Pump Maintenance

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Pump is the machine that lifts liquids, moves them from place to place,
pressurises them for a number of useful tasks.
Enter into a power station. A number of pumps are in action - feeding water
to boiler, cooling the condenser, oiling the bearings etc. So it is obvious that
reliability, availability and efficiency of a power station depends a lot on the
behaviour of these machines; hence the importance of maintaining pumps in a well
planned way.
Implementation of the maintenance plan needs skilled and trained
maintenance personnel. ln the following section soft his book, attempt has been
made to acquaint trainees with different types of pumps used in power stations (See
Table 1. 1 Fig. 1. 1) and the ways of maintaining them systematically. A 'trouble
shooting chart' has also been added to enable the trainees to react quickly to
abnormal conditions.

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Sr. Location/Name Type of Pump in Use Function of the Pump Remarks

1 Intake channel make up Vertical, Single Stage, To maintain water

water pump Volute casing,Centrifugal level of the channel

2 Discharge Channel Vertical, Double Stage, Pumping water When Cooling Towers
(C.T. Pump) Propeller type, Mix Flow through Cooling tower are required to main-
tain water temperature
3 Control Structure H.P.5 Stages, Vertical. To supply water to
L.P. Pumps 3-stages, various systems like
Vertical, Volute type fire fighting, E.S.P. for
flushing, bottom ash
removal,ash pump
sealing and coolign

4 Clarifloculator Vertifical, Centrifugal To supply water to

(Clarifired water pump) tretment plant for
demineralising and for
supplying clarifired
water to plant equip-
ment cooling
5 Intake channel inside Vertical,Mix flow, two To Provide cooling
Turbine House stage water to condenser
(Circulating water pump)
6 Hot well Vertical,Multistage, To pump water from For recycling the con-
(Condensate Extraction Centrifugal hot well through densate to Boiler
Pump) ejector to L.P. Heater
to Dearator
7 O. Metre Turbine Single-Stage, To maintain L.P.
(Drip Pump) Centrifugal, Heater level
Split casing, Horizontal

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8 O.Metre, B.F.P. Multi stage, Barrel type Feeding water to
(Boiler Feed Pump) Centrifugal boiler
drum through feed
9 O.Metre, S.O.P. Vertical/Horizontal To Provide oil to Workings as taking oil
(Starting oil pump) bearings during start pump.
10 O. Metre Vertical,Bowl type, To purify oil for To Provide purified
(Centrifuge Oil Purifier centrifugal recyling in the clean
pump) system oil to turbine oil system
for bearings and gover-
ning systems.
11 O Metre Boiler Bay

i) Boiler Fill Pump i) Centrifugal, Multistage, i) For filling the boiler

Guidevanetype, or Single for testing &
stage, Volute type startups.

ii) DM make up pump ii) Centrifugal,Single ii) To provide make up

Stage, Volute type water to the system
12 Ash pump House Closed impeller, To remove slurry from
(-4 M level) Centrifugal, or Single ash channel to
(Slurry pump) stage Positive head lagoons
13 13 Metre (Boiler) Reciprocating To inject trisodium
(Phosphate dosing phosphate to boiler
pump.) drum water.
14 O. Metre, Turbine Single Stage, Radial For bearing cooling of
(Booster pump) Impeller condenasate pump,
boiler feed pump A.C.
Lube oil pump, and
to provide cooling
water to Ball Mills.

2.0 Classification of Pumps
Pumps are basically of three types
i Reciprocating
ii Rotary, and
iii Centrifugal
2.1 Reciprocating pump
In this type energy is added to the liquid by the to and fro movement of piston(s),
plunger(s), diaphragms etc.
Reciprocating pumps can be sub-divided into following varieties i) Piston pumps
i Plunger purnps

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ii Ram pumps
iii Diaphragm pumps
2.2 Rotary pumps
Here the pumping action is caused by relative movement of rotating and
stationary elements of the pump. They can be sub-divided into following categories
i) Gear pump
ii) Screw pump
iii) Vane pump
iv) Lobe pump
2..3 Centrifugal pumps
This defination is applied to all types of pumps with an impeller housed in a
suitable shaped casing so that when the impeller rotates momentum is applied
toliquid in the pump casing transporting it from the inlet to the outlet side by
changing velocity into pressure energy. Centrifugal pumps are also sub-divided into
various categories which will be discussed in next chapter.
It can be seen from Table-1 that most of the pumps engaged in power stations
are of centrifugal type. So most of the discussions in the following chapters will
centre around centrifugal pumps.PAGE 6
3.0 Centrifugal pumps
Majority of the pumps used in Power Stations are of this category. It is the
machine that moves fluid by spinning it with a rotating impeller in a casing that has
a central inlet and a tangential outlet, as shown in Fig. 3.1 The path of the fluid is an
increasing spiral from the inlet at the centre to the outlet tangent to the annulus. The
(pressure) 'head develops against the inside wall of the annulus because the curved
wall forces the fluid to move in a circular path rather than by converting velocity
head to (pressure) head.
Useful work comes from the pump when some of the spinning fluid flows
from the casing tangential outlet into the pipe system. Power from the motor
accelerates the fluid coming in the inlet to the speed of the fluid in the annulus.
Some of the power is lost in fluid friction in the casing and impeller. Head
(pressure) is controlled by rpm, impeller diameter, and flow rate.

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3.1 Classification of centrifugal pumps
Centrifugal pumps are generally classified as under
Types Classification based on
Volute Casing (Fig. 3.2a)
Diffuser Casing (Fig. 3.2b)
Radial Flow lmpeller
Mixed Flow lmpeller Fig. 8.
Axial Flow lmpeller
Each of the above types can be further classified in many ways detailed below :
Single stage of multistage based on number of impellers mounted on the shaft.
Single suction or double suction depending on the number of liquid entrv Path
Axially split or radially split casing (See Fig. 3.20 Vertical/Horizontal pumps
3.2 Mulii Stage Pumps
If a larger head is required more impellers are to be fitted in series, so that the
discharge from the first impeller is guided into the inlet of the second impeller. This
is repeated with the third impeller and so on until the required head is reached. Each
impeller will increase the pressure by the same amount. A pump of this type is
called a multi stage pump A typical boiler feed pump may have as many as six to
eight stages.
All the impellers are keyed to the same shaft and usually all impellers dnd
diffusers of one pump are identical. This has the advantage of reducing the labour

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in manufacture and stocking spares of maintenance. The discharge from each
diffuser is either circumferential or radial, this is collected by vanes attached to the
casing which direct, the liquid into the edge of the next impeller. The last diffuser
will discharge into the delivery pipe.
Fig. 3.3 shows 5 stage ring type pressure pump Fig.3.4shows a multistage vertical
pump used for condensate extraction.


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4.0 Rotary Pumps
4.1 Rotary pump is a positive displacement pump employing rotary motion.
This definition can be expanded further by saying that gear and vane pumps are of
the rotary type. Therefore, a gear-type pump is a rotary, positive displacement
pump. Most hydraulic systems use rotary pumps of the gear type.
The screw type rotary pumps is also a positive displacement pump but it is
constructed differently than the gear pump. It has the same general opera ting
characteristics. Usual] y, screw type pumps are used as itransfer pumps be cause of
their large capacities.
4.2 Gear Pumps
4.2.1 Gear pumps, sometimes called external gear pumps, are probably the most common
type of rotary pumps used for industrial applications. As previously mentioned,
hydraulic systems are the prime users of gear pumps. But many machine tools use
gear pumps for bearing lubrication as well as for supplying cu ' tting fluid to the
various points on the machine. In addition, the oil pump in the engines of most fork
lift trucks is.a gear type pump.
4.2.2 The operation of a gear pump, as shown in Fig. 4.1 is quite easy to understand. One
of the most common misunderstandings that people have about gear pumps
concerns the fluid flow. Many people first think that the material being pumped is
forced between the teeth of the gears and out the discharge side. As shown by the
arrows in the illustration, the material being pumped is drawn through the space
between the rotors and the Pump casing by the gear teeth and forced out of the
discharge port. The fluid is prevented from flowing back to the suction side of the
pump by the meshing of the gears.

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4.2.3 Although spur gear impellers are generally the most common type used in gear
pumps, both helical and herringbone gears are also used in many pumps. Two types
are shown in Fig. 4.2.,

4.3 Internal Gear Purnps

4.3.1 Another type of rotary gear pumps is the internal gear pump. This pump is entirely
different in construction than the standard or external gear pump.
4.3.2. The internal gear pump, as shown in Fig. 4.3 also consists of two gears in mesh with
one another. The outer or external gear of the set is the driving gear. The internal
gear is the driven or idler gear of the pump. T he: crescent keeps the gears separated
and reduces eddy currents, increasing the pump efficiency. In some models, it is
movable to allow the pump to operate in either direction.
4.3.3 In operation, the rotating internal gear opens the space between the teeth of both
gears at the intake port area. Fluid is drawn in through the
intake port and passes around the crescent area of the pump. As the gear teeth again
come in contact with one another near the exit port, the fluid is discharged. Notice
that the driven gear has fewer teeth than the driving gear. However, the gears mate
smoothly at all times - without causing inter-ference. This occurs because the pitch
of gears is equal, even though the pitch diameter is unequal.

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4.4 Vane Type Pumps
The vane type pump is another type of rotary pump used in many applications in
industrial plants. Although they are generally used for transferring hydraulic or
lubricating oil, they are also used for solvent or chemical transfer. Vane type pumps
are used for viscous materials such as paint or other heavy fluids which may contain
abrasive particles. For these applicaiions, the vanes are made of a softer material
than the pump casing. They wear less and are replaceable at a relatively low cost.
The, vane type pump shown in Fig. 4.4 is very simple in operation . As the impeller
rotates, its offset position above the pump centerline allows the vanes or blades to
extend and draw in fluid on one side. The open spaces between the impeller and the
housing at the bottom of the pump allow movement of the fluid through the pump.
As the impeller continues its rotation, the vanes are
pushed back in their slot as they near the top of the pump. This constriction of
available space forces the fluid out of the discharge port.
The pump inlet and discharge ports are oval shaped and extend about three-
fourths across the casing width. This less than full opening helps con-tain the vane
within the pump casing. The oval shape smooths the fluid transfer.

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4.5 Screw Pumps
4.5.1 Screw ' pumps are a special type of rotary positive displacement pump in which the
flow through the pumping elements is truly axial. The liquid is carried between
screw threads on one or more rotors and is displaced axially as the screws rotate and
mesh. In all other rotary, pumps the liquid is forced to travel circumferentially, thus
giving the screw pumps with its unique axial flow pattern and low internal velocities
a number of advantages in many application areas where liquid agitation or
churning is objectionable. Fig. 4.5(a)(b)
4.5.2 The applications of screw pumps cover a diversified range of markets such as navy,
marine, and utilities fuel-oil service, marine cargo, industrial
oil, burners; lubricating-oil service; chemical process; petroleum and crudeoil
industries; power hydraulics for navy and machine tools; and many others. The
screw pump can handle liquids in a range of viscosity from molasses to gasoline, as
well as synthetic liquids in a pressure range of 3.5 to 350 kg/,tm2 and flows up to
1300 L/min.
4.5.3 Because of the relatively low inertia of their rotating parts, screw pumps a re
capable of operating at' higher speeds than other rotary or reciprocating pumps of
comparable displacement. Some turbine-attached lubricating-oil pumps operate at
10,000 rpm and even higher. Screw pumps, like other rotary positive displacement
pumps, are self-priming and hav@ a delivery flow characteristic which is essentially
independent of pressure.

