The Community JSK Studio Guide - Refresh 02-02-2020
The Community JSK Studio Guide - Refresh 02-02-2020
The Community JSK Studio Guide - Refresh 02-02-2020
This guide is your one stop shop for JSK game walkthroughs, translation collaboration, mods, and
download links. It has been created as a living document that will be added to as new games and
information is released. Everyone is welcome to suggest edits to this guide. Be that asking a
question, suggesting an answer, reformatting or cleaning up the language in a walkthrough, or
otherwise improving this guide. If you can’t find the answer here, then you might want to check out
the discussion thread, it’s always active and people are pretty good about responding there.
Below is a Table of Contents (ToC) to help you find what you want without having to scroll through
lots of pages. Consider each entry as a bookmark in a book. Just click on the table of contents entry
and it will show you a link to the associated page in this guide.
To add a new bookmark to the ToC, first highlight the relevant text, then “Format” -> “Paragraph
Styles” -> “Heading”. Last, to make that spot appear in the ToC below. You have to click on the Table
and then on the refresh/update button in the top left corner (requires editing access). Heading One
is currently used for Chapter titles.
If you think that the ToC needs an update, feel free to ask one of the editors by commenting on this
line (please do not try to update it yourself, it gets kind of messy if you do).
Introduction/Overview 1
Miscellaneous Information 3
Download links 3
Bugs/Help 8
Download links
Games, Saves, Mods, and Music - Delexicus - main repository
● File and folder names disambiguated.
● Added folder icons for at a glance game selection. (desktop.ini files and icons folders)
Games Mirror - Aceofwind {Needs Updating}
Translation and Flash modding Resources
Adobe Flash Player - (fourth link for pc/third link for mac, also available in the Games and Mods link)
Adobe Air
A great JAVA based GUI Flash decompiler. It allows you to edit most, if not all, of the Japanese found in
the games. Be that text entries, SVG shapes, Font files, Sprites, or even game logic by editing the action
scripts. The downside is that it can be clunky or dangerous to use for certain types of edits.
This GUI based tool allows you to easily extract, edit, and then recompile game texts. When you do an
extract operation, it outputs a CSV file. This can be loaded into any cell based program or web app. It is
particularly useful when loaded into Google Sheets. This way you can share access to your uploaded file
so multiple people can help translate at a time. You also can use some fancy cell logic operations to get a
quick machine translation banged out for reference.
Here's a simple formula to do a Google translate on a cell.
Enter that formula into the second row cell of your choosing. Then just highlight the entire column,
deselect the top cell, then hit control + D. That will fill down the entire column with the formula, it will
auto increment the K2 value all the way down. It will take a while for Google Translate to catch up. This
allows you to machine translate the entire sheet at once.
This bash prompt based parser allows you to extract and import text that is stored in simple TXT files. It
also has a duplicate line detection function as well. Quite a bit slower than Tengux's parser, but useful if
you prefer to do your editing in a standard word processing program like Notepad++.
Not used very often due to it's cumbersome nature. It still has it's uses when doing more esoteric
maneuvers. Specifically, it allows you to insert new shape IDs in the middle of the SWF files. This is
needed since if you try inserting a new shape ID with FFDEC, it will place the new ID at the end of the
file. SWF's don't like this very much. If the end of file shape is needed while the rest of the SWF is
running closer to the center of the SWF file, the end of file shape will fail to load. By using FFDEC Hex
Dump view, we can determine where in the file to insert a new shape between other relevant shapes.
But some steps need to be taken first before that edit can succeed.
This is a simple GUI based program to get at FFDEC command line operations with menu based
commands. The Codec is based on the ancient (1983) Windows Batch script. A poor choice overall, but
one Delexicus had some familiarity with already from his DOS gaming days. It's mostly obsolete now, but
it does have a few nice functions. specifically, it allows you to de/compress the SWF files. You may not
know this, but SWFs are zipped internally. If you tried to do a HEX edit on a zipped SWF, it would look
like garbage data.
These programs are used to edit shape files (SVGs). Some of the Japanese in JSK's games are not stored
as standard text. Instead they are stored as Scalable Vector Graphic files (SVG). A whole discipline in and
of itself. Editing these shapes can be a daunting task for those unfamiliar with vector graphics editing.
The plus side is that once you get the hang of it, you can really spice up the game in other ways. Since
almost all the graphics in JSK's games are stored as SVG files, you can mod things like the character's skin
color, clothes, weapons, add translation credits to the screen of your choosing, completely revamp the
skill tree screen, Make a fancy game logo, and so many other things. So long story short, sharp learning
curve, master level game manipulation.
To try out these translations in game, first download a Google Sheet as a CSV file by going to File>
Download> Comma Separated Values. Then Use the JAVA GUI Parser to Recompile the translation into
its respective game. You can find the JAVA GUI Parser in the Translation and Flash modding tools MEGA
Repository in the Downloads section. Here‘s a simple introduction to using the JAVA GUI Parser.
Version Information
This guide will be updated as new games, translations, mods, and other information as it becomes
Version 2.10 - runeflare
● Updated guide to reference updated versions of Vampire Hunter N and Shogun Princess
Christianne. Imouto-sama Can’t Be Refused? has updated English title screen.
Version GDoc 1/22/2019 v2.20 initial upload. Now a live document.
● Converted Runeflare’s v2.10 original guide to Google Docs.
● Added new entries to the table of contents.
● Added new titles to Bugs/Help section.
● Added Edits formatting Guide section.
● General readability and format consistency edit.
● Added Fast Travel in Table of Contents
● Updated Credits
Translated Games
Freeware: Ayasaki Fully Translated
Translation: spkrforthedead
Translation: Reisen
Translation: Ritsu
Proofreading: marvelJustin, ShinVeritas, Loup Garou
Program help: NA
Translation: Kouzui
Proofreading: GetBend
06) Hand-to-Hand Imouto - Face Off With Big Brother Fully Translated
Translation: Kouzui
Proofreading: dienow
Proofreading: GetBend
Program help: NA
Translation: TitanAnteus
11) How to Discipline a Shoplifting Girl Partially Translated
Translation: Icevail
Decensoring: JustKind
Decensoring: JustKind
Decensoring: JustKind
Decensoring: JustKind
Modding: Delexicus
Translation: Icevail, Fenko_I, Donocad, Delexicus, Some Lurker, Meverex (Russian Translation)
Decensoring: JustKind
Decensoring: JustKind
Debugging: Donocad
Decensoring: JustKind
19) A fighter mistook me for her rival…?! Partially Translated
Translation: Icevail
Decensoring: JustKind
Translation: Icevail
Testing: KRU
Decensoring: JustKind
21) Will the Demon King survive the Elven Knight? Translated
Decensoring: JustKind
I get a white screen after battle or just before an ending.
Make sure the sub folder is in the same directory as the main SWF file. For example, make a folder
called Vampire Hunter N. In that folder, copy the file Vampire Hunter N.swf. Next to the file, copy the
sub folder that came with the Vampire Hunter N.swf. You should no longer get the white screen bug.
Not all JSK games are broken into multiple SWF files. The games that are: Vampire Hunter N, Defeated!
- Demon King Girl, Hand-to-Hand Imouto - Face Off With Big Brother, Shion, Fuuma Girl Maisa, Shogun
Princess Christianne, and Overthrow! The Demon Queen, How to Discipline a Shoplifting Girl, Karen -
Daughter of Martial Arts Plutocrat, Restraint and Interrogation - Princess Irene, Reimi - The Queen Of
Martial Arts, Miyui ~My Neighbor Swordswoman in School~, Magical Girl Buster.
Story Summary:
"One day coming home from work, my very young sister waited imposingly..."
Drag & hold on your precocious imouto in scenes of groping, intercourse and intravaginal cumshots.
Choices made in the prologue affect your relationship with imouto, and the results play out in
subsequent scenes.
There does not seem to be an option to replay endings once you find them in the game. So to see an
ending again, you have to play through the entire game. The endings are determined by the responses
to the first six questions in the bedroom before she leaves. What you do during the foreplay and sex
scenes has no impact on the endings. It only changes the dialogue. You can use the scroll wheel on your
mouse to lick, but you can’t bring her to orgasm with it. Also, you can only bring her to orgasm with
your finger during the foreplay scenes.
Second Sex Scene: Doggy style in the kitchen with her wearing an apron.
