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Construction of 33kV line forFORconnectivity to 33kV Gunjung
feeder bay at 132kV Halflong GSS using 33kV XPLE Cable laid in
Turnkey Construction of 132
cable trench kV s/c Transmission
alongwith associated link from Nalbari
Railway Traction S/S to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari
TSS transmission line.
“Deposit Works”
FUND: “Deposit -RVNL”






132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line

Section MAIN CONTENTS Page No.

Section -1 Instructions to Bidders 3

Section - 2 BIDDING FORMS 23

Section - 3 Employer’s Requirements 45

Section - 4 Technical Specification 53

Section - 5 General Conditions of Supply and Erection of AEGCL 72

Section - 6 Special Conditions of Contract 73

Section - 7 Contract Forms 83

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 1 – Instructions to Bidders 3

Section -1
Instructions to Bidders

This section specifies the procedures to be followed by Bidders in the preparation and submission of their
Bids. Information is also provided on the submission, opening, and evaluation of bids and on the award of

Table of Clauses
1.1.0 General................................................................................................................................5
1.1.1 Scope of Bid 5
1.1.2 Eligible Bidders 5
1.2.0 Contents of Bidding Document ................................................................................................6
1.2.1 Sections of Bidding Document 6
1.2.2 Clarification of Bidding Document, Site Visit, Pre-Bid Meeting 6
1.2.3 Amendment of Bidding Document 7
1.3.0 Preparation of Bids ................................................................................................................7
1.3.1 Cost of Bidding 7
1.3.2 Language of Bid 7
1.3.3 Documents Comprising the Bid 7
1.3.4 Letter of Bid and Schedules 8
1.3.5 Documents Establishing the Eligibility and Qualifications of the Bidder 8
1.3.6 Documents Establishing Conformity of the Goods and Services 8
1.3.7 Bid Prices 9
1.3.8 Period of Validity of Bids 9
1.3.9 Bid Security 9
1.3.10 Format and Signing of Bid 10
1.4.0 Submission and Opening of Bids ...........................................................................................10
1.4.1 On-line submission of Bids 10
1.4.2 Deadline for Submission of Bids 10
1.4.3 Late Bids 10
1.4.4 Withdrawal, Substitution, and Modification of Bids 11
1.4.5 Bid Opening 11
1.5.0 Evaluation and Comparison of Bids........................................................................................12
1.5.1 Confidentiality 12
1.5.2 Clarification of Bids 12
1.5.3 Deviations, Reservations, and Omissions 12
1.5.4 Preliminary Examination of Technical Bids 12
1.5.5 Responsive of Technical Bids 13
1.5.66 Non material Nonconformity 13
1.5.77 Detailed Evaluation of Technical Bids 14
1.5.88 Eligibility and Qualification of the Bidder 14

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 1 – Instructions to Bidders 4

1.5.99 Correction of Arithmetical Errors 14

1.5.10 Evaluation of Price Bids 15
1.5.111 Comparison of Bids 15
1.5.122 Purchaser’s Right to Accept Any Bid, and to Reject Any or All Bids 15
1.6.0 Award of Contract ...............................................................................................................15
1.6.1 Award Criteria 15
1.6.2 Notification of Award 15
1.6.3 Signing of Contract 15
1.6.4 Performance Security 15

APPENDIX TO ITB – 1 Bid Data Sheet (BDS) ............................................................ 17

APPENDIX TO ITB - 2 Evaluation and Qualification Criteria (ECQ) ............................ 19

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 1 – Instructions to Bidders 5

Section 1 – Instructions to Bidders

1.1.0 General
1.1.1. Scope of Bid In support of the Invitation for Bids indicated in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS), the CGM, PP&D on behalf of
Assam Electricity Grid Corporation Limited (AEGCL) (hereinafter referred to as "the Purchaser" or
“AEGCL”), issues this Bidding Document for the supply of Goods and Related Services incidental thereto
as specified in Section 3 (Employer’s Requirements). The name and identification nos. of this
Competitive Bidding are provided in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS) attached as Appendix to ITB-1 of this
Period of Completion
10 (ten) months from the date of acceptance of the LOA/techo-commercially clear order. Bidders
should note that time is the essence of this bid. The bidders who cannot commit to complete the
work within the stipulated time may refrain themselves. Unless otherwise stated, throughout this Bidding Document definitions of terms shall be as prescribed in
Section 4 (Special Conditions of Contract).

1.1.2. Eligible Bidders Subject to meeting the Qualifying Requirements, a Bidder may be a firm or company. When the bidder is
a firm, the names and address of the partners should be indicated and a copy of the certificate of
registration with the concerned Registrar of firms should be enclosed with the Bid. When the bidder is a Company, the company registration document along with Memorandum of
Association should be submitted. When the bidder is an individual carrying on business in a firm’s name, the tender should be submitted by
the owner of the firm, who may describe himself as carrying on business in the firm’s name. When the bidder is a Joint Venture (JV) of two or more firms as partners, all partners shall comply with the
following requirements:

(a) The Bid, and, in case of successful Bid, the Form of Agreement shall be signed by all the Partners so as
to be legally binding on all partners.

(b) One of the partners shall be authorized to be as the Lead Partner and submitting a Power of Attorney
signed by legally authorized signatories of all the partners shall evidence this authorization.

(c) The Lead partner shall be authorized to incur liabilities, receive payments and receive instructions for
and on behalf of any or all partners of the joint venture and the entire execution of the Contract;

(d) All the partners of the Joint Venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the execution of the contract
in accordance with the contract terms and a relevant statement to this effect shall be included in the
authorization mentioned under (b) above as well as in the Bid Form and the Form of Agreement (in case
successful bidder).

(e) A copy of the registered agreement entered into by the Joint Venture partners shall be submitted with
the Bid.

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 1 – Instructions to Bidders 6

(f) Joint Venture Agreement must be registered in the Court of Law. Notarized Joint venture
agreement shall not be acceptable. Original copy of registered Joint Venture Agreement &
Notarized Power of Attorney (if any) shall be submitted prior to one hour of the opening of
technical bid.

1.2.0 Contents of Bidding Document

1.2.1. Sections of Bidding Document The Bidding Document consists of following six Sections, and should be read in conjunction with any
Addenda issued in accordance with ITB Clause 1.2.3.
Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders (ITB) with Appendix-1 and Appendix-2
Section 2 - Bidding Forms (BDF)
Section 3 - Purchaser’s Requirements (PRQ)
Section 4 - “General Conditions of Supply and Erection of AEGCL”
(This section is supplied separately)
Section 5- Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)
Section 6 - Contract Forms (COF) The completed Section 6 shall constitute “the Contract”. The Invitation for Bids issued by the Purchaser is not part of the Bidding Document. The Purchaser is not responsible for the completeness of the Bidding Document and its addenda, if they
were not obtained directly from the source stated by the Purchaser in the Invitation for Bids. The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, and specifications in the Bidding
Document. Failure to furnish all information or documentation required by the Bidding Document may
result in the rejection of the bid.

1.2.2. Clarification of Bidding Document, Site Visit, Pre-Bid Meeting A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the Bidding Document shall contact the Purchaser in
writing at the Purchaser’s address indicated in the BDS or raise his enquirers during the pre-bid meeting if
provided for in accordance with ITB Clause The Purchaser will respond to any request for
clarification, provided that such request is received no later than seven (7) days prior to the deadline for
submission of bids. The Purchaser’s response shall be in writing with copies to all Bidders who have
acquired the Bidding Document in accordance with ITB Clause, including a description of the
inquiry but without identifying its source. Should the Purchaser deem it necessary to amend the Bidding
Document as a result of a request for clarification, it shall do so following the procedure under ITB Clause
1.2.3 and ITB Clause The Bidder is advised to visit and examine the sites where the works are to be carried out and its
surroundings and obtain for itself on its own responsibility all information that may be necessary for
preparing the bid and entering into a contract for the provision of plant and services. The costs of visiting
the sites shall be at the Bidder’s own expense. The Bidder and any of its personnel or agents will be granted permission by the Purchaser to enter upon
its premises and lands for the purpose of such visit, but only upon the express condition that the Bidder,
its personnel, and agents will release and indemnify the Purchaser and its personnel and agents from and
against all liability in respect thereof, and will be responsible for death or personal injury, loss of or

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 1 – Instructions to Bidders 7

damage to property, and any other loss, damage, costs, and expenses incurred as a result of the
inspection. The Bidder’s designated representative is invited to attend a pre-bid meeting, if provided for in the BDS.
The purpose of the meeting will be to clarify issues and to answer questions on any matter that may be
raised at that stage. The Bidder is requested, as far as possible, to submit any questions in writing, to reach the Purchaser not
later than one week before the pre-bid meeting. Minutes of the pre-bid meeting, including the text of the questions raised, without identifying the source,
and the responses given, together with any responses prepared after the meeting, will be transmitted
promptly to all Bidders who have acquired the Bidding Document in accordance with ITB Clause
Any modification to the Bidding Document that may become necessary as a result of the pre-bid meeting
shall be made by the Purchaser exclusively through the issue of an Addendum pursuant to ITB Clause
1.2.3 and not through the minutes of the pre-bid meeting. Nonattendance at the pre-bid meeting will not be a cause for disqualification of a Bidder.

1.2.3. Amendment of Bidding Document At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the Purchaser may amend the Bidding Document
by issuing addenda. Any addendum issued shall be part of the Bidding Document and shall be communicated in writing to all
who have obtained the Bidding Document from the Purchaser in accordance with ITB Clause To give prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take an addendum into account in preparing their
bids, the Purchaser may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of bids, pursuant to ITB

1.3.0 Preparation of Bids

1.3.1. Cost of Bidding The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its Bid, and the
Purchaser shall not be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the
bidding process.
1.3.2. Language of Bid The Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the bid exchanged by the Bidder and
the Purchaser, shall be written in the English language. Supporting documents and printed literature that
are part of the Bid may be in another language provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation
of the relevant passages into the English language, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the
Bid, such translation shall govern.
1.3.3. Documents Comprising the Bid The Bid shall comprise two envelopes submitted simultaneously, one called the ‘Technical Bid’
containing the documents listed in ITB Clause and the other the ‘Price Bid’ containing the
documents listed in ITB Clause, both envelopes must be submitted online through e-tendering
portal http://assamtenders.gov.in. The Technical Bid submitted by the Bidder shall comprise the following:

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 1 – Instructions to Bidders 8

(a) Letter of Technical Bid;

(b) Bid Security, in accordance with ITB Clause 1.3.9;
(c) Tender Fee.
(d) Notarized Power of attorney as applicable.
(e) Registered Joint venture agreement, if applicable.
(f) Written confirmation authorizing the signatory of the Bid to commit the Bidder, in accordance with
ITB Clause;
(g) Documentary evidence establishing the Bidder’s eligibility and qualifications to perform the contract
if its Bid is accepted;
(h) Documentary evidence establishing in accordance with ITB Clause 1.3.6 that the plant and
services offered by the Bidder conform to the Bidding Document;
(i) Documents as called for in ITB Clauses1.1.2.1,, and1.1.2.3;
(j) Any other document required in the BDS. The Price Bid submitted by the Bidder shall comprise the following:
(a) Letter of Price Bid;
(k) completed schedules as required, including Price Schedules, in accordance with ITB Clauses1.3.4
and 1.3.7; and
(l) any other document required in the BDS
1.3.4. Letter of Bid and Schedules The Letters of Technical Bid and Price Bid, and the Schedules, and all documents listed under ITB
Clause1.3.3, shall be prepared using the relevant forms furnished in Section 2 (Bidding Forms). The
forms must be completed without any alterations to the text, and no substitutes shall be accepted. All
blank spaces shall be filled in with the information requested.
1.3.5. Documents Establishing the Eligibility and Qualifications of the Bidder To establish its eligibility and qualifications to perform the Contract in accordance with Appendix 2 of ITB
(Evaluation and Qualification Criteria), the Bidder shall provide the information requested in the
corresponding information sheets included in Section 2 (Bidding Forms).

1.3.6. Documents Establishing Conformity of the Goods and Services The documentary evidence of the conformity of the goods and services to the Bidding Document may be
in the form of literature, drawings and data, and shall furnish:

(a) A detailed description of the essential technical and performance characteristics of the goods and
services, including the functional guarantees of the Goods, in response to the Specification;
(b) A commentary on the Purchaser’s Specification and adequate evidence demonstrating the
substantial responsiveness of the plant and services to those specifications. Bidders shall note that
standards for workmanship, materials and equipment designated by the Purchaser in the Bidding
Document are intended to be descriptive (establishing standards of quality and performance) only
and not restrictive. The Bidder may substitute alternative standards, brand names and/or catalog
numbers in its bid, provided that it demonstrates to the Purchaser’s satisfaction that the substitutions
are substantially equivalent or superior to the standards designated in the Specification.

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 1 – Instructions to Bidders 9

1.3.7. Bid Prices Unless otherwise specified in the BDS and/or Section 3 (Purchaser’s Requirements), bidders shall quote
for the entire scope of supply and services on a “single responsibility” basis such that the total bid price
covers all the Supplier’s obligations mentioned in or to be reasonably inferred from the bidding document
in respect of the design, manufacture, including procurement, delivery, and completion of the entire scope. Bidders are required to quote the price for the commercial, contractual and technical obligations outlined
in the bidding document. No deviation in this regard normally, shall be accepted. Bidders shall give a breakdown of the prices in the manner and detail called for in the Price Schedules
included in Section 2 (Bidding Forms). Separate numbered Schedules included in Section 2 (Bidding
Forms) shall be used for each of the following elements. The total amount from each Schedule (1,2, 3 etc)
shall be summarized in a Grand Summary giving the total bid price(s) to be entered in the Bid Form. In
case of e-tender, the bidder shall fill up the Price schedules as provided in the online tender. In the Schedules, bidders shall give the required details and a breakdown of their prices as called for in
these Schedules. The prices shall be fixed.

(a) The prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the Bidder’s performance of the contract and
not subject to variation on any account. A bid submitted with an adjustable price quotation will be
treated as non-responsive and rejected.
1.3.8. Period of Validity of Bids Bids shall remain valid for the period specified in the BDS after the bid submission deadline date
prescribed by the Purchaser. A bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the Purchaser as non-
responsive. In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the bid validity period, the Purchaser may request
Bidders to extend the period of validity of their bids. The request and the responses shall be made in writing. If a
bid security is requested in accordance with ITB Clause1.3.9, it shall also be extended for a corresponding
period. A Bidder may refuse the request without forfeiting its bid security. A Bidder granting the request shall not
be required or permitted to modify its bid.

1.3.9. Bid Security The Bidder shall furnish as part of its bid, in original form, a Bid Security as specified in the BDS. The
amount of Bid Security shall be as specified in the BDS. The bid security shall be a demand guarantee, in the forms of an unconditional bank guarantee from a
Scheduled or Nationalized Bank. The bid security shall be submitted using the ‘Bid Security Form’
included in Section 3 (Bidding Forms). The form must include the complete name of the Bidder. The bid
security shall be valid for thirty days (30) beyond the original validity period of the bid, or beyond any
period of extension if requested under ITB Clause Bids not complying with ITB Clause1.3.9.1 and ITB Clause1.3.9.2, shall be rejected by the Purchaser
as non-responsive. The bid security of the successful Bidder shall be returned as promptly as possible once the successful
Bidder has signed the Contract and furnished the required performance security.

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 1 – Instructions to Bidders 10 The bid security of unsuccessful Bidders shall be returned as promptly as possible upon the successful
Bidder’s furnishing of the performance security pursuant to ITB Clause1.6.4. The bid security may be forfeited:

(a) if a Bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Letter of
Bid Form, except as provided in ITB Clause1.3.8.2or
(b) if the successful Bidder fails to:
(i) Sign the Contract in accordance with ITB Clause1.6.1; or
(ii) Furnish a performance security in accordance with ITB Clause1.6.2.
1.3.10. Format and Signing of Bid The Bidder shall prepare one original of the Technical Bid and one original of the Price Bid comprising the
Bid as described in ITB Clause1.3.3 The original and all copies of the Bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person
duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Bidder. This authorization shall consist of a written confirmation as
specified in the BDS and shall be attached to the bid. The name and position held by each person signing the
authorization must be typed or printed below the signature. All pages of the bid where entries or amendments
have been made shall be signed or initialised by the person signing the bid. A bid submitted by a JV shall be signed so as to be legally binding on all partners. Any interrelations, erasures, or overwriting shall be valid only if they are signed or initialised by the person
signing the bid.

1.4.0 Submission and Opening of Bids

1.4.1. On-line submission of Bids The Technical as well as Price Bid should be submitted through online portal only. For Technical bid, all forms and supporting documents as required by ITB Clause 1.3.2 and duly signed and
stamped as per ITB Clause 1.3.10 are to be uploaded to the e-tendering portal. The documents are to be
uploaded in pdf format and each file should not exceed 5 MB is size. In case a document is more that 5 MB in
size, the same may be split to make the size below 5 MB The Price Bid must be submitted in the Price Schedule provided on the e-tendering portal as per the
online format.

1.4.2. Deadline for Submission of Bids Bids shall be received ONLINE only on or before the date and time indicated in the BDS. The Purchaser may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of bids by amending the Bidding
Document in accordance with ITB Clause1.2.3, in which case all rights and obligations of the Purchaser and
Bidders previously subject to the deadline shall thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.

1.4.3. Late Bids The e-tendering portal shall allow the bidders to submit bids up to the date and time specified in ITB Clause
1.4.2 as per Server Clock. Bidders are advised to submit their bids well in advance of the deadline for
submission of bids to avoid any last minute difficulties.
132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 1 – Instructions to Bidders 11

1.4.4. Withdrawal, Substitution, and Modification of Bids E-tendering portal shall allow modification of bids any time before the deadline for Bid Submission. A bidder
may withdraw its bid, by sending a written notice duly signed by an authorized representative, and shall include
a copy of the authorization in accordance with ITB Clause1.3.10.1, Notices must be received by the
purchaser prior to the deadline prescribed for submission of bids, in accordance with ITB Clause 1.4.2. No bid may be withdrawn, substituted, or modified in the interval between the deadline for submission of
bids and the expiration of the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Letter of Technical Bid or
any extension thereof.

1.4.5. Bid Opening The Purchaser shall conduct the opening of Technical Bids through online process at the address, date and
time specified in the BDS. The Bid Opening Committee shall open the bids received online in the presence of
Bidders` designated representatives who choose to attend. The Price Bids will remain unopened until the
specified time of their opening. First, physical envelopes marked “WITHDRAWAL” shall be opened and read out and the corresponding
bid shall not be considered/ rejected with comments. No bid withdrawal shall be permitted unless the
corresponding withdrawal notice contains a valid authorization to request the withdrawal duly signed by an
authorized representative and is read out at bid opening. All the Technical Bids shall be opened one at a time, and the following read out and recorded
a. the name of the Bidder;
b. the presence of a Bid Security, if required; and
c. any other details as the Purchaser may consider appropriate.
Only Technical Bids and alternative Technical Bids read out and recorded at bid opening shall be
considered for evaluation. No bid shall be rejected at the opening of Technical Bids except for withdrawn
bids. The Purchaser shall prepare a record of the opening of Technical Bids that shall include, as a minimum:
the name of the Bidder and whether there is a withdrawal and alternate proposals and the presence or
absence of a bid security or a bid securing declaration, if one was required. The Bidders’ representatives
who are present shall be requested to sign the record. The omission of a Bidder’s signature on the record
shall not invalidate the contents and effect of the record At the end of the evaluation of the Technical Bids, the Purchaser will invite bidders who have submitted
substantially responsive Technical Bids and who have been determined as being qualified for award to
attend the opening of the Price Bids. The date, time, and location of the opening of Price Bids will be
advised in writing by the Purchaser. Bidders shall be given reasonable notice of the opening of Price Bids. The Purchaser shall conduct the opening of Price Bids of all Bidders who submitted substantially
responsive Technical Bids, in the presence of Bidders` representatives who choose to attend at the
address, date and time specified by the Purchaser. The Bidder’s representatives who are present shall be
requested to sign a register evidencing their attendance. All the Price Bids shall be opened one at a time and the following read out and recorded:
a) the name of the Bidder;
b) the Bid Prices, including any discounts and alternative offers; and

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 1 – Instructions to Bidders 12

c) any other details as the Purchaser may consider appropriate.

Only Bid Prices and discounts read out and recorded during the opening of Price Bids shall be considered
for evaluation. No Bid shall be rejected at the opening of Price Bids. The Purchaser shall prepare a record of the opening of Price Bids that shall include, as a minimum: the
name of the Bidder, the Bid Price (per lot if applicable), any discounts. The Bidders’ representatives who
are present shall be requested to sign the record. The omission of a Bidder’s signature on the record
shall not invalidate the contents and effect of the record

1.5.0 Evaluation and Comparison of Bids

1.5.1. Confidentiality
Information relating to the evaluation of bids and recommendation of contract award shall not be
disclosed to Bidders or any other persons not officially concerned with such process. Any attempt by a Bidder to influence the Purchaser in the evaluation of the bids or Contract award decisions
may result in the rejection of its bid. Notwithstanding ITB Clause1.5.1.1, from the time of bid opening to the time of Contract award, if any Bidder
wishes to contact the Purchaser on any matter related to the bidding process, it should do so in writing duly
signed by an authorized representative.

1.5.2. Clarification of Bids To assist in the examination, evaluation, and comparison of the Technical and Price Bids, and qualification of
the Bidders, the Purchaser may, at its discretion, ask any Bidder for clarification of its bid or to resubmit any
shortfall documents. However, the following may be noted in this regard.

 Any clarification submitted by a Bidder that is not in response to a request by the Purchaser shall not be
 All clarifications or shortfall documents shall be submitted through the e-tendering portal only. No
other means of communication shall be considered unless specified otherwise.
 No change in the substance of the Price Bid shall be sought, offered, or permitted, except to confirm the
correction of arithmetic errors discovered by the Purchaser in the evaluation of the bids, in accordance with
ITB Clause1.5.9. If a Bidder does not provide clarifications of its bid by the date and time set in the Purchaser’s request for
clarification, its bid may be rejected.

1.5.3. Deviations, Reservations, and Omissions During the evaluation of bids, the following definitions apply:

a) “Deviation” is a departure from the requirements specified in the Bidding Document;

b) “Reservation” is the setting of limiting conditions or withholding from complete acceptance of the
requirements specified in the Bidding Document; and
c) “Omission” is the failure to submit part or all of the information or documentation required in the
Bidding Document.
1.5.4. Preliminary Examination of Technical Bids

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 1 – Instructions to Bidders 13 The Purchaser shall examine the Technical Bid to confirm that all documents and technical documentation
requested in ITB Sub-Clause have been provided, and to determine the completeness of each
document submitted. If any of these documents or information is missing, the Bid may be rejected. The Purchaser shall confirm that the following documents and information have been provided both as
hard copies and along with Technical Bid in the e-tendering portal. If hard copies of any of these
documents or information are not submitted by the bidder within the specified time, the offer shall be
a) Letter of Technical Bid;
b) written confirmation of authorization to commit the Bidder (i.e. Notarized Power of Attorney)
c) Bid Security
d) Tender Fee
e) Registered JV agreement, if applicable Preliminary Requirement of Opening of Technical BIDS

The bidder should submit hard copies of documents mentioned in clause (a), (b), (c) & (d) in
separate physical envelope 2(two) hours prior to bid submission deadline.
1.5.5. Responsiveness of Technical Bid The Purchaser’s determination of a bid’s responsiveness is to be based on the contents of the bid itself, as
defined in ITB Clause1.3.3. A substantially responsive Technical Bid is one that meets the requirements of the Bidding Document without
material deviation, reservation, or omission. A material deviation, reservation, or omission is one that,
a) If accepted, would:
(i). affect in any substantial way the scope, quality, or performance of the plant and services
specified in the Contract; or
(ii). limit in any substantial way, inconsistent with the Bidding Document, the Purchaser’s rights or
the Bidder’s obligations under the proposed Contract; or
b) If rectified, would unfairly affect the competitive position of other Bidders presenting substantially
responsive bids. The Purchaser shall examine the technical aspects of the Bid submitted in accordance with ITB
Clause1.3.6, Technical Proposal, in particular to confirm that all requirements of Section 3 (Purchaser’s
Requirements) have been met without any material deviation or reservation. If a bid is not substantially responsive to the requirements of the Bidding Document, it shall be rejected by the
Purchaser and may not subsequently be made responsive by correction of the material deviation, reservation,
or omission.

1.5.6. Non material Nonconformity Provided that a Bid is substantially responsive, the Purchaser may waive any nonconformity in the bid that does
not constitute a material deviation, reservation or omission. Provided that a Bid is substantially responsive, the Purchaser may request that the Bidder submit the
necessary information or documentation, within a reasonable period of time, to rectify nonmaterial non
conformity in the Bid related to documentation requirements. Requesting information or documentation on
such non conformity shall not be related to any aspect of the Price Bid. Failure of the Bidder to comply
with the request may result in the rejection of its Bid.
132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 1 – Instructions to Bidders 14 Provided that a Bid is substantially responsive, the Purchaser shall rectify nonmaterial nonconformities
related to the Bid Price. To this effect, the Bid Price shall be adjusted, for comparison purposes only, to
reflect the price of a missing or non-conforming item or component. The adjustment shall be made using
the method indicated in Appendix-2 of ITB (Evaluation and Qualification Criteria).

1.5.7. Detailed Evaluation of Technical Bids The Purchaser will carry out a detailed technical evaluation of the bids not previously rejected as being
substantially non-responsive, in order to determine whether the technical aspects are in compliance with
the Bidding Document. In order to reach such a determination, the Purchaser will examine and compare
the technical aspects of the bids on the basis of the information supplied by the bidders, taking into
account the following:
a) overall completeness and compliance with the Purchaser’s Requirements; deviations from the
Purchaser’s Requirements; conformity of the goods and services offered with specified performance
criteria; suitability of the goods and services offered in relation to the environmental and climatic
conditions prevailing at the site; and quality, function and operation of any process control concept
included in the bid. The bid that does not meet minimum acceptable standards of completeness,
consistency and detail will be rejected for non-responsiveness;
b) type, quantity and long-term availability of mandatory and recommended spare parts and
maintenance services; and
c) other relevant factors, if any, listed in Appendix to ITB-2 (Evaluation and Qualification Criteria).
1.5.8. Eligibility and Qualification of the Bidder The Purchaser shall determine to its satisfaction during the evaluation of Technical Bids whether a Bidder
meets the eligibility and qualifying criteria specified in Appendix to ITB-2 (Evaluation and Qualification
Criteria). The determination shall be based upon an examination of the documentary evidence of the Bidder’s
qualifications submitted by the Bidder, pursuant to relevant ITB Clause. An affirmative determination shall be a prerequisite for the opening and evaluation of a Bidder’s
Price Bid. A negative determination shall result into the disqualification of the Bid, in which event
the Purchaser shall not open the Price Bid of the Bidder.
1.5.9. Correction of Arithmetical Errors During the evaluation of Price Bids, the Purchaser shall correct arithmetical errors on the following basis:

a) where there are errors between the total of the amounts given under the column for the price
breakdown and the amount given under the Total Price, the former shall prevail and the latter will be
corrected accordingly;
b) where there are errors between the total of the amounts of Schedule Nos. 1,& 2, and the amount
given in Schedule No. 3 (Grand Summary), the former shall prevail and the latter will be corrected
accordingly; and
c) if there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall prevail, unless the
amount expressed in words is related to an arithmetical error, in which case the amount in figures
shall prevail subject to (a) and (b) above. If the Bidder that submitted the lowest evaluated bid does not accept the correction of errors, its bid shall be
disqualified and its bid security may be forfeited.