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5.0 Reciprocating Pumps
5.1 A reciprocating pump may be defined as a pump that operates using a back and
forth, straight-line motion. Frequently the reciprocating pump is driven by an air or
steam-driven 'reciprocating piston. Some types of reciprocating pumps are driven
by a rotating crank shaft powered by an internal combustion engine or electric
5.1.1 Reciprocating pumps have two sections, the liquid section, and the steam.or air
section. The liquid section does the pumping. The steam or air section provides the
driving force necessary to operate the liquid section.
5.1.2 Although the pumping and driving ends may vary in construction in different
pumps, their general operating characteristics an esign are similar. The terms used
to describe the different components in the two sections (pumping and driving) are
similar in most cases, as shown in Fig. 5.l

Piston - in the drive end converts the steam or air pressure into mechnical energy.
The piston in the pumping end converts the mechanical energy into fluid movement.
Piston Ring - acts as the seating element between the piston and the cylinder walls.
Cylinder - the tubular chamber that contains the piston.

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Cylinder Head the cap on the end of the cylinder. The cap seals the cylinder and
allows'the piston to convert steam or air pressure into mechanical energy.
Packing Gland or stuffing box as it is also called, is located where the connecting
rod or piston rod passes through the cylinder head. The packing gland prevents
leakage of the steam or liquid from the cylinder.
Connecting Rod connects the piston on the pumping end to the drive section.
If the driving force is a crankshaft, the liquid-section connecting rod is usually
constructed in two pieces.
Valves - the valves are of two types. Either they control the power (steam or air)
flow into the driving side or the liquid flow into the pumping side. Although both
valves control flow, they are quite different in construction and operation. Note that
the valves in the di riving side of the pump are mechanically actuated, while the
valves in the pumping side are material actuated.
5.2 Diaphregrn Pumps
5.2.1 The pumping action of a diaphragm pump is similar to a single acting reciprocating
pump. This is shown in the diagram in Fig. 5.2., As the diaphragm is drawn into the
upper portion of the pump cavity, fluid is drawn into the pump through the check
valve in the suction line. As the diaphragm is driven downward, the fluid is forced
out of the cylinder through the check valve on the discharge side. As the cycle is
repeated, the discharge valve is closed by the pressure in the discharge side and the
suction created by the intake stroke.
5.2.2 Most diaphragm pumps are operated mechanically, but some are air- operated. Air
operated pumps can be operated by either compressed-air or Vacuum-air, depending
on the pump. Becaus @ of their simple construction
these pumps are used for metering, transferring, or as sump pumps. Also,. they,can handle
fluids, scurries, or sewage.

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5.2.3 The travel or stroke of the diaphragm in the mechanically operated pump is
controlled by an adjustable connecting r_od or other mechanism. The travel of air-
operated pumps is controlled by an adjustable diaphragm stop as shown in Fig. 4.2.
The stop limits the upward travel of the diaphragm rather than adjusting its overall
5.2.4 For handling chemicals or other corrosive fluids, pumps should be either lined or
manufactured of stainless steel or other corrosion resistant metals. If should be
remembered that the flow from a diaphragm pump is not steady, but pulsating.
6.0 Construction of Centrifugal Pump

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The Centrifugal pump in its simplest form consists of two main partse Stationary
parts consisting. of the casing, bearings and stuffing box. Rotating parts consisting
of the impeller and the shaft.
6.1 Casing
Casing or housing is the main casting which is firstly used to restrain the
water into an approximately circular or spiral path and secondly to collect the water,
as it is delivered from the periphery of the impeller.
It is provided with the inlet 'Suction', the outlet 'Discharge' and with a
stuffing box to permit the projection of the spindle or a shaft.
6.1.1 Materials for Casing
The following criteria should be considered in the selection of material for
centrifugal pump casings :
Corrosion resistance
Abrasive-wear resistance
Casting and machining properties
For most pumping applications cast iron is the preferred material for pump
casings when evaluated against initial cost. For single-stage pumps cast iron is
usually of sufficient strength for the pressures developed. For corrosive and volatile
products it may be necessary to specify cast steel or cast stainless steels.
Cast iron casings for multistage pumps are limited to approximately 10
kg/cm2 discharge pressure and 175"C. For temperatures above 17CC and pressures
upto 150 kg/tm discharge pressure, a cast steel is usually specified for split-casing
multi-stage pumps. For pressures higher than 150 kglcm2a cast or forged steel
barrel-type casing is required.
In any evaluation of cast iron versus steel casings, consideration should be given
to the probability of casing erosion during operation. Erosion can
occur from either abrasive particles 'in- the fluid or from wire drawing across the
flange of c split-case pump. While the initial cost of a steel easing is higher than that
of a cast irom casing can often be salvaged by welding the eroded portions and then

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remachining. Salvaging a cast iron casing by welding is not practical, and the
casing usually must be replaced.
The ductile irons are useful casing materials for pressure and temperature
ratings between cast iron and steels. While the modulus of elasticity for the ductile
irons is essentially the same as that for cast iron, the tensile strength is
approximately doubled. In any evaluation of the ductile irons as a substitute for the
steels in the intermediate pressure and temperature range, it must be remembered
that ductile iron casings cannot be effectively repair-welded in the field.
6.2 lmpeller
The, lmpeller can be described as a wheel having equally spaced Blades or
Vanes, arranged around the shaft.
At one side is the inlet or eye. From,the eye, the blades run in a curved path
to the outer edge of the wheel. (Fig. 6. 1)
6.2.1 Classification
lmpeller can be classified in various types as detailed below:



Single Double Radial Mixed Axial Over- Open Semi Closed

Suction Suction Flow Flow Flow h,u,ng Open
(See Fig. 6.2)

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6.2.2 Materials for lmpelier
The following criteria should be considered in the selection of the material
for the impeller :
Corrosion resistance
Abrasive-wear resistance
Cavitation resistance
Casting and machining properties

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For most water and other noncorrosive services bronze satisfies these criteria
on an evaluated basis. As a result bronze is the most widely used im. peller material
for these services. 13ronze illipellers, however, should not be used for Pumping
temperatures in excess of 120'C. This is a limitation imposed primarily because the
differential rate of expansion between bronze and steel will produce an unacceptable
clearance between the impeller and shaft. The result would be a loose impeller on
the shaft.
Cast iron impellers are used to a limited extent in small low-cost pumps. As
cast iron is inferior to bronze in corrosion, erosion and cavitation resistance low
initial cost.wouid be the only justification for a cast iron impetier on an evaluated
Stainless steel impellers are widely used where bronze would not satisfy the
requirements for corrosion, erosion, or cavitation resistance. The stainless steels are
not used for seawater, however, as pitting will limit their performance life. The
stainless steels should be used where the pumping temperature exceed 120 0 C as
the differential expansion problem no longer exists with a steel impeller on a steel
The austenitic stainless steels are the next step up on the corrosion and
cavitation-resistance scale. Initial cost is a factor here that should be evaluated
against the increased performance life.
6.3 The Shaft
The basic function of the shaft is to transmit the torque and supporting the
impeller and other rotating parts. The impeller is keyed to the shaft which is
supported at either ends by bearings. (Ref. Fig. 6.3)

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The following criteria should be considered in the selection of the material
for a centrifugal pump shaft :
Endurance limit
Corrosion resistance
Notch sensitivity
The endurance 1'tm'tt 'is the stress below which the shaft will withstand an
infinite number of stress reversals without failure. Since one stress reversal occurs
for each revolution of the shaft this means that, ideally at least, the shaft will never
fail if the actual maximum bending stress in the shaft is less than the endurance limit
of the shaft materials.

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In actual practice, however, the endurance limit is substantially reduced
because of corrosion and stress raisers such as threads, keyways and shoulders on
the shaft. In the evaluation of the selection of the shaft mateiral consi- deration
must be given to the corrosion resistance of the material in the fluid being pumped
as well as the notch sensitivity.
6.3.1 Shaft Sleeves
Pump shafts are usually protected from erosion, corrosion, and wear at
stuffing boxes, leakage joints, internal bearings, and in the water ways by renewable
The most common shaft-sleeve function is that of protecting the shaft from
wear at a stuffing box (See Fig. 6.4).Sha'ft sleeves serving other functions

are given specific names to Indicate their purpose. For example, a shaft sleeve used
between two multistage pump impellers in conjunction with the interstage bushing
to form an interstage leakage joint is called an interstage or distance sleeve.
6.4 Bearings
The function of bearings in centrifugal pumps are :
Reducing frictional force.

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To keep the shaft in correct alignment with the stationary parts under
the action of a radial and transverse loads.
In horizontal pumps the bearings are usually designated as inboard and
outboard. Inboard bearings are located between the casing and coupling. Because
of the heat generated by the bearing itself or the heat of the pumped liquid (more
than 120"C), the bearing temperature are kept within proper limits (40* C to 60" C)
either by a forced feed lubrication system @incorporatina oil ..ooieror by Jacket
cooling. All type: of bearings are used in centritugai :)umps depending on the
service conditions.
6.5 Punip Sealing
Sealings are provided to prevent any leakage at the point where the pump
shaft passes out through the casing. The pump seals prevent air leakage into the
pump if the pump pressure is less than atomospheric and if the pressure is above
atmospheric the function is to prevent the liquid leaking out of the pump.
Basically two types of sealings are used
Stuffing Box
Mechanical seal
6.5.1 Stuffing Box
A stuffing box consists of a number of rings of packing around the pump
shaft housed inside a cylindrical recess between the pump casing
and the pump shft. The packing is compressed to give the desired fit on the shaft by
a gland that can be adjusted in the axial direction. Fig. 6.5 a It sealing the box is
desired, a lantern ring(Fig. 6.5 b)is used that separates the rings of packing into
appoximately equal sections.

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Fig. 6.5 a Conventional stuffing box with bottoming ring.

Fig. 6.5 Lantern gland or seal cage

1. With the pressure off the stuffing box, and liquid drained where necessary, remove
the gland follower nuts and null the gland follower clear of the stuffing box.

2. Carefully withdraw the old packing, using paired extractor tools of the correct size,
placed on opposite sides of the shaft. Remove any vestiges of the old packing and
wipe the stuffing box clean.

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3. Check the shaft to concentricity with the stuffing box bore.

4. Check the shaft to ensure run out does not exceed 0.025 mm T.I.R.

5. The shaft surface in way of the packing rings must be free from scars, pitting, grooves
or ridges.

6. Examine the gland follower for general condition and fit. The inner radial clearance
should be .25 mm to .4 mm maximum and the outer radial clearance should be .25
mm maximum., to prevent risk of cocking or touching on the shaft.

7. Check the clearance between the neck bush and 'the r 1 haft. If this is greater than
.25 mm radiaily. it may be advantageous to employ a tin, close clearance spacer
ring in the bottom of the stuffing box, to prevent risk of packing extrusion.

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1. Gland packings are normally supplied as spirals or on a spool or coil, or as die-
formed rings made to specified dimensions. When specified as a continuous length, it
is necessary first to cut off the length of material to make the required number of

2. Place the packing round the shaft, or a- mandrel of the specified diameter. (The bore
of metallic and intruded packing spirals should conform to this diameter).

3. To assist in cutting. rings, two guide lines parallel, to the shaft axis and separated by
a distance equal to the packing section may be drawn on the spiral.

4. Cut the rings from the spiral at an angle of 45' diagonally across the guide lines - no
gap is left between the ends.

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5. Metallic and extruded packing rings are, spirally opened ready for fittings by pulling
the ends axially apart.
6. Check the first ring to ensure a correct fit in the stuffing box, before cutting further
rings in the same way.


