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Int J Interact Des Manuf

DOI 10.1007/s12008-013-0183-2


Utility-Fuzzy-Taguchi based hybrid approach

in investment casting process
Sarojrani Pattnaik · D. B. Karunakar · P. K. Jha

Received: 23 September 2012 / Accepted: 25 February 2013

© Springer-Verlag France 2013

Abstract In this paper, the use of the Utility-Fuzzy- it is considered as the most ancient of metal casting arts.
Taguchi based hybrid approach in investment casting process Technological advances have also made it the most mod-
for optimizing multiple quality characteristics of wax pat- ern and versatile of all metal casting processes. It is now
terns has been conceptualized. Selection of an appropriate used to cast some of the most complex castings for some
orthogonal array, preference scale construction followed by of the most critical applications. The near-net shape objec-
preference values, generation of multi-performance index tive with IC is seen, not only as a means of providing
(MPI) by fuzzy logic, analysis of means and analysis of vari- the engineer with a direct, efficient and economical route
ance are employed to study the performance characteristics of to the manufacture of a finished component, but also as
the process. The control factors considered are injection tem- a contribution to the conservation of costly materials and
perature, injection pressure and injection time, whereas linear energy.
shrinkage, surface roughness and penetration are the corre- In this casting technique, a pattern of desired shape, usu-
sponding responses. The optimal setting obtained by the pro- ally made of wax, is used to form the inside cavity of a
posed method is validated by confirmatory experiments. This ceramic shell. The pattern or a cluster of such patterns are
concludes the application feasibility of the proposed method gated to a wax sprue. Then the sprued pattern or patterns are
for parametric optimizations in investment casting process. invested with ceramic slurry, which when solidified builds a
Further, the result of the aforementioned optimization tech- shell around the wax pattern. The pattern wax is then removed
nique has been compared with that of Utility-Taguchi tech- from the shell by melting. The resulting ceramic shell hard-
nique. It is found that the optimal condition for both is same, ened by heating is filled with molten metal to produce the
while the most influential process parameter is different in finished part.
both cases due to employment of random selection of weights Jain [2] stated that waxes are commonly used as pattern
in Utility-Taguchi method. materials and the desirable properties in a good wax pattern
includes low ash content (up to 0.05 %), resistance to the
Keywords Optimization · fuzzy logic · Utility concept · primary coat material as investment, high tensile strength
Taguchi method · Investment casting and hardness, good wettability, resistance to oxidation, low
shrinkage, low viscosity, low melting point, fast setting rate,
easy reclaimability and non-hazardous to health. Costs, avail-
1 Introduction ability, ease of recycling, toxicity, resistance to binders or
solvents are the other important factors in selecting a pattern
Investment casting (IC) or lost wax process is a special- wax. Investigations of Wood and Ludwig [3] revealed that
ized manufacturing technique used for producing high qual- the waxes used in the IC process are complex mixtures of
ity, net-shape complex parts. As per Beeley and Smart [1], many compounds including natural or synthetic wax, natural
or synthetic resin, solid organic fillers etc. Resins are added
S. Pattnaik (B) · D. B. Karunakar · P. K. Jha to the blend to increase the strength and fillers, consisting
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, India
of fine powder material, are primarily used to improve the
e-mail: shrinkage characteristics.

