Subject: International Business Enviornment Topic: Impact of Corona Virus On Global Economy Submitted To
Subject: International Business Enviornment Topic: Impact of Corona Virus On Global Economy Submitted To
Subject: International Business Enviornment Topic: Impact of Corona Virus On Global Economy Submitted To
SESSION: 2019-2020
I hereby declare that the project work entitled “IMPACT OF CORONA VIRUS
ON GLOBAL ECONOMY” submitted for fulfilling the essential criteria of
INDORE INSTITUTE OF LAW, is a record of an original work done by me
under the guidance of Asst Prof. VAIBHAV DONGRE in B.B.A. LL.B.
(HONS.) 6th semester, Indore Institute of Law for the Academic session 2019-
Archie Agarwal
Trust in the Lord with all you heart and lean not on your own understanding; in
all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.
It is not possible to prepare a project without the assistance and encouragement
of other people. This is certainly no exception. On the very outset of this project
I would like to extend my sincere and heartfelt obligation towards all the
personages who helped me in this endeavour. Without their guidance, help,
cooperation and support I would not have made headway in this project.
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................................5
2. UNITED NATION.............................................................................................................................5
3. IMPACT ON MACROECONOMIC VARIABLES..................................................................................7
3.1. Containment Measures Have Led to Further Downward Predictions of World GDP Growth
3.2. The Impact on Employment Will Be Worse Than Initially Expected...............................8
3.3. Developing Countries Are Expected to Suffer the Most.....................................................8
3.4. Capital Flight from Developing Countries at Unprecedented Rates.................................8
3.5. COVID-19 Will Set Back the Achievement of the SDGS...................................................8
4. IMPACT ON TRADE AND MANUFACTURING PRODUCTION...........................................................9
4.1. Impacts in Africa.....................................................................................................................9
4.2. Impacts in Latin America........................................................................................................9
4.3. Impacts in Asia......................................................................................................................10
5. GRAPHICAL REPESENTATION OF DOWNFALL..............................................................................10
5.1. Economic Forecasts..............................................................................................................10
5.2. Manufacturing Activity.........................................................................................................11
5.3. Stock Market Rout................................................................................................................12
5.4. Declining Oil Prices...............................................................................................................13
6. IMPACT OF CORONAVIRUS ON THE INDIAN ECONOMY..............................................................14
6.1. Sector-Wise Impact on Indian Industry................................................................................15
7. POLICY AND COPING STRATEGIES................................................................................................17
7.1. Monetary Policy Needs to Remain Supportive....................................................................17
7.2. Fiscal Support Needs to Be Enhanced Via Stronger Public Investment...............................18
7.3. Globally Co-Ordinated and More Forceful Actions Are Required If Downside Risks
7.4. Remedy or reform?...............................................................................................................20
7.5. Short- versus medium- and long-term measures.................................................................20
7.6. Economic mitigation policy responses by countries............................................................20
7.7. Policies to support manufacturing.......................................................................................21
8. REFERENCES..................................................................................................................................21
This research shows how a virus if affecting the global economy. Due to corona virus most of
the countries are locked down because of which everything apart from most essential items
(i.e. Ration), construction, manufacture, production, mining or services are shutdown, which
leads to downfall in economy. This is a phase of recession. According to UN, the global
economy could shrink by up to 1 per cent in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, a reversal
from the previous forecast of 2.5 per cent growth. COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting global
supply chains and international trade. In the best-case scenario global growth would fall to
1.2 per cent in 2020. In the worst-case scenario, the global output would contract by 0.9 per
cent - instead of growing by 2.5 per cent - in 2020.A s businesses lose revenue,
unemployment is likely to increase sharply. The analysis also warns that the adverse effects
of prolonged economic restrictions in developed economies will soon spill over to developing
countries via trade and investment channels. Developing countries, particularly those
dependent on tourism and commodity exports, face heightened economic risks. The decline
in commodity-related revenues and a reversal of capital flows are increasing the likelihood of
debt distress for many nations. Research also present the methods and strategies to deal with
the current problem and how to get back to track as soon as this pandemic gets over.
