Lecture 3 PDF
Lecture 3 PDF
Lecture 3 PDF
f (x) = 0. (3.1)
As you learned in calculus, the final step in many optimization problems is to solve an equation of this form
where f is the derivative of a function, F , that you want to maximize or minimize. In real engineering
problems the function you wish to optimize can come from a large variety of sources, including formulas,
solutions of differential equations, experiments, or simulations.
Newton iterations
We will denote an actual solution of equation (3.1) by x∗ . There are three methods which you may have
discussed in Calculus: the bisection method, the secant method and Newton’s method. All three depend on
beginning close (in some sense) to an actual solution x∗ .
Recall Newton’s method. You should know that the basis for Newton’s method is approximation of a
function by it linearization at a point, i.e.
Since we wish to find x so that f (x) = 0, set the left hand side (f (x)) of this approximation equal to 0 and
solve for x to obtain:
f (x0 )
x ≈ x0 − ′ . (3.3)
f (x0 )
We begin the method with the initial guess x0 , which we hope is fairly close to x∗ . Then we define a sequence
of points {x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 , . . .} from the formula:
f (xi )
xi+1 = xi − , (3.4)
f ′ (xi )
which comes from (3.3). If f (x) is reasonably well-behaved near x∗ and x0 is close enough to x∗ , then it is
a fact that the sequence will converge to x∗ and will do it very quickly.
function S = mysum ( n )
% gives the sum of the first n integers
S = 0; % start at zero
% The loop :
for i = 1: n % do n times
S = S + i; % add the current integer
end % end of the loop
Newton’s method converges rapidly when f ′ (x∗ ) is nonzero and finite, and x0 is close enough to x∗ that the
linear approximation (3.2) is valid. Let us take a look at what can go wrong.
For f (x) = x1/3 we have x∗ = 0 but f ′ (x∗ ) = ∞. If you try
> f = inline(’x^(1/3)’)
> f1 = inline(’(1/3)*x^(-2/3)’)
> x = mynewton(f,f1,0.1,10)
then x explodes.
For f (x) = x2 we have x∗ = 0 but f ′ (x∗ ) = 0. If you try
> f = inline(’x^2’)
> f1 = inline(’2*x’)
> x = mynewton(f,f1,1,10)
then x does converge to 0, but not that rapidly.
If x0 is not close enough to x∗ that the linear approximation (3.2) is valid, then the iteration (3.4) gives
some x1 that may or may not be any better than x0 . If we keep iterating, then either
• xn will eventually get close to x∗ and the method will then converge (rapidly), or
• the iterations will not approach x∗ .
3.1 Enter: format long. Use mynewton on the function f (x) = x5 − 7, with x0 = 2. By trial and error,
what is the lowest value of n for which the program converges (stops changing). How close is the
answer to the true value? Plug the program’s answer into f (x); is the value zero?
3.2 Suppose a ball is dropped from a height of 2 meters onto a hard surface and the coefficient of restitution
of the collision is .9 (see Wikipedia for an explanation). Write a script program to calculate the total
distance the ball has traveled when it hits the surface for the n-th time. Include lots of comments.
Enter: format long. By trial and error approximate how large n must be so that total distance stops
changing. Turn in the program and a brief summary of the results.
3.3 For f (x) = x3 − 4, perform 3 iterations of Newton’s method with starting point x0 = 2. (On paper,
but use a calculator.) Calculate the solution (x∗ = 41/3 ) on a calculator and find the errors and
percentage errors of x0 , x1 , x2 and x3 . Put the results in a table.