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 1 – Instructions to Bidders 15

1.5.10. Evaluation of Price Bids The Purchaser shall use the criteria and methodologies listed in this Clause. No other evaluation criteria
or methodologies shall be used. To evaluate a Price Bid, the Purchaser shall consider the following:

a) the bid price, after including taxes, as quoted in the Price Schedules;
b) price adjustment for correction of arithmetical errors in accordance with ITB Clause1.5.9.1; and
c) the evaluation factors if any indicated in Appendix 2 (Evaluation and Qualification Criteria).

1.5.11. Comparison of Bids The Purchaser shall compare all substantially responsive Bids to determine the lowest evaluated bid, in
accordance with ITB Clause
1.5.12. Purchaser’s Right to Accept Any Bid, and to Reject Any or All Bids The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids
at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to Bidders. In case of annulment, all
bids submitted and specifically, bid securities, shall be promptly returned to the Bidders.

1.6.0 Award of Contract

1.6.1. Award Criteria The Purchaser shall award the Contract to the Bidder whose offer has been determined to be the lowest
evaluated bid and is substantially responsive to the Bidding Document, provided further that the Bidder is
determined to be eligible and qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily.

1.6.2. Notification of Award Prior to the expiration of the period of bid validity, the Purchaser shall notify the successful Bidder, in writing,
that its bid has been accepted. The notification letter (hereinafter and in the Conditions of Contract and Contract
Forms called the “Letter of Acceptance”) shall specify the sum that the Purchaser will pay the Contractor in
consideration of the execution and completion of the plant and services (hereinafter and in the Conditions of
Contract and Contract Forms called “the Contract Price”). Until a formal contract is prepared and executed, the notification of award shall constitute a binding Contract.

1.6.3. Signing of Contract Within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the Letter of Acceptance, the successful Bidder shall be required to sign
the Contract Agreement. The contract signing shall take place at the premises of the Purchaser.

1.6.4. Performance Security Within fifteen (15) days of the receipt of notification of award from the Purchaser, the successful Bidder shall
furnish the performance security in accordance with the conditions of contract, using for that purpose the
Performance Security Form included in Appendix – 4, Section 6 (Contract Forms), or another form
acceptable to the Purchaser.

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 1 – Instructions to Bidders 16 Failure of the successful Bidder to submit the above-mentioned Performance Security or sign the Contract
shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the bid security. In that
event the Purchaser may award the Contract to the next lowest evaluated Bidder whose offer is
substantially responsive and is determined by the Purchaser to be qualified to perform the Contract

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 1 – Instructions to Bidders 17


Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

A. Introduction

ITB The number of the IFB is: AEGCL/MD/Tech-816/RVNL/NALBARI/TSS Link/2019/49

The Purchaser is: Assam Electricity Grid Corporation Limited.

The name of the Bid is:

“132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV
Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line.”

The Identification Number of the Bid is: AEGCL/MD/RVNL/NALBARI/Loc No 12 to TSS/BID

For clarification purposes only, the Purchaser’s address is:

Attention: AGM-VI
O/O The Managing Director, AEGCL
Street Address: Bijulee Bhawan, Paltanbazar
Floor/Room number: First Floor
City: Guwahati
PIN Code: 781001
Country: India
Telephone: +91 361 2739520
Facsimile number: +91 361 2739513
Electronic mail address: agm.v.hq.aegcl@gmail.com (Subject: Loc 12 to TSS portion - Nalbari)
Purchaser may invite intending Bidders to a pre-bid meeting, if Purchaser feels it is necessary.
ITB The date and time of such pre-bid meeting shall be intimated to intending bidders in due course of

The Bidder shall submit with its Technical Bid the following additional documents:
ITB 1. Guaranteed and other Technical Particulars as required in Section 3, ‘Purchaser’s Requirements’ 2. Type Test Certificates as applicable.
3. Notarized Manufacturer’s Authorization (if applicable).
4. Recent Performance certificates from Past clients.
ITB Unless otherwise specifically indicated in the Section 3 (Purchaser’s Requirements), bidders shall
quote for the entire plant and services on ‘single responsibility basis’.

ITB The prices quoted by the Bidder shall be FIXED for entire period of the Contract.
ITB The bid validity period shall be 180 (one hundred eighty) days.
ITB The Bidder shall furnish a bid security amounting to Rs. 25,00,000.00

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 1 – Instructions to Bidders 18

ITB The bidding is through E-tendering portal and received online, a bidder has to submit any document in hard copy if asked by the Purchaser.
ITB The written confirmation of authorization to sign on behalf of the Bidder shall consist of a written confirmation of Authorization to sign on behalf of the Bidder shall consist of Notarized Power of

For bid submission purposes only,

(E-tenders shall be accepted through online portal http://assamtenders.gov.in only)
The purchaser’s address is:
O/O The Managing Director, AEGCL
Street Address: BijuleeBhawan, Paltanbazar
ITB Floor/Room number: First Floor
City: Guwahati
PIN Code: 781001
The deadline for bid submission is
Date: 15.10.2019
Time: -12.00 Hours

The bid opening of Technical Bids shall take place at

Office of The Managing Director, AEGCL
Street Address: Bijulee Bhawan, Paltanbazar
Floor/Room number: First Floor
City: Guwahati (Assam)
PIN Code: 781001
Country: India
Date: 16.10.2019
Time: 12:00 Hours

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 1 – Instructions to Bidders 19

Evaluation and Qualification Criteria (ECQ)

This Appendix contains all the criteria that the Purchaser shall use to evaluate bids and qualify Bidders. In
accordance with ITB 1.5.7 and ITB 1.5.8, no other methods, criteria and factors shall be used. The Bidder
shall provide all the information requested in the forms included in Section 2 (Bidding Forms).

Table of Criteria

1. Evaluation ........................................................................................................................... 20
1.1 Technical Evaluation 20
1.2 Economic Evaluation 20
1.3 Time Schedule 20
1.4 Specific additional criteria 20

2. 2.0
Qualification……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 20
General 20
2.2 Pending Litigation 19
2.3 Financial Situation 20
2.4 Experience 20
2.5 Subcontractors/Manufacturers 21

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 1 – Instructions to Bidders 20

1. Evaluation
1.1 Technical Evaluation
In addition to the criteria listed in ITB (a) – (c), no other factor shall apply.
1.2 Economic Evaluation
Any adjustments in price that result from the procedures outlined below shall be added, for purposes of
comparative evaluation only, to arrive at an “Evaluated Bid Price.” Bid prices quoted by bidders shall
remain unaltered.

1.2.1 Quantifiable Deviations and Omissions

Quantifiable Deviations and Omissions from the contractual obligations: No financial assessment shall
be made by the Purchaser for deviations and omissions from the requirements of the Bidding Document.
All such deviations, omissions or reservations s[hall be dealt with in accordance with ITB Clauses,,,,,,

1.3 Time Schedule

Time to complete Works from the Commencement Date specified in Article 3 of the Contract
Agreement for determining time for completion of the works is Ten (10) months.

The detailed time schedule for execution is indicated in schedule 5 - Execution Time Schedule of
bidding forms. Bids not meeting the above time schedule shall be rejected.

1.4 Specific additional criteria

In addition to the above, no additional criteria shall be considered for evaluation of Bids.
2.0 Qualification
Qualification of bidder will be based on meeting the minimum pass / fail criteria specified below

2.1 General
The Bidder must satisfy the requirement of ITB Sub-Clause 1.1.2 and shall submit necessary document as
per the said Clause.

2.1.1 The Bidder who is not a manufacturer of equipment(s) as required for in this bid for execution of the works
shall submit a certificate of being an authorised dealer/distributor/agent of the manufacturer. In case, the
Bidder is an authorised dealer/distributor/agent, the bidder must submit with the bid, an undertaking
using ‘Form-MA’ (Manufacturer’s Authorisation - Notarized), Section-2 (Bidding Form).

2.2 Pending Litigation:

Using the ‘Form LIT– 1’ (Section 4, Bidding Form), bidder shall list all Pending Litigation.
All pending litigation shall be treated as resolved against the Bidder and so shall in total not represent more
than 50% percent of the Bidder’s net worth.

2.3 Financial Situation

Criteria Compliance Requirements Documents

Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture
All Partners Submission
Each partner One partner
Combined Requirements

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 1 – Instructions to Bidders 21

2.3.1 Historical Financial Performance

Submission of audited balance sheets Must Meet Not Must Meet Not Form ‘FIN-1’
or other financial statements acceptable Requirement Applicable Requirement Applicable With
to the Purchaser, for the last 3 (three) attachments
years to demonstrate the current
soundness of the Bidders financial
position and its prospective long-term
profitability. As a minimum, a Bidder’s
net worth calculated as the difference
between total assets and total liabilities
should be positive

2.3.2 Average Annual Turnover.

Minimum average annual turnover of Must Meet Must Meet 25% Must meet 40% Form ‘FIN-2’
Rs19,00,00,000.00 calculated as total Requirement Requirement Minimum of the
certified payments received for requirement
contracts in progress or completed, (lead partner)
within the last 3 years.

2.3.3 Financial Resources/Cash Flow

Using Forms FIN – 3 Section 4 Must Meet Must Meet 25% Must meet 40% Form ‘FIN-3’
Requirement Requirement Minimum of the
(Bidding Forms) the Bidder must
demonstrate access to, or availability
(lead partner)
of, financial resources such as liquid
assets, unencumbered real assets,
lines of credit, and other financial
means, other than any contractual
advance payments to meet the cash-
flow requirement, of

2.4 Experience
2.4.1 General Experience

Criteria Compliance Requirements Documents

Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture
All Partners Submission
Each partner One partner
Combined Requirements
Experience as a contractor in Must meet Must meet Not applicable Must meet Form
construction of 132kV requirement requirement requirement EXP- 1
Transmission Line (minimum 2
km) or above voltage class within
the last 8 (Eight) years prior to
the bid submission deadline that
has been successfully completed.

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 1 – Instructions to Bidders 22

2.4.2 Specific Experience

(a) Contracts of similar size and nature

Bidders must meet the following experience criteria

i) The bidder or any one partner in a JV (in case of JV) must have successfully completed the following
nature of work within the last 08 years.

Execution of laying of 132kV or higher voltage class XLPE power cable including testing and commissioning
preferably by trenchless digging (HDD method using HDPE PLB duct).

ii) In case of bidders not having experience of laying 132kV or higher voltage class cable by trenchless
digging (HDD method using HDPE PLB Duct), the bidder must ascertain supervision and technical
assistance from the cable manufacturer in the Cable laying process (both trenchless HDD and in cable
trench) and Subsequent warranty as per clause 6.9.0 arising due to laying of cable through submission of
Manufacturer’s Authorization.

The authorization must be duly notarized.

2.5 Manufacturers
Manufacturers/service provider for the following major items of supply and services must meet the following
minimum criteria, herein listed for that item.

Item no. Description Minimum criteria

1 Tower materials & Conductor The Bidder or his manufacturer of listed items or his supplier or his
service provider must have designed, manufactured; supplied listed
2 132 KV XLPE (Cu) UG Cable equipment and services which are in successful operation for at least
three (3) years as on the date of bid opening.
3 132 KV Cable Termination Kit
The bidder/manufacturer should list such works executed to
4 132 KV LA substantiate the requirement of this Clause using Form EXP-2.

**NOTE: The bidders must submit with his bid the following documents to substantiate the requirements of this

(i) Manufacturer must have production facility of the supplied materials in India. For accessories not
manufactured in India, deviations shall be accepted at the full discretion of AEGCL.
(ii) Notarised Manufacturer’s authorization, using the form provided in Section 2 (Bidding Forms). The
Bidder is responsible for ensuring that the manufacturer or producer complies with the requirements of
bidding document and meets the minimum criteria listed above for that item.
(iii) Type test certificate.
(iv) Manufacturer’s experience list.
(v) GTP of the equipment to be supplied.
(vi) Recent performance certificate from past clients. Performance & Completion certificates should not be
older than 5 (five) years on the date of opening of the technical bid.
**The performance certificate shall be in proper official letter pad with issue No and Date. It shall also
contain the detail of work or supplies made along with the Work/Supply order No. and Date.
2.5.1 Bidders are free to list more than one Subcontractor against each item of the plant and services.
However, necessary documents as mentioned in clause must be furnished with the bid
against each such manufacturer/ subcontractor. Quoted rates and prices will be deemed to apply to
whichever Subcontractor is appointed, and no adjustment of the rates and prices will be permitted.

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 1 – Instructions to Bidders 23

2.5.2 The Bidder’s offer shall include and substantiate data on qualifying requirements such as in addition to given as
a) Copies of original documents defining the constitution or legal status, place of registration, and principal
place of business, written power of attorney of the signatory of the Bid to commit the Bidder.
b) Copies of valid Electrical Contractor License issued by competent authority in the State of Assam or in
the State where the bidder’s business is registered.
c) Total monetary value of similar work performed by the bidder in each of the last five years.
d) Experience in works of a similar nature and volume for each of the last five years, and details of works
underway or contractually committed; and clients who may be contacted for further information on those
e) Qualifications and experience of keys management and technical personnel proposed for the Contract.
f) Reports on the financial standing of the Bidder, such as profit and loss statements and auditor’s reports
for the past five years.
g) Evidence of adequacy of working capital for this contract (access to line(s) of credit and availability of
other financial resources).
h) Information regarding any litigation, current or during the last five years, in which the Bidder is involved,
the parties concerned, and disputed amount.
i) The Bidder should also substantiate availability (either owned or leased) of the tools, tackles, spare parts
etc. for carrying out the works.
j) Bidder must submit the completion schedule and Declaration of current engagement as per schedule
provided along the bid

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 2 – Bidding Forms 24

Section - 2


This Section contains the forms that are to be completed by the Bidder and submitted as part of his

1 Letter of Technical Bid……………………………………………………………………………...………………………..25

2 Letter of Price Bid ............................................................................................................................................. 26
3 Price Schedules ................................................................................................................................................ 27
Format of Bid Security .......................................................................................................................................... 31
5 Contract Execution Schedule ................................................................................................................................. 32
6 Bidders Qualification ......................................................................................................................................... 33
6.1 Form ELI - 1: Bidder’s Information Sheet ........................................................................................................... 33
6.2 Form LIT - Pending Litigation ....................................................................................................................... 34
6.3 Form FIN - 1: Financial Situation ............................................................................................................................. 35
6.4 Form FIN - 2: Average Annual Turnover ............................................................................................................ 36
6.5 Form FIN – 3: Financial Resources ............................................................................................................... 37
6.6 Form EXP – 1: General Experience .................................................................................................................. 38
6.7 Form EXP – 2: Specific Experience .................................................................................................................. 39

7 Manufacturer's Authorization ...................................................................................................................................... 40

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 2 – Bidding Forms 25

1 Letter of Technical Bid

[Bidder’s Letterhead]

Date: .......................................................

Bid Identification No (s): .......................................................

: .......................................................

: .......................................................

: .......................................................

Invitation for Bid No.: .......................................................


We, the undersigned, declare that:

(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Documents, including Addenda issued in
accordance with Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 1.2.3;

(b) We offer to design, manufacture, test and deliver, in conformity with the Bidding Document the
following Goods and Related Services: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(c) Our Bid consisting of the Technical Bid and the Price Bid shall be valid for a period of . . . . . days
from the date fixed for the bid submission deadline in accordance with the Bidding Documents, and it
shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period

Name ................................................................................................................................................................
In the capacity of ...............................................................................................................................................
Signed ...............................................................................................................................................................
Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of .........................................................................................
Date ...................................................................................................................................................................

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 2 – Bidding Forms 26

2 Letter of Price Bid



[Bidder’s Letterhead]

Date: .......................................................

Bid Identification No: .......................................................

Invitation for Bid No.: .......................................................


We, the undersigned, declare that:

(i). We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Document, including Addenda issued in
accordance with Instructions to Bidders (ITB) 1.2.3;

(ii). We offer to design, manufacture, test and deliver in conformity with the Bidding Document the
following Goods and Related Services: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;

(iii). The total price of our Bid is the sum of: …………………………,

(iv). Discount offered (if any) for (i) Supply (Schedule 1) ………%, and (ii) Related Services (Schedule 2,
F& I,)………....%

(v). Our bid shall be valid for a period of ............. days from the date fixed for the submission deadline in
accordance with the Bidding Documents, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at
any time before the expiration of that period;

(vi). If our bid is accepted, we commit to obtain a performance security in accordance with the Bidding

(vii). We understand that this bid, together with your written acceptance thereof included in your notification
of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us, until a formal contract is prepared and
executed; and

(viii). We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluated bid or any other bid that you
may receive.

Name ................................................................................................................................................................
In the capacity of ...............................................................................................................................................
Signed ...............................................................................................................................................................
Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of .........................................................................................
Date ...................................................................................................................................................................

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 2 – Bidding Forms 27

3 Price Schedules

1. The Price Schedules are divided into separate Schedules as follows:
Schedule No. 1: Supply of Tower materials and related accessories including conductor and
ground wire.
Schedule No. 1(a): Freight & Insurance against supply of Tower materials and related accessories
including conductor and ground wire.
Schedule No. 2: Erection of towers including related foundation works.
Schedule No. 3: Supply of Cable, termination kit etc. and related accessories.
Schedule No. 3 (a): Freight & Insurance against supply of Cable, termination kit etc. and related
Schedule No. 4: Erection testing and commissioning of the cable portion including related civil
2. The entered rates and prices shall be deemed to cover the full scope as specified in the bidding
document, including overheads and profit. (Excluding GST).
3. If bidders are unclear or uncertain as to the scope of any item, they shall seek clarification in
accordance with ITB 1.2.2 prior to submitting their bid.

1. Prices shall be excluding GST.

NOTE: For E-Tendering these forms are indicative only. All prices to be filled in the price schedule
provided in the e-tendering portal only.

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 2 – Bidding Forms 28

Format of Bid Security

Bank Guarantee
(To be stamped in accordance with Stamp Act)
(The non-Judicial Stamp Paper should be in the name of issuing Bank)

.......................................... Bank’s Name and Address of Issuing Branch or Office ..........................................

Beneficiary: .......................................... Name and Address of Purchaser .........................................................
Date: .........................................................................................................................................................................
Bid Security No.: .....................................................................................................................................................

We have been informed that . . . . . name of the Bidder. . . . . (Hereinafter called "the Bidder") has
submitted to you its bid dated . . . . . . . . . (Hereinafter called "the Bid") for the execution of . . . . . . . . …Name
& Identification No of Bid . . . . . . . under Invitation for Bids No. . . . . . . . . . (“The IFB”).
Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be supported by a bid guarantee.
At the request of the Bidder, we . . . . . name of Bank. . . . . hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any
sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of . . . . . . . . . .amount in figures . . . . . . . . . (. . . . . .
.amount in words . . . . . . . ) upon receipt by us of your first demand in writing accompanied by a written
statement stating that the Bidder is in breach of its obligation(s) under the bid conditions, because the
(a) has withdrawn its Bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder in the Form of Bid; or

(b) does not accept the correction of errors in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders (hereinafter “the
ITB”); or

(c) having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Purchaser during the period of bid validity, (i)
fails or refuses to execute the Contract Agreement, or (ii) fails or refuses to furnish the Performance
Security, in accordance with the ITB.
This guarantee will expire: (a) if the Bidder is the successful Bidder, upon our receipt of copies of the
Contract Agreement signed by the Bidder and the performance security issued to you upon the instruction of
the Bidder; and (b) if the Bidder is not the successful Bidder, upon the earlier of (i) our receipt of a copy your
notification to the Bidder of the name of the successful Bidder; or (ii) twenty-eight days after the expiration of
the Bidder’s bid.
Consequently, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at the office on or
before that date.

. . . . . . . . . . . .Bank’s seal and authorized signature(s) . . . . . . . . . .

Note: All italicized text is for use in preparing this form and shall be deleted from the final document

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 2 – Bidding Forms 29

5 Contract Execution Schedule Format.

The Bidder shall adhere to the execution schedule they provide during bidding. It is expected that for maintaining
the given time period for completion (10 months), the bidder will have to employ extra measures such as
deploying more labour gangs, tools and equipment.

Bidder who is not capable of executing the works in the time period may refrain from participating in the bid.

**** The bidders are requested to fill the bar graph above showing the proposed time for
completion of each stage. Any additional works that may have been left out in the above
schedule may also be included.

****The successful bidder is to submit a detailed PERT chart within 07 days from
acceptance of LOA.

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 2 – Bidding Forms 30

6 Bidders Qualification

To establish its qualifications to perform the contract in accordance with Appendix 2 of ITB (Evaluation and
Qualification Criteria) the Bidder shall provide the information requested in the corresponding Information
Sheets included hereunder.

6.1 Form ELI - 1: Bidder’s Information Sheet

Bidder’s Information

Bidder’s legal name

Bidder’s country of

Bidder’s year of

Bidder’s legal address

Bidder’s authorized

(name, address, telephone

numbers, fax numbers, e-
mail address)
Attached are copies of the following original documents.
 1. In case of single entity/firm, documents, in accordance with ITB
 2. In case of single Company, documents, in accordance with ITB

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 2 – Bidding Forms 31

6.2 Form LIT - Pending Litigation

Each Bidder must fill in this form

Pending Litigation

 No pending litigation in accordance with Criteria 2.1.3 of Appendix 2 of ITB (Evaluation and
Qualification Criteria)

 Pending litigation in accordance with Criteria 2.1.3 of Appendix 2 of ITB(Evaluation and Qualification

Value of Pending Value of Pending Claim as

Year Matter in Dispute
Claim in Rupees a Percentage of Net Worth

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6.3 Form FIN - 1: Financial Situation

Each Bidder must fill in this form

Financial Data for Previous 3 Years [Rupees]

Year 1: Year 2: Year 3:

Information from Balance Sheet

Total Assets

Total Liabilities

Net Worth

Current Assets

Current Liabilities

Information from Income Statement

Total Revenues

Profits Before Taxes

Profits After Taxes

 Attached are copies of financial statements (balance sheets including all related notes, and income statements)
for the last three years, as indicated above, complying with the following conditions.
 All such documents reflect the financial situation of the Bidder or partner to a JV, and not sister or parent
 Historic financial statements must be audited by a certified accountant.
 Historic financial statements must be complete, including all notes to the financial statements.
 Historic financial statements must correspond to accounting periods already completed and audited (no
statements for partial periods shall be requested or accepted).

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6.4 Form FIN - 2: Average Annual Turnover

Each Bidder must fill in this form

Annual Turnover Data for the Last 3 Years

Average Annual Turnover

The information supplied should be the Annual Turnover of the Bidder in terms of the amounts billed to clients for
each year for contracts in progress or completed.

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6.5 Form FIN – 3: Financial Resources

Specify proposed sources of financing, such as liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other
financial means, net of current commitments, available to meet the total cash flow demands of the subject contract
or contracts as indicated in Appendix 2 of ITB (Evaluation and Qualification Criteria) with necessary supporting

Financial Resources
No. Source of financing Amount (Rupees)

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6.6 Form EXP – 1: General Experience

Each Bidder must fill in this form

General Experience
Starting Ending Contract Identification and Name
Role of
Month Month Years Name and Address of Purchaser
Year Year Brief Description of the Works Executed by the Bidder

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6.7 Form EXP – 2: Specific Experience

Fill up one (1) form per contract.

Contract of Similar Size and Nature

Contract No. . . . . .of. . . . . .

Award Date Completion Date

Role in Contract  Contractor  Subcontractor

Total Contract Amount (Rupees)

Purchaser’s Name
Telephone/Fax Number

Description of the similarity in accordance with Criteria 2.4.2 /2.5 of Section 3

1. Brief Specification
2. Date of commissioning.

Attached are copies of the following original documents.

 1. Type Test Certificates. (Not older than five years on the date of Technical Bid opening)
 2. Recent performance certificates (Not older than five years on the date of Technical Bid opening)
 3. Copy of the Contract Document.

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7 Manufacturer's Authorization

[The Bidder, in pursuant to ECQ Clause 2.1.2 (if applicable) shall require the Manufacturer to fill in this
Form in accordance with the instructions indicated. This letter of authorization should be signed by a
person with the proper authority to sign documents that are binding on the Manufacturer. Please refer
to notes at bottom]

(Manufacturer’s Letterhead)

Date: [insert date (as day, month and year) of Bid Submission]

Bid No.: [insert number of bidding process]

To: [Insert: full name of Purchaser]

WE [insert: name of Manufacturer] who are established and reputable manufacturers of [insert: name
and/or description of the Goods] having production facilities at [insert: address of factory] do hereby
authorize [insert: name & address of Bidder] (hereinafter, the “Bidder”) to submit a bid the purpose of which
is to provide the following goods, manufactured by us, and to subsequently negotiate and sign the Contract:

1. ---------------------------------------
2. ---------------------------------------

We hereby extend our full guarantee and warranty in accordance with Clause 6.9.0 of the Special Conditions
of Contract, for the above specified Goods supporting the Supply of specified Goods and fulfilling the Related
Services by the Bidder against this Bidding Documents, and duly authorize said Bidder to act on our behalf in
fulfilling these guarantee and warranty obligations. We also hereby declare that, we will furnish the
Performance Guarantee in accordance with SCC Clause

Further, we also hereby declare that we and ……………, [insert: name of the Bidder] have entered into a
formal relationship in which, during the duration of the Contract (including related services and warranty /
defects liability) we, the Manufacturer or Producer, will make our technical and engineering staff fully
available to the technical and engineering staff of the successful Bidder to assist that Bidder, on a reasonable
and best effort basis, in the performance of all its obligations to the Purchaser under the Contract.

For and on behalf of the Manufacturer

Signed: _______________________________________________________________

Date: __________________________________

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In the capacity of [insert: title of position or other appropriate designation] (and this should be signed by
a person having the power of attorney to legally bind the manufacturer).




(Printed Name)...........................................………….


(Common Seal).…………..........…...….......................

1. The letter of Undertaking should be on the letterhead of the Manufacturer and should be signed by a
person competent and having Power of Attorney to sign on behalf of the Manufacturer (to be attached with
this MA) to legally bind the Manufacturer. It shall be included by the bidder in its bid.

2. Above undertaking shall be registered or notarized so as to be legally enforceable.

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Section - 3

Employer’s Requirements

(This Section contains the Technical Requirements and supplementary information that describe the
Goods and Related Services)

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Section 3
Employer’s Requirements
3.1.0 Scope of Works

3.1.1. The scope of works briefly covers the following:

Construction of 132 KV transmission link via a combination of lattice tower and XLPE (Cu) cable from tower no.
12 (under construction) to Railway traction Substation.

(1) Check Survey of the route from Tower No.12 to Railway traction sub-station bay.

(2) Supply of tower structures, conductors, ground wires, hardware fittings, clamp connectors etc including
construction of foundations and subsequent erection of towers, gantry structures and stringing of conductors
along with related works for successful completion of the project and final charging of the 132kV
Transmission link.

