & external force acting on the
loop as a function of the distance.
32. In an L-R circuit connected to a battery of 3w
× × × × ×
constant e.m.f E switch S is closed at time t = 0. If v × × × × B×
e denotes the magnitude of induced e.m.f across × × × × ×
s× ×v × × ×
inductor and i the current in the circuit at any time l × × × × ×
× × × × ×
t. Then which of the following graphs shows the w × × × × ×
× × × × ×
variation of e with i ?
e e

E w s E w s
(A) (B) 3w 4w 3w 4w

i i
 
(A) s (B) s
e e F s F s

(C) (D)
i i

E w s E w s
33. A current of 2A is increasing at a rate of 3w 4w 3w 4w

4A/s through a coil of inductance 2H. The energy

 
stored in the inductor per unit time is (C) s (D) s
F s F s
(A) 2J/s (B) 1 J/s
(C) 16 J/s (D) 4 J/s

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.31

37. An LR circuit with a battery is connected at t = 0. 40. Elecromagnetic waves travel in a medium with a
Which of the following quantities is not zero just speed of 2 × 108 m/s. The relative permeability of
after the circuit the medium is 1. What is the relative permittivity of
(A) current in the circuit the medium-
(B) magnetic field energy in the inductor (A) 2.25 (B) 3.25
(C) power delivered by the battery (C) 4.25 (D) 5.25
(D) emf induced in the inductor
41. A light beam travelling in the X-direction is
38. In figure, the switch S is closed so that a current described by the electric field Ey=(300V/m) sin
flows in the iron-core inductor which has (t – x/c). An electron is constrained to move along
inductance L and the resistance R. When the the Y-direction with a speed of 2.0 × 107 m/s. Find
switch is opened, a spark is obtained in it at the the maximum electric force and the maximum
contacts. The spark is due to magnetic force on the electron respectively.
L (A) 4.8×10–17 N, 3.2 × 10–18 N
(B) 9.6×10–17 N, 6.4 × 10–18 N
(C) 2.4×10–17 N, 1.6 × 10–18 N
(D) 3.6×10–17 N, 2.5 × 10–18 N
(A) a slow flux change in L
(B) a sudden increase in the emf of the battery B 42. An L – C circuit contain a 400 pF capacitor and a
100 F inductor. It is set into oscillation coupled to
(C) a rapid flux change in L
an antenna. The wavelength of the radiated
(D) a rapid flux change in R electromagnetic waves is :
(A) 377 mm (B) 377 cm
Section E - Induced, Properties of EM Waves (C) 3.77 cm (D) 377 m.

39. A cylindrical space of radius R is filled with a 43. The frequency of radiowaves corresponding to a
uniform magnetic induction B parallel to the axis of wavelength 10 m is :
(A) 3×107 s-1 (B) 3×109 s-1
the cylinder. If B changes at a constant rate, the -9 -1
(C) 3×10 s (D) 1/3×10-7 s-1
graph showing the variation of induced electric
field with distance r from the axis of cylinder is 44. In a plane e.m. wave, the electric field oscillates
× × × sinusoidally at a frequency of 2.0×1010 Hz and
× × × × × amplitude 48 V m-1. The wavelength of the wave is :
× × × × × (A) 24×10-10 m (B) 1.5×10-2 m
× × × -8
(C) 4.16×10 m (D) 3×108 m


(A) (B) 0
r r


(C) (D)
r r

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.32 Theory and Exercise Book

Exercise - 2 (Level-I) Objective Problems | JEE Main

Section A - Flux, Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law 3. A square metal loop of side 10 cm and resistance 1
1. Two circular coils A and B are facing each other as  is moved with a constant velocity partly inside a
shown in figure. magnetic field of 2 Wbm–2, directed into the paper,
as shown in the figure. This loop is connected to a
network of five resistors each of value 3 . If a
steady current of 1 mA flows in the loop, then the
speed of the loop is
~ × × × × v
The current i through A can be altered × × × ×
(A) there will be repulsion between A and B if i is × × × ×
× × × ×
increased × × × ×
(B) there will be attraction between A and B if i is × × × ×
(C) there will be neither attraction nor repulsion (A) 0.5 cms–1 (B) 1 cms–1
when i is changed
(C) 2 cms–1 (D) 4 cms–1
(D) attraction or repulsion between A and B
depends on the direction of current.
It does not depend whether the current increased 4. The dimension of the ratio of magnetic flux and the
or decreased resistance is equal to that of :
2. An electric current i 1 can flow either direction (A) induced emf (B) charge
through loop (1) and induced current i2 in loop (2). (C) inductance (D) current
Positive i1 is when current is from ‘a’ to ‘b’ in loop
(1) and positive i2 is when the current is from ‘c’ to
‘d’ in loop (2) 5. A wire loop is placed in a region of time varying
magnetic field which is oriented orthogonally to the
plane of the loop as shown in the figure. The graph
loop (1)
a b
shows the magnetic field variation as the function
of time. Assume the positive emf is the one which
loop (2)
c d drives a current in the clockwise direction and seen
by the observer in the direction of B. Which of the
In an experiment, the graph of i2 against time ‘t’ is following graphs best represents the induced emf
as shown below as a function of time.
t t1 t2 t1 t
Which one(s) of the following graphs could have
caused i2 to behave as give above.  
i1 i1 t1 t2 t1
t t
(A) 0 (B) (A) t1 t2 t1 (B)
t t

i1 i1
(C) (D)
t  
i1 t1 t2 t1
t t
(E) t (C) t2 t1 (D) t1

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.33

6. A conducting wire frame is placed in a magnetic 9. Two parallel long straight conductors lie on a
field which is directed into the paper. The magnetic smooth surface. Two other parallel conductors rest
on them at right angles so as to form a square of
field is increasing at a constant rate. The directions
side a initially. A uniform magnetic field B exists at
of induced currents in wires AB and CD are right angles to the plane containing the conductors.
× × × × × × ×
A C They all start moving out with a constant velocity v.
× × × × × × × If r is the resistance per unit length of the wire the
× × × × × × × current in the circuit will be
B Bv Br
× × × × × ×
× (A) (B)
r v
× × × × × × × (C) B vr (D) Bv
(A) B to A and D to C (B) A to B and C to D
(C) A to B and D to C (D) B to A and C to D 10. BACD is a fixed conducting smooth rail placed in a
vertical plane. PQ is a conducting rod which is free
to slide on the rails. A horizontal uniform magnetic
Section B - EMF induced in Moving Rod, field exists in space as shown. If the rod PQ is
Rotating Ring, Disc. released from rest then,
7. The figure shows an isosceles triangle wire frame A C
with apex angle equal to  . The frame starts
entering into the region of uniform magnetic field B
with constant velocity v at t = 0. The longest side of P Q
the frame is perpendicular to the direction of
velocity. If i is the instantaneous current through the
frame then choose the alternative showing the B D
correct variation of i with time.
(A) The rod PQ will move downward with
× B× ×
× × × constant acceleration
90° × ×v × (B) The rod PQ will move upward with constant
× × × acceleration
× × ×
× × × (C) The rod will move downward with decreasing
t=0 acceleration and finally acqcure a constant
i i
(D) either A or B
(A) (B)
11. A metal disc rotates freely, between the poles of a
t t
magnet in the direction indicated. Brushes P and Q
i i make contact with the edge of the disc and the metal
axle. What current, if any, flows through R?
(C) (D) N
t t
P 
8. A metallic rod of length L and mass M is moving
under the action of two unequal forces F1 and F2 S

(directed opposite to each other) acting at its ends (A) a current from P to Q
along its length. Ignore gravity and any external (B) a current from Q to P
(C) no current, because the emf in the disc is
magnetic field. If specific charge of electrons is (e/
opposed by the back emf
m), then the potential difference between the ends (D) no current, because the emf induced in one
of the rod is steady state must be side of the disc is opposed by the emf induced in
(A) |F1 – F2| mL/eM (B) (F1 – F2) mL/eM the other side.
. (C) [mL/eM] ln [F1/F2] (D) None

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.34 Theory and Exercise Book

12. In the previous question, if B is normal to the 16. A rectangular coil of single turn, having area A,
plane of the rails rotates in a uniform magnetic field B an angular
(A) Bil = mg tan  (B) Bil = mg sin  velocity  about an axis perpendicular to the field.
(C) Bil = mg cos  If initially the plane of coil is perpendicular to the
(D) equilibrium cannot be reached field, then the average induced e.m.f. when it has
rotated through 90° is
13. A conducting rod of length l moves with velocity  a BA BA
(A) (B)
direction parallel to a long wire carrying a steady  2
current I. The axis of the rod is maintained BA 2BA
perpendicular to the wire with near end a distance (C) (D)
4 
raway as shown in the fig. Find the emf induced in the
rod. 17. For L - R circuit, the time constant is equal to
0 I  r  l  (A) twice the ratio of the energy stored in the
(A) ln   magnetic field to the rate of dissipation of energy in
  r  I
the resistance.
20I  r  l  r
(B) ln   (B) ratio of the energy stored in the magnetic field
  r  to the rate of dissipation of energy in the
0 I  l  l  resistance.
(C) ln  
  rl  (C) half the ratio of the energy stored in the
0I  r + l  magnetic field to the rate of dissipation of energy in
(D) ln  
2  r  the resistance
(D) square of the ratio of the energy stored in the
magnetic field to the rate of dissipation of energy in
14. A uniform magnetic field of induction B is confined
the resistance.
to a cylindrical region of radius R. The magnetic
field is increasing at a constant rate of
(tesla/ Section C - Self Induction, Mutual Induction
second). An electron of charge q, placed at the point 18. On making a coil of copper wire of length  and coil
P on the periphery of the field experiences an radius r, the value of self inductance is obtained as
acceleration L. If the coil of same wire, but of coil radius r/2, is
1 eR dB made, the value of self inductance will be-
(A) toward left × × ×
(A) 2L (B) L
2 m dt × × R ×
× × × × ×
1 eR dB × × ×× × (C) 4L (D) L/2
(B) toward right × × × × ×
2 m dt × × × ×
eR dB × × ×
(C) toward left 19. A thin copper wire of length 100 metres is wound
m dt P
as a solenoid of length l and radius r. Its self
(D) zero
inductance is found to be L. Now if the same
15. When a ‘J’ shaped conducting rod is rotating in its length of wire is wound as a solenoid of length l
own plane with constant angular velocity , about but of radius r/2, then its self inductance will be-
 (A) 4L (B) 2L
one of its end P, in a uniform magnetic field B
(C) L (D) L/2
directed normally into the plane of paper) then
magnitude of emf induced across it will be 20. A small coil of radius r is placed at the centre of a
(A) B L2  l 2 large coil of radius R, where
× × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × × R >> r. The coils are coplanar. The coefficient of
1 × × × × × × × ×
(B) BL2 × × ×l × × ×L × ×
mutual inductance between the coils is
2 ×Q
× × × × × × ×  0 r  0 r 2
1 2 2 × × × × × × × × (A) (B)
(C) B(L  l ) × P× × × × × × × 2R 2R
2 × × × × × × × ×  0 r 2  0 r
1 2 (C) (D)
(D) Bl 2R 2 2R 2

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.35

21. The role of self-inductance in a circuit is equivalent to : 26. The coefficient of self-induction of two coils are
(A) momentum (B) force 0.01 H and 0.03 H respectively. If they oppose each
(C) energy (D) inertia
other then the resultant self induction will be, if
22. The approximate formula expressing the mutual M = 0.01 H
inductance of two thin co-axial loops of the same (A) 2H (B) 0.2 H
radius ‘a’ when their centres are separated by a (C) 0.02 H (D) zero.
distance , with  >> a is :
1  o a 4 1  oa 4 Section D - L-R circuit, L-C Oscillations
(A) (B)
2 l3 2 l2 27. A rectangular loop with a sliding connector of
 a 2  a4 length 10 cm is situated in uniform magnetic field
(C) 0 . 2 (D) 0 . 3
4 l  l perpendicular to plane of loop. The magnetic
induction is 0.1 tesla and resistance of connector
23. Consider a toroid with N turns as shown in Figure. (R) is 1 ohm. The sides AB and CD have
The space inside the solenoid is filled up with
uniform paramagnetic substance of permeability r, resistances 2 ohm and 3 ohm respectively. Find the
the inductance is : current in the connector during its motion with
constant velocity one meter/sec.
 r  0 N 2 a  a  
 Where L0  n 1   
 2  b  A D

2 3
a+ R
b 1 1
(A) A (B) A
110 220
1 1
(C) A (D) A
55 440
(A) 2 L0 (B) 28. In the circuit shown, the cell is ideal. The coil has
(C) L0 (D) 4 L0 an inductance of 4H and zero resistance. F is a
fuse of zero resistance and will blow when the
24. The inductance per unit length of the double tape current through it reaches 5A. The switch is closed
shown with h<<b is : (Here I is the linear density of
at t = 0. The fuse will blow : L
currents) is :
(A) just after t = 0 fuse
l (B) after 2s
(C) after 5 s
(D) after 10s
h 29. In Previous Problem if I is reversed in direction,
b then VB – VA equals
b h (A) 5V (B) 10 V
(A)  0 (B)  0 (C) 15 V (D) 20 V
h b
h b 30. The network shown in the figure is part of a
(C) 2 0 (D) 2 0
b h complete circuit. If at a certain instant, the current
I is 5A and it is decreasing at a rate of 103 As–1
25. Two coil of self-inductances 2 mH and 8 mH are then VB – VA equals
placed so close together that the effective flux in 5 mH
1 +
one coil is completely linked with the other. the A B
mutual inductance between those coils is: I
15 V
(A) 16 mH (B) 10 mH (A) 20 V (B) 15 V
(C) 6 mH (D) 4 mH (C) 10 V (D) 5 V

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.36 Theory and Exercise Book

31. In the circuit shown, X is joined to Y for a long time, 35. The ratio of time constant in charging and
and then x is joined to Z. The total heat produced in discharging in the circuit shown in figure is
R2 is : R
LE 2 R2 L
2 R12
LE 2 X Z
2 R 22 L Y V
LE 2 (A) 1 : 1 (B) 3 : 2
(C) 2 R R E R1 (C) 2 : 3 (D) 1 : 3
1 2

LE 2 R 2 36. The current in the given circuit is increasing with a

(D) rate a = 4 amp/s. The charge on the capacitor at an
instant when the current in the circuit is 2 amp will be :
32. Calculate the ratio of power desipatted by the bulb E=4V
at t = 1 sec and t = 2 sec after closing the switch-
V=200 volt
R  1
P=100 watt

L=1H C  3F
(A) 4 C (B) 5 C
(C) 6C (D) none of these
e2  e2 
(A) 4 (B)  2  Section E - Induced, Properties of EM Waves

e -1  (e  1) 
37. There are three wavelengths, 107 m, 10-10 m and
e2 -1 10-7 m, Find their respective names :
(C) 4 (D) None of these
e +1 (A) Radio waves, X-rays, visible rays
(B) X-rays, visible rays, Radio waves
33. Figure shows a square loop of side 0.5 m and (C) X-rays, -rays, visible rays
resistance 10  . The magnetic field has a (D) Visible rays, -rays and X-rays
magnitude B = 1.0T. The work done in pulling the
loop out of the field uniformly in 2.0 s is
38. The electric field associated with an e.m. wave in

vacuum is given by E  iˆ 40 cos (kz–6×108 t),
B=0 where E, z and t are in volt/m, meter and second
× × × ×
respectively. The value of wave vector k is :
× × × × v (A) 3 m-1 (B) 2 m-1
(C) 0.5 m (D) 6 m-1
× × × ×

