Water: SWRO-PRO System in "Mega-Ton Water System" For Energy Reduction and Low Environmental Impact
Water: SWRO-PRO System in "Mega-Ton Water System" For Energy Reduction and Low Environmental Impact
Water: SWRO-PRO System in "Mega-Ton Water System" For Energy Reduction and Low Environmental Impact
SWRO-PRO System in “Mega-ton Water System” for
Energy Reduction and Low Environmental Impact
Masaru Kurihara * and Hiromu Takeuchi
Toray Industries, Inc., 2-1-1, Nihonbashi-muromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8666, Japan;
* Correspondence: Masaru_Kurihara@nts.toray.co.jp; Tel.: +81-3-3245-5716
Abstract: Reverse osmosis (RO) membranes have been widely applied in seawater desalination
(SWRO) and wastewater reclamation as the main desalination technology since 2000. SWRO
plants face challenges to reduce energy consumption and brine disposal to lessen marine pollution.
To tackle these challenges, a SWRO-PRO (Pressure Retarded Osmosis) System was proposed in the
“Mega-ton Water System” project under the Japanese national project of the “Funding Program for
World-Leading Innovative R&D on Science and Technology” (FIRST Program). To reduce the energy
consumption of the main SWRO plant, an innovative low-pressure SWRO membrane and a next
generation energy recovery device (ERD) were developed by the “Mega-ton Water System” project.
In addition to this research and development, a new membrane process has been proposed and
confirmed as a low-pressure multi-stage SWRO (LMS). A brine conversion two-stage SWRO system
was invented 20 years ago, and has been in operation for over 15 years. Application of the SWRO
membrane process to actual commercial plants was an important research theme. The low-pressure
multi-stage SWRO System (LMS) was an innovative method of introducing a low-pressure membrane
and the membrane element in the pressure vessel was designed to avoid heavy fouling of lead
elements. As a result of these developments at mega-ton scale SWRO plants, a 20% energy reduction
was possible in the SWRO system of the “Mega-ton Water System”. In the development of the PRO
process, a PRO hollow fiber membrane module with a maximum 13.3 w/m2 of membrane power
density using a 10-inch module was established at a prototype PRO plant. Thus, a 30% energy
reduction was possible using the SWRO-PRO System in the “Mega-ton Water System” at mega-ton
scale SWRO plants. The brine disposal problem was also solved by this system.
Keywords: Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO); Pressure Retarded Osmosis (PRO); Low Pressure
Seawater Reverse Osmosis Membrane; “Mega-ton Water System”; Brine Conversion Two-stage RO
Seawater Desalination System; Low Pressure Multi-Stage System (LMS); Energy Recovery Device
(ERD); PRO membrane
1. Introduction
Seawater desalination went into operation in the 1960s as national research of the United States,
and the distillation process became commonly used in actual plants in the 1970s. However, since 2000,
the energy saving reverse osmosis membrane process has surpassed the distillation process and has
rapidly spread as plants have become bigger, as shown in Figure 1 (produced by the authors based
on data) [1]. The Online Cumulative Capacity (m3 /day) of RO is higher than that of MSF and MED.
The growth rate of RO is also very high compared with that of MSF and MED. The cumulative number
of MSF, MED and RO plants is increasing. The large number of RO plants means the average size of
RO plants are still small compared with MSF and MED.
Figure 1. Transition of the technology from distillation to membrane and expansion of global
Figure 1. Transition of the technology from distillation to membrane and expansion of global
desalination market.
desalination market.
