Knowledge of Health Consequences of Psychoactive Substance Use Among Senior Secondary School Students

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Knowledge of Health Consequences of Psychoactive

Substance Use among Senior Secondary School Students

Winifred A. Ojieabu*1, Shakirat I. Bello2, John E. Arute3, Adebukola A. Tijani1,
Lionel O. Okunye4, Sule A. Saka1, Christabel E. Ojieabu5, Philip F. Uzor6,
Mark O. Akpotu4 and Uchenna I.H. Eze1
Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Biopharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Olabisi Onabanjo University
Sagamu Campus, Sagamu, Ogun State, Nigeria
Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Administration, Faculty of Pharmacy
Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria
Department of Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Olabisi Onabanjo University
Sagamu Campus, Sagamu, Ogun State, Nigeria
Obafemi Awolowo College of Health Science, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Sagamu Campus
Sagamu, Ogun State, Nigeria
Department of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

(Received: June 07, 2020; Accepted: December 01, 2020; Published (web): December 01, 2020)

ABSTRACT: The rate of psychoactive substance (PAS) use in the adolescent group is increasing around the world.
Drug abuse has a negative impact on students’ education especially that of secondary school students. This study
aimed to assess the prevalence of psychoactive substance use and knowledge of the health consequences among
secondary school students in Ogun State, Nigeria. A cross-sectional study was carried out among 528 consenting
students selected using random sampling method. Data obtained using a validated modified World Health
Organization’s guidelines questionnaire were analyzed with SPSS 20, p-Value ≤ 0.05 was considered significant.
Majority (78.8%) were within the age group 15-18 years, males were 61.4%. Alcohol (95.0%) ranked first of all the
substances been consumed among the current PAS users. Age was highly significantly associated with PAS use.
Average knowledge of health consequences of PAS use was 11.5%. There is need for continuous health educational
intervention to boost the respondents’ knowledge about health consequences of uses of psychoactive substances.

Key words: Psychoactive substance, Students, Health consequences, Knowledge

American Psychiatric Association DSM-IV1 use.2 The rate of PAS use in the adolescent group is
describes psychoactive substance (PAS) use as the high in the developed countries e.g. United States of
self-administration of un-prescribed substance for the America and United Kingdom.3 The same trend is
purpose of effecting mood and behavioral alterations also found in Africa.4 In 2012, a mortality rate of 40
irrespective of the known likely untoward effects. from drug-related deaths per million in age groups
About 7.0% of the age group 15-64 years of the total between 15-64 years was reported in World Drug
world population had been involved in illicit drug Report.2 Increased use of PAS in developing
countries such as Nigeria is no longer new5 and
Correspondence to: Winifred A. Ojieabu
adolescents are at the epicenter of it.6
Phone Number: +2348037126245 Drug abuse has a negative impact on students’
education especially at secondary school level.
Dhaka Univ. J. Pharm. Sci. 19(2): 199-205, 2020 (December) Prevailing consequences emanating from drug abuse
among adolescents, youths and adults include
200 Ojieabu et al.

academic problems, health problems, stigmatization, selected using random sampling method from three
family and social-economic problems and crimes senior secondary schools within Sagamu city.
among others.2 This study was therefore aimed to Sagamu is one of the local government headquarters
assess the prevalence of PAS use and knowledge of in Ogun state, Nigeria. The Principals of the three
the health consequences among secondary school senior secondary schools were contacted prior to the
students in Sagamu town, Ogun State, Nigeria. administration of the pretested questionnaire, during
which the intended purpose was made known to
MATERIALS AND METHODS them. Verbal consent was given by the Principals and
the students before we conducted the study. The
Study population. This was a cross-sectional
sample questionnaire has been shown in Table 1.
study, carried out among 528 consenting students

Table 1. Sample questionnaire.