(A) 3.125 × 10–3 J (B) 6.25 × 10–4 J

(C) 1.25 × 10–2 J (D) 5.0 × 10–4 J

34. Two coils of self inductance 100 mH and 400 mH

are placed very close to each other. Find the
maximum mutual inductance between the two
when 4 A current passes through them
(A) 200 mH (B) 300 mH
(C) 100 2 mH (D) none of these

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.37

Exercise - 2 (Level-II) Multiple Correct | JEE Advanced

Section A - Flux, Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law 4. A rectangular frame ABCD made of a uniform
metal wire has a straight connection between E &
1. Two circular coils P & Q are fixed coaxially &
F made of the same wire as shown in the figure.
carry currents I1 and I2 respectively
AEFD is a square of side 1 m & EB = FC = 0.5 m.
I1 I2
The entire circuit is placed in a steadily increasing
uniform magnetic field directed into the place of
the paper & normal to it. The rate of change of the
P Q magnetic field is 1 T/s, the resistance per unit
(A) if I2 = 0 & P moves towards Q, a current in the
length of the wire is 1 /m. Find the current in
same direction as I1 is induced in Q segments AE, BE & EF.
(B) if I1 = 0 & Q moves towards P, a current in the
7 A E B
opposite direction to that of I2 is induced in P. (A) IEA = A
22 ×× × × ×
(C) When I1  0 and I2  0 are in the same ×× × × ×

direction then the two coils tend to move apart. 3
A ××B × × ×
(B) IBE =
(D) when I1  0 and l2  0 are in opposite directions 11 ×
then the coils tends to move apart. 1
(C) IFE = A
2. Figure shown plane figure made of a conductor
(D) None of these
located in a magnetic field along the inward normal
to the plane of the figure. The magnetic field starts
Section B - EMF induced in Moving Rod,
diminishing. Then the induced current Rotating Ring, Disc.
× × × ×
× × × × 5. AB and CD are smooth parallel rails, separated by
× × × R× a distance l, and inclined to the horizontal at an
× × × × angle . A uniform magnetic field of magnitude B,
(A) at point P is clockwise directed vertically upwards, exists in the region. EF
(B) at point Q is anticlockwise is a conductor of mass m, carrying a current i. For
(C) at point Q is clockwise EF to be in equilibrium,
(D) at point R is zero B F D

3. A bar magnet is moved along the axis of copper C 

ring placed far away from the magnet. Looking B
from the side of the magnet, an anticlockwise L
current is found to be induced in the ring. Which of

the following may be true ? A
(A) The south pole faces the ring and the magnet (A) i must flow from E to F
moves towards it. (B) Bil = mg tan 
(B) The north pole faces the ring and the magnet (C) Bil = mg sin 
moves towards it. (D) Bil = mg
(C) The south pole faces the ring and the magnet
moves away from it.
(D) The north pole faces the ring and the magnet
moves away from it.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.38 Theory and Exercise Book

6. A semicircle conducting ring of radius R is placed 8. The switches in figures (a) and (b) are closed at
in the xy plane, as shown in the figure. A uniform t=0
magnetic field is set up along the x-axis. No net C R L R
emf, will be induced in the ring. if

(a) (b)
(A) The charge on C just after t = 0 is EC.
Z (B) The charge on C long after t = 0 is EC.
(A) it moves along the x-axis
(C) The current in L just after t = 0 is E/R.
(B) it moves along the y-axis
(D) The current in L long after t = 0 is E/R.
(C) it moves along the z-axis
(D) it remains stationary
9. An inductance L, resistance R, battery B and
switch S are connected in series. Voltmeters VL
Section D - L-R circuit, L-C Oscillations and VR are connected across L and R respectively.
7. Current growth in two L-R circuits (b) and (c) as When switch is closed :
shown in figure (a). Let L1, L2, R1 and R2 be the VL VR

corresponding values in two circuits. Then


(c) R1 B S
(A) The initial reading in VL will be greater than in VR
(a) (B) The initial reading in VL will be lesser than VR
(C) The initial readings in VL and VR will be the same.
(D) The reading in VL will be decreasing as time
L2 R2

S 10. Two different coils have self inductance 8mH and

(c) 2mH. The current in one coil is increased at a
(A) R1 > R2 (B) R1 = R2 constant rate. The current in the second coil is also
(C) L1 > L2 (D) L1 < L2 increased at the same constant. At a certain instant
of time, the power given to the two coils is the
same. At that time the current, the induced voltage
and the energy stored in the first coil are I1, V1 and
W1 respectively. Corresponding values for the
second coil at the same instant are I2, v2 and W2
respectively. Then :
1 1 I
(A) I = 4 (B) I = 4
2 2

2 2V 1
(C) W = 4 (D) V = 4
1 1

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.39

Exercise - 3 | Level-I Subjective | JEE Advanced

Section A - Flux, Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law 7. The horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic
field at a place is 3 × 10 –4 T and the dip is
1. A charged ring of mass m = 50 gm, charge 2 tan–1(4/3). A metal rod of length 0.25 m placed in
coulomb and radius R = 2m is placed on a smooth the north-south position is moved at a constant speed
horizontal surface. A magnetic field varying with of 10 cm/s towards the east. Find the e.m.f induced
time at a rate of (0.2 t) Tesla/sec is applied on to in the rod.
the ring in a direction normal to the surface of ring.
Find the angular speed attained in a time 8. Two long parallel conducting horizontal rails are
connected by a conducting wire at one end. A
t1 = 10 sec.
uniform magnetic field B exists in the region of
L space. A light uniform ring of diameter d which is
2. Find the dimension of the quantity , where practically equal to separation between the rails, is
symbols have usual meaning. placed over the rails as shown in the figure. If
resistance of ring is  per unit length, calculate the
3. There exists a uniform cylindrically symmetric force required to pull the ring with uniform velocity v.
magnetic field directed along the axis of a cylinder 
but varying with time as B = kt. If an electron is B F
released from rest in this field at a distance of ‘r’
from the axis of cylinder, its acceleration, just after it
is released would be (e and m are the electronic
charge and mass respectively) 9-10. A pair of parallel horizontal conducting rails of
negligible resistance shorted at one end is fixed on
4. A conducting circular loop is placed in a uniform a table, The distance between the rails is L. A
magnetic field of 0.02 T, with its plane perpendicular conducting massless rod of resistance R can slide
to the field. If the radius of the loop starts shrinking on the rails frictionlessly. The rod is tied to a
at a constant rate of 1.0 mm/s, then find the emf massless string which passes over a pulley fixed to
induced in the loop, at the instant when the radius is the edge of the table. A mass m, tied to the other
4 cm. end of the string hangs vertically. A constant
magnetic field B exists perpendicular to the table.
Section B - EMF induced in Moving Rod, If the system is released from rest, calculate.
Rotating Ring, Disc. 9. the terminal velocity achieved by the rod.

5. A metal rod of resistance 20 is fixed along a 10. the acceleration of the mass at the instant when
diameter of a conducting ring of radius 0.1 m and the velocity of the rod is half the terminal velocity.
lies on x-y plane. There is a magnetic field

B = (50T) kˆ . The ring rotates with an angular
velocity  = 20 rad/sec about its axis. An external
resistance of 10 is connected across the centre
of the ring and rim. Find the current through external

6. A uniform magnetic field of 0.08 T is directed into 11. A horizontal wire is free to slide on the vertical rails
the plane of the page and perpendicular to it as shown of a conducting frame as shown in figure. The wire
in the figure. A wire loop in the plane of the page has has a mass m and length l and the resistance of the
constant area 0.010 m2. The magnitude of magnetic circuit is R. If a uniform magnetic field B is directed
field decrease at a constant rate of 3.0 × 10–4 Ts–1. perpendicular to the frame, then find the terminal
Find the magnitude and direction of the induced emf speed of the wire as it falls under the force of gravity.
in the loop.
× × × × × ×
× × × × × × × × × × × m×
× × × × × × × × × × × ×
× ×B × × × ×
× × × × × × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × × × × × ×
× × ×B× × × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × × ×R × × ×

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.40 Theory and Exercise Book

12. A long straight wire is arranged along the symmetry 17. Two coils, 1 & 2, have a mutual inductance = M
axis of a toroidal coil of rectangular cross-section, and resistance R each. A current flows in coil 1,
whose dimensions are given in the figure. The
number of turns on the coil is N, and relative which varies with time as : I1 = kt2, where K is a
permeability of the surrounding medium is unity. Find constant and ‘t’ is time. Find the total charge that
the amplitude of the emf induced in this coil, if the has flown through coil 2, between t = 0 and t = T.
current i = im cos t flows along the straight wire.
b 18. Suppose the emf of the battery, the circuit shown
varies with time t so the current is given by i(t)
a = 3 + 5t, where i is in amperes & t is in seconds.
h Take R = 4, L = 6H & find an expression for the
battery emf as function of time.
R i(t)

13. A rectangular loop with current I has dimension as  L

shown in figure. Find the magnetic flux  through
the infinite region to the right of line PQ.
a 19. The mutual inductance between the rectangular loop
and the long straight wire as shown in figure is M.
i b

b B
i1 c
Q a
14. A rectangular loop with a sliding connector of length
l = 1.0 m is situated in a uniform magnetic field B =
2T perpendicular to the plane of loop. Resistance
of connector is r = 2. Two resistances of 6 and
3 are connected as shown in figure. Find the external 20. Two coils are at fixed locations. When coil 1 has no
force required to keep the connector moving with a current and the current in coil 2 increases at the
constant velocity v = 2m/s.
rate 15.0 A/s the e.m.f. in coil 1 in 25.0 mV, when
 coil 2 has no current and coil 1 has a current of 3.6
A, flux linkage in coil 2 is
6 3

21. How many meters of a thin wire are required to

manufacture a solenoid of length l0 = 100 cm and
Section C, D - Self Induction, Mutual inductance L = 1 mH, if the solenoid’s cross-
Induction, L-R circuit, L-C Oscillations sectional diameter is considerably less than its length.
15. An emf of 15 volt is applied in a circuit containing 5
H inductance and 10  resistance. Find the ratio of 22. Find the inductance of a solenoid of length  whose
the currents at time t =  and t = 1 second. winding is made of copper wire of mass m. the
winding resistance is equal to R. The solenoid di-
16. In the circuit shown in figure switch S is closed at ameter is considerably less than its length.
time t = 0. Find the charge which passes through
the battery in one time constant. 23. If the radius of outside cylinder is  times the inside
one for a cable consisting of two thin walled co-
R axial metallic cylinders, the inductance per unit
length is :


Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.41

Exercise - 3 | Level-II Subjective | JEE Advanced

Section A - Flux, Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law Section B - EMF induced in Moving Rod,
Rotating Ring, Disc.
1-3. A magnetic field B = (B0 y/a) k̂ is into the plane of
paper in the +z direction. B0 and a are positive 6. Two straight conducting rails from a right angle
constants. A square loop EFGH of side a, mass m where their ends are joined. A conducting bar
and resistance R, in x-y plane, starts falling under contact with the rails starts at vertex at the time t =
the influence of gravity. Note the directions of x
0 & moves symmetrically with a constant velocity
and y in the figure. Find
of 5.2 m/s to the right as shown in figure. A 0.35 T
magnetic field points out of the page. Calculate :
O x
   (i) The flux through the triangle by the rails & bar
   at t = 3.0 s.
G H g
   (ii) The emf around the triangle at that time.
y (iii) In what manner does the emf around the triangle
vary with time.
1. the induced current in the loop and indicate its
5.2 m/s
2. the total Lorentz force acting on the loop and indicate 90°
its direction.

3. an expression for the speed of the loop, v(t) and its

terminal value. 7. Two long parallel rails, a distance l apart and each
having a resistance . per unit length are joined at
one end by a resistance R. A perfectly conducting
(Question No. 4 to 5)
rod MN of mass m is free to slide along the rails
A square wire loop with 2 m sides in
without friction. There is a uniform magnetic field
perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field, with half
of induction B normal to the plane of the paper and
the area of the loop in the field. The loop contains a
20 V battery with negligible internal resistance. If directed into the paper. A variable force F is applied
the magnitude of the field varies with time according to the rod MN such that, as the rod moves, a
to B = 0.042 – 0.87 t, with B in tesla & t in sec. constant current i flows through R. Find the velocity
of the rod and the applied force F as function of the
distance x of the rod from R
4. What is the total emf in the circuit ?

5. What is the direction of the current through the

battery ? B
R d

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.42 Theory and Exercise Book

Section C, D - Self Induction, Mutual Induction,

L-R circuit, L-C Oscillations
40 S2
8-9. A metal rod OA of mass m & length r is kept rotating
with a constant angular speed  in a vertical plane
about a horizontal axis at the end O. The free end
A is arranged to slide without friction along a fixed
conducting circular ring in the same plane as that 11. The inductance per unit length of the system (as
of rotation. A uniform & constant. magnetic shown in Figure) is :

induction B is applied perpendicular & into the plane
of rotation as shown in figure. An inductor L and an
external resistance R are connected through a a
switch S between the point O & a point C on the d
ring to form an electrical circuit. Neglect the
resistance of the ring and the rod. Initially, the switch
is open. a

× × × y× ×
× × × × ×
× × × × A×
s × × × × ×
12. Consider a coil of circular ring cross section with
× × ×O × × x inside radius a and the outside radius b. The thick-
R × × × × × ness is h. The coil has N turns and there is an infi-
× × × × ×
C nite wire as shown in figure., the mutual inductance
L of the system is :

8. What is the induced emf across the terminals of

the switch ?
9. (i) Obtain an expression for the current as a function
of time after switch S is closed.
(ii) Obtain the time dependence of the torque
required to maintain the constant angular speed, init
Inf i re
given that the rod OA was along the positive X- w
axis at t = 0.

