A Literature Review On Moment-Rotation Curve of Steel-Concrete Composite Beam

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A Literature review on-

Moment-Rotation Curve of Steel-Concrete Composite Beam

Submitted by N. Sree Kavya (17MST0036)
PAPER 1 In order to simulate the interaction between the reinforcing bars PAPER 2
Computational modelling of the moment-rotation relationship and precast concrete slab, the EMBEDDED option was adopted, in Ultimate strength behavior of curved steel–concrete–steel
for deconstructable flush end plate beam-to-column composite which the reinforcement was assumed to be embedded into the sandwich composite beams
joints by Abdolreza Ataei, Mark A. Bradford, Xinpei Liu precast concrete slab. Jia-Bao Yan, J.Y. Richard Liew, Xudong Qian, Jun-Yan Wang
To simulate the PFGBSCs, non-linear springs were used, in
This paper presents a three-dimensional finite element modelling which the results from push-out tests on M16 and M20 PFGBSCs A concept of using curved steel–concrete–steel (SCS) sandwich
of an innovative flush end plate semi-rigid beam-to-column com- were employed to characterize the load-slip behaviour of the bolt structure as the ice-resistant wall has been proposed for Arctic oil
posite joint comprising deconstructable post-installed friction-grip shear connectors and to represent their behaviour in the composite and gas drilling platform.
bolted shear connectors. joints. Ultra-lightweight cement composite (ULCC) was chosen as the
The moment versus rotation relationship for these prototype The same location of the shear connectors was considered for the core material. ULCC was developed with a 28-day compressive
joints subjected to a hogging bending moment with the influence position of the springs. strength about 60 MPa and a density of 1450 kg/m3.
of partial shear connection is investigated using ABAQUS soft- .
ware. Experimental Models:
This relationship is an indicator of the ductility of a composite
joint a is a necessity for a semi-rigid frame analysis. Figure 2: Simulation of To investigate the influence of ULCC strengths on the resistance
In addition, a composite joint with partial shear connection is PFGBSCs.
of the curved beams, three grades of ULCC namely ULCC-30,
constructed and tested in this study, and the numerical predictions ULCC-45 and ULCC- 60 were designed to achieve 28d compres-
are compared with the test results. sive strengthof30MPa,45MPa and 60MPa, respectively.
The main objective of the study is to study the effect of _ Steel shells with different thickness t=4 mm and 12mm were used
Degree of shear connection, reinforcement ratio, thickness to investigate the influence of the steel content of the section.
of precast concrete slab, spacing and size of bolted shear connec- Stud connectors with Ø13 mm×100 mm (height) were used for all
tors etc., on the efficiency of joint which is done by generating Mo- Loading of the specimens was conducted into two steps. In the the curved beams except for beam BS6 [Ø 13 mm ×75 mm (height)]
ment-rotation curve for all the models with above mentioned vari- first step, the pretension load was applied to all the bolts connect- and BS7 [Ø 13 mm×150 mm (height)].
ables. ing the composite beam to the steel column. Specimens BS1, BS3, and BS4were designed with different curva-
A 67% shear connection ratio, 0.70% reinforcing ratio, 460UB82.1 Following this step, a displacement-controlled load was applied tures, and the radius of the inner shell R for them equals 888mm,
steel beam, 250 UC89.5 steel column, 120 mm precast concrete to the precast concrete slab using the Riks procedure that is avail- 2625 mm, and 625 mm, respectively.
slab, 10 mm flush end plate and Grade 10.9 M24 bolt were adopted able in ABAQUS.
for standard joint considered in the parametric study, but each re-
spective property was varied. What Can be Inferred from the paper:

A large number of bolts having a small bolt size is recommended

Figure 1: FE model of half com-
for this type of composite joint.
posite joint and its boundary con-
ditions. Reinforcement ratio beyond this value (about 1%) changes the
failure mode from bar fracture to shear connector fracture.