Water Considering
2018, 10, 48 the increase in the population and economic development, the desalination market
4 of 15
is growing rapidlythe(Figure
in The
the population and economic
size of desalination plantsdevelopment,
is increasing, theand
ultra largemarket
recovery increase
by per
new1). The size ofERD,
day (1,000,000 desalination plants
the optimized
m3/day) will is increasing,
be required system
by 2020and[2],ultra
by LMS, large plants
as shown handling
in Figure by
2. To
solve high per day
the global (1,000,000
water high m3 /day)
shortage resinwill
problem, beand
pipe, required
plants by 2020
less chemical
have been [2],no
using aschlorine
the shown
reversein Figure
and sodium
osmosis 2. To solve
are global
process, water
which shortage
It has
was been problem,
difficult to plants have
cite thein
spreading cost been using
recent years, the
since reverse osmosis
by others
around 1970. in the
that,years process,
of the plant scale has progressed, and, since 2000, they have grown to exceed 100,000 mof
the has
premise been
of rapidly
cost spreading
condition is in
very recent years,
different, evensince around
though we 1970.
have After
many that, enlargement
announcements. the
plant scale has progressed, and, since 2000, they have grown to exceed 100,000 m 3 /day (corresponding
The outputstoofthe
(corresponding theamount
“Mega-ton Water
of water System” for
necessary with its six
about indispensable
400,000 people on technologies
average in for the 21st
to the amount
century of water necessary
are summarized
countries). in Figurefor about 400,000 people on average in developed countries).
4 [2,5–7].
The largest plant capacity and the top 20 largest plants are plotted since 1970 in the area of
desalination and wastewater reclamation RO plants. Recent large desalination plants are in Ashkelon
(Israel), Hadera (Israel), Tuasspring (Singapore), Melbourne (Australia), Magtaa (Algelia), and Soreq
(Israel). The largest recent wastewater reclamation plant is in Sulaibiya (Kuwait). This shows that
desalination and wastewater reclamation plants are now distributed globally. The technological
requirements in the 21st century for sustainable desalination are listed in Figure 3 [2].
Although three subjects are very important, the energy resources of Subject 1 are beyond the
scope of this project. Subject 2 is the heart of the SWRO system, and the following four factors are key
to SWRO technology.
(1) Energy saving (20% or 30% less energy)
(2) Low environmental impact (no or minimum chlorine dosing)
(3) Low water production cost
(4) Reliable plant operation
In addition to this, Subject 3, desalination drainage, is important to reduce marine pollution.
There is rising awareness of the need to preserve the environment, and the ecological influence
of discharged chemical-treated
Figure 2. Change
2. Change in seawater
in Reverse
Reverse from
osmosis desalination
(RO) plant ofplants
size of
plant size is a concern,
desalination thus the chemical
and reclamation.
and reclamation.
consumption at the desalination plant should be as low as possible and the brine concentration
should be similar to that of the feed seawater [3].
The largest plant capacity and the top 20 largest plants are plotted since 1970 in the area of
This research used Japan’s national research “FIRST Program” to promote broad research on
desalination and wastewater reclamation RO plants. Recent large desalination plants are in Ashkelon
core water treatment technologies and the “Mega-ton Water System”, including element technologies
(Israel), Hadera (Israel), Tuasspring (Singapore), Melbourne (Australia), Magtaa (Algelia), and Soreq
and system technologies, to advance basic technologies and strengthen weak system technologies
(Israel). The largest recent wastewater reclamation plant is in Sulaibiya (Kuwait). This shows that
desalination and wastewater reclamation plants are now distributed globally. The technological
To establish the three requirements shown in Figure 3, total solutions are required in sustainable
requirements in the 21st century for sustainable desalination are listed in Figure 3 [2].
desalination, such as the combination of membrane technology, membrane processing technology,
energy recovery devices (ERD) and bio-technology for reliable operations.
The specific research themes and the missions of the “Mega-ton Water System” are the four
themes of core technology and the two themes of system technology shown in Table 1 [2,4,5].
Figure 3.
3. Technology
Technology requirements
requirements in
in the
the 21st
21st century
century for
for sustainable
sustainable desalination.
Although three subjects are very important, the energy resources of Subject 1 are beyond the
scope of this project. Subject 2 is the heart of the SWRO system, and the following four factors are key
to SWRO technology.
(1) Energy saving (20% or 30% less energy)
(2) Low environmental impact (no or minimum chlorine dosing)
(3) Low water production cost
(4) Reliable plant operation
In addition to this, Subject 3, desalination drainage, is important to reduce marine pollution.