Coronavirus is a large family of viruses that causes illness. It ranges from the common cold
to more severe diseases like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome and Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome. The novel coronavirus is a new strain of virus that has not been
identified in human so far. Coronavirus outbreak was first reported in Wuhan, China on 31
December, 2019 Some countries are starting to lift the lockdown restrictions imposed to limit
the Covid-19 pandemic. Amid sighs of relief all round on Wall Street, the hope is that it will
soon be business as usual. The shock to the global economy from COVID-19 has been both
faster and more severe than the 2008 global financial crisis (GFC) and even the Great
Depression. In those two previous episodes, stock markets collapsed by 50% or more, credit
markets froze up, massive bankruptcies followed, unemployment rates soared above 10%,
and GDP contracted at an annualized rate of 10% or more. But all of this took around three
years to play out. In the current crisis, similarly dire macroeconomic and financial outcomes
have materialized in three weeks.
The global economy could shrink by up to 1 per cent in 2020 due to the coronavirus
pandemic, a reversal from the previous forecast of 2.5 per cent growth, the UN has said,
warning that it may contract even further if restrictions on the economic activities are
extended without adequate fiscal responses. The analysis by the UN Department of Economic
and Social Affairs (DESA) said the COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting global supply chains
and international trade. With nearly 100 countries closing national borders during the past
month, the movement of people and tourism flows have come to a screeching halt. "Millions
of workers in these countries are facing the bleak prospect of losing their jobs. Governments
are considering and rolling out large stimulus packages to avert a sharp downturn of their
economies which could potentially plunge the global economy into a deep recession. In the
worst-case scenario, the world economy could contract by 0.9 per cent in 2020," the DESA
said, adding that the world economy had contracted by 1.7 per cent during the global
financial crisis in 2009.It added that the contraction could be even higher if governments fail
to provide income support and help boost consumer spending.
The analysis noted that before the outbreak of the COVID-19, world output was expected to
expand at a modest pace of 2.5 per cent in 2020, as reported in the World Economic Situation
and Prospects 2020. Taking into account rapidly changing economic conditions, the UN
DESA's World Economic Forecasting Model has estimated best and worst-case scenarios for
global growth in 2020. In the best-case scenario - with moderate declines in private
consumption, investment and exports and offsetting increases in government spending in the
G-7 countries and China - global growth would fall to 1.2 per cent in 2020. "In the worst-case
scenario, the global output would contract by 0.9 per cent - instead of growing by 2.5 per cent
- in 2020," it said, adding that the scenario is based on demand-side shocks of different
magnitudes to China, Japan, South Korea, the US and the EU, as well as an oil price decline
of 50 per cent against our baseline of USD 61 per barrel.
The severity of the economic impact will largely depend on two factors - the duration of
restrictions on the movement of people and economic activities in major economies; and the
actual size and efficacy of fiscal responses to the crisis. "A well-designed fiscal stimulus
package, prioritising health spending to contain the spread of the virus and providing income
support to households most affected by the pandemic would help to minimise the likelihood
of a deep economic recession," it said. According to the forecast, lockdowns in Europe and
North America are hitting the service sector hard, particularly industries that involve physical
interactions such as retail trade, leisure and hospitality, recreation and transportation services.
Collectively, such industries account for more than a quarter of all jobs in these economies.
The DESA said as businesses lose revenue, unemployment is likely to increase sharply,
transforming a supply-side shock to a wider demand-side shock for the economy. Against this
backdrop, the UN-DESA is joining a chorus of voices across the UN system calling for well-
designed fiscal stimulus packages which prioritize health spending and support households
most affected by the pandemic. "Urgent and bold policy measures are needed, not only to
contain the pandemic and save lives, but also to protect the most vulnerable in our societies
from economic ruin and to sustain economic growth and financial stability," Under-
Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs Liu Zhenmin said. The analysis also
warns that the adverse effects of prolonged economic restrictions in developed economies
will soon spill over to developing countries via trade and investment channels. A sharp
decline in consumer spending in the European Union and the United States will reduce
imports of consumer goods from developing countries.