Int J Interact Des Manuf

Bonilla et al. [4] found that, apart from the composition of meters on linear contraction of wax patterns, some models
wax blend in affecting the quality of wax patterns, there are could have been developed which would explain the case in
some other factors such as geometry of the cast part and injec- general.
tion process parameters like injection temperature, injection Literature available in the field of IC, deals with either
pressure, injection flow rate, die temperature, etc., which are optimizing single quality characteristic (QC) or studying
also crucial in making a good wax pattern. The influence of about the influence of process parameters on the shrinkage
the pattern geometry is especially difficult to study in predict- of wax patterns. Though the quality of wax pattern is mostly
ing dimensional changes caused by wax solidification. It is judged by shrinkage rate, but it is not the only QC to assess
necessary to identify the important control factors and then, the features of the wax patterns. Other QCs such as surface
the optimal combination of selected control factors should finish, hardness, strength, wettability, etc., cannot be ignored
be analyzed for improving the quality of the wax patterns. as the traits of wax patterns are ultimately transferred to the
Rezavand et al. [5] studied the effect of wax injection process castings. Hence, it is essential to consider the multiple QCs
parameters on the final dimensions and (dimensional) stabil- of wax patterns to increase the acceptability of the investment
ity of the wax pattern of a turbine blade in relation to the cast product without rejection. Till now, no work has been
critical blade geometry. Injection temperature and holding reported in the literature on multi-response optimization of
time were chosen as variable process parameters and the wax patterns in the IC process. Thus, the present work aims
effect of the holding time was found to be more dominant at finding an optimal combination of process parameters to
than that of the injection temperature. It is found from their get the best outcome in terms of multiple QCs of the wax
study that in the injection step, the final dimensions of wax patterns.
pattern are affected by the type of wax used, geometry of the Now coming to multi-response optimization problems, the
pattern to be produced and injection process parameters cho- common approaches for solving them are multiple regres-
sen. The findings of the authors may be practically used to sion analysis, response surface methodology (RSM), arti-
further improve the shrinkage of wax patterns of the turbine ficial neural network (ANN), optimization algorithms like
blades. genetic algorithm (GA), swarm intelligence, controlled ran-
Rahmati et al. [6] performed the dimensional accu- dom search algorithm (CRS), etc. The major disadvantage
racy analysis of the wax patterns, which was created from of the above mentioned methods is the requirement of huge
the room temperature vulcanization (RTV) silicon rubber amount of data for developing an adequate model. This
tooling. The input variables considered were wax injec- increases the cost of experimentation and leads to loss of con-
tion temperature, vacuum pressure and mould temperature. siderable time. Other techniques based on Taguchi analysis
Other factors such as room temperature, room humidity, for multi-response optimization problems involve principal
injection rate and so on were assumed to be constant dur- component analysis (PCA), grey relational analysis (GRA),
ing the injection moulding process. Design of experiments Utility concept, etc. In PCA, the principal component which
using Taguchi approach was used for the determination of has maximum accountability proportion (AP) is generally
optimal conditions. It was found that all the input process treated as overall performance index. But when more than
parameters significantly affected the dimensional accuracy one principal component have considerable value of account-
of the wax patterns created by RTV tooling and the most ability proportion which cannot be ignored, then the prob-
effective factor among them was vacuum pressure. From lem of computing composite principal component arises.
the above study, it is concluded that the optimizations of The grey relational analysis based on grey system theory has
injection process parameters can be done successfully using been proved to be a useful tool for solving poor, incomplete
Taguchi’s method. Also, rapid tooling could be used as suc- and uncertain systematic problems with only partial known
cessful alternative in place of traditional tooling for small information. However, the method has some limitations. The
and medium scale investment casting industries. Again, Pat- main difficulty lies in assigning weights to the individual
tnaik et al. [7] also employed Taguchi’s parameter design QCs and mostly weights are assigned randomly to the QCs
approach in finding the optimal setting of injection process as per their importance in practice. Assignment of response
parameters for making wax patterns using a brass die. The priority weights is a big challenge in solving multi-response
process parameters considered were: injection temperature, optimization problems and it varies depending on decision-
injection pressure, injection time and die temperature and makers perception.
the response parameter was linear shrinkage of the wax pat- Multi-response optimizations using Utility concept have
tern. The results indicated that injection temperature was the been performed successfully in the field of machining,
most significant process parameter, while injection time was electro-chemical honing, laser transformation hardening, etc.
the insignificant process parameter in shrinkage reduction [8–10]. But so far very little work has been done by the
of wax patterns. Though, the research work carried out by researchers employing Utility concept for solving multi-
the authors clearly highlights the influence of process para- response optimization problems. Further, it is observed that

