1582022102197-Bid Doc - Ver.9.0 - 03.01

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Stores Department

This document is applicable to all tenders issued by the Principal Chief Materials Manager,
NORTH EASTERN RAILWAY, GORAKHPUR. This document covers the following:

Bid Document Version 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)


Section Topic Page

1 Instructions to Tenderers for E-Tenders 2
2 General Conditions of Contract 9
3 Special Conditions of Tender for Imported Items 28
4 Special Conditions of Tender for M&P Items 30
5 Annexures
5.1 Proforma for Equipment and Quality Control 32
5.2 Model form of Bank Guarantee for “Security 33
5.3 Proforma for Warranty / Guaranty Bond 34
5.4 Model Mandate Form for Electronic Clearing 35
Service(Credit Clearing)
5.5 Check List 36
5.6 Proforma for Authority from manufacturers 37
5.7 Proforma for Performance Statement 38
5.8 Bid securing declaration to be signed by bidders 39
availing exemption from submission of EMD.

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

Office of the
Principal Chief Materials Manager,

Section 1

Instructions to Tenderers for E-Tenders

1. Before filling up the tender form, please read the

(A) Instruction to Tenderers for E-Tenders,
(B) General Conditions of Contract
(C) Special Conditions of Contract
(D) IRS Conditions of Contract (As Applicable).
(E) Schedule of Requirement
(F) Notice Inviting Tender

(www.ner.indianrailways.gov.in) AS ALSO ON THE IREPS WEB PAGE www.ireps.gov.in. THE
1.1. On behalf of the President of India, Principal chief Material Manager, North-Eastern Railway
(Gorakhpur), (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Purchaser’ or ‘NER’ or ‘Railways’) invites electronic
tenders for the supply of items as set forth in the “Notice Inviting Tender” and “Item Details” page
attached with “Financial Rate Page screen” of each electronic tender. The Contract, placed on
successful tenderer(s), shall be governed by (i) the latest version of IRS Conditions of Contract, (ii)
Instructions to tenderers for e-tenders (iii) General Conditions of Contract and (iv) Special
Conditions of contract.
1.2. It will be presumed that the firms who have submitted the e-bid, have gone through and accepted
all the terms and conditions of tender, until and unless firms specify the deviations from those
conditions and so indicated specifically under the headings – “Technical Deviation Statement” and
“Commercial Deviation Statements”.
1.3. E-Tender Document: E-Tender documents consist of:
(A) Instruction to Tenderers for E-Tenders,
(B) General Conditions of Contract
(C) Special Conditions of Contract
(D) IRS Conditions of Contract (As Applicable).
(E) Schedule of Requirement
(F) Notice Inviting Tender
(G) Techno-commercial offer form including attachments (if any)
(H) Financial Offer Form
1.4. Manual offers shall NOT be accepted against E-Tenders. All such manual offers shall be
considered as invalid offers and shall be rejected summarily without any consideration.

1.5.1 Payment through ECS / EFT:

1.5.1. The tenderer should give consent in a mandate form for receipt of payment through ECS / EFT
(Annexure 5.4).
1.5.2. Tenderer should provide the details of Bank Account in line with RBI guidelines for the same.
These details will include Bank’s Name, Branch Name & Address, supplier’s Account Type,
supplier’s Bank Account Number, and Bank & Branch Code (IFSC) as appearing on MICR cheque
issued by bank.
1.5.3. Tenderer should attach certificate from their bank certifying the correctness of all above-
mentioned information.
1.5.4. In case of non-payment through ECS/ EFT or where ECS / EFT facility is not available; payment
may be released through cheque, depending upon merit. However, payment through ECS is
1.5.5. The bidder shall furnish following details in their offer to be incorporated in the purchase order;
(i) Supplier’s Account no. (Type)
(ii) Bank Name & Code.
(iii) Branch name & Address. IFSC
(iv) Whether payment is through ECS / EFT or Cheque.

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

1.6. Important conditions, deviation to which shall lead to summary rejection of offers
1.6.1. Price Variation Clause (PVC): Tenderers are advised to quote as per specific Price Variation (PV)
formulae and base date for Raw Material prices given in the schedule of requirement. Offers with
deviation in the PV formula and/or base date of price(s) of input raw material(s) other than as
specified in the tender schedule, will be summarily rejected. Offers from bidders quoting with
fixed price where tender incorporates pre defined PVC will also be summarily rejected.
1.6.2. In case no PVC has been incorporated in the schedule of requirement, bidders must quote on
fixed price basis only. Offers with PVC in such cases will be summarily rejected.

1.6.3. Validity of offers: Unless otherwise specified, offers should be valid for 60 days for Limited and
Bulletin Tenders and 120 days for Advertised Tenders after closing date of tender. Any offer
having lesser validity shall be deemed as commercially unresponsive and will be summarily

1.6.4. DELETED

1.7 Bidder should invariably indicate GSTIN Number and HSN Code of the offered stores duly
enclosing the documentary evidence.

1.8 Procurement of raw material must be done by the supplier as per the specified base dimensions
only without taking any advantage of tolerance limit. The procurement document of the raw
material must be produced by the supplier whenever asked by the inspecting agency.

1.9 Filling of E-Tender Form:

1.9.1. Tenders should be duly filled in (on the assigned spaces), duly signed with the digital signature
and submitted online. All mandatory fields marked with (*) have to be filled by the tenderers.
1.9.2. Tenderers must fill-in the techno-commercial offer form (consisting of eligibility criteria, terms and
conditions, performance statement, deviation statement, checklist & special conditions etc.),
financial offer form and attach scanned copies of necessary documents. The tenderers must note
that they will be considered fully responsible for scanned copies of documents submitted by them
under their digital signature and as per IT Act they will not be allowed to disown any submissions
under the said digital signature.

1.9.3. All the mandatory fields of the Techno-commercial offer form and financial offer form (i.e. Rate
page) including basic rate, all taxes and duties or any other taxes/duties which may become
applicable during the currency of the contract, freight upto destination and any other charges have
to be filled up by the vendor. The unit of rate shall be as indicated in the tender schedule and
cannot be altered by the vendor. All-inclusive rates on FOR destination basis shall be
automatically calculated by the system and shown to the vendor through a Pop-up window before
final submission of offer.

1.9.4. Tenderers should show discount, if any, at the specified place in the rate schedule only, instead of
anywhere else in the offer. Discounts not shown at designated place will be summarily ignored for
assigning inter-se ranking of offers. Further, conditional discount(s) linked with quantity, payment,
Inspection agency, destination, delivery place etc. will not be considered while adjudging the inter-
se position of offers received.
Purchaser, however reserves the right to avail any such conditional discount for placement of
contract(s) and/or for counter-offering to the successful tenderers where considered warranted.


1.9.6. Mode of Delivery: Deliveries are preferably to be made by Road transport.

1.9.7. Manufacturer’s name and address and Brand of the stores offered must be stated, if and wherever
required as per drawing/ specification. Otherwise offers are liable to be rejected.

1.9.8. Corrigendum: Purchaser reserves the right to issue any corrigendum to the tender up to five days
prior to the due date of opening of the tender, excluding the date of opening. Tenderers are also
advised, in their own interest, to regularly check, till the opening of the tender, the website
www.ireps.gov.in to see whether any such corrigendum to the tender has been issued or not and
for submitting their e-bids or revising their e-bids.

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

1.9.9. The Tenderers are required to quote their rates in the tendered units (e.g.
Nos./Kgs./Sets/Mtrs/Kmtrs etc.) as per the tender schedule.
1.10. Original offer, Alternate Offer and Revised Offer:
1.10.1. The vendors can submit a revised commercial offer any time before the stipulated date and time of
submission of bid and in such a case, the last revised offer submitted shall be considered valid.
Tenderers must note that only last Revised offer, which is deemed to supersede all previous offers
shall be tabulated.
1.10.2. The tenderers can also submit “Alternate Offer”. An Alternate offer will be so considered by the
system, tabulated and placed at its appropriate position in the tabulation statement.

1.11. Purchase Preference And Other Benefits To Micro And Small Enterprises MSE:
In supersession of earlier policy of price preference and other benefits to the small scale and in
keeping with the “Public Procurement for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) order, 2012” issued
by the Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India, benefits/preference
will be extended to the registered Micro and Small Scale Enterprises as follows: -
1.11.1. MSEs registered for the tendered item(s) with any of the following shall be eligible for exemption
from payment of Earnest Money-
a) District Industries Centre
b) Khadi and Village Industries Commission
c) Khadi Village Industries Board
d) Coir Board
e) National Small Industries Corporation
f) Directorate of Handicraft and Handloom
g) Any other body specified by Ministry of MSME

1.11.2. In tenders, participating and registered MSEs quoting price within price band of (L1+15%) shall be
allowed to supply of portion of the requirement by bringing down their price to L1 price in a
situation where L1 price is from Tender other than an MSE.
(a) Quantity reserved for ordering on MSE Vendors under the MSMED Act 2006 has been
enhanced to 25% against the existing 20%.
(b) The sub-target for procurement from MSEs owned by SC/ST shall remain at 4% and for
MSEs owned by women the sub-target shall be 3%, out of the total 25%.
(In terms of Railway Board letter No.2010/RS(G)/363/1 dated 13.02.2019)
1.11.3. MSEs interested in availing themselves of these benefits must enclose, along with their offer, a
copy of proof of their registration with any of the above mentioned agencies and also indicate the
terminal validity date of their registration.

The registration certificate should also include information about the status in regard to their
Category i.e. the ownership MSE pertains to SC/ST/Other category clearly. Absence of any such
information in the registration certificate would be taken as MSE failing in the category as
1.11.4. Failing submission of certificate as per Para 1.11.1 above, such offer will not be eligible for
consideration of benefits detailed in MSE notification of Government of India dated 23.09.2012.

1.11.5. In terms of Railway Board letter no 2010/RS(G)/363/1 dated 04.07.17,

20G/Relaxation_Norms_Startup210717.pdf) while considering orders on startup and micro & small
enterprises, criterion of prior turnover and prior experience is relaxed, subject to their meeting of
quality and technical specification.
1.12. Drawings and Specifications:
1.12.1. If any tenderer happens to quote with his own Drawing No / Part No/ Specification, then, he shall
have to necessarily submit all the requisite documents and information in support of his offer being
in conformity with the tendered Drawing / Specification. Furthermore, such drawings /
specifications / catalogue are also to be uploaded, failing which the offer will be liable to be
rejected. Tenderers should further note that in the event of their quoting as per their own drawing
and/or specification, they should necessarily indicate the deviations in their drawing vis-a-vis
tendered drawing in the form of “technical deviation” failing which the offer will be deemed as
incomplete and will be dealt on its merits.
1.12.2 All parameters/Clauses of specification should either be complied with or commented upon.
Deviation(s) in respect of those parameters/clauses, which are part of the technical specification,
would be treated as technical deviation (s). Bidders are advised to bring those deviation(s) clearly
in the technical deviation statement. In case, these deviations are not indicated in the technical
deviation statement, it will be presumed that offer is as per the tendered specification in all
respect. Any ambiguity shall be to the disadvantage of the bidder.

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

1.13. Documents to be attached / uploaded along with e-Bid:

Scanned/soft copies of the following documents should be uploaded along with the e-Bid:
1.13.1. Performance statement against Railways’ orders for supply of same or similar items in the
prescribed proforma. Supporting documents in support of supply of material such as
Supply/purchase orders, inspection certificates, Receipt Notes/Receipt Order etc. to substantiate
their past performance are required to be uploaded.
1.13.2. Tenderers own drawing/specification, if applicable.
1.13.3. Details of Machinery and Plant, other equipments, testing facilities, quality management / control
systems and details of technical manpower available.
1.13.4. Letter of approval from RDSO / Railways indicating current validity and approval of their QAP by
RDSO, wherever applicable.
1.13.5. Tenderers should also indicate their registration number with the concerned railway with monetary
limit, trade groups for which registered, and validity date of registration,
1.13.6. Current and Valid NSIC/DIC Certificate, if registered with NSIC/DIC for the tendered item.
1.14. Check Sheet for Vendors:
Vendors are advised to complete the “Check Sheet” as it appears as Part-‘G’ in Techno-
Commercial offer form of IREPS.
1.15. Bid Submission:

1.16.1. E-bid along with the relevant documents must be uploaded and digitally signed with the digital
signature of the pre-authorized personnel of the tenderer already registered with the IREPS web
site. Digital signature used must be “Class IIIB with Company Name” obtained from an Authority
approved by the Controller of Certifying Agency, Ministry of Information Technology, Government
of India.
1.16.2. Tenderers must look out for NIT as soon as it is available in IREPS website and upload their offer
well in advance without waiting for closing date and time, to avoid last minute hassles in their own
computer system or communication line. NORTH EASTERN RAILWAY, GORAKHPUR shall not
be responsible for non-participation of vendors due to any technical problems on the day of tender
closing time..
1.16.3. The e-procurement system does not permit submission of any offer after the closing date and time
of that e-Tender. Hence there is no scope of any Late / Delayed offers in the online bidding

1.16.4. Firms are advised to ensure that address furnished by them for getting digital signature from
accredited agencies are same as that furnished to and available with the centralized
source/vendor approving authorities such as RDSO/CLW/DLW/ICF etc. They are further advised
that while registering themselves in the IREPS website for participation in E-procurement system,
the same address as above is filled up, to avoid any vitiation of information and consequent
impairment in their credentials.

1.17. Tender Opening:

1.17.1. Electronic tender boxes will be opened only after stipulated date and time of the tender as shown
on the IREPS Website.
1.17.2. After opening of the tender The icon will turn .
1.17.3. All the participating vendors who have submitted valid electronic offers can view their own offer
details as well as the tender tabulation statement, after tender is opened, using internet access by
visiting the web site www.ireps.gov.in instantly by clicking on the icon.
1.17.4. Railway does not guarantee opening of the tenders at specified date and time due to reasons
beyond its control and hence tenders can be opened after the due date and time also. Vendors,
however, cannot submit/modify any offer or attach any file to it after the closing date and time for
submission of bid as stipulated in the tender notice as System does not permit the same after
closure of the virtual tender box regardless of the fact whether tender has been opened or not.

1.18. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for Stores Tenders: ( As per Railway Board’s L/No.
2004/RS(G)/779/11/Pt. dated 23.12.2019).