"Developing countries, particularly those dependent on tourism and commodity exports, face
heightened economic risks. Global manufacturing production could contract significantly,
and the plummeting number of travellers is likely to hurt the tourism sector in small island
developing States, which employs millions of low-skilled workers," it said. Meanwhile, the
decline in commodity-related revenues and a reversal of capital flows are increasing the
likelihood of debt distress for many nations. Governments may be forced to curtail public
expenditure at a time when they need to ramp up spending to contain the pandemic and
support consumption and investment. UN Chief Economist and Assistant Secretary-General
for Economic Development Elliot Harris said the collective goal must be a resilient recovery
which puts the planet back on a sustainable track. "We must not lose sight how it is affecting
the most vulnerable population and what that means for sustainable development," he said.
The alarms raised by UN-DESA echo another report, released on March 31, in which UN
experts issued a broad appeal for a "large-scale, coordinated, comprehensive multilateral
response" amounting to at least 10 per cent of global gross domestic product (GDP).
1) demand from high-income countries for manufacturing goods and raw materials is
2) value chains are being disrupted due to delays in the delivery of necessary components and
supplies from more technologically advanced countries;
3) other factors, including policies (e.g. restriction of movement of goods and people),
inability of employees to reach the workplace or financial constraints, which affect the
normal production process.
Impacts in Africa
Fully in line with the global economic prospects, a recent report of the African Union
(AU) states that “Regardless of the scenario whether optimistic or pessimistic, Covid-19 will
have a harmful socioeconomic effect on Africa” (p. 30). Losses related to the fall of the
global oil price are estimated at USD 65 billion. Losses amounting to USD 19 billion are
expected in Nigeria alone. The crisis will also affect manufacturing firms. According to the
AU report, the automotive industry (-44 per cent), airlines (-42 per cent) and energy and basic
materials industries (-13 per cent) face even higher losses. MNE perspectives of profits in
developing countries have been revised downwards by 16 per cent. This revision amounts to
1 per cent in Africa compared to 18 per cent in Asia, and 6 per cent in Latin America.
Impacts in Asia
The coronavirus first broke out in China. According to the BBC, the country experienced a
13.5 per cent reduction in industrial production in the first two months of 2020. China is the
world’s largest exporter and produces one-third of all global manufacturing goods. The newly
published Asian Development Bank Outlook 2020, revising the 6 March 2020 update, asserts
that China remains the epicentre of the crisis, but developing Asia has only been hit by a 7.7
per cent decrease in industrial production since the beginning of 2020. Countries that are less
affected by the virus are India, NIEs and the ASEAN 5; their industrial production continues
to show a positive growth rate.
Economic Forecasts
The outbreak has led major institutions and banks to cut their forecasts for the global
economy. One of the latest to do so is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development. In a April report, the OECD said it downgraded its 2020 growth forecasts for
almost all economies. China’s gross domestic product growth saw the largest downgrade in
terms of magnitude, according to the report. The Asian economic giant is expected to grow
by 4.9% this year, slower than the earlier forecast of 5.7%, said OECD. Meanwhile, the
global economy is expected to grow by 2.4% in 2020 — down from the 2.9% projected
earlier, said the report.
Manufacturing Activity
The manufacturing sector in China has been hit hard by the virus outbreak.
Such a slowdown in Chinese manufacturing has hurt countries with close economic links to
China, many of which are Asia Pacific economies such as Vietnam, Singapore and South
Factories in China are taking longer than expected to resume operations, several analysts
said. That, along with a rapid spread of COVID-19 outside China, means that global
manufacturing activity could remain subdued for longer, economists said.
Fear surrounding the impact of COVID-19 on the global economy has hurt investor sentiment
and brought down stock prices in major markets. Cedric Chehab, head of country risk and
global strategy at Fitch Solutions, said there are three ways the coronavirus outbreak could
work its way through sentiment in markets.
