Male Hypogonadism Pocket
Male Hypogonadism Pocket
Male Hypogonadism Pocket
Male hypogonadism is a clinical syndrome caused by andro-
gen deficiency. It may adversely affect multiple organ func-
tions and quality of life. Androgens play a crucial role in the
development and maintenance of male reproductive and
sexual functions. Low levels of circulating androgens can
cause disturbances in male sexual development, resulting
in congenital abnormalities of the male reproductive tract.
Later in life, this may cause reduced fertility, sexual dysfunc-
tion, decreased muscle formation and bone mineralisation,
disturbances of fat metabolism, and cognitive dysfunction.
Testosterone levels decrease as a process of ageing: signs
and symptoms caused by this decline can be considered a
normal part of ageing. However, low testosterone levels are
also associated with several chronic diseases, and sympto-
matic patients may benefit from testosterone treatment.
The diagnosis of male hypogonadism is based on clinical
symptoms and signs of androgen deficiency (Tables 2 and 3),
together with consistently low serum testosterone levels.
The aim of treatment is to restore testosterone levels to the
physiological range and thereby improve the patient’s quality
of life. Indications and contraindications are listed in Tables 4
and 5.
Choice of treatment
Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is safe and effective
and the agents are available as oral preparations, intramuscu-
lar injections, and transdermal gel or patches (Table 6).
Recommendations GR
The patient should be fully informed about expected A
benefits and side effects of each treatment option. The
selection of the preparation should be a joint decision
by an informed patient and the physician.
Short-acting preparations may initially be preferred to B
long-acting depot administration when starting treat-
ment. Patients can switch to a long-acting depot if
preferred and side effects are absent or minimal.