1.18.1. EMD amount shall be mentioned in all tenders irrespective of the nature of the tender as per the
EMD amount mentioned in clause 1.18.3 below or as decided by the purchaser under the policy.
There shall be no exemption from submission of EMD for any tender or by any tenderer, subject to
provisions under clause 1.19.8 below except following :
(a) (i) EMD shall normally not be called against limited tenders with estimated value upto Rs.
25 laks ( including single tenders, global limited tenders).

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

(ii) If considered necessary, authority competent to issue tender may incoporate the
condition to call for EMD even in such limited tenders, on case to case basis.
(b) Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) registered for the tendered item in terms of Railway
Board’s letter No. 2010/RS/(G)/363/1 dated 05.07.2012.
(c) Other Railways and Government Department in terms of Railway Board’s letter No.
2004/RS/(G)/779/11 dated 24.07.2007.
(d) Indian Ordinance Factories in terms of Railway Board’s letter No. 92/RSS/(G)/363/1 dated
(e) PSUs owned by Ministry of Railways and PSUs for the group of items that are manufactured
by them in terms of Railway Board’s letter No. 2003/RS/(G)/779/5 dated 10.09.2004.
(f) Vendors registered with Railways for the trade group of the item tendered.
(g) Vendors appearing on the approved vendor lists of RDSO/PUs/CORE, subject to approval
status being valid on the date of tender closing.
(h) Vendors registered with Railways for supply of medicine , medical equipments and
consumables shall be exempted from submission of EMD for these items.
(i) In tenders issued against PAC, OEM in whose favour PAC has been issued shall be
exempted from submitting from EMD. KVIC and ACASH shall be exempted from EMD for
items supplied by them.
1.18.2 All vendors exempted from submitting EMD as per para 1.18.1 above, irrespective of type of
tender i.e. single, limited or open, shall be required to sign a bid securing declaration as per
Annexure 5.8.
1.18.3 Offer submitted without EMD shall be summarily rejected.
1.18.4 Amount of EMD:
Estimated value of tender EMD ( rounded off to nearest higher Rs. 10 (ten)
Above Rs. 25 lakh and upto Rs. @2% of the estimated value of the tender subject to Max.
50 cr. Rs. 20 lakh.
Above Rs. 50 cr. Rs. 50 lakh.

1.18.5 In exceptional cases exemption from seeking EMD shall be decided prior to issue of tender and
suitably incorporated in the tender condition. Exemption shall require personal approval of the
authority, on case to case basis, competent to issue the tender based on estimated value thereof,
but not below the SAG level including SAG officers in the field unit namely CMM, ADRM, CWM,

1.18.6 In order to digitize the tendering process in Indian Railways, it has been decided that for all
indigenous offers, the tender cost, EMD, BSV will be accepted only via the online system as
available on IREPS. (In terms of Railway Board letter No.2016/RS(M)/Payment Gateway dated

1.18.7 Validity of EMD: EMD should remain valid for a period of 45 days beyond the final bid validity
period, which should also be extended whenever bid validity is extended. No interest will be
allowed on EMD.

1.18.8 Automatic release of EMD wherever due: EMD shall be refunded when only one of the following conditions is satisfied.
(a) After finalization of tender the bidder is an unsuccessful bidder.
(b) Validity of offer expires and validity extension is not sought.
(c) Validity of offer expires and bidder refuses to extend validity of offer.
(d) After finalization of the tender successful bidder submits required SD. EMD of bidders or tenderers shall be released immediately after it is due for release as per above
criterion. The Purchaser may initiate the process of release just after the EMD is due for release. System for online release of EMD has been rolled out by CRIS. Automatic release of EMD of
unsuccessful tenders should be ensured. Forfeiture of EMD: When a tenderer undertakes to keep the offers valid for a certain period but
either withdraws the offer or revises the same within validity, the purchaser gets a right to forfeit
the EMD.

1.18.9 The offers not accompanied by requisite EMD will be ignored summarily, unless falling in
exempted category. The firm claiming exemption from EMD should clearly indicate valid reasons
for such claim duly attaching scanned copies of relevant documents with their e-offers. The
tenderers request for adjustment of EMD relating to their earlier tenders will not be considered.
They will have to deposit EMD afresh.

1.19. Security Deposit (SD)/Performance Security for Stores Contracts except M&P : ( As per
Railway Board’s L/No. 2004/RS(G)/779/11/Pt. dated 23.12.2019).

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

1.19.1. There shall be no exemption from submission of Security Deposit (SD) for any tender or by any
tenderer except the following:

(a) The Store contract cases of value upto Rs. 25 ( twenty five ) lakh.

(b) Other Railways and Government Departments in terms of Railway Board’s letter No.
2004/RS/(G)/779/11 dated 24.07.2007.

(c) Indian Ordinance Factories in terms of Railway Board’s letter No. 92/RSS/(G)/363/1
dated 08.04.1993

(d) PSUs owned by Ministry of Railway and PSUs for the group items that are manufactured
by them in terms of Railway Board’s letter No. 2003/RS/(G)/779/5 dated 10.09.2004.

(e) In tenders issued against PAC, OEM in whose favour PAC has been issued shall be
exempted from submitting from SD. KVIC and ACASH shall be exempted from SD for
items supplied by them.

(f) Vendors registered with Railways for the trade group of the item tendered shall be
exempted from SD for orders value upto their monetary limit of registration.

(g) Vendors appearing on the approved vendor lists of RDSO/PUs/CORE, subject to

approval status being valid on the date of tender closing.

(h) Vendors registered with Railways for supply of medicine , medical equipments and
consumables shall be exempted from submission of SD for these items.

Note : Apart from claiming damages from vendors, in case of failure to comply with contractual
obligation, Railways shall record poor performance of the vendors for taking suitable action as per
extent instruction.

1.19.2. Amount of S.D:

Contract value SD ( rounded off to nearest higher Rs. 10 (ten)
Above Rs. 25 lakh and upto Rs. @ 5% of the contract value subject to Max. Rs. 50 lakh.
50 cr.
Above Rs. 50 cr. Rs. 1 cr.

1.19.3. Railway are permitted to raise the upper ceiling of SD, upto 10% of the contract value in high
value cases.

1.19.4. Security Deposit (SD) shall remain valid for a period of 60 days, beyond the date of completion of
all contractual obligations.

1.19.5. The successful Tenderers will be required to deposit Security Deposit with PFA, North-Eastern
Railway, Gorakhpur as required by the Administration for proper fulfillment of the contract. The
Security Deposit may be made in any of the following manners:
a. Deposit in Cash

b. Government Securities to be valued at 5% below the market value.

c. Deposit receipt of any nationalized Bank.

d. Guarantee Bonds executed by any nationalized Bank or Scheduled Bank as per Annexure

e. Demand Draft of any nationalized Bank.

f. A deposit in Post Office Savings Bank.

g. National Savings Certificate.

h. National Defense Bond

1.19.6. Time for deposit of SD :

(i) SD from successful tenderer should be received in purchase office within 21 days from the date of
communication of acceptance with respect to the purchaser.

(ii) Authority competent to condone delay in submission of SD shall be SAG for cases upto
acceptance power of SAG. PHOD/CHOD shall have full power for such condonation. Condonation
shall be on case to case basis.
Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

1.19.7 In the event of successful tender(s) failing to deposit/ submit SD in acceptable form within the
prescribed period as aforesaid, the EMD submitted by the successful tenerer(s) shall be
automatically adjusted towards SD in view of the fact that in most of the cases, EMD amount
would be adequate to meet the SD amount. In case where available EMD amount is less than
required SD and the successful tenderer does not deposit the balance SD amount within
stipulated time, then EMD shall be forfeited and case be dealt with as that of withdrawal of offer by
the tenderer as per extant instruction. This will resolve the problem faced by purchaser to great
extent due to intentional delay in submission of SD by successful tenderer(s).

1.19.8 (i) All vendors, exempted from submitting EMD, as per para 1.18.1 above, irrespective of type of
tender, i.e. single, limited or open shall be required to sign a bid securing declaration as Annexure
5.8 .
(ii) There shall be no exemption to such bidders from submitting EMD and SD for all tenders
published during the period of time they are so disqualified as per declaration signed by them.
(iii) Authority competent to approve the disqualification shall be the tender accepting authority not
below the level of SAG including SAG officers in the field units namely CMM, ADRM, CWM.
CAO, CPM, subject to PHOD/CHOD having full power to approve disqualification.
(iv) The disqualification procedure and all correspondence thereof shall be online and digital.
Updation on IREPS shall be done by minimum JAG level officer dealing with vendor registration
in the Railway.
(v) This para shall not be applicable for Govt. Department/ ordnance factories/ other Railways /
Railway PSUs / KVIC/ ACASH and matter shall be taken up with them departmentally/

1.19.9 Wherever SD had been exempted, for any reason, and the supplier fails to supply goods as per
condition of contract, as amended from time to time, Purchaser shall have right to levy damages
from the supplier for failing to comply with the contractual condition, not by way of penalty, an
amount equal to SD amount, as would have been applicable if the contract was with non-
exempted vendor. These damage shall be treated as recoveries outstanding against the vendor
and dealt with accordingly. A suitable tender condition to be incorporated in the tender document.

1.19.10 Purchaser should ensure that the contracts are awarded so as to conclude severable contracts
for each lot, in case of failure of contractor to meet deliveries for any lot, Railway may cancel the
contract for defaulted part by forfeiting SD commensurate to that lot. Authority available to
Consignee/ Depot Officer vide Para 27 & 28 of Railway Board’s letter No. 88/RS(G)/779/14 Pt.
dated 06.01.2017 shall continue.

1.19.11 Risk Purchase clause shall not be applicable.

1.19.12 In exceptional cases exemption from seeking SD shall be decided prior to issue of tender (
including global ) and suitably incorporated in tender conditions. Exemption shall require personal
approval of the authority, on case to case basis, competent to issue the tender based on
estimated value thereof, but not below the SAG level including SAG officers in the field units
namely CMM, ADRM, CWM, CAO, CPM.

1.20 Traceability details of coach items for warranty claims:

All the manufacturer/suppliers shall indelibly mark the manufacturing details comprising of
Manufacturer name, month & year of manufacture at a inconspicuous location on each of the
items. Absence of proper traceability details will be considered as rejectable defect.

1.21 Advance Acceptance/Counter offer & Delivery Period;

(j) In Stores Procurement TC cases, Letter of Advance Acceptance/ Counter offer may be issued
without Finance vetting .
(ii) The delivery period in store Procurement cases shall be reckoned from the date of issue of
Advance PO/ Letter of Advance Acceptance/ Letter of Acceptance
( As per Railway Board’s L/No. 2004/RS(G)/779/11/Pt. dated 23.12.2019).

1.22 Liquidated Damage (LD) on delayed Supply:

Recovery of Liquidated Damage (LD) shall be levied @ ½% (half percent) of the price of the store
per week or part of the week during which delivery is accepted and the upper limit for recovery of
LD in supply contracts is 10% (ten percent) of the value of contract irrespective of delays, unless
otherwise provided, specifically in the contract.

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

Office of the
Principal Chief Materials Manager,
Section 2

General Conditions of Contract

2.2. Cartel Formation:

2.2.1. The Tenderers are expected to quote most competitive prices.
2.2.2. Wherever all or most of the approved firms quote equal rates and cartel formation is
suspected, the purchaser reserves the right to place order on one or more firms with exclusion
of the rest, without assigning any reasons thereof.
2.2.3. Firms are expected to quote for a quantity not less than 50% of the tendered quantity. Offers
for quantity less than 50% of tendered quantity will be considered unresponsive and liable to
be rejected in case Cartel Formation is suspected. Railways however reserve the right to order
on one or more firms for any quantity.

2.2.4. The firms who quote in cartel are warned that their names may be deleted from list of approved
sources in addition of referring the matter to The Competition Commission of India (CCI)

2.2.5. Whenever tender is floated with purchase restrictions from sources approved by nominated
authorities and there exists a suspected cartel situation by approved sources or the rates
available from approved source/sources are adjudged unreasonably high, despite fair efforts
as permissible, the purchaser reserves the right to place orders on firms outside the approved
vendor list, without any restrictions.(as per RB letter No 2001/RS(G)/779/7 Dated 29.06.2017)
017/Ordering_approved_sources_Vendor_approval_290617.pdf )
2.3. Inspection of Stores:
2.3.1. Stores are to be inspected by an Inspecting Agency indicated in the tender, only at the
manufacturer’s works before dispatch. Firms are expected not to offer/seek any deviation from
the Inspecting Agency indicated in the tender/contract.
2.3.2. In case the firm fails to offer the material for inspection against inspection call issued to
inspecting agency or if the material have to be re-inspected due to rejection of the material at
firm’s premises by inspecting agency or due to non dispatch of material within validity of
inspection certificate, then the inspection charges applicable for the offered quantity and actual
test charges incurred will be paid by the supplier to inspecting agency.
2.3.3. In case, the purchase orders are placed on traders / agents for the items, which are peculiar to
the Railways, traders / agents should indicate the source of supply and inspection to be carried
out at their manufacturer’s premises rather than traders’/agents’ premises, to ensure
genuineness of quality of the materials. Above conditions will not be applicable for the items
where inspection is being carried out against WTC/MTC/GC or by the Consignee in view of
2.3.4. Test Certificates: In case tests are prescribed in the specification, it is obligatory for the
successful tenderer to furnish the manufacturer’s Test Certificate or any other Test Certificate
specified in the specification along with the supply of stores. In the event of their inability to
furnish the Test Certificate, the cost of the test to be carried out will be to the tenderer’s
2.3.5. An approved firm has to note that, unless stated otherwise in a purchase order, pre-dispatch
inspection shall be carried out at their work’s address indicated in the approval certificate.
2.4 Payment Terms:
2.4.1. Normal payment term of Railway is 100% payment after receipt and acceptance of material by
consignee. Payment for the full stores or each consignment thereof will be made to the
contractor on submission of bill accompanied by the prescribed documents mentioned in the
2.4.2. Payment terms of 95% + 5%: Payment of 95% for the stores or each consignment thereof will be made against Inspection
Certificate and proof of dispatch. For dispatch of material by road, it is the challan of the
supplier duly certified by the consignee Gazetted Officer towards receipt of material at
consignee’s end will constitute the proof of dispatch for the purpose of payment. For rail
dispatch, clear and unqualified RR / PWB may be considered as the proof of dispatch.
Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020) Balance 5%, payment will be made on receipt and acceptance of stores by the consignee,
signified by granting of Receipt Note. In other words, balance 5% payment shall be made
against Receipt Note.
2.4.3. However, for orders valuing up to Rs. 5 Lakhs, 100% payment against receipt and acceptance
of the material by the consignee i.e., against Receipt Note shall be preferred.