Section A: Socio- Demographics

1. Age (at last birthday)----------------------years
2. Sex: male() female()
3 Class level --------------------------
4. Parental marital status: Single() Married() Divorced/Separated()
5. Family type: Monogamous() Polygamous()
6. Religion: Muslim() Christian() traditional() other(please specify)-----------------
7. Do you have any health challenges? Yes() No()
8. Have you ever known of psychoactive substance (PAS)?: Yes() No()
Section B: Psychoative substance use and who introduced you to it?
1. Have you ever used any psychoactive substance (PAS)? Yes () No()
2. Are you still using any? Yes() No()
3. Do any of your family members use PAS? Father () mother() both parents() siblings() other family members()
friends/peers() our driver() gateman()
Section C: Prevalence of Psychoative substance use among students
1. What types of psychoactive substance have you ever used? Tobacco () marijuana() tramadol () caffeine () heroin()
codeine in syrup() cocaine() alcohol() analgesic () none () others (please specify)------------
2. Please tick if you are currently using any or all these: Tobacco () marijuana() tramadol () caffeine () heroin() codeine in
syrup() cocaine() alcohol() analgesic () none () others (please specify)------------
Section D: Knowledge of health consequences of psychoactive substance use
These groups of drugs can cause the following health problems. Please tick one right answers
1. 1. Depressants (e.g. Alcohol, Tranquilizer) can cause: Depression, anxiety disorders, psychiatric issues suicide risk.
Damage to brain, lung and liver resulting in dysfunction. True() False() Don’t know()
2. 2. Stimulants (e.g. Cocaine, caffeine, Nicotine) can cause: Bronchial infections, lung cancer Cause convulsion, heart
malfunction, stroke, seizure and eventual death. True() False() Don’t know()
3. 3. Narcotics (e.g. Heroin, codeine, tramadol) can cause: Mental deterioration, brain damage, result in hepatitis and death in
case of overuse. True() False() Don’t know()
4. 4. Cannabis (e.g. Marijuana) can cause: Lowered blood pressure, and impairment of short-term memory. Result in brain,
heart and lung damage leading to improper function. True() False() Don’t know()

Sample size estimate and sampling technique. Data collection. We employed a validated
The minimum sample size was determined using World Health Organization’s guidelines
fisher’s formula n=Z²pq÷ (d) = (1.962 x 0.05 x questionnaire for students and substances for survey
0.05)/0.05 = 384 but this figure was eventually data collection. The anonymous self-administered
increased to 550. questionnaire included the following sections: socio
Knowledge of Health Consequences of Psychoactive 201

demographics, PAS use, introducer of PAS, (Chicago, Illinois), and using descriptive and
prevalence of PAS uses among the respondents and comparative analyses. Comparison of proportions
knowledge of health consequences of PAS abuse. was carried out with Chi-square and Fisher’s exact
The students were being assured of confidentiality of tests. P ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
their information and were briefed on the purpose of Ethical consideration. The study protocol was
the study before distribution of the questionnaire. submitted to the Ethical Review Committee of
Federal Medical Centre, Abeokuta, Ogun State,
Table 2. Socio demographics of respondents (N=528).
Nigeria. Approval was granted for this study by the
Variables of Frequency Percentage p-Value committee (Approval No: FMCA/243/HREC/
respondents (N) (%) 03/2018/12).
< 15 67 12.7 < 0.000*
15-18 416 78.8
>18 45 8.5
Majority (78.8%) of the respondents were within
Sex the age group 15-18 years. The respondents had the
Male 324 61.4 < 0.000* following features: males (61.4%), SS2 (45.5%),
Female 204 38.6 married parents (62.3%), monogamous family
Class level (81.8%), Christianity (68.0%) and those who had
SS1 101 19.1 < 0.000* known PAS (54.4%) use history (Table 2). The
SS2 240 45.5 number of the respondents that ever used PAS was
SS3 187 35.4 291 (55.1%). Siblings (24%) and friends/peers
Parent marital (38.4%) of current users were PAS users. Those who
introduced the current users were mainly
Single 173 32.8 < 0.000*
friends/peers (49.8%) (Table 3). Alcohol (95.0%)
Married 329 62.3
Divorced/Separated 26 4.9
ranked first of all the substances being consumed
Family type
among the current PAS users, followed by codeine in
Monogamous 432 81.8 < 0.000* syrup (85.8%) and caffeine (80.1%). The least used
Polygamous 96 18.2 PAS were marijuana (9.0%/3.6%) and cocaine
Religion (16.1%/6.4%) in both current and whole population
Muslim 167 31.6 < 0.000* respectively (Table 4). All the socio-demographic
Christian 359 68.0 variables of the respondents, except class level and
Traditional 2 0.4 religion were significantly associated with PAS use
Have health (p ≤ 0.05). (Table 5). All the respondents across
board did not have enough knowledge of the health
Yes 61 11.6 < 0.000*
consequences of PAS abuse as demonstrated by their
No 467 88.4
responses in relation to the different classes of PAS
Ever known about
psychoactive they used (p ≤ 0.05). The average knowledge of the
substances (PAS)
health consequences among the respondents was
Yes 241 45.6 0.110
11.5% (Table 6).
No 287 54.4
*= Statistically significant, SS1=senior secondary level 1,
SS2=senior secondary level 2, SS3=senior secondary level 3. DISCUSSION
Data analysis. Data were checked before being Out of 550 copies of the questionnaire
entered into Microsoft Excel for sorting. Further administered to the students, 528 were correctly
analysis was performed with Statistical Package for filled, giving us 96.0% response rate. Age range 15-
Social Sciences (SPSS) software, version 20, 18 years (78.8%) was found to be significantly higher
202 Ojieabu et al.