There is rising awareness of the need to preserve the environment, and the ecological influence
of discharged chemical-treated seawater from desalination plants is a concern, thus the chemical
consumption at the desalination plant should be as low as possible and the brine concentration should
be similar to that of the feed seawater [3].
This research used Japan’s national research “FIRST Program” to promote broad research on core
Figure 4. Outputs of the “Mega-ton Water System” with its six indispensable technologies for the 21st
water treatment technologies and the “Mega-ton Water System”, including element technologies and
system technologies, to advance basic technologies and strengthen weak system technologies [2,4].
To establish the three requirements shown in Figure 3, total solutions are required in sustainable
desalination, such as the combination of membrane technology, membrane processing technology,
energy recovery devices (ERD) and bio-technology for reliable operations.
The specific research themes and the missions of the “Mega-ton Water System” are the four themes
of core technology and the two themes of system technology shown in Table 1 [2,4,5].
First, an innovative low pressure SWRO membrane is important for saving energy. This theme
contributes to the low environmental impact and low water production cost as a result of saving energy.
Second, next generation energy recovery devices (ERD) are necessary for saving energy and
contributing to low environmental impact and low water production cost, as well as improved plant
operation reliability.
Third, a low-pressure multistage SWRO system (LMS) optimizes the RO plant system by
effectively utilizing the features of the two energy-saving factors mentioned above, which contribute
to low water production costs and improved plant operation reliability.
Fourth, pressure retarded osmosis (PRO) can recover the energy of concentrated seawater
and reduce the environmental impact at the same time, and as a result contribute to low water
production cost.
Fifth, the development of highly durable high-pressure resin pipes involves plasticizing
high-pressure metal piping, which is expensive, but can reduce corrosion problems. This contributes
to low water production cost and improved plant operation reliability.
Lastly, bio-fouling monitoring technology (mBFR), which is essential for solving the bio-fouling
problem of RO plants, contributes to low environmental impact and low water production cost by
no or minimum chlorine dosing. This is an important technology for improving the reliability of
plant operation.
Each research theme was undertaken by the following organizations:
The relationship between the Theme and Mission in Table 1 become very clear. Energy saving
is related to Themes 1, 2 and 4. Low environmental Impact is related to Themes 1, 2, 4 and 6.
Low water production cost is related to Themes 1–6. Plant operation reliability is related to Themes 2,
3, 5 and 6. Especially, low water production cost is very a complex matter to discuss generally.
Thus, the “Mega-ton Water System” project has been involved in cost reduction using advanced
technology. The authors do not discuss each plant; instead, plant size, operating pressure reductions,
energy recovery increase by new generation ERD, the optimized SWRO system by LMS, energy
recovery by PRO, high durability high pressure resin pipe, and less chemical by no chlorine and sodium
bisulfite are included. It was very difficult to cite the cost comparison done by others in the last years
because the premise of cost condition is very different, even though we have many announcements.
The outputs of the “Mega-ton Water System” with its six indispensable technologies for the 21st
century are summarized in Figure 4 [2,5–7].
Water 2018, 10, 48 5 of 15
Figure 3. Technology requirements in the 21st century for sustainable desalination.
the “Mega-ton
the Water
“Mega-ton System”
Water with
System” its six
with its indispensable technologies
six indispensable for the
technologies for21st
21st 10, 48 5 of 15
2.1. Innovative
2.1. Innovative Low
Low Pressure
Pressure SWRO
SWRO Membrane
Membrane of
of the
the “Mega-ton
“Mega-ton Water
Trends of
Figure 5. Trends of energy
energy reduction
reduction in
in seawater
seawater RO.
As for
As for water
water quality,
quality, the
the regulation
regulation value
value of
of salts
salts disinfection
disinfection by-products
by-products (DBPs)
(DBPs) and
and boron
concentration are considered depending on whether the water is for drinking or irrigation
concentration are considered depending on whether the water is for drinking or irrigation use. use.