Int J Interact Des Manuf

it has never been applied for the process optimization of easily procurable. During trial experiments, it was found that
the investment casting process. Hence, an attempt has been starch was surfacially compatible with the wax blend. Hence,
made in this article on application of Utility concept for it was selected as filler material in this research work. The
solving multi-response optimization of wax patterns in the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the selected
IC process. However, this method also requires approxi- ingredients are shown in Fig. 1 and it can be clearly seen
mate selection of response priority weights for converting that paraffin wax, carnauba wax and microcrystalline wax
the multi-objective function into single objective function. (in the form of slabs) have homogenous structure. The surface
As a general practice, usually equal weights are assigned morphology of polyethylene wax (granular form) is smooth
by the researchers. If the weighs are chosen on the basis of and the grains are spherical in shape. Starch powder has a
some rule, the chances of uncertainties in the process may more compact structure and the grains are either spherical or
be reduced. Fuzzy logic (FL) fuzzifies the human concepts polygonal in shape.
to deal with multiple performance characteristics. Each of the above selected ingredients has some attributes
To improve the workability of Utility concept, FL and required for an ideal wax blend. However the percentage of
Taguchi method may be applied along with it to establish the each of the ingredients to be added to get the best results
optimal settings of process parameters for multi-response was not known. As the best wax blend composition was not
optimization. In this way, each process can take the advan- identified initially, many trial experiments were conducted in
tage of one other and build a robust methodology for solving the laboratory by varying the individual compositions each
complicated problems involving multiple QCs. Hence, in the time, and corresponding linear shrinkage, volumetric shrink-
present research work, a hybrid approach of Utility concept age and surface roughness were measured for each of the wax
and FL has been used along with Taguchi method for solv- patterns made from different blends. The wax blend which
ing multi-response optimization of wax patterns in the IC showed least shrinkages and surface roughness was consid-
process. The process parameters include injection tempera- ered as the best blend. However, in this article, only the best
ture, injection pressure and injection time. Linear shrinkage, three wax blends have been reported as shown in Table 1 [11].
surface roughness and penetration are considered as QCs It was desired to make wax patterns with very thin
of the wax patterns. The application of utility based fuzzy fins from silicon rubber mould. So, the molten wax blend
approach converts multi-objective function into single objec- was injected into the mould using a vacuum wax injection
tive function, which is later solved by Taguchi method, by the machine, at constant injection process parameters. During
use of tools such as analysis of means (ANOM) and analysis injection, the injection parameters were kept constant. The
of variance (ANOVA). Verification tests are performed to test input parameters were as follows: injection temperature at
the feasibility of the proposed method. 75 ◦ C; injection pressure at 0.5 kg/cm2 and injection time
at 42 s. Three wax patterns were produced from each of the
wax blends. The melting point (MP) of all the wax blends
2 Experimental work was determined by Differential thermal analysis (DTA). Fig-
ure 2 shows the wax patterns made from the best three wax
This section involves selecting the best composition of the blends. The corresponding average values of linear shrink-
wax blend for pattern production, determining process para- age, volumetric shrinkage and surface roughness of the wax
meters and their levels and appropriate orthogonal array (OA) blends is reported in Table 2.
for design of experiments, and finally, conducting experi- It is desired that wax pattern should possess least shrink-
ments as per selected OA to get the output in terms of linear age and surface roughness values for producing a high qual-
shrinkage (LS), surface roughness (SR) and penetration (P) ity casting. The results indicated that the wax blend III had
of wax patterns. minimum linear shrinkage, minimum volumetric shrinkage
and minimum surface roughness values as compared to other
2.1 Selection of the best wax blend blends. It can also be seen from the Tables 1 and 2 that
increase in the percentage of polyethylene wax and starch
The working efficiency of IC process greatly depends on the content led to significant improvement in wax properties.
properties of waxes chosen for pattern making. The various However, it was also found by trial experiments that fur-
waxes used are of animal type, vegetable type, petroleum ther increase in the amount of starch (25 % or more) poorly
type, mineral type and synthetic type. In this study, the waxes affected the surface finish of the wax patterns. However,
used were paraffin wax, carnauba wax, microcrystalline wax starch is explored as a good filler material at relatively less
and polyethylene wax, and starch was used as filler material to cost for IC waxes. This may be used by the investment cast-
improve the shrinkage characteristics of the wax blend. One ers around the globe for improving the properties of wax
of the important properties of the starch includes sufficient patterns and ultimately, the castings. The composition of the
wettability with the wax blend. Also, it is inexpensive and wax blend III has shown appreciable pattern characteristics as

Int J Interact Des Manuf

Fig. 1 SEM images of a Paraffin wax b Micro-crystalline wax c Carnauba wax d Polyethylene wax e Starch powder

Table 1 Compositions of the

Blend Paraffin wax Carnaubawax Microcrystalline wax Polyethylene wax Starch
wax blends (weight by percent)
I 40 10 30 4 16
II 30 10 30 10 20
III 25 5 35 12 23

desired by any IC industry. Hence, further experiments were terns. The other parameters such as wax composition, ambi-
carried out using blend III and injection process parameters ent temperature, vacuum pressure, pattern cooling inside the
were varied each time to determine the optimum process mould and after ejection from the mould were fixed during
parameters. the entire investigation. The range of the selected process
parameters were decided by conducting the experiments with
2.2 Selection of process parameters and orthogonal array one variable at a time approach. The process parameters, their
designed symbols and range are given in Table 3.
On the basis of trial experiments and literature review, injec- From Table 3, it is clear that there are three factors and
tion temperature, injection pressure and injection time were three levels used in the experiment. If three levels were
selected to visualize their effect on the quality of the wax pat- assigned to each of these factors and a factorial experimen-

