Rule 26 - Fishing Vessels

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Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

(a) A vessel engaged in fishing, whether underway or at anchor, shall

exhibit only the lights and shapes prescribed in this Rule.

A vessel when engaged in trawling, by which is meant the dragging

through the water of a dredge net or other apparatus used as a
fishing appliance, shall exhibit:
(i) two all-round lights in a vertical line, the upper being green and
the lower white, or a shape consisting of two cones with their
apexes together in a vertical line one above the other;
(ii) a masthead light abaft of and higher than the all-round green
light; a vessel of less than 50 metres in length shall not be
obliged to exhibit such a light but may do so;
(iii) when making way through the water, in addition to the lights
prescribed in this paragraph, sidelights and a sternlight.

Rule 26 - Fishing vessels


A vessel engaged in fishing, other than trawling shall exhibit:

(i) two all-round lights in a vertical line, the upper being red and the
lower white, or a shape consisting of two cones with apexes
together in a vertical line one above the other;
(ii) when there is outlying gear extending more than 150 metres
horizontally from the vessel, an all-round white light or a cone
apex upwards in the direction of the gear;
(iii) when making way through the water, in addition to the lights
prescribed in this paragraph, sidelights and a sternlight.


The additional signals described in Annex II to these Regulations

apply to a vessel engaged in fishing in close proximity to other
vessels engaged in fishing.


A vessel when not engaged in fishing shall not exhibit the lights or
shapes prescribed in this Rule, but only those prescribed for a
vessel of her length.

Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Species of fish
In principle there are three
species of fish:
Pelagic fish
Demersal fish
Shellfish and molluscs

For more details, please refer to the

manual: International Regulations
for Preventing Collisions at Sea by
Capt. Pierre Deseck, M Sc, FNI.
Go to
for details on how the purchase this

Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing gear
The main fishing methods at sea can be grouped according to the
fishing gear used:
Towed or dragged gear such as:
Encircling gear such as:
Danish seine
Purse seine
Static gear such as:
Drift nets
Floating gillnets
Bottom gillnets
Longline fishing
Fish traps

Other gear such as:

Troll lines

Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods

Trawling is a fishing method which consists of dragging

a large bag made of netting over the sea bottom (bottom
trawling) or at any depth (floating or mid-water trawling)

Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing gear
Otter trawl
The otter trawl is a large bag-shaped net
dragged along the sea bed. The mouth of
the net is spread open horizontally by two
otter boards or doors (nr. 2)

Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing gear

Otter trawl

Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Otter trawl

Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
There are several types of trawlers used:
Side trawlers
Stern trawlers (see further for details)
Beam trawlers (see further for details)

Side trawler

Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods

The trawler manoeuvres to haul in

the net to her windward side

The net is ready to be heaved

aboard by means of the quarter


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods

The cod-end is hoisted aboard . A sharp stroke releases

the cod-end knot allowing the fish to be spilled on deck


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods

The cod-end is hoisted aboard

A sharp stroke releases the

cod-end knot allowing the
fish to be spilled on deck 12

Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods

Stern trawler

The net is now handled from the stern of the trawler. Only the cod-end is heaved
aboard or, with modern stern trawlers, nearly the whole net is heved on deck


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Stern trawler


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Beam trawler

Beam trawling is a variation of the ordinary side trawling. Instead of one large net,
two smaller trawls are towed by two outrigger booms or fishing derricks, one on
each side of the vessel

Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
There are two main types of beam trawlers:
One using otter trawls
One using beam trawls


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Beam trawler using otter trawls


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Beam trawler using beam trawls


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods

Beam trawl


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Beam trawler pulling two beam trawls


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
The beam trawl is heaved alongside the vessel


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
The trawl is hoisted on board


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
The cod-ends are likewise pulled on board

A beam trawler is also called a twin-rig trawler


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Mid-water trawling
The mid-water trawl is used to catch pelagic fish which
moves in schools at various depths between the
bottom and the surface of the sea


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Bottom pair trawling
Steel wire

Two trawlers pull one otter trawl.

The two bows are linked to each
other by means of a steel wire.
Never try to navigate between
both vessels.