Although the
Although the ideal
ideal crosslinked
crosslinked fully
fully aromatic
aromatic polyamide
polyamide SWROSWRO membrane
membrane should
should have
have both
high water permeability and high solute removal performance, there is usually a trade-off
high water permeability and high solute removal performance, there is usually a trade-off between between
increased water
increased water permeability
permeability and and decreased
decreased solute
solute rejection
rejection rate.
rate. However, when aa pore
However, when pore in
in an
an RO
membrane, which
membrane, which isis aa space
space within
within polymers,
polymers, is
is assumed,
assumed, thethe performance
performance ofof the
the RO
RO membrane
must be controlled by size and quantity. Namely, solutes in the water are excluded
must be controlled by size and quantity. Namely, solutes in the water are excluded by pore by pore size,size,
the water permeability depends on the quantity of pores. To enhance performance, scientific research
on the molecular structure and solute transport mechanism in an RO membrane is necessary.
Schematic diagram of water permeation through the protuberance of the RO membrane is shown in
Figure 6 [5–7].
As for water quality, the regulation value of salts disinfection by-products (DBPs) and boron
concentration are considered depending on whether the water is for drinking or irrigation use.
Although the ideal crosslinked fully aromatic polyamide SWRO membrane should have both
high water permeability and high solute removal performance, there is usually a trade-off between
Water 2018, 10,water
48 permeability and decreased solute rejection rate. However, when a pore in an 6 ofRO
membrane, which is a space within polymers, is assumed, the performance of the RO membrane
must be controlled by size and quantity. Namely, solutes in the water are excluded by pore size, and
and the water
the water permeability
permeability depends
depends onquantity
on the the quantity of pores.
of pores. To enhance
To enhance performance,
performance, scientificscientific
research on the molecular structure and solute transport mechanism in an
on the molecular structure and solute transport mechanism in an RO membrane isRO membrane is necessary.
Figure 6 [5–7].
Figure 6 [5–7].
Figure 7.
7. Precise
structure of
of protuberance
protuberance in
in “Mega-ton
“Mega-ton Water
Water System” project.
System” project.
Since the RO membrane structure analysis technology described above made it possible to
specify the factors of an ultrathin membrane fold structure related to the RO membrane performance,
to obtain guidelines for the design of an RO membrane whose fold structure was captured in three
dimensions as well as obtain an innovative low-pressure SWRO membrane capable of energy saving,
it was found that optimum pore size control of the RO membrane functional layer and optimization
Water 2018, 10, 48 7 of 15
By applying the new pretreatment method and adding technology for evaluating basic analysis
of the RO membrane structure using a transmission electron microscope (TEM) (conventional process
(Figure 7) (lower left)), it has become possible to perform mapping analysis on nitrogen atoms derived
from polyamide membranes. This has made it possible to clarify that the surface of the fold structure
is a true polyamide layer (Figure 7) (lower right) [5–7,9].
Since the RO membrane structure analysis technology described above made it possible to specify
the factors of an ultrathin membrane fold structure related to the RO membrane performance, to obtain
guidelines for the design of an RO membrane whose fold structure was captured in three dimensions
as well as obtain an innovative low-pressure SWRO membrane capable of energy saving, it was found
that optimum pore size control of the RO membrane functional layer and optimization of the surface
area and membrane thickness of the folds were important.
As a result, the basic membrane forming technology on a bench scale was established, and the
forming of an energy reduction type low pressure SWRO membrane that can operate at a significantly
Water pressure
10, 48 than the conventional RO membrane was a success (Figure 8) [5–7,9]. 7 of 15
Comparison of
Figure 8. Comparison
Figure of conventional
conventional high-pressure
high-pressure Seawater
Seawater Reverse
Reverse Osmosis
Osmosis (SWRO)
(SWRO) membrane
and low-pressure
and low-pressure SWRO membrane.