(3) Supply of 132kV XLPE (Cu) Cable, termination kit, LA, link box etc with all accessories, including laying of
cables using any one or a combination of following methods

i) Trenchless digging (HDD using HDPE PLB duct) including testing and commissioning complete.(There will
be 3 (three) cables – two cables for two phases & one cable as spare).

iii) Laying of cables underground through trench with cover (There will be 3 (three) cables – two cables for two
phases & one cable as spare)

3.1.2. The Bill of Quantities for indicative purposes is furnished in Price Schedules of Section-2 of this bidding
document. The BOQ is as per BOQ Schedules attached in the online e-tender document.

3.1.3. The quantities in the above Annexure are provisional in nature and for bid comparison purpose only. Quantities
may vary to the extent of (+) 20 % to (-) 20% in terms of Contract Price.

3.1.4. It is also responsibility of the Contractor to obtain Right of Way (ROW) along the surveyed route in co-
ordination with AEGCL. However, all the costs for land and zirat compensation etc. shall be borne by AEGCL.

It is responsibility of the turnkey contractor to clearing of all obstacles along the right of way of the transmission
line routes, like cutting of trees, jungles etc.

The bidder on its own responsibility may visit and examine the Site of Works and its surroundings and obtain
information that may be necessary for preparing the bid. Road permits and any other permits or licenses that
may be required to execute the works should also be obtained by the contractor.

3.1.5. The items mentioned in these Annexures shall only be used while quoting the bid prices. Any other items
not specifically mentioned in the specification but which are required for installation, testing,
commissioning and satisfactory operation of the cable as per Indian Standards/IE Rules/IE Act and
concerned authority regulations are deemed to be included in the scope of the specification and no
deviation in this regard shall be accepted

No modifications/additions/ deletions shall be made by the bidder to the items and quantities given in
these schedules.

3.2.0 Contractor to Inform Himself Fully

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3.2.1. The contractor should ensure that he has examined the Specifications and Schedules as brought out in this
Section as well as other Sections of The Bidding document and has satisfied himself as to all the conditions and
circumstances affecting the contract price and fixed his price according to his own views on these matters and
acknowledge that no additional allowances except as otherwise provided therein will be levied.

3.2.2. The Employer shall not be responsible for any misunderstanding or incorrect information obtained by the
contractor other than information given to the contractor in writing by the Employer.

3.3.0 Service Conditions

3.3.1. The plant and materials supplied shall be suitable for operation under the following climatic and other
a) Peak ambient day temperature in still air : 45C
b) Minimum night temperatures : 0C
c) Reference ambient day temperature : 45C
d) Relative Humidity a) Maximum : 100 %
b) Minimum : 10 %
e) Altitude : Below 1000 M above MSL
f) Maximum wind pressure : As per IS: 802 latest code.
g) Seismic Intensity : ZONE-V as per IS 1893.

3.4.0 Conformity with Indian Electricity Rules & Other Local Regulations

3.4.1. The Contractor shall note that all substation works shall comply with the latest provisions of Indian Electricity
Rules and with any other regulations. Local authorities concerned in the administration of the rules and regulation
relating to such works shall be consulted, if necessary, about the rules and regulations that may be

3.4.2. The Contractor shall also comply with the Minimum Wages Act 1948 and the payment of Wages Act (both. of
the Government of India and State of Assam) and the rules made there under in respect of any employee or
workman employed or engaged by him or his Sub-Contractor.

3.4.3. All registration and statutory inspection fees, if any, in respect of his work pursuant to this Contract shall be to
the account of the Contractor.

3.5.0 Contractor’s Requirement

3.5.1. The Contractor should be in possession of a valid E.H.V. Electrical Contractor Licence and Electrical Supervisory
Licence issued by the Chief Electrical Inspector, Govt. of Assam, as per the provision of Law. An attested copy of
the aforementioned Licence must be handed over to the Owner for his record prior to handing/taking over of

3.5.2. All the works shall also be inspected by the Chief Electrical Inspector, Govt. of Assam or his authorize
representatives. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain pre-requisite commissioning clearance of any
equipment from the said Inspectorate. The Contractor will pay necessary fees to the Inspectorate, which it may

3.6.0 Standards

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3.6.1. The equipment covered under this bidding document shall, unless otherwise stated be designed, constructed
and tested in accordance with the latest revisions of relevant Indian Standards and shall conform to the
regulations of local statutory authorities.

3.6.2. In case of any conflict between the standards and this specification, this specification shall govern.

3.6.3. Equipment conforming to other international or authoritative Standards which ensure equivalent or better
performance than that specified under Clause 3.6.0 above shall also be accepted. In that case relevant
extracts of the same shall be forwarded with the bid.

3.7.0 Engineering Data

3.7.1. The furnishing of engineering data by the Contractor shall be in. accordance with the Bidding Document. The
review of these data by the Employer will cover only general conformance of the data to the specifications and
not a thorough review of all dimensions, quantities and details of the materials, or items indicated or the
accuracy of the information submitted. This review by the Employer shall not be considered by the Contractor, as
limiting any of his responsibilities and liabilities for mistakes and deviations from the requirements, specified
under these specifications.

3.7.2. All engineering data submitted by the Contractor after review by the Employer shall or part of the contract

3.8.0 Drawings and Documents for Approval

3.8.1. All necessary drawings and documents required for completion of the project is to be submitted by the contractor
for approval. The drawings provided with bid (if any) are for indicative purpose only and fresh drawings are to be
prepared by the contractor as per actual site condition after survey. The drawings and documents are to be
approved by AEGCL.

3.8.2 All drawings submitted by the Contractor including those submitted at the time of Bid shall be with sufficient
detail to indicate the type, size, arrangement, dimensions, material description, Bill of Materials, weight of each
component break-up for packing and shipment, fixing arrangement required, the dimensions required for
installation and any other information specifically requested in these specifications.

3.8.3. Each drawing submitted by the Contractor shall be clearly marked with the name of the Employer, the
specification title, the specification number and the name of the Project. All titles, noting, markings and
writings on the drawing shall be in English. All the dimensions should be to the scale and in S.I. units.

3.8.4. The drawings submitted for approval to the Employer shall be in quadruplicate. One print of such drawings
shall be returned to the Contractor by the Employer marked "approved/approved with corrections". The
contractor shall there upon furnish the Employer additional prints as may be required along with one
reproducible in original of the drawings after incorporating all corrections.

3.8.5. The Contractor shall perform the work strictly in accordance with these drawings and no deviation shall be
permitted without the written approval of the Employer, if so required.

3.8.6. All manufacturing, fabrication and erection work under the scope of Contractor prior to the approval of the
drawings shall be at the Contractor's risk. The contractor may make any changes in the design which are
necessary to conform to the provisions and intent of the contractor and such changes will again be subject
to approval by the Employer.

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3.8.7. The approval of the documents and drawings by the Employer shall mean that the Employer is satisfied that:
a) The Contractor has completed the part of the Works covered by the subject document (i.e. confirmation of
progress of work).
b) The Works appear to comply with requirements of Specifications.
In no case the approval by the Employer of any document does imply compliance with neither all technical
requirements nor the absence of errors in such documents. If errors are discovered any time during the
validity of the contract, then the Contractor shall be responsible of their consequences.

3.8.8. All drawings shall be prepared using AutoCAD software version 2000 or later only. Drawings, which are not
compatible to AutoCAD software version 2000 or later, shall not be acceptable. After final approval all the
drawings shall be submitted to the Employer in readable CD’s

3.8.9. The following is the general list of the documents and drawings that are to be approved by the Employer:
a) Work Schedule (Master Network) Plan with linkages prepared on latest version of Microsoft Projects.
b) General Layout of Switchyard: Plan and Sections.
c) Detail design calculations and drawings for Control Room including elevation, sections etc.
d) Earthing layout and details.
e) Cable Trench Layout and details.
f) Foundation layouts and details of main and auxiliary structures
g) Detail design calculations and drawings for structures, equipment supports and foundations
including transformer pad.
h) Cable Schedule, as applicable
i) For equipment and items in the scope of supply:
(i) General arrangement drawing with full dimensions.
(ii) Electrical schematic diagram, where applicable.
(iii) Wiring diagram, where applicable.
3.8.10. All Designs/Drawings/Calculations/Data submitted by the contractor, from time to time shall become the
property of the Employer and Employer has the right to use or replicate such designs for future contracts /
works without the permission of the Contractor. The Employer has all rights to use/ offer above
designs/drawings/data sheets to any other authority without prior Permission of the Contractor.

3.9.0 Final Drawings and Documents

3.9.1. The successful Contractor shall require to provide following drawings and documents for each bay constructed in
printed form:
(a) All approved drawings (AS BUILD) of equipment and works related to a particular bayin three (3) copies.
(b) Instruction manuals of all equipment related to a particular bay in three (3) copies.
These instruction manuals shall generally consist of-
(i) Operation Manuals,
(ii) Maintenance Manuals and
(iii) Spare Parts Bulletins.
(c) Copies of routine test reports (in triplicate) of relevant equipment.
(d) Final Guaranteed and Other technical particulars of relevant equipment.

3.9.2. In addition to the above the Contractor shall provide five (5) sets of all the drawings and documents toEmployer in
printed form for his reference and record.

3.10.0 Application System Software

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3.10.1. Contractor shall provide copies of licensed copies of application software / configuration & system software in the
form of CD (in duplicate) for all IEDs, meters, SAS etc.

3.11.0 Quality Assurance, Inspection & Testing

3.11.1. To ensure that the supply and services under the scope of this Contract whether manufactured or performed
within the Contractor's works or at his Sub Contractor's premises or at site or at any other place of work are in,
accordance with the specifications, the Contractor shall adopt suitable quality assurance programme to control
such activities at all points necessary. Such programme shall be outlined by the Contractor and shall be finally
accepted by the Employer after discussions before the award of Contract. A quality assurance programme of
the Contractor shall generally cover but not limited to the following:

a) His organization structure for the management and implementation of the proposed quality assurance
b) Documentation control System.
c) Qualification data for Contractors key personnel.
d) The procedure for purchases of materials, parts components and selection of sub-Contractors
services including vendor analysis, source inspection, incoming raw material inspection, verification of
material purchases etc.
e) System for shop manufacturing including process controls and fabrication and assembly controls.
f) Control of non-conforming items and system for corrective action.
g) Control of calibration and testing of measuring and testing equipment.
h) Inspection and test procedure for manufacture.
i) System for indication and appraisal of inspection status.
j) System for quality audits.
k) System for authorizing release of manufactured product to the Employer.
l) System for maintenance of records.
m) System for handling storage and delivery and
n) A quality plan detailing out the specific quality control procedure adopted for controlling the quality
characteristics relevant to each item of supply.
The Quality plan shall be mutually discussed and approved by the Employer after incorporating necessary
corrections by the Contractor as may be required.

3.11.2. Quality Assurance Documents

The Contractor shall be required to submit all the Quality Assurance Documents as stipulated in the Quality Plan
at the time of Employers inspection of equipment/material.
The Employer or his duly authorized representatives reserves the right to carry out Quality Audit and quality
surveillance of the systems and procedures of the Contractors/his vendors Quality Management and Control

3.12.0 Employer’s Supervision

3.12.1. To eliminate delays and avoid disputes and litigation it is agreed between the parties to the Contract that all
matters and questions shall be resolved in accordance with the provisions of this document.

3.12.2. The manufacturing of the product shall be carried out in accordance with the specifications. The scope of the
duties of the Employer, pursuant to the contract, will include but not be limited to the following.
a. Interpretation of all the terms and conditions of these Documents and Specifications.
b. Review and interpretation of all the Contractors drawings, engineering data etc.
c. Witness or authorize his representative to witness tests at the manufacturer’s works or at site, or at any place

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where work is performed under the contract.

d. Inspect, accept or reject any equipment, material and work under the Contract, in accordance withthe
e. Issue certificate of acceptance and/or progressive payment and final payment certificate.
f. Review and suggest modification and improvement in completion schedules from time to time, and
g. Supervise the Quality Assurance Programme implementation at all stages of the works.

3.12.3. Inspection and Inspection Certificate

3.12.4. The Employer, his duly authorized representative and/or outside inspection agency acting on behalf of the
Employer shall have, at all reasonable times, access to the premises and works of the Contractor and their
sub-contractor(s)/sub-vendors and shall have the right, at the reasonable times, to inspect and examine the
materials and workmanship of the product during its manufacture.

3.12.5. All routine and acceptance tests whether at the premises or works of, the Contractor or of any Sub Contractor,
the Contractor except where otherwise specified shall carry out such tests free of charge. Items such as labour,
materials, electricity, fuel, water, stores apparatus and instruments as may be reasonably demanded by the
Employer/inspector or his authorized representative to carry out effectively such tests in accordance with the
Contract shall be provided by the Contractor free of charge.

3.12.6. If desired by the Employer, the Contractor shall also carry out type tests as per applicable Standards for
which Employer shall bear the expenses except in cases where such tests have to be carried out in
pursuance to Clause 3.13.3. The Contractor is required to quote unit rates of type test charges in a separate
Schedule (if such schedule is provided in the Bidding Document) in pursuance to this Clause. However, these
type test charges shall not be taken into account in comparing Price Bid.

3.12.7. The inspection by Employer and issue of Inspection Certificate thereon shall in no way limit the liabilities and
responsibilities of the Contractor in respect of the agreed Quality Assurance Programme forming a part of the

3.12.8. Tests
The type, acceptance and routine tests and tests during manufacture to be carried-out on the material and
equipment shall mean as follows:
i) Type Tests shall mean those tests, which are to be carried out to prove the process of manufacture and
general conformity of the material to this Specification. These tests shall be carried out on samples prior
to commencement of commercial production against the order. The Bidder shall indicate his schedule
for carrying out these tests.
ii) Acceptance Tests shall mean those tests, which are to be carried out on samples taken from each lot
offered for pre-dispatch inspection, for the purposes of acceptance of that lot.
iii) Routine Tests shall mean those tests, which are to be carried out on the material to check
requirements, which are likely to vary during production.
iv) Tests during Manufacture shall mean those tests, which are to be carried out during the process of
manufacture and end inspection by the Contractor to ensure the desired quality of the end product to be
supplied by him.
v) The norms and procedure of sampling for these tests will be as per the Quality Assurance Programme
to be mutually agreed to by the Contractor and the Employer.

3.12.9. The standards and norms to which these tests will be carried out are specified in subsequent Sections of this
Specification. Where a particular test is a specific requirement of this Specification, the norms and procedure

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of the test shall be as specified or as mutually agreed to between the Contractor and the Employer in the
Quality Assurance Programme.

3.12.10.For all type and acceptance tests, the acceptance values shall be the values specified in this Specification or
guaranteed by the Bidder or applicable Standards, as applicable.

3.13.0 Type Test Reports

3.13.1. Materials, which have never been tested for critical performance, shall not be accepted. In such cases, a promise
or agreement by a bidder to have the equipment tested after award of a contract is not acceptable.

3.13.2. All Bids must be accompanied by the Type Test Certificates of materials offered (refer Clause 3.13.5below).
Such type test certificates shall be acceptable only if:-
(a) Tests are conducted in an independent testing laboratory with NABL accreditation, or
(b) Tests are conducted in manufacturer’s own laboratory.
In this case (i) the laboratory must have NABL accreditation; and
(ii) tests have been witnessed by technically qualified representatives of earlier clients or

3.13.3. Test reports to be acceptable must be related directly to the equipment offered i.e. it is fully identical
in design, rating and construction with the equipment for which the type test certificates have been
submitted. Test reports for higher class (by capacity/voltage etc.) of equipment are acceptable with
commitment to perform the type tests free of any charge on the particular equipment after the award
of contract.

3.13.4. Type Test Reports should not be older than five (5) years on the date of Technical bid opening.

3.13.5. Full Type Test Reports of at least the following equipment must be submitted along with the Bid: -
1. 132kV UG Cable
2. 132kV Cable termination Kit
3. Lightning Arrester
4. Power Conductors
5. Disc Insulators

3.14.0 Guaranteed Technical Particulars

3.14.1. The Guaranteed Technical Particulars of the various items shall be furnished by the Bidders with the Technical
Bid in the prescribed Schedules attached in Volume-2 of the bidding document. The Bidder shall also furnish any
other information's as in their opinion is needed to give full description and details to judge the item(s) offered by

3.14.2. The data furnished in Guaranteed Technical Particulars should be the minimum or maximum value (as per
the requirement of the specification) required. A Bidder may guarantee a value more stringent than the
specification requirement. However, for testing purpose or from performance point of view, the material shall
be considered performed successfully if it achieves the minimum/maximum value required as per the
technical specification. No preference what so ever shall be given to the bidder offering better/more stringent
values than those required as per specification except where stated otherwise.

3.15.0 Construction Tools, Equipment Etc.

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3.15.1. The Contractor shall provide all the construction equipment, tools, tackle and scaffoldings required for
construction, erection, testing and commissioning of the works covered under the Contract. He shall submit a
list of all such materials to the Employer before the commencement of work at site. These tools and tackle
shall not be removed from the site without the written permission of the Employer.

3.16.0 Materials Handling and Storage

3.16.1. All the supplies under the Contract as well as Employer supplied items (if any) arriving at site shall be
promptly received, unloaded and transported and stored in the stores by the Contractor.

3.16.2. Contractor shall be responsible for examining all the shipment and notify the Employer immediately of any
damage, shortage, discrepancy etc. for the purpose of Employer's information only. The Contractor shall
submit to the Employer every week a report detailing all the receipts during the week. However, the
Contractor shall be solely responsible for any shortages or damages in transit, handling and/or in storage
and erection at site. Any demurrage, and other such charges claimed by the transporters, railways etc., shall
be to the account of the Contractor.

3.16.3. The Contractor shall maintain an accurate and exhaustive record-detailing out the list of all items received by
him for the purpose of erection and keep such record open for the inspection of the Employer.

3.16.4. All items shall be handled very carefully to prevent any damage or loss. The materials stored shall be
properly protected to prevent damage. The materials from the store shall be moved to the actual location at
the appropriate time so as to avoid damage of such materials at Site.

3.16.5. All the materials stored in the open or dusty location must be covered with suitable weather-proof and
flameproof covering material wherever applicable.

3.16.6. The Contractor shall be responsible for making suitable indoor storage facilities, to store all items/materials,
which require indoor storage.

3.16.7. The Contractor shall have total responsibility for all equipment and materials in his custody, stored, loose,
semi-assembled and/or erected by him at site. The contractor shall make suitable security arrangements
including employment of security personnel to ensure the protection of all materials, equipment and works
from theft, fire, pilferage and any other damages and loss.

3.17.0 Contractor’s Materials brought on to Site

3.17.1. The Contractor shall bring to Site all equipment, components, parts, materials, including construction
equipment, tools and tackles for the purpose of the work under intimation to the Engineer. All such goods
shall, from the time of their being brought vest in the Employer, but may be used for the purpose of the
Works only and shall not on any account be removed or taken away by the Contractor without the written
permission of the Engineer. The Contractor shall nevertheless be solely liable and responsible for any loss
or destruction thereof and damage thereto.

3.17.2. The Employers shall have a lien on such goods for any sum or sums, which may at any time, be due or
owing to him by the Contractor, under in respect of or by reasons of the Contract. After giving a fifteen
(15) days’ notice in writing of his intention to do so, the Employer shall be at liberty to sell and dispose of
any such goods, in such manner, as he shall think fit including public auction or private treaty.

3.17.3. After the completion of the Works, the Contractor shall remove from the Site under the direction of the
Employer’s site representative, the materials such as construction equipment, erection tools and tackles,

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
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scaffolding etc. with the written permission of the Employer’s site representative. If the Contractor fails to
remove such materials within fifteen (15) days of issue of a notice by the Employer’s site representative,
the Employer’s site representative shall have the liberty to dispose of such materials as detailed under
clause 3.17.2 above and credit the proceeds thereto to the account of the Contractor.

3.18.0 Commissioning Spares

3.18.1. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to provide all commissioning spares required for initial operation
till the Employer declares the equipment as ready for commissioning. All commissioning spares shall be
deemed to be included in the scope of the Contract at no extra cost to the Employer.

3.18.2. These spares shall be received and stored by the Contractor at least 1 month prior to the schedule date of
commencement of commissioning of the respective equipment and utilized as and when required. The
unutilized spares and replaced parts, if any, at the end of successful completion of performance and
guarantee test shall be the property of the Contractor and he will be allowed to take these parts back at his
own cost with the permission of Employer’s Representative.

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Section - 4

Technical Specification

(This Section contains the Technical Requirements and supplementary information that describe the
Goods and Related Services)

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Section 2 – Bidding Forms 50


The work involves design (as applicable), engineering, manufacture, assembly, inspection, testing at manufacturer’s
works before dispatch, packing, supply, including insurance during transit, delivery at site, subsequent storage, civil
foundation work, erection and commissioning at site.

The scope of the Bid covers construction of Power Transmission system from tower no. 12 (under construction) to the
proposed traction substation of N F Railway, at Nalbari using a combination of UG cable using trenchless digging, UG
cable with support structures/trench and transmission line on lattice tower.

The scope under this Bid covers briefly the following:

(i) Check Survey and preparation and submission of final line profiles, sag template, tower schedules, tower spotting
data, foundation types etc. for approval of the Employer.
(ii) Fabrication & supply of all type 132 kV transmission line towers, gantry structures, mounting structures for
LA/termination and tower material as per the design as per drawings supplied by the Employer including bolts, nuts,
washers, hangers, shackles and all type of tower accessories like phase plates, number plates, danger plates, anti-
climbing devices.
(iii) Supply of 132kV cable, bonding cable, termination kit, link box, conductor, earth wire, hardware fittings, conductor &
earth wire accessories etc.
(iv) Casting of foundations for towers, gantry structures, mounting structures etc
(v) Erection of towers, tack welding of bolts and nuts including supply and application of zinc rich primer & enamel paint,
painting of towers for aviation requirements (if required)
(vi) Laying of UG cable using trenchless digging method/through trench along with termination
(vii) Supply & providing tower earthing, supply & fixing insulators, insulator strings.
(viii) Stringing of conductor & earth wire along with all necessary line accessories.
(ix) Testing & commissioning of the erected transmission lines

This is primarily a supply and installation contract. Hence, the contractor should supply all the equipment (including all
the cables and accessories) which are designed according to International standards and good engineering practice.

Work includes connecting the Sorbhog traction substation with tower no. 1(under construction) and commissioning.

All works of the 400 mm2 XLPE (Cu) Cable (132kV Single circuit) shall be in accordance with the IEC/IS standards. The
Bidder may provide his own proven design for cable to satisfy all the requirements and to keep the Voltage drop &
losses at a lowest while ensuring minimum cost and longest service life of the cable. The trefoil cable formation inside
concrete trough for general route and spacing shall be used accordingly. Soil thermal capability improvements may also
be used. Direct burying of cables are not permitted.. Also the contractor may use such methods as Horizontal Drilling
machines and latest technologies for road crossings and obstruction crossings. The durability and reliability of the
installation should be proven in detail. The amount of power to be transferred is about 20 MVA for the circuit,
continuous operation. The


4.1.1 Service Conditions :
The lines covered under this contract are to run entirely in the State of Assam, India and shall be suitable for the
tropical climatic conditions prevailing in the area as listed below.

a) Peak ambient day temperature in still air - 45C

b) Minimum night temperatures - 0C
c) Reference ambient day temperature - 45C

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d) Relative Humidity a) Maximum - 100 %

b) Minimum - 10 %
e) Altitude: Below1000 M above MSL
f) Maximum wind pressure: As per IS: 802 latest code (Zone-6)
g) Other Data: Refer Meteorological data pertaining to the locations.
4.1.2 Basic System Data

SL. No Description 132 KV

1. Nominal system voltage KV rms 132

2. Highest system voltage KV rms 145

3. System of grounding Solidly Grounded

4. Impulse insulation level KV peak 650

5. Power frequency withstand voltage 260

(wet) KV rms

6. Protective shielding angle against direct lightning NOT EXCEEDING 300

7. Creepage Distance 320 mm

8. Minimum Corona extinction voltage at 50Hz AC system Not less than 154 kV
Dry condition (phase to earth)

9. Accessories for conductor and Earth wire i. Preformed armour rods

ii. Mid-Span compression joints
iii. Repair sleeves
iv. Flexible copper bonds
v. Vibration dampers
vi. Suspension clamps for earth wire
vii. Tension clamp for earth wire

10. Insulator String Hardware i. Anchor shackle

ii. Chain link
iii. Yoke plate
iv. Ball clevis
v. Arcing horn holding plate
vi. Socket clevis
vii. Arcing horns
viii. Clevis eye
ix. Free centre type/armour grip suspension
clamp for suspension strings
x. Compression type dead end clamp
xi. Balancing weight
4.1.3 Basic Design Parameters
Item Particulars 132 kV Line (Single/double- 3phase)
with AAAC

1. SPAN (i) Normal span (Design Span) 335 M

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Item Particulars 132 kV Line (Single/double- 3phase)

with AAAC

(ii) Wind span 335 M

(iii) Weight span, both span (total) Suspension Tension

a) Maximum 505 M 505 M

b) Minimum
185 M 0M

(iv) Weight span, one span Suspension Tension

a) Maximum 315 M 315 M

b) Minimum
100 M -200 M

2. TEMPARATURE Conductor Earth Wire

(I) Maximum 850C 530C

(ii) Minimum 00C 00C

(iii) Every Day 320C 320C

3. Wind Speed Zone Wind Speed Zone Zone – 5 as per IS : 875

4. CONDUCTOR (i) Material AAAC

(ii) Number of strands & size 37/3.15 mm

(iii) No. of conductor per phase 1

5. GROUND WIRE (i) Type Galvanised steel stranded wire

(ii) Size 7 / 3.15 mm

(iii) No. of earth wire 1

6. Wind Speed Zone Wind Speed Zone Zone – 5 as per IS : 875

7. Wind pressure Maximum wind pressure up to a height of 10 M 720 N/m2

about mean retarding force

8.GROUND (i) Rough country 6100 mm plus sag corrections


(Under maximum

(ii) Across and along all roads and paths 6100 mm Plus sag corrections &

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
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Item Particulars 132 kV Line (Single/double- 3phase)

with AAAC

9. INSULATORS (i) Type Ball & Socket Type (16 mm)

(ii) Size of disc 255 mm x 145 mm

(i) Number of disc in each insulator

(a) Suspension
(b) Tension 9 no.

10 no.

(ii) Electro-mechanical strength 70 kN

(a) Suspension 90 kN
(b) Tension
10. Tension Limits (a) For conductor and ground wire 25 % of UTS
(i) at 320 C &no wind 70 % of UTS
(ii) at 320 C &full wind 70 % of UTS
(iii) at 00 C & 36% of full wind


4.2.1 SCOPE
Verification / review of the line route, tower spotting data, and foundation type of original reconnaissance
survey (not detailed). The Employer has already conducted a reconnaissance survey with modern technique of
survey of the line. However, the Contractor will be required to re-do the detailed and check survey of the entire
line. The Contractor shall carry out any such modifications to the original survey as and where required. The
documents of the original survey of the lines will be made available to the successful Bidder.
Under the Check Survey following activities are included in the scope of this Bid:
a) Review and verification of tower spotting data of original Detailed Survey reports and optimisation of
tower locations.
b) Preparation of final route profile, tower schedule, tower plotting data etc after Check Survey.
c) Locating and peg marking the tower positions on ground conforming to the approved profile and
tower schedule.
d) Review of soil testing data and review of tower foundation types required for each tower locations.
The Contractor should note that Employer will not furnish the topographical maps prepared by Survey of India
but will make available any assistance that may be required in obtaining the topographical maps.