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Pair mid-water trawling


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Seine net
The seine net also called Danish
seine net, is a bottom fishing
method. It is a combination of
encircling and dragging gear.
The net is similar to the trawl net
but it is much larger and lighter.
The vessel reaches the fishing
ground (a) drops her anchor and
first warp (h) is set out in a
circular track. In (i) the net is put
overboard. Second warp is set
out in a similar track. In (a) the
anchor is reshackled to the
vessels windlass.


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods

Seine net fishing

Both warps are heaved in together while vessel remains at anchor. During
hauling operation both warps are closing, herding the fish to the centre. 28

Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods

Seine net fishing

Usually the vessel remains
at anchor while heaving on
the warps.
Scottish fishermen do not
use an anchor and heave on
the warps while the vessel is
kept on the tide. This is
called Scottish seining or
Fly dragging
Japanese fishermen stem
the tide and tow the net over
the bottom while heaving on
the warps. This is
Japanese seining or Tow


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
The ring net or Purse Seine
Purse seining is also an encircling
fishing method.
A long net is set out to form a
hanging curtain around a school of
fish. The bottom of the net is than
pulled together to form a small
pond or purse holding the catch.
Purse seining may be undertaken
by a single vessel, a pair of
vessels or a combination of a large
vessel and auxiliary boats.
Sometimes, small planes or
helicopters are used to spot the
schools of fish.

Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Purse seining
The net is set out to form a hanging curtain around the


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Purse seining


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Purse seining

When the bottom line is closed, the net holds the catch in a purse


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Seine netting

The net and the fish are now along the ships


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Purse seining

Finally, the fish is removed from the net by bailing

or by means of a fish pump.


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Drift nets or Gillnets
Driftnets or gillnets belong to the static fishing gear

A driftnet is a rectangular net hanging vertically in the water

near the surface. A complete fleet may be 3 to 6 km long.


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Drift nets or Gillnets
Bottom gillnet
Gillnets are not only found near
the surface of the water but
also on the bottom of the sea,
the so-called bottom gillnets.


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Bottom gillnet


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Scottish driftnet


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Scottish driftnet

The vessel stays to leeward of the nets


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Bottom longline


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Bottom longline


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Sub-surface longline


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Sub-surface longline

The longline can be several kilometers long with thousands of hooks


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Fish traps


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Fish trap


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Fishing methods
Fish trap


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Vessel engaged in fishing

Rule 26 (a)

A vessel engaged in fishing, whether underway, OR at

anchor, shall exhibit only the lights and shapes prescribed
in this rule.
A vessel engaged in fishing and at anchor does not show
the anchor lights or shapes but only the lights and shapes
prescribed by Rule 26.
Rule 26 does not apply to most recreational fishing. Indeed,
according to Rule 3 (d) the fishing apparatus must restrict
the manoeuvrability of the vessel
No distinction is made between power-driven fishing
vessels and sailing fishing vessels


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Vessel engaged in trawling

Rule 26 (b)

A trawler shall exhibit:

When making way through the water:
An all-round green and a white light (fishing lights)
A sternlight
When not making way through the water:
An all-round green and a white light (fishing lights)
Trawlers more than 50 m in length:
A masthead light abaft and higher than the fishing

Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Vessel engaged in trawling

Rule 26 (b)


Rule 26 (b) (i) and (iii)

Making way through the water
Less than 50 m in length
Bow view


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Vessel engaged in trawling

Rule 26 (b)

Trawler making way through the water, less than 50 m in length.

Port side view


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Vessel engaged in trawling

Rule 26 (b)

Trawler making way through the

water, less than 20 m in length.
Bow view

Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Vessel engaged in trawling

Rule 26 (b)

Vessel engaged in trawling. Not making way

through the water. Less than 50 m in length


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Vessel engaged in trawling

Rule 26 (b)

Vessel engaged in trawling. More or less than 50 m in length.

Making way through the water. Stern view.