2.2. Next
The Generation Energy Recovery
operation pressure Devicethe
for obtaining (New ERD)
same permeation flux and the same salt removal rate is
higher than
Most of6the
MPa in conventional
energy high-pressure
required for desalination.plant
a seawater desalination However,
using the
the low-pressure
RO membrane desalination
is applied
in this research makes it possible to lower the pressure to 5 MPa, thus greatly contributing
to high-pressure water supplied to the RO membrane and accounts for about 70%. Therefore, to to
saving (Figure
energy, 8).
it is important to reduce the amount of water supplied, improve the efficiency of the high-
pressure pump and improve the recovery rate of the energy contained in the concentrated water. In
2.2. Next Generation Energy Recovery Device (New ERD)
particular, while concentrated water-containing energy recovery devices (ERD) have been
Most ofconsidered
the energysince the start
required for aofseawater
the practical use of the
desalination RO using
plant seawater
the desalination
RO membrane process, the
is applied
turbine-type ERD water
to high-pressure (conversion efficiency
supplied to the60–80%) was brought
RO membrane and to the market
accounts first and
for about by 2000
70%. it had
produced manyitachievements.
to save energy, is important to Later,
reduce thethe
amount of ERD
water(conversion efficiency
supplied, improve the92–97%)
efficiency wasof
increasingly installed
the high-pressure pump into new
and seawater
improve the desalination
recovery rateplants
of the since
energyit contained
has a superior
in therecovery
water. In particular, while concentrated water-containing energy recovery devices (ERD) have been
This isobaric-type
thoroughly consideredERD sinceconsists
the startofofa method of employing
the practical use of the a rotation rotor desalination
RO seawater and a piston process,
method. Based on
the turbine-type ERDthis(conversion
isobaric-type ERD method,
efficiency 60–80%) bywas
making further
brought to theimprovement,
market first andthisbyresearch
2000 it
aimed to develop
had produced a next
many generation energy
achievements. Later, recovery device (New
the isobaric-type ERD ERD) that is suitable
(conversion for92–97%)
efficiency large plants
and gives high
increasingly performance
installed into newand high reliability.
seawater desalination plants since it has a superior recovery rate [10,11].
Thismain characteristics
isobaric-type are as follows:
ERD consists of a method of employing a rotation rotor and a piston built-in
method. Based on this isobaric-type ERD method, by making further improvement, this research
(1) It adopts a piston-less chamber so there is no wear to parts.
aimed to develop a next generation energy recovery device (New ERD) that is suitable for large plants
(2) It prevents over-flush, which reduces the waste of pretreatment water, as well as minimizes the
and gives high performance and high reliability.
mixture of pretreatment water and concentrated water.
(3) Adoption of the one-chamber, one-control valve form enables high-precision control, which
does not generate internal leakages and is resistant to contamination.
To embody the characteristics above, a vertical chamber was adopted (refer to Figure 9 [11]),
and, by establishing a special rectification structure at the edge of the chamber, stable energy
Water 2018, 10, 48 8 of 15
To embody the characteristics above, a vertical chamber was adopted (refer to Figure 9 [11]),
and, by establishing a special rectification structure at the edge of the chamber, stable energy exchange
Water 2018,the concentrated water and the pretreatment water became possible.
10, 48 8 of 15
Figure 9.
Figure 9. Next generation
generation Energy
Energy Recovery
Recovery Device
Device (ERD).
Therefore, as shown in Table 2, while the conventional isobaric-type ERD required 6–7%
extra energy compared to the ideal ERD, this method made it possible to reduce the extra energy
consumption by 2.5%. An installation image of ERD in the “Mega-ton Water System” is shown in
Figure 10 [11].
Figure 10. Next generation ERD and an image of its installation for a mega-ton seawater RO plant.
Figure 10. Next generation ERD and an image of its installation for a mega-ton seawater RO plant.
Figure 10. Next generation ERD and an image of its installation for a mega-ton seawater RO plant.
Figure 11.
11. Brine conversion two-stage system
system (BCS).
To achieve
To achieve 60%
60% recovery
recovery inin aa RO
RO seawater
seawater desalination
desalination system,
system, the
the RO
RO membrane
membrane element
element must
be durable under very severe operating conditions with 10 MPa of high pressure and 5.8%
be durable under very severe operating conditions with 10 MPa of high pressure and 5.8% of high of high
feed water concentration. Toray developed a high-pressure durable BCM element.
feed water concentration. Toray developed a high-pressure durable BCM element.