The check survey shall be conducted to locate and peg mark the tower positions on ground conforming to the
supplied profile and tower schedule. In this process, it is necessary to have the pit centres marked according to
the excavation marking charts. The levels, up or down of each pit centre with respect to the centre of the tower
location shall be noted and recorded for determining the amount of earthwork required to meet the approved
design parameters. Unequal leg extensions may be provided to reduce benching and leg revetment.
While carrying out the Check Survey works following stipulations shall be followed.
All elevations shall be referenced to benchmarks established by the survey of India. Levelling
operations shall begin and end at benchmarks approved by the Employer.
During the levelling of the profile check surveys will be affected at intervals not exceeding 50
kilometres with benchmarks of known elevations. The difference in elevations as surveyed by Contractor and
as declared by the survey of India for these benchmarks shall not exceed the precision required for 3rd order

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surveys, i.e. e<24/k, where K is the distance between benchmarks in km and e is the distance in elevations in
All-important objects and features along the transmission line, centreline (railways, highways, road,
canals, rivers, transmission lines, distribution lines, telephone lines etc.) shall be surveyed and located with a
positional accuracy of 1:2000 between points of known horizontal position.


Based on the original survey (reconnaissance) report supplied by the Employer and after making the
Detailed & Check Survey the Contractor shall prepare the final tower plotting data and profile based on sag
template prepared fresh by the Contractor himself.
Profile shall be plotted and prepared to scale of 1 :2000 horizontal & 1 :200 vertical on 1.0, 10 mm
squared paper as per approve procedure. Reference levels at every 20 metres along the profile are also to be
indicated on the profile besides, R/Ls at undulations. Areas along the profile Sheet, in the view of the
contractor, are not suitable for tower spotting, shall also be clearly marked on the profile plots. If the difference
in levels be too high, the chart may be broken up accordingly to requirement. A 10mm overlap shall be shown
on each following sheet. The chart shall progress from left to right. Sheet shall be 594 mm wide in accordance
with the relevant standard. For 'as built' profile these shall be in A 1 size.
With the help of prepared sag template and tower spotting data, tower locations shall be marked on
the profiles. While locating the towers on the profile sheet, the following shall be borne in mind:
a) Span

The number of consecutive spans between the section points shall not exceed 15 spans or 5 Km in plain
terrain and 10 spans or 3 km in hilly terrain. A section point shall comprise of tension point with C type or
D type towers as applicable.

(b) Extension

An individual span shall be as near to the normal design span as possible. In case of an individual span
where ground clearance cannot be maintained with normal supports on account of undulations in ground
profile, one or both the supports of the span may be extended by inserting standard body extension
designed as stipulated elsewhere in this specification.

(c) Loading

There shall not be any upward force on suspension towers under normal working conditions and the
suspension towers shall support at least the minimum weight span as provided in the designs. In case
uplift is unavoidable, it shall be examined if the same can be overcome by adding standard body
extensions to the towers failing which tension towers designed for the purpose shall be employed at such

(d) Benching

In hilly/mountainous regions, when benching might be required, Contractor shall make contour
measurements along with the calculation for the volume of Benching and revetment, so that a decision
can be made whether to accept benching and/or use unequal leg extensions for a particular site.
Benching shall be resorted to only after approval from Employer.

(e) Road Crossing

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
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At all important road crossings, the tower shall be fitted with double suspension or tension insulator
strings depending on the type of tower but the ground clearance at the roads under maximum conductor
design temperature and in still air shall be such that even with conductor broken in adjacent span, ground
clearance of the conductor from the road surfaces will not be less than specified with maximum
conductor sag. At all national highways tension towers shall be used and crossing span will not be more
than 250 meters.

(f) Railway Crossings

The entire railway crossings coming-en route the transmission line has already been identified by the
Employer. At the time of check survey, the railway crossings shall be finalised as per the regulation laid
down by the Railway Authorities. The following are the important features of the prevailing regulations
(revised in 1987)

i The crossing shall normally be at right angle to the railway track.

ii The minimum distance of the crossing tower shall be at least equal to the height of the tower plus
6 meters away measured from the centre of the nearest railway track
iii No crossing shall be located over a booster transformer, traction switching station, traction sub-
station or a track cabin location in an electrified area.
iv Minimum ground clearance above rail level of the lowest portion of any conductor under condition
of maximum sag shall be maintained at 17.90 metres.
v The crossing span will be limited to 300 meters.
The approval for crossing railway track shall be obtained by the Employer from the Railway Authority,
however, six copies of profile and plan, tower and foundation design and drawings required for the
approval from the Railway Authority shall be supplied by the Contractor to the Employer.

(g) River Crossings

In case of Major River crossing towers shall be of suspension type and the anchor towers on either side
of the main river crossing shall be ‘A’ type tower. For navigable rivers the clearance required by
navigation authority shall be provided. For non-navigable river, clearance shall be reckoned with respect
to highest flood level (HFL) and shall be 15.0 meters with maximum conductor sag.

(h) Power line Crossings

Where this line is to cross over another line of the same voltage or lower voltage, any available tower with
suitable extensions shall be used. Provisions to prevent the possibility of its coming into contact with other
overhead lines shall be made in accordance with the Indian Electricity Rules / IS: 5613 as amended up to
date. In order to reduce the height of the crossing towers it may be advantageous to remove the ground-
wire of the line to be crossed (if this is possible and permitted by the Employer of the line to be crossed).
All the works related to the above proposal shall be deemed to be included in the scope of the Contractor
except if modifications are required to line below, in which case, the conditions to be agreed upon.

(i) Telecommunication Line Crossings

The angle of crossing shall be as near to 90 degree possible. However, deviation to the extent of 30
degree may be permitted under exceptionally difficult situations. When the angle of crossing has to be
below 60 degree, the matter will be referred to the authority in charge of the telecommunication system.

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
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On a request from the Contractor, the permission of the telecommunication authority may be obtained by
the Employer.

Also, in the crossing span, power line support will be as near the telecommunication line as possible, to
obtain increased vertical clearance between the wires.

The design minimum clearance between the 220kV Conductors and telecommunication lines shall be
with maximum conductor sag.

(j) Details En-route

All topographical details, permanent features, such as trees, building etc. 50m on either side of the
alignment shall be detailed on the profile plan.

(j) Clearance from Ground, Building, trees etc

Clearance from ground, buildings, trees and telephone lines shall be provided in conformity with the
Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 / IS 5613 as amended up to date.

The final sag-template curve diagram, profile sheets, duly spotted, along with the schedules indicating
type of towers, type of foundations, wind span, weight span, angle of deviation, river of road crossing and other
details shall be submitted for the approval of the Employer. After approval, the Contractor shall submit six more
sets of the approved reports along with one set of reproducible of final profile drawings to the Employer for
record purpose
The Contractor shall also submit two numbers of the final template, prepared on rigid transparent
plastic sheet to the Employer for the purpose of checking the tower spotting. The templates shall be on the
same scale as that of the profile.


Soil resistivity along the route alignment shall be measured in dry weather by four-electrode method keeping
inter-electrode spacing of 50 meters. For calculating soil resistivity formula 2πar (where a=50 metres and r =
megger reading in ohms) shall be adopted. Measurement shall be made at every 2 to 3 kms along the route of
transmission lines. In case soil characteristic, changes within 2 to 3 kms, the value shall also have to be
measured at intermediate locations. The megger reading and soil characteristics shall also be indicated in the
soil resistivity results.


Type of foundation has already been classified. However soil testing in some locations may be required
depending upon the site condition. Accordingly each foundation shall be classified to one of the four types
specified in section - 4 of this Volume and approval shall be taken from the competent authority of AEGCL


The tree cutting shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall count, mark and put proper
numbers with suitable quality of paint at his own cost on all the trees that are to be cut at the time of actual
execution of the work as detailed below. Contractor may please note that Employer shall not pay any
compensation for any loss or damage to the properties or for tree cutting due to Contractor's fault.
Any way leave, which may be required by the Contractor for survey, shall be arranged by the Employer as
required by work programme.


4.2.8 Forest

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Section 2 – Bidding Forms 57

The line route passing through forest stretches for various transmission lines covered under this specification
shall be furnished to the successful Bidder.

4.2.9 General Climatic Conditions

Climatic conditions shall be of tropical nature having summer period for 8 months and winter period for 4
months in a year. Working season shall be approximately 7-8 months/year and balance 4-5 months shall be
monsoon period. The maximum temperature during summer shall be of the order of 45 Degrees Centigrade
and the minimum temperature in the winter shall be of the order of 4 Degrees Centigrade Normal everyday
temperature is 32 Degrees Centigrade.


Statutory Regulations
The Contractor is required to follow local statutory regulations stipulated in Electricity (Supply) Act, Indian
Electricity Rules as amended and other local rules and regulations referred in this Specification.

Reference Standard
The Codes and/or standards referred to in the specifications shall govern in all cases wherever such
references are made. In case of a conflict between such codes and/or standards and the specifications, latter
shall govern. Such codes and/or standards, referred to shall mean the latest revisions, amendments/changes
adopted and published by the relevant agencies unless otherwise specified. Other internationally accepted
standards, which ensure equal or better performance than those specified shall also be accepted, subject to
prior approval by the Employer.


4.4.1 SCOPE
This section covers the design, fabrication, galvanising, supply and delivery at site of galvanised steel
structures, bolts & nuts, tower accessories etc. for transmission line towers covered under this Bid
Document and as per Specification.

Design of structures is not in the scope of Bidders for this package. The structures shall be
supplied on the basis of drawings supplied by the Employer. However, in case any special tower or
structure is required but is not covered in the bidding document, the Employer may ask the Contractor to
design and supply such structure.


The towers shall be of self-supporting hot dip galvanized lattice steel type designed to carry the line
conductors with necessary insulators, earth wires and all fittings under all loading conditions.

The tower shall be fully Galvanised using mild steel or / and high tensile steel sections. Bolts and nuts with
spring washer are to be used for connections.

Type of Towers
A) Normal Towers
The towers for transmission lines are classified as given below. The bidder shall design and quote for the
following four types of towers (Standard/Standard Towers):

Tower type D shall also be used as a Dead End tower.

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 2 – Bidding Forms 58

Type of Deviation Typical Use

Tower Limit

To be used as tangent tower with single or Double suspension Insulator

A 0 – 2 deg.

B 2 - 15 deg. a) Angle towers with Single / Double Tension insulator string.

a) Angle tower with single or /and double tension insulator string.

C 15 - 30 deg. b) Also to be used for locations where uplift exist.

c) Section tower for anti-cascading condition.

a) Angle tower with Single or / and Double tension insulator string.

30 - 60 deg/ b) Also to be used for locations where uplift exist.
Dead End.
c) Dead end with 0 deg. to 15 deg. deviation both on line side and substation
side (slack span)

The angles of line deviation specified are for the design span. The span may however be increased up
to an optimum limit with reduced angle of line deviation if adequate ground and phase clearances are
available. For this purpose the Contractor shall prepare a tower rating chart (weight/wind span as function
of various angles of deviations).

B) Special Towers
In case a defined type of Towers cannot be used at certain location(s), the Contractor may be asked to
submit design of such towers/structures for such locations and payments shall be made at unit rates of
other type of towers.


Normal span, Wind Span & Weight Span
The normal ruling span, wind span and weight span to be adopted for lines covered under this Specification
are specified in Clause 4.1.0, Section-1of this Volume along with all other parameters.

Electrical Clearances
Ground Clearance
a) The minimum ground clearance of conductors above ground shall not be less than the limits specified in
Line Data at 4.1.0, Section-1 of this volume, at a conductor temperature of 85°C and in still air.
However, to achieve the above clearance the standard tower heights include the following additional
b) 150 mm to account for errors in stringing;
c) Conductor creep as calculated by over tensioning the conductor at a temperature of 30°C lower than
the stringing temperature or as determined from the sag-tension tables, which include the final sags
including the effects of creep.

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 2 – Bidding Forms 59

Clearances of live parts form cross arm & towers

The minimum clearances shall be adopted from the following Table.

SL. No Item Swinging in Minimum electrical

degrees clearances for line
voltage 132 kV

(a) Single suspension string Nil 1530 mm
15 1530 mm
30 1370 mm
45 1220 mm
60 1070 mm

(b) Double suspension string

1530 mm
Single / double 1530 mm
10 1530 mm
1530 mm
1070 mm
1070 mm
4 Min. Vertical distance between conductor
or cross arms (Single or double circuit) 3900 mm

5 Min. Horizontal distance between

(Single or double circuit) 6800 mm

Railway Crossings, etc.

For railway crossing the clearances from the lowest conductor points to the rail level shall not be less than
what is required to comply in all respects with the "Regulation governing the placing of transmission lines
across railway tracks" issued by the railway board. In case of trunk road crossings, the clearance from the
lowest conductor point to road level shall not contravene the provision of IE rules. Power and Tele-
communication line crossings are to be constructed strictly in accordance with provision of IE Rules.


The relevant drawings for all the towers and their extensions (if applicable) shall be furnished by the
Contractor to the Employer which shall include structural/erection drawings, shop fabrication drawings, Bill
of Materials, foundation working drawings.

The structural/erection drawings, Bill of materials and shop fabrication drawings for all the towers and their
extensions shall be submitted as specified in this Bid document. Documents shall be submitted in four
copies and will be finally approved by the Employer. The mass/fabrication shall be taken up from the
approved shop drawings. The overall responsibility of fabricating tower members correctly lies with the

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 2 – Bidding Forms 60

Contractor only and the Contractor shall ensure that all the tower members can be fitted while erecting
without any undue strain on them.

The tower accessories drawings like name plate, danger plate, phase plate, anti-climbing device, step bolt,
D-shackle etc. shall also be prepared by the Contractor and shall be submitted to the Employer, in three
copies, along with one reproducible, for record. These drawings shall be prepared in A4 size only.

All the drawings shall 'have a proper name plate clearly displaying the name of “Assam Electricity Grid
Corporation Limited” on right hand bottom corner. The exact format of the nameplate shall be handed over
to the successful bidder for incorporation of the same on all the drawings. Also all the drawings shall carry
the following statement and shall be displayed conspicuously on the drawing: WARNING: THIS IS
While submitting the structural drawings, bill of materials and any other drawings pertaining to the subject
transmission line, the Contractor shall clearly indicate on each drawing Bid Reference No., Name of the
transmission line and project, letter reference no. and date on which the submission are made. The same
practice is also to be followed while submitting distribution copies. The Contractor shall be required to
submit 15 copies of all relevant drawings for necessary distribution.


Slenderness ratio for members shall be computed in accordance with Clause 10 of IS: 802. The
limiting values of L/R shall be as follows:
(a) Leg members, G.W. peak and cross arm lower member: 120

(b) Bracings: 200

(c) Redundant members and those carrying nominal stress: 250

(d) Tension member: 400


In case of single circuit line the conductor shall be in triangular formation with one conductor on one side of
the tower and the other two on the other side.

In case of the double circuit line (and also in case of single circuit line in double circuit towers with provision
of stringing the line in future), the six power conductors shall be square type of formation at distances
suiting to the specified clearance requirements. The lines will be placed on either side of the tower with the
phase conductors of each line being placed vertically on above the other and as far as possible are
equidistant from the centre line of the towers. One continuous earth wire shall be provided above the
conductors at suitable distance to offer effective shielding and safe clearance.


Provision of single earth wire / ground wire shall be made in the design of the towers. The height and
location of the ground wires will be such that the shield angle is not greater than 30 degrees.

The mid-span clearance between the earth wire and conductors shall be kept more than the clearance at
the tower. The Contractor shall maintain the sag of the ground wire at least 10 percent less than that of the
power conductor under all temperature conditions in still wind at the normal spans so as to give a mid-span
separation greater than that at the supports.


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Section 2 – Bidding Forms 61

The tower members shall be designed for three conditions of loadings. The conditions with their
combinations of loadings are as follows: Transverse Loads: Reliability Condition (Normal Condition)

Under this following loads shall be taken into account:

a) Wind Load on Conductor and Ground Wire:

This shall be calculated by taking the basic wind pressure be acting normal to the line.

b) Wind Load on Insulator String:

Wind load on insulator strings shall be determined from the attachment point to the centre line of the
conductor in case of suspension towers and upto the end of clamp in case of tension towers. The
Design wind pressure shall be considered acting on 50% area of insulator string projected on a plan,
which is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the string.

c) Wind Load on Towers:

This shall be calculated considering the wind to be acting normally on face of the tower.

d) Transverses Loads from Mechanical Tension of Conductors and Ground Wire (Due to line
This is the component of conductor/ground wire tension at tower acting in the transverse direction of
the line. In calculating this force; the conductor/ground wire tension is either the tension at every day
temperature (320 C) &100% of full wind pressure or the tension at minimum temperature and 36% of
full wind pressure whichever is more. Transverse Loads: security condition

a) Suspension Towers

i. Transverse loads due to wind acting on tower structure, conductors, ground wires and insulators
shall be taken as nil.
ii. Transverse loads due to line deviation shall be based on component of mechanical tension of
conductors and ground wires corresponding to everyday temperature and nil wind condition. For
broken wire the component shall be corresponding to 75% of mechanical tension of conductor
and 100% of mechanical tension of ground wire at every day temperature and nil wind.

b) Tension and Dead End Towers

i. Transverse loads due to wind action on tower structure, conductors, ground wire and insulators
shall be as per Clause: 3.8.2 (a) and (b) 60% wind span shall be considered for broken wire and
100% for intact wires.
ii. Transverse loads due to line deviation shall be the component of 100% mechanical tension of
conductor and ground wire as defined in Clause: 3.8.2 (d). Transverse Loads: safety condition

a) Normal Condition: -- Suspension, Tension and dead End Tower

i) Transverse loads due to wind action on tower structure, conductors ground wires and insulators
shall be taken as nil.
ii) Transverse loads due to mechanical tension of conductor or ground wire shall be calculated in
same manner as in Clause: 3.8.2 (d) but with tension corresponding to everyday temperature
and nil wind.

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b) Broken Wire Condition: -- Suspension, Tension and dead End Tower

i) Transverse loads due to wind action on tower structure, conductors, ground wire, insulators
shall be taken as nil.

ii) Transverse load due to mechanical tension of conductor or ground wire on account of line
deviation shall be taken as follows:
TM = TI x sin φ/2, where,
Where, TM = Load
TI = 50% of tension of conductor and 100% of tension of ground wire at everyday
temperature and nil wind for suspension tower and 100% for angle and
dead end towers for both conductor and ground wire.]
Φ = Angle of deviation of tower. Vertical Loads: Reliability Condition (normal condition)
i) Loads due to weight of each conductor and ground based on appropriate weight span, weight of
insulator strings and accessories.

ii) Self weight of structures up to tower panel under consideration. Vertical Loads: Security Condition

i) Loads due to weight of each conductor or ground wire based on appropriate weight span, weight of
insulator strings and accessories taking broken wire condition where the load due to weight of broken
conductor/ground wire shall be considered as 60% of weight span. For intact wire the vertical load shall
be considered as given in Clause:

ii) Self weight of structures up to tower panel under consideration. Vertical Loads: Safety Condition

i) Same as Clause (i) multiplied by overload factor of 2.0

ii) Same as Clause (ii).

iii) A load of 1500 N shall be considered acting at each cross arm tip as a provision for weight
of line man with tools.

iv) An additional load of 3500 N at cross arm tip.

v) All bracings and redundant members of the towers which are horizontal or inclined upto
150 from horizontal shall be designed to withstand as ultimate vertical load of 1500 N
considered as acting at centre, independent of all other loads. Longitudinal Loads: Reliability Condition

A) Suspension and Tension Towers

i) Longitudinal loads for Suspension and Tension towers shall be taken as nil.

ii) Longitudinal loads which might be caused on tension towers by adjacent spans of unequal
length shall be neglected.

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B) Dead End Tower

i) Longitudinal loads for Dead End Towers shall be considered corresponding to mechanical tension
of conductors and ground wires at every day temperature & design wind pressure or at minimum
temperature with 36% of design wind pressure, whichever is more stringent. Longitudinal Loads: Security Condition

A) Suspension Towers

The longitudinal loads corresponding to 50% of the mechanical tension of conductor and 100% of
mechanical tension of ground wire shall be considered under everyday temperature and no wind
pressure for broken wire only.

B) Tension Towers

Horizontal loads in longitudinal direction due to mechanical tension of conductors and ground wire
shall be taken for loading criteria mentioned in Clause: (B) for broken wires. For intact wires
these loads shall be considered nil.

C) Dead End Towers

Horizontal loads in longitudinal direction due to mechanical tension of conductors and ground wire
shall be taken for loading criteria mentioned in Clause: (B) for intact wires; however for
broken wires these loads shall be considered nil. Longitudinal Loads: Safety Condition

A) Normal Condition

i) Suspension and Tension Towers

These shall be taken as nil.

ii) Dead End Towers

These loads for Dead End towers shall be considered as corresponding to mechanical tension
of conductors/ground wire at every day temperature and nil wind. Longitudinal loads due to
unequal spans may be neglected.

B) Broken wire Condition

i) Longitudinal loads during construction simulating broken wire condition will be based on
stringing of one earth wire or one complete phase conductor at one time.

ii) Suspension Towers

Longitudinal loads during stringing on suspension towers should be normally imposed only by
the passing restriction imposed during pushing of the running block through the sheave. It will
apply only on one complete phase of sub-conductor or one earth wire. It will be taken as
10000 N per sub-conductor or 5000 N per earth wire.

iii) Tension and Dead End Tower

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Angle Towers used as dead end during stringing simulating broken wire condition shall be
capable of resisting longitudinal loads resulting from load equal to twice the sagging tension
(sagging tension is 50% of the tension at every day temperature and nil wind) for one earth
wire or one complete phase sub- conductors which is in process of stringing. At other earth
wire or conductor attachment points for which stringing has been completed, loads equal to
1.5 times the sagging tension will be considered. Anti Cascading Checks

i) All angle towers shall be checked for the following anti-cascading conditions with all conductors and
G.W. intact only on one side of the tower.

ii) Transverse Loads:- These loads shall be taken under no wind condition.

iii) Vertical Loads:- These loads shall; be the weight of conductor/ground wire intact on one side of
tower, weight of insulator strings and accessories.

iv) Longitudinal Loads:- These Loads shall be the pull of conductor/ground wire at every day
temperature and no wind applied simultaneously at all points on one side with zero degree line
deviation. Broken Wire Conditions


Any one-phase conductor or earth wire broken, whichever is more stringent for a particular member.



Any one phase conductor or earth wire broken, whichever is more stringent for a particular


Any two phases broken on the same side and same span or any one phase and one ground wire
broken on the same side and same span whichever combination is more stringent for a particular

ii) ANGLETOWERS, TYPE-D (Dead End Tower)

Any three phases broken on the same side and same span or any two phases and one ground
wire broke on the same side and same span whichever combination is more stringent for a
particular member.


Design Wind Pressure for the purpose of this Specification shall be taken as 720 N/m2 which corresponds
to wind velocity at 10 m height. For Design Wind Pressure at other heights reference shall be made to IS:
802 or ‘Transmission Line Manual’ published by Central Board of Irrigation and Power, New Delhi. The
Design Wind Pressure mentioned above is corresponds to Wind Zone-5, Reliability Level-1 and Terrain
Category-2 as per IS: 802.

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4.5.0 ERECTION OF TRANSMISSION LINE SCOPE This section covers the construction of the foundation as per approved drawing of the Employer,
erection of towers and stringing of conductors and ground wires i.e. the complete construction of
the proposed line. SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT The contractor will be responsible for all materials on turnkey basis and complete erection to the
satisfaction of the Employer till the time of taking over of the transmission lines by the Employer. SURVEY The contractor shall execute both the detailed and check survey of the entire route selected by
the Employ as far as possible. For this, the contractor will be supplied with the data of the
original reconnaissance survey. During the survey the contractor shall check the original reconnaissance survey and make
recommendations for change if found necessary according to the final design of towers and
shall make fresh profile sheets and submit the same for approval of the Employer before
commencement of construction works. During the Check Survey the Contractor shall also conduct soil investigation to decide on the
type of the foundation to be adopted at various locations. RIGHT OF WAY

It is also responsibility of the Contractor to obtain Right of Way (ROW) along the surveyed
route in co-ordination with AEGCL. However, all costs for zirat and land compensation etc shall
be borne by AEGCL. For normal concrete foundation and for any other special foundation, the tenderer shall obtain
approval of complete design for each of the foundation proposed to be adopted in different
types of soil conditions. He will be responsible for construction of the foundations in accordance
with the approved design. The Contractor shall be responsible for each foundation and shall be
responsible for any failure, which in the opinion of the Employer is due to insufficient care
having been taken either in investigation of sub-soil conditions or defective erection. The work shall include all necessary revetment, concreting and earth filling above ground level.
The concrete on stubs shall be set with the tops above 228 mm above ground level. Where the
ground surface is irregular, the foundation will be finished off in a suitable and permanent way
by forming a plinth by side cutting, building a suitable revetment as desired by authorised
representative of the Employer. The back fill material should be clean and free of organic or other foreign materials. The back fill
shall be comp0acted with special care. The back fill shall be deposited in layers having a
thickness of not more than 200 mm after compression. The back filling operation shall be such
that the materials when compressed will be blended sufficiently to secure the best practicable
degree of compaction. The back filling and grading shall be carried to an elevation of
approximately 75 mm above the finished ground level to drain out water.

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 2 – Bidding Forms 66 The detailed specifications of the concrete foundation and the method of concreting will be
required to be submitted to the Employer and approval obtained prior to commencement of
work. All wet foundations must be kept completely de-watered both during the placing of the concrete
and for two hours subsequent to completion. The concrete shall be covered by gunny bags being kept wet for a period of 24 days after
laying. The pits may be back filled with wetted earth and consolidated for a minimum of 24
hours and thereafter the exposed top and fill shall be kept for the prescribed time of 21 days. ERECTION OF TOWERS The method will be left to the Contractor subject to the responsibility for any damage done to the
materials due to any cause. The towers must be truly vertical after erection and no straining will be permitted to bring them
to a vertical position. Tolerance limit for vertical shall be one in 360 of the tower height. All nuts
shall be tightened properly. Before tightening it is ensured that filler washers and plates are
placed in relevant gaps between members, bolts of proper size and length are inspected and
one spring washer is inserted under each nut. The tightening shall be progressively carried on
from the top downwards, care being taken that all bolts at every level are tightened
simultaneously. The threads of bolts projecting outside nuts shall be punched at three positions on the diameter
to ensure that the nuts are not loosened in course of time. If during tightening a nut is found to
be slipping or running over the bolt threads, the bolt together with the nut shall be replaced. The Contractor shall arrange for tack welding of all nuts and bolts up to the bottom cross arm
level of the towers, if so desired by the Employer. So, the Contractor shall quote separately for
such tack welding for each type of tower on per tower basis. The quoted rates for erection of
towers shall, therefore, be exclusive of the cost of above tack welding. STRINGING OF CONDUCTOR AND EARTHWIRE The stringing of the conductors and earth-wires shall be done in a most standard method used
for such lines, which shall be indicated in the tender. The Contractor shall give complete details
of the stringing method they propose to follow and indicate its adaptability and advantages.
They shall also indicate the tools and equipment required for stringing by the method proposed
by them. The contractor shall use his own stringing and erection tools and other equipment. The contractor shall be entirely responsible for any damage to the towers or the conductors
during stringing. HANDLING OF CONDUCTOR The contractor shall be entirely responsible for proper handling of the conductor, earth wire and
accessories in the field. Care shall be taken to ensure that the conductor is not damaged; the
section affected shall be replaced or repaired by putting joint or using repair sleeves or polishing
with emery cloth, so as to give satisfactory performance. PULLING ON OPERATION The earth wire shall be strung and securely clamped to the towers before the conductors are
drawn up in order of the top conductor first.

