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Review Article

Oral Dispersible System: A New Approach in Drug

Delivery System
Department of Pharmacy, University of Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 25000, Pakistan

Hannan, et al.: Orodispersible Drug Delivery System

Dosage form is a mean used for the delivery of drug to a living body. In order to get the desired effect the drug
should be delivered to its site of action at such rate and concentration to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect and
minimum adverse effect. Since oral route is still widely accepted route but having a common drawback of difficulty
in swallowing of tablets and capsules. Therefore a lot of research has been done on novel drug delivery systems.
This review is about oral dispersible tablets a novel approach in drug delivery systems that are now a day’s more
focused in formulation world, and laid a new path that, helped the patients to build their compliance level with
the therapy, also reduced the cost and ease the administration especially in case of pediatrics and geriatrics. Quick
absorption, rapid onset of action and reduction in drug loss properties are the basic advantages of this dosage form.

Key words: Fast dissolving/disintegrating tablets, orodispersible tablets, GIT, bioavailability, first pass metabolism,

Formulation of drugs into a presentable form is the diffusion, or through pores called pore diffusion.
basic requirement and need of today. Dosage form In pore diffusion the drug release rate is controlled
is a mean of drug delivery system, used for the by the crystal size, molecular size, pore size, pore
application of drug to a living body. Various type of structure and tortuosity of the polymers. In passive
dosage forms are available such as tablets, syrups, transport (Fick’s first law) the drug moves from high
suspensions, suppositories, injections, transdermal concentration to the low concentration, while in active
and patches having different type of drug delivery transport energy is required for the movement of drug
mechanisms. These classical/modern dosage forms from low to high concentration region through one
have some advantages and disadvantages therefore or more transport mechanisms. It requires energy or
the development of an ideal drug delivery system carrier such as enzyme, protein[1].
is a big challenge to the pharmacist in the presence
scenario. In order to get the desired effect the drug GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS IN
should be delivered to its site of action at such DOSAGE FORM DESIGN
rate and concentration to achieve the maximum
therapeutic effect and minimum adverse effect. For Several physicochemical properties should be
the development of a suitable dosage form a thorough considered before going for new dosage form. The
study about the physicochemical principles that major aspects to be considered during formulation
governs a specific formulation of a drug should be of a dosage form are mentioned as, the formulation
subjected[1]. qualifying the target parameters is considered as

During establishing dosage form for a drug, it This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows
requires knowledge about each ingredient i.e. physical, others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the
author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
chemical and biological properties along with the
For reprints contact: reprints@medknow.com
compatibility with the active drug, so that the product
formed should be palatable, stable and efficacious[2].
Accepted 02 February 2016
Most drugs pass through the barrier by molecular Revised 12 November 2015
*Address for correspondence Received 02 December 2014
E-mail: peer_hannan@yahoo.com Indian J Pharm Sci 2016;78(1):2‑7