“We have identified three channels through which the COVID-19 outbreak was going to
weigh on markets so that’s the slowdown in China, the slowdown from domestic outbreaks
… and the third channel was financial markets stress,” he told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia”.
A reduction in global economic activity has lowered the demand for oil, taking oil prices to
multi-year lows. That happened even before a disagreement on production
“The spread of the virus in Italy and other parts of Europe is particularly worrying and will
likely dampen demand in OECD countries as well,” the DBS analysts wrote in a report.
In terms of trade, China is the world’s largest exporter and second-largest importer. It
accounts for 13% of world exports and 11% of world imports. Up to a large extent, it will
impact the Indian industry. In imports, the dependence of India on China is huge. Of the top
20 products (at the two-digit of HS Code) that India imports from the world, China accounts
for a significant share in most of them. India’s total electronic imports account for 45% of
China. Around one-third of machinery and almost two-fifths of organic chemicals that India
purchases from the world come from China? For automotive parts and fertilisers China’s
share in India’s import is more than 25%. Around 65 to 70% of
active pharmaceutical ingredients and around 90% of certain mobile phones come from
China to India. Therefore, we can say that due to the current outbreak of coronavirus in
China, the import dependence on China will have a significant impact on the Indian industry.
In terms of export, China is India’s 3rd largest export partner and accounts for around 5%
share. The impact may result in the following sectors namely organic chemicals, plastics, fish
products, cotton, ores, etc. We also can’t ignore that most of the Indian companies are located
in the eastern part of China. In China, about 72% of companies in India are located in cities
like Shanghai, Beijing, provinces of Guangdong, Jiangsu, and Shandong. In various sectors,
these companies work including Industrial manufacturing, manufacturing services, IT and
BPO, Logistics, Chemicals, Airlines, and tourism. It has been seen that some sectors of India
have been impacted by the outbreak of coronavirus in China including shipping,
pharmaceuticals, automobiles, mobiles, electronics, textiles, etc. Also, a supply chain may
affect some disruptions associates with industries and markets. Overall, the impact of
coronavirus in the industry is moderate.
According to CLSA report, pharma, chemicals, and electronics businesses may face supply-
chain issues and prices will go up by 10 percent. The report also says that India could also be
a beneficiary of positive flows since it appears to be the least-impacted market. Some
commodities like metals, upstream and downstream oil companies, could witness the impact
of lower global demand impacting commodity prices. According to CII, GDP could fall
below 5% in FY 2021 if policy action is not taken urgently. It is said that the government
should take some strong fiscal stimulus to the extent of 1% of GDP to the poor, which would
help them financially and also manage consumer demand. In the third quarter (October-
December) growth is slowed down to 4.7% and the impact of COVID-19 will further be seen
in the fourth quarter. Ficci survey showed 53% of Indian businesses have indicated a marked
impact of COVID-19 on business operations. And 42% of the respondents said that up to
three months could take for normalcy to return.
Auto Industry: Its impact on Indian companies will vary and depend upon the extent of the
business with China. China’s business no doubt is affected. However, current levels of the
inventory seem to be sufficient for the Indian industry. If the shutdown in China continues
then it is expected to result in an 8-10% contraction of Indian auto manufacturing in 2020.
Solar Power Sector: Indian developers may face some shortfall of raw materials needed in
solar panels/cells and limited stocks from China.
IT Industry: The New Year holidays in China has been extended due to coronavirus
outbreak that adversely impacted the revenue and growth of Indian IT companies.
Tourism and Aviation: Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the inflow of tourists from China
and from other East Asian regions to India will lose that will impact the tourism sector and
To combat with COVID-19, Indian Government extended the date of lockdown till 3rd May,
2020. According to Du & Bradstreet, COVID-19 no doubt disrupted human lives and global
supply chain but the pandemic is a severe demand shock which has offset the green shoots of
recovery of the Indian economy that was visible towards the end of 2019 and early 2020. The
revised Gross Domestic Product (GDP) estimates for India downwards by 0.2 percentage
points for the fiscal year 2020 to 4.8 per cent and by 0.5 per cent for the fiscal year 2021 to 6
per cent. Further, it is stated that the extent of the actual impact will depend upon the severity
and duration of the outbreak.