10. In the circuit shown in the figure the switched S1

and S2 are closed at time t = 0. After time t = (0.1)
ln 2 sec, switch S2 is opened. Find the current in
the circuit at time t = (0.2) ln 2 sec.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.43

Exercise - 4 | Level-I Previous Year | JEE Main

1. One conducting U-tube can slide inside another as 5. Two coaxial solenoids are made by winding thin
shown in figure, maintaining electrical contacts insulated wire over a pipe of cross-sectional area
A = 10 cm2 and length = 20 cm. If one of the
between the tubes. The magnetic field B is
solenoids has 300 turns and the other 400 turns,
perpendicular to the plane of the figure. If each their mutual inductance is
tube moves towards the other at a constant speed
( 0  4  107 TmA 1 )
v, then the emf induced in the circuit in terms of B,
(AIEEE 2008)
l and v, where l is the width of each tube, will be
(A) 2.4  105 H (B) 4.8  104 H
(AIEEE 2005) (C) 4.8  105 H (D) 2.4  104 H

x x x x x x x x x B
x 6. A horizontal straight wire 20 m long extending from
x x x
x east to west falling with a speed of 5.0 m/s, at right
x x angles to the horizontal component of the earth's
V x V x magentic field 0.30 × 10–4 Wb/m2. The instantaneous
x x x value of the emf induced in the wire will be
(AIEEE 2011)
xD x x x x x x x Cx
(A) 6.0 mV (B) 3 mV
(C) 4.5 mV (D) 1.5 mV
(A) Blv (B) –Blv
(C) zero (D) 2 Blv 7. A coil is suspended in a uniform magnetic field with
the plane of the coil parallel to the magnetic lines.
2. A long solenoid has 200 turns/cm and carries a When a current is passed through the coil, it starts
current I. The magnetic field at its centre is 6.28 × oscillating; it is very difficult to stop. But if an
aluminium plate is placed near to the coil, it stops,
10–2 Wb/m2. Another long solenoid has 100 turns/ This is due to
cm and it carries a current I/3. The value of the (AIEEE 2012)
magnetic field at its centre is (A) development of air current when the
(AIEEE 2006) plate is placed
(B) induction of electrical charge on the plate
(A) 1.05  10 2 Wb / m 2
(C) shielding of magnetic lines of force as aluminium
(B) 1.05  10 5 Wb / m 2 is a paramagnetic material
(D) electromagnetic induction in the aluminium plate
(C) 1.05  10 3 Wb / m 2 giving rise to electromagnetic damping.
(D) 1.05  10 4 Wb / m 2
8. A metallic rod of length 'l' is tied to a string of length
2 l and made to rotate with angular speed  on a
3. The flux linked with a coil at any instant t is given horizontal table with one end of the string fixed. If
there is a vertical magnetic field 'B' in the region,
by   10t 2  50t  250 . The induced emf at the e.m.f. induced across the ends of the rod is:
t = 3s is (AIEEE 2006) [JEE MAIN 2013]
(A) –190 V (B) –10 V
(C) 10 V (D) 190 V

4. In an AC generator, a coil with N turns, all of the

same area A and total resistance R, rotates with
frequency  in a magnetic field B. The maximum
value of emf generated in the coil is 4B  l 2 5B  l 2
(A) (B)
(AIEEE 2006) 2 2
(A) N A B R  (B) N A B 2B  l 2 3B  l2
(C) N A B R (D) N A B  (C) (D)
2 2

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.44 Theory and Exercise Book

9. Match List-I (Electromagnetic wave type) with List-II 13. During the propagation of electromagnetic waves
(Its association/application) and select the correct option in a medium : [JEE MAIN 2014]
fromthechoicesgivenbelowthelists:[JEEMAIN2014] (A) Electric energy density is equal to the mag-
List-I List-II netic energy density.
To treat muscular (B) Both electric and magnetic energy densities are
(a) Infrared waves (i) zero.
(b) Radio waves (ii) For broadcasting (C) Electric energy density is double of the mag-
netic energy density.
To detect fracture
(c) X-rays (iii) (D) Electric energy density is half of the magnetic
of bones
energy density.
Absorbed by the
(d) Ultraviolet rays (iv) ozone layer of the 14. Arrange the following electromagnetic radiations per
atmosphere quantum in the order of increasing energy :
(a) (b) (c) (d) [JEE MAIN 2016]
(A) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv) (1) Blue light (2) Yellow light
(B) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (3) X–ray (4) Radiowave.
(C) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i) (A) 1,2,4,3 (B) 3,1,2,4
(D) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii) (C) 2,1,4,3 (D) 4,2,1,3

10. A circular loop of radius 0.3 cm lies parallel to a much

15. In a coil of resistance 100 , a current is induced
bigger circular loop of radius 20 cm. The centre of by changing the magnetic flux through it as shown
the small loop is on the axis of the bigger loop. The in the figure. The magnitude of change in flux
distance between their centres is 15 cm. If a current through the coil is - [JEE MAIN 2017]
of 2.0 A flows through the smaller loop, then the flux
linked with bigger loop is [JEE MAIN 2013] 10
(A) 9.2×10-11 Wb (B) 6×10-11 Wb
(C) 3.3×10-11 Wb (D) 6×10-9 Wb
11. The magnetic field in a travelling electromagnetic
wave has a peak value of 20 nT. The peak value of
electric field strength is : [JEE MAIN 2013]
(A) 9 V/m (B) 12 V/m Time
(C) 3 V/m (D) 6 V/m (A) 275 Wb (B) 200 Wb
(C) 225 Wb (D) 250 Wb
12. A conducor lies along the z-axis at
– 1.5  z < 1.5 m and carries a fixed current of 10.0 16. An EM wave from air enters a medium. The electric
  
A in – â z direction (see figure). For a field B z 
fields are E1  E01.x̂ cos2v c  t  in air and
  
= 3.0 × 10–4 e–0.2x ây T, find the power required to 
move the conductor at constant speed to x = 2.0 m, E2  E02 .x̂ cos[k(2z  ct)] in medium, where the
y = 0 m in 5 × 10–3 s. Assume parallel motion along wave number k and frequency v refer to their values
the x-axis. [JEE MAIN 2014] in air. The medium is non-magnetic. If r1 and r2
refer to relative permittivities of air and medium
respectively, which of the following options is
correct ? [JEE MAIN 2018]
r1 1 r1
(A)  = (B)  = 4
r2 2 r2

r1 r1 1
(C)  = 2 (D)  =
(A) 14.85 W (B) 29.7 W r2 r2 4
(C) 1.57 W (D) 2.97 W

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.45

Exercise - 4 | Level-II Previous Year | JEE Advanced

1. An infinitely long cylindrical conducting rod is kept Paragraph (Q. 5 to 7)
along +Z direction. A constant magnetic field is also
present in +Z direction. Then current induced will be Modern trains are based on Maglev technology in which trains
(A) 0 are magnetically leviated, which runs its EDS Maglev system.
(B) along +Z direction
(C) along clockwise as seen from +Z There are coils on both sides of wheels. Due to motion of
(D) along anticlockwise as seen from +Z train, current induces in the coil of track which levitate in.
[JEE’ 2005 (Scr)] This is in accordance with Lenz’s law. If trains lower down

2. A long solenoid of radius then due to Lenz’s law a repulsive force increases due to
a and number of turns per R which train gets uplifted and if it goes much high then there
unit length n is enclosed by a

cylindrical shell of radius is a net downward force due to gravity. The advantage of
R, thickness d (d<<R) and Maglev train is that there is no friction between the train
length L. A variable
and the track, thereby reducing power consumption and
current i = i0 sint flows
through the coil. If the L enabling the train to attain very high speeds.
resistivity of the material
of cylindrical shell is , find Disadvantage of Maglev train is that as it slows down the
the induced electromagnetic forces decreases and it becomes deffficult
current in the shell.
to keep it leviated and as it moves forward according to
[JEE 2005]
Lenz’s law ther is an electromagnetic drag froce.
3. In the given diagram, a line of force of a particular [JEE 2006]
force field is shown. Out of the following options,
it can never represent 5. What is the advantage of this system?
(A) No friction hence no power consumption
(B) No electric power is used
(C) Gravitation force is zero
(A) an electrostatic field (D) Electrostatic force draws the train
(B) a magnetostatic field
(C) a gravitational field of a mass at rest
(D) an induced electric field 6. What is the disadvantage of this system?
[JEE 2006] (A)Train experiences upward force
according to Lenz’s law
4. Match the following Columns
[JEE 2006] (B) Friction force create a drag on the train
Column I Column II (C) Retardation
(A) Dielectric ring (P)Time
uniformly charged independent (D) By Lenz’s law train experience a drag
electrostatic field
out of system
7. Which force causes the train to elevate up?
(B) Dielectric ring (Q) Magnetic field
uniformly charged rotating with (A) Electrostatic force
angular velocity (B) Time varying electric field
(C) Constant (R) Induced electric
(C) Magnetic force
current i0 in ring field
(D) Current i = (S) Magnetic (D) Induced electric field
i0 cos t in ring moment

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.46 Theory and Exercise Book

8. Statement-I Column I Column II

A vertical iron rod has a coil of wire wound over it (A) The energy of (P) System : A capacitor
at the bottom end. An alternating current flows in the system is initially uncharged
the coil. The rod goes through a conducting ring as Increased Increased
shown in the figure The ring can float at a certain Process: It is
connected to a battery
height above the coil
(B) Mechanical (Q) System : A gas in an
energy is adiabatic container
provided to the fitted with an adiabatic
system, which pi ston
is converted Process : The gas is
because into energy of compressed by
Statement - II random motion pushing the piston
of its parts
In the above situation, a current is induced in the (C) Internal energy (R) System : a gas in a
ring which interacts with the horizontal component of the system is rigid container
of the magnetic field to produce an average force converted into Process : The gas gets
its mechanical cooled due to colder
in the upward direction.
energy. atmosphere
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; surrounding it
Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1 (D) Mass of the (S) System : A heavy
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; system is nucleus initially at rest
decreased Process : The nucleus
Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for fissions into two
Statement-1 fragment s of nearly
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False equal masses and
some neutrons are
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True emitted
[JEE 2007]
(T) System : A
resistive wire loop
9. This section contains 2 questions. Each questions Process : The loop
contains statements given in two columns, which is placed in a time
have to be matched. The statements in Column I varying magnetic
field perpendicular
are labelled A, B, C and D, while the statements in
to its plane.
Column II are labelled p, q, r, s and t. Any given
statement in Column I can have correct matching 10. Two metallic rings A and B, identical in shape and
with one or more statement(s) in Column II. The size but having different resistivities A and B , are
appropriate bubbles corresponding to the answers kept on top of two identical solenoids as shown in
to these questions have to be darkened as illustrated the figure. When current I is switched on in both
in the following example : the solenoids in identical manner, the rings A and B
If the correct matches are A – p, s and t; B – q and jump to heights hA and hB , respectively, with hA >
r ; C – p and q; and D – s and t; then the correct h B . The possible relation(s) between their
darkening of bubbles will look like the following. resistivities and their masses mA and mB is (are)
Column II gives certain systems undergoing a [JEE 2009]
process. Column I suggests changes in some of
(A) A > B and mA = mB
the parameters related to the system. Match the
statements in Column I to the appropriate (B) A < B and mA = mB
process(es) from Column II. [JEE 2009] (C) A > B and mA > mB
(D) A < B and mA < mB

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.47

11. The figure shows certain wire segments joined 14. A circular wire loop of radius R is placed in the x-y
together to form a coplanar loop. The loop is placed plane centered at the origin O. A square loop of
in a perpendicular magnetic field in the direction side a(a<<R) having two turns is placed with its
going into the plane of the figure. The magnitude of center at z = 3 R along the axis of the circular
the field increases with time. I1 and I2 are the
wire loop, as shown in figure. The plane of the
currents in the segments ab and cd. Then, o
square loop makes an angle of 45 with respect to
[JEE 2009]
the z-axis. If the mutual inductance between the
(A) I1 > I2 (B) I1 < I2  0a 2
loops is given by , then value of p is
(C) I1 is in the direction 2p / 2 R
ba and I2 is in the [JEE 2012]
direction cd
(D) I1 is in the direction 45o

ab and I2 is in the
direction dc
3 R

12. A long circular tube of length 10m and

radius 0.3 m carries a
current l along its curved
surface as
shown. A wire-loop Paragraph for Questions 15 and 16
of resistance 0.005 ohm A point charge Q is moving in a circular orbit of radius
and of radius 0.1 m is R in the x-y plane with an angular velocity . This
placed inside the tube with I can be considered as equivalent to a loop carrying a
its axis coinciding with the Q
axis of the tube. The steady current . A uniform magnetic field along
the positive z-axis is now switched on, which
varies as l = l0 cos (300 t) where I0 is constant. If increases at a constant rate from 0 to B in one second.
the magnetic moment of the loop is N 0 I0 sin(300t), Assume that the radius of the orbit remains constant.
then 'N' is The application of the magnetic field induces an emf
[JEE 2011] in the orbit. The induced emf is defined as the work
done by an induced electric field in moving a unit
13. A current carrying infinitely long wire is kept along positive charge around a closed loop. It is known
the diameter of a circular wire loop, without touching that, for an orbiting charge, the magnetic dipole
it. The correct statement(s) is(are) moment is proportional to the angular momentum with
[JEE 2012] a proportionality constant .
(A) The emf induced in the loop is zero if the current
is constant. 15. The magnitude of the induced electric field in the
(B) The emf induced in the loop is finite if the current orbit at any instant of time during the time interval
is constant. of the magnetic field change is
(C) The emf induced in the loop is zero if the current
decreases at a steady rate. (A) (B)
4 2
(D) The emf induced in the loop is finite if the current
(C) BR (D) 2BR
decreases at a steady rate.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.48 Theory and Exercise Book

16. The change in the magnetic dipole moment I(x)

associated with the orbit, at the end of the time
interval of the magnetic field change, is
3L 4L
2 (B) 0 L 2L
(A) - BQR2 (B)   B Q R

BQR 2 I(x)
(C)  (D)  BQR2

17. A rigid wire loop of square shape having side of length

L and resistance R is moving along the x-axis with a
constant velocity v0 in the plane of the paper. At x
0 L 2L 3L 4L
t = 0, the right edge of the loop enters a region of
length 3L where there is a uniform magnetic field B0 I(x)

into the plane of the paper, as shown in the figure.

For sufficiently large v0, the loop eventually crosses
the region. Let x be location of the right edge of the (D)
loop. Let v(x), I(x) and F(x) represent the velocity of
the loop, current in the loop, and force on the loop, 0 L 2L 3L 4L

respectively, as a function of x. Counter-clockwise

18. A conducting loop in the shape of a right angled
current is taken as positive. [JEE 2016]
isosceles triangle of height 10 cm is kept, such that
the 90° vertex is very close to an infinitely long
conducting wire (see the figure). The wire is
× × electrically insulated from the loop. The hypotenuse
× ×
× × of the triangle is parallel to the wire. The current in
× × the triangular loop is in counterclockwise direction
× ×
× × and increased at a constant rate of 10 As-1. Which
× × of the following statement(s) is (are) true?
× ×
L × × [JEE-2016]
v0 × ×
× ×
× ×
× ×
× × 10cm 90º
0 L 2L 3L 4L
(A) The induced current in the wire is in opposite
direction to the current along the hypotenuse.
Which of the following schematic plot(s) is(are) (B) There is a repulsive force between the wire
and the loop.
correct ? (Ignore gravity)
(C) The magnitude of induced emf in the wire is
 μ0 
 π  volt
 
(D) If the loop is rotated at a constant angular speed
(A)  μ0 
about the wire, an additional emf of  π  volt is
 
0 L 2L 3L 4L induced in the wire.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.49

21. A uniform magnetic

19. Two inductors L1 (inductance 1 mH, internal y
field B exists in the Region 1 Region 2 Region 3

resistance 3 ) and L2 (inductance 2 ml internal region between x = 0

resistance 4), and a resistor R (resistance 12) and x  (region 2
in the figure) pointing
are all connected in parallel across a 5V battery.
normally into the
The circuit is switched on at time t = 0. The ratio of plane of the paper. A x
particle with charge
+Q P1
the maximum the minimum current (Imass/Imin ) +Q and momentum p
directed along x-axis
drawn from the battery is [JEE-2016]
enters region 2 from
region 1 at point P 1 3R/2
20. A circular insulated copper wire loop is twisted to (y=–R). Which of the
form two loops of area A and 2A as shown in the following option(s)
is/are correct? [JEE-2017]
figure. At the point of crossing the wires remain
electrically insulated from each other. The entire (A) For B  , the particle will re-enter region 1
loop lies in the plane (of
the paper). A uniform (B) For B  8 P , the particle will enter region
 13 QR
magnetic field B points 3 through the point P2 on x-axis
(C) For a fixed B, particles of same charge Q and
into the plane of the paper. same velocity v, the distance between the point P1
At t = 0, the loop starts and the point of re-entry into region 1 is inversely
rotating about the common proportional to the mass of the particle.
(D) When the particle re-enters region 1 through
diameter as axis with a the longest possible path in region2, the magnitude
constant angular velocity of the change in its linear momentum between point
 in the magnetic field. P1 and the farthest point from y-axis is P / 2 .
Which of the following
22. A source of constant voltage V is connected to a
options is/are correct? resistance R and two ideal inductors L1 and L2
(A) The net emf induced due to both the loops is through a switch S as shown. There is no mutual
inductance between the two inductors. The switch
proportional to cos t [JEE-2017] S is intially open. At t = 0, the switch is closed and
current begins to flow. Which of the following
(B) The rate of change of the flux is maximum options is/are correct? [JEE-2017]

when the plane of the loops is perpendicular to plane S

of the paper + V
– L1 L2
(C) The amplitude of the maximum net emf induced

due to both the loops is equal to the amplitude of V

(A) At t = 0, the current through the resistance R is
maximum emf induced in the smaller loop alone (B) The ratio of the currents through L1 and L2 is
fixed at all tmes (t>0)
(D) The emf induced in the loop is proportional to
(C) After a long time, the current through L2 will
the sum of the areas of the two loops V L1
be R L  L
1 2