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 2 – Bidding Forms 67 The pulling of the conductor into the travellers (comprising of aerial and ground rollers) shall be
carried out in such a manner that the conductor is not damaged or contaminated with any
foreign substance and that it may not be rubbed with rough ground surface. The traveller
surface in contact with aluminium surface of conductor is not damaged. These shall be
equipped with high quality ball and roller bearings for minimum friction.
During pulling out operation the tension in each conductor and earth wire shall not exceed
the design working tension of the conductor at the actual prevailing temperature. After being
pulled the conductor and the earth wire shall not be allowed to hang in the stringing blocks for
more than 96 hours, before being pulled to the specified sag. It shall be ensured that the
conductors and earth wire are not damaged due to wind, vibration or other cause. SAGGING IN OPERATION The conductors shall be pulled up to desired sag and left in travellers for at least one hour after
which the sag shall be rechecked and adjusted. The conductors shall be clamped within 36
hours for sagging in. The sags shall also be checked when the conductors have been drawn up
and transferred to the insulator clamps. At sharp vertical angles the sags and tensions shall be checked on both sides of the angle.
Sagging operations shall not be carried out under wind, extremely low temperature or other
adverse weather conditions, which prevent satisfactory sagging. JOINTING All the joints of the conductor or the earth wire shall be compression type in accordance with the
recommendations of the manufacturers, for which the necessary tools and equipment like
compressors and dies, grease guns, presses shall have to be arranged by the contractor. All joints and splices shall be made at least 30 meters away from the structures. No joint or
splices shall be made in span crossing over main roads, railways, small rivers or in tension
spans. Not more than one joint shall be allowed in one span. After pressing the joint the aluminium sleeve shall have all corners rounded, burrs and sharp
edges removed and smoothened. INSULATOR HOISTING Suspension insulators shall be used up to deviation of 2 degrees on all ‘A’ type towers in the
line and strain insulators on all ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ type towers. Except on approaching towers, all
suspension strings will consist of the specified number of insulator discs per string with arching
horns on line side only and tension string of specified number of insulator discs per string with
arcing horns on both line and tower sides. Insulator strings shall be assembled on the ground. These shall be cleaned and examined
before hoisting. Insulators with hair cracks or clips or those having glazing defects exceeding
half centimetre square will not be used. No separate rates shall be quoted for insulator hoisting.
The charges shall be included in the rates of string of conductors. ACCESSORIES Accessories like vibration dampers; armour rods etc. for the conductor shall also be fitted on the
line. Armour rods shall be provided at all suspension support of the conductors and vibration
dampers shall be provided at both ends of each span at suitable distances from the supporting

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points for each phase conductor. All accessories shall be clean, smooth and in perfect condition
before fitting. STRINGING RATE The rate of stringing of the conductors and earth wire per kilometre route length of line will
include laying, stringing, tensioning, clamping and jointing of these power conductors, one earth
wire and fitting of all necessary accessories above or otherwise, which are normally required or
are usual with such lines. GROUNDING The Contractor shall measure the tower footing resistance of each tower after it has been
erected and before the stringing of the earthwire during dry weather. Each tower shall be
earthed and the tower footing resistance shall not exceed 10 ohms. Generally pipe type earthing
shall be done in accordance with the latest additions and revisions of:
IS: 3043 : Code of practice for Earthing or equivalent International Standards.
IS:5613 :Code of practice for Design, Installation and maintenance(Part-II/Section-
2) of overhead power linesor equivalent International Standards.

No extra charges shall be admissible for these tests. The earthing will be effected by burying 3 meters long GI pipe in a 300 mm diameter and 3750
mm deep pit at a distance of not less than 3650 mm diagonally away from the stubs and filling in
the pit with finely broken coke having the granule sizes not less than 25 mm and salt in such a
way that a minimum cover of 125 mm thick salt mixed coke shall be maintained from the pipe on
all sides and that the top edge of the pipe shall be at least 600 mm below the ground level. A 45
X 6 mm-galvanised steel flat shall be used to connect the tower with the pipe. The galvanising
steel strip shall be buried not less than 600 mm deep from the ground level. The tenderer will
quote the erection charges for each earthing inclusive of the cost of coke and salt, excavation
and back filling etc. FINAL CHECKING, TESTING & COMMISSIONING After completion of the works, final checking of the line shall be done by the contractor to ensure
that all the foundation work; tower erection and stringing have been done strictly according to
the specifications and as approved by the Employer. All the works shall be thoroughly inspected
keeping in view the following main points:

1. Sufficient back filled earth is layed over each foundation pit and it is adequately
2. Concrete chimneys and their copings are in good and finally shaped condition.
3. All the tower members are correctly used strictly according to final approved drawings
are free of any defect or damage whatsoever.
4. All the bolts are fully tightened and they are properly punched.
5. The stringing of the conductors and earth wire done to maintain proper sag.
The contractor shall submit a report to the above effect. After final checking the line shall be
tested for insulation and any defect found as a result of such test, the contractor shall rectify.

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In addition to the above, the contractor shall arrange for testing of the total and relative sags of
the conductors and earth wire and shall be responsible to maintain the values within specified

The contractor shall make all arrangements for such tests and the contractor shall provide
necessary labour, transport and equipment.

After satisfactory tests on the line and on approval by the Employer the line shall be energised
at full operating voltage before handing over.

4.6.0 INSULATORS & HARDWARE SCOPE This Section of the specification covers design, manufacture, testing at works of suspension
and tension string insulator assemblies for 132 kV transmission lines. STANDARDS The suspension and tension string assemblies, insulator discs and hardware offered, material
and processes adopted in the manufacture of insulator discs and hardware shall conform to
the provision of the following Indian Standards or equivalent other international standards:
(1) IS: 731 Specification of porcelain insulators for overhead power lines.

(2) IS: 2486 Specification of insulator fittings for overhead power lines.

(3) IS: 2026 Specification for recommended practice for hot dip galvanising of steel

(4) IS: 2633 Specification for method for testing uniformity of coating on zinc coated articles.

(5) IS: 2107 Specification for white hearth malleable iron castings.

(6) IS: 2108 Specification for black hearth malleable iron castings. INSULATOR AND STRINGS

Technical Description of Porcelain Long Rod Insulators

Details of Porcelain Long Rod Insulators

The insulators of the strings shall consist of standard long rod insulators with normal sheds for a three
phase, 50 Hz, effectively earthed 132 kV transmission system in a lightly polluted atmosphere.
Insulators shall be long rod type with Ball and socket connections.

6.3.1 Insulators shall have normal sheds/alternate sheds with good self-cleaning properties. Insulator shed profile;
spacing projection etc. shall be strictly in accordance with the recommendation of IEC-815.

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6.3.2 Supplier quoting for long rod insulators made of electro porcelain shall also supply intermediate ball pins
and intermediate arcing horns along with long rod insulators.

The price of these items shall be considered as including in the price of long rod insulators.

6.3.3 The size of long rod insulator, minimum creepage distance, the number to be used in different
type of strings, their electromechanical strength and mechanical strength of insulator string alongwith
hardware fittings shall be as follows :

Description of long rod insulator string (equivalent to standard disc insulator)

Ball and Socket Designation

The dimensions of the balls and socket shall be of following designation for different for long rod
insulators in accordance with the standard dimensions stated in IS 2486-(Part-II)/IEC:120:-

Sl. Rating of Insulators Designation of Ball & socket as per IEC: 120

i) 70 KN 16 mm, AltB

ii) 90 KN 16 mm, AltB

iii) 120 KN 20 mm

iv) 160 KN 20 mm

Dimensional Tolerance

The tolerance on all dimensions e.g. diameter, length and creepage distance shall be allowed as
follows :

± (0.04 d + 1.5) mm when d < 300 mm.

± (0.025d + 6) mm when d > 300 mm

Where d being the dimensions in millimeters for diameter, length or creepage distance as the case
may be.

However, no negative tolerance shall be applicable to creepage distance.

Intermediate Ball Pin Designation

The dimensions of the intermediate ball pin shall be in accordance with the standard dimension
stated in IEC:471.

Intermediate Arcing Horn

For Insulator strings with long rod insulators besides the arcing horn on tower side of hardware
fittings, intermediate arcing horns along with fixtures and fasteners as shown in the specification shall
also be provided.

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The total effective arcing distance shall be 3050 mm for 400 kV line, 1800 mm for 220 kV line and
1200 for 132 kV line under nominal dimensions of insulator.

The spark gap shall be so adjusted to ensure effective operation under actual field coordination.
Inter Changeability
The long rod insulators with ball and socket connection shall be of standard design suitable for use
with the hardware fittings of any make conforming to relevant IEC standards.
Corona and RI Performance
All surfaces shall be clean, smooth, without cuts, abrasions or projections. No part shall be subjected
to excessive localised pressure. The insulator and metal parts shall be so designed and
manufactured that it shall avoid local corona formation and not generate any radio interference
beyond specified limit under the operating conditions.
The long rod insulators offered shall be suitable for employment of hot line maintenance techniques
so that usual hot line operations can be carried out with ease, speed and safety.
All insulators shall be designed to facilitate cleaning and insulators shall have the minimum practical
number of sheds and grooves. All grooves shall be so proportioned that any dust deposit can be
removed without difficulty either by wiping with a cloth or by remote washing under live line condition.
The porcelain used in the manufacture of long rods shall be alumina type. It shall be sound, free from
defects and thoroughly vitrified and smoothly glazed.
The Bidder shall furnish full description and illustration of the material offered.

The Bidder shall furnish along with the bid the outline drawing (6 copies) of each insulator unit
including a cross sectional view of the insulator shell. The drawing shall include but not limited to the
following information:

(a) Shell diameter and ball to ball spacing with manufacturing tolerances

(b) Minimum Creepage distance with positive tolerance

(c) Protected creepage distance

(d) Eccentricity of the disc

(i) Axial run out

(ii) Radial run out

(e) Unit mechanical and electrical characteristics

(f) Size and weight of ball and socket parts

(g) Weight of unit insulator disc/long rod units

(h) Materials

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(i) Identification mark

(j) Manufacturer's catalogue number INSULATOR DISCS AND STRINGS TYPE OF INSULATORS:
All suspension and tension strings shall consist of standard 255 x 145 mm centre ball and
socket type porcelain insulators with all the exposed porcelain parts fully glazed, unless

The insulators and their hardware’s used in the lines shall comply with requirement of relevant
IS or other equivalent international standards. The pin-ball shackle diameter of suspension
string will be 16 mm and tension string will be 20 / 16 mm. Minimum failing load shall be as
per Clause-1.6, Section-1 of this Volume. MATERIALS USED

The porcelain used in the manufacture of the insulators shall be of the best quality and shall
be manufactured by the wet process. It shall be homogeneous, free from lamination; flaws
etc. and well finished making it impervious to moisture. The glaze shall be brown colour and
shall cover all the porcelain parts of the insulator except these areas necessarily left unglazed
for the purpose of assembly. The cement used in the construction of the insulators shall not
cause fracture by expansion or loosening and shall not give rise to any chemical reaction with
Each insulator string assembly shall generally include the following hardware:

Anchor shackle for attachment of suspension string assembly to the tower hanger and tension
string assembly to the tower strain plate. Suitable top and bottom yoke assemblies with the
arrangement of fixing a set of arcing horns.

- Set of arcing horns

- Suspension or tension clamp
- Bolts, nuts, washers, split pins etc.
- Other fitting s necessary to make the strings complete such as ball clevis, socket clevis,
chain links etc.
The tenderer shall be responsible and satisfy himself that all the hardware included in strings
are entirely suitable for the conductor offered. SUSPENSION CLAMP

The suspension clamps shall be made of malleable iron or aluminium alloy, hot dip galvanised
and shall be suitable to accommodate the conductor together with one set of preformed
armour rods. Suitable sheet aluminium liners shall be provided. The suspension clamps shall

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be designed to avoid any possibility of deforming or damaging the conductor. The lips shall be
rounded off and the seating and the bell mouths shall be smooth to avoid corona and radio
interference noises. The suspension clamps shall be suitable to carry the bottom part of the
arcing horn and to receive the fittings of the insulator string.

The suspension clamps shall be such that the conductor should not slip at a load of 25% of
the breaking load of the conductor. The ultimate strength of the clamp for vertical load shall
not be less than the failing load of the Disc Insulators. STRAIN CLAMP

The bolted strain clamps shall also be made of malleable iron or aluminium alloy; hot dip
galvanised, lined with sheet aluminium liners and shall be suitable to accommodate the
conductor with necessary binding tapes etc. The lips shall be rounded off carefully and
conductor seating and the ball mouth shall be smooth to avoid corona and radio interference
noises. Suitable attachment for receiving one side of arcing horns and for connecting to the
insulator strings shall be provided.

The strain clamps shall be such that the conductor should not slip at a load of 90% of the
breaking load of the conductor. The ultimate strength of the clamp for horizontal load shall not
be less than the ultimate strength of the conductor ARCING HORNS:

Arcing horns of approved size and dimensions shall be provided for every string of insulators.
The performance data for arcing horns to be supplied shall be made available to the

The strength of other string hardware namely anchor shackle, yoke plates, socket-clevis etc.
shall be co-ordinated with insulator disc strength.
The hardware together with ball and socket fittings shall be of standard design, so that this
hardware are interchangeable with each other and suitable for use with disc insulators of any
make con1orming to relevant Indian/International Standard

Ball and Socket Designation

The dimensions of the ball and socket shall be of 16mm designation up to 90 KN discs and 20
mm designation for 165KN discs, in accordance with the standard dimensions stated in IS :
2486-(Part-II) or equivalent International Standards. The dimensions shall be checked by the
appropriate gauge after galvanising only. Security Clips and Split Pins

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Security clips for use with ball and socket coupling shall be R-shaped, hump type which
provides positive locking 9f the coupling as per IS: 2486-(Part-III)or equivalent International
Standards. The legs of the security clips shall be spread after assembly in the works to
prevent complete withdrawal from the socket. The locking device should be resilient,
corrosion resistant and of suitable mechanical strength. There shall be no risk of the locking
device being displaced accidentally or being rotated when in position. Under no
circumstances shall the locking devices allow separation of fittings.

The hole for the security clip shall be countersunk and the clip should be of such design that
the eye of clip may be engaged by a hot line clip puller to provide for disengagement under
energised conditions. The force required to pull the security clip into its unlocked position shall
neither be than 50 N (5 kg) nor more than 500 N (50 kg).

Split pins shall be used with bolts & nuts. Arcing Horn for EHV Strings

The arcing horn shall be provided on tower side of the hardware fittings. The same shall be
either ball ended rod type or tubular type.

The spark gap shall be so adjusted to ensure effective operation under actual field conditions. Turnbuckle
The turn buckle is to be provided with single tension hardware fitting. The threads shall be of
sufficient strength to remain unaffected under The specified tensile load.

The maximum length of the turn buckle from the connecting part of the rest of the hardware
fittings shall be 380 mm. The details of the minimum and maximum adjustment possible shall
be clearly indicated in the drawing submitted with the bid. An adjustment of 135 mm minimum
shall be possible with turnbuckle. Suspension Assembly

The suspension assembly shall be designed, manufactured and finished to give it a suitable
shape, so as to avoid any possibility of hammering between suspension assembly and
conductor due to vibration. The suspension assembly shall be smooth and without any cuts,
grooves, abrasions, projections, ridges or excrescence which might damage the conductor.

The suspension assembly/clamp shall be so designed so that it minimises the static and
dynamic stress developed in the conductor under various loading conditions as well as during
wind induced conductor vibrations. It shall also withstand power arcs and have required level
of Corona/AIV performance. Standard Preformed Armour Rod Set

The Preformed Armour Rod Set suitable for Conductor shall be used to minimise the stress
developed in the conductor due to different static and dynamic loads because of vibration due
to wind, slipping of conductor from the suspension clamp as a result of unbalanced conductor

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Section 2 – Bidding Forms 75

tension in adjacent spans and broken wire condition. It shall also withstand power arcs,
chafing and abrasion from suspension clamp and localised heating effect due to magnetic
power losses from suspension clamps as well as resistance losses of the conductor.

The preformed armour rods set shall have right hand lay and the inside diameter of the
helices shall be less than the outside diameter of the conductor in order to gently but
permanently grip the conductor. The surface of the armour rod when fitted on the conductor
shall be smooth and free from projections, cuts and abrasions, etc.

The pitch length of the rods shall be determined by the Bidder but shall be less than that of
the outer layer of conductor and the same shall be accurately controlled to maintain uniformity
and consistently reproducible characteristic wholly independent of the skill of linemen.

The conductivity of each rod of the set shall not be less than 40% of the conductivity of the
International Annealed Copper Standard (lACS). Dead End Assembly

The dead end assembly shall be suitable for Conductor as detailed in the document.

The dead end assembly shall be compression type with provision for comprising the jumper
terminal at one end. The angle of the jumper terminal to be mounted should be 300 with
respect to the vertical line. The area of bearing surface on all the connections shall be
sufficient to ensure positive electrical and mechanical contact. The resistance of the clamp
when compressed on Conductor shall not be more than 75% of the resistance of equivalent
length of Conductor.

The assembly shall not permit slipping of, damage to, or failure of the complete conductor or
any part thereof at a load less than 95% of the ultimate tensile strength of the conductor. Fasteners: Bolts, Nuts and 'Washers

All bolts and nuts shall conform to IS: 6639or equivalent International Standards. All bolts and
nuts shall be galvanised as per IS-1367 -(Part 13)/IS-2629or equivalent International
Standards. All bolts and nuts shall have hexagonal heads, the heads being forged out of solid
truly concentric, and square with the shank, which must be perfectly straight.

Bolts upto M16 and having length upto 10 times the diameter of the bolt should be
manufactured by cold forging and thread rolling process to obtain good and reliable
mechanical properties arid effective dimensional control. The shear strength of bolt for 5.6
grade should be 310 MPa minimum as per IS-12427or equivalent International Standards.
Bolts should be provided with washer face in accordance with IS: 1363 Part-1or equivalent
International Standards to ensure proper bearing.

Nuts should be double chamfered as per the requirement of IS: 1363 Part-IIIor equivalent
International Standards. It should be ensured by the manufacturer that nuts should not be
over tapped beyond 0.4 mm oversize on effective diameter for size upto M16

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Section 2 – Bidding Forms 76

Fully threaded bolts shall not be used. The length of the bolt shall be such that the threaded
portion shall not extend into the place of contact of the component parts.

All bolts shall be threaded to take the full depth of the nuts and threaded enough to permit the
firm gripping of the component parts but no further .it shall be ensured that the threaded
portion of the bolt protrudes not less than 3 mm and not more than 8 mm when fully tightened.
All nuts shall fit and tight to the point where shank of the bolt connects to the head.

Flat washers and spring washers shall be provided wherever necessary and shall be of
positive lock type. Spring washers shall be electro-galvanised. The thickness of washers shall
conform to IS: 2016.

The Bidder shall furnish bolt schedules giving thickness of components connected. the nut
and the washer and the length of shank and the threaded portion of bolts and size of holes
and any other special details of this nature.

To obviate bending stress in bolt, it shall not connect aggregate thickness more than three
time its diameter.

Bolts at the joints shall be so staggered that nuts may be tightened with spanners without

Fasteners of grade higher than 8.8 are not to be used. Materials
The materials of the various components shall be as specified hereunder. The Bidders hall
indicate the material proposed to be used for each and every component of hardware fittings
stating clearly the class, grade or alloy designation of the material, manufacturing process &
heat treatment details and the reference standards. Workmanship

All the equipment shall be of the latest design and conform to the best modern practices
adopted in the Extra High Voltage field. The Bidder shall offer only such equipment as
guaranteed by him to be satisfactory and suitable for rated voltage of transmission lines and
will give continued good performance.

The design, manufacturing process and quality control of all the materials shall be such as to
give the specified mechanical rating, highest mobility, elimination of sharp edges and comers
to limit corona and radio- interference, best resistance to corrosion and a good finish.

All ferrous parts including fasteners shall be hot dip galvanized, after all machining has been
completed. Nuts may, however, be tapped (threaded) after galvanizing and the threads
oiled. Spring washers shall be electro galvanized. The bolt threads shall be undercut to take
care of the increase in diameter due to galvanizing. Galvanizing shall he done in accordance
with IS: 2629 / IS-1367 (Part 13)or equivalent International Standards and shall satisfy the
tests mentioned in IS: 2633-1986or equivalent International Standards. Fasteners shall

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Section 2 – Bidding Forms 77

withstand four dips while spring washers shall withstand three dips of one-minute duration in
the standard Preece test. Other galvanized materials shall have a minimum average coating
of zinc equivalent to 610 gm / sq.m shall be guaranteed to withstand at least six successive
dips each lasting one (1) minute under the standard price test for galvanizing.

Before ball fittings are galvanized, all die flashing on the shank and on the bearing surface of
the ball shall be carefully removed without reducing the dimensions below the design

The zinc coating shall be perfectly adherent of uniform thickness, smooth, reasonably bright.
Continuous and free from imperfections such as flux, ash, rust, stains, bulky white deposits
and blisters. The zinc used for galvanizing shall be grade Zn 99.95 as per IS: 209or
equivalent International Standards.

Socket ends, before galvanizing, shall be of uniform contour. The bearing surface of socket
ends shall be uniform about the entire circumference without depressions, of high spots. The
internal contours of socket ends shall be concentric with the axis of the fittings as per IS:
2486or equivalent International Standards.
The axis of the bearing surfaces of socket ends shall be coaxial with the axis of the fittings.
There shall be no noticeable tilting of the bearing surfaces with the axis of the fittings.
In case of casting, the same shall be free from all internal defects like shrinkage, inclusion,
blow holes, etc. Pressure die casting shall not be used for casting of components with
thickness more than 5 mm

All current carrying parts shall be so designed and manufactured that contact resistance is
reduced to minimum.

No equipment shall have sharp ends or edges, abrasions or projections and cause any
damage to the inductor in any way during erection or during continuous operation which
would product high electrical and mechanical stresses in normal working. The design of
adjacent metal parts and mating surfaces shall be such as to prevent corrosion of the contact
surface and to maintain good electrical contact under service conditions.

All the holes shall be cylindrical, clean cut and perpendicular to the plane of the material. The
periphery of the holes shall be free from burrs.

All fasteners shall have suitable corona free locking arrangement to guard against Vibration
loosening. Bid Drawings

The Bidder shall furnish full description and illustrations of materials offered.

Fully dimensioned drawings of the complete insulator string hardware and their component
parts showing clearly the following arrangements shall be furnished in five (5) copies along
with the bid. Weight, material and fabrication details of all the components should be included
in the drawings.

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(i) Suspension or dead end assembly.

(ii) Arcing horn attachment to the string

(iii) Hardware fittings of ball and socket type for inter connecting units.

(iv) Corona control rings/grading ring attachment to conductor and other small accessories.

All drawings shall be identified by a drawing number and contract number. All drawings shall
be neatly arranged. All drafting & lettering shall be legible. The minimum size of lettering shall
be 3 mm. All dimensions & dimensional tolerances shall be mentioned in mm.
The drawings shall include:

(i) Dimensions and dimensional tolerance.

(ii) Material, fabrication details including any weld details & any specified finishes &
coatings. Regarding material designation & reference of standards are to be indicated.

(iii) Catalogue No.

(iv) Marking

(v) Weight of assembly

(vi) Installation instructions

(vii) Design installation torque for the bolt or cap screw.

(viii) Withstand torque that may be applied to the bolt or cap screw without failure of
component parts.

(ix) The compression die number with recommended compression pressure.

(x) All other relevant terminal details.

After placement of award, the Contractor shall submit fully dimensioned drawings including all
the components in four (4) copies to the Employer for approval. After getting approval from
the Employer and successful completion of all the type tests, the Contractor shall submit thirty
(10) more copies of the same drawings to the Employer for further distribution and field use at
Employer’s end. Completeness of works

Bidder shall assess the complete requirement of line hardware, hardware accessories and
assemblies in complete for the erection of the lines as per the recommended erection

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The hardware assemblies shall be supplied complete with components, sub-components,

nuts, bolts, washer etc. fittings and accessories for conductor & earth wire like Mid Span
Joints, Repair Sleeves, and Stockbridge Vibration Dampers.

The Contractor shall also supply all line and tower accessories. Standards

The Hardware Fittings, conductor and earthwire accessories shall conform to the following
Indian Standards or equivalent International Standards, which shall mean latest revisions,
amendments/changes adopted and published unless specifically stated otherwise in the

1. IS: 209 Specification for Zinc.

2. IS: 398 Specification for Aluminum Conductors.
for Overhead Transmission Purposes,
3. IS: 1327 Method of Determination of Weight of
Zinc Coating on Tin Plate.
4. IS: 1573 Electroplated Coating of Zinc on Iron and Steel
5. IS: 2121 Specification for Conductors and Earthwire
Accessories for Overhead Power Lines
(Part-1 ) Armour Rods, Binding Wires and Tapes for
(Part-2) Mid-span joints and Repair Sleeves for
6. IS : 2486 Specification for Insulator Fittings for Overhead Power Lines
With a Nominal Voltage Greater than 1 000 V
(Part 1) General Requirements and Tests
7. IS:2629 Recommended Practice for Hot Dip
Galvanizing of Iron and Steel
8. IS:2633 Method of Testing Uniformity of Coating
on Zinc Coated Articles
9. IS:4826 Galvanized Coating on Round Steel Wires
10. IS : 6639 Hexagonal Bolts for Steel Structures
11. IS: 6745 Methods for Determination of Weight of Zinc Coating on
Zinc Coated Iron and Steel Articles
12. IS : 8263 Method for Radio Interference Tests on High Voltage Insulators
13. IS : 9708 Specification for Stock Bridge vibration Dampers for Overhead
Power Lines TESTS
The insulator discs and hardware fittings shall be subjected to the tests before despatch, in
accordance with the relevant standards. The successful contractor shall submit the test
results in quadruplicate to the Employer. MARKING
Each insulator disc shall be legibly and indelibly marked with the following:

- Name or trade mark of the manufacturer.

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Section 2 – Bidding Forms 80

- Month and year of manufacture.

