Rule 16 - Action by Give-Way Vessel

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Rule 16 - Action by give-way vessel

Every vessel which is directed to keep out of the way of

another vessel shall, so far as possible, take early and
substantial action to keep well clear.

Rule 16 - Action by give-way vessel

n  Main measures by give-way vessel

n  Take early action (in ample time)
n  Take substantial action (course and/or speed)
n  Keep well clear (pass at a safe distance)

Rule 16 - Action by give-way vessel

Rule 16 - Action by give-way vessel
Substantial and early action

Other Rules also refer to the same requirements:

Rule 8:
‘’take early and substantial action’’
The provisions of Rule 8 concerning action to avoid collision apply in any
condition of visibility and must be complied with by vessels in sight of one
another and in restricted visibility

Rule 8 (d):
Pass at a safe distance 4
Rule 16 - Action by give-way vessel
Substantial and early action

Rule 12: sailing vessels

Rule 13: all overtaking vessels

Rule 14: both power-driven vessels in a meeting situation

Rule 15: power-driven vessel crossing another power-

driven vessel approaching from starboard

Rule 18: Responsabilities between vessels

Rule 16 - Action by give-way vessel
Do not confuse ‘’keep out of the way’’ with ‘’not to impede’’

‘’Keep out of the way’’ applies as soon as

risk of collision between two ships starts to materialize

−  when there is a risk of collision

−  the give-way vessel must take action to avoid it

‘’Not to impede’’ applies before

risk of collision appears

−  the vessel takes action so that…

−  no risk of collision starts to develop
Rule 16 - Action by give-way vessel
May not impede

Rule 9 - Narrow channels Rule 10 - TSS

•  Vessel less than 20m •  Vessel of less than 20m
•  Sailing vessel •  Sailing vessel
•  Vessel engaged in fishing •  Vessel engaged in fishing
•  Crossing vessel

Rule 18 - Responsabilities between vessels

Any vessel other than NUC or restricted in ability to
manœuvre must avoid impeding a vessel constrained by
her draught

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