2 © 2016 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow


master formulation and any batch formulated must swallowing bulky conventional dosage forms [12]. In
be on the specifications of master formula. Active order to prevent the dysphagia and improve patient
agent can be incorporated in many dosage forms in compliance, orodispersible tablets are introduced as
such a way to achieve a convenient and efficacious a substitute in oral DDS, designed to disintegrate in
drug delivery system for the treatment of diseases mouth without the aid of water. So they are useful
based on the route of administration. For oral use in such conditions in which water is not available,
tablets and capsules are prepared for systemic effect or prohibited as before operation, in kinetosis,
as they can be easily handled by most of the patients, cough episodes due to neurological stimulation or
and if intended in emergency condition injectable chest infections. Different methods are adopted to
form is applied for quick results. Other dosage forms manufacture the orodispersible tablets with the aim
include the patches and suppositories can be applied of giving fast disintegration to the dosage form as
according to the patient condition[1]. it gets in contact with saliva with good agreeable
moth feeling[13]. These orodispersible tablets (ODT)
NEED OF INNOVATIVE DRUG can be administered to any patients having difficulty
DELIVERY SYSTEM in swallowing. They are also recognized as mouth
dissolvable, melt-in-mouth, fast dissolving, rapi-melts
The orally administered drug delivery is still or porous tablets[14].
considered as a standard system in pharmaceutics field
and still considered safest, convenient and economical These are tablets which get dispersed or disintegrate
method of administration providing best route for when gets in a contact with saliva with the
patient compliance[3], however in case of tablet and release of active drug [15,16] , providing maximum
capsule having a common drawback of difficulty in drug bioavailability as compared to conventional
swallowing leading to poor compliance specially in dosage form [17]. This dispersible property is given
geriatrics[4]. by the addition of superdisintegrants to the dosage
form, that releases the drug in mouth increasing
To improve compliance and making the administration the bioavailability[18]. Three different methods for
convenient, design of new dosage forms gained the addition of disintegrants are used, they are
significant importance. Conventional oral drug intra granular (within the granules), extra granular
delivery present a drug with quick and full release (addition after granulation) and combination of both
that may go as such without producing the desired processes[19].
effect may be due to the presence of food, pH
of the stomach, enzymatic degradation, change in Te best time for an orodispersible tablet to get
GIT motility as so forth, giving not enough time disperse is considered to be less than a minute[20,21].
to get absorbed [5,6]. Recently much light is being Mostly the disintegration times varies from
put on the area of designing drug delivery systems 5 to 30 seconds and are prepared applying; direct
bearing organoleptic elegancy and maximum patient compression, solid dispersion, lyophilization or
acceptability in pediatrics and geriatric groups [7-9]. molding techniques. In all these methods direct
A lot of innovative work is being done on drug compression is preferred because of its effortlessness,
delivery in which oral route is preferred because of quick procedure and cost effectiveness [22] .
ease of administration, cost effective therapy, self ODTs are developed by the addition of super
medication and noninvasive method leading to patient disintegrants like cross linked cellulose derivative;
compliance to a higher level[10]. Tablet coating is one carboxymethyl cellulose, sodium starch glycolate,
of the parameter in drug delivery designing applied polyvinylpyrollidone, which gives burst disintegration
to minimize the bad tasting and side effects while when gets in contact with water or salivary secretions.
enhancing elegancy and drug bioavailability[11]. Bioavailability of drugs may rise due to oral and
pregastric absorption, reducing first pass metabolism
ORAL DISPERSIBLE TABLETS in gastrointestinal tract[23].

Drinking water is mostly required for the oral Prerequisite of fast disintegrating tablets:
administration of drugs, like tablet and capsules, There are some prerequisite for fast disintegrating
in which some patients experience nuisance in tablets which are mentioned as, Tablet must
January - February 2016 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 3

disintegrate and disperse in oral cavity without apomorphine and buspirone. Drugs producing
water intake. It can hold high drug quantity. It considerable amounts of toxic metabolites on first
should be compatible with taste masking agents pass metabolism and in GIT and having substantial
and excipients, and have optimum sensation effect. absorption in oral and pregastric areas are good
Leave minimum to no residue after administration. candidates. Drugs permeable to upper GIT and oral
It should have optimum capacity to remain intact mucosal epithelial cell lining are considered good
in formulation processes. It should be stable at the candidates for FDT[25].
range of temperature and humidity. It should be
adaptable and amenable to existing processing and Drugs which can be integrated in the fast
packaging machinery. It should be manufactured at dissolving tablets:
low cost[22,24]. A variety of drugs are being incorporated in FDTs.
Examples of drug candidates in various classes are
Suitability of drugs for fast disintegrating tablets: mentioned in Table 1[26,27].
For developing FDT of a specific drug several
factors should be kept forth while selecting drug, Excipients required in formulating FDTs:
excipients and formulation method. These are as Excipients used in FDTs contain one
follows: Dugs to be used for sustained action are superdisintegrant, a diluent/bulking agent, a lubricant
not suitable candidate for FDT. Drugs having very and optionally swelling agent, a permeabilizing
disagreeable taste are not suitable like clopidogrel. agent (depending upon drug nature), sweeteners and
Patients suffering from Sjogren’s syndrome and flavorings agents. Names of excipients classes and
those with less saliva secretion and not suitable their percentages are given in Table 2[28].
for FDT dosage form. Drugs of very short half life
and requiring frequent dosing are not appropriate TECHNIQUES FOR PREPARING
candidate. Patients on anticholinergic therapy ORODISPERSIBLE TABLETS
are not suitable for FDT. Drugs showing altered
pharmacokinetic behavior if formulated in such Various techniques are currently used in preparing
dosage form with respect to their conventional fast disintegrating/dissolving tablets; some of them are
dosage form are not suitable, like selegiline, discussed briefly in the following section.