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Table 4 L9 Orthogonal array

Run no. Factors

1 1 1 1
2 1 2 2
3 1 3 3
4 2 1 2
5 2 2 3
6 2 3 1
7 3 1 3
8 3 2 1
9 3 3 2

Fig. 2 Wax patterns from different blends and are furnished in Table 5. R1 , R2 and R3 represent three
replications of the wax patterns at each of the combinations.
tal design was employed using each of these values, num-
ber of permutations would be very large. As per Taguchi’s
method, the total DOF (degree of freedom) of selected OA 3 Proposed methodology
must be greater than or equal to the total DOF required for
the experiment. Each three level parameter has 2 degrees This section describes about the Utility-Fuzzy-Taguchi based
of freedom, which is defined as (number of level-1). Hence hybrid approach in order to determine the process parameters
the total DOF required for three parameters, each at three with optimal QCs.
levels is [3 × (3 − 1)] i.e. 6. Thus L9 orthogonal array was
selected to make the present analysis. This design requires 3.1 Taguchi method and utility concept
nine experiments with three parameters, each at three
levels. The interactions were neglected. The assignment of Taguchi method is a statistical tool for the design of high
the process parameters is given in Table 4. quality systems. It has been used commonly in analyzing
engineering problems to optimize QCs by means of settings
2.3 Experimental results of design parameters. Phadke [12] stated that the effect of
uncontrollable factors (humidity, noise, vibrations etc.) can
As per Taguchi design, nine experiments were performed at be nullified by the proper selection of the level combina-
the trial conditions. For each of the blends, three wax patterns tion of controllable factors or process parameters. Taguchi
were prepared each time. The ambient temperature during method uses a special set of arrays called orthogonal arrays,
pattern production was in the range of (25–30) ◦ C. The val- which could provide full information about all the factors
ues of LS, SR and P for each trial condition were recorded that affect the QCs. The crux of the OAs lies in choosing

Table 2 Comparison of various

Wax blend MP (◦ C) Linear shrinkage (%) Volumetric shrinkage (%) Surface roughness (nm)
properties of wax blends
I 66 3.16 7.89 86.5739
II 67 3.35 7.17 60.069
III 65 2.84 6.28 58.5907

Table 3 Process parameters and

Symbol Process parameters Range Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
their values at different levels
A Injection temperature 75–85 (◦ C) 75 80 85
B Injection pressure 0.5–0.7 (kg/cm2 ) 0.5 0.6 0.7
C Injection time 40–50 (s) 40 45 50

Int J Interact Des Manuf

Table 5 Experimental results of QCs

Trial no. Linear shrinkage (%) Surface roughness (nm) Penetration (mm) under 100 gm load condition

R1 R2 R3 R1 R2 R3 R1 R2 R3

1 2.296 2.293 2.296 73.4143 73.6743 72.9757 4 2 3

2 2.292 2.29 2.291 81.5523 82.1853 82.5779 2 3 3
3 2.284 2.289 2.288 86.5739 89.2759 87.3497 2 2 2
4 2.319 2.316 2.316 58.5907 59.6365 59.3761 5 5 4
5 2.311 2.310 2.303 62.6494 65.1735 63.9784 4 5 4
6 2.302 2.298 2.297 42.2754 41.9981 42.6729 3 3 4
7 2.401 2.374 2.341 46.8169 44.4139 46.7294 6 6 7
8 2.342 2.34 2.338 34.5098 38.0024 35.8084 5 5 6
9 2.327 2.326 2.322 32.816 35.4724 38.4272 5 5 5
Mean LS = 2.315 % Mean SR = 58.479 nm Mean P = 4.075 mm

the level combinations of the design variables for each test scales are weighted to obtain a composite number (overall
input. While there are many standard OAs available, each utility). The minimum acceptable quality level for each QC
of the arrays is meant for a specific number of independent is set at a preference number of 0 and the best available
design variables and levels. The selection of OA is based on quality is assigned a preference number of 9, arbitrarily. The
total DOF of all the factors, and the number of rows of the preference number Pi can be expressed on a logarithmic scale
selected OA should be greater than or equal to the total DOF as follows:
of any process. Taguchi recommended the use of another tool xi
Pi = A log  (2)
called Signal-to-Noise (S/N) ratio to quantify the effect of xi
variations. For this, the experimental results are transformed
where xi is the value of any QC i, xi is the minimum accept-
into S/N ratios. The major steps of implementing the Taguchi
able value of the QC i and A is a constant. Arbitrarily, A is
method are identifying the factors/interactions, determining
selected at xi = x*, where x* is the optimum value of xi , then
the levels of each factor, selecting an appropriate OA, assign-
Pi = 9.
ing the factors/interactions to columns of the OA, conducting
The overall utility can be calculated as:
the experiments, analyzing the data and finding optimal lev-
els and lastly, carrying out the confirmation experiment. 