1. Check the shaft to ensure it turns freely.
2. Fit each packinq ring individually.

3. Joints are staggered by 120'.

4. Check the shaft to ensure it can be turned. afte@ fittina each packing ring.
5. If alantern ring is fitted, it must be correctly Positioned below the inlet connection
allowing for slight compression of the bottom Packing rings. Bring the gland
follower up squarely against the last packing ring and tighten the nuts to finaer
6. Tighten the nuts finally aftpr charqinq the valve.

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Type Material Construction Temp. (Max. Maximum PH Suitable
of range) pressure for

0 0
F C lb/in2 bar
Natural fibre Cotton Plaited or bri- 199 90 - - 6-9 Water
ded with lubricant

Hemp Plaited or bri- 176 80 - - 5-9 Water

ded with lubricant

Flex Plaited or bri- 160-250 70-120 - - - Water

ded with lubricant

Synthetic Nylon,rayon Plaited or bri- Not used

fibre etc. ded for valve
impregnatedwith packing

Asbestos White Plainted or -22 to -30 to 5-12 Steam,

asbestos braided with 570 +300 liquors,etc.
graphite, mica
or,oil lubricant

Asbestos White Plaited or -60 to -50 to 3600 to 250 to 4-11 Water,steam

(reinforced) asbestos, braided with +1380 +750 9500 650 solvents,
inconel graphite, mica hydrocarbons
wire reinforc- or oil lubricant incorporating
ement acids
and alcohols

Asbestos Asbestos Wet-spun,dust -30 to -40 to 5-12 High

graphite fibres free type +570 +300 temperaature
mixed with preferred as and stem
graphite smoother than services.
dry mix.

PTFE PTFE yaarns Plainted or -328 to -200 to 0-14 Water,steam,

or tape braided +490 +250 hydro-carbon,
soft packings

PTFE yarns
with lubricant

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PTFE yarns, Plaited or -328 to -200 to 1450 100 0-14 All media,
treated with braided +570 +300 but little
PTFE used for
dispersion valves.

PTFE / PTFE / Solid +480 +250 1450 100 0-14 Water,oils

graphite graphite extrusion hydrocarbons
mix alkalis, acids,
alcohols etc.

PTFE / Aramid fibres coated fibres -364 to 220 to 2900 to 200 to 1-14 Not
aramid treated with braided or +570 +300 14500 +1000 particularly
PTFE plaited and suitable
dispersion impregnated for valve
with stem
lubricant seals.

Expanded Pure Tape form -328 to -200 to 4350 300 0-14 High
graphite expanded +1100 +600 temperature
graphite services sealing
gases and low

pure Flexible plait -328 to -200 to 4350 300 0-14 Viscosity fluids :
expanded +1100 +600 all services
'graphite requiring
leak tightness.

Carbon fibre Amorphous Twisted or -328 to -200 to 0-14 High

carbon yarns plaited +1100 +600 temperature
treated with services but little
graphite used for valves

Glass fibre Glass fibre Braided with Corrosive

yarns added lubricant media
(except strong

Alumina Alumina Plaited,with 2300 1260 0-9 Extremely high

silicate silicate or without temperature
inconel wire services.
rein forcement

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6.5.2 Mechanical Seals
The stuffing box cannot provide minimum leakage because to lubricate the
shaft and the packing, the pumped fluid must be allowed to leak out of the pump.
The packing requires periodic tightening. This leads to frictional losses and
consequent failure of the stuffing box.
In order to avoid the above, the mechanical seals are used. In mechanical
seals, the sealing surfaces are located in a plane perpendicular to the shaft.
Mechanical seal essentially consists of two, highly polished surfaces running
adjacently, one surface being placed on the shaft and the other to the stationary
portion of the pump. The lapped surfaces, made of dissimilar metals are held in
continual contact by the spring, forming fluid tight seal between the rotating and
stationary members with very little frictional losses. Fig. 6.7 shows the details of
mechanical seals of a KH 1 Boiler Feed pump.
6.5.3 Cooling of Mechanical Seals
There are a number of reasons for cooiing mechanical seals :
To prevent the destruction of the liquid film between sealing faces due to
high temperature
To prevent vaporization of the liquid at the seal faces
To protect the seal faces by oreventing overheating and continuous flushing
Basically there are two types of seal arrangements-internal and External.
Internal assembly is the one of which the rotating element is located inside
the box and is in contact with the liquid being pumped Fig. 6.6A
In External assembly the rotating element is located outside the box Fig. 6.6 b.

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Both internal and external types always have three primary points Fig. 6.8 at which
sealing must be done as described below:
Point (1) - Between the stationary element and casing. This point. is sealed by
conventional gaskets or some synthetic 'O' ring.
Point (2) - Between the rotating element and shaft (or shaft sleeve). This point is sealed
by '0' rings, bellows or some form of flexible wedges.
Po i nt (3) - Between the mating surfaces of rotating and stationary seal elements.
Leakage between these two surfaces cannot be entirely stopped but can be
reduced to insignificant amount by maintaining a very close contact.

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Whenever the temperature of liquid being pumped is above 7@ C, the thin film of
liquid entrapped between the seal faces flashes into steam because of rise of
temperature in the seal faces due to friction. This causes the seal faces to wear very
So, it must be ensured that liquid around seal area is limited to 7@C. While pumping
liquid at 70" C or more, arrangements must be made to cool the seal faces either by
flushing the seal faces with external cold water or by a close circuit sealing system
with external cooler.
6.6 Wearing Rings
Wearing Rings are used between the pump casing-and impeller to provide a
leak tight joint using renewable parts. The wearing ring can either be fixed to the
casing or to the impeller and in some cases it is a double ring fixed to both impeller
and the casing.
There are various types of wearing ring design and selection of a type
depends on the liquid handled, the pressure differential across the leakage joint, the
rubbing speed and pump design. The various designs are shown in the Fig. 6.9 .
These designs are based on the variation of the leakage joints to provide
resistance to leakage, flow from high pressure discharge side to low pressure suction
The clearance between the wearing ring mounted on the casing or casing ring and
the impeller is a function of the leakage joint, diameter.

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7.0 Axial thrust & hydraulic balancing
Axial thrust is the summation of unbalanced impeller forces acting in the
axial direction.
7.1 Axial thrust in single-stage pumps
The ordinary single suction radial flow impeller, with the shaft passing
through the impeller eye, is subject to axial thrust because a portion of the front
wall. is exposed to suction pressure.
Thus the net axial force will be acting towards the suction side and it will be :
(Pd - Ps) x hub area, where Pd' = discharge pressure and Ps = suction side pressure
Fig. 7.1,.

A double-suction impeller is axialy balanced with the pressure orv one side equal to
that on the other side Fig. 7.2 . Though this is theoretically true, in practice even in the
double suction pump axial unbalance persists. To compensate for this, all centrifugal
pumps incorporate thrust bearings.

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To eliminate the axial thrust of a singte-sijction impeller, a Pump can be provided
with both front and back wearing rings. To equalise thrust areas, the inner diameter of
both rings is made the same. Pressure approximately equal to the suction pressure is
maintained in a chamber located on the impeller side of the back wearing ring through
drilled balancing holes through the impeller Fig. 7.3.
Leakage past the back wearing rings is returned into the suction area through these
holes. In case of large single-stage single-suction pumps, balancing holes are replaced
by a piped connection to the pump suction.

7.2 Axial thrust in multistage pumps

A multistage pump essentially consists of a number of singie-stage impellers
mounted on the same shaft.
Single-stage impiollers can be mounted in two ways
i) Several impeders mounted on one shaft each having its suction and facing
in the same direction and its stages following one another in ascending
order of pressure. The axial thrust is then balanced by hydraulic balancing
(ii) An even number of single-suction impellers can be mounted half in one
direction, half in opposite Erection. With this arrangement, axial th. rust-on

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the one half is compensated by the thrust in the opposite direction on the
other half.
7.2.1 Hydraulic balancing devices
Hydraulic balancing devices are mostly used in multistage pumps to balance
the axial thrust and to reduce the pressure on the stuffing to the fast-stage impeller.
This hydraulic balancing device may be a balancing drum, a balancing disc or a
combination of the two.
7.2.2 Balancing drum
Balancing chamber is provided after the fast stage impeller. The chamber is
separated from the pump interior by a drum that is either keyed or screwed to the
pump shaft and hence it rotates with the shaft. The drum is separated by a small
radial clearance from the stationary portion of the balancing device. The balancing
chamber is connected either to the pump suction or to the vessel from which the
pump takes its suction. Thus, the back pressure in the chamber is slightly higher
than the suction pressure Fig. 7.4).
The forces acting on the balancing drum are the following :
i) Towards the discharge end -F, = Pd x front balancing area
ii) Towards the suction enct.F2 = Pb x back balancing area,
Pb = back pressure, Pd = discharge pressure.
The first force is greater than the second thereby counter balancing the axial
thrust exerted.
Since 100% balance@ is unattainable in practice, the balancing drum is often
designed to balance only 90 to 95% of total impeller thrust.

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However, the major disadvantage of balancing drum, is that it does not compensate
automatically for any change in the axial thrust caused by varying pump operating
7.2.3 Bglgncing disc
In this case balancing disc rotates with the pump shaft and it is separated
from the balancing disc head (stationary part) by a srnall axial clearance. The
leakage through this clearance flows into the balancing chamber and from there
either to the pump suction or to the vessel from which the pump takes its suction.

The back of the disc is subject to the balancing chamber back pressure,
whereas the disc face experiences a range of pressures (discharge pressure at its
smallest diameter to back pressure at its periphery). The inner and outer
diameters of the disc are so chosen that the total force acting on the disc face and
that acting on its back wall will balance the impeller axial thrust Fig. 7.5.
If the axial thrust increases during operation, the disc moves tovvards the disc
head reducing the axial clearance. This will result in reduction in leakage and
hence in the back pressure in the balancing chamber. This automatically
increases the A p acting on the disc and moves it away from the disc head,
increasing the clearance. Now, the pressure builds up in the balancing chamber
and the disc is again moved towards disc head until an equilibrium 1 is reached.
Thus automatic compensation is ensured.

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The disadvantage of a balancing disc arrangement is that the pressure on the
stuffing box packing is variable and this is quite detrimental to the life of packing.
7.2.4 Combination of balancing disc and drum
The combination of balancing disc and drum is developed to overcome the
shortcomings of the disc while retaining the advantage of automatic compensation
for any axial thrust changes Fig. 7.6).