Categories Drugs
Analgesics and Piroxicam, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, sulindac, phenylbutazone, naproxen, indomethacin, mefenamic
antiinflammatory agents acid, azapropazone
Antiepileptics Carbamazepine, methsuximide, phenytoin, primidone, phenobarbitone, valproicacid, phensuximide,
Antifungal agents Clotrimazole, amphotericin, griseofulvin, ketoconazole, miconazole, nystatin, terbinafine, fluconazole
Antimalarial Chlorquine, mefloquine, proguanil, pyrimethamine
Antigout agents Allopurinol, probenecid, sulphinpyrazone
Antihypertensive agents Amlodipine, dilitazem, valsartan, nifedipine, diazoxide, prazosin, terazosin
Antibacterial agents Clarithromycin, ciprofloxacin, nalidixic acid, rifampicin, erythromycin
Antineoplastic agents Chlorambucil, methotrexate, cyclosporin, estramustine
Diuretics Acetazolamide, amiloride, chlorthalidone, chlorthiazide, spironnolactone, frusemide
Antiparkinsonism agents Bromocriptine mesylate, lysuride maleate
Anxiolytic, sedatives, Alprazolam, chlordiazepoxide, meprobamate, lorazepam
hypnotics, and neuroleptics
Lipid regulating agents Gemfibrozil, fenofibrate, clofibrate, probucol
Opioid analgesics Methadone, diamorphine, pentazocine, nalbuphine, morphine
Corticosteroids Prednisolone, methylprednisolone, hydrocortisone, betamethasone, prednisone, dexamethasone
Oral vaccines Polio, tetanus, diphtheria, hepatitis, dengue fever, rubella, rabies
Local anaesthetics Lidocaine
Nutritional agents Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, beta‑carotene
Stimulants Amphetamine, fenfluramine, dexamphetamine, pemoline
Sex hormones Oestradiol, testosterone, methyltestosterone. ethinyloestadiol, norgestrel, progesterone
Antithyroid agents Carbimazole, propylthiouracil

4 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences January - February 2016



VARIOUS MAJOR EXCIPIENTS Tablets are designed using hydrophilic ingredients,
Name of the excipients Percentage used with the aim to get maximum drug dissolution.
Superdisintegrants 1–15
Powder mass is wetted with hydroalcoholic solvent
Binder 5–10
and compressed into dosage form. The solvent system
Antistatic agent 0–10
Diluents 0–85 is then allowed to evaporate. Taste of drug particles
is developed by spray congealing the molten mixture
of hydrogenated cottonseed oil, sodium carbonate,
Direct compression:
The most easiest and cost effective way to prepare lecithin, polyethylene glycol with an active ingredient
tablets. Conventional compression machines with into lactose based tablet triturate[31]. Characteristics
common ingredients are used, by limited number of of moulding method are, very porous as solvents
processing steps. Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) are removed by drying leaving porous mass which
and low substituted hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) promotes rapid dissolution[31].
are used to manufacture rapidly disintegrating
tablets. Rapid disintegration can also be achieved Sublimation:
by adding effervescent material in a tablet to Rapid disintegration and dissolution is acquired
generate carbon dioxide, which also helps in taste by formulating into porous mass by incorporating
masking of a drug. Major drawback of effervescent inert solid ingredients that volatilize rapidly like
form, is hygroscopicity i.e., the ability to absorb urea, camphor ammonium carbonate, ammonium
atmospheric moisture. Sometime super disintegrants bicarbonate and hexamethylene-tetramine. They
are added in optimal concentration, to achieve were mixed with other ingredients and compressed.
good oral dispersibility with pleasant feeling. The volatile material is evolved by reduced
Common examples of superdisinterants include pressure and applying slight temperature leaving
sodium starch glycolate, crospovidone, alginic acid, the mass in porous form [32] . Characteristics of
calcium silicate and crosscarmellose. They provide sublimation method are, they are porous in nature,
rapid disintegration by swelling due to water solvents like cyclohexane and benzene can be
absorption[29]. Characteristics of direct compression used[32].
are cost effective, much similar to the conventional
dosage form with an exception of containing high Spray-drying:
amount of disintegrants in some cases which can By this method ingredients are integrated by
result in low tablet hardness[29]. hydrolyzed and nonhydrolyzed gelatins as supporting
agents, mannitol as bulking agent, sodium starch
Freeze drying or lyophilization: glycolate or crosscarmellose sodium as disintegrating
It is a pharmaceutical process that allows the and an acidic material (e.g. citric acid) and or
drying of heat sensitive drugs and biological alkali material (e.g. sodium bicarbonate) to enhance
under low temperature by the application of disintegration and dissolution[33]. Characteristics of
vacuum to remove water by sublimation. Drugs spray-drying method is this method gives rapid
are dissolved or dispersed in aqueous solution of dissolution (within 20 seconds) when dosage form
a carrier, transferred to preformed blister packs gets in contact with aqueous medium[33].
and subjected to nitrogen flush to freeze out, then
placed in refrigerator to complete the process [30]. Mass-extrusion:
Characteristics of lyophilization techniques are, they In this the mixed ingredients are softened by water
possess high porosity and specific surface area, and soluble ingredient i.e. polyethylene glycol, using
gets dissolve rapidly in mouth presenting high drug methanol as solvent, passing through an extruder to
bioavailability[30]. Major drawback of this system is form thin cylinders. Which further get sliced with
high cost, time consuming procedure and fragility, heated blade to form small tablets[34]. Characteristics
making conventional packing inappropriate for of this method is these products can be used to
packing this dosage form and stability issues under mask bitter tasting drugs making small granules thus
stress condition[23]. enhancing oral bioavailability[34].