Though Taguchi method has been successful in solving U= Wi Pi (3)

single response optimization problems, it cannot be used i=1

alone for solving multi-response optimization problems as The utility function is of “higher the better” type. As per
each QC may not have the same measurement unit. Hence, Kaladhar et al. [14], if the overall utility is maximized, the
the evaluations of various QCs should be combined to give a QCs considered for evaluation of utility will be optimized
composite index. Such a composite index is known as utility (maximized or minimized). The main drawback of applica-
of a product. In Utility concept, weights are assigned arbi- tion of Utility concept in multi-response optimization prob-
trarily to the various responses for calculating the individual lems lies in the selection of random weights for each QC.
utility values. The sum of assigned weights to all QCs is In order to overcome the present problem, the original Util-
always equals to 1. Then, the sum of utilities of each QC ity concept has been modified. Preference scales for QCs
represents the overall utility of a product. As per Yang and are constructed in usual manner and based on it, preference
Hung [13], the overall utility function may be written as values are computed for each of the replications. Then, the
mean of preference values for each QC is determined, which

is used as input variable in fuzzy logic modeling to achieve
U(x1 , x2 , . . . xn ) = Wi Ui (xi ) (1)
better performance of the product.

where xi represents the measure of effectiveness of ith QC, 3.2 Fuzzy logic
n represents no. of QCs and Wi is the weight assigned to the
ith QC. Fuzzy models are mathematical means of representing
To determine the utility value for a number of QCs, a vagueness and imprecise information; accordingly it is
preference scale (PS) for each QC is constructed. Later, these termed as fuzzy. Ravi [15] stated that these models have the

Int J Interact Des Manuf

is used to determine how each value is mapped to a mem-
bership value between 0 and 1. Typical membership func-
tions that are used to represent a fuzzy set are Triangular,
Selection of process parameters and quality Trapezoidal, Sigmoid, Singleton and Gaussian. A fuzzy rule
characteristics of the process
base (consisting of a group of if-then control rules) is devel-
oped to express the inference relationship between input and
Determine the levels of process parameter output. A typical linguistic fuzzy rule called Mamdani is
Selection of an appropriate orthogonal array
described as
Conduct of experiments based on orthogonal
array Rule 1: if x1 is A1 and x2 is B1 then y is C1 else
Rule 2: if x1 is A2 and x2 is B2 then y is C2 else
Determine predicted optimal values of individual ………………………………………………
quality characteristics using Taguchi method Rule n: if x1 is An and x2 is Bn then y is Cn else

Construct preference scales for each quality Ai , Bi , and Ci are fuzzy subsets defined by the correspond-
ing membership functions, i.e., µAi , µBi and µCi .
In this paper, the mean of preference values for each
Determine preference values of each of the QC is treated as input to the fuzzy logic database and the
quality characteristics
max-min compositional operation of Mamdani is adopted
to perform the fuzzy reasoning. The defuzzification method
Calculate mean of the preference values of
each of the quality characteristic
called center-of-gravity method is further employed to
transform the fuzzy inference output into a non-fuzzy value
called multi-performance index (MPI).
Fuzzify the preference values of each quality
characteristic using fuzzy inference system
3.3 Flow diagram of Utility-Fuzzy-Taguchi based hybrid
Determine MPI by defuzzification

The steps of the proposed and adopted approach are depicted

Selection of optimal injection process in Fig. 3 and described as follows.
Step1: Injection process parameters and QCs are selected.
Step 2: Levels of process parameters are determined and
Performing ANOVA
an appropriate OA is chosen for designing the experi-
Conduct of confirmation test and verification
of the optimal settings
Step 3: The experiments arranged as per selected OA are
carried out.
Step 4: Optimal values of individual QCs are predicted.
End Step 5: Preference scales for QCs are constructed.
Step 6: Preference values of the QCs based on preference
Fig. 3 Flow diagram for multi-response optimization by Utility- scales are computed for each of the replications.
Fuzzy-Taguchi based hybrid approach Step 7: The average of the preference values for each QC
are determined.
capability of recognizing, representing, manipulating, inter- Step 8: Fuzzy modeling is applied to preference values
preting and utilizing data or information that are vague and of each QC.
lack certainty. As per Zadeh [16], a fuzzy logic unit com- Step 9: MPI is determined by defuzzification method.
prises of a fuzzifier, membership functions, a fuzzy rule base, Step 10: Analyses of means of MPI are conducted to find
an inference engine, and a defuzzifier. In the fuzzy logic out optimal injection process parameters.
analysis, the fuzzifier uses membership functions to fuzzify Step 11: Analyses of variance of MPI is performed
the real world input. The fuzzy inference engine is the ker- to determine the significant process parameters of the
nel of a fuzzy system. The inference engine performs fuzzy process.
reasoning based on fuzzy rules to generate a fuzzy output. Step 12: Confirmatory tests as per optimal conditions are
Finally, the defuzzifier converts the fuzzy output into crisp performed and finally verification of the results is done
values, a form of real world input. A membership function to check the validity of the applied methodology.

