Agriculture Branding
Agriculture Branding
Agriculture Branding
India is an agricultural powerhouse of the world. Diversified agricultural products are produced in India. Now
a day’s consumers are health conscious and they are looking for exceptional quality fruits, vegetables and
processed food along with safety.There is increase in demand for labeled products, which is a result of
increased disposable income of Indian people. The present production and marketing structure in rural areas is
mainly traditional and it deserves the focused attention of all the stakeholders. The main purpose of this paper is
to examine the strategies for enhancing the income of farmers using branding as a tool. The study is entirely
based on secondary source of data which is collected from primary research that is relevant to branding of
agricultural produce. Branding adds value to products simply because consumers generally believe that known
branded products have better quality or more attributes than unbranded products. Branded items are generally
able to earn a higher price for the producer and can lead to brand loyalty. Branding at the firm/corporate level,
is probably the easiest and most extensively of the branding methods available for the agricultural products.
Farmers can work with modern retail formats to promote and sell theirfarm produce. This will help farmers to
get reasonable price for their farm produce. If the products are properly labelled then it helps consumer in
reducing the search costs, which leads to obtain a price premium. The development of branded food will assure
consumers of its freshness, healthiness, quality and traceability. There exist a tremendous potential to exploit
the situation for the benefit and upliftment of farmers.
Keywords: Agriculture, Farmers, Agricultural Produce, Marketing, Branding
India is a global powerhouse of agriculture. Agriculture in India is the source of livelihood to large portion of
the population directly or indirectly. India‟s prosperity is predominantly linked to the growth in income in the
agriculture sector of the economy. Indian farmers‟ future isdependent on the success of the agriculture sector.
India has been always known for producing diversified agricultural products and has the potential of being the
biggest country with the food and agricultural sector. Fruits and vegetables are available throughout the yeardue
to the presence of diverse agro climatic conditions and long growing seasons.
Agricultural commodities are unique and Fruits and vegetable form different plants have different shapes,
colour, taste and quality. Fruits and vegetables are often relatively unprocessed and do not have clear brands
associated with producers or suppliers. Food processing in India has tremendous potential and can be a growth
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vehicle for stimulating demandat global and national level.Thus, in view of the importance of fruit and
vegetables in the agricultural economy of India, their production and marketing deserve the focused attention of
all the stakeholders.
Small-scale farmers are producing fruits and vegetables which are seasonal and they can sell it by spot without
directing production at the requirements of the market. Philosophy of many small and marginal farmers is
„„production first and then look for the market to sale it‟‟. They never analyze the market upfront, not making
the anyarrangements for contract farming and they are not producing what consumers exactly want (Boehlje,
1996; Fairbairn, 2003). Farmers are facing problems in marketing their farm produce. They do not have proper
access to markets because of poor roads;poorinfrastructure of market, excessive regulation and presence of
middlemen for selling the farm produce (Bansal, 2011).
Agriculture in India is the source of livelihood to large portion of the population directly or indirectly. Farming
is becoming unprofitable as more than one-third of the farmers are engaged in farming due to compulsion rather
than choice. More than 40 percent of farming households feel that given a choice they would take up some other
career. Farmers are committing suicides even in agriculturally prosperous areas.
The present production structure in rural areas is mainly traditional and farmers produce the agricultural
products without keeping in mind the consumers demand and raw products without grading and standardizing.
According to Dr. ShanmugaSundaram, Deputy DirectorGeneral (Research) of the Asian Vegetable Research
and Development Centre, Taiwan, vegetable production is beneficial because it provides 2 to 3 times more job/
hectare than rice. If one want to reduce the poverty in India and uplift socioeconomic condition of our farmers, it
is imperative that their farm produce is properly graded and branded. Today, we need to produce world class
packaged agricultural products, as consumers in India as well as across the globe have become quality and brand
conscious. Recently The United States Department of Agriculture has taken decision to grant market access for
Indian Mangoes, this has paved way for exportof mangos from India to US.
There is increase in demand for labeled products, which is a result of increased disposable income. As income
rises, consumers search for food products that appeal to more than just their basic need for a safe, affordable
source of calories. Three important recent trends in the food industry include the widening separation between
agricultural producers and food consumers, higher food safety concerns, and increasing household disposable
income (WEMC, 2005).
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the status of small farmers by increasing their farm productivity through making use of modern farming
techniques and commercialization of their agricultural activities. Profitability from the farms can be enhanced
by helping farmers to improve their marketing practices and by expanding their market access. This will help to
reduce price spread between farmers and the consumers.
It is a secondary research which involves collection of information from summary, collation and/or synthesis of
existing research on branding of agricultural commodities or produce. The study is entirely based on secondary
source of data which is collected from primary research that is relevant to branding of agricultural produce.