2.5. Time Preference Clause:

It should be noted that if a contract is placed on a higher tenderer as a result of invitation of tender,
in preference to a lower acceptable offer, in consideration of offer of earlier delivery, the contractor
will be liable to pay the Railway (the purchaser) the difference between the contract rate and that of
the lowest acceptable tender on the basis of final price F.O.R. destination including all
elements of freight, taxes and duties and other incidentals, in case of failure to complete
supplies in terms of such contract within the date of delivery specified in tender and
incorporated in the contract. This is in addition and without prejudice to other legal rights
available to the purchaser under the terms of contract.
2.6. Terms of Delivery:
2.6.1. Mode of dispatch should be preferably by road / personal courier service, directly to the
respective consignee.
2.6.2. Suppliers should clearly quote the FOR Conditions - whether station of dispatch or destination.
If firm’s offer is not FOR Destination, then applicable freight charges should invariably be
indicated under the ‘Freight’ column in the rate page. In the event, any Tenderer does not
specifically indicate anything about the place of delivery in his offer, it will be assumed that the
offer is for delivery at the destination and the Tenderer will bear the freight. This assumption will
be final and binding on the Tenderer and will not be subject to any legal dispute or arbitration in
2.7. Evaluation Criteria:
2.7.1. Rates:
Rate, taxes, duties, freight, un-conditional discount etc having financial implications must be
quoted on the financial rate page only (refer to instructions to tenderers for e-tenders). Remarks
having financial implications indicated elsewhere will not be considered for evaluation of offer.
Tenderers must note that financial offer made by them at the ‘Rate page’ of the e-tender form is
complete and final and it cannot be revised, qualified or supplemented by any qualifying
remarks elsewhere in their offer.

2.7.2. Evaluation criteria for multi-consignee / multi-items tenders

(a) Unless otherwise specified, the evaluation of tender will be done item wise and consignee
(b) For multi consignee items, the rate should be quoted by firm on FOR Destination basis for
each consignee separately. The inter-se ranking of the offers will be decided for each
consignee separately.
(c) In tenders where schedule of requirement consists of several items, the inter-se ranking will
be decided for each item separately. The firms are required to quote the rate for each item
(d) In tenders where several items are grouped in a “KIT” or “SET” and the tendered quantity is
in sets, the firm should quote single rate for the tendered kit/set of items. In such cases, the
inter-se ranking shall be decided on the rate quoted by the firm for “Kit” or “Set” of items.


2.8.1 The tenderer shall clearly indicate whether he is registered with PCMM/NORTH
EASTERN Railway for supplying the quoted item, and if so, he must mention his
registration number along with monetary limit, if any, under remarks column in the
‘Financial Rate Page for Supply’ form. If the tenderer is registered with NSIC, he must
also attach in the Attach Documents template on ‘Techno Commercial Bid Details’ form a
scanned copy in PDF format, of valid NSIC certificate showing monetary limit and the
items for which registered. In case the tenderer is approved by
RCF/CLW/DLW/ICF/RDSO/CORE/DMW etc. for the quoted item, he must attach in
the Attach Documents template on ‘Techno Commercial Bid Details’ form a scanned copy
in PDF format of the registration/approval certificate.

2.8.2 If the tenderer is not registered with NORTH EASTERN Railway or NSIC, or is not an
approved source for the tendered item with RDSO/DLW/CLW/ICF/RCF/CORE/DMW
etc., he shall provide a satisfactory evidence acceptable to the Purchaser by attaching
scanned copies of such documents in PDF format in the Attach Documents template
Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

on ‘Techno-commercial Bid Details’ form to show that:-

a. he is an established manufacturer, who regularly manufactures the items offered and
has adequate Capacity cum capability, technical knowledge and past supply
b. he has adequate financial stability and status to meet the obligations under the
contract for which he is required to submit a copy of the report from a recognized bank
or a financial institution;
c. he has adequate plant and manufacturing capacity to manufacture the items offered
and supply within the delivery schedule offered by him;
d. he has established quality control system and organization to ensure that there is
adequate quality control at all stages of the manufacturing process. if the tenderer himself is not the manufacturer of the item offered by him, he shall be duly
authorized by the manufacturer of such item. Such tenderers must enclose with their offer a
certificate of authorization from the manufacturer, as per proforma given in Annexure- 5.6 of this
document, to participate in the specific electronic tender being submitted The OEM/Authorized Dealers/Agents must comply the following conditions, failing which their
offer(s) will be ignored:

(a) In a tender, either the authorized agent/dealer on behalf of the principal /OEM or the
Principal/OEM itself can bid but both cannot bid simultaneously for the same item in the same
(b) If an authorized agent/dealer submits bid on behalf of the Principal/OEM, the same agent/dealer
shall not submit a bid on behalf of another Principal/ OEM in same tender for the same

2.8.3 For the purpose of Para 2.8.2 the tenderer should additionally attach:-

(a) A performance statement in the Performance Statement template on ‘Techno-commercial Bid

Details’ form by entering a list of major supplies effected in the recent past, of the items offered
by him, giving details of the purchaser's name and address, order no. and date, quantity
supplied and whether the supply was made within the delivery schedule. Alternatively tenderers
can also create such performance statement in PDF format separately as per the format given
in Annexure-5.7, which can be attached in the Attach Documents template of ‘Techno-
commercial Bid Details’ form.
(b) A statement in PDF format indicating details of equipment, staff employed and quality control
measures, as per the format given in Annexure-5.1 of this document, attached in the Attach
Documents template of ‘Techno-commercial Bid Details’ form.

2.8.4 Tenderers not furnishing the requisite information may note that their offer is liable to be ignored.

2.8.5 Procurement of Items reserved to be procured from approved sources - Sources approved by RDSO:
[a] Purchaser reserves the right to procure Bulk or Entire quantity from RDSO approved vendors
for tendered item.

[b] Offers received from tenderers appearing in the RDSO Vendor list as 'Vendors for
Developmental Orders' shall be considered eligible for Developmental Orders up to 20 percent
of net procurable quantity (NPQ) in regular tenders.

[c] If the tendering firm(s) is not approved by RDSO as approved Vendor and also not appearing
in the Vendor directory as ‘Vendors for Developmental orders, they must submit their
credential details i.e. Machinery and plant, testing facilities, QAP, Performance report,
Technical Manpower, etc. as an attachment to their E-bid. In case the Railway is prima facie
satisfied that they are capable of executing the order, then after confirmation of their
capacities/capabilities by RDSO, offers from such firms may be considered for developmental
order. Failure to furnish and attach such requisite credentials as mentioned above will make
their offer liable to be ignored.

[d] Total quantity ordering in developmental category considering para [b] and [c] above shall not
exceed 20 percent of the net procurable quantity (NPQ)
[e] Where there are not more than three Indian suppliers categorized as Approved Vendor for a
particular item, developmental vendors can be considered for placement of bulk order without
any quantity restrictions. However, while considering such vendors, factors including past
performance, capacity, delivery requirements, quantity under procurement, nature of item,
outstanding order load etc. shall be considered in a transparent manner, subject to rates being
reasonable. Quantity allocation among eligible vendors shall be based on pre decided tender
criteria as per Para 2.13.2 of General Conditions of Contract. Such orders shall be treated as
bulk orders.
Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

Indian Supplier shall be defined as follows;

A supplier or bidder shall be considered to be from India if (i) the entity is incorporated in India,
or ii) a majority of its shareholding or effective control of the entity is exercised from India, or iii)
more than 50% of the value of the item being supplied has been added in India
NOTE: The status of the vendor (i.e. approved or developmental vendor of RDSO) shall be reckoned
as on the date of tender opening and not thereafter. However, cases of downgrading/removal/
suspension/ banning etc., after opening of tender, shall be taken into account while considering
the offers. Sources approved by DLW/CLW/ICF/CORE/RCF etc:

[a] The Railway reserves the right to procure bulk or entire quantity from the approved sources for
the tendered item.

[b] Offers received from tenderers appearing in the Source Approving Authority Vendor list as
'Vendors for Developmental Orders' shall be considered eligible for Developmental Orders of
up to 20 percent of net procurable quantity (NPQ) in regular tenders.

[c] If the tendering firm(s) is not approved by Source Approving Authority as approved Vendor and
also not appearing in the Vendor directory as ‘Vendors for Developmental orders, they must
submit their credential details i.e. Machinery and plant, testing facilities, QAP, Performance
report, Technical Manpower, etc. as an attachment to their E-bid. In case the Railway is prima
facie satisfied that they are capable of executing the order, then after confirmation of their
capacities/capabilities by Source Approving Authority, offers from such firms may be
considered for developmental order. Failure to furnish and attach such requisite credentials as
mentioned above will make their offer liable to be ignored.

[d] Total quantity ordering in developmental category considering para [b] and [c] above shall not
exceed 20 percent of the net procurable quantity (NPQ).

[e] Where there is no “DLW/CLW/ICF/CORE/RCF” or any other vendor approving Railway unit
approved vendor for an item and all the vendors appearing in “DLW/CLW/ICF/CORE/RCF” or
any other vendor approving Railway unit Vendor list as 'Vendors for Developmental Orders'
even such vendors can be considered for placement of bulk order without any quantity
restrictions. In such cases, the purchaser reserves the right to split the order quantity between
one or more firms and Para 2.13.2 of General Conditions of Contract shall be applicable
NOTE: The status of the vendor (i.e. approved or developmental vendor of
“DLW/CLW/ICF/CORE/RCF” or any other vendor approving Railway unit) shall be reckoned as
on the date of tender opening and not thereafter. However, cases of downgrading/removal/
suspension/ banning etc., after opening of tender, shall be taken into account while considering
the offers. Items for which no approved vendor list has been issued:
In such cases, for being eligible for a regular/bulk order(s), the tenderer must have “Relevant
Past Performance” with any Zonal Railways / Production Unit as defined in the following para below. Further, up to 20% of the NPQ may be ordered on new sources also, as
developmental order(s), on the basis of “Capacity-cum-Capability‟ of the source as defined in
para below. 1 Relevant Past performance for Regular orders:

[A] Bulk Order: Bulk order will be placed on the manufacturer or its authorized agent having
proven performance. The manufacturer firm must have satisfactorily executed at least one
single purchase order of Zonal Railways/ PUS/CORE for the tendered item [ OR for the items
having same description, but of different sizes / ratings /capacities] for a minimum of 20 percent
of total tendered quantity during three year. This period of three years shall be counted with
respect to tender opening.
[B] The onus of submission of requisite documents in support of supply { [i] Receipt
Notes/Proof of acceptance of material by consignee OR [ii] Inspection Certificate with self
declaration by the bidder that supply has been accepted by consignee. Furnishing of false
declaration shall render termination of contract and further action as per terms and conditions of
contract} lies with tenderers. In case the tenderers do not submit the requisite documents as
detailed above along with their offer, the tender will be decided on the basis of their past supply
performance records as available with NER [ if any] and no back reference shall be made in this
[C] In case tenderer participates as an authorized agent, then the performance as required
above shall be that of Principal authorizing the agent. It may so happen that the agent has

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

credentials of past supply for a different Principal but this will not be considered as performance
for placing bulk order in case of change of Principal.
[D] In case none of the firms who have participated in the tender, fulfill the criteria
specified in para [A] above, then the purchaser reserve the right to procure bulk quantity
from the tenders who have participated based on other credential submitted by them in
support of their offer. “Capacity-cum-Capability” for Developmental order:

For consideration of developmental orders upto 20% of NPQ, the tenderes must be able to
demonstrate their Capacity-cum-Capability to manufacture the tendered item. For this purpose
they should submit alongwith their offer, documented past performance reports of same or
similar items of equivalent rating or equivalent performance parameters, details of M&P, testing
facilities, QAP (if available), technical manpower available with them, registration for
same/similar item(s) with other Government agencies or PSUs etc. or any other details as may
be warranted as per the technical specification and drawing. Such tenderers are to note that
non submission of such documents as per Annexure 5.1 shall be taken as their not having any
such past performance and/or capacity, and their offer shall be considered further as per extant
rules and no back reference in this regard will be made to them.

2.9 Material to be procured from OEM or their authorized dealers / distributors:

(a) Wherever so specified, the Railways reserve the right to place orders for either entire or bulk
quantity on OEMs or their authorized dealers.
(b) Any firm quoting on behalf of OEM must submit tender specific authorization certificate along
with their offer and agree for inspection by the nominated agency (as the case may be) at the
premises of their principals, failing which their offer shall be liable to be rejected.
(c) The following would be preferred in such cases:
(i) Inspection by RITES/RDSO/Nominated agency at the manufacturing premises of the relevant
manufacturer. RITES/RDSO/Nominated agency shall categorically confirm in the Inspection
Certificate, that inspection of the material has been actually made in the manufacturing
premises of the manufacturers and not in the warehouse/Godown/Shop of the dealer
(ii) Direct dispatch from the premises of the manufacturer to the Railways consignee after
inspection and acceptance by RITES/ RDSO.
(iii) Submission of Manufacturer’s Test and Guarantee Certificate with each lot of supply.

(d) The OEM / Authorized dealers / agents must comply the following conditions, failing which their
offer(s) will be ignored:

(i) In a tender, either the Indian Agent on behalf of the Principal/OEM or Principal/OEM itself can
bid but both cannot bid simultaneously for the same item/product in the same tender.
(ii) If an agent submits bid on behalf of the Principal/OEM, the same agent shall not submit a bid on
behalf of another Principal/OEM in the same tender for the same item/product.
2.10. Option Clause:
Unless otherwise indicated Railway reserves the right to cancel the tender for full or part
tendered quantity without assigning any reason. However, purchaser will have discretion to
accept an offer for quantities which are up to 30% higher than the tendered quantity. The rates
quoted by the tenderers for the full quantity would be taken as valid.
Purchaser also reserves the right to increase or decrease the ordered quantity, after giving
reasonable notice, by a maximum of 30% (i.e. ±30%) after the placement of order during the
currency of the contract. The increase in quantity, however, is subject to keeping the overall
quantity increase on all the successful tenderers within 30% of the bid quantity.
2.10.1. As per extant instruction, operation of the option clause can be made any time within delivery period
of the contract giving reasonable time to the firm to supply the enhanced quantity. It may be noted
that for invocation of the option clause, validity of the contract will be considered upto the delivery
period mentioned in the contract even though the supplies have been completed in advance
2.10.2. For operation of the (-) 30% option clause, consequent to decrease in the prices in subsequent
contracts, reasonable notice will be served by giving reasonable opportunity to the contractor to
unconditionally agree to accept such lower rates for the unsupplied quantity on the date of
issuing such notice. In the event of the firm not agreeing for reduction in rate for the unsupplied
quantity, the purchaser reserves the right to operate (-) 30% of the ordered quantity or the
unsupplied quantity, whichever is lower. Notwithstanding anything stated above, purchaser
reserves the right to operate the option clause upto (-) 30% of the ordered quantity or the
unsupplied quantity, whichever is lower after giving reasonable notice.