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Table 6 Predicted optimal results and generated preference scales for QCs
QC Optimal settings Significant process Predicted optimal Minimum accept- Preference scale
parameters value (x∗i ) able response
value (xi )

LS A1 B3 C2 A, B 2.28 % 2.5 % PLS = −224.97 log (xi /2.5)

SR A3 B3 C1 A, B, C 28.06 nm 90 nm PSR = −17.78 log (xi /90)
P A1 B3 C1 A, B 1.925 mm 7.5 mm PP = −15.24 log (xi /7.5)

Table 7 Preference values of QCs

Sl. no. Preference values of QCs
Linear shrinkage Surface roughness Penetration

1 8.3167 8.4445 8.3167 0.7611 0.7014 0.6646 4.1606 8.7482 6.0646

2 8.4871 8.5724 8.5297 0.2997 0.0624 0.2308 8.7482 6.0646 6.0646
3 8.8287 8.6151 8.6577 1.5729 1.5456 1.6191 8.7482 8.7482 8.7482
4 7.3429 7.4693 7.4693 2.7972 2.4922 2.6352 2.6836 2.6836 4.1605
5 7.6805 7.7228 8.0193 2.9733 3.0048 2.8603 4.1605 2.6836 4.1605
6 8.0617 8.2316 8.2742 3.3144 3.1778 3.2116 6.0646 6.0646 4.1605
7 3.9477 5.0527 6.4203 4.2988 3.9447 4.1414 1.4769 1.4769 0.4566
8 6.3786 6.4621 6.5456 6.4193 6.4874 6.5280 2.6836 2.6836 1.4769
9 7.0064 7.0484 7.2165 5.0467 5.4535 5.0611 2.6836 2.6836 2.6836

4 Multi-response optimization using of individual QCs are computed, which are designated as
Utility-Fuzzy-Taguchi based hybrid approach PVLS , PVSR and PVP respectively. The results are reported
in Table 8. However, in order to get the improved result and
This section comprises of computation of preference values, decrease the data uncertainty, fuzzy logic modeling is imple-
prediction of MPI by fuzzy modeling, finding out the optimal mented further.
process parameters by ANOM, determination of significant
process parameters by ANOVA and prediction of optimal
4.2 Calculation of multiple performance indexes by fuzzy
value of QCs followed by confirmation tests.
logic modelling

4.1 Determining preference scales and preference values In order to facilitate the optimization of multiple QCs of the
for QCs wax patterns, the scores of the three PVs are integrated as
a total preference score, which is designated as MPI using
Taguchi method is extensively used for determining the opti- fuzzy modeling approach. The block diagram of fuzzy logic
mal combination of process parameters to improve processes controller (FLC) made in this study is shown in Fig. 4. The
with single QC. Hence, the experimental data obtained in FL input and output membership functions (triangular) are
Table 4 is used to estimate the optimal values of individual illustrated in Figs. 5, 6 respectively. It is clear from the figures
QCs by the application of Taguchi method. Preference scales that there are three fuzzy sets for the input variables: small
for the QCs are constructed on the basis of their individual (S), medium (M) and large (L) and five for the outputs: very
predicted optimal values and minimum acceptable response small (VS), small (S), medium (M), large (L), very large
values obtained using Eq. (3). Since, all the QCs are of (VL). Total twenty seven fuzzy rules have been formed for
lower-the-better type, the selection of minimum acceptable building the FLC and it is shown in Table 9.
response values was based on the maximum of correspond- Graphical representation of FLC is shown in Fig. 7. The
ing experimental trial results. The individual optimal settings rows represent twenty seven rules and columns represent the
and the generated preference scales for QCs are furnished in three input variables and one output variable. The location
Table 6. of triangle indicates the determined fuzzy sets for each input
On the basis of preference scales, experimental results are and output. The height of the darkened area in each triangle
transformed into preference values (PVs) for each trial as corresponds to the fuzzy membership value for that fuzzy
shown in Table 7. Then, average of the three trials of PVs set. For experiment no. 1, the input i.e. preference values for