1. What is this about?
1. I don’t get it.
1. Ah, “Little Sister Heaven”?!
1. What’s wrong with that?!
1. But I love you!
2. I love you because you’re Miyuka.
2. ……?
2. What are you talking about?
2. Could you be talking about “I Love Little Girls”?!
2. I’m sorry you have such a brother…
2. What should I do?
2. Please, don’t.
2. ……?
2. What are you talking about?
2. Could you be talking about “I Love Little Girls”?!
2. I’m sorry you have such a brother…
1. I’ll try my best so that never happens.
1. What should I do?
オレっ娘捕獲完了!/ Tomboy Get Complete!
Story Summary:
A challenger has arrived: supposing you defeat this boyish, spunky young girl...?
There does not seem to be an option to replay endings once you find them in the game. So to see an
ending again, you have to play through the entire game. The first couple of dialogues only have one
choice. Walkthrough begins at first dialogue with two choices for a response.
There are many different ways to get to the three different endings in Orekko. Below are three ways
that I found. None of them use the doggy style position, but that doesn’t mean that there is no way to
get to the different endings using that position. Experiment!
由香乃 (ゆかの)/Yukano
Story Summary:
"My cute little sister Yukano took a walk with some boy!?
Caress and command into the panties of your sister, resulting in intercourse and a cummy inside finish.
Progression is Prologue, Game screen, Penetration, with 4 different endings based on your choices.
Completed Title Screen
Interrogation Screen
Notes about Menu Options
Look - (Raises Male Amorous Meter, Will bring up a Random Multiple Choice)
Talk - (Raises or Decreases Yukano's Amorous Meter, can only be done twice until you raise Male's
Amorous Meter)
There are three meters to the right of the screen, each represent the following:
Story Summary:
To bring an end to an age of tyrannical demon rule, the warrior came to the castle.
1-vs-1 battle with the demon daughter, erotic Flash with contextual H scenes.
Completed Title Screen
Stats Screen
Skills Screen
Battle Menu
IMPORTANT: You must play through the battle again and lose to her each time you want to view the
fellatio scene.
- First choice:
1.I have come to put an end to you, Demon Lord.
- HP < 2100, status changes to: You seem to be catching on.
- She will initiate conversation.
2.That depends.
- Status changes to: Perhaps I should tame him.
- Fight for a while, bring her HP<800, but keep her alive.
- She will initiate conversation.
1.If there is power available.
- Lose to her.
- First choice
3.Does that armor really protect you?
- HP < 2100, status changes to: You seem to be catching on.
- Initiate conversation with her.
2.I did expect the Demon Lord to be a woman.
2.Are men not usually stronger?
- She will initiate conversation.
1.Lend *you* my power?
- HP < 900, status changes to: How did he get so powerful?
- Initiate conversation.
2.Sheath your blade. Let’s not hurt each other.
2.I do not want to hurt you.
- Status changes to: This man has a strange power.
- Initiate conversation.
2.On a closer look, you’re pretty cute.
3.Do you have a lover?
- She will initiate conversation.
3.I am beginning to understand.
- Defeat her.
Peace ending, 聖王エンド
Initial defeat scene: missionary position 1
- First choice
1.I have come to put an end to you, Demon Lord.
- HP < 2100, status changes to: You seem to be catching on.
- Initiate conversation with her.
1.Why did you start this fight?
1.I cannot accept that as the truth.
- She initiates conversation.
3.Do not underestimate me.
- HP < 900, status changes to: How did he get so powerful?
- Initiate conversation.
1.Have you never considered coexistence with humans?
2.You are powerful, that is all I need.
- She initiates conversation.
2.Because I want peach between our kinds.
- Status changes to: This man, he can see my ass.
- Initiate conversation.
2.Nothing is gained by quarrelling with each other.
2.There must be a way for us to coexist.
- Defeat her.
吸血鬼ハンター N/Vampire Hunter N
Version Update: References features in latest Japanese update version 07-11-2011. If your game
does not match below, you have a different version. In this update you can now view both counters and
both battle sex scenes (Pin down) from the replay menu.
Story Summary:
The House of Crimson stood atop a cliff. Inside, there dwelled an aristocratic lord older than any human.
The lord had bested many trespassing hunters, and now, the legendary Kenshi threw down his
Completed Title Screen
Stats Screen
Skills Screen
Battle Menu
Skills Battle Menu
Gameplay: Similar to his last game with the Demon Lady. You fight one opponent (in this case a
vampire lady) in consecutive rounds. At the end of each round you get two options: rape and wait; the
ending changes depending on this and your choices in the dialogue she starts and you start with the top
option. Some attacks let you target certain section; her head, chest, or waist. She has 3 pieces of armor
that absorb damage that eventually break; a sort of black dress that covers her chest and waist, a tight
white top that covers her chest with a matching thong that protects her waist. Not sure how much
damage breaks each; pm me on ulmf if you figure it out. Turns are determined on the right side of the
screen, the first when one reaches the top one of you gets to move; yours is blue and hers is red. Your
HP, MP, and status are in the top right, while and her HP and “thoughts” are in the top right. By
observing her closely, you can determine which attack she will use. If your concentration stat (3 rd stat
from the top) is 15 or higher, you can predict her moves. Win or lose, the game will reward you with
more stat and skill points each time you play until a maximum number is reached.
Rape Moves:
● To perform rape moves, her health has to be below 500 and you can only perform them Three
times per battle. You will see a red box indicating you can perform a rape move.
● All attacks with a "Knock Down Effect" will allow you to perform a rape move.
Opening dialogue determines difficulty I believe. Don’t skip it however, as this may affect your chances
of getting an ending (what you pick doesn’t matter, just don’t hit skip).
Domination ending:
You should get the ending with a missionary style scene, she’ll have dull eyes.
It’s okay to shred her clothes. Using rape moves together with this dialogue will eventually give this
ending too.
Lewd ending:
You flee from the castle. She goes after you to take you back to the castle. She becomes a nymph and
constantly has sex you 10 times a day. What you say doesn't really matter. If you rape her in the end of
LOVE ENDING route you get this ending.
● Her HP < 2000
● You talk:
1. What are the Aristocrats?
3. You...control us? We’ll see about that after I make you my pet.
● Her HP 1000 < 2000
● She talks:
3. There’s a hefty bounty for your head, you know.
● Her HP < 1000
● She talks:
3. I want to have a taste of the Aristocrat woman.
● You talk: (1,2 or 3,3)
1. You are immortal. Yet, you aren’t that strong.
2. Your fit body does look delicious, though.
3. I’m going to pierce you with a stake.
3. I love forcing strong women into submission.
● IMPORTANT: Defeat her and wait
● When she talks:
1. I want to leave the fun for later.
● You talk:
3. I think I should’ve used the chance.
3. Oh well, I’ll just wait for another opening then.
● After you beat her again there will be no choice, just rape
● Go for her clothes now
● If she asks:
2. I’ll be lucky to enjoy your body once more.
3. I’m going to make you my sex slave.
● If you talk:
2. You know. I’ve decided to make you my woman after this.
● Defeat her both rounds with rape. You can catch moves instead when HP is low enough to see
different positions.
Submission ending:
You become her servant. She eventually rewards you and still ends up falling in love with you
First conversation after HP<2000(if she asked you first, skip this conversation)
2. It seems to be true that the Aristocrats have beautiful
3. Your beauty is of no use if there’s no one to see it.
- IMPORTANT: She asks when HP 1500 < 2000
2. I came for the immortality your kin is blessed with.
- Second conversation after HP 1000 < 1500 (she must START it)
2. Yes, I do.
- Defeat her and wait
Lovers ending:
No rape ending. She takes your blood and you take her innocence.
Catch her attacks and counter with sex.
The two attacks you can counter on are Upper Kick and Scarlet Needle. Her life must be below 500 HP.
When she performs either of the two attacks a button labeled Rape appears. Click the button before it
disappears to counter the attack.
Pin down:
Sex scene during battle.
The two sex scenes in battle are the missionary and the doggy style positions. You can access the
missionary position by defeating her at the end of the round and choosing rape. This can also be done
by bringing her life below 500 HP and hitting her with a knock down attack (Rekkyuken or Ingazuki) that
puts her on her back.
You can access the doggy style position by bringing her life below 500 HP and hitting her with the
knockdown attack Toryumai that puts her on her stomach.