- Minimum failing load in Newton.
- Country of manufacture
- Standard certification mark, if any.
The marking of the porcelain shall be printed and shall be applied before firing


AND GROUND WIRES SCOPE This Section of the Specification covers the technical parameters for design, manufacture,
testing at manufacturer’s works and supply of Conductor, G.I. Earth Continuity wires (Ground
Wires) and accessories for Power Conductors and Earth Wire. POWER CONDUCTOR TYPE OF CONDUCTOR
The Power Conductor shall be stranded, 37/3.15 mm size all aluminium alloy conductor (AAAC)
conforming to IS: 398, Part-IV (latest version)or equivalent International Standards. TECHNICAL PARTICULARS

All Aluminium Alloy Conductor shall satisfy all the parameters as furnished in Technical Data
All Aluminium Alloy Conductor shall be stranded consisting of heat treated aluminium
magnesium silicon alloy wires (Strands) containing approximately0.5% magnesium and
approximately 0.5% silicon. JOINTS IN WIRE
In conductors containing more than seven wires, joints in individual wires are permitted in any
layer except the outermost layer (in addition to those made in the brass rod or wire before final
drawing) but no two such joints shall be less than 15 m apart in the complete stranded
conductor, such joint shall be made by resistance or cold pressure butt welding. They are not
required to fulfil the mechanical requirement of un-jointed wires. Joints made by resistance butt
welding shall, subsequent to welding, be annealed over a distance of at least 200 mm on each
side of the joint. STRANDING
The wires used in construction of a stranded All Aluminium Alloy Conductor (AAAC) shall,
before and after stranding, satisfy all requirements of IS 398 (Part-IV) with latest amendments
there for equivalent International Standards.
The lay ratio of the different layers shall be within the limits as per the said Standard.
In all constructions, the successive layers shall have opposite directions of lay, the outer most
layer being right handed. The wires in each layer shall be evenly and closely stranded.

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Section 2 – Bidding Forms 81

In aluminium alloy stranded conductors having multiple layers of wires, the lay ratio of any layer
shall not be greater than the lay ratio of the layer immediately beneath it. ROUTINE/ACCEPTANCE TESTS

The samples of individual wires for the test shall normally be taken before stranding. The
manufacture shall carry out test on samples taken out at least from10 % of the aluminium wire
spools. However, when desired by the Employer, the test sample may be taken from the
stranded wires. The wires used for alloy conductors shall comply with the following tests as per
latest edition of IS: 398 (Part - IV) (amended upto date):
i) Breaking load test
ii) Elongation test
iii) Resistance test. REJECTION AND RETESTS
Stipulations made in the IS 398 (Part-IV) on Rejection and Retests shall be followed. PACKING
All conductor reels shall conform to latest edition of IS : 1778 and be of dimensions approved by
the Employer and made of seasoned wood sufficiently strong to ensure arrival at site, intact
withstanding normal handling and hazards inland and ocean transit. The reels shall be of such
size as to provide at least 12.5 mm clearance at all points from the conductor to the inner
surface of the laggings.
All reels shall have two coats of aluminium paint on both inside and outside surface and shall be
fitted with malleable iron Hub-bushings.
All reels shall be a layer of waterproof paper around the hub under the cable and another layer
over the outermost layer of the cable that is next to the lagging.
The reels shall be properly reinforced with galvanized steel wires or iron straps over the lagging
in two places in an approved manner.
The wooden drums shall preferably be given protective coating of are liable organic wood
preservative before painting with Aluminium paint and the laggings shall also be given a similar
treatment before being fixed on the drum. There shall be one standard length of Conductor in

1 Type of Conductor All Aliminium Alloy Conductor

(AAAC), Stranded

2 No of Strand x size 37 x 3.15 mm

3 Conductor over all diameter 22.05 mm

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4 Total sectional area 288 mm2

5 Approx. weight 794.05 kg/km

6 Minimum UTS 84.71 kN

7 Modulus of Elasticity (Final) 0.5814 kg/cm2

8 Coefficient of linear expansion 23.0 x 10-6 /0C

9 Calculated maximum resistance/Km of Conductor at 0.1182 ohms/km


10 Particulars of Aluminium Alloy Wires (strands)

(a) Wire Diameter

(i) Standard:
(ii) Maximum: 3.15mm
(iii) Minimum:
3.18 mm

3.12 mm

(b) Resistivity of wire 0.0328 ohms.mm2/m

(c) Density 2.70 kg/dm2

(d) Co-efficient of Linear expansion 23.0 x 10-6 /0C

(e) Cross Sectional area of Aluminium wire 7.793 mm2

(f) Approximate Total weight of each strand 21.04 kg/km

(g) Calculated resistance at 20°C (D.C.) 4.290 ohm/km

(h) Minimum Breaking Load of each strand 2.41 kN – before stranding

2.29 N – after stranding FITTINGS AND ACCESSORIES FOR CONDUCTORS The accessories for conductors shall conform to IS: 2121 and 2486 (Latest version) in all
respects. The tension joints and repaired sleeves in the conductors shall be of compression type. The
joints shall be such that in electrical resistance of the joints measured between two points just
beyond the fittings shall not exceed 75% of that of an equivalent length of the conductor without
joint and shall be capable to withstand a load of 95% of the breaking load of the conductor itself. The non-tension joints such as the parallel groove clamps shall conform to IS 2121 and should
be able to withstand a load of 10% of the breaking load of conductor without any slip.

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 2 – Bidding Forms 83 Preformed type armoured rods shall be provided for the conductors at all suspension points.
Vibration dampers of stock bridge type shall be used for power conductors. FITTINGS AND ACCESSORIES FOR OPTICAL FIBRE GROUND WIRES The accessories for conductors shall conform to IS: 2121 and 2486 (Latest version) in all
respects. The tension joints and repaired sleeves in the conductors shall be of compression type. The
joints shall be capable to withstand a load of 95% of the breaking load of the ground wire itself. The non-tension joints such as the parallel groove clamps shall conform to IS 2121 and should
be able to withstand a load of 10% of the breaking load of conductor without any slip. Suspension clamps used with ground wires shall be capable of holding the ground wire without
slipping under tension of 25% of the breaking load of the ground wire. Each clamp will be
capable of supporting a weight not less than 70 kN. Bolted type dead end connector assemblies for use with ground wires shall be provided at the
tension points and shall be capable of carrying a load up to 90% of the ultimate breaking load of
the ground wire before slipping. Minimum failing of the complete fittings shall not be less than 90
kN. Both the suspension clamps and the dead end connectors shall be provided with an
elongated bolt with a washer and a nut to rake care of the flexible copper earth bonds.

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Section 3 – Employer’s Requirements 84


(To be filled in by the bidder and submitted as part of Bidding Schedules)



1.0 Name of manufacturer and address for:

(a) Aluminium Alloy rods:

(b) Aluminium Alloy Conductor:
2.0 Applicable Standard for:

(a) Aluminium Alloy rods:

(b) Aluminium Alloy Conductor:
3.0 No of Strand x Size, (No. x mm)

4.0 Conductor over all diameter, (mm)

5.0 Total sectional area, (mm2)

6.0 Approx. weight, (kg/kM)

7.0 Minimum UTS, (kN)

8.0 Modulus of Elasticity (Final), (kg/cm2)

9.0 Coefficient of linear expansion, (per0C)

10.0 Calculated maximum resistance of Conductor at 20°C,


11.0 Lay Ratio:

(i) 6 wire layer (max/min)

(ii) 12 wire layer (max/min)
(iii) 18 wire layer (max/min)
12.0 Particulars of Aluminium Alloy Wires (strands)

(a) Wire Diameter, (mm)

(i) Standard:
(ii) Maximum:
(iii) Minimum:
(b) Resistivity of wire, (ohms.mm2/m)

(c) Density

(d) Co-efficient of Linear expansion (per0C)

(e) Cross Sectional area of Aluminium wire

(f) Approximate Total weight of each strand, (kg/km)

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Section 3 – Employer’s Requirements 85



(g) Calculated resistance at 20°C (D.C.), (ohms/km)

(h) Minimum Breaking Load of each strand, (kN)

(i) Minimum elongation on a gauge length of 200 mm



(To be filled in by the Bidder)

Sl. No. Description Particulars

(i) Name of manufacturer, Country of Origin.
(ii) Grade of Steel and Standard conform to
(i) Name of manufacturer, Country of Origin:
(ii) Particulars of the Steel Strands
a) Average Diameter, mm
b) Tolerance on diameter, %
c) Minimum breaking load, KN
d) Uniformity of Zinc Coating, %
e) No. and duration of dips for galvanising, No x minute.
f) minimum weight of Zinc coating, Kg/Sq.mm
(iii) Particulars of the finished ground wire.
a) Average overall diameter, mm
b) Mean lay ratio
c) Weight per KM, Kg.
d)Ultimate Tensile Strength, KN
e) Final Modulus of Elasticity, Kg/ sq. M
f) Co-efficient of linear expansion, per0C.
g) Standard length of ground wire per reel.
(i) Name of manufacturer, Country of Origin
(ii) Fibre description
(iii) Breaking Load of:-
(a) Mode field diameter
b) Cladding Diameter
4. (iv) Attenuation Coefficient
(i) Name of manufacturer, Country of Origin for:
a) Insulator Disc

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Section 3 – Employer’s Requirements 86

Sl. No. Description Particulars

b) Insulator Hard ware
c) Accessories
(ii) Size of the Insulator Disc
a) Outside diameter of the disc, mm
b) Height of the Disc, mm
c) Pin ball shank diameter, mm
d) Size of ball and socket and the Standard to which it conform.
(iii) Particulars of single Disc:-
a) Electromechanical Strength, KN
b) Minimum failing load, KN
c) Dry flashover voltage, KV
d) Wet flashover voltage, KV.
e) Puncture Voltage, KV
f) Weight, Kg.
(iv) Particulars of Insulators String:
a) Breaking Strength, KN
b) Low frequency flashover voltage without arching horn
> Dry, KV
> wet, KV
c) Low frequency flashover voltage without horn
> Dry, KV
> Wet, KV
d) Dry impulse flashover voltage using standard 1.2/50 micro
second impulse:
> without arching horn, KV
> with arching horn on line side only, KV
> with arching horn on both line and tower sides, KV
e) Low frequency test voltage with arching horn
> on line side only, KV
> on both line and tower sides, KV
f) Dry impulse test voltage using standard 1.2/50 micro second
> without arching horn, KV
> with arching horn on line side only, KV
> with arching horn on both line and tower sides, KV
g) Corona formation voltage with normal fittings, KV
h) Breaking Strength of
> Suspension Clamps, KN
> Tension Clamps, KN
h) Slipping Strength of
> Suspension Clamps, KN
> Tension Clamps, KN

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This part details the main items of Project/facilities to be provided and works to be carried out under this Contract, but the
Bidder is required to ascertain for himself whether any additional Project or works are necessary to leave the total facilities
complete and in working order on completion of the Contract in accordance with the employers requirements. Any such
additional Project or works, including all extensions and modifications to existing equipment necessary are deemed to be
included in the prices quoted in the Schedules.

To complete each item of Project and equipment detailed in this part, there shall be provided all necessary cables, joints,
sealing ends, cross-bonding, earthing, supporting steelwork, labels, all necessary miscellaneous items whether specified
in detail or not and prices are deemed to be included in the schedules.


The bidder shall fully familiarize himself with the site and route conditions etc. The bidders are advised to visit the site and
acquaint themselves with the topography, infrastructure etc. The contractor shall be fully responsible for providing all
equipment, materials, system and services specified or otherwise which are required to complete the erection and
successful commissioning of cable in all respects. All materials required for the Civil and construction/installation work
shall be supplied by the Contractor. The complete design and detailed engineering shall be done by the Contractor. The
survey shall be conducted in presence of AEGCL officials for underground routes to finalize the route and paths for the
underground cable.

The survey shall inter alia include the following minimum activities: RIGHT OF WAY:

(a) Any right of way, which may be required by the contractor for execution of cable line, shall be arranged by him. The
approval from civil authorities, and other agencies / Government as required shall be arranged by the contractor. Statutory
signature of AEGCL officers for PTCC and other clearance shall have to be obtained by the contractor at appropriate time.
Obtaining approval of the above proposal is the contractor’s responsibility.

(b) Access road to the work site shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost. Any compensation if needed to be
paid for this purpose will be to the contractors account.

(c) The compensation for trees, crops etc. (except Govt. forest) if required to be paid to execute the erection of the line
and for getting corridor clearance shall be paid by the contractor.

The bidder shall be responsible for carrying out the required survey and should fully satisfy himself about the nature of soil
expected to be encountered prior to the submission of bid. SOIL DATA

The bidder shall be responsible for carrying out the required survey and should fully satisfy himself about the nature of soil
expected to be encountered prior to the submission of bid.

Unit rate for laying of underground cable using trenchless digging shall inter alia include all related work/activities such as
excavation, blasting of rocks and backfilling of trenches, fixing of gradient of trench, excavation of trial pits if required,
clearing of bushes, roots of trees, cutting of bushes, trees, shoring, dewatering, excavation and backfilling of any
temporary manhole, support of the existing facilities/plant, removal of let out materials, breaking of pavement, clearing of
obstacles, temporary reinstatement of footpath wherever required, providing all types of markers, cover slab and tapes

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etc., suitable structure/techniques material for crossings (road, rail culvert, river, canal etc.) for installation of HDPE pipe
and other installation materials etc.

4.8.3 Identification of underground cable route:

The Contractor shall propose most suitable route for link keeping in view the following broad criteria:

1) The route shall be as straight and as short as possible.

2) The route shall have minimum obstacle in order to minimize reinstatement cost.

3) Minimum clearances are required from other authorities/bodies and that the clearances can be obtained expeditiously.

4) Wet or unstable ground shall be avoided to the extent possible.

5) The route for the cables shall be away from the carriage-way of the road to the extent possible.

6) The route shall be suitable for placing manholes wherever required.

7) Future expansion of roads shall be taken into consideration.

8) Road, rail, canal, drain culvert crossing, shall be minimum.

9) As far as possible underground cable route shall be on the opposite side of the existing cables laid by DOT/BSNL or
other utilities. Wherever both routes fall on the same side of the road, a spacing of about 2.0 mtr .horizontal and 1 m
vertical spacing is to be maintained to the extent possible.

10) Care must be taken to avoid choosing routes, roads, areas that are prone to floods etc.

11) EHV cable crossing other EHV, HV, LT, communication cable or Gas, water, sewage line etc shall be placed in
suitable distance according to guideline available (Indian/International or guide line of the concerned utilities).

12) While deciding on the cable route, the priority should be on selection of those cable laying methods that would take the
least time for completion, considering the location and other variables as per actual site condition.

The Contractor shall submit the survey report with the most suitable route for cable link along with details above.
Contractor shall submit the final survey report for approval before implementation.

4.8.4 Any other items not specifically mentioned in the specification but which are required for installation,
testing, commissioning and satisfactory operation of the cable as per Indian Standards/IE Rules/IE Act and
concerned authority regulations are deemed to be included in the scope of the specification and no deviation in
this regard shall be accepted.

4.8.5 CLAMPS

Clamps shall be pressure die cast aluminium (LM-6) or Nylon-6 or fiber glass and shall include neoprene rubber lining
wherever the cable touches the clamps and below the clamp base and necessary fixing nonmagnetic nuts, bolts, washer
etc. The thickness of neoprene rubber shall not be less than 10 mm inside around the inner surface of the trefoil clamp
and minimum 20 mm thick below the base of trefoil clamp. The neoprene shall be tested as per IS 11149-1984. Clamps
shall be provided at every one meter of cable runs. The contractor shall submit drawings of trefoil clamps and
arrangements for Employer approval.


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The inspection of cable on receipt, handling of cables, paying out, flaking, cushioning with sand or sieved compacted soil,
back-filling, reinstatement of road surface, providing and fixing joint markers, route indicators, precautions of joint holes,
sump holes and all necessary precautions that are required shall be carefully planned and in general conform to IS 1255-
1983 or its equivalent.


The contractor shall take all precautions while excavation of trench, trial pits etc., to protect the public and private
properties and to avoid accidental damage. Any damage so caused shall be immediately repaired and brought to the
notice of the concerned and to the Employer.

- The contractor shall bear all responsibilities and liabilities and shall bear all costs of the damages so caused by him or by
his workman or agents.

- At places where the cables cross private roads, gates of residential houses or buildings, the cables shall be laid in HDPE
pipes of adequate strength.


Permanent means of indicating the position of joints and cable route shall be fabricated supplied and erected. Markers
provided shall be as per the field requirement, if the route passes through open fields, markers should be conspicuously
visible above ground surface.

The marker should incorporate the relevant information, the name of the owner, Voltage, circuit and distance of cable from
the marker.


Depth of lay shall be normally at 1.5 m below ground but variation of depth of lay may be considered at the time of detailed
engineering on the characteristics of the laying zone.


Based on the evaluation of soil thermal resistivity along the cable route and after approval from the Employer the
contractor shall design, specify, supply, lay and monitor the installation of thermal backfill surrounding the cables.


The option on the use of the material that immediately envelopes the cable viz., thermal backfill or sand or sieved native
soil rests with the Employer. The contractor shall seek prior approval on the use of the envelop material from the Employer
before execution of the works.


Normally back filling shall consist of the material earlier excavated. However, bigger stones or pieces of rock should be


A pre-warning, Red colour plastic/PVC tape, 250 mm wide 100 microns thick, shall be laid at approx. 0.4 m above the
cable specified depth, throughout the cable route. The tape shall carry the legend printed in black continuously as under


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After the cables have been laid, no sharp metal tool shall be used in the trench or placed in such a position that may fall
into the trench. Straight and curved rollers used shall have no sharp projecting parts liable to damage the cable. While
pulling through pipes and ducts, the cable shall be protected to avoid damage due to sharp edges. The cables shall never
be bent, beyond the specified bending radius.


The road cutting, whether cement concrete asphalt or macadam road surface, raid crossing and canal crossing shall be
taken after obtaining approval from the concerned authorities i.e. Railway authorities, irrigation deptt., civic authorities
traffic police, telephone authorities etc. and work should be planned to be completed in the shortest possible time. Where
necessary, the work shall be planned during night or light traffic periods. HDPE pipes diameter should not be less than
1.75 times the cable diameter.


It is envisaged that trench-less digging shall be used for laying the cable along the surveyed route. Trenchless may also
be adopted for crossing National highways, Rail line and canal and this shall be in the scope of bidder. Trench less digging
shall also be used where the concerned authorities do not permit open cut method and it is essentially required to carry
out for installation of underground cables. The trench less digging methods shall generally conform to ITU-T 1.38. The
various methods of trenchless digging such as hand/manual auguring (up to 15m.) impact moulding (from 16m to about
40-50m.). HDD (above 40-50m) shall be adopted based on the soil/site conditions and the requirement and exact method
for trench less digging shall be finalized during detail engineering as per actual site/soil condition. The equipment used for
HDD shall be capable of drilling at least 100m at one go. The contractor shall propose the exact methods and procedures
for implementation of trench less digging at various crossings taking into consideration the following guidelines, for
approval by the Employer.

a) Excavation and backfilling of trial pits and verification of soil condition.

b) Excavation of entry and Exist pits.

c) Erection of drill machined. Drilling of pilot hole.

d) Placement and driving hand augur.

e) Placement and carrying out impact moling.

f) Reaming and widening of bore holes in steps (if required).

g) Pulling of product pipe.


The cable trench work involves earth excavation for cable trench, back filling and removal of excess earth from site. The
work site shall be left as clean as possible.

The trench shall be excavated using manual/mechanical modes as per field conditions.

Where paved footpaths are encountered, the pavement slabs shall be properly stored and reinstated. Identification
markers of other services shall be properly stored and restored.

The sides of the excavated trenches shall wherever required be well shored up.

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Suitable barriers should be erected between the cable trench and pedestrian/motorway to prevent accidents. The barriers
shall be painted with yellow and black or red and white coloured cross stripes. Warning and caution boards should be
consciously displayed. Red lights as warning signal should be placed along the trench during the nights.

The excavated material shall be properly stored to avoid obstruction to public and traffic movement.

The bottom of the excavated trench should be levelled flat and from any object which would damage the cable. Any
gradient encountered shall be gradual. SAND BEDDING

The cable shall be completely surrounded by well-compacted cable sand to such a thickness and of such size that the
cable is protected against damage. The thickness of the cable sand should normally be a minimum of 10 cm in all
directions from the cable surface.


The excavated cable trench shall be drained of all water and the bed surface shall be smooth, uniform and fairly hard
before paying out the cable. The cable shall be rolled in the trench on cable rollers, spaced out of uniform intervals. The
paying out process must be smooth and steady without subjecting the cable to abnormal tension. The cable on being paid
out shall be smoothly and evenly transferred to the ground after providing the cushion. The cables shall never be dropped.
All snake bends shall be straightened. Suitable size cable stocking pulling eye shall be used for pulling the cable. While
pulling the cable by winches or machines, the tension loading shall be by tension indicator and shall not exceed the
permissible value for the cable. The cable laying shall be performed continuously at a speed not exceeding 600 to 1000
meters per hour.


For lay of the cable on a pre-constructed trench below the road in any planned township area, Bridge, switch yards etc.,
cable shall have to be accommodated in the space allotted in the trench for laying the cables. Sufficient clamping
arrangement shall have to be done for fixing the cable properly. Cables may be placed in trefoil arrangements or flat
arrangements as per allotted width of the trench. Any damages occurred in the trench during lay of the cable shall have to
be repaired properly.


The slabs, curbstones, on the roads shall be removed and reinstated without damage.


After the cables and pipes have been laid and before the trench is backfilled all joints and cable positions should be
carefully plotted and preserved till such time the cable is energized and taken over by the Employer. The protective covers
shall then be provided the excavated soil riddled, sieved and replaced. It is advisable to leave a crown of earth not less
than 50 mm and not more than 100 mm in the centre and tapering towards the sides of the trench.

The temporary reinstatement of roadways should be inspected at regular intervals, more frequently in rainy season and
immediately after overnight rain for checking settlement and if required the temporary reinstatement should be done.

After the subsidence has ceased the trench may be permanently reinstated and the surface restored to the best possible

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Manholes shall be provided at every proposed joint location for jointing bays. The bidder shall identify the location of the
joint bays after carrying out detailed survey of the cable route and excavation of the trial pits. The delivery lengths of the
cables shall match the location.

The Contractor shall get inspected by a representative of the Employer, all manholes before carrying out the backfilling.
Pipe and cable sealing, installation of joint bus and cable service loops as per approved drawings shall be visually
inspected and checked for tightness.

The contractor shall submit design and drawing of Jointing bay including manholes in the buried cable trench portion for
withstanding a live load of 20 tons vehicle plus 30% for impact from moving vehicle. The Contractor shall propose a
suitable procedure for testing the manhole for approval by the Employer. Manholes type approved by the Employer only
shall be acceptable. The manhole shall include sufficient number of suitable entries.

All works shall be carried out under supervision of the engineer in charge of his representative.


The successful bidder shall have all necessary tools, plant and equipment to carry out the survey and cable installation

The bidders are instructed to give all the details of equipment at their disposal to carry out the work successfully and

4.8.24 CABLE END TERMINATIONS & JOINTING The cable jointing accessories shall include Outdoor end terminating kits, straight through joints and also any
special tools and tackles required for making these joints. For cable jointing & terminating purpose only certified
(certification from cable accessories manufacturer or some reputed agency) jointer shall be employed.

The outdoor end termination

Outdoor termination at substation shall be oil type as mentioned below.

a) It shall be anti-fog, pre-fabricated type. The termination base plate and the cable's metallic sheath shall be electrically
insulated from the supporting structure by means of self-supporting stand-off insulators or any other self-supporting means
designed to withstand both mechanical and electrical stresses in services. The stress cone shall inhibit possible
mechanical stress and deformation of the cable insulation surface during operation and also shall be capable of
accommodating minor radial and longitudinal movement without determent to the dielectric stress in the insulation shield

b) For OD Termination at substation, the termination shall be within polymeric or porcelain hollow insulator in brown or
grey colour as per S.T.P and standard practice of manufacturing in addition upon, arcing horn and shield ring shall have to
be supplied wherever required. The termination shall be filled with an insulating compound up to a level where the electric
field is substantially reduced and shall be offered from reputed vendor as per Maker’s list. Oil filled termination should
have silicon oil as di-electric medium. Silicon oil should not be subject to any heating at site prior to filling.

c) For composite tower 132KV dry type termination to be used as per Maker’s list.

d) The outdoor terminal should be suitable for polluted atmospheric conditions with total creepage distance of 31 mm/ kV
and protected creepage distance of not more than 50% of the total Creepage distance. The cable end terminals for
terminating the cables shall be fully compatible with the cables to be supplied.

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Section 3 – Employer’s Requirements 93 The straight through joints

It shall be either pre-moulded type or heat shrinkable type complete with accessories. The joint shall preferably be built up
from the same material as the main cable and shall have electrical and mechanical withstand capabilities same as or
better than the main cable. The joints shall be suitable for tropical climatic conditions. PERFORMANCE OF TERMINATION KITS

The details of the offered end termination/ straight through joints with the period in service shall have to be furnished WORKING PROCEDURE FOR TERMINATION

(i) At cable terminating end sufficient length of spare cable shall be left in the ground, for future needs.
(ii) The rise of the cable immediately from the ground shall be enclosed in PVC/PE pipe of suitable diameter to protect
against direct exposure to the sun.
(iii) The cable shall be properly fastened using non-metallic clamps.
(iv) Appropriate labels shall be fixed identifying the phase circuit, voltage and date of commissioning etc., on the cable
supporting structure.
(v) The sealing end shall be mounted on pedestal insulators to isolate them from their supporting steel work.
(vi) Protection from contact with the exposed metal work at the termination shall be provided by resin bonded glass fiber
(vii) Providing earth stations with all required materials, like leads, connectors etc. Earth pits shall conform to IS-
3043:1987 (Code of practice for earthing). WORKING PROCEDURE FOR JOINTING

(i) The cable jointing personnel shall have good experience in the type of joint and termination that are used. The jointing
works shall commence as soon as two or three lengths of cable have been laid. All care should be taken to protect the
factory-plumbed caps/seals on the cable ends and the cable end shall be sealed whenever the end is exposed for tests.

(ii) Jointing of cables in carriage ways, drive ways under costly paving, under concrete or asphalt surfaces and in proximity
to telephone cables and was mains should be avoided wherever possible.

(iii) Sufficient over lap of cables shall be allowed for making the joints.

(iv) The joint bay should be sufficient dimensions to allow the jointers to work with as much freedom of movement and
comfort as possible. Sufficient space should be kept below the cable to be jointed.

(v) The joints of different phases shall be staggered in the jointing bay.

(vi) Comprehensive jointing instructions should be obtained from the manufacture of jointing kits and meticulously

(vii) The materials used in the joints like ferrules, screen/sheath continuity bonds, lugs etc. shall be of good quality and
conform to standards.

(viii) The jointing tools shall be appropriate and as per the requirement of jointing HV XLPE cables.


When jointing cables in water logged ground or under unforeseen rainy conditions, a sump hole should be made at one
end of the joint bay, in such a position so that the accumulated water can be pumped or drained out by buckets, without
causing interference to the jointing operation.

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(x) TENTS/COVERS An enclosure or suitable protection cover shall be used in all circumstances wherever jointing work
is carried out in the open irrespective of the weather conditions. The joint shall be made in dust free, moisture free and
clean atmosphere.


