Course Syllabus, EDU 241: Description
Course Syllabus, EDU 241: Description
Course Syllabus, EDU 241: Description
As part of this course, each teacher will be exposed to various theoretical frameworks
which explain how students learn with computer-based technology. Furthermore,
prospective teachers will also develop a professional electronic portfolio designed to
showcase personal technology and educational skills, and provide a venue for
reflection about what constitutes effective teaching.
There is no required text for the course. Readings are online and must be completed
prior to in-class discussion. Questions are provided for each reading. These are
collected and evaluated, and responses are then shared in class.
This course will have a number of assignments - some of which will be completed
outside of class, and others that will be included as part of the classtime activities.
The course incorporates both lecture/discussion assignments and hands-on
technology-based projects to deliver course material. For a complete listing of
assignments and grading rubrics, visit the Assignment section of this website.
As college students, and as future teachers who will work with, and serve as a model
for young people, academic honesty is of paramount importance in this class and all
classes at Gustavus. Please review the Academic Honesty Policy and the Honor
Code within the General College Catalog.
In this class, assume that all assignments are individual unless otherwise
indicated in the syllabus. We will most assuredly work together on some
assignments. Since teaching and learning is a collaborative effort, this is essential.
Your instructors will be very clear about when collaboration is appropriate.
Be sure to abide by all copyright restrictions when using images, text, or other
materials. Pay careful attention to any written statement at the end of a document,
whether a journal article or electronic source and abide by the policy stated.
For assistance in understanding copyright and fair use in academia, visit the Purdue
Copyright Management Center for a copy of the Checklist for Fair Use.
Academic dishonesty in any form will result in failure in this course and a referral to
the Dean of Students for further action.
Grading System:
Points are converted to a percent and the grade is based on this scale.
94- 74-
100% A 79% C
92-93% A- 73% C-
90-91% B+ 71% D+
84-89% B 69% D
82-83% B- lower F
80-81% C+
*Both attendance and participation affect final grade . Grade can be elevated or
reduced based on attendance and quality of participation in both small and large
group activities. LATE WORK IS NEVER ACCEPTABLE unless you make prior
arrangements with your instructors and there is a valid reason for delaying an
assignment. Since we use an electronic gradebook, you may ask about your grade
status in the course at any time.
Reference Materials
There are several quality journals, both online and in print, available on the topic of
educational technology in the classroom. Here a just a few:
T.H.E. Journal
International Journal of Information Management
Journal of Technology and Teacher Education
Journal of Educational Multimedia & Hypermedia
Computers in Human Behavior
Journal of Educational Computing Research
And many others are included in the Gustavus Library Database .
Learning Disabilities
Summary Comments
Lecture/discussion and work time will be scheduled. We will meet from 2:30-5:20 in
the technology lab in Mattson Hall. We will schedule a mid-class break each day.
Because this class meets only one day per week, it is imperative that you come to
class with all assignments completed and that you are ready to learn!
There will be changes in this course as the semester progresses. As such, you are
responsible for material covered in the readings and during class discussions. You
are expected to be in class every day and to fully participate in course activities. Each
of us has certain knowledge and computer skills... share your expertise in class and
with classmates. We ALL have much to learn and share!