Adverbul in Engleza - Adverbul de Frecventa: Observatie

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Adverbul in engleza - Adverbul de frecventa

In propozitii afirmative locul adverbelor de frecventa depinde de verb

o in cazul verbului a fi = to be, locul adverbelor de frecventa e dupa verb:

I am usually late - De obicei intarzii
That actor was always funny - Acel actor era totdeauna nostim
o in cazul celorlalte verbe (exceptand modalele) locul adverbelor de frecventa e in fata
She always sings well. - Ea totdeauna canta bine.
They sometimes find beautiful seashells - Ei cateodata gasesc scoici frumoase
o In cazul verbelor modale (ex: can, may must etc) adverbele de frecventa se pun dupa verb:
I can sometimes draw well - Cateodata desenez bine.
He must always come to the meeting - El trebuie totdeauna sa vina la sedinta.
o In cazul timpurilor compuse, adverbele de frecventa se aseaza intre auxiliar si verb:
I will always remember them - Totdeauna imi voi aminti de ei.

Observatie: In general nu se foloseste prezentul continuu cu adeverbul de frecventa

Unele adverbe de frecventa pot avea si alte locuri in propozitie

Se pot pune inaintea subiectului: occasionally - din cand in cand; usually - deobicei;
frequently – mereu; sometimes – cateodata
Se pot pune si la sfarsit: occasionally - din cand in cand
rarely – rareori often – ades
I sometimes need a vacation Usually I run fast I often visit him.
Sometimes I need a vacation I usually run fast I visit him often.
Cateodata, am nevoie de o vacanta. Deobicei, alerg repede Il vizitez ades

2. Adverbe de frecventa in propozitiile negative

Ele se intercaleaza intre verb si auxiliar sau intre verb si modal, dupa caz. 
I don't always do my homework. - Nu imi fac intotdeauna temele.
I can't always help you. - Nu pot sa te ajut totdeauna.
I must never leave the door unlocked - Nu trebuie niciodata sa las usa neincuiata
I am not always happy - Nu sunt totdeauna fericit.
Spre deosebire de limba romana in limba engleza nu se fac doua negatii in propozitie.
Niciodata nu a cantat tradus se spune Niciodata a cantat: He never sang.

De aceea adverbele never - niciodata, seldom - rareori, rarely - rareori nu se folosesc in propozitii negative
(propozitii cu not).
He never went to school - Niciodata nu a mers la scoala
He seldom eats alone - Rareori mananca singur I rarely see him - Il vad rareori.

3. Adverbe de frecventa in propozitiile interogative

Ele se intercaleaza intre subiect si verb.
Do you often listen to music? - Asculti deseori muzica?
Can you always tell who is singing? - Totdeauna iti dai seama cine canta?
Haven't you ever been wrong?- Nu te-ai inselat niciodata?
In propozitii interogative si negative never devine ever.
Have you ever seen him? - L-ai vazut vreodata?
No I have never seen him - Nu nu l-am vazut niciodata.
No I haven't ever seen him.
No, I have seldom/rarely seen him

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