The cable end seals should not be opened until all necessary precautions have been taken to prevent circumstances
arising out of rainy/inclement weather conditions which might become uncontrollable.

If the cable end seals of cable ends are found to have suffered damage the cables should not be jointed, without tests and


Before joining, the insulation resistance of both sections of cables shall be checked.

(xiii) The identification of each phase shall be clearly and properly noted. The cables shall be jointed as per the approved
design. Each cable shall have identification for phase at joint bays. BONDING OF SCREEN/SHEATH

The screens at both ends, shall be brought out and bonded to the earth station through disconnecting type link boxes or
through SVL wherever applicable.

On the basis of the length of the cable and rise of sheath Voltage the bonding may be required as follows:

1. Single End Bonding

2. Double End Bonding

3. Cross Bonding

4. Mid point bonding

All accessories and consumables used in the termination should be of good quality and compatible with the cable. At the
time of single end bonding parallel copper conductor along the length of the cable shall have to be provided between the
two ends of the cable. Bonding cable of 6.6 KV/3.8KV copper shall be provided for bonding of metallic sheath/Screen.


1. The terminating structure being provided should be designed as per the requirement of the cable end sealing, porcelain
bushing etc. The mounting structure shall be fixed on the cement concrete foundation, the design and drawings of which
shall be submitted to Employer for review and acceptance during the course of detailed engineering.

2. After fixing the end termination, the cable shall be fixed to the support, with non-magnetic material clamps to the
required height securely. The mounting structure includes the supports for cable end boxes, link boxes and any other
structure required for the intent of the contract. All steel sections used shall be free from all imperfections, mill scales, slag
intrusions, laminations, fillings, rust etc. that may impair their strength, durability and appearance. All materials shall be of
tested quality only unless otherwise permitted by the Employer.

3. Suitable fencing should be provided at the cable terminating yard at cable conductor junction point. The fencing will
consist of galvanized steel structure over a brick wall of 2(two) feet meeting electrical requirement (IE). A suitable entry
point (gate) has to be provided.

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4. Outdoor type 132 KV lightning arresters for each cable of the circuit at both ends are to be provided at cable-
conductor junction point. The technical specification of lightning arresters is given below:


SL Particulars Voltage class


132 kV

1 Rated voltage of arrester, kV 120

2 Rated frequency, Hz 50

3 Nominal discharge current of arrester, kA 10

4 Maximum residual voltage at nominal discharge current, kV (peak) 395

5 Maximum steep current impulse residual voltage at kV (kVP) 440

6 One minute power frequency withstand voltage of arrester 275

insulation, kV (rms)

7 1.2 / 50 second impulse withstand voltage of arrester insulation, kV 650


9 Line discharge class 3

10 Insulator Housing

a) Power frequency withstand test voltage (wet) (kV rms) 275

b) Lightning impulse withstand tests voltage(KVp) 650

c) Pressure Relief Class 40

d) Creepage distance not less than (mm) 31mm/kV

5. It is recognized that the Bidder may have standardized on the use of certain components, materials, processes or
procedures different from those specified herein. Alternate proposals offering similar equipment based on the
manufacturer’s standard practice will also be considered provided such proposals meet the specified designs, standard
and performance requirements and are acceptable to the Employer. Unless brought out clearly, the Bidder shall be
deemed to conform to this specification scrupulously. All deviations from the specification shall be clearly brought out in
the respective schedule of deviations. Any discrepancy between the specification and the

Catalogues or the bid, if not clearly brought out in the specific requisite schedule will not be considered as valid deviation.

6. Equipment furnished shall be complete in every respect with all mountings, fittings, fixtures and standard accessories
normally provided with such equipment and/or needed for erection, completion and safe operation of the equipment as

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required by applicable codes though they may not have been specifically detailed in the Technical Specifications unless
included in the list of exclusions. Materials and components not specifically stated in the specification but which are
necessary for commissioning and satisfactory operation of the work unless specifically excluded shall be deemed to be
included in the scope of the specification and shall be supplied without any extra cost. All similar standard
components/parts of similar standard equipment provided shall be inter-changeable with one another


A) The contractor shall assume full responsibility for supply, fabrication and detailing, if required of the steel structures and
for their satisfactory performance. The contractor shall have to submit the construction drawings to the Employer for
approval. Employer shall have the right to instruct the contractor to make any changes in details necessary to make the
construction conform to the requirement of the Contract Document.

B) The contractor shall supply all materials, deliver the same to site, and provide all labour, erection plant and equipment,
fixtures, fitting and all temporary and permanent works necessary for satisfactory completion of the job in all respects.

C) No omissions or ambiguities on the drawings or in specifications will relieve the contractor from furnishing best quality
of materials and workmanship. Should any inaccuracies be found, the contractor shall promptly notify the Employer
without carrying out the job and no further work shall be done before these discrepancies are corrected. Continuation of
further work shall be done only after such discrepancies are rectified at contractor's risk and responsibility.

D) The gantry shall be surrounded by barbed fence

E) MATERIALS: The materials shall conform to the following requirements:

1 All Structural Steel Materials to be used in construction within the purview of the specification shall comply with:
IS:2062 - Structural Steel (Grade-A) (fusion welding quality) and manufactured by Prime Rollers e.g.
SAIL/TISCO/IISCO/RINL. In case of MS sections not manufactured by prime rollers or such sections are not available with
prime rollers the same is to be procured from approved conversion agents of prime manufacturer(s). In such case, prior
approval of the Employer is to be obtained by the contractor.

2 Successful bidder on receipt of structural drawing from department shall submit within 15 days, a detailed raw
material procurement plan indicating MS section wise producers name to the Engineer for approval. On according
approval in this aspect, work for fabrication protos shall be taken up in hands.

3 Entire fabrication job of MS structural shall not be entrusted to more than two sub-vendors. Further, a list of
bonafide fabricators, not exceeding 6 (six) shall be furnished to the Employer for according approval within 15 (fifteen)
days from the date of handing over of drawings.

4 All electrodes to be used under the contract shall comply with any of the following Indian Standard
Specifications as may be applicable.

i) IS: 814: Covered electrodes for metal arc welding of Structural Steel.

ii) IS: 815: Classification and coding of covered electrodes for metal arc welding of mild steel and low alloy high
tensile steel.

iii) IS:144 : Covered electrodes for the metal arc welding of high tensile structural steel.

5 All bolts and nuts shall be of grade 5.6 HRH and shall conform to the requirements of IS:6639 and IS:1367 and
galvanizing quality shall be as per IS:1367. All bolts and nuts shall be of minimum diameter of 16 mm unless otherwise
stated. All mild steel for bolts and nuts when tested in accordance with the following Indian Standard specification shall

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have a tensile strength of not less than 44 Kg/Sq.mm. and a minimum elongation of 23 percent on a gauge length of 5.6 A,
where `A' is the cross sectional area of the test specimen -

i) IS:1367 : Technical supply conditions for threaded fasteners.

ii) IS:1608 : Method for tensile testing of steel products other than sheet, strip, wire and tube.

Washers shall be made of steel conforming to IS:226, IS:961 as may be applicable under the provisions of the contract
and shall be electro galvanized. FASTNERS & CONNECTIONS:

a) BOLTS: All connections shall be bolted with 16 mm bolts.

b) SPLICES: Splicing shall be avoided unless the length of a member exceeds 6.0m or so. The member of splices shall be
limited to a practical minimum. No credit shall be allowed for bearing on abutting areas. Lap joints in leg members shall be
preferred to butt joints.

c) STEP BOLTS: Step bolts shall be of 16 mm diameter and shall have round or hexagonal head. Each step bolt shall be
provided with two hexagonal nuts. The minimum bolt length and length of unthreaded portion shall be 180 and 125 mm
respectively. Step bolts shall not be used as connection bolts the step bolts shall be spaced alternately on the inner gauge
line on each face of the angle about 40 cm center. They shall be furnished for one leg of each steel structure column from
its base elevation.

d) U – BOLTS: U-Bolts shall be suitable furnished or steel structures to suspend or terminate insulator strings or ground
wire assemblies. Size of U- bolt shall withstand all loads acting on it.

e) BILL OF MATERIAL: Bill of material shall give the size, length and weight of each member and the total weights of steel
structures. It shall also include the number of bolts, nuts and washers per structure. MATERIAL/WORKMANSHIP

1. Where the specification does not contain references to workmanship, equipment, materials and components of the
covered equipment, it is essential that the same must be new of highest grade of the best quality of their kind conforming
to best engineering practice and suitable for the purpose for which they are intended.

2. In case where the equipment, materials or components are indicated in the specification as “similar” to any special
standard, the Employer shall decide upon the question of similarity. When required by the specification or when required
by the Employer the Bidder shall submit, for approval, all the information concerning the materials or components to be
used in manufacture, Machinery, equipment, materials and components supplied, installed or used without such approval
shall run the risk of subsequent rejection, it being understood that the cost as well as the time delay associated with the
rejection shall be borne by the Bidder.

3. The design of the Works shall be such that installation, future expansions, replacements and general maintenance may
be undertaken with a minimum of time and expenses. Each component shall be designed to be consistent with its duty
and suitable factors of safety, subject to mutual agreements. All joints and fastenings shall be devised, constructed and
documented so that the component parts shall be accurately positioned and restrained to fulfill their required function. In
general, screw threads shall be standard metric threads. The use of other thread forms will only be permitted when prior
approval has been obtained from the Employer.

4. Whenever possible, all similar part of the Works shall be made to gauge and shall also be made interchangeable with
similar parts. All spare parts shall also be interchangeable and shall be made of the same materials and workmanship as
the corresponding parts of the Equipment supplied under the Specification. Wherever feasible, common component units

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shall be employed in different pieces of equipment in order to minimize spare parts stocking requirements. All equipment
of the same type and rating shall be physically and electrically interchangeable.

5. All materials and equipment shall be installed in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation(s). Only
first-class work in accordance with the best modern practices will be accepted. Installation shall be considered as being
the erection of equipment at its permanent location. This, unless otherwise specified, shall include unpacking, cleaning
and lifting into position, grouting, levelling, aligning, coupling of or bolting down to previously installed equipment
bases/foundations, performing the alignment check and final adjustment prior to initial operation, testing and
commissioning in accordance with the manufacturer’s tolerances, instructions and the Specification.

6. Provision for Exposure to Hot and Humid climate: Outdoor equipment supplied under the specification shall be suitable
for service and storage under tropical conditions of high temperature, high humidity, heavy rainfall and environment
favourable to the growth of fungi and mildew. PACKAGING & PROTECTION

a. All the equipment shall be suitably protected, coated, covered or boxed and crated to prevent damage or deterioration
during transit, handling and storage at Site till the time of erection. On request of the Employer, the Bidder shall also
submit packing details/associated drawing for any equipment/material at a later date, in case the need arises. While
packing all the materials, the limitation from the point of view of availability of Railway wagon sizes in India should be
taken into account. The Bidder shall be responsible for any loss or damage during transportation, handling and storage
due to improper packing. Any demurrage, wharfage and other such charges claimed by the transporters, railway etc. shall
be to the account of the Bidder. Employer takes no responsibility of the availability of the wagons.

b. All coated surfaces shall be protected against abrasion, impact, discoloration and any other damages. All exposed
threaded portions shall be suitably protected with either a metallic or a non-metallic protecting device. All ends of all valves
and piping and conduit equipment connections shall be properly sealed with suitable devices to protect them from
damaged. The parts which are likely to get rusted, due to exposure to weather should also be properly treated and
protected in a suitable manner. FINISING OF METAL SURFACES

a. All metal surfaces shall be subjected to treatment for anti-corrosion protection. All ferrous surfaces for external use
unless otherwise stated elsewhere in the specification or specifically agreed shall be hot-dip galvanized after fabrication.
High tensile steel nuts and bolts and spring washers shall be electro galvanized to service condition. All steel conductors
including those used for earthing/grounding (above ground level) shall also be galvanized according to IS: 2629.


The minimum weight of the zinc coating shall be 610 gm/sq.m and minimum thickness of coating shall be 85 microns for
all items thicker than 6 mm. For items lower than 6 mm thickness requirement of coating thickness shall be as per relevant
ASTM. For surface, which shall be embedded in concrete the zinc coating shall be 610 gm/sq m minimum.


All sheet steel work shall be degreased, pickled, phosphate in accordance with the IS-6005 “Code of practice for
phosphating iron and sheet”. All surfaces which will not be easily accessible after shop assembly shall beforehand be
treated and protected for the life of the equipment.

The surfaces, which are to be finished painted after installation or require corrosion protection until installation shall be
shop painted with at least two coats of primer. Oil, grease, dirt shall be thoroughly removed by emulsion cleaning. Rust

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and scale shall be removed by pickling with dilute acid followed by washing with running water, rinsing with slightly alkaline
hot water and drying.

After phosphate thorough rinsing shall be carried out with clean water followed by final rinsing with dilute dichromate
solution and oven drying. The phosphate coating shall be sealed with application of two coats of ready mixed, stoving type
zinc chromate primer. The first coat may be “flash dried” while the second coat shall be stoved.

After application of the primer, two coats of finishing synthetic enamel paint shall be applied each coat followed by stoving.
The second finishing coat shall be applied after inspection of first coat of painting.

The exterior color of the paint shall be as per shade no : 697 of IS-5 and inside shall be glossy white for all equipment,
marshalling boxes, junction boxes, control cabinets, panels etc. unless specifically mentioned under respective sections of
the equipments. Each coat of primer and finishing paint shall be slightly different shade to enable inspection of the
painting. A small quantity of finishing paint shall be supplied for minor touching up required at site after installation of the

In case the Bidder proposes of follow his own standard surface finish and protection procedures or any other established
painting procedures like electrostatic painting etc. the procedure shall be submitted along with the Bids of Employer’s

a. In accordance with the specific installation instructions as shown on manufacturer’s drawings or as directed by the
Employer or his representative, the Bidder shall unload, store, erect, install, wire, test and place into commercial use all
the equipment included in the contract. Equipment shall be installed in a neat, workmanlike manner so that it is level,
plumb, square and properly aligned and oriented. Commercial use of switchyard equipment means completion of all site
tests specified and energisation at rated voltage.

b. Bidder may engage manufacturer’s Engineers to supervise the unloading, transportation to site, storing, testing and
commissioning of the various equipment being procured by them separately. Bidder shall unload, transport, store, erect,
test and commission the equipment as per instructions of the manufacturer’s supervisory Engineer(s) and shall extend full
cooperation to them.

c. In case of any doubt/misunderstanding as to the correct interpretation of manufacturer’s drawings or instruction,

necessary clarifications shall be obtained from the Employer. Bidder shall be held responsible for any damage to the
equipment consequent to not following manufacturer’s drawings/instructions correctly.

d. Where material/equipment is unloaded by Employer before the Bidder arrives at site or even when he is at site.
Employer by right can hand over the same to Bidder and there upon it will be the responsibility of Bidder to store the
material in an orderly and proper manner.

e. The Bidder shall be responsible for making suitable indoor storage facilities to store all equipment, which require indoor

f. The words ‘erection’ and ‘installation’ used in the specification are synonymous.

g. Exposed live parts shall be placed high enough above ground to meet the requirements of electrical and other statutory
safety codes.

h. The design and workmanship shall be in accordance with the best engineering practices to ensure satisfactory
performance throughout the service life. If at any stage during the execution of the Contract, it is observed that the erected
equipment(s) do not meet the minimum clearances the Bidder shall immediately proceed to correct the discrepancy at his

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Section 3 – Employer’s Requirements 100 QUALITY CONTROL:

The contractor shall establish and maintain quality control procedures for different items of work and materials to ensure
that all work is performed in accordance with the specifications and best modern practice.

In addition to the Contractor's quality control procedures, materials and workmanship at all times shall be subjected to
inspection by the Engineer. As far as possible all inspection by the Engineer or Engineer's representative shall be made at
the Contractor's fabrication shop whether located at site or elsewhere. The contractor shall cooperate with the Engineer in
permitting access for inspection to all places where work is being done and in providing free of cost of all necessary help
in respect of tools and plants, instrument, labour and material required to carry out the inspection. Materials or
workmanship not in reasonable conformance with the provisions of this specification may be rejected at any time during
the progress of the work.

The quality control procedure shall cover but not be limited to the following items of work :

i) Steel: Quality, manufacturer's test certificates, test reports including procurement in-voice of representative samples of
materials from unidentified stocks if permitted to be used.

ii) Bolts, nuts & Washers: Manufacturer's certificate, dimension check, material testing

iii) Electrodes: Manufacturer's certificate, thickness and quality of flux coating.

iv) Welds: Inspection, X-ray, ultrasonic test, magnetic particle tests asrequired

v) Paints: Manufacturer's certificate, physical inspection reports

vi) Galvanizing:Tests in accordance with IS:2633 - Method of testing uniformity of coating on zinc coated articles and
IS:2629 Recommended practice for hot-dip galvanizing of iron and steel. Raw zinc & samples collected from bath shall be
tested at third party laboratory as per direction of the Engineer.

The contractor shall submit a detailed material inspection plan on the basis of various IS codes & standard practices in
respect of structural fabrication, galvanization, bolts, nuts, anchor bolts etc. much prior to commencement of the job. FABRICATION WORKMANSHIP:

All workmanship shall be equal to the best practice in modern structural shop and shall conform to the provisions of IS:800

After fabrication has been completed and accepted, all materials shall be cleared off rust, loose scale, dirt, oil grease and
other foreign substances. GALVANIZING:

All materials shall be hot-dip galvanized after fabrication and cleaning. Retapping of nuts after galvanizing is not permitted.

Galvanizing for structural mild steel products shall meet the requirements of IS:4759. All holes in materials shall be free of
excess spelter after galvanizing.

Galvanizing for fasteners shall meet the requirements of IS:1367. The spring washers shall be electro galvanized as per

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Section 3 – Employer’s Requirements 101

Finished materials shall be dipped into the solution of dichromate after galvanizing for white rust protection during

All galvanizing shall be uniform and of standard quality. Quantity of zinc shall meet the requirement of IS:209. FOUNDATION WORKS:


The design of RCC foundation for gantry and other equipment structures to be constructed shall be the responsibility of
the contractor. All design of RCC foundation works shall conform to IS:456 (2000) unless otherwise mentioned herein. All
designs and details shall be subject to approval of the Engineer. Effect of additional surcharge due to earth filling shall duly
be taken into account during design.

However, detailed foundation design shall be based on the actual soil parameters which shall be ascertained by the
intending bidder. Any variation in design of foundations due to change in soil parameters during execution of work shall
not affect the terms of the Contract. No extra payment on account of any change whatsoever in soil parameters will be

The foundations shall be designed such that the upper structure shall be securely supported. Any unequal displacement
that may cause harmful effect to the upper structures shall not be allowed. The safety factors for strength and stability of
the foundations shall be as per relevant code.

The overload factor shall be taken as 1.1 for designing foundations of all gantry and equipment. The loads, shear and
moment values shall be multiplied with this overload factor, so as to obtain the design values.

Following minimum values shall be used while designing foundations :

i) Minimum base slab thickness of footings : 200 mm

ii) Minimum bar dia for foundation : 10 mm TOR

iii) Minimum bar dia for columns : 12 mm TOR with binder spacing limited to 190 mm c/c.

iv) Clear cover to : Main bars in base slab : 50 mm

Main bars in columns : 40 mm

Main bars of beams : 40 mm

v) Minimum reinforcement for base slab shall be 0.2 percent of cross sectional area, depth to be considered as effective
depth and where beam slab mechanism will be deployed 0.12 percent of gross cross sectional area shall be considered.

vi) Plinth height for structures & equipment’s foundation a) 132 kV – 200 mm


This Bidding Document covers single core Copper cables with extruded insulation of cross-linked polyethylene
(XLPE) for a continuous maximum rated voltage (CMR) of 145 kV and the respective accessories.

The cables shall be manufactured by a well proven and state-of-the-art production process to ensure circularity and

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Section 3 – Employer’s Requirements 102

concentricity of the extruded layers around the conductor.

The cables and accessories shall be designed for a service life of 40 years. Reports on long-term aging tests to
prove the performance and reliability of the offered cable type at the required operating voltages and conditions
have to be submitted together with the offer. Specifications of 132kV Power Cables

The specification of the 132kV Underground Cables Technical Requirements and Specifications are given below.
The 132kV XLPE (Cu) cable system shall provide a power link between the said Substations as indicated in the
Scope of Work, Section 3. The Contractor shall confirm that the design and dimensioning of the cable system
ensures a satisfactory and unlimited operation at the full temperature range and for the proposed cable laying
arrangement along the cable route. In order to meet this aim, the cable design and installation shall minimize the
heat losses. The technical specification of XLPE cable is given below

132kV EHV grade stranded single core compacted copper core
screening by a layer of semi conducting tape followed by a layer
of semi conducting compound as conductor screen, XLPE
insulation, insulation screening with semiconducting compound
extruded directly over the insulation,(semiconducting conductor
screen, XLPE insulation, semiconducting insulation screen- all
1 Description of cable in one triple extrusion process), longitudinal sealing by a layer of
water sealable semi conducting non woven tape over insulation
screen, Metal sheath of Lead Alloy ‘E’ as per IS-7098 part-III,
metallic screening by concentric layer of plain copper followed
by an open helix of copper and over all extruded black HDPE
sheathed (Type ST 7). General construction will be as per IS
1 Highest system voltage 145KV
2 Voltage Grade 76 KV/132 KV
3 Frequency 50 Hz
4 Frequency variation +/- 3%
Power frequency withstand 275 KV (rms) for 1 minute
voltage 190 KV rms for 30 minutes
Lightning Impulse withstand
6 +/- 650 KV peak
7 No of phase per circuit 3
8 Earthing System Effectively Grounded
9 Size of Cable 400 sq mm
10 Max in Conductor Temperature 90 degree C at maximum continuous current
31.5 KA for 1 sec ( considering parallel path of lead sheath &
11 Fault Level
screened copper for metallic screen).
Maximum permissible short circuit
12 250 degree C for one sec

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Section 3 – Employer’s Requirements 103

13.1 Conductor material Plain un-tinned annealed copper

13.2 Conductor shape Compacted circular
Extruded, Cross-linked, semi conducting compound of suitable
13.3 Conductor Screen thickness. Semi conducting separator tapes with 50% overlap to
be applied between conductor and conductor screen.
Resistivity of the semi conducting
13.4 Maximum 1000 ohm-meter
13.5 Insulation
a)material XLPE
b)specific resistance of
1X1012 ohm cm
insulation at 90 deg C
13.6 Insulation screen: Type & Material Extruded semi conducting compound
Resistivity of the semi conducting
13.7 Max 500 ohm meter
Layer of semi conducting tape with suitable water swellable
13.8 Longitudinal water barrier Material
absorbent with 50% overlap. Thickness -0.3 mm

13.9 Radial moisture barrier Material Metal sheath of Lead alloy ‘E’ as per IS 7098 part-III
Extruded black HDPE (Type ST 7) with anti-termite and anti-
13.10 Overall sheath
rodent treatment
A hard baked layer of graphite shall be applied over the outer
13.11 Coating of outer sheath
sheath as outer electrode for testing the sheath
Approximate length of cable in a
14 500 meters or to be finalised at the time of detailed engineering
The minimum bending radius of XLPE insulated cables as
15 Bending radius Cable: Bending radius
Single Core: 25XD
D – Diameter of overall conductor
16 IEC60840
Applicable standards
Type test All tests as per specifications IEC Standards
a) Whether previous test Yes, if done on identical cable
reports will be sufficient
b) Whether sample to be
Type tested against this No, if done on identical cable
16.2 Routine test All tests as per specifications IEC standards.
All tests as per specifications IEC standards. Water penetration
16.3 Acceptance Test
test to be carried out as per IS 7098 part3.
Whether test will be witnessed by
16.4 Yes. Acceptance test will be witnessed.
purchaser or his representative
Ambient temperature 50 deg C
Ground Temperature 35 deg C

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Section 3 – Employer’s Requirements 104

19 Laying configuration Trefoil- Nylon with neoprene gasket.

20 Depth 2.5 m below ground level
Polymeric hollow insulator in grey or black colour of oil filled
22 Type
outdoor type.
23 Joints Required Inline/Shield break type either pre-moulded or heat shrinkable
24 Earth link boxes required As per requirement.
25 Surge suppressor required As per requirement.
Cross, double, Both end bonding as well Mid-point, as per
26 Type of bonding
approval by AEGCL
27 Seismic level Zone-V
28 Operating mode Permanent operation
Special thermal resistance of the
29 150 deg cm/Km
Shall be able to withstand Dynamic stress under short-ckt
30 Dynamic stress
Permissible tensile forces when During laying of power cables attention must be paid to
pulling by cable pulling grip permissible tensile forces.

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Section 5–General Conditions of Supply and Erection of AEGCL 105

Section - 5

General Conditions of Supply and Erection of AEGCL

This Section ‘General Conditions of Supply and Erection of AEGCL’ is supplementary to Section -5 ‘Special
Conditions of Contract’ of this document.

Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions in SCC or the other Sections of this document shall prevail over
those in the ‘General Conditions of Supply and Erection of AEGCL’.

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Section 6–Special Conditions of Supply and Erection of AEGCL 106

Section - 6
Special Conditions of Contract
This Section ‘SCC’ is supplementary to Section -5 ‘General Conditions of Supply and Erection
of AEGCL’.
Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions in this Section shall prevail over those in the
‘General Conditions of Supply and Erection of AEGCL’.
Table of Clauses

06.0.0 DEFINITION OF TERMS ......................................................................................................75

6.1.0 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................................................... 75
6.2.0 LEGAL JURISDITCTION ............................................................................................................................... 75
6.3.0 LANGUAGE ................................................................................................................................................... 75
6.4.0 SCOPE OF SUPPLY ..................................................................................................................................... 76
6.5.0 DELIVERY SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................................. 76
6.6.0 CONTRACT PRICE ....................................................................................................................................... 76
6.7.0 TERMS OF PAYMENT .................................................................................................................................. 76
6.8.0 PERFORMANCE SECURITY DEPOSIT ....................................................................................................... 78
6.11.0 WARRANTY……………………………………………………………………………………………………………78
6.11.0 COPYRIGHT……………………………………………………………………………………………………………78
6.12.0 QUANTITY VARIATION................................................................................................................................. 78
6.12.0 INSPECTION AND TESTING ........................................................................................................................ 79
6.13.0 INSURANCE .................................................................................................................................................. 79
6.14.0 FORCE MAJEURE ........................................................................................................................................ 80
6.15.0 EXTENSION OF TIME FOR COMPLETION ................................................................................................. 80
6.16.0 LIQUIDATED DAMAGE ................................................................................................................................. 81
6.16.4 CONTRACTUAL FAILURE ............................................................................................................................ 81
6.17.0 ARBITRATION ............................................................................................................................................... 81

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Section 6–Special Conditions of Supply and Erection of AEGCL 107

Section - 6
Special Conditions of Contract
“Contract” means the Contract Agreement entered into between the Purchaser and the Supplier, together
with the Contract Documents referred to therein; they shall constitute the Contract, and the term “the
Contract” shall in all such documents be construed accordingly.
“Contract Documents” means the documents listed in Article 1.1 (Contract Document) of the Contract
Agreement (including any amendments thereto).
“Contract Price” means the price payable to the Supplier as specified in the Agreement, subject to such
additions and adjustments thereto or deductions there from, as may be made pursuant to the Contract.
“Day” means calendar day
“Year” means 365 days.
“Month” means calendar month.
“Party” means the “Purchaser” or the “Supplier”, as the context requires.
“Purchaser” means the Assam Electricity Grid Corporation Limited (in short AEGCL) and its assignees.
The “Supplier” shall mean the bidder whose tender/ bid has been accepted by the “Purchaser” and shall
include the bidder’s legal representatives, successors and assignees.
“Goods” means all of the commodities, raw material, machinery and equipment, and/or other materials that
the Supplier is required to supply to the Purchaser under the Contract.
“Delivery” means the transfer of the Goods from the Supplier to the Purchaser in accordance with the terms
and conditions set forth in the Contract.
“Completion” means the fulfilment of the Related Services by the Supplier in accordance with the terms and
conditions set forth in the Contract.
“Related Services” means the services incidental to the supply of the goods, such as insurance, installation,
training and initial maintenance and other similar obligations of the Supplier under the Contract.
The “Specification” shall mean the “Purchaser’s Requirements”.
“Supplier” means the natural person, a company/firm, or a combination of these, whose bid to perform the
Contract has been accepted by the Purchaser and is named as such in the Agreement, and includes the
legal successors or permitted assigns of the Supplier.