格闘妹~兄貴、オレと勝負しろ!~/ Hand-to-Hand Imouto - Face
Off With Big Brother
Story Summary: An erotic battle & sex Flash game against fit young sister Kaname.
Battle Screen
How to Block
Hold down your cursor anywhere on the screen but on her.
If your spirit stat is 16 or higher, you can predict her next move.
All four endings require that you best her in combat at least twice. However, there are ten sex
animations in total. The two counter moves and the three takedown moves: missionary, doggie style
and groping on the floor can be unlocked during the fight.
Apathy End:
Doggy style
Pick any response for the conversation before the fight. It does not matter.
● Defeat her.
● Choose option 1 (Teach With Body) to have sex with her.
● Cum in her without maxing the pleasure bar. Keep this bar low as this bar will be at the same
level at the end of the next fight.
● "Be an asshole." In the conversation after the first battle.
2. Your body was the best, just as I knew it would be.
3. You may be my sister, but you still have the best body.
● Repeat the entire sequence again from the beginning.
Lewd End:
Cowgirl reverse
● Pick any response for the conversation before the fight. It does not matter.
● Defeat her.
● Choose option 2 (Light Punishment) and make her cum.
● In the conversation after the first battle.
3. If it wasn’t me you lost to, what do you think would happen?
1. Looks like I’ll have to “train” you.
● Defeat her again.
● Choose option 1 (Teach With Body) and cum in her when your pleasure bar is almost maxed out.
Reversal End:
Cowgirl nude
● Pick any response for the conversation before the fight. It does not matter.
● Defeat her
● Choose option 2 (Light Punishment)
1. Is it always about training with you?
1. Why are you so fixated on strong men?
● Defeat her again
● Choose option 2(Light Punishment)
2. It’s Impossible for a brother and sister.
Love End:
Missionary, sex on beach
● Pick any response for the conversation before the fight. It does not matter.
● Defeat her.
● Choose option 2 (Light Punishment)
1. Is it always about training with you?
1. Why are you so fixated on strong men?
● Defeat her again
● Choose option 2(Light Punishment)
1. …I love you, Kaname
Counter 1:
Rape scene that stems from her doing a high kick and you catching her on one foot.
While you are fighting her, drain her hit points down to a very low point, then go into defensive fighting.
Move your cursor away from any of her attack points, click and hold (your hands move forward into a
defensive position). Keep holding it and move it so it is around her face (you will see the boxes that pop
up when she makes specific attacks). When she does a High Kick with her right foot on you, the box will
appear (Exploit Opening), release your defense and quickly click on the box. That will trigger the sex
Counter 2:
Standing behind her, holding her in the air by her legs and dropping her on your dick rape.
Same as Counter 1 except for one thing, wait for her to do the flying kick called Dragon Fang. The box
will appear (Get Behind). You catch her and that triggers the scene with you holding her by her upper
legs with her back to you and sex begins.
Takedown 1:
Forced missionary during the actual fights. Unlock by choosing option 1 (Teach With Body) after
defeating her.
Takedowns 2:
Rear entry (would call it doggy, but she is lying on the floor). This is spawned by you knocking her on her
face and hitting the button that appears (double click crotch shot with her hit points low will start the
To do this, you need 2 things. You need her hit points to be very low and you need the bar below your
stats (goes up each time she attacks you... starts yellow and eventually turns red) to be in the red
position. When you have both of those, get your attack bar (left side of the screen) to its max then,
when you have the chance, double click her crotch. That will knock her on the floor, face down. The red
box (Exploit Opening) will appear and you have little time, so be ready to move from crotch to face area
so you can click the box. If you get the timing right, you get her lying on the floor face down for basically
rear entry sex (would call it doggy but she is lying on floor, tilting her back with her elbows on the floor).
Takedowns 3:
Grope her on the floor scene. Unlock by choosing option 2 (Light Punishment) after defeating her.
カンニング少女の追いつめかた/ Cunning Little Girl in a
Tight Spot html
Story Summary: Shion Kamisiro was troubled by an anomaly in the data. Her last experiment yielded
weird results and she wanted to know why. Indeed, the results were invalid… She was the only one who
knew so far… What to do? Shion Kamisiro is caught in a lie. Talk and tease her into submission.
There are three meters to the left of the screen, each represent the following:
You can unlock the Fellatio and Kiss scenes without reaching any of the endings.
● Get submissiveness meter to max by looking at her repeatedly until the meter stops
filling. Then ask a couple of questions and continue looking. Repeat until the
meter is full.
● Keep mood meter yellow. The mood meter starts at yellow. It will change depending
on the questions you ask her.
● Start the sex scene.
1. Lay on the table.
2. Lay on the table and raise your ass here.
3. Put it in yourself.
● The number is the dialogue choice to pick when you either initiate a conversation or reply to a
question from her.
● The commands with round bullets are what to look at or do to her before continuing.
● According to the readme the condition for the swimsuit ending is to make her cum multiple
times and then to fuck her.
● The number is the dialogue choice to pick when you either initiate a conversation or reply to a
question from her.
● The commands with round bullets are what to look at or do to her before continuing.
● The number is the dialogue choice to pick when you either initiate a conversation or reply to a
question from her.
● The commands with round bullets are what to look at or do to her before continuing.
Bug Fixes: Two bugs were introduced in this update, the armor bug and the sixth sense bug. EmmGee
released two patches called Loader.swf and Loader_Save_Mod.swf. Loader.swf fixes the bugs and allows
normal game play. Loader_Save_Mod.swf fixes the bugs, maxes out all stats and skills, and unlocks all
endings by altering the save file. These SWF files also work with the Japanese language version of the
Story Summary: One man seeks revenge against the kingdom that overran his homeland. Between
here and victory, that kingdom’s fierce shogun princess Christianne stands in his way. This is their
ultimate showdown.
Skills Screen
Stats Screen
Battle Menu
Thunder Fang – A powerful attack that uses all might. Power Small ~ Medium. Costs 3/4 of action bar.
Healing – A special breathing technique which allows you to heal yourself. Recovers small ~ large
amount of health. Costs 1/2 of the action bar.
Dragon – Fierce God Dragon Slaying Attack. A random consecutive attacks. Power High ~ Maximum.
Costs full action bar.
● The action bar referenced is the yellow bar below the player’s health gauge.
● The break skill can stop her from casting magic.
Gameplay: You can perform actions once you have sufficient bar. You defend when she does huge
attacks. Your attack damage is based on bar size. Your special gauge goes up with hits on her and you,
and also defended hits. Hit her head for maximum damage; hit her armor to destroy it. When she's
preparing to do a real super move, she takes double damage to the head. Your best bet is to dump all
your initial stat points into damage and then wallop her in the face when she tries to do a special. You
get points based on how many times you defeat her, a lump based on clearing 3 rounds, how many
times you cum inside of her, and how much damage you do to her in the round you lose.
There's the ATB bar on the right, however you don't have to wait for it to be full before you can do an
action and you can click with the mouse button to act whenever you want. This however affects your
attack (a full bar does more damage than half), and defending doesn't work unless you have a bar 3/4
full. When you are hurt or attack, your special action bar (yellow bar below health) increases.
About the action bar: half full lets you put up guard until next action and activate moves (if you have
enough of special bar).Full bar do more damage on basic attacks and useless for everything else, defense
is more important here. As soon as your action bar is past half, put up guard(except against her basic
attack or spells),this way you guard against damage and accumulate some of the action bar for the next
attack. It’s crucial in the third round, where you don't have much leisure for wasting action bar. Watch
her bar too, some of her slower skills give you time to attack her a couple of times before putting up
guard. When she's in different stance, she takes more damage (especially to the head).
Protip: When you get hit with the status effect that slows you or reduces your stats, immediately keep
repeatedly attacking her anywhere. You will do no damage, but after a few attacks, the status will go
away. No more waiting for the status effect to wear off. You can get rid of it in a few seconds, without
her even attacking you.
You may want to spend some time grinding for stats and skills before trying to get the endings in this
game. The princess becomes increasingly harder to defeat during each round. On the third round you
can be killed fairly quickly if all four of your stats are not sufficiently high. Win or lose, the game will
reward you with more money each time you play to spend on stats and skills until a maximum number is
reached. Unlike previous games, skill purchases are permanent between game plays. The purchase of
more stat points is permanent but you can redistribute them between the four stats each time you play.
● DON'T skip the intro. First two responses are during the intro.