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

2.10.3. Reasonable notice as mentioned in above Para is only for purpose of allowing the contractor to
make necessary arrangements and same is not for seeking any consent from the contractor
towards exercise of contractual option clause.
2.10.4. In case of Delivery Period is extended in the contract with (+) 30% option clause either for full ordered
quantity or a part quantity which remained unsupplied on the date of expiry of the original
Delivery Period, then during the extended Delivery Period also, quantity variations can be made
on the total ordered quantities.
2.11. Pilot Sample:
2.11.1. Whenever, in terms of the contract, firm is required to submit pilot sample, they will be required
to submit minimum three samples for approval, if not specified otherwise. Out of that, one
sample, if found suitable after testing, will be returned to the firm for reference purpose and for
the guidance of the Inspection Agency, if required. One sample duly approved shall be retained
by the Depot officer. The 3 sample, if get destroyed during the testing, shall be accounted for
by the Depot officer, provided same gets passed and found suitable during testing.
2.11.2. In the event of a pilot sample failing the inspection/tests, all the samples whether intact or
broken during a destructive test as the case may be, shall be returned to the supplier along with
the inspection report, if any, provided by the inspecting/testing agency.
2.11.3. Submission and collection of the sample shall be sole responsibility of the supplier.
2.12. Quantity to be ordered:
2.12.1. Railways reserves the right to cancel the tender for full or part quantity tendered without
assigning any reason. The rates quoted by the tenderers for the full quantity would be taken as
valid even for part quantity.
2.12.2. Wherever considered necessary by the purchaser, the quantity to be ordered can be split
amongst two or more sources for ensuring better availability of material keeping in view the vital
/ critical nature of item, quantity to be procured, delivery requirements, capacity of the firms and
past performance of the firms, in fair, transparent and equitable manner. In such cases the
provisions of para 2.13 shall be normally applicable
2.12.3. The Controller of Stores or any officer authorized on behalf of President of India acting
through, General Manager is not bound to accept the lowest or any offer nor to assign any
reason for doing so and reserves the right to accept any offer in respect of the whole or any
portion of the item specified in the tender and contractor shall be required to supply at the rate
2.13 Splitting of tendered quantity

2.13.1 Case of no prior decision to split the order Normally full order should be placed on L-1 firm. However, if after due processing, it is
discovered that the quantity to be ordered is more than what L-1 alone is capable of supplying
and there was no prior decision to split the quantities , then this aspect should be decided by the
purchaser. The quantity being finally ordered will be distributed among the other bidders in a
manner that will be fair, transparent and equitable. The manner of splitting will take specific note
of the following parameters :

i) Past performance of bidders

ii) Capacity of bidders
iii) Delivery requirements in the tender
iv) Quantity under procurement
v) Vital/safety nature of items In the absence of any differentiation on the above parameters, the manner of splitting will be
based on the stipulation given in para 2.13.2 below.

2.13.2 Case of pre-decided split ordering:- Railway may decide in advance to have more than one source of supply on account of delivery
requirement in tender, past performance and capability of bidders, quantity under procurement
and vital/safety nature of items. Following provisions { (A) to 2.13.2.B(ii) shall be applicable in all such cases of pre-
decided split ordering:-

A) The purchaser reserves the right to distribute the procurable quantity on one or more than
of the eligible tenderers. Zone of consideration of such eligible tenderers will be the right of
the Purchaser. The zone of consideration will be a dynamic mix of inter-se position of firms,

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

supply performance of the firms, quantity being procured, criticality of and lead time of
supply of the item, number of established suppliers, their capacity etc.

B) Whenever such splitting of the procurable quantity is made, the quantity distribution will
depend (in an inverse manner) upon the differential of rates quoted by the tenderers (other
aspects i.e. adequate capacity-cum-capability, satisfactory past performance of the
tenderers, outstanding order load for the Railway making the procurement, quoted delivery
schedule vis-à-vis the delivery schedule incorporated in the tender schedule incorporated
in the tender enquiry etc. being same/similar) in the manner detailed in the table below:

Price differential Quantity distribution ration between L1 and L2

between L1 & L2
Upto 3% 60:40
More tha 3% and 65:35
upto 5%
More than 5% At least 65% on the L1 tendrer. For the quantity to be ordered on
the L2 tenderer, TC/TAA shall decide

In the phrase’differential rates quoted by the tenderers, the quoted rate would mean :

i) When no price negotiation has been called for, the original rates as obtained at the time
of tender opening. However, the rate of the highest eligible tenderer within the zone of
consideration has to be per se reasonable.
ii) When price negotiation has been called for, the reference L1 rate for assessment of ratio
will be the original rate of L1 firm (suitable for bulk quantity)- say firm “A”- as obtained at
the time of tender opening.
B (I) If splitting of quantity is required to be done by ordering on tenderers higher than the L2
tenderer, then the quantity distribution proportion amongst the tenderers will be decided
by transparent/logical/equity based extrapolation of the model as indicated in the above
B (II) There could be a situation when between the lowest firm considered suitable for bulk Qty.
(L1 firm ‘A’) and another firm considered suitable for bulk quantity order, there are firms
who are considered suitable only for developmental order. For example, say L1 firm ‘A’ is
approved vendor, L4 is approved vendor (and both considered suitable for bulk quantity
order) and splitting is to be done between these two approved vendors. But there are two
developmental vendors in between who are suitable for part quantity. In such cases, L1
should be given its proportion based on its rate differential with respect to L4,( say by
this, L1 gets 65% of NPQ). The balance Qty. (say 35% of NPQ) is to be distributed
among other firms. The balance quantity is to be distributed as follows:

(a) Allocate the developmental vendor L2 and developmental vendor L3 within the
overall ceiling of 20% (of 35% of NPQ)
(b) Allocate the balance quantity to L4 firm.

Since the developmental vendors are being given the order in relation to its lower position w.r.t.
L4 (approved vendor), it will not attract the provision of ‘order on developmental vendor should not
be at higher rate than approved vendor as the reference rate for comparison of L2 developmental
vendor and L3 developmental vendor rate is the L4 approved vendor rate. Notwithstanding the above, there can be exceptional situations where Purchaser may come to a
conclusion that splitting is neither possible nor feasible and/or not desirable in the administrative
interest. In such exceptional situations, Purchaser reserves the right not to split the quantity
despite pre-decided splitting clause in the tender condition. For cases where the Rlys./PUs had entered into Tot/JV agreements, the following clause should
be stipulated as tender conditions:
As the Rly. has entered into Tot/JV agreement with ……………………….. no. of firms, they
reserve the right to place orders on all such ToT/JV agreements partners. However, for
ratio/proportion o quantity distribution among such agreement partners, conditions as detailed in
para (B) shall apply with the exception that the aspect of ‘per-se responsibility In the cases of inadequate capacity-cum-capability, dissatisfactory past performance, large

quantity of outstanding orders (liquidation of which will take very long time) etc., the purchaser
shall have the right to distribute the procurable quantity amongst tenderers with due consideration
to these constraints and in such a manner that would ensure timely supply of material in requisite
quantity to meet the needs of operation, maintenance, safety etc. of the Railways, regardless of
inter-se ranking of the tenderers and in a fair and transparent manner with due conformity to the
Principles of Natural Justice and Equity.

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

2.14. Warranty/Guarantee:

2.14.1. Warranty period mentioned in specification/MDTS is applicable. If warranty period is not

mentioned in respective specification/MDTS, standard warranty period as mentioned in IRS
conditions is applicable.

In case, there is a discrepancy regarding warranty period mentioned in specification/MDTS and

standard warranty clause, then warranty period mentioned in specification/MDTS shall prevail.

Tenderers should further note that if the Guarantee/Warranty is a part of the tendered specification
and/or tender schedule, then any deviation on this count, shall be treated as a technical deviation,
which may render their offer technically unsuitable. Bidders are advised to bring such
deviation(s) clearly in the technical deviation statement. In case, this deviation is not
indicated in the technical deviation statement, it will be presumed that offer is as per the
tendered specification in all respect. Any ambiguity in this regard or any other respect shall
be to the disadvantage of the bidder.
Further, Suppliers shall ensure that the materials are invariably stamped with manufacturers name
and month & year of manufacture as may be detailed in drawing/specification of material to enable
correct reckoning of warranty.

2.14.2. Bank Guarantee towards Warranty obligation:

For items like machinery and Plant, Costly equipment, capital spares, the tenderer, wherever
called upon to do so, shall furnish a Bank Guarantee of 10% of Material value to cover their
warranty obligation. The model proforma of the Warranty/Guarantee bond is annexed as Annexure
5.3. It would be the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that Bank Guarantee (BG) required to
be submitted by them, should be sent directly by the issuing Bank under registered Post to the
concerned Purchasing Authority and, in no case should be brought by the tenderer. That is to say,
the firm shall not involve themselves in transmission of the BG between the issuing bank and the

2.15. Deleted

2.16. Time for Making Risk Purchase: Whereas Risk Purchase will be governed by the relevant
clauses of IRS Conditions of Contract, such Risk Purchase shall be normally made within 9
months from the date of breach of Contract.

2.17. Arbitration Clause:

2.17.1. In the event of any dispute or difference of opinion between the North-Eastern Railway
administration and Contractor(s) as to respective right and obligation of the parties hereunder or of
onus to the true intent and meaning of these present and of any articles of conditions thereof such
dispute of difference of opinion (except the matter regarding which the decision has been
specifically provided for in the terms of the contact) shall be referred to the sole arbitration as per
para 2900 of IRS Conditions of Contract.

2.17.2. Pre- Arbitration Meetings:

To avoid the cumbersome & time consuming process of arbitration, pre-arbitration meeting with
the contractors can be held for settlement of claim of contractors. However such
meeting/discussions shall be without prejudice to the Railway’s interest in the matter. If an
understanding is reached between the administration and the contractor, discussions will be
recorded indicating the claim admitted to the extent and the claim not admitted and the
contractor’s no claim certificate taken on that basis. In either case subsequent action shall be
proceeded and the residual disputes if any, shall be referred to arbitration in terms of clause/Para
2.17.1 above.
2.18. Jurisdiction of courts:
The Courts of the place from where the acceptance of tender has been issued shall alone have
jurisdiction to decide any dispute arising out of or in respect of the contract.

2.19. Compliance of provisions contained in Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 shall
be ensured by the Supplier wherever applicable in fulfilling the contractual obligations as per the
scope of supply within the supply contract.

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

2.20. Conditions for Installation and Commissioning of items other than M&P:
In cases, where the installation and commissioning of stores supplied is to be done by the
supplier, the following conditions will also apply:
(i) The installation and commissioning charges should be shown separately. Firm must
quote these charges separately in their offer in appropriate column.
(ii) The payment for installation and commissioning will be done after the successful
installation and commissioning by the firm.
(iii) Firm should emboss/put permanent sticker/engraving showing date of manufacturing for
each of the component requiring installation and commissioning.
(iv) Call for installation and commissioning will be given by shop officers against specific PO
with a copy to Depot Officers.
(v) Firm shall depute the staff for installation and commissioning within 15 days of call,
failing which LD @ ½% (half percent) per week or part of the week of value of goods
subject to maximum of 10% will be6
(vi) Bills for installation and commissioning will be submitted to the Depot Officers along
with installation and commissioning certificate issued by shop officers.
(vii) Depot Officers will have to submit the bills to Accounts Department. for payment and will
maintain record of payment of installation and commissioning charges against various
POs in each case.
2.21. Conditions for Fabrication Contracts:
a. The raw material shall be issued to the contractor against bank guarantee. The
contractor shall submit a bank guarantee equivalent to the cost of raw material (to be
advised by the consignee) within 07 days of the placement of order failing which a
penalty of Rs.1000/-per day shall be imposed.

b. The contractor shall lift the raw material within three days of the demand placed by Depot
Officer or his authorised representative.
c. Any intimation by telephone, telex or fax by Depot Officer or his authorised representative
for lifting of material shall also be deemed to valid demand.
d. Any delay in lifting the raw material by contractor beyond 03 days of demand, shall attract
a penalty @ ¼% per day of fabrication value of material for which raw material has been
offered to contractor per day.
e. Any delay in returning the fabricated material beyond the delivery period shall
attract a penalty of @ ¼ % per day of fabrication value of the material for which raw
material has been given to the contractor.

2.22. Migration to GST regime-Special Tender Conditions :

2.22.1. The GST has been implemented with effect from 01.07.2017 :
For the tenders opening after roll out GST- All the bidders/tenderers should ensure that they
are GST compliant and their quoted tax structure/rates are as per GST LAW.

2.22.2. The successful tenderer who is liable to be registered under CGST/IGST/UTGST/SGST act shall
submit GSTIN along with other details required under CGST/IGST/UTGST/SGST act to railway
immediately after the award of contract, without which no payment shall be released to the
contractor. The contractor shall be responsible for deposition of applicable GST to the concerned

2.22.3. In case of successful tenderer is not liable to be registered under CGST/IGST/UTGST/SGST act,
the railway shall deduct the applicable GST from his/their bills under Reverse Charge Mechanism
(RCM) and deposit the same to the concerned tax authorities.

2.22.4. Tenderer will examine the various provisions of the Central Goods and Service Tax Act
2017(CGST)/ Integrated Goods and Service Tax Act, 2017(IGST)/ Union Territory Goods and
Services Tax Act, 2017(UTGST) / respective state” State Goods and Services Tax Act
(SGST)also, as notified by Central/State Govt. and amended from time to time and applicable
taxes before bidding. Tenderers will ensure that full benefit of Input Tax Credit (ITC) likely to be
availed by them is duly considered while quoting rates.

