HPFP Iloilo Strategic Plan
HPFP Iloilo Strategic Plan
HPFP Iloilo Strategic Plan
Strengths Weaknesses
Active Savings Program Absence of clear, standard or
implemented both in the CA/HOA uniform Savings Policy as well as
and ARC levels; generally understood and
Ability to cope, revive and sustain accepted purpose, motivation and
savings related activities amidst policy direction;
operational and financial Uncollected, overdue repayments
constraints due to issues of under the savings and loan
mismanagement; program;
Strict enforcement of compliance Inability to enforce compulsory;
with compulsory non-withdrawable savings for HPFPI local
UPDF savings as a precondition communities who do not have
among CA-HOA in accessing loans;
loans; Unsustained momentum of
Available and functional regional savings initiatives and failure to
office-level staff and community ensure the balance between
volunteers comprised of Regional social and financial movement;
Coordinator, Mapping, Profiling and Unreliable government support
Enumeration-in-charge, Mobile and partnership due to intermittent
Repayment Collector, Bookkeeper and ever changing political
and Cash Custodian, Documenter- administration;
Community Facilitator, Community Mismatch between the need for
Architect; technical assistance and its supply
Strong coordination and and availability for community
communication between HPFPI upgrading initiatives;
Regional Office and the HPFPI Technical financial and
Community Leaders which managerial skills are oftentimes
facilitated positive responses in the limited to office level staff and
formation of the newly constituted needs to be developed among
Regional Council; Regional Council members as
Regular monthly meeting and second liners;
mobilization of Regional Council Sporadic engagement and
Members in the execution of demand/need driven collaboration
HPFPI rituals as venues for which discourages continuity and
orientation, knowledge sharing, functionality of partnership;
skills transfer, leadership training Relatively poor repayment
and capacity building; collection rate especially among
Comprehensive activity/project and communities which initially
financial documentation and experienced very loose or liberal
facilitation works both in the which repayment collection policies.
enables timely submission of Inclusion of provisions which
reportorial requirements; cannot actually be strictly enforced
Homeless People’s Federation Philippines- Iloilo City
2017 Regional Strategic Plan
JMAS Cove, San Joaquin, Iloilo: July 7-8, 2017
Best practice identification and hampers willingness to pay and
replication mechanisms in place- created a culture of complacency;
particularly in terms of partnership Insufficiency of financial
and engagement, project and assistance and operational
financial literacy and management; support in terms of facilitation,
The practice of community research, documentation and
exchanges or peer to peer learning organizing;
which facilitate better Absence of fund support to ensure
understanding and deeper functionality of the new
appreciation among community governance structure especially
leaders or representatives within Regional Council level;
HPFPI network and federation Insufficient skills and staffing or
members; personnel requirement to manage
Functional and mutually beneficial post construction and post-
partnership agreements enforced occupancy activities especially as
by active engagement with regard incremental development;
partners especially with the local Failure to closely supervise and
government units where HPFPI facilitate project or program
membership in local decision- replication and expansion;
making and advisory bodies are Operations on the regional council
ensured; level is highly dependent on
Community-led and community- volunteerism while there is patent
managed self-help initiatives are disregard on the importance of
actively participated by the reward system through
community-partner-beneficiary; incentivizes;
Active participation and Preference on community
volunteerism among HPFPI exchanges as the best way to
leaders within the HOA/CA, ensure community learnings and
Regional Council and Regional sharing of best practices despite
Office levels; financial constraints;
Contract and Financial Loose regional governance
management systems established structure and current regional
and faithfully enforced resulting to council still at infancy stage
better post construction planning requiring heavy institutional
and estate management as well as investment on capacity and skills
repayment collection rates; development;
Putting premium on transparency Absence communication strategy
and good governance within the and policy between and among
CA/HOA level; regional offices in relation to the
Better coordination and national office;
communication mechanism due to Lack of appreciation and
proximity and accessibility HPFPI comprehension of the functions
Offices; and relevance of the Regional
Good land transaction and Council with other Philippine
negotiation skills-skills transfer Alliance partners;
Homeless People’s Federation Philippines- Iloilo City