7.2.5 Balancing device in Boiler Feed Pump

The axial thrust in case of a BFP type 200 KHI/150 KHI(BHEL)
isapproximately 34 tons and is balanced by the provision of balancing device. It
consists of a rotating balancing disc with a small axiai clearance of 0.08 to 0.12mm
against a static balancing disc. A part of the higli pressure water a fter the last
impeller is allowed to pass through the throttling bush and to act on the front surface
of the balancing disc. The back surface of the disc is exposed to suction pressure by
connecting the space behind the disc to deaerator through piping. The difference in
pressure on both sides of the disc exerts a thrust on the disc and tries to move the
entire rotor towards right. Since this force is opposite and equal to axial thrustthe
rotor comes in equilibrium position maintaining the clearance of 0,08to 0.12mm
depending on the type of pump i.e. 200 or 150 KH 1.
8.0 Pump Maintenance

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8.1 SAFETY : While taking up any maintenance job the related safety aspects should
always be kept in mind and never be ignored. Following steps must be observed'
1) Obtain a 'permit to work' from competent authority, Permit must specify the
pump(s) to be taken up for maintenance, inform the steps to be taken for
isolating the pump from the system.
2) Ensure that isolation is actually carried out as per the instructions.
3) Drain the pump and connected pipe line before working and be sure of the
nature of the fluid being carried through the pipe. If the line handles liquid of
corrosive nature use required personnel protective equipment.
4) Allow the pump to cool down sufficiently.
5) Clean the surrounding area, make proper access to the working place. Take
care of other hot lines, if any, around the pump.
6) Choose right tools. Consult manufacturers instruction for special tools, if
7) Allow only authorized persons in the work area.
8.2 Maintenance operations for centrifugal pumps fall into two categories
a) Routine preventive maintenance
b) Major overhaul or Repairs
Routine Maintenance
Routine maintenance can be classified as work done primarily to rectify the
effects of normal wear in a pump.
Overhaul or Repair are carried out to rectify the results of excessive wear,
over heating, damag e from solids in the liquids or injury or wear due to any other
A maintenance record for the pump must be kept and preserved to monitor
machine performance
Maintenance Intervals
The usual intervals recommended for routine preventive maintenance are monthly,
quarterly, half-yearly and annualiv, Theseare satisfactory for all common
centrifugal pumps, provided hourly checks are regularly carried out.
8.2.1 Daily Observation of Pump Operation

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When operators are on constant duty, hourly and daily inspections should be
made, and any irregularities in the operation of a pump should be reported
immediately. This applies particularly to changes in the sound of running pump,
abrupt changes in bearing temperatures, and stuffing box leakage. A check of the
pressure gauges and of the flowmeter ,,if installed, should be made hourly. If
recording instruments are provided, a daily check should be made to determine
whether the capacity, pressure or power consumption indicate that further inspection
is required.
8.2.2 Monthly Check
Use a thermometer to check temperatures of each bearing of the pump.
Temperature, in no case should go beyond 720C. Before allowing any bearing to
operate at any temperature above that recommended, check with the pump
manufacturer. Much depends upon the type of bearings, its lubricant and the duty
the bearing performs in the pump. In bigger size pumps on line temperature
measuring points are provided for this purpose.
8.2.3 Quarterly
a) Check oil & Replace
Once in every 3 months, drain the oil from sleeve type bearings. Washout
the oil wells and bearings interior parts with kerosene oil. Check the oil rings.
b) Check bearing lubrication, arrangements
Rings must be free from all the dirt, completely circular and must turn freely
when the pump shaft is rotated. Repair or replace any defective oil rings. Refill
the bearing with the correct oil.
c) Check Grease for Specifications
Inspect grease lubricated rolling contact and sleeve bearings for
saponification, a condition revealed by a whitish colour of the grease. It is caused
usually by leakage of Water or other liquids past the bearing shaft seal To relieve
this condition, flush all grease from the bearingluse clean warm Kerose@ne oil to
do the same. When the bearing is clean atid dry, replace it with new clean grease of
recommended grade.
d) Measure bearing clearance

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Place three length of metallic packing or plastic wire on top of the journal.
The wire should not be more than 0.20 mm thicker than the estimated clearance.
Replace the bearing cap and tighten its hold down nuts.
Remove the cap and measure the thickness of each of Flattened wire with
micrometer. If all leads are of the same thickness, the clearance is uniform,
throughout the bearing.
Thickness of any wire gives the bearing clearance at the point at which wire
was located. Check the clearance, and enter it in the pump record card, along with
the date of the replacement.
8.2.4 Half Yearly
Good, stuffing box must leak
Check the shaft packing by observing the leakage from it, leak should be 40
to 60 drops per minute for adequate cooling, this may vary with pump service
conditions, liquid handled and the type of the packing used.
If rate of leakage is higher than the recommended one check packing, and
replace all. Don't replace one or two packs.
Removal of old packing
Remove packing by extractor. Make sure that shaft is not scratched while
removing worn out packing.
Note down seal position
If seal cage or lantern ring is provided, note down its position. Count the
number of packing in front. or in the rear side of the seal cage.
Check Shaft sleeve
Check the shaft sleeve for wear. If the sleeve is badly scarred or worn,,
replace it.
To slip the sleeve from the shaft, use sleeve puller. If there is some
difficulty, apply some heat on the sleeve and pull by puller.
Check run out of the Shaft.
If packing wear is more, and sleeves are in good condition, check the shaft
run out, use Dial Test Indicator (DT I).

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Check with D.T.I. and if run out is more than the permissible limits get your
shaft straightened
Find out right size of packing thickness
Measure the stuffing box bore, subtract the shaft diameter. Divide bv 2, to
find out the right size of the packing to install.
Stagger the joint at :
a) 1800' if the stuffing box has two packings
b) 120 if the stuffing box has three packings
c) 9011 if the stuffing box has four packings
Insert packings and be sure that packing has reached its proper place.
Locate Lantern Ring
Be sure each ring is firmly seated before the next one is inserted. Locate the
Lantern ring, it lines up with the centre of the cooling liquid opening. Remember
the ring moves back into the box as the packing is compressed. Allow the packing
to leak until it seats itself. As the packing, is being installed, turn the shaft by hand
in the normal direction of rotation to level off any high spots in the packing.
Gland Adjustment
Tighten the packing gland just enough to prevent excessive leakage before
starting the pump. As the packing adjust itself in the shaft, tighten the gland slowly,
one flat at a time until the desired results are achieved.
Do not back off the gland nuts
Do not back off the gland nuts, while the pump is running. This will allow
the entire sets of rings to move away from the bottom of the box without relieving
pressure of the packing on the shaft sleeve. The best islif packing is too tight,to stop
the pump, and allow the stuffing box to cool, and then readjust the packing. Start
the pump and check stuffing box temperature. It may be necessary to stop and start
pump several times before the proper leakage and temperature is obtained.
8.2.5 Annual Inspection
Centrifugal pumps should be very thoroughly inspected once a year. In
addition to the semi annual maintenance procedure the bearings should be removed,
cleaned and examined for flaws. The bearing housings should be fully cleaned.

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Antifriction bearings should be examined for scratches and wear after cleaning.
Immediately after inspection, antifriction bearings should be coated with oil or
grease to prevent dirt or moisture from getting into them.
The packing should be removed and the shaft sleeves, or shaft, if sleeves are
not used, should be examined for wear.
The coupling halves should be disconnected and alignment checked. In the
case of horizontal pumps with babbitt bearings, the vertical shaft movement for both
ends should be checked with the packing out and the coupling disconnected. Any
vertical movement more than 150 per cent of the original play reuires investigation
to determine the cause. If the end play is higher than allowed and recommended by
the manufacturer, the cause should be determined and corrected.
Drains, sealing water piping, cooling water piping, and other piping should
be checked and flushed. If an oil cooler is used, it should be flushed and cleaned.
The pump, stuffing boxes should be repacked and the coupling reconnected.
If instrument and monitoring devices are available, these should be
recalibrated and a test made to determine whether proper performance is obtained.
If internal repairs are made, the pump should again be tested after completion of the
8.3 Complete Overhaul
General rules cannot easily.be made to determine the proper frequency and
regularity of complete overhauls of centrifugal pumps. The type of service for
which the pump is intended, the general construction of the pump, the liciuid
handled, the materials used, the average operating time of the pump, and the
evaluation of overhaul costs against possible power savings from renewed
clearances, all enter into the decision on the frequency of complete overhauls. Some
pumps on severe service may need a complete overhaul monthly, whereas other
applications only require overhaul every two to four years or even less. frequently.
8.3.1 Stages of Major Pump Checkup
1 . Stripping the pump
Identification and marking of parts
2. General Inspection of parts removed.

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3. Specific fault detection.
4. Rectif ication of fau Its,
Bearing housing
Bearing replacement
Neck ring clearance
lmpeller condition
Changing gland packing
Check shaft for straightness
Keyways and keys
Shaft sleeve tolerances
Condition of nuts & bolts
5. Condition of gland and gland housing (Clearances)
6. Assembly of pumps
7. Pump alignment
8.3.2 Method of Marking or Stamping items when Stripping Pumps
Stamping the Pump
1 Clean pump, motor, bedplate etc.
2. Remove any klinger cocks, valves, gauges, tundishes etc. from pump body.
3. Check if any existing marks or stampings are visible on pump, body,
couplings, gland etc.
It may be possible to use original stamping and so not to confuse when
rebuilding pump
4. Stamp glands.C.E. (coupling end) or C.D.E. (Coupling drive end) and B.E.
(back end) or N.D.E. (non drive end).
5. Stamp pedestal caps and bearings C.E. or C.D.E. and B.E. or N.D.E. on top
and bottom halves.
6. Stamp bearing housings. C. E. or C. D. E.' and B. E. or N. D. E.
7. Mark any covers to be removed including the top cover of single and twin
stage pumps.
8. All parts not suitable for stamping must be marked or lables attached i.e. oil
rings, junk rings, lantern rings, water or oil throwers, ball and roller

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bearings, sleeve nuts etc. and ail dowels removed from covers or feet of
9. All bushes and neck rings must be stamped or marked from coupling end of
10. When marking a multi-stage pumpchambers should be stamped from
coupling end of pump i.e. suction chamber is No. 1 chamber and so on.
(See. Fig. 4).
11. When marking impellers, the impeller whose necking enters suction
chamber should be marked or stamped on the delivery side of impeller.
12. All keys should be stamped from coupling end i.e. (coupling key) No.l. (No.
1 lmpeller) No. 2., (No. 2 ]mpeller) and so on right up to B.V. (Balance
Valve) Key.
13. All chamber plates should be stamped from coupling end i.e. suction
chamber plate No. 1 and so on.
14. All neck rings and bushes removed from chambers or plates should be
stamped from coupling end of pump as they will be used for reference.
15. Any Guide vane tips removed from chambers must be stamped for
reference use numbered from suction end.
8.3.3 Complete Dismantli g of A Centrifugal Pump
Centrifuga pumps should be dismantled with great care. The suction and
discharge valves should be-closed and the pump casing drained. All necessary
piping and parts that would interfere with thd disassembly of the pump, such as
bearing covers, should be taken apart as required by the manufacturer's instructions.
The upper half of pumps with axially split casings should be lifted straight up
after the dowels and the nuts of the casing bolts have been removed, to prevent
damage to internal parts. The rotor should also be removed vertically to prevent
injury to the impellers, wearing rings, and other parts.
During the dismantling procedure, the various parts removed must be marked
to ensure proper reassembly. All individual parts and all important joints should be
carefully examined. If the pump has been operating satisfactorily with only a slight

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reduction in head and capacity due to increased leakage, a decision on
reconditioning will depend on several factors- like
Availability of spare parts.
Length of time the pump can be left out of service.
Economic considerations and importance of getting the service from the
unit without overhauls.
Generally, worn parts should be renewed if the pump is not to be examined
until the next routine period, regardless of the performance of the unit, because
when parts in new or good condition are assembled in contact with dirty or worn
parts, the new parts are very likely to wear out re-Pidly.
8.3.4 Maintenance of specific pump parts
i.) Special care is required in the reassembly of multistage pump rotors with
axially split casings. These casings are made from castings and, when the
pump is built, it is sometimes necessary to allow variations in longitudinal
dimensions on the casings. This is done by making assembly floor
adjustments to the rotor, in order to preserve the designed impellers in their
correct positions, with respect to their volutes or diffusers.
ii.) When making field renewal of rotors or of stationary parts, all lateral
distances should be compared with those on the old parts and where lateral
end movement is affected, these distances should be duplicated.
iii.) The assembled rotor and stationary parts (such as casing wearing rings,
stag-pieces, diffusers) $hould be placed in the lower half of the casing and
the total lateral clearance checked.
iv.) When the thrust bearing is assembled and the shaft is in its proper position,
this total clearance should be suitably divided and the impeliers centrally
located in the volutes or diffusers. The shaft nuts can be manipulated for
final adjustments.
v.) To avoid shaft distortion, all abutting joints must be square with the shaft
axis and with each other, and the impeller and shaft sleeve nuts must not be
tightened with excessive force. Otherwise, the metal may be crushed at
these joints, exerting severe moments on the shaft. ]'he shaft may become