The advantages
The advantages of
of the
the BCS
BCS system
system compared
compared with
with the
the conventional
conventional system
system are
a. Plant installation space can be reduced to 2/3.
b. Plant capacity is easily expanded to 1.5 times by only adding BCS second stage into the
conventional plant.
c. Disposed concentrated brine water is reduced to 2/3.
Water 2018, 10, 48 10 of 15
Therefore, the BCS is a useful way of reducing the footprint, power and cost of a SWRO
desalination plant.
The BCS system has now been in operation in actual plants such as in Trinidad and Tobago
(136,000 m3 /day) and in the Canary Islands (14,000 m3 /day) for over 15 years.
This two-stage SWRO system is an important research theme of the SWRO membrane
process [13,14].
The LMS incorporating low-pressure SWRO membranes and new ERD under conditions of a
The LMS incorporating low-pressure SWRO membranes and new ERD under conditions of a
high-recovery rate, which will reduce the facility costs and the supply of seawater, is a system that
high-recovery rate, which will reduce the facility costs and the supply of seawater, is a system that
derives the maximum performance of the RO membranes. A comparison between the conventional
derives the maximum performance of the RO membranes. A comparison between the conventional
system flow with a 45% recovery rate and megaton system (LMS) flow with a 60% recovery rate is
system flow with a 45% recovery rate and megaton system (LMS) flow with a 60% recovery rate is
shown in Figure 12 [15].
shown in Figure 12 [15].
Figure 12. Comparison of flow diagram for conventional Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) system
Figure 12. Comparison of flow diagram for conventional Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) system
and “Mega-ton Water System” (Low Pressure Multi-Stage System (LMS)).
and “Mega-ton Water System” (Low Pressure Multi-Stage System (LMS)).
As it is possible to reduce the volume of seawater intake, it is possible to reduce the pretreatment
facility it is possible to reduce the
and installation volume
area of seawater
(by about 30%). intake, it is possible to reduce the pretreatment
The “Mega-ton Water System”, combining30%).
capacity and installation area (by about the research results described above with the latest
The “Mega-ton
high-efficiency, Water System”,
high-pressure pumpcombining
research resultsbydescribed above with the
Ebara Corporation), latest
made it
high-efficiency, high-pressure pump technology (manufactured by Ebara Corporation),
possible to dramatically reduce energy consumption [11,15]. The “Mega-ton Water System” enables made it
energy savings of 20% compared to conventional seawater desalination systems at technology 2010
using turbocharger-type ERD, as shown in Figure 13 [7,11,15].
Although Miguel Sanz has reported the historical trends of the energy consumption of the total
plant and the 1st RO pass, as shown in Figure 5 [8], in the “Mega-ton Water System” project, the
target value of energy consumption as total plant under TDS 35,000 mg/L seawater concentration
The “Mega-ton Water System”, combining the research results described above with the latest
high-efficiency, high-pressure pump technology (manufactured by Ebara Corporation), made it
possible to dramatically reduce energy consumption [11,15]. The “Mega-ton Water System” enables
energy savings of 20% compared to conventional seawater desalination systems at technology 2010
using turbocharger-type ERD, as shown in Figure 13 [7,11,15].
Water 2018, 10, 48 11 of 15
Although Miguel Sanz has reported the historical trends of the energy consumption of the total
plant and the 1st RO pass, as shown in Figure 5 [8], in the “Mega-ton Water System” project, the
target to dramatically
value reduce energy
of energy consumption as consumption [11,15].
total plant under TDS The “Mega-ton
35,000 Water System”
mg/L seawater enables
was set savings of 20% 3compared
to 3.00 kW·h/m or less. In to conventional
this seawater
case, it is possible desalination
to reduce energysystems at technology
by 20% compared with2010
using turbocharger-type
conventional system. ERD, as shown in Figure 13 [7,11,15].
Figure 13. SEC Rate (%) comparison of conventional SWRO and Mega-ton System (LMS).
Figure 13. SEC Rate (%) comparison of conventional SWRO and Mega-ton System (LMS).