than the others in this study and it is the age range revealed that the hitherto wide gap in the rate of drug
mostly found in Nigerian secondary schools. This is use is gradually getting narrower (Table 2).
also the adolescent age which conforms to earlier Among the respondents, the current PAS users
findings.7,8 This age group has also been said to be constituted 211 (39.96%). About 24% of siblings and
the most susceptible group for experimentation and 38.4% of friends/peers of current users were also
prone to PAS use. According to a previous study9, users of PAS. It is an indication that, known users
adolescence period involves both physical and surrounded these current PAS users and they could
psychological changes coupled with the urge to try have learnt the act from them. The rate of PAS use
out new things including drug use and sexual affairs (55.1%) in this study was higher than that obtained in
while undermining their grievous outcomes. a study8 but lower than that found in another
As pertaining to gender presentation, we found research.12 The major contributors of influencing in
males (61.4%) to be significantly more than females PAS use were mostly friends/peers followed by
and this is similar to earlier results.6,10 An earlier siblings. This is comparable to other findings.13,14
study11 on gender differences regarding reasons for These two groups were also the main ones who
choices and types of drug use and their untoward introduced the respondents to PAS use (Table 3).
effects including public views of women drug users

Table 3. Demography of PAS users among the respondents, their family members and surroundings and introducers of the
respondents to the use of PAS.

Total respondents (N=528)

Variables Yes (%) p-Value Yes (%) p-Value

Those that ever-used PAS 291 (55.1) -
Males 195 (36.9) -
Females 96 (18.2) -
Current PAS users 211 (39.96%)
PAS users in members and surroundings of The family Introducers
users (N=211) current PAS users of PAS use
Father 20 (9.4) < 0.000* 17 (8.1) < 0.000*
Mother 8 (3.8) 5 (2.4)
Both parents 15 (7.1) 10 (4.7)
Siblings 51 (24.2) 48 (22.7)
Other family members 23 (10.9) 16 (7.6)
Friends/Peers 81 (38.4) 105 (49.8)
Family driver 8 (3.8) 5 (2.4)
Family gateman 5 (2.4) 5 (2.4)
*= Statistically significant.

Alcohol was the commonest used PAS among children as a common drink. Some other Nigerian
the current users (95.0%) and among the main studies7,8, have also identified commonly used
population (38.1%), which was higher than the substances by both secondary school and university
findings in earlier works 6,15, but lower than that students to be alcohol, tobacco, marijuana,
obtained in a similar study.16 Alcohol has actually tranquilizers, kola nut and codeine in cough syrups
become a house hold name and is used in almost which is in conformity with our findings (Table 4).
every nook and cranny of this country in almost
every ceremony, which might have portrayed it to
Knowledge of Health Consequences of Psychoactive 203

Table 4. Prevalence of psychoactive substance use among

We recorded highly significant association
between age and PAS use (p < 0.000) which is in
Psychoactive Among the Among the main agreement with an earlier research17 but different
substance current users population (N=528) from that of another18 which did not find any age
association. Being male was found to be significantly
Variables Frequency (%) Frequency (%)
associated with PAS use (p=0.005), which is similar
Tobacco 61 (28.9) 61 (11.6)
to some earlier works.18,10 Many males would likely
Marijuana 19 (9.0) 19 (3.6)
try their hands-on hard things that may not normally
Tramadol 78 (37.0) 78 (14.8)
appeal to females.
Caffeine 169 (80.1) 169 (32.0)
Our results found a strong association between
Heroin 54 (25.6) 54 (10.2)
PAS use and family members and friends/peers. A
Codeine in syrup 181(85.8) 181(34.3)
previous work13, identified social interaction between
Cocaine 34 (16.1) 34 (6.4)
family and friends to be a significant factor for
Alcohol 201 (95.3) 201 (38.1)
introduction to PAS use. An earlier study19 also
Note: Multiple responses possible because some used more than found a positive relationship between both children
one substance.
and parents’ alcohol use. Another significant
association was that of parental marital status

Table 5. Association of demographic variables to psychoactive substance use (N=528).