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bowed under the influence of these moments and develop a marked
vibration, in addition to the possibility of rubbing and binding at the
internal running joints.
vi.) When using locking screws of the safety, type, the assembly should be
cheked using a dial,test indicator, to make sure that the shaft is not bent in
its bearings or on centres to check for eccentricity and any eccentricity
8.3.5 Pump reassembly :
If the pump casing is split axially, great care must be exercised in replacing
the upper casing half and tightening up the casing bolts.
ii) If more than one row of bolts is used, the row nea rest to the pump central
axis should be tightend up first. After all the bolts have been tightened once,
they should be tightened again to ensure the tightness of the casing joint.
iii) They should then betightened once more when the pump has been brought up
to operating temperature.
8.4 Spare and reoair parts
The service for which a centrifugal pump is used will determine, to a great
extent, the minimum number of spare parts that should be carried in stock at
the installation site.
Average minimum for any centrifugal pump should include a set of wearing
rings, a set of shaft sleeves (or a shaft if no sleeves are used) and a set of bearings.
It is often advisable to carry a complete spare rotor for installation in the pump when
examination shows that the pump rotor has become excessively worn, or if it
becomes accidentally' damaged. Sufficient spare packing for the stuffing boxes and
material for the gasket of axially split casing pumps should always be in stock.
Spare parts should be purchased at the time the order for the complete unit is
placed. Depending upon the contemplated method for wearing ring overhaul, the
spare wearing rings are ordered either same size as the wearing rings used in the
assembly to the new pump or bored undersize.
8.4.1 How to Order for Spares :

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The pump serial number and size as stamped on the manufacturer's
nameplate should always be given when ordering spare and replacement parts, This
needs to be ensured so that the manufacturer may identify the pump and furnish
repair parts of correct size and materials. Most centrifugal pumps are of standard
design and a great number of combinations are made for each size of casing, using
different impeller. sizes and designs. Without an identification number, the pump
manufacturer would be at a loss to furnish correct spares even though size and type
of the pump might be known. Some manufacturers issue special formats for
ordering spares. If available, they must be us--d.
8.5 Record of inspection and repairs:
The working schedule of the half yearly and annual inspection programme
should be incorporated on maintenance cards, one for each pump in the installation.
These cards should contain the pump identification number, the date of the
scheduled inspection, a complete recrod of all the items requ@ring individual
inspection, and space for comments and observations of the inspecting personnel.
Adequate maintenance does not end with repair work on worn or aamaged parts. A
written record of the conditions of the parts to be repaired or replaced, of the rate
and appearance of the wear, and of the method by which the repair was carried out
is as important as the repair job itself. These records\can form the basis of
preventive measures which will act to reduce both the frequency and cost of
maintenance work. The type of inspection records and the extent of detail they may
contain vary with the type of pump in question and availability of personnel.
It is often advisable to take photographs of badly worn parts before they are
repaired, photographs provide more accurate and more graphic record of the damage
than a description.
Complete records of maintenance and repair costs should always be kept for
each individual pumps together with a record of its operating hours; study of these
records may reveal whether a change in materials or design will be the most
economical plan to follow.
8.6 Major Repairs and Overhaul

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Apart from the regular maintenance discussed earlier, the pump may require
repairs or major overhaul, Repairs pertaining to each components are discussed
8.6.1 Casing Repair :
Some time casing develops vapour lock conditions as shown in the Fig.
8.1(A, B). This cannot be removed even after repeated priming. This may be found
in the volute casings. Under such case the gas/vapours entrapped is to be removed
by drilling a hole of suitable size as shown in Fig. 8.1'(A, B) at suitable location.

8.6.2 lmpeller Maintenance
An impeller removed from the pum p casing should be carefully examined on
all surfaces for Unusual wear, such as abrasion, corrosion or cavitation. Most pump
for general service use bronze impellers which has a reasonably long life.
Occasionally, these pumps operate on high suction lifts or at part capacities both of
which affect impeller, life. Pumps handling water containing sand may use bronze,
cast-iron, nickle or even chrome steel impellers depending upon the amount of sand,
its abrasiveness and the character of the water.

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Generally, impeller materials that form a protective coating or film, which
adheres firmly to the underlying metals and is not washed off by the water stream,
should always be used. However, abrasive material naturally erodes this protective
film on many metals making their use undesirable.
Abrasion wear can be best tested by a sedimentation test. Some of the
pumped liquid is allowed to stand in a glass container for a few hours, and the
settled particles are examined for grit. A chemical laboratory analysis of the
pumped liquid is usually necessary to determine whether corrosion is responsible for
wear. Of course, if corrosion wear is detected, the substitution with better materials
becomes necessary.
Cavitation is often accompanied by pitting in the impeller suction areas and
can be detected by a crackling noise during operation. If impellers rapidly become
pitted or eroded, the increased cost of special alloys is often warranted.
In small pumps, impeller wear is best corrected by replacement of the
impetier, because the pump size does not permit its being rebuilt. Whereas
rebuilding by brazing, soldering, welding etc. is feasible, the cost is high and so
replacement is usually the better solution.
Most large impellers will -provide many years of service, regardless of
abrasion, if eroded a,-eas are treated by 'building up' the metal. Although unlikely
wear may sometimes occur in the impeller hub over the shaft mounting'or at the
keyway. The first may be caused by a porosity in the impeller casting, permitting
water to seep from the higher pressure region to the fit between the shaft and
impeller. Sometime, the shaft material is the one more readily attacked. Wear at
the keyway may occur if the impeller fits loosely on the shaft or the key is not
properly fitted.
Finally, impeller cracks may develop because of excessive vibration or
strains set up during the casting process and not detected at the time the impeller
was machined. Cracked impellers cannot be successfully repaired and are best be
lmpeller balance should be rechecked 'whenever'the impeller is removed
from the pump rotor during overhaul. For balancing by hand, the impeller is

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mounted on an arbor, the ends of which are placed on two parallel and level knife
edges. If the impeller is out of balance, it will turn the arbor and come to rest with
its heavy portion down. Metal must be removed from this portion in such a way that
pump performance will not be affected and so eddy currents, which accei,-rate
erosion, will not result. For these reasons, drilling holes in the excess metal is
For balancing a shrouded impeller, the best practice is to mount the impeller
off-centre in a lathe and take a cut (which will be deepest at thp. periphery) from the
shroud . The cut can be taken from both shrouds, depending upon their actual
thickness and the amount of metal to be removed.
In semiopen impetier pumps, the removed metal can be taken from the
shroud if the design permits or from underneath the vanes if those on the heavy side
are th.icker than the others. The latter method is the one used for balancing open
8.6.3 Wearing Ring Maintenance Installation
Most rings are now pressed on the impeller As distortion may occur during
the mounting process, it is advisable to Check the shaft and impeller assembly on
centres to see if the new ring surfaces are true and if not, to true them up. If the
proper facilities are available, it would be just as easy to get slightly oversi7P rings
and turn their wearing surface to the proper diameter after mounting. Clearance
One manufacturer's clearance and tolerance standards for nongailing wearing
joint metals in general service Pumps are shown in Fig. 8.2. They .apply to the
following combinations - i). Bronze with a d issimilar bronze
ii). cast iron with bronze, iii). steel with bronze, !v). monel metal with bronze, and v).
cast iron with cast iron. If the metals gall easily (like the chrome steels), the values
given should be increased by about 0.002 in. In multistage pumps, the basic diameter
clearance should be increased by 0.003 in. for larger rings. The tolerance indicated is
'plus' (+) for the casing ring and 'minus' for the impetier hub or impeiler rings.

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In a single-stage pump with a joint of nongailing components, the correct
machining dimension for ' a casing ring diameter of 9.000 in, would be 9.000 plus
0.003 and minus 0.000 in. and for the impeller hub or ring, 9.000 minus 0.018, or
8.982 plus 0.000 and minus 0.003 in. Actual diametral clearances would be between
0.018 and 0.024. Naturally, the manufacturer's reconify@e,@ ndation for ring
clearance and tolerance should be followed.

PAGE 56 Allowable wear
It is difficult to generalize on the amount of wear allowable before apump
should be dismantled and the wearing joint renewed, because too many factors ar 1
e involved. Internal leakage through the rings naturally means an efficiency tor,,;.
Ring renewal should be such that the overhaul cost will be offset by the power
savings. lhus, with constant use and high power costs, stified. The rule of thumb
that 100 percent more frequent renewal can be ju increase in ring clearance justifies
ring renewal can be used as a guide.
Even though the clearance is not excessive and the pump can be reassembled
without renewing the wearing ring joint, always check the impetier hub diameter
and the inside diameter of the stationary wearing ring for ecce- ntricity of wear. Measurement of clearance

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Wearing ring clearances may sometimes be measured by inserting a feeler
arts. If the wearing ring is L type gaugebetween the stationary and rotating p and
the lip of the L prevents inserting thegauge@he clearance may be approximately
checked without dismantling the rotor, in the following manner:
i) Mount a dial indicator o n the impeller (as shown inF@9.8.3) and with the
stationary ring resting on the impeiier wearing ring huo, set the dial reading to
ii) Without moving the impeller or dial indicator, push up on the stationary ring
from below and record the maximum dial reading. This corres- sponds to the
diametral clearance.

(3) Repeat this operation for every clearance joint and make a record of all
This operation is best carried out, however, with the rotor removed from the
pump casing it is best suited to multi stage pumps because once the rotor is out of the
casing of pumps, the stationary rings may be freely removed and the clearance
determined by measuring the two diameters and calculating the difference.
One note of warning : This short-cut method gives no clue to the condition of
adjacent clearance sufaces. In other words, burrs, grooves, or indentations caused
by foreign matter passing through the clearances will go undetected, as will the
resultant damage to the surfaces.

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If the pump has been dismantled, normal procedure is to measure independent
the ID of the wearing ring and the OD of the impeller wearing ring hub. Use inside
and outside micrometers respectively. Several measurements will determine
whether or not the wearing ring or impeller has become worn in an egg shaped
manner. The clearance is considered to be maximum difference between the
maximum ID and the minimum OD readings.
Clearances may also be measured directly by placing the impeller within the
wearing ring and moving it laterally against a dial indicator to determine total
diametral clearance. To determine inequality in wear around the circumference, the
impeller should be rotated and the dial indicator attached to several points of the
stationary part. If the pump has been dismantled, however, the 'difference' method
is more reliable.
The impeller and wearing rings should be at the same temperature before
measurements are made. Some high pressure and high-termperature pumps use
shrunk-on impellers tha.L must be heated before removal from the shaft to at least
204*C and possibtv to as much as 260"C to 3160C. These should be allowed to
cool down to about 49"C so that measurements can be made comfortably. But if the
wearing ring is at 27 0C, say, there will be a 2eC diff-erence betweenthe two parts
and this difference can be quite significant. This error will, of course, be magnified
if the impeller diameter is measured when it's temperature is even higher than the 49
0 C we have assumed.
This possibility of error is,frequently over-looked, as many people assume that
such a small difference in metal temperatures is not of consequence.
PAGE 58 Restoring clearances when no rings are used :
To restore the clearance between impeller and casing, when no ring
is provided, consider one of the following
i) buy new parts
ii) build up worn surfaces by welding,metal spraying or other means, or
iii) Install a wearing ring or rings if sufficient metal is available in the'casing
part or on the impeller hub. Restoring clearances of pumps with single rings.