(D) After a long time, the current through L1 will

V L2
be R L  L
1 2

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.50 Theory and Exercise Book

Paragraph - (23 to 25) [JEE-2017]

A charged particle (electron or proton) is introduced at the origin (x = 0, y = 0, z = 0) with a given initial velocity
    
 . A uniform electric field E and a uniform magnetic field B exist everywhere. The velocity  , electric field E

and magnetic field B are given in columns 1,2 and 3 respectively. The quantities E0, B0 are positive in magnitude.
Column-1 Column-2 Column - 3
 0 E  
(I) Electron with   2 B x̂ (i) E  E0ẑ (P) B  B0 x̂

 0E  
(II) Electron with   B ŷ (ii) E  E0ŷ (Q) B  B0 x̂
 
(III) Proton with   0 (iii) E  E0x̂ (R) B  B0 ŷ

 0 E  
(IV) Proton with   2 B x̂ (iv) E  E0x̂ (S) B  B0ẑ

23. In which case will the particle move in a straight line with constant velocity ?
(A) (IV) (i) (S) (B) (III) (ii) (R) (C) (II) (iii) (S) (D) (III) (iii) (P)

24. In which case will the particle describe a helical path with axis along the positive z-direction ?
(A) (IV) (i) (S) (B) (II) (ii) (R) (C) (III) (iii) (P) (D) (IV) (ii) (R)

25. In which case would the particle move in a straight line along the negative direction of y-axis (i.e., move along - ŷ ) ?
(A) (III) (ii) (R) (B) (IV) (ii) (S) (C) (III) (ii) (P) (D) (II) (iii) (Q)

26. In the figure below, the switches S1 and S2 are closed simultaneously at t = 0 and a current starts to flow in the
circuit. Both the batteries have the same magnitude of the electromotive force (emf) and the polarities are as
indicated in the figure. Ignore mutual inductance between the inductors. The current I in the middle wire reaches
its maximum magnitude Imax at time t = . Which of the following statements is (are) true? [JEE-2018]
R L R 2L


S1 S2
V V L 2L
(A) Imax  (B) Imax  (C)   ln 2 (D)   ln 2
2R 4R R R

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Electromagnetic Induction 3.51

Exercise - 1 Objective Problems | JEE Main

1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. B
8. C 9. B 10. B 11. B 12. A 13. C 14. B
15. A 16. C 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. B 21. C
22. B 23. A 24. A 25. C 26. B 27. D 28. C
29. C 30. A 31. A 32. A 33. C 34. A 35. B
36. A 37. D 38. C 39. A 40. A 41. A 42. D
43. A 44. B

Exercise - 2 (Level-I) Objective Problems | JEE Main

1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. D
8. A 9. A 10. C 11. A 12. B 13. D 14. A
15. C 16. D 17. A 18. A 19. C 20. B 21. D
22. A 23. C 24. B 25. D 26. C 27. B 28. D
29. C 30. B 31. A 32. B 33. A 34. A 35. B
36. C 37. A 38. B

Exercise - 2 (Level-II) Multiple Correct | JEE Advanced

1. B,D 2. A,C,D 3. B,C 4. A,B,C 5. A,B

6. A,B,C,D 7. B,D 8. B,D 9. A,D 10. A,C,D

Exercise - 3 | Level-I Subjective | JEE Advanced

1. 200 rad/sec 2 I– 1

r dB e E. er
3 E.F. =  a= a= k directed along tangent to the circle of radius r whose
2 dt m 2m
center lies on the axis of cylinder. 4. 5.0 V

1 4B2 vd
5. A 6. 3 V, clockwise 7. 10 V 8.
3 

mgR g mgR 0 hi m N b

9. Vterminal = ; 10. 11. 12. ln
B 2l 2 2 B 2l 2 2 a

0 ab e2 EL
13. = ILln 14. 2N 15. 16.
2 a 2
e –1 eR 2

0a  b 
17. kMT2/R 18. 42 + 20t volt 19. M ln 1   20. 6.00 mWb
2  c 

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
3.52 Theory and Exercise Book

0 mR r0
21. 0.10 km 22.  23. In 
4 0 2

Exercise - 3 | Level-II Subjective | JEE Advanced

B 0 av
1. i= in anticlockwise direction, v = velocity at time t

 B 20 a 2 t 
mgR  mR 
2. 2 2
Fnett = B a V/R 3. V = B2a 2  1 – e 4. 21.74 V
0 0

 

5. anticlockwise 6. (i) 85.22 Tm2, (ii) 56.8 V; (iii) linearly

I(R  2x) 2I 2 m (R  2x) 1

7. , + BId 8. (a) E = Br 2
Bd B2 d 2 2

Br2 |1– e–Rt / L | mgr wB 2 r 4

9. (i) I = , (ii)  = cost + (1 – e–Rt/L)
2R 2 4R

0  0 r Nh b
10. 67/32 A 11. In  12. In
 2 a

Exercise - 4 | Level-I Previous Year | JEE Main

1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. D
6. B 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. A
11. D 12. D 13. A 14. D 15. D
16. D

Exercise - 4 | Level-II Previous Year | JEE Advanced

(0 ni0  cos t)a 2 (Ld)

1. A 2. I= 3. A,C
4. (A) P; (B) P, Q, S; (C) Q, S; (D) Q, R,S

5. A 6. D 7. C 8. A

9. (A)  P,Q,S,T ; (B)  Q ; (C)  S ; (D)  S

10. B,D 11. D 12. 0006 13. A,C 14. 7

15. B 16. BC 17. A,B 18. B,C 19. 8

20. BC 21. AB 22. BCD 23. C 24. A

25. A 26. BD

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Alternating Current 4.1

Section A - Average and RMS value of 2

Alternating Current repeats its value after each time interval T =

1. ALTERNATING CURRENT as shown in figure. This time interval is called the
time period and  is angular frequency which is
Until now, we have studied only circuits with direct equal to 2 times of frequency f.
current (dc) which flows only in one direction (as  = 2f
shown in fiugre I and II). The primary source of A.C.
emf in such circuit is a battery. When a resistance
is connected across the terminals of the battery, a
current is established in the circuits, which flows in
a unique direction from the positive terminal to the
negative terminal via the external resistance. T
Fig - III


Fig - I

D.C. Fig - IV

The current is positive for half the time period and

t negative for remaining half period. It means that
Fig - II
the direction of current is reversed after each half
But most of the electric power generated and used
time period. The frequency of ac in India is 50 Hz.
in the world is in the form of alternating current
(ac), the magnitude of which changes continuously An alternating voltage is given by
with time and direction is reversed periodically
(as shown in figure III & IV)and it is given by V = V0 sin (t + )
i = i0 sin ( t + ) It also varies alternatively as shown in the figure
Here i is instantaneous value of current i.e., the (b), where V is instantaneous voltage and V0 is peak
magnitude of current at any instant of time and i0 is voltage. It is produced by ac generator also called
the maximum value of current which is called peak as ac dynamo.
current or the current amplitude and the current

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
4.2 Theory and Exercise Book

i0  cos(2  ) – cos  
= –  = 0 (as T = 2)
V T  
Since ac is positive during the first half cycle and
negative during the other half cycle so iavg will be
zero for long time also. Hence the dc instrument
will indicate zero deflection when connected to a
branch carrying ac current. So it is defined for either
positive half cycle or negative half cycle.
AC Circuit : An ac circuit consists of circuit
element i.e., resistor, capacitor, inductor or any
combination of these and a generator that provides
the alternating current as shown in figure. The ac i
0 sin(t  )
i avg  T/2 2i 0  0.637 i
= 0
source is represented by symbol ~ in 
 dt
the circuit. 0

Circuit element 2V0

Similarly Vavg =  0.637 V0


2. AVERAGE AND RMS VALUE OF Ex.1 If a direct current of value a ampere is
ALTERNATING CURRENT superimposed on an alternating current i = b
2.1 Average current (Mean current) sin  t flowing through a wire, what is the
As we know an alternating current is given by effective value of the resulting current in the
i = i0 sin (t + ) ...(1) circuit ?
The mean or the average value of ac over any time
T is given by
i + i =?
 idt
i avg  T

 dt
Sol. As current at any instant in the circuit will be,
i = idc + iac = a + b sin t
Using equation (1) 1/ 2
1 T 
T So, ieff = =  T (a  b sin t) dt

 0 

i0 sin(t  )dt
i avg  T 1 T 
1/ 2
2 2 2
 dt i.e., = eff  T ( a  2ab sin t  b sin t)dt
i 
0  0 
but as
In one complete cycle, the average current
1 1 1
i0  cos(t  ) 
sin t dt = 0 and sin 2 t dt  
i avg  – T T 2
T   0 0
 0
1/ 2
2 2 1 
i 0  cos(t  ) – cos   So, ieff = a  b 
2 
=–  
T 

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Alternating Current 4.3

2.2 R.M.S Value of alternating current EXAMPLE 2

The notation rms refers to root mean square, which
If the voltage in an ac circuit is represented
is given by square root of mean of square current.
by the equation,
i.e., i rms  i avg
V = 220 2 sin (314t – ),
2 calculate (a) peak and rms value of the voltage,
 i dt 1 2 2
(b) average voltage, (c) frequency of ac.
i 2avg = 0

= T i 0sin (wt+ f)dt
Sol. (a) For ac voltage,
 dt
0 V = V0 sin (t –  )
The peak value of voltage

= 2T [1 – cos 2(t  )]dt V0 = 220 2 = 311 V

The rms value of voltage

i20  sin 2(t  ) 
= t– V0
2T  2 
0 Vrms  ; Vrms  220 V
i20  sin(4  2) – sin 2  i2
=  T–  = 0 (b) Average voltage in full cycle is zero. Average
2T  2  2
voltage in half cycle is
irms =  0.707 i0
2 2 2
Vavg = V0 =  311 = 198.17 V
Similarly the rms voltage is given by  

V0 (c) As  = 2f, 2f = 314

Vrms =  0.707 V0
The significance of rms current and rms voltage 314
i.e., f = = 50 Hz
may be shown by considering a resistance R 2 
carrying a current i = i0 sin (t + )
The voltage across the resistor will be EXAMPLE 3
VR = Ri = (i0R) sin (t + )
The thermal energy developed in the resistor during The electric current in a circuit is given by
the time t to t + dt is i = i 0 (t/T) for some time. Calculate the rms
i2 R dt = i02R sin2(t + ) dt current for the period t = 0 to t = T.
The thermal energy developed in one time period is
Sol. The mean square current is
2 2 2
U=  i Rdt

= R i0 sin (t  )dt
0 1 2
(i 2 )avg  i0 (t / T) 2 dt = 03 t 2 dt  0
 
T0 T 0 3
1 T 2 2 
= RT  T i 0 sin (t  )dt  = i2rms RT
 T
 0  Thus, the rms current is
• It means the root mean square value of ac is that value
of steady current, which would generated the same irms = i 2avg. 
amount of heat in a given resistance in a given time.
• So in ac circuits, current and ac voltage are
measured in terms of their rms values. Likes when
we say that the house hold supply is 220 V ac it Now the student can attempt section-A questions
from Exercise.
means the rms value is 220 V and peak value is
220 2 = 311 V..

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
4.4 Theory and Exercise Book

S ection B - AC circuit only R, Only L, 3.2 When only Inductor is in An AC circuit

Only C, Combined Now consider an ac circuit consisting only of an
Inductor of inductance L connected to the terminals
3. SERIES AC CIRCUIT of an ac generator, as shown in the figure. The
3.1 Wh en only Re sistan ce is in an induced emf across the inductor is given by Ldi/dt.
AC circuit On applying Kirchhoff’s loop rule to the circuit

Consider a simple ac circuit consisting of a resistor  – VL = 0   – L 0
of resistance R and an ac generator, as shown in
the figure.According to Kirchhoff’s loop law at any When we rearrange this equation and substitute
 = 0 sin t, VL
instant, the algebraic sum of the potential difference
around a closed loop in a circuit must be zero. we get L
di ~
R L = 0 sin t ...(iii)
dt    0 sin t

Integration of this expression gives the current as a

function of time
   0 sin t
0 
 – VR = 0 iL = sin t dt = – 0 cos t  C
L L
 – iRR = 0
0 sint – iRR = 0 For average value of current over one time period
to be zero, C = 0
iR = sint = i0 sin t ..(i) 0
R cos t
 iL = –
where i0 is the maximum current. i0 = When we use the trigonometric identity
cost = – sin(t – /2), we can express equation as
From above equations, we see that the instantaneous
voltage drop across the resistor 0  
iL = sin  t –  ...(iv)
VR = i0R sint ...(ii) L  2
We see in equation (i) & (ii), iR and VR both vary as
From equation (iv), we see that the current reaches
sin t and reach their maximum values at the same
time as shown in figure (a), they are said to be in its maximum values when cos t = 1.
phase. A phasor diagram is used to represent phase 0 0
relationships. The lengths of the arrows correspond i0 = = X ...(v)
L L
to V0 and i0. The projections of the arrows onto the
vertical axis give VR and iR. In case of the single- where the quantity X L, called the inductive
loop resistive circuit, the current and voltage phasors reactance, is
lie along the same line, as shown in figure (b), XL = L
because iR and VR are in phase. The expression for the rms current is similar to
iR, VR equation (v), with 0 replaced by rms.
i0 iR Inductive reactance, like resistance, has unit of ohm.
iR di
V0 VR i0 VL  L   0 sin  t  i 0 X L sin  t
VR dt
We can think of equation (v) as Ohm’s law for an
inductive circuit.
Wave diagram
Phasor diagram
Fig.(a) Fig.(b) On comparing result of equation (iv) with equation
(iii), we can see that the current and voltage are

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Alternating Current 4.5

out of phase with each other by /2 rad, or 90º. A 3.3 When only Capacitor is in An AC
plot of voltage and current versus time is given in circuit
figure (a). The voltage reaches its maximum value Figure shows an ac circuit consisting of a capacitor
one quarter of an oscillation period before the of capacitance C connected across the terminals
current reaches its maximum value. The of an ac generator. On applying Kirchhoff’s loop
corresponding phasor diagram for this circuit is rule to this circuit, we get
shown in figure (b). Thus, we see that for a sinusoidal
applied voltage, the current in an inductor always
lags behind the voltage across the inductor by 90º. C
VL, iL
iL ~
t  – VC = 0
VC =  = 0 sin t ...(vi)
iL i0 where VC is the instantaneous voltage drop across
Wave diagram the capacitor. From the definition of capacitance,
Fig.(a) Phasor diagram
Fig.(b) VC = Q/C, and this value for VC substituted into
equation gives
Q = C 0 sin t
Since i = dQ/dt, on differentiating above equation
An inductor of inductance L = 5 H is connected
gives the instantaneous current in the circuit.
to an
AC source having voltage v = 10 sin (10t + dQ
iC   C0  cos t
L = 5H dt