Very low RR causes limited ductility and strength. {This ratio was
calculated based on the tensile reinforcing area and the gross slab cross-sectional
Modelling Of Composite Beam: area}.
The coefficient of friction of 0.45 is adopted for the interface be-
tween the steel beam and precast concrete slab. And for all other The spacing and number of shear connectors dictates the
interactions like endplate-steel column flange, bolt-steel column, strength of the composite joint.
bolt-end plate; a coefficient of 0.25 was adopted.
The TIE option was used to define the contact between the flush Interaction of steel beam and concrete slab also effects the mo-
Figure 3: Test Setup of curved SCS Sandwich beams (BS4). All the beams ex-
end plate-steel beam, the steel beam-its plate stiffeners and the ment and shear capacities of the composite structure. cept BS4 were anchored to two triangular supports through bolts which were
steel column-its column stiffeners. shown in the figure.
The main components of the beam that include the concrete slab PAPER 4
and the steel beam were designed in accordance with AS 3600 and Modeling Of Steel-concrete Composite Beams Under
AS 4100 respectively. The composite design was carried out in ac- Negative Bending
cordance with AS 2327.1 by following the load requirements given By Gaetano Manfredi, Giovanni Fabbrocino, and Edoardo Cosenza
in AS 1170.1 Each composite beam contained twenty seven shear
connectors. Negative bending moments acting in the support regions of con-
tinuous composite beams generate tensile stresses in the concrete
This paper investigates the feasibility of utilizing blind bolts as slab and compressive stresses in the lower steel profile.
shear connectors to develop demountable steel–concrete beams. As a result the mechanical behavior of these beams is strongly
Using Euro code 4 nonlinear even for low stress levels, due not only to the slip at the
beam slab interface, but also to cracking in the slab.
The beams were loaded at a constant rate of displacement of 2
Figure 4: Illustrations on the geometry of the curved SCS Sandwich Therefore, an adequate theoretical modeling should take account
of the interactions between the structural steel and the concrete
slab by shear connectors and also between steel rebars and con-
What can be inferred from the paper: crete in tension by bond phenomenon.
In this paper a model of steel and concrete composite beams sub-
As the spacing of the connectors decreases, it increases the shear jected to negative bending is presented. It accounts for the slip oc-
resistance of the structures. curring at both the beam-slab interface and the steel reinforcement
-concrete interface.
It would fetch the construction if light weight concrete is used
for constructing the slabs in case of composite structures. Simply supported steel concrete composite beams allow full ex-
ploitation of the mechanical properties of the two materials; in fact
PAPER 3 the concrete slab is mainly in compression, whereas the steel pro-
Flexural behaviour of composite steel–concrete beams utilising file is subjected to a tensile force.
blind bolt shear connectors Figure 5: Finite Element model geometries and Element Shapes
Sameera Wijesiri Pathirana, Brian Uy, Olivia Mirza, Xinqun Zhu The use of continuous composite beams is very attractive, but
mm per minute. This rate was increased at the end of the tests as the support regions are affected by negative bending moments. As
This paper investigates the feasibility of utilizing blind bolts as the load–deflection curves began to plateau. a result, the structural behavior is not very effective because the
shear connectors to develop demountable steel–concrete beams. concrete slab is subjected to a tensile force and the steel profile is
The flexural behaviour of composite beams with two blind bolt Each beam was loaded at stages of 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% of mainly in compression
types and welded stud connectors were experimentally investi- their calculated ultimate design loads determined by the RPA
gated using full-scale beam specimens. What is concluded:
What can be inferred from the Paper:
A set of push-test specimens was tested based on the Euro code The proposed model seems most suitable to evaluate from a theo-
4 to compare the slip response of these connectors. The ultimate Blind bolts can be more reliable in achieving and maintaining retical point of view the influence of each component of the com-
design loads of the test beams were calculated based on rigid plas- composite action in new composite steel–concrete beams com- posite beam on the rotation capacity in the negative bending re-
tic analysis (RPA) using the actual material properties. pared with welded stud connectors. gions.

The Finite Element Models (FEMs) were validated by comparing The results showed that the stiffness and ductility of a composite PAPER 5
the load–midspan deflection curves of the beam specimens ob- beam is greatly influenced by the load–slip behaviour of its shear Experimental Studies On The Behaviour Of Headed Stud Shear
tained from the experiments and modelling. connectors. Connectors For Composite Steel-concrete Beams Under Ele-
vated Temperatures
The effects of the concrete compressive strength, steel yield
A Literature review on– Moment- O. MIRZA, B. UY AND S. KREZO

strength and the shear connection ratio on the flexural behaviour Rotation curve of Steel-Concrete This paper presents the experimental studies to consider the ef-
of the composite beams were studied by utilizing the validated fects of elevated temperatures on the behaviour of headed stud
FEMs. Composite Beam shear connectors on composite steel-concrete beams for both solid
and profiled steel sheeting slabs.
Ultimate design loads of the beam specimens were estimated us-
ing the rigid plastic analysis (RPA) technique. Three dimensional It has been concluded that the predominant mode of failure for
non-linear finite element models (FEMs) were developed using Name :N. Sree Kavya the solid slab and profiled slab was headed stud shear connection
ABAQUS to simulate the full-scale beams. Reg. No. : 17MST0036 failure.

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