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There are three ways to restore the clearance of a pump with single flat or L-
type wearing ring construction
a) Obtain a new casing ring bored undersize from the manufacturer. Then,
true up the impeller wearing ring hub by turning down in a lathe.
b) Build up the worn surface of the wearing ring by welding or metal spraying
so that it can be bored undersize. Then true up the impeller wearing ring
c) True up the wearing ring by boring oversize, buildupthe impeller wearing
ring hub, and machine to give correct clearance with the rebored ring.
The last two methods are difficult and are only practicable with larger pump and
that only if facilities allow work to be done on the premises. Usua lly building up the
impeller wearing ring hub by welding is also very cliffcult, and double ring construction
is preferred. The first method is generally the best. Restoring clearances of pumps with double rings.
If the pump has double flat or L-type wearing rings, clearances may be
renewed by one of the following methods :
a) Obtain a new oversize impeller ring and use the old casing ring bored out
b) Obtain a new casing ring bored undersize and use the old impeller ring turned
c) Renew both rings if necessary.
d) Build up either the casing or impeller ring by welding or metal spraying
and machine the other part. By altering the ring buildup the original leakage joint
diameter can be closely maintained.
8.6.4 Shaft Maintenance
During pump overhaul the shaft should be carefully examined for any sign of
wear, or irregularities, especially at all the important fits, such as the lmpeller, hub
bores, under the shaft sleeves and at the bearings.
The shaft may be damaged by rusting or pitting caused by the leakage under
the impeller or shaft sleeves. It is important to check shaft under plain or
antifriction bearings.

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Check shaft conditions at the keyways, twisting of the shaft, excessive
thermal stresses, corrosion or even a poor original fit may have loosened the
impellers resulting in key way wear.
After visual inspection, the shaft should be placed on centres and checked for
any concentricity.
If the cost of the new shaft is high and if proper facilities are available, a
worn out shaft, can be repaired by metal spraying and remachining. Such repairs
should not be undertaken without familarity with the shaft material and appropriate
metal spraying methods. After the shaft has been repaired, it must be checked for
possible distortion and then rechecked after complete rotor assembly to make sure,
that it has not been distorted by excessive tightening of the shaft nuts.
8.7 Aiknment of Pump and Driving Unit
The following procedures outline the recommended practice for checking
shaft alignment. This method is independent of the truth of the coupling or shaft
and is therefore not affected by canted coupling faces or eccentricity of the outside
diameter of the coupling. Further this procedure is the same between pump and
intermediate shaft and between the later and motor siiaft.
Before commencing alignment, rotate each shaft independently to check that the
bearings run freely and that the shaft is true to 0.04 mm (0.0015 in.)or better.
Ensure that no damage can be caused when the pump shaft is turned.
Couplings should be loosely coupled and the halves must be free to
move relative to each other, otherwise gauge indications can be incorrect.
8.7.1 Angular Alignment
(a) Isolate the motor from its power supply.
(b) Check the distance between the coupling flanges.
Note :
The distance between the flange faces should be 5 mm.
(c) Clamp two Dial Test Indicators (DT1) at diametrically opposite points on one
half coupling, or to the shaft behind it, with the plungers resting on the back
of the other half coupling, as shown in Fig. B.4 @next page)

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d) Rotate the coupling until the gauges are in line vertically, and set th e gauges
to read zero.
(e) Rotate the coupling through a half revolution (181f) and record the reading on
each DTI. The readings should be identical though not necessarily zero,
because of possible end float. Either positive or negative readings
areacceptable, provided they are equally positive or negative. Refer to
tolerances given, and adjust the position of one of the units if necessary.
(f) Rotate the coupling until the gauges are in line horizontally and reset the
pointers to zero.
(g) Repeat sequence (e).

8.7.2 Radial Alignment

(a) Clamp a DT 1 to one half coupling or to the shaft, as shown in Fig. 8.5 with
the plunger resting on the rim of the other half coupling.
(b) Set the gauge to zero.

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(c) Rotate the coupling and record the reading achieved at each quarter
revolution (90'). Any variation in the readings indicate a deviation
from alignment, and the position of the motor must be adjusted until the readings are
identical or writhin the tolerances given.

8.7.3 Tolerances
It is difficult to lay down limits of accuracy within which adjustments should be
made because of the differences in the size and speed of units, but as a roagh guide it is
suggested it is suggested that when checking angulat alignement readings the following
variations can be tolerated :
Couplings up to 300 mmdiameterO.05 mm
Couplings over 300 mm diameter ... 0.07 mm
In checking the radial alignment of shaft,readings varying by mo,,than 0.102 mm on
gauge i.e. 0.051 mm eccentricity call for adjustment.

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These figures are suggested for speeds of 1,500 r.p.m. For speed ot 3,000
r.p.m. or over, a somewhat greater degree of accuracy should be maintained.
When the pump handles a liquid at other than ambient temperature or when it
is driven by a steam turbine, the expansion of the pump or turbine at operating
temperature will alter the vertical alignment. Alignment should be made at ambient
temperature, making suitable allowances for the changes in pump and driver
centertines after expansion takes place. The final alignmerit must be, made with the
pump and driver at their normal temperatures, and adjusted as required before placing
the pump into permanent service.
For large installations, particularly with steam-turbine-driven pumps, more so-
phisticated alignment'methods are some-times employed, using proximity probes arid
optical instruments. Such procedures permit checking the effect of
temperature.changes and machine strains caused by piping stresses while the unit is in
operation. When such procedures are recommended, they are included. in the
manufacturer's instructions.
When the unit has been accurately leveled and aligned, the hold-down bolts
should be gently and evenly tightened before grouting. The alignment must be
rechecked after the suction and discharge piping have been bolted to the pumps to test
the effect of piping strains. This can be done y oose,djng the bolts and reading the
movement of the pump, if any, with dial ind.icators.
The pump and driver alignment should be occasionally rechecked, for
misalignment may develop from piping strains after a unit has been operating for
sometime. This is especially true when the pump handles hot liquids, as the pump
should be disconnected after a period of operation to check the effect of the
expansion of the piping, and adjustments should be made tc compensate for this.
9.0 Pump Bearings - Maintenance and Lubrication
9.1 The bearings used on most pumps can be divided into two general
classifications - Sliding contact and Rolling contpct.
Sliding contact bearings are called Jourriai uearings and rolling contact
bearing are called Antifriction bearings Fig. 9.1,

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9.2 One should remember that Bearing Maintenace does not mean replacement of worn
out bearings oniy but proper storage, inspection and iubrication also.
9.3 Storage of Bearings
Rolling bearings are coated with rust proof compound before being
packaged, and can be stored in their original package for many years.
Bearings should be kept in a place where the relative ttumiditv does not
exceed 601/o and where the temperature is reasonably constant. Bearings are
marked with their storage life.such a 2. Z. indicate maximum life of 2 years.
Ensure that bearings not in their o riginal package are kept clean, well
oiled or greased and wrapped in waxed paper to prevent rust.
9.4 Observation
What to look for during operation
(a) Listen
Place one end of a listening rod, against the bearing housing as close to the bearing
as possible. Place the ear against the other end and listen, if all is well a soft purring sound
will be heared. A damaged bearing gives out a loud noise often irregular and rumbling.
(h) F eel
Check the bearing temperature either by using sensitive chalk, or by thermometer or
-often by hand. If temperature seems unusually high or changes suddenly, it 'is an

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indication that some thing is wrong. The reason may be insufficient or excess lubricant,
over loading, bearing damage, insu~ fficient clearance, pinching high friction in the seals
or heat supplied by an external source.
Remember that immediately after re-lubrication, there will be a natural rise in the
temperature, which may persist for one or two.days.
(c) Look
Ensure that lubricant does not escape through defective seals, or insufficiently
tightened plugs. Impurities generally discolour the lubricant making it darker.
Check seals conditions near the bearing and ensure that no hot or corrosive liquids
or gases penetrate in the bearings. Any automatic lubricating device. should be checked to
ensure their proper functioning.
(d) Lubricate
As per schedule
9.5 Installing Plain Journal Bearings
9.5.1 Proper bearing installation techniques vary for different type of bearings.
Plain journal bearing are usually easier to install than antifriction bearings.
However, they require great care to ensure proper alignment during installation
because of their fixed or non-self-aligning construction. Proper alignment is
accomplished with the use of shims placed beneath the bearing face. If a
@journal bearings is of the split type, the upper half can be removed to check for
proper alignment after it has been installed and running for a short period of time.
A visual inspection of the bearing material will show misalignment, if any.
9.5.2 Improper alignment of a plain journal bearing is usually indicated by shiny or worn
spots on its inne.r surface. Because of its length, the inner bearing surface will not
show wear over a large surface, but rather at concentrated points. Misalignment that
show up as a wear-spot on one end of the inner bearing surface will be matched by a
wear-spot on the opposite side of the inner bearing surface at its other end.
9.5.3 Plain journal bearings should be inspected for wearing-in characteristics after a few
hours of running. They should then be aligned properly, and lubricated as
recommended. These simple procedures -can result in the elimi-, nation of plain
journal bearing problems for long periods of time.

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9.6 Installing Antifrication Bearings
9.6.1 When roller or ball bearings are installed, misalignment may not be noticeable for a
period of time because of their ability to accept slight amounts of misalignment.
However, remember that even though ball or roller bearings may appear to operate
satisfactorily under misaligned conditions, their life will be shortened considerably.
9.6.2 A ball or roller bearing is designed to operate with the inner and outer rings secured
again st the shaft and housing, respectively. Although this can be accomplished in
several ways, the simplest is by an interference fit between the I.D. and-0.D. of the
bearing and the shaft or housing. The bearings are usually installed using an arbor
press to force them into place, as shown in Fig. 9.2. If an arbor press is not available,
a pipe or sleeve may be used. No matter how the bearing is installed, be sure that
the ring which is being forced in place is'adequately supported as shown in the

9.6.3 If the bearing or the shaft to which it is attached is too large to be set up on arbor
press, then a bearing puller can be used, see Fig. 9.3. Although a bearing puller is
used mostly to remove a bearing, it can pull a bearing into position as well.

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9.6.4 If the area of contact between the bearing inner ring and the shaft is quite large,
other means are used to make mounting the bearing easier. A bearing with a large
area of contact is classed as a shrink fit bearing. One method of installing the
bearing is to expand it by using heat. Then it is placed on the shaft in its proper
position and allowed to cool. As it cools, it shrinks tightly into the shaft. Another
method of accomplishing a shrink fit is to cool the shaft in dry ice and then install
the warrri bearing. If the interference is large, a combination method, using both
heat and dry ice, is necessary.
9.7 Mounting a Bearing
9.7.1 Before pressing the bearing into the shaft, several important conditions should be
satisfied :
(a) Cleanliness of the area is necessary to prevent contaminants from getting
into both the exposed and unexposed bearing parts.
(b) The bearing should be supported properly and pressure applied to the
correct ring of the bearing.
(c) Be sure the bearing housing or shaft is free or all scratches, burrs, or other
irregularities, such as being out-of-round.
(d) Give the shaft or housing a light coating of oil or graphite grease to ensure
easy installation and easy removal later on.