2.22.5. As the GST regime has been implemented from 01.07.2017 against the previous regime of ED,
ST, VAT and Entry Tax etc., therefore, the tenderers shall submit their bill while claiming payment
regarding their registration with GST regime for availing Input Tax Credit (ITC). If they are
availing ITC, they shall take in to account the entire credit on inputs available under GST regime
while claiming payment and furnish a declaration to this effect along with confirmation that any
further benefit available in future on account of ITC will be passed on to the purchaser.
2.22.6. The offers shall be evaluated based on the GST rate as quoted by each bidder and same will be
used for determining the inter-se ranking. While submitting offer, it shall be the responsibility of the
bidder to ensure that they quote correct GST rate and HSN number.

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

2.22.7. Purchaser shall not be responsible for any misclassification of HSN number or incorrect GST rate
if quoted by the bidder.

2.22.8. Wherever the successful bidder (s) invoice (s) the goods at GST rate or HSN number which is
different from that incorporated in the purchase order, payment shall be made as per GST rate
which is lower of the GST rate incorporated in the purchase order or billed.

2.22.9. Vendor (s) is/are informed that they would be required to adjust their basic price to the extent
required by higher tax billed as per invoice to match the all inclusive price as mentioned in the
purchase order (s).

2.22.10. Any amendment to GST rate or HSN number in the contract shall be as per the contractual
conditions and statutory amendments in the quoted GST rate and HSN number, under SVC.

2.23 Preference to Domestically Manufactured Electronic Products:-

2.23.1 The purchaser reserves the right for providing preference to Domestically Manufactured Electronic
Products (DMEP) in terms of the extant policy of the Government which can be downloaded from
DietY Website, i.e. URL http://meity.gov.in/esdm/pma. Purchase preference for domestic
manufacturer, methodology of its implementation, value addition to be achieved by domestic
manufacturers, self certification and compliance and monitoring shall be as per the aforesaid
guidelines/notifications. The guidelines/notifications on the subject will be treated as an integral
part of the tender documents.

2.23.2 Briefly, the preference for Domestically Manufactured Electronic Products (DMEPs) shall be
operated as follows subject to status of the policy applicable as on date of tender opening and
subject to the bidder complying with all other requirements specified in the tender document:

i) As per extant policy of the Government of India, the electronic products for which
preference will be provided to domestic manufacturers are as notified by the Concerned
Ministry/Department which are as under as on 23.08.2017

SN Product Name Notifying Ministry/ Department Notification No. and date

1. Telecom Products Department of Telecom 18.07/2010-IP dt. 05.10.2012
read with notification dated
2. Desktop PCs and Dot Department of Electronics and Information F.No. 33(3)/2013-IPHW dt.
Matrix Printers technologies, Ministry of Communication and IT 22.05.2014
3. Laptop PC Department of Electronics and Information F.No. 33(3)/2013-IPHW dt.
technologies, Ministry of Communication and IT 22.05.2014
4. Tablet PC Department of Electronics and Information F.No. 33(3)/2013-IPHW dt.
technologies, Ministry of Communication and IT 22.05.2014
5. Smart Card Department of Electronics and Information F.No. 33(3)/2013-IPHW dt.
technologies, Ministry of Communication and IT 22.05.2014
6. LED Products Department of Electronics and Information F.No. 33(3)/2013-IPHW dt.
technologies, Ministry of Communication and IT 22.05.2014
7. Biometric IRIS sensors Department of Electronics and Information F.No. 33(3)/2013-IPHW dt.
technologies, Ministry of Communication and IT 22.05.2014
8. Biometric Access Control/ Department of Electronics and Information F.No. 33(3)/2013-IPHW dt.
Authentication devices technologies, Ministry of Communication and IT 01.10.2014
9. Biometric finger print Department of Electronics and Information F.No. 33(3)/2013-IPHW dt.
sensors technologies, Ministry of Communication and IT 01.10.2014

ii) Copies of all the notifications can be downloaded from http://meity.gov.in/esdm/pma.

iii) The quantity of procurement for which the preference will be provided to domestic
manufacturers shall be percentage of the net procurable quantity as specified in the
relevant notifications issued by Concerned Ministry/Department indicated in sub para (i)
above and can be downloaded from the websites of respective ministries/departments.
iv) Percentage of domestic value addition which qualifies the electronic product to be
classified as domestically manufactured shall also be as specified in the relevant
notifications issued by Concerned Ministry/Department indicated in sub para (i) above
and can be downloaded from the websites of respective ministries/departments.

2.23.3 In terms of above referred guidelines, domestic manufacturers are required to upload the domestic
value addition in terms of Bill of Materials (BOM) for the quoted product alongwith their offer int he
following format, failing which their offer will not be eligible for purchase preference under this

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

Item No. Item Description Domestic value addition in percentage


2.23.4 The tenderers, claiming to bid in the status of domestic manufacturer must also give and upload
an undertaking in the format as given as ‘Form 1’ of the guidelines, copy at Annexure-II.
Furnishing of false information on this account shall attract pen provisions as per relevant

2.23.5 Procedure for award of contracts involving procurement of specified electronic products from
domestic manufacturers shall be as under:

“For each electronic product proposed to be procured, among all technically qualified offers, the
lowest quoted price will be termed as L1 and rest of the offers shall be ranked in ascending order
of price quoted as L2,L3,L4 and so on. If L1 offer is of a domestic manufacturer, the said tenderer
will be awarded full value of the order. If L1 offer is not from a domestic manufacturer, the value of
the order awarded to L1 tenderer will be the balance of procurement value after reserving
specified percentage of the total value of the order for the eligible domestic manufacturer.
Therefore, the lowest tenderer among the domestic manufacturers, whether L2, L3, L4 or higher,
will be invited to match L1 offer in order to secure the procurement value of the order earmarked
for the domestic manufacturer. In case first eligible tenderer (i.e. domestic manufacturer) fails to
match L1 offer, the tenderer (i.e. domestic manufacturer) with next higher offer will be invited to
match L1 offer and so on. However, Railway may choose to divide the order among more than
one successful tenderer as long as all such tenderer match L1 and the criteria for allocating the
tender quantity amongst a number of successful tenderer is clearly articulated in the tender
document itself. In case, all eligible domestic manufacturers fail to match the L1 offer, the actual
tenderer holding L1 offer will secure the order for full procurement value. Only those domestic
manufacturers whose offers are within 20% of the L1 offer would be allowed an opportunity to
match L1 offer”.

2.23.6 In case of turnkey/system integration projects, eligibility of a tenderer as a domestic manufacturer

would be determined on the domestic value addition calculated only for the value of notified
DMSPs forming part of the turnkey/system integration projects and not on the value of whole

2.24 Public Procurement Policy for Preference to Make in India:

2.24.1 Following provisions will be applicable for items to be procured under Public Procurement
(Preference to Make in India)

a) Local content: The minimum local content shall be 50% or as indicated in the tender enquiry.
b) Margin of Purchase Preference: The margin of purchase preference is 20%.
c) Fee for complaints: Fee for filling a complaint under the order shall be Rs. 10,000/- per case.
The complaint shall be filed in the office of the PCMM/NER. The fee shall be deposited with
the office of the PFA/NER.

2.24.2 Verification of local content:

a) The local supplier at the time of tender, bidding or solicitation shall be required to provide self-
certification that the item offered meets the minimum local content and shall give details of
the location(s) at which the local value addition is made.

b) In case of procurement for a value in excess of Rs. 10 Crores, the local supplier shall be
required to provide a certificate from the statutory auditor or cost auditor of the company (in
the case of companies) or from a practicing cost accountant or practicing chartered
accountant (in respect of suppliers other than companies) giving the percentage of local

c) False declarations will be in breach of the code of integrity under Rule 175 (1)(i)(h) of the
General Financial Rules for which a bidder or its successors can be debarred for upto two
years as per Rule 151 (iii) of the General Financial Rules along with such other actions as
may be permissible under law.

d) A supplier who has been debarred by any procuring entity for violation of this Order shall not
be eligible for preference under this Order for procurement by any other procuring entity for
the duration of the debarment.

e) Debarment of bidders: In respect of procuring entities other than the one which has carried
out the debarment, the debarment takes effect prospectively from the date of uploading on
CPPP so that ongoing procurements are not disrupted.

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

2.24.3 Requirement of Purchase Preference: Subject to the provisions of this Order and to any
specific instructions issued by the Nodal Ministry or in pursuance of this Order, purchase
preference shall be given to local suppliers in all procurements under taken by procuring entities in
the manner specified hereunder:

a) In procurement of goods in respect of which the Nodal Ministry has communicated that there
is sufficient local capacity and local competition, and where the estimated value of
procurement is Rs. 50 Lakhs or less, only local suppliers shall be eligible. If the estimated
value of procurement of such goods is more than Rs. 50 Lakhs, the provisions of sub-
paragraph (b) or (c) as the case may be, shall apply.

b) In the procurements of goods which are not covered by paragraph (a) above and which are
divisible in nature, the following procedure shal be followed:-

i) Among all qualified bids, the lowest bid will be termed as L1. If L1 is from a local
supplier, the contract for full quantity will be awarded to L1.

ii) If L1 bid is not from a local supplier, 50% of the order quantity shall be awarded to L1.
Therefore, the lowest bidder among the local suppliers, will be invited to match the L1
price for the remaining 50% quantity subject to the local supplier’s quoted price falling
within the margin of purchase preference and contract for that quantity shall be awarded
to such local supplier subject to matching the L1 price. In case such lowest eligible local
supplier fails to match the L1 price or accepts less than the offered quantity, the next
higher local supplier within the margin of purchase preference shall be invited to match
the L1 price for remaining quantity and so on, and contract shall be awarded accordingly.
In case some quantity is still left uncovered on local suppliers, then such balance quantity
may also be ordered on the L1 bidder.

c) In procurements of goods not covered by sub-paragraph (a) above and which are not divisible
and in procurement of services where the bid is evaluated on price alone the following
procedure shall be followed:-

i) Among all qualified bids, the lowest bid will be termed as L1. If L1 is from a local
supplier, the contract will be awarded to L1.

ii) If L1 bid is not from a local supplier, the lowest bidder among the local suppliers, will be
invited to match the L1 price for the subject to the local supplier’s quoted price falling
within the margin of purchase preference and the contract shall be awarded to such local
supplier subject to matching the L1 price.

iii) In case such lowest eligible local supplier fails to match the L1 price, the local supplier
with the next higher bid within the margin of purchase preference shall be invited to
match the L1 price and so on, and contract shall be awarded accordingly. In case none
of the local suppliers within the margin of purchase preference matches the L1 price ,
then the contract may be ordered on the L1 bidder.

2.24.4 Exemption of small purchases: Notwithstanding anything contained in Para 3.0 procurements
where the estimated value to be procured is less than Rs. 5 Lakhs shall be exempted.

2.25 Guidelines for Electronic Reverse Auction.

2.25.1 Selection Criteria for tender cases of Stores proposed through Reverse Auction (e-RA)

a) In the first phase, following method of purchase through Reverse Auction shall be the preferred
method for procurement for Stores tenders valued more than Rs.5 Cr. in each case and for
Works and Services for tenders valued more than Rs.50 Cr, in each case.

b) The process of procurement through Reverse Auction shall be followed only in case of tenders
where there are at least three approved vendors or at least three proven/likely competitive
sources, prima facie competent for execution of work/provision of service/bulk ordering.

c) Financial Bids in single currency/parameters only shall be allowed.

2.25.2 Procedure for award of contracts through Reverse Auction

a) The procedure discussed herein shall be fully implemented through IREPS. Any reference to
Reverse Auction in these instructions shall imply e-RA.
b) Conduct and reporting of Reverse Auction shall be as per Annexure I to this letter.

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

c) Each tender should clearly specify essential technical and commercial parameters in a
transparent manner. No deviation to such essential Technical & Commercial conditions shall
be permitted to the vendors in the electronic bid form. Technical Bid and Initial Price Offer :

a) In case Stores Tenders procuring authority shall decide the bid evaluation criteria in the tender
itself, i.e. whether the evaluation shall be item wise, consignee wise or overall tender value

b) Bidders shall be simultaneously required to electronically submit a Technical & Commercial Bid
and Initial Price Offer, offers found eligible for bulk order shall be categorised as Qualified for
Bulk Order for the purpose of RA and offers found eligible for Developmental order shall be
categorised as Qualified for Developmental Order for the purpose of RA.

c) Offers not complying with essential technical & commercial requirements of the tender shall be
declared as Ineligible for award of contract.

d) Technical & Commercial evaluation of bids shall be done by a Tender Committee, as per
extant guidelines, delegation and the estimated value of tender. Recommendations of Tender
Committee shall be considered by Tender Accepting Authority, as per existing guidelines.

e) Initial Price Offer of only those bidders categorised as Qualified for Award of Contract in case
of Works and Services Tenders shall be opened and tabulated by system separately. In case
of Stores tenders Initial Price Offer of only those bidders categorised as Qualified for
Developmental Order or Qualified for Bulk Order, shall be opened and tabulated by system
separately, category wise, Extant instruction for electronic tabulations shall apply for tabulation
of Initial Price Offers. Financial Bid :

Financial Bid shall comprise of Final Price Offer obtained through Reverse Auction. Following
conditions and procedure shall be followed in selection of bidders for conduct of Reverse Auction:-

a. Selection of vendors for Reverse Auction for award of Contract in Works and Services
tenders and bulk ordering in Stores Tenders:-

Number of tenderers Number of Tenders to Remarks

Qualified for Award of be selected for Reverse
Contract/Bulk Order Auction
<3 Nil* The bids disallowed from participating in
3 to 6 3 the Reverse Auction shall be the highest
More than 6 50% of Vendor Qualified bidder(s) in the tabulation of Initial Price
for Bulk Order/award of Offer. In case the highest bidders quote
contract (rounded off to the same rate, the Initial Price Offer
next higher integer) received last, as per time log of IREPS,
shall be removed first, on the principle of
last in first out, by IREPS system itself.

(i) *If the number of tenderers qualified for Bulk Order/Award of Contract in less than three, RA
shall not be done and tender may be decided on the basis of Initial Price Offer(s).

(ii) In case of Stores Tenders, selection of vendors for Reverse Auction for Developmental
ordering: Offers Qualified for Development Order, with initial price offer lower than the highest
price offer of a vendor Qualified for Bulk Order and selected for Reverse Auction after
elimination, shall be allowed to participate in RA. ( As per Rly Bd’s L/No. RS(M)/2011/EPS/01
Pt. dated 18-10-2019).