We have characterized the various stages of the systematic review as follows:
Stage 1
Identification of Review
Stage 2
Electronic search in databases using key
Stage 3
Title and abstract reviews of identified
papers (203 articles)
Stage 4
Apply inclusion and exclusion criteria
Stage 5
Papers selected for review (16 articles)
Stage 6
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Create data extraction files
Stage 7
Descriptive and schematic analyses
Stage 7
Source: Adapted from Malviya and Kant (2015) and further refined as per our study needs
5.1 Branding
The word brand is derived from the word “brandr” means burn. The owners of the livestock weremarking their
animalsby burn so as to identify them easily (Kotler, 2003). Brand means „a name, design, logo,symbol or
sometimes combination of all of them, used to identify a particular organization‟s product (Baker, 1999). Brand
is a mixture of both emotional and functional attributes; therefore we have to look at it from pure product basis
(Laxmi 2015). Branding a product adds value by differentiating the product, making it stand out from the
other items onthe market, and by conveying additional information about the attributes of the product beyond
appearance. The increased demand for labeled products is also a result of increased disposable income. As
income rises, consumers search for food products that appeal to more than just their basic need for a safe,
affordable source of calories (Cowee and Curtis, 2016).
Branding also adds value to products simply because consumers generally believe that known branded products
have better quality or more attributes than unbranded products. Another merit of branding is the sense of pride
or community that can be experienced by the producer from successfully creating a brand identity (Giddens et
al., 2002). A brand is a manufacturer„s or seller„s promise to the customer to deliver consistently a specific set
of features, benefits and services. Ithelps to create a loyal customer, who is ready to buy the product repeatedly.
Ultimately it helps to give an edge over competition.
Branded items are generally able to earn a higher price for the producer and can lead to brand loyalty, which
leads to a strong customer base and the ability of the producer to better serve the needs of the market. Branding
is going deeper than marketing. Brand personality and message is communicated by marketing, advertising, and
other promotional activities. But brand is comprised of your message, your personality and voice. Branding is
the process of establishing these traits. A brand distinguishes product or service from its similar competitors
The brand become successful only when it delivers consistently, clearly defined and appealing offering, which
are different from its competitors. Branding cannot work in isolation but it is combination of name, logo and
company terms. Differentiation or its personality is the main ingredient which makes a brand successful.While
creating a brand we have to go through the ritual of mapping consumer needs, market segmentation, product
differentiation and finally brand communication.
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5.2 Branding of Agricultural Products
An effective marketing strategy for agricultural products is branding. It helps to bridge the firm with their
customers by identifying the product. This is possible only through the uniqueness of the brand by its logo,
name, type,and use of the product (Haimid et. al., 2012). Quality of the product is more important and brand can
assure that quality is associated with the product. Branding is not just glossy advertising. Branding efforts must
combine with marketing efforts and expertise. Effective organization, an efficient supply chain, and good
financial resources are there, then and then only branding will create consumer demand.
Only because of association of product with quality, it is accepted by the consumers.Farmers receive good
prices for their farm produce according to quality of the produce.Proper branding of products ensures that the
branding is an incentive to improve quality. It also helps to safeguard consumers against adulteration of
products. Branding strategies have become an important part of agricultural marketing(Pay et. al.,1996).
For most of the agricultural products, there is no remarkable perceived difference in the eyes of the consumers.
If products fail to differentiate in the eyes of the consumer then a market remains commodity driven. Thus, we
can say, for a consumer, all varieties of sugar or rice or wheat are perceived to be the same and therefore should
command almost similar price. However, as commodity markets become more competitive and over-saturated
because of oversupply in domestic market and inflow of imported produce, prices are depressed and more
competition among the producers and sellers increases. This has led to an increasing demand for branding of
agricultural products. It significantly contributes to profit making among agricultural producers and marketers
(Ngozi, 2012).
Companies use branding and the consumers' ability to identify brands to improve sales in four ways: to market
new products, to protect market position, to broaden product offerings, and to enter new product categories. The
majority of small agribusiness owners make their branding debut by repackaging their existing products under
the name of their farm, ranch, organization, or business to promote brand recognition and to encourage the
spread of experience attributes through word of mouth. Successful brands offer a range of defined repeatable
emotions to theconsumerand it appeal on an intangible level. Commodities are not brands and offer no such
emotional intangible benefits or security (Giddens et al., 2002).
Successful differentiation in products should be based upon genuinedifferences, branding needs to extend
beyond the basic product.The company who is seeking to brand the products needs to see a broader perspective;
it has to look at the entire experience which it offers to potential customers. If anyone product is similar to other
products then buyers cannot be convinced of itssuperiority over other products. However, farmers, corporate
sector and all related agencies who are marketing agricultural produce have recognized the fact that in the future
there is paradigm shift from offering commodity in simple form to differentiated goods and services to the
consumers. Branding of the produce is one of the fundamental methods of differentiation.