2017 Regional Strategic Plan
JMAS Cove, San Joaquin, Iloilo: July 7-8, 2017
made possible through peer to Limited authority to influence
peer teaching; policy direction and rules of
engagement with alliance partner
Struggle in the transition from the
decentralized to centralized HPFPI
processes, systems and
Opportunities Threats
Untapped government housing Strict regulation of organizations
and land acquisition fund from executing banking functions such
Social Housing Finance HPFPI’s savings and loan;
Corporation as introduced by Ms. Strict imposition of tax over non-
Eva Marfil of HUDCC Region VI; stock non-profit organizations;
Possible accreditation as a Regulatory measures strictly
community facilitator/mobilizer to enforced by the local government
secure facilitation/mobilization units and non-compliance with the
fees; regular annual documentary
Willingness and eagerness of requirements;
current Iloilo City urban Poor Non-compliance with complete
Affairs Office Director to forge and sufficient employment benefits
partnership for urban poor for HPFPI Office staff;
electronic data banking and Project or activity delay due to
knowledge sharing sytem; consequential bureaucracy
Usufruct agreement/donation of created by the new centralized
some part of HOA/CA housing site governance system/structure;
for site development like drainage New HPFPI Executive Officers
and road construction; and Board of Trustees lack
Possible partnership with local sufficient governance and
corporate social responsibility management skills
(CSR) arms of business
Free micro-
training from Department of Trade
and Industry Region VI through its
Negosyo Center;
Partnership with Provincial
Government and local government
units in Northern Iloilo for a
disaster management, climate
change adaptation and community
resilience-related activities,
projects or programs as part of its
expansion efforts and
Homeless People’s Federation Philippines- Iloilo City
2017 Regional Strategic Plan
JMAS Cove, San Joaquin, Iloilo: July 7-8, 2017
repositioning HPFPI lens;
Local HPFPI registration initiative
to further strengthen local
capacities in terms of institutional
Enhanced communication strategy
especially as to activity or
institutional branding and
sustainability measures;
Maximization of the advantages
and benefits under the Micro-
Finance NGO Act particularly on
the imposition of 2% tax on MF-
NGOs in lieu of all other taxes.
What are the basic Why did you identify How do you propose to
needs of the region? these needs? solve/address these
Homeless People’s Federation Philippines- Iloilo City
2017 Regional Strategic Plan
JMAS Cove, San Joaquin, Iloilo: July 7-8, 2017
Lobby additional funds
for large scale slum
upgrading projects
Need to sustain The community-led Continuous promotion
technical assistance process is not yet and advocacy of
within the norm community-led
commonly practiced process as viable
by technical and approach to slum
young professionals, upgrading to technical
volunteer students and young
involved with the professionals and
projects/programs of partner academe
the Alliance. Allocate budget and
The need for hire competitive
technical support is technical assistants to
apparently help sustain HPFPI
increasing as the local operations
projects continue to Establish institutional
scale-up to a city- arrangements with
wide level hence, academic and
this requires full-time professional
technical organizations to tie-up
support/volunteers community-led
for project process to the college
sustainability curriculum and
extension programs;
execute MOAs;
formalize internship
Promote volunteerism
Organize programs for
full-time and part-time
volunteers based on
the extent of their
involvement with the
federation’s initiatives
Homeless People’s Federation Philippines- Iloilo City
2017 Regional Strategic Plan
JMAS Cove, San Joaquin, Iloilo: July 7-8, 2017
funding support, land
counterpart, livelihood
assistance, contribution
to Urban Poor Fund
Homeless People’s Federation Philippines- Iloilo City
2017 Regional Strategic Plan
JMAS Cove, San Joaquin, Iloilo: July 7-8, 2017
Homeless People’s Federation Philippines- Iloilo City
2017 Regional Strategic Plan
JMAS Cove, San Joaquin, Iloilo: July 7-8, 2017
maintaining the loan
ledger of each
member Develop a scheme
suited to their capacity
Reconstruction of their
loanable amount or
loan terms
Provide livelihood
projects to augment
their income
to address low Low repayment rate Review the existing
return of from vulnerable terms and identify the
investments group additional information
needed to arrive at the
Develop tools to actual loan capacity of
determine the stakeholders
loan affordability Identification of
of housing Low repayment rate various schemes
applicants suited to the needs of
Funds to sustain
the operational
expenses of
-Funds shortage to
project who were
sustain project
not able to meet
the financial
timeframe of
Homeless People’s Federation Philippines- Iloilo City
2017 Regional Strategic Plan
JMAS Cove, San Joaquin, Iloilo: July 7-8, 2017
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