(iii) MSE Criteria (Not applicable for Works): All MSEs (Micro & Small Enterprises) found Qualified
for Bulk/Development Order/Award of Contract but could not be selected for Reverse Auction as
per criteria stipulated in Para a and Para a Note (ii) above, but are within the
range of 15% of lowest Initial Price Offer of the bidders qualified for bulk order shall be permitted
to participate in the Reverse Auction, irrespective of their inter-se ranking on the basis of Initial
Price Offer. Such MSEs shall be over and above the number of vendors selected for Reverse
Auction, as per Para a and Para a Note (ii) above. In case of Stores
Tenders, lowest initial price bid shall mean lowest initial price bid of vendor qualified for bulk
order. However, in case all the bidders qualifying for bulk as well as for developmental order
(before applying elimination criteria) are within MSE category, this clause shall not apply. ( As
per Rly Bd’s L/No. RS(M)/2011/EPS/01 Pt. dated 18-10-2019).

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

(iv) Make in India Criteria: All bidders eligible for benefits under Public Procurement
(Preference to Make in India) Order-2017, found Qualified for Bulk / Developmental
Order/Award of Contract and are within the specified range of price preference, under the
Make in India Policy, of lowest Initial Price offer of the vendor qualified for bulk order shall be
permitted to participate in the Reverse Auction, irrespective of their inter-se ranking on the
basis of Initial Price offer. Such bidders shall be over and above the number of vendors
selected for Reverse Auction, as per Para a and Para a Note (ii) above.
However, if all the bids qualified for bulk order as well as for developmental order (before
applying elimination criteria) also qualifiy under “Make in India Order,-2017” criteria, this
clause shall not apply. ( As per Rly Bd’s L/No. RS(M)/2011/EPS/01 Pt. dated 18-10-2019).

b. During Reverse Auction process, bidders shall not be allowed to bid a rate higher than the
lowest Initial Price Offer. (i) Reverse Auction among bids categorised as Qualified for award of contract in case of Works
and Services Tenders shall be conducted on IREPS/Suitable Platform. Bidders shall be able
to see the auction screens.

(ii) Reverse Auction among bidders categorised as Qualified for Developmental Order and
Qualified for Bulk Order shall be conducted concurrently on IREPS/Suitable Platform in
Stores tenders. Qualified Bidders shall be able to see both the auction screens i.e. auction
screen of Reverse Auction amongst bidders qualified for bulk order and auction screen of
Reverse Auction amongst bidders qualified for developmental order.. However, bidders shall
only be permitted to bid on the respective screens relevant to them as per their qualification.
Purchaser shall not be permitted to see any of the auction screens. Purchaser should only be
initiated on website about the status of Reverse Auction, i.e. when the auction will start/ had
started, whether the auction is live or whether the auction has closed. ( As per Rly Bd’s
L/No. RS(M)/2011/EPS/01 Pt. dated 18-10-2019). In case of Stores Tenders, quantity to be covered on developmental orders shall be limited to
20% of net procurable quantity. Developmental Orders shall be placed in terms of Railway
Board Letter No. 99/RS(G)/709/1/Pt. Dated 13.01.2015.
5/Development_130115.pdf )
The quantity covered on developmental orders may be within or outside NPQ, which may be
decided by TC/TAA, before conduct of Reverse Auction. After obtaining the final price offers through Reverse Auction, the lowest bid of only those
bidders who had participated in the Reverse Auction shall be considered for ordering. The offers
of bidders which were eliminated from Reverse Auction in the terms of Para shall be
tabulated separately and shall not be considered for any ordering. All the relevant policies of
Government of India at the relevant time shall be applicable. ( As per Rly Bd’s L/No.
RS(M)/2011/EPS/01 Pt. dated 18-10-2019) The level of Tender Committee to consider the Final Price Offers shall be determined on the
basis of lowest Initial Price Offer of bid Qualified for award of contract in case of Works and
services tenders and qualified for Bulk Order in case of Stores tenders, as opened prior to
Reverse Auction. In case the level of Tender Committee which evaluated technical &
commercial bids as per Para 2.1(d) was higher than the level of TC competent to consider
lowest Initial Price Offer on bid Qualified for award of contract/Bulk Order, the higher level TC
shall continue to finalize such tender cases.

2.25.3 Other Instructions :

a) Two Packet Single Stage System of tendering may normally be followed for Stores
tenders Through e-R.A. Tenders above Rs.10 crore provided there are at least three approved
vendors or at least three proven/likely competitive sources, prima facie competent for execution of
b) MSME Criteria of considering offers from MSEs quoting within L-1 + 15% for 25% of NPQ is
to be followed for all Gods and Services Tenders. The sub-target for procurement from MSEs
owned by SC/ST shall remain at 4% and for MSEs owned by women the sub-target shall be 3%,
out of the total 25%.

c) Make in India Preference order is to be followed for all Goods, Services and Works tenders
wherever applicable as per guidelines/ Copies RB letter No. 2015/RS(G)/779/5 dt. 27.12.2017.
/Public_Procurement_Order_Make_in_India.pdf )

c) Withdrawal of L-1 offer: In case of withdrawal of offer of L-1 bidder, the tender need not
necessarily be discharged in case of tenders for procurement of Goods and Services (Other than
Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

Consultancy) subject to the conditions mentioned in RB Letter No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dt.

17.11.2017 being fulfilled.

ation_%20Process_17112017.pdf )

2.25.4 Procedure for Conduct and Reporting of R.A. :

1. The tendering authority shall solicit bids through an invitation to the electronic Reverse
Auction to be published or communicated in accordance with the provisions similar to e-

2. Convener of the tender committee shall fix the following, on case to case basis, depending
upon the nature of item/work/service and complexity of case on hand. These shall be
indicated in the tender for e-RA itself.

a. Initial e-RA period: This shall be the initial time interval for e-RA, e-RA shall be opened for
this duration.

b. Auto extension period: In case any offer is received in the time period equal to auto
extension period before close of initial e-RA period, the e-RA shall be extended for time
equal to auto extension period from the time of last bid. There shall be no upper limit on
number of auto extensions. Where no offer is received in the last auto extension period, e-
RA shall close.

c. Minimum decrement in percentage of value of the last successful bid.

3. Date and time for start of e-RA shall be communicated to qualified tenderers by the
convener after evaluation of the Technical Bids.

4. After submission of Initial Price Bid, tenderers will not be allowed to revise the taxes and
other levies.

5. During auction period, identities of the participating tenderers will be kept hidden.

6. Minimum admissible bid value will be last bid value minus minimum decrement as specified
by the tendering authority before starting of reverse auction. Starting point for reverse
auction shall be the lowest Initial Price Bid of the tenderer eligible for award of contract.

7. After close of RA, tabulation of last (minimum) bids received from the tenderers will be
generated and made visible to Railways and participating tenderers.

8. Railway users can also view the bidding history in chronological order.

9. Bidders not be allowed to withdraw their last offer.

10. L-1 will be defined as the lowest bid obtained after the closure of R.A. session for Goods,
Works and Services tenders.

2.26 Handling of rejection of pre-inspected item and warranty rejections :

1. As per CVC guidelines, following steps are required to streamline the existing procedure to
deal with handling of rejection in pre-inspected items and warranty rejections.

1.1 Two kinds of rejection occur in case of pre-inspected supplies made by vendors.

A. Pre-inspected material rejected by consignee at the time of receipt

B. Material rejected in warranty.

The methodology of handling these rejections are dealt with below:

A. Pre-inspected material rejected by consignee at the time of receipt

(i) In case of rejection of pre-inspected goods at consignee end, the material rejection
advice/memo should be sent by consignee to all concerned i.e. firm, purchaser, pre-
inspecting agency, paying authority as per the contract etc. without fail.

(ii) Financial recovery: In case payment has been made to the firm for the material, the
concerned paying authority as per contract should note the rejection advice details in
its recovery register for effecting recovery of payments made, as the case may be.
(iii) joint inspection of rejected material will be held with pre-inspecting agency and the
firm. In case of failure of either of the two parties to associate with joint inspection,

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

the joint inspection should be held by the consignee with whichever of the two
parties comes for joint inspection. Irrespective of whether the party(ies) attend joint
inspection or not, the modality of joint inspection etc will have to be completed within
21 days of communication of rejection advices to the supplier (in line with IRS
Conditions of Contract clause 703). For imported material, the time limit will be 45

(iv) Firm may be permitted to collect the rejected goods only after joint inspection( in
case it is pre-inspected) and the firm has also deposited the payments already made
by Railway (if any) to the firm or equivalent amount has been recovered for this

(v) In case of replacement supply against the rejected goods, the same should be pre-
inspected by same pre-inspecting agency who passed the material earlier. In line
with IRS conditions of Contract clause 703, no inspection charge will be paid by
Railway to the inspection agency for the replacement supply.

(vi) However, in case of component level rejection in an pre-inspected item (which is an

assembly) the replacement supply of that component can be accepted based on
firm’s internal inspection certificate/guarantee certificate and final inspection by

B. Material rejected in warranty:-

1. Material are rejected in warranty in the following situations:-

a) The material rejected was issued to the user(shop/shed etc) from its associate
stores depot.
b) The material rejected was received by the from a PU or from a stores depot which is
not the associate stores depot of the user.

Cat. B.1(a): For warranty failure in shop/shed of material issued from its associate
stores depot: All warranty claims will be lodged by the associate depot officer after
getting the warranty rejected material from user under advice note of return stores
with reasons of warranty rejection indicated therein. Before lodging the warranty
claim the associate depot officer will satisfy himself about the correctness of PO and
ensure that other details including reason(s) of warranty rejection are available with
the advice note of return stores. The warranty claim will be processed following the
procedure indicated in sub-para A(i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) of para 1.1A above except for
the following changes: The ‘rejection advice’ mentioned in para 1.1A(i) will be
replaced by the ‘warranty rejection advice’. The time which can be taken for the
completion of modalilty of joint inspection as per para 1.1A(iii) will be 45 days
(instead of 21 days) from the date of communication of rejection advice to the
supplier. More time is being given for joint inspection because this is a case wherein
supplies have already been taken into the usage system of Railways. Thus, either
the pre-inspection agency or the firm or the railways may like to have a more
detailed understanding of the failure:

Cat BI(b): For warranty failure in shop/shed of material received from PU (either
under sale issue note or as a purchased component of rolling stock manufactured at
the PU) Or from a stores depot (under inter depot transfer/sale issue note) which is
not the associate stores depot of the end user:

(i) In such cases it may not be convenient for the end user to return the material to the
stores depot (against which the original supply was made by the vendor to railway).
Thus in all such cases, the warranty rejected material will be kept in safe custody by
the end user and the stores depot (which received the original supply) will be
advised by the end user about the warranty rejection duly indicating the reason(s) of
rejection with a confirmation that the rejected material is under end user’s custody.

(ii) The stores depot (which received the original supply) will raise warranty claim on
the firm. Before lodging the warranty claim, the depot officer will satisfy himself
about the correctness of PO and ensure that other details including reason(s) of
warranty rejection are available from the end user. The warranty claim will be
processed following procedure indicated in sub-para A (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) of para
1.1A above except for the following changes. The ‘rejection advice’ mentioned in
para 1.1A(i) will be replaced by the ‘warranty rejection advice’. The time which can
be taken for the completion of modality of joint inspection as per para 1.1A(iii) will be
45 days (instead of 21 days) from the date of communication of rejection advice to
the supplier. More time is being given for joint inspection because this is a case
wherein supplies have already been taken into the usage system of Railways.

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

Thus, either the pre-inspection agency of the firm or the railways may like to have a
more detailed understanding of the failure.

For imported material, the time limit in Cat I(a) and Cat I(b) will be 90 days.

II. Warranty quantity replacement: The warranty quantity replacement will be accounted
under warranty R-note by the depot officer (which raised the warranty claim as in sub-
para B.I (a) above).

Financial recovery (if any made) against the warranty failure will be refunded to the firm
on warranty quantity replacement.

III. Inspection of the replacement supply against warranty rejection:

(A) For cases of replacement supply against warranty failure falling in the category BI (a)
above, the replacement supply should normally be inspected by the same inspection
agency which inspected and passed original supply. Thus for B.I.(a), any change in
inspecting authority for the warranty replacement will necessitate a formal
amendment in contract.

(B) In case of warranty rejection of item of the category B.I (b) above, it may in some
cases be difficult to re-use the services of inspecting agency which passed the
original supply. Similarly for some items, the end user/consignee may not have the
requisite inspection facility/expertise.

Thus for warranty rejection falling in the category B.I (b) above:-

(i) The replacement supply can be inspected by the same inspecting agency which
inspected and passed the original supply. Payment of inspection charges will be
borne by supplier.

The replacement supply can be inspected by authorised representative of


The replacement supply can be made by firms own internal inspection certificate.

(ii) The decision on the above will rest with the depot officer who raised the warranty
claim and will be indicated in the warranty claim notice.

(C) However in case the warranty failure is of a component of an assembly supplied, the
component can be accepted on firm’s own Guarantee Certificate/internal inspection
certificate and consignee’s final inspection for both the categories {cat B.1(a) and
Cat B 1 (b)} of warranty failure.

(IV) Place of warranty replacement:- For warranty replacement of category B.I (a), in order
to ensure correct accountal of warranty replacement, the place of warranty replacement
will be the depot which received the original supply. For warranty replacement of failure
falling in category B.I (b) above, an exemption can be made and the place of
replacement supply can be indicated by the depot officer (at his option) in the warranty
claim notice to the firm to be the end-user’s place.

(V) For warranty replacement of category B.I (b), due care will be taken by the end user to
ensure that accountal of replacement supply etc, are properly taken care of After
settlement of warranty claim the rejected material will be handed over by the end user to
the firm’s representative. The end user will also inform the depot officer who raised
warranty claim about the replacement.

2. At the option of the depot officer/end user, rectification of the material rejected {under
category 1.1 (A) and 1.1 (B)} may be permitted within Railway premises by the firm only
after the firm has refunded the payment (if already made by Railway) or equivalent
amount has been withheld for this purpose. However, form the date of communication of
rejection advice, the rectification activity has to be completed within 21/45 days for
indigenous/Imported material respectively for the rejection of the category 1.1 (B). If
more time is taken beyond this, applicable ground rent will be levied on the firm.