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9.7.2 As the bearing is being pressed into place the area below the bearings should be
repeatedly checked for dirt or metal chips that could wedge between the bearing ring
and the housing, of bearing ring shoulder. These particles may not seem important,
but they often cause misalignment. On a large shaft 10, 12 or more inches in
diameter, a scrap of metal measuring one or two thousandths of an inch will not
cause much misalignment. However, if this same scrap were put under a bearing
that is only one inch in diameter a large amount of misalignment could occur.
9.7.3 After the bearing has been mounted on the shaft or in the housing, check it for free
movement. First make certain that your hands are clean and dry. Then grasp the
unmounted ring of the bearing between your thumb and forefinger and rock it gently
from side-to-side. On most bearings there wi ']I oe a slight movement when this is
done, but no more than that. Check the bearing for free movement before it is
installed. If. you have another new bearing available, compare the two. Next rotate
the ring slowly with
your hands to make sure that it turns freely without any binding or noticeable
drag. If the bearing turns hard, binds, or drags in a particular spot, check it
for dirt or other obstructions. If the bearing can't be freed and there is no
evidence of an out-of-round shaft or obstruction, the bearing has to be removed
and replaced with a new bearing.
9.7.4 After the bearings have been installed and the machine re-assembled, it should be
tested. Running the machine without a load for a short period of time will.ensure
that all components are properly installed.
9.7.5 During this test run, check the bearings for noise, high operating-tem-erature, and
vibration. A high noise level indicates damage that might have occurred during the
installation, improper mounting, misalignment, and interference of the parts.
9.7.6 Some of the noises to listen for after the bearing is running (both free and under
load) include : a high pitched whine from interference or overload, a medium to low
pitched noise from bearing misalignment, rattles from poor fits or loose bearings ,
and a rumbling sound, caused by a poor finish on shafts or housings, or out-of-round

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9.7.7 After the machine has been started up and the bearings run-in,the bearing
temperature may increase over what might be considered the normal bearing
temperature. This is a warning to the maintenance craftsman of either an excessive
amount of lubricant or too high an operating speed. If the unit is running under full-
load conditions, an increase in bearing tempe-rature can indicate a too-high
operating speed or overload. Sealed bearings normally have a high operating-
temperature during initial startup, but the operating temperature decreases as the
machine continues to run. If the operating temperature does not come down, the
machine should be shut off and allowed to cool. During this cooling-down period,
the grease tends to redistribute itself to properly lubricate the bearing. Then, when
the machine is restarted, the high temperature should not re-occur. If it does, check
the bearing thoroughly.
9.7.8 Particular attention should be given to any locking device used to secure the bearing
in place on a shaft. Manufacturer's instructions should be followed
when tightening the locking device, whether it's a collar with setscrews or a
threaded, split inner-sleeve and locknut. If no instructions are given, only sufficient
pressure should be used to ensure that the locking device is drawn up softly. Once
the ring is locked to the shaft, no additional pressure should be used. Any effort to
squeeze the bearing inner-ring down may distort the inner race and cause an
irregular shape in the bearing raceway. Any locking washers stould be peened over
to prevent rotation of the locknut during operation.
9.8 Bearing Removal
Removal of the bearings is simply a reversal of the procedures used to install the
bearings. If the bearing is designed to be installed with an arbor press, then an arbor
press should be used for removing the bearing as shown in Fig. 9.4 If the bearing or
shaft is too- large to fit in a press a bearing puller can be used.

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If the bearing does not come off the shaft easily, a different approach has to be used.
One method is to use a torch to heat the bearing, which allows it to expand, thereby
increasing the clearance between bearing and the shaft. If you use this method,
exercise extreme caution during this procedure to ensure that any grease. or
lubricant in the bearing does not start a fire. Also, make sure that the heating torch
is the proper type and set for a heating flame and not a cutting or burning flame.
(Never use a cutting torch when only heat is desired) Remember to provide proper
support for the bearing and shaft during disassembly.
9.9 Inspection of Bearing when the Machine is Non-O perational
9.9.1 Although roller bearings are robust mechanical components which give long
service, it is however, wise to inspect them now and then. This can preferably be
done during a planned stoppage of the machine or when the machine is to be
dismantled for some reason, such as inspection or repair.
9.9.2 Commence operations by arranging the working area so that it. is as clean and as
dry as possible. Check that replacement bearings are readily available in case they

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are needed. If drawings are available they should be studied thoroughly before
maintenance work is begun.
9.9.3 Clean the external surfaces. Note the order in which the machine components are
removed and also their relative positions. Care should be taken not to crack, for
example, labyrinth seals as they are removed. Excessive force should never be used
when removing a seal. Inspect the seals and other components of the arrangement.
9.9.4 Check the lubricant. Impurities of various kinds can usually be felt if a little of the
lubricant is rubbed between the fingers; or a thin layer may be spread on the back of
the hand for inspection against the light.
9.9.5 Ensure that dirt or moisture cannot enter the machine after the covers and seals have
been removed. Cover the machine, exposed bearings and sea-tings with waxed
paper, plastic sheating or similar if work is interrupted.
Do not use cotton waste.
9.9.6 Wesh the exposed bearing where it is possible to carry out inspection wi-thout
dismounting. Use a paint brush dipped in white spirit and dry with a clean lint-free
cloth or compressed air (taking care that no bearing componen start rotating).
However, on no account sealed or shielded bearings be washed.
A small mirror and a probe, such as dentists use, are useful when inspecting
the raceways,. cage and roll ing elements of the bearing.
If the bearing is undamaged it should be relubricated according to the
instructions provided by the machine manufacturer.
9.10 Bearing Lubrication
All bearings, of whatever type, need to be lubricated
9.10.1 There are four functions a lubricant must perform to ensure that a bearing will give
good service. These are Maintain an unbroken film between metp,@ surfaces.
Prevent excessive friction and the resulting increase in temperature. Conduct heat
away from the bearing's surfaces. Remain stable under severe operating conditions.
Severe operating conditions include temperature, humidity, and vibration.
9.10.2 Proper selection of a lubricant is usually based on four conditions.
These have a direct effect on the lubricant, and they are as follows

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Any one ' or all of the above conditions, may be crucial in an application. Of the
four, the environment of the application is the most variable. This is especially true when
bearings are used outdoors or for processing plant applications where they are subjected to
contact with dust, water, chemicals and other materials. In most cases, the manufacturer
will simply specify that an oil or grease having particular properties or characteristics
should be used.
9.10.3 Oilless bearings, or permanently sealed bearings, should require no attention.
Most plain bearings and rolling contact bearings do,.directly or indirectly. An
example of indirect attention would be the case where a cen-
tralized and automatic system is used to supply lubricant to the bearing areas. In
that case, you should check the reservoirs to be sure that they are properly filled.
9.10.4 Whether oil or grease should be used for lubricating bearings depends largely on the
equipment design. All that's needed is enough lubricant to keep the bearing surfaces
oiled and slippery.
9.10.5 When oil is used, the most important single factor is its viscosity at the
operating temperature of the bearing. Slow-speed, heavy-duty bearings would
use a heavier oil. Bearings in equipment used outdoors or in buildings which
have no heat will need an oil having a low enough pour point to be sure that
the bearing will run freely when the equipment is started. Bearings used on
equipment located in warm areas will need a heavier lubricant to allow for the
thinning effect of heat on oil.
9.10.6 Greases are chosen for bearing lubrication for low speed applications which don't
generate much heat. As a general rule, grease is used when the running speeds of a
plain bearing aren's above 200 to 300 rpm. One of the particular advantages of
grease in a bearing application is its tendency to stay put. Under normal
circumstances, it won't run out of the bearing as freely as oil does. Grease also acts
as a seal to keep contaminants out.

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9.10.7 Applying too much lubricant too often is the most common cause of lubrication
problems with antifriction bearings. Too much oil will cause churning, an- increase
in operating temperatures and result in a lowering of the oil's viscosity. If the oil
gets too thin, it won't carry the load it was intended to and the bearing will fail.
When it does, the equipment it's running in will have to be shut down so that
bearing replacement can be made. The same problem results when an excessive
amount of grease is used.
9.10.8 In practice, you probably will riot often see the bearings you are lubri- cating. That's
because bearings are usually mounted in a housing or enclosure of some kind. Some
bearings are inside the equipment, and can't be reached easily from the outside.
They're usually lubricated by a system designed for the purpose.
There's a rule of thumb which has been used for a long time : If the bearing housing
is too hot to rest your h-and on, then something's wrong. It's a good rule to follow
and apply.
9.1 1 Grease Lubrication
9.11.1 Clean housing and grease nipples before injecting fresh grease, if the bearing
housing is not provided with the nipple requisite lubrication should be carried out
during a planned stoppage of the machine.
9.11.2 Remove housing top of end cover. Remove used grease and inspect for any foreign
material, or any other defectwash housing and bearing carefullywith clean solvent
and brush. Do not use cotton waste, use good soft cloth and dry up the. housing,
inspect housing for any visual defects such as cracks or scratches.
9.11.3 Fill the space between the balls or rollers with a grease, which is suitable for the
operating conditions. The free space around the bearing should norma ly be
between a third and half filled with grease. If the bearing is to operate at very high
speed the quantity of the grease in the free space should be just less than one third or
where the bearing is to operate at very slow speeds the free space may be
completely filled with grease.
9.12 Oil Lubrication
9.12.1 Check the oil level and replenish if necessary. Ensure that air vent of the oil level
gauge is not blocked. When the oil is to be changed, it is drained off and the

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bearing arrangement raised with fresh clean oil of the same type before refilling
to the required level.
9.12. With the oil bath lubricating change the oil once a year provided the operating
temperature does not exceed 50" C and the oil does not become contaminated.
9.12.3 The oil must be changed more frequently when operating temperatures are higher
than 50'OC, the following guidelines can be useful Fourtime sayear if
temperature is 100"C. Every month if temperature is 120 0 C. Weekly change if
temperature is. 130* C
Note : Use only the oil recommenued by the manufacturer.
9.1 3 Types of grease
9.13.1 Lubricating grease are oils which contain thickeners, generally in the form of
metallic ; soaps. When selecting a suitable grease it is necessary to consider the
consistency, operating ;temperature range and rust-inhibitilng properties.
'Consistency is classified according to the National Lubricating Grease Institute
(NLG 1) scale. Generally speaking, metallic soap base greases of consist@ntyl,2 or
3 may be used for rolling bearings.
9.13.2 The upper temperature limit for calcium base greases is approximately 6@ C,
calcium base greases containing additions of lead soaps are particularly suitable for
'wet' bearing arrangements, for example, the wire section of a Paper-making
machine. Certain calcium/load base grease provide protection against salt water.
9.13.3 Sodium base greases are available for the temperature range -30c'to -+-8J C and
provide protection against corrosion. They absorb any moisture and form an
emulsion with it.
However, if the amount of moisture absorbed become excessive, the lubricating
properties will 1 deteriorate and there is a risk that the grease will run ou 't of the
9 13.4 Lithium base greases may generally be used at temperatures of -300 C to + 1 10 0 C
and they are resistant to water. If moisture. can enter the bearing arrangement, they
@s@ould therefore contain a rust inhibitor. Lithium base grease with lead
soap additives provide relatively good lubrication even where free water can

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A number of different types of high temperature grease are available for
temperatures in excess of 120'C.
However, it is advisable to follow manufacturer's instructions whenever available.
9.14. Lube Oil Selection
9.14.1 Oil lubrication is used for light-to-moderate loads, operating at high rpm. and with
temperatures from 60"to 900 C. Temperatures on either side of this range require oil with
special additives or other types of lubricants.
If no chart for selecting oil is available, a good rule-of-thumb is to use a
lightweight oil for high speeds and light loads. Heavier oils are used for slow speeds
and heavy loads. Light oil is used for high speed applications because it reduces the
amount of fluid friction between the balls or rollers and the oil. This, in turn, reduces
the operating temperature of the oil.
9.14.2 The viscosities of oils used for lubricating bearings are shown in Fig. 9.5

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Table below shows shaft operating conditions and the oil to be used for each condition. By
comparing this chart with Fig. 9.5 one can see which type of oil should be used for
different temperatures.