Slave Ending:
Doggy Style in Jail
Eloping Ending:
Reverse cowgirl on bed
1. Do you know the misery in the countries that were defeated by the Empire?
1. My goal is not the Emperor.
● Defeat her
2. Wait
2. Why do you fight so hard for the Empire?
● Defeat her
2. Wait
2. Don’t you want to see the true face of the Empire?
● Defeat her
1. Rape
Lovers Ending:
Missionary on bed
1. Do you know the misery in the countries that were defeated by the Empire?
1. My goal is not the Emperor.
● Defeat her
2. Wait
2. Why do you fight so hard for the Empire?
● Defeat her
2. Wait
2. Don’t you want to see the true face of the Empire?
● Defeat her
2. Wait
Blowjob Scene:
You cannot play this from the menu. You must play Extra Mode 1 or 2 each time to see it.
Start a game with Extra Mode 1 or Extra Mode 2. When you defeat and rape her, there will be a third
orange button at the bottom of the third column. It is called blowjob. The four positions are Handjob,
Lick, Blowjob, and Titfuck.
Normal H Scene:
Defeat her in battle by bringing her life down to 0. There are three positions missionary, doggy style, and
cowgirl. Each of the three positions has four different variations.
マイサ/ Maisa
Game Story: In the darkness of the human world, demon summoner Maisa and her guard protect us
from peril. But the darkness closes all around, and when her fall finally comes… Can her envoy save her
from her sexplicit fate?
Completed Title Screen
Skills Screen
Stats Screen
Battle Menu
Skill Explanations:
The special bar is located under the player’s life bar. It will increase when you are either hit by Maisa
(blocked or not) or when you attack. As the bar increases it will change color: bright yellow, orange,
dark orange, and then a flashing red. When it is flashing red, the bar is full. Win or lose, the game will
reward you with more stat and skill points each time you play until a maximum number is reached.
Unlike previous games, stat and skill purchases are permanent between game plays.
Fallen End:
● Win once, then lose twice, order doesn't matter as long as you win the first or second round, the
answers don't matter as well
● Doesn´t matter if you have sex with her after win
Fused End:
● Win twice and lose 1 time to the girl. (Must lose the 1st or 2nd round to fight 3 rounds)
● Have sex with her at least once by choosing Shock Therapy after win. Losing doesn’t count.
Purification End:
● Win twice but do not lose to the girl.
● Do not have sex with her by choosing Watch after win.
● Select the upper dialogue option at least once.
● Win and rape front (Shock Therapy button then Forward button)
Doggy Style
● Win and rape behind (Shock Therapy button then Backwards button)
● Lose second time
● Lose first time (no clothes destruction)
Breast Play
● Lose first time (destroy top)
● Lose first time (destroy bottom only)
● As a side note, the scene you get when she defeats you during combat is dependent on her
clothing status:
● Normal - Fellatio
● Breasts exposed - Paizuri
● Lower part exposed - Face riding
● Take note that the paizuri scene takes precedence over the face riding scene.
打倒!大魔王様/ Overthrow! The Demon Queen
ユミス/Yumisu (Yumyth)
Game Story: “You bastard human, you have no idea. This battle is just beginning…” The final
showdown of good versus evil, hero versus demon. An epic clash of powers both clamoring for one
Face the Demon Queen Yumyth one on one, as the hentai unfolds based on the result of battle.
Completed Title Screen
The first one is normal mode (ノーマルモード). That is the only mode available when you
play the game for the first time. You can unlock two additional modes by unlocking endings of
the game. Extra mode 1 (エクス卜ラモード 1) is available after the Binding ending is
unlocked. You see different rape dialog and Yumisu only does basic attacks. Extra mode 2 (エ
クス卜ラモード 2) is available after the Slavery ending is unlocked. Her power increases
after each round and she uses all her available attacks. The only way to get out of both modes
is to lose to her in the end.
Also, you get access to the blowjob and tit fuck options when you play in extra mode 1 or 2.
These options cannot be accessed from the replay menu.
Skills Screen
Stats Screen
Battle Menu
Counter 1: カウンター1
● You need to buy the skill Kang Crossing Method Level 1
● Yumisu must have low health bar (1/5 life bar left)
● When she attacks with the kick technique a button labeled Cross will appear, click it before it
Counter 2: カウンター2
● You need to buy the skill Kang Crossing Method Level 2
● Yumisu must have low health bar (1/5 life bar left)
● When she attacks with the V silk technique a button labeled Cross will appear, click it before it
Blowjob Scene:
● You cannot play this from the menu. You must play Extra Mode 1 or 2 each time to see it.
● Start a game with Extra Mode 1 or Extra Mode 2. When you defeat and rape her, there will be a
third green button at the bottom of the first column. It is called service. The five positions are
hand job, licking, sucking, tit fuck, and super-squeeze-tits.
*Note: I don’t have the time to edit down all the info I’ve saved from ULMF, so I figured I could at least
put down the info as is so people don’t need to look for it. Some of it will probably be redundant or may
need to be verified, if I have the time I’ll come back and take a look myself, but for the time being, at
least, there’ll be something to work with. Update: Only two games till need editing down (Miyui and
MGB). Keep up the good work everyone!
牧檀 那美薔/Mikumura Mika
General Information:
Color of Hexagon = Determines if she will call the cops if you push her too hard and you get a game over.
The colors follow this order: Blue 🠆 Aqua 🠆 Green 🠆 Yellow 🠆 Orange 🠆 Flashing Orange/Red 🠆 Game
Raise her obedience (easiest way is by spam-clicking her thigh, once submission bar is maxed -> Talk
Option 1 until the submission bar flashes red)
Punishment Ending:
Lewd Ending:
During the main part of the game make her cum 3 times then have sex.
Netori Ending:
4x Talk -> 2nd Option
Girl talks -> 1st Option
3x Talk -> 2nd Option, 2x Talk -> 3rd Option, Talk -> 2nd Option
Girl talks -> 1st Option
8x Talk -> 2nd Option, Talk -> 1st Option, Talk -> 3rd Option
Girl talks -> 1st Option
3x Talk -> 2nd Option, 4x Talk -> 1st Option
Girl talks -> 1st Option
Talk -> 1st Option, 2x Talk -> 2nd Option
Order -> H -> 1st Option
Love Ending:
Talk -> 2nd Option
Look -> Head x2
Talk -> 2nd Option, Talk -> 1st Option
Girl talks -> 1st Option
Talk -> 1st Option, 2x Talk -> 2nd Option, Talk -> 1st Option, Talk -> 2nd Option, Talk -> 3rd Option
Girl talks -> 1st Option
3x Talk -> 3rd Option, 3x Talk -> 2nd Option
Girl talks -> 1st Option
Talk -> 2nd Option, Talk -> 1st Option, Talk -> 2nd Option, 5x Talk -> 1st Option
Girl talks -> 1st Option
Talk -> 1st Option, Talk -> 2nd Option, 4x Talk -> 1st Option
格闘令嬢カレン/Karen, Daughter of Martial Arts Plutocrat
龍泉 力レン/Karen Ryuuzei
瞬発力: More points = action gauge charges faster. Unlike older games, she'll still move first even at max
level for the very low-damage basic attacks.
極技無間: Skill 2, 2nd strongest special move. Essentially a roundhouse kick. Does more damage and affects
more areas with more points invested.
滅技比天: Skill 4, the strongest special move. Only usable at maxed SP gauge. Does pitiful damage until
properly invested into. Three of these and the roundhouse should drop Karen on the third round when both
are maxed out.
性行スキル: Unlocks more positions during rape and sexual service segments with more points. Also, the
counter moves against a specific set of Karen's skills are unlocked as more points are invested. These only
activate if her health goes below a certain threshold and the move can be activated regardless of SP gauge
Game Story: Karen Ryuuzei is a daughter of a martial arts plutocrat, who often whims to challenge
martial arts schools. Let's teach her a lesson! A Battle & Creampie Ero Flash.