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Vessel engaged in trawling

Rule 26 (b)

Rule 26 (b) (i), (ii) and (iii)

Vessel engaged in trawling
More or less than 50 m long
Making way through the water
Port side view


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

By day
Two cones with their points together (diabolo) in a
vertical line, one above the other


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Vessel engaged in trawling

Rule 26 (b)

Vessel engaged in trawling by day

Two cones with their points together (diabolo) in a vertical

line, one above the other

Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Vessel engaged in trawling

Rule 26 (b)

Vessel engaged in trawling

by day


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Vessel engaged in trawling

Rule 26 (b)


The towing warps of trawlers do not extend very far behind the vessel. Their
fishing gear is, consequently, not much of an impediment to other ships and
they may thus be passed at a relatively short distance.

Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Vessel engaged in trawling

Rule 26 (b)


This is far too close

Some trawlers may pull their

trawl net at a considerable
high speed of up to 12 knots

With the floating or mid-water trawl it is quite different and they should not
be approached closer than abt. one mile from the stern


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Vessels engaged in fishing other than trawling

Rule 26 (c)

Outlying gear 150 m or less

When making way through the water
An all-round red and a white light (fishing lights)
A sternlight

When not making way through the water

An all-round red and a white light (fishing lights)

Two cones with their points together (diabolo) in a
vertical line one above the other.

Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Vessels engaged in fishing other than trawling

Rule 26 (c)

Rule 26 (c) (i) and (iii)

Vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling

Fishing gear extending 150 m or less
Making way through the water
Starboard side view


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Vessels engaged in fishing other than trawling

Rule 26 (c)

Driftnetter making way through the water. Fishing gear extending

150 m or less. Starboard side view.

Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Vessels engaged in fishing other than trawling

Rule 26 (c)

Driftnetter not making way through the water. Fishing gear

extending 150 m or less


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Vessels engaged in fishing other than trawling

Rule 26 (c)

Fishing gear extending 150 m or less


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Vessels engaged in fishing other than trawling

Rule 26 (c)

It was a good catch


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Vessels engaged in fishing other than trawling

Rule 26 (c)

Outlying gear more than 150 m

When making way through the water

An all-round red and a white light (fishing lights)

A sternlight
An all-round white light in the direction of the gear

When not making way through the water

An all-round red and a white light (fishing lights)
An all-round white light in the direction of the gear

Two cones with their points together (diabolo) in a
vertical line one above the other
A cone apex upwards in the direction of the gear


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Rule 26 (c) (i), (ii) and (iii)

Vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling
Outlying gear extending more than 150 metres
Fishing gear astern
Making way through the water
Port side view


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Vessels engaged in fishing other than trawling

Rule 26 (c)

Longliner making way through the water. Fishing gear extending

more than 150 m at the stern. Starboard side view


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Vessels engaged in fishing other than trawling

Rule 26 (c

Rule 26 (c) (i) and (ii)

Vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling
Fishing gear extending more than 150 m
Fishing gear in front


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Vessels engaged in fishing other than trawling

Rule 26 (c)

The line is sometimes several kilometers long. Such vessel should be past
on the opposite side of the extra white light or cone. If this is not possible
pass between 2 buoys, preferably with engines stopped.

Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Signals to attract attention

Rule 26 (c) and 36

Rule 26 (c) (i) and Rule 36

Vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling
Directing a search light towards her nets


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Signals to attract attention

Rule 26 (c) and 36

Rule 26 (b) (i) and Rule 36

Vessel engaged in trawling
Making use of deck lights


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Additional signals

Rule 26 (d)

Additional signals for pair trawling

With their searchlight the vessels light up the wire cable

that link their bows


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Additional signals

Rule 26 (d)

Additional signals for pair trawling

Vessels engaged in pair

trawling shooting their

Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Additional signals

Rule 26 (d)

Additional signals for pair trawling

Vessels engaged in pair

trawling with their nets
fast upon an obstruction


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Additional signals

Rule 26 (d)

Additional signals for pair trawling

Vessels engaged in pair

trawling hauling their nets


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Additional signals

Rule 26 (d)

Additional signals for purse seiners


Rule 26 - Fishing vessels

Particular signals

Signal P:
Signal U:
Signal G:
Signal T:
Signal Z:

My nets have come fast upon an

You are running into danger
I am hauling nets
Keep clear of me; I am engaged
in pair trawling
I am shooting nets.


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