6.1.1. Subject to Article 1.2 (Order of Precedence) of the Contract Agreement, all documents forming part of the
Contract (and all parts thereof) are intended to be correlative, complementary and mutually explanatory.
The Contract shall be read as a whole.


6.2.1. For any litigation arising out of the contract which cannot be resolve through mutual agreement or through
Arbitration the honorable Guwahati High Court will have sole jurisdiction of all settlement.

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Section 6–Special Conditions of Supply and Erection of AEGCL 108

6.3.1. The ruling language of the Contract shall be English.
6.4.1. The Goods and Related Services to be supplied shall be as specified in Schedule No. 1 and Schedule No. 2
of Section -2, Bidding Forms.
6.4.2. Unless otherwise stipulated in expressly limited in the Purchaser’s Requirements, the Scope of Supply
shall include all such items not specifically mentioned in the Contract but that can be reasonably inferred
from the Contract as being required for attaining Delivery and Completion of the Goods and Related
Services as if such items were expressly mentioned in the Contract.


6.5.1. For the purpose of determining the completion time of the Contract, the date of acceptance of the LOA.
6.5.2. The Delivery of the Goods and Completion of the Related Services shall be in accordance with the Delivery
and Completion Schedule specified in the Article 3 of the Contract Agreement (Contract Forms) or within
such extended time to which the Supplier shall be entitled under SCC Clause 6.15.0 hereof.


6.6.1. The Contract Price shall be as specified in Article 2 (Contract Price) of the Contract Agreement.
6.6.2. Unless an escalation clause is provided for in the Article 2 (Contract Price), the Contract Price shall be a
firm shall not subject to any alteration, except in the event of a Change in the Works or as otherwise
provided in the Contract.


6.7.1. The Contract Price shall be paid as specified in subsequent sub-clauses, if not provided in Contract Forms,
6.7.2. Payment against Goods and F&I shall be made as follows: -
A. Progressive Payments for supply items within the country :
1. Within 60 (sixty) days from the date of submission of the invoice against supply, 60% (sixty percent)
payment of the total supply amount would be made along with 100% GST on receipt and acceptance
of materials in full and good condition.
2. In total, 10 (ten) Nos. of progressive supply invoices would be entertained.
3. For payment of 60% (sixty percent) of total supply amount, maximum 6 (Six) Nos of progressive
supply invoices would be entertained
4. Remaining 4(four) Nos of supply invoices would be entertained on fulfillment of the following conditions
a) 50% of balance supply amount would be paid on completion of 50% of the total erection works or
on proportionate basis, of the project.
b) Remaining 50% of the supply amount would be paid on completion of 100% erection, testing and
commissioning activities of the project.

6.7.3 Payment against Installation and other services (Price Schedule2) shall be made as follows:-

B. Progressive Payments for erection works:

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Section 6–Special Conditions of Supply and Erection of AEGCL 109

1. In total 5 (five) Nos. of progressive erection invoice/ bill would be entertained.

2. The 1st progressive erection invoice/ bill would be entertained on completion of 20% of total
erection cost of the project.

3. Thereafter, progressive erection invoice/ bill can be submitted on completion of 10% of the
subsequent erection work and payment will be made on proportionate basis. However, the total amount
paid vide all progressive payment should not be greater than 90% of the total value of the Erection works.

4. Remaining 10% of the erection value would be paid on completion of 100% erection, testing and
Commissioning activities of the project.
6.7.4 Documents to be submitted with the invoice (For Turnkey Contract)
Payment of invoice would be entertained subject to submission of the following documents with the
invoice –
(a) Unconditional acceptance of the Letter of Award and signed Contract Agreement, by the
contractor for supply.
(b) Detailed Supply Plan approved by the AEGCL.
(c) Documentary evidence of dispatch (R/R or receipt of L/R).
(d) Contractor’s detailed invoice & packing list identifying contents of each shipment/supply.
(e) Copy of certificate in respect of payments of State/ Central taxes, duties, levies, etc. have
been made against supply of equipment/ materials through contractors/ sub-vendors under
the contract, if applicable.
(f) Certified copy of Insurance Policy/ Insurance Certificate.
(g) Manufacturer’s/ Contractor’s Guarantee Certificate of Quality.
(h) Material Dispatch Clearance Certificate (MDCC)/ Dispatch Instructions (DI) for dispatch of
materials from the manufacturer’s works. MDCC/DI shall be issued by authorized Officer of
the AEGCL.
(i) Manufacturer’s/ Supplier’s copy of challan.
(j) Copy of testing/ inspection of equipment/ material clearance certificate issued by AEGCL.
(k) Copy of Goods Receipt Sheet (GRS)/ Materials Received Voucher (MRV)/ Materials Handing
Over Voucher (MHOV).
(l) Joint Measurement Certificate(For erection)
(m) Labour License, Insurance, etc.-(for erection only)
(n) Payments would be made subject to fulfillment of the following conditions -
(i) Advance copy of invoices in duplicate with documents/ information as stated under
clause (a) to (m) are to be furnished sufficiently in advance.
(ii) Any demurrage charges on account of late intimation and/or delivery of documents by
the Bank is to be borne by the supplier.
(iii) The supplier should intimate the dispatch of each and every consignment to the
Purchaser and the Consignee. All Bank charges are to be borne by the supplier.
(iv) Payment through Bank for supply of equipment/ materials, dispatched by Rail would be
allowed if required, however the equipment/ materials have to reach at destination/
project site in full and good condition and additional expenditure in any form for this is to
be borne by the supplier.
A prior approval from appropriate authority of the AEGCL is to be taken in this respect.
(v) Payment through Bank for supply of equipment/ materials, dispatched by road transport
would be allowed if required, provided that, the transport agency is approved by the

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Section 6–Special Conditions of Supply and Erection of AEGCL 110

Banking Association and prior approval thereof is given by the AEGCL’s appropriate


No advance payment is applicable for this contract.


6.8.1. The Supplier shall have to deposit to the extent of 10% (ten percent) of the total value of the order as
performance security (Bank Guarantee), within Fifteen (15) days of receipt of notification of award, duly
pledged in favor of the Purchaser and such security deposits shall be valid up to 60 days beyond the
warranty period.
6.8.2. If required, the supplier on his own has to renew the BG at least 1(one) month before the date of expiry of
the BG; failing which the BG shall be revoked by AEGCL within the claim period without any prior intimation
to the contractor
6.8.3. If the Supplier fails or neglects to observe, perform any of his obligations under the contract, it will be lawful
for the “Purchaser” to forfeit either in full or in part at his absolute discretion, the security deposit furnished
by the supplier.
6.8.4. No interest shall be payable on such deposits.

6.9.1. The Supplier/Manufacturer warrants that all the Goods are new, unused, and of the most recent or current
models, and that they incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials, unless provided
otherwise in the Contract
6.9.2. The Supplier/Manufacturer further warrants that the Goods shall be free from defects arising from any act or
omission of the Supplier or arising from design, materials, and workmanship, under normal use in the
conditions prevailing in the country of final destination
6.9.3. The warranty shall remain valid for a period of sixty (60) months from the date of supply (the Goods
having been delivered to and accepted at the final destination indicated in the Purchaser’s Requirement) or
54 (fifty four) months from the date of commissioning of the project, whichever is later
6.9.4. If during the Period Warranty any defect should be found, the Purchaser shall give Notice to the
Supplier/Manufacture stating the nature of any such defects together with all available evidence thereof,
promptly following the discovery thereof. The Purchaser shall afford all reasonable opportunity for the
Supplier/Manufacturer to inspect such defects.
6.9.5. If having been notified, the Supplier/Manufacturer fails to remedy the defect within a period of 15 (fifteen)
days, the Purchaser may, following notice to the Supplier/Manufacturer, proceed to do such work, and the
reasonable costs incurred by the Purchaser in connection therewith shall be paid to the Purchaser by the
Supplier or may be deducted by the Purchaser from any monies due the Supplier or claimed under the
Performance Security.


6.10.1 The Supplier shall indemnify the purchaser against all claims actions, suits and proceedings for the
infringement or alleged infringement of any patent, design or copyright protected either in the country of

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Section 6–Special Conditions of Supply and Erection of AEGCL 111

origin or in India by the use of any equipment supplied by the Supplier but such indemnity shall not cost any
use of the equipment other than for the purposes indicated by or reasonably to be inferred from the
6.11.1. “Purchaser” shall have the right to increase/decrease the ordered quantity by 20% within 50 days of the
period of completion and the same shall be carried out at the same rates /prices and terms and conditions
stipulated in the order except in regard to completion schedule, which shall be mutually agreed upon in case
of enhancement of the ordered quantity.


6.12.1. The Supplier shall at its own expense and at no cost to the Purchaser carry out all such tests and/or
inspections of the Goods and Related Services as are specified in Sections 3, Purchaser’s Requirements.
6.12.2. The inspections and tests may generally be conducted on the premises of the Supplier/Manufacture, at
point of delivery. Subject to Sub-Clause 6.12.3, The Supplier shall furnish all reasonable facilities and
assistance, including access to drawings and production data to the inspectors at no charge to the
6.12.3. The Purchaser or its designated representative shall be entitled to attend the tests and/or inspections
referred to in SCC Sub-Clause6.12.2, provided that the Purchaser bear all of its own costs and expenses
incurred in connection with such attendance including, but not limited to, all travelling and board and lodging
6.12.4. Whenever the Supplier is ready to carry out any such test and/or inspection, the Supplier shall give a
reasonable advance notice (not less than 30 days) of such test and/or inspection and of the place and time
thereof to the Purchaser. The Supplier shall obtain from any relevant third party or manufacturer any
necessary permission or consent to enable the Purchaser or its designated representative to attend the test
and/or inspection.
6.12.5. The Supplier/manufacture shall provide the Purchaser with a certified report of the results of any such test
and/or inspection.
6.12.6. The Purchaser may reject any Goods or any part thereof that fail to pass any test and/or inspection or do
not conform to the specifications. The Supplier shall either rectify or replace such rejected Goods or parts
thereof or make alterations necessary to meet the specifications at no cost to the Purchaser, and shall
repeat the test and/or inspection, at no cost to the Purchaser, upon giving a notice pursuant to SCC Sub-
Clause 6.12.4
6.12.7. If it is agreed between the Purchaser and the Supplier that the Purchaser shall not attend the test and/or
inspection, then the Supplier may proceed with the test and/or inspection, and should provide the Purchaser
with a certified report of the results thereof.
6.12.8. The Supplier agrees that neither the execution of a test and/or inspection of the Goods or any part thereof,
nor the attendance by the Purchaser or its representative, nor the issue of any report pursuant to SCC Sub-
Clause 6.12.5 & 6.12.7, shall release the Supplier from any warranties or other obligations under the

6.13.1. The “Supplier” shall, have, unless, otherwise specified by the Purchaser, insure the materials through their
underwrites at their cost and shall keep it insured against any loss/ damaged/ pilferage in transit, destruction

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Section 6–Special Conditions of Supply and Erection of AEGCL 112

or damage by fire/ flood, without exposure to vagaries of weather or through riot, civil commotion, war or
rebellion, for the full value of the materials until the materials are received at the purchaser’s destination
6.13.2. The “Supplier” shall be responsible for safe arrival at destination, unloading and receipt of the materials by
the consignee. The Purchaser will discharge consignee’s responsibilities only and shall not be responsible
for any damage/ loss/ pilferage/ non-delivery by the carriers.
6.13.3. In case of any loss/ damage/ pilferage/ non-delivery/ short delivery by carriers etc.; the Supplier shall
replace free of cost missing / damaged / lost materials within 30(thirty) days from the receipt of report
thereof from the consignee(s) without waiting for settlement of their claims with their carriers / under-writers.
Normally, such reports from the consignee(s) to the supplier shall be initiated within a period of 30(thirty)
days from the date of receipt of each consignment by him /them.
6.13.4. If it is considered necessary that the damage equipment either in part or in full to be sent back to the
manufacturer’s works for repair, the manufacturers/ suppliers will furnish the Bank Guarantee for the full
value of equipment needing repairs and such Bank Guarantee shall remain valid till such time, the
equipment are repaired and returned to the consignee in good condition. The to and fro freight, handling
and insurance charges in such cases will be borne by the Supplier.
6.13.5. Unless, otherwise mutually agreed upon, in case of failure by the Supplier to replenish /make good of the
loss /damage /short supplied quantities, within the stipulated period, the Purchaser reserves the right to
forfeit the security deposit and/ or adjust any outstanding payment to the “Supplier” with the Purchaser or
take any other appropriate action.


6.14.1. “Force Majeure” shall mean any event beyond the reasonable control of the Purchaser or of the Supplier, as
the case may be, and which is unavoidable notwithstanding the reasonable care of the party affected, and
shall include, without limitation, the following:
(a) war, hostilities or warlike operations whether a state of war be declared or not, invasion, act of foreign
enemy and civil war
(b) rebellion, revolution, insurrection, mutiny, usurpation of civil or military government, conspiracy, riot, civil
commotion and terrorist acts
(c) confiscation, nationalization, mobilization, commandeering or requisition by or under the order of any
government or de jure or de facto authority or ruler or any other act or failure to act of any local state or
national government authority
(d) strike, sabotage, lockout, embargo, import restriction, port congestion, lack of usual means of public
transportation and communication, industrial dispute, shipwreck, shortage or restriction of power supply,
epidemics, quarantine and plague
(e) earthquake, landslide, volcanic activity, fire, flood or inundation, tidal wave, typhoon or cyclone,
hurricane, storm, lightning, or other inclement weather condition, nuclear and pressure waves or other
natural or physical disaster
(f) shortage of labor, materials or utilities where caused by circumstances that are themselves Force
6.14.2. If either party is prevented, hindered or delayed from or in performing any of its obligations under the
Contract by an event of Force Majeure, then it shall notify the other in writing of the occurrence of such
event and the circumstances thereof within fourteen (14) days after the occurrence of such event.

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Section 6–Special Conditions of Supply and Erection of AEGCL 113

6.14.3. The party who has given such notice shall be excused from the performance or punctual performance of its
obligations under the Contract for so long as the relevant event of Force Majeure continues and to the
extent that such party’s performance is prevented, hindered or delayed. The Time for Completion shall be
extended in accordance with SCC Clause 6.15.0.


6.15.1. The Time(s) for Completion specified in the Article 3 of the Contract Agreement (Contract Forms) shall be
extended if the Supplier is delayed or impeded in the performance of any of its obligations under the
Contract by reason of any of the following:
(a) any Change in the scope of works by the Purchaser; which justifies extension of completion time as
provided in SCC Clause 6.11.0; and
(b) any occurrence of Force Majeure as provided in SCC Clause 6.14.0.

6.15.2. Except where otherwise specifically provided in the Contract, the Supplier shall submit to the Purchaser’s
Representative a notice of a claim for an extension of the Time for Completion, together with particulars of
the event or circumstance justifying such extension as soon as reasonably practicable after the
commencement of such event or circumstance. As soon as reasonably practicable after receipt of such
notice and supporting particulars of the claim, the Purchaser and the Supplier shall agree upon the period of
such extension. In the event that the Supplier does not accept the Purchaser’s estimate of a fair and
reasonable time extension, the Supplier shall be entitled to refer the matter to a Dispute Board, pursuant to
SCC Sub-Clause 6.17.0.


6.16.1. The Supplier guarantees that it shall attain Completion of the Works within the Time for Completion
specified in the Contract Agreement pursuant to SCC Sub-Clause 6.5.2, or within such extended time to
which the Supplier shall be entitled under SCC Clause 6.15.0 hereof.
6.16.2. If the Supplier fails to attain Completion of the Works within the Time for Completion or any extension
thereof under SCC Clause 6.15.0, the Supplier shall pay to the Purchaser liquidated damages at the rate of
½ % (half percent) of the total Contract Price per week or part thereof delay. The aggregate amount of
such liquidated damages shall in no event exceed 10% (ten percent) of the total contract price.
However, the payment of liquidated damages shall not in any way relieve the Supplier from any of its
obligations to complete the Works or from any other obligations and liabilities of the Supplier under the
6.16.3. Once the aggregated “Liquidated damage” reaches10% of the total contract price, the Purchaser may
consider following actions:
(a) Procure the undelivered material/ equipment and/or complete the balance works from elsewhere
giving notice to the supplier and to recover any extra expenditure incurred thereby for having to
procure these materials and works at higher price, at the risk and responsibility of the Supplier; or
(b) Cancel the contract wholly or in part and to complete the works at the full risk and cost of the Supplier
and forfeit the security deposit.
(c) Declare it as a “Contractual Failure” and act in accordance with SCC Clause 6.16.4.


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Section 6–Special Conditions of Supply and Erection of AEGCL 114

6.16.5. In the event of contractual failure of any respect on the part of the Supplier, the Purchaser shall be entitled
to operate security deposit or any deposit or any payment due to supplier irrespective of whether his default
relates to the particular orders or not towards the Purchaser’s claim for damages arising out of the failure. In
addition, the Purchaser may black-list or bans the “Supplier” or pending enquiry, suspend him or take any
other steps considered suitable.

6.17.1. If at any time, any question, disputes or differences whatsoever shall rise between the Purchaser and the
Supplier, upon or in relation to or in connection with the contract, either party may forthwith give notice to
the other in writing of the existence of such question of dispute or difference and the same shall be referred
to the adjudication of three Arbitrators, one to be nominated by the Purchaser the other by the Supplier and
the third by the President of the Institution of Engineers, India/ Retired or Sitting Judge not below the status
of a retired Judge of High Court of India. If either of the parties fail to appoint its arbitrators within 60(sixty)
days after receipt of notice of the appointment of arbitrators then the President of the Institution of
Engineers /retired or sitting Judge of India, as the case may be, shall have the power at request of either of
the parties, to appoint an Arbitrator. A certified copy of the “President” making such an appointment shall be
furnished to both parties
6.17.2. The arbitration shall be conducted as per provisions of the Indian Arbitration Act, shall be held at Guwahati
or any other place as may be decided by the Purchaser. The decision of the majority of Arbitrators shall be
final & binding upon the parties and the expenses of the arbitration shall be paid as may be determined by
the Arbitrator. However, any dispute arising out of this contract will first be discussed and settled bilaterally
between Purchaser and the Supplier.

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Section 7 - Contract Forms 115

Section - 7

Contract Forms
(This Section contains the Letter of Acceptance, the Contract Agreement and Appendices to the Contract
Agreement which, once completed, will form the Contract along with the Section 4 and Section 5. The Bidder
should note that this Section shall be completed fully at the time of Contract signing)

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Section 7 - Contract Forms 116

Contract Forms

Table of Forms

Notification of Award ................................................................................................................... 84

Contract Agreement..................................................................................................................... 85

APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................................................. 88

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Section 7 - Contract Forms 117

Appendix 1 – Terms and Procedure of Payment 89

Appendix 2 - Time Schedule .......................................................................................................... 90

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Section 7 - Contract Forms 118

Notification of Award

[AEGCL’s letter head]

Letter of Acceptance

Supply of Goods and Related Services

[ date ]

To: [Name and address of the Supplier]

This is to notify you that your Bid dated [date] for execution of the [ name of the Contract and identification
number, as given in the Contract Data ] for the Contract Price in the aggregate of [ amounts in numbers
and words ] [ name of currency ] (as per Price Schedule-1), as corrected and modified in accordance with
the Instructions to Bidders is hereby accepted, and it is decided to award on you the ‘Supply and Delivery
Contract’ covering inter-alia Ex-works supply and Delivery of all Goods including Related Services.

You are requested to furnish the Performance Security within seven (7) days in accordance with the
Conditions of Contract, using for that purpose one of the Performance Security Forms included in Section 8
(Contract Forms) of the Bidding Document

[Authorized Signature]

[Name and Title of Signatory]

Assam Electricity Grid Corporation Limited

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 7 - Contract Forms 119

Attachment: Contract Agreement

1. Contract Agreement

THIS AGREEMENT made the ________ day of ________________________, _____,


Assam Electricity Grid Corporation Limited (herein after referred to as AEGCL), a corporation incorporated
under the laws of Company Act, 1956 and having its registered office at First Floor, BijuliBhawan, Paltanbazar,
Guwahati-781001, Assam and [name of Supplier], a firm/company incorporated under the laws of Company Act,
1956 and having its principal place of business at [address of Supplier] (hereinafter called “the Supplier”). [in case
of JV insert name and address of the Lead Partner as well as other Partners]

WHEREAS AEGCL desires to engage the Supplier to the ‘Supply and Related Service Contract’covering “Supply of
Power & Control Cables of 1.1KV Class for various sub-stations in Assam under PSDF” Cables” with all accessories
and delivery to various Substation Sites of AEGCL and Related Services, as detailed in the Contract Document, and
the Supplier has agreed to such engagement upon and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter appearing.


Article 1 1.1 Contract Documents (Reference SCC Clause 6.1.0)

Contract Documents The following documents shall constitute the Contract between the Purchaser and
the Supplier, and each shall be read and construed as an integral part of the

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Section 7 - Contract Forms 120


(a) This Contract Agreement and the Appendices hereto

(b) Letter of Price Bid and Price Schedules submitted by the Supplier
(c) Letter of Technical Bid and Technical Proposal submitted by the Supplier
(d) Special Conditions of Contract
(e) General Conditions of Supply and Erection.
(f) Specification (Purchaser’s Requirements)
(g) Other completed Bidding Forms submitted with the Letters of Technical
and Price Bids
(h) Guaranteed and other Technical Particulars (as submitted with the Bid).

(i) Any other documents (if necessary) shall be added here

1.2 Order of Precedence (Reference SCC Clause 6.1.0)

In the event of any ambiguity or conflict between the Contract Documents listed
above, the order of precedence shall be the order in which the Contract
Documents are listed in Article 1.1 (Contract Documents) above.

1.3 Definitions (Reference SCC Clause 06.0.0)

Capitalized words and phrases used herein shall have the same meanings as are
ascribed to them in the SCC.

Article 2 2.1 Contract Price (Reference SCC Clause 6.6.0)

The Purchaser hereby agrees to pay to the Supplier the Contract Price in
Contract Price and consideration of the performance by the Supplier of its obligations hereunder.
Terms of Payment The Contract Price shall [. . . amounts inrupees in words . . . ], [. . . amounts in
figures. . . ] as specified in Price Schedule No. 3 (Grand Summary).

The Contract Price is FIXED for entire period of the Contract.

2.2 Terms of Payment (Reference SCC Clause 6.7.0)

The terms and procedures of payment according to which the Purchaser will pay
the Supplier are given in the Appendix (Terms and Procedures of Payment)

Article 3 3.1 Commencement Date (Reference SCC Clause 6.5.1)

Commencement Date The Commencement Date upon which the period until the Time for Completion of
and Completion Time the total scope under the Contract shall be counted from is the date when this
Contract Document is signed.

3.2 Completion Time (Reference SCC Clause 6.5.2)

The whole scope under this Contract shall be completed within 10 months from

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Section 7 - Contract Forms 121

Contract Commencement Date with following schedule:

Article 4. Appendices 5.1 The Appendices listed in the attached List of Appendices shall be deemed to form
an integral part of this Contract Agreement.

5.2 Reference in the Contract to any Appendix shall mean the Appendices attached
hereto, and the Contract shall be read and construed accordingly.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Purchaser and the Supplier have caused this Agreement to be duly executed
by their duly authorized representatives the day and year first above written.

Signed by, for and on behalf of the Purchaser



in the presence of



Signed by, for and on behalf of the Supplier

[Signature ]

[ Title ]

in the presence of

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Section 7 - Contract Forms 122

[ Signature ]

[ Title ]

132 kV s/c Transmission link from Nalbari Railway Traction s/s to Tower No. 12 of 132 kV Nalbari GSS – Nalbari TSS Transmission line
Section 7 - Contract Forms 123

Appendix 1 - Terms and Procedures of Payment
Appendix 2 - Time Schedule
Appendix 3 - Performance Security.
Appendix 4– PriceSchedules.
Appendix 5– Guaranteed and Other Technical Particulars.

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Section 7 - Contract Forms 124

Appendix 1 – Terms and Procedure of Payment

In accordance with the provisions of SCC Clause 6.7.0 (Terms of Payment), the Purchaser shall pay the Supplier in
the following manner and at the following times, on the basis of the Price Breakdown given in the section on Price

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Section 7 - Contract Forms 125

Appendix 2 - Time Schedule

(Bidders shall furnish with bids a construction schedule in form of bar chart. The time schedule should
match with the completion time mentioned elsewhere in the Bidding Document)

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Section 7 - Contract Forms 126

Appendix 3 - Form of Performance Security

Bank Guarantee
(To be stamped in accordance with Stamp Act)
To: _______________________________________________________ [name of Purchaser]

_______________________________________________________ [address of Purchaser]

WHEREAS____________________________________ [name and address of Supplier/Manufacturer] has

undertaken, in pursuance of Contract No. ____________ dated ______ to execute
__________________________________________ [name of Supplier/Manufacturer and brief description of Scope]
(hereinafter called "the Contract");

AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Supplier/Manufacturer shall furnish you
with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized/scheduled bank for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with
its obligations in accordance with the Contract;

AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Supplier/Manufacturer such a Bank Guarantee;

NOW THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible to you, on behalf of the
Supplier/Manufacturer, up to a total of __________________________________ [amount of Guarantee]1
_______________________________________ [in words], such sum being payable inthe currencies in which the
Contract Price is payable, and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand and without cavil or
argument, any sum orsums within the limits of ______________________________________ [amount of
Guarantee] as aforesaid without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand for the sum
specified therein.

We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the Supplier/Manufacturer before presenting
us with the demand.

We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the Contract or of the scope to be
performed thereunder or of any of the Contract documents which may be made between you and the Contractor
shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change,
addition or modification.
This guarantee shall be valid until the date, 30 days beyond the Warranty Period as per the Contract.

Signature and Seal of the Guarantor ______________________________

Name of Bank ______________________________

Address ______________________________

Date ______________________________

An amount is to be inserted by the Guarantor, representing the percentage of the Contract Price specified in the Contract.

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