Battle Menu
Missionary is unlocked by raping her after you won a fight (Right Option after the Fight)
Service is unlocked by picking the middle Option after you won a fight
Doggy Style is unlocked by countering her Jump Kick Skill when she has low HP (you need some SP to
Skip Intro
Love End
Fight -> Win
Pick right Option (Rape)
Skip Intro
Talk -> Option 2
Fight -> Win
Fight -> Win
Pick left Option (Spare her)
Pick any Option
Talk -> Option 1
Talk -> Option 1
Fight -> Win
Fight -> Win
Pick left Option (Spare her)
Pick any Option
Talk -> Option 1
Fight -> Win
Pick left Option (Spare her)
拘束尋問 皇女イリーナ/Restraint and Interrogation - Princess
Raise Legs
Turn Around
Game Story: Interrogate the Princess under restraint to reveal the Empire's conspiracy.
Missionary / Doggy / Cowgirl / Service are unlocked by forcing desired scene during interrogation.
Missionary -> Perform H in Raised Legs Position / Doggy -> Perform H when turned around
Cowgirl -> Perform H in Default Standing Position / Service - > Perform Service
· No specific actions other than “H” required during the interrogation scene. (Click through the way you
Talk -> 3rd Option, Talk -> 2nd Option, Talk -> 3rd Option, Talk -> 1st Option
Get her arousal gauge (left bar) up until turns green (Method doesn’t matter just make sure
her faith doesn’t get lower than the first point on the right side (Picture on the right) [Tipp:
Avoid clicking a lot]; It’s also optional to switch her positioning by using the handles)
Talk -> 1st Option, Talk -> 3rd Option, Keep talking to her (Options don’t matter) until she talks to you.
If you haven’t done it yet -> Turn her around (Right handle)
Take her panties off (You should see the mark on her right buttcheek now)
Talk to her until her faith is maxed out to the right (Options 2 or 3)
Look at the mark on her buttcheek. (Make sure her faith in you is maxed out when doing this)
After Backhand
After Tackle
Game Story: Reimi Midou is the queen of the underground ring. To quench their thirst for money,
reputation and honeypot, men challenge the undefeated queen.
Lewd Ending
Don’t skip the Intro Dialogue -> 3rd option in the Intro scene.
1st option after first KO, 2nd option after second KO.
Have her orgasm at least 4 times. That means you need to make her orgasm at least once during a fight
by using a combo-move (either licking her pussy or forcing her to orgasm with your boot) and let her
orgasm during all sex scenes.
Love Ending
Don’t skip the Intro Dialogue -> 1st Option in the Intro scene
Defeat her
Note: You must defeat her without losing too much health over the course of the 3 rounds.
Ultra Ending
Enter Fighting Mode number 3 (K2). This can be only activated if all 3 endings are already completed.
Beat her 5 rounds. Careful her defenses are at her best and she hits hard in round 4-5. End the round
early by having sex if you can.
How to Setup a combo:
5. Instantly reopen the action menu, If you done it right, she will still have some of the small gauge bar
(the thing below the hp bar)
6. Select the left menu for a special attack. All four special attacks open for different follow ups. Combos
7. After the special attack gets through, instantly open the menu again. (That is why you need to pile a
bunch of action points before starting all this)
The Number reflects the "number" of the button, if you count them left to right, top to bottom. So for
the Special attack menu (the left Button in the main action menu, which you want to use for Step 4), the
numbers for the buttons would be:
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
The first Number is the Button for the special attack that you use in 4.).
The Button of the second Number will either directly transition into an H-scene (purple button), or
require you to instantly click to open the menu a third time, to choose the 3rd Number.
1-1-1: Pussy Licking (Doesn’t end the round) (Bottom left Option)
2-3: Fuck her from behind, both standing, restraining her arms.
3-1-1 (You will enter a different "combat mode" after the first "1") Punch her. Does normal damage,
KOing her normally if you drop her to 0. Nothing special.
3-1-2 Titfuck. Only works if you stripped top. (Doesn’t end the round)
3-1-3 Forced BJ with her pinned on her back. (Doesn’t end the round)
3-2 Force her to orgasm with your boot. (Doesn’t end the round) (Bottom right)
Other H Scenes:
Counter Attack (the lower, purple button in the main action menu): Get her very low, then wait for her
to use the Roundhouse Kick. Open the action menu right when her attack starts. If you did it right, the
normal attack button wont work. Select the bottom Button. Will end the round fucking her while holding
her leg.
Cowgirl: Wait until she uses “Tackle & Mount”. While she sits on top of you and punches you, collect a
few action points. Get her HP low. Punch her once, then instantly reopen the menu. If you did it right,
she will still have some "gauge" in the small bar below her HP bar. Select the purple button. That will
end the round fucking her cowgirl style.
美唯~隣の制服剣士~/Miyui ~My Neighbor Swordswoman in
School~ {Needs Updating}
???/Miyui Kyuga
Completed Title Screen
Stats Screen
Battle Menu
Her "Opening Bar" is the little thing under her HP bar that fills up after you hit her, or she attacked. It
empties slower the lower her HP is. If you use a special attack while she has some Opening bar, the
special attacks have special effects.
Your Focus Bar: Under your HP bar, there is a smaller bar which fills when you hit, get hit, or block
attacks. It is your Focus bar, and you need it to perform special attacks.
Top left: Opens the special Attack menu, remember you need special bar and her to have Gauge Bar, to
have those attacks do special effects.
Middle left: Block. Consumes two action points, reduces incoming damage and fills your special bar.
Bottom left: Counter Fuck. Have her below 1/4 HP and use it to counter her kick attack to unlock an H
Top-Right: Upper attack, deals most damage, doesn’t fill much of her gauge bar.
Bottom-Right: Low attack. Deals the least damage, but fills the most gauge bar.
(all these effects only occur if you have focus and she has opening bar!)
Top left: If she has an opening, these attacks will strip her.
Top right: If she has an opening, this attack will knock her down on all fours. You can then Doggy style
fuck her to end the round.
Bottom left: If she has an opening, this will chain her up. You can then fuck her from behind or have her
forced cowgirl style to end the round.
Bottom right: This will knock her out. You now have 3 H options: Top-left will force a BJ. This one does
not end the round. Bottom left will fuck her missionary style while she is fainted. Bottom right is Doggy
Game Modes:
Extra Mode 1 is unlocked by beating and not raping her in the normal mode. The dialogue choices in
normal mode don't matter. If you rape her in the Extra Mode 1 (or she you), this mode will change to
Extra Mode 2, so no more good endings.
Extra Mode 2 is unlocked by beating and raping her in the normal mode.
Extra Mode 3 is unlocked with the Bond ending. It is basically just an endless mode against the
possessed girl.
Extra Mode 4 is unlocked with the Love ending. It is an endless mode against the normal girl.
Love-Ending: Start Extra Mode 1. Beat her 3 times. No sex at all, her H couters are fine except cowgirl.
For dialogue choices select the first one after the first KO, and the second one after the 2nd KO. DON'T
SKIP intro dialogue. Bedroom.
Lewd-Ending: Start Extra Mode 1 or 2. You beat her three times, but make sure she cums at least three
times. Which means you can just beat her down, fuck her at the end of each round and let her cum each
time. Bedroom + Blushing. Don’t skip intro dialogue. Dialogue matters here as well, choice 1 after first
KO and then 1 again after 2nd KO.
Bond-Ending: Start Extra Mode 1. Beat her two times. Select the first dialogue choice after the first KO,
and the second one after the second. Then lose the third round. No H moves from either you or her are
allowed to happen. Demon eyes + Bedroom.
Rape-Ending: Start Extra Mode 2. You just beat her three times while fucking her. Dialogue choices do
not matter. Locked in shed.
2.) Counter Fuck: Get her below 1/4 HP, then wait for her to do the Side Kick attack. Use the bottom left
option just as her attack starts. You don’t need to damage her clothes first.
3.) Doggy style: Knock her down using the top-right special attack, then use the only H move.
4.) Chained Cowgirl: Use the bottom-left special attack, then use the right H move.
5.) Chained From Behind: Use the bottom-left special attack, then use the left H move.
6.) Forced Blow Job: Use the bottom right special attack. Then select the upper left H move.
7.) Fainted Missionary: Use the bottom right special attack. Then select the lower left H move.
8.) Fainted Doggy style: Use the bottom right special attack. Then select the lower right H move.
The following moves occur when you fight against her demon form and get hit by her tackles. Images
are screen captures of the Japanese text that appears if you have the “Mind” skill (Prediction):
(alternatively in Extra Mode 4)
11.) Cowgirl.
Completed Title Screen
Stats Screen
Battle Menu
Snipe Battle Menu
1. Rape End:
3. Slave End:
● Rape her three times in 2:2 making her cum. (red text during cum must appear)
● Use 4 aphrodisiac shots on her then make her land.