Although Miguel Sanz has reported the historical trends of the energy consumption of the total
plant and the 1st RO pass, as shown in Figure 5 [8], in the “Mega-ton Water System” project, the target
value of energy consumption as total plant under TDS 35,000 mg/L seawater concentration was
set to 3.00 kW·h/m3 or less. In this case, it is possible to reduce energy by 20% compared with the
conventional system.
(1) Starkraft in Norway is an example of energy production from seawater–river water [21];
(2) The “Mega-ton Water System” project in Japan is an example of SWRO-treated waste water:
Case (1) is now suspended due to the poor membrane performance: failed to reach the target [19].
Case (2) [22,23].
In the “Mega-ton Water System”, the concentrated seawater of a seawater desalination plant and
treated discharge water of municipal sewage were used as the raw water. The aim was to reduce the
environmental impact by discharging concentrated seawater into the sea as well as to recover the
energy of the concentration difference between the two types of water.
In this research, this PRO technology (system) is to be added to the seawater desalination system
according to the environmental needs, and the overall flow is shown in Figure 14 [22].
This research conducted various tests at a prototype plant (DS: 460 m3 /day, FS: 420 m3 /day).
As a result of a prototype plant test using a PRO module (CTA hollow fiber with a diameter of 10-inch)
available for actual devices, it turned out that practical use is possible by the data on the obtained
applied pressure and power density. In addition, as a result of a long-term operation test, various
(2) The “Mega-ton Water System” project in Japan is an example of SWRO-treated waste water:
Case (1) is now suspended due to the poor membrane performance: failed to reach the target [19].
Case (2) [22,23].
In the “Mega-ton Water System”, the concentrated seawater of a seawater desalination plant and
Water 2018, 10, 48 12 of 15
treated discharge water of municipal sewage were used as the raw water. The aim was to reduce the
environmental impact by discharging concentrated seawater into the sea as well as to recover the
energy of theinto
investigations concentration difference
the operational between
conditions the two
meeting bothtypes of water.
fouling control and reduction of associated
In this
required research,
power provedthisthat
PROthetechnology (system)
combination is to
of the be added to the
ultrafiltration (UF)seawater desalination
membrane system
and chemical
according to the environmental needs, and the overall flow is shown in Figure
treatment enables stable operation. The SWRO-PRO system flow is shown in Figure 15 [22–24].14 [22].
waste water of sufficient quality for the PRO system, employing a conventional pre-treatment
method and judged that commercialFigure
scale 14.SWRO-PRO
operation System.
would be possible for long periods.
This research conducted various tests at a prototype plant (DS: 460 m3/day, FS: 420 m3/day). As
a result of a prototype plant test using a PRO module (CTA hollow fiber with a diameter of 10-inch)
available for actual devices, it turned out that practical use is possible by the data on the obtained
applied pressure and power density. In addition, as a result of a long-term operation test, various
investigations into the operational conditions meeting both fouling control and reduction of
associated required power proved that the combination of the ultrafiltration (UF) membrane and
chemical treatment enables stable operation. The SWRO-PRO system flow is shown in Figure 15 [22–24].
The prototype plant achieved 13.3 W/m2 of the maximum membrane power density per surface
area using 10-inch membrane modules. On the other hand, the lab-scale plant showed 17.1 W/m2
with a five-inch module, as shown in Figure 16 [22–24].
Long-term test operations at the PRO prototype plant were carried out over one year, as shown
in Figure 17. The osmotic flow rate through the membrane was found to depend on the temperature,
which varied seasonally as with conventional membranes. There was a slight decline in the osmosis
flow rate between the beginningFigure
and one
Figure 15. year
15. after the
SWRO-PRO test launch,
system flow.
flow. even though it continued to use
the same membrane modules. This means that we successfully produced fresh water from the treated
The prototype plant achieved 13.3 W/m2 of the maximum membrane power density per surface
area using 10-inch membrane modules. On the other hand, the lab-scale plant showed 17.1 W/m2
with a five-inch module, as shown in Figure 16 [22–24].