Substance use
Variables Yes (%) No (%) X2 Df P-Value
< 15 6 (9.0) 61 (91.0) 41.037 2 < 0.000*
15-18 195 (46.9) 221 (53.1)
>18 10 (22.2) 35 (77.8)
Male 145 (44.8) 179 (55.2) 8.023 1 0.005*
Female 66 (32.4) 138 (67.6)
Class level
SS1 38 (37.6) 63 (62.4) 2.099 2 0.350
SS2 104 (43.3) 136 (52.5)
SS3 69 (36.9) 118 (63.1)
Parent marital status
Single 80 (49.1) 83 (50.9) 12.019 3 0.007*
Remained Married 114 (34.7) 215 (65.3)
Divorced/separated 14 (53.8) 12 (46.2)
Widowed 3 (30.0) 7 (70.0)
Family type
Monogamous 160 (37.3) 269 (62.7) 7.841 2 0.020*
Polygamous 46 (53.5) 40 (46.5)
Single parent 5 (38.5) 8 (61.5)
Parental education
Illiterate/primary 107 (54.3) 90 (45.7) 35.913 2 < 0.000*
Secondary 90 (36) 160 (64)
Tertiary 14 (17.3) 67 (82.7)
Muslim 67 (40.1) 100 (59.9) 3.031 2 0.220
Christian 142 (39.6) 217 (60.4)
Traditional 2 (100.0) 0 (0.0)
X2 =Chi-square, Df= Degree of freedom *= Statistically significant
204 Ojieabu et al.

Table 6. Knowledge of health consequences of psychoactive substance abuse (N=528).

Class of PAS Knowledge of Health Consequences of PAS Abuse True False Don’t p-value
(%) (%) know (%)
Depressants (Alcohol, Depression, anxiety disorders, psychiatric issues suicide risk. 78 52 398 <
Tranquilizer) Damage to brain, lung and liver resulting in dysfunction. 0.000*
Stimulants (Cocaine, Bronchial infections, lung cancer Cause convulsion, heart 45 31 452 <
caffeine, Nicotine) malfunction, stroke, seizure and eventual death. 0.000*
Narcotics (Heroin, Mental deterioration, brain damage, result in hepatitis and 63 80 389 <
codeine, tramadol) death in case of overuse. 0.000*
Cannabis (Marijuana) Lowered blood pressure, and impairment of short-term 56 49 423 <
memory. Result in brain, heart and lung damage leading to 0.000*
improper function.
Average knowledge =11.5%, *= Statistically significant

(p=0.007) where divorce or separation leads children CONCLUSION

to engage in illicit drug use. The adolescents need The effects of the consequences of PAS use on
both parents most at this period of their growth for the adolescents’ health translate to the family, the
guidance and counseling in life matters but in the community as well as to the nation. There is need for
absence of these non-forth coming, they would continuous health educational intervention to boost
definitely have to seek help elsewhere. We found a the populace’s knowledge of health consequences of
strong association between PAS use and a PAS use especially among the adolescents. We
polygamous family (p=0.020)20 which makes it a risk should all see PAS use as a common enemy and join
factor in PAS abuse. The same thing goes when any hands to fight it.
of the family members engages in PAS use. Parental
educational level was also highly associated with
PAS use (p < 0.000). A former study6 stated that
The authors sincerely appreciate the respondents
fathers with tertiary education would be able to
in this study as well as the school Principals who
expose relevant information to guide their children
granted us permission to carry out the study.
against PAS use. There was no association between
religion and PAS use which is consistent with a
previous finding20 (Table 5). Conflicts of interest
Our respondents’ knowledge on health The authors declare no conflicts of interest
consequences of PAS use was significantly poor
across board (p < 0.000), and was also lower than REFERENCES
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