● Defeat Her before she rapes you
● Pick 2 on the first dialog, then 1 on the second dialog.
4. Submission End:
5. Lovers End:
The first ending (mind-break) is obtained by doing stage 2-2 and finishing it without doing any H-
stuff. Choices don't matter.
The fourth ending (love) is obtained by doing stage 2-1, dialogue choices don't matter. No H-Stuff.
And then I went for ending three as listed below and got it with 1,1 1,1 dialogue. Forgot to lose round
Ending 2:
Ending 4:
Sub ending
How do you get her to the aphrodisiac sex scene? I haven't been able to make that one appear.
Ah, got it. Hit her with four aphrodisiacs (4 types: mast/foot, blow, cun/69, rap)
Nah, it's actually super easy. If you're going for a lewd ending, you can just knock her out of the sky
after using the bottom left skill and immediately end the round. It helps to know what each skill does.
Even if you're going for a "virtuous" ending, it's pretty easy, since once you've knocked her out of the
sky you can just spam the special bar consuming melee attack and nuke her down.
Edit: Since no one seems to have done so thus far, I guess I'll explain the game systems
Your four main stats are melee attack, gun attack, defense, and speed. Melee only is relevant when
she's on the ground, while gun attack is only relevant when she's in the air. While upgrading gun
attack might seem to do very little damage wise, it greatly increases the rate at which you deplete
her magic bar, which forces her to the ground.
It seems that instead of upgrading your skill damage, you instead use your upgrades to get ammo
for them. The first one removes clothing, but only when it's the shot that depletes her magic bar. The
second one greatly decreases her magic bar but does low damage. The third one is a tranquilizer,
which forces her to sleep after she depletes her magic bar. You don't need this to be the finishing
shot, but it might go away if her magic bar fully refills. The fourth one is an aphrodisiac, which will
cause her first move after landing to be her trying to fuck you. Hitting her with multiple shots changes
the scene you see. Like the tranquilizer, this does not need to be the final hit, but I think it goes away
if her magic bar refills.
A couple of tips, if you'd like to do stuff yourself instead of using the full save.
A pretty much foolproof strategy is to start each round by stocking up max actions, if you see a long
cast bar and her using magic, it's usually best to block it. At max, knock down the pink bar with the
normal attack. When it has one hit left, use the bottom left special move. When she hits the ground,
she'll be knocked out. Kick her (top right button) a few times until she almost wakes up. Tie her up
with the top left. Let the action points stock up (cause using them here doesn't do much) and then as
soon as she breaks free, wail on her. That should knock her out if your stats are maxed.
Of course, if you're going with any ending that involves H, you can just take advantage while she's
asleep or tied up and end the round.
The type of scene which you will get depends on the number of aphrodisiac shots you've fired into
her (giggity) before forcing her to the ground. 1 shot = masturbation, 2 shots=blowjob, 3=face
sitting/69 position, 4=cowgirl
As for general tips: try to block non-special attacks right when she's executing them, that way you'd
only burn 1 bar instead of 2 for normal defense. (you can tell it's a non-special attack since she won't
be charging up and her bar is generally faster). You gather a lot more special bar that way. I actually
find it better to just tank the first few non-special attacks and just let your bar fill up to 3-4 before you
start wailing into her. I personally like to start blocking a few attacks after gathering 3 bars to charge
up the special bar to at LEAST half way bar before going all out. You'd want to spend two bars
(bottom left option) to block specials though, since they generally have more nasty side effects, or
more damage.
It’s all about the use of proper skills, you pretty much can down her 3 times without her even getting
a chance to cast one spell big ass spell,
1 hypno shot, 1-2 blitz and then regular shot while she is casting and she falls on the ground,
sleeping, ready to be sleep raped or captured
Or if you want her to molest you, replace hypno shot with one or more lust shots as their effect
stacks. The more you shoot her with lust shots, the higher the degree of molestation she performs
on you.
Not sure if this helps you folks, but I notice that she uses power attacks when her staff is 'pulsing'
Also, if you time the defense/block just right [example, when she does a kick when fighting on-foot,
or uses quick shot in the sky] you can get additional 'spirit/skill' gauge fills [your 'yellow bar'] you can
trigger a block/defense when she begins to do said attacks... only power attacks are the ones that
you can't block once she triggers them.
Her power attacks costs 2 points to block... but as Ranos said, using block on her normal attacks
[the ones that you can block even when she executes them] will only eat up 1 point.
To sum it up: 'pulsing staff' = Power Attack, unblockable during execution, uses 2 points. Any other
attack will be blockable during execution, uses 1 point AND fills up 'spirit/skill' gauge faster.
She has dual personality, her failsafe AI personality 'Mai Alpha' kicks in whenever Mai is unable to
carry out her mission, which explains her iris color change after starting 'Story 2-1 or 2-2', and her
considerable boost in strength.
After you click the top left option for special bullets, the top left attack damages clothes (can choose
either top or bottom), top right is just damage to her mp to take her out of flight mode, bottom left is a
magical roofie bullet, and bottom right is some kind of aphrodisiac that makes her try to rape you
instead if you hit her with it and then take her out of flight. There are also the traditional counter
moves in pink that we've seen in other JSK games, otherwise if you get her to hand-to-hand combat
and haven't used one of the two bottom status bullets, you can still punch all her health away and do
it the old-fashioned way.
You can find more info on how these attacks work if you just go back one page in this thread.
Story 1 (Branches into 2-1 or 2-2. Great for getting sex-scenes as she does miniscule damage here)
???/Demoness Rennas
Story Summary:
Title Screen
Stat screen
3 Hayate (Top Left Skill of bm)
4 Shijima (Top Right Skill option of battle menu)/ (4 hit combo?)
5 Sazanami (Bottom Skill)
6 Sonic blast, knockdown with combo plus bind to get H scenes (Top Left Magic Spell)
7 Charm (Bottom Magic Spell) (1/masturbate/footj/handj, 2/blowj/titj, 3/facesit, 4/cowg)
8 Sleep (Top Right Magic Spell)
9 Bind (doggy after x3 combo/may need to be weak, below 1/2 health?) Counter (jump, forward kick?,
rh kick)/clothes opt/health opt
1 - Skills 2 - High Attack (+DMG, +Special, -MP?)
3 - Defend 4 - Middle Attack (-DMG, restores MP?)
5 - Magic 6 - Low Attack (Restores MP?)
① 陵辱エンド
② 淫乱エンド
・H シーンで 3 回以上「魔王レナス」を絶頂させる。
③ 配下エンド
・「ストーリーモード2-1」で 2 戦目まで勝利し、3 戦目で敗北する。
・勝利時に「待つ」を選択。こちらからのH は一切しない。
④ ラブエンド
・勝利時に「待つ」を選択。 H は一切しない。
・総被ダメージを 2000 以下に抑える。
Storymode 2-1
Complete storymode 1. Do NOT use any foreplay or rape moves during the battle, spare her after each
Raping her even once automatically unlocks Storymode 2-2.
Storymode 2-2
Complete storymode 1. Rape her at least once at any given time, no matter if rape move during battle or
raping her after winning a battle.
1. Rape end
Complete story mode 2-2.
Ejaculate in her at least twice. For the pregnant variation, choose the pregnancy related dialogue
options. Just look for the kanji 妊娠, option 2 then 1
2. Lewd end/K1
Complete story mode 2-2.
Get the demon queen to climax at least three times at the highest blush level.
Choose the dialogue options NOT related to pregnancy (1 then 2).
(In addition to making her climax you must be fucking her at the second pace/speed, not the first)
3. Follower end/K2
Win the first two rounds of story mode 2-1, but lose the third round.
No rape or foreplay related scenes allowed.
Choose all of the dialogue options relating to facilitating the demon queen's dominion. (2, 2)
4. Love end/K3
Complete story mode 2-1.
No rape or foreplay related scenes allowed.
Choose the appropriate dialogue options (i.e. not the ones for the follower end) (1, 1)
Keep damage incurred under 2000.
Pregnancy variant viewable from the main screen after the ending is unlocked.
Climax during foreplay scenes (i.e. no insertion) do not contribute to the number of climaxes needed for
an ending.
F. Kick
RH Kick
Blue Void/Arcana (determined by translation version)
くすだ まき/Kusuda Maki
Okay, for anyone confused about the new JSK game, no worries, I got you fam.