) Here again we see that the current is not in phase
with the voltage drop across the capacitor, given by
equation (vi). Using the trigonometric identity cos
t = sin(t + /2), we can express this equation in
(i) Inductive Reactance (xL) the alternative from
(ii) Peak & Rms voltage (V0 & Vrms) 

(iii) Peak & Rms current (I0 & Irms) i C  C0 sin  t   ...(vii)
 2
(iv) Intstantatious current (I(t))
From equation (vii), we see that the current in the
Sol. (i) xL =  L = 10 × 5 = 50 circuit reaches its maximum value when cos t = 1.
(ii) v0 = 10 e0
i 0 = w Ce 0 =
10 Where XC is called the capacitive reactance.
vrms =
XC 
v0 1 C
(iii) I0  x  5 The SI unit of XC is also ohm. The rms current is

given by an expression similar to equation with V0

1 replaced by Vrms.
Irms =
5 2 Combining equation (vi) & (vii), we can express
the instantaneous voltage drop across the capacitor
1   as
(iv) I(t) = sin(10t  – )
5 6 2 VC = V0 sin t = i0 XC sin t

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
4.6 Theory and Exercise Book

Comparing the result of equation (v) with equation 4. SERIES L-R CIRCUIT
(vi), we see that the current is /2 rad = 90º out of Now consider an ac circuit consisting of a resistor
phase with the voltage across the capacitor. A plot of resistance R and an inductor of inductance L in
of current and voltage versus time, shows that the series with an ac source generator.
current reaches its maximum value one quarter of Suppose in phasor diagram, current is taken along
a cycle sooner than the voltage reaches its maximum positive x-direction. The VR is also along positive
x-direction and VL along positive y-direction as we
value. The corresponding phasor diagram is shown
know that potential difference across a resistance
in the figure (b). Thus we see that for a sinusoidally
in ac is in phase with current and it leads in phase
applied emf, the current always leads the voltage by 90º with current across the inductor, and as we
across a capacitor by 90º. know VR = i0R & V0 = i0 XL
VC, iC
i0 iC i0
VC i = i0 sin t
t VC
V0 ~

Wave diagram Phasor diagram y V

Fig (a) Fig.(b) VL V0

Brain Teaser
What is the reactance of a capacitor connected to  

a constant DC source ? VR i x

EXAMPLE 5 VR(t) = i0 Rsin  t

VL(t) = i0 XL sin (t + /2)
A capacitor of capacitive reactance 5  is
hence we can write
connected with A.C. source having voltage V(t) = i0R sin  t + i0 XL sin ( t + /2)
V = 3 sin ( t + /6). Find rms and Peak voltage
V0 = i0 x 2L  R 2
rms and peak current and instantaneous current
where x 2L  R 2 is known as impedence (z) of
the circuit.
now we can write

Vt  i0 x L2  R 2 sin(t  )
 xL
v  3 sin(t  )
6 where tan  =

Sol. On comparing with –1  L 

hence  = tan  
 R 
v  v 0 sin( t  )  v0 = 3

v0 3 v rms 3 EXAMPLE 6
Vrms    Irms   When 100 volt dc is applied across a coil, a
2 2 xc 5 2
current of 1 amp flows through it; when 100 V
ac of 50 Hz is applied to the same coil, only
v0 3  
I0    I(t) = I0 sin (t   ) 0.5 amp flows. Calculate the resistance of
xc 5 6 2 inductance of the coil.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Alternating Current 4.7

Sol. In case of a coil, i.e., L – R circuit.

V Now consider an ac circuit consisting of a resistor
i= with Z = R 2  X L2 = R 2  (L) 2
Z of resistance R and an capacitor of capacitance C
So when dc is applied,  = 0, so z = R in series with an ac source generator.
Suppose in phasor diagram current is taken along
V V 100 positive x-direction. Then VR is also along positive
and hence i = i.e., R = = = 200 
R i 0.5 x-direction but VC is along negative y-direction as
potential difference across a capacitor in ac lags in
2 2 2 2
but Z  R 2  2 L2 i.e.,  L = Z –R phase by 90º with the current in the circuit. So we
can write,
i.e., (2fL)2 = 2002 – 1002 = 3 × 104 (as  = 2f)
3  10 2 3 + VR – + –
So, L = = H = 0.55 H
2 50 
i  i0 sin t


A 12 ohm resistance and an inductance of

0.05/  henry with negligible resistance are VR = I0 R sin  t  VR0 sin t
connected in series. Across the end of this Potential difference across capacitor
circuit is connected a 130 volt alternating VC  I0 XC sin( t –  / 2)  VC 0 sin( t –  / 2)
voltage of frequency 50 cycles/second. Potential at any instant t
Calculate the alternating current in the circuit
and potential difference across the resistance V ( t )  Vc ( t )  VR( t ) = VC0 sin( t– ) + VR0 sin  t
and that across the inductance.
= V0 sin( t –  / 2  )
Sol. The impedance of the circuit is given by

Z= (R 2  2 L2 ) = [R 2  (2fL)2 ] V0

2 –

= [(12)2  {2  3.14  50  0.05 /3.14}2 ]

 

= (144  25) = 13 ohm 

Current in the circuit i = E/Z = = 10 amp
Potential difference across resistance 
VR = iR = 10 × 12 = 120 volt
Inductive reactance of coil XL = L = 2fL
VC0 V0
 0.05 
 XL = 2 × 50 ×   = 5 ohm
   V(t) = V0 sin ( t +  )

Potential difference across inductance VR 0 R

tan  = V  X
VL = i × XL = 10 × 5 = 50 volt C0 C

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
4.8 Theory and Exercise Book

EXAMPLE 8  1 
An A.C. source of angular frequency  is fed
or,   = 16 × 104 – (200)2 = 12 × 104
 C 
across a resistor R and a capacitor C in series.
The current registered is i. If now the So, = 12 × 102
frequency of the source is changed to  /3 (but C
maintaining the same voltage), the current in 1
or C= F
the circuit is found to be halved. Calculate the 100  12 102
ratio of reactance to resistance at the original
frequency. i.e., C = F = 9.2 F
Sol. At angular frequency , the current in R-C circuit  12
is given by
rms 5. L.C. CIRCUIT
irms = ...(i)
{R  (1/ 2 C2 )}
As shown in figure a capacitor and inductance are
When frequency is changed to /3, the current is connected in series method and alternating voltage
halved. Thus is applied across the circuit.
i rms rms rms Let Xc is capacitance reactance,
 = ...(ii) XL is Inductance reactance,
2 {R  1/( / 3)2 C2 }
{R  (9 / 2 C2 }

i = i0 sin t current floing through the circuit

From equations (i) and (ii), we have
xC xL
1 2
{R 2 + (1/ 2 C2 )} {R 2  (9 / 2 C2 } i  i0 sin t

2 5
Solving this equation, we get 3R 
2 C2
Hence, the ratio of reactance to resistance is

(1/ C)  3
  
R 5 xL

A 50 W, 100 V lamp is to be connected to an xC
ac mains of 200 V, 50 Hz. What capacitance is
essential to be put in series with the lamp? VC(t) = i0 XC sin ( t – /2)
V 100 2 VL(t) = i0 XL sin ( t + /2)
Sol. As resistance of the lamp R =  = 200    
W 50 v t = vc + v L
= i0 XC sin t cos /2 – i0 XC cos t sin /2 + i0 XL
V 100 1 sin t cos /2 + i0 XL cos t sin /2
and the maximum current i = = = A ;
R 200 2 = i0 cos  t(XL – XC)
so when the lamp is put in series with a capacitance V(t) = V0sin (t + /2)
and run at 200 V ac, from V =iZ we have, V0 = i0Z (Z is impedance)
V 200
Z= = = 400 xL – xC
i (1/ 2)

 1  I
Now as in case of C-R circuit, Z = R2    ,
 C  Z = (XL – XC)
cos  = 0
 1  VCO = i0 XC ; XL 0  i 0 X L
i.e., R2 +   = 160000
 C 

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Alternating Current 4.9

(1) Voltage V(t) = V0 sin ( t +  ) = i0 z sin ( t +  )

here v0 = i0z & vrms = irmsz
Now consider an ac circuit consisting of a resistor (2) v L ( t )  v OL sin( t   / 2) here voltage V L across
of resistance R, a capacitor of capacitance C and
an inductor of inductance L are in series with an ac the inducetance is ahead of current I in phase by /
source generator. 2 rad
Suppose in a phasor diagram current is taken along VOL  I0 XL
positive x-direction. Then V R is along positive (3) VC(t) = VO C sin ( t – /2)
x-direction, VL along positive y-direction and VC here voltage V C across the capacitance lags
along negative y-direction, as potential difference behind the current I in pase by /2 rad
across an inductor leads the current by 90° in phase VO C  I0 X C
while that across a capacitor, lags by 90°.
(4) VR(t) = i0 R sin  t
V= VR2  (VL – VC )2 here voltage VR across the resistor R has same
phase as I
L – R – C circuit
/ 2 Z
/2 XL–XI
I vc I

xC R
I xL R VO R = IO R

C vR
vL • Special Case :
(1) When XL > XC or VL > VC then emf is ahead of
current by phase  which is given by

i  i0 sin t XL – XC R
tan  = or cos  =
Fig : A series L-C-R circuit R Z
The series LCR circuit is said to be inductive
Impedance phasor of above circuit
xL (xL–xC)
(2) When XL < XC or VL < VC then current is ahead of
R emf by phase angle  which is given by
z  R 2  (x L – x c )2
 XC – X L R
R tan   or cos =
& Impedance triangle The series LCR circuit is said to be capacitive
(3) When XL = XC or VL = VC,  = 0, the emf and
1 2
z  R 2  ( L – ) current will be in the same phase. The series LCR
circuit is said to be purely resistive. It may malso
XL – XC be noted that
here B is phase angle By triangle tan  =
0 I0  E
I0 = or  0 or IRms = Rms
R Z 2 2Z Z
Power factor cos =
Z Susceptance : The reciprocal of the reactane of an
Let I be the current in the series circuit of any in- a.c. circuit is called its susceptance.
stant then Admittance : The reciprocal of the impedance of
an a.c. circuit is called its admittance.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
4.10 Theory and Exercise Book

Figure shows a series LCR cicuit connected A resistor of resistance R, an inductor of
to a variable voltage source V = 10 sin ( t + / inductance L and a capacitor of capacitance C
all are connected in series with an a.c. supply.
4) ; xL = 10  XC = 6  R = 3 
The resistance of R is 16 ohm and for a given
Calculate Z, i0, irms, vrms, VL O, VC O, VR O,  ,
frequency the inductive reactance of L is 24
VL Rms, VC Rms, VRms, i(t), VL(t), Vc(t), and VR(t)
ohm and capacitive reactance of C is 12 ohm.
If the current in the circuit is 5 amp., find
XL  10 XC  6  R  3  (a) the potential difference across R, L and C
(b) the impedance of the circuit
(c) the voltage of a.c. supply
(d) phase angle
V  10 sin(t   / 4)
(a) Potential difference across resistance
VR = iR = 5 × 16 = 80 volt
XL > XC Potential difference across inductance
VL = i × (L) = 5 × 24 = 120 volt
Sol. V = 10 sin ( t + /4) so V0 = 10 volt Potential difference across condenser
VC = i × (1/C) = 5 × 12 = 60 volt
Vrms = volt
2  2
1  

(b) Z   R 2   L –  
  C  
 Z= R 2  (X L – X C ) 2  9  16  5

v0 = [(16)2  (24 – 12)2 ] = 20 ohm

i0  2
z (c) The voltage of a.c. supply is given by
V = iZ = 5 × 20 = 100 volt
i rms  2 A (d) Phase angle
VLO  i0 X L  20 volt ; VCO  i0 X L  12 volt –1  L – (1/ C) 
 = tan  
 R
VR O  i0 R  6 volt ; VL Rms = volt
2 –1  24 –12 
= tan 
 16 
20 6
VC Rms = volt ; VR Rms = volt = tan–1(0.75) = 36°87
2 2
R 3 A series circuit consists of a resistance of 15
cos       53 ohm, an inductance of 0.08 henry and a
Z 5
condenser of capacity 30 micro farad. The
i(t) = 20 sin ( t + /4 – 53°) applied voltage has a frequency of 500 radian/
VL(t) = 20 sin ( t + /4 – 53° + /2) s. Does the current lead or lag the applied
3  voltage and by what angle?
= 20 sin ( t + – 53° – ) Sol. Here L = 500 × 0.08 = 40 ohm
4 2
1 1
 and 
= 12 sin (t – – 53°) C 500  (30  10 –6 )
= 66.7 ohm
 L – (1/ C)] 40 – 66.7
VR(t) = VR O sin ( t + – 53°) tan =  = – 1.78
4 R 15
 = – 60.67°

= 6 sin ( t + – 53°) Thus the current leads the applied voltage by 60.67°

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Alternating Current 4.11

EXAMPLE 13 (i) When the condenser C is placed in series with lamp,

A current of 4 A flows in a coil when connected then
to a 12 V d.c. source. If the same coil is
connected to a 12 V, 50 rad/s, a.c. source, a   1  
current of 2.4 A flows in the circuit. Determine Z  R 2    
the inductance of the coil. Also find the power   C  
developed in the circuit if a 2500 F condenser The current through the circuit
is connected in series with the coil.
Sol. When the coil is connected to a d.c. source, its 200
resistance R is given by i  0.25 or
[R  (1/ C) 2 ]

V 12
R= = =3
i 4
When it is connected to a.c. source, the impedance  0.25
Z of the coil is given by  1 
(80)2   2 2 2 
 4   50  C 
Vrms 12
Z= i = =5
rms 2.4 Solving it for C, we get
C = 4.0 × 10–6 F = 4.0 F
For a coil, Z = [R 2  (L)2 ]
(ii) When inductor L henry is placed in series with the
 5= [(3)2  (50L) 2 ] lamp, then
or 25 = [(3)2 + (50L)2] Z  [R 2  (L)2 ] or
Solving we get L = 0.08 henry
When the coil is connected with a condenser in 200
series, the impedance Z is given by  0.25
[R 2  (L) 2 ]
 2  1  
Z = R   L –   200
  C   or  0.25
[(80)  (4 2  50 2  L2 )]

2 1/ 2
 2  1   Solving it for L, we get L = 2.53 henry
= (3)   50  0.08 – –6   =5 ohm
  50  2500 10   (iii) When resistance r ohm is placed in series with lamp
Power developed P = Vrms × irms × cos of resistance R, then
where cos  = R/Z = 3/5 = 0.6 200
 P = 12 × 2.4 × 0.6 = 17.28 watt  0.25
R r
A 20 volts 5 watt lamp is used in ac main of 200
or  0.25  r  720ohms
220 volts 50 c.p.s. Calculate the (i) Capacitance 80  r
of capacitor. (ii) Inductance of inductor, to be (iv) It will be more economical to use inductance or
put in series to run the lamp, (iii) What pure
capacitance is series with the lamp to run it as it
resistance should be included in place of the
above device so that the lamp can run on its consumes no power while there would be dissipation
voltage. (iv) Which of the above arrangements of power when resistance is inserted in series with
will be more economical and why ? the lamp.
Sol. The current required by the lamp
wattage 5 Brain Teaser
i   0.25amp
voltage 20 Can the peak voltage across the inductor be greater
The resistance of the lamp than the peak voltage of the source in an LCR circuit ?

voltage 20
R   80ohm Now the student can attempt section-B questions
current 0.25 from Exercise.
So for proper running of the lamp, the current through
the lamp should be 0.25 amp

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
4.12 Theory and Exercise Book

Section C - Power in an AC circuit, Resonance, cos–10.5 = 60°). The product of Vrms and irms gives
Quality Factor
the apparent power. While the true power is obtained
by multiplying the apparent power by the power
factor cos. Thus,
In case of a steady current the rate of doing work
and apparent power = Vrms × irms
is given by,
True power = apparent power × power factor
P = Vi
For  = 0°, the current and voltage are in phase.
In an alternating circuit, current and voltage both
The power is thus, maximum (Vrms × irms). For 
vary with time, so the work done by the source in
= 90°, the power is zero. The current is then stated
time interval dt is given by
as wattless. Such a case will arise when resistance
dW = Vidt
in the circuit is zero. The circuit is purely inductive
Suppose in an ac, the current is leading the voltage
or capacitive.
by an angle . Then we can write,
V = V0 sint
and i = i0sin(t + )
dW = V0i0 sin t sin (t + ) dt A series LCR circuit is said to be in the resonance

= V0 i0 (sin2 t cos  + sint cos t sin) dt condition when the current through it has its

The total work done in a complete cycle is maximum value.

