Lecture Tutorial - P, CL and CA (A)
Lecture Tutorial - P, CL and CA (A)
Lecture Tutorial - P, CL and CA (A)
1. Diamond Bhd was sued by its competitor for patent infringement in October 2018. Its
legal advisers had determined that it is probable that Diamond Bhd will lose the case
and the estimated amount of damages will be RM300,000. Briefly explain how the
damages should be reported on the statement of financial position of Diamond Bhd
as at 31 December 2018.
Diamond Bhd has provision because the entity has present obligation from past
event, the outflow of resources to settle the obligation is probable, and the estimated
obligation amount can be reliably estimated. Therefore, Diamond Bhd should
recognize the provision for damages and the provision is reported either under
current liabilities or non-current liabilities, depending on when the payment is due.
2. Ruby Bhd acquired a piece of land from Dane Bhd for RM900,000 in August 2018. In
November 2018, it was discovered that the land was contaminated. As a result, Ruby
Bhd sued Dane Bhd for RM100,000. The legal advisors of Ruby Bhd believe that there
is a 80% chance of winning the case. Discuss how Ruby Bhd should account for this
lawsuit in its statement of financial position as at 31 December 2018.
Ruby Bhd has a contingent asset which is considered to be probable. Since the
contingent asset is not virtually certain, it is not recognized as an asset in the
Statement of Financial Position. The nature and estimated financial effect of the
contingent asset are disclosed in the notes to financial statement as at 31 December
3. Given below independent situations. For each situation, discuss how the entity should
account for the transactions in accordance with MFRS 137, Provisions, Contingent
Liabilities and Contingent Asset, giving reasons for your answer. Assume that the
accounting year end is 31 December 2018.
a During the financial year 2018, White Bhd White Bhd has a contingent asset
sued its main supplier for RM1.5 million which is not virtually certain. The
damages for faulty supply of materials entity needs to decide whether the
which has affected its production. As at inflow of resources is probable or
the reporting date, a decision was given possible.
in favour of the entity. The hearing to
determine the amount of damages, If the outcome is considered to be
however, would only be held after the probable, it is not recognized as
reporting date. asset in the Statement of Financial
Position (SoFP). However, the
nature and estimated financial
effect of the contingent asset are
disclosed in the notes to financial
statement as at 31 December 2018.
b Green Bhd had an overseas subsidiary Green Bhd does not have legal
involved in mining activities that caused obligation to remedy the
significant damage to the environment. environmental damage. However,
The mine was situated in a country where the entity may have constructive
there was no environmental regulation obligation if it is the policy of the
requiring the entity to remedy entity to remedy any
environmental damage. It was estimated environmental damage it has
that the cost of restoration of the mining caused and the policy is made
site, which was estimated to be 10 years’ known to the public. Since the
time, would probably be RM15 million. amount can be estimated reliably,
Green Bhd should recognize the
provision in its SoFP. The amount to
be recognized will be the present
value of RM15 million.
c Blue Bhd sold goods with a warranty When Blue Bhd sells goods with
where costumers are covered for the cost warranty, the entity has legal
of repairs due to manufacturing defects obligation towards its customers.
within the first year after purchase. Blue Since the outflow of resources is
Bhd estimated that the probability of probable and the obligation
goods sold with major defects will be 25% amount can be estimated reliably,
and the estimated repair cost would be Blue Bhd should recognize the
RM2 million. provision of RM500,000 in its
financial statements.
d Red Bhd was being sued by a customer for Since the legal opinion indicated
RM2 million for breach of contract. Red that it was not probable that R Bhd
Bhd had obtained legal opinion that it was would lose the case, the entity
not probable Red Bhd would lose the should not recognize the provision.
case. Accordingly, Red Bhd had provided Therefore, RM400,000 which had
RM400,000 which was included in been recorded as administrative
administrative expenses. The expenses must be reversed by
uncoverable legal costs of defending the debiting provision and crediting the
action were estimated at RM500,000. administrative expenses.
However, this amount had not yet been
provided for as the legal action would In relation to the unrecoverable
only go to court in 2019. legal cost of RM500,000, a
provision should be recognized
since the entity has present
obligation from past event
(appointing of lawyers), the
outflow of resources is probable
(payment for defending the entity)
and the obligation amount can be
estimated reliably (RM500,000).