English Language Teaching Approaches and Methods: Line Clar Real

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Gov. Alfonso D.

Tan College
Maloro, Tangub City


School Year 2020-2021

Line Clar Real

IAS Instructor

Contact information:

Email: real.lineclar1996@gmail.com

Mobile Number: 09074646738

Feel free to contact me by email or phone if you have any questions:

Course Code :

Course Description

This course is an introduction to English Language Teaching methods. It develops the students’ pedagogical
knowledge and the basic skills needed to teach English efficiently. The course is divided into 3 main areas:

1. Basic teaching and learning beliefs and terminology

2. Critical survey of the main ELT Methods

3. A variety of teaching techniques related to teaching the different language skills and the different
language components.

Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILO):

On completion of this course, successful students will be able to:

 Demonstrate clear understanding of basic ELT terminology.

 Understand the basic theoretical background behind teaching and learning languages.
 Apply the ability and skill to plan and deliver a lesson to a class
 Use different ways of teaching language skills, grammar, vocabulary, etc.
 Apply critical understanding of basic practical approaches and techniques involved in teaching

Unit Intended Learning Outcomes ( UILO)

 To increase students’ awareness of basic concepts and principles related learning and teaching
 To provide students with a brief, critical survey of the main ELT approaches.
 To reflect critically on learning experiences on the course and relate them to educational contexts
they are familiar with
 To expose students to different English language teaching techniques
 To develop students' skills in critically reflecting on their own, and others', language education
experiences, in the light of relevant research, theory and current areas of debate in the methodology
of teaching languages.

Content (topics)

I. Introduction to ELT Week 1

A. A brief history of language teaching

B. The nature of approaches and methods in language teaching
C. The Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching

II. ELT Approaches and Methods Week 2– 9

Humanistic Approaches
A. Total Physical Response
B. The Silent Way
C. Community Language Learning
D. Suggestopedia
Other Methods
E. Grammar Translation Method
F. Direct Method
G. Audio-Lingual Approach
III. The Communicative Approach Week 10- 13
a. The Natural Approach
b. Cooperative Language Learning
c. Content-Based Instruction
d. Task-Based Language Teaching
IV. Techniques & Principles in Language Teaching Week 14-18

A. How to teach reading

B. How to teach writing
C. How to teach listening
D. How to teach speaking
E. How to teach vocabulary
F. How to teach grammar & functions
G. How to teach pronunciation
H. How to prepare lesson plans


1) Richards. J.C. & T. Rodgers; (2014) Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (3rd edition)
2) Harmer, Jeremy (2001) The Practice of English Teaching. Longman: Essex.
3) Peter Watkins (2005) Learning to Teach English: A Practical Introduction for New Teachers.
4) Long, Michael (2009) The Handbook of Language Teaching. Prentice Hall International:
5) Larsen-Freeman, D. (2002) Techniques & Principles in Language Teaching.( 3rd edition). OUP

Reference Code: ( R1, R2, R3, R4, and R5)

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Other Links:
- A to Z Teacher Stuff: http://atozteacherstuff.com/
- English Club: http://www.englishclub.com/
- English Teaching Forum: http://exchanges.state.gov/forum/
- English Teaching on the Web (BC):http://www.ej.britishcouncil.org/english/eltweb.htm
- Internet TESL Journal: http://iteslj.org/
- Introduction to TESOL (Handouts) http://w99.middlebury.edu/ID013A/index.html
- Liz Regan's Teaching Tips: http://www.tefl.net/teacher-training/teaching-tips.htm
- TEF.Net for teachers: http://www.tefl.net/
- TEFL Web Journal: http://www.teflweb-j.org/
- TESL-EJ: http://www.latrobe.edu.au/education/celia/tesl-ej/

Summary of Activities for MIDTERM
Topics Activity Date Remarks
Introduction A1 .Concept Mapping about the History of language teaching and the
to ELT nature of approaches and methods in language teaching

The Silent A 2. Check your understanding of the Silent Way

Way  1. There are many reasons for the teacher’s silence in the
Silent Way. Some of these have been stated explicitly in
this chapter; others have been implied. Can you state the

Total Physical A3. Apply what you have understood about Total Physical Response
Response  1. Although the teacher uses imperatives, she does so in a
gentle, pleasant way, the way a parent would (usually) do
with a child. Her voice, facial expression, and manner are
kind. Practice giving the commands in this chapter in this
 2. A lot of target language structures and vocabulary can
be taught through the imperative. Plan part of a TPR
lesson in which the present continuous tense, or another
structure in the target language, is introduced.
 3. In the action sequence (operation) that we looked at,
the teacher had the students pretend to write and mail a
letter. Think of three other common activities which
could be used as action sequences in the classroom. Make
a list of commands for each one.
Community A4. Check your understanding of Suggestopedia and Community
Language Language Learning
Learning  1. What are some of the ways that direct positive suggestions
were present in the lesson? Indirect positive suggestions?
Suggestopedi  2. What is the difference of Suggestopedia and Community
a Language Learning?

Grammar A5. Check your understanding of the Grammar-Translation Method

Translation  It has been said that the Grammar-Translation Method teaches
Method students about the target language, but not on how to use it.
Explain the difference in your own words.
Direct A6. Apply what you have understood about the Direct Method
Method  Choose a particular situation (such as at the bank, at the
railroad station, or at the doctor’s office) or a particular topic
(such as articles of clothing, holidays, or the weather) and
write a short passage or a dialogue on the theme you have
chosen. Now think about how you will convey its meaning to
students without using their native language.
Audio A7. Check your understanding of the Audio Lingual Approach
Lingual  Which of the techniques below follows from the principles of
Approach the Audio-Lingual Method, and which ones do not? Explain
the reasons for your answer.
 The teacher asks beginning-level students to write a
composition about the system of transportation in their home
countries. If they need a vocabulary word that they do not
know, they are told to look in a bilingual dictionary for a
 Toward the end of the third week of the course, the teacher
gives students a reading passage. The teacher asks the
students to read the passage and to answer certain questions
based upon it. The passage contains words and structures
introduced during the first three weeks of the course.
 The teacher tells the students that they must add an ‘s’ to third
person singular verbs in the present tense in English. She then
gives the students a list of verbs and asks them to change the
verbs into the third person singular present tense form.


Summary of Activities for FINALS

Topics Activity Date Remarks
Cooperative A.9 Check your understanding of Learning Strategy Training,
Language Cooperative Learning, and Multiple Intelligences.
Learning  State in your own words the difference between language
training and learner training.
 It has been said about cooperative learning that it attempts to
teach students to ‘think us, not me.’ What do you think that
this means?

Content- A10. Apply what you have understood about Content-based

Based Instruction
Instruction  How are process writing and journal keeping consistent with
the Whole Language Approach? Can you think of any other
writing techniques
Task-based A11. Apply what you have understood about Task-based Language
Language Teaching.
Teaching.  Think of one example of each of Prahbu’s three types of task:
information-gap, opinion-gap
and reasoning-gap. Try them out in the classroom and see what you
can learn.



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