With huge help from Decagem, and many others, we've whipped up a small breakdown/guide to get
you started.
First off, read the quote below to get the overall idea of the game. After that, we are ready to get
In the beginning the main character explains that the girl, Kusuda Maki, is his niece who left her parents'
home and is now lodging in his house.
I couldn't understand why in the OP (apparently some disagreement) but, throughout the game, it
seems to be due to the school she's attending being far from her parents' home.
So First off, you will start the game in the default mode. We are going to call this "STORY MODE 1",
which is also the mode where you will unlock every other story mode.
And those will unlock the different endings.
The Talk Button (2nd. from right menu) allows you to pick among 3 independent topics:
Choosing any of those will only move that topic ahead, eventually triggering the girl to talk back.
Depending on your answers you'll affect Maki's fondness gauge (arrow on the left, blue = good, red =
Some dialogue choices will trigger grey dialogue boxes to appear underneath the 3 talk choices.
This is where you will pick up either Hearts❤️or Diamonds??.
Hearts❤️/Diamonds💎 will appear in between the vertical bars on the left.
And you need either 3 Hearts❤️OR 3 Diamonds💎 to unlock a certain ending.
Once you’ve collected all 3 Hearts❤️/Diamonds💎 you want to press the button on the very bottom
(with red text) and watch the end.
Looking (1st. button on the right menu) at the girl's face tinily boosts the fondness gauge (can't
understand the logic in that though).
If you want 3 Hearts❤️, take your time maxing Maki's fondness towards you.
Below will be 3 guides to unlock STORY MODE 2, STORY MODE 3 and EXTRA MODE from playing
(Anytime she talks to you, the dialogue pops up, choose the 3rd choice)
Talk: Choice 1
Talk: Choice 1
She talks to you: Choice 3
Talk: Choice 1 (Triggers first grey dialogue box)
Click grey dialogue box again: (REPEAT this step twice for the final 2 's)
Choice 2- Diamond💎
[Once you have all 3 Diamonds💎 just keep exhausting dialogue choices until you get
a red dialogue box to appear. Normally, clicking this dialogue box would end the game
but with 3 Diamonds💎 you will unlock STORY MODE 2 upon click it]
(Anytime she talks to you, the dialogue pops up, choose the 3rd choice)
Talk: Choice 1
Talk: Choice 1
She talks to you: Choice 3
Talk: Choice 2
Talk: Choice 2
She talks to you: Choice 3
Talk: Choice 2
Talk: Choice 2
She talks to you: Choice 3
Talk: Choice 1- Triggers first grey dialogue box
Click the first grey dialogue box:
Choice 1
[Once you have all 3 Hearts❤️ just keep exhausting the dialogue choices until you get a
red dialogue box to appear. Unlike unlocking STORY MODE 2 this will require you to run
through more dialogue. Don't fret, just keep talking till the red dialogue box appears.
Clicking the red dialogue box normally ends the game, but with 3 Hearts ❤️ you will unlock
STORY MODE 3. congrats]
Needs 3 Diamonds 💎
Look 3x Head
Talk: Choice 1
Bottom Left: Choice 1
Option 2
Bottom Left: Choice 3
Option 2
Bottom Left: Choice 3
Option 2
Bottom Left Top: Choice 1 = 💎
Talk choice 2
Option 2
Bottom Left Bottom: Choice 1
Option 2 = 💎
Talk choice 2
Option 2
Talk Choice 3
Option 2 = 💎
Interaction Fill Right Bar
H Discuss Option
Option 1
Interaction Fill Right Bar
H Discuss Option
Option 1
By now you should have three Diamonds💎 (make her cum 3 times or remove panties to get ending)
Game End Option
Swimsuit Ending
Needs 3 Hearts❤️
Look Face x3
Talk 1
Bottom Left: Bottom
Bottom Left: Bottom
Opt 3
Bottom Left: Bottom
Opt 3
Bottom Left top: Bottom = ❤️
Bottom Left: Bottom
Opt 3 = ❤️
Fill Right Bar do H scene
H Talk, Opt 3
Fill Right Bar do H scene
H Talk, Opt 3 = ❤️
By now you should have three Hearts❤️
End Game
[ Editor's Note: Some guides need a little fine tuning - KRU]
I Know that is a lot to take in, but I believe it's a good chunk of info to help anybody out with the game.
I'll probably make an update post when I figure out the rest of the game and endings but
I believe this is enough information to figure out the endings for yourself with a little messing around. If
you need more help there are already posts above with guides for some endings already
格闘娘に仇と間違えられたんだが/ A fighter mistook me for her rival
林堂 沙月/Hayashidō Satsuki
Story Summary:
"Hold it right there! I must avenge my master!"
As you're walking in town, suddenly a girl (Satsuki Rindo) makes
this declaration to you. You have no idea what's going on as she takes you
to an open space. There, your fight with this battle girl begins.
Title Screen
Stat Screen
Attack Speed
Defense Counter Attack Damage
Counter Menu
Grab Menus
Knockdown Menu
(defeat knockdown)
(counterattack knockdown)
(ultimate combo knockout/sleep)
The right side indicates your Action Meter and your Action Bars.
Once the Action Meter is full you’ll gain one Action Bar.
These Bars will be consumed for each action you take (top number).
Your Special Gauge fills up by blocking her attacks, getting hit and hitting her.
This Special Gauge will be used on top of Action Bars when using special attacks (second
number from top in %).
Choose “Punch Her” while Counter Attacking and you will consume 2 Action Bars, deal
damage dependent on how strong her attack would have been (stronger attack = more
damage) AND fill up her Damage Gauge completely.
Choose “Grab Her” whenever you can for free Action Bars.
You can also stunlock her, if you get her Damage Gauge to max but don't follow up with
anything, her current Action Gauge will go to zero and she'll be ''dazed''.
This effect wears off once her Action Gauge goes up again, but you effectively waste ~2 of
her turns doing this.
- Ultimate Combo costs 80% Special Gauge, not 40%.
In order to get her lewd you have to grab her, or knock her down and play with her.
Every time you play with her the Lewd Meter fills up near her action bar, once filled up it
turns into a Heart ❤️.
She will ALWAYS do a grapple attack on you after this, you can either block it or let her hit
you with it for H.
❤️= Footjob/Handjob
❤️❤️= Blowjob
❤️❤️❤️= Facesitting
❤️❤️❤️❤️= Cowgirl
If you block her at 4 hearts, she immediately loses all hearts and goes back to having none.
Get her Damage Gauge ≥ 1 and then use a Slash Attack, which will destroy a piece of her
clothing, or use a Special Attack to knock her down.
Combo Counter Attack “Punch Her” with 2 immediate “Slash” Attacks to completely undress
her Top/Bottom.
- Can’t “Grab Her” or “Knockdown” unless she’s taken some damage.
- Has keyboard shortcuts (rows: 1, Q, A, Z)
3 Heart Counter rape may freeze your game, can unfreeze by right click and play.
You can also avoid it by having her cum from the second option instead of the bottom 2 options in that
specific scene.
Hazumi Nano
Story Summary:
"...See, I found your secret like it was nothing!"
Main Screen
Story Mode 1:
Hearts ❤️❤️❤️❤️:
● Talk, Top
● She talks, Bottom
● Talk, Top
● Talk, Top
● She talks, Middle
● Talk, Top
● Talk, Top
● Left created box, Bottom
● Talk, Middle
● She talks, Middle
● Talk, Middle
● She talks, Bottom = ❤️
● Talk, Middle
● She talks, Middle
● Talk, Middle
● Talk, Middle
● Left created box, Top = ❤️
● Right created box, Middle = ❤️
● Right created box, Middle
● Talk, Bottom x5
● Top left created box, Middle
● Bottom right created box, Middle
● Bottom right created box, Middle = ❤️
Diamonds 💎💎💎💎:
● Touch her boob once
● She talks, top = 💎
● Talk, top
● She talks, top
● Talk, top
● New option appears, middle
● She talks, middle = 💎
From here, keep clicking on her boobs to move the mood bar at the top all the way to the left.
It should stop at a line right before the left end.
● Talk, bottom twice
● New option appears, bottom
● Talk, bottom
● New option appears, bottom
● She talks, middle
● New option appears, top = 💎
● She talks, bottom
Click on her boobs/panties to build up your right gauge until the 5 options pop up.
