Midterm Exam

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Objectives of the Exam is to prepare a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) of a specific project.

The tool you

should use is https://www.mindviewonline.com/. Description of a project for each student is in the table
below. After you are done, save the file locally to your computer and send it to me via e-mail. Please name
the file – your first and last name.

Each WBS which you will create should include at least 50 work packages in itself, each package should be
clearly identifiable by the action which it produces and the resulting deliverable. Each package should have
an estimate of:

1) Time/Duration of the work package (Start & End dates)

2) Cost it takes to implement the work package
3) Resources it takes to implement the work package

Remember: Be as detailed as possible in defining the work packages.

You should comply with all rules of WBS creation as explained during the lecture and listed in chapter 4 of
the obligatory literature.

Student name Project name

ავეჩბა ანა Organize foreign band concert in Georgia
ბარბაქაძე თამარ Organize A film festival
ბოგველი ქეთევან Write a mobile application for sightseeing
გაგუა ლია Perform financial audit of a bank
გელენიძე ზიზი Build a small stadium in the Tbilisi neighborhood
გოგობერიძე ნინო Build a recreation park in Tbilisi
გრძელიძე შალვა Write software for the learning process management in the university
გუგუტიშვილი ნათია Organize a foreign investor conference
კელაურაძე ანი Attract a large financial investment in energy sector in Georgia
ლაოშვილი ნინო Create a new brand concept for the car manufacturer
ლობჟანიძე ნინო Build an amusement park in center of Tbilisi
მახარაშვილი ანა Open a new restaurant in Tbilisi
მიგრიაული მარიამ Develop an e-commerce website
მიხაილიდი ანა Organize a medical conference
ონეზაშვილი ნინო Build a furniture factory
პეტროსოვი თამთა Buy a logistical (transportation, delivery) company
სირბილაშვილი ლევან Open a new music club
ტოკლიკიშვილი ლიკა Renovate a huge office building
ფირანიშვილი დავით Write a mobile application for sightseeing
შენგელია მარიამ Buy a large plot of land and build a farm
ჩიხრაძე თამარ Build a 500 meter, two-lane automobile road between two districts
ციმინტია ნინო Demolish an old commercial office building in the center of Tbilisi
ჭანტურია სალომე Organize a marketing campaign for new hotel opening up
ჯანეზაშვილი რუსუდან Build a small hotel in center of Tbilisi

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