2.27 Failure & Termination-

If the contractor fails to deliver the Stores or any installment thereof within the period fixed

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

for such delivery in the contract or as extended or at any time repudiates the contract before
expiry of such period, purchaser would be entitled for action as per clause 0702 of IRS conditions of
However where risk purchase as per clause 0702(b) could not be resorted to, due to any
reason, the purchaser would be entitled to claim from the contractor general damages & cancel
the contract with levy of general damages.
The Purchaser shall be entitled to recover from the Contractor as compensation to the Railway,
a sum to extent of 10% of the cancelled value of the contract in individual cases by i m p o s i n g
G D @ 1 0 % o f outstanding value of contract. Further to the extent SD has been taken {say
of value 'A' (which is less than 10% value of contract), in such cases, the GD will be leviable
only for the d i f f er en c e a m o u n t i . e. G D leviable (say 'B') will be equal to 10% of
outstanding value of contract minus the value of SD submitted (A). In such cases, SD amount 'A'
shall be forfeited and the 'GD' amount 'B' shall be recovered from the firm.

2.28 Mode of payment through Letter of Credit (LC)

North Eastern Railway has introduced an additional mode of payment through Letter of Credit
(LC) for all tenders invited for supplies (including all service and maintenance contracts) having
estimated value of Rs 10 lakhs and above. The bidder, at the time of bidding itself, shall exercise
an option, in favour of taking payment due against the said tender, through LC arrangement. The
option so exercised, shall be an integral part of the bidder's offer.
In case the bidder opts for payment through LC, the instructions for tenderers for LC mode of
payment would be as per para 2.28.1 below-

2.28.1 Scheme of Letter of Credit for Domestic Supplies (including all service and maintenance contracts)
tenders would be as under:
a. All Tenders invited by North Eastern Railway, having estimated value of Rs 10 lakhs and
above, shall have an option for the supplier/contractor to take payment from Railways through a
letter of credit (LC) arrangement.

b. The LC will be a sight LC.

c. The bidder, at the time of bidding itself, shall exercise an option, in favour of taking payment
due against the said tender, through LC arrangement. The option so exercised, shall be an
integral part of the bidder's offer.

d. Option once exercised shall be final and no change shall be permitted, thereafter, during
execution of contract.

e. The incidental cost @ 0.15% of LC value, towards issue of LC and operation thereof shall be
borne by the supplier/contractor and shall be recovered from their bills.

f. State Bank of India through its branches shall be the Banker for Railways for opening domestic
letters of credit for ensuing year. The arrangement would cover all such contracts finalized
against tender issued during the said period and shall extend till final execution of these

g. The schedule of payment liability arising in the contract shall be established by the Railways
based on the prescribed delivery schedule/stages of supply.

h. The acceptable, agreed upon document for payments to be released under the LC so opened,
shall be a Document of Authorization.

i. The supplier/ contractor shall submit their bills for completed supply to the bill processing
authority mentioned in supply/ contract agreement to issue Document of Authorization to enable
supplier/ contractor to claim the authorized amount from their Banker.

j. Accounts Officer responsible for passing the claim will issue the Document of Authorization.

k. The supplier/ contractor shall take print out of the Document of Authorization available on
IREPS portal and present his claim to his banker (advising bank) for necessary payments as per
LC terms and condition. The claim shall comprise LC Document of Authorization, Bill of Exchange
and Invoice.

l. The bank shall also recover any amount as may be advised by railway against the contractor/

m. The Contractor/Vendor shall indemnify and save harmless the Railway from and against all
losses, claims and demands of every nature and description brought or recovered against the
Railways by reason of any act or omission of the Contractor/Vendor, his agents or employees, in
relation to the Letter of Credit (LC). All sums payable/borne by Railways on this account shall be
considered as reasonable compensation and paid by Contractor/Vendor.
Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

2.29 . Force Majeure Clause:

2.29.1 If at any time during the continuance of the contract, the performance in whole or in part by either
party of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or delayed by the reasons of any
war, hostility, acts of the public enemy, civil commotion, sabotage, fires, floods, explosion,
epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, lockouts or act of God (hereinafter referred to as such
acts) provided notice in writing of happening of any such event is given by either party to the other
within 21 days from the date of occurrence thereof, neither party shall by reasons of such event,
be entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages against the
other in respect of such non-performance or the delay in performance, and deliveries under the
contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after such event has come to an end or ceased
to exist, and the decision of the Purchaser as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or
not, shall be final and conclusive, PROVIDED FURTHER that if the performance in whole or part
of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason of any such event for a
period exceeding 60 days, either party may at its option terminate the contract provided also that
the purchaser shall be at liberty to take over from the Contractor at a price to be fixed by
Purchaser, which shall be final, all unused, undamaged and accepted material, bought out
components and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the Contractor at the time of
such termination or such portion thereof as the Purchaser may deem fit excepting such materials,
bought out components and stores as the contractor may with the concurrence of the Purchaser
elect to retain.
2.29.2 Force Majeure Clause will not be used by any party to effectively escape liability for bad
performance and Contractor shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not
prevented by Force majeure events. There may be a Force Majeure situation affecting the Railway
Organization and in such a situation, Force Majeure Clause shall be available and applicable to
the Railway also and Purchaser shall be entitled to cancel the contract.


Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

Office of the

Principal Chief Materials Manager


Section 3

Special Conditions of Tenders for Imported Items

3. Imported Items:
NER Invites OEMs or the Overseas Manufacturers to quote directly, without intersession of an
agent, against NER’s tender enquiries and, therefore, they are advised to quote directly.
However, past experience shows that offers in respect of Imported items fall within one of the
following: -
a) Overseas OEM/Manufacturer quoting against NER’s tender
b) Overseas OEM/Manufacturer quoting directly against NER’s tender involving Indian Agent.
c) An Indian Agent quoting in Indian Rupees (INR) on behalf of their foreign principals or
3.1. Overseas OEM/Manufacturer quoting against NER’s tender: Overseas OEM/Manufacturer
quoting against NER’s tender have to comply with the tender conditions contained in the Bid
3.2. Overseas OEM/Manufacturer quoting directly against NER’s tender involving Indian Agent:
Where an overseas OEM/Manufacturer quotes directly involving an Indian Agent, following
provisions must be adhered to: -

3.2.1 An ‘Agency Agreement’ between them and their agent should be submitted along
with their offer, which is mandatory, and non submission of the same shall cause
summary rejection of the offer. Therefore it is advised that the overseas OEMs or
principals ensure existence of a legally tenable ‘Agency Agreement’ before the offer is
submitted for consideration and the same is submitted.
3.2.2. The ‘Agency Agreement’ should, inter-alia contain the following: -
a) The precise relationship between the foreign manufacturer or the principals and
their Indian Agents;
b) The mutual interest which the manufacturer/principal and the Indian Agents have in
the business of each other,
c) Any payment which the Agent receives in India or abroad from the
manufacturer/Principal whether as a commission for the contract or as a general
retainer fee,
d) All services to be rendered by the Agent whether of general nature or in relation to
the particular contract and the facilities/infrastructure available with them for the
e) Indian Agent's Income-Tax Permanent Account number.
3.2.3. Tenderer are to note that in case any of the requirements in the above para is/are not
included in the Agency agreement between the Agent and the Principal, the same should be
separately indicated.
3.2.4. The foreign bidder shall disclose Amount of commission and/or remuneration included in
the quoted price(s) for such agent/representative in India.
3.2.5. The foreign bidder should confirm to agree that the commission or remuneration or
payment of any amount on any other ground or in any other name, included in the quoted
price(s) and payable to their Indian Agent shall be paid by NER in India in equivalent,
Non-convertible Indian Rupees, after satisfactory execution of the contact.
3.3. An Indian Agent quoting in Indian Rupees (INR) on behalf of their Foreign principals or
OEM/Manufacturer: Where an Indian Agent submits offer for imported goods, in Indian Rupees
(INR) on behalf of their foreign principals or OEM/Manufacturer, the following conditions shall be
fulfilled: -

3.3.1. Indian agent should submit ‘Pro-forma Invoice’ from their foreign principals along with
their offer.
3.3.2. Submission of an ‘Agency Agreement’ along with their offer is mandatory and non
submission of the same shall render the offer to be summarily rejected. Therefore it is
advised that the overseas OEM or principal ensure existence of a legally tenable Agency
Agreement before the offer is submitted for consideration and the same is submitted in
due time.
Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

3.3.4. The ‘Agency Agreement’ should, inter-alia contain the following: -

a) The precise relationship between the foreign manufacturer or principals and their
Indian Agents,
b) The mutual interest which the manufacturer/principal and the Indian Agents
have in the business of each other,
c) Any payment which the Agent receives in India or abroad from the
manufacturer/Principal whether as a commission for the contract or as a general
retainer fee,
d) All services to be rendered by the Agent whether of general nature or in relation
to the particular contract and the facilities/infrastructure available with them for
the same,
e) Indian Agent's Income-Tax Permanent Account number.
3.3.5. Tenderer are to note that in case any of the requirements in the above para is/are not
included in the Agency agreement between the Agent and the Principal, the same
should be separately indicated.
3.4. In a tender, either the Indian agent on behalf the Principal/OEM or Principal/OEM itself can bid but
both cannot bid simultaneously for the same item/product in the same tender.
3.5. If an agent submits bid on behalf of the Principal OEM, the same agent shall not submit a bid on
behalf of another Principal/OEM in the same tender for the same item/product.
3.6. The agent is official representative of Manufacturer/Principal/Bidder. Accordingly Manufacturer/
Principal/Bidder shall be fully responsible for the conduct of their appointed agent. This may
please be noted.
3.7. The Indian agent will be required to submit a certificate, along with their Agency Commission Bill,
confirming that the amount claimed as Agency Commission in the bill has been spent/will be spent
strictly to render services to the foreign principal, in terms of Agency Agreement. The purchaser or
their authorized agencies and/or any other authority of Government of India shall have rights to
examine the books of the Indian Agent and defect or misrepresentation in respect of the afore
indicated confirmation coming to light during such examinations will make the foreign principal (i.e.
the contractor) and their Indian Agent liable to be banned/suspended from having business
dealings with Indian Railways, following laid down procedure of such banning/suspension of
business dealings.

3.8. The amount of agency commission payable to the Indian agent will not be more than what is
specified in the Agency agreement between the tenderer (i.e the foreign principal) and the Indian
agent. A certified photocopy of the Agency commission agreement must be submitted along with
the offer.

3.9. The Indian agent will be required to submit a certificate, along with their Agency Commission Bill,
confirming that the amount claimed as Agency Commission in the bill has been spent/will be spent
strictly to render services to the foreign principal, i.e. M/s… (i.e. the contractor) in terms of agency
agreement. The purchaser or their authorized agencies and/or any other authority of Government
of India shall have rights to examine the books of the Indian Agent and defect or
misrepresentation in respect of the afore indicated confirmation coming to light during such
examinations will make the foreign principal (i.e. the contractor ) and their Indian Agent liable to be
banned/suspended from having business dealings with Indian Railways, following laid down
procedure of such banning/suspension of business dealings. (ref No.89/RS(G)/779/6 dt 22.1.09)

3.10 The tenderers are advised to fill the check sheet included as annexure 5.5 with the section 5 of the
tender documents.

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

Office of the
Principal Chief Materials Manager

Section 4

Special Conditions of Tenders for Machinery & Plants Items

4. Technical Compliance:
The tenderers should give para-wise comments on the technical specification to indicate whether
the equipment offered fully meets the tender specifications. The offer should be accompanied with
complete details of technical parameters.
4.1. Authorisation Letter:
In case the tenderer is an agent of the manufacturer, he should clearly indicate the same and also
enclose current and valid authorization certificate from the manufacturer to this effect and also
mention the place where the equipment will be offered for pre-inspection before dispatch.
4.2. Validity:
The offer should be kept valid for 150 days from the date of opening of the tender.
4.3. After Sales Service:
The tenderers should confirm that they will render quick after sales service during the warranty
period of the machine and advise details of their after sales net-work/office which will render the
said service.
4.4. Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC):
4.4.1. Tenderers shall also quote charges on an annual basis, separately for the proper upkeep and
maintenance of the tendered equipment. The offers will be loaded with quoted AMC charges for
comparative evaluation of bids. Railways reserve the right for entering into Annual Maintenance
Contract (AMC) on the basis of rates quoted by the firm in their tender against AMC charges.

4.4.2. Tenderers along with their offers shall also quote charges on an annual basis, separately for post
warranty annual maintenance for a period of 5 years after expiry of warranty period, for the proper
upkeep and maintenance of the tendered equipment. Railways reserve the right for entering into
Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) on the basis of rates quoted by the firm in their tender
against AMC charges.
4.4.3. Tenderers are required to mention such AMC schedule of such Annual periodic maintenance
along with offers giving the charges for AMC maintenance schedule and other details of items to
be used in such preventive maintenance. The terms & conditions of AMC must clearly specify the
maximum down time and maximum response time.

4.4.4. The charges of Annual preventive maintenance schedule for five years alongwith the cost of items
to be used in preventive maintenance schedule during these five years as payable to supplier and
sum total of these charges would be included in the FOR destination price quoted for M&P for the
purpose of comparative evaluation of offer.
4.4.5. Tenderers are required to quote the cost of essential spares and service charges for each items of
work of repair of M&P outside preventive maintenance contact. These charges will not be included
in the price of M&P for the purpose of comparative evaluation of offers.
4.4.6. Tenderers who are OEM, must give undertaking for supply of spare parts for a period of
expected life of the machine/equipment. Other tenderers must submit undertaking from OEM for
supply of spare parts for a period of expected life of the machine/equipment.
4.5. Commissioning & Proving Out Test:
4.5.1. The contractor shall arrange commissioning of the equipment at the consignee’s premises. The
tenderers shall carry out necessary proving test to demonstrate the performance of equipment,
after its successful commissioning, to the entire satisfaction of the consignee.
4.5.2. The Contractor or his agents shall commission the machine within stipulated time as shown in
the contract. This time frame will be applicable from the date of intimation from the consignee in
respect of readiness of the machine for commissioning in cases where the machine is to be
installed by the consignee. The time schedule includes the time for installation in cases where
installation is also to be undertaken by the contractor.