January - February 2016 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 5


Cotton candy process: carboxymethyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl

By this method matrix of polysaccharides are methylcellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose, hydroxypropy
prepared by simultaneous action of rapid melting and cellulose polyvinyl pyrrolidone, polyvinyl alcohol or
spinning. This candy floss matrix is then recrystalized sodium alginate.), a drug and other taste masking
milled and mixed with active drug along with agent which are used to develop a film as solvent
excipients and compressed to form a fast dissolving evaporates. In case of bitter tasting drugs resin
tablet [30] . Characteristics of this method is high adsorbate or coated micro particles of a drug can be
quantity of doses can be accommodated in this dosage used into a film[37]. Characteristics: These are thin
form with high mechanical strength[30]. films of 2×2 inches dimensions; dissolve fast within
5 seconds, leaving a good after taste[37].
It involves particle size reduction to nano size by ADVANTAGES OF FORMULATING
using the wet grinding procedure. The formed nano ORODISPERSIBLE TABLETS
crystals are then stabilized to prevent agglomeration
by physical attachment on the surface of inert The advantages of orodispersible tablets are
material[24]. Characteristics of this technique is suitable enumerated as, it can be administered easily to patients
for water insoluble drugs with low bioavailability, a having difficulty in swallowing like elderly, stroke
cost effective process and can withstand stress and victims, and pediatrics. This increases the bedridden
hold wide range of doses ( ≥200 mg)[24]. patient’s compliance, people travelling having less
access to water. Drugs with good mouth feeling
Compaction: may help in strengthens the psychological belief on
By Melt granulation, it is formulated by addition medication. Ease of administration to both young and
of hydrophilic waxy binder (super polystate) elderly patients[15]. More rapid and high absorption
PEG-6-stearate. This binder possesses dual action; of drugs from pregastric parts of GIT improving
increasing physical strength it also enhances the the bioavailability and efficacy [8]. Cost effective
disintegration. Drugs such as griseofulvin can be easily as minimum number of ingredients are required.
administered in such dosage form[35]. Characteristics of Improved safety by prevention from the chocking or
compaction method is that it rapidly melts in mouth obstruction as in case of conventional dosage form
leaving no residue[35].
Phase-transition method: DISSOLVING TABLETS
By Phase-transition method, these dosage forms are Product Generic Company
Nimulid‑MD Nimesulide Panacea Biotech, New Delhi,
established my mixing and compressing the mixture India
containing two sugar alcohols one of high melting Feldene fast Piroxicam Pfizer Inc., NY, USA
point and 2nd of low melting point and successive melt
heating them between their melting points making the Zyrof meltab Rofecoxib Zydus Cadila, India
tablet harden due to amplification of bondages induced Pepcid RPD Famotidine Merck and Co., NJ, USA
Romilast Montelukast Ranbaxy Labs Ltd., New Delhi,
by phase transition of lower melting point sugar India
alcohols. A fast dissolving tablet produced by Kuno et Torrox MT Rofecoxib Torrent Pharmaceuticals, India
al., 2005 contained erythritol (MP: 122°) and xylitol Olanex instab Olanzapine Ranbaxy Labs Ltd., New Delhi,
(MP: 93-95°). They were heated at about 93° for India
Zofran ODT Ondansetron Glaxo Wellcome, Middlesex, UK
15 min resulted in increased median pore size along
Mosid‑MT Mosapride citrate Torren pharmaceuticals, India
with increase in tablet hardness[36]. Characteristics of Febrectol Paracetamol Prographarm, Chateauneuf,
method is this method can withstand with the rigors France
of manufacturing and shipping conditions. As enough Maxalt MLT Rizatriptan Merck and Co., NJ, USA
hardness is gained during heating[36] but not suitable for Zelapar TM Selegiline Amarin Corp., London , UK
Benadryl fast Diphenhydramine Pfizer
heat unstable drugs.
Imodium Loperamide Hcl Janssen
Fast dissolving films: (instant melts)
It contains a nonaqueous solution having Klonopin wafers Clonaxepam Roche
water soluble film forming polymers (pullulan, Zyprexa Olanzapine Eli lilly

6 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences January - February 2016


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