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Table 8 Average preference values of QCs


1 8.359 0.709 6.324

2 8.530 0.198 6.959
3 8.700 1.579 8.748
4 7.427 2.642 3.176
5 7.808 2.946 3.668
6 8.189 3.235 5.430
7 5.140 4.128 1.137
8 6.462 6.478 2.281 Fig. 6 Output membership function
9 7.090 5.187 2.684

Table 9 Fuzzy rules



Fig. 4 Block diagram of fuzzy logic controller SR M

11 and can be visualized from Fig. 8. It is clear from Table 11

and Fig. 7 that MPI is highest at the first level of parameter A
Fig. 5 Input membership function
(A1 ), third level of parameter B (B3 ) and first level of parame-
ter C (C1 ). Hence, A1 B3 C1 levels of the process parameters
are considered as best levels for overall reducing the linear
LS, SR and P are 8.359, 0.709 and 6.324 respectively and the shrinkage, surface roughness and penetration of the wax pat-
defuzzified output which gives MPI-1, is 0.64. terns. From the ‘max-min’ range evaluation, the effect of each
The complete results of the predicted MPIs for each of control factor on MPI has been determined and it is found that
the nine tests evaluated from the fuzzy logic reasoning in process parameter A i.e. injection temperature seems to have
the Matlab Fuzzy Tool Box are shown in Table 10. As utility the most significant effect on MPI, followed by injection
function is of higher-the-better type, higher the value of MPI, pressure and injection time. However, the relative impor-
the corresponding factor combination is closer to the optimal. tance among the factors for the multiple QCs still needs to be
From Table 9, it can be seen clearly that experiment no. 3 has investigated by using ANOVA method, which enables more
the best multiple QCs among the nine runs performed, having accurate determination of the optimal levels of the process
highest MPI. It is followed by experiments no. 6 and 1, being parameter combinations. Hence, ANOVA was performed on
ranked as second and third, respectively. the values of MPI as shown in Table 12. It is clear from Table
12, that the injection temperature (A), injection pressure (B)
4.3 Performing ANOM and ANOVA and injection time (C) are significant at 95 % confidence level
and thus, they affect the properties of the wax patterns. It is
For each run of experimental design, means of the MPIs are also found that the influence of injection temperature is com-
computed. The response table for MPI is furnished in Table paratively larger than that of injection pressure and injection

Int J Interact Des Manuf

Fig. 7 Fuzzy logic controller for experiment no. 1

Table 10 MPI for each of the

Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
MPI 0.64 0.625 0.75 0.46 0.527 0.699 0.375 0.5 0.514

Table 11 Response table for

Process parameter Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Max-min Rank
the MPI
A 0.672 0.562 0.463 0.209 1
B 0.492 0.551 0.654 0.162 2
Total mean value of the MPI = C 0.613 0.533 0.551 0.08 3

time as regards to the quality of wax patterns and the same

results were also predicted by ANOM.

4.4 Predicted optimal values of QCs

The optimal values of QCs were predicted at the selected

levels of significant parameters i.e. A1 , B3 and C1 using the
following equation:

α̂ = αm + (ᾱi − αm ) (4)
where αm is the total mean of all experimental runs of QC,
ᾱi is the mean of ith process parameter at optimal level
and q is the number of parameters that significantly affect
the QCs.
The predicted optimal values of LS, SR and P are found
Fig. 8 Response curve for MPI
to be 2.276 %, 69.906 nm and 1.74 mm respectively.

Int J Interact Des Manuf

Table 12 ANOVA results for

MPI (LS, SR and P) Parameter SS DOF V F-ratio P%

A 0.065371 2 0.0327 – 55.97

B 0.040689 2 0.0203 – 34.84
C 0.010598 2 0.0053 – 9.074
SS sum of squares, DOF degree E 0.00014 2 0.0000 – 0.12
of freedom, V variance, P
Total (T) 0.116798 8 – 100
percent contribution.
* Significant at 95 % CI

Table 13 Summary of results

Injection process parameter Initial process condition Optimal condition
Predicted value Experimental value

Level A1 B2 C2 A1 B3 C1 A1 B3 C1
Linear shrinkage 2.291 2.276 2.281
Surface roughness 82.1052 69.906 66.0094
Penetration 2.67 1.74 1.67
MPI 0.625 0.759 0.808
Improvement in MPI – 0.134 0.183