Long-term test operations at the PRO prototype plant were carried out over one year, as shown in
Figure 17. The osmotic flow rate through the membrane was found to depend on the temperature,
which varied seasonally as with conventional membranes. There was a slight decline in the osmosis
flow rate between the beginning and one year after the test launch, even though it continued to use the
same membrane modules. This means that we successfully produced fresh water from the treated
waste water of sufficient quality for the PRO system, employing a conventional pre-treatment method
and judged that commercial scale operation would be possible for long periods.
The calculation results of the demonstration operational results showed that installing a
SWRO-PRO system reduces electricity consumption per unit necessary to produce water by 10%
at mega-ton class (1,000,000 m3 /d scale) water desalination facilities.
Figure 16. Achieved power density at prototype plant and lab-scale plant.
Energy savings of 30% in total, including energy savings of 20% with the SWRO of the “Mega-ton
Water System” described in Section 2.3 are possible in the comparison with conventional seawater
desalination system at technology 2010 (Figure 18) [5,22–24].
Water 2018, 10, 48 13 of 15
Achieved powerdensity
power densityatatprototype
Energy savings of 30% in total, including energy savings of 20% with the SWRO of the “Mega-
ton Water System” described in Section 2.3 are possible in the comparison with conventional
seawater desalination 17.
system Long-term
at Prototype
2010 PRO
technology PROPlant
PRO Plant
(Figure operation
[5,22–24]. oneyear.
PRO system reduces electricity consumption per unit necessary to produce water by 10% atmega-
system reduces electricity consumption per unit necessary to produce water by 10% at mega-
Figure 18.
18. SEC
SEC Rate
Rate (%)
(%) Comparison
Comparison of
of conventional
conventional SWRO,
SWRO, Mega-ton
Mega-ton SWRO
SWRO and
and Mega-ton
Mega-ton SWRO
with PRO (SWRO-PRO).
with PRO (SWRO-PRO).
The SWRO-PRO System of the “Mega-ton Water System” is near to being ready for adoption in
The SWRO-PRO System of the “Mega-ton Water System” is near to being ready for adoption in
commercial plants in the future.
commercial plants in the future.
The authors found that the SWR-PRO system is also being studied in the Korea National Project
and is being run in a pilot plant in Busan, Korea [25].
3. Conclusions
(1) There are three key challenges to developing sustainable desalination technologies that will be
required in the 21st century: (1) energy saving; (2) low environmental impact; and (3) low water
production cost. Solutions to these challenges are being developed through funding from the
Water 2018, 10, 48 14 of 15
The authors found that the SWR-PRO system is also being studied in the Korea National Project
and is being run in a pilot plant in Busan, Korea [25].
3. Conclusions
(1) There are three key challenges to developing sustainable desalination technologies that will be
required in the 21st century: (1) energy saving; (2) low environmental impact; and (3) low water
production cost. Solutions to these challenges are being developed through funding from the
Japanese government “FIRST Program” in the “Mega-ton Water System” project.
(2) Innovative low-pressure SWRO membranes were obtained by controlled preparation technology
based on a precise estimation of the protuberance of the membranes.
(3) As new membrane process technology, low-pressure multi-stage system (LMS), makes it possible
to operate high recovery and low-pressure operation up to 60%, which contributes to reducing
the size of the plant and reducing the cost of low water production.
(4) Applying the various technologies in the “Mega-ton Water System” project to large-scale
desalination plants would enable a 20% saving of energy consumption compared with
commercialized systems.
(5) The SWRO-PRO system of the “Mega-ton Water System” allows 30% energy saving compared
with conventional systems. The SWRO-PRO system in the “Mega-ton Water System” can be
commercialized with the development of a high performance (13.3 W/m2 ) hollow fiber PRO
membrane and system operation.
Acknowledgments: The “Mega-ton Water System” part of the research in this report is supported by the Japanese
Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) through the “Funding Program for World-Leading Innovative R&D on
Science and Technology (FIRST Program)” initiated by the Council for Science and Technology Policy (CSTP).
The author is deeply grateful to NEDO for supporting the “Mega-ton Water System” project.
Author Contributions: Masaru Kurihara conceived and designed the Project as the project leader;
Hiromu Takeuchi promoted the Project as the secretary of the project; Masaru Kurihara and Hiromu Takeuchi
wrote the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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