The current amplitude I0 for a series LCR circuit is
W = V 0 i 0 cos   sin
 t dt + V 0 i 0sin  given by

I0 
 sin  t cos  t dt R 2  (L – 1/ C) 2

Clearly I0 becomes zero both for   0 and 
1 . The value of I0 is maximum when
 V0 i 0 cos  (1 – cos 2t)dt

2 0
1 1
T L –  0 or  
1 C LC

+ 2 V0i 0sinf sin 2 t dt = V0i 0 Tcos 
The average power delivered by the source is,  f=
2 LC
Then impedance will be minimum
W 1  V0  i0 
P= = V0i0 cos  =    (cos ) Zmin = R
T 2  2  2 
The circuit is purely resistive. The current and
= Vrms irms cos
or <P>one cycle = Vrms irms cos voltage are in the same phase and the current in
the circuit is maximum. This condition of the LCR
Here, the term cos  is known as power factor. circuit is called resonance condition.
It is said to be leading if current leads voltage, lagging
if current lags voltage. Thus, a power factor of 0.5
lagging means current lags the voltage by 60° (as

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Alternating Current 4.13

xL  20 x C  20 2 

I max

I0 V  10 sin t
Sol. Z = Zmin = R = 2
E 0 10
i0 = = = 5A
Z 2

1 V(t)
 i(t)   5sin t
VO L = i0XC = 100 volt
VO L = i0 XL = 100 volt
The variance of I0 v/s  shown in following figure

v0 v : Above circuit is used as voltage amplifier (magnifi-

i 0max   0 cation) as peak value of voltage by source is only
z min R
10 while we can have maximum voltage up to 100
(VO C & VO L)
So cos  = = = 1 V = V0 sin ( t)
Impedance phase of resonance circuit A series LCR with R = 20  , L = 1.5 H and C
= 35 F is connected to a variable frequency
200 V a.c. supply. When the frequency of the
supply equals the natural frequency of the
V circuit. What is the average power transferred
R R I to the circuit in one complete cycle?
Sol. When the frequency of the supply equals the natural
frequency of the circuit, resonance occurs.
 Z = R = 20 ohm
Impedance of the circuit is minimum and heat gen-
erated in the circuit is maximum. E rms 200
irms =   10A
Z 20
Average power transferred/cycle
P = Ermsirms cos0° = 200 × 10 × 1 = 2000 watt

8.1 Sharpness of Resonance (Q - factor) :

The Q- factor of a series resonant circuit is defined
as the ratio of the resonant frequency to the
fr f difference in two frequencies taken on the both sides
of the resonant frequency such that at each
frequency, the current amplitude becomes
In following LCR circuit find Z, i(t), VOC, VOL 2
times the value of resonant frequency.
at resonace frequency

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
4.14 Theory and Exercise Book

I0   0 / R

0 choke T.L.
Choke coil


1 r 2

Mathematically Q-factor.
v  v 0 sin t
r r Resonant frequency Working : As shown in fig a choke is put in series
Q= = =
 2 – 1 2 D  Band width across an electrical appliances of resistance R and
is connected to an a.c. source.
x L r L Average power dissipiated per cycle in the circuit
or Q 
R R is

Pav = Veff Ieff cos = Veff Ieff .
9. CHOKE COIL : R 2  2 L2
A choke coil is simply an inductor with large Inductance L of the choke coil is very large so that
inductance which is used to reduce current in a.c. R << L. Then
circuit without much loss of energy. R
Power factor cos  ~
– ~
– 0
Principle. A choke coil is based upon the principle L

that when a.c. flows through an inductor, the current

lags behind the e.m.f. by a phase angle /2. x
tan = L
R 
Construction. A choke coil is basically an
inductance. It consists of a large number of turns R

of insulated copper wire wound over a soft iron Uses. In a.c. circuit, a choke coil is used to control
core. In order to minimise loss of electrical energy the current in place of a resistance. If a resistance
due to production of eddy currents, a laminated iron is used to control the current, the electrical energy
core is used. will be wasted in the form of heat. A choke coil
In practice, a low frequency choke coil is made of decreases the current without wasting electrical

insulated copper wire wound on a soft iron core, energy in the form of heat.

while a high frequnecy choke coil has air as core

If a charged capacitor C is short-circuited through

an inductor L, the charge and current in the circuit
start oscillating simple harmonically. If the resistance
LAMINATED of the circuit is zero, no energy is dissipated as heat.
Assume an ideal situation in which energy is not
radiated away from the circuit. With these

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Alternating Current 4.15

idealizations-zero resistance and no radiation, the di d2q

oscillations in the circuit persist indefinitely and the or =– 2
dt dt
energy is transferred from capacitor’s electric field Substituting in equation (1), we get
to the inductor’s magnetic field back and forth. The
q  d 2q  d2q  1 
total energy associated with the circuit is constant.  –L  2  or 2 = –  q ...(2)
C  dt  dt  LC 
This is analogous to the transfer of energy in an
This is the standard equation of simple harmonic
oscillating mechanical system from potential energy
to kinetic energy and back, with constant total  d2x 2 
motion  2  –  x 
energy. Such an analogous mechanical system is  dt 

an example of spring mass system. 1

Here  =
t=0 ...(3)
b t=t c
+ +
The general solution of equation (2), is
C q L q
– 0 C – 0 L q = q0 cos (t ± ) ...(4)
a d In our case  = 0 as q = q0 at t = 0.
S S Thus, we can say that the charge in the circuit
(a) (b)
oscillates with angular frequency  given by equation
(3). Thus,
Let us now derive an equation for the oscillations
of charge and current in an L-C circuit. Refer figure ln L – C oscillations, q, i and all oscillate simple
(a) : The capacitor is charged to a potential harmonically with same angular frequency , but
difference V such that charge on capacitor the phase difference between q and i or between i
q0 = CV di 
and is . Their amplitudes are q0 q0 are 2 q0
Here q0 is the maximum charge on the capacitor. dt 2
At time t = 0, it is connected to an inductor through respectively. So
a switch S. At time t = 0, the switch S is closed. q = q0 cost, then ...(5)

Refer figure (b) : When the switch is closed, the dq

i=– = q0 sin t ...(6)
capacitor starts discharging. Let at time t charge dt
on the capacitor is q (<q0) and since, it is further di
and  q 0 2 cost ...(7)
decreasing, there is a current i in the circuit in the dt
direction shown in figure. Potential energy in the capacitor
The potential difference across capacitor = potential 1 q2 1 q 02
UC = = cos 2 t ...(8)
difference across inductor, or 2C 2C
Vb – Va = Vc – Vd Potential energy in the inductor
q  di  1 2 1 q 20
  L  ...(1) UL = Li = sin 2 t ...(9)
C  dt  2 2C
Thus potential energy stored in the capacitor and that
 –dq 
Now, as the charge is decreasing, i =   in the inductor also oscillates between maximum
 dt 
value and zero with double the frequency. All these
quantities are shown in the figures that follows

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
4.16 Theory and Exercise Book
 P.D. across capacitor,

t | q | 5.53  10 –3
V=  = 221.2 volt
C 25  10 –6
The magnitude of current in the circuit at
t = 1.2 × 10–3 s is,
i0 |i| = q0  sint
t = (7.5 × 10–3) (2) (318.3) sin(2 × 318.3) (1.2 × 10–3)
O 2T
T T A = 10.13 A
2 3T
(c) At t = 0 : Current in the circuit is zero. Hence,UL = 0
UC q2max Charge on the capacitor is maximum

t 1 q 20
Hence, Uc =
UL Li 2max
2 1 (7.5  10 –3 )2
or Uc =  = 1.125 J
t 2 (25  10 –6 )
T T 3T T
4 2 2  Total energy E = UL + UC = 1.125 J
At t = 1.2 ms
1 2 1
A capacitor of capacitance 25 F is charged to UL = Li = (10 10 –3 ) (10.13)2 = 0.513 J
2 2
300 v. It is then connected across a 10 mH
inductor. The resistance of the circuit is UC = E – UL = 1.125 – 0.513 = 0.612 J
negligible. Otherwise UC can be calculated as,
(a) Find the frequency of oscillation of the 1 (5.53  10 –3 ) 2
1 q2
circuit. UC = =  = 0.612 J
2C 2 (25  10 –6 )
(b) Find the potential difference across
capacitor and magnitude of circuit current 1.2
ms after the inductor and capacitor are Now the student can attempt section-C questions
connected. from Exercise.
(c) Find the magnetic energy and electric
energy at t = 0 and t = 1.2 ms.
Section D - Transformer, AC Generator
Sol. (a) The frequency of oscillation of the circuit is ,

f= A transformer is an electrical device for converting
2 LC
an alternating current at low voltage into that at
Substituting the given values we have, high voltage or vice versa. If it increase the input
voltage, it is called step up transformer and if it
1 103 decreases the input voltage, it is called step down
f –3 –6 = Hz
2 (10 10 )(25 10 )  transformer.

(b) Charge across the capacitor at time t will be , Secondary Coil

q = q0 cos t
and i = – q0 sin t
Here q0 = CV0 = (25 × 10–6) (300) = 7.5 × 10–3 C O output
Now, charge is the capacitor after t = 1.2 × 10–3 s
q = (7.5 × 10–3) cos (2 × 318.3) (1.2 × 10–3)C Iron box type
Primary Coil
= 5.53 × 10–3C

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Alternating Current 4.17

Principle : It works on the principle of mutual N2

The ratio N of the number of turns in the
induction, i.e., when a changing current is passed 1

through one of the two inductively coupled coils, an

secondary to that in the primary called the turns
induced emf is setup in the other coil.
ratio of the transformer. It is also called
Construction : A transformer essentially consists
transformation ratio
of two coils of insulated copper wire having
for step up transformer : N2 > N1
different number of turns and wound on the same
for step down transformer : N1 > N2
soft iron core. The coil to which electric energy is
Currents in primary and secondary : Assuming
supplied is called the primary and the coil from which
the transformer to be ideal one so that there are no
energy is drawn or output is obtained is called the
energy loss, then
Input power = output power
To prevent energy losses due to eddy currents, a
or Vp Ip = Vs Is
laminated sheet is used. Because of high
where Ip and IS are the currents in the primary and
permeability of soft iron, the entire magnetic flux
secondary respectively.
due to the current in the primary coil practically
remains in the iron core and hence passes fully Ip Vs N 2
Hence I  V  N
through the secondary. s p 1

Two types of arrangements are generally used for

Efficiency : The efficiency of a transformer is
winding of primary and secondary coils in a
defined as
Power output
1. Core type : In this type, the primary and secondary = × 100%
Power input
coils are wound on seperate limbs of the core.
2. Shell type : In this type the primary and secondary The efficiency of real transformer is fairely high
coils are wound one over another on the same limb (90 – 98%) though not 100%
of the iron core.
Theory : Consider the situation when no load is Extra Portion For JEE-MAIN
connected to the secondary, i.e., its terminals are Explain with the help of a labelled diagram,
open. Let N1 and N2 be the number of terminal in the principle and working of an a.c. generator
the primary and secondary respectively. Then ? Write the expression for the emf generated
Induced emf in the primary coil in the coil in terms of speed of rotation. Can
the current produced by an a.c. generator be
v p  –N1 measured with a moving coil galvanometer.
Sol. AC generator : A dynamo or generator is a device
Induced emf in the secondary coil which converts mechancial energy into electrical
d energy. It is based on the principle of
vs  –N 2
dt electromagnetic induction.
Construction : It consists of the four main parts :
where  is the magnetic flux linked with each turn
(i) Field Magnet : It produces the magnetic field. In
of the primary or secondary at any instant. Thus
the case of a low power dynamo, the magnetic field
Vs N 2 is generated by a permanent magnet, while in the

Vp N1 case of large power dynamo, the magnetic field is
produced by an electromagnet.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
4.18 Theory and Exercise Book

(ii) Armature : It consists of a large number of turns in external circuit if flows along B2 RL B1. Thus the
of insultated wire in the soft iron drum or ring. It direction of induced emf and current changes
can revolve reound an axle between the two poles in the external circuit after each half
of the field magnet. The drum or ring serves the revolution.
two purposes : (i) It serves as a support to coils and
(ii) It increases the magnetic field due to air core
being replaced by an iron core :

(iii) Slip Rings : The slip rings R1 and R2 are the two
metal rings to which the ends of armature coil are Field magnet
connected. These rings are fixed to the shaft which
rotates the armature coil so that the rings also rotate
along with the armature.