Brand increases competitive advantage of the product and one can sell their farm produce through hypermarkets
and super markets across the country and it will also enables the product to be explored globally (Haimid,
2012). The relatively low level of use of brands in agricultural and horticultural marketing is explained by the
biologically variable nature of production, and the consequent inability of producers to deliver a product which
is consistent with respect to the attributes of importance to consumers(Ngozi, 2012).
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5.3 Current Scenario of Branding of Agricultural Products
Though, today most of agricultural products are being branded in India, there exist a tremendous potential to
exploit the situation for the benefit and upliftment of our farmers. Today farmers are facing the challenge of how
to differentiate their products, so that consumers will accept it and award premium status and price in their farm
produce/ products. Therefore it is essential to implement a concentrated strategy that will focus on creating real
value for those consumers who are ready to pay for it and a brand strategy is mainly based on differentiation of
product.India could well emerge as the food factory of the world with the opening up of world markets and the
reduction of subsidies in the western world. It is essential to look at the world markets and examine what they
are demandingfor and then offer them branded agricultural products.
Traditionally farmers were supplying agricultural produce to wholesale markets. But now a day modern food
chains are there and because of these chains there is increasing importance on branding, distribution and
services. Branding of agricultural produce may be an answer to get higher price for our nation‟s agricultural
products at the global and national level. Branding help to create consumer demand and thereby giving farmers
leverage in negotiations with large number of buyers. Branding strategies have become an accepted part of
marketing activity and it is the norm for manufactured and processed food products to be offered to consumers
as branded products. The increased demand for labeled products is also a result of increased disposable income.
Farmers do not understandthe role of brands in adding value to agricultural products that is why they
underestimate it. Branding is important for the marketing of commodities, fruits, vegetables and medicinal
plants from India. The majority of smallagribusiness owners make their branding debut byrepackaging their
existing products under the nameof their farm, ranch, organization, or business topromote brand recognition and
to encourage thespread of experience attributes through word ofmouth (Giddens et al., 2002).
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by focusing on the benefits associated with the agricultural product or service that arise from quality,
functionality, form, place and time.
Value can be added to the agricultural produce through the certification of producers and processors. Through
certification people will know that the producer or processor has met the necessary guidelines to be certified.
Setting up good post-harvest infrastructure will help to retain the quality of the agricultural produce.
5.4.3. Retail Branding
Organized retailers help farmers for branding the commodities. It also helps to add value to the products. When
branding at a farm level is not possible then, go for branding at a point of sale is a way of creating a brand. For
other products, branding at a store level is inferior to manufacturers‟ brand. But for agricultural produce store,
brands are of superior quality, because of this retail branding is going to pick up in future and organized retail
mainly sell food and food related items. Due to FDI in retail and changes in APMC act in future there will be a
closer relationship between producer (farmer) and retailer. Retail branding will become an important way of
branding agricultural commodities.
5.4.4. Making Geographical Indicators as a Brand Building Tool
Geographical Indicators indicates that the product is originated from a particular geographical area. GI are used
to identify various agricultural manufactured as well as natural products. One can make use of GI for branding
and marketing their produce especially in overseas market while exporting agricultural produce. GI is applicable
to the agricultural produce which has good qualities which are derived from their place of production, soil type
and climatic condition. Consumers are to pay higher price for the products which are geographically branded.
Geographical indicators can be used an effective branding tool in marketing of agricultural produce. Some of the
agricultural produces which is GI registered are Basmati rice, Nagpur orange, Nasik grapes, Kerala cardamom,
Assam tea, Malabar pepper. Few agricultural products like Nagpur Orange or Assam tea which have become
global products because of their “branded origin”.
5.4.5. Varietal Branding
Varietal brands works in different way in agricultural marketing. Brand name can be given to the patented crop
variety which is superior and different than existing varieties. The variety owner allowsproducing and
marketingof a particular variety under license and can impose strict quality standards. The benefit to the
producer is established market.
5.4.6. Packaging of Products
Packaging provides a means to market products. Proper packaging and branding of agricultural products by
farmers would attract more consumers. Designing packaging from a marketing perspective also involves brand
recognition. Brand recognition occurs when a consumer can identify a brand by its attributes. Packaging helps
for ensuring longer shelf life of fresh fruits and vegetables. It remains fresh, juicy and delicious from harvest to
store. Packaging materials helps to improve manufacturing process and do three packaging functions: proper
ventilation, product protection and water loss reduction. It is very cost effective and provide optimal brand
placement. Fruit and vegetable packaging is responsible for ensuring fresh fruit and vegetable. Shelf life of the
fruits and vegetables can be improved by packaging and it helps to maintain it fresh, juicy and delicious from
harvest to store.