Fig. 9 Two dimensional plot of surface roughness at a initial condition b optimal condition

4.5 Confirmatory tests and it is found that there is an augmentation of MPI of opti-
mal condition by 0.183 from the initial condition. To check
Since the optimal settings of injection process parameters the proximity of predicted results with the actual experimen-
was not included in the main experiment, three confirma- tal results obtained by confirmation run, percentage error is
tion experiments were conducted at the same for making the calculated and it is found to be 6.06 %, which is within the
wax patterns. The summary of the results at initial and opti- minimum acceptable limits (around 10 %).
mal condition are published in Table 13. The result indicates
that there is significant improvement of the QCs at optimal
condition. The average values of the QCs i.e. LS, SR and 5 Multi-response optimization using Utility-Taguchi
P at initial and optimal conditions are found to be 2.291 %, approach
82.1052 nm and 2.67 mm and 2.281 %, 66.0094 nm and
1.67 mm, respectively. Figure 9 shows two-dimensional plot For solving the present problem of IC process using conven-
for surface roughness of wax patterns at initial and optimal tional utility based Taguchi method, each of the QCs has been
condition. MPIs of initial process condition, predicted opti- assigned a weight of 0.3, assuming all of them are equally
mal condition and confirmatory experiments are calculated important. The experimental results are then transformed into

Int J Interact Des Manuf

utility values, based on respective preference scales (Table 6) and A1 B3 C1 condition is optimal. From Table 16, it is found
and weight factors assigned to each QC. Since utility is a that all the process parameters namely, injection tempera-
higher-the-better type of characteristic, S/N ratios are calcu- ture, injection pressure and injection time are significant and
lated as follows: injection pressure is the most significant process parameter
⎛ ⎞ in influencing the features of the wax patterns. However, it
1 R
1 was found by trial experiments that variations in injection
(S/N)HB = −10 log ⎝ ⎠ (5)
R y2
j=1 j
temperature (other parameters fixed) led to more significant
changes in response values as compared to that of injection
The results of calculated utility values and the correspond- pressure, though injection pressure also affected the quality
ing S/N ratios are shown in Table 14. of the wax patterns.
ANOM and ANOVA of S/N ratios of utility values are fur-
nished in Tables 15 and 16 respectively. The response graph 6 Discussion
based on ANOM is shown in Fig. 10.
From Fig. 10, it can be clearly seen that the first level of It has been observed that the optimal setting predicted by
injection temperature (A1 ), third level of injection pressure Utility-Taguchi as well as Utility-Fuzzy-Taguchi approaches
(B3 ) and first level of injection time (C1 ) would yield best is same i.e. A1 B3 C1. However, the most significant process
performance within the selected range of process parameters parameter in determining the quality of wax pattern is dif-
ferent for both cases. In Utility-Taguchi method, injection
Table 14 Utility values based on QCs (LS, SR and P)
pressure is the influential control factor, whereas injection
temperature is the most significant factor in case of Utility-
Trial no. Utility value Fuzzy-Taguchi approach. This disparity is due to the picking
R1 R2 R3 S/N ratio (dB) of random weights in the Utility-Taguchi method. If some
1 4.599 6.246 5.284 14.408 rules are followed for the selection of weights, then the usual
2 5.999 5.064 5.037 14.509 method may be opted as it is comparatively simpler than the
3 5.959 5.809 5.879 15.389
4 4.336 4.332 4.863 13.046
5 4.795 4.188 4.854 13.219
6 6.604 6.678 5.982 16.120
7 3.357 3.861 3.827 11.267
8 5.377 5.156 4.913 14.216
9 5.716 5.529 5.379 14.864

Table 15 ANOM of S/N ratios of utility values (LS, SR and P)

Symbol Average utility values
L1 L2 L3

A 14.769 14.129 13.449

B 12.907 13.925 15.458
C 14.915 14.140 13.292
L1, L2 and L3 represent levels 1, 2 and 3 respectively
Fig. 10 Response graph of S/N ratios of utility values

Table 16 Pooled ANOVA (LS,

SR and P) Pooled SS DOF V F SS’ P

A 2.54097 2 1.27048 8.309 2.23516 11.88

B 9.36694 2 4.68347 30.630 9.06113 48.16
SS sum of squares, DOF degree C 3.85039 2 1.92519 12.591 3.54458 18.84
of freedom, V variance, P Error 3.05803 20 0.15290 3.97544 21.13
percent contribution
Total 18.81632 26 18.81632 100
* Significant at 95 % CI

Int J Interact Des Manuf

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