(iv) Brushes : These are two flexible metal plates or

carbon rods (B1 and B2) which are are fixed and
constantly touch the revolving rings. The ouput
current in extyernal load RL is taken through these If N is the number of turns in coil, f the frequency

brushes. of rotation. A area of coil and B the magnetic

induction, then induced emf

Working : When the armature coil is rotated in the d d

e  (NBA(cos 2ft)
strong magnetic field, the magnetic flux linked with dt dt
the coil changes and the current is induced in the
Obviously, the emf produced is alternating and
coil, its direction being given by Fleming’s right hand
hence the current is also alternating
rule. Considering the armature to be in vertical
Current produced by an ac generator cannot be
positoin and as it rotates
measured by moving coil ammeter, because the
in anticlockwise direction, the wire ab moves
average value of ac over fully cycle is zero.
upward and cd downward, so that the direction of
induced current is shown in fig. In the external
Now the student can attempt section-D questions
circuit, the current flows along B 1 BL B2. The from Exercise.
direction of current remains unchanged during the
first half turn of armature. During the second half
revolution, the wire ab moves downward and cd
upward, so the direction of current is reversed and

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Alternating Current 4.19

Exercise - 1 Objective Problems | JEE Main

Sectio n A - Average and RMS value of Section B - AC circuit only R, Only L, Only C,
Alternating Current Combined
7.  n an L.C.R series circuit R = 1 , XL = 1000and
1. An alternating current changes from a XC = 1000. A source of 100 m.volt is connected
complete cycle in 1s, then the frequency in Hz
in the circuit the current in the circuit is
will be –
(A) 100 m.Amp (B) 1 .Amp
(A) 10-6 (B) 50
(C) 0.1 .Amp (D) 10 .Amp
(C) 100 (D) 106

2. An ac circuit, the current is given by 8. The potential difference between the ends of a
i = 4 sin (100t + 30º) ampere. The current becomes resistance R is VR between the ends of capacitor
maximum first time (after t = 0) at t equal to – is VC = 2VR and between the ends of inductance
(A) (1/200) sec (B) (1/300) sec is VL = 3VR, then the alternating potential of the
(C) (1/50) sec (D) None of the above source in terms of VR will be –
(A) 2 VR (B) VR
3. The instantaneous value of current in an ac circuit
is I = 2 sin (100t + /3) A. The current at the be- (C) VR/ 2 (D) 5VR
ginning (t = 0) will be –
(A) 2 3 A (B) 3 A 9. Which of the following statements is
correct for L–C–R series combination in the con-
3 dition of resonance –
(C) A (D) Zero
(A) Resistance is zero
(B) Impedance is zero
4. Alternating current lead the applied e.m.f. by /2 (C) Reactance is zero
when the circuit consists of –
(D) Resistance, impedance and reactance all are
(A) only resistance
(B) only capacitor
(C) only an inductance coil
10.  n a series resonant L–C–R circuit, if L is increased
(D) capacitor and resistance both
by 25% and C is decreased by 20%, then the
5. Three bulbs of 40, 60 and 100 watt are connected resonant frequency will –
in series with the source of 200 volt. Then which of (A) Increase by 10%
the bulb will be glowing the most – (B) Decrease by 10%
(A) 100 watt (B) 60 watt (C) Remain unchanged
(C) 40 watt (D) All are glowing (D) Increase by 2.5%
11. Let f = 50 Hz, and C = 100 F in an AC circuit
6. Alternating current can not be measured by direct containing a capacitor only. If the peak value of the
current meters, because –
current in the circuit is 1.57 A at t = 0. The expression
(A) alternating current can not pass through an
for the instantaneous voltage across the capacitor
will be
(B) the average value of current for
(A) C = 50 sin (100 t – /2)
complete cycle is zero
(C) some amount of alternating current is (B) C = 100 sin (50 t)
destroyed in the ammeter. (C) C = 50 sin 100 t
(D) None of these (D) C = 50 sin (100 t + /2)

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
4.20 Theory and Exercise Book

12. In a series CR circuit shown in figure, the applied 16. A coil has reactance of 100 when frequency is
voltage is 10 V and the voltage across capacitor is 50Hz. If the frequency becomes 150Hz, then the
found to be 8V. Then the voltage across R, and the reactance will be –
phase difference between current and the applied (A) 100 (B) 300
voltage will respectively be (C) 450 (D) 600

C R 17. A resistance of 50  , an inductance of

20/henry and a capacitor of 5/F are connected
in series with an A.C. source of 230 volt and 50Hz.
The impedance of circuit is –
(A) 5 (B) 50
4 3 (C) 5K (D) 500
(A) 6V, tan–1   (B) 3V, tan–1  
3 4
18. The percentage increase in the impedance of an ac
5 circuit, when its power factor changes form 0.866
(C) 6V, tan–1   (D) none
 3 to 0.5 is (Resistance constant) –
(A) 73.2% (B) 86.6%
Section C -Power in an AC circuit, Resonance, (C) 90.8% (D) 66.6%
Quality Factor
Section D -Transformer, AC Generator
13. The domestic power supply is at 220 volt. The am-
plitude of emf will be – 19. A choke coil in a transformer of negligible resistance
(A) 220 V (B) 110 V carries 5 mA current when it is operated at 220 V.
(C) 311 V (D) None of this The loss of power in the choke coil is –
(A) Zero (B) 11 W
14. The inductive reactance of a coil is 1000. If its (C) 44 × 103 W (D) 1.1 W
self inductance and frequency both are increased
two times then inductive reactance will be – 20. An ac-generator supplying voltage E to a circuit
(A) 1000 (B) 2000 which consists of a resistor of resistance 3 and
(C) 4000 (D) 16000 an inductor of reactance 4 as shown in the figure.
The voltage across the inductor at t = / is
15. A coil of inductance 0.1 H is connected to an
alternating voltage generator of voltage E = 100 sin R XL
(100t) volt. The current flowing through the coil will
be – I
(A)  = 10 2 sin (100t) A
(B)  = 10 2 cos (100t) A E  10 sint
(C)  = – 10 sin (100t) A
(A) 2 volts (B) 10 volts
(D)  = – 10 cos (100t) A
(C) zero (D) 4.8 volts

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Alternating Current 4.21

Exercise - 2 (Level-I) Objective Problems | JEE Main

Sectio n A - Average and RMS value of Section B - AC circuit only R, Only L, Only C,
Alternating Current Combined
1. In an a.c. circuit voltage V and current i are given by  0.4 
7. In an L-R circuit, the value of L is  henry
V = 100 sin 100 t volts   
i = 100 sin (100t + /3) mA. and the value R is 30 ohm. If in the circuit, an
The power dissipated in the circuit is : alternating emf of 200 V rms value at 50 cycles per
(A) 104 W (B) 10 W second is connected, the impedance of the circuit
(C) 2.5 W (D) 5 W
and current will be
2. If I1, I2, I3 and I4 are the respective r.m.s. values of (A) 11.4 ohm, 17.5 ampere
the time varying currents as shown in the four cases (B) 30.7 ohm, 6.5 ampere
I, II, III and IV. Then identify the correct relations. (C) 40.4 ohm, 5 ampere
i i (D) 50 ohm, 4 ampere.
I0 I0
O t O t 8. A series LCR circuit is tuned to resonance. The
impedance of the circuit now is
1/ 2
i i  2  2
1  
I0 I0 (A)  R    L –  
O t O t   C  
–I0 –I0 2 1/ 2
 2 2  1  
(A) I1 = I2 = I3 = I4 (B) I3 > I1 = I2 > I4 (B)  R  (  L)    
  C  
(C) I3 > I4 > I2 = I1 (D) I3 > I2 > I1 > I4
2 1/ 2
 2  1  
3. If instantaneous value of current is I = 10 sin (314 (C)  R   – L   (D) R
  C  
t) A, then the average current for the half cycle will
be – 9. A capacitor C with a charge Q0 is connected across
(A) 10 A (B) 7.07 A an inductor through a switch S. If at t = 0, the switch
(C) 6.37 A (D) 3.53 A is closed, then find the instantaneous charge q on
the upper plate of capacitor.
4. In a circuit an a.c. current and a d, c. current are
supplied together. The expression of the ++
Q0 C
instantaneous current is given as i = 3 + 6 sin t L
Then the rms value of the current is –
(A) 3 (B) 6 S
(C) 3 2 (D) 3 3
 1 
(A) q = 2Q0sin  LC t  2 
5. The emf and the current in a circuit are – E = 12 sin  
(100t) ; = 4 sin (100t + / 3) then–
(A) The current leads the emf by 60º  1 
Q0 t  
(B) The current lags the emf by 60º (B) q = sin  LC 2 
2 
(C) The emf leads the current by 60º
(D) The phase difference between the current and
the emf is zero  1 
(C) q = Q0sin  LC t  2 
 
6. The value of alternating e.m.f. is e = 500 sin 100t,
 1 
then the frequency of this potential in Hz is –
(D) q = Q0sin  LC t  2 
(A) 25 (B) 50 (C) 75 (D) 100  

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
4.22 Theory and Exercise Book

10. When 100 volt D.C. is applied across a coil, a current 15. The power factor of the circuit is 1/ 2 . The
of one ampere flows through it, when 100 V ac of capacitance of the circuit is equal to
50 Hz is applied to the same coil, only 0.5 amp flows. 2 sin (100 t)
Calculate the resistance and inductance of the coil.
(A) 100, 3 / H (B) 10, 3 / H
10 0.1 H
2 3 3 3
(C) 100, H (D) 100, H
  C
(A) 400 F (B) 300 F
11. A series circuit consists of a resistance, inductance (C) 500 F (D) 200 F
and capacitance. The applied voltage and the
current at any instant are given by 16. An LCR series circuit with 100  resistance is
E = 141.4 cos (5000 t – 10°) and I = 5 cos (5000 t connected to an ac source of 200 V and angular
– 370°) The inductance is 0.01 henry. Calculate frequency 300 rad/s. When only the capacitance is
the value of capacitance. removed, the current lags behind the voltage by 60°.
(A) 5  F (B) 1  F When only the inductance is removed, the current
(C) 4  F (D) 6  F leads the voltage by 60°. Calculate the current and
the power dissipated in the LCR circuit.
12. Power factor of an L-R series circuit is 0.6 and (A) 2A, 300 W (B) 1A, 400 W
that of a C–R series circuit is 0.5. If the element (C) 3A, 100 W (D) 2A, 400 W
(L, C, and R) of the two circuits are joined in series
the power factor of this circuit is found to be 1. The 17. A current of 4 A flows in a coil when connected to a
ratio of the resistance in the L-R circuit to the 12 V dc source. If the same coil is connected to a
resistance in the C-R circuit is 12V, 50 rad/s ac source a current of 2.4 A flows in
(A) 6/5 (B) 5/6 the circuit. Determine the inductance of the coil.
4 3 3 Also find the power developed in the circuit if a
(C) (D) 2500 F capacitor is connected in series with the
3 3 4
Section C - Power in an AC circuit, Resonance, (A) 0.08 H, 17.28 W (B) 1 H, 5.28 W
Quality Factor (C) 0.5 H, 17 W (D) 2 H, 5.9 W

13. The potential difference V and current i flowing 18. A capacitor C = 2  F and an inductor with
L = 10 H and coil resistance 5  are in series in a
through an a.c. circuit are given by V = 5 cos  t
circuit. When an alternating current of r.m.s. value
volt, i = 2 sin t amp. the power dissipated in the
2 A flows in the circuit, the average power in watts in
circuit. the circuit is
(A) 0 W (B) 10 W (A) 100 (B) 50
(C) 5 W (D) 2.5 W (C) 20 (D) 10

14. A voltage of peak value 283 V varying frequency Section D - Transformer, AC Generator
is applied to a series L-C-R combination in which
R = 3; L = 25 mH and C = 400 F. Then, the 19. Which of the following options are correct :
frequency (in Hz) of the source at which maximum (A) Step up transformer increases input voltage
(B) Step down transformer increases input voltage
power is dissipated in the above, is
(C) Step up transformer decreases input voltage
(A) 51.5 (B) 50.7
(D) Step down transformer decreases input voltage
(C) 51.1 (D) 50.3

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Alternating Current 4.23

Exercise - 2 (Level-II) Multiple Correct | JEE Advanced

Section A - Average and RMS value of Section C - Power in an AC circuit,

Alternating Current Resonance, Quality Factor

1. An alternating voltage (in volts) varies with time t 4. In the AC circuit shown below, the supply voltage
(in seconds) asV = 200 sin (100 t) has a constant rms value V but variable frequency
(A) The peak value of the voltage is 200 V f. At resonance, the circuit
(B) The rms value of the voltage is 220 V

(C) The rms value of the voltage is 100 2 V

(D) The frequency of the voltage is 50 Hz

2. A 50  electric heater is connected to 100 V. 60 Hz

ac sinusoidal supply.
(A) The peak value of the voltage is 100 V
(B) The peak value of the current in the circuit is V
(A) Has a current I given by I 
2 2A
(B) Has a resonance frequency 500 Hz
(C) The rms value of the voltage is 100 V
(C) Has a voltage across the capacitor which is 180°
(D) The rms value of the current is 2 A
out of phase with that across the inductor

Section B - AC circuit only R, Only L, Only V

(D) Has a current given by I 
C, Combined 1 1
R2    
 
3. In a certain series LCR circuit connected to an AC
source, XL > XC then
(A) slightly increasing the capacitance will increase Section D - Transformer, AC Generator
the current in the circuit
(B) slightly increasing the inductance will increase 5. Which of the following options are correct :
the current in the circuit (A) Step up transformer increases input voltage
(C) slightly decreasing the capacitance will increase (B) Step down transformer increases input voltage
the current in the circuit (C) Step up transformer decreases input voltage
(D) slightly decreasing the inductance will increase (D) Step down transformer decreases input voltage
the current in the circuit

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
4.24 Theory and Exercise Book

Exercise - 3 | Level-I Subjective | JEE Advanced

Section A,B - Average and RMS value of Se ct io n C, D - Power in an AC circuit,

Alternating Current, AC circuit only R, Only L, Resonance, Quality Factor, Transformer, AC
Only C, Combined Generator

1. The phase difference between the 6. In an L-R series A. C circuit the potential difference
alternating current and voltage represented by across an inductance and resistance joined in series
the following equation  =  0 sin t, E = E0 cos
are respectively 12 V and 16 V. Find the total
(t +  / 3), will be –
potential difference across the circuit.

2. An AC current is given by I = I0 + I1 sin wt then its

rms value will be 7. Find the value of an inductance which should be
connected in series with a capacitor of 5 F, a
3. RMS value of ac i = i 1 cos  t + i 2 sin  t
resistance of 10 and an ac source of 50 Hz so
will be –
that the power factor of the circuit is unity.

4. In a L-R decay circuit, the initial current at t = 0 is

I. Find the total charge that has flown through the 8. A circuit takes A current of 3 a at a power factor of
resistor till the energy in the inductor has reduced 0.6 lagging when connected to a 115 V – 50 Hz
to one-fourth its initial value. supply. Another circuit takes a current of 5A at a
power factor of 0.07 leading when connected to
5. A 50 W, 100 V lamp is to be connected to an ac
the same supply. If the two circuits are connected
mains of 200 V, 50 Hz. What capacitance is
essential to be put in series with the lamp. in series across a 230 V, 50 Hz supply. Calculate
(a) the current
(b) the power consumed and
(c) the power factor.