There are three major channels of impact for Indian businesses according to the report
namely linkages, supply chain and macroeconomic factors. The data of the Dun & Bradstreet
shows that at least 6,606 Indian entities have legal linkages with companies in countries with
a large number of confirmed COVID-19 cases. And business activity in the foreign markets
is slow which implies a negative impact on the top line of these companies. Sectors that
would be much affected includes logistics, auto, tourism, metals, drugs, pharmaceuticals,
electronic goods, MSMEs and retail among others
Further, according to the World Bank's assessment, India is expected to grow 1.5 per cent to
2.8 per cent. And IMF projected a GDP growth of 1.9 per cent for India in 2020 because the
global economy is affected by the COVID pandemic, the worst recession since the Great
Depression in the 1930s. Also, we can't ignore that the lockdown and pandemic hit several
sectors including MSME, hospitality, civil aviation, agriculture and allied sector. According
to KPMG, the lockdown in India will have a sizeable impact on the economy mainly on
consumption which is the biggest component of GDP.
Reduction in the urban transaction can lead to a steep fall in the consumption of non-essential
goods. It can be severe if disruption causes by the 21-day lockdown and affect the availability
of essential commodities. Due to weak domestic consumption and consumer sentiment, there
can be a delay in investment which further add pressure on the growth.
We can't ignore that post-COVID-19, some economies are expected to adopt de-risking
strategies and shift their manufacturing bases from China. This can create opportunities for
India. According to KPMG, opportunities will largely depend on how quickly the economy
recovers and the pace at which the supply chain issues are addressed.
KPMG India Chairman and CEO Arun M Kumar said: "Apart from providing robust safety
nets for the vulnerable, a focus on ensuring job continuity and job creation will be
imperative". "And there is urgent need to mobilise resources to stimulate the economy for
increased demand and employment". According to the KPMG report "It is expected that the
course of economic recovery in India will be smoother and faster than that of many other
advanced countries". An outbreak of COVID-19 impacted the whole world and has been felt
across industries. World’s second-largest economy China became standstill. Its outbreak is
declared as a national emergency by the World Health Organisation. In India the three major
contributors to GDP namely private consumption, investment and external trade will all get
affected. World and Indian economy are attempting to mitigate the health risks of COVID-19
with the economic risks and necessary measures needed will be taken to improve it.
Japan may face a renewed need to implement additional unconventional measures, with
sub-par growth projected to persist and inflation well below target, but have less scope
to ease monetary policy substantially. A number of emerging-market economies with
flexible exchange rate frameworks and manageable exposures to foreign currency
denominated debt, including Brazil, India and Mexico, have scope to further ease
monetary policy provided inflation declines, while taking the opportunity to undertake
fiscal and structural measures that enhance investor confidence.
Looking ahead, this episode of weak growth reinforces the need for stronger public
investment in many countries, broadly defined to include education and health care
positive spillover effects through trade and improved confidence, resulting in a larger
overall output gain in each country than if they acted alone.
Remedy or reform?
One key question the ongoing crisis has sparked is whether the unprecedented
economic measures could be transformed into long-lasting ones and whether they
could pave the way towards more structural reforms. In its report, the UN calls for
solidarity and widespread cooperation as a means to building more equitable, inclusive
and resilient societies that are better prepared to tackle pandemics, climate change and
other challenges.
As the COVID-19 pandemic is rapidly spreading across the globe, most governments in
developed and developing countries have deployed some type of policy response to curb the
immediate human and economic effects. But there is no certainty till when lockdown
continues, the severity of the economic impact will largely depend on two factors - the
duration of restrictions on the movement of people and economic activities in major
economies; and the actual size and efficacy of fiscal responses to the crisis. If downside risks
materialise, including a much wider spread of the coronavirus outbreak, and global growth
looks set to be much lower than projected, governments could be faced with the challenge of
having to respond to significant weakness at a time when domestic policy space is limited.