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

4.5.3. The time allowed for commissioning of machine shall be deemed to be the essence of the
contract. In case of delay in commissioning of the machine on the Part of the contractor, the
purchaser shall be entitled to recover from the Contractor shall be liable to pay liquidated
damages at the rate of 2% of the total contract value for each month or part thereof for which
commissioning is delayed, provided the amount of liquidated damages under the provision of this
clause shall not exceed 10% of the total contract value. Failure to install/commission the machine
within stipulated time after intimation from the consignee will be taken as breach of contract and
purchaser will be at liberty to forfeit the Security Money furnished by the supplier without any
prejudice to other rights under the contract.
4.5.4. Continuance of commissioning work after expiry of stipulated time will also constitute default for
the purpose of the above. The decision of the Purchaser, whether the delay in commissioning
attributable to the Contractor, shall be final.
4.6. Training:
The contractor during commissioning of the equipment will also train Railway staff in operation
and maintenance of equipment supplied.
4.7. Maintenance Manual & Spares Parts:
Contractor is required to supply 2 copies of operation and maintenance manual and lists of
Spare Parts along with the equipment.
4.8. Warranty:
4.8.1. The contractor shall warrant that the equipment supplied shall be free from defects on materials &
workmanship. Manufacturing quality should be of the highest grade consistent with the
established and generally accepted standard and in full conformity with the tender specifications.
4.8.2. Unless otherwise mentioned in the specification, the equipment offered should be warranted
against defective design, material, workmanship etc. for a period of 30 months from the date of
delivery at ultimate destination or 24 months from the date of commissioning and proving test at
destination, wherever, the contract stipulates, or from the date of placement in service whichever
is earlier provided defects and/or claims are notified to Contractor within 2/3 months of such date.
(a) The Contractor shall, if required, replace or repair the equipment or such portion thereof
as is found defective by the Purchaser, free of cost at the ultimate destination or at the
option of the purchaser, the Contractor shall pay to the Purchaser value thereof at the
contract price and such other expenditure and damages as may arise by reason of the
breach of the condition herein specified.
(b) The decision of the Purchaser in regard to Contractor's liability and the amount, if any,
payable under this warranty shall be final and conclusive.
(c) Warranty clause is also applicable for spare parts/assemblies.
4.9. Payment Terms:
4.9.1. For orders valued upto Rs. 5 lakh - 100% payment will be made after inspection and
receipt/installation and acceptance of equipment by the consignee.
4.9.2. For orders valued above Rs. 5 lakh

I) For general purpose machines

a) 90% payment of net value of equipment with Packing & Forwarding charges, Optional
Accessories Spares & Consumable but excluding Agency Commission (if any), Training
and installation and commissioning charges will be made on receipt of the material duly
pre-inspected and receipted at site by the consignee in good condition.
b) Balance payment will be made on furnishing a Bank Guarantee for an amount equal to 10% of the
contract value, fully indemnifying the Purchaser against all losses incur red by the Purchaser against
all losses incurred by the Purchaser during the guarantee period stipulated in the Warranty Clause
within 30 days of the receipt of Bill after successful completion of proving test in which the machine
performance would have been demonstrated by the supplier or his agent after its commissioning at
the Consignee’s premises. Where, however, the installation and commissioning of the machine is
delayed or put off beyond 90 days of the receipt of the goods at the ultimate destination due to
express written instructions of the Purchaser/Consignee, the balance 10% payment shall be released
to the supplier on his furnishing the necessary Bank Guarantee.
II) For special purpose machines being procured for the first time or for other developmental/ trial
order the payment term will be 80% on completion of performance trials at the firm’s premises
and receipt of machine at consignee’s end in good condition, 10% on successful
commissioning of machine at the consignee’s premises and balance 10% on successful
completion of the warranty period. For procurement of such M&P item for production units, a
representative of the concerned production unit will also be included as a joint inspection

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

Office of the
Principal Chief Materials Manager
Section 5 (Annexures)

Annexure 5.1

Proforma for Equipment, Staff Employed & Quality Control Measures

Tender No. Date of Closing Time Hrs

1. Name & Full address of the firm:

2. Telephone/ Fax No. Office/ Factory/ Works
3. Location of the Factory/ Works
4. Location of the Factory/ Works
5. Details of Industrial licence, wherever required as per statutory regulations
6. Details of Plant & machinery erected and functioning in each department (monograph &
description pamphlets be supplied, if available)
7. Details of the process of manufacture in the factory in brief
8. Details of stocks of raw material held
9. Production capacity of the item(s) quoted for, with the existing plant & machinery
9.1. Normal
9.2. Maximum
10. Details of arrangement for quality control of products such as laboratory testing equipments etc.
11. Details of staff
11.1. Details of technical supervisory staff-in-charge of production & quality control
11.2. Skilled labour employed
12. Maximum number of workers (skilled & Unskilled) employed on any day during the 18 months
preceding the date of application
13. Are you registered with the Directorate General of Supplies & Disposal, New Delhi, India or
any of the Zonal Railways/ Production units? If so, furnish particulars of registration, period
of currency, etc.
14. Are you a small scale unit registered with the NSIC, India? If so, furnish particulars of
registration, period of currency, etc.
15. Is your unit an ISO certified unit? If so, furnish particulars of registration, period of currency, etc.

Date: Signature & Seal

Place: of the Bidder

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

Annexure 5.2

Model Form of Bank Guarantee Bond For Submission of “Security Deposit”

The President of India
Acting through Principal Financial Adviser,


In consideration of the President of India (hereinafter called “the Government”) having agreed to exempt
(hereinafter called “the said Contractor(s)”) from the demand under the terms and conditions of an
Agreement dated made between and for
(hereinafter called "the said Agreement"), of security deposit for due fulfilment by the said Contractor(s) of the terms and
conditions contained in the said Agreement on production of a bank Guarantee for Rs (Rupees
only) we (Indicate the name of the bank) (Hereinafter
referred to as "the Bank") at the request of contractor(s) do hereby undertake to pay to the
Government an amount not exceeding Rs. ----------- against any loss or damage caused to or suffered or would be
caused to or suffered by the Government by reason of any breach by the said contractor(s) of any of the terms or
conditions contained in the said agreement.

2. We (Indicate the name of the bank) do here by undertake to pay the amounts due and
payable under this Guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the Government stating that the amount
claimed is due by way of loss or damages caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the Government by reason of
any breach by the said Contractor(s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement or by reason of the
Contractor(s) failure to perform the said Agreement. Any such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards
the amount due and payable by the Bank under this Guarantee. However, our liability under this Guarantee shall be
restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs .

3. We undertake to pay to the Government any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the
Contractor(s)/Supplier(s) in any suit or proceeding pending before any Court or tribunal relating thereto our liability under
this present being absolute and unequivocal.

The payment so made by us under this Bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for
payment thereunder and the Contractor(s)/ Supplier(s) shall have no claim against us for making such

4.We (Indicate the name of the bank) further agree that the Guarantee herein
contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said
Agreement and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the Government under or by virtue of the said
Agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till
(Office/Department) Ministry of certifies that the terms and conditions of the said
Agreement has been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor(s) and accordingly discharges this Guarantee.
Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the we shall be
discharged from all liability under this Guarantee thereafter.
5. We (indicate the name of the bank) further agree with the Government that the
Government shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations
hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said Agreement or to extend time of performance by the said
Contractor(s) from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by the
Government against the said Contractor(s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said
Agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation, or extension being granted to the
said Contractor(s) or for any forbearance, act or omission on the part of the Government or any indulgence by the
Government to the said Contractor(s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties
would, but for this provision, have effect of so relieving us.

6. This Guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the Contractor(s)/ Supplier(s).
7. We (Indicate the name of bank) lastly undertake not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency except with the
previous consent of the Government in writing.

Date the day of 20

For (Indicate the name of Bank)

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

Annexure 5.3

Proforma for Warranty /Guarantee Bond

Acting through Principal chief Material

Sub: Guarantee No for (Amount) Covering Machine(s) Serial

No supplied to (Consignee/s) Ref: Contract
No dated Placedon M/ s

1. WHEREAS M/s one of our constituents, hereinafter called the “Sellers” have agreed to
sell toyou (hereinafter referred to asthe“Government”) Nos. of
(give description) as per contract No dated
(hereinafter called“the said contract”).

2. AND WHEREAS according to the terms of said contract, it has been stipulated that payment of 10 per cent of the
value of the stores would be made, provided that the Sellers furnish to the Purchaser a Bank Guarantee from a
recognised Bank, acceptable to the Purchaser for 10 per cent of the value of the said contract, valid for a period covering
in full the Guarantee Period as per the Warranty clause of the said conditions of the contract, being the conditions
attached to and forming part of the said contract.

3. AND WHEREAS the Sellers have approached us to give the said Bank Guarantee on their behalf in your favour for an
amount representing 10 per cent of the value of the contract which you have agreed to accept.

4. That in consideration of the promises and at the request, of the said Sellers, we hereby irrevocably undertake and
guarantee to pay to the Government of India or at such other place as may be determined by you forthwith on
demand and without any demur, any sum upto a maximum amount of (Rs. ) representing10 per
cent of the value of the Stores despatched under the said contract in case the Sellers make default in paying the said
sum or make any default in the performance observance or discharge of the guarantee contained in the said contract.

5. We agree that the decision of the Government whether any default has occurred or has been committed by the
Sellers in the performance, observance or discharge of the guarantee aforesaid shall be, conclusive and binding on us.

6. Government shall be at liberty, from time-to-time, to grant or allow extension of time or give other indulgence to the
said Sellers or to modify the terms and conditions of the contract with the said Sellers without affecting or impairing this
guarantee or our liability hereunder.

7. We undertake to pay to the Government any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by
the Sellers in any suit or proceeding pending before any Court or Tribunal relating there to our liability under this present
being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge to our liability for
payment thereunder and the Sellers shall have no claim against us for making such payment.

8. This Bank guarantee comes in to force when the balance ten percent of the value of the stores
shipped per Vessel vide Bill of Lading No. dated (in the case of
Import contracts) or R/ R No. dated (in the case of indigenous contracts) under the said
contract, has been paid and will remain in full force and effect up to i.e. for months counted from the
date of placing the stores in services, and shall continue to be enforceable for further six months i e. upto (date),
hereinafter called the said date.
9. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the Sellers.
10. That no claim under this guarantee shall be entertained by us unless the same has been preferred by the
Government within the said date.
Date: Signature
Printed Name
(Banks common Seal)


Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

Annexure 5.4
Electronic Clearing Service (Credit Clearing) Model Mandate Form

1) Investor / customer’s name :

2) Particulars of Bank Account :

A. Name of bank :

B. Name of branch :

Address :

Telephone No. :

C. 9-Digit code number of the bank and branch :

D. Type of account (SB, Current, or Cash Credit) with

code (10/11/13)
E. Ledger and Ledger Folio Number :

F. Account number (as appearing on the cheque book) :

(In lieu of bank certificate to be obtained as under, please attach a blank cancelled cheque or
photocopy of a cheque or front page of your savings bank passbook issued by your bank for
verification of the above bank particulars)

3) Date of effect :

I hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. If the transaction is
delayed or not effected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information, I would not hold
the user institution responsible. I have read the option invitation letter and agree to discharge the
responsibility expected of me as a participant under the scheme.

Signature of Investor / Customer


Certified that the particulars furnished

above are correct as per our records.

Bank’s Stamp

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

Section 5 Annexures
Annexure 5.5

Check List

(i) Have you submitted the authorization letter authorizing your Yes/No
agent to quote on this tender?

(ii) Have you indicated the complete name and address of the Yes/No
agents and details of the services to be rendered by the

(iii) Is the agent going to render after sale service? Yes/No

(iv) In case the answer to (iii) is yes, confirm that the agent has Yes/No
necessary infrastructure and competent staff to render the

(v) Have you submitted a copy to your agreement with your Yes/No
Indian agent?

(vi) Manufacturer or their sole selling agents may note that an Noted
agent can represent only one firm in a tender and any
manufacturer cannot submit two offers against a tender
through different sole selling agents or one directly and
one through sole selling agent. In such a situation both
the offers will be rejected.

(vii) Have you indicated your Indian Agent’s Income Tax Yes/No
Permanent Account Number?

(viii) Are you aware that any payment against the contract, if Yes/No
placed, to your Indian agent directly by you in currency
other than in Indian rupees is against the Indian Laws ?

(ix) Are you aware that failure to disclose the full amount of Yes/No
remuneration/ agency commission payable to your
Indian agent shall render the contract void?

(x) Mode of payment through Letter of Credit (LC) Yes/No

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

Acting through the PCMM,
North Eastern Railway
Allahabad- 211015
Dear Sir,
Subject:- PCMM./N.E.Rly/GKP Tender No..................................................

We ..............................an established and reputed manufacturer of.............................having

factories at......................do hereby authorize M/s..................... .................. (Name and
address of Agents) to represent us, to bid, negotiate and conclude the contract on our
behalf with you against Tender No......................................
No company/firm or individual other than M/s...............................are authorized to represent
us in regard to this business against this Specific tender.

Yours faithfully,
For & on behalf of M/s. ..............
(Name of Manufacturers)

Note: This letter of authority should be on the Letter-Head of the manufacturing concern and should be
signed by a competent person authorized to sign on behalf of the manufacturer.

Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

Tender No................................... Date of opening ............................... Time
............................................. Hrs.
Name of the Firm ………………………………………………………………………………

No Order Order Descripti Quantity Date of completion of delivery Have the

placed No. & on of ordered stores been

As per Contract
by(full date stores Unit price Remarks satisfactory
address of E.D. ST & indicating supplied &
reasons for any adverse

purchaser) FOR items
late comment
delivery, if from
any purchaser/us

Note: Copy of last three P.O should be enclosed by firm.

Signature and seal of the


Bid Document Ver. 9.0 (effective from 03.01.2020)

(Railway Board’s L/No. 2004/RS(G)/779/11/Pt. dated 23.12.2019).

Bid securing declaration to be signed by bidders availing exemption from

submission of EMD.

“ I/we certify that my/our offer is eligible for exemption from submission of bid
security/ Earnest Money Deposit, in terms of the tender conditions.
In case my/our claim to exemption from submission of bid security/ Earnest Money
Deposit is not found valid as per terms of the tender, I/we understand and accept
that Railways has unquestionable right to summarily reject my bid and my offer
shall not be considered for ordering. Further, I/we hereby understand and accept
that if I/we withdraw or modify my/our bids during the period of validity, or if I/we are
awarded the contract and on being called upon to submit the performance security/
Security Deposit, fail to submit the performance security/ Security Deposit before
the deadline defined in the request for bid document/ Notice Inviting Tender, I/we
shall be debarred from exemption of submitting Bid Security/ Earnest Money
Deposit and performance security/ Security Deposit for a period of 6 (six) months,
from the date I/we are declared disqualified from exemption from submission of
EMD/SD, for all tenders for procurement of goods issued by any unit of Indian
Railways published during period.”


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