9. Two bulbs of 500 watt and 300 watt work on 200

volt r.m.s. the ratio of their
resistances will be –

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Alternating Current 4.25

Exercise - 3 | Level-II Subjective | JEE Advanced

S ection A,B - Average and RMS value of 4. Suppose the emf of the battery, the circuit shown
Alternating Current, AC circuit only R, Only
varies with time t so the current is given by i(t)
L, Only C, Combined
= 3 + 5t, where i is in amperes & t is in seconds.
1. If a direct current of value 'a' ampere is Take R = 4, L = 6H & find an expression for the
superimposed on an alternating current I = b sin  t
battery emf as function of time.
flowing through a wire, what is the effective (rms)
value of the resulting current in the circuit ?
R i(t)
a ac L
i + b 
(0,0) t

2. Sinusoidal peak potential is 200 volt 5. A box P and a coil Q are connected in series with
with frequency 50Hz. It is represented by the an ac source of variable frequency. The emf of
equation –
source at 10 V. Box P contains a capacitance of 1
3. Consider the circuit shown in figure. The oscillating F in series with a resistance of 32 coil Q has a
source of emf deliver a sinusoidal emf of amplitude self-inductance 4.9 mH and a resistance of 68
emax and frequency  to the inductor L and two
series. The frequency is adjusted so that the
capacitors C 1 to C 2. Find the maximum
instantaneous current in each capacitor. maximum current flows in P and Q. Find the

~ impedance of P and Q at this frequency. Also find

the voltage across P and Q respectively.
C1 C2 L

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
4.26 Theory and Exercise Book

Exercise - 4 | Level-I Previous Year | JEE Main

1. A coil of inductance 300 mH and resistance 2  is 6. In a series resonant LCR circuit, the voltage across
connected to a source of voltage 2 V. The current R is 100 V and R  1k with C  2F. The
reaches half of its steady state value in resonant frequency  is 200 rad/s. At resonance
(AIEEE 2005) the voltage across L is
(A) 0.05 s (B) 0.1 s (AIEEE 2006)
(A) 2.5 × 10–2 V (B) 40 V
(C) 0.15 s (D) 0.3 s
(C) 250 V (D) 4 × 10–3 V
2. The self-inductance of the motor of an electric fan 7. In an AC circuit the voltage applied is
is 10 H. In order to impart maximum power at 50
Hz, it should be connected to a capacitance of E  E0 sin t . The resulting current in the circuit
(AIEEE 2005)  
(A) 4 F (B) 8 F is I  I0 sin  t   . The power consumption in
 2
(C) 1F (D) 2 F the circuit is given by.
(AIEEE 2007)
E 0 I0
3. A circuit has a resistance of 12  and an (A) p  (B) P = zero
impedance of 15 . The power factor of the circuit
E 0 I0
will be (AIEEE 2005) (C) p  (D) P  2E 0 I0
(A) 0.8 (B) 0.4 2
(C) 1.25 (D) 0.125
8. An ideal coil of 10 H is connected in series with a
4. The phase difference between the alternating resistance of 5  and a battery of 5 V. 2s after
current and emf is  / 2. Which of the following the connection is made, the current flowing (in
ampere) in the circuit is
cannot be the constituent of the circuit ? (AIEEE 2007)
(AIEEE 2005) (A) (1 – e) (B) e
(A) C alone (B) R, L (C) e–1 (D) (1 – e–1)
(C) L, C (D) L alone
9. An inductor of inductance L = 400 mH and resistors
5. An inductor (L = 100 mH), a resistor (R  100 ) of resistances R1  4  and R2  2  are
and a battery (E = 100 V) are initially connected in connected to battery of emf 12 V as shown in the
series as shown in the figure. After a long time the figure. The internal resistance of the battery is
negligible. The switch S is closed at t = 0. The
battery is disonnected after short circuiting the points
potential drop across L as a function of time is
A and B. The current in the circuit 1 ms after the
(AIEEE 2009)
short circuit is  
(AIEEE 2006) A
R1 L

 R2

 
12 3t
(A) 1/e A (B) e A (A) 6e5t V (B) e V
(C) 0.1 A (D) 1 A
(C) 6(1  e  t /0.2 ) V (D) 12e5t V

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Alternating Current 4.27

10. In a series L-C-R circuit R  200  and the voltage 13. In the circuit shown here, the point 'C' is kept
and the frequency of the main supply is 220 V and
connected to point 'A' till the current flowing through
50 Hz respectively. On taking out the capacitance
from the circuit the current lags behind the voltage the circuit becomes constant. Afterward, suddenly,
by 30°. On taking out the inductor from the circuit
the current leads the voltage by 30°. The power point 'C' is disconnected from point 'A' and
dissipated in the L-C-R circuit is connected to point 'B' at time t = 0. Ratio of
(AIEEE 2010)
(A) 305 W (B) 210 w the voltage across resistance and the inductor at
(C) zero (D) 242 W t = L/R will be equal to :
11. In the circuit show below, the key K is closed at [JEE MAIN 2014]
t = 0. The current through the battery is -
(AIEEE 2010)

VR1R 2 V
(A) R12  R 22 at t = 0 and R 2 at t = 
1 e
V V(R1 + R 2 ) (A) –1 (B)
(B) R at t = 0 and R 1R 2 at t = 

V VR1R 2 (C) (D) 1
1 e
(C) R at t = 0 and 2
R R 2 at t = 
2 1 2

V(R1  R 2 ) V
(D) R 1R 2 at t = 0 and R at t =  14. An LCR circuit is equivalent to a damped pendulum.

In an LCR circuit the capacitor is charged to Q0

12. In an LCR circuit as shown below both switches
are open initially. Now switch S1 is closed, S2 kept and then connected to the L and R as shown below :
open. (q is charge on the capacitor and  = RC is
(JEE Main 2015)
Capacitive time constant). Which of the following
statement is correct ?
[JEE 2013]

R S1

C If a student plots graphs of the square of maximum

charge (Q2max) on the capacitor with time (t) for

(A) At t = 2, q = CV (1 – e–2) two different values L1 and L2 (L1 > L2) of L then
 which of the following represents this graph
(B) At t = , q = CV (1 – e–1)
correctly? (Plots are shematic and not drawn to
(C) Work done by the battery is half of the energy
dissipated in the resistor scale)
(D) At t =  , q = CV / 2

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
4.28 Theory and Exercise Book

16. An arc lamp requires a direct current of 10 A at 80

2 L1 V to function. If it is connected to a 220 V (rms),
Q Max
50 Hz AC supply, the series inductor needed for it
to work is close to [JEE MAIN 2016]
(A) L2
(A) 0.08 H (B) 0.044 H
(C) 0.065 H (D) 80 H

17. For an RLC circuit driven with voltage of amplitude

Q Max
vm and frequency 0  the current exibits
Q0 (For both L1 and L2) LC
(B) resonance. The quality factor, Q is given by :
[JEE MAIN 2018]
t CR 0 L
(A)  (B)
0 R

2 L1 0 R R
Q Max (C) (D) ( C)
L 0

(C) L2
18. In an a.c. circuit, the instantaneous e.m.f. and
t current are given by
e = 100 sin 30 t
 
i = 20 sin  30t  4 
 
Q Max In one cycle of a.c., the average power consumed
by the circuit and the wattless current are,
(D) L1 respectively : [JEE MAIN 2018]
(A) 50, 0 (B) 50, 10
1000 50
(C) , 10 (D) ,0
2 2
15. An inductor (L = 0.03H) and a resistor
(R = 0.15 k) are connected in series to a battery
of 15V EMF in a circuit shown below. The key K1
has been kept closed for a long time. Then at t = 0,
K1 is opened and key K2 is closed simultaneously.
At t = 1 ms, the current in the circuit

will be (e5  150)

(A) 6.7 mA
(B) 0.67 mA
(C) 100 mA
(D) 67 mA
[JEE MAIN 2015]

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Alternating Current 4.29

Exercise - 4 | Level-II Previous Year | JEE Advanced

COMPREHENSION - 1 TO 3 3. If the total charge stored in the LC circuit is Q0,

The capacitor of capacitance C can be charged then for t  0
(A) the charge on the capacitor is Q =Q 0 cos
(with the help of a resistance R) by a voltage source
 t 
V, by closing switch S1 while keeping switch S2 2+ 
 LC 
open. The capacitor can be connected in series
(B) the charge on the capacitor is
with an inductor ‘L’ by closing switch S2 and opening
 t 
S1 Q =Q0cos  – 
 2 LC 
v (C) the charge on the capacitor is
C Q = – LC
dt 2
(D) the charge on the capacitor is
S2 1 d 2Q
L Q=– [JEE 2006]
LC dt

1. Initially, the capacitor was uncharged. Now, switch

4. An AC voltage source of variable angular frequency
S1 is closed and S2 is kept open. If time constant of  and fixed amplitude V0 is connected in series with
this circuit is , then a capacitance C and an electric bulb of resistance
(A) after time interval , charge on the capacitor is R (inductance zero) when  is increased
CV/2 [JEE 2009]
(B) after time interval 2, charge on the capacitor (A) the bulb glows dimmer
(B) the bulb glows brighter
is CV(1–e2)
(C) total impedence of the circuit is
(C) the work done by the voltage source will be
half of the heat dissipated when the capacitor is (D) total impedance of the circuit increases
fully charged.
(D) after time interval 2, charge on the capacitor 5. Your are given many resistance, capacitors and
is CV(1 – e ) –1
[JEE 2006] inductors. These are connected to a variable DC
voltage source (the first two circuits) or an AC
voltage source of 50 Hz frequency (the next three
2. After the capacitor gets fully charged, S1 is opened
circuits) in different ways as shown in Column II.
and S2 is closed so that the inductor is connected in
When a current I (steady state for DC or rms for
series with the capacitor. Then, AC) flows through the circuit, the corresponding
(A) at t = 0, energy stored in the circuit is purely in voltage V1 and V2. (indicated in circuits) are related
the form of magnetic energy as shown in Column I. Match the two
(B) at any time t > 0, current in the circuit is in the [JEE 2009]
same direction. Column - I Column - II
(A) I  0, V1 is v1 v2
(C) at t > 0, there is no exchange of energy between
the inductor and capacitor 6mH 3F
proportional to I (P)
(D) at any time t > 0, instantaneous current in the
C v1 v2
circuit may V [JEE 2006]
L 6mH 2
(B) I  0, V2 > V1 (Q)

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
4.30 Theory and Exercise Book

v1 v2 Paragraph for Question 9 and 10

A thermal power plant produces electric power of
(C) V1 = 0, V2 = V (R) 600 kW at 4000 V, which is to be transported to a
V place 20 km away from the power plant for
(D) I  0, V2 is consumers usage. It can be transported either
v1 v2
directly with a cable of large current carrying
6mH 3F
capactiy or by using a combination of step-up and
proportional to I (S)
~ step-down transformers at the two ends. The
v1 v2 drawback of the direct transmission is the large
energy dissipation. In the method using transformers,
1k 3F
(T) the dissipation is much smaller. In this method, a
step-up transformer at the plant side is used so that
the current is reduced to a smaller value. At the
6. A series R-C circuit is connected to AC voltage consumers end, a step-down transformer is used to
source. Consider two cases; (A) when C is without supply power to the consumers at the specified
a dielectric medium and (B) when C is filled with
lower voltage. It is reasonable to assume that the
dielectric of constant 4. The current IR through the
resistor and voltage VC across the capacitor are power cable is purely resistive and the transformers
compared in the two cases. Which of the following are ideal with a power factor unity. All the currents
is/are true? and voltages mentioned are rms values.
[JEE 2011] [JEE 2013]
(A) IAR > I BR (B) IAR < I BR
(C) VCA > VCB (D) VCA < VCB 9. If the direct transmission method with a cable of
resistance 0.4  km-1 is used, the power dissipation
7. A series R-C combination is connected to an AC (in %) during transmission is [JEE 2013]
voltage of angular frequency
(A) 20 (B) 30
 = 500 radian/s. If the impedance of the R-C
(C) 40 (D) 50
circuit is R 1.25 , the time constant (in
millisecond) of the circuit is
[JEE 2011] 10. In the method using the transformers, assume that
the ratio of the number of turns in the primary to
8. In the given circuit, the AC source has that in the secondary in the step-up transformer is
 = 100 rad/s. Considering the inductor and 1 : 10. If the power to the consumers has to be
capacitor to be ideal, the correct choice(s) is (are) supplied at 200 V, the ratio of the number of turns
[JEE 2012]
in the primary to that in the secondary in the step-
down transformer is [JEE 2014]
(A) 200 : 1 (B) 150 : 1
(C) 100 : 1 (D) 50 : 1

11. At time t = 0, terminal A is the circuit shown in the

figure is connected to B by a key and an alternating
current I(t) = I0cos(t) with I0=1A and =500 rad
s-1 starts flowing in it with the initial direction shown
(A) The current through the circuit, I is 0.3 A. 7
in the figure. At t  . the key is switched from
(B) The current thorgh the circuit, I is 0.3 2 A. 
(C) The voltage across 100  resistor B to D. Now onwards only A and D are connected.
= 10 2 V.. A total charge Q flows from the battery to charge
(D)The voltage across 50  resistor the capacitor fully. If C=20F, R=10 and the bat-
= 10 V.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
Alternating Current 4.31

tery is ideal with emf of 50V, identify the correct 14. The instantaneous voltages at three terminals
statement (s). [JEE 2014] marked X, Y and Z are given by [JEE 2017]
Vx = V0 sin t,
 2 
VY = V0 sin  t  3  and
 
 4 
VZ = V0 sin  t  3 
 
(A)Magnitude of the maximum charge on the An ideal voltmeter is configured to read rms value
7 of the potential difference between its terminals. It
capacitor before t  is 1 × 10-3 C.
6 is connected between points X and Y and then
(B)The current in the left part of the circuit just between Y and Z. The reading(s) of the voltmeter
7 will be
before t  is clockwise.
 (A) independent of the choice of the two terminals
(C) Immediately after A is connected to D, the
cur rent in R is 10A. (B) Vxy  V0
(D) Q = 2×10-3C.
rms 1
(C) Vyz  V0
12. Two inductors L1 (inductance 1 mH, internal resis-
tance 3 ) and L2 (inductance 2 ml internal resis- rms 3
(D) Vxy  V0
tance 4), and a resistor R (resistance 12) are all
connected in parallel across a 5V battery. The cir-
15. A particle, of mass 10-3 kg and charge 1.0 C, is
cuit is switched on at time t = 0. The ratio of the initially at rest. At time t = 0, the particle comes
maximum the minimum current (Imass/Imin) drawn under the influence of an electric field

from the battery is [JEE 2016] E(t)  E0 sin tiˆ where E0 = 1.0 N C-1 and =103
rad s-1. Consider the effect of only the electrical force
on the particle. Then the maximum speed, in ms-1,
13. In the circuit shown, L = 1 H, C = 1 F and R = 1
attained by the particle at subsequent times
k. They are connected in series with an a.c. source
is........................... [JEE 2018]
V = V0 sin t as shown. Which of the following
options is/are correct? [JEE 2017]

(A) The current will be in phase with the voltage if

= 104 rad.s–1
(B) At  >> 106 rad.s–1, the circuit behaves like a
(C) The frequency at which the current will be in
phase with the voltage is independent of R
(D) At  ~ 0 the current flowing through the circuit
becomes nearly zero.

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43
4.32 Theory and Exercise Book

Exercise - 1 Objective Problems | JEE Main

1. D 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. A
8. A 9. C 10. C 11. A 12. A 13. C 14. C
15. D 16. B 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. D

Exercise - 2 (Level-I) Objective Problems | JEE Main

1. C 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. D
8. D 9. C 10. A 11. C 12. D 13. A 14. D
15. C 16. D 17. A 18. C 19. D

Exercise - 2 (Level-II) Multiple Correct | JEE Advanced

1. ABD 2. BCD 3. CD 4. ABC 5. A,D

Exercise - 3 | Level-I Subjective | JEE Advanced

5π 1 2 2 1/2
1. 2. I 20  0.5 I 12 3. (i + i ) 4. LI/2R 5. 9.2 mF
6 2 1 2

6. 20 V 7. 2H 8. (a) 5.5 A (b) 1.188 kw (c) 0.939 lag 9. 3:5

Exercise - 3 | Level-II Subjective | JEE Advanced

1 2 1/2
1. Ieff = [a2 + b] 2. E = 200 sin 314t
 max  max
 C1  1    
3. C2 =  1   L –  ; C1 = C2 1  C1  L – 1

 C2  (C1  C2 )  C1  C2  (C1  C2 ) 
4. 42 + 20t volt 5. 77W, 97.6W, 7.7V, 9.76V

Exercise - 4 | Level-I Previous Year | JEE Main

1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B
8. D 9. D 10. D 11. B 12. A 13. A 14. C
15. B 16. C 17. B 18. C

Exercise - 4 | Level-II Previous Year | JEE Advanced

1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B
5. (A) ® R,S,T ; (B) ® Q,R,S,T ; (C) ® P, Q ; (D) ® Q,R,S,T
6. B,C 7. 4 8. A,C
9. B 10. A 11. C,D 12. 8 13. C,D
14. A,D 15. 2.00

Plot no. 46, Corner Building, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, 9214233303|43

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