Click 1, 2 or 3 and play through the H-scene.
● She talks, middle
Click her boobs/panties again and move the mood bar all the way to the left
● Talk, bottom
● New option appears, bottom = 💎
Remove Clothes:
Spam look at her crotch or breasts and then always choose the bottom options, she'll then remove them
when asked one by one, so start with top.
You can take off her panties once she’s wet and you looked at them.
More Tips:
Holding on her body rises left bar
Spam-clicking rises right bar, when maxed you can get one of the five scenes (repeatable)
● Hand/footjob
● Blowjob
● Thighjob
● Missionary (leads to Humiliation End)
● Doggystyle (leads to Humiliation End)
Use Icevail’s v1.2 or higher for translation and dialogue route bug fixes.
Hearts ❤️❤️❤️❤️:
● Talk, middle
● She talks, top
● Talk, middle
● Talk, middle
● She talks, middle = ❤️
● Talk, bottom
● New option appears, bottom = ❤️
● Talk, bottom
● New option appears, bottom
● New option appears, bottom
● New option appears, middle = ❤️
● She talks, top
● She talks, top
● Talk, top
● New option appears, top
● She talks, top twice
● New option appears, top
● Talk, top
● New option appears, top
● New option appears, top
● New option appears, middle = ❤️
Diamonds 💎💎💎💎:
● Talk, top
● New option appears, top
● She talks, top twice
● Try to spread her legs
● She talks, bottom
● Touch boob
● Look at boobs
● She talks, top = 💎
● Talk, bottom
● Top right Box, Top = 💎
● Talk, bottom
● Top right Box, Top
● She talks, Top = 💎
More Tips:
Holding on her body raises the left bar.
Spam-clicking raises right bar, when maxed you have two options (repeatable)
● Endure
● Take her from behind
Maxed right bar on the diamond route with 3-4 middle bars will make her Cowgirl you (leads to Control
Unlock Endings:
Story Summary:
"My name is Latina, the Holy Knight of the Elves. The first blow is a war on you, the Demon King."
A demon king who has set out to release the race and has begun to fight the race.
Before that, a woman knight was ordered to overthrow the Demon King.
What is the end of the battle between them?
Title Screen
Stats Screen
Main Battle Menu
Defend x x
Counter Menu
Midair Counter (Unlocked with Grand Collapse) Time Stop
Budget block x
Grab Menu 1
Grab Menu 2
Midair Timestop
H x Restrain
x Hit x
x Armor break x
Restrain Menu
H x x
x Stretch x
Rub (Different when armor Ass (Needs armor broken) Lick (Different when armor
broken) broken)
Victory Menu
Rape (Front - Tied Up) Spare
Rape (Back)
On armor breaking:
1. Armor health values are represented by the small bars underneath her health. Armor (top to
a. Shield
b. Collar (neck guard)
c. Breastplate
d. Skirt/Leggings (waistguards)
e. Underwear / panties / leotard (clothing)
f. Gauntlets (gloves)
g. Shin guards ("socks" in this case)
2. Attacking her armor normally will eventually break the armor, however, if she has her shield up,
the shield will absorb the damage instead.
3. You can shield break her by hitting her twice in a row. You can then use the armor break skill to
do high damage to her armor. Alternatively, you could just wait until she puts her shield down.
4. Countering sword attacks breaks her arm guard, while countering kicks breaks her leg armor.
a. Note that there are two counter systems, which are based on how quickly you click after
she starts her attack. One involves a menu with three options (before she connects a
blow), and the other a menu with one option (after connecting). Breaking her arm and
leg guards require using the latter.
5. To break her neck armor, stun her with a 3 hit combo then hit her head
6. Destroying her shield lets you stun her easier, but seems overall unproductive. It also causes her
to become more aggressive so do so at your own risk!
On magic:
1. You can use Soul Alter on her at any time, but doing so with guard meter, will give you 2 hearts
instead of one.
2. You can tell if she’s about to use a reverse rape move when she raises her sword’s handle above
her shoulder.
3. 1 heart (blow/hand), 2 hearts (paizuri), 3 hearts (69), 4 hearts (cowgirl)
4. Moves that work for time stop: both kicks and jump slash (may need to wait until she’s right
above you)
Tips YSK:
- Fingering her counts as rape, no H actions allowed for Love End.
Doing so basically switches you from SM2 to SM3. Armor break is okay.
- You can’t use “Restrain” when she has X Hearts
- Attacking her while she charges a nonstandard move will do more damage.
Ending 2 - M End:Start Story Mode 3, make her cum each battle & after each
rape, don’t take any pregnancy related dialogue options.
Start Story Mode 3, make her cum each battle & after each rape, don’t take any
pregnancy related dialogue options.
XX with Serika
Domination End:
● Talk (not listen) to her until you're all the way to the RED side (Sadist).
● Caress her until the arousal slider is all the way up, it will change scenes.
● Fuck her and finish, you will chat with your sister in the afterglow, and when the scene
changes, she'll be submissive.
Submission End:
● Talk to her (not listen) until you're all the way to the BLUE side (Masochist).
● Caress her until the arousal slide is all the way up, it will change scenes.
● Fuck her and finish, you will chat with your sister in the afterglow, and when the scene
changes, she'll be the dominant one.
Yandere End:
● Listen and talk to her while doing the answers that tend you to the blue side.
● When she asks you if you love her, caress her until the arousal slider turns purple.
● Listen and say you'd never love your little sister.
● Listen to her again and say you do love someone.
● Caress her, fuck her, and the next day you'll be fucked, literally, you have an yandere imouto
on top of you.
Lovers End:
● Listen and talk to her while doing the answers that tend you to the blue side.
● When she asks you if you love her, caress her until the arousal slider turns purple.
● Listen and say you love her too.
● Look at her face at least three (3) times, this is important, or it won't trigger, you have three
more dialogs if you want to read them.
● Caress her, fuck her, and you'll be lovers the next day.
Game Over:
● Don't do anything besides caressing her.
● Just keep caressing her until the scene changes, you'll get blue balled.
Move Information:
● Oral sex is available in all four Routes.
● Cowgirl is available in all four Routes.
● Doggy style is only available in Dominant route.
● Missionary is only available in Lovers route.
Domination End:
● Select Talk and pick the middle and bottom sentences: repeat this action for other 2 times
● Strip her pants and Touch her keeping the button pressed
● Have a H-scene
Other endings:
Strip her pants and Touch her keeping the button pressed until Serika's cheeks become pale red
Select Talk and pick the bottom and top sentences
Select Listen and pick the top sentence then select Listen and pick the middle sentence
Select Talk and pick the bottom and top sentences then select Talk and pick bottom sentences twice
At this point Touch her keeping the button pressed and have a H-scene
XX With Kanami
Title Screen
Interrogation Screen
*raw forum dump
basic options
look at
lift blouse
lift skirt
Removal options
blow (BJ)
when you command her to do things she's not ready to do on her own you get 2 options, the
first one will force her to do it, the other wont.
Kiss options
blow options
suck (brings up new options)
suck options
sex options
cum outside
cum inside
I'm too lazy to translate the talk options but this should get you through everything
>> Anonymous 26apr2016(tu)19:54 No.32214 D P5R4
Any hints on good talk options paths?
>> Anonymous 26apr2016(tu)19:58 No.32216 E P6R5
I didn't know there were all these untranslated JSK games out there, hope someone makes an
effort to TL these too!
>> Anonymous 26apr2016(tu)20:00 No.32217 E P7
this blog has quite a few games I've never seen
>> Anonymous 27apr2016(we)03:25 No.32231 F P8R6
I assume this is a Shion rough draft
seems like I was eventually able to get somewhere without using the seekbar
worked up her obedience so that I didn't force any choices
used dialogue that always got the "surprised" reaction (as opposed to "thoughtful" and
came in her 3x (I know JSK likes having his sets of 3)
in the "afterwards" event, she's not there, but when it returns to the title screen, there are 4
post-game options
there could be other ways but this method worked for me
In order to get her to confess, you have to raise her obedience until it won’t go any higher, then
max her arousal through groping, then talk to her again with the first option, then kiss her.
XX with Ayasaki
Lewd Ending: Max out Obedience, and raise her arousal till she blushes during interrogation.
Slave/Broken Ending: Max out Obedience, and do not raise her arousal during interrogation.
Finish sex as soon as possible.