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5.5. Benefits of Branding Agricultural Produce
5.5.1 Help to Increase Profit
Branded products are accepted by the customers and they are ready to pay more for it. It helps to increase sale
and to get more profit from farm produce. Ultimately it gives good returns to the efforts of the farmer.
5.5.2 Help for Product Differentiation
Due to branding farmers can differentiate their farm produce from others produce. A brand provides a valid
reason for the customer to buy a particular product. It helps to get good return to the farmer from the farm.
5.5.3. Help to Convey Value
Consumers always think that branded products are of good quality, more reliable and give better value for
money as compared to non-branded products. Consumers are ready to pay more for ty branded products.
Number one brand always demand more price premium as compared to number two and three.
5.5.4. Helps to BuildBrand Loyalty
Brand loyalty is important for profit generation. Loyal customers do repeat purchases and they also help to
increase referral sale. Making existing customers loyal is more important and less expensive than developing
new customers. Branding helps tomake customers more loyal.
5.5.5 Helps to Build Pride for Producer
Branded products invoke a sense of pride in producer, marketer, and distributor and also for those who are
associated with branded products.
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products are products with attractive label and package. They never think about branded productsas
products with quality assurance.
2. Thinking of Indian Retailer
Indian retailers gain the trust of the customers by giving good service to the customers and well as by
maintaining good relationship with customers. Hence they never think about necessity of branded products.
But now a day this trend is changed and people are also realized importance of branded product because of
its quality.
3. Need of investment for making brand
Brand building requires an initial investment and dedication,it is costly affair. Only producers, who are
having good financial condition, can invest money for building a brand. Because of this reason producers
mainly concentrate of supplying food to local community and they never think about branding.
4. Structure of Indian Agriculture Market
The system of selling of agricultural produce is itself against branding. That is why they are not allowing
any differentiations in the current systems. They want to go by traditional way only and by this way farmers
are not getting good returns for their efforts. Because of this farmers are not motivated to produce quality
products; if quality products are not produced then they cannot go for branding.
5. Land holding size
In India maximum farmers are marginal or small farmers, they are not capable of going for branding of
Their farm produce. Generally they do distress sale to get money for their basic needs. Farmers are not ware
about benefits of branding. Extensive extension work by government and its various departments is
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Branded agricultural commodities are generally able to earn a higher price for the producer and can lead to
brand loyalty, which leads to a strong customer base and the ability of the producer to better serve the needs of
the market.
Brand less commodities find it difficult to survive ups and downs of the markets. Hence it becomes necessary to
development brands for competing in the market. If branding the source (farm) is not easy, then in that case
farmers can go for branding at the point of sale. Organized retails are mainly concentrating on adding value to
agro products. Farmers can work with modern retail formats for promotion and sell of their farm produce. It will
help them to get reasonable price for their farm produce. If the products are properly labeled then it helps
consumer in reducing the search costs, which leads to obtain a price premium. Farmers can assure consumers for
product‟s freshness, healthiness, quality and traceability by developing a brand.
Research has shown that a branding of agricultural produce can be an effective tool for improving farm
venture‟s profitability and sustainability.Branding helps, to differentiate the product, to convey value of the
product to customer, to increase profit, to build pride and to make the customers loyal. Branding at the
firm/corporate level, is probably the easiest and most extensively of the branding methods available for the
agricultural products.The majority of small agribusiness owners make their branding debut by repackaging their
existing products under the name of their farm, ranch, organization, or business to promote brand recognition
and to encourage the spread of experience attributes through word of mouth.
Profitability can be increased by value addition to the agricultural produce. Value addition is the process of
making changes in the product so as to transform the product from its current state to a more valuable state. It is
the process of increasing the economic value and consumer appeal of an agricultural commodity. Farmers can
create value by focusing on the benefits associated with the agricultural product or service that arise from
quality, functionality, form, place and time. Value can be added to the agricultural produce through the
certification of producers and processors.There are many challenges in developing brands such as commitment
for long term, thinking on long term goals rather than short term, identification of the right segment, competitive
pricing, brand positioning and promotion of commodity as a category, etc.
To showcase India‟s food diversity a branding campaign called as „Incredible India‟ campaign can be
undertaken to show potential of the market. If more investment is made on branding of food and fresh farm
products then India can export farm produce and can become one of the world‟s top five exporters. This will
help to generate greater returns for Indian farmers apart from giving assured quality products to the consumers
Although the research has reached its aims, there were some unavoidable limitations. Because of time limit; this
research was conducted only on limited references. There is a scope for further expansion of this study and for
studying challenges faced by farmers in branding agricultural produce. Detailed cost benefit analysis is not
taken into account. Hence this aspect can be considered for future studies.
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