Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Revisit and Review Teach

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Week 3 Phase 3:

-practice previously learnt GPCs – teach ch sh th ng -practice blending for reading - practice segmentation for spelling
- teach reading tricky words was, you, they -practice reading and spelling high frequency words – practice reading two syllable words – practice reading captions
and sentences -practice writing captions and sentences
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
– Practice – Point to the letters in the – Practice previously learned – Point to the letters in the – Practice previously learned
Revisit and
Jvwx alphabet while singing the digraphs alphabet while singing the digraphs
review Y z zz qu alphabet song Ch, sh alphabet song ch, sh, th, ng

– Teach consonant digraph ch – Teach consonant digraph sh – Teach the consonant digraphs – Teach the consonant digraphs – Teach reading the tricky words
using cards and jolly phonics using cards and jolly phonics th using cards and jolly phonics ng using cards and jolly phonics was, you, they
action. Can we find the sound in action action action
any of these words and read? Write some words on whiteboard
can children underline words Examples
(chop, chin, such, chip, chill, with sh in them? (Ring, rang, hang, wing)
much,) shed, fuss, shell, stop, fish,
wishes-sound button and blend
–Play Obb and Bob phonics play, – Practice segmentation for – Practice blending for reading – play full circle- song, long, lock, Can you read and blend using our
ch words (real and rubbish spelling on whiteboards Countdown, beat the timer can shock, shop, chop, chip, chick, sounds for the week,
words, blend to read) ship, shop, fish, rush, cash you blend and read the words? thick, thing, sing, song chop, shed, them, ring, check, them, moth, then, that, this, hush, moth, rung, much, shock
with, thin, thick,
Use school handwriting
patter when writing letters

Tricky words,- he, she, we, me,

– Practice reading a captions – Practice writing a caption – Practice reading a caption – Practice writing a caption – Practice reading a caption
‘A man is rich.’ ‘I am in a rush to get to the ‘The ship hit the rocks with a ‘The van will chug up the long Lots of shops sell chickens as
The chicken is fat. shops’ thud.’ Sound out/ find sound hill’. well as fish and chips.
sound and blend, use sound buttons and find key words. -Josh had a shock as he got a
buttons. bash on his chin.

 Give the sound when shown any set 6 and 7 letter and phase 3 grapheme.
 Find any set 6 and 7 and phase 3 letter from a display when given the sound.
 Be able to blend and read cvc words.
 Be able to segment and spell cvc words.
 Be able to read the non-decodable ‘red’ words he she we me be was my you her they all are.
 Be able to spell the non-decodable ‘red’ words and the to I
 Write each letter correctly when following a school handwriting patter.
Week 4 Phase 3: -practice previously learnt GPCs – teach ai, ee, oa, oo, -practice blending for reading - practice segmentation for spelling - teach reading
tricky words was -practice reading and spelling high frequency words – practice reading two syllable words – practice reading captions and sentences -practice
writing captions and sentences
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Revisit and review – Practice – Point to the letters in the – Practice vowel digraphs Point to the letters in the – Practice vowel digraphs
Ch, sh, th, ng alphabet while singing the ai, ee alphabet while singing the oa, oo
alphabet song, ai alphabet song
– Teach the vowel digraph ai – Teach the vowel digraph ee – Teach the vowel digraph oa Teach the vowel digraph oo – Teach reading the tricky word
using cards and jolly phonic using cards and jolly phonic using cards and jolly phonic using cards and jolly phonic are, her
action action action action

Blend to read the words: (weep, feet, jeep, seem, week, (Can children find and underline Have list of words on board-
(Wait, hail, pain, aim, sail, main) keep)- read new sound in words our new sound? boat, feel, sail, boot, wood, moon, hook, root-
use alphabet letters or sounds toad, jeep, road, oak) teacher to sound talk can
on cards can we change the children blend and them come
letters to make the words, up and circle the word?
sound out, blend read and sound

Practice – Practice blending for reading – Practice segmentation for – Practice blending for reading – Quick write using new sound Countdown –beat the timer
or ‘picnic on Pluto’ on- ai focus spelling- on boards write, see, Have pictures of a coat, soap, zoo, food, cook, book, wool using sounds from this week, feel, deep, keep, meet goat, oak, road and toad and main, keep, boat, hood, pain,
Phoneme frame p.88 the words- children to blend weep, loaf, cool, tail, goat
Tricky words- he, she, we, me, and read sounds and put back
be, was, you, they with the correct picture

Use school handwriting

patter when writing letters
– Practice writing caption Practice reading -cut off some – Practice writing a caption Practice reading a caption Practice writing a caption
‘Jill got wet in the rain’ captions from the picture, can Show children one of the ‘I can hear a hoot.’ ‘Chip the dog runs to the woods.
‘The sail is red’ children read and put the caption pictures, what might
caption and picture back the sentence be write in on
together? whiteboards.

 Give the sound when shown any set 6 and 7 letter and phase 3 grapheme.
 Find any set 6 and 7 and phase 3 letter from a display when given the sound.
 Be able to blend and read cvc words.
 Be able to segment and spell cvc words.
 Be able to read the non-decodable ‘red’ words he she we me be was my you her they all are.
 Be able to spell the non-decodable ‘red’ words and the to said I
 Write each letter correctly when following school handwriting patter.

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