9.14.3 When oils are used for low temperature applications, the pour point (lowest
temperature at which the oil is fluid) must be low enough to ensure that the oil
remains in a completely fluid state. If the oil does not have a low pour point,
starting and running friction will be high, increasing wear.
9.14.4 In high temperature application, the oil must be resistant to breaking down and
oxidation. When oxidation occurs, the oil not only loses its effectiveness but forms
deposits that add contaminants to the system.- Most lubricating oils used for ball or
roller bearing applications are formulated with chemical additives to resist oxidation

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and improve the viscosity Index of the oil. The viscosity index of an oil is described
as its resistance to change in its thickness with any change in temperature.
9.15 lubrication Systems
9.15.1 Manual Lubricating Devices
The maintenance craftsman probably uses manual lubrication most of the time when
replacing bearings. The equipment used for manual lubri-. cation can be as simple
as the pump oiler or hand grease gun shown in Fig. 9,6 Some plants have portable
lubrication units consisting of pneumatically or electrically driven pumps mounted
on a truck or handcart. This unit is taken around to the machines requiring
lubrication, saving many steps for the person doing the lubricating. It also
eliminates a//fire or safety hazard by allowing the lubricant to.be@ stored away
from the manufacturing area.

9.15.2 Natural Oil Lubrication Systems

a) Many machines are equipped with gravity or drip-feed lubricating devices.
They consist of a small reservoir mounted above ihe shaft or slideto be
lubricated. A needle or adjusting valve located within the the nousinq
regulates the flow of oil to the equipment, as shown in F ig. 9.7

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b) Another type of natural lubrication frequent y used is called splash or ring lubrication,
shown in Fig. 9.8. Splash lubrication uses the revolving motion of the machine parts
to distribute the lubricant. In splash lubrication, a large gear is partly submerged in
the oil contained in the reservoir or sump. As the gear revolves, it splashes oil around

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the housing to lubricate other gears and bearings. In the ring type oiler, a collar or
ring rotates partly submerged in the oil reservoir transferring the lubricant to the
upper part of the shaft.
Oil is scraped from the collar or ring and then flow naturally within the bearing
housing to the points requiring lubrication.
c) Pad and wick oilers are lubricating devices similar in principle to ring and collar
oilers. The pad oiler is simply a small reservoir fitted with a felt pad that is saturated
with lubricating oil. The pad is in contact with the shaft or moving element and
transfers the lubricant from the pad to the
rotating element gradually. Pad oilers frequently are mounted above the unit with a
wick extending from the oil reservoir to the shaft. The wick transfers the oil from the
reservoir to the shaft. The reservoirs of all the natural lubricating devices must be filled
occasionally to ensure proper lubrication of the rotating or sliding surfaces.
9.15.3 Pressurized Oil lubrication
Recirculating or pressurized lubrication is used for many types of plant equipment,
with many variations in construction. The system shown in Fig. 9,9 has the pump
mounted outside the machine casing, and the oil sump located inside the machine.
In operation, the oil is drawn from the sump, pressurized, and transferred to the
points requiring lubrication. Note that the points being lubricated include not only
the bearings, but the gears also. Different systems include variations, from
mounting the oil pump directly in the sump of a machine-oil sump, to mounting
both the pump and the sump outside the machine in a rerviote location. Whatever
type of device is used, it is importtant that proper lubrication for all contacting or
wearing surfaces is provided.

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10 Trouble Shooting

10.1 Some faults that can be diagnosed by observation are lised in the following table:


I) Pump does not deliver Impeller rotating in wrong Reverse direction of rotation.
liquid direction

Pump not properly Stop pump and reprime

primed - Air or vapour
lock in suction line.

Inlet of suction pipe Ensure adequate supply of liquid

insufficiently submerged.

Air leaks in suction line Make good any leaks or repack

or gland arrangement. gland.

Insufficient margin between Maintain the correct suction

suction pressure and vapour Pressure corresponding to its
pressure. temperature and pressure.

Discharge head too high Maintain the correct discharge

head of the pump as per the
manufacture's guidance.

Suction lift too high Keep the suction lift within the
permissible ranges. Check with
vaccum gauge.

Pump not up to rated speed. Increase speed.

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ii) Pump does deliver Air or vapour Lock in suction Stop pump and reprime
rated quantity. line

Inlet of suction pipe Ensure adequte suply of liquid


Pump not up to rated speed. Increase speed

Air leaks in suction line or Make good any leaks, or repack

gland arrangement. gland.

Foot valve or suction Clean head losses in delivery

strainer choked with debris pipes, bends, and valves, reduce losses
as required.

Restriction in delivery pipe clear obstruction or rectify error in

work, or pipe work incorrect. pipe work.

Head underestimated Check head losses in delivery pipes,

bends, and valves, reduce losses as

Unobserved leak in delivery Examine pipe work and repair leak.

pipe work.

Blockage in impeller or Remove half-casing and clear

casing. obstruction

Excessive wear at neck Dismantle pump and restore

rings. clearances to original dimensions.

Impeller damaged. Dismantle pump and renew impeller.

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High fluid viscosity Check the recommended viscosity of

the fluid for the pump

Pump gaskets leaking. Renew defective gaskets

iii) Pump does not Impeller rotating in wrong Reverse direction of rotation.
generate rated delivery direction

Pump not up to rated Increase speed.


Impeller neck rings Dismantle pump and restore

worn excessively. clearances to original dimension.

Impeller damaged.or Dismantle pump and renew impeller

choked. or clear blockage.

Pump gaskets leaking. Renew defective gaskets

iv) Pump loses liquid Suction line not fully Stop pump and reprime

--Air or vapour lock in

suction line.

Inler of suction pipe Ensure adequate supply of liquid at

insufficiently submerged. suction pipe inlet.

Air leaks in suction line Make good any leaks or renew

or gland arrangement. gland paking.

Liquid seal to gland Clear out liquid seal supply.

arrangenent loggin ring
(if fitted ) choked.

Logging ring nor properly Unpack gland and re-locate logging

located. ring under supply orifice.

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v) Pump overloads Pump gaskets leaking. Renew defective gaskets

driving unit

Bad leak in delivery line, Repair leak.

pump delivering more
than its rated quantity.

Speed too high Reduce speed.

Impeller neck rings Dismantle pump and restore

worn excessively. clearances to original dimensions.

Gland packing too tight. Stop pump, close delivery valve to

relieve internal pressure on packing,
slacken back the gland nuts and
retighten to finger tightness.

Impeller damaged Dismantle pump and renew impeller.

Mechanical tightness at Dismantle pump, check internal

pump internal components. clearances and adjust as necessary.

Pipe work exerting strain Disconnect pipe work and realign

on pump.

Misalllignment of the pump Re-check the alignment.

with the driving unit.

High fluid viscosity Check the recommended viscosity

for the pump to be handled.

Shaft bend. Check the shaft bend and should be

corrected or if required replace the

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vi) Excessive Vibration Air or vapour Lock in suction Stop pump and reprime

Inlet of suction pipe Ensure adequate supply of liquid at

insufficiently suction pipe inlet.

Pump and driving unit Disconnect coupling and realign

incorrectly aligned. pump and driving unit.

Worn or loose bearings Dismantle and clear or renew


Impeller chocked or Dismantle pump and clear or renew

damaged impeller.

Rotating element shaft bent. Dismantle pump and straighten or

renew shaft.

Foundation not rigid. Remove pump, strengthen the

foundation and re-instal pump

Coupling damaged. Renew coupling

Pipe work exerting strain Disconnect pipework and re-align

on pump.

Operating at very low Check tge requirement of minimum

capacity. flow of the pump.

Foreign material in impeller. Check &b cler it, checking of foot

valves is also required to avoid any
foreign material ingressing through it.

Unbalanced impeller. Balance the impeller.

Cavitation Check the suction pressure &

confirm with the required design
pressure. Maintain correct NPSH.

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vii) Bearings Pump and driving unit Disconnect coupling and realign
Overheating out of alingment pump and driving unit.

Oil level too low or too Replenish with correct grade of oil
high. or dain down to correct level.

Worng grade of oil Drain out bearing, flush through

bearings, refill with correct grade
of oil.

Dirt in bearings. Dismantle, clean out and flush through

bearings, refill with correct
grade of oil.

Moisture in oil Drain out bearing, flush through

bearings, refill with correct grade
of oil.

Bearing too tight. Ensure that bearings are correctly

bedded to their journals with the
correct amount of oil clearance.
Renew bearings if necessary.

Too much grease in Clean out old grease with correct

bearing. grade and amount of grease.

Pipe work exerting strain Disconncect pipe work and re-aling.

on pump.

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Not enough bearing cooling Check the jacket cooling media inlet
(in case of jacket cooling). flow and temp.

Oil seals fitted too close check the correct fit between the
by on the shaft. rotating shaft and seal.

viii) Bearings wear Pump and driving unit Disconnect coupling and realign
rapidly. out of alignemet pump and driving unit.

Rotating element shaft bent. Dismantel pump,straighten or

renew shaft. Renew bearings if

Dirt in bearings. Ensure that only clean oil is used

to replenish bearings. Renew bearings if

Lack of lubrication. Ensure that oil is maintained at its

correct level or that oil system is
functioning correctly. Renew bearings
if necessary.

Bearing badly installed Ensure that bearings are correctly

bedded to their journals with the
correct amount of oil clearance.
Renew bearings if necessary.

ix) Stuffing box leakage Wrong grade packing Replace with correct grade of packing.

Improper mounting of packing Follow the correct way to fit the gland

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Sleeve wear rapidly. Check the sleeve, if it is badly worn,

replace or rectify the sleeve.

Shaft bend. Check the shaft bend, should be

corrected or replaced.

Excessive clearances in neck Check the clearances


Sand or dirt in liquid Check the liquid and adopt necessary

modification to avoid entering of dirt.

x) Packing with short Wrong grade packing Check and select the correct grade
life. of packings.

Improper installation Follow the correct way to fit the gland


Lack of lubrication. Allow enough lubrication to cool the


Improper placement of Check the lantern ring hole and

lantern ring. casing hole (cooling port) should be
in line.

Packing too tight Avoid over tightenign of packings.

10.2 Check list for Commissioning Of pump after major overhaul
Ensure trial run of motor is completed.,
Ensure fabrication of suction and discharge pipe is completed.
Ensure suction and discharge pipes are supported on permanent hangers.
Ensure all the temporary supports are removed.
Ensure suction and discharge flange bolts are free in the holes.
Ensure alignment is checked.
Ensure suction and discharge pipes are connected after ensuring no foreign material
is inside the pump.
Ensure no change in alignment reading. after pipings are connected.
Ensure in case of any slight change motor, is adjusted.

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Ensure in case of considerable change. piping is rectified.
Ensure final alignment is checked and values are within limit of 0.05 mm Ensure
pump bearings are cleaned.
Ensure recommended and required amount oil/grease used.
Ensure pump and motor are coupled.
Ensure coupling bolts are tightened properly.
Ensure rotor is free.
Ensure pressure gauges and thermometers are mounted.
Ensure impulse lines are fabricated.
Ensure any other pipe connection if provided are connected.
Ensure pump is charged.
Ensure impulse lines are flushed.
Ensure washers are put in union joints.
Ensure pump is rotated number of times when pump is charged.
Ensure coupling guard is fixed and is not touching coupling.
Ensure suitable glands are assembled in case where seals are not recommended.
Ensure the over tightening of glands are avoided.
Ensure cooling water inlet and outlet lines are ready open.
Ensure both the lines are properly flushed.
Ensure inlet and outlet pipes are connected to the pump lines.
Ensure Gaskets are put on union, flange joints.
Ensure cooling water circuit is through.
Ensure no leak in the system.
Ensure pump and motor are cleaned.
Ensure men and material are cleared.
Ensure U.C.B. or Unit incharge is informed about readiness of pump for trial run.
Ensure that enough water (or any fluid which the Pump will handle) is available e.g.
in case of B.F.P. deaerator level should be checked.

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